(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) True believers that descended from, that were saved by, that were connected to the true believers that came from the Lord Jesus Christ, those believers always maintained autonomy from this Roman Catholic Church. And as a result, they were persecuted. See, once the Roman Catholic Church was established, there was still persecution of true believers. Now, it went from the Jews to the Roman Empire to the Roman Catholic Church. Once they started the Catholic Church, you know, you weren't allowed to do anything else. So that kind of leads into where other Christians, true Christianity, started to be persecuted. Not only by, you know, they were already persecuted by the Roman Empire, and now the Roman Catholic Church became a persecutor of Christians also. And the Roman Catholic Church is the church that has more blood on its hands for killing saints. And that's what the Roman Catholic Church is about.