(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Turn to Luke chapter 4 Psalm 91 is a great a great beautiful chapter about the Lord Jesus Christ and I remember the first time I heard a sermon or that I can remember ever hearing a sermon about Psalm chapter 91 the guy said That you know hermeneutically speaking this this chapter in the Bible though. It's beautiful It doesn't apply to the church age today You know and you say he went on to you know start explaining how you know these we got to be careful You know which verses are for the church which verses are for us which verses are for Israel and all that kind of garbage But you know what if you're in Christ, then this does apply to you this applies to all of us, okay? I don't care what don't look don't bring that hermeneutic garbage to me You know and the word hermeneutics just a fancy term for interpretation look Why can't you just say rightly dividing the word of truth right? Why can't you just say that is it really that hard? It's really that difficult, but I guess it is in today's Society and with all the lies and stuff I mean if you're so so go back to keep your place there in Luke 4, but look at Psalm chapter 91 Look at verse 1 because look right off the bat It says he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty So the way this chapters laid out it lays out God's promises, and then God's protection see look at verse 2 He says I will say of the Lord He is my refuge and my fortress my God in him will I trust now How are you gonna say that that doesn't apply to us today, huh? I mean you would have to be a fool to believe something like that, but notice verse 1 We see God's promise verse 2 we see his protection verse 3 look Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler and the and from the noisome pestilence What do you see there a promise now look at verse 4 he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings? Shout thou trust this truth shall be thy shield and Buckler and that's just how this chapter is laid out I'm not going verse by verse through this chapter today But I just wanted to highlight the fact that it is laid out promise protection promise protection promise protection and not to mention that this This chapter here is quoted actually twice in the New Testament quoted in Matthew chapter 4 in Luke chapter 4 So you there look go back to Luke chapter 4 and let's take a look at this Because you're gonna see something familiar we read verses 11 and 12 where it says of Psalm 91 It says we shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all that ways And it's talking about the Lord Jesus Christ in verse 12 It says they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against the stone So let's just start with that in mind looking at Luke chapter 4 look at verse 1 It says in Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan and was led by the spirit into the wilderness Being 40 days tempted of the devil and in those days he did eat nothing and when they were ended he afterward hungered verse 3 and the devil said unto him if thou be the Son of God Command this stone that it be made bread So I want you to notice right there what the devil does a trend that the devil uses is that he takes your mind and he He causes you to become preoccupied with the things of the world right take your focus off of God's promises off of his protection and on to Preoccupation with trends with the things of the world, right? That's what he does He starts trying to make him think about bread now look at verse 4 And when Jesus answered him saying it is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God Again, Jesus comes back with Scripture with that promise right with protection and look at verse 5 and the devil taking him up into a high Mountain showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time So again, right he goes from food now to power into into these to these false promises look at verse 6 says in the devil said unto him all this power will I give thee and The glory of them for that is delivered unto me and to whomsoever I will I give it if thou therefore will worship me all shall be thine So again, he takes it off the focus off of food, right and then brings it on to power and fame Look at verse 8 and Jesus answered and said unto him get thee behind me Satan for it is written Thou shall not worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve verse 9 and he brought him to Jerusalem And set him on the pinnacle of a temple and said unto him if thou be the Son of God Cast thyself down from thence and then this is where he quotes Psalm chapter 91 says for it is written He shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee and in their hands shall they bear thee up blessed at any time Thou shall dash thy or thou dash thy foot against the stone and Jesus answering said unto him It is said thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God So we see two two opposing things right in Psalm chapter 91 We learn about God's promises in his protection and then in Luke chapter 4 and if you read the same thing in Matthew chapter 4 You're gonna learn that the devil uses preoccupation and powerlessness, right? That's what he wants He wants to cause us to become preoccupied with the things of this world with the trends of this world and therefore Rendering us powerlessness or powerless right and concerning the things of God and the title of my sermon tonight is don't Trend on me don't trend on me, you know, that should be our goal That should be our motto and I stole that from that flag who knows I'm talking about that flag that says don't tread on me You know that yellow flag with a with a snake Actually, so go back. I'm gonna talk about that in a second, but go back to Psalm 91. Look at verse 13 I'll just give you a little title. I'm sorry a little background here on how I came came to this the sermon So in Psalm 91 chapter, Psalm 91 verse 13 It says thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder the young lion and the dragon thou shalt trample under feet So again, we're taking a look at a promise. So God's saying hey, you know, you will tread upon the lion You're gonna tread upon the adder. They're not gonna be victorious upon you. So go to Luke chapter 10 go to Luke chapter 10 Luke Chapter 10 And we're gonna read here a little bit about the story about how Jesus sends out the 70 You know, he gives them the instruction So if you look at Luke chapter 10 look at verse 1 it says after these things the Lord appointed other 70 also and sent Them to and to before his face into every city and place whether himself would come then in verse 2 It says therefore said he unto them the harvest is truly great But the laborers are few pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth laborers into his harvest And then verse 3 gives them these instructions says go your ways behold I send you forth as lamb among wolves carrying either purse nor script nor shoes and salute No, man, by the way in the verse 5 He says and into who's what or whatsoever house you enter first say peace be entered this house now jump down to verse 17 Look at verse 17. He says This is where they come back, right? So they they go out and they do all these great things in verse 17 It says and the 70 returned again with joy saying Lord Even the devils are subject unto us through thy name and he said unto them I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and Nothing shall by any means hurt you. So there's one recipe There's one remedy that we have to have in order to tread upon the enemy right who's pictured as a serpent here I know I'm on a serpent kick. I talked about that on Wednesday, right? But Jesus where does that power come from to to tread on the enemy? It comes from God It comes from his power his promises and his faithfulness And we just read in Psalm chapter 91 verse 2 that God says about himself that he's the fortress. He's our place of refuge, right? What's the fortress? It's a military stronghold That's the only place that we can trust and rely on to have power and protection Against the devil and in Luke 19 here, you know, I just thought it was funny that you know, Jesus said behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents now the Pentecostals are gonna take a look at that and actually try to do snake handling and all this other crazy garbage and wind Up in the hospital right because they don't understand they can't write the divided word of truth. They're not saying, you know They can't understand that this was a special mission for these 70 here, you know, but this still applies to us today, right? Like I just said we get that power from Christ from his word and then we can tread on the enemy We can tread on the world So the point is that we should be the ones trending or I'm sorry Treading on the world not the world Trending on us not the world taking our focus off the things of God and on other things of the world because the danger with Trends is that they're always changing right? They're always changing. That's what's exciting about it is that it's always changing There's always something new once you get hooked man It's hard to break free from that type of stuff and this just got me thinking about that flag You know, it's it's kind of funny that it's the it's the opposite of what the Bible says, right? We're the ones that are supposed to be treading on the serpents Whereas the flag which I'll read to you the history in a second is actually the snake saying don't you know? Don't tread on me. So here's a little history about the flag and I'm not knocking a flag I just wanted to I thought this would be interesting the the don't tread on me flag It says about it says this it says don't tread on me is a very strong statement in the United States with very deep historical Roots, the phrase was written under the image of a rattlesnake and embedded on a yellow flag This is known as the Gadsden flag and falls within the historical flags of America Then it goes on to say what does it mean the symbolism in the flag? Partnered by the image holds deep meaning basically the don't tread on me phrase combined with a snake ready to strike is a warning This tells people not to step on or take advantage of the Americans or they will strike and I figure you know Someday, maybe we'll make a flag. Maybe I'll make a flag and says don't trend on me, you know, we can have that motto Hey, you know, let's keep the world out of here. You know, let's stay fundamental Let's keep the Bible the focus not the latest trends that are out there in the world And so that's that that's how I came to that conclusion there turn to Revelation chapter 19 Revelation chapter 19 So my voice has kind of come back I don't know how long this sermon will be But I think I'll be able to last longer than I have the last two a couple times that I preach So we read in Psalm chapter 91 verse 13 where it says thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder the young lion and the dragon Shout thou trample under feet we get to see Jesus do this year So you're in Revelation 19 look at verse 19 Revelation 19 verse 19 We'll just start reading there Says and I saw the beast in the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against his army And it's talking about the king of kings Lord of Lords in verse 16 But look at verse 20 says and the beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him With which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that had worshipped his image these both were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone and the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon The horse which sword proceeded out of his mouth and all the fowls were filled with their flesh So again, we see God's Word the power of his word his promise his protection, you know being fulfilled in Revelation 19 Then just go over to verse I'm sorry chapter 20 verse 1 Says and I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand And then verse 2 and he's he laid hold on the dragon that old Serpent which is the devil and Satan inbound him a thousand years So you compare Psalm chapter 91 verse 13 with this here you get to see it fulfilled before your eyes now Obviously, I'm not saying these events have happened, but I just think it's pretty interesting You know how God does this and mentions this here and this should be our hope this should be our promise our protection our refuge here is knowing that we are going to win in the end no matter how bad things get no matter how Trendy this world gets no matter how many churches want to fall out and go the way of Balaam and go the way of the World we have the victory here written down before our eyes We can see Psalm chapter 91 fulfilled before eyes just by comparing scripture with scripture and resting on that promise on that trust there So, why is this important why why preach that well Like I said already number one Jesus teaches in Matthew 4 in Luke chapter 4 that the remedy to defeat the trends of the devil is by rightly Dividing the word of truth and number two if we want God's protection in life we need to trust in his promises and we need to reap that protection and number three a lack of biblical knowledge a lack of study a lack of reading the Bible is gonna cause and produce a lack of Healthy fear we need a healthy fear We need to fear God because the Bible says the fear of God is the beginning of knowledge, right? And so the fear of God is also the beginning of wisdom and it starts with that fear But you know what? There's a lot of people out there today that don't fear God There's a lot of people out there that call themselves Baptists. They call themselves Christians that don't fear God They don't believe in God. They don't care about God. And so what is this sermon about? It's about the dangers of being trendy the dangers of being worldly The definition of trend is a general direction in which something is developing or changing also a movement or a shift You know in Luke chapter 4 we read that the devil tries to preoccupy Jesus's mind by changing from one thing to the next right food Materialistic goods power all these different things. Those are trends. That's what he does. He's into the trendy thing I mean if you were to sign on to Google right now, it would probably pop up with a list with what's trending Well, guess what tomorrow that list is gonna be slightly different next week That list is gonna be slightly different and that's what hooks people That's what gets people sucked in it gets your focus off the things of God off of its promises and off of its protection And on to the things of the world and before you know it you're preoccupied and you're powerless You have no power because you are focused on the things of this world So trends are a hallmark of worldliness, which the Bible says about the devil I mean, what does it say about the devil that he's the lowercase G the the lowercase God of this world? That's what it says, you know, John chapter 12 verse 46 says about the world that it is Unstable it says I am come. This is what she said I am come a light into the world that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness Meaning people that don't believe on him people that reject him are abiding in darkness. So what kind of fruit what kind of production? What kind of productivity what kind of blessings are you gonna get from people that don't believe in God? They don't believe in his word that don't trust it that don't use it. You're gonna get nothing nothing but garbage nothing but vanity Nothing but powerlessness nothing but garbage trash that's what you're gonna get You're getting to lose out on the eternal rewards and just be just just be trodden down the road Just like so you're gonna be to come the snake that was trodden That's what's gonna happen first Corinthians chapter 3 verse 19 says for the wisdom of this world is foolishness With God for it is written. He taketh the wise in their own craftiness The wisdom of this world is foolishness and you know what? So are their trends. So are their trends You know, there's you know harmless trends obviously right like brother Andrew mentioned the hydro flask is trending right now You know and that that you know next week It might be the Yeti bottle that's trending or whatever brand of bottle that keeps your coffee hot or your water cold You know, that's harmless. Yeah, you know, I'm not I'm not preaching against that I'm talking about the trendiness of the world, you know So what as I began to study this I began to think like what happens in Luke 4 in a Matthew 4 situation where You don't answer the right way you don't answer like God did you don't answer like Jesus did Right you try to hit the devil with logic or you try to reason with the devil with with trends You know mingling that the the wisdom of this world in trying to use that knowledge to fight the devil What would happen? You know what would happen you would come up with this thing called the new independent Baptist now I'm not talking about the new independent fundamental Baptist, you know We often You know describe ourselves as part of the new IFB which is the new independent fundamental Baptist Which basically it boils down to just getting back to biblical Christianity, right? That's the movement bring us back to the Bible because the old IFB a lot of times they had that they had a tendency To start following the new the new trends in society and bring in things that weren't biblical that weren't exactly sound, right? And we're trying to get away from that and go back to the Bible So that's what I mean by the new in the new IFB movement But there is actually a movement out there that is very popular. That is that is actually thriving and go figure, right? I mean the world loves their own and they're called the new independent Baptist now if you were here for the Red Hot Preaching Conference And you listen to Pastor Major Sermon. He mentioned these people one of their ring leaders I I guess the top guy his name is Josh ties or Josh ties He's a pastor out of Southern Hills Baptist Church in Las Vegas, Nevada And the reason why this is a hot button for me is because we were part of a church many years ago It was in the process of following this man following his ways following his trends And so, you know, it was just a real shame to watch it go downhill and now of course today in 2019 They are completely new independent Baptist I mean, you know it would get to the point where it show up to church and maybe a missionary come in and he'd say something about us being An independent fundamental Baptist Church and pastor later would correct him or be like, well, we're we're independent Baptist, you know They don't like that word fundamental, right? They're there they they want the word trendy in between Independent and Baptist they want to be called the NITB the new independent trendy Baptist Right because instead of going to God's Word they want to go to the world and figure out what works for them What draws the crowd for the world is what's going to draw the crowd for them? And so they have these things called idea days There are these conferences called idea days and I'll read for you what I took from their website But basically it's composed of three Three three sessions coaching sessions roundtable discussions and panels. And so here's what they say about their coaching sessions It says our coaching sessions provides members discovering ideas yeah, discovering ideas becomes easier in an environment built for sharing an expert in the session topic begins the Session by sharing a 15 to 20 minute talk point on the basic concept of the topic of current methods used Past topics have include or have included closing the back door of the church Recruiting and retaining five star volunteers and confusing or the confusing place of women in ministry How to hire and lead a staff So they sit around they have some guy get up there and they talk about all these different things and say what do you? Think what do you think? What do you think? What have you heard? What have you heard? What works for you? What works for you and they just come to a conclusion instead of just reading the Bible Hey, thank God if you're a woman here today and you're part of this church You get to do a lot more work for God than their women do it's not confusing You get to go preach the gospel door-to-door their women don't do that. They're worried about how tight their pants are on That's their focus. That's their problem. That's what they want to deal with and that's exactly what's going on here And then and then next it says we also have roundtable discussions Their roundtable discussions are theological and practical issues are given a platform for evaluation during the roundtables The moderator sets the tone by offering the various views of the topic at hand Attendees then have the opportunity to ask questions offer perspectives and show proof from the Bible concerning that topic Past topics have included addressing the LGBT community go figure right because I mean what's trending today? Being effeminates trending today in the world right being a sodomite is trending today in the world and that's what they're after That's their goal. That's what they want to Institute in churches today And then it goes on to say is Church for the saved or the unsaved and then their next talking point was the ecclesiastical separation interaction of law and government Look, you have a whole book here that tells you how to deal with his issues Why do you need to brainstorm ideas with the world? To bring to bring these ideas into your church unless you're a devil, right? Unless you don't believe the Bible which is true because this guy Josh ties doesn't use the King James Bible all the time He if you I don't recommend this but to study the sermon I checked out some of his stuff and he uses the New King James sometimes Right, so that what does that tell you that tells you that he's not on board with the preservation of God's Word in any This is just my opinion anybody that wants to use the New King James is no friend of mine I'm not saying I hate you, but I am saying we're not gonna be friends You're not coming to my house to drink coffee and eat cake. I don't want anything to do with you, especially in ministry I you know, I've never had somebody that reads the New King James come knock on my door I've never been out soul-winding and run into somebody that uses the New King James or the NIV because there's no power in that it Doesn't motivate people it's trash It's garbage And I don't know why anybody who calls himself an independent fundamental Baptist would yoke up with an idiot like this. It's disgusting It's sick, and it's got to be dealt with you know Addressing the LGBT community, you know, I mean this is just super sick you go on to their their their websites And there is sermon after sermon. I think pastor McMurtry has a video and pastor major They both have videos of these different men now one guy his name is Ben Shetler and Josh highs and they preach about the subject Of the sodomites and you know what the if what it boils down to this is what they basically say we like them We love them. We want some more of them, you know, that's their motto You know not don't trend on me. That's not their motto. It's just bring them in here. We love them You know, I heard Josh highs a preaching about the sodomites. He's like the first thing that Jesus would say to you is God loves you Maybe if you have a New King James, that's what he'd say. I don't know but not my Bible not your Bible Not if you have God's preserved word, that's not what it's gonna say They aren't welcome into church, but they are at that place why because they're trendy They they are preoccupied with the things of this world and they are powerless. That's the truth That's the fact they don't rely on God's promises. They don't rely on his protection. They are hoodwinked by Satan himself You know and it's just disgusting I mean these people would make Johnny Nixon and born that way ministries look like like hardcore fundamentalists I mean if you watch their videos and compare it it'd be like man I don't know who's more zealous about reaching the sodomites and bringing them into church and giving them jobs Is it the trendies or Nixon's crowd I couldn't even tell you It's just really a sad sad thing and to call yourself Baptist and you know what? There is a path of a pastor That was sent out of a Bible college down in Lancaster and he started a church, you know in Tempe Go figure right? I I don't think that that was unintentional. I believe that was intentional I believe that was a message from that college You know to that to that area and this guy is his friends. They call him pastor polka dot This guy is friends with Josh ties. So what does that tell you that? He doesn't believe the Word of God that he's not zealous Right. Why would you yoke yourself up with somebody who preaches out of the New King James Bible? Why? Unless you yourself don't believe in the Word of God That's the only reason I can think of and then number three. I gotta get I gotta move here. It says panels So they have panels right? So remember they have these these coaching sessions They have roundtable discussions and they have panels these in about the panels It says these men's and women's panels offer an opportunity to discuss gender-related issues, right? They're trying to figure out a way to buy more Gillette razors That's what they're doing And it says the moderator poses a question to a handful of male and female church leaders who then give their advice based on their experience Attendees are able to ask questions as well as share input Well, how great is that then it says past topics have included men. How do you handle feeling betrayed when members leave? Men how do you deal with Monday after a bad Sunday? How bad can your Sunday be when you only got one church service and then it says women, how do you cancel disgruntled women? Women, how do you balance ministry and motherhood so turn to Acts chapter 4? So that's you know, what does that tell you all that stuff? I just read That they're they're after the trends of this world. That's what it tells you There Are so many problems with this new independent Baptist movement, it's not even funny but while you're turning to Acts chapter 4 I'll just read a few of them that I wrote down their leadership are just super mega Efeminate, I mean it's bad. It's really bad. Did I mention it's horrible. I mean it is really really really bad It's horrible dude. I mean, it's disgusting. They are just effeminate. I Don't even I wish there was another word that I could use but it's just horrible Now another thing is the big idea behind this movement Like I've said is to bring the latest trends of the world inside the local church. That's the goal They just don't say it like that, right? But when we who are saved and who are read and studied look into it That's the conclusion that you'll come up with They're trying to bring the latest trends of the world and mix it with church because I don't care about God They don't care about doing it his way to them. It's not God's way or the highway It's my way or the highway and then number three, which we've already talked about they are friendly towards modern Bible perversions and You know, they they just Greek Hebrew all that stuff original manuscript only ism That's what they are. And then number four this whole entire movement is a gross Violation of Scripture and so I just want to highlight some of these violations of Scripture See there in Acts chapter 4 look real quick at verse 13 for the first one the trendies lack boldness These people lack some serious boldness So if you look at Acts chapter 4 look at verse 13 It says now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned unlearned and ignorant men They marveled and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus But notice it says now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John they perceive that they were unlearned and ignorant men They marveled right? So when you look at these people, you're not gonna get that same impression You know I don't look look at Josh ties and all these other New independent Baptists and get the impression that they're bold that they're standing up for something They don't take a stand for anything other than bringing trends into church That's the only thing that they care about now go back up and look at verse 5 because number 2 is that the trendies don't Spend time with Jesus and that is obvious So look at verse 5 it says and it came to pass on the morrow that they're rulers and elders and scribes And Annas the high priest and in Caiaphas and John and Alexander and as many as were of the kindred of the high priests were Gathered together at Jerusalem and when they had set them in the midst they asked by what power or by what name have you done? This then Peter filled with the Holy Ghost said unto them you rulers of the people and elders of Israel If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impound man, by what means is he made whole? See these guys aren't afraid to stand up for what they've done and for what they are believing and for what they're gonna keep doing Look at verse 10 be it known unto you all and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom ye crucified whom God raised from the dead even by him doth this man stand here before you whole It's like hey, look he just keeps on preaching. It keeps on telling it like it is Look at verse 11. He says this is the stone which was set at not of you builders, which has become the head of the corner and the Jews they don't like here in that but you're not gonna find that kind of boldness with a Trendy and why because they have not spent time with Jesus They don't spend time in the Word of God look at verse 12 neither Is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved And again read verse 13 again How or says now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and proceed that they were unlearned and ignorant Man they marveled and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus You see you take a look at the at this story here You take a look at the boldness of Peter and John and they could tell the unsaved crowd the unsafe world They could tell that they had been with Jesus Christ They could tell that they had some kind of power that they weren't unlearned. They didn't go to Bible college They didn't get taught. I mean they got taught by Jesus, but that's where they got their teaching from That's how they got their power When you look at these trendy people at these trendy Baptists and when we let trendiness, you know And worldliness take over our lives we lose power too. That's what's being taught here, right? But you know what this is teaching us is that even the world even unsafe people could take a look at these saved guys and Say wow, you've been with Jesus. We know that and that's the reputation that we should have Hey, don't trend on me with your new King James Bible. Don't trend on me with your skinny jeans Don't trend on me with your small groups and with your one service on Sunday and with your slip and slide and that foyer I don't want to hear that. I don't care. None of us should care. That is just trash. It's despicable It's garbage and you know what it just proves they do not spend time with Jesus Christ Proverbs 28 one says the wicked flee when no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion Acts 13 46 says then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold and said it was necessary that the Word of God should first have been Spoken to you But seeing he put it from you and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life Lo we turn unto the Gentiles you would never find that kind of boldness in any of these churches Never never know not once Philippians 1 verse 14 says and many of the brethren in the Lord waxing confident by my bonds Are much more bold to speak the word without fear they would never sacrifice themselves to go to jail, right? They would never be found in an apartment complex soul-winning with the cops arresting them because they lack boldness They don't spend time with Jesus and they're powerless. They're preoccupied and they are powerless And that's not the kind of Christian. I want to be that's not the kind of Christians that are in this church, right? That's not our goal. Don't trend on me with your no soul-winning. Don't trend on me with your liberal garbage All right, turn to Ephesians chapter 4 and I'll read while you're turning there I'm gonna read to you actually up to 5 so the next point is The trend ease won't suffer shame because they are ashamed In Acts chapter 5 verse 40 so you turn to Ephesians 4 in Acts chapter 5 verse 40 It says and to him they agreed And when they had called the Apostles and beaten them they commanded them Or they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus and let them go if you beat one of these guys Do they would cry for years? Look just go take a look at one of them and you know, that's true They wouldn't be able to take a beating for Jesus and then and then it goes on say and they departed from the presence of the council rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame For his name and daily in the temple and in every house. He sees not to teach and preach Jesus Christ You know, you're not gonna suffer shame for Christ. You're not gonna be Rejoicing that you've suffered shame if you're preoccupied with the trends of this world if you're preoccupied with Worldliness if your focus is off the promises and off of God's protection and off of the fortress which is in this book It's not gonna happen, you know, and the point number four is the trend ease walk in the vanity of their mind So Ephesians chapter 4 look at verse 17 Ephesians chapter 4 verse 17 this I say therefore and testifying the Lord that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of Their mind so the first part of the verse he says this I say therefore He says that so they don't get tossed to and from about false doctrine. That's what he's talking about up to this point He's giving them the recipe He's telling them how not to get tossed to and from false doctrine and Paul's warning them You know not to walk as other Gentiles walk in the vanity and the emptiness of their minds and why? I've already mentioned this verse but I'm just gonna read it for you second Corinthians 4 4 in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not Lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them But what does that verse say it says the God the lowercase G the lowercase G God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not and Paul tells the Ephesians here Hey don't walk as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind So when these people sit around at their roundtable discussions look You would get more doctrine at roundtable pizza than you would at one of their roundtable discussions That's true because at least that roundtable the pizza is good At least that roundtable the people that work there believe the menu when it says $25 for a small pizza They believe that right when it says pepperoni and cheese, they believe that that's what they're gonna make, you know But you're not gonna get that kind of certainty and they eat even that much boldness From the from this this big idea day from these these trendies You're not gonna get that and why because what does the Bible say here? It says that the God of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers and then Paul's saying hey don't walk and as the Gentiles do in the vanity of their minds trends or vanity their vanity they take you nowhere They will leave you nowhere leave you powerless. That's what the Bible saying here We don't want to have the devil take control of us. We want to have the same attitude It's in Psalm 91 that Jesus used right? He used that promise. He used that protection He used that fortress use that strength to defeat the devil. That's how we're gonna do it That's how we're gonna defeat the devil, you know, and you have these trendy Baptist modeling their church services After the trends of this world, right? They're trying so so hard to be just like I said man super effeminate right there I mean, they're really pushing this really pushing this back and you look at the people in the background in their churches They're they're they're following suit right there. They're you know, no judgment, you know, we're harmless as doves only We don't want to fight, you know, Joel's team type. That's what you're gonna find there, you know, and they are aggressively Aggressively befriending sodomites and not to mention. They are Masculating women they are you know, I mean it's disgusting, you know, they're patterning their music after the world, right? They've got no problem with Lecrae and his crunk rap, you know is his gangster rap and in these these Christian death metal bands They don't have a problem with that kind of stuff. Oh, you also do know they don't they don't care about God's Word They're gonna tell me they care about that. No, they don't Look at verse 18 having the other having the understanding darkened being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of Their heart because the trendies walk in the vanity of their minds. Their understanding is darkened, right? They are Alienated from God they are ignorant all because they follow the manners and the trends of the Gentiles of this world whom the Bible says have their mind blinded by the devil So guess what you walk into Southern Hills Baptist Church you go to City Point Baptist Church. Congratulations You're now in a satanic church. You don't have to have a Baphomet statue and smoke and all this crazy, you know Costumes and stuff to have a satanic service. All you got to do is do the opposite of what God told you to do That's all you got to do to have a satanic church service and that's what you have my friend that satanic Where am I at verse 19 who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness to work all uncleanness with greediness, but ye have not so learned Christ if so be that ye have heard him and have been taught by him as The truth is in Jesus notice that last part This is as the truth is in Jesus You know, you gotta you gotta remember that this was written this letter to the Ephesians was written post resurrection It was written after the resurrection, but Paul says if so that ye have heard him So, how did they hear him by the preaching by being in a church led by godly? spirit filled preachers right and having the word that they did have back then and Believing it and trusting it by learning about God's promises and learning about his protection and his power. That's how they were So taught that's why he says if so be thee have heard him and have been taught by him They were taught by Jesus, right? Nothing bothers me more than the attack on God's Word that is going on into churches today I hate it with a passion. It's disgusting Now look at verse 22 says that ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt According to the deceitful lusts and those deceitful lusts are what these people are sitting around tables Trying to bring into their churches and be renewed in the spirit of your mind And that ye put on the new man, which after God has created in righteousness and true holiness Wherefore putting away lying speak every man's truth with his neighbor for we are members one of another Be angry and sin not let not the Sun go down upon your wrath and then I look at this in verse 27 Says neither give place to the devil neither give place to the devil and that is what this entire New independent Baptist movement has done they have given place to the devil They have a seat set aside for Satan at these meetings and you'll be like, oh, it's pretty extreme brother job That's the truth is what it is. That is the truth. So you turn to Romans chapter 12 You know, I think about these trendy's I think about the time I think about the money I think about the resources and I think about all this stuff that they offer that they Sacrifice of themselves to start these churches and to promote their garbage and you know what God's attitude is about it So while you're turning to Romans 12 You know, it's about a vain sacrifice It's a vain sacrifice all that time all that money all that trendiness, you know All the thought and energy that is wasted in these churches and these church plants all of it is vain And here's God's attitude about it in Deuteronomy 17 1 this is what God says about this Says thou shall not sacrifice unto the Lord thy God any bullock or sheep Wherein is blemish or any evil favoredness for that is Abomination unto the Lord thy God so God even telling the children of Israel back then that hey if you're gonna make an offering You're gonna you're gonna offer something it better be without blemish. It better be perfect, you know, but what are these people doing today? They're they're trying to offer their own way. They're offering blemish. They're offering spots. They're offering strange incense That's what they're doing. And God says that is evil favorness. These people are evil favorness That's what they're bringing into church and says for that is an abomination to God That's what it says. God looks at that says hey your church your whole movement. That's an abomination. It's disgusting I don't want anything to do with it. And so, you know, their offering is a vain offering. It's a it's a vain offering It's not a living sacrifice. So you to Romans chapter 12. I know you're familiar with these verses, but look at verse 1 I'm almost done Romans 12 1 I beseech you therefore our brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice Holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. I mean the Bible says that Christ died for the church You know that he that he gave himself for it, you know So it's a reasonable thing that we should offer our bodies a living sacrifice Holy and acceptable unto God and how do we find what's holy and acceptable by studying by learning by pre by listening to preaching by? Reading his word and believing his promises and his protection not by falling prey to the preoccupation of the trends of this world Which render you powerless then look this can happen to us, too Right when like I said when we decide to take our minds and in thing You know in our hearts off the focus of God when once we decide to do that Guess what? Guess what the devil wins he's gonna get in on you he can get his licks in on you, too Just because you're safe doesn't mean you can't get mopped up by the devil because you can't God gave us the remedy to deal with This and it's in the Bible look at verse 2 and be not conformed to this world But be transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove What is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God you see these people can't prove anything from the Bible because they don't believe The Bible they can't prove what's acceptable unto God they can only prove what's acceptable to the world and what works for them Well, how does Joel Osteen get five million people into his church? Oh, he does all this stuff with his automates and makes everybody feminine Well guess what well it works for him works for us We'll do it too That's what they do But that's not acceptable unto God and how do we know that because we have a book that we can use to prove the things of God You don't have to turn there I'm almost done 1st John chapter 2 verse 15 says love not the world Neither the things that are in the world if any man loved the world the love of the Father is not in Him and I'm telling you the love of the Father is not in these people It's not in them at all and then the next verse verse 16 says for all that is in the world The lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father But is of the world and when they get around in their meetings and they start to literally famine at churches You know what? It's all about the lust of the eyes, right? That's why that one in Arizona meets at a comedy club You know that has a bunch of filth all over the place because that's what they're about They're about the lust of the eyes the pride of life and that's not of the Father. It's of the world It's going to render you powerless. It preoccupies your mind with garbage Trends are garbage. We don't need to concern ourselves with them Like I said, I think our motto should be don't trend on me. Don't trend on me with your comedy club Don't trend on me with your small groups and your one service Sundays where you're just smiling and tap dancing and tiptoeing And wearing a little skirt because we don't need that that gives Baptist a bad name. It's got to die It's got to stop We've got to kick this thing around to every church that we can They will that will stand with us on this garbage and put it to death We need to remember the promise and protection of Psalm chapter 91 versus the preoccupation and the powerlessness That the devil provides this power has an ad word of prayer Lord. Thank you for this opportunity to preach I just pray that this edifying pray bless the the fellowship and the services to come this week Lord and the travels of everybody