(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) would help me to have the words to say Lord I pray that you would give me clarity of mind to say those things that you'd have me to say to not say those things which would be displeasing to you and Father I pray that you would please help us to minimize distractions help us to be able to focus on the things that we're talking about tonight in your precious name I pray Amen. All right we're there in 2 Kings chapter number 2 and normally on on Sunday nights I will preach a different sermon we'll be in a different series or a different study on on Sunday nights than we are on Sunday mornings but today we're going to take a little bit of a break from the patriarchs and we're going to finish this this sermon I began this sermon a this morning a sermon on the subject of dispensationalism and and teaching you what it is and teaching you why it's a false doctrine and why we don't believe it here at Verity Baptist Church and I didn't finish the sermon so we're going to finish it tonight and let me just just give you a little bit of review from this morning if you remember we started by talking about the definition of dispensational theology we're talking about what does dispensational theology mean and what do they believe and basically they believe that there are seven dispensations that God basically tested man and when man failed then God had to bring another dispensation another test and it's just been failure after failure after failure if you remember the dispensations were the dispensation of innocence that was before the fall of Adam and Eve the dispensation of conscience that was between Adam and Noah the dispensation of government between Noah in the Tower of Babel the dispensation of promise that's between Abraham and Moses basically the the lives of the patriarchs which we're studying on Sunday nights the dispensation of uh grace is from Christ to the rapture or from Christ or from Pentecost to the rapture depending on how they look at it and then the last one is the dispensation of the millennium or the millennial reign of Christ uh the the kingdom so we talked about the definition the the the different dispensations and then we started talking about dangerous uh doctrines that come from uh the dispensational theology and I'm not going to re-preach this morning's sermon but let me just remind you the first one we looked at was uh the fact that they believe that in previous dispensations uh the primarily the old testament of course they teach that uh people were saved by keeping the law by keep by their works they also teach that the dispensation of the law and the dispensation of grace are two different periods of time therefore there was a time when people were under law but not grace and they'll teach that you and I are under grace but have no obligation of to the law and we saw how that was false from scripture they teach that Jesus first came to offer himself to the Jews as their messiah and only because they crucified Christ did the gospel then become open uh to the gentiles the fourth thing we saw that was that when uh the Jews rejected Christ and crucified him God placed the Jews on hold and is only uh and is now only temporarily dealing with what they refer to as the church uh but God will eventually be done with the church and uh will once again turn his attention to the Jews and I'm not saying this is what we believe I'm telling you this is what dispensation was believed and they so they believe that that the church or new the the church age sometimes they call it is a parenthetical period uh in history and the church does not replace Israel we saw this morning from the book of Ephesians how that's false the last thing we looked at real quickly at the end was that they believe that some parts of scripture do not apply to new testament believers there are portions of the scripture that don't apply so those are the first five that we looked at we're going to look at two more tonight and then we're going to uh looked at a couple other things before we finish but the two that we're going to look at tonight are are are uh pretty complicated not complicated they're complicated because they make these false doctrines so complicated you've got to like unwrap it's like an unraveling an onion or something you know to try to get to the truth if you just started with the bible though it wouldn't be complicated at all but because you're trying to re-teach what they're teaching so here's the six dangerous dispensational doctrine remember i was going to give you seven because they've got seven dispensations so i'm at least give you seven dangerous doctrines that come from dispensational teaching even though we could come up with a lot more but here's a dangerous dispensational doctrine number six what we're talking about tonight old testament believers they'll teach old testament believers did not go to heaven when they died but went to a holding place called paradise or sometimes they'll call it abraham's bosom uh and and they'll teach along with that that the sons of god in the old testament were not believers but were fallen angels or were angels so they'll teach that believers don't go to heaven in the old testament they go to paradise which they say is in hell it's like a nice place in hell it's like the nice part of hell you know it's it's warm like like like a vacation spot but not burning right you know there's no torture it's just kind of a nice place to hang out and they'll teach alongside with that that the sons of god are angels and i'll explain all that to you here in a second we we read there in second kings chapter number 11 because i want to start off with this with this with this idea this was uh dispensationalist teach that the old testament believer did not go to heaven but went to a holding place called paradise all right so here's the question i have you know does the bible teach that old testament saints did not go to heaven does the bible teach where does the bible teach that old testament saints went when they died or once you know their lives were over well in second kings chapter number two we saw a very famous story of the prophet elijah elijah god literally ends his life early and kind of picks him up before he dies naturally but i want you to notice where the bible tells us he went second kings chapter two look at verse number one and it came to pass when the lord would take up elijah into paradise by a whirlwind is that what it says what's it say when elijah would when the lord would take up elijah into what heaven into heaven by a whirlwind that elijah went up with elijah from guilgar so of course elijah is getting ready to be taken up and he's taken in verse number 11 second kings chapter number two and verse number 11 and it came to pass as they went on and talked sachman elijah and elijah that behold there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire you know i don't i'm not sure what you know those the chariot of fire is what describe horses of fire these these things are coming from heaven and parted them both asunder and i want you to notice what it says and elijah went down is that what it says and elijah went up by a whirlwind into where heaven so the bible is real clear here that when elijah when god decided to take elijah home early he didn't send him you know it wasn't like korah remember the story of korah god opened up the earth and did a new thing right and they fell down into the pit why didn't god do that for elijah if old testament saints went to hell you know you said well they didn't they go to the nice part of hell they go to they go to paradise but but the dispensationals will teach there's a place called paradise or aprraham's bosom which is in hell it's the nice part of hell and you know believers were basically going there until jesus died because there's here's what they'll teach they'll say because jesus hadn't died yet they couldn't go to heaven but we saw this morning that the book of revelation says that he was a lamb slain from the foundation of the earth of the world all right so it was always planned it was always and it's as good as done it was always that jesus would die for for sinners and these people when they were saved elijah was a believer in the old testament and the bible is very clear that he went up to heaven let me give you another verse you're there in second kings go to the book of ecclesiastes chapter number three you got second kings you got so you're going to go first second chronicles ezra nehemiah esther jobe psalms proverbs ecclesiastes second kings first second chronicles ezra nehemiah esther jobe psalms proverbs ecclesiastes do me a favor when you get to ecclesiastes put a bulletin or a ribbon or a bookmark or something there because we're going to leave it and we're going to come back to it ecclesiastes chapter number three and look down at verse number 20 ecclesiastes chapter number three got psalms proverbs ecclesiastes ecclesiastes chapter three and verse 20 notice what the bible says all go into one place talking about death all are of the dust and all turn to dust again notice verse 21 who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth notice upward and the spirit of beasts that goeth downward to the earth so here we have another verse that tells us and this is obviously talking about a believer their body is turned into dust but their spirit goeth upward elijah was went up by a whirlwind into heaven so here's the question does the bible teach that old testament saints went to a down to a place in hell the nice part of hell called paradise the answer is no the bible teaches they went up elijah went up the old we look at old testament references and they're telling us they they went up now go with me to the book of second corinthians chapter number 12 second corinthians chapter 12 and this is a reference that you're going to be familiar with because we just looked at recently in our series remember our series on sunday morning about the afterlife we're looking at heaven and hell this is a a passage we looked at a lot so we're not going to spend a lot of time on it tonight second corinthians chapter 12 you got matthew mark luke john ax romans first second corinthians so here's the next question i have for you does the bible teach that there is a place called paradise in hell because they say old testament saints went to a place called paradise in hell so we saw that the bible doesn't teach that any new any any old testament saint went down they went up but here's the question does the bible say anywhere that there's a place called paradise in hell well let's look at it now here's what's funny about it because here's what the dispensationalists will teach they say old testament saints went to paradise new testament believers go to heaven here's the problem with that the word paradise does not appear in the old testament at all not once but it does appear in the new testament you know wouldn't you think if this is where all the old testament saints are going that the old testament would at least talk about it but it doesn't but the new testament does talk about it so is it a place in hell is it a place in the center of the earth well let's look at it second corinthians chapter 12 look at verse 1 do you remember this from several weeks ago it is not expedient for me doubtless to glory i will come to visions and revelations of the lord this is paul speaking talking about the fact that he's got a lot of visions he has a lot of revelations look at verse 2 i knew a man in christ about 14 years ago whether in the body i cannot tell or whether out of the body i cannot tell god knows he starts talking about this outer body experience i think paul's talking about himself could be talking about somebody else notice what he says such and one caught down to the third heaven is that what it says i want you to notice it says it was caught up now you say well it's talking about heaven i know but i want you to notice he was caught up to the third heaven look at verse three and i knew and i knew such a man whether in the body or out of the body i cannot tell god know it look at verse four how that he was caught down into paradise is that what it says what does it say caught where caught up into what paradise now i want you to notice the wording in verse two the last part of verse two caught up to the third heaven i'm not going to deal with it this morning we i dealt with this several weeks ago we talked about the fact the bible teaches there's three heavens right remember that there's a sky there's space and there's a third heaven where god resides where the throne of god is in verse two we're told he was caught up to the third heaven in verse four we're told he was caught up into paradise the bible it's its own dictionary oftentimes in scripture when god uses the same phrase and interchanges words what he's doing is he's defining those words for us so what is paradise according to the context of second corinthians chapter 12 verses one through four i'll tell you exactly what it is it's the third heaven and you go up to paradise not down does that make sense okay well let's look at the next time the word paradise appears in scripture go to the book of revelation chapter number seven because here's what they teach paradise is in the center of the earth with hell don't ask me if there's a dispensationist who believes in a flat earth because they're really gonna be messed up they're gonna like i don't know where they think hell is but the bible teaches that hell is in the center of the earth in the heart of the earth revelation chapter 2 look at verse 7 should be fairly easy to find last book in the bible revelation chapter 2 look at verse 7 he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches to him that overcometh will i give to eat of the tree of life remember the tree of life we studied that out in the in the heaven sermon i want you to notice to him will i give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of god you see that so what is in the midst of the paradise of god according to revelation 2 7 the tree of life the tree of life is in the midst of the paradise of god so here's the question where is the tree of life well we know that tree of life was in the garden of eden and i they they probably call that paradise but the garden of eden is gone but where's the tree of life now go to revelation 22 look at verse 1 you're there in and in chapter 2 so just flip uh 20 chapters over to revelation 22 look at verse 1 because he said he here's what he said he was caught up into paradise he said he was caught up into heaven then in revelation 2 7 he says that there's a tree of life is in the midst of the paradise of god so here's the question where is the tree of life or where are the trees of life revelation 22 look at verse 1 and he showed me a pure river of water clear as crystal proceeding out of i want you to notice out of the throne of god and of the lamb do you see that okay where's the throne of god i'll give you one hint it's that way okay the throne of god is not in hell the throne of god is not on earth the throne of god is in the third heaven it's in heaven now notice notice and he showed me verse 1 a pure river of water of life crystal is clear proceeding out of the throne of god and of the lamb and in the midst of the street of it and on either side of the river was there notice the tree of life do you see that which bear 12 manner of fruit and yielded her fruits every month and the leaves of the tree were healed for the nation so here's what we know wherever the tree of life is it's where the throne of god is and wherever the tree of life is it's also called paradise according to revelation 2 7 revelation 22 1 and verse 2 here's what we know wherever the third heaven is is where paradise is according to second corinthians 12 and both of them you get caught up you don't go down so does the bible teach that there is a place called paradise in hell the answer is no there's no place in hell called paradise does the bible teach that uh that old testament saints go down to uh to paradise in the center of the earth instead of heaven the answer is no the bible teaches that all that old testament saints went up into heaven go to the book of of luke luke chapter 23 you got matthew mark luke luke 23 now when you get to luke keep your place there okay so you ought to have your place in ecclesiastes and then i need you to have your place in luke we're going to go back to ecclesiastes and then we're going to come back in the area of luke luke chapter 23 look at verse number 42 let me answer this question because this is a good question and and i and i will often get this question asked whenever i preach on this i want to deal with it uh before to make sure that everyone who's also the people that listen online can get an answer for this because in luke 23 42 the bible says and he said unto jesus this is when jesus is dying on the cross and you've got the thieves that are dying by him and he said unto jesus lord remember me when thou comest into thy i want you to notice this word kingdom you see that what would it make sense that the throne is that the kingdom right okay these are all words for heaven he says remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom and jesus said unto him verily i say unto thee today shall thou be with me in paradise okay so right there you know just let's step away from what we've already studied out the word paradise it's where the tree of life is it's being caught up to the third heaven you go up to paradise okay but but just right there the guy says hey when you enter into your kingdom remember me and jesus doesn't sit there and say oh no listen thief on the cross you must have not been listening at your bible college bible doctrines dispensational class because we're going to paradise we're going to hell you know he didn't say that he said hey remember when i entered my kingdom and then he says yeah you know what today thou shalt be with me in my kingdom today thou shalt be with me in the third heaven today thou shall be with me in paradise because it's all the same place he answers this question he's just telling now here's the question here's the question people ask okay well if jesus went down to hell and that's a whole other sermon i don't i can't deal with the bible is very clear ax teaches very clearly psalms teaches clearly book of jonah teaches clearly all sorts of scripture in the bible teach very clearly that jesus went to hell when he died right and i don't have time to preach that sermon that's a sermon for another day but the bible is very clear about that okay says that his soul was not left in hell neither did his body see corruption so here's the question people ask well if jesus was in hell because he said today shall thou be with me in paradise if jesus went down to hell then how was he with the how was he with the thief on the cross in his kingdom in paradise well let me answer that question for you go go to the book of june you're uh june book of john luke john chapter three uh english is my second language remember that john chapter three look at verse 13 see when you set the land the standard low then see before you guys are like he's not a very good speaker but when i tell you english is my second language then you guys are like wow he's doing a really good job you know john chapter three look at verse 13 i need all the help i can get john 3 look at verse 13 remember famous john 3 chapter john 316 okay he's talking to nickademus but i want you to notice what jesus said to nickademus john chapter 3 look at verse 13 and no man has ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven even the son of man who's the son of man that's jesus he's talking about himself even the son now i want you to notice what he says to nickademus jesus talking about himself even the son of man notice what he says which is in heaven i want you to notice what just happened there jesus is having a conversation with a man named nickademus and he's looking at him and they're they're eyeball to eyeball looking at each other and jesus says to him hey you know no man ascended up to heaven but he that came down right he said no one can just go up to heaven by himself except the one that came down from heaven and you say who is that one he says even the son of man talking about himself and then he says this which is in heaven now you and i would say well wait a minute how are you in heaven if i'm talking to you right now here's the answer to that question jesus is god he he he's everywhere he's omnipresent he's in heaven he's in hell he's all over the he's everywhere because he's god in the flesh so jesus was telling nickademus i'm talking to you right now but i'm in heaven right now because i'm god so you say how did he tell the thief on the cross today thou shall be with me in the third heaven caught up into paradise where the tree of life is where the throne of god is where the kingdom of god if he was going to go down to hell for three days and three nights here's how he told him that because he's god because he's everywhere at once he's omnipresent so i want to answer that question because here he's telling nickademus i'm talking right now and i'm in heaven right now and that's why jesus could say make statements like you know uh before abraham was i am and all those things luke 16 you're there you're there and john go go back into luke look at luke 16 and verse 22 let me just deal with this luke 16 which is also a passage we dealt with recently in the afterlife series so you should be familiar with it uh luke 16 about the rich man and lazarus don't you notice what the bible says there luke 16 and verse 22 and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried and in hell talking about the rich man he lived up his eyes being in torment and see if abraham are far off and lazarus in his bosom now this sensation has loved this story because they'll say see that's paradise because if you go on and you read he'll say there's a great gulf fixed between us and they'll say see there's a place in hell that's bad there's a place in hell that's good and and and lazarus was there listen to me they were in heaven and you can say well how did they see them i don't know i don't understand how heaven works here's what i do understand and we talked about in the health sermon people in heaven can see hell they'll be tormented in the presence of the lamb and in the presence of the holy angels and i'm not going to sit here and tell you that i understand how all the spiritual world works but here's all i want to say look at verse 22 and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into abraham's bosom those they see paradise that's abraham's bosom i just i just want to explain this the word bosom means breast it's your chest here's all i want to say that's a body part that's not a place when it says that he was in abraham's bosom here's what it means he means that they were like uh uh and they they he had his arm around him they they were close together he you know abraham's tell me he said hey good to see you put his arm around him he looks up and sees them that way and then here's what's funny he said he sees them in abraham you know uh uh that he was caught by the angels into abraham's bosom and people were like that that and they make up this whole big story about that's the place that's the hotel in hell that's nice that's where things are good look it's just a body part it's just it's telling you that they're together and he's talking to abraham look at verse 23 and now he left up his eyes being in torrance and see if abraham afar off and lazarus and his bosom and here's all i want to say there's nothing there's nothing in that text that if you just did not have ci scofield if you did not have any references if you did not have any if there's nothing that you could take from that text just you and the holy spirit of god that could make up a doctrine like the one they've made up about paradise i mean you want to come up with that but what they do is they're like oh see you know someone from hell is on someone in heaven so that must be a different place but the bible is very clear that we they and people in heaven can see us right now the bible says that there's a great cloud of witnesses people in heaven can see it to hell the bible is very clear about those things so don't let someone fool you with this and say see it's abraham's bosom it's a body part okay it's an individual it's a person that he was with that they're talking to so here's the uh the next question go to the book of job real quickly if you kept your place in ecclesiastes jobe is is you're going to want to go backwards uh past proverbs past psalms into jobes you're going backwards ecclesiastes problems jobe go to job jobe one here's the next question so then if there is no place called paradise in hell and abraham is just a man with a bosom all right that's it and and paradise is being caught up into heaven and all testament saints did not go to heaven or they went to heaven did not go down they went up then here's the question if if these people believe that old testament saints went down into paradise then what do you do with the references in the bible where you see believers in heaven in the old testament and here's the point that i want to make and this is what happens when you go to the bible with an agenda when you go to the bible with here's what i believe and i've got to make the bible prove it because here's what happened someone decided we don't want to preach that jesus went to hell so then they've got a reference that says jesus went to hell so you say what do we do with that reference so they'll say well let's just tell people that the greek word hell doesn't mean hell you know it means paradise and it's like well how are you gonna prove that how can you prove that there well there's a story about abraham and his bosom let's just call that paradise and then someone asked the question well okay old testament states went down to paradise but what about the references where believers are up in heaven what do you do with that let's look at it jobe one we were six jobe one verse six jobe one six now there was a day when the sons of god now who are the sons of god saved believers okay and we'll look at that now there was a day when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan came also among them look at chapter two and verse one chapter two and verse one again there was a day when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan came also among them to present himself before the lord so here's what happened ci sculp fields writing his little reference bible john nelson derby's writing his perverted bible the derby translation you know they're writing their little books and they're like hey man i got this is a good one jesus didn't go to hell old testament saints didn't go to heaven and then they're like okay what about the sons of god that are in heaven in jobe one they're like oh man we're gonna have to figure out that here i got it i got it we'll just say the sons of god are angels and they'll teach you no no in the old testament the sons of god were angels so here's here's what we have to find out does the bible teach that in the old testament angels are referred to as the sons of god well let's look at what the bible says uh go go to first john chapter three we'll just look at some verses real quickly because i don't have a lot of time to develop it first john chapter three and look at verse number one if you start at revelation and you go backwards you got jude third second and first john first john chapter three what who does the bible teach are the sons of god all right i know you know this but let's just look at it for for sake of argument first john three look at verse one first john chapter three you got revelation jude third second and first john first john three one behold what manner of love the father had bestowed upon upon us that we who's the we that's believers that we should be called the sons of god therefore the world knows us not because it knew him not beloved now are we talking about believers the sons of god and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that we that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is okay there's many references we can look at i'm not going to spend the time but there's a very clear reference that it is believers it is we that are called the sons of god in the bible the sons of god are believers so here's the question are angels ever referred to as the sons of god we'll go to the book of hebrews hebrews chapter number one if you continue to go backwards you're gonna go past first john past second and first peter past james into hebrews so if you're going backwards you got uh second and first peter james hebrews hebrews chapter one look at verse four you say why do they have to teach that the sons of god are angels here's why they have to teach the sons of god angels because there's clear references in the bible to sons of god being in heaven and they don't they can't have sons of god in heaven in the old testament with joe if sons of god are supposed to be in paradise so they've got to change the definition and say no sons of god those aren't believers those are angels well we saw a clear reference that said that it is we believers who are called the sons of god the bible talks about in in john chapter one and verse number 12 let's look at it real quickly you don't have to turn that i'll just read it for you matthew mark luke john john 112 says but as many as receive him to them give you power to become the sons of god even to them that believe on his name so look at hebrews chapter one look at verse four here's the next question does the bible ever does god ever call angels his sons hebrews one look at verse four being made so much better than the angels we're talking about jesus here it's talking about the creation of not creation good night that's false doctrine we're talking about jesus how he was made so much better than the angels in his position as he hath my inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they look at verse five for on notice what he says for unto which of the angels said he at any time thou art my son this day have i begotten thee okay here's what he's saying jesus on this earth was called the son of god because he was given a position and made so much better than the angels and here's what he's saying here's how i can prove that he's better than the angels because he said when he said when to which of the angels said i had any time thou art my son here's what he's saying i never called an angel my son he said the only one that i called my son was jesus that makes him better than the angels for unto which of the angels said he at any time thou art my son this day have i begotten thee and again i will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son he said when did i ever tell an angel i'm your father you're my son and the answer is never notice what he says in verse six and again when he bringeth the first begotten into the world talking about jesus coming into this world he saved and let all the angels of god worship him he said i told the angels to worship him because he's better than they are because he's my son and and he says i never called an angel my son i never said to them thou art my son this day have i begotten me i never said to them i'm your father and you are my son and listen to me here's why you got to be careful with this because this is what this is what what cults teach the mormons literally teach that you know you you that that that jesus and satan are equals that they're both the sons of a god that's what these places teach and jesus look there was never a place in scripture where an angel was called the son of god and it's very clear from hebrews one you know i've never said that it's very clear all throughout the bible the sons of god all throughout the bible have always been believers but see when you come to the bible with this agenda we don't want jesus to go to hell okay well here's the problem with the ice cold field the bible says jesus went to hell okay let's just change that to to paradise hell doesn't mean hell there it means paradise it means hades it means something else okay well uh you know why did jesus go to paradise because you gotta you were gonna ask this question see ice cold field why did jesus go to paradise uh let's see he went there to get all the believers out of paradise that's why he went there and that's what they teach and i'm not going to get into that led captivity captive so then it's like okay see ice cold field well why were all the believers in paradise uh uh because in the old testament they didn't go to heaven they went down okay see ice cold field well what about the sons of god that are in heaven in the old testament uh uh those aren't sons of god those are angels see you when you start going down this road where you're more loyal to a doctrine to a movement to a group to a philosophy to a man to a book than you are to this book see a very baptist church we're not we're not loyal to anybody we're loyal to the word of god you open up a bible and show us what we're wrong at anything we'll just say oh my bad look the bible says this and i'm not going to sit here say oh no no no you don't understand my bible call it's not me no look if you show me from the bible show it to me but these people they're loyal to the dark so then it just becomes this weird because now they got to cover themselves here they got to cover themselves there so let's go to genesis chapter 6 this is their their favorite sci-fi passage they like to pervert genesis chapter 6 look at verse 1 because remember the sons of god all throughout the bible are what believers saved individuals all right but they have to change that to angels because you can't have believers in heaven if they're supposed to be in paradise all right genesis chapter 6 look at verse 1 so then someone asked the ice cofield okay well what about the sons of god in genesis chapter 6 are those angels and they just go crazy with this genesis 6 look at verse 1 and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that the sons of god now remember those are just believers if you compare spiritual spiritual those are just believers but they teach those are angels that the sons of god which they say are angels saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose now let me say this here they're saying not only these are angels these are fallen angels okay here's what's funny about dispensationalism it says you know hell is paradise and the sons of gods are devils i mean that ought to alarm you right there you know the sons of god are fallen devils and paradise is actually hell all right that's silly enough right there to just walk away from it and say see ice cold we had no idea what he's talking about that the sons of god saw the daughters of men we're talking about believers with unbelievers doesn't the bible say that a believer and unbeliever are not yoked up in marriage but here we see the sons of god saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose and by the way the bible says in book of matthew jesus said that the angels are not given in marriage that they don't get married but here they got married because there weren't angels look at verse three and the lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh yet his days shall be in 120 years there were giants in the earth in those days and this is where they go crazy this dispensationalist they love this and also after that when the sins of god came in unto the daughters of men that they bear children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown so do you notice where it says they were mighty men and men of renown and where it says that there was giants in the earth in those days they take this passage to say okay here's what happened these fallen angels come down to the earth they start getting married with the daughters of men and they start having all these mutant babies this is literally what they teach this is what you say by not paying thousand dollars to go to bible college they'll say they start having these mutant babies they start having these kids and they had these giants and you know and here's what i've been taught all those myths about hercules and sues and all that stuff that was really all goes back to this you know they had these mutants they had these cyclops this is where the teenage mutant ninja turtles came from this is where x-men came from this is where superman came from i mean all of it just a sci-fi now look that makes for interesting preaching but here's the problem with it it's not true you say well how do you know it's not true here here's the the the let me just explain to you why it's not true look down to verse four there were giants in the earth in those days let me explain something to you there are giants in the earth today all right there's some of you have family members that are like really this song i've got a guy preaching for me in vancouver that's like this song okay you know you know look at the nba these giants were you know they're not like like skyscrapers okay but here's what i want you to say there were giants in the earth in those days notice and also after that you see that after that when the sons of god came in unto the daughters men because here's what they say the sons of god the angels came in unto the daughters men and produced these giants but that's not what the bible says there was giants in the earth in those days the giants were there after that the sons of god came in unto the daughters men so you can't say that it's because these fallen angels got married and started having mutant children that that's where the giants came from because the giants were already there the sons of god started came in unto the daughters men after the giants were there and they bare them children to them and the same became mighty men you see the phrase mighty men men of renown study the phrase mighty men throughout the bible you know where you find it to be it's just talking about a warrior it's a soldier a mighty man in the bible is someone who's good at fighting who fights well that's all it is and you see the word renowned there that just means famous they produced some mighty warriors some famous people but these people weren't like cyclops these people weren't like wolverine okay these people weren't like these superheroes flying around these people were not these freaks that were you know these mutants that came that were born they were just people it's just sons of god mixing in with daughters of men and the earth became very evil because listen to me believers ought not marry unbelievers and when believers are just all of them marrying unbelievers guess what they're gonna have mighty men men of renown but they were wicked men and god ended up destroying them but but look they read into this and they just really read between the lines to make and people just love it because they're like that's so interesting i've read genesis chapter six so many times and i never saw that you know why you didn't see it because it's not there because it's made up because it's fake because it's not real it reminds me of that famous quote oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive and look it gets all complicated because they lie about one thing and then and then instead of just well okay jesus didn't go to hell well the bible says jesus went to hell here's what they should have said oh man you're right i guess jesus did go to hell but they're like no no no uh hell was paradise and they go down this road and all of a sudden you got teenage mutant ninja turtles coming out of genesis chapter six and you're just like what how did we get here but it's because when you go down the road of dispensationalism things get really complicated go to the book of revelation revelation i gotta hurry revelation number seven let me give you the set the seventh dangerous dispensation doctrine and while you turn there revelation number seven here's the seventh the purpose of the rapture is what they teach is to remove the church and that's their words not mine because it failed to preach the gospel to and and lead into the seven-year tribulation period where god will where god will once again turn his attention back to the jews and this is what's known as the pre-tribulation rapture they teach that you have the rapture then the tribulation all right so they're wrong in a couple of things first of all they treat they preach that the rapture is before the tribulation and then they have the wrong definition for tribulation altogether because they call tribulation what the bible calls the wrath of god let's look at it quickly i know you guys are well versed on this so we won't spend a lot of time revelation chapter seven look at verse nine revelation chapter seven verse nine after this i beheld and lo a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues stood before the throne okay where's the throne heaven right paradise of god right kingdom and before the lamb clothed with white robes and palms in their hands what is this verse talking about is talking about the rapture okay i don't have time to develop it you can read it on your own it's talking about the rapture you've got a great multitude no man can number of all nations kindreds peoples tongues and they are before the throne they're wearing white robes that is the rapture look down at verse number 13 and one of the elders answered saying unto me what are these here's what he's saying who who are these people which are arrayed in white robes and whence came they the word whence means from where so he says who are these people and where did they come from what people the great multitude which no man can number that's before the throne of god notice verse 14 and i said unto him sir thou knowest and he said to me these are they which came out of what great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the land so according to the bible does the rapture happen before the tribulation or do believers go through the tribulation and get raptured out of the tribulation they come out from whence came they these are they which came out of great tribulation i remember a couple of years ago my wife and i were at a conference it was an ifb conference and uh we're sitting there and this old preacher is getting up there and he's just ripping face about us you know about our movement he's just like the pre-tribulation rapture is scriptural and these people that are teaching post-trip pre-wrath they don't know what they're talking about and he's like revelation chapter seven and he's reading this passage and he's going verse by verse he's real animated he's just reading and he stops and he's like angry and saying these people you know on youtube preaching these young guys don't know what they're talking about and he's going back to it and reading and the whole time i'm really nervous because i'm like he's about to read the verse that says that they came out of great tribulation like is he going to stop right before verse 14 like i'm just wondering like what is this guy doing because he's like really ripping face on us but he's about to you know show and he's reading it and it was so funny because he's like you can ask my wife i we're just cracking up he's like all angry reading re-reading and he gets to verse 14 and he reads it and you can tell he like stops like he slows down and he's looking at it and he and he reads you know these are they which came out of great tribulation and he's not like stops and he's like i i know this sounds like they came out of tribulation but we have to have faith that we're not going to go through tribulation i'm listening man's like wow you people are insane i mean he accidentally read the verse and he's like we just have to have faith that our dispensational fathers were right you know he's like i know it sounds like they came out of great tribulation but that that's got there's got to be something wrong with the greek there i mean it's just ridiculous but here's what i'm saying these people are more loyal to their bible college education you know and he's like i know that sounds like they came out of great tribulation no here's the thing it doesn't sound like they came out of great tribulation it says they came out of great tribulation the problem the problem is that you read it wrong the problem is that you read it and these people teach the tribulation okay go to revelation chapter eight just one one book over so they're mixed up on the tribulation see tribulation is just persecution it's just a time of trouble it's just going through the the time of trouble that we will go through when the anti-christ persecutes us but here's what they teach the tribulation period is a seven-year period where god is pouring out is pouring down his wrath on the earth well that's not true okay but here's the thing even even if let's say that they're right okay and they're not because we just read it but in revelation chapter eight and verse one is where the wrath of god begins to be poured out in the book of revelation here that's what they call the tribulation that's not the tribulation but even if they were right here here's the problem with their teaching this seven-year tribulation period for the jews where all the jews are going to get right with god and saved and eventually they're going to preach the gospel here's the problem with that they say it's the rapture seven-year tribulation for the jews and then jesus comes back we saw in revelation seven it was the rapture they came out of great tribulation look at revelation up to eight verse one and when he had opened the seventh seal there was a silence in heaven about the space of seven years is that what it says no about the space of what half an hour okay now look half an hour seven years are two different things half an hour is 30 minutes and i saw the seven angels which stood before god and to them were given seven trumpets this is what dispensation was called the tribulation it's actually the wrath of god but that's okay look at verse six and the seven angels which had seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound the first angel sounded and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood that's like the wrath of god you have the rest of these trumpets where god's pouring out his right here's the question i have for you according to the book of revelation how much time goes between the rapture and the trumpets the wrath the tribulation whatever they want to call it how much time half an hour it all happens in the same day but they'll say no rapture seven-year period for the jews tribulation they're wrong and it's not pre-trib you come out of the tribulation and sometimes it's fun enough to be at a conference where they're ripping face on you and they accidentally read it he's like oh i was supposed to stop reading the bible at this point and start reading my commentary but he messed up and you know it's real clear that they come out of uh that they come out of great tribulation but see the pre-tribulation rapture comes from dispensational thinking because it's all about the jews we're remember we're just the redheaded stepchild we're not it's not about us it's not about god god doesn't have a plan for us he just we're just plan b we're just keeping him entertained so those are the the seven doctrines there that i want to talk about go go back to let's see where i want you to go we gotta we gotta finish up here in the next 10 minutes go to revelation 22 go to revelation 22 and let me let me uh talk about something so we talked about the definition of dispensational theology and we talked about the dangers of dispensational theology i gave you seven dangerous teachings and really just dumb teachings that come out of dispensational theology but let me talk to you just real quickly about the difficulty of dispensational theology see dispensational theology is really complicated and let me just let me just give you you know just just so you can kind of get a glimpse of how complicated this is first of all there are seven dispensations what we talked about remember innocence conscience government promise law grace millennium on top of that there are four different gospels okay you know how we believe in the gospel the death bear on resurrection of jesus christ according to first corinthians 15 well according to these guys there's four gospels all right there's the gospel of the kingdom this is the good news that god's purpose to set up a kingdom on this earth for uh the jews you know and they're like the gospel the kingdom is all about building up the jews and building up the kingdom for the jews and jesus and david are going to reign for the jews then they have the gospel of the grace of god that's the gospel you and i believing this is the good news that jesus christ was rejected king died on the cross for our salvation and but of course they only apply that to the period of grace we apply that to all mankind then they have the glorious gospel the glorious gospel is the phase of the gospel of the grace of god that speaks of him who is in the glory i'm not even really sure what that means but that's what they said and then number four there's the everlasting gospel it is neither the gospel the kingdom nor of grace its burden is not salvation but judgment okay that's what they wrote about it but they got four gospels they got seven dispensations four gospels two kingdoms there's the kingdom of god and there's the kingdom of heaven and here's what's funny about it you know like if you have to take a guess wouldn't you say like because you know they they push a physical jewish kingdom and then like a heavenly kingdom if you have to take a guess wouldn't you say wouldn't you say that the kingdom of heaven is the one in heaven and the kingdom of god is the one on earth right but that's not what they teach they teach the kingdom of heaven is the one on earth the kingdom of god is the one in heaven all right so the kingdom of heaven is actually the kingdom on earth you say why did they teach that i you know sometimes i think that satan just likes to laugh at false religion and he just makes them believe just stupid things just to laugh all the way to the bank because he's like they're like the kingdom of heaven and you're like oh is that talking about heaven no no that's on earth and let me just and i don't have time to develop it because you you're probably tired of dispensational talk but but let me just say this you study kingdom of god and kingdom of heaven throughout the bible they're used interchangeably talking about the same thing okay it's all it's all talking about the same thing there is no difference but they want to make it super complicated four gospels imagine if you have to go soul winning as a dispensationalist which gospel am i presenting this time you know there's four different gospels there's seven dispensation there's two kingdoms it's super uh difficult here's how difficult it is dispensationalism is so complicated that john nelson darby the father of dispensationalism had to write his own bible to prove it and let me just say this john darby wrote a bible that was named the darby translation and it basically lines up perfectly with the niv it was like it was the niv before the niv existed and he removed major sections from scripture and changed sections in scripture so in revelation 22 18 are you there i just want to read this quickly i need to be done revelation 22 18 the bible says this for i testify to every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book if any man shall add unto these things god shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book if any man shall take away john nelson darby from the words of this book of the of the book of this prophecy god shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and from the things which are written in this book the bible is very clear that if someone takes away from the bible god will take away his part out of the book of life here's what that means the place where their name could have gone in the book of life in order to be saved that place will be removed we're not talking about losing your salvation and because anyone that would mess with the bible is not saved listen to me if you are saved you would not take away from the bible okay john nelson darby was an unbeliever his part was taken out of the book of life the moment he started to write a translation and mess with god's word and removed from god's word he's not saved he's in hell right now and this is the father of dismissationalism christians all across the world today are following the theological system of an unbelieving heathen who thought he could mess with god's word and that's who they're going to that's why they're pre-trib that's why they're zionists that's why they're you know don't think believe in paradise and believe in mutants and all this stuff let me give you another example about dispensationalism being complicated okay go to genesis chapter one just real quickly i got to do this fast genesis chapter one so here's how complicated it was john nelson darby had to write his own bible to try to explain it okay but his bible never really took off the king james version was the the most used and still is the most used bible throughout the world so ci scofield who wanted to promote darby's heresy you know got stuck using the king james bible so here's what he did he created the scofield reference bible who's ever heard of the scofield reference bible all right you ever opened up a scofield reference bible it's literally i don't have one with me tonight but literally if you open up the scofield reference bible it'll be like like my bible has no notes in it this is all the word of god but a scofield recipe seriously no joke it'll be like that much of the word of god and then like that much of his notes on every page it's like there's way more of his own writing than there is uh of the word of god and here's what he did he took a king james bible and but he just added a bunch of his notes to it so here's what i i just went on i couldn't i used to have a scofield reference i couldn't find one find mine so um i just went on the internet and and took a picture of the the first page of a scofield reference bible they just took the copy and pasted the print off it and i just want to read to you the the what it says in genesis chapter one right just right off the gate all right january first you're going to read the bible you go to genesis chapter one and you read these words in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters but before you can read verse three you've got his notes inserted between verse two and verse three which says this jeremiah 4 23 and 27 isaiah 24 1 isaiah 45 18 clearly indicate that the earth had undergone a cataclysmic change as a result of divine judgment the face of the earth bears everywhere the marks of such catastrophe there are no wanting indicators which connected with the previous testing of the fall of angels because they love these fallen angels there's like their their favorite heroes so here's what i'm trying to explain to you you you can just go for your reference bible you start reading genesis chapter one and verse one and you don't even get to verse two before they're like there was this huge you know catalismic change where there was this huge you know all these people were living on earth and all these mutants and all this stuff going on and they start feeding you this and here's the thing you wouldn't get that from from genesis chapter one versus one and two i mean who would read in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of waters who would just read that and out of that they're like mutants i just see mutants i see a battle it's it's epic you don't get that from that but these people are like no well you got it connected to Jeremiah and by the way if you go to those references it's just talking about battles that people had here on earth and here's the point we're trying to make they make it like super complicated they make it real difficult they get these big charts and they get these big presentations and they make it real difficult go to first john chapter two first john just real quickly if you if you have revelation you go backwards you got jude third second and first john if you're going backwards jude first second and third john let me give you the biggest reason and probably the biggest danger with dispensationalism dispensationalism is unscriptural and here's why because you wouldn't come up with it on your own if it was just you the holy spirit of god and a king james bible you would not come up with that you need scofield's notes you need darby's references you need their commentaries you need their doctrinal and theological books you wouldn't come up with it on your own and let me just explain something to you if you ever want to have a rule just a good rule of thumb of knowing do i believe the right thing here's a good here's how i study the bible okay whenever something's given to me and i'm like i've got to decide here's what i what i'd say if i read the entire bible cover to cover if i look at all the verses in their context and i just remove all preconceived idea anything and anyone's ever told me would i be able to just see that from the bible clearly on my own the first time i heard because i grew up believing the preacher rapture is true the first time i was exposed to the fact that it wasn't true the first thing i told myself if i read matthew 24 if i read the book of revelation if i go back and look at those places on my own just me a king james bible and the holy spirit of god doesn't make sense all by itself or do i need someone and if you need someone then it's false say how can you prove that first john 227 that's what the bible says first john 227 but the anointing the anointing is referring to the holy spirit throughout the bible you can see that study that on your own the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you the holy spirit notice and ye need not that any man teach you but the same anointing teaches you of all things and it's true that there's no lie even as he had taught you ye shall abide in him do you know that you don't need anyone to teach if you got the holy spirit of god and you got a king james bible you can open this up on your own read it for yourself study it and understand it amen i'm not saying the first time you open a bible you're going to just understand everything in here but look you read this thing long enough it'll start making sense and now god gave you a pastor god gave you a church you know god god gave you uh resources and things and you come to church and i try to help you and i try to teach and i try to help you along the way but listen you don't need any message and here's the thing about dispensationalism no one no one no one would just come up with it if all they had was the king james bible and the holy spirit that's right they need scofield they need darby they need their theological books they need because nobody would read the first two verses of genesis chapter one and just see this huge catastrophe epic battle no one come up there on their own here's the thing dispensationalism is unscriptural because you wouldn't come up with it on your own you would not you these seven dispensations all these things they come up with it it comes from unbelievers and i want to do my best to try to help you understand that i know it's complicated but it's not complicated because the bible it's just complicated because there's doctrines are so complicated let me say this the word dispensation is found in the bible and you know often they will use that as an excuse john mccarther somebody was questioning him and they asked him a question and he gave the answer and they said to him like well isn't that just a dispensational answer and here's what he said what do you mean a dispensational point of view dispensation is a biblical word so here's what's funny about that this one say the word dispensation is found in the bible but it never refers to dispensational theology i'm not going to have you turn there i'm just going to read them for you it's found four times in the bible let me just read you the verses first corinthians 19 27 for i for if i do this thing willingly i have a reward but if against my will a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me you know what the word dispensation means it means to distribute it's using the bible to talk about distributing the gospel i'm all for that let's yeah let's dispensational theology let's dispense the gospel amen let's come up with mutant you know giants fighting each other that's i don't know where you got you we got off on the wrong train all right colossus 125 here's the next here's another reference where of i am made a minister according to the dispensation of god which is given to me for you to fulfill the word of god the dispensation of god which is given me for you talking about distributing the message that god gave him ephesians 3 2 if he have heard of the dispensation of the grace of god oh that's the that's the the age of grace no it's talking about salvation the word dispensation means to distribute the dispensation of the grace of god which is given me to you word that's what the verse says talking about this this is distributing the grace of god ephesians 1 10 the word dispensation has two two meanings one it means to distribute the other means to be to to do away with you know we're going to dispense with this argument we're going to be done with it here's ephesians 1 10 that in the dispensation of the fullness of time he might gather together and want all things in christ both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him i just read to you all the passages that word they use the word dispensation bible did anybody see seven dispensations god testing man and failing and having to redo it did anybody see you know the jews getting put on timeout it's not it's not there okay it's just talking about distributing dispensing it's just it's like a soap dispenser that's all it is all right that's what i was talking about so that's why i say to you tonight we should just dispense with dispensational theology we need to just be done with it because it's totally unscriptural and it comes from our unbelievers let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer heavenly father thank you lord for your word and lord uh we should be thankful that we have the holy spirit of god and that anybody in this room anybody in this room can open up a bible if they're saved they have the holy spirit can open up the bible read it study it understand it for themselves we have no need that any man teach us and lord we thank you for that and father i just pray that these sermons might be helpful to our people to just understand where we stand and there may be people sitting here tonight that have been taught dispensational theology and if they they want to believe that that's between them and and you lord i just pray you to at least help them to look into it study it out to be like the boreans who search the scriptures daily whether those things were so we love you lord in your precious name i pray amen