(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, about 500 years after the Great Schism, the Roman Catholic Church suffers its next major division, and this is known as the Protestant Reformation. In 1517 something happened, and it goes on in history as the Reformation, or the Protestant Reformation. And in 1517 to 1648, there were basically these Catholic priests who realized that the Roman Catholic Church was a bad church that had taught bad things. We're talking about men like Martin Luther, we're talking about men like John Calvin, we're talking about men like John Knox. These men were in the Catholic Church. Many of them were priests, leaders, spiritual leaders of the Catholic Church, and they came out of the Catholic Church and they protested against the Catholic Church, which is why they're called Protestants. They were protesting the Catholic Church. They're also called reformers because they were trying to reform the Catholic Church. They were trying to take away all of the evils of the Roman Catholic Church, and these Protestants came out of the Roman Catholic Church. It's interesting that the founders of all these Protestant denominations were pretty much Catholic priests. I mean, if you look at Martin Luther was studying to be a Catholic priest, John Calvin, same thing. This event, because here's what happened, you have the Roman Catholic Church, basically before the Reformation, you had two lines of Christianity, you had true Christianity that came from the Lord Jesus Christ, from the apostles, and from those that descended from that belief system. Then you had the Christianity that was basically corrupting the word of God, that was corrupting the gospel of Christ, that was corrupting the doctrines of God that eventually became the Roman Catholic Church. You had these two lines of Christianity. You had the false church, and then you had the true believers. But then the false church gave birth to more false churches. Out of the Roman Catholic Church comes the Lutherans, and the Presbyterians, and all of the Protestants. Martin Luther said, I didn't leave the church, the church left me. So he saw himself as the continuation of the true Catholic Church. That's why when you go to Protestant churches, they recite the Apostles Creed, and it says, we believe in the holy Catholic Church. They still consider themselves Catholics. They believe in that universal church doctrine. They believe that they are the one true church, and they just see themselves as continuing the true Catholic tradition, and that Roman Catholics have apostatized. So they're not against being Catholic, they're just against being Roman Catholic. So you have Orthodox Catholics, Protestant Catholics. Your average Protestant today would say, well, I'm not Catholic, I'm Protestant. But I'm saying when you talk to the actual scholars, the theologians, the pastors, they will say, well, yes, we are Catholic. And things that Martin Luther said and John Calvin said back that up, that they saw themselves as the true Catholic. A Catholic priest like Martin Luther, because that's exactly what he was, who had no intention of leaving the Catholic Church when he created his 95 theses and posts on the wall. All he wanted was just a reformation of the church. He wanted to reform it. Restructure it just enough to try to get back to what he perceived to be biblical doctrine. But he had no intention of leaving the Catholic Church, and many of his beliefs still completely lined up with the Catholic Church. There were just some changes that he wanted to make, and ultimately it was the Catholic Church that decided that's too much, you know, and kick him out. She gave birth to all these false religions. You say, oh, aren't Protestants saying, look, Protestants are Catholic light. And that's why Martin Luther and John Calvin and all these men just brought with them. Look, they were protesting some good things, but they brought with them a bunch of false doctrine. That's why the Protestants today, they sprinkle babies. That's why the Protestants today, they believe in work salvation. Now, they'll give lip service to salvation by grace through faith, but when you talk to them, it's like, yeah, but you got to live a good life. Yeah, but you got to get baptized. Yeah, but you got to do all these things. And look, these Protestants, these reformers, they did not come from pure New Testament believers. They came out of the Roman Catholic Church. Martin Luther's given credit for inventing the word Protestantism, and what does Protestantism mean? It means to protest. And what were they protesting? Well, they were protesting Rome. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.