(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) let's pray father God thank you for this opportunity to come and to hear your word being preached please bless the message please bless pastor please open our hearts and our ears to your words and help us keep distractions to a minimum in the name of Jesus Christ we pray amen amen all right we're there in 1st Timothy chapter number 5 I'd like you to look down at verse number 25 1st Timothy chapter 5 I'm sorry verse number 22 1st Timothy chapter 5 and verse number 22 the Bible says lay hands suddenly on no man neither be partaker of other men's sins keep thyself pure in this chapter and in this verse specifically the context is about the ordination of a leader here specifically Paul is telling Timothy about spiritual leadership he talks about bringing a man into the authority or the leadership of a church and he says you don't want to just do that flippantly he says lay hands suddenly on no man talking about the ordination of a man and when someone has their hands laid on to be a pastor what they're doing is they're basically the person who's laying hands on them is approving of that individual is saying I approve of the leadership of this person this person is who they say they are they're right they're righteous and when you lay hands on someone you're basically approving of their leadership here Paul is telling Timothy hey be very careful about laying hands suddenly on just anyone he says neither be partaker of other men's sins keep thyself pure now to really understand the verse you got to look at it in reverse the goal is to keep thyself pure that ought to be all of our goals our goal is to walk with God to live righteously to be pleasing to God and he says the goal is to keep yourself pure so he says here's how you do it make sure you're not in sin and make sure you're not a partaker of other men's sin you say well how can I take part in someone else's sin he says here's how you do it when you lay hands suddenly on someone when you give authority to someone when you endorse someone or approve of someone and here he's talking about spiritual leadership but there's a principle we can learn here from the Bible that God says whenever you approve of a leader you better make sure you know who you're approving of because whatever sins they commit or they bring you will be held responsible for them he says lay hands suddenly on no man neither be partaker of other men's sins keep thyself pure you say why are you talking about this well this morning I'm preaching a very specific sermon and I want to give you the title of the sermon this morning the title of the sermon is why Christians should not vote in the 2016 presidential election let me say it again why Christians should not vote in the 2016 presidential election I already lost some of you and you already stopped listening but listen to me I don't I don't preach a lot of political issues at Verity Baptist Church but I'm also not ashamed to because you know what the Bible talks about everything God gives us instructions for everything God gives us instructions for picking leaders and I don't believe and I'm going to prove it to you from the Bible this morning that a Bible believing Christian could vote for either candidate this Tuesday whether it's Hillary Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump and have a clear conscience before God and be right with God and I'm going to show you that from the Bible and I don't believe that any Christian ought to be endorsing or accepting or approving of either one of these candidates and let me go ahead and say this because we're gonna be like well you're not allowed to preach look first of all let me say this very Baptist Church we're not 501c3 all right so don't come at me with your little 501c3 you can't I don't care number one but number two even if we were here's what the law says you're not allowed to endorse a candidate guess what I'm not endorsing either candidate I'm telling you you I'm telling you biblically and scripturally you are abstained from the election this year and it's wrong for you to lay your hands on either Hillary or Donald Trump because you will be partaking of both of their sins and I'm going to prove that to you from the Bible and you know here's all I ask let me let me give you a couple of things all right who's ever heard the the you know WWJD you know all these liberals like to walk around with their little bracelets WWJD what would Jesus do all right let me give you here let me give you a new phrase for this week okay it's WWJVF who would Jesus vote for I want you to ask yourself this question would the Lord Jesus Christ cast a ballot for Hillary Clinton would the Lord Jesus Christ cast a ballot for Donald Trump because that look aren't we Christians aren't we supposed to be following in the steps of the Lord Jesus Christ are we supposed to be patterning ourselves after him so here's here's all I want to ask would Jesus vote for Hillary Clinton would Jesus vote for Donald Trump you ought to ask yourself this question let me say this before we get started keep an open mind because I've already offended several of you and here's the thing with this type of sermon is I can't win because those of you who like Hillary you're gonna be mad at me those of you like Donald Trump you're gonna be mad at me those of you who don't like politics you're gonna be mad at me because I'm preaching a political sermon all right so look I'm gonna make all of you mad this morning so just pay attention here's all I'm asking act 1711 says this these were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they receive the word with all readiness of mind and search the scriptures daily whether those things were so here's all I'm asking you do this morning I look if I convinced you or don't convince you between you and God my job is to preach the whole counsel of God my job is to preach everything the Bible says and to help try to help you with the Bible here's all I ask go to every reference this morning with me look at what the Bible says not your preconceived idea not your political spin just look at what the Bible says and ask yourself this question who would Jesus vote for and I'm going to pick on both candidates so if you think oh he's speaking on Hillary because he likes Trump no I'm not okay I'm going to start with Hillary but I'm going to get on Trump here in a minute but let me start with this why no Bible-believing Christian should cast a vote for Hillary Clinton you're there in first Timothy do me a favor keep your place in first Timothy because we're going to come back to it but go with me to the book of Jeremiah and you know the fact that I even have to talk about why no Christian should be voting for Hillary Clinton is absurd in and of itself but I'm just I'm going to teach it to you because it just needs to be taught there there's like a thousand reasons why no Bible-believing Christian should ever support Hillary Clinton but I'm just going to give you you know three of the just the most obvious and probably the most important reasons why no Christian ought to support Hillary Clinton Jeremiah chapter 1 look down at verse number 4 if you if you find those major books of the of the prophets you've got Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel go to Jeremiah chapter 1 look at verse number 4 this is a very famous passage Jeremiah 1 and verse 4 the word of the Lord came unto me saying this is Jeremiah speaking notice what God said to Jeremiah look at verse 5 before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations the Bible tells us that God had a had had had a knowledge of Jeremiah and had a purpose for Jeremiah and had a plan for Jeremiah before he was even formed the Bible says he says before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and listen to me you say why should no Christian vote for Hillary Clinton here's why because she's an abortionist because she believes it's okay to go into the womb and take the life of a child she's even she's even fine with partial birth abortion there's no that means where a child is allowed to be partially birthed partially born and then killed you know the Bible says lay not your hands on the lay your hands on the unknown man neither be partake of other man sins keep thyself pure and if you cast a ballot for Hillary Clinton who thinks it's fine to abort and kill children you know what you're doing you're taking part in that sin you're conspiring to take the lives of we're told 3,000 children every day are being aborted today and listen God is wasn't just Jeremiah every child in the world before they are formed God has a plan God has a purpose God has a desire for that child he loves that child and it's murder it's murder to end a life after conception it's murder to end the life in the womb and the most obvious reason why no Christian ought to ever vote for Hillary Clinton is because she believes in abortion because she's a murderer because she's a killer you say I didn't know Hillary Clinton was an abortionist where have you been I mean if you're that clueless to the political system do everyone a favor don't vote for any reason you know that you've been a little more educated let me tell you about Hillary Clinton's position Hillary Clinton takes the stand the standard Democratic Party line on abortion she is against efforts to ban the procedure after 20 weeks of pregnancy she opposes state legislation that increases regulation of abortion providers she has criticized conservative efforts to cut off government funding for Planned Parenthood because they provide abortion services Planned Parenthood is one of its one of the most wicked institutions in our country I mean kick killing children and selling their body parts and here's what Hillary Clinton said about Planned Parenthood at an event in June 2016 she said I've been proud to stand with Planned Parenthood for a long time and as president I will always have your back this is a woman that literally there are Christians who are saying well it's got just anyone but Trump really a murderer a killer an abortionist you know no Christian ought to vote for Hillary Clinton here's why because she's an abortionist go to 2nd Kings chapter 24 keep your place in Jeremiah do me a favor keep your finger there you gotta have your place in 1st Timothy you gotta have your place in Jeremiah and go to 2nd Kings if you can find the one and two books in the Old Testament you got 1st and 2nd Samuel 1st 2nd Kings 1st 2nd Chronicles 2nd Kings chapter number 2 and no one in this church has came up to me and told me that they're voting for Hillary Clinton but you know you just got a priest this thing I mean people listen to my sermons online and there are so many people out there they just have the dumbest views about Christianity and what the Bible teaches no Christian I'd I ever support an abortionist for any reason ever 2nd Kings 24 look at verse 1 notice what the Bible says 2nd Kings 24 verse 1 in his days Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up and Jehoiach and became his servant three years then he turned and rebelled against him this is talking about what Nebuchadnezzar God used Nebuchadnezzar to bring judgment upon the nation of Judah you say why did he do that look at verse 2 and the Lord sent against him bands of the Chaldees and bands of the Syrians and bands of the Moabites and bands of the children of Ammon and sent them against Judah to destroy according to the word of the Lord which he spake by servants the Prophet surely at the commandment of the Lord came this upon Judah to remove them out of his sight why notice why for the sins of Manasseh according to all that he did who was Manasseh Manasseh was a king what was Manasseh's major sin that he was known for sacrificing and killing babies notice verse 4 and also don't miss this and also for the innocent blood talking about the babies the blood that was shed of children for the innocent blood that he shed for he failed Jerusalem with innocent blood notice what the Bible says which the Lord would not pardon here's what's interesting about this Manasseh ended up getting right with God later in his life Manasseh actually got right with God but you know what the Bible says that God would not pardon the sins of the nation and he brought judgment against him because he just would not look the other way when they had shed so much innocent blood and I'm here to tell you judgment is coming upon America God is not just going to turn his face and look the other way when we are literally killing 3,000 children a day every day every 24 hours 3,000 children we're told are being murdered in the womb you think God's gonna look away there's a Nebuchadnezzar coming to America did you know that Nebuchadnezzar came to to Judah as a punishment for the blood that they had shed there's a Nebuchadnezzar coming to America you know what her name is it makes sense that we'd have Nebuchadnezzar ruling over Babylon USA and Christians are like oh no we got to pray that God bless America why would we pray that God blesses a country that's murdering children that's just you know that's just leading the world in filth and perverseness we have a president who has an agenda to bring you know equal rights for all these homos and perverts all over the world and we're supposed to pray look if Hillary Clinton gets elected America's gone which she deserves and God will not just look by God will not just turn his face as he said look down at the Bible look at what he said look at last part of verse 4 which the Lord would not pardon what were they doing killing children what were they doing abort aborting babies killing children you said well it was after birth that's even work I mean I think it's even worse to do it in the womb I mean the womb ought to be the safest place for a child to be and today it's one of the most dangerous places for the you say why should no Christian support Hillary Clinton here why she's an abortionist why should no Christian support Hillary Clinton here's why she's a proponent of the LGBTQ XYZ mafia she's a huge homo proponent you don't have to go there I preached a lot on it Leviticus 20 13 still in the Bible it says if a man also lie with mankind as he lies with a woman both of them have committed abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them that's what the Bible says and you know what Christians today want to get all hung up about whether or not they're allowed to go into the each other's bathrooms no it's funny about that God doesn't mention anything about whether they should go into Joe's bathroom God just plays the death penalty on that sin and God's perfect righteous government when he was in charge he said they shall surely be put today you say you're still on that I'm never gonna stop preaching that I don't care if our insurance drops us I don't care if they refuse as a building I don't care if they if they sue me if they persecute me I will preach the Bible it's wicked it's sin it's an abomination before God and you've got Hillary Clinton who's their champion who's their superstar Hillary Clinton in in April of 2015 she on Twitter she wrote every loving couple and family deserves to be recognized and treated equally under the laws of our nation hashtag love must win hashtag love can't wait and she she's getting endorsed by all these LGBTQ people by all these LGBTQ community listen to me you say well why shouldn't we vote for for Hillary Clinton here's why because she's a murderer because she's an abortionist here's why because she is the champion of the LGBTQ community and movement and the Bible says lay hands suddenly on no man or woman neither be partaker of other men's sins keep thyself pure you shouldn't be endorsing and listen the two major issues that Christians should care about and and there's three but let me just deal with two is the homo agenda and abortions I mean when it comes to social issues the other issue that we should be concerned about is just this this overwhelming huge scope of government where government wants to run our lives and government wants to be our Savior you know we ought to have limited government I'm not an anarchist I think there's there's a place for government I think God established government but we don't need government just just fixing all our problems and meeting all our needs that's not scriptural that's not biblical you're there in Jeremiah I think or in Isaiah go to the book of Ezekiel you got Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Ezekiel chapter 9 look at verse 8 Ezekiel 9 verse 8 you say why why is the sodomite agenda and abortion why are those the two major issues here's why because according to the Bible and I'm going to show it to you in the Bible those are the two major sins that God will destroy and punish and judge a nation for God doesn't judge a nation because they're filled with a bunch of liars God doesn't judge a nation I mean there's sins that God judges individuals for but when it comes to judging a nation it's these two sins taking and shedding innocent blood and allowing perverseness to run rampant let me show it to you Ezekiel chapter 9 look at verse 8 you got to underline these verses in your Bible or highlight them Ezekiel 9 look at verse 8 and it came to pass while they were slaying them and I was left that I fell upon my face and cried and said our Lord God will thou destroy all the residue of Israel and I pouring out of the fury upon Jerusalem look at this night then said he unto me the iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceeding great he said you've taken it too far he said it's it's too much notice what what's the problem what's exceeding great and the land is full of blood that's your abortions and the city full of perverseness that's your sodomy for they say the Lord have forsaken the earth and the Lord seeth not and as for me also mine eyes shall not spare neither will I have pity but I will recompense their way upon their head God says I'm going to judge them here's why because of the shedding of blood and because of perverseness and those are the two things that America and Hillary Clinton want to major on let the perverts and the homos have reign and let's just kill as many babies as possible let's just fund Planned Parenthood and let them go crazy you know what why should no Bible believe in Christian support here's the question I want you to ask what Jesus Christ cast a vote cast a ballot for Hillary Clinton when she's an abortionist baby killer when she's an LGBTQ champion let me give you another reason why you are not vote for Hillary Clinton and if you didn't like those two you're really not gonna like this one go to the book of Isaiah Isaiah chapter 3 look at verse 12 here's another here's another reason you are not vote for her and this is gonna be real complicated okay so I need you to listen very carefully because she's a woman oh really you're gonna go there yeah I'm gonna go there say why because the Bible goes in I can't believe that okay well look at what the Bible says Isaiah chapter 3 look at verse 12 Isaiah chapter 3 and verse 12 as for my people children are their oppressors and women rule over them this is talking about the judgment of God it's not good it's not it's not the blessings of God to have a woman ruling over you to have children ruling over you says and women rule over them all my people they which leave the economy to her and destroy the ways of life God says he was judging them and he says you know what I'm gonna judge you and I'm gonna put a woman in charge and I don't care if you don't like it I don't care if you don't think it's right it's not politically acceptable the Bible says that women need to submit to the authority of men go to first Timothy chapter 2 I asked you to keep your place there first Timothy chapter 2 pastor don't you know this sermon is gonna go on the act look I don't care I'm sick of it I'm sick of these preachers and these Christians being scared to just say what the Bible says listen to me I'm not Sean Hannity up here I'm not Glenn Beck I'm a Bible believing preacher I'm not gonna sit here and tell you well Hillary Clinton look yeah and give you all these political reasons here was why y'all not vote for her she's a murderer she's a pervert and she's a woman that's why y'all not vote for her first Timothy chapter 2 look at verse 12 first Timothy chapter 2 and verse 12 but I suffer the word suffer means allow but I suffer not he says I don't allow a woman to teach that's why a woman will never stand behind this pulpit to preach say are you are you just some sort of male chauvinist look I think women are great I married one I think they're wonderful my mom's one I love my mom my sister happens to be a woman okay here's the thing it's not that women are different it's just that they're terrible or they're bad is that God made women to have a different role than men period not that one's better than the other but the Bible says very clearly first Timothy 2 to 12 but I suffer not a woman to teach someone should have quoted that verse to Joyce Myers nor nor to usurp authority over the man Hillary Clinton but to be in silence somebody needs to tell you just shut up just be quiet and quit usurping authority over the man you say why should no Christian vote why should no let me let me refer you that why should no Bible believing Christian who actually cares about what the Bible says vote for Hillary Clinton here's why she's an abortionist she's the LGBTQ proponent and she's a woman say I don't like those reasons well then you don't like the Bible I'm pretty sure I just proved all of that from the Bible and here's the problem with here's the problem I have with most Christians is they don't really care what the Bible says they've got their little agenda their little brainwashing their little thoughts and you're not gonna tell me otherwise look the Bible will mess you up you actually start reading it why should you not vote for Hillary Clinton I think I was clear let me but you know some of you are like well you're just Herman are you breaking the law you're trying to you know tell us all the bad things about Hillary so you can get Donald Trump election elected okay I'm glad you asked that question now let me give you some reason why you should not vote for Donald Trump why should you not vote for Donald Trump and you know what independent frontal Baptist are just are just falling all over themselves just supporting this guy and biblically and scripturally Jesus will not cast a vote for him and Jesus will not have you guys vote you say prove that from the Bible I'll prove that from the Bible but before I prove that from the Bible let me just go back to to to the two main points on abortions you know here's what here's what everybody's at well Donald Trump is pro-choice so therefore we have to choose them okay here's the problem with Donald Trump being poor choice Donald Trump I'm going to read for you an article shocked attendees at the conservative CPAC conference in February 2011 when he declared himself pro-life after years of supporting the pro-abortion position and by the way that included partial abortion several months ago when questioned about his position Trump responded by saving the by by saying the public will be surprised by his stance and in an interview with Laura Ingram from Fox News leading up to the conference Trump characterized himself as a pro-life as pro-life and he repeated that apparent reversal when he told the audience of CPAC I am pro-life now use what CPAC CPAC is this conference of conservatives every year where all these conservatives get together and they give each other speeches and Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and all these guys they'll speak at CPAC let me explain something to you all right if Donald Trump was just pro-choice for years and years and years and years and years and then like ten years ago he just said you know what I changed my mind I'm pro-life I'm pro I'm against abortions and then like ten years later he tried to run for president I would believe him but when you're at CPAC giving a speech which if you go and listen to the speech on YouTube he's basically explaining why people should support him because he's planning on running for president the next year and then after that after that event he just throws it out there oh and by the way I know I just told you I want to be the Republican nominee and obviously the Republican platform is against abortion so by the way I'm pro life now you know you don't think that was motivated by by political by political motivation you don't think he just said that you you know I said that because he knows that all these dumb Christians are gonna stand up and say he's God's will for our life he's pro-life he's pro-life when it benefited him he's for let me let me let's play something to you did you know that Bill Clinton was pro-life when he was the governor in Arkansas and when he became the Democratic candidate for president he went to pro-choice you know why he did that because none of these people have have any integrity or character they do whatever they need to do and they say whatever they need to say in order to get elected and here's the question I have for you if Donald Trump is so pro-life then what's his plan to end abortion I've heard him say on day one we're gonna change the ball of care on day one we're gonna do this and we're gonna what are you gonna do about abortions on day one Donald Trump what you think he's not gonna do anything none of them are gonna do anything yeah well they got a he's got to put in the judges the judges aren't going to change anything that's the same thing we were told about George W Bush George W Bush became president had control Republican control of both houses and was able and allowed to put judges into the Supreme Court and what did he do put one of the biggest liberals in the Supreme Court put one of the biggest anti-conservative judges and then Donald Trump's not gonna get there and do anything and by the way this is this is what's wrong with America all these Christians well we got to get the right judge in so they are so they change the law here's the problem with that then another judge can just change that number one number two okay now please understand this I did not graduate from the Rush Limbaugh Institute of Higher Learning all right but I'm pretty sure that judges are not supposed to make laws I'm pretty sure that the judiciary system is supposed to interpret law and I'm pretty sure that the office of a president is not to make laws either he's an exact he's in the executive his job is to execute the law the judge's job is to interpret the law Congress is supposed to make laws you know here's the question I have if all these conservatives wanna and why don't they bring what when they have control of both houses and the presidency why don't they just pass a law and make abortion illegal why don't they just pass a constitutional amendment none of them do it none of them have even tried they just want to tell you they're pro life so you'll sit there say well that's a Christian choice you know what Jesus taught that you got to back up what you say with words with with the works you can't just say something you can't just tell people here's what I believe you got to show us you got to do something and I've not heard Donald Trump say anything other than I'm pro-life I'll defund Planned Parenthood and when he's talking on both sides about he says he wants to defund Planned Parenthood and then he's giving Planned Parenthood all these compliments and talking about how they're so great in all these other areas so I don't think Donald Trump is gonna do anything about abortions I don't think any Republicans gonna do anything about abortions I don't think they really care I think they're just saying that to get you on board what's he gonna do about the sodomite agenda well here's what Gregory Angelo said about Donald Trump Gregory Angelo is a president of the log cabin Republicans a homosexual Republican group here's what he said about Donald Trump never before has a Republican presidential nominee so much as mentioned the LGBT community let alone lavish such praises upon us talking about Donald Trump Donald Trump said he's a champion for the LGBTQ community Donald Trump said he will do everything his power to help them and support them so on those major issues there's no difference and let me just let you in on a secret if you still think it's between the Republicans and the Democrats no one's let you in on the joke you know what's funny it's like Clinton's in power Bush is in power Obama's in power Clinton whatever nothing changes it's all the same it's the same welfare program it's the same warfare program it's all the same thing and we sit there and get all excited oh this time it's gonna be a Republican nothing changes it's all the same they never quit anything they ever stop anything abortions are still happening the LGBTQ mafias is getting stronger in this country and Donald Trump's not gonna do anything about it and you say well I think he is okay well then let me give you some reasons why you should still not vote for him why Jesus would not vote for him are you there in First Timothy are you there in First Timothy before you go there let me go to First Timothy chapter 6 now let me read for you a quote from Donald Trump Donald Trump described himself as a very greedy person these are his words now I tell you I'm good at that talking about being greedy so you know I've always taken in money he said in a rally in Iowa I like money I'm very greedy I'm a greedy person I should tell you that he said no he says I shouldn't tell you that I'm greedy I've always been greedy I love money those are Donald Trump's words are you there in First Timothy 6 look at verse 10 the love of money is the root of all evil yeah I love money the love of money is the root of all evil what does that tell you about Donald Trump he's an evil person the luck because here's what that tells you he'll do whatever he needs to do he'll say whatever he needs to say he'll give whatever lie he needs to lie if it'll help him become more powerful and get him allow him to get more money the love of money is the root of all evils what the Bible says which while some coveted after have heard from the faith and pierce themselves through through many stars but here's what I want you to understand okay keep your place there in First Timothy go to the book of Deuteronomy Deuteronomy chapter number one you got Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy let me help you understand something did you know that in the Bible God set up a Republican form of government I'm not talking about the Republican Party a representative form of government do you know that he set up judges to represent the people that's what America was founded on and let me just help you out America was not founded as a democracy and that's what everybody a word democracy word democracy here's the problem of democracy it's one step away from socialism which is one step away from fascism and one step away from communism and once I'm away from every other ism we were founded as a republic I'm not telling you that that's great or what I'm just telling you that's how we were founded you ever heard the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the what Republic for which it stands God established a republic form of government where there were judges who were said to represent the people let me show it to you Deuteronomy chapter 1 look at verse 13 Deuteronomy chapter 1 look at verse 13 now you got to pay attention covetousness is the reason that Donald Trump should not be endorsed by any Christian and would not be endorsed by Jesus Christ Moses God I'll prove it to you Deuteronomy 1 13 take you wise men and understanding and know among your tribes and I will make them notice I will make them rulers over you do you see that it's talking about leaders for the nation political leaders look at verse 14 and he answered me and said the thing which thou has spoken is good for us to do so I took the notice chief of your tribes wise men and known and made them heads over you talking about rulers captains over thousands captains over hundreds and captains over 50s and captains over tens and officers among your tribes notice verse 16 and I charge your judges at that time saying hear the causes between your brethren and judge righteously between them every man and his brother and the stranger that is with them now notice what he says he says you hear the charges of the judges look at verse 17 you shall not respect persons in judgment but you shall hear the small as well as the great you shall not be afraid of the face of man for the judgment is God's notice what he says and the cause that is too hard for you bring unto me and I will hear it and I commanded you at that time all things which you should do so here Moses is talking about this how we set up the government we set up captains and rulers over thousands and hundreds and fifties and tens and you're supposed to judge that you're not supposed to have respect to persons and if there was a matter that was too hard then you bring that to me now go to the book of Exodus you're there in Deuteronomy just go backwards into Exodus Exodus second book of the of the Bible Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy in Exodus 18 is where these this system in Deuteronomy chapter 1 he's talking about this Republican form of government for the nation of Israel under the authority of God of course God was their king but the people were under the authority of these different rulers in Exodus 18 is when this system was established notice what the Bible says Exodus 18 verse 21 moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men such as fear God is that Donald Trump men of truth is that Hillary Clinton notice don't miss this underlining of your Bible hating what covetousness God said Moses said when you pick leaders to rule the nation make sure they hate covetousness and you got mr. Trump over here saying I love money I'm greedy I shouldn't tell you that but I'm greedy and all these Christians Alex Jones said Donald Trump is a David of our day dr. Alex Jones said Donald Trump is a godsend really because I'm pretty sure Moses want to voted for him I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't voted for him I'm very sure they would have disqualified I'm sure Jesus would have said as soon as these words came out of his mouth I love money I'm sure Jesus would have said I'm done with you I mean I I mean he would have been done with the more time ago but definitely at that point notice don't know look I know the Bible's gonna mess you up over 22 just so you know they talk about the same group of people and let them judge the people at all seasons and it shall be that every great matter they shall bring unto thee talking to Moses but every small matter and he goes on to talk about them now you're so what would would Donald Trump and qualified to be one of the rulers of thousands hundreds or tens in the nation of Israel and God's government the answer is no because he's covetous because by his own words he loves money he's a greedy person and he's very proud of it go to dear army 17 let me give you another example someone told me recently we elect the prize we elect a king every every four years I'd agree with that these people are basically kings here's what's interesting about that God tells us how to choose a king did you know that Deuteronomy 17 let's look at it verse 15 we're gonna choose a king on the fourth okay well how would God have us choose a king Deuteronomy 17 look at verse 15 Deuteronomy 17 verse 15 thou shalt and any wise set him a king over thee talking about a political leader whom the Lord thy God shall choose one from among thy brethren shall thou set King over thee that thou mayest not set a stranger over thee which is not my brother but he shall not multiply horses to himself nor cause the people to return to Egypt to the end that he should multiply horses for as much as the Lord hath said unto you he shall henceforth return no more that way look at verse 17 Deuteronomy 17 17 neither shall he multiply wives to him Donald Trump's third wife neither shall he multiply wives to himself that his heart turn not away here it is neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold what Donald Trump been qualified to be the king of the nation of Israel the answer is no because he's covetous because he's greedy because he said himself he loves money the love of money is the root of all evil no Christian ought to support Donald Trump because because here's why because Jesus would not vote for him because Moses wouldn't vote for him and if we're supposed to be patterning ourselves after Christ and we are not vote for him either you say well I don't care about covetousness you know what covetousness is a huge sin in the Bible go to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 did you know that we're supposed to kick people out of church for being covetous did you know that I never I never knew that because you don't read the Bible that's why because you go to churches that no one preaches the Bible welcome to variety Baptist Church 1st Corinthians 5 look at verse 9 1st Corinthians 5 look at verse 9 1st Corinthians 5 9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company are we supposed to company with these people look with fornicators you see that you know we're supposed to also kick out fornicators out of church you're living together you're not married we're supposed to kick out of church you're shacking up and you're not married you supposed to kick you out of church not the company with fornicators yet not all together with the fornicators of this war he's I'm not talking about the people in this world or with the covetous or with extortioners or with idolaters for them as he needs go out of the world but now I bring to you not to company if any man that is called a brother someone who comes to church and says I'm brother so-and-so I'm sister so-and-so I'm safe I'm a believer he said dude he said not to come to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drinker or an extortioner with such and one no not to eat if Donald Trump tried to join this church we kick him out we kick him off for being a covetous fornicating filthy person he wouldn't be allowed to be part of any Baptist Church and I'm supposed to vote for him for president Jesus would not allow him to be part of his church but Jesus would have me vote for him it's ridiculous why should no Christian vote for Donald Trump because he's covetous why should no Christian vote for Donald Trump because he's he because the other he was the resume because he's vulgar what are you talking about all right go to probably go to Psalm Psalm open up your Bible just right in the center I know I already lost some of you it's fine go to Psalm Psalm 12 look at verse 8 Psalm 12 look at verse 8 you got to deal with the Bible what is the Bible I know that the conservative Christians today are just in love with Donald Trump you know what my allegiance is the Lord Jesus Christ I thank God that I was raised in a family where my dad and my mom taught me that my allegiance is to Jesus Christ before any country before any group my dad I remember I tell me you are a citizen of heaven before you are a citizen of any country you're a citizen of heaven before you're an American you're a citizen of heaven before you're Venezuelan you're a citizen of heaven before you ain't any said our allegiance ought to be to be to Jesus Christ and to his people and I remember being taught as a child but I I'm I have more loyalty to believers in other countries than to the filthy homos in this one and you say you're not patriotic don't talk to me about being patriotic I serve the United States Air Force I deployed I fought I did everything that you're supposed to do and you know what this country has let me down they walked away from me oh yeah be patriotic you gotta vote for Donald Trump you're insane Jesus not vote for him he's wicked he's covetous and he's vulgar Psalm 12 look at her say the wicked walk on every side and when the vilest men are when the vilest men are exalted if you exalt the vile man you know what's gonna happen the wicked will walk on every side if you exalt the vile man it's just gonna get worse say how's Donald Trump a wicked man just Google his name and listen to the things a man says he talks about committing adultery with a woman while he's married and and and saying she's married and he's gonna and he's gonna commit adultery with her and he's attempting to commit adultery with her he's buying her all this furniture to try to get her in bed he talks about walking up to random women and just starts kissing them and they let him cuz he's a star cuz he's a celebrity he literally I mean I can't even say the things he says he talks about walking up to random women and just grabbing them from their private parts and they'll just let him because he's because he's Donald Trump and I'm supposed to believe Jesus would vote for this guy really answer that question this guy's on record saying I walk up to random women and just grab them from the private parts but he's the Christian choice for America you're insane when though when the wicked walk on every side he said the wicked walk on every side when the vilest men are exalted I'm not gonna exalt a vile man Proverbs 29 look at verse 2 you're there in Psalms Proverbs 29 look at verse 2 Proverbs 29 verse 2 Proverbs 29 verse 2 when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice but when the wicked beareth rule the people mourn you know what on Wednesday of this week no matter who gets elected I will be mourning for America because either way we're done either way we're in trouble either way well he's pro-choice he's not gonna do anything about abortions and if you think that you know what if I'll eat my hat if Donald Trump becomes president and ends abortions I will stand up here and say you know what he's still wicked he's still covetous but praise Lord that he stopped abortions but it's not gonna happen he's not gonna do anything about it not gonna do anything about sodomy he's not he's a he's vulgar he's covetous and let me explain to you you know why most Christians conservative Christians America just don't care they just look away with all these sexual things that he says here's why because most Christians in America a bunch of perverts themselves most Christians in America a bunch of fornicators themselves bunch of pornographers themselves they think it's fine for them to shack up with someone they're not married to so then it's fine for Donald Trump you know what God cares it does matter it does matter if he's moral and people say to me well you know we're all sinners you know what we are all sinners but you know what we're not all we're not all adulterers we're not all covetous we're not all vulgar he would not be accepted in the government of the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus would not vote for him and I'm not gonna vote for him either he's vulgar he's he's covetous let me give you another one he's proud Proverbs 16 look at verse 5 now let me just say this right now does anybody want to stand up and defend Donald Trump's humility anybody anybody want to stand up right now and say you know you know what you got him all wrong he's a very humble man I even the people that support Trump say yeah he's real proud he's the most arrogant man in America he's the most proud man in America Proverbs 16 look at verse 5 the Bible mess you up you start reading it you turn off Sean Hannity and start reading the Bible for a while Proverbs 16 verse 5 everyone that is proud and hard is an abomination to the Lord everyone that is proud and hard is an abomination so look listen to me is Donald Trump proud yes or no he would tell you that himself would the Lord vote for him according the Bible he's an abomination to the Lord everyone that is proud and hard is our abomination to Lord though hand joint in hand he shall not be unpunished say why should we not vote for Donald Trump here's why you shouldn't vote for Donald Trump he's covetous that disqualified him from being king in Israel that disqualified him from being a judge in Israel Moses would have vote for him Jesus would have vote for him I'm not gonna vote for him why should we not support Donald Trump because he's vulgar because he's a pervert and when you exalt vile man it'll just get worse for everyone else why should we not support Donald Trump because he's proud and arrogant and by the way all those things you think he's gonna do he's not gonna do any of them he's gonna be LGBTQ's champion just like Hillary is he's gonna do nothing to stop abortions you say how do we stop abortion in America you know we stop worse in America we preach the Bible we get people saved and in church and we actually teach them what the Bible says I was listening to one preacher Chuck Baldwin here he was talking about how these two different surveys were taken independent of each other he just happened to come across them I heard it on a radio program he was talking about these two different surveys that were taken one survey said that in 70% of pulpits in America 70% of pulpits in America abortion is never mentioned the other survey totally independent of the other just a different survey all together said 70% of women that get abortions in America classify themselves as Christians isn't that interesting how those two numbers match maybe if preachers in America started preaching against abortion we'd basically get rid of abortion at least bring it way down then maybe we could get you know if enough people want to do it then these Republicans will have enough guts to actually try to do something about it we shouldn't support him he's not gonna do anything about abortions and I don't do anything about the sodomites he's covetous he's vulgar he's proud go to Psalm 143 now I mean one Psalm 146 I'm gonna be done here in a few minutes let me deal with some some things that are often hurled at me when I preach these things or teach these things let me talk to you about the lesser of two evils myth everyone wants to tell me well he's the lesser of two evils he's the lesser of two evils look listen to me if you if you've said that or you believe that here's the question I'm not mad at you but can you answer this question how far do you take the lesser of two evils when will even the lesser one be too evil to support I mean when they're both when both candidates are flaming homos are we still supposed to just choose the one that's a little less homo than the other one when both candidates are just murderous you know murdering babies are we just want to choose the one that's a little less murder than the other one I mean music with the lesser to evil you just admitted they're both evil well how far do you take it when you cross a line when does the lesser one get so evil that we can't even support him I'll tell you when he got to evil for me Donald Trump I tell you when he got to evil for me Mitt Romney I'll tell you when he got to Eve all these guys I'm gonna sit there and support some satanic baby you know these people they're all wicked the Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places let me tell you something in order for someone to get as far as Donald Trump has gotten he has to be controlled by the rulers of the darkness of this world period I'm not gonna line myself up with those people so here's the question I have for the lesser of two evils crowd when does lesser of two evils what one does that go too far when does it go far enough where they'll even the lesser one is too evil and then here's what they'll say to me voting for the lesser of two evils you got a vote if you if you quit if you don't vote then you won't be hurt here's the problem and listen to me very carefully voting for the lesser of two evils sends a very clear message to both political parties you know what that message is here's a message that Christians give every four years when they compromise their morals compromise their principles compromise their standards and vote for people like Donald Trump here's a message they send to the Republican Party continue to give us terrible candidates continue to give us horrible candidates because we'll vote for them every time as long as they're a little better than the other guy or the other down and people say to me well if you don't vote your message won't be here you know what if enough Christians if enough Christians said I refuse to vote if enough Christians stood up and said I will not vote I will not support Donald Trump I will not support Mitt Romney I will not support the Republican Party if enough Christians abstained you know what message it would send it would send a message to the Republican Party or the Democrats or their libertarian or they're gonna here's the message it would say we're not gonna play your stupid game we're not gonna let you take advantage of us and we're not gonna support you do you give us a real candidate who's got some character who's got some morals we're not looking for someone that's perfect but can you not give us a murderer and an adulterer and a covet can you give us someone who cannot leave me a member of our church that's the message that it would say but you know why we're losing because no matter what candidate they give you you'll vote for them no matter how lousy they are as long as they're a little better than the other guy well we gotta vote no you're the problem you're the reason America's the way it is yeah you understand how many Christians are on the United States of America I mean if all Christians said I will not vote that was in the clear powerful message but you know why the next time it'll just be just as bad because Christians all Americans say wow I don't want to vote for Donald Trump but he's a little better than Hillary it's ridiculous I'm done with it I am I am making my voice heard by preaching this sermon I am making my voice heard by abstaining from the presidential election and Christians try to come up with all these stupid verses as to why this was well let me say this show me one verse in the Bible where I'm commanded to vote show it to me the one verse in the book and here's the one people always want to throw at me render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesars hey news flash let's talk about paying tribute talk about paying your taxes read the Bible in its context yeah I think you ought to pay your taxes unless you want to end up like Kent Hovind and you got to pay tribute to Caesar that's not talking about voting show me one verse in the Bible that says it's my Christian duty to vote you will not find it but I can show you verse after verse after verse why no Christian out of support Hillary Clinton why no Christian out of support Donald Trump and why we're being brainwashed by the Deshaun Hannity's and the Rush Limbaugh's and the Glenn Beck's and that's all the conservative Christian movement America today it's just they're just parroting Sean Hannity you gotta vote for Donald Trump you gotta vote for Donald Trump why Jesus wouldn't vote for him I don't believe he would prove to me that he would from the Bible because I tell you this Jesus would not vote for someone who's covetous Jesus would not vote for someone who's vulgar Jesus would not vote for someone who's proud Jesus and and and your two little things he thinks he's gonna do he's not gonna do them anyway Psalm 146 look at verse 3 Psalm 146 look at verse 3 Psalm 146 in verse 3 knows what the Bible says put not your trust in princess know what a prince is it's a political leader it's a governmental leader put not your trust in princess nor in the Son of Man in whom there is no help let me explain something to you the hope for America is not any politician put not your trust in princess the hope for America is not in the White House the hope for America is not in Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or any political candidate the hope for America is in the Bible and Bible believing Christians in preaching the Word of God and you know what you say pastor why don't you preach more political sermons here's the problem I have with I'm not saying most of these guys are like this because there's some guys that are fine people that I think are great but you know what these Christians these John Hagee type that are all into politics you know these Christians that are all into politics you know what bothers me about them they're not into soul winning if you want to save America you should have been at soul winning yesterday if you want to save America you got to go to the soul winning meeting on Thursday if you want to save America you got to walk up and down your street preaching the gospel the hope for America is the Lord Jesus Christ I'm not you well we got to get the government you know the government's gonna do nothing the hope for America is Bible believing Christians preaching the gospel getting excited not about some wicked man or some wicked woman but about the Lord Jesus Christ put not your trust in princes nor in the Son of Man in whom there is no help I don't believe and you can't prove to me from the Bible and you if you want to try to talk me after service let's go to all these verses I'll have my notes let's go to them you explained to me how it's okay to vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump I don't believe any Christian who actually believes the Bible can cast their vote for either one of these two fools say yes what's the copy of the fools that you know they're gonna die and go to hell that's a problem you cannot vote for these two people and have a clear conscience before God well you gotta vote no I don't no I don't and I wish Bible believing Christians would just quit and say we're sick of your game we're sick of being taken advantage of we're not we're going to stand together and listen to me I'm not saying you ought not vote there are some propositions you maybe you should get educated on and vote for I'm not saying you should never vote I'm just saying this presidential election 2016 there's no way about believe in Christian could cast a vote for Donald Trump and be right with God look at the book there's no way about believing Christian could cast a vote for Hillary Clinton and be right with God say America's gonna go down to America needs to go down the tube you know maybe if Hillary Clinton becomes president and ruins our our our economy maybe enough people will get humble to where they'll come back to God and they'll get saved and they'll get their lives right with God God's more interested in seeing people saved than he is in the Republican Party let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Heavenly Father what I pray that the sermon would be taken in the spirit in which it was given and Lord I realize that most churches today they are not preaching the Bible and most churches today think it's godly to line yourself up with the Republican Party but the truth of the matter is it's not and Father I pray that there'll be people who walk out of this church service this morning who say I was going to vote for Hillary I was going to vote for Donald but now I'm not and Lord I pray that a movement would start over the the entire country where true Bible believing Christians would say you know what I'm done playing your game I'm done letting you take advantage of me I'm not just going to vote for the guy who's a little better than the other guy and Lord help us to send a clear message to Washington that we're not going to support their wicked filthy candidates and we're not asking for someone who's perfect but if there's someone who loves God and who loves Liberty and who doesn't want to kill babies and who's not a pervert we get behind them but that's not Donald Trump that's not Hillary Clinton but I pray you'd help us to be mindful of the things the Bible says help us to ask the question this this Tuesday who would Jesus want me to vote for in your precious name I pray amen