(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right. Amen. Well, we're first Corinthians chapter number five this evening. So we're definitely moving right along in Paul's epistle to the churches at Corinth. Now, what I taught in the sermon this evening is the devil's diet. The devil's diet. Now, I'm not talking about what he physically eats. Hopefully everybody in here understands that. But he does have a diet and more so than a diet, he has a specific taste for something that he just loves to consume. Okay. Do you know what that is? If you don't, I'm going to show it to you this evening. Now, before we get started in the chapter, go to first Peter chapter number five. So go forward in your new Testament, past Hebrews, past James, go to first Peter chapter number five. So we're going to talk about this today, the devil's diet. What does that mean? So just be, uh, before we start here, I want to show you guys something here because we're going to go to Job and we're going to read some stuff about Satan today because this chapter does deal with that. So before we do, I want to show you this very familiar verse that we see quite often in scripture, but it's always good to be reminded of this verse. First Peter chapter five, look at verse number eight. Bible says, be sober, be vigilant because your adversary, the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour. Okay. This is what Satan does. He devours, he consumes, he destroys. Jesus said that he is a thief, a murderer and a liar. So in Peter here, and I want to have you keep your place here cause we're going to come back to first Peter a little bit later in the sermon, but just a couple of quick thoughts here. Okay. Be sober. Now, is he just talking about alcohol here or is he talking about something more serious? Like what's going on here? Well, obviously that's part of it. Okay. Uh, obviously we know that alcohol consumption, things like that being drunk, not sober. Uh, the devil's definitely going to have his heyday with you, but I would also take it a step further and say that we don't want to be intoxicated or drunk on pride, arrogance, things of that nature. Okay. That's really, um, as far, you know, when you, when you study this out to be sober, that's a definite part of the attitude and the attribute that we are supposed to have as Christians. Okay. Be sober. Don't let pride set in. And isn't that what we've been dealing with in the first four chapters of first Corinthians? Okay. Remember the Corinthians are proud. They're arrogant because they have their favorite preachers and they're pitting, you know, different preachers against each other. And Paul's just gotten done rebuking them over that. Okay. And you're going to see the effects of that pride tonight. Okay. And it's going to blow your mind. And then of course be vigilant. Okay. What does it mean to be vigilant? Well, it means to be on high alert, to be observant, to understand, be self aware, self awareness, understanding what's going on around you, understanding the fight that you were actually in. And obviously understanding the enemy is a huge part of this. So be sober, be vigilant because, now look at this, your adversary, your adversary, who is the, you're there. It is the believer. It is the Christian, your adversary, your enemy, the devil as a roaring lion walketh about. So there's this myth that the world likes to portray and they say, well, the devil's in hell and you know, that's kind of where he is. And he's got a pitchfork and he's down there tormenting people that go to hell. No, the devil is on this planet. The devil is able to go back and forth as you'll see today between here and the heavenly realm. And what he does is he looks for people that he can devour. Okay. So remember the sermon title, the devil's diet. That's what we're going to study today. So with that in mind, now let's go back and get started here in first Corinthians chapter number five. So again, first four chapters, Paul kind of, you know, he did take the gloves off last week. We saw that, but I mean, today it's just, you know, I mean, he's got the sword out and he's getting ready to make some serious cuts. So the first four chapters, we see that the Corinthians are divided on what they should be united. So in other words, they should have looked at all the apostles and had the proper respect and esteem for them as ministers of Christ rather than rock stars like we talked about last week. What you're going to see today is that the Corinthians are united on something that they should be divided on. Okay. Now let's find out what that is. Look down at verse number one. It says it is reported. Okay. So remember right before he says this, what does he say in chapter four? Am I going to have to come to you with a rod or am I going to be able to come and make this? Okay. Are you going to listen to what I'm saying or do I have to come down there with a hammer and start pounding these toes? He jumps right into this statement here. He says, it is reported commonly that there is fornication among you and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles. Okay. You say what is fornication? Well, fornication is a physical relationship outside of marriage. That's as far as I'm going to take that. That is what that means. Okay. And he's saying that that is wrong. So he's saying like, like you guys have a reputation. All right. Not only are you divided, okay, but you guys have this reputation that fornication is just rampant among you and not just fornication in general. If that wasn't bad enough, he's like, you guys are out doing the world. Congratulations. You're outperforming the world on this wicked evil stuff. So he says, uh, he says right there in verse one. So he says, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles that one should have his father's wife. Okay. That one should have his father's wife. So and you know, that's basically the statement that you can get. Okay. We don't know. I don't believe by reading this that this is his physical, his biological mother. I believe it's probably a step mom, something of that nature. Now we don't know if the father died or whatever. I would imagine he's alive because this is a very grievous sin because Paul's like, Hey, this stuff's not even heard among the Gentiles. The Gentiles don't even brag about this. They don't, they wouldn't even tolerate this type of behavior. Okay. And that's what he's really saying. Like you guys are like just happy about this. Like you, you're, you're so grateful that this is just tolerated. Okay. And this isn't just some one night type of deal here. Okay. Or a one time incident. Notice the language at the end of the verse. What does it say? Says that one should have, have his father's wife. That is what this individual is guilty of. He has now possession a relationship with his father's wife. And obviously we all know this is definitely bad. So what's the attitude here? Okay. We just got done talking about how these guys have been divided on what they should have been United over. But now look at the response. Look at what Paul tells the Corinthians. Look at verse two and year puffed up and he are puffed up and have not rather mourned that he has done this deed might be taken away from among you. So instead of being divided on something like this, like saying, Hey, you know, this is wrong. And having like a group, you know, a good group of people saying, okay, I get it. You know, we got a rock star problem, but this is whack. We need to get this dealt with game. They're all puffed up. Look at what he says. Pay attention to the words. Words mean things and ye. He's saying all of you, he's saying ye collectively, the Corinthians, the Christians at Corinth, ye are puffed up. What does that mean? Does that mean they're injecting themselves with helium and they're like trying to float around? No, they're arrogant. They are not sober. They are literally intoxicated on pride and tolerance. They are proud of what they are tolerating. So what they're doing is they're saying, Hey, look at us. Look at what we are allowed to put up with. Hey, we fill the pews at this church. We fill the pews over here. We don't kick people out. We don't judge people. We don't tell people their sins. No, we tolerate it. And so that attitude there, okay, that attitude there is the perfect situation, the perfect realm for the devil to come in and start devouring people, start changing mindsets and causing horrible things to happen. That is what you're seeing here. So he says again, and ye are puffed up and have not rather mourned. So in other words, instead of being proud, instead of being happy that these things are happening, he's saying, look, you guys should be sad. You should be mourning that instead of this guy being here, you should be mourning that he's still among you. So they, what does Paul say? That he has done this deed might be taken away from among you. Okay. So what Paul is saying is that you should not tolerate people that are doing things like this. And this is what we like to call church discipline. Paul's saying that I'm going to teach you a way to deal with this situation. This person cannot remain among this church. Now, oftentimes when you're reading the Bible, a good tip for you guys to remember is remember what's not mentioned. Okay. Read a passage and kind of ask yourself, okay, what's maybe not present here? Well, we know that this certain individual here has taken his father's wife. Okay. That's it. It says he has her. Okay. What does Paul tell the Christians at Corinth? Says that this man who's done this deed needs to go away. He needs to be gone. He needs to be kicked out. Okay. And he's going to get specific on what to do in that situation. Okay. No mention of that woman. So what does that mean? She's probably not a Christian. She's not in the church. Doesn't even, doesn't even deal with her. Okay. No mention of her. You know, pay attention to that because that's going to come back here in a little while. So look at what Paul says next here in verse three. He's going to begin to prescribe a punishment. People say, well, this, you know, there should never be anything punitive from a church to people. Well, that's not what you're going to see here. Okay. Look at what Paul says in verse three for I verily as absent in body, but present in spirit have judged already as though I were present concerning him that has so done this deed. So Paul's like, I'll be the judge. I'm not tolerant. Okay. He's like, I don't have a problem stepping on toes. I don't have a problem picking sides, discerning truth. I don't have a problem losing people if it means pleasing Christ. So what does he say? Hey, I've already judged as though I was right there amongst you all. Okay. Now look at verse number four. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together in my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, and here it is, here's the prescription that we're going to spend some time tonight looking at. Okay. Verse number five, to deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Wow. What does that mean? Are you literally preaching a sermon pastor about feeding Christians to Satan? Is that his diet? Well, unfortunately, yes, that is part of his diet. He loves that. Now, keep your place here. Let's go back to the Old Testament. Now let's go to the book of Job. Book of Job has an excellent portrayal of something very similar to this. Okay. The book of Job, Job chapter number one. Job chapter number one. So the beginning of the chapter here, you get to learn a little bit about Job. Okay. The Bible says that Job was a man who loved God. He is astute evil. Job hated evil. Job was a righteous man. Job was a saved man. Job would even go as far as to say, you know what? I'm going to offer up a sacrifice just in case one of my children sinned and I didn't even catch it. Okay. That's the type of guy you're dealing with here. Was he without sin? Of course not. We all sin. Everybody has sin. Everybody has problems. Okay. Now let's look here at a little bit, I guess we'll call it, we get a glimpse here into the eternal, into the eternal world where obviously God and the saints who've gone on before us are up in heaven. Now take a look at this here. Look at Job chapter one in verse number six. It says this, now there was a day when the sons of God came to be present or came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them. So this is something that happens in eternity. It's not talking right here. The sons of God are not angels. I don't have time to get into that. I've dealt with that extensively in the past. Okay. Let's just move on here. Okay. So it says now there was a day, verse six, when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them. Now look at verse seven. And the Lord said unto Satan, whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord and said, from going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it. Now, what does that sound like to you? That's first Peter chapter five, right? The devil, your adversary go with about, what does he do? He walks around. He's looking for someone to devour. That's what he does. So hopefully right now you can already see what his diet is. Okay. You say, well, no, his diet or the people in the world. Well, yeah, you could get away with saying that. Sure. You get away with saying that. He wants to consume all flesh because man is made in the image of God. Okay. We get that. We understand that. Think about this. Okay. Even in our just flesh. Okay. When you have an abundance of food exposed to you every single day, don't you always want something different? Like you, you want to go to Culver's. You want to go get that double cheeseburger, or is that just me? You know, you want to go out to eat every once in a while, right? You want to get that delicacy, right? That's the stuff that really hits the spot sometimes. Well, a Christian is that for the devil. Okay. So notice here, Satan's response. He doesn't tell the full truth. So what is he doing? He's lying. He just says, I've just been going around, just taking a walk on the earth. Just kind of looking at things, just kind of chilling, you know, just walking up and down. That's all. And God's like, yeah, sure. Look at verse eight. And the Lord said unto Satan, hast thou considered my servant, Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and upright man, one that feareth God and is steweth evil. He hates evil. That is what that means to eschew evil. He has a special passion against evil. He hates it. Okay. He does not respect it. So Job is perfect, meaning he is complete, but he's also perfect in the sense that he saved. He's forgiven. He, the Lord God of heaven and earth is his God. He saved. He's just like us. He's a believer. Okay. But think about this question. Okay. Notice what God doesn't ask. You know, did you, you know, go down to the Rob Zombie concert and, you know, devour people? Did you go to the church of Satan and, you know, get them all riled up? No. What did he say? Have you considered my servant, Job? Why does God just go straight for that? Because he knows the devil. Okay. Jesus said that the devil savor is not the things that be of God, but the things that be of man. Why? So that he can feast on them, so that he can devour them. He gets man to focus on the things of man. He gets Christians to focus on the things of the world so that he can devour, prevent you from working, fill your head with pride, arrogance, and then basically turn you into a first Corinthians chapter five scenario. Okay. So God asks him, have you considered my servant Job? Now remember Satan's response. So I've just been going around, just kind of walking up and down the earth, going to and fro. God's like, oh, okay, sure. Verse nine. Then Satan answered the Lord and said, does Job fear God for naught? Right? He's already seen Job. He's already thought about this, right? He noticed his response there. He almost like snaps at God. Oh, does he fear you for nothing? Right? The only reason he fears you God is because you're doing something for him. That's why he does it. Verse 10. Has not thou made an hedge about him and about his house and about all that he hath on every side? The devil sought for a way to get at Job. He was walking around that spiritual hedge that was around Job, all sides looking for a way to get in. And that's why I preached a sermon a long time ago. I think it was called hedge trimmers or something like that. And it's basically where we as Christians sometimes we'll get our hedge trimmer and we'll just get stupid and we'll just start cutting holes in that hedge of protection, doing stupid things. Kind of like we talked about this morning, what David did with Bathsheba, right? That's why later on the devil was able to get into his life and cause so much turmoil because earlier in David's life, he took out his hedge trimmer and just started hacking away. And that made it so that where God was like, well, now I have to chase in you. Now I have to allow the enemy to come in here. But Job wasn't like that. Job was complete. Perfect. He's like, no, I'm not going to give the enemy a chance to mess with me. And so the devil tried couldn't find a way in. So the devil responds verse 10 has not thou made an hedge about him and about his house and about all that he hath on every side. Thou has blessed the work of his hands and his substance is increased in the land. The devil checked every single thing belonging to Job, his health, his wealth, his family, everything that he was doing, the work of his hands. The devil went through everything, performed an audit and was like, Hey, I need to get in and see if there's a way that I can devour. This guy couldn't do it. Was upset, went back up and was like, yeah, I'm here. God's like, where have you been? Oh, just walking around. Nothing. Right. Just pouting. Cause he couldn't get to Job. Verse 11. This is what the, this is what Satan does. Remember the Bible calls him the accuser of the brethren. He accuses us day and night. So you really have situations like this going on all the time in the eternal. You just don't get to see it. You get a glimpse of it here in the word of God, verse 11, but put forth thine hand now and touch all that he hath. And he will curse thee to thy face. See the devil doesn't know every single thing that you think, or every single thing that you are going to do. Because he says that Job will curse God to his face. Now we don't have time to get into it, but even after God gives the devil permission to basically go in and tempt Job to try him, not tempt him in the bad sense, but to try him. Okay. Job never curses God to his face. So just think about that. Okay. We give the devil way too much credit. And notice here, the devil can't even mess with Job without permission. Look at verse 12. And the Lord said unto Satan, behold, all that he hath is in thy power. Only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord. Now we don't have time to read the rest of this chapter, but he basically goes out there and he kills his servants, kills his family and so on and so forth. Eventually he gets to his health because it didn't work. So he goes back up to heaven and he's like, God's like, oh, so how was that? You know, and then Satan's like, well, if you hurt his health, right, a man will give everything for his own skin. So, you know, we need to affect his health and then he'll curse you to your face. Still doesn't do it. Okay. Still doesn't do it. And then in the end of Job's life, what happens? He gets back everything, gets it all back. Now he doesn't get the same children back. Obviously he still would have that heartache. However, God gave him double of everything, gave him all of his resources, all of his health, all of his goods back, all of it. You know, his wife was able to bear twice as many kids. It was just, just completely blessed Job in his latter end of his life. So go to Psalm chapter 109. So now that's a different kind of scenario though. Okay. That's a situation where God used the devil to try a person so that millions and millions and millions of people throughout history would one day be able to read this story and gain some insight on how our adversary works. Okay. So don't ever get this attitude like, or listen to people that have this attitude like, what kind of God would love the devil to do this to his own people? Okay. Avoid foolish questions. Turn your back, walk away. That's how you respond to that. Okay. You don't owe anybody an answer to that. You don't owe anybody an explanation to that because that is absolutely ridiculous. Okay. So I got you a place in Psalm 109. Now I want you to keep your spot here and go to first Timothy chapter one, first Timothy chapter one. I just wanted to make sure you had your spot here in the old Testament so we can come right back. So again, Paul's telling the Corinthians, Hey, this guy who has done this deep, he has to go. And the way you guys are going to do it is you're actually going to deliver him up unto Satan. Okay. Now let's take a look at an example of this in the Bible here. So first Timothy chapter one, look at verse number 19. Actually back up to verse number 18, first Timothy chapter one verse 18. Paul says this to Timothy, this charge I commit unto thee son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them might war a good warfare. Remember the Christian life is a war. Okay. And we are waging a warfare. Verse 19, holding faith and a good conscience, which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck. See, what does that mean? It sounds kind of complicated. Okay. Well, let me explain it. Look at verse 20 of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander whom I have delivered unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme. So here, Paul tells Timothy, Hey, I want you to war a good warfare. Remember the Bible, remember the word of God. Okay. And then he mentions these two guys by name. Okay. By name. Anytime in the past where I've had to deal with people on a very harsh level, maybe I've had to kick them out or maybe I've had to just, you know, really come down on some people for some stupidity or people leave the church and start lying about us and running their mouths. Okay. And I'll go on Facebook sometimes and I don't get on there much, but I'll like put their names out there. Like, Hey, these people, just so you know, they're lying. Okay. They're lying. They need to be marked and avoided. That's biblical. That's Romans chapter number 16. That's first Timothy chapter one, verse 20. There's always some super special bleeding heart. Okay. Always a bleeding heart. You know, they'll be like, Oh, did you see what the pastor did? He put that, put this business out on the internet. Why is he doing that? Why did Paul put their business in the word of God? Why did Paul put Hymenaeus and Alexander's blasphemy in the Bible to be read by millions and millions and millions of people? Think, think, read, understand the word of God. What they did was very grievous as well. In fact, if you want to know what they did, turn to second Timothy, chapter number two, second Timothy chapter number two. See, well, how did they blaspheme? Let's take a look at it. How did they blaspheme? Second Timothy chapter two. So you look down at verse number 15 study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth verse 16, but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness verse 17 and their word. Okay. The word of the babbler people that just gossip, storyteller will just won't shut up. Their word will eat as doth a canker. Okay. Of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus. So now we get Hymenaeus again and we get this other guy, Philetus and Paul takes it a step further and says, they're a canker. So he calls them a sore. So you're a canker. Again, what do people often say about your pastor calls people names? Sometimes I do. Paul did it. It's in the Bible. Okay. Here's the reason why verse 18, who concerning the truth have errored saying that the resurrection is past already and over throw the faith of some. So look, now go to Psalm chapter 109. Look, when people teaching false doctrine, like false preaching a false gospel, talking about repenting your sins, or just, I mean, you know, something on that level or the same, you know, the resurrection is past already and just really overthrowing people's faith. They're hurting believers. Now you are in a category of blasphemy and we see a perfect example here of a reason to turn somebody over to Satan. And that would be blasphemy or that would be a very grievous sin. Like the fornication that's going on here in first Corinthians chapter number five. Now the question becomes, how do we do this? What does this look like? How do you hand somebody over to Satan? Cause if you're talking about church discipline, it's very difficult to do today. Okay. Because here's the thing. Somebody does something bad here that that's unbiblical and you know, we, we go to them and you know, maybe it's something that's not even that bad, but there's an offense that was done. And we have to get a one-on-one conversation. The person rejects. We come back with two people. They reject, come back with a church. He rejects, you know, Matthew 18, right? And then all of a sudden, what do we do? We're supposed to tell that person, fine, you're out of the church and we're going to treat you like a publican or a heathen until you get right. Okay. So the problem with that in today's America is that when we get to that point with people, they just go to the next Baptist church that don't like us. And that's what they do. They'll just go to the next Baptist church that don't like us. They'll just go to the next church that don't like us and keep running that mouth. And they never learn. They never learned. They never, cause they'll go over there and just like a bad parent, they'll cuddle them. Oh, what's pastor Jones mean to you? We know he's a jerk. We know he's angry. We know he's got issues. Yeah. He's got all these problems. And that's the, you know, that's what you get for going there. Aren't all people that are fundamental like that, that whole new IFB crowd, that's how they are. Okay. That's the, that's the treatment they get. They get the pat on the back. They rub the belly. They scratch it. They start shaking like a dog. I mean, I'm serious. This is what happens. Okay. This is the treatment that they get. However, when things get this serious, there is something that we can do and it's found right here in the Bible. So Psalm chapter 109, let's read from verse number one. So David says this, hold not thy peace. Oh God of my praise for the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me. They have spoken against me with a lying tongue. Verse three, they compass me about also with words of hatred and fought against me without a cause. Verse four, for my love, they are my adversaries, but I give myself unto prayer. Verse five, and they have rewarded me evil for good and hatred for my love. This is exactly what we were talking about this morning. Isn't it? I could have brought this on this morning, but then I wouldn't have it for tonight. Looking for six. You can't, you can't use the same verses in the morning as you do the evening. That's an unwritten rule is what I've been told. I'm just teasing, just completely joking around. Okay. You can use it every service if you want. Okay. I'm just totally kidding. Somebody's going to splice that out and make a clip. Here it is. Here's the application. Set thou a wicked man over him and let Satan stand at his right hand. Okay. So what Paul's saying here, okay. The way that we deliver somebody over to Satan and look, okay. The only examples that we really have of this are the false doctrine, which is considered blasphemy, which is what Hymenaeus and Philetus were doing, making shipwreck of people's faith. Obviously Alexander's in that category. Okay. First Timothy chapter one for second Timothy chapter two. And then we have this issue here in second Corinthians or first Corinthians chapter five. So what we don't want to do is like, Oh, well, someone sat in the chair that I've been sitting in for last two years. I'm gonna deliver you up to Satan. Okay. Oh, you brought, um, hot dogs that aren't kosher. Well, I'm gonna deliver you up to Satan. Okay. Oh, you want to come once a month to service? You don't want to be as zealous as I am? I'll deliver you up to Satan. No, no. This is for serious things only. Okay. In fact, the safest way to deal with this is just stick to the context of scripture. Okay. So if somebody is like, you know what? I don't like this church. I just don't think it's for me. I'm out. Okay. We're not praying that Satan would devour him. And I've told you guys before, I've had, I had a crew of people over here, right on the other side of this wall one time, tell me that we need to deliver this kid up into the devil and that, you know, we need to pray that the devil would hurt him. So he couldn't do his hobby of mixed martial arts. And I'm like, I'm not doing that. That's not biblical. That's not how we restore people. Okay. That's completely wrong. I don't want any part of it. It is biblical. Get out, get out of here. You don't know what's biblical. Verse six of Psalm 109 is biblical. Okay. Set that wicked man over him. Over who? Who is this him? Well, this him is a guy doing all this horrible stuff to him back in David's day. Okay. Verse seven. When he shall be judged, let him be condemned. Let his prayer become sin. And of course, as you keep reading here, you're going to get notes and hints of prophecy regarding Judas. So again, it's kind of leading into this morning subject. So let's go back and get moving here through first Corinthians chapter number five. Try to make some more sense out of this. So again, remember the objective here, the objective is restoration, and that's what is going to happen to this guy. That is what they want. Okay. Verse five, to deliver such and one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Okay. So again, the devil cannot change your eternal destination. If you're saved, you're a believer, he cannot take you to hell. You cannot take your salvation away. The best he can do is with God's permission is harm your flesh, mess with you in your life. So the idea back in this time was like, you weren't going to be a Corinthian and then go to another good church in Corinth. There was only this group of people here in Corinth that were kind of of one mind. Okay. You weren't going to go to another church back then and, you know, escape this. So to kick somebody out of the fellowship back then used to be very serious thing. And it was good. It would actually teach people and the devil would start snacking on them. He would start messing with them and they would be like, you know what? I really miss my brothers and sisters. I really miss this fellowship. And they would come back, be restored and march on the water under the bridge. Okay. Unfortunately today, the devil's got a whole new system and he goes over to this church and that church and that church over there and like, oh yeah, the fundies, you know, the people that believe everywhere, the Bible and their hardcore and they got three services a week, you know, they're just crazy. They're just a little extreme. They're extremists. You're perfectly fine right here, little baby, and we'll take good care of you. Okay. That's it. You want some juice? You want a sippy cup? I'll put powdered milk. I'll even warm it up for you in the microwave. Oh, you don't like microwaves? That's totally fine. We've got a cooktop over there and we'll plug it in and heat it up on the stove. I got a cast iron skillet. I'll heat your milk up very gradually to make sure I don't kill any of the enzymes. And look in the list goes on and on and on. And no, I did not get enough sleep last night. So we got to, we got to get moving here. We got to move on from this because I'm just going to lose it. So to deliver such in one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Okay. Remember we didn't do anything to earn that new man inside of us. The devil, he ain't touching him. His hands off, off limits, not even a thought. Okay. So again, the idea here is to restore. Now real quickly, let's look at two more passages about fornication and why this is so serious and why it's biblical to deliver somebody in this situation up to the devil. Real quickly, one chapter over first Corinthians six, look at verse 18. Okay. Paul says this, flea fornication. And we'll take a look at this again next week, but he says, flea fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body, meaning outside of the body. Okay. But he says, but he that committed fornication sin against his own body. So fornication does something to your own body. I'll get into detail about that. Not graphic, not gross or anything like that, but I'll explain to you very clearly what that is next Sunday. Okay. Just before what I, what I need you to see right now tonight is that fornication is different than other sins. It hurts your own physical flesh. It hurts your own body. Here's the problem with that. Go to first Corinthians chapter number three, and let's look at verse 17, first Corinthians three. Now look at verse 17. So what's the problem with hurting your own body? What's the problem with destroying your flesh? Say to who cares? I got the new man. It's all good. Well, hold on for a second. Look at verse 17, verse 16, rather verse 16. Hey, know you not that you are the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you? Verse 17. If any man defile the temple of God, what does it say next? Him. Him shall God destroy for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. Okay. So again, get the context here. Fornication hurts the body. A believer is the temple of God. God says you destroy that temple. God will destroy you. And so Paul is saying, Hey, we need to deliver this person unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh so that the spirit may be saved in the day of judgment. So in other words, Paul saying, look, we will let him play in the pig pen with the devil so that hopefully he wakes up and says, Whoa, I'm sick of this. I want to go back to fellowship. I want to get right with God so that I can keep moving forward. Now, of course. Okay. The Bible does talk about something called sin unto death. So if this guy were to even get extremely hardened after this situation, after being given up to the devil and start accusing God, I believe that God would probably just kill him. So if you're not going to play nice, it's time to come home. Okay. You're coming home. I gave you chances. You know, it's just like any good parent would do their kids. You know, if you're going to start messing around and you want to throw rocks at cars and you know, be a bad kid. Well, guess what? You're coming inside. You're no longer playing out there. Okay. That's how God is with his children. Okay. He chasteneth every son whom he receiveth. That's what the Bible teaches. Now let's move on here. Look at verse six. So he goes on to say this. Your glorying is not good. Can you imagine that? Can you believe this? These guys are glorying over this. And if you have a difficulty imagining this, go to the nearest mega church around here. Just walk inside, go to a service on Sunday and you'll see this. You will see this. Or you could just come sowing with us for a while and you'll knock on their doors and they'll be, Oh yeah. You know, look, I went to this dude's house to do some work and he starts talking about church and this and that. And I'm like, Oh, cool. He's like, you go to church. You know, they always say, yeah. And I always try to like really quickly put it back on. Tell me about your church. Tell me about your church, please. Okay. Oh, well, I, I'm a deacon and I teach small group for teens. I was like, wow, cool. And then he's like, yeah, you know, and then this summer I'm going to be getting married. What? I'm sorry. What? Yeah. And I'm looking around, I'm in this dude's house and I'm like, he's living here with his girlfriend. I'm not dumb. I'm a dude. I know what's going on. You know, I don't even got to say anything. Okay. He's guilty of this stuff. And it's like, there's no question. Most churches say they're all, we don't want to be judgmental, right? They're puffed up that they allow that. They're arrogant. They're excited. They look down on people like us for reading this and teaching this and saying, Oh, we wouldn't even go there. That was just for that specific time. That was just, that was just Paul's stuff. You know how Paul was, right? That was Paul's business. Okay. But we follow Jesus. It's the same attitude. It's the same. We follow Jesus and we don't judge. Have you ever read Matthew chapter 23? Come on and give me, Jesus doesn't judge. He is the ultimate judge. What did Jesus say? I came not to bring peace, but a sword. Okay. He tells you in the gospels, a few different places that he came to divide, not to unite the world in his body. It's ridiculous. Look at verse seven. I'm sorry. Verse six. So he says, your glorying is not good. Then he says this, know ye not that a little leaven, a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. Okay. Now I'm sure we have some people in here that have baked. Okay. I've never really baked anything. But when I read this, I asked the girls, talk to me about how you use yeast and leaven. And I say, okay dad, here's what we do. We take this dough. Okay. That's the church. We take this dough and when we want to make a loaf that rises up, we add yeast or we add leaven to it. And even just a little bit will cause it to kind of rise. You got to get the right amount, the right mixture. Guess what? The devil knows that too. Okay. And we're supposed to be level. We're supposed to be like this unleavened dough. Cause in the Bible, leaven often pictures sin. Okay. That's what leaven does. It pictures sin. And so Paul saying, Hey, look, you saying a little leaven, leaveneth the whole lump. So even just tolerating a little bit of this type of stuff will affect everybody in the congregation in some way, shape or form, and thus inhibit you from your mission that we have given you. Okay. So anyways, you add leaven to your dough and it rises and Paul saying, no, no, no, that's not the way it should be. Okay. Verse 70 says purge out there for the old leaven that ye may be a new lump as ye are unleavened. So that's what we are. We are unleavened and we need to remember that. Okay. We don't need the leaven. We are unleavened for even Christ. Our Passover is sacrificed for us. So he's saying, remember, okay, how you live after you're saved, it has an effect. It transcends the physical reality and it goes into the spiritual. There are consequences for all of our actions. Verse eight. Therefore, okay. So for that reason, because we're this unleavened lump, so to speak, he says, therefore, let us keep the feast. Not with old leaven, neither with the leaven. Now pay attention here. The leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. So how are we supposed to be? We are supposed to be unleavened as an even, not able to be manipulated because what happens when you add that little bit of leaven, it expands, it manipulates, it puffs up. Okay. It puffs up. And Paul's going to get into details on this later on in this book, rather. He's going to talk about how too much knowledge puffs people up. Who's ever seen that? We've all seen that. Okay. We've all seen that when people start watching all these documentaries and stuff and they start, you know, watching sermons. Praise God. We've got them here. We'll give them to you. We'll give them to you. I'll give you as many as you want free. Take them. We don't sell anything here, but I'm going to tell you something. You better start reading that Bible. And more so than just reading the Bible, you better start applying that Bible because if you don't start applying that Bible, you're going to walk it. You look, you're going to be hitting your head right on that doorframe. And I've seen it more times and I want it than I care to even admit. Look, there's just something about people. Okay. When they don't apply the word of God, they're not reading it. They're not copying it down, but they're gaining knowledge. There's something about when people are reading books about the Bible, listening to things about the Bible, but they don't have the Bible in themselves. Okay. Now sermons can help with that. I understand that. I get that. Okay. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about getting too much, just raw knowledge and no application. It doesn't do you any good. It doesn't do anyone any good. All it does is puff up. It makes you arrogant and it messes with your mind. But again, we'll get into more details in a few chapters. Okay. So he says, verse eight, therefore, let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, either with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Isn't that how we want to be viewed as a church? Sincere, right? Just genuine, not fake. Not like, hi, how are you doing? I've been to some churches where people like just run up to you and they're just at this million dollar smile and they're like, hi, how are you? And it's like, wow, good act. Like, I know you don't care that much. Okay. It's like, give it up, man. Like, you're trying way too hard here. We want to be sincere, genuine, be you, be who you are and who you should be as a Christian constantly working on yourself. That's who you should be. Okay. But sincerity and truth. And guess what? Sometimes the truth hurts, but we need to be a people that are about the truth. So we don't want that leaven, which is malice and wickedness. We want that unleavened bread, that new lump. That's how we're supposed to conduct ourselves through sincerity, being genuine and in truth. So verse nine, I wrote unto you in an epistle, not to company with fornicators, not to company with fornicators. Now people look at this verse here and they're like, aha, scripture got lost because we don't have that letter. Look, do you think the apostle Paul had the liberty to just write things down? Could Paul just write himself a grocery list? Would that be okay? Would it be okay for Paul to just even write down like, here's the task I've got to do today? Not in the scholars eyes he doesn't. Oh, that's scripture. You know, if an apostle picked up a pen, instant scripture and we don't have it, therefore you need us. You need men to tell you how to think and what to believe. It's ridiculous. Okay. He simply wrote him a letter checking up on him. He didn't have text message back then. He wasn't going to pick up a phone and call him. You know, he couldn't exactly travel there at, you know, a moment's notice. So he writes him a letter. Very simple. Okay. And that letter obviously wasn't scripture. This is we have it preserved. That's how we know verse 10 yet. So he's saying, Hey, I don't want you guys a company with fornicators yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous or extortioners or with idolaters for then must ye needs go out of the world. So this list of people here, okay, we are called to stay away from them. This is not meant to be harsh. It's not meant for us to be like, we're better than you. Haha. To have this, our own arrogant attitude. No, it's because this is 11. This will hurt the lump. This will affect you negatively. Okay. There's no way around this. You can't say, Oh, I can tolerate it. I can keep these people in my life. I can keep them close to me. No, you can't. I promise you. I promise you. I promise you. You are wrong. You are wrong. If that's what you think, it's not going to work. It just won't. Look at verse 11. But now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother. Okay. So he's taking it a step further. He's like, Hey, look, you know, you shouldn't be hanging out with people of this group. Now, he's not even saying you can't hang out with anybody in the world. We all have people we know in the world. I work with people in the world all the time. You do. It's fine. Right. But what do we do? We keep them over here. We'd be be kind to them. We'd be nice to them because we want to win them to Christ. Right. That's our goal. That's what we want. Okay. But these idolaters, extortioners, these covetous, first of all, they're not going to, once they find out what you believe, man, they're not going to want anything to do with you anyway. So you kind of have that going for you. Okay. But then he says this in verse 11, but now I've written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner with such one no not to eat. Again, what's the point? The point is to teach that person that what they're doing is wrong and to get right so that then you can be friends again. Then you can come back together and they can come back to church and move forward and be good to go. Okay. Restoration is always the goal. Okay. We're almost done. Well, let's see here. Verse 12. He says, for what have I to do to judge them also that are without do not ye judge them that are within. So Paul's like, look, I don't care what the world does. They're going to be the world. I'm not judging them. I'm simply warning you guys, this specific group of people here in the world, the covetous, these extortioners, you know, these idolaters, those groups that you got to, you got to stay away. Don't even eat with them. Okay. Don't eat lunch with them. Sit at a different table. Get away from them. Okay. If you stuck working with them or something, do your job. Keep the conversation on the job and get away from them. Okay. Now, if it's anybody else in the world, fine. You know, have lunch with them. Be cool. Be gracious, right? Because you want to win them. You want to have a good testimony. But then he says this, Hey, I'm not judging them. Well, for what do I have to do to judge them also that are without meaning, without Christ, without the body, outside of Christianity, do not ye judge them that are within meaning what they're supposed to do. We're supposed to judge ourselves. Okay. Turn to first Peter chapter four. So remember I told you to keep your place or ask you to keep your place there in first Peter chapter four. Look at verse 17 first Peter four verse 17. So Peter says this, he says, for the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God. And if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? That's a good question. Okay. So judgment begins at the house of God. And if you think it's a harsh thing for us to have judgment, okay, understand the judgment that the world is going to face someday. Those who have rejected the gospel, those who have rejected Christ. Okay. What's their punishment going to be? Well, you already know it's hell fire. Okay. It's damnation. It's horror. Okay. That's what he's saying here. Okay. We want to judge within for what purpose though? And not like, ha ha, you suck. I'm better than you. I got a better vocabulary than you. I got better hair than you. My teeth are better than yours. Um, you know, that stuff. We don't need that. Nobody needs that. That doesn't do anybody any good. Okay. And it's not the type of judgment, but rather, Hey, you know, you take in your father's wife, you should be slapped. First of all, I'm not going to do that. However, okay, we're just going to pray that Satan deals with you. That's basically what he means. Now, last verse here. Well, we're looking at one more, but verse 13, he says this, but them that are without God judges, therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person. Okay. So Paul saying, get rid of this guy, put him out and pray that Satan would stand at his right hand and devour until he gets right and comes back. Now, last verse I want to have you go to second Timothy chapter number two, second Timothy chapter number two, one more time. Second Timothy two, look at verse 24. Second Timothy two verse 24 says this and the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men apt to teach patient verse 25 in meekness, instructing those that oppose themselves. If God paired venture. Okay. That word paired venture there, that means perhaps see reading the Bible here will increase your vocabulary and make you smarter. Okay. But what the world says is, Oh, you know, that King James, man, that's outdated. That's got to go. We got to update the language. Absolutely not increase your learning. So God, if God paired venture, meaning perhaps we'll give them repentance unto the acknowledging of the truth. Okay. What does that mean? It means that there are people all the time around you and I, okay. They are in the snare of the devil to where God is saying, I'm not going to allow you right now to get out of the snare you're in because of your heart, because of your pride, because of your arrogance. Look at verse 26 and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will. Now go to go back to first Corinthians five. We'll finish up here. Okay. So obviously the devil does have a diet of the world, but that's easy. They're given to him. Okay. He's got a snare set for them. That's easy. He can easily do what he wants at his wills with the Bible saying, but the delicacy, what he really feeds for, what he really craves is the Christian that is arrogant, who is not sober, who was not vigilant. He wants to take that person and come down here and look and inspect you and find a way to get at you to come after your finances, to come after your marriage, to come after your kids, to come after your job, to come after you in some way, shape or form. And the way that we fight this is by learning his tricks, learning his tactics, understanding that he does not savor the things that be of God, but he savors the things that be of man. When you get that, when you understand that you understand what his diet is. Okay. You're going to be able to protect yourself and those that are around you by following the principles that you learned in the Bible. This is a hard chapter. This is hard stuff. You're not going to hear too many sermons out there in the realm of Christianity on this subject because it's harsh. People hear this stuff and they're like, you're crazy. In the Greek, it couldn't have meant all this. Well, I can promise you it does. It says the same exact thing. Same thing. You can put this in Chinese. Same thing. You can translate this to Japanese. Same thing. Any language under the sun, it's going to say the same thing. If somebody is following this stupidity here, this fornication, and they just won't stop, the solution is harsh. Deliver them up to Satan. If somebody comes into a church and they start blaspheming God, we deliver them up on to Satan. That's biblical. That's Bible doctrine. That's what we do. So we're going to stop right there for tonight and we'll pick it up at chapter six next week. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you so much, Lord, for all of your counsel in the word of God. Thank you for the truth that you share with us week after week. I just pray that you would help these hard things to settle down, Lord, in our hearts and that we may be able to bless one another and have fellowship with one another. And I just pray that you bless the chili after the service and the fellowship after the service and bring us again safely next week in Jesus' name. I pray. Amen.