(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, well we're there in 2 Samuel chapter 6 and we've been going through on Sunday nights this series called Drop Dead and we've been going through and looking at different stories in the Bible where God slew somebody, where God killed somebody and we've been trying to learn from those stories and it's kind of a unique Sunday night series I think but we started the first week with Odin of course in the book of Genesis and last week we talked about Nadab and Abihu and the strange fire that they offered before the Lord and tonight we're dealing with this story of a man named Uzzah or Uzzah however you like to pronounce it I like to pronounce it Uzzah and I want you to notice that this man is struck dead by God and let's just read the verses again just to get a little bit of the context if you look at verse 1 the Bible says again David gathered together all the chosen men of Israel thirty thousand of course this is King David he's gathering the people together verse 2 and David arose and went with all the people that were with him from the bale of Judah to bring up from thence the ark of God whose name is called by the name of the Lord of hosts that dwelleth between the cherubim so I don't have time to develop this whole thing but if you've read the books of 1 Samuel or the kings you know that the ark of God was lost during the time of Eli and his sons and their wickedness and if you remember there was at that time was just referred to as Ichabod and the glory of the Lord had departed the ark had actually been lost to the Philistines and the Philistines there's all this episode about things that happen when they bring the ark before their God Dagon and Dagon ends up falling before the ark and all those things eventually the Philistines send the ark back because God plagues them and there's a whole story there about people looking into the ark and God kills them so the ark basically is back in the nation of Israel but it's not in its proper place and now David is king and he gets this idea and it's a good idea to bring the ark back to its proper place that's what we're reading about in verse 2 when it says and David arose and went with all the people that were with him from Baal of Judah to bring up from thence the ark of God whose name is called by the name of the Lord of hosts that dwelleth between the cherubims notice verse 3 and they set the ark of God upon a new cart so they have to carry this ark to its proper location and they decide to take the ark and they put it upon a new cart and brought it out of the house of Abinadab that was in Gibeah and Uzzah and Ahayo the sons of Abinadab drave the new cart so you've got this cart remember the ark it's like a box that's been overlaid with gold it's got certain relics or religious type things in it it represents the presence of God they put this ark upon a new cart and they're going down the road with this with this ark in this new cart they're bringing it to the place where it belongs verse 4 and they brought it out of the house of Abinadab which was at Gibeah accompanying the ark of God and Ahayo went before the ark and David and all the house of Israel played before the Lord on all manner of instrument made of fir wood even on harps and on salt trees and on timbrels and on cornets and on cymbals and when they came to Nacon's threshing floor Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it for the oxen shook it so you need to understand the story the arks on a cart they're going down the road the oxen shake the cart and Uzzah just out of instinct he thinks the ark which remember this ark is a big deal for the nation of Israel it represents the presence of God upon the nation and this ark looks like it's going to fall to the ground and Uzzah puts his hand to kind of stabilize it to keep the ark from falling notice verse 6 and when they came to Nacon's threshing floor Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it for the oxen shook it notice verse 7 and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah and God smote him there for his error and there he died by the ark of God now if you're not familiar with the the laws and the commandments that God had given for the ark this story might strike you as odd you might think man God is kind of on a power trip right here you know he's kind of I mean good night all the guy was doing was he's trying to stabilize the ark to keep the ark from falling and you say what is it that is happening here what is it what's the big deal what is it that's going on now keep your place there in second Samuel 6 that's our text for tonight but go back to Exodus 25 the second book in the Bible should be fairly easy to find you've got Genesis and then you've got Exodus Exodus 25 and look at verse number 10 to understand what's happening in the story you have to understand the instructions that God has already given in regards to the ark Exodus 25 look at verse number 10 Exodus 25 and verse 10 the Bible says this and they shall make an ark of shit and wood so this is when God is given the instructions for the ark to be made this is the ark that David is transporting they shall make an ark of shit and wood two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof and a cubit and a half the height thereof so it's like a rectangle and thou shalt overlay it with pure gold within and without shall thou overlay it and shall make upon it a crown of gold round about and thou shall cast four rings of gold for it I want you to notice verse 12 so he's telling us how to create how he's given him instructions he says he gives them the the the measurements and it's basically like a rectangular box and then he says I want you to make four rings of gold for it and put them on the four corners on the four corners of this of this golden box you've got these four rings notice verse 13 and thou shalt make staves of shit and wood and overlay them with gold so he's telling me I want you to make some poles and overlay them with gold and thou shalt put the staves into the rings by the sides of the ark notice that the ark may be born with them so God not only gave him instructions for the ark but he gave him instructions as to how to move the ark the ark was to be moved when you put those staves of gold into those rings and it was to be born it was to be carried notice verse 15 the staves shall be in the rings of the ark they shall not be taken from it so I want you to notice that God gave him instructions as to how to build the ark and how to transport the ark now there in Exodus go to Numbers chapter 4 let me give you some more details about this ark Numbers chapter 4 so you're there in Exodus you'll go to Leviticus and then the book of Numbers Numbers chapter 4 and look at verse number 15 Numbers chapter 4 and verse 15 the Bible says this and when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary and all the vessels of the sanctuary as the camp is to set forward after that the sons of Kohab shall come to bear it notice what it says but they shall not touch any holy thing don't miss these three words lest they die do you see that God not only told them how they were to construct this ark and he told them how it was to be transported but then in Numbers 4 God told them hey I want certain people I want the sons of Kohab he's talking about the Levites to bear it and he says but when they bear it all they're allowed to touch is the staves or the poles on which they're gonna bear this ark he says they shall not touch any holy thing lest they die these things are the burden of the sons of Kohab in the tabernacle of the congregation so when you get this context you kind of understand because God already warned them if anybody touches the ark I'm gonna kill them if anybody puts their hand on the ark they're going to die I only want these certain people to carry the ark in this certain way this is how I want it to be done and Uzzah found himself in a situation with David where they put the ark on a cart in the way that God did not command for them to transport it and then he touches the ark you say well his heart was in the right place he was trying to keep the ark from falling he was right the the oxen were shaking the ark you're talking about the art the the the cart that you put the ark in that God told you not to do you know the the oxen were shaking the car and the ark was gonna fall and he puts his hand to stabilize it and God strikes him dead go back to 2nd Samuel chapter 6 and we're just gonna walk through this story I'm gonna give you seven statements tonight just kind of seven lessons we can learn from this story maybe you can write these down on the back of your course of the week of course you've got a place there to write down some notes and let me just show you a couple of things that we can learn from this story number one if you're there in 2nd Samuel 6 look at verse 1 the Bible says this again David gathered together notice David was not alone in this he gathered together all notice the wording there all the chosen men of Israel 30,000 and David arose and went notice these words with all the people you see that the Bible emphasizes for us that David chose out all the men of Israel and it tells us there was 30,000 men involved in this project and he went with all the people to go pick up this art now keep your place there go to 1st Chronicles chapter 13 you're there in 2nd Samuel so you're gonna go past 1st 2nd Kings into the book of 1st Chronicles and do me a favor when you get to 1st Chronicles keep your place there I put a ribbon or a bookmark because we're gonna leave it and we're gonna come back to it and in 1st Chronicles 13 you actually have the parallel to this story this story is told twice just like in the Gospels you have Matthew Mark Luke John sometimes they tell the same story 2nd Samuel 6 and 1st Chronicles 13 is the same story being told in two different books sometimes we can compare the story and get some additional insight and I want you to notice the emphasis that we find in 1st Chronicles 13 1 the Bible says this and David consulted you know what it means to consult it means he went and got advice and counsel he consulted with the captains of thousands and hundreds and with notice what it says every leader hey David did not just wake up one day and think hey I got an idea let's put the ark on a cart and let's drag it out back to where it should go no he went and he talked to people he consulted with the captains of thousands and hundreds and with every leader look verse 2 and David said unto all the congregation of Israel if it seemed good unto you unto who unto the 30,000 people he's involved in this project he says if it seemed good unto you and that it be of the Lord our God let us send abroad unto our brethren everywhere that are left in the land of Israel and with them also to the priest and Levi's which are in their cities and suburbs that they may gather themselves unto us and let us bring again the ark of our God to us for we inquired not at it in the days of Saul and all the congregation said that they would do so for the thing don't miss this for the thing was right in the eyes of all the people I want you to notice that David got advice he got counsel he talked to a lot of people he talked to all the leaders he talked to all the captains he told him his plan he told him his idea and everybody said yes it's a good idea let's do it so what's the first lesson we can learn from the story number one is this it doesn't matter how many people agree with you you better make sure God agrees with you because God had already given instructions as to how the ark was to be transported who was allowed to touch it where they were allowed to touch it and what would happen if somebody touched it in a way that was inappropriate and here David comes and he talks to the captains he talks to the leaders he talks to the people everybody says yes it's a good idea yes I think we should do it yes let's go ahead but you know what at the end of the day it doesn't matter how many people think you've got a good idea doesn't matter how many people agree better make sure God agrees better make sure God has not given because look it doesn't matter the whole world agrees with you if it goes against the instructions given by God you're wrong Exodus 23 go there real quickly Exodus 23 you were just an exodus a second ago if you can go go back there Exodus 23 look we have to we have to get away from this idea that if most people think it's the right thing then it must be the right thing in fact when I was growing up my parents would teach me that if most people think something's a good idea that's probably the wrong thing to do you know most people are going to have the wrong Bible says enter ye in at the straight gate for wide as the gate and broad is the way which lead it to destruction and many there be which go in there at are you there in Exodus 23 look at verse 2 notice what the Bible says in Exodus 23 2 it says thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil neither shalt thou speak and a cause to decline after many to rest judgment but I want you to notice that first part he says don't follow a multitude to do evil see David got this idea that most people thought it was okay so therefore it must be okay but we learned this that it doesn't matter how many people agree with you you better make sure God agrees with you you you can consult and look there's nothing right the Bible talks about in the in the in the count and the multitude of counselors there's wisdom and it's good to talk to people and it's good to ask questions and it's good to get opinions and it's good to get a consensus but at the end of day you better go to the Bible you better get on your knees and pray you better seek God's will because it doesn't matter how many people agree with you better make sure God agrees with you and David made a mistake because David went and asked everyone's opinion got everybody to sign off on it got everybody to agree on it except for one person God except he forgot to look at what the Bible says he forgot to see what God had instructed him to do keep your place in 1st Chronicles 13 go back to 2nd Samuel chapter 6 let me give you the second lesson we can learn from the story number one is this it doesn't matter how many people agree with you it doesn't matter how many people agree with you make sure God agrees with you number two here's the second lesson we shouldn't be looking for new methods from the world we shouldn't be looking for new methods to do God's work from the world notice 2nd Samuel 6 and verse 2 and David arose and went with all the people that were with him from Baal of Judah to bring up from thence the ark of God whose name is called by the name of the Lord of hosts that dwells between the cherubim verse 3 notice what it says and they said the ark of God upon a new cart and brought it out of the house of Abinadab that was in Gibeah and Azah and Ohio the sons of Abinadab drave notice the new cart now they they get this idea they say hey I got idea let's build us a new car let's not get an old car this is for God let's build a new cart and let's put the ark of God on there now you've got to ask yourself what do you think David got that idea and what's interesting is that we've already seen the ark on a cart before go back to 1st Samuel chapter 6 remember I told you the story I told you the story that the children Israel lost the ark of God at a battle the Philistines took it and they placed the ark of God before the God Dagon Dagon his statue falls before the ark they pick him back up he falls again and this time his hands are cut off his head is cut off I don't know about you but I don't want to have a God that I have to help you know what I mean I don't have to help my God you know you want to worship your little Buddha when Buddha falls over and you've got to pick him back up that's a problem all right and and and that's what happened and then you know God judges them and God sends mice and God sends other things we're not going to talk about and and and he judges the Philistines and and the Philistines aside we got to get rid of this thing and notice how they did it 1st Samuel 6 look at verse 1 and the ark of the Lord was in the country of the Philistines seven months and the Philistines called for the priests and the diviners saying remember these are the evil these are bad people this is the world saying what shall we do to the ark of the Lord tell us wherewith we shall send it to his place so they're saying how are we going to get rid of this thing how are we going to send this back we don't want this thing anymore God has been judging us because of it notice verse 7 1st Samuel 6 7 now therefore notice what the Philistines did make a new cart and take two milch chime on which there has come no yoke and tie the kind to the cart and bring their calves from them notice the Philistines who did not worship God who did not know God when they got rid of the ark when they sent the ark back they got the bright idea to make a new cart and put the ark in the new cart and to send it off and then David when he decides I want to transport the ark also he says let's make a new cart I wonder where he got that idea from he got it from the Philistines and you know as Christians we need to realize that we should not be looking for new methods or new ideas to worship God the way that the world worships God or the way that the world says and this is again and this and I don't want to dwell on this too much because we want to talk about this a lot last week with the strange fire but it's the same concept we don't need a new cart God has already told us how to approach him how to worship him what he wants from us what he desires from us we need to just get in the bible and try to apply that to our life and the world will say oh no here's a new cart of the modern bible version here's a new cart of contemporary christian music here's a new cart of a new lifestyle evangelism but we need to just reject that and say you know what we don't need a new cart we don't need to go to the world for their ideas David said how do I do this he looks over the phillips he says well they brought a new cart maybe we can bring a new cart and that's no different than churches today saying well the rock concert is sold out maybe I can make my church feel like a rock concert and it'll get sold out too we don't need a new car we shouldn't be looking for new methods from the world we shouldn't be looking for ideas from the world the philistines came up with the idea of a new cart and david took that idea from the philistines go back to second samuel six look at verse four second samuel let me give you the third the third lesson the first lesson is this it doesn't matter how many people agree with you make sure god agrees with you the second lesson is this we shouldn't be looking for new methods from the world to worship god the third lesson is this don't decide how pleased god is by how emotional you are notice verse four and they brought it out of the house of abinadab which was at gibeah accompanying the ark of god and ahiel went before the ark and david and all the house of israel notice they played before the lord on all manner of instruments made of fir wood even on harps and on soldries and on timbrels and on on coordinates and on symbols they're having themselves a worship service I mean they are worshiping god they are into it they are playing before the lord they're emotional this was an emotional thing we're bringing the ark back the ark has been gone all the years of soul this is going to be great this is going to be wonderful but you know what god wasn't in it god wasn't pleased by it god wasn't amused by it and today there are many churches today that you know what they seem real emotional they seem real happy they've got their little worship band going and they seem like they're really play uh praising and pleasing god and god isn't within 100 miles of that place god's not satisfied you say what satisfies god when you follow his commandments when you study his law and you uphold it when you follow the commands of god and today people think well god must be in it because i'm emotional hey don't decide and don't think that god must approve because you're emotional about something now i'm not against emotion i like emotion i think i think my preaching is full of emotion i love the way we sing around here and we sing songs and we sing them with power and we sing them with passion and we sing them with emotion but you know what let's make sure we've got emotion and we're also pleasing god because you can be uh full of emotion and don't decide that god must be pleased if we're all emotional i'm nothing wrong with emotion but make sure that god actually is pleased make sure that you've actually studied the bible see the bible says you don't have to turn there it says in john 4 24 god is the spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth say i love the spirit i love the spirit too but make sure you got the truth make sure you actually know what the bible says don't decide how pleased god is well god must be pleased were you there i mean what i was an emotional don't decide how pleased god is by how emotional you are because god might uh rain on your little party david so yeah but the music was great the emotion was great everybody was happy yeah well not god god wasn't pleased let me give you the fourth lesson here's the fourth lesson just because you are doing right does not give you the right to go about it the wrong way notice verse six and when they came to nakon's threshing floor azah put forth his hand to the ark of god and took hold of it for the oxen shook it i really feel bad for this guy i mean if you talk about somebody dying whose heart was in the right place this guy had his heart in the right place the auction was shaking the ark the ark represents the presence of god it's going to fall on the ground what should we do let me help it no you know what the bible says that the ingle lord was kindled against and god smote him there for his error and there he died by the ark of god you say what's doing something wrong there's nothing wrong with trying to help the ark there's nothing wrong with trying to make sure the ark does not fall to the ground there's nothing wrong with trying to make sure that the ark is not disrespected that the ark is referenced with respect there's nothing wrong with that but there is something wrong when you decide that i'm going to do something right in the wrong way because god already said don't touch the ark say well i don't understand what should he have done let it fall you understand what i just said oh the ark of god let it fall to the ground yeah you should have just let it fall because god told you not to touch it and you know if you want to put it on a stupid cart but you got the idea from the phillips seems to begin with you would have never found yourself in that situation look just because just because because this is the idea we get we get well i'm right i'm not doing wrong i'm right about this situation so therefore that must justify me going about it a wrong way no that's wrong god not only wants you to be right god wants you to do right and you say well what should i do should i just let the ark fall let it fall i'm going to follow the commandments that god has given me what should i do should i just you know my heart's in the right way it doesn't matter where your heart is you're following the commandments of god are you doing what god has called you to do just because what you are doing is right does not give you the right to go about it the wrong way go to first samuel chapter 24 let me give you another example of this and this is a concept that we need to understand the christian because we think oh well i'm doing the right thing and then oftentimes people who are doing the right thing go about it the wrong way and then it just becomes the wrong thing and then god doesn't bless it then somebody ends up dead and you're like i don't understand i was trying to help the ark but you know what you need to just do what god has told you to do you need to just follow the instructions that god has given you to follow here's another example same same idea first time in 24 like verse one and it came to pass when saul was returned from following the philistines that it was told him saying behold david is in the wilderness of engedi then saul took three thousand chosen men out of all israel and went to seek david and his men upon the rocks of the wild goats and he came to the sheepcoats by the way where was a cave and saul went in to cover his feet and david's men remained on the sides of the cave here's the story saul who's a wicked leader who's backslidden who's not right with god is literally trying to kill david out of envy and david is hiding in a cave saul goes into the cave to use the restroom and haven his men are in the cave what do you do look at verse four and then the men of david said unto him behold the day of the lord which the lord said unto thee behold i will deliver thine enemy into thine hand that thou mayest do to him as it shall seem good unto thee then david arose and cut off the skirt of saul's robe you know it's interesting how there's always people trying to tell you this was begot's will it must be god's will for you to go and divorce her it must be god's will you know he did you wrong you you god's okay with you no no no you you better figure out what the bible says god hates divorce well i'm right but now you're now you're wrong well he did this or she did that and i don't deserve that yeah you were right so you decided you wanted to get a divorce now you're wrong too because just because you're right does not give you the right to do wrong just because your right does not give you the right to go against the commandments of god and here you had these people say saul is wrong david is right but david needs to make a decision well i use that to justify me doing wrong look at verse five and it came to pass afterward that david's heart smote him because he had cut off saul's skirt and he said unto his men the lord forbid that i should do this thing unto my master the lord's anointed to stretch forth my hand against him seeing he's anointed of the lord so david stayed his servants with these words and suffered them not to rise against saul but saul rose up out of the cave and went on his way and please understand this god does not only want us to be right god wants us to do right and there is a way to do the right thing in the wrong way and god is not pleased you better make sure what you're doing is right and you better make sure you're doing it the right way you better make sure that you're not sinning in your seal to do right because you might find yourself dead on the side of a road because your heart was in the right place and what should i do you let that arc fall that's what you should do so what can we learn from the story go back to second samuel six we can learn that it doesn't matter how many people agree with you oh wow you don't understand everybody said that uh i should have done this and i was right in the situation it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how many people agree with you you make sure that god agrees with you what can we learn from the story that we shouldn't be looking for new methods to worship god from the world what can we learn from the story that you better not decide how pleased god is by how emotional you are what can we learn from the story we learn that just because you are doing right does not give you the right to go about it the wrong way number five what can we learn from the story we learn that the problem with most people is that they lack a fear of god you know what david's problem was at this time in his life he did not have enough fear of god you know that all throughout the bible were commanded to fear god to fear the lord sometimes people try to minimize that say well that just means you're supposed to respect god no that means you're supposed to be afraid to cross god second samuel 6 8 the bible says this and david was displeased because the lord had made a breach upon aza and he called the name of the place perez aza to this day and david was afraid of the lord that day see david wasn't afraid before but he's afraid now and said how so the ark of the lord come to me see david was just he's a new car yeah let's do it this way yeah let's do that well let's do all these things not concerned about god not concerned about what god thinks not concerned about what god wanted but as soon as as soon as this god's judgment comes down all of a sudden it's like okay maybe we ought to figure out what god wants you know that you'll save yourself a lot of problems if you just get a nice healthy fear of god in your life you say what do you mean like i should reverence god no like you should have to be afraid to cross god you gotta be scared to death say well i'm right about this and they did wrong you know what i'm i'm afraid that god's gonna kill me i'm just gonna let god deal with it i i'm i'm afraid that god's judgment is gonna cut them upon my life look what most people need hey teenagers you know what you need you need a healthy fear of god you know i'm tempted to sit i'm tempted to fornicate hey you gotta be afraid that god is gonna give you some sort of std that god is going to have let you have a child when you're a child you gotta just be afraid that god's judgment that there are consequences for sin look everyone would be better if we were just all afraid of god if we were just all literally saying man i don't know what should we do this situation you know what let me read the bible and make sure that we're doing it the right way because god just might kill one of us god might just kill you the problem with most people you know what it is they don't fear god they're not afraid of god you know what god has to do sometimes you have to bring down the smackdown to make you afraid and david was afraid of the lord that day yeah i would be too notice how his attitude changes notice what he does different look verse 10 so david would not remove the ark of the lord unto him into the city of david but david carried it aside into the house of obed-edom the get tight and the ark of lord continued in the house of obed-edom the get tight three months and the lord blessed obed-edom and all his household and it was told king david saying the lord had blessed the house of obed-edom and all that pertained unto him because the ark of god so david went and brought up the ark of god from the house of obed-edom into the city of david with gladness and it was so notice the change verse 13 and it was so that when they that bear the ark what happened to your cart david where's the cart now well god killed aza so we decided we better go back into the old testament figure out how to carry this thing when they that bear the ark of the lord had gone six spaces he sacrificed oxen and fatlings get this idea now he's got the levites carrying the ark on their shoulders they take six steps one two three four five six let's sacrifice let's make sure god's happy with this let's kill an animal so god doesn't kill us one two three four five six stop let's sacrifice one two three four five six stop let's sacrifice you know what the fear of god will do for you it'll make you slow down a little bit and it'll make you make sure that you're pleasing god with your actions you'll stop making decisions you'll start uh uh just doing whatever and going wherever you'll figure out hey what does god want what will please god see when we find out here's lesson number six for you go to first chronicles 15 first chronicles 15 here's lesson number six when we find out that what we're doing does not line up with god's word we need to change as soon as david figured out hmm you know he's looking at asa there the accident of tip over asa stabilized it he drops dead and as and david sit there looking at this dead corpse you don't like this body and he's thinking himself hmm maybe god isn't in this the music was good but maybe god's not happy what should we do what maybe maybe maybe god doesn't like what we're doing look at first chronicles 15 verse 2 then david said this is again the same story just a different place then david said what because david went back read his bible look he's an expert now then david said none ought to carry the ark of god but the levites david you should have figured that out before a man died none ought to carry the ark of god but the levites for them hath the lord chosen to carry the ark of god and to minister unto him forever see david figured it out and and thank god for david when he found out that what he was doing was not lining up with god's word he changed and you know what in my life and in your life when we figure out that what we're doing what we're doing is not lining up with god's word we need to just change this new card is not pleasing to god get rid of the card get the staves get the levites let's do this the right way here's lesson number seven god is interested in you being right and doing things right notice verse 12 first chronicles 15 verse 12 and said unto them because david finally figured this out god has already told us not to touch the ark he's already told us how to carry the ark first chronicles 15 verse number 12 and said unto them ye are the chief of the fathers of the levites sanctify yourselves both ye and your brethren that ye may bring up the ark of the lord god of israel unto the place that i have prepared for it notice verse 13 for because that's what he says for because ye did it not at the first like because you didn't carry the ark at the first the lord our god hath made a breach upon us notice what he says for that we sought him not after the due order see today people think well i'm seeking god as long as i'm seeking god he must be pleased no god wants you to seek him after the due order you know that god has given instructions as to how we should approach him in worship you know that god has given instructions as to how we ought to serve him you know that god has given instructions as to how we ought to act things we ought to do and look you better just make sure you better make sure you say well i'm seeking after god okay but are you doing it after the due order that i'd already told them i want you to move the ark a certain way here are the people that should do it here's how they should do it don't let anybody touch that ark or i'm gonna kill them and then somebody touches the ark they drop dead everybody's surprised well i don't know but you should read you should have read and you know just because you don't know what the bible says doesn't mean you will not be accountable for what the bible says just god god's word is there for all of us to study and read well i wasn't aware well then you better be careful about the decisions you make you better make sure you are prepared and you've studied and you understand what god wants from you hey listen before you go and get married you better figure out what that means in the bible before you start making decisions about thinking i'm going to do this and i'm going to do that i'm going to go there and i'm going to start this you better figure out what god requires from you because this is not an excuse i didn't know obviously as i didn't know he found out real quick though and just because you don't know what the bible says does not mean that you will not be accountable for what the bible says god says that we ought to seek him i love these words he says after the due order you say pastor he met us why why why are things done certain ways here and you you do them this way and you don't you know do it any other way and there's you know we're just doing them after the due order we're just doing them to the best of our ability how god is how god is pleased how god wants it done we're doing it to try to follow and please lord because i don't want some of you to die look at verse 14 so the priest and levi sanctified themselves to bring up the ark of the lord god of israel and the children of levi spared the ark of god upon their shoulders with the staves thereon and mo as moses commanded according to the word don't miss that see before they couldn't say this now they could say this as moses commanded according to the word of the lord god is interested in you being right but you know that he's also interested in you doing right god is interested listen kids well if you knew my parents they're hypocrites and they're worldly and they and they act a certain way at church and then they act a different way at home you know what that doesn't get and i'm the well i'm the only one that's actually spiritual in the house okay great but you know that doesn't give you the right to disobey your parents well they're they're this and that i don't care i don't care what they are god told you to obey your parents well i'm right and they're wrong well you know you know what that doesn't give you the right to do wrong you know wife you said oh well my husband's a loser well you married a loser nobody forced you to marry him the bible tells you to submit to your husband well he's doing this if you knew what he was up to if you knew what he was into if you knew what he was doing i'm the one that's right but you're wrong when you're not submitting to your husband you say i don't well you if you only knew i don't need to know here's what i need to know god expects you to do right and be right and do it the right way and you say well what should i do he's insane i don't care you do right and you do it the right way you're my parent my employer my look it doesn't matter here's what matters do right and do it the right way and figure out what god says unless people will be hurt in the process go to second samuel chapter six you say pastor are you against emotion i'm not against emotion emotion is great but look we need to make sure that we are right that we're pleasing god see second samuel 6 14 the emotion's back but now they can enjoy it because they don't think anybody they realize no one's gonna die second samuel 6 verse 14 and david danced before the lord look at the freedom he has now with all his might and david was girded with the linen ephod so david and all the house of israel brought up the arkle lord with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet see there's nothing wrong with shouting just make sure you're right nothing wrong with emotion just make sure you're right god gives us these stories in the bible where he strikes people dead you know why because he's trying to make a point there are certain things that really bother god and god is going to look at a lot of people and say yeah i know your heart was in the right place but you weren't doing it right you have to follow me after the due order so before you go off making all your decisions you better realize that it doesn't matter how many people agree with you well i got everybody to agree with me okay did you get god to do with you i got everybody to sign off did you get god to sign off i got everybody to get saying yeah it's a good idea okay but did you did you go to the bible and you allowed god to tell you yes you're right we shouldn't be looking for new methods oh i saw the philistines have a new car you don't need a new car you need to do it the way god said it well i read this book and they said that in marriage maybe 50 50 would be better no you don't need this book says that wives are to submit that husbands are to lead that husband should be selfless and sacrificial you just follow what this bible says and you'll be all right well i got this new car you know and i'm not spanking anymore i'm just gonna put my kids on a timeout you're crazy your new car is gonna drag your kid to hell don't decide how pleased god is by how emotional you are it doesn't matter i feel so good i know at the liberal church down the street the niv rock and roll church you always feel good but god's not pleased just because you're doing right does not give you the right to do wrong the problem with most people they don't fear god get a healthy dose of the fear of god and your steps will be ordered and your steps will be wise you'll walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise when you find out that what you're doing doesn't line up to what god's word says change when you find out you've been putting your cart on a your ark on a cart that god is not ordained change when aza falls over dead don't keep moving just stop and change and realize that god is interested look god is interested god is interested in you being right but he's also interested in you going about it the right way there's so many times in my ministry that i've had situations where i had to make a judgment call and somebody i could clearly see they're right and then they make certain decisions that is that well you were right now you're right in the wrong way and now you're wrong because god matters not only that you are right but yet you do right and that you stay right let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer heavenly father lord thank you for your word thank you for the bible think of these stories lord you've given us these stories for a reason he wants to learn from them and lord as as mere men we we have these ideas that we can take shortcuts and we can allow our emotions to control us and everything will be fine and that's not the god we serve you've given us clear instructions you want us to do right to be right to serve you and do order and what i pray that you'd help all of us to just get a healthy fear of god and to just realize that you've given us instructions lord we need to study to show ourselves approved unto god we need to figure out that we are right and that we are doing right because all of it matters you've already told us what to do help us to do it lord help us to draw close to you help us to be people who are walking circumspectly not as fools but as wise in jesus name we pray amen