(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 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Can I please have everyone find their seats and grab their songbooks and turn to page number 409. We're going to start the service off with the fight is on. Please find your seats and grab your songbooks and turn to page number 409. That's page 409. We're going to sing the fight is on on the first. And face to face. And face to face. The The The Great singing and we're gonna do things a little different tonight obviously there's a big storm coming in I'm sure you've all heard about that and I don't know how bad the storms actually gonna be but they're predicting that there's gonna be power outages and all sorts of things so we're gonna shorten up the service tonight and we're gonna try to get you out of here as soon as possible okay so I'm gonna go ahead and pray and begin the service and then we're just gonna do the announcements we're gonna skip the second song we're gonna skip the prayer time and we're still gonna have preaching but we'll try to get you out of here quickly and hopefully the the power doesn't go out or anything like that we never want to cancel church but if we can shorten it up and get you out of here safely then that's a good thing too so let's go ahead and begin the service with the word of prayer let's bow our heads together heavenly father Lord we do thank you for allowing us to gather together today we thank you for everybody that's here and Lord we pray that you'd keep everybody safe and help us to hear from your word and be able to fellowship a little bit and then get home safely tonight in Jesus name we pray amen all right well let's go ahead and just look at our announcement so if you need if you have a bulletin raise your hand or if you need a bulletin raise your hand if you don't have a bulletin go ahead and put your hand up and we will get one for you and the verse this week Psalm 65 11 now crown us the year with thy goodness and my paths drop fatness and of course we had a great New Year's Day service on Sunday if you open up your bulletin you'll see our service times Sunday morning service 1030 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. and we're glad you're here for the Wednesday evening Bible study soul winning times our main sewing times on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. I am just gonna go ahead and announce we're gonna postpone the soul winning times for Thursday and Friday at 2 p.m. so this storm it's supposed to be like I don't know like 40 mile per hour winds and 60 mile per hour gusts or whatever and it's gonna be supposedly going on right at that soul winning time so we're just gonna cancel that for Thursday no soul winning on Thursday at 2 p.m. no soul winning on Friday at 2 p.m. and I'm sure we'll have our Saturday morning soul winning time but let me just go ahead and announce that now so you're aware of that if you look at the announcements there of course we're a family integrated church children infant or is welcome in the service we don't separate children from their parents but we do have another baby room so please use those as needed if you have a child that's been distracting during the service if you need some privacy if you look at the announcements and upcoming events of course we had our New Year's Day service nine chapters a day I hope you've been reading and I hope you've been sticking with it and if you haven't been reading and if you are already behind let me just encourage you with this it's only January 4th and you have two grace period days which means you can use those right now and you're only two days behind you're really only one day behind because this day has not ended so you can do it all right so don't quit stay with it stay at it you'll be glad you did and it's not that hard I know it seems daunting at first but it's not hard to get through the nine chapters especially if you can get through the first part the first like week or so after you get out of the Gospels in the book of Acts the chapters get a lot shorter and the time gets a lot easier so make sure you're sticking with it don't give up don't quit all right you'll you'll be glad you read the Bible you'll never regret reading the Bible and then of course we have our teen activity up there coming up our laser laser tag teen activity on Friday January 27th at 6 p.m. and all the teens are invited and the the church will pay for the cost of any teenager at the activity so 13 to 19 years old and the church will pay for one parent and the other parent can come you just have to pay for yourself but we'll pay for one parent and make sure that all the kids are chaperoned of course choir practice is starting up on Sunday January 8th at 5 p.m. for I love my church Sunday homeschool group they've got a PE class scheduled on Thursday January 12th it's not tomorrow but next week upcoming cleaning crew you can check for your name there please don't forget to turn your cell phones off or place them on silent during the service so that they're not a distraction to anybody if you look at the back of the bulletin birthdays and anniversaries this week we had a brother Ron Edwards birthday on January 1st and Amaya Holland's birthday on January 2nd praise report money matters all those things are there for you to look at we are going to skip the prayer time for tonight but we do want you to have a prayer sheet and you can of course take this home and pray for our church family anyway so if you did not get a prayer sheet on your way in just raise your hand and we want to get one for you if you need a prayer sheet everybody got one Wow the ushers are very proud of themselves good for good for that praise report let's see I think that's it for all of the announcements no let me go through some of these things so don't forget we're postponing Thursday and Friday soul-winning and and then we are not having the prayer time one announcement is a Miss Denise Anderson is back home after her surgery she's doing well and so praise the Lord for that if you would like to sign up to bring a meal for brother Ray or Miss Denise Anderson please see my wife after the service and she's got the sign-up sheet and she can get you signed up so if you'd like to help with bringing them a meal that would be great I think that's it for all of the announcements so we're gonna go ahead and sing page number 224 as we prepare to receive the offering I figured this song is a good song while it's raining so we'll sing 224 there shall be showers of blessing 224 as we prepare to receive the offering sing it out on the first there shall be showers of blessing this is the promise of love sent from the Savior above where's the blessing blessing we mercy drops from us are falling but for the showers we three 220 forcing it out on the second there shall be showers of blessing precious reviving again sound of abundance of rain where's a blessing blessing we need mercy drops from us are falling but for the showers we plead there shall be showers of blessing send them upon us award grant to us now a she showers a blessing we need mercy drop from us showers we plead there shall be showers of blessing all that today they might now as to God we're confessing now as on Jesus we showers a blessing we need mercy drops on us are falling but for the showers we plead amen good singing wop the guys come up and help us with the offering at this time and let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer Heavenly Father Lord we do thank you for allowing us to gather together tonight Lord we thank you for everybody that's here and we pray that you would meet with us we pray that you bless the offering and preaching and Lord we're ready to keep everybody safe on their way home in Jesus name we pray amen you you you you you Please open us to Luke 21 Luke chapter number 21 if you need about put your hand up and I just might bring you a Bible Luke chapter number 21 if you need about keep your hand up or she'll come by Luke 21 we'll read verses 29 through 38 Luke 21 verses 29 through 38 Luke 21 being verse number 29, and he spake to them a parable behold the fig tree and all the trees When they now shoot forth you see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand So likewise ye when you see these things come to pass Know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand Verily I say unto you this generation shall not pass away till all be fulfilled heaven another heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away and Take heed to yourselves Lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness and cares of this life And so that that day come upon you unawares For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth Watch ye therefore and pray always They may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man and In the daytime he was teaching in the temple and at night He went out and abode in the mouth that is called the Mount of Olives And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple for to hear him. Let's pray Heavenly Father Thank you for this evening. God. I thank you for your word for our church for when it's here Please give us all tender heart to the message and as to be the pastor strengthen them and fill more spirit We love you and Jesus need pray. Amen All right, well we're there in Luke chapter number 21 and Of course, we've been on this journey with Jesus. We've been traveling through the Gospel of Luke verse by verse chapter by chapter and The last several weeks we've been in this little miniseries in Luke chapter 21 and of course, this is a passage in which the Lord Jesus Christ deals with end times prophecy and This chapter is parallel with the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 and we've been on a little miniseries Just in this chapter with end times prophecy This is actually the fourth and final sermon out of this chapter. If you remember the first sermon I preached out of Luke 21 We dealt with the subject of the tribulation and we talked about the Antichrist and world wars and famines and great death And then we spent an entire sermon on the abomination that make it desolate and we talked about the abomination of desolation We talked about the image of the beast the mark of the beast and the desolation of Jerusalem And then last time that we were in Luke 21 We talked about the day of the Lord and the rapture and we just took our time going through those different subjects because they're pretty They're pretty big subjects tonight we're gonna finish up this chapter in which the Lord Jesus Christ is preaching about end times and Let me just say this regarding our Luke series We're gonna finish chapter 21 tonight Which means that we still have chapters 22 23 and 24 in the Gospel of Luke But we're actually going to finish up the book of Luke for now For tonight, this will be the last sermon in the Gospel of Luke for a little while We're gonna finish it and we're going to pick it back up during Easter time later on this year So when we get closer to Easter, of course chapters 22 23 24 deal with the Lord's Supper deal with Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ and the resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ So we're going to put a pause on the journey with Jesus and we will finish up the last three chapters As we get closer to Easter later on this year next Wednesday night by God's grace We'll begin a new Bible study in a different book of the Bible So we're gonna finish up Luke 21 tonight and we're going to kind of finish the book of Luke for a while Tonight now the Lord Jesus Christ has been teaching about end times prophecy I've been teaching about end times prophecy as I've been teaching through His teaching of course and one thing that I will tell you about end times prophecy preaching and one thing that I don't necessarily like about teaching on end times prophecy is that There's not a lot of application and when it comes to my preaching. I'm very heavy on Application and I do that on purpose because if you study the Lord Jesus Christ, he's very heavy on application And what I what I mean by that and what we mean by that I think brother Oliver mentioned that in his sermon on Sunday But what we mean by that is that I don't just give you a lot of like philosophical thoughts We don't just you know ponder some theological things about like isn't that interesting? You know, we do a lot of biblical teaching but then we apply it. What are you supposed to do about that? What are you supposed to do with that? What are you supposed to go home and do or stop doing or believe or stop believing? There's no there there's our the preaching here at our church is very heavy on application and the preaching of the Lord Jesus Christ is very heavy on application and One of the things that I really kind of don't like about end times prophecy preaching Although I think a lot of people like learning about that subject is that there's not a lot of application You know, you kind of teach people about the rapture and then it's like so there you go Now, you know the rest of the story, you know, and it's like let's pray and we'll be done What's interesting to me and the reason I'm bringing this up is because the Lord Jesus Christ is still preaching about end times prophecy in These verses 29 through 38, but what you'll notice is that this is really the conclusion of his sermon and what's interesting to me is that this is the application phase of the sermon and what the Lord Jesus Christ does over the next 10 verses is He gives five different applications Regarding end times prophecy and it's kind of unique because it's not something that we really see a lot or think a lot about But he got done teaching about the tribulation the Antichrist the world wars the famines the great death. He got done preaching about the abomination that make it desolate and and the Tribulation period the great tribulation period the persecution that will come upon believers He got done teaching about the day of the Lord and the Sun going dark the moon going dark the stars falling the rapture He gets done teaching all of those things and then he ends by giving these statements of applications so tonight we're gonna look at these statements as quickly as possible five statements regarding application and five statements regarding principles from principles for life from Prophecy and if you'd like to write these down I think that's a good idea on the back of your course the week There's a place of course for you to take down some notes and I'll give these to you Like I said as quickly as we can tonight number one If you're taking notes the first thing that Jesus kind of teaches in his ending conclusion application of end times prophecy is This that you can see the signs of the end times getting close if you remember and we've been Looking at it though. What prompted the teaching is that he was asked by his disciples when will these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and Jesus ends by saying look you can see the signs you can see you're not going to be able to Predict the date. All right now listen to me. Nobody can predict a date for the rapture Anyone who does is lying? Anyone who predicts a date for the rapture is not telling the truth But you can see the signs getting closer for the rapture notice what Jesus has Luke 21 verse 29 He gets done with his end times prophecy teaching and then the Bible says this and he Spake to them a parable so he's going to kind of end the sermon with this parable and the parable is this behold a Fig tree and all the trees when they now shoot forth Ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand So he says let me tell you the parable of the fig tree and it's a simple parable It's this that you can look at a tree and begin to know when summer is close You can know when winter is close when you see the leaves begin to fall off trees You know that the weather is changing, you know that winters on its way He says you can see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand And then here's the application because I want you to notice that Jesus very application driven He gives that thought and then he says here's the application verse 31 So likewise ye when ye see these things come to pass know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand so he says in the same way that you can look at a tree and See the signs of change on that tree and it can predict for you the coming season that it's closed that it's nigh He says in the same way you can look at the signs of the times and realize that the kingdom of God is nigh at Hand now keep your place there in Luke if you would that's obviously our text for Tonight go with me to the book of Mark, Mark chapter 13 If you go backwards to the book of Mark, Mark 13, we'll look at the same passage the parallel passage in Mark 13 Mark 13 28 We See here the parable of the fig tree Look at it in Mark 13 28 now learn a parable of the fig tree When her branch is yet tender and put it forth leaves, you know that summer is near So ye in like manner when ye shall see these things come to pass know that it is nigh even at the door So Jesus saying look the winter causes the tree to go bare But when you begin to see the leaves begin to sprout off the tree then you know that Summer is near, you know that Winters ending, you know that the cold weather is ending and that summer is near and he says so ye in likewise manner When you see these things come to pass know that it is nice So I want you to notice that Jesus teaches the parable of the fig tree But it's interesting that he brings up the fig tree when teaching about end times prophecy because the pair of the fig tree does not only serve as a parable the fig tree itself is a prophetic symbol of The end times now keep your place there go to Isaiah if you would Isaiah chapter 34 if you can find the major prophets, they're all clustered together towards the end of the Old Testament You've got Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel go to Isaiah chapter 34 and like I said I'll cover this kind of quickly But I want you to see it because today you've got people that just make stuff up right and they're called Dispensationalist by the way and and and people will just make this stuff up they'll say the fig tree represents the Jews and the fig tree is a Representation of the nation of Israel and they'll they make all this stuff up and you know, and it sounds nice But it's like the Bible doesn't say that The Bible talks a lot about the fig tree as a symbol of prophecy But never does it say that it's the Jews or it represents the Jews Isaiah 34 in verse 4 Notice what the Bible says Isaiah 34 4 and all the hosts of heaven shall be dissolved This is a prophecy of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll that should sound familiar to you if you sing it is well with my soul and All their hosts shall fall down right, this is talking about the day of the Lord the the the The Sun is going to go dark. The moon is going to go dark The heavens going to be rolled together as a scroll what is being referred to here? The fact that when Jesus returns to this earth see right now there is a physical world and there is a spiritual world and the physical world and the spiritual world are hid from each other by a spiritual veil if you will and The truth is this that there is a spirit world in which demons and angels interact, but you and I don't see them There are devils maybe and angels maybe even in this room right now as we speak and you don't see I mean There's some that what you do see, but then there's the other ones, you know that that you and I don't see There's this veil that that that keeps the spiritual world and the physical world Away from each other but the Bible says when Jesus returns the heavens will be rolled together That veil that separates the spiritual world and the physical world will be done away with and Jesus will come through Riding on a horse with ten thousandth of his saints At his time it came coming and it says here and all the hosts of heaven shall be dissolved and the heavens shall be rolled Together as a scroll and all their hosts will fall down Notice as the leaf falleth from off the vine and as the falling fig from the fig tree so the fig tree is often represented as a Symbol of being able to see and to discern the end times coming now in Luke Go to Revelation if you would revelation chapter 6 last book in the New Testament should be fairly easy to find Revelation chapter 6 and verse 13 in Luke Jesus says and in Mark he says look the fig tree It's it's barren during winter time But when you begin to see says learn the parable the fig tree where her brain when her branches yet tender and putteth forth leaves You know that summer is near when you begin to see the leaves to grow on the branch. You know that summer is near He says so you can look at it when the leaves are beginning to sprout and you can know That it's near it's coming but then there's also this symbolism of the fig tree in Regards to the figs falling from the tree revelation 6 look at verse 13 and the stars of heaven fell on the earth Notice even as a fig tree Casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind. So the fig tree is used symbolically throughout the end time the end times literature in reference to end times events in reference to Being able to see the signs of the end times in reference to the fact that the the there will be a falling of figs From the fig tree is a picture or representation of the stars falling when Jesus Returns to this earth go back to Luke chapter 21 So don't let anybody tell you that the fig trees the fig tree is a picture of the Jews That you didn't get that from the Bible. You got that from commentaries, but you didn't get that from the Bible. I Won't take the time to go into fig trees But if if if you're reading nine chapters a day You'll probably see this as you're reading the New Testament this month. Jesus had several run-ins with fig trees in the Gospels and specifically he had two run-ins with fig trees that would not bear fruit and He cursed them and and and all sorts of things So there's kind of just a little study there regarding the fig trees But the first lesson that we see from the Lord Jesus Christ is that you can see the signs of the end When it begins to get close, here's a second lesson go back to Luke 21 Look at verse 32 Verily I say unto you this generation shall not pass away till all be fulfilled now this statement that Jesus makes here in Luke 21 this generation shall not pass away is Kind of a controversial statement and a lot of people like to make this statement mean a lot of different things and I'll just quickly explain to you what I believe it means and what I believe Jesus is teaching here but one of the things that people like will bring up is that When Jesus said this generation this generation shall not pass away till all be fulfilled They'll bring up the fact that he was referring he was looking at that crowd and saying this generation is not going to pass away until the rapture happens Because of the fact that he's been teaching about the rapture teaching about the day of the Lord So he was saying is the argument that people will make is that this generation that's alive right now is going to not pass away Until the rapture happens and let me just explain something to you. That is absolutely not what Jesus was teaching Now obviously people who say that will then say so Jesus made a mistake Jesus was wrong. Obviously this didn't happen. We're still waiting for the rapture But let me show you go go back to Mark chapter 13 How It's very obvious that this is definitely not what Jesus was teaching about or commenting about when he made the statement Now if you remember Mark 13 is a parallel passage to Luke 21 So sometimes when we don't understand something or when something seems odd to us there's a benefit in looking at a parallel passage comparing spiritual with spiritual and Helping and and studying the Bible to try to figure some of these things out if the if the question is Did Jesus believe? That the rapture and the end times events were going to happen within the generation in which he was speaking to If that's the question then the answer should be very clear for Mark chapter 13 Because in Mark 13 and verse 30 the Bible says Jesus says Barely I say unto you that this generation shall not pass till all these things be done And notice what he says in verse 31 heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away So he said look this is gonna happen and this generation shall not pass So all these things be done and then it almost seems in verse 31 like he's really buckling down and Reaffirming heaven and earth might pass away, but my words are not gonna pass away what I've said will come to pass So people will say but he was wrong because he was telling that the generation This generation shall not pass until the rapture happens because that's what he was teaching about and they'll say he was wrong There's a mistake in the Bible. There's a mistake that Jesus made but here's what's silly about that Is that he gets done saying in Mark 13 30 barely I say unto you that this generation shall not pass So all these things be done heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away verse 32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man Know not the angels which are in heaven notice neither the Son but the Father So are we supposed to believe that Jesus saying this generation shall not pass away was him making a Statement regarding the timing of the rapture when in the next breath he says but of that day and hour knows no man Why would he say hey, nobody knows when the rapture is going to happen? Neither the Son when he just got done supposedly Predicting that the rapture would happen within the lifetime of the people living at the time of the Lord Jesus Christ It doesn't make any sense In fact, I believe that the reason that Jesus made that statement at that point is to make it clear I'm not talking about the rapture When he said barely I say unto you that this generation shall not pass till all these things be done He said I'm not talking about the rapture because here's what people are gonna try to turn this about the rapture and make it all About the rapture he says but of that day and that hour knows no man No, not the angels which are in heaven neither the Son but the Father He said Jesus saying I don't even know when the rapture is gonna happen Now, let me say this and kind of get off on a little bit of a rabbit's trail, but I want to make the point This is why I believe that nobody can give you the date for the rapture Because Jesus obviously when he says neither the Son he says But of that day and that hour knows no man No, not the angels which are in heaven neither the Son but the Father at that moment when Jesus said I don't know the date of the rapture Okay, he was speaking in his humanity and here's the point that I'm making is Obviously after his resurrection Once he was in his glorified body, you know right now Jesus knows the day of the rapture But on earth he laid aside glory we talked about this during Christmas He set aside his deity to an extent he took on the form of a man who took on humanity now He was God in the flesh, but while on earth he was not omnipresent While on earth he had power and he performed miracles He knew the thoughts of men, but he did not have the full extent of of the power the natural attributes of God he laid that aside to become a human being and He even laid aside the all-knowing ability of God and Limited himself remember we talked about the fact that he limited himself. He limited himself even to the knowledge of humans What does that mean? That means that everything that Jesus knew while walking on this earth he had to learn He it wasn't like he was like this two-year-old or this, you know, six-month-old in the crib and he's like Before the milk was I am you know He was a baby like any other baby Here's the point he had to learn to speak like any other human had to learn to speak He had to learn to walk like any other human had to learn to walk You're saying I'm saying he had to learn to read just like any other human had to learn to read to do math to drive You know, whatever drive a camel He had to learn all these things and here's the point that I'm making Jesus in his humanity says I don't even know The day of the Rapture, you know what that tells me nobody knows Because if Jesus limited to his humanity Could not figure it out then no one can figure it out I don't care how many times you divide the letters in the book of Daniel and multiply them and you know Google it Anyone who tells you like I figured it out then here's what they're saying They're smarter than Jesus is and no one is smarter than Jesus is if Jesus in his humanity Don't you think Jesus knew the book of Daniel? He's quoting the book of Daniel. Don't you think Jesus knew everything about it? I mean he learned every he studied everything He's a 12 year old boy in his schooling the lawyers and priests Not because he was God. I mean it was because he was God, but he learned all that so the fact that Jesus says But of that day in that hour and hour know no man No, not the angels which are in heaven neither the Son but the Father. Here's what that tells me is nobody can know it Nobody can figure it out. It's not like there's some code everything. There's this code you got there's no code It's not for us to know Now Jesus just got done saying you can know when it's getting closer You can look at the parable of the victory You can see the signs of the time and you can realize that it's getting closer But no one knows the day. No one knows the hour neither the Son but the Father so Jesus did not on earth as a human on earth Did not know the day of the rapture Now with that said let me say this this proves us the reason I brought you here And I'm making this point is this proves that when Jesus said that this generation shall not pass to all these things be done He was not talking about the rapture Because he just got done saying but if that day in the hour knows no man So would it make any sense for him to say this is going to happen in the next 40 years But I don't know the day or the hour He's not predicting the end times events here So then the question is What is he saying? When he says that this generation shall not pass. What is the point that he's making we'll go back to Luke Now let me let me say this And this is something that I brought up over the last several weeks and I brought it up a lot while we deal with end times is That there is this telescoping effect when you read passages of Scripture that deal with end times Especially in the Old Testament But also in the New Testament Oftentimes when you read prophetic literature You have to realize that some of the things that are being spoken of are actually going to happen in that time in that lifetime and then there's also this prophetic preaching about things that will happen in the end and usually the reason that that happens is because what's about to happen right then and there is Will serve as a foreshadowing of something that is to come When something that's going to happen is very similar to something that's going to happen in the future you will get this telescoping effect in end times prophecy where you're looking at something that's going to happen right then and there but you're also Using that God is also using that to teach us about something that's going to happen in the end time So something we talked about is the fact that Jesus taught that when the abomination of desolation is set up Jerusalem is going to be compassed about and be destroyed now that's going to happen That's going to actually happen in the end times, but you know that also happened during the lifetime of those individuals and If you look at the passage, and if you remember what it is that brought the question about Luke 21 look at verse 5 Let's just go rewind a little bit and remind ourselves the reason for this conversation Luke 21 in verse 5 and as some spake of the temple how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts he said as for these things as for what things the temple That's what they're talking about right Jesus and his disciples are at the temple and as some spake of the temple What were they saying about the temple how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts they're talking about how beautiful the temple is How beautiful is decorated and as as for these things? The Bible says at the end of verse 5 he said Jesus said as for these things what things the goodly stones of the temple Behold the days will come in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another That shall not be thrown down and they asked him saying master But when shall these things be and what signs will there be? When these things shall come to pass I want you to understand the context they're at the temple They're talking about how beautiful the building is and Jesus says oh, yeah that reminds me There's coming a day when this temple is going to be destroyed and you these beautiful stones You're so impressed with not one stone is going to be left upon another He predicts the fact that the temple is going to be destroyed and That prompts the question when shall these things be and what sign will there be and Jesus actually begins to Answer the question and to begin to teach that the coming of destruction of Jerusalem is nigh That Jerusalem in the temple is going to be destroyed Jesus is actually dealing with that matter and that fact But then begins to teach about end times because of the fact that the destruction of Jerusalem That was nigh is in the desolation of Jerusalem That was nigh is very similar to the destruction of Jerusalem that the Antichrist is going to do When he sets up the image of the beast So there's this telescoping effect where we're looking at things that are going to happen within the context of their lives and Those things resemble things in the future and Jesus is speaking to those things. Here's the point that I'm making Jerusalem was encompassed about by the armies of the Roman Empire The city was destroyed and the temple was destroyed When did it happen? It's a very famous fact. It happened in 70 AD Jesus lived around 33 AD and about 30 years after his ascension Just a few decades after his ascension Jerusalem is destroyed. The temple is destroyed and This is something that Jesus predicted and here's the point that I want to make. When Jesus says These things are going to take place When he says, you're there in Luke 21, look at Luke 31-32, when he says verily I say unto you this generation shall not pass till all be fulfilled He is referring to what they began their conversation about the destruction of the temple That's what they were talking about They said look how beautiful this temple is. He's like, yeah, here's the thing this temple is going to get destroyed and They say well when? And what's the sign? He says well, I'm gonna answer your question But I'm also going to talk to you about end times because it's actually very similar something's gonna happen in the future But then when Jesus finishes his conversation He gets back to the point that he was making and he says by the way remember the temple being destroyed this generation shall not pass away till all be fulfilled and Here's what's interesting 30 40 years later The temple was destroyed within the lifetime of the people who were listening to him speak So when Jesus says this generation shall not pass away till all be fulfilled He is not referring to the end times like these guys in the first century are gonna Live until the end which is crazy things that people make up Like John is still on earth or something and He wasn't wrong about the timing because he himself said no man know the day or the hour And he didn't say that at another time. He said that within the context of him saying this generation shall not pass So if you just look at the Bible, it's very obvious that he is referring to the fact That the temple is going to be destroyed and Jerusalem is going to be destroyed and this generation Shall not pass till all these things be done referring to destruction of Jerusalem to strike the temple And by the way that happened It happened in 70 AD It happened within the lifetime of the people who heard him Jesus spoke to a group of people and said within your lifetime This temple is going to be destroyed and it happened So it's not it this this is not a where Jesus misspoke and It speaks to his Infabile the fact that he's that he was fallible This is actually a credibility of Jesus. Hey, he predicted The destruction of the temple it happened just like he said it would Now, let me say this as well go to Matthew 24 Remember there's this dual fulfillment concept This telescoping of things that are gonna happen Immediately or In in a contemporary sort of fashion and then things that are gonna happen in the future So Jesus is telling them. Hey this generation is not gonna pass away to all these things be fulfilled It's referring to the fact that he was talking about the temple and destruction of Jerusalem But let me just say this there is a dual Prophecy Here in the sense that I do believe that Jesus was also hinting at and I believe the Bible teaches that when the end times Begins, it's not going to be prolonged So in the same way Jesus telling them The destruction of Jerusalem and the temple is going to happen within your lifetime, but there is this other application That we could look at this dual Application that tells us that when the end times events begin to take place they will happen within the lifetime They will end within the lifetime of the people who are living through it Let me just prove that to you Matthew 24 verse 21 Matthew 24 verse 21 for then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time No, nor ever shall be notice verse 22 and except those days should be shortened There should no flesh be saved But for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. What is that talking about? It's not talking about the the time of the day being shortened It's talking about the fact that the days that the tribulation could have lasted It's not going to last as long as it could have or maybe should have lasted God is going to shorten it because the truth of the matter is this that Nobody could live for an extended period of time With with having to take the mark of the beast and if you don't take the mark of the beast you cannot buy or sell And you're persecuted The point is this that and the Bible teaches and I don't have time to get into this you can study this out on your own We understand that the tribulation period from the beginning to the rapture is going to be about three and a half years and We understand that the great tribulation period Where the mark of the beast is rolled out the image is set up You can't buy or sell without the mark is going to be about 75 days The point is this like that great tribulation period couldn't last five years None of us would make it we'd all die 75 days, you know you could do that That's what's being referred to here that except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved So the idea is this Jesus is telling the people alive right then and there Remember we started this conversation because I told you the temple is gonna be destroyed you wanted to know when it's gonna happen Here's the answer to your question. It'll happen in your lifetime This generation shall not pass away Until the before those things get fulfilled not talking about the end time stuff Talking about the temple being destroyed Jerusalem is destroyed with that said in the same way Likewise when the end times events begin to happen, they're not going to be drawn out It's going to happen within the lifetime of the people Here's why that's important to know is because today there are people who will teach that The end times events are symbolic and we've been in the tribulation for like a thousand years. That's not true When it happens, it'll begin and it'll end within the lifetime within the generation of the people who are alive at that time So here are the application points number one You can see the signs of the end times when it's getting close number two You should know that when it starts it will not be prolonged When it starts it'll start and end within the lifetime of the people alive at that time And when Jesus said that this generation shall not pass to all things be fulfilled He was not referring to the end times event because he himself said no man know it the day nor the hour He said not even the Son of Man knows when the rapture is so he's not referring to the rapture He was referring to what they were talking about which is the destruction of Jerusalem the destruction of the temple which by the way Happened in 70 AD within the lifetime of the people who he was talking to and taught and talking to these things about Go back to Luke 21 look at verse 33 Heaven and earth shall pass away But my words shall not pass away Here's the third application statement and It is this that you can count on the fact that these things will happen You can count on it You can take it to the bank Jesus said it it's gonna happen heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away Let's just run a couple of verses quickly Go to 2nd Peter if you would 2nd Peter chapter 3 and if you go backwards from Revelation you have Jude 3rd 2nd and 1st John 2nd Peter 2nd Peter chapter 3 do me a favor when you get to 2nd Peter put a ribbon or a bookmark or something there Because we're gonna leave it and we're gonna come back to it. I'd like you to be able to get to it quickly 2nd Peter chapter 3 2nd Peter chapter 3 Notice what the Bible says knowing this verse that there shall come in the last days That's what we would refer to as end times Scoffers what's a scoffer someone who scoffs is someone who mocks who makes fun of Knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers Walking after their own loss and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things Continue as they were from the beginning of the creation So the Bible says that there are going to be people who take this attitude to say well, where it where is this coming? People have been saying Jesus is coming for forever and Look, I believe and this is talking about worldly people scoffing at the Bible and saying where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were and We should be assured of the fact that heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away Jesus said it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen Now I think that part of the mockery of the fact that people mock at well, where's it where is he Where's the promise of his coming? It's part of it is the pre tribulation rapture doctrine Because you would never get that from a post trip position You know, well, where's yeah, like what do you mean? We didn't say he could come at any moment Where's the mark of the beast is what we'd be asking Where's the Antichrist? He all these things have to happen before it's the preachers who say it could happen anymore And they've been saying it for years and years here. It could happen today. It could happen right now Let me tell you something. It can't happen today It cannot happen tonight. I Don't care how fast those winds are. I don't care how many trees go down. It's not the tribulation Because there are things that have to happen before he comes But the pre-trib rapture and these doctrines make a mockery of the Bible Also all these guys on YouTube that want to give you the date of the rapture. It's a mockery Remember years ago when that guy I can't remember the guy in Oakland Harold Camping Can I take the next call please? You've ever listened to his program, you know You Know he just made a mockery of Christianity by putting pill boards all over this country You know predicting the date of the rapture and then you know what it didn't happen And when it didn't happen people laughed, I mean I laughed I laughed at him But you know, it saddens me that probably worldly people laughed at quote-unquote Christianity So we should be careful not to make these statements that make the Bible seem silly You say well, when's it gonna happen? Look Jesus didn't know I don't know I can tell you that we will be able to tell as we get closer But here's what I can tell you heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away He said it's gonna happen and it's gonna happen And it'll happen at his timing Keep your place there in second Peter go back to Luke 21 Statement number one you can see the signs of the end times when it gets close Statement number two, you should know that when it starts it will not be prolonged statement number three You can count on the fact that these things will happen. Here's statement number four Remember we're talking about application for prophetic teaching Which is kind of rare you don't get a lot of application for prophetic teaching but here's the next application number four You should determine to not get distracted Jesus gets done teaching this Very famous and well-known passage of Scripture on end times and Then he says here's the takeaway Here's the application Here's what I want you to remember Luke 21 34 and take heed to yourselves the word take heed means pay attention Take heed to yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged That phrase overcharged means overwhelmed or to be distracted with surfeiting that would means to consume too much of something and Drunkenness what's drunkenness to consume too much alcohol and Cares of this life cares are like anxiety the things that we worry about and so that day come upon you on awares He says look. I don't want you to be consumed or Overcharged with surfeiting and Drunkenness and the cares of this world. I don't want you to be so concerned with feeding your flesh with gluttony with drunkenness with anxiety With the things of this world that that day come upon you unawares Look at verse 35 for as a snare. What's a snare? It's a trap as a track shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth And look this idea to not be distracted is a theme of the end times Let's just let's just run from verses quickly go to 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 find the t-books They're all clustered together 1st 2nd Thessalonians 1st 2nd Timothy Titus 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 because remember The pre-tribbers like to use this this phrase a thief in the night But the context of the phrase a thief in the night is that Jesus is coming as a thief in the night to the world They're unexpected. They don't expect it. They don't see it. They're unawares But we're not supposed to he's not supposed to come to us as a thief in the night 1st Thessalonians 5 for but ye brethren are not in darkness that that they should overtake you as a thief. I Mean literally I want the pre-tribbers make a movie called a thief in the night It's about the rapture and I think myself did anybody take the time to look up the phrase a thief in the night But ye brethren are not in darkness that that they should overtake you as a thief Look verse 5 ye are all the children of light and the children of the day We are not of the night nor of darkness Therefore let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober for they And look the context here the days referred to unsafe people They that sleep sleep in the night and they that are drunken are drunken in the night Does that sound like what Jesus brought up in Luke 21? He says but let us not not they let us Brethren save people who are of the day be sober Putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for the helmet the hope of salvation For God hath had not appointed us to wrath But to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ Here's what Jesus says Jesus has looked when you understand what's coming upon this earth when you Understand the events of the end times this should cause you to wake up to pay attention to take heed to not be overcharged with drunkenness and surfeiting and to not be Overwhelmed with anxiety. He said don't let don't don't get look. There are some Christians that are so worldly So involved in their world in the world and in their personal lives that they won't see these events coming Go to 1st John chapter 3 real quickly 1st John 3 if you start at Revelation go backwards You have Jude 3rd John 2nd John 1st John 1st John chapter 3 What is the point about learning about end times? The point is That it would drive us to be closer to God 1st John 3 1 behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God Therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not Beloved now are we the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that Notice these words when he shall appear What are we talking about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ the rapture of the Lord? Here's what we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him. What is that a reference to the rapture? the resurrection When this corruptible will put on incorruption when this mortal will put on immortality We know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is Look at the application verse 3 and every man that hath this hope Every man that has what hope the hope that when he shall appear we shall be like him Every and every man that hath this hope in him knows what the Bible says purify it himself Even as he is pure See what I think is interesting Go go go back to Luke 21. We got to finish this thing up What I think is interesting is that people Love End-times prophecy right People don't read the Bible But they've watched after the tribulation like 25 times They've never read the Bible cover to cover one time Never made it through the nine chapters today one time, but I mean anything and times anything and times is just amazing But here's what they don't understand the whole point about learning about the end times the whole point about learning about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ the fact that there is an event called the judgment seat of Christ Well, we're gonna stand before Jesus and be judged for the things done in our body The whole point of that is that it would drive us to purify ourselves You know the right response should be when you watch after the tribulation is to say I got to become a better Christian. I Need to go out soul winning. I need to get the the trash out of my life I need to get the fifth out of my life. I need to purify myself Hey every man that hath his hope in him purify themselves Even as he is pure you say Jesus is coming back and I've got to prepare for my meeting with him So you should determine not to get distracted By the world your statement number five will finish up Luke 21 36 watch ye therefore and pray always That ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things That shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man I don't really understand this but the Bible seems to indicate here And I think in the context what Jesus is teaching is that if you want to be the kind of Christian That is counted worthy to escape all these things Where you get to be that Christian that looks up to heaven For your redemption draweth by if you want to be the type of Christian that gets to the end of the Tribulation time the great tribulation period and you are counted worthy of being there I mean he says watch ye therefore and pray always and here's what he's saying He is not saying that every Christian is just going to get To the end of the tribulation period and be there at the rapture Please understand this most Christians are going to die and The Bible seems to indicate that the more worldly you are the more likely you are to die He says that getting to the end. I mean think about that moment. Wouldn't you love to be? There at that moment be alive at that time when the Sun goes dark The moon turns into blood the stars fall from heaven and you're like, this is it This is it The heavens are rolled back as a scroll and you see the Son of Man coming in his glory That's not just for any Christian The Bible seems to indicate That if you want that You better watch ye therefore and pray always That they may be accounted worthy to escape all these things The Bible seems to indicate that if you're distracted and worldly You're not gonna make it That doesn't mean you lose your salvation or any of that. I mean you go to heaven you get a crown for being a martyr But only a select few of the Bible seems to indicate are gonna make it to that end It's an honor And God says that you want to be counted worthy to escape all these things That shall come to pass and as a stand before the Son of Man So, how do you prepare? Watch more documentaries. No, watch ye and pray always That's how you prepare. Luke 21 37 and that day Excuse me, and in the daytime He was teaching the temple and at night he went out and abode in the mount that is called the Mount of Olives And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple for to hear him And I just love that little phrase there all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple For to hear him. It's a beautiful thing when people come together to hear the Word of God So we have finished there Luke 21 Like I announced earlier. We still have chapters 22 23 and 24 to go, but we're going to Finish the Gospel of Luke for now here at Luke 21 and we're gonna pick it back up during Easter time later this year Towards March and April and we will study the rest of this book together As we celebrate The resurrection and as we remember the death burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Heavenly Father. Lord. We love you. Thank you for your word Thank you for the Bible and Lord. I pray that you would just continue to Help our church to grow and to reach people to grow spiritually and Lord I pray for tonight that you keep people safe as you travel home in Jesus name. We pray. Amen All right Well, we're gonna have brother Moses come up and lead us in a final song, but just some real quick Announcements, don't forget that if you'd like to bring a meal for brother Ray and Miss Denise Anderson Please see my wife after the service and sign up to bring a meal to them And I know that that would be a blessing to them and they would appreciate that. Also, don't forget no soul-winning Thursday and Friday Because of the storm. I mean if it's like 60 mile an hour gusts you can't be outside So no Thursday and Friday soul-winning. So just make plans to be here on Saturday and that'll be great And then or Sunday and then as far as tonight, you know, we we love you. We appreciate you We like you here and all that but don't linger too long tonight I want to try to get everybody home safely and make sure that everyone's safe and nothing happens So why brother Moses come up and lead us in the final song? There's anything you can do for that we can do for you. Please. Let us know Please turn your song books page number 145 Page number 145 We're gonna finish the service off with it is well with my soul Page number one four five And let's sing it out on the first when he's like a river My way When Like My Ladies It is well With My soul Page 145 let's sing it out on the second now I don't want to call anyone out, but the ladies need to sing a little bit louder. I'm gonna help you guys And then guys catch up to but let's sing it out on the second Oh No Let this That Is My ladies My soul My soul Now that was a lot better, but let's keep it up on the third my sin Oh the place of this Glorious My Not in part Is The cross No Praise the Lord Praise the Lord My soul It is well With my soul with my soul It is well My soul Let's sing it out on the last and Lord hates the day When my faith shall be side the clouds We roll back as a scroll the drum shall Resound and the Lord shall descend Even so My soul It is well With my soul It is well My soul Great singing can I please have brother RJ closes some water prayer Thank you for that Amen You