(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Heavenly Father, thank you for tonight dear God. I thank you for your word Lord. I ask that you please meet with us tonight God give us a tender heart to your word be with our pastor Lord fill in your spirit and Help us to apply the message to our life. God. We love you in Jesus name we pray. Amen Amen, all right We're there in Leviticus chapter number seven and we've been studying through the book of Leviticus on Wednesday nights We're taking one chapter at a time And we're this our seventh week in the book of Leviticus, and we are in chapter 7 and if you remember In this in last chapter chapter 6 and in this chapter both of those we find a review of the offering so the first five chapters of the book of Leviticus We find the the five offerings that are outlined in chapter 1 we had the birth offering in chapter 2 We have the meat offering in chapter 3 we have the peace offering in chapter 4 we had the sin offering chapter 5 We had the trespass offering and then in chapter 6 and chapter 7 you kind of review all of those offerings But then you also in this chapter specifically you get some additional instructions For the offering so in this chapter chapter 7 kind of closes down the first section of the book of Leviticus So the first section of Leviticus chapters 1 through 7 are focused on the offerings in chapter 8 We'll begin a new a new section Which is going to deal more with the priest and the priesthood and in fact at the end of this chapter the focus kind of shifts towards that But much of what this chapter deals with is things that we've already covered in previous sermons So I'm not going to go there's going to be parts of this chapter We're just going to read through and we're just not going to cover them because we've already covered them tonight I don't want to highlight that which we have not yet covered About the sacrifices as we kind of finish up this section here And I want to just teach the new material in regards to the sacrifices found in the chapter But we will go through the entire chapter and read it if you look there at Leviticus chapter 7 verse 1 The Bible says this likewise. This is the law of the trespass offerings remember We're going he's going through and reviewing the offerings and adding some additional information And he begins here this chapter by adding info in regards to the trespass offering he says likewise is the law of the trespass offering once you notice the last phrase of chapter number one it is most holy he says it is most holy the trespass offering is Most holy verses 2 through 5 are things that we've already covered It says in the place where they kill the burnt offering they shall kill the trespass offering and the blood thereof shall be sprinkled upon the altar and he shall offer it all the fat thereof the rump and the fat that covered the inwards and the two kidneys And the fat that is on them Which is by the flanks and the call that is above the liver With the kidneys it shall it shall he take away and the priest shall burn them upon the altar for an offering made by fire unto Lord it is a Trespass offering notice verse 6 every male among the priests shall eat thereof it shall be eaten I want you to notice what it says in the holy place It shall be eaten in the holy place now the holy place there is referring to The tabernacle is the place of separation is that tabernacle that they built and this is the new Material that we're getting about the trespass offering is that it was to be eaten right then and there in the holy place But I want you to notice the last phrase of verse 6 it is Most holy so in in verse 1 we're told the trespass offering it is most holy in verse 6 We're told that the trespass offering is to be eaten in the holy place And you say why would we eat it in the holy place because of the fact that the holy place or the tabernacle? Also, it is most holy verse 7 tells us that this applies to not just the trespass offering But the sin offering as well notice verse 7 and the sin offering and I'm excuse me as the sin offering is so is The trespass offering and if you remember those are those two offerings are almost the same offering They're very similar, so he's telling us. This is this applies to both, but here's what I want you to understand Something we can learn from this from this part of the chapter is we get a lesson about the tabernacle Or a picture about the tabernacle and what we learn is this what you keep You you keep what is holy in the holy place So he says the trespass offering and the sin offering they are holy And then he says I want you to eat them in the holy place But I want you to notice there were certain things that were not to stay in the holy place in the tabernacle in fact Just flip back to Leviticus chapter 6 and looking for some 11 just to give you one example Not everything not everything that was sacrificed was kept or that had to do with the sacrifices was kept in The tabernacle in the holy place if you look at Leviticus 6 11 it says this and he shall put off his garments and put on other garments Talking about the priestly garments that he was to wear and carry forth the ashes notice without the camp Unto a clean place so the ashes were not supposed to stay in the holy place Why because they were not holy so he says hey there are certain things that you eat You partake of in the holy place you say why is that it's because it is holy and there are certain things You have to go and remove from the holy place without the camp because they're not holy and there's a principle here That you are to keep the holy with the holy and remove that which is unclean or unholy from the place That is holy now again what he's talking about is the tabernacle is that holy place, but keep your place there in Leviticus That's obviously our text for tonight. Go to the book of 1st Corinthians chapter number 6 1st Corinthians of the New Testament chapter number 6 you got Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1st Corinthians 1st Corinthians chapter 6 and looking for some are 19 And when you get to 1st Corinthians 6 put a bulletin or a ribbon or a bookmark or something keep your place in 1st Corinthians 6 is we're gonna leave it we're gonna come back to it 1st Corinthians chapter 6 and look at verse number 19 1st Corinthians chapter 6 and look at verse number 19 the Bible says this what? Know ye not that your body Notice what it says that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost now. What is that temple? That's the holy place and if you're and if you remember the tabernacle the tabernacle Was the place that God had Moses built it was a tent it was Portable because of the fact that they were still wandering in the wilderness They had to be able to pick it up and move it as they went Eventually, the tabernacle was replaced with the temple Solomon built a temple Which was a physical building that basically replaced the tabernacle that became the holy place But in the New Testament the Bible says that your body is the temple is the temple of the Holy Ghost Which is in you which you have of God and you are not your own for you are bought with a price therefore Glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are gods and you say well, what's the principle that we can learn from? Here's the principle the holy place the tabernacle was to stay clean Only that which was holy was allowed The ashes were to be taken out the ashes had to be taken out of the holy place Because God wanted his holy place to be clean But today the holy place is you the holy place is your body and listen to me It does matter and I realize we preach these things and we say these things and people just say they roll their eyes and say Oh, that's just pastor. He meant is that's just you know, they just going, you know, just crazy lunatic, you know extremists But listen to me. It does matter what you bring in to your holy place through your eyes It does matter what you bring into your holy place through what you drink and what you eat and what you allow in Through your ears It does matter that you that you make sure that we are to keep our temple holy What we can learn from this is that in the Old Testament God cared about the fact that the holy place was to be clean It was to be holy. It was to be separated and you are to be as well. I Mean the the Apostles said we can only speak the things which we have seen in earth and today it look we're talking about the Television in case you don't understand what I'm talking even when I say that the television All right Your TV at home when you turn that thing on and there are women dressed immodestly that is not holy When they are blossoming the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that is not holy when they are Promoting drugs and alcohol that is not holy and God does not want you to allow that Into the holy place into the temple, which is your body We need to be and live like separated people and today we have a problem even in our independent fundamental You know separated churches where people just want to live like the devil and live like the world And then they get mad at a pastor like me for actually teaching and preaching the Bible For actually believing the Word of God and actually holding up the standards of the Bible and though Well, I can't believe you would do that. Hey, look you can't call yourself a biblicist and then not follow the Bible When the Bible says that certain things are are sinful it's adultery it's fornication It's drunkenness. Look you say well, I've got a drinking problem. I'm an alcoholic. No, you're a drunk And you need to clean your you need to clean that up The temple might not be a place where you allow the filth of the world to come in Some of you need to go home and throw that TV out the window Because you're allowing the sins of the world and the the filthiness of the world to come in and it does matter What you expose your children to it does matter what you allow Your spouse to be exposed to all of those things matter what we learn from this passage is that God? Cared very much that the tabernacle was a holy place that it was cleaned up. He said hey eat it right there Eat it right there in the holy place. Why God because it's holy And I want the holy eaten in the holy place and that which is not holy take it out and Then today God says and God looks at you and I says you you are supposed to be holy You are supposed to be clean You bring that which is holy in don't don't fight that which is holy I'll get up and preach. Oh, you know like last week in Leviticus 6 We're talking about dress standards and what the Bible teaches about women not wearing pants and here's and here's what all you know The common thing well, I just don't I just don't think that you know, yeah That's just not a stand that I've chosen to take why? Why is it not from the Word of God is that not is that not what the Bible says? Well, if it's holy then eat it right then and it's holy then consume it right now He's a the trespass offering is holy and God says you're in the holy place. So let's consume it Look if the Bible says you gotta just make a rule in your life if the Bible says it I'm gonna do it If the Bible says it I whether I was doing it before whether I understood it before whether I thought it was what we were Supposed to do before once it's clear that it's holy that it's true that it's right. That's what I'm gonna do It's not your house. It's God's house Notice what he says verse 20 for you are bought with a price Therefore glorify God in your but it's not ladies. It's not how you want to dress. It's how does how does God want you to dress? glorify God in your body and In your spirit, it's my body don't I get to do what I want? No, no, which are God's Which belongs to God? So first thing we see is this lesson of the tabernacle What's the lesson of tabernacle if it's right bring it in if it's not right take it out. It's not that complicated It's pretty simple if it's right bring it in if the preaching is right Look if it's right to go soul winning then go soul winning just consume it right there. Well, you don't understand Just figure out how to do it If it's right to live separated if it's right to tithe if it's right to go to church if it's right Look if it's right if it's holy if it's clean consume it if it's not take it out. That's the Christian life Figure it out right there You don't need a Bible college degree to figure that one out If it's good, bring it in if it's bad. Take it out. That's basically it That's the lesson of the tabernacle back to Leviticus 7. Let me give you one more Let me get us chapter 7 look over say not only do we see the picture of the tabernacle? But we also see a picture here of the skin coverings. This is additional information things we did not see in chapter 1 when we're talking about the burnt offering look at verse 8 Leviticus chapter 7 in verse 8 and The priests that offer with any man's burnt offering Even the priests shall have to himself the skin of the burnt offering which he hath offered now We didn't see this when we were looking at the burnt offering in Leviticus chapter 1, but in Leviticus chapter 7 we're given additional information and it's specifically additional information to the priests and We're told that the priests were allowed to keep the skin of the burnt offering now the skin Represents something there is it's an important aspect of the offering and let me show you where that comes back to Go back to Genesis chapter number 3 Genesis chapter number 3 First book in the Bible should be fairly easy to find Genesis chapter 3 look at verse 7 In Genesis chapter number 3 verse 7 Genesis chapter 3 and verse 7 Genesis 3 7 notice what the Bible says This is of course the story of Adam and Eve When man fell notice verse 7 in the eyes of them that's Adam and Eve both were opened and they knew that they were naked and Notice what they did they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves Aprons, so they realized their eyes were open They ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they realized they were naked So they attempted to cover themselves. They sewed fig leaves together and made themselves an apron Notice verse 8 and they heard the voice of the Lord God walk in the garden in the cool of the day And Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden And the Lord called unto Adam and said unto him where art thou and he said I heard thy voice in the garden now I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself and he said who told you that I was naked Has thou eaten of the tree where of I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat And now skip down to verse number 21 So one of the what one of the results of them eating and disobeying is the fact that they realized they were naked try to Hide themselves, of course God goes through and gives them all their punishments and everything, but look at verse 21 I want you to notice What God did Genesis chapter 3 and verse 21? unto Adam also and to his wife Notice the Bible says Did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothe them? See they tried to clothe Themselves by sewing fig leaves together and they made themselves aprons Now, I don't know about you, but an apron doesn't sound very modest if that's all you're wearing You know what? I mean and here God says that's not gonna work You going out and and and sewing your own fig leaf that that's not gonna work He said I'm gonna have to cover you up and the Bible says that the Lord God made them coats of skins Now listen to me in order to take the skin off an animal that animal had to die This is probably the first animal that ever died in the world. This is the Garden of Eden No one's died Everything's been good Adam and Eve just sinned and immediately God gives us a picture through a sacrifice Where he's basically explained to Adam as a result of your sin What's going to have to happen is that you are going to need a covering? You are going to need somebody to die in your place and God takes an animal and takes his life and Rips the skin off and makes a coat and puts the coat around Adam and puts the coat around Eve and he covers them Up go to the book of Galatians Galatians chapter number three If you kept your place in first Corinthians continue to keep your place there in first Corinthians But if you kept your place there of the Galatians is just one book past first and second Corinthians You have first Corinthians second Corinthians Galatians Galatians chapter number three and look at verse number 27 Galatians chapter 3 and verse 27 notice what the Bible says Galatians 3 27 for as many of you as have been baptized into Christ now that baptism There is not talking about being water baptized in the water. He's talking about being baptized into Christ Okay, the picture of baptism the picture of water baptism one of the pictures not just a death bail resurrection of Christ But one of the pictures is that you get baptized into Christ you get baptized into the Holy Spirit notice What it says for as many of you has been baptized into Christ notice what it says have put on Christ See today you got people who are trying to work their way to heaven They're trying to make they realize they're naked right they realize their sin is apparent to them But they think well I'm just gonna go out and get some figs and I'm gonna show that thing myself, and I'm gonna cover myself up But look God says whatever you can make to cover up your sins not good enough He said what what what we need is the shedding of blood what we need is a sacrificial lamp What we need is to be able to take the skins of Christ and put them on you That's why he says Galatians 3 through 7 have put on Christ see what saves you is the fact that when you got saved You didn't cover yourself up, but Christ covered you you were covered in the life of Christ We are in Christ is what the Bible said the reason you get to go to heaven It says when you die and when I die when we stand before God God doesn't see you and God doesn't see me God sees Christ Who covers us that's salvation so this is not figs that you sowed and well look at how great I did Your works will never cover you up. They're like trying to hide your nakedness with apron. Just don't ever turn around you know They'll never get it fully covered. It'll never completely work an Animal and Adam and Eve's day had to die had to be sacrificed a picture of Christ and the fact that his skin That he that he would cover us that we would put on Christ that we would be in Christ, and that is what salvation is So in Leviticus chapter 7 and verse 8 as a throwback to that idea. God says hey, don't forget don't forget Take the skin take that skin. That's a picture there What's that picture of it's a picture of the fact that I made coats of skins to clothe? Adam and Eve go back to the Leviticus chapter 7 look at verse 9 Leviticus chapter 7 verse 9 let me give you some more information that we find in this chapter Leviticus 7 9 says and all the meat offering that is bacon in the oven and all that is dressed in the frying pan and In the pan shall be the priests that offer this so we already talked about the meat offering and remember when you brought the meat Offering you got two options you could bring it cooked or you could bring the ingredients both were fine here We're told that when you bring it cooked Then it shall be the priests that offerth it whatever the priests that's offering that he gets to eat that right then and there Probably because it's holy and you should have consumed whatever is holy But look at verse 10 and every meat offering mingled with oil and dry so all the sons of Aaron's have as Have one as much as another so here He's just telling us just additional information saying if someone brings a meat offering, but they don't bring it. It's not cooked yet It's it's just the ingredients then you bring the meat offering and you bring the meat offering Then you split that between all the priests because remember this how they got paid But if someone brought it cooked already then the priests that was performing the sacrifice he could eat it right then and there It's just additional instructions about the offering look at verse 11 And this is the law of the sacrifice of peace offering so now he's gonna get into the peace offering Which he shall offer unto the Lord and if you offer it for Thanksgiving Then he shall offer with the sacrifice of Thanksgiving Unleavened cakes mingled with oil and unleavened wafers anointed with oil and cakes mingled with oil and fine flour Fried now. I want you to know I want you to notice this okay Look at verse 12 again if we offer it for Thanksgiving, then he shall offer with the sacrifice of Thanksgiving notice this Unleavened cake now it doesn't that sound normal Are most of the sacrifices in fact all of the sacrifices up to this point aren't they all unleavened cakes? It's always unleavened notice unleavened cakes mingled with oil and unleavened wafers Anointed with oil and cakes mingled with oil and fine flour and fried and we get that even our Lord's Supper that we take is unleavened cakes notice verse 13 though besides the cakes So he says you know apart from that because if you remember back when we were talking about the peace offering And these types of offerings what what does love and represent do you remember that leaven represents what? Sin, so these cakes had to be unleavened Because they picture Christ who was without sin the the the equivalent of that for a for an animal sacrifice Was that it was to be unblemished? No spot or blemish why because Christ is unblemished because he's without so the unleavened cakes and the unblemished Animals all represent a Christ who is without sin, but I want you to notice verse 13 besides the cakes Besides the cakes he shall offer for his offering notice this leaven cake leaven bread With the sacrifice of Thanksgiving of his peace offering so he said I want you bring the unleavened cakes Well, let me give you some additional Instructions some additional information besides those cakes. I also want you to bring leavened bread now if unleavened bread represents Christ if Unleavened bread go the book of Romans Romans chapter 12 if you kept your place in 1st Corinthians Keep your place continue keep your place there, but if you have your place in 1st Corinthians You're just right before 1st Corinthians. You got the book of Romans Romans chapter 12 if unleavened cake represents Christ because leaven represents sin Then take one guess as to what leavened bread probably represents It's you Because you're a sinner It's me because I'm a sinner see God does not just want us to partake in the sacrifice of Christ for salvation He also besides I like how it says there in Leviticus 7 13 besides the cake he shall offer for his offering 11 bread are you there in Romans chapter 12 look at verse 1. I know you know this, but let's look at it together I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies Your bodies my sinful body yeah your loving body a Living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service see God does not look look look Here's what we want We want to partake of the sacrifice of Christ for salvation But realize when you partake of the sacrifice of Christ God then expects you to sacrifice yourself Now you say well, what if I don't sacrifice myself? Well he he still died for your sins salvation is not of works It's not fig leaves we already talked about that, but I want you to understand there is an expectation That besides the unleavened cakes you are to bring leavened bread And if you partake of salvation if you partake of the fact that he laid down his life for us That he sacrificed himself for us Then we are then to sacrifice ourselves for them if he died for us we should live for him a living sacrifice Holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service That's what the Bible says so we see the picture not of the unleavened bread, but of the leavened bread the leavened sacrifice Teaches us that God wants you say well I've got all these mistakes, and I've got all these flaws and I've got all this baggage And I've got all this sin. He said just bring that with you. We'll work that out Just bring that with you. Well. We'll work that out of you Leviticus chapter 7 Luke verse 14 now in verse 14. We're start talking about things that we've already talked about, but let's just read it Leviticus 7 14 and of it He shall offer one out of the whole oblation for an heave offering unto the Lord and it shall be the priest that sprinkles the Blood of the peace offering actually we didn't we didn't we haven't dealt with the heave offerings yet But we'll deal with that in a little bit look verse 15 And the flesh of the sacrifice of the peace offerings for thanksgiving shall be eaten the same day that it is offered He shall not leave any of it until the morning We've actually dealt with these verses already But if the sacrifice of his offering be a vow or a voluntary offering it shall be eaten the same day that he offer It's his sacrifice and on the moral also the remainder of it shall be eaten But the remainder of the flesh of the sacrifice on the third day shall be burnt with fire And if any of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace offering be eaten at all on the third day It shall not be accepted neither shall it be imputed unto him that offered it It shall be an abomination the soul that eateth of it shall bear his iniquity look at verse 19 and the flesh that toucheth any Why don't you notice this word unclean is that word unclean there? And the flesh that toucheth any unclean thing shall not be eaten It shall be burnt with fire and as for the flesh All that be clean shall eat thereof So again this idea on if it's not clean take it out if it's clean bring it in look verse 20 But the soul that eateth of the flesh of the sacrifice of the peace offering that pertain unto the lord having his uncleanness upon him Even that soul shall be why don't you notice those two words? Can we read those two words together? I know it's wednesday night and you're already not listening. But just can we read these two words together? Leviticus 7 20. All right Even that soul shall be let's read those two words together cut off Notice what it says even that soul shall be cut off From his people moreover the soul that shall touch any unclean thing As the uncleanness of man or any unclean beast or any abominable unclean thing And eat of the flesh of the sacrifice of the peace offering which pertain unto the lord Even that soul shall be can we do those two words together? cut off from his people And the lord spake unto moses saying Speak unto the children of israel saying now here he's going to give a prohibition on eating fat So, sorry You're not supposed to eat the fat right off that steak. Ye shall eat No manner of fat of ox or of sheep or of goat. I don't like eating fat anyway but some of you do so verse 24 and the fat of the beast that dieth of itself and the fat of that which is Torn with beasts may be used in any other use but ye shall in no wise eat of it for whosoever eateth That fat of the beast or which men offer an offering made by fire unto the lord Even the soul that eateth it shall be can we read those two words together? Cut off from his people moreover. Here's another prohibition is going to mess up your steak not supposed to eat blood Ye shall eat no manner of blood. All right, so you got to order that thing. Well done. Okay, i'm just kidding You know, we're not under the blood or we're not under the law We are under the blood so you can eat the blood I guess i'm not sure But notice what it says you shall not eat you shall uh eat no manner of blood although the book of acts does Tell us that they told the gentiles not to eat blood, but that probably wasn't right either. So anyway, just medium well All right, then that way we're just kind of we're okay Whether it be a fowls or a beast or any of our dwellings notice verse 27 Whatsoever soul it be that eateth any manner of the fat even of that soul shall be Can we read those two words together cut off? From his people and the lord is speaking to moses saying speaking of the children of israel saying he That offered the sacrifice of his peace offering until the lord shall bring his oblation unto the lord of the sacrifice of his peace Uh frames I want you to notice that all over in in this chapter It uses these words cut off from his people cut off from his people cut off from his people cut off from his people And and you'll find that word those two words cut off all throughout the old testament. We're constantly being told In the old testament that people are cut off and that those two words cut off they simply mean this to separate from to separate from Some people believe that every time you see the words cut off in scripture in the old testament They're talking about putting someone to death. I don't believe that There are verses that refer to that Because you can separate someone for example the bible says about the lord. Jesus christ You don't have to turn there isaiah 53 and verse 8 He was taken from prison and from judgment and who shall declare his generations for he talking about christ was cut off Out of the land of the living for the transgressions of my people was he stricken So what is it saying that he was separated from the land of the living? So definitely there are times in the bible when the words cut off go back to go to first corinthians chapter five when the words cut off are in reference to Separating someone from this world He was cut off from the land of living. I don't believe every time the bible uses the words cut off It's referring to putting someone to death. But but here's what I do believe every time It talks about cutting someone off. It's talking about separating from them You know whether they had leprosy and they had to go be without the camp Or whether it was as a result of sin that they had to be cut off. But here's what's interesting There is actually a new testament equivalent to the old testament idea of cutting someone off From the congregation or from the people and that new testament equivalent is found in first corinthians chapter five Let's look at it together first corinthians chapter five and look at verse number one first corinthians chapter five and verse one The bible says it is reported commonly that there is fornication among you It is reported commonly that there is fornication Among you and such fornication as is not so much as named among the gentiles that one should have his father's wife Notice verse two And ye are puffed up said you're proud and arrogant And i've not rather mourned You know when people are living in sin, it ought to break our hearts That he that hath done this deed Might be notice these two words taken away That's the new testament equivalent of these two words cut off Notice verse two and you are puffed up and i'm not rather mourn that he that hath done this deed might be Taken away from among you cut off from among the people For I barely as absent in the body but present in spirit have judged already as though I were present concerning him That hath so done this deed in the name of our lord jesus christ when you are gathered together And my spirit with the power of our lord, jesus, uh, christ news was five to deliver such an one unto satan For the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of our lord. Jesus christ Now I don't necessarily believe that this is talking about spiritual salvation. I understand it's referring to the spirit Soul salvation and the means of heaven and hell. I think I think this individual was saved The bible used the word saved and salvation and many different connotations I think this is talking about the fact that you want to save him so that when the lord jesus christ comes back He can actually stand at the judgment seat of christ and not be fearful and and Be able to have something to show for his life and not waste his life notice verse six. Your glory is not good Know ye not That a little leaven leaveneth to hold up. What's leaven represent? sin He says don't you know that if you allow a little sin in it'll leaven the whole long notice verse seven purge out What does that mean purge out? Here's what it means to rid To get rid of to cleanse out. You know what it means it means Take away It means cut off notice verse seven purge out Therefore the old leaven that ye may be a new lump as ye are unleavened for even christ our passover is sacrificed for us Therefore let us keep the feast not with old leaven neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness But with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth notice verse nine. I wrote them to you in an epistle notice what he says To take the name of the membership role for fornicators. Is that what it says? Because today you talk to pastors and and you'll say hey first corinthians five teaches that you're not supposed to allow fornicators People who are living in fornication into the church, right? And you know what most churches do they'll say oh, yeah We just remove their name from the membership role. They can keep coming to church We just don't consider them anymore an active member. Is that what that verse says? Because I think it says in verse nine I wrote unto you and an epistle not to company with fornicators It means to cut off It means to purge out. It means to take away. It doesn't mean that we change your status on some Download, you know on our computer where you go from active member to just you know, a tender that's not what it's talking about It says to remove It says to remove It says to not company with fornicators Say well if I don't company with fornicators Then i'm gonna have to quit my job. Okay smart aleck look at verse 10 Yet not all together with the fornicators of this world. We're not talking about unsafe people If you gotta separate from all the fornicators in this world, you can never go to the gas station You can never go to the grocery store. You can never go to work He says you're not all together with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous by the way It's not just fornication It's also covetousness or extortioners or with idolaters for then must you need to go out of the world He says you if you got to separate from these people you're gonna have to go be amish somewhere He's like that's not what i'm calling you to do notice verse 11, but now I have written unto you not to keep company If any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, here's what he's saying If someone has a testimony of being a safe person you say well, how do you know? And and people often ask me because because one new people come to verity baptist church You know a first-time guest comes in and they're living in fornication You know people say well, how do you deal with that? Well, I just try to follow what the bible says because look we're not going to stand at the door and ask people about their marital status To to you know, a guy and a lady come in and we ask are you too married? You're living together Say well, what what what do you do? Here's what we do when here's what I do Because here's what you don't know Is that there's tons of people that come to our church and churches like ours that'll show up on a sunday morning We won't see them for three months. They'll come back on a sunday morning. We won't see them for six weeks They'll come back on a sunday morning. We won't see them for six months. They'll come back on a sunday morning and I know them Because i'm and my wife knows them because we make sure to know people that are coming into the church But you probably don't know them at all You you know you you'll walk up to them and say oh, it's your first time here and they're like no I've been here six times and you and then you feel embarrassed But what they're not telling you is that they've been here six times over the last three years And that's why you don't know them Am I worried about those people? No So who do you worry about when you start knowing them well enough where you start saying? Hey brother so-and-so Hey sister, so and so is that not what it says Look at what it says Verse 11, but now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator Or covetous or an idolatry or a railer or drunkard or extortioner with such and one no not to eat Does it say to take him off the membership role? No, I think it says you're not even supposed to have a meal with them You're not supposed to go to starbucks with them It says with such and one know not to eat For what I have for what have I to do to judge them also that are without do not e-judge them that are within But them that are without god judges therefore notice these words put away Let me just explain to you what that that's the new testament equivalent of these words cut off From among yourselves that wicked person. Here's what you need to understand. There is a biblical mandate new testament mandate for removing certain people There is a practice of cutting off people from the congregation in the new testament church You know call it whatever you want to call it excommunication Now the catholic church has changed that term Because the catholic church because excommunicate you know what excommunicate means what does it mean to communicate it means you're not talking to them What does excommunicate means it means you're not longer talking to them people think excommunication means you lose your salvation That's because the roman catholic church teaches that salvation is held within the church So if they kick you out of church, then they take their salvation with them. Obviously, that's false teaching. That's false doctrine Anybody can be saved even if you're a fornicator believe on lord jesus christ and thou shall be saved But what does it mean to excommunicate someone it means you no longer communicate with them It means you're not talking to them. It means you're not accompanying with them. It means you're not eating with them And here's what I don't understand You know It's like people come to verity baptist church and they hear me preach this for years and years and years and years and years And it's like they think i'm up here just like playing a game Or messing around. I hope I said just saying that but he doesn't really believe that no, I believe it No, I will abide by it If you are living in fornication at verity baptist church do me a favor leave and don't ever come back until you get it Right. I will kick you out. I will cut you off I will put you away and I will try to tell our truth people to not communicate with you That's what the bible says. That's what the word of god says and if you don't like it leave I don't know how many times I need to explain this to people i'm not trying to build the largest church in sacramento I'm not trying to be the joel osteen of sacramento The best thing that I can do for our church to continue to grow is to make sure that everybody understands I love you, but I don't need you There's not any one person that if they were to leave and never come back i'd be that sad about Pastor I don't think you said you need to understand that because people get these puffed up idea Well, i'm gonna have this position. So pastor's gonna have to no no pastor will remove you from whatever position I don't care how many people I have to cycle through that position. We'll keep removing them till we get one, right? And you get puffed up and you think well i'm just gonna do this and i'm just gonna do that We're gonna follow what the bible says. I can't get up here and say we're biblicists We believe the bible we believe what the bible says and then when we have to actually apply the bible, it's like oh well, you know No, it's not well, you know It's first corinthians five It's the word of god It's you cut off There is a practice in scripture of cutting people off from the congregation now, what is the purpose? Why why even do that? Look at it look at it in scripture second corinthians chapter two because here's the here's the problem I have with these doctrines is that I feel like there's two extremes One extreme is these people who just act like it doesn't matter Like you have to discipline someone out of church and they're just like oh that's just pastor, you know He's always just uptight about something no big deal. You want to hang out at starbucks? Sure There's that extreme And then there's the other extreme where like someone has to be disciplined out of church and it's like they become the enemy They're the devil. They were the judas of scariot the whole time. Look, that's another extreme that we don't need to go down Say what because there's a purpose in this what's the purpose second corinthians chapter two look at verse six Look, I know you've never gone to church that actually taught this or believed this but welcome to verity baptist church Second corinthians chapter two look at verse six sufficient to such a man is this punishment. Do you see that? Pastor why do you guys cut people off from church as a punishment who gives you that right? I think that's what the bible says Second corinthians chapter two verse six sufficient to such a man is this punishment Which was inflicted of many So the contrary wise he ought rather to forgive him and comfort him less perhaps such a one Should be swallowed up with much notice what it says with up with over much sorrow What's the purpose of this They should be sorrowful To punish them That's the point That's what the bible says now when they get it right. Should we just hate them and hold it over them? No Look at verse seven again So that contrary wise ye ought rather to forgive him and comfort him Less perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with over much sorrow Wherefore I beseech you that you would confirm your love toward him Look if people get the sin right and they come back and get the sin right in their life We are to forgive them and love them and move on for god and there's nothing wrong with that We don't make an enemy out of people that have to get cut off. But at the same time don't minimize it By just acting like I said pastor, you know He's just this radicalist Because if when you do that You take away the fact that it's a punishment You take a they when people get excommunicated it's supposed to hurt. It's supposed to be like whoa This is costing me a lot. Whoa, not only do I not get to go to church. I lost all my friends I you know this sin is not worth But when everybody just acts like oh, it's no big deal. It's just pastor, you know Then you are sinning Then you're allowing leaven Then you're promoting it and minimizing it and not look there is a practice of it in the new testament There is a purpose of it in in the bible There's a reason why we do it But look when they come back we ought to forgive in fact, the whole point is restoration Look at verse nine You say well, yeah, but pastor if I have to do that You know, that's going to be real awkward for me. Oh, well, i'm sorry that you know Denying self is awkward for you Look for this line to and for the and to this end And to this end also did I write? That I might know the proof of you Whether ye be obedient in all things See when the rubber hits the road we get to find out who actually obeys you See when the rubber hits the road we get to find out who actually obeys what the bible says To whom you forgive anything I forgive also, that's the goal Pastor you hate all these I don't hate anybody. I love them all I just God gave me a church to oversee. I can't allow sin In the church to run rampant a little leaven leaven it the whole lump and nobody listen to me. Nobody is worth Keeping around to give my children an example. No, I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that I'm not going to give my children an example that living in fornication is okay You can sit there and say oh, well, we're living together, but we're not sleeping. Nobody believes that I just sure don't believe that And no normal person actually takes that and I and we've always taught at meridy baptist church that we consider Shocking up and living together fornication any questions because remember I can't believe pastor. You can't believe pastor what? He actually did what he said he was going to do I just think that that why don't you just quit whispering? Why don't you just quit gossiping? Why don't you just read the bible and realize that? Oh when pastor gets up and says he's going to do something. He's going to do it And realize this No one's worth keeping around look people people get to a point where they become such a problem that it's it's just better to have Them move on And you may be crossing that line You say pastor I just think you're mean look I love all of you But I don't need any of you Well, I need one but you know, we're married legally, so that's cool Look at verse 10 To whom you forgive anything I forgive also For if I forgive anything to whom I forgive it for your sakes forgive I it in the person of christ Let satan should be get an advantage of us For we are not ignorant of his devices. So faster. Are you are you upset? Look i'm not upset with anybody I'm upset with people who think that I get up here and I just speak And don't actually mean what I say, please learn something. I believe what i'm saying If I didn't I wouldn't say it And it would be much easier to build a church without this type of preaching But i'm not in the church building business leviticus chapter 7 There was 14. Let's finish the chapter leviticus chapter 7 and verse 14 leviticus chapter 7 and verse 14 Notice what he says in verse 14 and of it he shall offer one out of the whole oblation for an heave offering Unto the lord and it shall be the priest that sprinkleth the blood of the peace offering script down to verse 30 His own hand shall bring the offering of the lord made by fire the fat with the breast it shall he bring That the breast may be waved for a wave offering before the lord The bible says that the breast Of the sacrifice was given as a wave offering to be waved before the lord And the priest shall burn that fat upon the altar But the breast shall be errands and his sons and the right shoulder shall be given to the priest for an heave offering So you have a breast offering a breast that was given as a wave offering and then you have a a right shoulder That was given as a heave offering of the sacrifices Of your peace offering he means to move in a vertical So the wave is like horizontal heave is up and down They were supposed to give these sacrifices and wave them before the lord and heave them before the lord Notice verse 33 he among the sons of erin that offered the blood of the peace offering and the fat shall have the right shoulder for his part for the wave breast and the heave Shoulder have I taken Off the children of israel from off the sacrifice of their peace offering And have given them unto erin the priest and unto his sons by a statute forever from among the children of israel This is the portion of the anointing of erin. This is where we get into the new section about the Priest and their anointing for the anointing of his sons out of the offering of the lord made by fire In the day when he presented them to minister unto the lord in the priest's office Which the lord commanded to be given them of the children of israel in the day that he anointed them by a statute forever Throughout their generations. This is the law of the burnt offering of the meat offering and of the sin offering And of the trespass offering and of the consecrations And of the sacrifice of the peace offering which the lord commanded moses and mount sinai in the day that he commanded the children Of israel to offer their oblation unto the lord in the wilderness So that finishes up the chapter there, but I want you to notice the theme in this scripture The theme in this chapter is this that when you put on christ you represent jesus And you know that in this world you and I represent christ And because we are the holy tabernacle that represents the lord jesus christ in this world. We are supposed to live a holy life You say pastor mens. What's your goal for verity baptist church? Is it to have the biggest church in the world? No, I don't think we're gonna make it either way My you know what I want I want to Have a church filled with people that are not perfect, but actually love the lord And when they see something in scripture, they're like, wow, that's what the bible says. I need to conform myself to that That's what we need That's what you need and that's what I need And when we administer church discipline for certain things or whatever. Look it's not because we hate people. We love people We want to restore people but it doesn't help when others minimize that And they make little of it Because if I were to say take their name off a membership role This is not to eat with them This is not to company with them And this is the proof of what? Those who actually obey the bible. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Heavenly father. Thank you lord for your word I pray that you would just help our church to be a church that is always interested in following you Lord help us to love people help us to be loyal to people but not to the extent that we are more loyal to people Than we are to the word of god Lord when we preach things here when we take certain stands help us lord To be able to discern that if it's holy if it's right then bring it in and if it's not then take it out And lord, I just pray at the very least that our church people would know that when their pastor stands up and preaches certain things Is because he actually believes in And whether they believe it or not that's between them and god Father I pray that you would help us to have a church here To the best of our ability that would be clean and pure Lord I I look at these children and my burden is that these children see Men who love their wives and sacrifice for them Wives who love their husbands and submit themselves Lord I pray that they would come to verity baptist church and they would see People that are sold out people that love the lord people that actually believe what they say lord and that they that they would grow up To just believe wow, that's what the bible says that's what we need to do We love you lord in your precious name I pray Amen