(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right, we're there in John chapter number one. And of course we are continuing through this series that we started last week entitled, Shine as Lights. And we're studying this idea of light in the Bible. And last week we began by talking about the fact that Jesus is the light. He's the light of the world. And then Jesus said, as long as I'm in the world, I am the light of the world. And then Jesus looked at his disciples. He looked at you and I, and he said, ye are the light of the world. And last week we talked about what it means to let your light so shine before men. This week we're gonna be looking at this idea of the armor of light. And I want to just begin by laying a little bit of foundation of this, the concept of light versus darkness in the Bible. You're there in John chapter one. If you look at verse number one, the Bible says this, in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. And of course that's not, I'm not preaching about this this morning, but that's a great verse there on the deity of Christ and the Trinity. The word was with God, and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him. The him there is referring to the word. And without him, the word was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was, I want you to notice these words, the light of men. So the Bible says that in him, in the word, was life, and the life was the light of men. And then notice verse five, the Bible says this, and the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not. So the Bible tells us here that the darkness does not comprehend the light. The word comprehend means to apprehend, to be able to understand, to be able to grasp, to be able to have in knowledge. The Bible tells us that the darkness does not comprehend, does not apprehend, does not grasp, does not understand the light. The darkness will never understand the light. And there is this conflict between darkness and light because darkness does not comprehend light. Now keep your place there in John, and go with me if you would to the book of Luke, Luke chapter 22. Just go backwards into the book of Luke, Luke chapter 22. And let me just say this, this is all by way of introduction. Not only does darkness not comprehend light, but the Bible teaches that there is a conflict between darkness and light. Luke chapter 22. In Luke 22 we have the story, the passage of Jesus being arrested. If you look down at verse number 52, the Bible says this, then Jesus sent him to the chief priests and captains of the temple and the elders which were come to him. They come out as against a thief with swords and staves. He says in verse 53, when I was daily with you in the temple, you stretched forth no hand against me. And he's explained to them that what they're doing, they're doing in darkness, they're doing in the cover of darkness. They're not making it manifest in the light. He's questioning them and he's bringing attention to the fact, he says, why are you coming out against me like a thief? He said, why are you coming out against me like you caught me in the middle of the night doing something I shouldn't be doing? He says I was daily with you in the temple. My ministry was manifested in the light, what I did was seen of all men. When I was daily with you in the temple, he said, you stretched forth no hand against me. In the light you didn't have the Arrogancy to try to arrest me or try to stretch forth your hand against me, then he makes this statement He says but this is your hour And he says and the power of darkness See there is a conflict between darkness and light Jesus is the light. He said I am the light of the world He said as long as I am in the world I am the light of the world and the Bible says that in him was life and the light of men and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not and here Jesus when he was arrested He said, you know this right now the authority you're having the power you're having he says it is the power of darkness So there is this conflict between darkness and light go to the book of Acts if you would Acts chapter 26 You have there Luke John and then the book of Acts Acts 26 You go past the book of John where we started into the book of Acts Acts chapter 26 And what we need to understand this morning is that not only are we the light of the world and We should let our light so shine before men and if you're not sure what that means I'd encourage you to listen to last week's sermon because we broke down from the Bible What does it mean to let your light so shine before men, but I also need you to understand that as the light We are also in conflict. We are in a war we are in a battle Against darkness acts 26 look at verse 18 acts chapter 26 and verse 18 The Bible says this and we'll delve into this verse more next week But he says to open their eyes and to turn them and he's talking to the Apostle Paul and what he's called him to Do and this is really the ministry of every soul winner He says that we are to go and open their eyes and to turn them notice from darkness to light He said the world in darkness and our job is to go to this dark world and to Open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light then he says this because you might say well What does that mean darkness and light there's this conflict between darkness and light and darkness does not comprehend light What are we talking about exactly? Well, he explains it here in verse 18 He says and from the power of Satan unto God See the power of darkness is the power of Satan the power of darkness is the power of evil everything That's wicked everything. That's satanic everything That's devilish in this world is the power of darkness and you and I are the children of light We are Part of the kingdom of light and we are in a conflict and I have found in Ministry that one of the toughest things to help Christians That many Christians don't understand is that you are not just saved Hopefully you're saved but there's more to salvation than just where you're going when you die You know what when you got saved you also got enlisted as a soldier you are in an army You are enlisted to be part of a battle of light Versus darkness and we are turning people from the power of Satan the power of darkness Unto the power of light go to the book of Ephesians if you would Ephesians chapter 6 you then the book of Acts You have Romans first 2nd Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Ephesians chapter number 6 and Look at verse number 12 Acts Romans first 2nd Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 12 Ephesians 6 12 very well-known passage When we talk about spiritual warfare The Bible says this for we wrestle not against flesh and blood But against principalities against powers against the rulers notice these words of the darkness of this world See it is the rulers of the darkness of this world With whom we are fighting it is the rulers of the darkness of this world with whom we are wrestling with whom we are Contending against spiritual wickedness in high places, so there is this conflict there is this battle There is this going back and forth between light and darkness between Satan and God Between the soldiers of Satan and the soldiers of Christ there is this battle that is going on now in Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 12 he goes on if you read the rest of passage he goes on and tells you to put on the whole armor of God and he gives us this description of the armor of God because we're supposed to put on this armor in order to engage in Spiritual warfare I'm not going to preach about that Necessarily those that passage this morning, but I'd like you to go back to the book of Romans if you would Romans chapter 13, and I want you to notice that in Romans 13 There is another reference to armor Ephesians 6 is the famous you know armor of God Passage wherefore put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand Against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities We have that famous passage there in the book of Ephesians, but in Romans chapter 13 There is also a reference to this armor that we are supposed to put on I want you to notice How it is described Romans chapter 13 and verse 12 the Bible says this the night is far spent The day is at hand he says let us therefore Cast off the works of darkness and let us put on notice these words the armor of light See the point is this you and I are supposed to engage in spiritual warfare Spiritual warfare is the conflict between darkness and light Between Satan and God between the things of God and the things of this world But the way that we do that is by putting on The armor Ephesians 6 the armor of God here is referred to as the armor of light Because it is a battle between light and darkness. We're supposed to put on the armor of light now Here's the interesting thing and here's kind of the thought for this morning Go back to the book of Ephesians if you would keep your place right there in Romans because we're gonna come back to it Romans chapter 13, but go to the book of Ephesians if you would You've got Romans first second Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Ephesians chapter number five What I want to talk to you about this morning is how to put on the armor of light How to put on the armor of light because the whole point of Putting on the armor. He says he says put on Romans 13 12 the armor of light You put on the armor in preparation to go into battle You don't put the armor on while you're in battle In fact, if you're trying to put the armor on while you're in battle, you're in trouble It's too late You're supposed to suit up. You're supposed to put it on you're supposed to have the armor on before you actually begin Engaging in battle this morning. I want to speak to you on the subject of the armor of light But I want you to stand we're not talking about engaging in the battle of spiritual warfare yet next week We're gonna be talk about how it is that we actually engage What is the actual strategy in the battle between light and darkness, but before we can even get there? We just have to learn how to put this armor on How to prepare ourselves how to be ready to engage in spiritual warfare Because the truth of the matter is this that most Christians though they are saved I'm talking about Christians people that are actually saved not the people that call themselves Christians out there but people who have actually in faith called upon Christ for salvation believing in in in in a Salvation that's not of works eternal security people that are actually saved Yes, they may be saved but many of them are not ready for battle and in fact When they find themselves in spiritual battle when they find themselves Fighting against spiritual warfare because here's the truth the warfare is coming whether you like it or not The Bible says that that our adversary the devil as a roaring lion Walk at the bow seeking whom he may devour whether you like it or not Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, whether you say well, I just want to be saved, but I don't want to fight I just wanna be saved, but I don't actually engage in spiritual warfare Well, you better buckle up because the warfare is coming whether you like it or not the lion is coming whether you like it or not the lion is coming to devour and to destroy your Spiritual life and your physical life and your marriage and your child rearing and your finances Look, the devil is going to attack you. So you better figure out how to put on that armor Because you're gonna have to fight Whether you like it or not It's part of the deal Now I got saved yeah, but when you got saved you got enlisted as a soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ And he puts you into this battle. So how do we put on the armor of light? How do we put on this armor of light and of course when we think of armor? You know, we we might think more of like a knight type armor And that's a little different than what the Apostle Paul would have had in mind but the interesting thing about the Knights, you know in this armor is that there was a Series of events that needed to take place my kids they like to read a lot They like to read a lot of historical type things and they've got this book about Knights and they've got several books about Knights but one of the books breaks down the different steps and the different things that had to happen for a Knight to be able to suit up to go into battle. They needed to have a helper there were certain things that went on first and then second and third and fourth and it was all this big ordeal to Put on this armor just to be ready to go into battle and spiritually is the same way You must put on the armor of light. So how do we do it number one? I'm gonna give you two thoughts this morning two thoughts with two sub points each All right, so you can follow along. I usually do three points, but I'm doing two points this morning I had a third point, but I just felt like I had too much So here's point number one to put on the armor of light number one We must cut off the works of darkness What are we talking about? We're talking about practicing separation Notice there in Ephesians chapter 5 look at verse 8 notice what the Bible says for ye were past tense if You're saved. This is no longer the case for ye were Sometimes darkness. He's a here Paul saying he's talking to the Ephesian Gentile believers And this would apply to you and I as well and he would say you used to be darkness But now ye are light in the Lord Then he says this walk as children of light Now I would submit to you this just because you are light doesn't mean you're walking as light This idea that well if you're saved then you're gonna actually, you know do the things of God Well, that's not what the Bible teaches. He says he says ye aren't He says he says but now are ye light in the world Then he says walk as children of light for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord notice verse 11 and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness He says but rather reprove them and we'll talk about that next week, but I want you to notice the first step To putting on the armor of light is that we must put off we must cut off We must remove the works of darkness and here we're told in verse 11 that we should have no Fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. What does the word fellowship mean? It means to spend time together It means to have a friendship the Bible says that we must have no fellowship with darkness and look and when you think about a Military war type example doesn't that just kind of make sense? If you're gonna go to battle in World War two Against the Nazis you can't really you know, just be hanging out with the Nazis Right, I mean if you're gonna go to battle you can't be hanging out with the enemy He says look God says we are at battle. We are in battle Spiritual warfare against the world. So he says I need you to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness Because You cannot fellowship with darkness while fighting darkness fellowship and fighting are two different things You can't do both at the same time He says we cannot fellowship with darkness and light Go keep your place on Ephesians go to 2nd Corinthians If you would if you go backwards, you've got Galatians and then the book of 2nd Corinthians 2nd Corinthians chapter number 6 2nd Corinthians chapter number 6 We must have no fellowship with darkness because we cannot fellowship with darkness and light Look in that that's an easy concept, right? You can't turn a light on in a dark room and have both light and dark It's either dark or it's light You have to choose one and in this battle between darkness and light we need to decide We need to decide where we stand and we cannot have fellowship with darkness and light notice 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 This is the quintessential passage on the subject of separation And that's really what we're talking about this morning when we say we must cut off the works of darkness. We're talking about practicing Separation in our lives 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 verse 14 be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers Notice what he says for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what? communion hath light with darkness He's saying when's the last time you saw light and darkness having lunch together When's the last time you saw light and darkness hanging out together When's the last time you saw he says he says light and darkness have no communion He says in the same way be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness what communion hath light with darkness what conquered hath Christ with Belial Belial is the devil What part hath he that believeth with an infidel and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols For ye are the temple of the living God as God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them And I will be their God and they shall be my people and then we see in verse 17 the great passage on separation He says wherefore and the word wherefore means for this reason for what reason he says Here's why because you cannot have fellowship with righteousness and unrighteousness Because you cannot have communion with light and darkness because there is no Conquered between Christ and Belial because there is no part that a believer should have with an infidel He says because of these things he says wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate sayeth the Lord and touch Not the unclean thing and I will receive you see the truth of the matter Is this that the reason that most Christians do not? Engage in spiritual warfare is because most Christians do not practice separation in their lives the Bible teaches this concept of separation that we are to come out from among them and be separate sayeth the Lord and you say Well, what do you mean by that? What exactly does that mean go to 1st John if you would 1st John chapter 1 if you started the book of Revelation And you head back you've got Revelation Jude 3rd 2nd and 1st John and let me just say this Obviously, we're not talking about the fact that we should not be friendly with worldly people and unsafe people you work with unsafe people You gotta be friendly with them You gotta be kind to them you have unsafe family. We understand that you ought to love your family you oughta Pray for your family. I'll try to get your family. That's not saved saved, and we understand all that but look Here's what the Bible teaches that we should not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers And when it comes to who we spend the majority of our time with when it comes to who we are actually Really close with and who we spend a lot of time with and who we spend a lot of fellowship time with it Ought not be the world And that doesn't mean that we're unkind to the world that doesn't mean that we're mean to them But look your main source of fellowship ought to be Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ it ought to be other light because light cannot hang out with darkness There is no communion between light and darkness We must spend our time and by the way, that's why God gave you a local New Testament Church That's one of the reasons why we work so hard at Verity Baptist Church even during coronavirus to offer Opportunities for fellowship to have this meal to have that meal to have a ladies Christmas party now You know why do we do those things? Why do we have a new members class? Why do we have discipleship class? Why do we have so way you know part of it is to do the work of God? But part of it is so that you can have an opportunity to fellowship with other believers Why because that's what you're supposed to do That's how you're gonna be ready to fight the spiritual warfare that is required in your life We must come out from among them And be you separate and let me just say this You're doing yourself a disservice You're doing it yourself a disservice when you say oh, I'm gonna go to church But I'm not gonna go to any event and look you can go to whatever events you want and it doesn't make a difference to me But I'm just telling you spiritually Or the last ten years of ministry what I've learned is that the people who say well I'm gonna show up to church on Sunday morning, but I'm not gonna go to anything else I'm not gonna go to any other event. I'm not gonna. I don't want to talk to anybody I don't want to look at anybody. I'm gonna show up late I'm gonna leave early and whatever most of the time those people will not make it in the Christian life I'm not saying they're not saved. I'm saying they will not be walking in light Because we are created for community. We are created for fellowship You will fellowship with someone and if you don't follow ship with God's people you'll fellowship with the world And if you fellas are with the world you'll end up a casualty in this battle of darkness versus light First John chapter 1 are you there look at verse 6? first John chapter 1 in verse 6 the Bible says this if we say if We say that we have fellowship with him This is what most Christians say You ask the average Christian today. Hey, do you have fellowship with God? Oh? Yeah? If we say that we have fellowship with him notice these words and walk in darkness we lie and Do not the truth You can't have fellowship with God who is light while walking in darkness those two things don't mix if We say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth But if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another Notice he says if we walk in the light as he is in life You would think that he would say we have fellowship with God if you and I wrote the Bible That's what we would say because in verse 6 He says if we say that we have fellowship with him God and walk in darkness We lie and do not the truth That's the context of verse 6 us having fellowship with God in verse 7 He says, but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship You would think it would say we have fellowship with him, but notice it says we have fellowship one with another What does that mean you can't have fellowship with God without having fellowship with God's people Don't tell me you're serving God if you're not faithful to church Yet the work of God is done through the local New Testament church The work of God is done through the house of God fellowship with God. Look. This is the body of Christ You say how can I fellowship with God? Well, one way is by fellowshipping with God's people if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and The blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin Go to James chapter 4 if you would James chapter 4 go backwards You got 1st John 2nd Peter 1st Peter James James chapter 4 The doctrine of separation is this Separation means to be set apart. I've always taught this and I want you to understand this usually as fundamental Baptist we think separation is to be separated from the world and If you if that's what you think then you're only halfway there Because separation is separation from the world unto God From the world unto God when we talk about separation we often emphasize separation from the world That's definitely an aspect of it come out from among them and be separate sayeth the Lord We have to be separated from the world, but separation is not simply being separated from the world Some religions take separation from the world very far and I agree with it But they never understand the concept of unto God Several months ago my wife, and I was preaching in Virginia and West Virginia and my wife And I took a little tour in an Amish community had a little Couple getaway there for a couple days and when we did this Amish tour It was really interesting as we talk to these Amish people because they took us to these little parts and businesses and we got to go into businesses owned by Amish people and Homes of Amish people and it was a very unique tour in the sense that we we weren't just watching them We actually got to interact with them And you know what was really interesting as we talked to these Amish people and as we talked with our tour guide who? Knew them very well with close friends with them is that these Amish people know absolutely nothing about the Bible They don't know anything about God they're discouraged from reading the Bible their church services are in a language that none of them speak And these people are very separated from the world very separated from the world I mean they live away from the world. They don't want any influence from the world They don't want anything to do with the world and hey you know whatever all that's good But they missed the mark when they did not realize that separation is from the world unto God We must separate ourselves unto God if you separate yourself from the world if you separate yourself from the world But you never separate yourself unto God all you'll be is an Amish person Be real strict real separated real holy know nothing about the Bible know nothing about God know nothing about salvation just completely Oblivious when it comes to the world and look what Verity Baptist Church. We're not trying to create a bunch of Amish people That's why we teach and talk so much in the next couple weeks We'll be emphasizing it even more daily Bible reading yesterday in our soul winning brother Oliver in in the soul winning Challenge talked about daily by worry look you you said why do you guys have to like daily Bible reading so much because we believe in separation from the world unto God and See sometimes people they come to church like this and like I tried that whole separation thing it didn't work No, you didn't work Because would you look you'll never survive You'll never be ready if you say I'm just gonna be separated from the world separated from the world separated from the world But where's separation unto God? Where's your Bible reading? Where's your prayer time? Where's your walk with God? Look we must walk with the Lord We're told that we must cut off the works of darkness We had to have no fellowship with darkness because you said but why why does it matter look? here's why it matters because I I cannot fellowship with darkness and And fellowship with light I cannot fellowship with the world and fellowship with God and If you think if you think that Christianity is have no fellowship with darkness But you never fellowship with God you're gonna fail You'll never make it The whole point of coming out from among the world is that you can walk in the light of God's Word It's that you can walk in the light so you can fellowship with God James chapter 4 you're there look at verse 4 knows what the Bible says Ye adulterers and adulteresses Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God Listen to me some of you got friends you got to cut off I'm not saying you need to be mean to them. I'm not saying you need to You know Just call him and say I hate you and I never want to see you again But I'm just saying there are some people in your lives. You just you need to cut out you're gonna walk with God Know you not that French of the world is empty with God Whosoever therefore will be friend a friend of the world is the enemy of God look the world is the enemy of God And if you're on God's side fighting against the world you can't be friends with the world who's fighting against God That makes you a traitor That Makes you unloyal We must Cut off the works of darkness We must have no fellowship with darkness Because we cannot fellowship with darkness and light and the whole point the whole point is to fellowship with light With God who is light and with God's people who are light and again? I'm not telling you you need to be me I'm not telling you you need to go quit your job tomorrow and find a job We're only safe people work you're not gonna find that we understand we interact with the world we get that you have unsafe family members You got to love them you got to care for them you got a minister to them But when I'm talking about the people that you spend your most of your time with that you really a fellowship with that really are Encouraging you along the way you can't have it be worldly people who don't love God who don't love the things of God We must cut off the works of darkness. Here's point number two I said number one we must cut off the works of darkness We must have no fellowship with darkness because we cannot fellowship with darkness and light There's point number two To put on the armor of light. I mean we're talking about just getting suited up for battle We're talking about just making it through boot camp To to fight to engage in spiritual war warfare you have to cut off The world I Mean look if we're fighting Against a different country. I'm talking about a physical war and you're in boot camp and they're like hey look That's the enemy over there. You can't be friends with them. I think that's you know military 101 You can't be friends with the enemy You can't fellowship with the enemy You can't conspire with the enemy Look the enemy is the world the devil the world There's point number two to put on the armor of light not only how should we cut off the works of darkness point number two We must cast off the works of darkness Not only should we practice separation, but we should practice sanctification Go back to Romans chapter 13 if you would Look at verse 12 Romans chapter 13 and verse 12 the Bible says this the night is far spent The day is at hand Romans 13 verse 12, then he says this let us therefore cast off the works of darkness The those words cast off they have this idea of taking something off Like if I were to take off this coat, I'd be casting it off I would be removing it the Bible says that we must cast off the works of darkness and Let us put on the armor of light now. What does that mean to cast off the works of darkness look at verse 13? Let us walk honestly Talked about that last week Honestly authentically We should be real if the world look if the world's gonna look at you and say and See your light and glorify your father, which is in heaven you have to be the real thing You can't be a hypocrite Let us walk honestly as in the day, then he says then he says here's the opposite of that okay, not Not in writing and that's applicable in 2020 If you're look if you're in writing you're not walking with light That's why they write at night right not in writing and of course the word writing means it has to do with with disturbance violence not in writing and drunkenness drunkenness talking about drinking alcohol and getting drunk Not in chambering that has to do with immorality and Wantonness that has to do with lust not in strife. That's debate and contentious and Envy that's desire look here's what he's telling you He's telling you if you're gonna put on the armor of light before you can put on the armor of light you have to Cast off the works of darkness you have to take them off and then he gives us examples here of those types of things and You know I would just say this this is a list of examples that we could look at lots of lists of examples But the idea is this that we cannot be fighting the world while we're doing what the world does We need to turn off we need to take off we need to cast off the works of Darkness the works that the world does we need to take those up, and then he gives us these examples rioting drunkenness chambering wantonness strife and being and look I would just say this this includes the things you say What's a good rule of thumb? The things that are done in darkness should not be done by the children of light You ever notice that dark places are always sinful kids learn this lesson Dark places are sinful places That's why casinos are dark Cuz casinos are sinful No Christian should ever walk into a casino period you say why because they're dark because darkness happens there because Prostitution happens there because drunkenness happens there because gambling coming happens there bars are dark I Mean I've never been in a bar, but anybody want to argue the fact that bars are dark and kids Not only are bars dark. They smell like piss and they smell like throw up and They smell like old failures of people who are a bunch of drunkards. There's nothing cool about it The world makes you the world you see these ads and it's like all these fun people these people having fun There's nothing fun in a bar. It's dark, and it's dirty and it and it's dreadful It's dark. They keep it dark for a reason They don't want you to see the truth of it That's why clubs are dark. That's why concerts are dark by the way. That's why we don't have church in the dark It's why we turn the lights on when we have church Say well, I used to go to this church is liberal church, and it was all dark. You know why it was dark Because they wanted it to feel like a casino Because they wanted it to feel like a bar Because they wanted it to feel like a rock concert because that's what they were having was a rock concert That's why it was dark This includes things that are done in darkness But I would also say this this includes anything that you don't want to come out into light Look if you're if you're keeping it a secret you have to ask yourself why When somebody says don't tell pastor red flag Don't-don't miss Joanne red flag Look kids if somebody says don't tell your mom red red flag Don't tell your dad run screaming and yelling in the other direction towards your mom and dad. Oh Well, it was my friend who said red flag Look we need to cast off the works of darkness We need to take off the works of darkness We need to not do what look you can't fight the world when you're doing what the world does Romans chapter 12 you're there in Romans 13. Look at Romans chapter 12 look at verse 1. I Would teach you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your body as a living sacrifice God wants you to present yourself to him as a living sacrifice you say well How do I present myself to him wholly and acceptable unto God? And then he says this and I love this which is your reasonable service There is nothing you do that is extraordinary for God, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings I'm thankful for everything you do to me things people do around here for church and for God I'm like, wow, that's amazing But let me tell you something when it comes to when it comes to you doing it and I'm the pastor My wife is the pastor's wife and we're like, wow, that's so nice of you. So thankful great. We appreciate you That's great. But when it comes to God there is nothing you do that is unreasonable Don't ever get to the point where like well I do so much for you don't do nothing for God God saved you from going to hell Everything I give him after that is very reasonable Which is your reasonable service verse 2 and be not notice his words conformed to this world Like I'm just just beyond those to be honest is your life conform to this world patterned after this world following the course of this world that's set up by the devil and Be not conformed to this world But be you transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove What is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God see we must cast off Not only must we cut off and have no fellowship With the unfruitful works of darkness and practice separation from the world, but then we should also practice Sanctification and we must cast off the works of darkness from our lives and Then again, just like separation sanctification separation is from the world unto God Sanctification is from the world unto God. Not only do we cast off the world we then put on Christ Look at verse Romans 13 verse 12. You flip back to chapter 13 Romans 13 and verse 12 The night is far spent The days at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darkness then he says this and let us put on the armor of light Let us walk honestly as in the day not in rioting and drunkenness not in chambering and wanton is not in strife and vent and being First 14, but notice these words, but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ It's like this idea this concept It's so simple. Yes. It's so difficult for us He says you want to walk in darkness or you want to walk in light? He said it's easy. Just take off darkness and put on light Like I put on a coat. Yeah, like you put on a coat You just make a choice to do it Use the site to do it. I Want to be a good Christian. Okay. Well then put on Jesus Christ and Then you get up in the morning and you say well, what would Jesus do? I'm gonna put on Jesus Christ. I'm gonna let him live through me. I am crucified with Christ Nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me and the life that I now live in the flesh I live by the grace of the love Christ who loved me and gave himself for me We put on Christ and then we look like Christ So you put on Christ and you say well, what would Christ want me to do? Well Christ would want you to show up for soul winning. I Mean right. I mean, let's just be honest We have soul winning on Thursday at 2 p.m On the Sun on Saturday at 10 a.m. On Sunday at 2 p.m And if you were honest with yourself and you ask yourself this question on Saturday morning at 10 a.m What would Jesus want me to do? If I put him on right now It's not that complicated When you speak to your children, how would Jesus want you to speak to your children? When you speak to your spouse, how would Jesus want you to speak to yourself? Oh, it's not that easy I can't you know, I can't control. Yeah, you can Yeah, you can and here and you know, you can We all can because we all decide to do it whenever we want to It's happened to all of us. You're sitting there screaming at the kids. You're yelling at the kids Look, I'm a preacher. So I just tend to yell in general and you know, I'm like yelling at the kids Ding-dong hi How are you Don't tell me you can't control it You don't want to control it You're yelling at your husband. You're yelling at your wife ring. Hello Yes, I'd like to learn about refinancing my mortgage I Mean we turn it on and off It's as easy as taking a coat off and putting a coat on it's just a decision you make you decide Do I want to walk in darkness or do I want to walk in light? Don't want to put off the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to put on the Lord Jesus Christ But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof In this passage, by the way, he gives us two practical advices just some practical advice for getting victory over sin notice he says first of all, you must remove and replace in Verse 12. He says let us therefore cast off and let us put on remove and replace Look remove worldly music and replace it with godly music Last night we had some of the young people live streaming I don't know if you guys saw it, but we had them live streaming some instrumental music. Hey, that's great That's on that's on YouTube. You say I feel like listening to something worldly turn that on sing along How do I get victory over sin you remove and replace see you remove the worldly crowd and you replace them with a godly crowd You remove worldly music and you replace it with godly music you remove worldly entertainment You replace it with godly interesting see let us therefore cast off and let us put on but then here's the second piece Of advice for getting victory not only must we remove and replace but we must not provide opportunity He says there in verse 12. He says make not provision for the flesh Make not provision for the flesh Here's what that means if you have a problem if you have a struggle with drunkenness with alcoholism Then don't walk into a bar. But you know, no Christian should walk into a bar Oh You know, I was gonna walk in that bar and get a glass of water no, you're not Make no provision for the flesh Don't make an opportunity For the flesh first Thessalonians if you would first Thessalonians chapter 5 you find the t-books are all clustered together You're there in Romans. You got first thing going these Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians first Thessalonians first Thessalonians chapter 5 first Thessalonians chapter 5 We'll finish here First Thessalonians chapter 5 look about what Bible says ye are all the children of light and the children of the day We are not of the night nor of darkness Therefore He says look you're not children of the darkness. You're children of the light You're not children of the night. You're children of the day She says therefore he says for that reason let us not sleep as to others, but let us watch and be sober For they that sleep sleep in the night and they that be drunken are drunken in the night, but let us Who are of the day be sober then he says this putting on Putting on Then he gives us that list from Ephesians 6, right? the armor of light from Romans 13 putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for an helmet the hope of salvation He says look There is a conflict between darkness and light Darkness does not comprehend light Darkness is at odds with light ye are the children of light and Therefore you are in conflict with darkness But the only way you can actually fight darkness is to suit up Is to put on the armor of light is to get ready to fight and engage in spiritual warfare next week We're going to talk about actually fighting spiritual warfare. How do we fight in spiritual warfare, but before you even get there? You got to take off the world and you got to put on the armor of light You say this is that simple. It's literally that simple Now we make it difficult we make it complicated our flesh makes it complicated But you just decide You just choose do I want to walk in darkness now? Here's how you do it. You don't set yourself up for failure You cut off the world. I'm not talking about being an Amish person I'm not talking about you know, I never want to talk to anybody in the world But we cut off the world We don't yoke ourselves up with the world. The world does not provide our main source of fellowship and friendship We're friendly with them but we realize That the children of darkness the children of the world and the children of God are two different things We cut off the world and then we cast off the world You don't separate from the world, but bring the world in this with you You take it off you take off drunkenness Take off wantonness you take off chambering You take off The clothing of this world and you put on The Lord Jesus Christ let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Heavenly Father Thank you Lord for your word Thank you for the Bible and Lord. I pray you'd help us as Christians to learn this concept of separation and sanctification We're separated from the world unto God we are sanctified from the world unto God Lord help us to be people Who would be sanctified People Who would be holy Lord help us to prepare to engage in spiritual warfare because the truth matter is this The fights coming whether we like it or not whether we're ready for it or not And when the devil shows up when that roaring lion shows up We don't want to be trying to figure out where our armor is Want to have it on want to be ready to engage to fight to stand But I pray you'd help us the matchless name of Christ we pray Amen we're now brother man