(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You Good evening and welcome to Verity Baptist Church. Let's go ahead and find our seats This evening Find the seats and find a hymnal close to you and turn to page number 162 Song number one six two We will open the service with to God be the glory So number one six two to get out on the first He gave us Praise the Lord Let the people To the brother who Jesus assigned and gave him the glory He had that song for one six two on the second The world affects redemption, the purchase of blood To where we believe in the promise of God The violet Surrender who truly believes The moment from Jesus the pardon receives Praise the Lord, praise the Lord Let the earth hear his voice Praise the Lord, praise the Lord Let the people rejoice All come to the Father who Jesus assigned and gave him the glory Great things he hath done Great things he hath done He well has been strong on the last Great things he hath done Great things he hath done Great things he hath done And great are rejoicing through Jesus your Son The future and the higher And greater will be Our wonder, our chance When Jesus we see Sing it out Praise the Lord, praise the Lord Let the earth hear his voice Praise the Lord, praise the Lord Let the people rejoice All come to the Father who Jesus assigned and gave him the glory Great things he hath done Amen. We want to welcome you to our Sunday evening service here at Radio Baptist Church. Of course, this is a special service tonight with our graduating service. We want to begin the service by welcoming in the 2023 graduating class. Let's give them a round of applause as we welcome them in tonight. Amen. All right, so it's now time for favorites where if you're selected, we will sing a stanza from the song that you picked. Brother Moses, go ahead. 136. Start off with something high. Master, the tempest is raging. Song number 136. We're going to sing this one out with some passion, all right? Song number 136 on the first. Master, the tempest is raging. The billows are tossing high. The sky is all shadowed with blackness. No shelter or help is nigh. Carous thou not thou be perish? How can thou lie asleep? When its moment so madly is spinning, a graven in angry deep. The winds and the waves shall obey my will. Please be still. Weather the wrath of the storms or sea. So, men, whatever be, no water can swallow the shape of lies. The mass of the ocean are mad in scars. They all shall sweetly obey my will. Please be still. Please be still. They all shall sweetly obey my will. Please be still. Go ahead. 216. Song number 216. Surely goodness and mercy. Song number 216. Sing it out on the first. A pilgrim was dying a warning. In the full night of sin he did warn. When Jesus, the kind shepherd, found me. And now I am on my way home. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me. All the days, all the days of my life. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me. All the days, all the days of my life. How about the front? How about graduates? Alright, I'll come back to you guys. Ms. Christine Guy. 134. Song number 134. My anchor holds. Song number 134. Sing it out on the first. Though the anchor surges flow. On my tempest-driven soul. I am peaceful so I know. Widely though the winds may blow. I'm on anchor safe and sure. And I can evermore endure. And he holds my anchor holds. All your wildness and old care. On my mark so small and clear. By his grace I shall not bear. On my anchor holds. My anchor holds. Noah, you got one? 20. Song number 20. When I see the blood. Song number 20. Christ our Redeemer died on the cross. Song number 20. Sing it out on the first. Christ our Redeemer died on the cross. He died for the sinner. He paid all his due. God will receive him. He never feared. Yes, he will pass. He will pass over you. When I see the blood. When I see the blood. When I see the blood. I will pass. I will pass over you. Madison. Song number 210. Song number 210. Wonderful grace of Jesus. Sing it out on the first. Wonderful grace of Jesus. Greater than all my sin. How shall my tongue describe it? Where shall its face begin? Taking away my love and setting my spirit free. For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me. Wonderful grace of Jesus. High along the mountain. Sparking like a fountain. All sufficient grace for even me. Rather than the scope of my transgressions singing. Greater than all my sin and shame. Oh magnify the precious name of Jesus. Praise his name. Sing one more song brother George. Go ahead. What was it? 215. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. This will be the last song for a favorite so sing it out. Song number 215 on the first. Oh what a wonderful, wonderful day. A day I will never forget. After I wandered in darkness away. Jesus my Savior and man. Oh what a tender, compassionate friend. He met the need of my heart. Shadows dispelling with joy I am telling. I'm made of the darkness so far. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. Man at the cross his Savior made me free. My sins were washed away and my night was sun today. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. Amen. Alright well let's go ahead and take our bulletins this evening and we'll look at some announcements real quickly. If you did not receive a bulletin on your way in just raise your hand and one of our ushers can get one for you. If you need a bulletin just put your hand up and we will get one for you. The verse this week Ephesians 5 2 and walk in love as Christ also had loved us and have given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor. And that's a good verse there of course we like that if you open up your bullets and you'll see our service time Sunday morning service 10 30 a.m. and we had a wonderful service this morning we're glad you're back out tonight for the evening service and of course tonight's a special service with our graduation service and we'll talk about that here in a minute. And of course we'd love you to join us on Wednesday night for the Wednesday night Bible study. If you look at our soul winning times our main soul winning times on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. and then we have additional sewing times on Thursdays Fridays and Sundays at 2 p.m. And of course if you are a soul winner we want to ask you to add your salvation's on your communication card so that we can update the bulletin. Make sure that if you have any maps that you did not finish clearly mark what was done was not done and you can return those in the bin in the foyer the main foyer. And if you're running late and call us or text us there at the number 916-868-9080. Let us know your plan on being there but you're running late that way we can make sure we have a partner and a map and everything you need. If you're a first time guest if it's your first time here ready Baptist Church we're glad you're with us. We have a gift we'd like to give you as you walk out of the auditorium as you walk out of the building this evening you'll see a little table set up and on that table you'll see these little gift bags. Please grab one on your way out as a gift from us to you for being our guest tonight. There are several resources in this bag that we'd like you to have but the one I'd like to highlight is this documentary that our church made. It's called Being Baptist. Very well made, very interesting. I want to give it to you as a gift. So please make sure you don't leave here without grabbing one of these gift bags on the way out. And if you are a guest we'd ask that you please take a moment and fill out the communication card which is inserted in your bulletin and you can drop it in the offering plate as it goes by here in a little bit. We of course are a family integrated church. Children and infants are always welcome in the service. We do not separate children from their parents for any reason. And of course if you need to be baptized please let us know. You can let us know on your communication card about that. If you look at the announcements and upcoming events of course tonight is our graduation service. So here in a minute when we're done with the announcements we're going to sing a song and when we're done singing we're going to receive the offering. After the offering we will begin our graduation service part of the service tonight. We do want to invite you after the service. We have a time of fellowship in our fellowship hall. We've got pizza coming. And of course we want to invite all of you to stick around after the service and have pizza with us in the fellowship hall. There are some instructions we want to give you regarding the fellowship hall and the pizza. And we're just trying to see if we can figure out a way to keep the lines from getting too long and moving a little quickly. So when you go into the fellowship hall you'll see some signs there where we want you to go right and go all the way down. We're going to have you kind of go all the way around the fellowship hall and have the line wrap around the fellowship hall. Instead of like you normally walk in and go straight to the pizza you're going to go this we're going to have the line form this way and have everybody come out. We're also going to have over here a separate table for the kids. So there's going to be pizza already on plates for the kids, pepperoni slices. And we're going to try to have all the kids go there first to get a pepperoni slice. Before you go in line we'll have the kids go there. And hopefully that will make things and help things go a little faster. So if you can help us with that we would appreciate that. And then of course there's other announcements there. We are striving together new members class. If you haven't been a part of that we'd love for you to join. The San Jose Soul Wing marathons on Saturday June 17th. Brother RJ is leading that up and you can sign up on your communication card. Father's Day is on Sunday June 18th and we want you to be aware of that. Discipleship class is on Sunday June 25th. And then choir begins next Sunday on June 11th. There's other things there for you to look at. Please don't forget to turn your cell phones off or place them on silent during the service so that they're not a distraction to anybody. If you look at the back of the bulletin birthdays and anniversaries for the month of June. And today is Noah Deacon's birthday on June 4th. Not only is he graduating tonight but he has a birthday so it's a big day for him. And then Ruby Rolden. Miss Ruby has a birthday on June 4th. Tomorrow Miss J.C. Barlow has a birthday on June 5th. Noah Laqueta has a birthday on June 5th. Rebecca Lunsford has a birthday on June 5th. My wife and I are celebrating 19 years of marriage tomorrow on June 5th as well. And then later this week Avery Rosenberg has a birthday on June 7th. Miss Michelle Scott has a birthday on June 7th. Brother Ryan Gibbs has a birthday on June 7th. And Brother Adam and Miss Kimmy Gessler have an anniversary on June 10th. Praise report, money matters, all those things are there for you to look at. And I think that's it for all of the announcements. So we're going to go ahead and sing the chorus of the week as we prepare to receive the offering this evening. We're going to sing the chorus of the week. We're going to sing the chorus of the week, the law of the Lord is perfect. And let's go ahead and sing it out on the first. Let's sing it out with some passion on the first. Be these I lie, they then go, go and much might go. To the most golden honey and the honey of the Lord. Let's sing it out on the second. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. The commandments of the Lord is over, blinding the eyes. More to give these I lie, they then go, go and much might go. To the most golden honey and the honey of the Lord. Let's sing it out on the last. The fear of the Lord is here, in the ring forever. The judgments of the Lord are true, and righteous all together. More to give these I lie, they then go, go and much might go. To the most golden honey and the honey of the Lord. Amen. Good singing. We'll have the guys come up and help us with the offering at this time. We're going to go ahead and receive the offering. And while we receive the offering, we'll get ready for the graduation service and the graduation part of the service tonight. Let's bow our heads in our word of prayer. Heavenly Father, Lord, we love you. We thank you for these young people that are graduating, not just the ones that are participating tonight, but the ones being recognized as well. We pray that you'd bless them. And Lord, I pray that you'd bless everything that's done today that I want to bring honor and glory to your name. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. All right. Well at this time we're going to go ahead and have our graduation service tonight. Service tonight and of course before we have the graduates that are going to come up and receive their diploma we want to begin by Recognizing the those that are graduating from some milestones that are not receiving a diploma so of course our church has a home school group that has I don't know somewhere around 90 kids in it and Of course we want to provide an opportunity for these kids because maybe they don't because they're being homeschooled They don't have a school that provides a service for them So we want to recognize them and give them an opportunity to be able to receive a diploma And we want to recognize them as well so at this time. I'd like to acknowledge the graduates who are being recognized and what I'm going to do is I'm going to read to you the different names and For the graduates that are here tonight I'm going to ask you to stand when I read your name and please remain standing and then once everybody's standing that we're going to give them all a round of Applause all right, so when you read when you hear your name, please stand and we'll begin with those graduating sixth grade graduating sixth grade from home Daniel Jose Cruz Please stand all right and graduating sixth grade from classical conversations Noah Laquetta, please stand All right, and then graduating sixth grade from home. Leah Nellis Tesco, please stand and Graduating sixth grade from home justice usher, please stand Justice usher, and then we've got those that are graduating from eighth grade graduating eighth grade from home Felice McQueen, please stand all right, and then graduating eighth grade from home Jamie McQueen, please stand and Those are all the graduates that we are recognizing tonight, so let's give them all a round of applause Praise the Lord young people and God bless you you may be seated and then at this time We're gonna go ahead and get ready for the graduates that are receiving a diploma Tonight we're gonna begin of course with our kindergartners All Right well on behalf of Mr.. And mrs.. Matt and Casey Taylor the BBC homescroll Presents to Jordan Eli Taylor his diploma for successfully completing kindergarten at home All right on behalf of mr. And mrs. Vladi and Antonina of a cool chick the BBC homeschool group presents to Samuel But cool chick his diploma for successfully completing kindergarten at home Okay On behalf of Mr.. And mrs. Eli and Laura Beth Pompa the BBC homeschool group presents to Penelope Janelle Pompa Her diploma for successfully completing kindergarten at home All Right on behalf of mr. And mrs. Montel and Lindsey Johnson the BBC homeschool group presents to Uriah Johnson his diploma for successfully completing kindergarten at home All right On behalf of mr. And mrs. Nate and April Deakins the BBC homeschool group presents to Noah Deakins his diploma for successfully completing kindergarten at home And Last but not least on behalf of mr. And mrs. Oliver and melody Gonzalez the BBC homeschool group presents to Oliver Gonzalez the second his diploma for successfully completing kindergarten at home Praise the Lord, okay, we're gonna get a quick group picture All right, well, let's give them all a round of applause And It's a it's a crazy thing in the ministry when you start graduating these kids, and you remember when they were born Praise the Lord for that and we do have one high school graduate tonight Let me go ahead and get her certificate ready And we're gonna go ahead and present the high school diploma for tonight so on behalf of Mr. And mrs. Victor and Julissa Zuniga the BBC homeschool group presents to Suzette Zuniga her diploma for successfully completing high school at home All Right well that concludes the graduation portion of this service of course We're gonna have the preaching of the Word of God here in a minute But as we prepare to get the pulpit set up and ready Let's give all the graduates one last You You Please open up the proverbs 1 Proverbs chapter 1 If you need about you probably you can put your hand up and I'm not sure why bring your Bible Proverbs chapter 1 If you need about keep and I push will come by Proverbs 1 entire chapter as our custom Proverbs 1 being a versatile one the Proverbs of Solomon the son of David king of Israel To know wisdom and instruction to perceive the words of understanding To receive the instruction of wisdom justice and judgment and equity To give subtlety to the simple to the young man knowledge and discretion The wise man will hear and will increase learning and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels to understand a proverb in the interpretation the words of the wise and their dark sayings the Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge But fools despise wisdom and instruction My son hear the instruction of my father and forsake not the law of thy mother For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head and chains about thy neck My son if sinners entice thee consent thou not if they say come with us. Let us wait for blood Let us lurk privately for the innocent without cause Let us swallow them up alive as a grave and a hole as those that go down into the pits We shall find all precious substance. We shall fill our houses with spoil Casting that a lot among us. Let us all have one purse My son walk not thou in the way of with them Refrain thy foot from their path for their feet run to evil and make haste to shed blood Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird and they lay wait for their own blood They lurk privately for their own lives So are the ways of everyone that is greedy of gain which taketh away the life of the owners thereof Wisdom cries without she uttered her voice in the streets She cried in the chief place of concourse in the openings of the gates in the city She uttered her words saying how long he simple ones will he love simplicity And the scorners delight in their scorning and fools hate knowledge Turn you at my reproof behold. I'll pour out my spirit unto you I'll make known my words unto you because I have called and he refused I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded But he have said at not all my counsel and would none of my reproof. I Also will laugh at your calamity. I will mock when fear fear cometh When you fear cometh as a desolation and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind When this stress and anguish cometh upon you then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer They shall seek me early, but they shall not find me For that they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord They would none of my counsel. They despised all my reproof Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own devices For the turning away of the simple shall slay them and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them But who so harkeneth unto me shall dwell safely and shall be quiet from fear of evil. Let's pray Heavenly Father, thank you for this evening God, I thank you for your word and for our church and for all the graduates God I see please give us all a tender heart to the message tonight I see please read the pastor to strengthen him and from your spirit. We love you in Jesus name pray. Amen Amen All right, we're there in Proverbs chapter number one and of course on Graduation nights we have this once a year and on graduation at a graduation service. I always like to preach a short sermon on the subject of education or the theme of education and I've taught Different sermons and had different lessons on the subject of education and I'd like to do that again tonight and tonight I'm preaching a sermon entitled the learning cycle and Lord willing we won't be too long tonight. I don't I don't plan on preaching very long I guess I'll preach till the pizza gets here, but the pizza's on its way I think or I should be here. So that that's a good thing. I'm preaching on the learning cycle and Several weeks ago. I was reading a book on the subject of self leadership and in that book there was a section regarding knowledge and learning and They were talking about this learning cycle and I'd like to quickly tonight just as quickly as possible give you the four steps and Kind of explain this learning cycle. This was a secular book, but I was as I was reading it I was thinking about Bible verses that matched up with this learning cycle and what this learning cycle is it is the the cycle or the process in which we learn and it is the ability to learn and We of course value education That's why so many of us homeschool our children because we want them to actually be educated we don't we want them to Learn and to be able to be ready for the future and it's good to learn the Bible talks a lot about learning but sometimes I don't think we consider the fact that there is a process to learning if you're going to learn something there is a Cycle by which that happens and I want to explain that to you tonight to explain that to you tonight and give you Some thoughts I'm gonna read some excerpts to you from this book as well. Just because I thought it was interesting But I want to preach on the subject of the learning cycle now Let me just say this this sermon tonight. And like I said, it'll be a shorter sermon But this this sermon is geared for those who have ended their guided education. Of course, we had a high school graduate tonight Maybe you're graduated college already or high school and and you've kind of ended your guided education That may be the case when you graduated high school or graduated college But I hope you've not ended your education in life because we should be lifelong learners and I want to Speak to you and preach to you and to those of you that have ended your guided education It's good for you to still be learning and to be a lifelong learner Maybe for those who are starting in their guided education like the kindergartners we had tonight It's good for them to learn some of these things as well And what I'm saying is that a sermon like this is good for everyone everyone man woman a girl boy Should be learning about learning and understand how to learn So I'm gonna give you four steps tonight regarding The learning cycle and maybe you can jot these down on the back of your course to wait There's a place for you to write down some things I left my my towel here, let me just grab this real quickly because Don't don't worry. Some of you see me grabbing this and you think it's gonna be a Hollering type sermon it might be I don't know but that's not it's just hot. Let me give you four steps regarding The learning cycle and maybe you can jot these down Step number one is learn learn and when we say learn we mean the intake of information and you know We should be leading our lives and we should be going about our lives in such a way that we are always Looking for things to learn that we're always open that our eyes are open that our ears are open and that we're always willing and ready to intake new information and have new information and there you're there in Proverbs chapter number one look down at verse number five and Proverbs chapter one in verse five the Bible says this a wise man will hear and will Increase learning and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels The Bible says that the difference between a wise man and a fool is that a wise man is open to learning He's willing to hear he wants to increase learning. He's looking for opportunities to learn and to take in Information and I think that sometimes we kind of just live our lives in such a way We're just going through life and not really considering the fact that there is something to learn all day every day And we should leave let live our lives in such a way where we're always learning. We're always thinking I know for me as a pastor This is something that the ministry has kind of beat into me because of the fact that I pastor an independent fundamental Baptist Church And I preach three times a week on Sunday mornings and Sunday nights and Wednesday nights and I've been doing it now for Well over a decade and we'll probably do in it Lord willing for many decades to come What I've learned is that I always have to be learning. I always need to be thinking I always need to be trying to learn something from from whatever it is that I'm doing because I need to be learning new things so that I can stand up and preach and And have new content and different content and and and and and and that is the case and I would encourage you that in every Area of life you should always be learning you men should go to work and as you are there at work Work and get paid for what you're paid to do while you're there Have your eyes open and have your ears open and always be willing to learn Always be laying willing to figure out a new way to do it or to to learn a new skill or a new Talent go to Proverbs chapter 9 if you would look at verse number 9 Proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 You're there in Proverbs chapter 1 look at Proverbs 9 9 the Bible says give instruction to a wise man Why don't you notice this? Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser Teach a just man and he will increase in learning and the idea is this because the book of Proverbs often will will give us this Comparison and this contrast and the idea is this that if you give a wise man instruction He will get and he will be yet wiser But when you give a foolish man instruction They leave as dumb as when they first showed up and we should be the wise man who is getting wiser Who is learning who is? Taking in information at every opportunity go to Proverbs chapter number 18 There in Proverbs 9 go to Proverbs chapter number 18 and look at verse number 15 Proverbs chapter 18 and verse number 15 the Bible says this the heart of the prudent notice these words Geteth knowledge the heart of the prudent getteth knowledge and the ear of the wise Seeketh knowledge so notice the prudent man getteth knowledge the wise man Seeketh knowledge so step number one if you say I want to learn how to learn and maybe Sometimes people will say things like I was never very good at school I was never very good at learning, but let me tell you something we we all have the ability to learn Maybe it's that you didn't know how to learn Maybe you did not understand the learning cycle, and maybe this should be the first lesson That's taught to kids in school. It's not just Trying to get them to learn but trying to teach them how to learn the first step is to learn to have the Intake of information let me read an excerpt to you from this book I was reading it says this the beginning of any learning cycle starts with the intake of information taking charge of this process means proactively Seeking information from people you trust and from those who have been where you want to go And I would say the key word there is proactively we need to be proactive we need to be looking for opportunities to learn looking for opportunities to Bring in information into our minds a wise man will hear and will increase learning He will be yet wiser. He will increase and learning he getteth knowledge. He seeketh knowledge He's looking for opportunities to learn, so what's the first step in the learning cycle? It's number one of course obviously to learn go to Deuteronomy chapter number four Deuteronomy chapter number four now if you've never thought about the process of learning or the learning cycle You might think well, okay? Well, it's a pizza here because isn't that it I? Mean when we talk about learning isn't that isn't that it the learning cycle is learn okay? Got it. Thanks But here's what you understand that is not the only step in the learning process and in the learning cycle That in fact is only the first step in the process of learning step one learn What do we mean by that we mean the intake of information it means that you are? Bringing in information. It means that your eyes are open your ears are open It means that you be you are participating in behaviors that bring in information and we often say this and I say this all the time you need to and we all need to Become active and proactive readers. We need to be people who read Who read of course the Bible and sometimes people say to me like well? I'm not a good reader, and I and and I think to myself well I mean you're gonna have to become a good reader There's no such thing because God gave us a book Okay, so you're out of luck If you want to know the Bible and how do I understand people we all struggle and we have different struggles? I'll be honest with you You know being a good reader is relative. I mean I I Read the Bible and dissect the Bible and study the Bible for a living and I consider myself a good reader in comparison to most of you But then when I compare myself to my wife I you know I feel like an idiot, and and you know my wife is a super reader And and I did not ask her for this permission And and so I don't know if she might not want me to say this, but she she has this goal She didn't even tell me she was already like months into this goal, and I Apparently the kids knew I didn't know but my wife has this crazy goal of reading honey. What's the number? 50 40 40 books in a year is her goal, and I mean she's like Majorly into this goal and and she and I saw her one day working on this thing and she's she's jotting down And I'm like what are you doing? She's like I'm writing on the books that I've read this year I'm like how many books she gives me this number like that's amazing She's like well. I got a goal of 40 books. I'm like what in the world 40 books You know, but here's the thing it's her job to educate six children And she realizes that hey she has to be bringing information into her mind and into her heart And here's what and I'm not saying you need to read 40 books some of you if you just read one book if you just read this book You know we will call it good. We'll give you a golden star, but the point is this Learn you need to love learning and love the process of learning and look for opportunities to bring in to bring in information put down the video games and put down social media and put down the things that waste time and Give time to learn so step one learn What is it the intake of information, but that's not it. There's another step step two Are you are you there in Deuteronomy Deuteronomy chapter four is where I'd like you to go Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Deuteronomy chapter four here's step number two in the learning cycle number one learn number two apply Apply and you've heard me say this before, but it's important apply You said what do we mean by that we mean we put into practice what we have learned See it's not enough to go to a church like this and have a pastor spend eight weeks giving you lists of Six or seven or eight or ten or twelve things that you can do to fulfill your potential As a senior saint or as a teenager or as a parent or as a husband or as a wife It's not enough for you. Just come here look you can come here week after week after week And hear what you need to hear But it will never do anything for your life if you don't walk out those doors and do it You need to apply it you need to put into practice what you have learned now This is something that's a little bit of a hobby horse for me because I talk a lot about application I try to make sure that the sermons that are preached from this pulpit are Application driven and that there's never this idea of wonder what he was trying to say I'm not sure what he meant. What did he want us to do? I always make it my goal that you may not like what I said, but you know what I said You understood what I said, it's clear to you what the Bible expects from you what the Bible wants you to do It's clear what God wants you to do and what God does not want you to do What's interesting is that the Bible pushes this theme all throughout and I like to go to certain passages that prove this But I decided that I wanted to go to different passages to show this to you and in Deuteronomy You find this phrase to do Come up over and over and over again Let me give you some examples Deuteronomy chapter 4 and look at verse number 1 Deuteronomy chapter 4 and verse 1 The Bible says now therefore hearken the word hearken means listen O Israel Unto the statutes and unto the judgments which I teach which I teach you notice this phrase for to do For to do them that ye may live and go in and possess the land Which the Lord the God of your father is given to you What is the Bible teach the Bible teach that God wants you to hearken unto the statutes and unto the judgments? He wants you to hear the Word of God, which I teach you What is the purpose for to do for to do them look at Deuteronomy chapter number 5? Look at verse number 31 Deuteronomy chapter 5 verse 31 the Bible says but as for thee stand thou here by me And I will speak unto thee all the commandments and the statutes and the judgments which thou shalt teach them Notice these words that they may do them that they may do them see It's not just about hearing and and being taught the commandments and the statutes and judgments But the purpose is which thou shalt teach them Why that they may do them in the land which I give them to possess it look at verse 32 ye shall observe to do Therefore as the Lord your God has commanded you He shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left go to Deuteronomy chapter 31 Now, let me just say this in the book of Deuteronomy This phrase to do is used 22 times in the book of Deuteronomy alone It's used all throughout the Bible, but just in Deuteronomy It is used 22 times and the word do is used an additional three times for a total of 25 times But not in the phrase to do so to do is used 22 times and then three other times you'll you'll read them You'll read it this way may do shall do do them But the idea of doing and putting into practice is mentioned 25 times in the book of Deuteronomy now I actually was gonna read to you every single one That was in the book of Deuteronomy, but then I realized that yeah, the pizza would get cold So I thought I'd just give you a few examples But I just want to emphasize for you that this is something a theme of the Bible to do Deuteronomy 31 look at verse 12 Deuteronomy 31 12 gather the people together Men and women and children and I stranger that is within my gates That they may hear is that what we're doing right now that they may learn and Fear the Lord your God and don't miss it Observe to do all the words of this law all throughout the Bible this idea Look, God gave us his word. We need to hear his word We need to preach the word, but it does nothing if we do not put it into application Let me read an excerpt to you from this book. It says this you must take action It is only through the kinetic energy of Putting ideas into use in your daily life that you can test your understanding Of what you have learned and the value of that knowledge It's not enough for you to just sit there and and be fed information or observe information But you then need to take that information and ask yourself. How can I apply this in my life today? How can I put this into practice because it is that kinetic energy that word kinetic is referring to to the the touching and the feeling and the acting and the experience of acting something now that truly helps you to learn and to understand so there is a step of Application we have to put it into practice I think this is why we have maybe so many failures in the school system And this is why maybe we have so many failures in In the church system because of the fact that many people come and they hear the words and they hear it and they understand It but they never do it So you have to apply it put it into practice. You need to put into practice what you have learned so step one learn intake of information step two Apply put it into practice and then there's a third step step number three Go to first Timothy if you would first Timothy chapter number four first Timothy chapter number four And some of you are smart you're like, okay Yeah, I know learn is number one and then I've listened to another pastor man is preaching. I know applies gonna be number two But maybe you don't see this one coming Step number three in the learning process We said number one learn the intake of information Step two apply to put into practice what you have learned and then here's step three reflect reflect Say what does that mean? That means to analyze the results and adjust? Means to analyze the results of what you've learned What you've put into practice? Analyze the results and then adjust accordingly first Timothy chapter 4 and verse 16 if you find The t-books are all clustered together first to be 416 just want you to notice the first part of this verse It says this take heed the word heed means to pay attention to To take notice up to look at something closely I want you to notice what Paul tells Timothy here in first Timothy 4 16 He says take heed and then he says this unto thyself He says take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine continue in them for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself And then that here the Bible says that we are to take heed Paul told Timothy take heed unto thyself What is this idea? He says you should you should consider your own life You should look at your own life You should pay attention and take notice of your own life The idea is that we should learn and we should apply but then we should reflect then we should analyze We should look at the results and and make adjustments as needed The idea is this that look you and I from time to time and it needs to be more than just you know On New Year's Eve. We need to take time to think through our lives and consider What am I doing with my life and is it working? Am I happy with these results? Is this the kind of marriage I wanted to have? Is this the kind of home I wanted to have? Is this what I wanted to look like financially or look like regarding my health? Is this what I wanted in my life? And what we need to do is reflect and analyze the results and then make adjustments accordingly Let me read to you from this excerpt from this book It says once you have taken the actions that put the new information you've learned into practice It is tempting to move on and immediately to the next new thing That you want to learn doing this short circuits the process and it skips a vital step thoughtful reflection on the actions you just took and look there is major value in experience we have to talk about experience and When I was a teenager we I worked at Subway actually where I met my wife not tomorrow We are celebrating 19 years of marriage, and I'm gonna take my wife to a beautiful dinner at Subway And I'm just I'm just kidding. We're not I'm not gonna But we we met at Subway when we were teenagers and when we and when we worked there our the manager Was a Persian man brother Shaw not brother wasn't brother Shaw Brother Shaw is elderly, but he's not wasn't it was it wasn't brother. I'm just kidding I'm joking on but it was this Persian man His name was mo and he would often say to us experience is expensive experience is expensive I remember him saying experience is expensive and and you know experience is expensive You know sometimes people get paid very well because of the experience that they have and experience is a valuable thing But please understand something We don't learn from the experience and the value is not in the experience itself we learn from Reflecting upon that experience the value of the experience is not that you live through something All of us live through something and you might have lived through a lot of things But if you don't learn from the experience good or bad, then you're a fool So people say well, I've been through a lot that means nothing If people They tell us that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result And that's often how we live our lives We say we just keep trying the same thing over and over and we keep having the same result over and over and you Can say well, I've had a lot of experience, but have you learned anything from it? Because the only value to experience is whether you've learned from it and that's the reflection process where you can look back and Analyze the results and make adjustments as needed And look in every area of life Even even in our successes we can always look back and ask ourselves. How could we have done that better? How could it be better next time and obviously I'm talking about life in In general but but in every area of life we should live our lives that way We're getting ready to have our big red hot preaching conference a few months ago. We had our youth rally and if you were to follow me around during the red hot preaching conference, you might notice that as I'm Going through the conference and going through the days of the conference and going through the events of the conference You might see me pull out a three by five card out of my pocket Or you might see me maybe taking notes on my phone or something and and and all throughout those events I'm constantly I'm constantly making notes of things that that that maybe aren't as Done. Well as I would like them and and just making notes about because in my mind I'm thinking well, we're gonna have another conference someday and we don't have to make this mistake again We can learn from it and we can make it better and and and often people will come to our conferences and come To our events and they talk about how they're put on with excellence And I believe that one of the reasons that everything we do is put on with excellence Around here is because the fact that we're constantly learning from previous experiences So there is value in reflection There is value in in experience and and and look you might find yourself at some point in life frustrated with how things are going frustrated with the failures in your life and And those are the times in life to really be honest with yourself and ask yourself I you know, what do I need to do differently because I do not like these results and It's a moment of reflection analyze the results and adjust take heed unto thyself Let me give you the last one you're there in first Timothy chapter before go to second Timothy chapter number two Second Timothy chapter number two. I'm giving you the steps the the the steps of the learning cycle Step one learn the intake of information Step two apply Put into practice what you have learned step three reflect analyze results and make adjustments as needed Let me give you step number four step number four is this teach teach reinforce your learning through sharing Second Timothy chapter 2 and verse 2 The Bible says this and the things that thou has learned that thou has heard of me among many witnesses The same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also Who shall be able to teach others also, let me read to you an excerpt here from this Book it says there is something unique about teaching others that Cements what you have learned the process of preparing to be the teacher enables greater absorption of the learned knowledge and look the best thing that you can do to Cement the learning and the learning cycle is to learn apply Reflect and then take that information and share it with others teach it with others The entire Christian life is the life of learning and sharing learning and Distributing learning look we should be learning But the point of the Christian life is not for you to come to church like this Sunday morning Sunday night Wednesday night Sit here and become spiritually fat With just the intake of information. You got all this information You got all this knowledge and you know everything about everything Daniel 70th week and all those things Hey, then let's take that information and share it You say who do I share it with? Well, if you have children you have children you should be discipling and teaching You say I don't have any children. Okay. Well, we have a big ministry a big sharing ministry a big teaching ministry You know what? We call it soul winning We can go out there and knock doors and find people and you say well Well, I thought that was about preaching the gospel. Well, if we're gonna teach somebody the Bible we got to start with step one Right Salvation let's get them safe. You say yeah, but that's not a ministry. That's not a teaching ministry I want to get up on Sunday night and preach. Well, how about this? Why don't you find one person preach the gospel to them get them saved and then we have this other process called follow-up and you talk to them about baptism and get baptized and Then talked about Bible reading preach a sermon to them about Bible reading and get them reading the rival and then Preach a sermon to them about church attendance and get them in church And bring your sermon to them about standards and clothes whatever and start the side. We look in the Christian life. We should be sharing Oftentimes I I tell you as you sit in the sermons here at very Baptist It's just to take notes and I encourage you to take notes and write these things down You say why because I'm doing everything in my power to preach sermons to you that you can then repeat and teach others Also in what capacity I don't know you can share them with your family. You can share with your friend I'm hoping some of you men go to work and start some Bible study And take the sermons here and say let me teach you what I've learned out of the book of Numbers Let me give you all these deep thoughts from the book of Numbers Just don't ask me about the next chapter till after Sunday night. Okay, and you know, but look and you say do you care? I don't care. Hey, I preach to be repeated Every preacher is just a voice crying in the wilderness and we want you to hear want you to absorb it Want you to apply it want you to reflect on it want you to analyze it internalize it make it your own and teach it to others That's the process of learning It's learn apply reflect and teach It's the way you learn. It's the best way to learn and I'll be very honest with you I I'm fortunate that I get to prepare these sermons because otherwise I preach a sermon and and and and people will Kindly say something like oh that was that was a great thought or that was really I never really saw it that way I never really understood that chapter and and and you got it in one hour but I I've been saying the whole week with it and There's a power in teaching others and you should look for opportunities where you can have the ability to teach others Also should be looking for those opportunities and here's what I'm telling you if you're looking for opportunities where you can teach others Also, I promise you you will find those opportunities. There's a prepared place for a prepared man So be ready to teach It's the learning cycle. What is it? Number one learn go back to Proverbs chapter one if you would we'll finish up Number one learn the intake of information number two apply the practice of information number three reflect the analysis of that information analysis Analyzing the results and adjusting as needed and then step number four teach The reinforcing of that information the reinforcing of the learning through sharing with others Proverbs chapter 1 look at verse 20. We'll finish up The Bible says this wisdom prides without She uttered her voice in the streets Of course here in Proverbs 1 wisdom is personified And the idea is that there's wisdom out there There's wisdom out in the world. There's wisdom out on the streets. There's wisdom on on the pages of books and it's crying out there It's crying out without she uttered her voice in the street She cried from the cheap place of the concourse and the opening of the gates in the city. She uttered her words saying How long you simple ones will you love simplicity? And the scorner delight in their scorning and the fools knowledge See the truth is that you don't have to and I don't have to go through life Being dumb Being ignorant Being unwise or foolish we Can lean in to the process of learning? We need to be looking for opportunities to bring in information We need to be looking for opportunities to apply that information We need to be reflecting and analyzing that information and then we need to reinforce it by teaching it to others Also, that's why I have to not go to prayer. I'm the father Lord we love you. Thank you for your word and thank you for these thoughts regarding the process of learning And Lord, I pray that you would help us to be people who learn who understand comprehend Lord I pray that you'd help us to be people who value learning Or not for all of us not just the kids not just the children that all of us would be Learning and understanding and realizing that we need to apply it went to reflect on it And then we need to teach it to others. Also, we love you in the matchless name of Christ. We pray Amen. All right, we're gonna have brother RJ come up and lead us in a final song Let me just give you some instructions real quickly Regarding the pizza. I don't think the pizzas not here yet But I think it's gonna be here soon So we're gonna go and sing and then I'll give you some instructions So that you can be ready for it when it gets here Remember that we're trying to maybe organize the fellowship area a little different a little better I think we've got like 185 people here tonight So obviously feeding 185 people as quickly as possible and as efficiently as possible requires a little bit of work So we want you to do is when you walk into the fellowship hall Usually how we've done in the past you walk into the fellowship hall and then right right at your left hand side is the table With the food the problem with that is that people then end up being in line all the way out Even into the auditorium. So what we want to do is when you walk in the fellowship hall to take an immediate Right. All right, you're gonna take a ride You'll see a sign there and then I'm sure the staff guy will be there to kind of situate you as well But you're gonna take a right and we're gonna have the line go all the way around and so we'll come this way Into the pizza and that way we can get everybody into the fellowship hall and that just helps with safety and security And all of that so take a right when you do take a right at the corner of the fellowship hall There's gonna be a kids table table set up with pizzas already on the plates of pepperoni pizzas Those are for the kids. So the kids can just go immediately. All right kids, you can skip the line You don't have to stand in line go immediately to that table and grab a plate. There'll be ladies there I think serving them or some of the staff guys and There'll be pizzas on those tables If you are an adult and you don't want to stand in line and you don't mind having a pepperoni slice And you're welcome to go there as well to the kids table anyone that wants a pepperoni slice. That's fine There's also sodas and drinks. I think there's chips and all of that. So we hope that you'll stay with us and I fellowship with us in the fellowship hall We'll make sure to have the mic on in the fellowship hall and we'll make an announcement once the pizza is ready But it should be here soon. We appreciate you being here. And of course, congratulations to all the graduates. They did a wonderful job and We hope that they enjoyed their graduation night. Why brother RJ come up and lead us in a final song a Man let's grab our sound books and turn to page number 319 Just Oh Oh Oh Oh Amen great scene. Let's close in the word of prayer Be your heavenly Father Lord. We thank you again for the opportunity to come to your house this evening We're thinking for every kids that graduated Lord. Thank you for them. Thank you for our church Thank you for the sermon that was preached Lord Pray that you bless the evening bless the fellowship and bless the food to our bodies and we love you in Jesus my pray Amen You You