(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 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I will sing the wondrous story So, please find a seat and grab your song books and turn to page number 196 That's page number 196 and let's go ahead and sing it out on the first I will sing The wondrous story of the Christ who died for me For the cross of Calvary Yes, I'll sing Wondrous story of the Christ who died for me sing it with the Saints in glory gathered by the Crystal Sea Now it's good singing. Let's sing it on the second page number 196 on The second I was lost but Jesus found me found the sheep that went astray Through his loving arms around me drew me back into his way. Yes, I'll sing Wondrous story of the Christ who died for me sing it with the Saints in glory gathered by the Crystal Sea I was bruised but Jesus he'll be faint was I from any of fall So I was gone and fears possessed me, but he freed me from them all. Yes, I'll sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me sing it with the Saints in glory gathered by the Crystal Sea Days of darkness still come for me sorrows paths I often dread but the Savior still is with me by his hand. I'm safely wet Yes, I'll sing Wondrous story of the Christ who died for me sing it with the Saints in glory gathered by the Crystal Sea Now you guys been singing good, but let's sing it a little bit better on the last He will keep me till the river rolls its waters at my feet Then her blare me safely over where the loved ones I shall meet. Yes, I'll sing Wondrous story of the Christ who died for me The Saints in glory gathered by the Crystal Sea Great singing. Welcome to Verde Baptist Church and the Wednesday evening Bible study. Let's open up in a word of prayer Father God, thank you so much for this church Lord Thank you for these people who are coming out here on a Wednesday evening to serve you I pray that our singing would glorify you Lord I pray that you'd bless the preaching and the service to come in Jesus name. I pray amen Please enter song books page number three hundred and forty three Page number three four three. We're gonna sing a revive us again Now this is a song that you have to sing with a little bit of hump So make sure you sing it out and let's sing it out on the first we praise thee. Oh God for the son of For Jesus who died and is now gone Hallelujah by the glory Hallelujah Amen Hallelujah by the glory Revive us again On the second we praise thee. Oh God for thy spirit of light Who have shown us our Savior and scattered our night? Hallelujah by the glory Hallelujah Amen Hallelujah by the glory Revive us again on the third all glory and praise all glory and praise To the lamb that was slain Who has borne all our sins and has cleansed every stain Hallelujah by the glory Hallelujah, Amen Hallelujah by the glory Revive us again on the last Revive us again Fill each heart with thy love May each soul be rekindled with fire from above Hallelujah by the glory Hallelujah, Amen Hallelujah by the glory Revive us again Great singing Amen all right we want to welcome you to the midweek service here at Verity Baptist Church We call it the most encouraging service of the week, and we're glad that you're here with us Let's go ahead and take some we'll take our bullets as look some announcements real quickly if you do not have a bulletin Just raise your hand and never mind. They're telling me They're either threatening my life, or they're telling me that we don't have Bulletins, but maybe you can share with somebody if you need a bulletin you can put your hand up And we will and I'm don't put your hand up just share with someone That's what we want you to do I see a 26 verse 3 is the verse this week that will keep him in Perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusted in thee and that's a good verse there We like that if you open up your bulletin. You'll see our service time Sunday morning service 10 30 a.m. We do invite you to be with us of course on Sunday morning on the Lord's Day for Church Sunday evening service 6 p.m. And then we're glad you're here for our Wednesday evening Bible study if you look at our soul winning times our main soul winning times On Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. And then we have additional sewing times on Thursdays and Fridays and Sundays at 2 p.m. So if you'd like to go soul winning tomorrow, there'll be an opportunity for you to do that at 2 p.m. We do want you to know that Friday the soul winning time is going to be cancelled there will be no soul winning at 2 p.m. On Friday, of course, that's due to the funeral. So we'll be having a funeral at that time So there will be no Friday soul winning there will be soul winning on Thursday and Saturday, of course, but not on Friday if you are a first-time guest if it's your first time here at ready Baptist Church. We're glad you're with us We have a gift We'd like to give you as you walk out of the church building tonight if you got our main foyer Or if you got our secondary foyer, you'll see a little table set up and on that table You'll see these little gift bags Please grab one on your way out as a gift from us to you for being our guest tonight There are several resources in this bag that we'd like you to have The one I like to highlight is this documentary that our church made it's called being Baptist. It's very well made very interesting We think you'll like it and want to give this to you as a gift So, please make sure you do not leave here this evening without grabbing one of these gift bags on your way out And if you are a guest we'd ask that you please take a moment to fill out the communication card Which is inserted in your bulletin If you need a pen just raise your hand and one of our ushers can bring you by a Verity Baptist Church pen You're welcome to keep the pen as a gift from us as well. We're not gonna do anything odd with your info We would just like a record of your attendance We actually would like to send you a little gift, but we need your information to do that So, please take a moment to fill the card out and when we're done with the announcement We're gonna sing a song when we're done singing We're gonna receive the offering and as the offering plate goes by you can drop this card in the offering plate Or you can hand it to me after the service I'll be standing at the main door greeting people on the way out. If you notice there in our bulletin We of course are a family integrated church. What that means is that children and infants are always welcomed in the church service We do not separate children from their parents for any reason We do have mother baby rooms and daddy rooms available for your convenience All of the rooms have comfortable seating that monitor set up so you can watch the service and listen to it so if you have a child that's been distracting during the service or if you need some privacy would encourage you to use those rooms as Needed if you're not sure where those rooms are at you can look at the back of the bulletin You'll see a layout of our church building. It'll show you where the restrooms are It'll show you where the mother baby rooms are and where the daddy room is If you need to be baptized, please let us know we'd love to baptize you and you can let us know on your communication card on the back just check off that you'd like information about baptism and we'll follow up with you in regards to that if you notice there The announcements and upcoming events, of course We were supposed to have a cleaning crew appreciation dinner and training this Friday And I apologize about the short notice, but we're moving that one week over to August the 25th So if you had already RSVP, I think we had like 65 people or something like that RSVP for this dinner All right, we have a big multiple teams that clean around here and of course all their families were invited but We we have to move that because of the funeral so not this Friday, August 18th But next Friday, August 25th, and we apologize for the inconvenience there I think all of you who RSVP you should have got a text letting you know that if you could RSVP If you could RSVP back to that text letting us know if the 25th is gonna work for you We would appreciate that and we apologize again for that inconvenience Want to invite you to our family and friend day is on Sunday, September 10th at 10 30 a.m And we're gonna be celebrating our church's 13 year anniversary You should have a card in your bulletin that you can use as an invitation to invite We call it our family and friend day and this is an opportunity for you to invite your family your friends co-worker a neighbor We're going to have free lunch after the service. We'll be grilling after the service We have of course the anniversary mugs that we give out every year There's gonna be candy suckers for all of the kids special music from the BBC Choir and Orchestra So I want to encourage you to be here for that and I want you to start thinking about someone that you could invite To church on that day and then of course, we're having our family friend a soul winning push on Thursday Friday and Saturday before family and friend date So on Thursday, September 7th at 6 p.m. Friday, September 8th at 6 p.m And on Saturday, September 9th at 10 a.m I want you to be aware that we'll have a special three day push a soul winning push before family friend day We'd love for you to make it to one of those two of those all of those if you're able to BBC choir they're practicing at 5 p.m. On Sunday nights for family and friend day We have a ladies weight loss accountability group They meet every Wednesday at 615 in the mother-baby room closest to the foyer So you're welcome to be a part of that ladies if you'd like discipleship class They've got class at 5 p.m. On Sunday night Other things there for you to look at please don't forget to turn your cell phones off or place them on silent during the service So they're not a distraction to anybody if you look at the back of the bulletin birthdays and anniversaries For this week, we have brother Joe and miss Kathy Maples Anniversary was on the 14th and brother Vladi and miss Antonina vocal chick had an anniversary on the 14th as well Praise report money matters all of those things are there for you to look at and I just got have a few things to go Over I think most of you if you're part of our BBC family text group Which if you're not you need to be this These are the reasons you need to be and you can just sign up on your communication card So I think most of you should have got this information already, but I'll go ahead and announce it We're having the funeral service, of course for baby John Cyrus radari on Friday August 18th here in at the church building in the auditorium at 11 a.m So if you are able to make it I realize that maybe some of you are not able to make it But if you're able to make it I would encourage you to Put in the effort and this is what being part of a church family is about and it's we want to rejoice together We want to mourn together So I want to encourage you to be here at 11 a.m. On Friday morning for the funeral There is going to be a graveside service as well at 1 p.m. And that'll be at the east lawn mortuary and Off a greenback and we texted you the address. We'll give you the address on the day of as well There'll be a short graveside service at 1 p.m And then we'll be back here at the church building at 2 p.m In our fellowship hall for a reception for a time of just food and fellowship So just want to invite you to all that if you're able to the reception is a potluck so if you can please bring a dish to share and We will be live-streaming the service as well I know that there's a lot of friends out and the new IFP that have been praying for the radari family. I'm sure some of them would like to Watch so if anybody asks let them know we'll be live-streaming the service But we will have the funeral service 11 a.m. Here at Verde Baptist Church 1 p.m. Graveside service 2 p.m Fellowship and just so you're aware the staff guys are gonna be cleaning the building tonight after the evening service tonight We don't normally do that. They're gonna be cleaning For the funeral. So if you could help us just maybe clear out As quickly as possible, you know as quickly as possible We're not trying to run you out But it it once you start cleaning if you could get out of their way or even better if you could help them That'd be great and if you're able to help if you're able to help honestly and stick around and help them and that would be Good as well. I think that's It for all of the announcements. So we're gonna go ahead and sing page number 129 page number 1 to 9 As we prepare to receive the offering this evening and we're gonna sing rock of ages cleft for me 129 and let's go ahead and sing it out on the first rock of ages For me Myself Water and the blood from my womb Me of sin double cure Stay from breath and make me 129 sing it out on the second could my tears Good my zeal no anger. No these for sin could not a tone Thou must save and thou alone in my hand. No eyes I pray simply While I draw When my eyes shall close in that When I rise to worlds unknown and behold me on my Myself in me Amen good singing. We'll have the guys come up and help us with the offering at this time And let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer family father loaded We do thank you for allowing us to gather together tonight Lord We pray that you bless the offering the gift and the giver We ask that you would meet with us tonight as we of course pray and as we study the Bible together in Jesus name we pray Amen You You You You Amen all right well I've got a couple of baptism certificates to hand out tonight And then we'll get into our prayer time, and I'll go ahead and read this we have two of these. I'll read one It says certificate of baptism this certificate is awarded to Christa Ersin in recognition of her baptism on the sixth day of August of the year 2023 presented by Verity Baptist Church with the verse therefore we are buried with him by baptism into that that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we should walk in units of life and we have some pictures here for Miss Christa to remember the day of her baptism, and then we also have a Baptism certificate for Brett Tolson and it reads the same thing And we've got pictures here for Brett to remember the day of his baptism as well So let's go ahead and give them a round of applause All right Let's go ahead and take our prayer sheets tonight And if you did not get a prayer sheet on your way in just raise your hand one of our ushers get will get one For you if you need a prayer sheet just put your hand up, and we will get one for you And of course I want to remind you that the way you add a request to the prayer sheet is through your Communication card on the back of the card there's a place for you to write down a request Make sure you mark whether it's private or public if it's private only I will see it if it's public We'll post it. We'll put it on the prayer sheet if you don't mark it We'll do our best to figure it out, but we normally don't put those on there. They are added in the order They are received and they are removed after a couple of weeks And if you would I would like you to write in a couple of requests that didn't make it in Before printing and one is to pray for brother Ron. He's in the hospital I was told just before the service that he's in the hospital, so Let's be praying for him, and then also if you could write in a prayer for a young lady from faithful Baptist Church her name is Caitlin Furbe and She is missing and we are praying for her safe return home So Caitlin Furbe if you wouldn't mind writing her in and let's go ahead and take these requests the Lord I'll pray out loud, and I ask that you would follow along in your mind in your heart, and let's pray together Heavenly Father Lord we come to you tonight asking for these prayer requests from our church family and Lord we begin with these requests dealing with health and We want to start with brother Ron and Lord. We pray that you'd be with him at this time He's in the hospital. We ask that you would help him Lord and help him to be able to recover get better Lord We ask that you help the doctors nurses dealing with them give them wisdom Lord We thank you for Miss Edith surgery that she had today And we got a good a good report that everything went well And we pray that you would just be with Miss Edith help her as she recovers and help her to get better We pray for Dylan miss Brandy Barrett's Brother and praying for his continuing recovery from back surgery asking that he would get fully Better soon we pray for miss Christine Ortiz for her health Miss dogma for her pain asking that you'd relieve her pain pray for brother Salvador for his health And then of course we continue to pray for their Edgar and miss Alina praying for a little urezi that she would continue to be healthy and Happy despite having cystic fibrosis Lord We just pray that you would keep her healthy as well and Lord we pray for our missionary Dave come and tell his wife miss angel Who's undergoing chemotherapy? Lord we ask for all these individuals. We pray that you would put your healing hand over them Lord We pray that you would recover them relief pain and that you would help them to get better if it's your will Lord We pray that you'd give Discernment to the doctors and the nurses that are dealing with with them Lord We pray that all of them would be able to get better soon Also pray for the ladies in our church that are expecting miss Rebecca miss Selena miss melody and miss Victoria Lord We ask for all these ladies that you would give them healthy pregnancies with no issues and no complications And Lord we also pray For these that have salvation requests. We're praying for miss Amy Cortez Who's praying for her daughter crystal and her son Joselito and her grandson Alexander praying for all of their? Salvations and we pray for brother Ron who's praying for his mom and his family's salvation miss dogma praying for her daughter And her family's salvation Lord we ask for all these individuals We pray Lord that your Holy Spirit would work in their hearts We pray that you would change Circumstances in their lives to bring them to the place where they'd be willing and able to hear the gospel We pray that a soul winner would communicate in the gospel clearly to them or we ask that whatever can be done would be done That they might come to the place of salvation We also pray for these that are asking for their family members miss Nicole Johnson praying for her family her mom her aunt Jeannie her husband and her children brother Alan praying for his brother to be transferred closer to Sacramento and miss Christine Ortiz praying for her family and For the Salvador praying for his family as well Lord. We pray that you would Help all these individuals Lord that you would bless all these individuals and we pray especially for brother Howland's brother that you would just work it out Lord with the system there that he would be able to get transferred here and we ask that that Your will be done in these individuals lives then Lord We pray for these that are having requests regarding their walk with you and miss brandy praying for her brother Dylan not only for his recovery from back surgery But also for the spiritual life Lord praying for his flesh that it would not hinder the spirit Then he would be able to overcome his struggles with depression and anxiety and addictions Lord We ask that you would help him and strengthen them Lord We pray for brother Salvador for his faith and his walk with you as well We pray that you would strengthen these individuals. We also pray for these that have requests regarding their finances and regarding their their living situation for the Darryl praying for his housing needs and for And for his transition brother Ron praying for work to pick up miss Christine praying to find a place To live brother Salvador praying for his finances and work as well and Lord we ask for all these individuals We pray that you would Give them help and that you would show them The solutions to the questions they have and the things that they're praying for then Lord We have a couple of special requests. Of course, we pray for brother Sean. Miss Ava during this time Lord we pray that you strengthen them. We pray that you would comfort them Lord We know that you are the God of all comfort Pray that they would know that they have a church family here that loves them and cares for them and Lord We ask for the funeral this Friday that everything that's done would bring honor and glory to your name But we also pray for this young lady Caitlin Furbe and Lord We ask that you would please help her to be found help her to be able to come home Soon to return home and and and to be safe Lord we we pray that you would just Help her Lord and make sure that she's safe that she would not come across Anyone that would hurt her Lord and we ask that she would be home soon with her family But we also pray for traveling mercies to miss Doc my praying for her trip to Germany For safety as she travels at the 26th of August through the 13th of September We pray that you would help her and bless her with that and we pray for these that have unspoken requests. Mr. Nicole Having an unspoken request for their Allen having an unspoken unspoken request for their Nate having an unspoken request Miss dogma having an unspoken request for the Salvador having an unspoken request Lord, you know what their petitions are You know what they're asking for Lord We pray that you'd answer according to their work to your will and that you would make it clear to them when you've answered Their prayer and of course we pray for our church and different ministries here. We pray for the prison ministry That's currently on hold but Lord I pray that you would just Minister to those individuals and help us to be able to get back to that soon Lord We pray for the purchase of the future building Lord We thank you that everything's going smoothly there and there's no hiccups We pray that you would just continue to keep things on schedule and maybe even Sooner Lord if it's your will that we could close sooner and get access to the property sooner Lord We pray for our church plants in Manila from Pong to be cold We pray for our evangelist for the stucky and for his family Keep them safe and strengthen them help them to continue to grow there And then of course we pray for our church here in Sacramento That you would help us Lord and be with our church help us as we continue to grow and learn we ask that you'd meet With us tonight as we open up your ward and study the Bible together that we might grow closer to you We love you in the matchless name of Christ. We pray amen Please open up to Galatians 6 Galatians chapter 6 If you do not have a Bible, please put your hand up and I shall come I bring your Bible Galatians chapter 6 Just keep your head up us. We'll come by Galatians 6 we were with the entire chapter as our custom Galatians 6 being a verse number one Brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault he which was spiritual restores such in one in the spirit of meekness Considering thyself lest thou also be tempted Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ For for man think think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself But let every man prove his own work and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another For every man shall bear his own burden But let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth at all good things And be not deceived. God is not mocked for what sober man soweth that shall he also reap For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption But he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting And let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season. We shall reap if we faint not As we have therefore opportunity let us do good unto all men Especially unto them who are of the household of faith You see how large a letter I've written unto you with mine own hand as Many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh. They constrain you to be circumcised Only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ For neither they themselves are who are circumcised keep the law but desire to have you circumcised that they may glory in your flesh But God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ By whom the world is crucified unto me and I into the world For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision but a new creature and As many as walk according to this rule peace be on them and mercy and upon the Israel of God From henceforth let no man trouble me if I bury in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Brethren the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen. Let's pray Heavenly Father. Thank you for this evening God, I thank you for your word and for our church from this here As he please give us all 10 heart to the message as to be other pastor to strengthen him and film her spirit We love you in Jesus name pray. Amen Amen All right. Well, we're there in Galatians chapter number six and of course on Wednesday nights we've been making our way through the book of Galatians in a study going verse by verse chapter by chapter and We're almost done with this book of the Bible tonight We begin the last chapter of the book of Galatians. We'll spend a couple of weeks in this last chapter So we'll get through Galatians chapter chapter 6 verses 1 through 10 tonight and then we'll finish up the book of Galatians the next time we're together in the book of Galatians and This passage of Scripture that is before us in my opinion deals extensively with the principles of personal responsibility and Years ago back in 2018 I preached a three-part sermon series on the subject of personal responsibility If you were here, you may remember it. We called it the buck. And if you remember we talked about passing the buck and the buck stops here and and We we delve extensively into this portion of Scripture here in Galatians chapter number six So we're gonna look at that tonight this idea of personal responsibility And I'd like to give you three principles from this passage regarding Personal responsibility and of course on the back of your course of the week There's a place for you to write down notes and I would encourage you to maybe jot some of these things down In Galatians chapter 6 and verse 1 the Bible says this brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault Ye which are spiritual restore such in one in the spirit of meekness considering their considering thyself Lest thou also be tempted bear ye one another's burden and so fulfill the law of Christ I want you to notice that in verses 1 & 2 We deal with and the Apostle Paul is teaching the church in Galatia that there is a responsibility To care for others. There's a responsibility that they have to care for other individuals But then I want you to notice in verse 3 He shifts gears and then he begins to talk a little bit about personal responsibility in verse 3 He says for if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceived himself but let every man prove his own work and then shall he have Rejoicing in himself alone and not in another for every man shall bear his own Burden and then these few verses we see the first principle that I'd like to share with you tonight And I'd like for you to maybe jot this down and it is this I want to give you three thoughts Regarding personal responsibility and the first one is this responsible people We're going to talk about responsible people and what it is that responsible people do and if you are responsible people Or you are a responsible person then then this will resonate with you And if you this doesn't resonate with you, and maybe you're not so responsible and want to help you become responsible All right And here's the statement the first statement responsible people realize that they have to deal with the problem Responsible people realize that they have to deal with the problem or with the problems and what I want you to notice with the Apostle Paul highlights here for us is that there is a communal responsibility There is a responsibility as a Christian and you tonight you're here tonight. You're saved if you're a Christian you have a Responsibility to those around you to help them deal with their problems. Look at it again verse 1 Brethren, he's not only talking to pastors or spiritual leadership here Although of course that applies but he's talking to the the brethren in general He says brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault and the word fault here is Of course talking about sin, but it's a little different than sin It's it encompasses more than sin and of course includes sin But it encompasses more than sin because of the fact that a fault is a weakness or a struggle it's more of a An area in which someone may struggle which has to do with sin And this is why James says that we should confess our faults one to another We're not Catholic priests around here and you don't have to go up to me and confess any specific sins But if you have a struggle in a certain area Maybe you struggle with certain things Then those are things that you can confess one to another and ask for prayer and here the Bible says that if a man is overtaken in a fault Maybe there's an area of weakness a sin that they struggle with Hebrews talks about the sin Which that so easily beset us when a man is overtaken in a fault notice what it says It says ye which are spiritual and I want you to notice that the emphasis or the direction of the communication By Paul here is not to the man that is overtaken in the fault But it is to the man or to the persons which are spiritual. This would be the mature Grown strong this would be the responsible individual and he tells them ye which are spiritual Restore such and one in the spirit of meekness. He says you are to restore Others in the spirit of meekness, of course the spirit of meekness is a reference to humility Why considering thyself lest thou also be tempted and the idea is this that we should always treat people the way we'd like to be Treated is what the Bible teaches and if you were to Be overtaken in a fault if you were to find yourself in a low place in life Or maybe you were struggling with something and and you weren't living the victorious Christian life What you would need is someone who is mature and someone who is spiritual someone who is Stronger in the faith to come alongside you not not just to criticize you not just to judge you not just to to belittle you Although of course we understand that part of this process may require rebuking and may require correcting some things but the purpose is to restore such in one in the spirit of meekness the the the the idea notice there in verse 2 is Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ if we are to fulfill the law of Christ What is the law of Christ? the law of Christ is to love the Lord thy God with all thy might with all thy soul with all thy heart with all Your strength with everything you are we are to love the Lord thy God and to love thy neighbor as thyself We are to be looking out not just for ourselves But for others we should be looking at the things of others not not not in a in a coveted Covetous type way but but looking for their well-being Esteeming others and we see here that there is a communal responsibility There is a responsibility that you have as a Christian The Christian life is not a life that is meant to be lived on an island somewhere by yourself worried only about yourself But you are to enter into a community where you have some responsibility to look out for the well-being of others Now keep your place there in Galatians 6 and I'm gonna reach you from Genesis and I don't need you to turn there I'd like you to turn to Hebrews if you would Hebrews chapter 10 if you start at the book of Revelation and go backwards You have the book of Jude then third second and first John second and first Peter James and then the book of Hebrews get to Hebrews if you would and chapter 10 and when you get there do me a favor put a ribbon or a bookmark or something there because we're Gonna leave it and we're gonna come back to it and I'd like you to be able to get to it quickly Hebrews chapter 10 While you turn there Let me read to you from Genesis chapter 4 and in Genesis chapter 4 you have the famous story of Cain and Abel, of course and and if you remember Cain, these were two brothers two twin brothers one killed the other and And and and of course God was looking out For Abel in Genesis chapter 4 verse 9 Bible says and the Lord said unto Cain Where is Abel thy brother and he said I know not and of course Cain makes this famous statement Which is often quoted and said about Cain when he made the statement He said am I my brother's keeper and he of course asked Cain asked God this question in a very critical and Sarcastic type way when asked where is thy brother Abel thy brother? He asked the question am I my brother's keeper? But the answer that Paul would give to that question am I my brother's keeper the answer that question is yes You are your brother's keeper. I am my brother's keeper and when you and I got saved we became The children of God we became I became a son of God you became a son of God a daughter of God God became your Heavenly Father, but along with that Heavenly Father came a heavenly family Came a family of believers and if you God brought you to a church like our church And you are a member of this church you have a spiritual family you have brothers and sisters in Christ and you have a responsibility like we've been talking about if you're able to come to the funeral you say why would I make the why should I make the effort to come to the funeral because you have a Responsibility as a brother and sister in Christ like Paul said here in Galatians 6 to to bear ye one another's burdens To be there for your brothers and sisters in Christ when it's sin when when it's just the result of Just trials and tribulations in people's life We are to rejoice with them which rejoice and we are to weep with them that weep where there is a communal Responsibility the Christian life cannot be a selfish life It has to be a life that is lived With others and for the benefit of others, so we see that as a Christian you have a responsibility to those that are around you But I want you to notice That you need to be careful about Because Paul after making those statements in verses 1 & 2 then in verse 3 He says this he says and it might seem odd to you like why would you say this next? What does this have to do with what you just got them saying verse 3? He says for a man think himself to be something when he has nothing he deceiveth himself and the idea is this that as a Christian you have a need as a Christian you you not only have a responsibility For to care for those around you which also have a need To be and to be ministered to by those around you and the idea here in Galatians chapter 6 and verse 3 When he says of a man think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself The idea is that you and I are not to get this thought and say well, I don't need anybody I'm fine. I can you know, don't ever get to the place you say well I can just listen to preaching online, but I don't need to be part of a church a community I don't need to be part of a church family. I'm fine I'm strong by myself Paul would say if a man think himself to be something When he is nothing he deceiveth himself and you are deceiving yourself when you don't realize that not only do others need you But you need others Others need you to be in their lives, but you also need others to be in your life Notice there in Hebrews chapter number 10 if you would I think I asked you to keep your place there in Hebrews chapter 10 Look at verse number 24 Hebrews chapter 10 in verse 24 The Bible says and let us consider One another why don't you notice that phrase one another one of these Sunday nights sometime I don't know when but sometime at some point. I'm gonna preach a Sunday night series, maybe I'll do it on Sunday mornings But I'm gonna preach a series on all the one and others All the times of the Bible tells us to one another To pray for one another to be there for one another and here he says let us consider One another you should be thinking about your brothers and sisters in Christ. You should be considering them You should be thinking about them You should be con you should be concerned with them when maybe their attendance is not like it used to be or maybe you know that they're going through a Difficult time the Bible says let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works See there is a ministry that is to be done amongst believers by just living and living the Christian life together Well, we provoke our one another unto love and good works look at verse 25, of course not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and So much the more as you see the day approaching So we are to exhort one another the word exhort means to advise to admonish look you need people you cannot go and this is I guess this is the point that I want to get across and And and I'm praying the Lord helps me to communicate this properly you cannot live your life in such a way where nobody can correct you You cannot live your life in such a way where there's nobody no one in your life No one within your sphere of influence that can kind of call you on the carpet and say no That's not right. You know, that's not right You know better than that and See people often do everything their power to make sure that they position themselves in such a way They position themselves in their neighborhood or at work or whatever social atmosphere They find themselves in to make sure that they never get close enough to anyone for anyone to be able to say anything to them and sometimes people come to a church like this and you start getting close to somebody and and a brother or sister in Christ kind of calls you out and says no, I Know that's what you're saying to me. But but you don't actually believe that right cuz I can tell you right now I don't believe that I Think you're smarter than that and then people get offended like I can't believe you're talking to me Hey If you've got someone in your life that cares enough about you to tell you the truth Even when it hurts a little bit you got to thank God for that Because we are to exhort one another we are to consider one another we are to look at each other and say hey, I know I'm not if you're gonna go out. I'm gonna let you go out like that You need someone in your life and let me say this others need you We are to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together But exhort one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching so we see this idea of communal responsibility There is a responsibility that we have to each other to commune To live the Christian life together, but then in verse 4 we see personal responsibility And I think what Paul is trying to show us here is that communal responsibility does not negate personal responsibility You cannot come to a church like this and say well, I'm a failure, but the church let me down now the church may have let you down or the church maybe did everything to help you and and and and you let yourself down but the point is this that though there is a communal obligation a responsibility to each other the truth of matter is this that oftentimes it is only those who are spiritual that can Fulfill that obligation. That's why he said he that are spiritual and unfortunately in the world We live in there are very few people that are spiritual enough to be able to walk into somebody else's life and help them So Paul says look there's a communal responsibility, but there's also a personal responsibility The communal responsibility does not negate your personal responsibility notice there in verse 4 He says but let every man prove The word prove means to examine or to test let every man prove his own work You say nobody in my life tests me Nobody in my life calls me out on my Silliness Well, that's not a good thing You need to you need to have some people in your life that are able that are close enough to you and love you enough And are spiritual enough to be able to do that, but you know at the end of the day you you The person that stares at you in the mirror is to prove his own work You should call yourself out I always tell people you gotta ask the question when you say I'm gonna do X Y & Z or I do X Y & Z You gotta ask yourself You know when I do that. Why do I do that really? What's the real reason because we like to lie to ourselves in fact. We're the best at lying to ourselves But when you can prove your own work when you can say here's what I'm doing this. I'm making this choice I'm making this move. I'm going in this direction, and and then there's what I'm telling everyone But then there's the real reason can you at least be honest with yourself? About the real reason Because we like to spiritualize also because we we're we're the greatest salesman to ourselves right we can make everything be the will of God Maybe shocked how many conversations I have people telling me like you know God wants me to buy a Boat I'm like You know God's not against boats I Mean there's a story in the Bible about a boat. I don't think God's against boats But if you want to buy a boat just say you want my boat Well you understand because I can have this boat and and I realized that I might miss Sundays But I might be able to save somebody out there. You know throw out the lifeline. I'm like that's not what we're thinking about When we think about going out the lifeline well, we're not talking about you at at the river And here's all I'm saying is we have this amazing ability to spiritualize and justify make all sorts of bad decisions, but a Responsible person realizes that they need to prove his own work Examine and test themselves and Then shall he have rejoicing look if you just bought a little boat. I don't know it. Okay. Somebody's gonna Email me you. I just bought a boat. You're pretty look. I don't if you and I'm not against boats And Then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone and Not in another and again This this is not taken away from the fact that there is a communal responsibility This does not take away from the fact that Paul just told us brethren if a man be overtaken to default ye Which are spiritual resources one in the spirit of meekness, but what he's saying is this that you cannot wait for somebody to bail You out you cannot wait for someone to come alongside now someone should come alongside And if someone has not come alongside to help you then how about you become strong enough so that you can come alongside someone But at the end of the day You should stand rejoicing in himself alone and not in another You need to here's what he's saying. Here's what he's telling us. He's telling us you need to worry about yourself And and we're not saying that in the American type of like look out for number one. That's that's not the idea We are to esteem others better than ourselves But the idea is this that you've got to care for and worry about yourself Because you will never be able to help someone else If you yourself are a mess He says worry about yourself Let every man prove his own work and then shall he have Rejoicing in himself alone and not in another loaners verse 5. He says for every man shall bear his own burden He tells us you need to worry about yourself You say why do I need to worry about myself? Here's why because you will bear your own consequences Isn't that true and this way and this is why I tell people Look we can sit here and throw a pity party We can sit here and make all sorts of excuses We can say why I didn't do this and why I didn't accomplish that and why I Failed here and why I fail there and we can do all of those things But isn't it true at the end of the day no matter what excuses you come up with no matter what? Story you come up with to explain why it is that you did not do that You were not responsible that you did not accomplish what you were supposed to accomplish at the end of the day You still have to live with those consequences so no matter how good your story is and Even if your story is a legit story and somebody you can stand up here We handed you the mic you could tell your story and we would all say yeah, I get it I understand if I would have grown up with that mother if I would have grown up with that father if I would have married Individual or if I would have had that if I would have entered into that career and then had that company do look I get It maybe it's true. Maybe all of that is true. But at the end of the day every man shall bear his own burden So personal responsibility says that even if I have a good excuse and even if I have a Legitimate excuse for whatever it is that I'm failing in How about I don't pass the buck? And take personal responsibility Because at the end of the day No matter how good my excuse is for how much debt I'm in I'm still in debt No matter how good my excuse is for being unemployed. I'm still unemployed No matter how good my excuse is for why my marriage ended at the end of day my marriage still ended So even if you have a good reason why Personal responsibility says why don't you stop making excuses? I know pity parties are fun. I get it But how about you worry about yourself because at the end of the day every man shall bear his own burden Let me quickly read to you this was from Several years ago when I preached on personal responsibility and we went with that theme of the buck I just think it's interesting. Let me read this to you real quickly the history of that phrase pass the buck It says this to pass the buck today means to evade or avoid responsibility By shifting it to another person the term comes from the game of poker as played in the 19th century America where players took turns acting as the dealer to keep track a marker known as the buck often a knife with a handle made of buck horn was placed on the table in front of the dealer and the And the knife was passed to the next player before each round by the early 20th century passed the buck had spread from meaning to transfer the Responsibility from one poker player to another to meaning to ship responsibility from it for anything to another person Which is the sense in which we use it today and look you can pass the buck You can say no. No, it's not my fault Someone said to to err is human and to shift the blame is even more human And you can pass the buck and you can say no it's not my fault And here's the reason why I'm not responsible, and it's not me, but at the end of the day You're still gonna live your life And look when it comes to responsibility, and here's the thing and here's kind of the catalyst that what you need to understand About responsibility is this That we cannot get rid of responsibility, and this is what I would I would I would teach Young people if you're a young person here tonight. I want you to really understand this our irresponsibility because becomes somebody else's responsibility You understand what I just said? our irresponsibility because some becomes somebody else's responsibility when a teenager decides that they're going to shower and Grab a towel and use it and dry themselves, and then they decide to be Irresponsible and throw that towel on the ground and walk away That towel doesn't disintegrate. I don't know if you know that It doesn't magically get washed and folded and back in the the shelf that you grabbed it from Somebody somebody actually has to come and usually it's mom somebody has to come alongside behind you and pick that towel up and Put it in the dirty hamper wash it and dry it and fold it and here's what I'm saying our Irresponsibility does not just hurt us our Irresponsibility becomes somebody else's responsibility Now you say well, I understand that with the towel. Let me tell you something is the same thing at your job is The same thing with the economy is the same thing at work you can say well I was on drugs, and I did this and I did that and it caused this But I don't have the money and the government well look just because you don't pay just because the government gives you something for free Doesn't mean that somebody didn't pay for it You understand that? our Irresponsibility does not magically just fold itself and get itself where it's supposed to go your Irresponsibility becomes somebody else's responsibility that burdens somebody else So how about you pick up your own towel? We see That the responsible person realizes that they have to deal with the problem Well pastor you understand. You know I'm just I'm just poor I get that and I grew up in this bad neighborhood And I get that and I just I didn't my parents were on drugs and my parents were this my and look and I get That I'm not minimizing any of that But at the end at the end they no matter why you're poor you're still poor So responsible person says I'm not gonna make excuses. I'm gonna figure out how to fix this Because I'm the one that has to live with it and though I might have a good excuse and I might have a good story and there might be a good reason I'm still the one that has to live with the consequences every man shall bear his own burden So responsible people realize this that they have to deal with the problem You know what some people do is they run from problems They run from problems, but a responsible person walks towards one of my biggest pet peeves in The world and this happens a lot because I'm a pastor and I get that and if you've done this I'm not mad at you look. I'm just Okay, I am at it My personal pet peeve you know what what irritates me the most is when people just bring me a problem no solution Just Like here's the problem, and I think this is what I always think myself when somebody brings me a problem I think to myself. I just heard about this like I literally like the words just came out of your mouth entered into my ear and We're processed in that brain up there like I literally just heard of this and I've already brainstormed three possible solutions What does that tell me it tells me you are not a responsible person It tells me you have not even thought about this Or you don't care about this because I literally just heard about this 30 seconds ago, and I'm already like well You could have done this well. How about this? How about that? I know it's hard But a responsible person realizes that they have to deal with the wrongs and look in your life you've got some problems, and it may not be your fault and I'm not saying it is your fault But a responsible person says it doesn't matter whose fault is it doesn't matter where the buck can go Let's deal with the problem Number one we see that responsible people realize that they have to deal with the problem No matter where it came from the responsible person realizes that if the towel is on the ground Whether I put it there or not someone's got to pick it up That's what a responsible person realizes here's number two Notice the Galatians chapter 6 look at verse 6 Let him that is taught in the Word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things And then in verses 7 8 and 9 and 10 We have a very well-known passage of Scripture Regarding reaping and sowing notice verse 7 be not deceived Remember Galatians 6 3 he that deceives himself The Bible says be not deceived God is not mocked For whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap is a very famous Principle taught throughout the Bible and it is the principle of reaping and sowing When you sow something you will reap something when you put a seed in the ground. It's going to produce Something as a result be not deceived God is not mocked for what's where a man soweth that shall he also reap For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting and Let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season. We shall reap if we faint not I Said number one this evening Responsible people realize that they have to deal with the problem. Here's number two Responsible people realize that their future state is the result of their current choices. I Hope you understood what I just said Responsible people because pose he's not just randomly giving us these verses He's saying look you have a responsibility to those around you communal responsibility, but that does not negate personal responsibility You have a responsibility to prove your own self and and and and and test yourself and make sure you're doing the right thing For the right reason in the right way Why because you're gonna have to deal with those consequences and then he jumps into this idea of reaping and sowing and he's not just Randomly saying that he's not just like I gotta I gotta say something, you know This book needs six chapters and I ran out of material So let me pull some stuff from the Old Testament about reaping and sowing no No, he brings this up for a reason man He brings it up because of the fact that a responsible person realizes that their future State is a result of their current choices By the way, let me say it this way your current state is a result of your prior choices This Is the idea of reaping and sowing sowing and reaping look at it again verse 7 be not deceived God is not mugged for whatsoever a man. So if that shall he also reap this is a promise from God Let me give you several principles regarding this idea of sowing and reaping number one Sowing and reaping always produces something This is a promise from God if you sow you will reap every time you sow you will produce something God is not mugged for whatsoever man. So that's why they also reap Keep your place there in Galatians go to Proverbs real quickly Proverbs chapter 11 if you would if you open your Bible just right in the center You're more than likely following the book of Psalms right after Psalms you have the book of Proverbs Proverbs chapter number 11 Look at verse 18 Proverbs 11 18 You can lose your place in Hebrews, but I'd like you to keep your place in Proverbs we're gonna leave it We're gonna come back to it Proverbs chapter 11 verse 18 Notice what the Bible says the wicked worketh a deceitful work, but to him that soweth righteousness Why don't you notice these words to him that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward It is a sure reward that word sure means. It's reliable. It's trustworthy Look you can count on this promise This is a promise throughout the entire Bible and it is this the promise of sowing and reaping and the Bible teaches that when you sow and you reap you will the Process of sowing and reaping always produces something it will produce something. It's a sure thing you can bank on it Now look that should be that should be a blessing that that should be an encouragement to you If you're starting a business And you're like I'm not sure how this is gonna work out or if you're starting a church And you're like I'm not sure how it's gonna work out doesn't seem like it's going that great Doesn't seem like I'm getting a lot of traction. You know what the Bible teaches that That that what so ever man soweth that shall he also reap and if you get a lot of sowing in and you get enough Sowing and I can promise you from the Bible that you will reap The problem with a lot of people is that they're hoping for a whole lot of reaping and they're not doing a whole lot of sowing And they're like well God isn't meeting me and God isn't helping me and God isn't what God is gonna God is going to meet you on the other side and help you he's gonna give you the momentum that you need But you need to do your part You need to get out there and you need to work hard every day You need to get up and work hard every day. You don't just go start a church somewhere And decide you're gonna work one day a week That's the joke that people always make about pastor. Oh, you just work one day a week on Sundays I can't even tell you last time. I took a day off I'm just saying you sow and you sow and you sow and eventually you'll reap It's a biblical principle you can bake on it. You can count on it So you say about things aren't going well things aren't going well with my finances things aren't going well with my health things aren't going Well with my children things aren't going well in my marriage things aren't going well in my life Whatever area it is you figure out how to sow properly into that area And you just consistently sow and do the right thing over and over and over again, and I promise you you will reap It's a sure reward Sowing and reaping always produces something But please understand this keep your place in Proverbs go to the book of Hosea if you're in Proverbs you're gonna go past Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea, okay Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea keep your place in Proverbs also keep your place in Hosea We're gonna go back and forth for a little bit. I want you to get to it quickly Hosea chapter number eight Here's another promise regarding sowing and reaping first of all sowing and reaping always produces something Secondly sowing and reaping always produces more This is a promise in the Bible Hebrews 8 verse 7 For they have sown the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind you see that Now what's more a whirlwind the wind or a whirlwind? Here's what God says you sow the wind you reap the whirlwind and that shouldn't that make sense sowing and reaping You sow one seed into the ground and it produces fruit that has a lot more than that one seed So here though here's what you need to understand regarding sowing and reaping sowing and reaping always produces something and sowing and reaping always produces more you sow the wind if you'll reap the whirlwind you will You will produce more leveraging and utilizing the principle of sowing and reaping You say well this sounds good. It sounds good. It sounds good up to this point And here's the point you have to remember Keep your place there in Proverbs key your place there in Hosea go back to Galatians chapter 6 look at verse 8 the problem with the idea of sowing and reaping is That it is a law it is a law of the universe It is that a law that God put in this universe, but like the laws of the universe it is an a moral law It's neither good or bad. It's like gravity It just is it is what it is Gravity can hurt you gravity can help you It's not right or wrong It just it is what it is and here's what you need to understand Regarding sowing and reaping Galatians chapter 6 verse 8 for he that soweth to his flesh Because remember sowing and reaping always produces something and Sowing and reaping always produces more you say that sounds good. Yeah, if you're sowing in the right place but What if you're sowing in the wrong place? Well, this isn't a blessing This is a curse because sowing and reaping always produces something and sowing and reaping always produces more So he that sowed to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption This might answer the question for some of you why it is that I am in the place that I am right now You are where you are. Your life is the sum total of the choices you have made Your future state is will be the result of your current choices and your current state is the result of your prior Choices and if you sow to the flesh you will reap corruption But he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting And when it says reap reap life everlasting, I was saying you're gonna get Everlasting life if you're saved you have everlasting life. The idea is that you're going to reap in the spiritual realm And look I want to be reaping in such a way See when you sow When you sow to that which is carnal it stays here But when you sow to that which is spiritual it impacts heaven and earth So the problem with the sowing and reaping is That it always produces something that's a good thing could be a good thing. It always produces more That's a good thing could be a good thing. The problem with sowing and reaping is that it always produces similarly Everything brings forth after its own kind So if you're sowing laziness laziness laziness laziness And you're like all I'm reaping is you're reaping what laziness produces Do you understand that? If you're sowing lying lying Deceptiveness deceptiveness and you're like my life is I'm a you're reaping what that produces But if you're sowing honesty integrity hard work You're saying that He that saw it to his flesh all the flesh reap corruption, but he had saw it to the spirit She'll have the spirit reap life everlasting Go back to Hosea chapter 10 look at verse 12 if you kept replacing Hosea go back to chapter 10 Hosea 10 12 notice What he says Hosea 10 12 so to yourselves in righteousness reap and mercy See not only does sowing and reaping always produce something it always produces more and it always produces similarly when you sow righteousness you reap mercy and Look, I'm just go to Proverbs real quickly Proverbs 22 look at verse 8. Let's see it on the opposite end Proverbs 22 verse 8 He that soweth iniquity Shall reap vanity So look when you sow righteousness you reap mercy when you show so iniquity you reap vanity And look here here's the point here's what you need to understand you cannot sow a bunch of wickedness and then pray for a crop failure It doesn't work that way You will reap what you sow your current state is a result of your prior choices, but a responsible person a Responsible person understands that the future state is a result of their current choices and a responsible person understands that maybe I'm in a bad Place right now, and I'm a bad place right now I'm reaping some bad things as I've been sowing some bad things, but going forward. How about I start sowing some good things And it might take some time and I might take a little bit of time and it might take a while But eventually if I start sowing some good things and look whatever area it is It doesn't matter what area of your life you want to apply this in whatever area that God is Telling you in your mind in your heart start sowing in that thing the right things and you'll reap But here's the here's the here's the last principle for sowing and reaping go back to Galatians 6 verse 9 First of all I said sowing reaping always produces something secondly I said sowing reaping always produces more thirdly I said sowing reaping always produces similar Here's the last principle regarding sowing and reaping sowing and reaping always produces eventually You don't put a seed in the ground and the next day. It's an apple tree It takes time Galatians chapter 6 verse 9 and let us not be weary in well-doing Why for in due season we shall reap if we faint not? And here's what responsible person understands they understand that their future state is a result of their current choices they understand That if they start sowing in the right direction sowing the right things doing the right things today They will eventually reap the right things because the Bible says be not deceived God is not mocked for what so ever man soweth That shall they also reap At the red hot preaching conference. I was having a conversation with Pastor Shelley and he was asking me about our building situation of course I preached about it at the conference He was talking to me about the story that I told about How it all kind of worked out all these different things how I was barely even trying to try to get this Four acre 400 seat auditorium and it's just like God's just like opening the doors and pushing me along You know and just getting me in that direction. He's talking about how amazing was and then and then he said this to me He said I don't think it's a coincidence that your church gave us a hundred thousand for a building and then and then God just like And what he was saying was this you reap what you sow you know God, you know, we God just God could took care of it and praise the Lord for it and here's all I'm telling you a responsible person realizes a Responsible person realizes that their future state is a result of their current choices a Responsible person realizes that they have to deal with the problems. They can't pass the buck They can't make excuses for it. And look this idea of reaping and sowing this idea of you deciding Okay, I'm gonna take responsibility starting now things have haven't gone the way I wanted them to they haven't gone the way They should have gone but starting today. I'm gonna start moving in the right direction I'm gonna start investing in the right direction. I'm gonna start doing the right things. I'm gonna start getting up early I'm gonna start praying. I'm gonna start reading the Bible. I'm gonna show up to work on time I'm gonna work hard and stop being lazy and I'm gonna invest the time and the energy I'm gonna do these things I'm gonna start sowing now so that I can reap in the future That's what a responsible person understands and look, how do you get there? You have to get to the place where you realize if it's going to be it's up to me and God. I Got to do it It's not just enough to say I'm not gonna pass the buck You also my other little phrase regarding responsibility is you've got to adopt this phrase the buck stops here Let me just read to you where that little phrase came from The buck stops here is a phrase that was popularized by US President Harry S Truman We kept a sign with the phrase on his desk in the Oval Office The phrase refers to the notion that the president has to make the decision accept the ultimate responsibility for those decisions And in your life and in my life, it's not enough to just say I'm not gonna pass the buck You also have to take the responsibility to say the buck stops here If it's gonna get done, I'm gonna have to do it. I'm gonna have to co-labor with God I need to just start sewing in the right direction Number one responsible people realize that they have to deal with the problem number two Responsible people realize that their future state is the result of their current choices and then let me give you the third one real quickly Tonight will be done soon Look at Galatians chapter 6 verses 9 and 10 He says and let us not be weary I want you to notice this little phrase in well doing Let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not verse 10 as We have therefore opportunity Let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Here's statement number three Responsible people realize that they must position themselves to help others You know what your goal should be in life Your goal should in life should be to be so mature to be so responsible to be so successful Not that it goes to your head because pride goes before destruction but to be so mature and so successful in life that you Have the freedom and the ability and the capability to help others That should be your goal. That's what Paul says He says hey, let us not be weary in well doing as we have therefore opportunity Let us do good unto all men, you know, we need to be looking for opportunities to help others But here's here's the part Where responsibility kicks in? Go to Luke if you would Matthew Mark Luke, we're gonna look at one passage one quick famous story out of Luke chapter 10 And it is this not only do we need to be looking for opportunities to help others but We also need to be ready for the opportunities to help others Do you understand that? See being responsible means you're not only looking for the opportunities, but you have the ability you have the resources you have the capability a Responsible person positions themselves in such a way not just to say oh man I can identify the problem I can see the issue here. I can see what's wrong. I wish I could help. Sorry. I'm broke. I Wish I could help. Sorry. I'm immature. I wish I could help. Sorry. I've got so many problems in my own life I can't even think to no no see a responsible person Realizes that they must because they realize that they need to not pass the book. They need to solve problems They need to run towards problems They need to help others solve problems because they realize that and they realize that their future state is a result of their current choices Then they also position themselves in such a way to help others Yeah, I don't understand. Well, look at Luke 10. This is the most famous story of somebody helping somebody in the Bible Luke chapter 10 verse 30 Jesus answering said a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves Which stripped him of his raiment and wounded him and departed leaving him half dead And by chance there came down a certain priest that way and when he saw him he passed by on the other side Likewise a Levi when he saw when he when he was at that place came and looked on him and passed by on the other side But a certain Samaritan as he journeyed came where he was and when he saw him once you knows a lot part of verse 33 Hey, he the Bible says he had compassion on him That's a good thing We see that these other Individuals mentioned in this story the priest and the Levi they saw the problem, but they were callous. They had no empathy They didn't care. They just crossed the street and walked on the other side. This guy had good intentions He saw the problem and the Bible says that he had compassion on him Bible says about our Savior that he was moved with compassion. This is a good thing. He identified the problem But I want you to notice that this man did not only identify the problem and was not only moved to Solve the problem He didn't just have compassion on him verse 34, but he shrugged his shoulders and said what can I do? Is that what it says? Look verse 34 and went to him and bound up his wounds Pouring in oil and wine and Set him on his own beast and brought him to the inn and took care of him And on the morrow when he departed he took out two pence a pence in the Bible was a day's wages He took two pence and gave them to the host and said unto him take care of him and whatsoever thou spendest more When I come again, I will repay thee There's a famous quote by Margaret Thatcher. I'm not endorsing her but she has a famous quote that says this No one in the world would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions. He had money as well And look in verse 33 he had compassion good intentions But in verse 34 he had resources Do you understand what I just said? He bound up his wounds pouring in oil and wine set him on his own beast. He had his own beast Brought him to the inn Took care of him took out two pence. He had two pence To be able to do this and gave them to the host and whatsoever thou spendest more He said when I come again, I will repay thee verse 36 which which now of these thinkest thou This is Jesus speaking was neighbor unto him that fell among thieves and he said he that showed mercy on him Then said Jesus unto him. Here's what Jesus says. Here's what he wants us to take away from this parable go and do thou likewise See being responsible is not enough to be looking or observing Opportunities to help it also requires that you be ready for those opportunities to help So when there's a struggling marriage and maybe you could be of assistance it doesn't help if your marriage is struggling too You understand that? We need you to be responsible enough and mature enough and spiritual enough To be able to not only observe when there's a need But also have the beast to put someone on Also have the two pence in your pocket to take care of someone Also have the oil and the wine and here's what I'm saying. Here's all I'm saying is a responsible people realize They have to deal with the problems That they can't just live their life passing the buck and saying well It's not my fault and here's the reason why and maybe if you told us your reason we would all agree with you and we Would say yeah, I'm with you and I agree But at the end of the day a responsible person realizes I still have to live with those consequences So, how about I stop passing the buck and I decide that the buck stops here and here's what I know the Bible promises That if I show in the right direction I will reap in the right direction and a responsible person realizes that their future state is a result of their current choices so you're gonna start making the right choices today and Position themselves in such a way So that when they come across That Poor soul On the side of the street half dead maybe physically maybe spiritually Instead of just hoping they could help and wishing they could open up move with compassion They can see the need and They can meet the need Because they position themselves in such a way Where they are if we turn it all the way around and make full circle verse 1 Where they are the spiritual person Who can restore such a one? in the spirit of me this It's called personal responsibility Do you have it? If not, you should get it Spot had to know what a prayer Heavenly Father What are we thinking for your word? We're thinking for this portion of Scripture We thank you for these principles Lord I pray you'd help us to apply them in our lives Lord I pray you'd help us to be responsible people Many things that we deal with are self-inflicted wounds. They are our own doing but not everything We live in a sinful world in a sinful state Sometimes things happen And they may not be our fault But a responsible person does not worry about whose fault it is they worry about what they can do about it Lord I pray you'd help us to be that person Help us to become the spiritual mature individual that when needed is able and capable to help others also We love you Match this name of Christ we pray Amen We're never the Moses come up and lead us in a final song just want to remind you a couple of things first of all Don't forget if you're part of the cleaning crew We apologize, but we are moving the dinner and training from this Friday to next Friday So it's not on August 18th. It'll be on August 25th. That's due to the funeral. We apologize for the inconvenience there Please respond to the text and RSVP if you're able to make it to the 25th date Also, don't forget that this Friday soul winning is canceled. No soul winning on Friday at 2 p.m There will be soul winning on Thursday at 2 p.m. Sunday at 2 p.m. Of course Saturday morning at 10 a.m But on Friday it is canceled due to the funeral and then of course want to remind you that we're having the funeral for baby John Cyrus radari Here Friday, August 18th 11 a.m. Here at the church building There'll be a gravesite service at 1 p.m. And then we'll have a reception at 2 p.m. In our fellowship Hall, it will be live streamed if you're not able to make it You can watch the live stream if you'd like if you're coming there will be a potluck So if you can please bring a dish to share and also if you could help us if you can just look around Your area and kind of put everything back make sure the himba gets back kind of pick up whatever mess your kids might have made We'd appreciate that the staff guys They're not gonna start immediately after service, but they're gonna be cleaning the building tonight in preparation for the Friday service So it once they start cleaning if you could kind of clear The way get the kids out of the way so they can do what they got to do And if you're able to help if you're a cleaner and you're able to help we would appreciate your help tonight with all of that There's anything we can do for you. Please. Let us know we'll have brother Moses come up and lead us in a final song Please Center your songbooks page number three hundred and seventy-two Page three seven two We're gonna finish off singing and let the lower lights be burning page 372 on the furs Brightly beams our father's mercy from his lighthouse evermore But to us he gives the keeping of the lights along the shore Let the lower lights be burning Santa clean across the way some poor Fainting struggling seamen you may rescue you may save dark the nights of sin has settled out the Angry billows roar Eager eyes are watching longing for the lights along the shore Let the lower lights be burning Across the way some poor fainting struggling seamen May rescue you may save on the last trim your People and my brother some poor sailor tempest sauce Trying now to make the harbor in the darkness may be lost Some poor fainting struggling seamen you may rescue you may save Great singing can I please have with RJ close this in a word prayer? Amen You You You