(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Together during our busy schedules in the middle of our in the middle of our weeks Lord. We ask you please bless fully Bless pastor and fill in with your Holy Spirit It comes forward a priest a message that you laid on his heart and Lord We just ask that please give us all ears to hear and horse to receive the message the Lord We love you and in Jesus name you pray. Amen All right, amen so Genesis chapter 39 Look at verse number 20 It says and Joseph's master took him and put him into the prison a place where the king's prisoners were bound and he was there In the prison. So what we're gonna be preaching about this evening is the American prison industry the American prison industry And this is really the only verse that we're gonna focus on out of this entire chapter We're just gonna basically take a look through the Bible what the Bible says about and teaches about the subject of prison We're gonna I'm gonna share with you some information about the history of prisons in America what the culture is like there and why it's unbiblical and Just basically highlight some things like that. You can leave your place there go to 2nd Samuel chapter number 5 And so again one more time with that verse It says in Joseph's master took him and put him into the prison a place where the king's prisoners were bound and he was there in prison the reason why I chose this to begin the sermon with is because it's the first time that you're gonna see the word Prison in the Bible and I'm just gonna get right into it this evening with point number one I've got three points point number one is this prisons are not biblical. I'm sorry prisons are not a biblical Concept given by God, but yet they are found throughout the entire Bible So just because we read about the subject of prisons in the Bible doesn't mean that it's a God-ordained concept that That he that he's okay with or that we should necessarily follow In fact, when you study the subject out, you're really gonna find the opposite. So right off the bat Genesis 39 Verse 20. What do we see? We see Joseph a Hebrew in prison. Well who orchestrated this prison? Was it God's people or was it the world? It's the world. It was as a concept of Egypt, right? He's in the land of Egypt. He's already in Bondage, you know, he's already a slave basically. He's already sold and betrayed by his brethren and so to make matters worse He you know doesn't lie carnally with his master's wife and she bears false witness against him You know and he winds up in prison, but God takes care of him The next person you're gonna read about in the Bible that went to prison would be Samson, right? The Bible says that Delilah basically tricked him and just wore him down and just you know Tell me the source of your strength and just kept nagging and nagging and nagging him and trying him and trying him trying him until he finally caves in gives up and Then you know the story the Philistines come in basically arrest him put him into prison make sport We're gonna take a look at that as well And obviously that's a picture of the world constantly trying God's people You see the world's never gonna stop trying you the world's never gonna stop Coming after you and trying to give up the source of your strength, which is obviously What the ability to walk in the new man God's work? And so, you know the sermons some sermons that I preach there, you know I've got a real applicable agenda in mind or heavy on application others aren't this one Here's got a little bit of application as we go through it, but really it's more about awareness You know I do think that we need to be aware of the things that go on in our society because It's going to affect us as we get further down the road and after Sampson you'd read about Micaiah Remember Micaiah who threw him in prison? It was King Asa Right. Remember Asa was mad at him because Asa thought it'd be a good idea to hire the serians instead of trust God And so he gets mad at him and throws him into prison. Well, that's interesting because In the time of the Kings, right? You got Judah, you know The southern kingdom of Judah get the northern kingdom of Israel all of a sudden we read about a prison And that's like wait a minute. Where did that come from? It's just BAM, you know, Asa just chucks him in prison You know, it's like wait a second God didn't tell you to make that prison Where did you get that concept and we're gonna start to take a look at that here, you know in a moment But after that it was we talked about this last week right about Hanan. I he got thrown into prison as well because of Asa, I think I got my guys mixed up here. But yeah, Micaiah was thrown into prison by Ahab So I get the A's mixed up. It was Hanan. I who was thrown into prison by Asa So so I got that mixed up and then you can obviously read about Jeremiah who threw him into prison It was that Akayah because he wouldn't Basically get on board and so on and so forth and then New Testament, you know, Peter and John remember how they got thrown Into prison we read about that because they healed a man, you know, and so obviously they're they're criminals You know, how dare you heal somebody and do this and Paul and Silas, you know, they cast a demon out of one Guess what BAM you're going to jail, you know, and so that's just like the world, you know The world wants to throw who they want in prison into prison so it's it's important to understand and to know these things and and kind of an interesting fact here about prisons in Israel or in Judah or Judea by the time you get to Nehemiah chapter 3 and you read about the rebuilding of the wall There's a phrase in Nehemiah 3 we're gonna turn there in a while in verse 25 that talks about the prison court, right? But before we get to that, I just kind of want to show you Basically history and give you my opinion on when I think that the prison was built and maybe why so you there in 2nd Samuel? Chapter 5 look down at verse number 7 So this is the story about David conquering the Jebusites basically taking Jerusalem. Remember Jerusalem wasn't always named Jerusalem It used to be called Jebus the home of the Jebusites a very wicked nation verse 7 it says nevertheless David took the stronghold of Zion the same is the city of David verse 8 and David said on that day whosoever getteth up to the gutter and smiteth the Jebusites and the lame and the blind That are hated of David's soul. He shall be chief and captain Wherefore they said the blind and the lame shall not come into the house so David went in the fort and called it the city of David and built roundabout from Milo and Inward and it's interesting to pay attention to that word Milo there So David conquers Jerusalem and they start to reform him They start to rebuild it and the Bible says that he took and started to build from Milo inward Turn to 2nd Chronicles 16 2nd Chronicles chapter number 16 Many years later Solomon's King and first Kings 924 You'll read this statement which says but Pharaoh's daughter came up out of the city of David unto her house Which Solomon had built for her then did he build Milo so David built from Milo inward But Solomon his son actually built up Milo and what I think he did is that he basically probably made Milo And built it up to reflect maybe the temple and his house Basically the Israeli culture at that time by the time you get to first Kings chapter 11 you read about the wickedness that Solomon's gotten Himself into he's married strange wives. They're turning his heart away from God And this is important to understand and I forgot what verse probably in the somewhere. Maybe it's verse 25 verse 26 Something like that We're not gonna turn there for a second time, but you'll read that Jeroboam the son of Nebat is upset with Solomon And he's actually one of Solomon's top guys over people building projects the Bible says Jeroboam the son of Nebat was an industrious man and the Bible says that the reason why Jeroboam lifted up his hand against Solomon was because he built Milo and the breaches of the city of David It doesn't tell us exactly why I'm sure the conditions and the underpay and the harshness that Solomon had Probably had something to do with it. But in first Kings chapter 11 With just reading about how Solomon was going down a dark path how he's backsliding becoming wicked I believe it's probably that time that maybe he built the prison court and Probably to put people in the prison that weren't Hebrews maybe the you know because he brought in a lot of workers from The surrounding nations to help build stuff and maybe and this is just my opinion maybe during that time He locked some of them up because I mean his heart's not following the law at this time Right and obviously Jeroboam's got a bone to pick with him about it It could have something to do with that and then the next time you're going to read about this area that this place Milo Which houses the prison court will be in 2nd Chronicles 16 look down at verse number 10 It says this then Asa was wroth with the seer and put him in a prison house for he was in a rage with him Because of this thing and Asa pressed some of the people the same time and already mentioned this here But it's just kind of funny how you you read all the way up to here and all of a sudden BAM there's a prison, you know, we went from Joseph and Samson, you know didn't all of a sudden BAM. There's a prison here. It's like well, where did that come from? Well, it came from the days that Solomon was building Milo Let's see go forward in your Bible to 2nd Chronicles chapter 32 You read about Hezekiah when he's strengthening himself and he's rebuilding 2nd Chronicles chapter 32 because Sometime after you know, Solomon and Rehoboam the split and all that this area gets destroyed and then Hezekiah is rebuilding 2nd Chronicles 32 look at verse 5 it says also he strengthened himself talking about Hezekiah also He strengthened himself and built up all the wall that was broken and raised it up to the towers and another wall without and repaired Milo in the city of David and made the darts and the shields in abundance now go to Nehemiah chapter 3 and We'll read about this here real quickly Nehemiah chapter number 3 and so you can see this area here Milo You know gets knocked down when David comes they rebuild it It gets knocked down many many years later after Solomon has built it the way that he wants and Hezekiah has to rebuild it Nehemiah chapter 3 look at verse 25 So this again is talking about the rebuilding of the wall verse 25 It says Paul all the son of Uzziah over against the turning of the wall and the tower which lieth out from the Kings His high house that was by the court of the prison after him Padia the son of paroch And so, you know the things in the Bible just for mere fluff like I've mentioned several times Before I believe that God's just basically showing us. Hey, this is what it was like here Yes, there were prisons during that time But God obviously didn't ordain it you're not going to get through Exodus and you know reading about the law and the establishment of the nation of Israel and find God saying hey Build a prison court, you know in the temple here and Chuck people in it that are bad, you know We're gonna take a look at this later too, but God had laws Which are perfect by the way Which got rid of people that cannot be reformed and had great punishments for those who could be reformed God's about restoration You know what the government's about is holding your actions over your head for the rest of your life You know why you got to ask yourself? Why why do they do it? Well one because they're worldly and They're of the devil, right? It's it's it's a wicked concept that comes from Egypt and it's also to gain money money control fear All of that plays into the prison industry So point number one prisons are not a biblical concept given by God but yet they're found through the entire Bible just because you read about Asa throwing somebody into prison or has a chi or rebuilding this or what have you doesn't mean that God is for prisons because I've heard preacher after preacher after preacher in my life talk about how Biblical and how you know, well God's ordained these prisons for the the child molesters to go to no God ordained Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13 for child molesters and for sodomites That's a fact that's reality and that would not burden society That would make society safe and you know that we'll talk about that obviously more as time goes on What I'm gonna do now is I'm just gonna read to you a little bit of history about prisons in America and I took some of this from Wikipedia. I've got a lot of information. I'm not gonna read it all to you, but Listen to this it says in the 1700s English philanthropist now remember Bill Gates is a philanthropist, right? So right off the bat. What does that say point number one's right? Okay in the 1700s English Philanthropist began to focus on the reform of convicted criminals in prison Which they believe needed a chance to become morally pure in order to stop or slow crime 1700s philanthropist has this worked not at all And I'm not saying that people haven't gone to prison and been like, okay, I'm done I'm never gonna come back here happens all the time, right but by and large the system is set up for you to fail It's set up for you to not make it out I mean, you know when I was studying this I was just you know Listen to interview after interview people that have been in different prisons and they're like, you know for the tiniest infractions They'll add 30 days to your deal You know mom's years and again and we're gonna get to it. It's all for to basically basically it's just slavery Okay, you get in trouble with Uncle Sam you get caught with five grams of coke and look I'm against drugs But I mean, do you really think we should be paying? Prisoners because they got caught with some coke or you know, look if you want to snort that stuff and ruin your life Do it but anyways, it says since at least the 1740s some of these philosophers began thinking of solitary confinement as a way to create and maintain spiritually clean people in Prisons, you know never look never listen to a philanthropist anytime somebody say I'm a philanthropist run. Okay run I mean Bill Gates is the perfect example. These idiots are the perfect example as English people immigrated to North America. So did these theories of Penology and that's the study of the penitentiary or and then where the word penitentiary basically means it has Kind of similar to the word penance to do penance or to repent basically the idea is you lock somebody up and they all feel Sorry for their sins and want to get right, you know, and that's not always the case It goes on to say this some of the first structures built in English settled America were jails and by the 18th century every English North America North American County had a jail these jails served as a variety of functions such as holding a place for debtors prisoners of war and political prisoners those bound in the penal transportation and slavery systems and of those accused of but not tried of Crimes sentences for those convicted of crimes were rarely longer than three months and often lasted one only one day Poor citizens were often in prison for longer than the richer neighbors as bail was rarely not accepted now. Thank God We don't have debtors prisons today, at least not yet Because this whole nation needs to be looked Every politician that we have or who's ever served needs to be locked up because they've gotten this country into billions and trillions and trillions of dollars of debt Now I found this to be interesting listen to this it says one of the first prisons in America was founded in 1790 by the Pennsylvanian Quakers By the Quakers right the heck with Quaker oatmeal by a different brand It says the Quakers wanted something that was less cruel than dungeon prisons They created a space where prisoners could read scriptures and repent as a means of self-improvement How well do you think the Quakers understood the scriptures not at all They completely bypassed the Old Testament or they just heard well aware, you know ace of Chuck people in prison, you know Zedekiah did it, you know when Nehemiah and them guys were rebuilding the wall They made sure to rebuild the the prison court because God was okay with it and he ordained it. No, that's false teaching That's that's not right. That's that's not understanding the Bible and you know what Quakers aren't saved anyway, so, you know, there you go There you have it. So it says in 1841 This lady named Dorothy Dix discovered that prison conditions in the u.s. In her opinion were inhumane. I Think they're inhumane now That's exactly what I think it says prisoners were chained naked whipped with rods others criminally insane were caged And or placed in cellars or closets she insisted on changes throughout the rest of her life while focusing on the insane her comments also Resulted in changes for other inmates what a waste of time to focus on people that are insane Right because what you're talking about here are fully mature reprobates people that just will not get right. Okay So goes on and say after the Civil War era and really gaining momentum during the progressive era of America New concept of the prison system such as parole Indeterminate sentencing and probation were introduced these soon became mainstream practices in America and at this time There was an increase in crime causing officials to handle crime in a more retributive way But as the crime rated I'm sorry, but as the crime rate declined they started to focus more on rehabilitation then it just goes on from there, but that's just a little bit of a History about prisons in America turn to Psalm chapter 19 Psalm chapter number 19 not started by godly people whatsoever Anytime the Quakers and the philanthropists agree on something you got to understand man. It is a bad deal It's a recipe for disaster, right? It's death in the pot. Okay, that's what that is So You're there in Psalm chapter 19 we're gonna look at verse number seven. I just want to make the statement here is that God gave The law to set perfect economical and social balance for society Okay That is why we have the law Psalm 19 verse 7 says the law the Lord is perfect converting the soul The testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple and this is why we need to understand the law God, you know when Jesus came he even said he came to fulfill the law not to do away with it not to destroy it Go to Exodus chapter 21. Just take a quick look here because in our society you do something wrong, right? It seems like the the justice system or the injustice system here. They just want to lock you up and throw away the key Right. That's what they want to do I mean there's things that are illegal that you don't even know are illegal If you were to read some of these city codes and some of these things that are out there You would probably be shocked at what they're what is actually in writing that is illegal and some of its Unconstitutional and that's why they haven't implemented it yet. You know, they're they're they're trying though every now and then right? You'll hear about somebody going to jail for you know, something very very silly and you're like what? How did how in the world did that come to be? Well, it's because people are trying to pull the wool over our eyes and get us distracted over here with this and with that And then some wicked politician slips in a bill and it gets signed and you know becomes law And it's there in case they ever need it and you know how they're doing business here in America, right? They're chipping away at our consciences. They're chipping away at our Smarts at our brains and just people just aren't thinking clearly anymore They're not thinking straight and so they're just getting complacent and getting used to just listening to the authorities You know if the CDC says something people take that as law. Oh, if you don't wear a mask to work guess what? You're gonna go to jail buddy. Hope you have a nice day cuz they're gonna force you to wear one there Well, here's the funny thing about that if masks really worked Then why are they letting prisoners out of prisons right now back into society? Why don't they just mask them all? I mean you already have total control over these people You already have the ability to shackle them up, right? Why not just make them wear a mask and then I mean problem solved if it really works, right? But no, you know, we're the dumb ones. Okay Exodus chapter number 21, you know and you can read through you you guys know this you can read through Exodus 20 21 22 And you can see all of these different laws for infractions for restitution things like that things to help people out Things to correct people's behavior and you know in the Bible when somebody gets hit go to Exodus 22 7 Sorry, not 21, but Exodus 22 Exodus 22 when somebody gets hit with one of these infractions, you know back in the Old Testament You know, it's meant to teach him a lesson and the government didn't hold that over their head So if you got your beating you got your lashes or you paid sevenfold or you paid double for something It was water the bridge it was done. You were supposed to forget about it Oh, no now with the US and justice system now they're gonna keep that on your record and prevent you from getting jobs and Basically just make you Just a piece of dirt. Just just make you one step. Oh you mess up one more time You got life all three strikes and you're out, right? Yeah What do you think the agenda was behind three strikes and you're out to increase the labor for or the slave labor force in America? You know and you gotta you gotta kind of wonder about this, you know You're starting to hear all this taco Trump's bringing jobs back to America A lot of things are being made in America. A lot of the appliances are being made in America Well, guess what? I found out a lot of people that are making those are prisoners Okay, so there's always a catch with this thing God's people need to be aware We need to wake up and understand these things Exodus 22 look at verse 7 If a man shall deliver unto his neighbor money or stuff to keep And it be stolen out of the man's house if the thief be found let him pay double That happens here. You're going to the slammer And then when you get in there the inmates have their own politics Okay, and if you don't do what they say you don't put in the work they require you to put in you could lose your life or You do it and they add more time to your sentence and it just keeps you in bondage, right? But this I mean this here is the law that we should follow You know not holding stuff over people's heads not locking them up for Decades and decades on and look at verse 8 if the if the thief be not found Then the master of the house shall be brought into the judges to see whether he have put his hand unto his neighbor's goods First nine for all manner of trespass whether it be for ox For ass for sheep for raiment or for any manner of lost thing Which another challenges to be his the cause of both parties shall come before the judges and whom the judges shall condemn He shall pay double unto his neighbor problem solved done deal. No problem. We're not paying tax money We're not losing money out of our paychecks to to house and feed somebody who just stole some stuff or who carried drugs or whose Soul drugs. I understand that stuff is wrong. But so is stealing You know, I understand doing heroin is bad But you know what locking them up for you know Decades and decades and decades and stuff is it's not helping anything out because they're finding ways to carry on with that same behavior Behind bars and it's just the wickedness just continues in it faster because they're not following God's law God's laws were meant to correct for real to really rest to toot and you can read more about that You don't have to turn to Matthew chapter 5 Matthew chapter 5 and I'm just gonna read for you Leviticus 2013 This is Zach Jensen's favorite verse guy who said he's gonna cut my throat It says if they man if a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with woman Both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them I believe that every single Homosexual is capable of child molestations, but in America's prison industry what they do they lock up these child molesters and then they put them in protective custody because the regular general population inmates will kill them if They find out that their paperwork is bad that they have, you know that on their record They will go ahead and kill them, you know, so what does America do they say? Well, we need to reform these people. We're good. We can do it We can change and we'll lock them up for a little bit of time Your tax dollars will go to feed them it will go to train them in a career that will hopefully You know cause them to gain repentance and then they'll go on and become good productive members of society No all that does is it just basically destroys more lives because they go into prison and If they don't get killed they'll rape other people they get let out and they start raping kids and doing all the same stuff over Again, and then our society basically gets more and more wicked because every time they do that, you know And when these predators they go after kids You know what a lot of times those kids look to God and they wind up just hating God because they think where were you? Why didn't you protect me when I've said this before it's not God's fault It is the United States government's fault because God told you how to deal with those people. They cannot be reformed You are to kill them. You are to put them to death. That is the solution That's the way we should do it But no, no, no, no see that takes profits from the private prison industry and uncle Sammy boy He ain't gonna let that happen too easily So you're there in Matthew chapter Matthew chapter 5 we're gonna go ahead and move on here with point number 2 and that is Prisons are a part of life. Okay prisons are part of life I think that's why when you're reading through the Bible, you know, it just it just shows up Oh ace it through, you know Micaiah into it's a prison and it's like wait, where did where did that come from? You kind of study it out and get a you know Basic about a broad picture about when that happened Probably my opinion was probably Solomon was the one that did that I can't prove it it's just what I think from what I've read and You know, it's just it's here to stay. Okay. I mean look at Jesus attitude towards this Matthew 5 look at verse 25 It says agree with thine adversary quickly while thou art in the way with him lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge and the judge deliver thee to The officer and thou be cast into prison Look, there's bigger battles to fight than spending our lives trying to reform the prison industry It's not gonna happen. It's here to stay turn to Revelation chapter 2 look many disciples have gone there God's always taking care of his people who have gone to prison God took care of Joseph. God took care of Samson. God took care of Hanan. I you know in Jeremiah and Micaiah and all the people in the Old Testament that when president God took care of Peter and John I mean everybody who's gone to prison God has always took care of him's always provided that comfort That's what he does, but they're here to stay the real battle is not reforming the prison industry I do believe we need to be awake to these things, you know Because I think God's people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, you know And it's just good to kind of know what our government is up to John the Baptist didn't seem to have a problem with it He preached against the wickedness of Herod of his day. Guess what got locked up eventually lost his head. It's a thing. It's there It's here to stay Revelation chapter 2 Jesus says this also about the church and Smyrna verse number 10 He says fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer Behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison that you may be tried and ye shall have Tribulation ten days be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life Now you can leave your place there go to judges chapter 16 So you can see two statements in the Bible by the Lord Jesus Christ and none of them say spend a lifetime Trying to reform the prison industry right be aware of it understand it realize it's not biblical God's laws are what are biblical and move on you wind up in prison You know what? God will take care of you because there's coming a day whether it be in our day or our children's day or their children's day They will go to prison. It's just a fact. It's the way things are going No surprise here. The Antichrist doesn't exactly like fundamental believers, right? Doesn't exactly like this and so you better believe it that these FEMA camps and these private prisons are being built all over the country Will someday house God's people. I'm not trying to scare you. I'm just trying to make you aware of what is coming Now With point number two prisons are a part of life in America prisons are a very big part of life. Listen to this This here's an old article. I think this is from 2008 So I wanted to put that in perspective because it's obviously more than 10 years old It says with around a hundred prisoners per 100,000 in the United States The US has had an average prison and jail population Which has been very high since the 1980s Afterwards it drifted apart considerably the United States has the highest prison in jail population in 2008 It was two million one hundred twenty one thousand People that were locked up in adult facilities. Okay in 2016. Obviously that went up It says in in the highest in cart or America has the highest incarceration rate in the entire world 655 per 100,000 population In 2016, it says according to the world prison population list There were around ten point thirty five million people in penal institutions worldwide And it goes on to say the u.s. Had over two million prisoners in adult facilities in 2015 That means the u.s. Held 21 percent of the world's prisoners in 2015, even though the u.s. Represents only about 4.4 percent of the world's population So the United States of America in 2015 made up 4.4 percent of the world's population and over 21 percent of them We're locked up in that time. Now. Do you think it's gotten better since then or worse? It's gotten a lot worse and Let me see. Let me read you this here It says the US incarceration rate peaked in 2008 when about one in 100 US adults were behind bars the incarceration rate Exceeded the average incarceration levels in the Soviet Union during the existence of the gulag system when the Soviet Union's population reached 168 million and 1.2 to 1.5 million were people were in the gulag prison prison camps and colonies it says for example, that means 0.8 in prison for 100 USSR residents according to the numbers from this Study they did it says in the New Yorker article the caging of America This this author in here his name's Adam gopnik He wrote this overall there are now more people under correctional supervision in America more than six million then we're in the gulag Archipelago under Stalin at its height Everybody in America, you know our school system They want to give the Soviet Union a bad rap and rightfully so as a godless society that it was You know very wicked things that went on during that time, but you got to understand that right now With the American prison industry it is far worse. We have locked up more people than Stalin did, you know Stalin's right down in hell like No, he's not doing that he's he's looking up like hey, can I get a glass of water? All right, here's one from 2019 it says the American criminal justice system holds almost 2.3 million people in 519 state prisons 109 federal prisons 107 or 1772 juvenile correctional facilities 3163 local jails in 80 Indian country jails as well as military prisons immigration detention facilities civil commitment centers state site psychiatric hospitals and prisons in the u.s Territories so here's the kicker not every place that you can get locked up in America is called prisoner of jail Okay, just understand that it says this report provides a detailed look at where and why people are locked up in the u.s. And dispel some modern myths to focus attention on the real drivers of mass incarceration I Might have it in here somewhere I printed off a lot of this information here But one thing that's really booming right now and you guys know is the private prisons now those private prisons are being built all over the place and The people that are coming up with the money to build these to design them I'm talking about the real masterminds behind them What do you think that the real agenda is here? Do you think it's really to relieve the overcrowding of America's prisons? No Right. It's to make profit They are for profit and they're a corporation and they have got to continuously strive to make profits for their shareholders So what do you think they're doing to the politicians are getting elected? They're whispering hey make this illegal. Hey, let in all the immigrants let them in right? We'll just just say hey, you know, we'll have the Democrats basically say hey, you know, we're for you know, refugees Welcome and I say refugees welcome We'll try to get them all safe But you know, they'll bring the refugees in here bring the refugees in and you got the Republicans over here. We're tough on them We're gonna lock them up. They're both playing into the hand of the evil people there You know wanting to basically institute slavery. Okay, so that's Jeff You got one group of politicians, you know Letting them flood in and you got another group of politicians to get elected and say oh We need to lock all these people up and people like yeah lock them up throw away the key What for coming here? Really? It's ridiculous. But that's what they're doing. Okay. Hey nothing new under the Sun prisons a part of life Okay point number three is this Prisons are a worldly concept and therefore breed forth corruption Prisons are home to some of the most corrupt Activities that you could even possibly imagine and think about it right now. What is the government in America doing? What are a lot of states doing right now? They're releasing Wicked people they're releasing pedophiles. This is not a joke. This is not a conspiracy No, this is a fact they are releasing pedophiles child molesters Gangsters just people that are hell-bent on wickedness and you know what else they're doing They're locking up people that want to open their salons Yeah, they're locking up people that just want to make a living for their family that don't agree with what's going on. Oh There's no agenda here Right, you know what they're doing to Pastor Shiflett They sent him a cease-and-desist order and said we're going to fine you X amount of dollars if you don't comply with us You know, what do you think the next thing is gonna be? Hey, we'll throw you in jail. We'll lock you up boy How is that biblical how is that not a conspiracy? How is that? Okay, that's not okay at all There is a great wickedness behind the American Prison industry and the biggest goal that I can tell you is cheap labor. It goes back to slavery It's just another term for slavery and I'll show you this concept here in the Bible that it comes from the world Judges chapter 16 look at verse 21, you know the story it says but the Philistines took him talking about Samson but the Philistines took him and put out his eyes and brought him down to Gaza and Bound him with fetters of brass and notice this he did grind in the prison house How be at the hair of his head began to grow again after he was shaven. So what do we have going on here? We have Samson taken by the Philistines and instead of being chased into a let go or something like that Oh, no, we're gonna get revenge boy. We're gonna lock you up and you're gonna work for us. That's cheap labor Now how much do you think they're paying him? Nothing, obviously they fed him because he hasn't died of starvation or anything like that So they're giving him just enough to produce work Guess what? That is exactly what the American prison industry is doing today They're providing all sorts of materials or making stuff. They're putting companies out of business It's cheap labor and I'm going to show you an example of that here momentarily, but real quick look down verse 23 It says then the Lords of the Philistines Gathered them together for to offer great sacrifice And today gone their God into rejoice for they said our God hath delivered Samson into our Samson our enemy into our hand and when the people saw him they praised their God for they said our God had delivered into our Hands our enemy and the destroyer of our country which slew many of us And you know what? That's basically a representation of the sheeple in this country saying yeah, let's us lock up all the immigrants You know somebody how dare somebody come here and make a better life for themselves, you know now obviously some people that come here They do need to be put to death Okay There are some wicked people that have come across this border here that are hell-bent on doing things to children and you know the story And yeah, we need to kill those people But let's not bankrupt this country and burden the working people to house them in a prison You know, basically I say, you know, the Philistines here are perfect picture of the American government the prison industry saying hey Yeah, let's just lock these people up. We got the people's backing, you know, we worshiped Hey gone, you know the almighty dollar and we'll just basically put them in the grinding house We'll have them making food. We'll have them making clothes for the military and all of these things here. Listen to this Here's another article I took about federal the federal prison industry It says the federal prison industry produces 100% of all military helmets ammunition belts bulletproof vest ID tag shirts pants tents bags and Canteens and from being in the military I could tell you that that is true because anytime something would go wrong with one of our Pieces of gear would be like awesome stupid convict messed up this one He was probably all disgruntled we would always say stuff like that And it goes on to say this along with war supplies prison workers supply 98% of the entire market for equipment assembly services 93% of paints and paint brushes 92% of stove assembly 46% of body armor and 36% of home supplies 30% of headphones microphone speakers and 21% office furniture Airplane parts medical supplies and much more prisoners are even raising seeing eye dogs for blind people, right and look It is what it is prison is what it is you go to prison you you've been spent some time in federal prison you learned To skill like this and you got out and you made your life better. Amen. Praise God. I'm happy for you No, no problem at all. The system still in biblical though You know, it's still on biblical. So most of these people doing this are there because of some kind of a drug charge Okay, because that that's really what it is now those that are reprobates and that are you know murderers and they won't stop murdering and these people that are Satanist and just Hell-bent on killing people the sides all of these people put them to death. They don't need to learn these skills Because all that does is flood our society with more of those types of people and It makes God's people just basically less a number because they go around killing them All right It goes on to say this federal officials still have to navigate a tangle of rules Defense officials for instance who spend roughly two billion annually on military uniforms are required by a World War two era Rule called the Berry Amendment to have most of them made in the United States, right? And so as uncle Roth and his homies do they provide a loophole for these businesses in recent years Congress has pressured Defense officials to cut costs and uniforms increasingly the department has turned to federal prisons where wages are under $2 per hour Federal inmates this year stitched more than 100 million dollars worth of military uniforms now Because I was in the military I'm allowed to shop on the exchange online and you know, thank God for that and get some stuff pretty cheap But you know, I was thinking about this when if you were to go order a uniform or shirt It's gonna have the company name on that who made that right? Well, it's really not they're not the ones that made it They're basically the ones that sent the materials to the prisoners and paid him two bucks an hour You know to make look if you're gonna have a dude work, you're gonna lock him up You should just pay him what they're worth so they can at least send the money home to their family Did you get a bunch of poor people in prison? And now they can't provide for their family all because they went against Rockefeller's, you know, New York drug law You know, we'll get to that in a minute Anyways, it goes on to say this in recent years figures show prison labor has boomed in the face of rising unemployment a December 2012 Report by RT found that hundreds of companies were benefiting from the low or no wage labor source in an April 2012 blog for Huffington Post professor Steve Frazier and Joshua Freeman attributed the rise to the privatization of prisons Which has meant the creation of a small army of workers to coerce and or to coerce and right lists to complain All told nearly a million prisoners are now making office furniture working in call centers fabricating body armor Taking hotel reservations working in slaughterhouses or manufacturing textile shoes and clothing while getting paid somewhere between 93 cents and four dollars and seventy three cents a day Yeah, this is a great wickedness. Okay, it's it's just like I said, this is modern-day slavery Right what the government does. Okay, we will make all these things illegal, right? We get people hooked on drugs and selling them, you know And then we'll find them lock them up and that'll be it and then we can put them to work and they can make our army Their uniforms and all their stuff and they can go forth and then they can conquer and we could just keep profiting and keep benefiting And so on and so forth Here's a here's another article that I took I think this is from RT but it says prison labor has its roots in slavery after the 1861 to 1865 Civil War a System of hiring out prisoners was introduced in order to continue the slavery tradition, right? No problem there freed slaves were charged with not carrying out their sharecropping commitments Cultivating someone else's land in exchange for part of the harvest or petty thievery Which were almost never proven and were then hired out for cotton picking working in mines and building railroads It goes on to say from 1870 to 1910 in the state of Georgia 88% of hired-out convicts were black in Alabama 93% of the hired-out miners were black in Mississippi a huge prison farm similar to the old slave plantations replaced the system of hiring out convicts the notorious parchman plantation existed until 1972 So there you go, you know, they're like, ah, we did away with slavery We got it gone and then they played that all they did was just cloak it with the American prison industry Yeah, that's all I did. It's just a backdoor into slavery and they don't care what color your skin is They these corporations the private prison industry wants stuff made cheap for profit at the end of the day for the love of money Is the root of all evil? And then it goes on to talk about all these companies that are basically Part of this. I mean just take a guess at one Microsoft IBM, you know Dell Compaq Honeywell Hewlett-packard, I mean loosen technologies You know when I was in the military all of our phones were loosened with a little red flame around or next to the L You know, I remember looking at that like loosen Lucifer. This is before I like even got into conspiracy I'm like, this is a satanic phone I'm like this is God there's got to be something into this and I was a text Mars's book codex magic Does anybody know that if that's in there, I don't know if it's not but Lucent tech Lucent. What is it called Lucent? Technologies was a satanic company big big surprise there right most people at the heads of these corporations aren't exactly King James Only Bible believe in Christians. Okay Concept there or you know, no contradiction there. But yeah Nordstrom's Macy's I know a kid in The flesh or out of flesh you cannot tell that made it sworn oath that he would never step foot into Macy's And you know, he's definitely not Definitely not losing anything there. But it's an inside family joke. Hayden hates Macy's so do I I Forgot he was real little and he was just like I was talking trash about Macy's. I read some article I don't even know what it was at this time, but he heard it. He's like I'm never going there again You know, so even if we got to cut through here, he's like, nope. I'm going along. We're like, ah, let's go the long way Let's go around Trust me. You don't need anything at Macy's. It's all junk anyways Too expensive and trash but whatever I'm not preaching against that so turn to Let's see turn to first Corinthians chapter number six first Corinthians chapter number six Let me see, I'm gonna read a couple more of these things here because it's interesting here Basically it goes on to talk about all of these corporations It lists a whole mess of them how they're excited for this You know loophole that they can profit from and all of that junk It goes on to say thanks to the prison labor in the United States the United States is once again an attractive location for investment and work that was designed for third world labor markets a company that operated an assembly plant in Mexico near the border closed down its operations there and relocated to the San Quentin State Prison in California in Texas a factory fired its 150 workers and contracted the services of Prisoner workers from the private Lockhart, Texas prison where circuit boards are assembled for companies like IBM and compact. So It's all about reforming people, right? It's all about sitting in your cell and repenting of all your sins like the Quakers thought and the philanthropist thought right? No, that's not it's for slavery. That's what this is. And here's a statement at the end of this article It says and this is an older article here, but it says Oregon State Representative Kevin Mannix recently urged Nike to cut its production in Indonesia and bring it to his state Telling the shoe manufacturer there won't be any transportation costs. We're offering you competitive prison labor here man Look, it is not about Reformation at all. It's about money. It's about slavery It's a wicked system here now the next thing I'm going to talk to you about just stay there in First Corinthians is the next thing we'll talk about is this social experimentation and Entertainment right these prisons whether it be state federal private Some of the wickedness that goes on there is for entertainment for the local police in there You know, there's correctional officers and and I believe this with my whole heart I've talked to people that have been there. In fact when I first got out of the army I had it in my head that you know Well, maybe I'll just get a job down at the jail being a correctional officer and I took their written test And they brought me into a room and the guy asked me a question. He said, okay if you Were working in this jail and an inmate came up to you and said hey I see butterflies flying out of my stomach right now He said and you looked at a stomach and it was fine. There was no injury What would you tell him and he gave me a choice of what to say? He said would you say shut up and get back to your cell or would you go get medical attention for him? I tell him to shut up and get back to the cell and he puts his head down He chuckles and he goes you military guys. Just don't get it he said you have to take all of their complaints seriously and You know, we need real people that can you know have compassion and I kind of felt bad and I felt like an idiot I'm like man, what did the military do to me? You know, I'm like, I'm I felt like man I'm heartless and then I realized later they're looking for a certain type of person to work there and I didn't fit the bill Okay, that's that's basically, you know my two cents there with it but judges 1625 We were just reading these verses it says this and it came to pass when their hearts were Mary that they said call for Samson that we may make a Sport and they called for Samson out of the prison house and he made them sport and they set him between the pillars and you Know the story he prayed to God for the last bit of strength to basically kill all the Philistines God gave him the victory but look at the attitude here of the Philistines. What is their goal? They look at the prisoners not only as a source of slavery free labor, but also free Entertainment, right? Let's make him sport A lot of societies have done this to their prisoners The Romans used to put people in colosseums and let them fight lions and so on and so forth Well, you know what the American prison industries they do that all the time. In fact when I was studying this out Who's ever heard or seen of that movie boys in the hood back in the day, right? Well, there is an actor and I forgot what his name is I've never seen the movie and I know it's hard to believe but I've never seen the movie and that kind of stuff Just didn't really I Don't know. I just wasn't interested in it. I I'd not from any kind of a hood Okay, I grew up in Washington State, you know, and then just a normal house, you know, just a white guy. All right, you know There's a lot of people back then they were like, oh I'm from this hood. I'm like you aren't from any hood There's nothing but trees around here. You're not a crypt. You're not a blood. Okay, you listen to some homie music and you got fired Up, that's what it is. But anyways a guy from this movie, right? He gets apparently he wants to take this lifestyle to heart He goes out does his gang-banging thing. He gets locked up Well while in jail or maybe it was the beginning of his prison sentence He becomes a Christian and it's all the article said all the interview said he becomes a Christian It said he gave his life to Christ. I don't you know, I that could mean a lot of different things He becomes a Christian. Well at some point during him going to prison or in prison he pisses off some of the guards in there and What do they do they put him in a cell with a Satanist who's had a who's doing life and who is Basically who's gone out and said I'll kill anybody. I don't care You know the Satanist he heard that this Christian was coming to a cell and said hey don't put him in here I'm gonna kill him. I don't want him in here nonetheless they put him in the cell with a Satanist the guy kills this boys to our boys in the hood actor and Basically with his own blood carves a pentagram or makes a pentagram on the floor and lays his body in there in it And that therefore there you go. That's entertainment and you say well, it was an oversight No, because from what I've read there are strict stipulations that have to be followed There's a process and there is a procedure that has to be followed before you can just lock two guys up in a high-level Prison like that. In fact, I've read that the sergeant has to sign off on it Then the lieutenant and it has to be approved right? They're supposed to watch out for things like this It's not supposed to be like that but the stories like that they happen all the time I read another story about this this crazy reprobate. His name is Jamie Osuna when he did same situation this guy I don't know if he's a Satanist or not, but he's a very wicked man He got locked into a cell with somebody has a history of murder and killing people He kills this guy cuts his ears off his tongue out eyes very gruesome stuff, right? Horrible and you say why are you bringing us up? Look there's worse stuff than that mentioned in the Bible It's not you know, it's not me. It's just just just a fact Okay, and he does that so the guy can hear no evil see no evil and speak no evil Basically, he's trying to send a message. So what do they do? Take this guy to court and they're like, we don't even know if we can try him. He's already doing life You know, he's in the California detention center. He's you know, they're not gonna put him on death row probably and they're like Well, what are we gonna do them? The guy says well look you'd lock me up with somebody else. I'll do it again He's like you got two choices you either lock me in the cell with other people so I can keep killing them or you can Kill me Does that sound like somebody who can be reformed? Does that sound like somebody and you say well, how does that happen? Look, those are just two stories that I read of thousands that can be found out there Right what these correctional officers do and not all of them are bad But look a lot of wicked people flock to these positions what they're doing is they're looking for entertainment. They hold the cards How do you think the drugs the cell phones and the money and all this wickedness get into these prisons? It's from the police department. It's probably also, you know, CIA agents, you know, they have a bid in this too They're making money people actually can get rich in prison You know these big shot callers these big pod bosses and stuff like that, you know They can get wealth by basically extorting other inmates extorting their families and still basically calling the shots on the streets Because they have the backing of the police, you know, it's nothing new There's been several stories, you know about American prisons basically having fight nights and you know, you know making people fight each other And it's just just a wicked place. You don't want to go there. It's a horrible thing But you know, there's nothing new under the Sun is the same thing. I see in judges with how the Philistines treated Samson, right? It's a worldly concept. So you're gonna find these worldly things there everything that you read about in the Bible You can find it the same thing going on today and that's basically all I'm trying to say here now We're gonna move on here real quick 1st Corinthians chapter 6 Here's a little bit of application for you Look at verse number one says dare any of you having a matter against another go to law before the unjust And not before the Saints you got to understand that The people in the world that are esteemed like these judges and a lot of these lawyers and these authorities The Bible would call them unjust if you don't have the new man, you know what you're unjust They get their law what they think is right from what they're taught from the world from their Universities from the colleges and Paul saying hey, you know as believers. We need to make sure we don't ever go before these people Regarding matters that could be handled in-house So for example if somebody were to one of you guys were to steal something for me I would not call the police on you if I saw that you had drugs. I would not call the police on you It wouldn't be until you did something that's you know Punishable by death in the Bible that I would even call the police now some worldly person does it and yeah, you know sure whatever I don't care. You don't you're without Christ you want to email me and say you're gonna come down here and cut my throat I'm probably gonna report you just in case you come down here, you know I think that's a smart thing to do but as believers we should never have this attitude No matter how much you don't like somebody no matter how much you don't get along with that person in the flesh You should never think in your heart. You know what? I'm gonna take that brother or I'm gonna take that sister before the authorities because they are unjust They don't know the law and it's not right verse 2 It says do you not know that the Saints shall judge the world and if the world shall be judged by you Are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? We should be mature enough to handle judgment in the house of God We need to be a judgmental people The Bible says that the spiritual judges all things judgment is a good thing and we've spent a lot of time talking about that Verse 3 says know ye not that we shall judge angels how much more things that pertain to this life Right. So there's your application, you know, we have the ability to judge among ourselves and handle things ourselves We can't control what the world does. We can't control what Egypt does or the Philistines, but you know what? We can control what happens amongst ourselves in verse 4 It says if then you have judgments of things pertaining to this life Set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church and by that he's basically saying hey, you know On a scale you put the world over here believers over here The world's gonna look at us and say hey, you know, you don't have any any clout We would be considered least esteemed be a God saying hey, no, you're the ones that are kings and priests You're the ones are gonna rule and reign with Christ in the millennium. And so what better way to practice Judgment than right now in the house of God In verse 5 he says I speak to your shame Is it so that there is not a wise man among you know not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren But brother goeth to law with brother and that before the unbelievers. He says this is a wicked thing You know, you shouldn't have I'll call the cops on you I'm just gonna turn you in and you know what that's how I know a lot of these bozos out here aren't saved Right because they'll be like, oh, I'm already Christian shut the door. They stew on it for a second open the door I'm calling the cops You know the time that the cops were called on us in Vancouver I'll never forget it the guy who called the cops your apartment manager right the Barney Fife of the village He's got Psalm 119 something tattooed on his arm and the guy that I was with was like Is that some and he quoted the psalm and he's like, yeah, I've got my beliefs But I don't go around bothering people with them He would be a carnal Corinthian personally, I don't believe the guy was saved to begin with but You know jury's out on that one verse 7 So now therefore there is utterly a fault among you because you go to law one with another Why do you not rather take wrong? Why do you not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded? You know if you're gonna loan something to someone you better loan it to that person with the Expectation that you're not gonna get it back and just settle it in your heart right now I loaned something to somebody a couple years ago and you know what the person trashed it and did not take care of it and Everybody was telling me and I I had already just settled it in my heart You know what? I'm prepared not to get this thing back from this person that I don't hold any hard feelings I heard that individual has some hard feelings towards me. It's water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned I don't want to ever bring it up. I don't have any ill will or feelings towards that That's the attitude that's being spoken of here If you're gonna loan something to somebody and they defraud you just suffer yourself to be defrauded Right because it's not worth it. God hates it when we fight amongst ourselves But even worse you go turn the person in or you tell him you're gonna sue him and you say well Does this really happen? Yes, it really happens amongst God's people Right. Pastor Anderson was threatened to be sued by by that Bible committee over making. What was it? New World Order Bible versions, right? You remember that back a few years ago until they quoted these verses to him The guy's like, oh, I'll let you go this time Don't do it again Verse 9 He says know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived either fornicators nor Adulters nor adulterers nor feminine nor abusers of themselves of mankind or thieves or covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners Shall inherit the kingdom of God. So he's saying hey look You know the wicked people the world that are esteemed that are in charge. They're not inheriting the kingdom of God They've made their choice. They've rejected him. It's not because they've done these things. It's because they've rejected in their heart Why would you want to go to them to judge between yourselves it makes no sense He's given us an entire book on how to judge right on how to how to think and how to act There's a lot of autonomy in there, right? And that's the way it is. We should never have in our hearts. Oh, I'm gonna go I'm gonna go turn you in because you didn't give me back my car when you said you would or you didn't give me back My KitchenAid mixer you didn't give me back my spatula. Just let it go Okay, it's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things because we're gonna go to the millennium and guess what you You want to practice right now with the judgment because that's what's gonna carry over But I just wanted to leave that with you the American prison system wicked, you know institutions here to stay just pay attention to it because You know because America locks so many people up every year and it doesn't be slowing down as for profit Pay attention to the laws and the things that are trying to pass and just stay aware of those things, right? You know a little knowledge about that stuff never hurt anybody. All right, let's pray and we'll get out of here Thank you so much Lord for this day again And once again, thank you for these truths that we can draw upon application Lord knowledge wisdom awareness from your word I pray you bless the fellowship after the service in Jesus name. I pray amen