(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, Genesis chapter 6. Keep your place there in Genesis 6, but go to Matthew chapter 24, Matthew chapter 24. So if you remember last week, we talked about government approved families and what the requirements are to become a government approved family, and actually if you go back to our YouTube channel, Kayden made a little thumbnail with a checklist on there, and I think he put soy milk and skinny jeans and the NIV and all this stuff, I thought that was pretty cool. So if you're missing that information, just go take a look at that checklist there and that kind of sums it up. But we talked about the king of Sodom and what his agenda was, what his main desire was where he wanted the people. He didn't care so much whether or not the people had wealth, whether they had goods, whether they had belongings, he just wanted the people. And so we're going to kind of roll that into a new series about the end times. But there's some things that we have to understand about the end times before we can get into the timing of the rapture, the tribulation, and so on and so forth. So we're going to come back to Genesis 6, like I said, but go to, so you're there in Matthew 24, look at verse number 37, because this is what Jesus said when he was teaching about the end times. And so it's important that we understand these things. It says in verse 37, it says, but as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the son of man be. And that's what we're going to be dealing with for the next several weeks, the coming of the son of man. Now I will say to you, if you don't understand the days of Noah, if you're not sure, if you're not familiar, if you have no knowledge regarding that situation, what went on here in this part of Genesis, you're really going to be lacking in your understanding of the signs of the times. So look at verse 38, it says, for as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark. Verse 39, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away. So shall also the coming of the son of man be. So go to first Thessalonians chapter four. So you're going to go past the books of Corinthians, obviously you're going to go past Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and you're going to go to first Thessalonians. So what is Jesus telling us here? He wants us to understand how things were in the days of Noah, right? Because what is that going to do? That's going to foster our mind and our ability to learn the times that we're going to be facing in this generation. He said, so shall also the coming of the son of man be. And it's important for us to understand these things about false or yeah, about the false prophecies that are, that are out there, but about what the Bible says regarding the end times. And so it is important. I want to show you that here. Look at verse 13. So first Thessalonians chapter four, look at verse 13, it says, but I would not have you to be ignorant brethren. So let's just stop right there. What is Paul telling the church of Thessalonica here? He says, but I would not have you to be ignorant brethren. So he's talking to believers. So the expectation is that Christians would know and understand what is coming in the end times. He says, but I would not have you to be ignorant brethren. It's not good for us to be ignorant concerning these things. Look at the next part of the verse concerning them, which are asleep, that ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope. So a problem when we don't understand the end times, when we don't understand what the Bible teaches about the coming of the son of man, one of the things that can result is sorrow. If you ever talk to some of these new evangelicals, you know, not only do they not know if they're going to heaven or not, they have no idea why things are getting the way they are in this world. And it's important. It's just a byproduct of being ignorant is sorrow. You don't have that knowledge. And if you remember in Matthew chapter 16, Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and the Sadducees because they could not discern the signs of the times. And so it is very important to God. It's very important to Jesus. It's his expectation that we know the signs of the times. We need to understand the days that we are living in. It is very important. Now look at verse 14, it says, for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. What is he talking about here? First of all, he's talking about the future. He's talking about future prophecy. But I like how he says for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, right? He didn't say if we believe and endure to the end and turn from all our sins and live a perfect life, right? He's like, no, if we believe, so if we're saved, if we put all of our trust on the Lord Jesus Christ, he says, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. So this is part of comforting one another, right? You can rest assured that your friends, your family members, your loved ones that have died that have passed on that are saved, you will see them again. That's what he's talking about here. And I like how the Bible does this. It oftentimes refers to dead Christians, Christians that have gone into the grave as asleep. Why is that? Because they have eternal life. They have everlasting life. So they never die. Remember what Jesus said in John chapter 11. He said, you know, for whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. He didn't say whosoever shall liveth and believeth me and not sin anymore or try his best or her best will never die. He said, no, whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. And Paul obviously having a great understanding of this is telling this to the Thessalonic and church so that they would be comforted. So they would not have sorrow like the heathen do you ever gone, gone to a heathen funeral? What do you see? You see a bunch of people just freaking out because they know that death is a fact. One day your number is going to be drawn. That is something that is certain and they know that, but throughout their lives, what do they do? They constantly reject. They constantly reject. Oh, I don't want to know. I'm good. I don't need to know that. Right. But when reality hits them, they start freaking out and they start crying and just be wailing. You know, I will tell you this right now. People that don't know they're on the way to heaven, they are scared to death. And that is a fact. Look at verse 16. It says for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Verse 17 then we, which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. Now you can go back to Genesis chapter number six and I'll just finish reading this up for you because throughout this series, we're going to come back to this passage of scripture because he gives, he begins to give details about what we call the rapture, the gathering together unto the Lord. Right. And like I said, God does not want us to be ignorant and he does expect us to understand the signs of the times. And while you're going back to Genesis six, I'll just finish the chapter for you. It says, wherefore comfort one another with these words. And so again, knowing the end times, knowing Bible prophecy is a comforting thing, right? Because you never know when you might need to comfort somebody. I mean, you know, we get people that are newly saved all the times. A lot of times they have questions, you know, and these things can comfort those people, right? We're not just all, all, you know, just supposed to be sold out to just getting people saved and then ditching them. Right. We do want to make disciples. We do want to edify people. We do want to fulfill all of the great commission. And so it's important to do that. Right. And what is the requirement to do that? It's to get knowledge, it's to get wisdom, it's to be able to pass these things on to others. And one of the biggest benefits to that is comfort, right? Comfort one another with these words. So point number one, I just want to go over in the sermon, some attributes regarding the days of Noah. And one thing that you got to understand is that Jesus didn't say as it was in the times of Abraham or as it was in the times of Cain or as it was in the times of Adam. He specifically points out the days of Noah. Now why is that? We have to understand why Jesus said that. So point number one is the wickedness of man was great in the earth. You're there in Genesis six. Look at verse number five. So number one, the wickedness of man was great in the earth. So verse five of Genesis six says, and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. So the first thing I want you to notice is that phrase in the beginning of the verse, the wickedness of man was great. The word great, meaning large, encompassing, filling up the whole earth, wickedness abounded, not just in one country, but throughout the entire earth in Noah's day. Now jump down to verse 11. Verse 11 says the earth also was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with violence. It's kind of sounds a little bit like today, doesn't it? You know, corruption, filling with violence. Now look at verse 12 and God looked upon the earth and behold, it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his corrupted his way upon the earth. Verse 13 and God said unto Noah, the end of all fleshes come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Now this is the first time in this chapter or in the Bible that you're going to see the word wickedness. And so if you read the chapter, if you study it, if you think about it, it'll give you a pretty good definition of what the word wicked means. You're going to see it's corruption, perversion, right? Forsaking God, loving violence and evil thoughts, evil imaginations abounding. That's what wickedness is. Take your pick, do a study on the word wickedness and it'll keep you up all night long. Trust me, I've done it. So what do we see here? We see that wickedness is abounding in the earth. That's what is good. It's going to be like when Jesus comes back, when the son of man comes, we're going to see the wickedness fills the earth, that wickedness abounds and that, uh, you know, it just seems like there's absolutely no hope. Like there's just no going back. Now let's compare that to today. Now last week, like I said, we talked a lot about America, right? We talked about medical kidnapping. We talked about how Oregon wants to, uh, they're their governor. They want to force themselves into your homes by doing home visits after people have given birth. They want to make sure that your government approved. They want to make sure that you're on your right meds or what have you, you know, that's important to them. Why? Because they have the spirit of Sodom. They want the persons, they want control. They want the people. That's the goal. But not only is that happening in America, that's already happening throughout the entire world as we know it. And if you don't believe me, let's talk about censorship for a minute, right? Did you know that in other countries you can't just go on the internet and listen to all the preaching that you want. You can't just figure out all these different conspiracies. You can't go on, you can't go to Saudi Arabia and go listen to pastor Anderson. You know, I mean there's special ways that you would have to access the internet in order to get that kind of preaching. And why is that? It's because they have that spirit of Sodom. They want control of the people and it's because the spirit of Antichrist is working in the world to prepare the world to receive the beast, the coming, you know, to receive the devil. That's what's going on. That's why our country is, you know, going exceeding evil. That's why the rest of the world is already, you know, basically evil. I mean think about Facebook. They're kicking, you know, people that have a lot of influence off of Facebook, you know. I don't believe Alex Jones has saved, you know, but they've, you know, messed with him for years. Does anybody know that Mike, have they kicked him off Facebook? They've kicked him off Facebook. I think they've shut his YouTube down, you know, and that's somebody who had a lot of influence, right? You know, I don't believe that everything he says is true, but obviously a lot of the stuff that he says is true and it's bothering people and so they're censoring, right? They're censoring the truth or any, you know, it doesn't even matter, you know, if all of it's right. If any of it gets out, these people, the leaders today in our world, they don't want truth coming out there. This world is literally going to hell in a hand basket and censorship is something that is, is really abounding that I'm seeing in a lot of the other countries. When I was in Japan, for example, there were days where I couldn't pull up Faithful Word Baptist Church's preaching and that was in the early days. That was like in 2013. Some days I could access it. Some days it would say this video is not allowed at this time or something like that. I don't, you know, I don't know if that was a conspiracy. I don't, I don't know what that means. All I know is that it was hard sometimes to get access to that preaching and it's because the government doesn't want their people knowing these things, right? The world hates Christ. They hate Christianity. You know, in Japan, when I was there, you had to have a permit literally to go out soul winning and you could only go out soul winning for one hour and the rules were you would have to pick a spot on the street. You couldn't go knock on people's doors. You had to stand on the street corner and they would only give you one permit, right? Think about going soul winning in a big city like Japan, right? We might have 15, 20 people spread throughout the streets, just standing there trying to get people's attention with a, with a tracker and invite. They only give you one permit. So if a police officer goes to you and you're like a mile and a half away from the guy with a permit and says, hey, permito, let me see you permit, you know, now you've got to stop what you're doing. You got to walk that mile and a half to the pastor who's got the permit and you just wasted all that time. You see what I'm saying? It's just censorship. You know, that's, that's the goal here. That's what we're starting to see is just censoring the truth. What about Canada? Did you know that it's illegal in Canada to read certain parts of the Bible? You can't just get up there and read Leviticus and think everything's going to be okay. You know, there could possibly be repercussions. Now obviously there are people up there that are preaching hard. You know, pastor Thompson has a church up there, you know, he's gone up there and ripped some face, you know, and if you get a chance, I'd encourage you to go listen, you know, to the preaching up there and stuff and support those brethren because you know, it's important, but nonetheless there, they do have laws there and they do have an agenda in Canada that is harsh regarding censorship. I mean, think about it. They kick pastor Anderson out. They wouldn't, they didn't even want him to come into the country, you know, and someday it's not going to just be pastor Anderson. It's going to be all of us. It's going to be all Christians, you know, and all of this stuff is really seems like it's just chasing America. I mean, censorship is a big deal and why is that? Because the devil is filling the earth with wickedness. The earth as we know it right now is becoming more and more like the days of Noah. I mean, what did we read? We read that in the days of Noah, that the thoughts and imaginations of people's hearts abounded. They were only evil continually, right? That's literally what we're seeing today. Now listen to this. Romans one 18 says, for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness. That is a key fact that we saw in Genesis chapter six. That's why God decided to destroy the earth during that time and that's why God is going to come back to, you know, very soon, probably in our lifetimes, maybe not, maybe in our kids' lifetime. I mean, you know, if you take a look at the surrounding world, it would seem like it could be the end times could be quick, but you know, I could be wrong. Maybe not. Maybe God will, you know, Terry and you know, it'll be another a hundred years before the Antichrist comes. I'm not really sure, but nonetheless, you know, it does seem like this world is completely like just about filled with violence, with wickedness. Think about Verity Baptist Church. Last year they had their YouTube channel shut down and this is in America, you know, and the excuse given was always because the Calvinist turned them in. You know, they said that they got us, they got the, they got a strike overnight, something about to do with one of brother Stuckey's videos that he made against Calvinism. And I think YouTube said, well, that's why you got shut down. I don't believe that. I don't think they believe that. I think they got shut down because of their influence, because they were doing more good. You know, you say, well, why haven't they shut pastor Anderson down? Look, they're always messing with pastor Anderson. Always putting strikes on his channel, you know, and someday his channel is going to get shut down too. Someday we won't be able to have our channel as small as it is, you know, it's a blessing now to have and to put the word out there, but there's coming a day where that is going to be censored as well. Why is that? Because we're approaching the days like they were in the days of Noah. Let's talk about human trafficking, right? Does anybody realize that human trafficking is increasing in this country? Like every day there are more and more children, not even just children, grown women being snatched off the streets and sent overseas to become prostitutes. Did you know that's a reality? That's something that is happening every day. That's something that even happens in this state. Not as much as other states. I think right now the leading state is California from what I read, but you know what? That's what happens when you want to kick God out of your state. You know, you want to kick God out of this country. I don't want the 10 commandments. I don't want anything that even resembles Christ. I mean, you know what? This world, they don't even like the liberal churches. You know what I mean? They're bothered by that. I mean, you go to California, their politicians hate God so much, they don't even want an ESV around. They don't even want an NIV around. And that's bad. That's how much hatred that this world has for the Lord Jesus Christ, you know? And as a result of that, you're going to have an increase in things like censorship, right? Abolishing free speech, abolishing, you know, just violating your rights as a human being to live. You know, you have these people that are coming around just stealing people. And it's sick. It's absurd. It's disgusting. But you know what? It's a reality. We need to be awake to these things, you know, for our own physical protection for one. And so that we can discern the signs of the times. In my hometown of Port Orchard, Washington, I think our population is what 13,000, 14,000, something like that. I never really heard of people getting snatched up. Now they're getting yanked out of the stores, out of Walmart. I mean, they're just getting abducted left and right. Well, you know what happened about what, five, six years ago? Was it five years ago with the pot shops? About, yeah, Jessica thinks I'm trying to get her to talk in church, but she's getting angry. But yeah, so in my hometown, right, they legalized pot in Washington state. And all these pot shops just sprung up everywhere. I mean, just tons and tons and tons of them. And I'm not trying to blame, you know, marijuana for this, but it does come, what comes with pot shops? The appearance of evil, does it not? When you, I mean, look, my hometown, it was a lot like this when I was younger, like Idaho. I mean, the kids, we would play outside. I mean, it was nice out, you know, neighbors were friendly. They would come over. If people had a problem with you, they would tell you, they wouldn't get on Facebook and just blow you up and get on the phones and start talking trash about you, you know, and giving you dirty looks and glaring at you, you know, but not having the guts to really confront you, right? You know, it wasn't like that then, you know, people had more honesty, but when you started to see these pot shops and these things spring up, what comes with it is the appearance of evil. And so people take that and they say, okay, well, I'm just, you give me an inch, I'm just going to take a mile and I'm just going to go out there and do all the wickedness and all the evil that I can because obviously the government doesn't care. Right. And that's what's going on there. And so we're seeing people in our hometown of 13,000 people just getting snatched up. There's murders, there's thefts, there's armed robberies. I mean, there's meth labs blowing up people's neighbors. I mean, it's just, just getting out of control. And why is that? Because we're headed to the days of Noah because we're approaching the time of the end. I mean, don't even get me started on China or Mexico or Thailand. I think Thailand is still the number one hotspot for a little boy prostitution. Did you know that? Talk about wickedness, talk about evil and don't think that isn't coming to America. Has anybody in here heard about the Green Berets a couple of years ago that beat the Afghanistan police officer up because he was bragging about boy play? I mean, that's disgusting. Did you know that our military, our military members are told not to interfere with that? That is a sick and disgusting society that we live in. When our government would tell our soldiers, hey, if you see some little kid being violated, turn the other way, it's none of your business. And that's what happened. So this Green Beret or these two Green Berets a couple of years ago, they heard an Afghanistan police officer bragging about pedophilia and they decided to whip him up. They decided to beat this guy up. And so the army was getting ready to discharge them. And I think the decision got overturned, actually I read in the army times. What does that tell you about the health and the state of our politicians, of our country? That they are filled with violence, just like it was in the days of Noah, where they would say, hey, look, just turn the other cheek. But wait a minute, I thought we were all about freedom, right? You know, Fox News, love America, send the troops across the world to liberate and provide freedom. What kind of freedom is enabling pedophilia? That's not freedom. That's satanic. That is garbage and that is crap. And that's why I don't believe that anybody should join the military. And you say, well, Pastor Joe, you joined the military. Well, I was ignorant when I was 19, okay? I wanted to be a hero and I realized that that wasn't a very good decision to do. But nonetheless, it wasn't that bad when I was there. When I was in the military, they taught us that the lowest thing on the planet was a faggot. That's what they said. There were three things that you should never be, a thief, a commie and a queer. And they would make us sing songs about those things. Nowadays, if you were to say that stuff in the military, you would go to military prison. I mean, it has changed tremendously. And look, that was back in 98, 99, 2000, 2001, when I was there. I mean, you know, just 10 years later, man, it's just 10 times worse. What's it going to be like in 10 years from now? It's going to possibly be even worse, right? Now we do have the option. We do have the ability to make changes, to impact that through soul winning, through discipling people, through getting the word out there. And that's what we're trying to do, you know? And that's a great thing. All right, so let's move on here. Hopefully you're still there in Genesis. So point number one is I just wanted to talk about the wickedness, how the wickedness in the earth, it was great. That's what God said. God said the wickedness during Noah's day, it was great. It was large in the earth. Now number two, I want you to go back to Genesis chapter six and look at verse number five. Number two, the thoughts and imaginations of the heart are evil continually. So read the verse again. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. When you think about that, a world filled with people, men and women, that all they can do is just think. All they can do is just imagine ways to hurt other people, just straight evil. Can you, can you believe that? I mean, if you don't believe me, go to one of these other countries, go to Mexico city and hang out for a little while, you're probably going to see what I'm saying is true because I mean, that's the last I checked. That's the medical, not the medical, but that's the kidnapping like capital of the world. You know, you're going to get violated if you go there and you stay too long, you go down the wrong street there. You're going to get snatched up. You're going to get drugged. You're going to get beaten. You're going to get persecuted big time. So number two, the thoughts and imaginations of the heart are evil continually. I mean, show me a politician in America right now that that doesn't apply to. There might be some low level guy that I can't think of, you know, I'm not saying, you know, a hundred percent of them are, but I am tempted to say that because you know, things don't seem to be getting better in this country. They seem to be getting a whole lot worse. I mean, with the medical kidnapping that's going on, uh, the, the, the cessation of free speech, the attacks on our rights, I mean, those come from people who have thoughts and imaginations that are only evil. And remember what I said last week, the word evil means to hurt, right? It means to hurt. It means to pervert. It means to twist, to cause harm. And that's how people were in the days of Noah. And that's how people are today as well. Listen to this. Luke chapter six, verse 45. It says a good man out of the good treasure of his heart, bring it forth that which is good. And an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart, bring it forth that which is evil for of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaketh. You ever want to know what's in someone's heart, ask them questions. They will reveal what's in their heart, right? Is it more evil? You go up and talk to a Christian and all they want to do is talk about Hollywood movies. They just want to talk about the sin and the things of this world. Guess what? I'm not saying they're not saved. What I am saying is what they're putting into their hearts, what's going into their ears, what's going in through their eyes is filling their heart with sin, with worldliness, with wickedness. That's why we ask questions to people at the door. Hey, are you 100% sure you're on your way to heaven? I think so. I mean, I hope so. Maybe. What does that tell you? From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. They don't know. That's the whole point. That is why we ask questions. And so it's important for us to understand this. You know, in the days of Noah, people thought evil things, they dwelled on them. They just sat there and they just came up with laws and ways to just cause harm to other people. And God said, you know what? I'm going to destroy the earth because it's so bad. And so we need to understand them. So it says a good man out of the good treasure of his heart, bring it forth that which is good. That's where God's word comes in. That's why we need to preach the truth. That's why all of us need to be on board with God's truth. Not just the pastor, not just people that are in leadership, but everybody, we need to raise our families for good because the more people that we have that are good, according to God, you know, people that are saved, people that have that divine righteousness, people that have the gift of eternal life, the less it's going to be filled with violence in the earth. And so the result of having a world that is filled with people that just constantly think evil thoughts in evil imaginations is going to be the rejection of God's word in society. I mean, think about it, the rejection of God's word. I mean, when was the last time you turned the news on that said, you know what? We've got all these earthquakes, we've got all this crime. Let's just pray and ask God to help us. When's the last time somebody on Fox News said that? Or CNN or MSNBC? They don't say that because they don't believe in God, right? The people that control the media, remember what their attitude is. Just give me the persons, right? They don't want Christ, they don't want God in his way, so you're not going to get that attitude. What about the entertainment industry? Are you going to go down to the movie theater and get some Bible doctrine? Are you going to go down there and watch after the tribulation or watch some hard preaching? No, you're not. You're going to get filled with violence and evil thoughts because the people that produce music, the people that produce movies, the people that produce sitcoms, they are wicked evil people and their thoughts, their imaginations are evil and it's true. Just turn it on. Just the other day I was in this lady's house fixing a refrigerator. Everything was going fine. All of a sudden a switch goes off in her head and she's like, hey, have you watched Game of Thrones? I don't know what that is. I was like, no, I don't gamble and she's like, no, silly. It's not a gambling thing. I'm like, well, what is it? Is it some kind of a card game? And she's like, no. She's like, it has fornication and she's using other words to have you, okay. It's got adultery and she's using other words. She goes, you know what? It's got everything that I need. I'm like, well, that's nothing that I need. I'll tell you that right now. So pray for me because someday I'm going to get fired. I'm just telling you that right now. My days are numbered just at any job, you know what I mean? And I wasn't rude, but I was just like, you know what? That doesn't have anything that I need. You know, I don't subscribe to that kind of stuff. And she's trying to go off and tell me, but so and so. I'm like, no, no. Hey, well, let's talk about this refrigerator real quick, OK? You know, I'm trying to change the subject and she's really trying to pour it on. Why is that? Because the entertainment industry is filling people with wickedness and with evil and with sin. Why? Because the thoughts and the imaginations of their hearts are only evil continually. You're not going to go to these people and sit down in front of their creations, in front of their things that they put out for you to see and get blessed by it. You're not you're not going to get any kind of blessing. You're not going to get any kind of doctrine. All you're going to get is a heart filled with violence and wickedness. And so that is a fact. So number two, the thoughts and imaginations of the heart are only evil continually. You're going to see a rise. You're going to see an increase in that as the day approaches. Now, point number three, go back to Genesis six or look down at verse number 11. Point number three is the earth was corrupt before God and filled with violence. And I want you to understand this. Look at verse 11. It says the earth also was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with violence. So God has a limit. God has for if if you would, a cup. Right. And once that limit, once that cup gets filled, he's like, OK, I'm done. Earlier in Genesis, in this chapter here, God said, My spirit shall not always strive with man. God does have his limits. God does have, you know, the point to where he says, OK, I'm done with you. You've crossed the line. You've filled yourselves up with unrighteousness. And guess what? Now it's game time. Now I'm going to give you a game of thrones. I'm going to ruin you. I'm going to steamroll you and see how you like it. And so that's important to understand that the whole earth was corrupt, right? Not just half the countries, not just three quarters of the countries. It says the whole earth was corrupt and filled with violence. What is violence? A lot of people say, well, if you turn on a boxing match, that's violence. That's not really violence. A lot of people say, well, you know, if you watch a Taekwondo match, that's violence. That's not really violence. Right. When two people agree to, you know, to scrap or to play football or or what have you, that's not really violent. You might say that's gory. Right. But that's not violent because both of those people have agreed to play that game. They have both agreed to fight. They have both agreed to play football or what have you. Whatever contact sport, the word violence means to violate. It's the act of violating somebody. So if you walk up to somebody and you hit them right, they didn't want you to do that. You have now violated them. When you walk up to somebody and say, hey, guess what? I'm going to I got this little checklist here and I'm going to make sure that you've injected your kid with ABCD vaccines. I'm going to make sure that you don't have any Bibles in your house. You know, that's a violation. That's what you see. And that is what the earth was like during Noah's day. The earth was filled with violence. It wasn't just filled with people boxing each other and slapping each other. It was filled with people hurting one another. It was filled with laws and people that just wanted to go out and violate other people. Corrupt medical treatment. I mean, let's talk about this for a second. You know, do we see this in today's day and age? Of course we do. We've talked about it all morning. We talked about it last week. Right. If you go to the doctor, what are your choices today? A lot of times. Right. It's either surgery or big pharma. Right. They're not interested in giving you some apple cider vinegar to cure your, you know, your allergies or your sore throat. They're not interested in putting you on a healthy diet. Like, oh, you've been eating out at Jack in the Box and McDonald's every day. Well, you know, that might be your problem. You know, they say, well, it's not really the best for you. You might want to cut it back. But let's just give you these medications. And look, I'm not a doctor. If you're on meds, I'm not telling you to get off of them. That's your business. I'm just saying there are things out there. There is truth out there. There are natural things out there that can help you. I remember one time I got strep throat. This is about, what, three years ago at work. I got strep throat and it was obvious. And Jessica made me this stuff. What's that stuff? Garlic. I don't know, man. It was all kinds of, you know, different spices and stuff. It was terrible, though. I mean, it hurt my heart. It was like all this cayenne pepper and these ghost peppers and stuff, you know. And she was like, you got to take this like every hour. And I mean, I'm dripping sweat and I stink really bad. But you know what? I was, you know, I came home. I had a fever. You know, I'm real stubborn. I don't like to call in sick from work. And so I'm working with strep throat and I'm getting all these other people sick. It's bad. I shouldn't do that. But I did it. And, you know, I come home just as like, you look like you're about to die here. Take this stuff. I take it. And all of a sudden I'm just dripping sweat. I'm on the floor. I'm like, you know, I'm like, I might have to go to the hospital. This natural stuff is a joke. Maybe Big Pharma's right. You know, so I take this stuff. I take a nap. I wake up about 10 o'clock, you know, and all of a sudden I don't have a fever anymore. I still feel bad. I can barely, you know, can barely talk. You know, she feeds me more of this stuff and more of it. You know, I stay up for a little bit. I go to bed. I wake up, you know, time to go to work. And I'm like, wow, I can actually think straight. I can talk, you know. And by the end of that next day, I was completely over it as far as I could tell. Now, I did get some of my other co-workers sick and they called in sick for like three, four days. But I look at it, they were going to call in sick anyway. So that was a blessing to them. You know, that's just how those people were. So I figured, you know, it doesn't matter if I call in sick. They're going to call in sick whether I get them sick or not. But nonetheless, you know, the point is, is that the earth was corrupt during those days. It was filled with violence. It was filled with things that were designed to hurt people. And that's what you're seeing today. You're seeing an oppression of medical, of real medical knowledge, of real education. Right? I mean, think about the common core. What's the agenda behind that? It's to keep you stupid, right? It's to question truth. That's what it's about. It's to question math. I mean, it's like, I mean, two plus two doesn't always equal four now is what I'm hearing. I mean, I mean, isn't that true? If you look into that stuff, it's designed to keep you ignorant. Remember what the Bible said. Paul said, I would not have you to be ignorant, right? Concerning the end times, but concerning other things as well. God doesn't want us to be stupid. He doesn't want us to be ignorant because God said that my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge, rather. And so it's important that we have knowledge regarding everything, you know, and especially the times that we live in. You know, here's another one forcing people to call them by what gender or species they want to be called. You know, the day somebody wants me to call them a cat or a dog, I'm going to give you a biscuit and probably slap you in the face. I mean, that is just ridiculous. But you know what? There are people out there. I mean, Brother David knocked on the Satanist door yesterday and this guy had like a dog collar on, you know, he, you know, he's just these people, these Satanists are stupid. So this guy knocks on this door and this guy pulls out his upside down cross and he's like, yeah, I'm not interested in church. You know, he's got like these spike bracelets on. And last time, you know, usually I'm used to seeing those on dogs like pimples, right? People that fight their dogs have that big, that big colored spike thing on, you know. But now we've got people wearing that. We've got people wearing choke collars. I've seen that even around here. You know, I've seen people in California. I've seen people in Seattle, especially walking other human beings like a dog on a leash. What's that all about? You know, I mean, that is a violation of every person that walks or drives by. That's disgusting. That is just, you know, I mean, that is just absolutely perverted. But you know what? We live in a society ran by people that have wicked, evil imaginations and thoughts. And they're trying to pass laws to get you and I to address people according to unrighteousness. Right. They want, they want you at your workplace or even out in town here to say, OK. So you walk up to someone and say, you know, they're clearly a male, but they say, I want to be called a female. They want you to comply with that. Well, guess what? That is a violation of your God given rights. That is violating you mentally. That is a mental kidnapping. And that's what they're doing. If they can't get the persons physically, they're going to try to get you mentally. And that's what we're seeing today. What about income tax? You know, some of this federal income tax, you know, always hiking up the money. Right. That's just more and more evil, more and more wicked, you know, imaginations and thoughts, just ways to hurt you, ways to take food off of your table. And I'm not saying don't pay your taxes, you know, give Caesar, you know, render to Caesar what Caesar's. That is important. Turn to Proverbs chapter four. Turn to Proverbs chapter four. You know, a lot of this stuff, when you start looking into it, it's just straight depressing. And that's why I like what Paul said to the Thessalonians. You know, we need to know these things so that we can come for one another. Because if you don't know the coming of the day of the Lord, you don't understand Bible prophecy, you know, and you get wrapped up in these conspiracies, you can get pretty depressed. You can get pretty bogged down in life, you know, and that's not what God wants. That's not how he wants us to live. We need to know this stuff. We need to be smart. We need to be aware. But there's a right way to go about it. You know, and I think about Ezekiel, I think chapter eight, where God picks Ezekiel up in the spirit by the locks of his hair. And he takes him into the temple and he's like, look at all the evil that these politicians are doing. You know, look at their worshipping images of the sun, images of the stars. They're worshipping the host of heaven, you know. So what does that tell you? That tells you that things are actually worse than what I'm telling you right now. Right. No matter how much stuff you can read on the Internet, no matter how much stuff you can observe downtown with your eyeballs. Just trust me, it is far worse than any of that. So if you're there in Proverbs four, look at verse 14. Proverbs four, verse 14, it says, Enter not into the path of the wicked and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it. Pass not by it. Turn from it and pass away. For they sleep not except they have done mischief. And their sleep is taken away unless they cause some to fall. This is a little bit of insight for you to understand regarding people that have wicked thoughts, wicked imaginations, you know, just continually evil. Look at that in verse 16. It says, For they sleep not except they have done mischief. I'll bet you that Hillary Clinton doesn't go to bed at night until she has violated somebody or come up with some new way to hurt somebody. You know what? I bet it's the same for Obama. I bet it's the same for Trump. I'll bet it's the same for Joe Biden. I'll bet it's the same for all of these politicians. They can't sleep at night until they figure out a way to cause more damage, more harm, more violation of our rights, because that's what the Bible says. It says, For except they have done mischief and their sleep is taken away unless they cause some to fall. Verse 17, For they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence. And isn't that true? Don't they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence? You know, there's been a lot of people throughout the, you know, throughout the decades, right? The 60s, the 70s, 80s, the 90s who have come out and said these people are just blood guzzling Satanists, you know? And it turns out that's true, right? Has anybody heard of spirit cooking? Yeah, spirit cooking. What that is, brother Mike could probably tell you better than that. It's, hold on, WikiLeaks, right? Was it WikiLeaks? Yeah. So, so it's come out because people have turned in these politicians for taking part in these rituals where they go like these politicians like Hillary and Joe Biden and Obama and take your pick, right? They go to this, this, uh, this witch, I guess. And she has these recipes where she uses blood and all this nasty, you know, they do all this ritualistic Satanist type stuff, right? But you need to, what you need to understand is our politicians are partaking in these things. It's not, it's not a conspiracy. It's a fact, right? I mean, but do you really need to know that? Do you really need to know that to understand that their thoughts and their imaginations are only evil continually? You don't really need to know that. All you need to do is just look at the things that they say, calling us Easter worshipers, right? That's what they, that's their new thing. Calling Christians Easter worshipers, right? They hate Christ so much they can't call us Christians, right? Somebody goes and blows up a church in a foreign country and they say, oh, well, the Easter worshipers, you know, we're with our hearts or with their families. No, they're not. You're looking to harvest their organs. You're looking to drink their blood. You're looking to do something to violate people so that you can take a nap at night. That's what's really going on. And that is what Proverbs is telling us here. That's what Genesis is telling us. And that's what Jesus said this world would be like before he comes back. You know what else? You know what else this reminds me of? Who heard of baby Alfie? I think it was last year or maybe the year before. Baby Alfie was a baby that belonged to a UK family. This family in the UK, this baby had some health issues, right? It was dying. Now, a lot of doctors throughout the world said that, hey, you know, we can help this baby. We think we can treat this. But what did the UK government do? They starved the little baby. They injected it with chemicals. They killed this person's child. They would not even allow, get this, the UK government would not allow their own parents, this baby's own parents, they would not allow these parents to take their baby for a second opinion or to give them any kind of natural, you know, medicine or to even seek any kind of treatment to save his life. The UK government said, no, this is what's going to go down. We're going to we're basically medically kidnapping your child. We're going to kill your baby and you're just going to live with it. And you're going to read this statement to the news and you're going to tow the party line. That's the UK government for you, right? Guess what? That mindset is coming to this country, you know, and you know what I blame? I blame the pulpits of America. I blame the pulpits of England past. I blame the pulpits of the churches of Asia that we read about in Revelation Chapter two and three. I blame them because they didn't have the guts to stand up to evil. They didn't have the guts to stand up to wickedness. You know what the result is? The earth just filling up with a bunch of people that are wicked, reprobates and their thoughts and their imaginations are only evil continually. That is the result of that. So, by the way, that hospital that kidnapped that young baby has been caught red handed numerous time harvesting organs. You know, they have an agenda to take organs and blood and just just the most vile things you could think of from from people that are about to die, especially babies. Why? Probably for their satanic rituals. I mean, think about our country is doing the same thing. Why do you think that they're pushing abortion so hard? It's so that they can get the person so that they can get the organ, so they can do their experiments and whatever else that's bizarre and sick and twisted in their minds. But you know what? It all just goes back to Genesis six. It just goes back to what Jesus said. Their thoughts of their hearts and their imaginations are only evil continually. So go back to Genesis six. So point number four is that they lived everyday lives. So we already saw that, you know, the earth was filled with violence. It was corrupt. It was evil. It was wicked. We get that. But you know what else it says? It says that they lived everyday lives. Listen to this. Matthew 24 38. So you go to Genesis six. But Matthew 24 38. This is what Jesus said that I think is also very interesting. He says, For as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark. You're there in Genesis six. Look at verse number one. And it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair, and they took them wives of all which they chose. So it just goes on and on. You read. We read the chapter already, right? Life was seemingly normal, right? I mean, that's what we have today, right? We still have people getting married, buying jet skis, buying boats, you know, going out quad and, you know, and just living everyday life. But the problem is the problem is they're doing these things without God, without Christ, right? Why is that? Because the earth is becoming more and more saturated and filled with violence. Go to Second Peter. We're getting close to being done, but go to Second Peter. So number four, what you need to understand is the thing that's going to throw this whole prophecy thing off for a lot of people is the fact that people are still living every day normal lives, right? A lot of people have this idea in their head that, well, you know, we're all going to be just hiding in the mountains. We're all just going to be out of the cities. We're all just going to be. Well, it's not really what the Bible says. People, until the flood came, people were still giving in marriage. They were still eating. They were still drinking. They were still doing normal things. And so you're going to see that even to the coming of the day of the Son of Man. So Second Peter chapter three, look at verse one. Second Peter three, verse one, it says this second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance. And just keep that in mind. It's a good thing for you to hear Bible preaching. It's a good thing for you to read the word of God, because what it does is it stirs up your pure mind. But also know this. You have to be saved to understand the Bible. Right. You have to be saved in order to have a pure mind, to have that mind of Christ in you. And so once you have that, this word will stir up your pure minds. Now look at verse two, that ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior, knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts. Go out soul winning and you'll see that you'll see the scoffers, you'll see the people mocking, you'll see the people walking after their own lusts. Now look at verse four and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. And point number four, remember what it was. They lived everyday life. So until God flooded the earth with water, until he drowned the whole earth, people were still just going on like nothing was going to happen. They didn't believe it. They figured, oh, it's a hoax. You know, God's not going to do anything. No, it's crazy. He's off of his rocker. You know what? People are saying the same thing about us today. Well, where is Christ? It's been two thousand plus years since the New Testament was written. Where is he at? That must not be true. There's a lot of stories like that throughout the whole world. You know, you can go into these caves and find these stories that are like Jesus, but they have a different name. That proves that nothing's going to happen. We're just going to keep on evolving and going and going and going and going. But you know what? One day the ticket's going to be drawn and God's going to come back and say, you know what? Now it's time for hell. Now it's time to reap what you've sown. So turn over to Luke chapter 17. While you're going to Luke 17, I'm going to read for you three verses out of Genesis six, which we've already read. This says, verse six says, And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air, for it repenteth me that I have made them. Then in verse eight it says, But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. And you know what? It's going to be the same. It was the same thing when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, right? He took Lot and his family out. It's the same thing when God's going to destroy this planet with hell, with plagues, with fire and brimstone. It's the same thing. There are those of us that are going to be saved. There are going to be righteous people on the earth. It's the same exact thing. If you're there in Luke 17, look at verse 26. This is a parallel passage to what we read earlier in the sermon out of Matthew 24. It says, And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man. That's what we've been talking about for the last 40 minutes. Look at verse 27. They did eat. They drank. They married wives. They were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark. And the flood came and destroyed them all. So the first thing we see in the Bible here is that God says, OK, the earth is filled with violence. It's filled with wickedness. I'm going to destroy it. And God uses water. He uses rain to destroy it. Right. Now, let's keep reading here. Look at verse 28. This is likewise also as it was in the days of Lot. They did eat. They drank. They bought. They sold. They planted. They builded. And then look at verse 29. But the same day Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. So the second time that God wipes out like a mass amount of people, God doesn't use water. He doesn't use rain. He uses fire and brimstone. You see, we didn't read about that in Matthew 24. But in Luke 17, he brings up the days of Lot as well. Guess what? Our country is becoming more and more like the days of Lot. This world is becoming more and more like the days of Lot. And we'll get into that as we get further along in this series. But look at verse 30. He says, even though shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed. So just keep that in mind. All sorts of wickedness, all sorts of evil. But, you know, not only like the days of Noah, but also like the days of Lot. Now look at verse 31. In that day, he would shall be upon the housetop and his stuff in the house. Let him not come down to take it or to take it away. And he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back. And then verse 32. Remember Lot's wife. So that's the attitude there that Jesus is wanting about. Remember Lot's wife. She was turned into a pillar of salt because she looked back. You know, she just couldn't give up. Her heart was filled, obviously, with the things and the abominations, the vexation of the sodomites. And she said, you know what? I'm just going to take one more look of what I'm missing out. And God said, bam, you're done turning you into a pillar of salt. So we're about done here. I want you guys to go back to Matthew. You go now. Go to Revelation six. Go to Revelation six, because what we're going to go through next week is the tribulation. And while you turn to Revelation six, I'm going to read a few verses for you. Read for you. Second Timothy, Chapter three, verse 13, which says, But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. So don't get along when you see more and more false prophets arise. Don't get along. We see more and more false prophets creeping into churches, being subtle, right? Being very careful, being subtle, causing division, causing trouble. Verse 14, he says, But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. And then finally, I just want to prep you for next week. Read Matthew 24, verse 29, which says, Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light. And the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then it says, And then after that shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. So you're there in Revelation six. I'm not going to I just want to read these just to put them into your mind, right? I just want to get you familiar with what we're going to talk about next week, because when we start dealing with the tribulation, we start dealing with prophecy and rapture. We're going to read a lot of Bible. We're going to read a lot of verses. And so it's going to help you tremendously if you can at least just be familiar with these things. So look down to verse 12, Revelation 6 12, it says, And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. And so what is that? That is, you can also read about that in Matthew chapter 24. So just keep that in your mind. So look at verse 13, And the stars of heaven fell into the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll, and it is rolled together, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondmen, and every free man hid themselves in the dens, and in the rocks of the mountains. And we were talking about this the other day, there will be people even in the end times, remember this, that are free, right? There are people in this world right now, like we consider ourselves free. Some of us are free, you know, some people in the world are in bondage. It's just how it's going to be. It's going to be like that even during this time. Look at verse 16, And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of his wrath has come, and who shall be able to stand? And that just always intrigues me. And we're going to go over this again. But just get this picture in your mind. When the Son of Man comes, when the rapture happens after the tribulation, right? And we get caught up together. The Bible says that the people that are down here are kind of like the people that got drowned in the flood in Noah's day. They're like the Sodomites before fire and brimstone came and killed them all, right? These people, they can look up in heaven, they can see God. They know for a fact that it's true. But guess what? They still don't want any part of it, even though they can physically see it, right? They say call to the rocks, fall on us and hide us from Jesus Christ because we hate him so much. Talk about a reprobate mind that these people had to have. Now go over to Revelation chapter 9 here real quick. Just a few pages over in your Bible, Revelation 9. So remember, be familiar with Matthew 24. Be familiar with Revelation 6. Be familiar with this, Revelation 9. Look at this, because this kind of ties into what we went over today. Revelation 9, 1. And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth. And to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. That's hell. Look at verse 2. And he opened the bottomless pit, and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace. And the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth, and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree, but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. And you can read about that in Revelation 7. Now look at verse 5. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months. And their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he strikeeth a man. So remember, when the earth was filled with violence in Noah's day, what did God do? He flooded the earth. God said, I promise I won't do it again. What did God do in the days of Lot? He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and the surroundabout cities with fire and brimstone. Now what is God going to do the third time here when the earth, when the world gets filled with violence? He's going to take us out, right? He's going to take us out of here after the tribulation, and he's going to literally drop plagues on this earth. But what's important here is he's not going to use rain, he's not going to use fire and brimstone, he's literally going to use hell. Have you ever heard the term hell on earth? This is the chapter where that phrase comes from. God literally sends the angel down to open up the bottomless pit and they let out these creatures and they are going to torment those who look up and said, hide us from him that sitteth on the throne. Look at verse five again, it says, and to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months. You see these creatures that come out of hell, that's their business. That's what they do every day is they torment people that go down to hell. That's why God created them. And God says, you know what, I'm gonna let you guys out and give people that are alive on this earth a little taste. And God removes death and says, guess what? Now you can't die. You're not going to die anymore. You know, well, you will die eventually, but he takes the way death. They can't commit suicide, right? And so God doesn't use water. He doesn't use fire and brimstone here. He literally uses hell. He literally unleashes hell on earth. Now look at verse six, it says, and in those days shall men seek death and shall not find it, and shall desire to die and death shall flee from them. You know what? And you can read about that in Mark chapter nine, about those sorrows, about the pains of hell, about the flames that never die, about the one that never dies, you know, and those should read on here real quick. Verse seven, and the shapes of the locust were likened to horses prepared into battle and on their foreheads were as it were crowns like gold and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates as it were, breastplates of iron. And the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. In verse 10, and they had tails like unto scorpions and there were stings in their tails and their power was to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon. But in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. One woe is past and behold there come two woes more hereafter. Now Apollyon is not Satan, it is not the devil. This guy, he works for God, he is a good guy, but apparently he has some pretty good power and he torments people there and he is in charge of this army that comes out of the bottomless pit out of hell to torture the people on earth that have their hearts filled to the max with evil imaginations. And so I just wanted to read that for you to understand that. There is a progression throughout the Bible. In Genesis, we read that God says, okay, the earth is filled with violence. I'm going to destroy it with water. You know, he says these two towns and the day is a lot, they're filled with violence, evil thoughts. I'm going to destroy it with fire and brimstone. But you know what? There's coming a day, the last day where God says, you know what? The earth is filled with violence. I'm taking my people out, but this time I'm not going to use water. I'm not going to use fire and brimstone. I'm going to use hell. And, you know, think about these things and just read it and understand it. That's what's coming. That's what's coming on this planet. Someday that hell will be unleashed on people here. You know what? Hopefully I say this a lot, but I'm going to keep saying it till the day I die. Hopefully that motivates you to keep serving God, to keep going out there and reaching people because we don't want to see people go through that. Right? We want to understand these things. I'm just going to leave you with these last few verses. Matthew 24, 38. We already read it. For as in the days of, or I'm sorry, for as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving and marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away. So shall also the coming of the son of man be hopefully have a better understanding of that. Now how the days are going to be when Christ comes back. Last verse, Psalms five, four for thou are not a God that has pleasure in wickedness. Neither shall evil dwell with thee. And like I said, God has his cup. God has his limits, you know, and when that's full, when that has reached its top, God is going to be done and he's going to unleash hell on this earth. And we, as believers, we've got to know the signs of the times. We have to know the order of prophecy. It's important. Look, a lot of people hate me. A lot of people hate this church because we're post trip. And we're going to talk about that next week because that's what the Bible teaches. So don't, you know, don't skip out, come back next week and we'll talk about it. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Lord, thank you for this church. I thank you for this opportunity to preach. I pray you bless the fellowship and the soul winning to come Lord in Jesus name. I pray.