(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right we're there in Luke chapter number two and of course on Sundays we've been going through this sermon series entitled celebrating Christ and we've been looking at the stories so far before today we're looking at all the stories leading up to the birth of Christ and of course this morning we spent time in Luke chapter 2 verses 1 through 20 and we looked at the birth of Christ and the angels coming and proclaiming him the shepherds coming to visit him and tonight we're going to look at the presentation of Christ and we're gonna like I said just kind of pick up right where we left off in the story and we're gonna fast forward eight days later to the presentation of Christ and the Bible says there in Luke chapter 2 and verse 21 and when eight days were accomplished this is after his birth for the circumcising of the child his name was called Jesus which was so named of the angel both before he was conceived in the womb and what I'd like to do tonight I realize we've got cookies and hot chocolate and all of that and we hope you'll stick around in fellowship with us after the service but we always want to give preeminence to the Word of God and we always want to of course give time to the Word of God and in the the text this evening what we're going to do is we're going to meet two very special people two senior Saints as we like to call them and there are two elderly people that crossed paths with the Lord Jesus Christ when he was a newborn two individuals by the name of Simeon and Anna and we're gonna look at them quickly tonight as quickly as we can but before we do that I want to just by way of introduction give you some thoughts from this passage so I'm gonna give you three introductory thoughts then we're gonna look at Simeon I'll give you some thoughts in regards to him we'll look at Anna give you a couple thoughts in regards to him and Lord willing we won't be too long the first thing I'd like to bring to your attention if you're taking notes and I'd encourage you to take notes on the back of your course the week there's a place for you to write down some things the first thing I'd like you to notice in verse 21 is a scientific fact I want you to notice there in verse 21 that the Bible says that when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child and we won't take the time to go back into the Old Testament but we know that this is something that was commanded of God in the Old Testament not only in the Mosaic law but even before the Mosaic law God had told Abraham that all of the descendants of Abraham were to be circumcised and this was something that was in in the Old Testament it's been done away in the New Testament in regards to being done for religious reasons but it was to be able to identify those that were separated unto the Lord those that were in the nation of Israel and and were God's people in the Old Testament what I want you to notice is that the Bible says there when eight days were accomplished and Abraham was specifically instructed that he was to circumcise his male children in on the eighth day of their birth this was carried after their birth this was carried into the Old Testament law by Moses where the Mosaic law teaches that on the eighth day on their eighth day of their life they were to be circumcised and this is an interesting fact you might just read through that and not really think much of it but let me just read to you just a little excerpt from an article and the it's the article is on the subject of does blood really coagulate best when a baby is eight days old and here's what the article says it says it has been scientifically proven that a male baby's blood is most likely to clot on the eighth day after birth this has nothing to do with vitamin K supplementation either there are other factors involved in blood clotting that make this the eighth day a uniquely propitious day for circumcision on the eighth day the amount of prothrombin present in the male body is above 100% of normal and that's the only day in the male's life in which this will naturally be the case it's interesting that science has found that if you're going to circumcise a child a male child and you're not going to use any additional supplements in order to cause blood clotting that the best day to do that is on the eighth day of their life for some reason on the eighth day of a male baby's life they is the best day for them naturally to be able to have blood clotting to help them with that what's interesting is that in the ancient world thousands of years ago God told Abraham I want you to circumcise your children and by the way do it on the eighth day Moses commanded the children of Israel to circumcise on the eighth day here we see that Jesus was circumcised and again 2,000 years ago on the eighth day now did Abraham understand why it needed to be done on the eighth day scientifically did Moses understand why it needed to be done on the eighth day scientifically did Joseph and Mary necessarily understand why it needed to be done on the eighth day not necessarily they just knew that that's what God commanded but I will tell you this God knew God knew scientifically naturally when would be the best day for a child to be circumcised and I just want to bring that to your attention because as we often find as we study the Bible together and go through the scriptures together that science is often catching up to the Bible the Word of God is always ahead of science and science is often catching up to the Bible and these little thoughts and these little ideas they're not meant to build your faith but they can solidify and strengthen your faith in a realization that the Word of God was not written by man there's no man four thousand years ago six thousand years ago that knew that on the eighth day was the day that would be the best for natural blood clotting in a child therefore we should circumcise on the eighth day but God did know that and and God commanded his people to do that so just an interesting fact there in this scripture we see a scientific fact we see something that science has now showed us that wow the Bible knew what it was talking about but I want you notice secondly by way of introduction not only is there a scientific fact but there's also a scriptural variance and I want to show you something in Luke chapter 2 and verse 22 the Bible says this and when the days of I want you notice this word her when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished they brought him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord here the Bible tells us that on the days of her and the her there is referring to Mary on the day of her purification according to the law of Moses according to the law of Moses were accomplished they brought him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord I'd like you to quickly go with me to the Old Testament book of Leviticus Leviticus chapter number 12 in the Old Testament you have Genesis Exodus and then the book of Leviticus Leviticus chapter 12 and what the Bible is talking about here in verse 22 we're told that this was done according to the law of Moses and we're going to look at it here in a minute in the book of Leviticus where the law of Moses commanded that after a male child was born after a female child was born they were to bring a sacrifice for the purification of the mother and then there was an additional sacrifice sometime later what I what the reason that I want to point this out to you is because here if you've got a King James Bible in your hand the Bible says when the days of her purification now at Verity Baptist Church and you may be a guest with us tonight and maybe you don't understand that that's okay we're not picking on you but at Verity Baptist Church we believe the King James Bible is God's inerrant and inspired Word of God we believe that it is God's inspired Word of God in the English language we don't believe it is the only Bible in the world we believe that God's Word is in other languages but today in the United States of America you've got a whole variety of different books that call themselves the Bible they call themselves the Word of God and many Christians or many followers of Christ have been deceived with this idea when you ask them about what about all these Bible versions I mean have you ever stopped to think why are there so many Bible versions you've got the King James version you've got the English Standard Version you've got the New International Version you've got the New American Standard Version you've got all these versions and you've got to ask yourself this question if if the Bible is what God said then why did God say so many things I mean if the Bible is simply his translation of what God said shouldn't there just be one that says what God said and what people often mistake is they'll say well these newer Bible versions it's saying the same thing it's just updating the language and I would disagree with that I'm about to show you some proof of that in a second because if all that was happening was the language was being updated that wouldn't be such a big deal but I'm here to tell you that there's something else that is happening and it's not only the language is being updated and punctuation is being updated but words are actually being changed in these Bibles and words matter these words teach different things when you change the words they say different things and here's all I'm saying is God didn't say two different things God only said one thing and and when things you know because it was a big deal between this Bible version of that by version well if they don't say the same thing then we've got to ask the question what did God say because things that are different are not the same now you say well I don't understand what's the point in Luke chapter 2 and verse 22 the Bible says and when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished now let me read to you from some of these other Bible versions and let me make the point here's what Luke chapter 2 and verse 22 says in the American Standard Version it says and when the days of their purification according to the law of Moses were fulfilled now somebody might say well I don't think that's a big deal well you the Bible says Jesus said that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded up out of the mouth of God her and they are not the same thing so here's the question I have which one did God say now I'm about to show you that it's a big deal but I want you to see this the King James Bible says when the days of her purification the American Standard Version says and when the days of their purification you might say well the American Standard maybe they got it wrong okay here's the ESV the English Standard Version is the most popular modern Bible version used in America today Luke 2 22 here's what it says and when the time came for their purification and Luke 2 22 of the new American Standard Version it says and when the days of their purification according to the law of Moses were completed here's what the New Living Translation says it says then it was time for their purification here's what the Revised Standard Version says it says and when the time came for their purification here's what the King James Bible says when the time for her purification you say what's the big deal well look at Leviticus chapter 12 and verse 6 again we can't minimize the Word of God the Word of God is where we base everything we believe the Word of God is the foundation for every matter of faith and practice in the Christian life and if God said something we need to know what God said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God now every most modern Bible versions today have decided to have a scriptural variance to change the text and to not say when the days of her purification but they want to say in the days of their purification you say what's the difference well the there is involving Jesus the one that was born the King James Bible says there came time for her Mary and and and we love Mary and we honor Mary and Mary was a woman of faith and in favor of God but that's all she was she was a believer but she was not deity she was a woman a favored woman a faithful woman a graceful woman a blessed woman of God but but she's not someone we pray to and and and and Mary was a sinner and she needed to be purified and when the days of her purification were accomplished the King James Bible says she came to the temple to give the to give the the different sacrifices needed when the other Bible versions say the day of their purification now they're involving Jesus the child Jesus as though the child Jesus needed purification now you say well I don't I still don't understand what's the big deal well let's look at what's the purpose of this purification Leviticus 12 look at verse 6 and when the days of if you've got a King James Bible don't miss this and when the days of her purifying are fulfilled Leviticus 12 and verse 6 so according to the King James Bible who's supposed to be do who are we purifying here on the days of here purifying are fulfilled for a son or for a daughter she shall bring a lamb of the first year for a burnt offering notice she's supposed to bring two different types of sacrifices one is a lamb for a burnt offering the other and a young pigeon or a turtle dove for a notice don't miss it for a what sin offering what was the purpose of this purifying one was to be a burnt offering the other was to be a sin offering why was Mary bringing the sacrifice commanded by Moses on the eighth day to the temple part of it was a part of her bringing a sin offering unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation unto the priest who shall offer it before the Lord and make an atonement for don't miss it her not for them for her and she shall be cleansed from the issue of her blood this is the law for her that hath born a male or a female some people say you might say pastor matters I think you're making a big deal about this please understand this the book of Leviticus tells us that they were to bring an offering on the eighth day after the birth of a child for the sin offering of the mother the King James Bible tells us that she brought that for her purification but the modern Bible versions have changed that to say no no they brought it for their purification adding Jesus to that equation according to the modern Bible versions Mary brought an offering for the sins of Jesus here's a problem there is no sin in Jesus Jesus was without sin the Bible says he who knew no sin became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him so let me ask you a question which one did God say did he say her or did he say there by the way let me say this not only the was it inappropriate for Mary would it have been inappropriate for her to bring a sin offering for Jesus because Jesus was without sin but let me just say this it would have been inappropriate for her to bring a sin offering for any eight-day-old child because though we know that Jesus was without sin his entire life let me let you in on a little secret an eight-year-old baby hasn't sinned a baby that's eight days old you know what they've done in those eight days they've slept they've ate and they've gone potty they haven't sinned they haven't transgressed God's law they haven't done anything that goes against the Bible defines sin as a transgression of the law and you know what an eight-year-old baby has not done they have not transgressed the commandments of God we understand that they're born with a sin nature we understand that they're descendants of Adam we understand those things but an eight-day-old baby has not yet sinned the Bible tells us in Leviticus 12 that the purpose of this offering was for her purifying not the baby sin but the sin of the adult mother this is what Mary did in obedience to the law but the modern Bible versions they want to add Jesus in there you say why is that because the devil's behind the modern Bible versions because the devil has been attacking the Word of God since the beginning the devil since the Garden of Eden as a serpent has been questioning and changing the Word of God when he showed up to Eve and he said hath God said and changed the Word of God and said thou shalt not surely die and wouldn't you the devil want to produce Bible versions that say oh Jesus was a sinner and he didn't get a sin offering they brought a sin offering for their purification and again we can spend all night on the subject of of the Word of God and scriptural variances and I'm not gonna do that I just want to point this out to you because we're in the text and maybe you're here tonight you say I've never heard this I'd like to learn more about this we've got all sorts of studies and documentaries we've got a documentary you can watch it'll go through and explain everything we believe about these things but I want you to notice just by introduction we not only in this in this first verse see a scientific fact that it was the eighth day that Jesus was circumcised as commanded by the Word of God and science has caught up to that we also see a scriptural variance the King James Bible says in the days of her purifying and the modern Bible versions say in the day of their purifying you might think it's not a big deal but it's a big deal because what they're referring to is the a sin offering that's being brought and Jesus was not a sinner and by the way no eight-year-old no eight-day-old baby requires a sin offering let me give you one other introductory thought keep your finger right there in Leviticus 12 because we're gonna come right back to it but go back to Luke 22 or Luke excuse me Luke chapter 2 verse 22 watch you look at verse 23 just by way of introduction we see a scientific fact we see a scriptural variance but let me show you a sobering thought in Luke chapter 2 in verse 23 we have Joseph and Mary coming to the temple bringing the baby Jesus eight days old to present him notice verse 23 as it is written in the law of the Lord every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord look at verse 24 and to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord I want you to notice that in Luke 2 24 we're about to be told exactly what kind of sacrifice Mary and Joseph brought for the the eighth day presentation of the Lord Jesus Christ notice it was a pair of turtle doves and two young pigeons so here we're told in Luke 2 24 that they brought a pair which is two turtle doves this is referring to a bird and they also brought or the other option was two young pigeons so they they brought these two birds now I want you to go back to the Vegas 12 and I want you to notice something because what they're doing is they're following the Levitical law found in Leviticus chapter 12 in Leviticus chapter 12 when the instructions are given to do to bring these sacrifices on the eighth day of the birth of a child they're given two options look at verse 8 Leviticus 12 verse 8 and if she because remember it's for her purifying if she be not able to bring a lamb because remember we read in verse 7 in verse 6 excuse me of Leviticus 12 that they were to bring a lamb for a burnt offering and a young pigeon or a turtle dove one pigeon or one turtle dove for a sin offering so they were going to bring a lamb for a burnt offering and then they got to bring a bird either a young pigeon or a turtle dove for a sin offering but then in verse 8 we're told and if she be not able to bring a lamb she's unable to bring a lamb why is that because she can't afford a lamb because the lamb is too expensive notice then she shall bring notice two turtle doves or two young pigeons the one for the burnt offering and the other for the sin offering and the priest shall make an attunement for her and she shall be clean here in Leviticus 12 we are told that they were to bring a lamb for a burnt offering and a bird for a sin offering but then they were giving an option if you're too poor if you can't afford to bring a lamb then instead of bringing a lamb and a bird you are allowed to bring two birds one for a burnt offering one for a sin offering everybody understand that pretty clear when you go to Luke chapter 2 and you fast forward to the birth of Christ I want you to notice Joseph and Mary when they bring a sacrifice verse 24 they came and to offer a sacrifice according to that which said in the law of the Lord a pair of turtle doves or two young pigeons I want you to notice when Joseph and Mary brought a sacrifice eight days after the birth of Christ Joseph and Mary brought a poor man's sacrifice they were not able to afford a lamb so they brought two pigeons and again by way of introduction we have a scientific fact and we have a scriptural variance but let me say this we have a sobering thought that the parents that God the Father in heaven chose the physical human home that he chose for his son Jesus Christ to be born into and to be raised was a home of humility was a humble home we can learn from this that Joseph did not have much money Joseph was not very financially successful he was a godly man we know that Gabriel appeared to him and the Bible tells us that he was a just man and that he was willing to to to raise Jesus and and even knowing that that that even before Gabriel had appeared when he thought that Mary may have been unfaithful to him he was unwilling to put her away publicly and he was a graceful man and we know that we know that Mary was was favored with God but here's what we also know about them they didn't have a lot of money and it kind of shows you a little bit of the emphasis that God puts on money it obviously doesn't rank high on the priority with God God looked down at a home he looked down at a man he looked down at a woman he says I need somebody to raise my son down on earth and and he didn't look at what neighborhood they lived in he didn't look at what house they they lived in he didn't look at what kind of car they drove he looked to see how faithful they were how spiritual they were how they loved God how they walked with God hey money was just not a big deal to God ought to be a sobering thought and look if if God has blessed you financially praise God for it there's people all over through the Bible that God bless financially but let me tell you something money is not a big deal to God and today even during this Christmas season it's interesting to me that we have taken the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ and commercialized it it's all about getting the gift that I want and getting the right thing and getting this and getting that and I hope you get gifts and I hope you give gifts and I'm all for giving gifts the Bible says it's more blessed to give than to receive I'm not against those things but I'm here to tell you that today we tend to I make an idol out of money and today families will say well we can't have children because you know we need to get financially stable and we can't have children till we get all our financial ducks in a row and we we can't have children till you know we got to live in a certain house and live in a certain neighborhood and make a certain income before we can have children hey God didn't think that way God said I so chose Joseph and Mary somebody might have asked God said you they can't even afford a lamb God said that's okay they're bringing the lamb they're bringing the Lamb of God it'll take away those sins of the world so we see a sobering thought let me tell you something be more interested in teaching your children to be godly and to have character than to be concerned with what brand shoes they wear be more concerned about teaching your kids to be honest and to love the Lord and to work hard than to be concerned with what brand clothes they wear when God the Father was picking a home for Jesus to be raised in it's interesting they couldn't afford a lamb they brought the poor man sacrifice but they brought a sacrifice because they loved God they loved the Word of God they were building their lives on the Bible go back to Luke chapter 2 if you would I'm not sure if you're there look at verse 25 in verse 25 we meet the first of the two characters in the story remember Joseph and Mary are bringing the eight-year-old Jesus yeah eight-year-old goodnight eight day old next week we're gonna look at Jesus as a twelve-year-old I hope you come next Sunday morning see the only passage of the Bible about the childhood of Christ we'll see him as a preteen and learn all about Jesus during that time but here they're bringing the eight-day-old baby they're bringing a poor man's sacrifice to fulfill the commandments of the Old Testament law and when they get there to the temple we meet this man Simeon look at verse 25 and behold there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon I want you to notice tonight three things in regards to this man Simeon I can maybe get one of the staff guys to help me can you just turn the AC down just one degree or something notice three things you might want to write these down about Simeon we'll try to do this quickly first thing I want you to notice is the portrayal of Simeon why don't you notice how Simeon is described in the Bible look at verse 25 again and behold there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon and the same man was notice how he's described just and devout just means that he was blameless he lived right he lived righteously devout means that he was faithful he was devoted to his walk with God here we're told that he was a man that was just and devout notice waiting for the consolation of Israel notice what the Bible says and the Holy Ghost I want you to notice is when when when we see the portrayal of Simeon when Simeon is described for us in the Bible he is described as a spiritual man the Bible tells us in verse 25 and the Holy Ghost was upon him look at verse 26 and it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost that he should not see that before he had seen the Lord's Christ and he came by the Spirit notice the emphasis on the Spirit verse 25 we're told that the Holy Ghost was upon him verse 26 we're told that it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ verse 27 we're told that he came by the Spirit into the temple right when Mary and Joseph were bringing Jesus into the temple something prompted Simeon the Spirit moved upon him and he came by the Spirit into the temple and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him after the custom of the law I want you to notice that Simeon is portrayed here or described here as a spiritual man he's a spirit filled man go with me real quickly to the book of Psalms if you open up your Bible just right in the center you're more than likely fall in the book of Psalms Psalm 12 if you find the book of Psalm look at Psalm 12 when you get to Psalms do me a favor put a ribbon or a bookmark or something there because we're gonna leave it and we're gonna come back right back to it Psalm 12 let me ask this question as we consider Simeon a spiritual man a spirit filled man a man whom the Bible says the Holy Ghost was upon him and I've got to ask the question where are the spiritual men today where are the men today that are filled with the Spirit of God Psalm 12 in verse 1 I want you to notice what the Bible says the Bible says here this is Psalm 12 this is the ancient world this is the Psalmist crying out but let me tell you something the same cry from Psalm 12 one can be cried today in America in 2021 2022 the United States of America help Lord for the godly man ceases for the faithful fail from among the children of men let me ask this question again where are the spirit-filled man in America today where are the men that want to stand up and say I want to be filled with the spirit like Simeon where are the men that want to stand up like Joshua of old and say I want to lead my family for the Lord Jesus Christ as for me and my house we will serve the Lord where the spiritual man that want to stand up and say I'm gonna protect my family and I'm gonna provide for my family that understand that the Bible teaches that that if a man provide not for his own he's worse than an infidel hey where are the men of God today that would stand up and say I want the Spirit of God on my life here we have this man Simeon and we've got to respect the fact that the Bible look if you you say he's only in the Bible for a few verses but if you get in the Bible for a few verses and three times it's mentioned that you're filled with the Spirit of God that's a good man I'm afraid today that we're missing the spiritual man the spiritual man is missing I'm afraid today that many a wife is crying out in her heart saying help Lord for the godly man ceaseth for the faithful fail from among the children I'm not talking about a man who knows about all the stats of the NFL I'm talking about a man who knows the Word of God who knows what the Bible says who knows what God has called him to do with his family where's the spirit filled man today Simeon was a spiritual man the man that loved the Lord he was just and devout he didn't he didn't have to be nagged into coming to church on a Sunday night he was devout he was right he was he was interested in his walk with God once you notice this about Simeon not only was he a spiritual man but let me say this he was probably an old man keep your finger right there in Psalms and go back to Luke chapter 2 I say he was probably an old man because if I would doesn't specifically tell us that he was an old man but if you look at the wording of the passage it seems as though this was probably an old man because the Bible says in Luke 2 26 and it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ now the idea there is that he was probably close to death it doesn't read like he's a 30 year old man that God said hey by the way you're not gonna die till you see the Lord's Christ he's probably an older man an old man maybe ready to pass away and the Holy Ghost said you're not going to die he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ so here's what we have in Simeon he's a very unique man in the sense that he's a spiritual man and those are unique men and by the way men I'm talking about you you men sitting in this room right now let me tell you something men that read the Bible pray for their wives and for their wife and children not their wives Lord good night that's not a spiritual man man that prays for his wife and his children a man that leads his family spiritually and the things of God a man who reads the Bible understands the Bible a man who leads his family brings them to church brings them to soul winning teaches his children brings them up in the nurture and admonition that's a unique man there's not many of those around that's why we're in the mess we're in in this country help Lord for the godly man sees it through the prayer of the day aren't you notice Simeon was twice Simeon was twice unique not only was he a spiritual man but he was an old man you're there in Psalm 12 flip over to Proverbs chapter 16 you're there in Psalm just one book over Proverbs 16 notice what the Bible says Proverbs 16 verse 31 the hoary head Proverbs 16 31 the hoary head what does the word hoary mean it means grayish or white it's talking about somebody whose head is white or gray right it's like about an old man now don't look too closely at my hair because it's getting pretty white I'm not that old but I'm just stressed out with all you people here it says the hoary head notice is a crown of glory the hoary head is a crown of glory notice don't miss it if it be found on a golf course is that what it says the hoary head is a crown of glory if it be found in Florida relaxing is that what it says a hoary head is a crown of glory if it be found in the way of righteousness you know what Verity Baptist Church needs we need a spiritual man but you know what we also need we need some spiritual men that are gonna stick with this thing for a long time they're gonna be a hoary head they're gonna be there gonna be old man found in the way of righteousness old man found out soul winning old man found out reading their Bibles old man standing up and preaching the Word of God hey you know what we need today we need some spiritual man and we need some spiritual man are gonna stick with this thing long enough to be some old spiritual man and I'm thankful we've got some older men that are spiritual I'm thankful for my dad Felix Jimenez this morning we we we honored them my parents their anniversaries on the 23rd of this month and you know they're all confused he said it's 42 but it's been 43 years we found out I found out after once you've been married for 40 years you know it doesn't matter 43 years hey I'm thankful for some a father and a mother have been faithful 43 years married I'm thankful for my dad my dad sometimes jokes with me he says you know I go to these missions trips and I go to these soul winning marathons and I'm the oldest oldest guy there and I say man I'm proud of that the hoary head is a crown of glory if it be found in the way of righteousness yeah I'm thankful for brother Ray Anderson who's a member of our church been a member of our church since day one I mean literally the first day that we started the church brother ray Anderson pastor and pastor Steve Anderson's dad a faithful man I'm thankful for some older men and I hope that 10 years from now 20 years from now 30 years from now some of you young men with some young kids will be those faithful hoary head men that are not only helping now raising your children for God but helping raise your grandchildren for God your great-grandchildren for God so we see Simeon we see his portrayal his description he was a spiritual man it's probably an old man aren't you notice secondly about Simeon not only do we see his portrayal but I want you to notice we also see his proclamation look at verse 27 Luke chapter 2 in verse 27 Simeon proclaimed a couple things in this passage notice what he says in verse 27 knows what the Bible says and he came by the Spirit into the temple and when the parents brought in the child Jesus get this in your head get yourself in the Bible for a second to do for him after the custom of the law think about this you've got a young mother Mary with her newborn eight-day-old baby Jesus they're coming into the temple to do the custom of the law this old man Simeon let of the Spirit comes into the temple and the Bible tells us in verse 28 notice then took he Simeon took him Jesus up in his arms I mean think about that what are some of you moms with an eight-day-old baby you're you're you're walking into some sort of an appointment or something and some old man walks up to you grabs your baby I mean this would happen then he took he him the Bible says up in his arms and blessed God and said notice he takes Jesus from Mary holds him up in his arms he's looking at the baby Jesus and then he proclaimed something why don't you notice what he said verse 29 he said Lord now let us thou thy servant depart in peace remember the Holy Ghost had told him that he would not see death until he had seen the Lord's Christ and we walks into the temple and he and he walks into this event and he sees Mary with Jesus and he and he grabs baby Jesus and he holds him up and he says Lord now let us thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word don't miss it verse 30 for mine eyes have seen thy salvation once you notice this proclamation from Simeon he proclaimed the person of salvation we often say and I'm not against people saying this and I I say it and it's fine we have to talk about the plan of salvation I know what we mean by that we mean the fact that people have to understand that they're a sinner and their sin is condemned them to hell and Jesus died on the cross to pay for their sins and they have to put their faith in Jesus Christ to be safe that is not of works and you can't lose it it's eternal security and you have to call upon Christ I get that and and I understand that and we use that terminology I'm not against it but please understand something salvation is not so much a plan as it is a person here he's looking at Jesus physically baby Jesus and he's saying mine eyes have seen thy salvation Jesus would later on say I am the way the truth and the life he said no man cometh unto the father but by me let me tell you something salvation is through Jesus Christ alone not your good works not because you quit smoking or drinking or doing drugs and I hope you'll quit smoking and drinking and doing drugs but that won't get you saved salvation is Jesus Christ alone period the fact that he died on the cross to pay for your sins and you could not pay for them no matter what you do so we see the proclamation of Simeon he proclaims the person of salvation but I want you to notice also verse 31 he proclaims the extent of salvation notice in verse 31 he says he in verse 30 he said for mine eyes have seen thy salvation verse 31 which thou has prepared before the face notice of all people I like to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel today we have people who say oh no the dispensation say no he only came to the Jews and it wasn't until they rejected him then the the option was given to the Gentiles well we've got Jesus here on day number eight and Simeon is proclaiming that he is a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel let me tell you something salvation has always been for the whole world for God so loved the world there's neither Jew nor Greek there's neither bond nor free there's neither male nor female for you're all one in Christ Jesus so we see the person of salvation we see the extent of salvation I want you to notice about Simeon we see his portrayal he's portrayed as a spiritual man probably an old man we see his proclamation I want you to notice thirdly his prediction look at verse 33 Joseph and his mother marveled at those things which were spoken of him Simeon blessed them and said unto Mary his mother why don't you notice the Simeon takes Jesus and hold him up and he says mine eyes have seen thy salvation and then he looks over at Mary and he says something to her he the Bible says it's time Simeon blessed them and said unto Mary his mother why don't you notice what he says he makes a prediction here he says behold speaking to Mary the mother of Jesus behold this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel he makes this prediction he says this child is set he says for the fall and rising again of many why don't you notice that in the prediction of Simeon about Christ we see the demand of Christ he he predicts that this child Jesus is either going to be the fall or the rising he predicts that when it comes to this child Jesus this child that was just born this child that was brought forth to this earth he he's going to either be your fall or your rising see the demand of Jesus is this that you cannot maintain neutrality with Jesus Jesus will other cause you to he'll either cause you to rise or he'll cause you to fall but you can't stay neutral is that what what do you mean well let me just run a couple of verses go to Matthew 21 Matthew 21 don't worry the cookies will be there when we're done all right we'll make sure to get an armed guard to watch the cookies Matthew 21 verse 44 notice this passage about the Lord Jesus Christ by the way when you get to math you keep your finger there because we're gonna leave it and we're gonna come back to it Matthew 21 verse 44 and whosoever shall fall on this stone the stone is referring to Jesus and whosoever shall fall on this stone notice shall be broken shall be broken by the way that's a positive thing we don't look at it as a positive thing because we're prideful people this is what you need for salvation you need to be broken you need to realize I'm a sinner and unable to save myself and whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken but here's your options here's your only options either you fall on the stone of Jesus and you are broken or the Bible says but on whomsoever it the if there's referring to the stone shall fall it will grind him to powder the word grind means Christ here's what the Bible says either you fall on Jesus and you get broken or he falls on you and you get grinded you get ground you get crushed here's the point that I'm making you cannot be neutral about Jesus Simeon was telling Mary he's looking at Mary and saying this child is set for the fall and rising of many there's no neutrality with Jesus please understand something Jesus said too much about himself he said too much about himself he said I am the way the truth and life he said I am the Good Shepherd he said before Abraham was I am he said too much about himself the thing about Jesus is this that there's a demand for with Jesus because you either believe that he is who he said he is the chosen one the Messiah the Christ the Savior the Lord the Son of God the sinless one who take came to take away the sins of the world you either believe that or you believe it's crazy you you can't say well I don't think he's the Son of God but I think he's just a good man no there's no neutrality with Jesus he either was who he said he was or he was insane and that's why he is set for the fall and rising of many you will either fall on him and be broken or he will fall on you and you will be crushed Matthew 10 look at verse 32 you're there in Matthew look at Matthew 10 in verse 32 the Bible says whosoever therefore this is what Jesus said whosoever therefore shall confess me before him before men him will I confess also before my father which is in heaven verse 33 but whosoever shall deny me before men him will I also deny before my father which is in heaven I'm here to tell you those are the only two options you either confess Jesus or you deny Jesus you say I'm not denying Jesus I'm just choosing Allah then you're denying Jesus I'm not denying Jesus I'm just choosing my good works then you're denying Jesus look here's all I'm telling you whether you like it or not we talked about this morning whether you like it or not the Bible says that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father you don't get to say I'm neutral on Jesus you either fall on him or he'll fall on you you're either broken on him or he will grind you and crush you you'll either confess him and he'll confess you before his father or you'll deny him and he'll deny you before his father but there is a demand to Jesus you cannot stay neutral you must make a choice not only is there a demand to Jesus keep your finger right there in Matthew 10 go back to Luke chapter 2 but there's a divisiveness of Jesus look you know this to be true Jesus a very divisive character is it true you don't believe me walk into your break room tomorrow or tomorrow walk into your break room when everybody's there for lunch and say hey I just wanna make an announcement I want to let everybody know I love Jesus see how people react to you I'm a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ I'm a Christian I'm a believer I believe that Jesus is Son of God and I believe that Jesus is the only way of salvation see how people treat you after that he's a divisive figure notice what Simeon says verse 34 and Simeon blessed them and said unto Mary his mother behold this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel notice and for a sign which shall be spoken against Simeon says let me tell you something about your baby Mary not only is he set for the fall and rising of many but there's gonna be many who speak against him isn't that true today let me tell you something Jesus is a divisive character Matthew chapter 10 and verse 34 if you kept your place there notice what the Bible says the Bible this is what Jesus said he said think not that I am come to send peace on earth I came not to send peace but a sword for I am come to set a man notice these words at variance the word variance means in a state of disagreement at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a man's foes shall be they of his own household I'm here to tell you that Jesus is a divisive character I want you to notice that here we have Simeon speaking to Mary and he's telling her look mine eyes have seen my salvation he's speaking to the Lord about Jesus that this is salvation he this is the way the truth and the light but then he looks at Mary and he says this child is set for the fall and rising of many and a sign which shall be spoken against I want you to notice verse 35 Luke chapter 2 in verse 35 when Simeon said these words to Mary notice what he says he says yea a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed it's an interesting thought here because though Jesus was the Son of God Mary was still his human mother and I believe that Simeon here is referring to the fact that Mary's heart would be pierced and broken as she watched her son die on a cross that though Mary understood and she got the message from Gabriel as she understand that this was the Son of God and that he was born to die and that he was here to bring remission of sins Simeon predicts for us that a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also that though Jesus came to die the Bible says he came to seek him to save that which was lost he came to die for our sins and we understand that and we're thankful for that that there was a mother who gave birth to him there was a mother who fed him there was a mother who claims him there was a mother who taught him to walk there's a mother who helped him speak there's a mother that was there for all the milestones of his life and that mother sat there and watched her son yes the Son of God but watched her son die on a cross and her soul was pierced I'm here to just give you a very sobering thought and is this that we often understand that there is a cost for serving Jesus but let me give you another sobering thought not only does it cost you something to serve Jesus but sometimes it costs others for us to serve Jesus and Jesus as he submitted to the will of his father not only did it cost him something but it cost Mary something and Simeon predicted this and he said Mary a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also and in verse 36 we may meet the second character once you see it quickly not only did we meet Simeon who saw his description his proclamation his prediction we secondly also meet Anna look at verse 36 we know that this is an elderly lady because the Bible tells us that verse 36 and there was one Anna a prophetess a daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asser she was of a great age and had lived notice this with a husband seven years from her virginity now we're not sure when she got married but we know that when she was married she was a virgin she was a young lady and she was made for seven years but her husband died verse 37 and she was a widow of about four score and four years four score if you remember Abraham Lincoln's address four score is seven years ago four score is 80 years she was a widow for four score in four years she got married as a young lady was married for seven years her husband died and then spent the next 84 years as a widow is it what did she do though she spent her years probably very lonely as a widow she was lonely but she served the Lord notice verse 37 there and she was a widow of about four score and four years which departed not from the temple the temple of course being the house of God notice but served God with fast and prayers night and day why don't you notice that this second lady we meet the second character Anna she was a servant she served God with fasting and prayer night and day I'm sure being married for seven years and then losing her husband and being a widow for 84 years like we talked about this morning was not how she planned out her life this was not probably what she wanted but let me tell you something she got busy serving the Lord in the Bible touches you served God with fasting and prayer night and day it reminds me you have to turn there of the passage in Romans 16 and verse 1 when Paul tells us he says I commend unto you Phoebe our sister which is a servant of the church we should be busy serving the Lord and let me just say this we not only need some spiritual old men that are serving God but we've learned here from Anna that we also need some spiritual aged ladies you don't have to turn there I'll just read this for you Titus chapter 2 verse 3 the Bible says the aged women likewise that they be in behavior as become with holiness not false accusers not given too much wine teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children let me tell you something not only do we need some old men that will be spirit filled and serve God with their life like Caleb who was 80 years old and said I want that mountain but we need some aged women as well that'll teach the younger women to love their husbands and love their children to serve God and help the younger generation coming up why don't you notice this Anna she was not only a servant but lastly I want you to notice she was a soul winner look at verse 38 and she coming in at that instant gave things likewise unto the Lord and notice these words spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem now I don't look you might think pastor you've been preaching a lot about soul-winning lately look I don't know if you notice I'm going verse by verse chapter by chapter through books of the Bible and we get to Wednesday night Bible study and Paul saying ye are ambassadors for Christ he said I am an ambassador for Christ that I may speak boldly as I ought to speak then we get to the birth story of Jesus and we see these shepherds and the Bible tells us that they made known abroad the saying all the things that they knew about Jesus they went around preaching it then we get to the presentation of Christ and we see this Anna and the Bible tells us that she spake of him to all them that look for redemption Jerusalem and I'm here to tell you there is a theme that runs through the Bible that when you get saved God expects you to take that message and give it to others every Christian ought to be like Anna you say what does every Christian what should they be they should be a servant and a soul winner they should serve the Lord and they should win souls for Christ and by the way I'm thankful for the fact that our church is filled with a bunch of godly ladies who do preach the gospel in our soul winners Philippians chapter 4 and verse 3 you have to turn that the Bible says and I entreat the also true yoke fellow help those women with labored with me in the gospel there's women that labored with Paul in the gospel we talked about the woman at the well recently that went out and preached the gospel I'm here to tell you we should all be like Anna a servant and a soul winner a servant and a soul winner let me ask you are you feeling those two priorities you say what should I do in connection to the house of God well here's what Anna did she was a servant and a soul winner she served in the house of God and then she preached the gospel that's what a soul winner is the Bible says they that when he that when his souls is wise every Christian out of you gotta fill that category look I'm not trying to pick on you but I do want to challenge you you know do you fit those categories are you a servant and a soul winner so how do I know well let me ask you this do you go soul winning on a regular basis and a faithful devout way I've heard you Baptist Church let me ask you this do you serve this is what you ought to do I remember years ago my brother-in-law brother Jose Cruz he he gave me this illustration I think he'd heard it somewhere and I thought I thought it was a good one that the house of God should be like a firehouse the firefighters now we think of firefighters we think what if firefighters go do they go out and they fight fires right well that's what we should do the Bible says and of some have compassion making a difference and others save with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh hey we're like spiritual firefighters there's a fire called hell that people are gonna go to the wrath of God a bite it's on him and we go out to where they are and we pull them out of the fire but let me tell you something firefighters don't only fight fires they do that when they're out but what do you do when they're in when they're in the firehouse you ever taken a tour of a firehouse go to a firehouse you know what you'll find firefighters doing all sorts of things cooking working out cleaning doing all sorts of chores and responsibilities that's what the Christian life should be like hey when we're here in the firehouse you got to be serving somewhere the safety team the ushers team the orchestra the choir cleaning you know the cleaning crew whatever find somewhere to serve within the firehouse you say oh I'm a soul winner well here's the thing about a firefighter they they go to the firehouse and they they do something they serve and then when the alarm goes off and it's time to go fight a fire it's so winning time it's time to pull people out of the plane then we all get up and we all go hey we ought to be serving and we ought to be soul winning you got to be serving you gotta be so winning I'm a soul winner good find somewhere to serve I serve good find somewhere to go soul winning Anna she did both she was a servant and a and a soul winner look at verse number 39 we'll finish up and when they had performed all things according to the law of the Lord let me just make this point in conclusion Jesus fulfilled the law of God perfectly he was without sin and he was righteous and when they had performed all the things according to the law of the Lord they returned into Galilee remember they were from the northern part of Israel to their own city Nazareth I want to encourage you to be with us next week we're gonna be done here in a minute we're gonna sing and we're gonna have some time of fellowship with cookies and hot chocolate but I want to encourage you to be with us next Sunday morning because next Sunday morning we're gonna continue we're gonna pick up right where we left off Luke chapter 2 verse 40 we're gonna actually finish Luke chapter 2 next Sunday morning and we're gonna fast forward 12 years and we're gonna see the only passage of Scripture that shows us Jesus as a childhood as a child and we're gonna see the childhood of the Lord Jesus Christ and I want to encourage you to join us as we study that out especially if you've got some children in your home be good for us to see Jesus a 12 year old and kind of see what we should be aiming for in the raising of our own children that's by our heads and I would a prayer Heavenly Father Lord we do thank you for this passage of Scripture and for these two senior saints for Simeon and Anna in fact that they were serving the Lord even into their old age faithful to the house of God faithful to soul winning faithful to preaching the gospel Lord I pray you'd help all of us Lord I pray that you'd help me and my wife to be able to stay in this thing Lord I thank you for the 11 years of ministry you've given us and I pray you'd give us 20 30 40 50 years in ministry that we might be like Simeon and Anna just staying at it being faithful and Lord I pray you'd raise up a whole group of people that will serve you and stay with it that they would be just just and devout in the matchless name of Christ we pray amen