(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen all right where we're there in 1st John chapter 5 and of course on Sunday nights. We've been going through this series on the subject of Doctrine declaring doctrine and what we've been doing this series is honestly probably gonna end up having like I don't know 35 Sermons in it, and I'm not gonna make you sit through 35 weeks of doctrine of doctrine Oh, I mean, I must make you sit the 35 weeks of doctrine. We're gonna always have doctrine But of this series so what we've been doing is we've been taking sections of it and taking breaks We started at the beginning of the year And I preached about seven sermons on the doctrines of the Word of God so if you remember we learned about General revelation and special revelation and we talked about the King James Bible And we talked about inspiration and preservation and all those things then we took a break and then in the fall We started back up on Sunday nights with The declaring doctrine series But we began to talk about the Godhead and that's what we've been talking about the last several weeks And if you remember we started when we started back up we started with a sermon on the natural attributes of God we learned about the fact that he's omniscient and omnipotent and Eternal and and all those things and then we also looked at the moral attributes of God Then we spent several weeks talking about the deity of Christ because that's something that's Gets a lot of attacks today So we talked about the deity of Christ as proven by his moral attributes the moral attributes of Christ We talked about the deity of Christ as proven by his personal claims the deity of Christ is proven by the statement of Scripture We talked about the eternal sonship of Christ. We talked about the humanity of Christ last Sunday we talked about the Holy Spirit and tonight we're finishing up this section on the Godhead and Next Sunday night, we're gonna I'm decided I might preach a few just standalone sermons, but we'll start another Sunday night series And then at some point we'll come back and do another section of the doctrinal series I'll tell my wife this earlier. I shared it with some of the guys, too I'm seriously considering doing a Sunday night series called when animals attack in the Bible and I don't know why the Lord laid out on my heart, but It's there's a lot of different stories in the Bible where animals attack and all that so I think that would be fun Kind of like the drop dead series if you remember that we did that a while ago, but tonight as we finish up this Godhead section of doctrine I'm preaching on the subject of the Trinity and We believe in the Trinity And what I want to do tonight is begin because the Trinity there's so many important aspects to it So many things that that we need to learn understand about the Trinity But what I want to do tonight And I've done this in other sermons where I spoke on the Trinity is I want to read to you just our doctrinal statement On the Trinity and if you go on our website, you'll find our doctrinal statement. I wrote the doctrinal statement It was not copied and pasted from anywhere. I am the one who went through and and And and chose all the words there and and I wrote this statement on the Trinity for our Website and for our bylaws and things like that I'm gonna read the statement to you And then what we're gonna do tonight is I'm gonna break the statement up into sections and we're just gonna go through the Bible And I'm gonna prove this to you from the Bible and show you what we believe and why we believe it We're gonna look at a lot of Bible tonight. All right, so I hope you're ready to study the Bible together But we're talking about the Trinity and here's our doctrinal statement in regards to the Trinity We believe in the Trinity which is the belief that there is one God that exists in three persons The three persons or members of the Godhead are the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit The three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body Intellect and will the three are all equally God and eternal Meaning that they have eternally existed as three persons the three members of the Godhead Voluntarily submit themselves under a chain of command We acknowledge that each member of the Godhead is not partially God or a part of God But believe that each member is all God and all of God We reject partialism the belief that each member of the Godhead is a part of God that comes together to make up one God We reject polytheism the belief that each member of the Godhead is a separate God We reject oneness the belief that each member of the Godhead is the same person playing different roles now That's a pretty lengthy Doctrinal statement, but the reason for it is because there's so many attacks on the Trinity today We want to be very clear about what the Bible teaches So I'm gonna spend tonight just kind of breaking this statement down to you and proving it to you from from the Bible And we'll start in 1st John 5 7 which is probably the most famous and the most quintessential verse on the Trinity in the Bible 1st John chapter 5 and verse 7 the Bible says this for there are three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are One I want you to notice that the Bible says about the Trinity that there are three That are one there are three Persons that are one God and that's what we believe about the Trinity that God Exists in three persons we believe the tree in the Trinity Which is a belief that God exists that there is one God that exists in three persons and the three persons are members of the Godhead are the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost so we see them there in 1st John 5 7 the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and I'm not gonna take the time because we've been looking at a lot of very similar verses over the last several weeks but of course if you go to John chapter 1 you have defined the word as The Son right the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory as of the only begotten of the Father Let me just show you From different passages that the Bible teaches that there are three members of the Trinity go to Matthew chapter 28 if you would Matthew chapter 28 and we can spend the whole night just looking at verses that reference all three members of the Godhead There's so many of them throughout the Bible, but I'm just gonna show you a few just to make the point We believe that there is one God that exists in three persons We believe that there is one God that exists in three persons and I want you to notice that throughout the Bible We see these three persons and we saw out there in 1st John 5 7 there for there are three that bear record in heaven The Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one in Matthew 28 and verse 19 These are the words of Jesus. This is Jesus giving the Great Commission and When He's giving instructions in regards to how we should baptize He names all three members of the Trinity Matthew 28 look at verse 19 go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost So we see there are three separate members of the Godhead reference The three members of the Trinity and that's why when we baptize we baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Ghost He says in verse 20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever. I've commanded you and lo I'm with you always even unto the end of the world Amen So we see the three the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost in 1st John 5 7 We saw the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost go to 2nd Corinthians if you would 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 You're there in Matthew. You're gonna go Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1st and 2nd Corinthians Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1st Corinthians and You know, we're gonna look at a lot of passages so just kind of be ready to look at a lot of these 2nd Corinthians chapter 13. I'm just showing you verses right now that Highlight this idea one God that exists in three persons three persons of the Godhead 2nd Corinthians 13 and look at verse number 14. The Bible says this the grace of Notice whose reference in this verse the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the Communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all Amen, so notice on this verse the three separate members of the Godhead are all referenced the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ And the love of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all Be with you all amen and we could look at other verses. I'm not gonna you know, just continue the point but there's so many verses that we that reference for us these three members of the Godhead because We believe that God exists in three persons that there are three members of the Godhead now You're there in second Corinthians 13 go with me to 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 if you would just earlier in the book 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 and let me talk about the next the next part of our statement So number one we believe in the Trinity Which is the belief that there is one God that exists in three persons The three persons are members of the Godhead are the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit We looked at several verses that showed you those three members of the Godhead Here's number two or the second part of our Trinity statement. The three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body Intellect and will so we believe that the three members of the Godhead are our Distinct and separate persons it is not oneness and we'll talk more about that later in the sermon But it is not that there's one person playing three different roles. No, we believe that there are three distinct and separate persons Each possessing their own body and intellect and will it is one God that exists in three persons So I'm gonna just show you some verses about this and obviously There's a lot of debate, you know as to whether the son is a per well not the son Good night, the father as a person and especially the Holy Spirit as a person we talked about that last week So I don't spend a lot of time on it But I want you to I will spend a little bit of time on it But you know, it should be obvious that Jesus was a person We shouldn't have to spend too much time proving that but I'll just give you one verse just as a reference 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 And verse 10 the Bible says this to whom you forgive anything I forgive also For if I forgave anything to whom I forgave it for your sakes forgave I it he says in the person of Christ So he refers to the person of Christ and obviously Jesus was a man the man Christ Jesus He was a person that walked on this earth So we know that God the son is a person and I preach the whole sermon on the eternal sonship of Christ And I'm not gonna repreach that or go through all that but Let me show you just a couple of verses on the subject of God the Father as a person Go to the book of Hebrews if you would Hebrews chapter 1 If you go towards the end of the Old Testament you have James and then excuse me Right before James you have the book of Hebrews Hebrews chapter 1 and look at verse 1 Hebrews 1 is a is a passage We've been referencing a lot when we've been talking about the doctrine of the Godhead because there's a lot in Hebrews that deals with this But I just want you to see it again Reference to God the Father as a person because God the Son is a person obviously and we even see a reference where he Paul refers to the person of Christ and then in Hebrews 1 in verse 1 the Bible says this God now God here is God the Father and I'm gonna prove that to you here in a minute But you know my my position and my belief is this that just in general When you see God referenced throughout the Bible if it's not something in the context that's specifically telling you It's the Son or specifically telling you it's the Holy Spirit You know I believe in general when you see God just Referenced in general that it's God the Father who's being referenced and in Hebrews 1 1 we see God And then the context tells us that it's God the Father because notice Hebrews 1 1 says God Who at sundry times and in divers manners spake and time past unto the fathers by the prophets hath in these last days Spoken unto us so who has in these last days spoken unto us God right God Hebrews 1 1 God hath in these last days spoken unto us notice these words by His son by whose son by God's son by God the Father's son So we see how Hebrews 1 1 is God the Father and he hath spoken He hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son The his there is referring to God the Father whom he God the Father hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he God the Father made the world notice verse 3 who being the brightness of his Glory whose glory God the Father's glory and The express image so notice it says that the Sun was the was the brightness of the Father's glory of his glory and The Sun was the express image of his God the Father's person So here we have a verse that is referring to God the Father as a person and it says that Jesus was the express was the brightness of his glory and the express image of His person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself Purged our sins sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high go to the book of Job If you would keep your place in Hebrews cuz we're gonna come back to it So put a ribbon or a bookmark or something there if you would and go to job chapter 13 If you open up your Bible just right in the center You're more than likely following the book of Psalms right before the book of Psalms You have the book of Job Job chapter 13, and this is a verse that that I just happened to notice When I was studying for the Wednesday night sermon coming up this week This is actually job 13, which is the the chapter we're gonna be in on Wednesday night, but I Want you to notice that that this there's a reference here to God as a person as well job job 13 look at verse 7 Job 13 verse 7 will you speak wickedly for God and this is job's speaking to his friends because they're Speaking on behalf of God. He says will ye speak wickedly for God and talk deceitfully For him so he's saying, you know, why are you guys talking? Wickedly for God. Why are you talking? Deceitfully for him for who for God notice verse 8. This is job speaking Will ye accept his person will ye contend for God? So notice he says why are you speaking wickedly for God? Why are you why are you talking deceitfully for him? Will you accept his person referring to God? So here's another verse that is talking about God the Father is talking about God as a person He says will ye contend for God? So obviously God the Son is a person and then God the Father is a person and we've talked about this in the last last week But I'll just give you we'll just look at it again God the Holy Spirit is a person go to Luke chapter number 3 in the New Testament Matthew Mark Luke Luke chapter number 3 and I'd encourage you to just you know jot these things down and for your own personal study and you can teach this to others of course Luke chapter 3 And I mentioned this last week, but I I did an entire 10 part sermon series On the subject of the Holy Spirit. I preached 10 sermons. It's a series I did on a Sunday night called by my spirit. It was in March or in the in the spring of 2019 and In that sermon I preached the sir. I am excuse me in that series I preached a sermon entitled the person of the Holy Spirit and we I went through a whole full-length sermon and Showed from the Bible that the Holy Spirit is a person because some people teach that the Holy Spirit is a force or an energy You know and and they try to make it this this this mystical type the force be with you type stuff and the Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is a person and in that sermon You know I Talked about and I showed from the Bible how the Holy Spirit has a body We're gonna look that verse here in a minute, and how the Holy Spirit has a will and how the Holy Spirit Communicates and how the Holy Spirit has intellect He's capable of thought or reason and how the Holy Spirit has emotions you can grieve the Holy Spirit you can So you know so the question is does a force have emotions does a force like? Gravitational pull or like a magnetic pole have emotion that does a force have Intellect is it capable of thought and reasoning does a force communicate? With with people and talk to people does does a force have a will Where it wants to do certain things does a magnetic force have a body and we talked about that that the Holy Spirit is a Person, but I'll just show you one verse. We saw it last week. We'll look at again Luke 3 21 Now when all the people were baptized it came to pass that Jesus and notice At the baptism of Christ we see again the the the three members of the Trinity are all present Jesus who's the son also being baptized and praying The heaven was opened notice verse 22 and the Holy Ghost Which is the Holy Spirit the third member of the Godhead Descended in a bodily shape so notice he he descends in a body in a bodily shape like a dove upon him and a voice from heaven Now the voice from heaven is the father Notice which said thou art my beloved son In thee I am well pleased so at the baptism of Christ we have the son being baptized We have the Holy Ghost Descending in a bodily shape like a dove and we have a voice from heaven saying Thou art my beloved son in thee I am well pleased so we see all three members of the Godhead are all present for the baptism of Christ are all Represented so look we don't believe in oneness all right. Jesus is not some sort of Ventriloquist where he's getting baptized, and he's like Or something you know and he's like tricking people and they're like whoa what is he's talking You know this is God the Father in heaven speaking He's present at the baptism of the Son and the Holy Ghost descended in a body In a body shape like a dove so we see that all three members of the Godhead are Distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body their own intellect their own will it is one God that exists in three Persons you're there in Luke go to the book of John if you would John chapter 5 John chapter 5 Right after Luke you have the book of John John chapter 5 So I said number one we believe in the and I'm just working. We're just working through our doctrinal statement Number One we believe in the Trinity which is a belief that there is one God that exists in three persons the three persons or members of the Godhead are the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit the Three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body Intellect and will here's point number three or the third section of our doctrinal statement The three members of the Godhead are all equally God The three members of the Godhead are all God the Son is God obviously God the Father is God but you know what the Son is also God and The Holy Spirit is God and again. We've looked at this over the last several weeks So I don't want to spend a lot of time on it I preached three full sermons on the deity of Christ if you want to go back and listen to those But let's just look at a couple of verses for it John 5 18 notice what the Bible says Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him Because he not only had broken the Sabbath, but said also that God was his father notice these words making himself equal with God so notice that the Son is Equal with God. He's equally God He's as much God as the Father is you don't have to turn here Philippians 2 5 I'll just read this for you Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God Thought it not robbery to be equal with God So the three members of the Godhead are all equally God one is not more God than the other and oftentimes people don't think of the Holy Spirit because people think of the Holy Spirit as some sort of like force or pull or energy, but you know what the Holy Spirit is a person and the Holy Spirit is God and Go to Acts if you would you're there and John just flip over to the book of Acts We saw this already, but let's look at it again acts chapter 5 when you cover Multiple sermons on the Godhead you end up. You know overlapping a lot of different things which is fine It's good for us to hear things over and over again Acts chapter 5 and verse 3 There's lots of ways we could prove that the Holy Spirit is God This is just the easiest you know in my opinion for a sermon like this while we're covering so many other things If we wanted to we could go and look at how the Holy Spirit is the creator the Holy Spirit gives life the Holy Spirit You know is omniscient is eternal is is all powerful He has all the attributes of God because he is God acts 5 3 But Peter said and Anais why has Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost So notice and Anais is lying to the Holy Ghost and to keep back part of the price of the land While to remain was it not thine own and after it was sold was it not in thine own power. Why has thou Conceived this thing in thine heart thou has not lied Unto man because remember in verse 3 he said he said Why had Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost now? He's saying that was not lied unto man, but unto God So he says you're lying to the Holy Ghost in verse 3 and then in verse 4. He says you're lying to God Why would he say that because the Holy Ghost is God? Because all three members of the Godhead are Equally God God the Father is God the Son is God. The Holy Spirit is God. They are all equally God here's the fourth section of our doctrinal statement and it is this not only are The three members of the Godhead all equally God But the three members of the Godhead are eternal They are equal and they are eternal meaning that they have eternally existed as three persons Go with me if you would to the book of Isaiah Isaiah chapter 40 Now, I think you kept your place in Hebrews and you might have kept your place in John I can't remember but if you can if you can do it keep your place in Isaiah as well because we're gonna leave Isaiah and we're gonna come Back to it Isaiah chapter 40 and all three members of The Godhead are eternal Because again, there are beliefs today where people will say You know that that the father he had a son But the son has not always existed now I preach the whole sermon on the eternal sonship of Christ and we completely demolish that from the Bible I'm not gonna do that tonight, you know again But the point is this all three members of the Godhead are eternal they've always existed they've eternally existed as Three persons and by the way, they've only existed as three persons because some people will say well God could have manifested himself However, he chose to manifest himself as three. He could have manifested himself as six. No, this isn't Hinduism Okay, this isn't just God does what you know just manifest himself how everyone know he's eternally existed as Three persons Isaiah 40 verse 28 notice what the Bible says has thou not known Isaiah 40 28 Has thou not known? Has thou not heard? notice these words that the everlasting God The Lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not neither is wary There is no searching of his understanding So there we see that God is everlasting the everlasting God And then we see other of his natural attributes the creators of the ends of the earth notice fainteth not he doesn't get tired Why because he's omnipotent? Neither is wary. He doesn't get wary because he's omnipotent. There is no searching of his understanding. Why because he's omniscient He knows everything so we see the attributes of God just in this verse But notice he's referred to as the everlasting God. So God the Father is Everlasting right the everlasting father where that phrase is in the Bible and we'll talk about that later on in the sermon but also The son is eternal go to Micah chapter 5 if you're there in Isaiah Keep your place in Isaiah if you're able to do that and go to Micah So you're gonna go past Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah If you can find Jonah you have the book of Micah Right after that Micah chapter 5 so God the Father is eternal everlasting Everlasting But also God the Son is eternal and again I preach the whole sermon on that so I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on it You're welcome to go back and check out the sermon on the eternal sonship of Christ But I'll just give you this one verse Micah 5 2 is a very well-known prophecy of Jesus There's no argument that this is a prophecy about the Lord Jesus Christ As far as I know everybody agrees. This is about Christ Micah 5 2 it says but thou Bethlehem, you know, who do we know that was born in Bethlehem, but thou Bethlehem Ephrata Though thou be little among the thousands of you Judah Yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me. So notice there's one who's coming forth out of Bethlehem That is to be ruler in Israel Notice what it says this about Jesus who's going forth have been from of old then notice these words from Everlasting so this is a prophecy about the Lord Jesus Christ being born in Bethlehem But the Bible says that he his goings forth Have been from of old from everlasting meaning he's gone forth from everlasting He's always existed. He's been from everlasting And by the way, this is why Jesus would say before Abraham was I am Because he is from everlasting. He always has been so God the Son is eternal and Then we have the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is eternal as well go back to Hebrews if you would if you kept your place there Hebrews chapter number nine Hebrews chapter nine and Look at verse number 14 Hebrews chapter nine in verse 14. The Bible says how much more shall the blood of Christ Who through notice these words the eternal spirit? offered himself without spot to God Purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God. So notice we have the everlasting God the everlasting Father we have The son who was from everlasting and then we have the eternal spirit So we believe that the three members of the Godhead are eternal meaning they have eternally Existed as three persons Jesus never came into being He was never created the firstborn of When he's referred to as a first born of creation or the firstborn That's a reference to his body and we talked about that in a different in a different sermon But he has always been the son. The father has always been the father. The Holy Spirit has always been the Holy Spirit Go back to the book of John if you would John chapter number five So, like I said We're taking this long doctrinal statement because we want the statement to just cover everything And I'm breaking it up for you and just proving it to you from the Bible why we believe these things We believe in the Trinity which is the belief that there is one God that exists in three persons The three persons are members of the Godhead are the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit The three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body Intellect and will the three members of the Godhead are all equally God and the three members of the Godhead are eternal Meaning that they have eternally existed as three persons Here's point number five or part number five of this statement the three members of the Godhead though all equally God Voluntarily submit themselves under a chain of command So in the Trinity you have the the belief that there is one God that exists in three persons and Those three are equally God and they're eternal. They've always existed, but they choose Voluntarily to submit themselves in a chain of command to submit themselves to an authority so God the Son Jesus Voluntarily submits himself to God the Father John chapter 5. Are you there? Look at verse 30 Let's look at a couple of verses to prove this John 5 and verse 30 This is what Jesus said I can of mine own self do nothing as I hear I judge And my judgment is just notice what he says he says because I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father Which has sent me so notice Jesus here is referring to the fact that he and the Father have different wills So how could they be the same person if they have different wills if they're the same person? They'd have one will but he says look I have a will as the son and The father has a will as the father and he says though I'm equally God and eternally God just like the father He submits himself to the will of the father And by the way, praise the Lord for it because Jesus said in the garden of Gethsemane let this cup pass from me He said I don't want to die because remember he was a human and it is humanity He said I don't want to go through the shame of the cross. But what do you say? He said not my will but fine be done So we see that the father and the son can have different wills Because they're different members different persons of the Godhead But yet the son the Bible says Jesus said that he always does what pleases the father He chooses to voluntarily submit himself To the father go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 11 1st Corinthians 11 you're there in John. You've got the book of Acts Romans 1st Corinthians John Acts Romans 1st Corinthians 1st Corinthians chapter 11. Look at verse 3 1st Corinthians chapter 11 in verse 3 Notice what the Bible says, but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and The head of the woman is the man and sometimes women they don't like this passage, right? Cuz it's like ah, you know always trying to put us under the man Right, but notice the Bible says and the head of Christ is God So notice how in the same way that a wife is supposed to submit herself to her husband Jesus as a son submit himself to his father So look, there's nothing degrading about submission There's nothing it doesn't make you inferior the father is greater than the son in his position He's not more God than the son is he's not greater. Look, they're equally God They're equally eternal But in his position as the father he is greater than the son He is the head the head of Christ is God. So look a wife is not inferior as a being Right as a human being she's not inferior to her husband because she submits to her husband Just like Jesus is not inferior. He's God He's equally God. He's eternally God, but yet he chooses to submit himself to the father look a Child is not inferior as a being to his parents when he submits or when she submits but he is inferior in position an Employee is not inferior as a human being to a human employer But he is inferior in the chain of command in this position. So the father is Greater than the son in his position The head of Christ is God and in fact if you continue studying there in first Corinthians And you get to the part about the millennial reign it talks about how at the end of the millennial reign Jesus will deliver the kingdom up to his father and he and he just submits himself to the authority of the father so we see that the son voluntarily submits himself to God the father, but Not only that go back to John if you would John chapter 16 And we're gonna be in John a lot. So just keep your place there Matthew Mark Luke John John chapter 16 Not only does the son submit himself to the father God the son submit himself to God the father But God the Holy Spirit Voluntarily submits himself to God the son So this is a chain of command you know, sometimes we refer to God the father as the first member of the Godhead and The son is the second member of the Godhead and the Spirit is a third member of the Godhead It's not that the Holy Spirit is less God or inferior but in the chain of command He's number three It's God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit and God the Holy Spirit Voluntarily submits himself to the son and the son voluntarily submits himself To the father John 16. Are you there look verse 13? this is Jesus speaking on About the Holy Spirit and notice what he says he says how be it when he Notice not not a force but a person When he the spirit of truth is come He will guide you in all truth For he the Holy Spirit Notice his words shall not speak of himself Now when the Bible says the Holy Spirit shall not speak of himself the word of there is referring to source not subject Okay, when it says that he shall not speak of himself, it doesn't mean that he's never gonna speak about himself Because obviously the Holy Spirit gave a scripture holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost and the Bible Records the Holy Ghost. Okay. So when it's talking about he shall not speak of himself. It's not referring to subject It's referring to source the of there is saying that he the Holy Spirit is not just gonna start speaking He's only gonna speak What the son wants him to speak he says for he shall not speak of himself But whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come. He's only gonna speak from the Bible So if the Holy Ghost is telling you to do things, you know quote unquote that the Bible doesn't say and you're hearing an audible voice I don't know what spirit that is, but it's not the Holy Spirit Because the Holy Spirit will not speak of himself But whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come notice verse 14 He shall glorify me This is Jesus speaking about the Holy Spirit. He says he the Holy Spirit shall glorify me Jesus for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you. So notice how God the Holy Spirit Voluntarily submits himself to God the Son and God the Son Voluntarily submits himself to God the Father and they're all equally God. They're all equal They're all eternal. So there is a chain of command when it comes to The Trinity go to Colossians if you would Colossians chapter 2 if you're there in John you have Acts Romans 1st 2nd Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians Colossians chapter number 2 John Acts Romans 1st 2nd Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians Here's part number six so not not only do we believe that the three members of the Godhead are equally God and Eternal they've always existed eternally existed as three persons We also believe that the three members of Godhead though all equally God Voluntarily submit themselves under a chain of command Here's part six We acknowledge that each member of the Godhead is Not partially God or a part of God But believe that each member is all God and all of God Now what that means is you say that's that what does that mean? We acknowledge that each member of the Godhead is not partially God or a Part of God, but believe that each member is all God and all of God We reject partialism Partialism is the belief that each member of the Godhead is a part of God that comes together To make up one God now go to Colossians chapter 2 and let me just kind of explain this a little bit Because a lot of times what happens is that we as human beings Have a problem With just accepting things from the Bible by faith There are some things that you're just not gonna understand the Bible says the secret things belong unto the Lord our God and There are just some things that we're not gonna get we're gonna look at it later in the sermon But the Bible says that God is higher his ways are higher. His thoughts are higher We can't expect to just understand everything that the Bible says Now we can understand a lot of it through the Holy Spirit and we can learn a lot of it But there's some things that we just have to accept by faith we just have to accept it by faith and when you look at the Trinity and You try to teach the Trinity and you know what? I've learned when it comes to teaching the Trinity everybody always wants to use these Illustrations or whatever and the illustrations end up falling apart and they people end up getting more confused than when you started, you know I just like to use Bible terminology and biblical words And it's just I believe clear to say we believe in one God that exists in three persons There's one God that exists in three persons But a lot of times what happens is that we want to make the Trinity make sense to us So then people they start, you know coming up with these Different ways of looking at it and thinking about it. Some of it is is is not evil It's not that they're bad people. They just want it to make sense so they'll teach the Trinity in this way where it's like it's three parts that come together to make up one God and you know what their partialism is Basically teaching that God the Father, you know we had if we had like a pie God the Father is just one-third of God and God the Son is one-third of God and God the Holy Spirit is one-third of God and They come together to make up one God. The problem with that is that's not what the Bible says The Bible does not teach That each member of the Godhead is not part is partially God or part of God and they come together to make up To make up God the Bible teaches that each member is all God and all of God Colossians chapter 2 are you there? Look at verse 9. This is one of the most clear verses on this This is about Jesus Colossians 2 9 and it says for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily the Bible says that in him dwelleth all all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and that word Godhead What that word means is divinity Divinity Is what God is God is divine and The Bible says about Jesus that in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily Let me give you an example. You don't have to turn there act 17 verse 29 Paul said this for as much then as we are the offspring of God We ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold or silver or stone Graven by art and man's device. So he says look the Godhead is not a statute It's not gold and silver and stone. He says the Godhead the divinity is not something physical that you bow down to that's the same word being used Godhead and He says for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Look the Bible says that Jesus Was all God And see sometimes if you really want to get into semantics People say oh, well, we believe that you know, cuz we believe that Jesus is one part of God but all of Jesus was all God and It's like, you know, so his one-third is all God. Well, here's the thing. Here's what we believe I'm just telling you what we believe here at ready to baptization. We believe that Jesus is all God and all of God in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily in Jesus was all of God and In the Father is all of God and in the Son is all of God Because there's one God that exists in three Persons go to John chapter number 10 John chapter 10 and this is where this is where our minds Start trying to like what we got to make this fit Like a puzzle we got to make all the puzzle pieces fit, but here's the thing. God is not a puzzle John Chapter 10 in verse 30 Now at this point is where the oneness crowd begins to take a lot of verses out of context Because they begin to look at a lot of these verses That are teaching that hey, Jesus is is all God and all of God and they'll say see that verse proves That the Trinity is a lie and there's just one person playing three different roles You know and what they basically think that God is just one person that has like a personality disorder and Sometimes he thinks he's the father and sometimes he thinks he's the son and sometimes he thinks he's a spirit But look I've already spent 45 minutes or whatever 35 minutes of the sermon proving to you that they are three separate persons So when we look at these verses that say for in him dwelleth all the forms of Godhead bodily You know what we take away from that is that look God the age member the Godhead is all God and all of God Not a part of God John 10 30 notice what Jesus said he said I and my father are one Now that sounds a lot like these three are one Right I and my father are one Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him see when he said I my father one the Jews knew exactly what he meant And they took up stones to stone him Jesus answered them many good works Have I showed you from my father for which of those works do you stone me the Jews answered him saying for a good work We stoned thee not but for blasphemy and because that thou being a man Makest thyself God so they understood exactly what he meant when he said I my father are one go to John chapter 14 John chapter 14 and look at verse 8 John chapter 14 and verse 8 John 14 and verse 8 the Bible says this Philip saith unto him. This is a Philip speaking to Jesus Lord Show us the father and it suffices us Jesus saith unto him have I been so long with you and yet has thou not known me Philip He that hath seen me have seen the father and how sayest thou then show us the father Now again a oneness person is gonna take this verse and say see Jesus is the father in the sense that Jesus is the same Person the father is but here's the problem with that. We have all these other verses that Specifically tell us there are three separate persons Look when you study the Bible you can't and this is how false religions begin they take one verse out of context Well, there's this one verse sounds like it's saying this but you got to study the whole Bible and And when all the Bible is telling you another three separate persons the three persons have existed Then you look at this verse and he says I'm my father are one you say well what what is that referring to? He's referring to the fact that in him dwells all the fourness of God at body Look, here's what Jesus saying Jesus saying you want to see God you're looking at him I'm all God and I'm all of God He wasn't saying I am the person of the father but here's what Jesus saying I'm the same God that the father is Because there's one God that exists in three persons And if you're looking at the second person of the God and he says because the father is invisible No man has seen God at any time referring to the father He said if you're looking at the second person of the Godhead you're looking at God He said I am God. I am all of God in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily He says he has he said if you've seen me you've seen the father. He said if you've seen me you've seen God He wasn't saying I'm the same person That the father is but he was saying I am the same God that the father is there's only one God So we acknowledge that each member of the Godhead is not partially God or a part of God When Philip was looking at Jesus Jesus is saying well, here's the thing Philip. You're looking at one-third of God right here You're looking at him one third of God. He said no. No, you're looking at God He said I am God. I am all God and I'm all of God in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily So we acknowledge that each member of the Godhead is not partially God or a part of God But believe that each member is all God and all of God We reject partialism the belief that each member of the Godhead is a part of God that comes together To make up one God and again, we like that Because that makes sense to us But you know what God we just have to realize that when the Bible says Whatever the Bible says I'm gonna go with the Bible And whether I understand it or not, maybe one day I will but I'm just gonna believe it and accept it by faith Go to Isaiah Isaiah 44 So we reject that each member of the Godhead is not partially God or a part of God But believe that each member is all God and all of God We reject partialism the belief that each member of the Godhead is a part of God that comes together to make up one God Here's part number seven. We reject polytheism the belief that each member of the Godhead is a separate God and This is what the Mormons believe and this is what the heathen believe But see there there's these there's these extremes right When we can't understand the Trinity Some people go to the extreme and say no, they're they're just one person But to believe that they're one person you have to reject so much of Scripture that clearly teaches that there are three persons One God that exists three persons and then other people they want to go to this other extreme just because it makes sense Okay. Well, I don't understand how one God could exist in three persons. So they must just be three different gods Well, that's polytheism That's heathenism The Bible teaches it's clear that there's one God Isaiah 44. I'll give you a couple of verses on that look at verse 6 Isaiah 44 verse 6 thus saith the Lord the king of Israel and His Redeemer the Lord of hosts. I am the first I am the last He says and beside me there is no God and by the way, Jesus said that in the book of Revelation I'm the first and last I am he that liveth and was dead and behold. I'm alive forevermore Amen, I have the keys of hell and death here. We have the Lord and I believe this is all three This is referring to God. I Am the first and the last and then he says this and beside me there is no God so look one God that exists in three persons is not three gods and We also don't believe it's one God that exists in one person who has three different personalities That's oneness. We don't we reject that too So what is the belief in the Trinity the belief in Trinity is this there's one God that exists in three persons you say I? Don't understand that you don't need to understand Just need to accept it by faith because that's what the Bible says We reject polytheism you don't have to turn here keep your place right there and I say we're gonna come right back to it Go to the book of John John chapter 8 But while you turn there, let me read to you from Deuteronomy 6 and verse 4 here. Oh Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and Against the was this crowd they love these verses go like no. There's only one God. There's only one God Yeah, there's only one God that doesn't mean that there's only one person There's one God and that one God exists in three persons And you say well pastor mess do you understand that no You know and I don't expect to Maybe one day we will I think in heaven we probably will but here's what I can tell you I can prove to you from The Bible there's one God that exists in three persons and the those three are eternal. They've always existed. They're equal They are not the same person, but they are the same God There's only one God which is why Jesus says hey, you're looking at God That's why Paul said in him dwells all the fullness of the God not one-third of God all the fullness dwells in him Because there's only one God Here's part number eight we reject oneness and I've already been bringing that up and obviously the the battle right now when it comes to Trinity is oneness and not just in our movement, but just in general, I don't know if you've noticed but Out so winning it seems like a lot of a lot more people than than used to are bringing up this oneness So it seems like this is definitely becoming a thing the church is right over. Here's a oneness Church the oneness Pentecostal Spanish Church just right in the same parking lot as us and They have and they have this verse on their wall hero Israel the Lord our God is one Lord You know and they but they take that as one person So number eight we reject oneness The belief that each member of the Godhead is the same person playing different roles, so we don't believe look We don't believe that it's one person playing different roles It's one God that exists in three persons. Let me just show this to you John chapter 8. There's lots of verses to disprove this But I'll just show you John 8 John 8 verse 13 the Pharisees therefore said unto him This is a Pharisee speaking to Jesus thou bearish record of thyself and my record is not true Jesus answered and said unto them though I bear record of myself yet my record is true for I know whence I came the word whence means from what place I came and Whither I go the word whither means to what place I go But you cannot tell whence I come or whether I go look at verse 15 you judge after the flesh I judge no man. And yet if I judge my judgment is true and knows what Jesus says because look if one is is true and There one God is just one person Playing different roles because that's what one is teaches It's one person and sometimes he's the father and sometimes he's the son and sometimes he's the Holy Spirit And some will teach that it has to do with time, you know in the Old Testament He was the father and in the Gospels. He was the son and the book of Acts He was the Holy Spirit. But look if these things are true then John 8 would mean that Jesus is insane Now look we've talked about this. There is no gray area with Jesus. He said too much about himself Jesus was either who he said he was or he was a crazy man You can't say oh, he's a good man, but he's not God. Look if he's not God then he's crazy Because look at what he says John 8 14 Jesus answered and said unto them Though I bear record of myself because they said he's coming on and say look. I'm the Son of God. I'm the Messiah I'm here to save you from your sins and they say without bears record thyself. Thy record is not true They're saying yeah, you're you're saying that about yourself and then he says though I bear record of myself yet My record is true He says for I know whence I came and whither I go but ye cannot tell Whence I come and whether I go ye judge after the flesh I judge no man notice verse 16 and yet if I judge My judgment is true. He says for I am not alone He says look it's not just me with this testimony But I am the father that sent me. It is also written in your law. The testimony of two men is true now He's using the law against them He's saying look the law says that the testimony of two men is true. Then he says this in verse 18 He says I am one I Am one what I'm one man. I'm one person Giving the testimony that bear witness of myself and the father that sent me beareth witness of me Here's what he's saying. He's saying look your law says that the testimony of two men is true So I've got two men two different persons testifying. He says I'm one and the father's another one I mean clearly teaching that there are two separate persons. Look if oneness is true, then Jesus is insane Or just a liar. I Mean could you could you could this hold up in a court of law? I've got two witnesses to the fact that he killed her who are the two witnesses me and me In fact, I got three me myself and I Well, that doesn't work You know, you can't say it's one person. Well, sometimes I'm the father and sometimes I'm the son. No, we reject oneness The belief that each member of the Godhead is the same person playing different roles. It's clear in the Bible It's clear in the Bible that They are three separate and distinct persons And you said well then what about all these verses? Where it sounds like it's just one God Where Jesus saying I and my father are one Where the Bible says in him doth all forces of God had bothered you say what do you do with that? You know something people try to throw that in your face like what are you gonna do with that? It's like I'm not even do anything with that. I love that. That's the word of God What about all these verses that make it sound like it's just one God You know why they make it sound like it's just one God because it is just one God But it's not one person It's one God that exists in three persons the Trinity Go to go back to Isaiah chapter 9. Let's look at the infamous Isaiah 9 6 as we finish up Isaiah chapter 9 and verse 6 Isaiah 9 and verse 6 the Bible says this Isaiah chapter 9 and verse 6 for unto us a child is born now. Look this is again a prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ I don't think anybody argues the fact that there's a prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ For unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and His name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace Now this verse deals with two different aspects One is the millennial reign of Christ when it says the government shall be upon his shoulder That is referring to the fact that one day he will rule and reign upon this earth during the millennial reign But this verse is also dealing with the deity of Christ Because he says the mighty God right so this child that was born This son that was given was not just a human being like you and I He the Bible says his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace now Here's what's interesting because people get really afraid ever since the one is fight about this verse like You know, how are we gonna explain this verse away? And look I try to be very careful about ever trying to explain any verse away If I don't know what a verse means then I'm just gonna say well look The Bible's right and we're all wrong If there's one thing I know is right. It's the Word of God Now, you know you say well, what is this referring to was referring to the deity of Christ and Isaiah 9 6 is referring to the entire Godhead All three of them and by the way, they're all referenced in this verse Unto us a child is born unto us a son is given is the son Jesus the everlasting father Is a reference to God the father and I believe that I realize some people say that's not a reference to the the God the father That's not the position. I take if that's the position you take that's fine I don't have a problem with that. But you know, I believe the everlasting father is referring to God the father the eternal God and He's referenced here. And then how about the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost is not specifically referenced, but it talks about the counselor What's a counselor a counselor is someone who gives counsel or someone who teaches? Well, what does the Holy Ghost do he guides us in all truth? He will teach us the same anointing teacheth you so we have the counselor the prince of peace Of course, the prince is referring to Jesus, but Pete the fruit of the Spirit is love joy. Peace So we see that even in this verse all three I mean the son and the father are referenced and we see that even the Holy Ghost Can be referenced here through attributes of peace and the fact that he's a counselor and they're all full of wonder wonderful so we see that it mentions or it references all three of The members of the Godhead for unto us a child was born unto us The son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder This name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace now You know a couple of years ago or several years ago. I can't remember now this whole oneness fight blew up right and what the oneness crowd started doing is because Preachers like me and my friends which are all Trinitarians You know had all preached at some point from Isaiah 9 6 and they started finding all these clips Well, we're preaching through Isaiah 9 6 and they were just cutting out these little these little Clips what we're saying Jesus is the father and we're here in Isaiah 9 6 and they're saying see those guys Are teaching oneness and they were trying to show they're trying to say that we taught oneness and that we're a bunch of hypocrites Because we just don't like Tyler Baker or something. You know, we just don't want to admit it, but we taught oneness or whatever But here's what you need to understand. Okay? Whenever you hear somebody preach and teach you need to be listening to what they're saying But you also need to be listening to what they mean by what they're saying Because the funny thing is that in all those sermons that they found clips where we were saying Jesus is the father So I see they were teaching oneness if you listen to all those sermons because I took the time to listen to all those sermons The ones that were available every single preacher preached against oneness in those sermons So they're saying well look they said Jesus the father that means they believe in oneness and then we're preaching against oneness in the exact Same sermon a lot of times right after making that point because look when we preach Isaiah 9 6 And we said Jesus the father if you would have walked up to one of us and said so do you believe that? Jesus is the same person that the father is we would have said no Well, then what do you mean? Here's what here's what we mean. Here's what the verse means Jesus is the same God that the father is The father is the same God that the Holy Spirit is Jesus Came unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and he wasn't just a man He was God he wasn't just a part of God. He was all of God. He was all God and all of God This is referring to all deity Which is why Jesus would say if you've seen me you've seen the father You've not seen the person of the father But you've seen the same God that the father is because God is one God That exists in three persons So this is this is what the verse is talking about front does the child is born unto the son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be Called wonderful counselor the mighty God the everlasting father The Prince of Peace and look you need to be careful to make sure cuz sometimes we want to You know Have a certain narrative So we just take words people say But we should always be careful to also try to identify what they mean by those words Now obviously today with the whole oneness crowd and everybody's taking clips and trying to use them against you You know, I think it's good that we're all trying to be clear and careful with our wording But look in every area even you know We've talked about this in the past even when it comes to repent of your sins Just because some preacher gets up and uses the word repent doesn't mean that they're just a full-blown heritage you know our job is then to go and Figure out. Well, what do you mean by that? What do you mean by repent and sometimes people, you know, you ask people like people will say to me like, you know Salvation is believe and repent and God will save you and I was like, what do you mean by repent? And I've literally had people say to me. I don't know. That's just a thing you say, you know it's like they don't mean anything but look when you follow up and And and they're like, oh, here's what I mean parentheses turn from your sin Okay, then don't excuse it You understand that? Sometimes you got to follow up a little bit and figure out what do you mean by that? And if what they mean by that is not right, then you have to condemn it See when the oneness crowd said Jesus the Father they meant Jesus was the same person the Father is well, that's wrong But if you hear some old IFB preacher and Isaiah 9 6 say Jesus the Father don't just assume their oneness Because they might just be saying that You know and what they mean by that is what we meant by it which is that Jesus is the same God that the Father is There's only one God, but look Here's the point The point is that Isaiah 9 6. These are the words that the Holy Ghost teach it The by I mean nobody disagrees Isaiah 9 6 about Jesus For unto us a child is born Unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace the Bible says That this son who was given His name shall be called the everlasting father So we don't need to excuse that or try to explain that away. That's what the Bible says Now again, do you believe that they're the same person look I spent an hour approving to you that we don't believe that But it's one God that exists in three persons and the reason you have verses like Isaiah 9 6 the reason you have verses like John 14 the reason you have verses like Colossians 2 9 is because there is a unity in the Trinity It's not just three is There are three that are one How are they one they are one in the sense that there's one God? How are they three in the sense that they are three persons? three persons that are eternal equal That have always existed But you find verses like Isaiah 9 6 You find verses like Jesus saying I am my father are one they are one because there's only one God So we believe in the Trinity the Trinity is the belief that there is one God that exists in three Persons and when we get to verses like Isaiah 9 6 look don't let that scare us a great Christmas verse we use this in Christmas You know you say well What is this referring to the mighty God the everlasting father is referring to the fact that when Jesus came? He was all God and all of God Because there's only one God So let me just kind of end tonight by well actually go to Isaiah 55 if you would Isaiah 55 And look at verse 9. Well. We'll read one more verse, but let me end by just reading our full Trinity doctrinal statement We believe in the Trinity Which is the belief that there is one God that exists in three persons the three persons are members of the Godhead are the Father the Son the Holy Spirit the three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body intellect and will the three members of the Godhead are equally God and The three members of Godhead are eternal meaning that they have eternally existed as three persons the three members of the Godhead though all equally God Voluntarily submit themselves under a chain of command We acknowledge that each member of the Godhead is not partially God or a part of God But believe that each member is all God and all of God we reject partialism the belief that each member of the Godhead is a part of God that comes together to make up one God we reject Polytheism the belief that each member of the Godhead is a separate God We reject oneness the believe that each member of the Godhead is the same person playing different roles And if you you say well, yeah, but it still doesn't make sense in my mind Isaiah 59 excuse me 55 and verse 9 is the verse for you the Bible says this for as the heavens are Higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts in your thoughts Look if you if you could just understand everything about God I think it's good that there's some things. We just don't understand about God because God is bigger than us He's smarter than us. He's stronger than us. He's omniscient. He's omnipotent You say I can't square away this whole puzzle. I don't have to square away. I can tell you this though It's one God that exists in three persons And when you have verses where Jesus is saying well, I'm one person and the father is another person we say amen because it's one God that exists in three persons and When you have verses where he's saying well, if you've seen me you've seen the father There's only one of us. I and my father are one we say amen because it's one God That exists in three persons This is the Trinity one God that exists in three persons the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and these three are one Let's fire tonight. I'm gonna pray how many father thank you look for your word thing for the Bible And Lord I realized that there are some things we're just not gonna understand and some things when you preach sermons like this some things we were just Certain statements certain things are not gonna not everybody's gonna like or want to say it in that way. That's fine We understand that but Lord I just pray you'd help us to just always come to the Bible and realize that the Bible is always right and No matter what scripture we're looking at if it's in our King James Bible. It's the Word of God now We may be looking at it wrong. We may be understanding it wrong But if it's God's Word these are the words which the Holy Ghost speaketh and Lord help us to just have a belief to believe in the Trinity One God exists in three persons. It's help us not to try to go to these logical extremes Well, maybe it's one person or maybe it's three parts or maybe it's three gods And help us to just believe and have faith in what the Bible says there's one God that exists in three persons We love you in Jesus name we pray Amen