(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 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Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Good evening and welcome to Verity Baptist Church. Let's go ahead and find our seats this evening. Come on in, find the seats and find a hymnal close to you and turn to page number 194. That's song number 194 since Jesus came into my heart. This is song number 194. Let's go ahead. We're going to sing it out on the first. What a wonderful change in my life has been brought since Jesus came into my heart. I have lied in my soul for as long I have stopped since Jesus came into my heart. Since Jesus came into my heart, since Jesus came into my heart. Floods of joy on my soul like the sea billows roll since Jesus came into my heart. Song number 194 on the second. I have seized from my wandering and going astray since Jesus came into my heart. My sins which were many are all washed away since Jesus came into my heart. Since Jesus came into my heart, since Jesus came into my heart. Floods of joy on my soul like the sea billows roll since Jesus came into my heart. I'm possessed of a hope that is sad, pheasant, sure since Jesus came into my heart. And from the dark clouds of doubt now my path will secure since Jesus came into my heart. Since Jesus came into my heart, since Jesus came into my heart. Floods of joy on my soul like the sea billows roll since Jesus came into my heart. Sing it out on the fourth. There's a light in the valley of death now for me since Jesus came into my heart. The gates of the city beyond I can see since Jesus came into my heart. Since Jesus came into my heart, since Jesus came into my heart. Floods of joy on my soul like the sea billows roll since Jesus came into my heart. Sing it out on the last. I shall go there to dwell in that city I know since Jesus came into my heart. I am happy, so happy as on would I go since Jesus came into my heart. Since Jesus came into my heart, since Jesus came into my heart. Floods of joy on my soul like the sea billows roll since Jesus came into my heart. Amen. Great singing. We want to welcome everyone here to the Sunday evening service here at Verity Baptist Church. We're glad to see everyone here this evening. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Dear heavenly father, Lord, we thank you again for the opportunity to come out to church this evening. Lord, thank you for the beer people that would come, Lord, and serve you through singing and pray that you bless everybody here. Pray that you bless the evening of singing and preaching and bless everything that would be said and done. Lord, we pray that everything that would be said and done would bring glory and honor to your name. We love you. And Jesus, may I pray. Amen. All right. It's now time for favorites where if you're selected, we will sing a stanza from the song that you picked. We'll start over here. Brother Graham, go ahead. 202. Song number 202. My Redeemer, song number 202. Song number 202. On the first. I will sing of my Redeemer, and his wondrous love to me. On the first he set me free. Sing, O sing of my Redeemer, with his blood he pushes me. On the cross he sealed my pardon. He made the debt and made me free. Josh, yes, Stella. What was it? 410. 410. Faith is the victory. Amen. Song number 410. Sing it out. On the first. And count along the hills of lightning Christian soldiers rise. And rest the battle in the night shall fill the glowing skies. Against the flowing bales we loathe at all our strength we hurl. Faith is the victory we know that overcomes the world. Sing it out. Faith is the victory. Faith is the victory. Oh glorious victory that overcomes the world. Um. Montel Junior Guide. 119. 119. Song number 119. Until the storm passes by. We're going to sing it out on the first. In the dark of the midnight have I oft hit my face. While the storm howls above me and there's no hiding place. And in the crash of the thunder precious Lord might cry. Keep me safe till the storm passes by. Till the storm passes over. Till the thunder sounds the war. Till the clouds hold forever on the side. Hold me fast let me stand in the hollow of the hand. Keep me safe till the storm passes by. Lexi go ahead. 144. Song number 144. A mighty fortress is our God. A bold work never failing. Our help of He amid the flood. A mortal ill's preventing. For still our ancient land. A mighty fortress is our God. A mighty fortress is our God. A mighty fortress is our God. A mighty fortress is our God. A mighty fortress is our God. A mighty fortress is our God. A mighty fortress is our God. A mighty fortress is our God. A mighty fortress is our God. A mighty fortress is our God. A mighty fortress is our God. A mighty fortress is our God. To 15 on the third This will be the last song for favorites song number two one five And we're gonna sing it out on the last and sing that last tag as well When that last tag dressing it up to one five on the last And it's because of that one My sins were washed away and my night was certain today Heaven came down and will be filled my soul Heaven came down and will be filled my soul Amen, all right. We welcome you tonight to the Sunday evening service here at ready Baptist Church. We're glad you're with us Let's go ahead and take our bulletins We'll look at some announcements if you did not receive a bulletin on your way in just raise your hand and one of our ushers Can get one for you need a bulletin just put your hand up and we'll get one for you the verse this week Proverbs 21 15 it is joy to the just to do judgment But destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity and that's a good verse that we've been learning about Judgment of course on Sunday mornings if you look at our Bulletin there if you open it up You'll see our service time Sunday morning service 10 30 a.m.. And we have we had a wonderful service this morning We're glad you're back out tonight for the evening service And we do invite you to be back on Wednesday night for the Wednesday night Bible study this Wednesday night is a special Wednesday night service, and we'll talk about that here in a little bit If you look at our sowing times our main sowing times on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. And then we have additional sowing times on Thursdays Fridays and Sundays at 2 p.m. And if you are a soul winner don't forget to Return your unfinished maps if you have a map if you finish the map you can discard it We count it as done, but if you have a map that is not finished clearly mark What was done was not done on the map or if there's something wrong with the map? Let us know what the problem is and you can turn it in in the bin in the foyer And we will get that fixed and recycled out so that it can get done if you had any Salvations make sure you mark them on your communication card so that we can add it to the bulletin And if you're running late to the sowing times you can call us or text us at the number there 916-868-9080 let us know you're planning on being there, but you're running late And that way our team captains can have our sowing captains can have You partnered can have a map for you can have everything that you need if you're a first-time guest if it's your first time here At Verity Baptist Church. We are so glad you're with us We have a gift we'd like to give you as you walk out of the church building tonight as you go through the main foyer Or if you go out our secondary foyer You'll see a little table set up there by the entrance with a sign that says Gift gift bags or guest gift bags, and you'll see these little bags on table Please grab one on your way out as a gift from us to you for being our guest tonight There are several resources in this bag that we'd like you to have the one I like to highlight is this documentary That our church made is called being Baptist very well made very interesting, and we think you'll like it We want to give this to you as a gift So please make sure you do not leave here this evening without grabbing one of these gift bags on Your way out and if you are a guest we'd ask that you please take a moment to fill out the communication card Which is inserted in your bulletin if you need a pen just raise your hand and one of our ushers can bring you by a Verity Baptist Church pen you're welcome to keep the pen as a gift from us as well We're not gonna do anything odd with your info. We would just like a record your attendance We actually would like to send you a little gift, but we need your information to do that So please take a moment to fill the card out when we're done with the announcements We're gonna sing a song and when we're done singing We're gonna receive the offering as the often plate goes by you can drop this card in the often plate Or you can hand it to me after the service I'll be standing at the main door greeting people on the way out if you notice there in our announcements We of course are a family integrated church what that means is that children and infants are always welcome in the service We do not separate children from their parents for any reason we do have mother baby rooms and daddy rooms available for your convenience All the rooms have comfortable seating and monitor setups you can watch the service and listen to it So if you have a child that's been distracting during the service So if you need some privacy we would encourage you to use those rooms as needed if you need to be baptized Please let us know you can let us know on your communication card on the back of the card There's a place for you To let us check off that you'd like information about baptism And we'll follow up with you in regards to that or if you are already spoken somebody You know you need to be baptized all you need to do is at the end of the service after the preaching While we're singing the last song if you step out that door one of our staff guys will meet you there And we can get you situated for baptism so if you look at the announcements and upcoming events you've got the nine chapters a day challenge and If you already finished you can start letting us know on your communication card make sure to legibly write Your name so that we can read it so that we can spell your name correctly for the plot But go ahead and start getting those in I'm just curious is there anybody that's already finished nine chapters a day I know you're the overachiever Salvador always finishes early, but I good praise Lord well I'm sure many of you will be getting done in the next few days so praise Lord for that And if and if you're behind this is the time to get caught up all right, so don't quit don't quit You'll be glad that you did it and then this Wednesday Deacon Corbin Russell is coming from paperwork Baptist Church in Tucson, Arizona He's gonna be preaching for us this Wednesday January 25th at 7 p.m. You don't want to make you don't want to miss it and even if you don't normally come on Wednesday nights I want to encourage you to come this Wednesday night for brother Corbin and Then of course teen activity is this Friday January 27th at 6 p.m. The address is there laser tag for all the teens make sure you don't forget about that married couple sweetheart banquet It's coming up on Friday February 10th at 6 30, and it's always a fun time We're gonna have dinner for you, and we'll be playing the not so newlywed game There's a $50 gift card to the cheesecake factory for the winning couples so you can sign up on your communication card There's actually not a sign up on here We apologize for that, but just write your name somewhere and married couples or a heart or something And we'll get you signed up for that and of course It's married couples only and you have to sign up by February 5th, and we've got a lot of young couples That got married this last year, so they can start figuring things out like you need to start asking things like what's her middle name? What's his birthday? You know just the basics at least get the basics favorite colors stuff like that, and you'll be fine It'll be a good time. I love my church Sunday you should have one of these in your bulletin, and I love my church Sunday's coming up Sunday February 12 and We want to encourage you to invite someone to church. I want you to be thinking about Somebody that you can invite to church for I love my church Sunday. You've got a neighbor you got a co-worker You've got a friend, and you we want you to use this card to invite somebody We're gonna be giving out pink vanilla and caramel Valentine's Day popcorn for all the families in attendance the choir is gonna be singing that day We'll have a potluck after the evening service So I want to encourage you to be a part of that and then next Sunday night After the evening service in the fellowship hall if you could help us out We're gonna have a mailers to assemble for I love my church Sunday choir Practice was today at 5 p.m. I heard there was some talk that brother Nate was going to start a choir with the safety team and I don't know how that'll go, but I'd like to hear that, but I think the choir did a good job Homeschool group they've got PE class on Thursday February 2nd Valentine's Day party on Tuesday February 14th, and there's other things are for your look at please don't forget to turn your cell phones off replace them on silent They're in the service that they're not a distraction to anybody if you look at the back of the bulletin Birthdays and anniversaries for the month of January today is my dad's birthday Felix Jimenez January 22nd tomorrow It's Michael Beals birthday January 23rd Oliver Gonzalez the second January 23rd Joe Maples the second January 23rd Edgar de Dios the second January 24th all these are the seconds all right After each other and then miss Andrea McQueen on January 25th praise report money matters all those things are there for you to look at if you signed up last week Saying that you wanted information about the UK missions trip coming up in August brother Oliver Gonzalez has Packets for all of you that give you some information The schedule locations were staying and all that so if you signed up He has a packet for you, so either He was gonna find you or you can try to find him after the service But make sure you don't leave here without grabbing one of those and he I think he's got a few extra So if there's anybody else that wanted information about the UK missions trip to see Our deacon brother Oliver Gonzalez, and he's got some packets with some information Regarding that so make sure you get that I think that's it for all of the announcements So we're gonna go ahead and sing the chorus of the week as we prepare to receive the offering this evening And we'll sing I'm standing on the solid rock is a happy song so you got to sing it like you're safe on the first Sing it out on the first through my disappointment strife and discontent I pass my every care on the Lord No matter what obsession pain or deep depression I'm standing on the solid rock I'm standing on the rock of ages saying From all the storms that rages rich but not for Satan's wages I'm standing on the solid rock Good, sing it out on the second Even though he's gone now I don't care, I will not be there for good The spirit of the Lord I'm standing on the rock of ages I'm standing on the solid rock I'm standing on the rock of ages Saying from all the storms that rages rich but not for Satan's wages I'm standing on the solid rock Now I'm pressing onward Each step leads me onward I'm trusting in my Savior and my head And forces our elation Firm is its foundation So on the solid rock I'll stand I'm standing on the rock of ages saying From all the storms that rages rich but not for Satan's wages I'm standing on the solid rock Amen, good singing We'll have the guys come up and help us with the offering at this time And let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer Heavenly Father, Lord, we do thank you for allowing us to gather together tonight We pray that you bless the offering, we pray that you bless the time Set aside for the preaching of your word In Jesus' name we pray, Amen We pray that you bless the time Set aside for the preaching of your word In Jesus' name we pray, Amen We pray that you bless the time We pray that you bless the time Amen, good singing Amen, good singing Matthew 12, we read the entire chapter as our custom Matthew 12, verse 1 Matthew 12, verse 1 Matthew 12, verse 1 Then the Pharisees went out and held a council against him How they might destroy him For when Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from thence And great multitudes followed him And he healed them all And charged them that they should not make him known That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Sius the prophet saying Behold my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved In whom my soul is well pleased I will put my spirit upon him And he shall show judgment to the Gentiles He shall not strive nor cry Neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets A bruised wreath shall he not break And smoking flax shall he not quench Till he send forth judgment unto victory And in his name shall the Gentiles trust Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil Blind and dumb And he healed him And so much that the blind and dumb both spake and saw And all the people were amazed and said, Is not this the son of David? When the Pharisees heard it, they said This fellow doth not cast out devils But by Beelzebub the prince of the devils And Jesus knew their thoughts And said unto them Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation And every city or house divided against itself shall not stand And if Satan cast out Satan He is divided against himself How shall then his kingdom stand? And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils By whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God Then the kingdom of God is come up unto you Or else how can one enter a strong man's house And spoil his goods Except he first bind the strong man And then he will spoil his house He that is not with me is against me And he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad Wherefore I say unto you All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men But the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost Shall not be forgiven unto men And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man It shall be forgiven him But whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost It shall not be forgiven him Neither in this world Neither in the world to come Either make the tree good and his fruit good Or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt For the tree is known by his fruit O generation of vipers! How can ye, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh A good man out of the good treasure of the heart Bringeth forth good things And an evil man out of the evil treasure Bringeth forth evil things But I say unto you That every idle word that men shall speak They shall give account thereof in the day of judgment For by thy words thou shalt be justified And by thy words thou shalt be condemned Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered Saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee But he answered and said unto them An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign And there shall no sign be given to it But the sign of the prophet Jonas For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the well's belly So shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation And shall condemn it Because they repented at the preaching of Jonas And, behold, a greater than Jonas is here The Queen of the South shall rise up in the judgment with this generation And shall condemn it For she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon And, behold, a greater than Solomon is here When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man He walketh through dry places Seeking rest and findeth none Then he saith, I will return it to my house from whence I came out And when he is come he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished Then goeth he And taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself And they enter in and dwell there And the last state of that man is worse than the first Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation While he had talked to the people Behold, his mother and his brethren stood without desiring to speak with him Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without desiring to speak with thee But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? And who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples And said, Behold, my mother and my brethren For whoso shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven The same is my brother and sister and mother Let's pray Heavenly Father, thank you for this evening God, I thank you for your word and for our church For everyone that's here, please give us all tender hearts at the message And I say please be with our pastors tonight, just strengthen them And from them your spirit, we love you In Jesus' name we pray, Amen Amen Alright, we're there in Matthew chapter number 12 And tonight we are continuing our doctrinal series We've been off and on in a series called Declaring Doctrine And I am taking you through a systematic study of the major doctrines of the Bible We are in part 26 of this series And we've been taking it by sections And we will do it for a little while and then do something else and then come back to it And we've been talking about the doctrine of sin over the last several weeks This is sermon 26 out of 60 So we're about halfway through these major doctrines of the Bible But we talked a couple of weeks ago about the concept of sin Last week we talked about the practice of sin And then tonight we're going to finish this little section on the doctrine of sin By talking about the unpardonable sin And when we talk about the unpardonable sin Just by way of introduction, let me explain this Well, first of all let me say this And I've already said this several times but I just want to say it again That we call it the unpardonable sin But we should call it the unpardonable sins Because there's more than one And when we're talking about the unpardonable sin We're talking about sins that the Bible says That once you perform them, once you do them That person is done, that individual is done They have lost because of that sin They've lost their opportunity to be saved And they are damned And they will never have the opportunity to be saved With that said, let me say this The unpardonable sin is similar to But different than becoming a reprobate Now when somebody performs an unpardonable sin They become a reprobate pretty much But it's not the same as going down the road of being a reprobate And I'm not preaching on the subject of being a reprobate tonight That has its own sermon in this series The doctrine of what the Bible teaches about being a reprobate But let me just say this They are similar in the sense that both Those that cross the line with the unpardonable sin And those that become a reprobate Lose their opportunity to be saved But they are different in the sense That becoming a reprobate is a road you go down You go down this road And eventually you reject God And you reject God and you reject God And God comes to the place where he rejects you And it's a process really That you go down in becoming a reprobate Becoming a reprobate happens in a moment When God decides it But you go down that road Versus this, the unpardonable sin These are just sins that are performed That God says because you've done that These sins will not be forgiven And cannot be forgiven So I hope that makes sense a little bit And let's just kind of dig into this I've got several things that I want to cover tonight Three major sins that we would call unpardonable sins And then if we've got time tonight I'd like to talk about the tree of life And give you some notes regarding the tree of life And like I've said before These doctrinal sermons are meant to be Feel maybe a little bit like a college lecture And I hope that's okay And I'd like for you to take notes on the back of your course That we've just placed for you to write down some things So let's talk about the first unpardonable sin And it's what we saw there in Matthew chapter 12 And it is the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost The blasphemy of the Holy Ghost In Matthew chapter 12 we learn about the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost And this sin of the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost Is highly misunderstood by many people And I'd like to walk with you and kind of explain this to you Here from Matthew chapter 12 You notice there in verse number 31 the Bible says this Wherefore I say unto you This is Jesus speaking about the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost This unpardonable sin Why don't you notice what he says He says all manner of sin and blasphemy Shall be forgiven unto men So Jesus is saying So Jesus is saying Look there's lots of different sins And even blasphemies That will be forgiven unto men He says But the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost Shall not be forgiven unto men And whosoever speaketh the word Against the Son of Man The Son of Man is a title of Jesus himself He says Whosoever speaketh the word against the Son of Man It shall be forgiven him But whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost It shall not be forgiven him Neither in this world Neither in the world to come And I want you to notice that little phrase at the end of verse 32 Neither in this world Neither in the world to come Is what causes us to refer to this as an unpardonable sin God says this sin will not be forgiven Not in this world Not in the next world What is it? It is the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost Now there is a lot of debate And a lot of conversations that happen about this blasphemy of the Holy Ghost And lots of different people have lots of different ideas But I like to just see what the Bible says I like to just read the Bible Take it literally And just look at what it says And tonight I want to begin by just actually looking at what happened When these people blasphemed the Holy Ghost Because like I said People will often run with this And they'll call They'll say the sin of the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost And they'll kind of add a lot of stuff to it But if you just look at the story And ask yourself Well what actually happened here? What is it that took place? Notice there in Matthew chapter 12 and verse 22 Just to get the context The Bible says Then was brought unto him The him there is referring to Jesus Then was brought unto him One possessed with a devil Blind and dumb And he, Jesus, healed him Healed who? The man possessed with a devil In so much that the blind and the dumb both spake and saw Now I want you to notice That here we're told That this man was brought unto Jesus Possessed of the devil Jesus heals him In so much that the blind and dumb both spake and saw Verse 23 And all the people were amazed And said Is not this the son of David? Notice verse 24 But when the Pharisees heard it They said They said This fellow And the phrase there This fellow Is referring to Jesus The Pharisees are talking about the Lord Jesus Christ They said This fellow Does not cast out devils But by Beelzebub The prince of the devil So when we look at the story And we ask the question Well what actually happened here? With the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost What we see is That the Pharisees Observed Jesus Casting out A devil And they said That Jesus did it By Beelzebub The prince of the devils I want you to notice That Jesus himself Identifies Beelzebub As Satan Notice there in verse 25 And Jesus knew their thoughts And said unto them Every kingdom divided against itself Is brought to desolation And every city or house Divided against itself Shall not stand Verse 26 And if Satan cast out Satan Cause remember they said in verse 24 This fellow does not cast out devils But by Beelzebub The prince of the devils Jesus responds to that and says If Satan casts out Satan He is divided against himself How shall then his kingdom stand? So Jesus identified That Beelzebub Was Satan And Jesus stated That he did not cast out devils By Beelzebub The prince of the devils Or by Satan But that he cast out devils By the Spirit of God Notice verse 27 And if I by Beelzebub Jesus speaking here Cast out devils By whom do your children Cast them out Therefore they shall be your judges Verse 28 But if I Jesus speaking Cast out devils By the Spirit of God Then the kingdom of God Is come upon you So what is it that happened here? When the Pharisees Performed this blasphemy of the Holy Ghost What happened? Well they saw If we just look at the story And take it at face value The Lord Jesus Christ Cast out devils People were brought to him A man was brought to him Jesus cast out the devil The blind saw The deaf heard He healed them And then the Pharisees Saw Jesus do this And they said He's doing that By the power of Satan And Jesus pretty much responds And says No I'm actually doing it By the Spirit of God I'm doing it By the power of the Holy Ghost And the devils Testifying And saying that Jesus did it By Satan Is what Jesus refers to As the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost Because Jesus said No I actually did it By the power of the Holy Spirit But you're saying I did it by the power of Satan You're saying That I did it by The power of Beelzebub Look at verse 31 Wherefore I say unto you All manner of sin and blasphemy Shall be forgiven unto men But the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost Shall not be forgiven unto men What was the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost? The blasphemy was this That Jesus by the Spirit By the power of the Holy Spirit Cast out devils And the Pharisees said No he didn't do it By the power of the Spirit He did it by the power of Satan And Jesus says And whosoever speaketh the word Against the Son of Man It shall be forgiven him But whosoever speaketh Against the Holy Ghost It shall not be forgiven him Neither in this world Neither in this world Neither in the world to come So what we see is that They saw Jesus cast out devils By the power of the Holy Spirit And the Pharisees attributed that To Jesus doing it by the power of Satan So if we ask the question What is blaspheming the Holy Ghost? The answer we have to walk away from If we're actually just reading the Bible And taking the Bible at face value What happened? This is the only time in the Bible You see the sin of blaspheming the Holy Ghost Jesus was casting out a devil He did it by the power of the Holy Spirit They attested it to the power of Satan They said you did not do it by the power of the Spirit You did that by Satan And Jesus says You just blaspheme the Holy Ghost And that sin will not be forgiven In this life or in the life to come Now here's why I make a big deal about that It's because that's what the Bible says What happened when Jesus said You just blasphemed the Holy Ghost People like to Because people, they get confused With this idea of an unpardonable sin And instead of just believing the Bible Instead of just saying Well look Jesus said this sin is not going to be forgiven In this life or in the life to come They try to like explain it away Because today you've got Christians that want to teach That any sin can be forgiven No matter what you do it can be forgiven So they literally have a verse where Jesus is saying Jesus is saying all manner of sin can be forgiven But not this one This one's not going to be forgiven In this life or in the life to come And then preachers want to come alongside Jesus and say Well that's what he said but what he actually meant was And try to explain it away People come up with all sorts of alternative views Regarding the blaspheming the Holy Ghost And here's the thing If you've got an alternative view I'm not picking on you You can believe whatever you want It doesn't make a difference That's between you and God But here's what I've heard some people say Some people say that the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost Is simply not believing on Christ When the Holy Spirit draws you to him So you know You give the Gospel to somebody And they're like No And then they're saying like They just blasphemed the Holy Ghost Well that's not what happened here Jesus wasn't preaching the Gospel to the Pharisees And they're like No I don't think so Here's another thing that people often come up and say You know The blasphemy of the Holy Ghost That someone cursing Or speaking ill of the Holy Ghost Or cursing at the Holy Ghost Is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost And you know People have often brought this up to me And I've never seen this But I've heard lots of people talk about this Where like on YouTube There'll be these young people That they want to show how much they hate God Or how much they want to disrespect And they'll record themselves Like Saying bad things about the Holy Spirit And cussing out the Holy Spirit And saying the Holy Spirit Blankety blank this And the blankety blank that And they'll say that that Is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost And here's the thing That's pretty bad But that's not what happened in this story Now I don't necessarily believe That those kids When they made those videos They blasphemed the Holy Ghost at that moment And lost their opportunity to be saved I will say this I do think that those kids Are probably reprobates Because they probably would just be a reprobate Who would want to do something like that anyway But that's not exactly what blaspheming the Holy Ghost I mean I've been accused Of blaspheming the Holy Ghost One time I was out salt winning And I was giving the gospel to this Pentecostal Tongue speaking Pentecostal And you know I was trying to be nice And I was But they kept pushing They kept wanting to talk about tongue speaking And I was just like Well we can talk about that But let's talk about you know the Bible And believe on the Lord And I kept trying to go But they would not drop it They would not drop it So eventually I'm just like Okay fine you want to talk about it Let's talk about it And I started showing them all these verses About how tongue speaking Their version of tongue speaking Is not real It's just a bunch of fakers Or demon possessed people Doing it And this person got upset And they were like We speak in tongues by the Holy Ghost You just blasphemed the Holy Ghost And you've lost your opportunity And I'm like no Jesus had the Holy Spirit And they said it was a devil You have a devil And you're saying it's the Holy Spirit It's actually the exact opposite So that is not blaspheming And here's the point that I'm making Is that people want to come up with all these things About blaspheming the Holy Ghost And we get emails around here All the time People emailing And I'm really worried I might have accidentally blasphemed the Holy Ghost Let me tell you something You do not accidentally blaspheme the Holy Ghost It's not something you accidentally do And I'll just be very honest with you I don't even know that it's possible To blaspheme the Holy Ghost In 2023 Right now anyway You say well how could you know that Well here's the thing The only example that I have In the Bible Of blaspheming the Holy Ghost Is Jesus God in the flesh Who knew all their thoughts Through the power of the Holy Spirit Heals somebody And they said He didn't do that by the Holy Ghost But he did that by the power of Satan And Jesus said you just blaspheme the Holy Ghost So unless you can watch Jesus Heal somebody Right now And then testify To the fact that it wasn't the Holy Spirit It was Satan I don't even know that it's possible To blaspheme the Holy Ghost And I'm just trying to help you understand That we need to be careful About just running with things And making stuff up If somebody asked me the question What is the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost The only answer that I can give you As a Bible believing Christian is Well in the Bible When Jesus said they blasphemed the Holy Ghost Here's what happened He healed a man They said he did it by Satan He said he did it by the Holy Spirit And he said you blasphemed the Holy Ghost I can't add anything else to that So if it's possible to blaspheme the Holy Ghost Today maybe it is But I think it would require somebody Seeing Jesus heal somebody And then testifying And attesting it to Satan So I just, I think that We need to study the Bible And be very careful to just not run with things And run with ideas What is the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost It is what it is Jesus cast out devils They said he did it by the power of the devil When he'd actually done it by the power of the Spirit of God They said no you did it by Beelzebub And he said you just blasphemed the Holy Ghost That's what it is Now there is something that we need to understand That is important Regarding this doctrine Go to Matthew 23 Matthew 23 And again look If somebody's cursing the Holy Spirit They're probably a reprobate I don't see why just a normal person would want to do that But I just want you to understand that You don't accidentally blaspheme the Holy Spirit Now the reason that I think it's very important That we just understand What in the Bible was the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit And here's why Because this is a question This is a thing That gets brought up a lot In regards to people doubting Either wanting to prove or doubting That it's possible to lose your salvation And there have been many times When I'm out soul winning knocking doors And I'll knock on the door Of someone that's a Baptist Or someone that comes from a more conservative church Maybe they were influenced by Baptists And you ask them all the questions Do you know if for sure if you died today That you're on your way to heaven They say yes You ask them how do you know They give you a good answer I put my faith in Jesus Christ I ask Jesus to save me Whatever Then you ask them the question Do you believe there's anything that you could do To cause you to lose your salvation And I've had this People give me this answer so many times Where they'll say like I don't think so But maybe like blaspheming the Holy Ghost And people will get Even in good churches They get this idea Like you know I went to a church that Said you couldn't lose your salvation But I'm just not sure about this blasphemy of the Holy Ghost And here's the point that I want to make And really the big takeaway Is that the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost here Does not teach That you can lose your salvation When Jesus said This sin that you just performed Will not be forgiven In this world Or in the world to come He was not teaching That a saved individual Could do something That would cause them to lose their salvation You say well how do you know Well here's how we know Because he was speaking to the Pharisees And the Pharisees were not saved So people will often bring up The blasphemy of the Holy Ghost As an argument For losing your salvation And they'll say well yeah I mean You're one saved always saved But I mean Jesus said If you blaspheme the Holy Ghost That sin won't be forgiven In this world Or in the world to come And it's like yes But when Jesus said that He was talking to people That weren't saved Let me just Let's run some verses Let me prove that Matthew 23 13 The people who blaspheme the Holy Ghost Were not saved Matthew 23 13 Notice what Jesus says to the Pharisees But woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites For ye shut up the kingdom of heaven Against men Notice what he says For ye neither go in yourselves Neither suffer The word suffer means allow Ye them that are entering to go in So does it sound like Jesus thought That the Pharisees were saved When he said For ye neither go in yourselves In reference to the kingdom of heaven Look at verse 14 Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites For ye devour widows' houses And for a pretense Make long prayers Therefore ye shall receive The greater damnation Does it sound like Jesus thought The Pharisees were saved When he said Ye shut up the kingdom of heaven Against men For ye neither go in yourselves Neither suffer Ye them that are entering to go in When he said That they were going to receive The greater damnation Look at verse 15 Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites For ye compass sea and land To make one proselyte The word proselyte is a convert And when he is made Ye make him twofold more The child of hell Than yourselves Does it sound like Jesus thought These men were saved When he says You're a child of hell You're not entering into the kingdom You don't allow other people to enter And you're not entering in yourself You're going to receive The greater damnation There's no way That Jesus is teaching That these men lost their salvation When he's speaking to people That were not saved to begin with So when the Pharisees Blaspheme the Holy Ghost I want you to understand this They did not lose their salvation They weren't saved What they did lose Was they lost their opportunity To be saved They were not saved But at the moment that they Blaspheme the Holy Ghost Jesus said You cross the line That sin will never be forgiven Not in this life Not in the life to come It's never going to be forgiven And what they lost Was not their salvation They had no salvation But they lost their opportunity For salvation And that is probably For us in 2023 As Bible-believing Christians The most important thing That we need to understand About the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost Is this That the people who blaspheme The Holy Ghost Were not saved And when they blaspheme The Holy Ghost They did not lose their salvation Because they weren't saved But they did lose their opportunity For salvation That is the whole point The whole point Of the unpardonable sin Go to 1 Corinthians chapter 12 Whether or not someone can blaspheme The Holy Ghost Is You can debate that if you want I don't necessarily think they can Based off what the Bible tells us About blaspheming the Holy Ghost I don't know that it's possible But even if it were possible Here's what I can tell you Only an unsaved person could do it And they would lose their opportunity To be saved They would not lose their opportunity And then of course people ask the question Well what I'm saved What if I accidentally blaspheme the Holy Ghost What if I blaspheme Will I lose my salvation Well look you've got a thousand other verses That tell you That you're secure in Christ That it's once saved always saved That it's eternal life That you'll never lose it But let's look at one verse here 1 Corinthians 12 and verse 3 The Bible suggests that true believers Will not blaspheme the Holy Ghost anyway And look here's something you need to understand And one of these days I probably need to preach a sermon On just this subject Of things that saved people Will and will not do But the Bible does teach That there are some things That saved people will not do Now it may not be what you're thinking Because people get this idea like Well if you're saved Then you're not going to get drunk Then you're going to be good The Bible doesn't say that Okay? And if you believe that You've never read the Bible Because some of the greatest believers in the Bible Murdered, committed adultery But the Bible does say There are some things That a believer is not going to do 1 Corinthians 12 and verse 3 Wherefore I give you to understand That no man speaking by the Spirit of God Calleth Jesus a curse And that no man can say That Jesus is Lord But by the Holy Ghost Here the Bible says that look If somebody has the Spirit of God Genuinely, authentically No man speaking by the Spirit of God Calleth Jesus a curse When the Spirit Excuse me, when the Pharisees Accused Jesus Of being filled with Satan What they were saying Is that Jesus was damned Or that he was cursed That he was demon possessed That he was possessed of the devil So here the Bible says That no man speaking by the Spirit of God Calleth Jesus a curse The Bible teaches that a believer Would not call Jesus a curse Would not call Jesus damned So therefore if you're saved tonight You don't have to worry about Accidentally blaspheming the Holy Spirit It's not going to happen If you actually have the Spirit of God No man speaking by the Spirit of God Calleth Jesus a curse So we have the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost Go to Revelation chapter 13 if you would Last book in the New Testament Should be fairly easy to find Revelation 13 The blasphemy of the Holy Ghost What is it? Well here's what we know from the Bible Jesus cast out devils The Pharisees said he did it by the power Of Beelzebub the prince of the devils He said, no I actually did it by the power Of the Holy Spirit You just blaspheme the Holy Spirit And this thing is not going to be forgiven In this life or the life to come That's what we know for sure The blasphemy of the Holy Ghost And what we also know is that Those people did not lose their salvation They were never saved to begin with And what they lost was their opportunity to be saved And look I don't care how long you've been in church And how long you've used it You've heard people say this But there is a such thing as crossing a line with God And not everyone is just going to have the opportunity Because here's what Baptist like to preach They like to say like, until your last dying breath You've got the opportunity to be saved Now look that may be true for a lot of people But it's not true for some people And please don't misunderstand me I've given the gospel to people That were close to death And I think we should try to get people saved That are close to death And I'm not saying that just because someone is close to death They can't be saved A lot of times people are more receptive to the gospel When they are staring down death's door But just understand That there are some people that lose that opportunity Way before they ever die These people did The Pharisees did When they blasphemed the Holy Ghost So we got the first unpardonable sin Is to blaspheme the Holy Ghost Let's talk about the second unpardonable sin And it is taking the mark of the beast The mark of the beast Now what is the mark of the beast And I don't want to spend a lot of time on this I've preached entire summers on this I don't want to spend a lot of time on this I've preached entire summers On the mark of the beast in the past But let's just talk about it real quickly The mark of the beast is something that Once you take it Like the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost That individual loses their opportunity To be saved Revelation 13 form And they worship the dragon The dragon is Satan Which gave power unto the beast And they worship the beast The beast is the antichrist Saying who is like unto the beast Who is able to make war with him Verse 7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints And to overcome them That's talking about the time of great tribulation And power was given unto him Over all kindreds and tongues and nations That's the one world government Verse 8 And all that dwell upon the earth Shall worship him Why don't you notice this All that dwell upon the earth shall worship him Let's talk about honestly people Worship who? The beast The beast and his image All that dwell upon the earth shall worship him Whose names are not written in the book of life I'd like to be able to talk about the book of life At the end of the sermon tonight Hopefully we got time to do that Notice what he says Whose names are not written in the book of life Of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world Go to Revelation 14 look at verse 9 The Bible says that all that dwell upon the earth Shall worship him In Revelation 14 and verse 9 The Bible says this And the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice If any man worship the beast and his image And receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand So I want you to notice that the Bible teaches That receiving the mark of the beast Is connected with worshiping the beast Worshiping the beast and his image Is required in order to receive the mark of the beast And once somebody receives the mark of the beast They lose their opportunity to be saved You say how do you know somebody loses their opportunity to be saved Well notice there in verse 9 We read that they receive his mark in his forehead Or in his hand verse 10 The same The same there is referring to the people that receive the mark of the beast The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God Which is poured out without mixture In the cup of his indignation And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone In the presence of the holy angels And in the presence of the lamb What is that saying? Revelation 14 10 is saying When someone takes the mark of the beast They're going to go to hell The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone Verse 11 And the smoke of their torment Ascended up forever and ever And they have no rest day or night Who worship the beast and his image And whosoever receiveth the mark of his name So look the Bible is clear The Bible is clear When somebody takes the mark of the beast They lose their opportunity to be saved They do not lose their salvation Because a saved person will not take the mark of the beast And I'll prove that to you here in a minute But let's look at some other verses real quickly Go to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 Keep your place in Revelation We're going to come back to it But go to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 You can find the t-books They're all clustered together 1 Thessalonians 1 Timothy Titus 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 The mark of the beast is something that once you take it You lose your opportunity to be saved The mark of the beast is something that Most unbelievers Either willingly Or by caving into pressure Are going to take The Bible teaches that the vast majority of this world Of unsafe people are going to receive Are going to fall for And receive the mark of the beast 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 3 The Bible says Let no man deceive you by any means For that day shall not come The that day there is referring to the rapture The day of Christ For that day shall not come And the pre-tribbers like to say Well nothing It's imminent It could happen at any moment That's not what the Bible says The Bible says That day shall not come Except there come a falling away first And that man of sin be revealed The son of perdition So the Bible says That day will not come Except there come a falling away first This great falling away Look at verse 11 Same chapter 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 11 And for this cause God shall send them Strong delusion That they should believe a lie Why would God send a strong delusion Look at verse 12 That they all might be damned Who believe not the truth But had pleasure in unrighteousness What is this great falling away Because people often talk about the falling away There's going to be a great falling away And people will say You know we're in the end time So there's a great falling away Of the churches and apostasy And look here's the thing Do I think there's a lot of apostasy? Absolutely But this great falling away That is being talked about here Is connected to the revealing of the man of sin The son of perdition This is the mark of the beast When people take the mark of the beast There's going to be a great falling away Thousands and hundreds of thousands of people Will become instant reprobates When they take the mark of the beast They're going to be deceived to do it The antichrist and the false prophet Are going to do great wonders That are going to deceive them And the bible says That God himself shall send a strong delusion That they should believe a lie So when the mark of the beast is rolled out And somebody takes it They're going to lose their opportunity to be saved Most unbelievers are either willingly going to take it Or they're going to take it by pressure Go to Matthew 24 And let me just kind of explain this a little bit Because I actually was asked about this Just this morning I thought it was interesting I was asked this specific question And I'm dealing with it tonight But I don't believe that everyone Is going to take the mark of the beast Because at the end of Daniel's 70th week After the battle of Armageddon There are some unsaved people That go into the millennial reign As unsaved individuals So there are some people that are not saved But they also did not take the mark of the beast And they go into the millennial reign As just normal human beings Entering into the millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ Those are the people And those people have children And those are the people that we judge and rule over During the millennial reign So the question is Who are these people who did not receive the mark of the beast? Well I think some of them are going to be babies Because think about the fact We're talking about a seven year period But when we're talking about the antichrist We're talking about a three and a half year period And when we're talking about the mark of the beast We're literally talking about a 75 day period Where the mark of the beast is rolled out And the antichrist rolls it out Like he wants to get the entire world To take the mark of the beast But God only allows it to go for 75 days Because if you remember while they're taking While they're having the entire world take the mark of the beast At the same time they are persecuting Christians Who are not taking the mark of the beast So God only allows this time of great tribulation To go for 75 days Because if it went any longer than that Everyone would die And here's what I want you to understand If it went any longer than that Everyone, every Christian would die And if it went any longer than that Every untamed person would take the mark of the beast But then who are these people who don't end up taking the mark of the beast Well I think, and look this is mainly my opinion I just want to be clear about that But I think that there's probably going to be a lot of babies that are just born They're not going to be giving the mark of the beast to babies Because you have to worship the image to receive the mark of the beast So there's probably going to be babies and young children That don't have the mark of the beast That enter into that millennial reign And then there's probably going to be people Who wanted to take the mark of the beast But it just never got to them Because this has to be rolled out worldwide And the antichrist is going to be very organized And he's going to have a plan to roll this out to the entire world But is he going to be able to just cover the entire world in 75 days Probably not So there might be people that are waiting for their covid shot or whatever Their vaccine, they want it But they just, you know, they live in Alaska Or they live in some far away rural area And it just hasn't got to them yet And before they can even take it It's already done and Jesus is coming back and whatever So there are going to be some unsaved people That don't take the mark of the beast And they enter into the millennial reign But the point that I want you to understand is that If God allowed it to go for those 35 days Everyone would take it And they would either take it voluntarily Because they wanted to Or they would take it just by the pressure Because if you remember, if you don't take the mark of the beast You cannot buy or sell There is no cash anymore It's a cashless society The only way that you can participate in the economy Is by having the mark of the beast So people, even if they don't want to take it They'll end up caving in and taking it Just because they need it But because God only allows it to go for 75 days I think there will be some people who It just doesn't get to them They don't have the opportunity to take it So not everyone will take it So hopefully that makes sense Go to Matthew 24 And let me just make this point real quickly And it is this That no true believer Will be deceived or coerced Into taking the mark of the beast Matthew 24, 24 The Bible says For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets And shall show great signs and wonders In so much that If it were possible Now this little phrase here If it were possible Tells us a lot about What will be happening during this time If it were possible They shall deceive the very elect Here's what he's saying The great signs and wonders Because remember the false prophet Is going to be performing miracles The false prophet is going to be Causing the image of the beast To live and to speak And these things that are going on God is going to send a great delusion And it's going to be so real And so motivating That if it were possible They shall deceive the very elect The elect there is talking about Believers, saved people So here's what I want you to take away From this little phrase If it were possible They shall deceive the very elect Here's what that means It's going to be very convincing It's going to be so convincing That even the saved would be deceived by it If it were possible But I also want you to take this little This away from it This phrase if it were possible Tells us that it is not possible It is not possible For a saved person People ask these questions You can't accidentally take the mark of the beast You can't accidentally take it No saved person is going to take it You say what if somebody takes it That I thought was saved Then they weren't saved Because it is not possible For a believer to take the mark of the beast I don't know what that means I'll be honest with you I don't know necessarily what that means Does that mean that just God is going to supernaturally Not allow saved people to take the mark of the beast I don't know But maybe I tend to think that You have to Worship the image to take the mark of the beast And I don't know what that worship entails But I can tell you right now There are some things that if I was asked to do that I'd be like just kill me Just take my head off I mean if they're like you got to do some faggotry To take this You want to borrow your cell There's a lot of people that would Not this guy Let me get a sergeant for you We are not going on that road I don't know what it means But I know this, it's not possible No saved person Is going to take the mark of the beast Period, end of story And the people Who take it They don't lose their salvation Because they're not saved But they do lose their opportunity To be saved It's a pardonable sin And God calls it A great falling away But no man deceive you by any means For that day shall not come Except there come a falling away first And that man of sin be revealed The son of perdition Go to Revelation 22 Revelation 22 So we have the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost I hope you See a pattern here The blasphemy of the Holy Ghost Is unsaved people Did it and lost Not their salvation, their opportunity To be saved And the Bible seems to indicate That A Saved person would not No man speaking by the spirit of God Calls Jesus a curse Then we have the mark of the beast These people did not lose their salvation Only These people that were not saved To be win with will take the mark of the beast They don't lose their salvation But they do lose their opportunity to be saved And the Bible is very clear About the fact that no believer Will take the mark of the beast So then we have this third example here A third unpardonable sin What is it? Adding to and removing from Scripture Revelation 22 18 For I testify unto Every man that heareth the words of this Of the prophecy of this book If any man shall Add unto these things God shall add Unto him the plagues That are written in this book And if any man shall take away From the words of the book of this Prophecy, God shall take away His part out of the book of life And out of the Holy City And from the things which are written in this book The Bible teaches That when somebody corrupts When they add to or remove From the word of God That God takes away Their part Out of the book of life And that they lose Their opportunity to be saved Now again people get highly Confused by this, but let's just think Through the pattern. Every other Unpardonable sin has been this Not something that a Believer would ever do Not something that you could Accidentally do And when it happens The person that does it Doesn't lose their salvation because They're not saved, they simply Just lose their opportunity to be saved That's been the pattern So when we come To this Unpardonable sin of adding to Or removing from the scripture We can with confidence say Hey this is not something that a saved person would do And this is not something You would accidentally do Because people say What if I accidentally remove From the word of God I was texting a verse And I accidentally deleted a part It's like no This is not something you do By mistake This is something that's done with intent Or somebody Set out to corrupt The word of God To attack the deity of Christ To attack salvation by grace To pervert the gospel To take the word of God and manipulate it And corrupt it that people might be damned And let me tell you something All of the people that had a part In translating all of these Perverted Bible versions The NIV, the ESV The New King James The whatever translation All of those people are going to die and go to hell Because you cannot Add or remove from the word of God But this is not something Please understand this No true believer would ever do it And it's not something you can accidentally do And once they do it They don't lose their salvation Because no believer would do it They do lose Their opportunity to be saved So these are the unpardonable sins Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost Mark of the Beast Adding or removing from scripture They're all things that are done on purpose They're all things that are done by unsaved people And they're all things that are done And when they're done Those individuals lose Their opportunity to be saved They don't lose their salvation They're not saved They lose their opportunity to be saved Are you there in Romans chapter 20? Let me transition And just talk about this The book of life Real quickly And I want to talk about the book of life Because the book of life has actually been brought up A couple of times already In the references we've been looking at So I just think it's a good place to just kind of Deal with it We'll try to do it quickly When it comes to the book of life The Bible teaches that Your name must be In the book of life In order for you To go to heaven In order for you To go to heaven And in order for You to be saved Let's just run some verses Revelation 20 look at verse 12 And I saw the dead Small and great Stand before God And the books were open Now here when the Bible says the books were open I believe that the books Plural there is a reference To the 66 books of the Bible The 66 books that Make up the canon of scripture And the books were opened And so you got the Bible Gets opened, the 66 books of the Bible And another book was opened What is this other book? Which is the book of life And the dead Were judged out of those things which were written In the books according To their works And the sea gave up the dead which were in it And death and hell delivered up the dead Which were in them and they were judged And according to their works, obviously we're reading here About the great white throne judgment God is going to judge The unsaved From the books, the Bible And also the book of life Look at verse 14 Now just like with the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost Let me just say this Because people have a lot of ideas about the book of life Some ideas about the book of life That I'm about to mess up for you So let's just take it slow And let's look at it this way Let's just decide right now That we're just going to allow the Bible To tell us What it says Forget everything you know about the book of life And let's just figure out What does the Bible actually say about the book of life Okay well here's one thing the Bible says About the book of life That your name has to be in the book of life For you to go to heaven I mean can we all agree on that? We just read it And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire This is the second death And whosoever was not found written In the book of life was cast into the lake of fire If your name is not in the book of life You are not getting into heaven You are not saved Your name must be in the book of life for you to go to heaven I mean we just read that from the Bible Is that clear? Okay go to Philippians chapter 4 Philippians chapter 4 If you kept your place in 1 Corinthians You can go past From 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians Let me say this And I'm going to prove it to you from the Bible The Bible references Names being in And names not being in The book of life Let me give you some examples Of names being in the book of life Philippians 4 verse 3 And I entreat thee also True yoke fellow Help those women which labor with me In the gospel With Clement also And with other my fellow laborers Whose names are in the book of life So here's what we know Your name has to be in the book of life For you to go to heaven We saw that in Revelation chapter 20 And it is possible For your name to be in the book of life We saw that in Philippians 4, 3 We saw that in Philippians 4, 3 Because Paul is talking to people And he says about those people That their names are in the book of life Go back to Revelation 21 Go back to Revelation Go to chapter 21 And look at verse 27 Revelation 21, 27 And there shall in no wise Enter into it Anything that defileth Neither whatsoever Worketh abomination Or makeeth a lie But Here's what's going to enter into heaven The kingdom of God But they which are written In the Lamb's book of life So your name has to be In the book of life For you to enter into Heaven Go to Revelation 13 Look at verse 8 Now let's look at verse 13 Revelation 13 Now let's look at some references To the names not being In the book of life And I realize I'm taking this really slow But I want you to see it What does the Bible say? The Bible says your name has to be In the book of life for you to go to heaven The Bible references Names being in the book of life And it references Names not being in the book of life Revelation 13 Look at verse 8 Revelation 13 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him Notice the words Whose names are not Written in the book of life Of the Lamb Slain from the foundation of the world Go to Revelation 17 Verse 8 Revelation 17 The beast of thou sawest Was and is not And shall ascend out of the bottomless pit And go into perdition And dwell on the earth shall wonder Whose names Were not written In the book of life From the foundation of the world When they behold the beast That was and is not and yet is So here's what we've seen Your name has to be in the book of life for you to go to heaven We've seen That the Bible references Names being in And names not being in The book of life Those in the book of life Philippians 4-3 Whose names are in the book of life We saw names in the book of life Revelation 21-27 But they which are written in the Lamb's book of life We also saw names not being in the book of life Revelation 13-8 Whose names are not written in the book of life Of the Lamb Revelation 17-8 Whose names were not written in the book of life Go to Revelation chapter 3 Here's the next statement The Bible references Names being Blotted out of the book of life Revelation 3-5 He that overcometh The same shall be clothed In white raiment And I will not Notice what Jesus says Blot out his name Out of the book of life Now here Jesus is saying I'm not going to blot out His name out of the book of life What does that tell us? Some people's names are blotted out of the book of life He says I will not blot out his name Out of the book of life But I will confess his name before my Father And before his angels Go to Revelation 22 Look at verse 19 Let's look at another example Of names being blotted out Or being taken out Of the book of life Revelation 22-19 And if any man shall take away From the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away His part Out of the book of life What does that mean? It means that this person Had a part In the book of life There was a section in the book of life where their name Was or should have been But when any man shall take away From the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part Out of the book of life Go to Exodus 32 In the Old Testament, Genesis and Exodus Now if you're thinking to yourself Wait a minute pastor So you're showing us verses where names get blotted out Or taken out of the book of life Are you saying that somebody can lose their salvation? If you're asking that question You have not been paying attention Because listen When you have a preconceived theology And then verses you read in the Bible You have to make a decision Am I going to believe the Bible Or am I going to believe what I already This preconceived idea And your belief makes you go into heresy You have a problem there You have to be willing to say I did have this preconceived idea But now that I read this verse in the Bible I think I might have been wrong Because here's what I know They're losing their salvation And if somebody has their name blotted out Or their name The part God shall take away his part out of the book of life Here's what I know That's not somebody losing their salvation So maybe there's something I'm missing here Or maybe there's something I misunderstood And I'm not getting about this book of life Exodus 32 Look at verse 32 Here's Moses speaking to God Yet now If thou wilt forgive their sin This is Moses as an intercessory prayer Interceding on behalf of the children of Israel after their sin Yet now if thou wilt forgive their sin And then he stops I love this portion of scripture because the way it's written out You can see his pause, he kind of stops He says And if not, this is Moses' request He tells God If you're not going to forgive them He says Blot me I pray thee out of the book which thou has written So Moses makes this dramatic request He says God if you're not going to forgive them Then don't forgive me Blot me out of the book I pray thee out of thy book which thou has written Notice God's response Verse 33 And the Lord said unto Moses Whosoever hath sinned against me Him will I blot out of my book So God tells Moses Don't tell me what to do I'll blot out whoever I want to blot out I'm not going to blot you out Moses Are you serious? He says Him will I blot out of my book He said whosoever hath sinned against me Him will I blot out of my book There you've got a verse where God's saying I blot people out of my book Okay so let's talk about this Tree of Life Tree of Life That's a different sermon Book of Life The traditional view of the Book of Life is this That when somebody gets saved Their name gets written in the Book of Life And then If your name's in the Book of Life You get to go to heaven Right? You die You're standing before the pearly gates Peter's there I mean it sounds like the beginning of a joke You say I've got a reservation You open up the book, your name's there Come on in Tree of Life Here's the problem with that We saw several references in the Bible Where the Bible says that people's names get blotted out of the Book of Life And here's the thing We looked at every verse of the Bible that references the Book of Life We looked at all of them And you know what we did not see? Anybody's name's being written in the Book of Life There's no verse in the Bible Where somebody's name was written in the Book of Life But there was several verses Where their name was blotted out or taken out And then the Bible's clear If your name's in it, you go to heaven And if your name's not in it, you go to hell So you say well how can we make these things jive? Well here's what you gotta do You gotta stop trying to make things fit with the Bible And you need to make yourself fit with the Bible Our job is not trying to make the Bible fit to us And conform the Bible to our beliefs No, we conform our beliefs to the Bible So let me give you a theology for the Book of Life That makes sense and actually jives with everything the Bible says about the Book of Life And it's not the traditional view That when you get saved, your name gets written in the Book of Life You say what is it? Here's what I believe the Bible teaches And what most New York churches believe about the Book of Life That everybody's name is in the Book of Life I believe that it's called the Book of Life because your name gets written in it the day you're born Which is why it's called the Book of Life Does that make sense? Wouldn't it make sense if God had a name called the Book of Life That your name gets put in it the day you get life? Now you say well why would God put everybody's name in the Book of Life If your name has to be in the Book of Life for you to go to heaven Well here's why Because God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance God wants everyone to be saved so when you get born He puts your name in there because you were born, you were given life But if you remember when we talked about babies going to heaven We talked about the fact that they are born body, soul, and spirit And they are not condemned until they understand the law Paul said, this was a verse, I didn't reference this verse in my sermon I wish I would have, I read it in my 9 chapters today But Paul said where there is no law there is no transgression So if there's no law there's no problem If there's no law there's no sin Well for babies there is no transgression because there is no law They're born with a sin nature but they're not sinners They're not condemned And doesn't it make sense that when you're born your name is in the Book of Life They're body, soul, and spirit and if a baby dies they go to heaven Why? Because their name is in the Book of Life So everyone's name is in the Book of Life When they're born because God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance And no one's name gets written in the Book of Life The Book of Life already has everybody's name in it because God knew everyone that would be born So no names are written, there's no reference in the Bible to names being written in the book They're in the book because God already knew who was going to be born and God is not willing that any should perish So what about blots? What about when they get blotted out, when they get removed? When do they get removed? They get removed when somebody crosses the line and they can no longer be saved So look, when we are at the Great White Throne Judgment and they bring out the Book of Life and they open it up I promise you there's going to be blot after blot after blot after blot all over that book Just blots everywhere Name scratched off, cut out, gone Say well when does that happen? Well we've been spending the night talking about it For some people it happened, for the Pharisees when they blasphemed the Holy Ghost And Jesus said all manner of sin shall be forgiven unto you But this sin, the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven to you in this life or in the life to come I promise you some angel in heaven opened up the Book of Life, looked up the names of those Pharisees and scratched them out You're done Blotted them out What about when the NIV translators began to translate their Bible? As they began to work on their book, God began to work on his book And started blotting out all those names because they corrupted the Word of God What about in the future? When people line up to take the mark of the beast, the moment they take that thing in their hand or in their forehead Their names are going to scratch out of the Book of Life, they lost the opportunity to be saved What about every reprobate that has ever lived? The moment they cross that line and they're given over to a reprobate mind, Romans 1 The Bible says that God gave them over, that God gave them up The moment they become a reprobate, their names are crossed out, removed, cut out of the Book of Life And you say well what about everybody else that's not a reprobate and didn't do an unpardonable sin? Well you know the Bible says an asset is appointed unto man once to die and after this a judgment And here's what you need to understand Every other unsaved person that dies without Christ Non-reprobate, non-pardonable sin, just normal unsaved person who dies without Jesus Christ The moment they die, they become a reprobate For all intents and purposes, they die and they've lost any opportunity to ever be saved In that moment, their name is blotted out of the Book of Life So it's not that your name gets written in when you're saved It's that your name gets written out when you're not saved Gets blotted out, gets cut out Babies go to heaven because their names are in the Book of Life Because they're not condemned And the names are in the Book of Life Because God is not willing that any should perish But that all should come to repentance I hope that makes sense and that connects it to these unpardonable sins The names are blotted out They're taken out when people cross the line And look, every person that goes to hell comes to a point where they cross the line with God Where they can no longer be saved Either because they perform an unpardonable sin Either because they became a reprobate Or simply because they died without getting saved And as it is appointed unto men, wants to die But after this, the judgment Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Heavenly Father, thank you Lord for your word And I hope that these doctrinal sermons are clear and understandable And I just want our church to be a church that understands what they believe and why they believe it And we should be people who are willing to conform what we believe to the Bible Not try to make the Bible conform to what we believe And this Book of Life thing It's taught by so many people that your names get written in the day you get saved But the Bible doesn't teach that And Lord I pray that you'd help us to just be loyal to the word of God Biblicus, we love you In the matchless name of Christ, we pray, Amen Alright, well we're going to have Brother RJ come up and lead us in a final song Just want to remind you a couple of things First of all, don't forget this week We've got Brother Deacon Corbin Russell coming from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tucson, Arizona He's going to be preaching for us this Wednesday So make sure you're here on Wednesday night Don't, we don't want to bring someone all the way from Tucson and then you don't show up Alright, you'll be glad you came He's a great preacher, he's a good friend of mine And we want to make sure that you're here If you don't normally come on Wednesday nights, come this Wednesday night And you'll be glad you did And then of course we've got the laser tag for the kids The teens on Friday, January 27th at 6pm So do not forget about that If you are interested in going to the UK See our deacon, Brother Oliver He's got the handouts with the information He's going to ask us any questions about, if you've got any questions regarding that handout He's got those for you after the service If you would not mind looking around your area And making sure everything's picked up And the hymn books are back where they need to be And you pick up whatever mess that you have for your kids there We would appreciate that If there's anything we can do for you, please let us know We'll have Brother RJ come up and lead us in a final song Hey man, let's grab our songbooks and turn to page number 59 Song number 59 And the service with Caught Up Together We sing Hallelujah, Jesus is coming Song number 59 On the first I sing Hallelujah That Jesus is coming And oh what a raising Of life from the dead The grave's bursting open To give up God's children Those bodies long older Their graves are sleeping Caught up to meet Him Together, together Caught up in Jesus And never to part Change in a moment To be with my Savior Caught up together And never to part We wait for the coming Of Jesus our Savior Expecting the rapture Caught up in the clouds The world has its sorrows With hope Gladly we'll wipe all our tears When a trumpet calls loud Caught up to meet Him Together, together Caught up in Jesus And never to part Change in a moment To be with my Savior Caught up together And never to part Seen out on the third Will rise incorruptible in sound A trumpet oh great Where the victory long you have known All chains and a living And all go together And oh what a gathering To rise up His own Caught up to meet Him Together, together Caught up in Jesus And never to part Change in a moment To be with my Savior Caught up together And never to part Seen out on the last Come up all you saints of the past Through that meeting from Abel to Moses and David to Paul Come up all you martyrs So winners, Christ lovers All under the blood of our Savior Come up Caught up to meet Him Together, together Caught up in Jesus And never to part Change in a moment To be with my Savior Caught up together And never to part Amen, great seeing. Brother Graham, would you dismiss us with a word of prayer? Father God, thank you for this message, thank you for this instruction, thank you for salvation. Please bless the rest of the week and bring us back to St. Glenn Wednesday. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. Amen.