(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen Alright, we're there in Romans chapter number seven and of course on Sunday nights We've been going through a series called declaring doctrine, and we've been doing a systematic study of the major doctrines Systematic theology, and we've been in this section over the last several weeks on the doctrine of Salvation if you remember several weeks ago. I preached a sermon called the doctrine of salvation, and we talked about justification and propitiation Atonement and those things and then I preached a sermon on eternal security As well we talked about why we believe in eternal security, and why we believe that once you're saved. You're always saved tonight I'm dealing with the subject of the doctrine of the new man and the next Sunday night We'll finish up this section on the doctrine of salvation with a sermon on the doctrine of The reprobate doctrine and you might not consider the reprobate doctrine part of salvation, and it's not salvation but it's within this heading of the different doctrines of salvation, but we're looking at this idea of the new man and We're here in Romans chapter number seven there's lots of passages that deal with the new man We're gonna look at a lot of them tonight, so I hope you're ready to move through the Bible with me But I want to give you several thoughts in regards to the new man And I'd encourage you to take down some notes write some things down on the back of the course of the week if you're able To if you don't have a baby sitting on your lap. You can write some things down Here's what I want to give you tonight I want to give you the why the when the what and the who of the new man the why of the new man the when of the new man the what of the new man and the who of The new man, so we'll start with the why the why of the new man why? Do you even get a new man at salvation? What's the purpose of? The new man you're there in Romans chapter number seven. I'd like you to look down at verse number eight Notice what the Apostle Paul said he said but sin Taken occasion by the commandment now here Paul states that the commandments or the commandments or the laws of God Gave sin an opportunity he says, but sin taking occasion by the commandment Wrought in me all manner of conscubus sins notice for without the law Sin was dead when he says here that without the law sin was dead What he's saying is that without the law sin was inactive it had no power The only power that the law that sin has is through the law He says sin taking occasion by the commandment wrought in me all manner of conscubus as he says Sin Used the law like a weapon against me. He says for without the law sin was dead notice verse 9 He says for I was alive without the law once he says before I knew the law before I Understood the law before I had been able to recognize the law He said I was alive without the law once but when the commandment came That phrase means when when the law came when I understood the laws of God when the commandment came sin revived and I died he says I died spiritually and was therefore in need of salvation because of the commandment see the Bible says that the commandments were a Schoolmaster to bring us to Christ the law was a schoolmaster That showed us our need for salvation see people often think well the law if I keep the law It'll save me the only thing the law can do is condemn you Because when you look at the law if you're honest with yourself you look at the laws and the commandments of God And you say I can't fulfill those I cannot fulfill the laws of God I cannot fulfill the commandments of God and here Paul says he says I was alive without the law once you say What is the why of the new man? What is the doctrine of the new man and the doctrine of the new man is this that when you got saved when you place Your faith on Jesus Christ when you trust it in him for salvation when you called upon him in faith The Bible says that God created in you a new man. You say well. Why would I need a new man? Here's why because when sin revived I died See I was alive without the law once but when the commandment came sin revived and I died now Let me just try to explain this to you a little bit, so you understand at the age of Accountability this is a phrase that's often used in Christian circles, and I'm not against it, but at the age of accountability your spirit died see someone Anyone is not condemned Spiritually until they understand the law This is by the way why we believe this is one of the many reasons why we believe that when the unfortunate event of a baby or a young child When they when they die we believe that they go to heaven because of the fact that before a child comes to the place of Accountability where they understand the laws of God they understand what God expects of them before they come to that accountability They're not spiritually dead Paul said I was alive without the law once When a child is born they're born where they body a soul and a spirit their spirit is not dead however they As they grow and they mature they come to a place where they understand the difference between right and wrong they understand the difference between sin and what is not sin they Understand the commandments and then at that point at the age of accountability Their spirit dies the Bible says for I was alive without the law once but when the commandment came sin revived and I died Keep your place there in Romans We're gonna come back to it go over to the book of Genesis if you would Genesis chapter number two Genesis chapter number two I've been kind of surprised how much there is in the first three chapters of the book of Genesis I don't know if you've noticed, but the last several weeks or months I feel like I've been going back to Genesis 1 back to Genesis 2 back to Genesis 3 and in a whole and an entire array Of different types of sermons. There's just so much in those chapters Here in Genesis chapter 2 if you remember God told Adam and Eve to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and he said that the day that Thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die but yet Adam and Eve when they Sinned and they took of the tree. They did not die that day physically in fact It was hundreds of years before they died the Bible tells us, but yet in that day you say what did God? Did God lie no in that day they began to die physically But that day their spirit died Genesis chapter 2 look at verse 17 Genesis 2 17 the Bible says this but of the tree Notice there's a tree of life right, but that's not the tree that caused their spirit to die What caused their spirit to die but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? when they came to the Understanding when they came to the comprehension when they understood the knowledge between good and evil He says but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shall not eat of it for in the day that thou Eatest thereof thou shalt surely die see Adam and Eve did not die physically when they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good And evil, but they began to die physically and they died Spiritually that day why because when we're born Adam and Eve were created body soul spirit you were born I was born body soul Spirit, but when we came to the place where we had the knowledge of good and evil when we get to the place to the Age of accountability when we get to the place where we understand what's right? What's wrong when we understand? What we should do and what we should not do the Bible says that sin taken occasion by the commandment It uses the law as a weapon and it kills us it kills your spirit You Say what does this have to do with the new man? This is why when you get saved God has to bring a new man. He has to create a new man He has to quicken or revive your spirit because your spirit was dead Keep your place there in Genesis go back to Romans chapter number three Romans chapter 3 look at verse 20 Romans 3 in verse 20 This is why you'll often hear me say about babies. They're not condemned They're not condemned their spirits not dead It's not till the time that they get to the age of accountability That they even need to be saved Romans chapter 3 verse 20 says therefore by the deeds of the law There shall no flesh be justified in his sight look There's not in there you cannot keep the law to get yourself saved or to get yourself into heaven by the deeds of the law There shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin All all the law does is condemns you all the law does is it points out your your in Inability to save yourself that you've broken the laws of God the deeds of the law cannot Justify your flesh because by the law is a knowledge of sin Keep your place there in Romans go back to Genesis if you would Genesis chapter 3 Let me just talk and I'm preaching about the new man, but since we're on this subject, and it's kind of all together Let me talk about the age of accountability for a little bit the agent of accountability is not a set age Sometimes you use that phrase and people think well. What's the age you know is it is it? You know five years old or four years old or three years old or 17 years old You know what in the world? What is the age of accountability the age of accountability is not a set age it may be different for different children? And by the way this also applies to people that maybe can never come to the place where they can fully understand The gospel and fully understand what the Bible teaches when we talk about people maybe with disabilities Someone who may have a mental handicap. You know their age of accountability may be a lot older Than then maybe someone who doesn't have that disability or they may never even hit the age of accountability the age of accountability Is when somebody gets to the place where they understand good and evil and here's the thing? You're a newborn baby a six-week-old, baby a one-year-old, baby a two-year-old, baby a three-year-old, baby You could even make an argument you know three and a half and four-year-old kids Can even be in that place where can they really understand? You know what it is that that that that sin is and salvation is and obviously I'm for us giving the gospel to our kids As young as possible, but look realize that your kids may just not understand, and that's okay You know if some of these parents get worried. I'm giving the gospel my four-year-old. They're not getting it They're not getting it. You know I'm afraid they're gonna die and go to hell if something happens like well They're not getting it. They're not gonna die and go to hell God's not on this hair trigger to send well first of all we don't serve a Calvinist God God's not on a hair trigger to send anyone to hell especially your four-year-old I'm not saying that we shouldn't give the gospel to our four-year-olds and our five-year-olds and our six-year-olds and and all that I'm Not saying that at all what I'm saying is that God Is is not going to send somebody to hell that does not understand Genesis chapter 3 sometimes people ask me say well you got to give me something pastor when would I know and you know this? Is the best thing that I can come up with and this is just a rule of thumb, but a good rule of thumb is When a child is Conscious of their own nakedness Then they're probably reaching the age of accountability where you want to start Preaching the gospel to them making sure they understand these things you say where do you get that from I get it from the Bible Genesis chapter 3 look at verse 6 remember when Adam and Eve the Bible says that they were naked and they were not ashamed They ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the first thing they became aware of was their own nakedness Genesis 3 look at verse 6 and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food And that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise She took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband And he did he notice and the eyes of them both were open and they knew that they were naked and they sewed their fig leaves Together and made themselves aprons look you know you if you have children you know that when they're they're one-year-olds They're two years old you know if you're not careful They'll run around take their diaper off or around naked their birthday suit they have no shame they don't even know you know you sometimes you can put a Two year old and a three year old and a bath together, and they're just playing away You know they're they have no consciousness of their own Nakedness those child those children are innocent. They don't understand Shame they don't understand the difference between right and wrong at that point They're in an age of innocence, and if they were to die God would God assures us that they would go To heaven, but when a child starts getting older And they don't want to take a bath with their sibling anymore right they're getting older And they're becoming conscious of their of their of themselves, then you can start to realize that okay This this child is now beginning to understand The difference between good and bad and right and wrong and now we want to start preaching the gospel to them and helping them Understand so I want to begin by talking about the why of the new man Why do you even need a new man? Here's why because at the age of accountability your spirit died? Your spirits dead and What that means is that? Spiritually look when people are born there are born in three parts Bible says we were created in the image of God God is a triune God. We are not a trinity like God is but in a similar way We were created in three parts body soul and spirit But when we come to the age of accountability when we understand the difference between good and evil the Bible says that our spirit dies And we become spiritually discerned we become Spiritually dead when you see unsafe people out there walking around you see a body you see a soul, but there's no spirit They're spiritually dead Their spirits not alive. There's nothing spiritual in them But when you get saved the Bible says that you become a new man You get quick and see sometimes. I think that we as Christians We think that there's all these little terms and phrases in the Bible And they're just these little analogies and they can be used as analogies And they're these cute little things that God says to help us and we don't understand no there. There's actually meaning behind that You say what are you talking about? Let me give you some examples go to John chapter 3 Matthew Mark Luke John We talked about the why of the Newton of the new man Matthew Mark Luke John Let's talk about the when of the new man The why of the new man, why do I need a new man because at the age of accountability your spirit died Well when do I get a new man at salvation your spirit is made alive This is why Jesus said John 3 3 Jesus answered and said unto him verily verily I say unto you Except a man be born again. He cannot see the kingdom of God See it was like I'm a born-again Christian or Jesus said you got to be born again And we we think that's some sort of cute analogy and it can be used as an analogy and all those things But please understand this when you got saved you literally were born again Your spirit died at the age of accountability and the day that you put your faith in Christ you were born again a New man was created a spirit was quickened in you John chapter 3 look at verse 6 that which is born of the flesh Is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit Marvel not that I said unto you thee ye must be born again What is the when of the new man the when of the new man is that salvation at salvation you were born again? That's not just a nice little phrase It's a literal thing you were born again your spirit was born and died once and that spirit was born again First Peter if you would first Peter chapter 1 if you go from the end of the New Testament Starting at the book of Revelation and go backwards you have Jude third second and first John second and first Peter Revelation Jude third second and first John second and first Peter first Peter chapter 1 do me a favor when you get to first Peter put a ribbon or a bookmark or something there because we're Gonna leave it and we're gonna come back to it first Peter chapter 1 look at verse 23 notice What the Bible says first Peter 1 23 being born again? Not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever in the same way that you need the seed of a man in order for physical birth to take place in order for a An egg to be fertilized you need the seed of a man to be able to produce that birth You also need the seed of the Word of God to produce Spiritual birth being born again the Bible says not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible By the way, we're saved by the Word of God Make sure you have the Word of God By the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever go to second Peter you're there in first Peter chapter 1 look at second Peter chapter 1 look at verse 4 second Peter chapter 1 verse 4 So they feel say well I think that analogy about the seed there is about like like the seed of a plant or a fruit same thing You need the seed, but notice in second Peter 1 and verse 4 whereby Are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these ye might be notice these words You might be partakers of the divine nature Having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust you know when you got saved you became a partaker of divine nature I Didn't say you became divine I didn't say you became God you didn't become deity, but the spirit was born inside of you that came from God you became a partaker of the divine nature Something was born inside of you that is connected to God that is comes from God that Communicates with God you became a partaker of the divine nature This is what the Bible talks about when it says being born again Let me give you some other examples keep your place there in first Peter go with me to the book of Ephesians if you kept Your place in Romans, I'm not sure if you kept your place in Romans, but I'd like you to keep your place in Romans But if you're there in Romans you can go past first second Corinthians Galatians into the book of Ephesians and let me show you another Analogy or wording of this in the Bible not only does the Bible say we're born again the Bible also says we're quickened The word quicken is an older Word that means to be made alive Ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 notice what he says and you He's talking to you if you're saved It's talking to me if I'm saved Paul's talking to the church at Ephesus bunch of say believers it says and you have the quickened the word quickened means has he made alive notice who were dead and Trespasses and sins See we read that we think oh, yeah, cuz it was like before I was saved. It's like I was dead It's not like you were dead you were dead Your spirit was dead There was nothing spiritual in you there was nothing spiritual that connected with God But Paul said when you got saved you were quickened you were born again You were made alive, and you have the quickened who were dead and trespasses and sins Look at verse 5 same chapter even when we were dead in sins have quickened us Together with Christ by grace you are saved We were quickened we were made alive our spirit. That was dead was resurrected And we were made a new man. We were born again. Let me give you another example go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 You're there in Ephesians. Just keep going backwards past Galatians into the book of 2nd Corinthians Ephesians Galatians 2nd Corinthians 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 look at verse 17 2nd Corinthians 5 17 therefore of any man be in Christ Therefore of any man be in Christ He is a new creature Hey, that's not hyperbole That's not an exaggeration That's not like oh God wants to you know do something new with you no no He doesn't want to do something new with you. He made you something new Therefore of any man be in Christ. He is a new creature all things are passed away behold all things are become new There's a new man inside when you got saved you got the new man There's a new man inside of you see when you were born you were born a body a soul in the spirit when you came to the age of accountability the spirit died the law the sin taking occasion by the Commandment slew you it killed you when sin revived Paul said I died And then you walked around dead in your trespasses and sins out there dead Spiritually body soul no spirit, and then one day you got saved And the Word of God came in and the seed of God came in and you were born again And you were quickened and you were made a new creature a new man all things are passed away behold all things are become new the why of the new man is because of Because you were dead in your trespasses and sins the when of the new man is because that salvation your spirit was made alive You were born again. You were quick quickened you were made a new creation and God and by the way when you got saved The Holy Spirit came to live inside of you as well So when you look at a safe person you look at a safe person you're seeing a body you're seeing a soul You're seeing a spirit. You're seeing the Holy Spirit. That's why some of you look so big. There's like four people inside of you and You know, but this is what happened at salvation the spirit was quickened the Holy Spirit moved in And all things are become new You're there in 2nd Corinthians 5 go back to 1st Corinthians chapter 2 1st Corinthians chapter 2 at least you can use that as an excuse, you know It's not me. It's just I'm so full of the Holy Spirit If you're as full as I am I'm especially full after lunch 1st Corinthians chapter 2 The why of the new man the when of the new man Why do you need a new man because you're you were dead in your trespasses and sins Why when do you get a new man because that salvation the spirit was quickened was born again a new creation was made alive Let's talk about the what of the new man What what exactly is the new man the new man is a regenerated divine nature inside of you You Say what's the new man? The new man is the spiritual part of you that connects with our spiritual God in fact to just be theologically, you know overboard the soul your soul is Disconnected from God when you're not saved the Bible says that our sins and our trespasses have separated us from God and The Spirit has to speak with the Holy Spirit to connect us to God see your spirit speaks to your soul Your spirit speaks to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit speaks to God on our behalf See our connection to God is through the Holy Spirit The only reason you can understand the Bible is because of the Holy Spirit The only reason you can pray to God is because of the Holy Spirit The only reason you can connect to God in any way is because of the Holy Spirit The only reason that the Holy Spirit can connect to you is because of your spirit That's why unsaved people can't understand the Bible They don't understand spiritual things the new man the spiritual man connects us with a spiritual God first Corinthians chapter 2 look at look at verse 11 For what man knoweth the things of a man? Save the spirit of man, which is in him The Apostle Paul here is saying look the only reason that we can understand each other human beings can understand each other is because we all Have the same the same spirit. We're human beings Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God see no man understands the things of God except for by the Spirit of God Notice verse 12 now we have received Not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God That notice these words we might know the things that are freely given to us of God How can you understand the Bible you can under look if you open the Bible and read it you can understand it Why because if you're saved because you have the Holy Spirit of God and that Holy Spirit of God is speaking to your spiritual man That we might know the things that are freely given to us of God verse 13 Which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth But which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual notice verse 14, but the natural man The unsaved man the unread Regenerated man, but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God The natural man cannot understand the spit the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him Neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned There's no spirit There's nothing spiritual in an unsaved person see trying to talk to an unsafe person about spiritual things You might as well talk to a wall. They don't understand it There's nothing spiritual about them their spirit is dead They're dead and their trespasses and sins That's why the only thing that we need to do with unsafe people is get them saved You can't start talking to them about doctrine and spiritual things because their spirits dead We got to get them safe so that their spirit can be quickened their spirit can be made alive They could get born again a new spiritual man can be born in them the Holy Spirit moves in and now we can Begin to deal with them on a spiritual level Go to Romans chapter 7 if you kept your place in Romans if not you're there in 1st Corinthians Just go back to the book of Romans Romans chapter 7. Do me a favor and keep your place in Romans See the new man connects us with God Romans chapter 7 Romans chapter 7 in verse 22 we're going to look at Romans 7 in detail towards the end of sermon I just want to point out verse 22 because first way to it gives a lot of insight into You me and this type of Christianity that we live Romans 7 22 says this for I delight Paul says For I delight in the law of God Now who would say I love the law of God? I mean, I hope you would say that I mean because some of you men say hey man. That's that was your cue right let's try it again How many of you think the Bible is okay? How about we try that? Okay, how many of you love the law of God? I have to ease you into it a little bit, but for I delight in the law of God I hope you're a fan of God. I don't know why you'd be here on a Sunday night if you weren't Paul says for I delight in the law of God, but notice what he says after the inward man Have you ever wondered why you like hard preaching It makes no sense I Mean we put on a conference here This year in July will be our sixth annual red-hot preaching conference And we advertise this conference. We call it the red-hot preaching conference people say what's the theme red-hot preaching? What are you gonna? Talk about? I don't know, but it's gonna be hot I Mean we're gonna bring in the most fiery angry Spirit-filled men of God They're gonna kick and scream and spit and rip face. They're gonna just rip on all of your sins You would think nobody's gonna come to that who would come to that you know people fly from all over the country and all over this world to come to a conference called the red-hot preaching conference and They're happy they're happy when their faces are ripped off by the hard preaching You say what is that? That's not you. That's your spirit The spiritual man inside you see something you say man You know pastor gets preaching and part of me is like oh that hurts But then part of you likes it you know that part of you likes it. That's the spirit inside of you It's the new man. See Paul says I delight in the law of God after the inward man It's the inward man that likes hard preaching It's the inward man that likes the other word of God you ever go out soul-winning and somebody gets saved and something inside of you Says whoa that was good. I Mean what it's not your flesh your flesh not like I got nothing to do on a Saturday morning Let me go talk to a stranger But the inward man the spiritual man See this is the part of you that likes the things of God This is the part of you that enjoy see that's why some of you I'm trying to help you you get this idea like oh Let me bring my unsafe friend to to church and and and maybe they'll like it as long as they were insane They're never gonna like it There's nothing to like Some ugly guy getting up here and yelling at you three times away a week and telling you everything you do wrong The Only person that likes that is the spirit inside of you For I delight in the law of God after the inward man have you ever thought about that? The the part of you inside of you the part of you that likes look nothing we do in this church is is tempting to the flesh This is by the way This is why churches that are not filled with bunch of Christians have to make their services a bunch of worldliness They have to turn the lights off and make it feel like you're at a rock concert or a casino because that's what the flesh likes They have to bring in the rock and roll music and the music of this world Why because that's the only way you're gonna attract a crowd if you're trying to attract a crowd based off the flesh Nothing in our services is is just you know gets your flesh going We get up here, and we sing and can it be that I should gain your flesh doesn't like that You know why you like that the spirit likes that? We start singing here blessed assurance Jesus is mine. Oh what a foretake. You know what likes that your spirit likes that not your flesh It is the inward part we delight in the law of God after the inward man The new man is what connects us with God the new man is what connects us spiritually the new man is what likes the things of God So you come to church, and you say man that was hard, but that was so good that doesn't even make sense It's like do you have multiple personalities, but the truth is you do You've got a new man and an old man You've got the spirit in the flesh You you you've got the the the inner man the inward man and the outward man Paul says I delight in the law of God after the inward man see the new man connects us with God By the way, let me say this Go to first John if you would first John chapter 3 first John chapter 3 If you kept your place in first Peter right after first Peter you have second Peter Then you have the book of first John first Peter second Peter first John First John chapter 3 let me say this the new man does not sin First John 3 and verse 9 says this whosoever is born of God does not commit sin For his seed that's the divine nature That's a that's the word of God the divine nature of God for his seed remaineth in him and He cannot sin because he is born of God Now see unsaved people who don't understand the spirit who don't have the Spirit of God they look at verses like that They say well if you're saved, then you're never going to sin And they come up with stupid doctrines like sinless perfection Which makes no sense all of us sin? You say well? What is this verse talking about see whosoever is don't miss is born of God? That's not sin. You say yeah, well aren't you born again? No no my spirit was born again My spirit excuse me my spirit was born again. My body wasn't born again I'm still living in the same old body that was born the first time Now one day at the day of Christ this body will be regenerated this body will be born again But when you when you look at a but before the rapture when you look at a same person You're not seeing a body that was born again. You're only seeing a spirit that was born again, and it is that spirit Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin So look you say do I commit sin do you commit sin your flesh commits sin you commit sin? But your new man does not commit sin Whosoever is born of God did not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and by the way your new man doesn't sin your new man can't sin and He cannot sin because he is born of God your new man Shares the divine nature of God your spiritual man cannot sin You say well, I still sing your flesh does And by the way and we're gonna get into that that's not an excuse like oh, it's not me it's my flesh no Well you are your flesh It's it's you you still need to take responsibility and accountability for it But the Bible clearly teaches that the new man connects us with God and the new man does not sin Now we still sin because we still have our flesh But when we sin it is not our spiritual man that is sinning it is our flesh and either way. It's you You're both see you're the new man and the old man at the same time You're the spiritual man and the flesh at the same time We have the why of the new man go back to Romans if you would Romans chapter 7 the why of the new man Why do you need a new man because we were dead in our trespasses and sin we have the when of the new man When do we need a new man at salvation because our spirit was quickened was born again was made a lie We have the what of the new man what what exactly is the new man the new man is a regenerated divine Nature the new man connects us with God the new man does not sin and every look everything that is spiritual that you like That's your new man When These kids get up here and and play those beautiful instruments and play those old hymns, and you think man That's good. You know it's your new man saying that It's the new man that likes the spiritual stuff But I can notice fourthly tonight, let's talk about the who of the new man the who of the new man Here's the truth. You are both the new man and the old man Let's talk about this dichotomy That is in us Romans chapter 7 actually you know what before we get into that. Let me just give you a roman 7 again in Verse 17 Notice what Paul says Paul says this now when? Now then he says it is no more. I that do it But sin that dwelleth in me for I know that in me notice. We said if I know that in me that is in my flesh Dwelleth no good thing For to will is present with me But how to perform that which is good I find not see Paul is stating here and saying it's my in my flesh There's no good thing in My flesh he says in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing because the new man is a spiritual side is a Spiritual man, and then the old man is this old carcass this flash you and I live in Go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 you're there in Romans 1st Corinthians 2nd Corinthians Romans 1st Corinthians 2nd Corinthians Let's talk about the who of the new man Who exactly is this old man? Who is this new man? What is this dichotomy a dichotomy inside of us? Why don't you notice that all throughout the Bible? We get this idea of the inner man versus the outward man the spirit versus the flash the new versus the old 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 16 notice what the Bible says for which cause we faint not But though the notice outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day notice. There's a dichotomy here There's the outward man. There's the inward man He's as though our outward man perished yet the inward man is renewed day by day Go to Galatians chapter 5 look at verse 16. You're there in 2nd Corinthians. Just flip over to Galatians Galatians chapter 5 We have the inward man versus the outward man in Galatians 5. We have the spirit versus the flesh Galatians chapter 5 you're there in 2nd Corinthians Just flip over to Galatians Galatians chapter 5 look at verse 16 this I say then Walk in the spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh Now notice verse 17 for the flash Lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other see there's a Fight inside of you. There's a war inside of you the spirit versus the flash The spirit wants you to go salt-wanting the flesh wants to sleep in the spirit wants you to go to Sunday night church the flash Wants you to stay at home Watching television the spirit wants you to get up early and read your Bible the flash wants you to sleep in and not read your Bible there's this there's there's this spirit versus the flesh see there's this dichotomy inside of us. There's the Sometimes he's referred to as the outward man versus the inward man sometimes It's referred to as the spirit versus the flesh sometimes go to Ephesians if you would Ephesians chapter 4 you're there in Galatians Just flip over to Ephesians Ephesians chapter 4 verse 22 sometimes. It's the new man versus the old man Ephesians chapter 4 look verse 22 Ephesians 4 22 That you put off concerning the former conversation. What's the former conversation your old lifestyle? That you put off concerning the former conversation notice the old man put him off Which is corrupt according to the people us and be renewed in the spirit of your mind Is that what we talked about this morning and that you put on notice the new man See you have a choice every day Just like you put clothes on you've got two choices the old and the new you either put on the new man Or you put on the old man He says that you put off concerning the former conversation the old man Which is corrupt according to see for us and why don't you learn something and apply something like Paul said? Grow in love grow in knowledge grow and judgment be renewed with the spirit of your mind Then he says this and that you put on the new man notice which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness The new man is righteous and holy The new man doesn't sin There's the new man the old man go back to Romans chapter 7 where we started Romans chapter 7 Romans chapter 7 look at verse 15 see there's this dichotomy in us and there is a struggle in us There is this internal struggle, I want you to notice what the Apostle Paul Lays out for us here in Romans chapter 7, and I want you to notice that Paul is making a point here in Romans 7 About this fight between the old and the new and how oftentimes we lose that fight against the old man Now in Romans 8 he talks to us about how to have victory Through the spirit and how to win this battle But here's he's just making a point and he really draws it out because he wants to make sure we understand it That inside of you look when you got saved a new man was born a new man that loves God that loves the Word of God that loves the people of God that loves the preaching of God's Word that wants to do right But you still have this old man That sins that's lazy. That's undisciplined and There's this internal struggle between the new and the old between the spirit of the flesh between the inward man and the outward man and By the way, let me just say this Paul I said this this morning, but Paul is probably other than Lord Jesus Christ the greatest Christian who ever lived I Mean a cop probably accomplished more for Christ Than then then any other other than the Lord Jesus Christ himself other than any other person in this world And notice what he says Romans 7 verse 15 for that which I do For that which I do he says I allow not What does that mean here's what he says he says I end up doing the things I tell people not to do I End up you know I have rules and then I break my own rules By the way, that's why it's always funny to me how people say oh, I'm gonna keep the rules of God I'm gonna keep the commandments of God and get myself to heaven. You can't even keep your own rules much less the rules of God You break your own rules You tell your kids to not do this not do that when they're not looking you do it For that which I do Paul says I allow not he said he said there's things that I do sometimes I do things that I think myself. I I don't allow people to do this I Preach against this I teach against this I tell people not to do this and then I do it For that which I do I allow not It's like when you're preaching for five weeks on anger and people try to piss you off And you're like that which I do I allow not For what I would that word would there That's will desire. He says what I would he says what I want to do what I would He says for what I would that do I not He says there are things that I want to do and I don't do them There are things that I don't let people do and I end up doing them but what I hate that do I He says if then I do that which I would not It's a little bit of a tongue twister, but he says if then I do If I end up doing that which I don't want to do which I would not He said I consent unto the law that it is good Here's what he's saying when you feel guilty for skipping Wednesday night church, you know what that tells you that you should have been to Wednesday night church That Wednesday night church was a good thing Because if it's not if it doesn't matter then why do you feel guilty? I Don't feel guilty as my spirit. I know your flesh never feels guilty He Says if then I do that which I would not I consent unto the law that it is good now Then it is no more I that do it but sin dwells in me for I know and he's speaking in a spiritual He said it's not my spirit that does it. It's my flesh He says for I know that in me that is in my flesh dwell is no good thing for to will is Present with me He says it's not that I don't want to I want to do it The will is there the will is present with me but how to perform that which is good I find not For the good that I would He said the good things that I want to do I do not but the evil which I would not the Bad things that I don't want to do that I do Now if I do that I would not it is no more I that do it but sin dwells in me I find that a law that when I would do good evil is present with me Your spiritual man wants to do right, but your old man's there with you For I delight in the law of God after the inward man positive. I I like the things of God I want to do the things that God tells me to do, but I set out to do that I set out to do good and then evil is present with me but I see another law and my members warring against the law of my mind and Bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my members the word members there means bodies He says there's this fight in my body Warring against the law of my mind. He says my mind has been renewed But yet I'm being brought into captivity To the law of sin which is in my members then he he just said oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of this death I Thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord, so they're not with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin Here's how Jesus said it Jesus said the spirit truly is willing, but the flesh is weak See there's this struggle these inward struggle sometimes people ask me they say they over the years I've had several people say this to me, and they think man. There's this inward fight I want to do right, but I don't do right I want there's things I don't want to do and I am doing them and the things I want to do I don't do them. You know does this mean I'm not saved and I always smile and think no that means you are saved That's the new man inside of you If you didn't want to do right you know if there's nothing no internal struggle. It's because you're not even saved Because there's no spirit inside of you. That's even saying do it right go to church live for God Paul says there's this internal struggle inside of us now for some of you backslid and worldly people You're feeling good right now Cuz you're like yeah, yeah It's my flesh It's not me I'm not lazy my flesh is lazy Well, please understand this and I won't take the time to develop, but I'll just explain this to you Paul is explaining to us in Romans chapter 7 the defeated Christian life Romans chapter 7 is not meant to make you feel better like hey, you're a failure, but yeah It's your old wretched man that I am no no Paul Paul is saying Paul is saying if you can identify with what I'm saying right now and All of us at times can identify with what Paul is saying is that you're living the defeated Christian life But you can live the victorious Christian life Paul says hey walk in the spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh See the new man the new man. There's the why of the new man Why do you need a new man because when you? Hit the age of accountability your spirit died and you were dead in your trespasses and sins And there's the one of the new man Why do you when do you get the new man you get the new man when you get born again when you get saved when? You get quickened when the new creation comes in There's a one of the new man. What what exactly does the new man do it's a regenerated divine nature inside of you It connects you to God it Loves everything spiritual it loves the people of God it loves the house of God It loves the Word of God, and it doesn't sin But there's this the who of the new man There's this dichotomy inside of us. There's two of you It's both you It's you in your flesh or you in your spirit The inner inward man versus the outward man the spiritual man versus the flesh the new man versus the old man And there's this internal struggle Say well pastor Who wins? Why why do some people live for God and some people don't Why do some people take comfort in Romans chapter 7 and say well see it's not my fault And some people go on to live the victorious Christian life. Well. Here's what you need to understand It is a battle inside of you He said their war he said there in verse 23, but I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind There's a spiritual battle we like to know about spiritual warfare, and there's devils and demons and all we understand all that But you know what the spiritual war starts inside of you Paul said though I walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal He says they're mighty through God It's a spiritual battle inside of you. There's the old man and the new man inside of you There's the flesh and the spirit. There's the the the the inward man and the outward man You say well, which one I mean this envision that inside of you. There is a good guy and a bad guy a New man an old man a spiritual man and outward man you Say and they and they get up and and and go put up their fists and Start boxing and wrestling and fighting each other every day You say well, which one wins whoever's stronger? Why do some people live for God? because they strengthen their inner man and They're they weaken their outward man Why do some people live this way for the good that I would I do not There's things I want to do, but I can't make myself do them. Why because your flesh is stronger than your spirit Now if I do what I would not it is no more I that do it, but it's your flesh When I would do good evil is present with me warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity Look here. This is why the Bible says who's why Jesus said he said let them He said if any man will come after me let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me Paul said I die daily Paul said I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me You say who's going to win the battle between the spirit and the flesh tomorrow? Look you either get up and say I'm Gonna feed the spiritual man. I'm gonna open the Bible. I'm gonna read the Bible. I'm gonna feed the spiritual man I'm not gonna turn on the radio and listen to worldly rock music or rap music. I'm gonna sing the hymns of God I'm gonna I'm gonna feed the spiritual man And I'm going to weaken the old man so that the spirit can win above the spirit Or you get up and say I'm gonna feed the old man. I'm gonna feed the old man. I'm gonna watch TV I'm gonna listen to garbage on the radio. I'm just gonna strengthen the old man and your spiritual man's weak And he loses the battle every time it all depends which one are you feeding You got you got to get up every day and say I'm gonna put my old man to death You gotta get up every day look in the mirror and say you're not in charge old man You're not in charge flesh. You're not in charge outward man. You don't want to read the Bible I'll make you read the Bible You don't want to go slowly, but I make you go so and you don't want to pray But I'm gonna get on my knees and I'll spend time praying to God and strengthening the inner man because the inner man's gonna win Or you can sit there and say well There's the things that I want to do I just can't get myself to do them the spirit truly is willing but the flesh is weak You need to strengthen the inner man You need to say I die daily You need to say I am crucified with Christ You need to say I'm gonna look every day every day remember there's a story of an old preacher named Lester Roloff They tell the story that he would get now Get into the the shower every morning and turn the the shower on to the coldest You know setting there and just let this cold ice water Just pour over his body and he would tell himself you're not in charge today I'm gonna tell you what to do Look some of us who need to get up tomorrow morning and tell the flesh you're not in charge today I'm gonna kill you today I'm gonna put you to death today. I'm not gonna feed you. I'm gonna starve you. I'm not gonna strengthen you I'm gonna wrestle you down. You're gonna. I'm gonna deny myself. I'm gonna take up the cross and The spirits gonna win today Because inside of you inside of you. There's this inner struggle, and that is never gonna go away till the day of Christ When he which hath begun a good work in you shall perform it in the day of Christ When this old wretched man is taken away, but till then you got a fight every day You gotta say I'm against the old man. I'm for the new man. I'm gonna feed the spirit. I'm gonna deny the flesh I'm gonna starve the outward man and the inward man will prevail Because It's the only way to live the victorious Christian life. Let's bow our heads together Heavenly Father. Thank you Lord for your word and Lord, thank you for These concepts you teach us in the Bible When we got saved the new man came to live inside of us When we got saved the spiritual man came to be And we've got to help that spiritual man We have strengthen them We got to give him a fighting chance You gotta starve that old man. We got to put that old man in his place And Lord we thank you for salvation. We thank you that you've regenerated our spirit. You've saved our soul and one day. You'll save our body But till that day of Christ would help us to get up every day and fight Fight the Christian No the Christian war inside of us fight for the things of God Starve the old man Strengthen the new man in the matchless name of Christ we pray Amen