(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right we're there in 1st John chapter 5 and verse number 7 and tonight we are continuing our series on the Holy Spirit and if I um if I can get the sound guys just turn me on up just just a hair I just having trouble hearing myself if I can get one of the ushers to help me I think we can cut the air-conditioner down a little bit if maybe we can turn that down somebody could help me with that too much it's just a little bit thank you appreciate it all right well we've been learning about the Holy Spirit on Sunday nights and if you remember several weeks ago we started the first sermon with learning about the person of the Holy Spirit and then last week we talked about the Holy Spirit as God tonight what we're going to do is we're going to learn about the Holy Spirit in the Trinity and just kind of makes sense to go ahead and talk about the Holy Spirit in the Trinity at this point because it is the third sermon in the series but that's not the only reason also because we've been talking about the person of the Holy Spirit and and the Holy Spirit is God and so it's good to talk about the three persons of the Trinity now what I want to do to kind of begin as we start what I what I did when I was trying to figure out the way to approach this sermon how to go through the sermon I thought the best thing would do to do would be to write out a little doctrinal statement in regards to what we believe about the Trinity in fact I don't even think we have one on our website so I'll probably just we'll probably just use this and put this on our website but I want to start off by reading to you just this little paragraph a doctrinal statement that I wrote out about our beliefs about the Trinity and it covers I think everything that we believe about the Trinity and let me go ahead and read this to you it says this so you need to write this down don't worry but you're not gonna be able to write it down all right but let me just read it to you it says we believe in the Trinity which is the belief that there is one God that exists in three persons the three persons are members of the Godhead are the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit the three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body intellect and will the three are all equally God and eternal meaning that they have eternally existed as three persons the three members of the Godhead voluntarily submit themselves under a chain of command because God is one being or entity that exists in three separate and distinct persons we reject polytheism the belief that they are all that they are three gods additionally because we believe that each member of the Godhead is not partially God or a part of God each member is all God and all of God we reject partialism the belief that each is part of God that come together to make up one God now I want to read that to you because and I realize that's lengthy and I don't expect you to remember that but that basically covers our beliefs about the Trinity there's a lot about the Trinity that you have to kind of understand and and and and be able to balance together and what I want to do for the rest of the night now that I've read to you our doctrinal statement is to basically break this in up into sections and go through it kind of line by line and explain to you from the Word of God why it is that we believe in the Trinity and what the Bible teaches about the Trinity now let me say this I have a lot of notes and I've got a lot of verses that we're gonna flip flip through a lot of these verses I'm just gonna read to you yeah I don't need you to turn to them or expect you to turn to them I would if it's okay for you to sit there and not turn to every passage if you're taking notes maybe you can jot down the references you can have them for your own personal notes you can study them out later if you'd like and I'll promise I'll be reading out of the King James Bible all right so you don't have to worry about that but if you're if let's go ahead and begin there in 1st John chapter 5 and if you're in verse 7 you'll know that I'm reading out the King James Bible because of the fact that most modern Bible versions omit 1st John chapter 5 and verse 7 in fact if you have an NIV in your hand your Bible will say 1st John chapter 5 verse 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 it won't even it won't even change the numbering it'll just remove it completely and or or sometimes they'll put a no and say that they they added it there but it shouldn't be there but 1st John chapter 5 and verse 7 is in the Word of God and the Bible says this for there are three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one and like I said we're gonna just kind of take our doctrinal statement and break it up but I want to begin by saying this we believe in the Trinity which is the belief that there is one God that exists in three persons the three persons or members of the Godhead are the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and today you'll have modern Bible versions because there is an attack on the deity of Christ there's an attack on who God is and there is an attack today on the Trinity there is an attack on the teaching or the belief that there is one God that exists in three persons because of that 1st John chapter 5 and verse 7 has been removed from many Bible versions but the truth of the matter is when you read the Bible especially the New Testament you will come across the Trinity a lot the Trinity is mentioned and brought up throughout Scripture 1st John 5 7 is probably the key verse in regards to the Trinity belief but it's not the only verse let me just begin by giving you a couple examples we could spend all night looking at the Trinity throughout Scripture but I don't want to do that we've got to cover a lot of different things but go over to the book of Matthew Matthew chapter 28 should be fairly easy to find first book in the New Testament Matthew chapter 28 and look at verse number 19 Matthew chapter 28 and verse 19 we often refer to this as the Great Commission where Jesus is commissioning us as believers to go out and preach the gospel but I want you to notice what he says in regards to the second part of the Great Commission which is not only to get people saved but to baptize them he says this Matthew 28 verse 19 go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of and then notice what he mentions the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I've commanded you and lo I'm with you always even unto the unto the end of the world amen so here we have a verse where all three members of the Godhead are mentioned the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 if you're there in Matthew you're gonna go Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1st Corinthians 2nd Corinthians Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1st Corinthians 2nd Corinthians 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 and look at verse number 14 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 14 says this and this is just a salutation this is just Paul saluting the the church at Corinth he says the grace or blessing them I should say he says the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ so notice he mentions the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God he mentions God the Father and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all so in this little blessing that he's giving them and he's telling them I hope you have the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and I hope you have the love of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost he mentions the three members of the Godhead so and again we could spend all night looking at verses where they're just all three mentioned as separate persons and I want you to understand that the Bible it's not just 1st John 5 7 but throughout the Bible we find this concept that God exists in three persons and those three members of the Godhead are the Father the Son also called the Word and the Holy Ghost now you're there in 2nd Corinthians stay right there I'm gonna read to you from Hebrews chapter 1 you don't have to turn there I'll just read this for you because we actually covered it last week so I don't need you to go there but the second statement that I'd like you to understand is not only that we believe that God exists in three persons but it's this the three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body intellect and will the Bible is clear that every member of the Godhead is a distinct and separate person now in Hebrews chapter 1 and verse 1 the Bible says this God and you can just jot this down if you'd like you have to turn there God who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake and time passed unto the fathers by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son all right so when God has before spoken by the fathers and now he's speaking or he has spoken by his son we're talking about God the Father God the Father has spoken by his son whom he talking about God has appointed heir of all things God the Father has appointed his son heir of all things by whom also he talking about God made the world who being the brightness of his talking about God the Father being the brightness of his glory and the expression of his person so the son is the brightness of the glory of God the Father and he is the expressed image of God the Father's person and again I'm only bringing that up to you to show you that the Bible teaches that God the Father is a person and he says that the son is the expressed image of his person you're there in 2nd Corinthians look at chapter 2 and verse 10 I showed you this I think a couple of weeks ago but let's look at it since you're there in 2nd Corinthians it should be obvious that God the Son is a person that Jesus is a person but there's a verse to prove that as well 2nd Corinthians 2 10 to whom you forgive anything I forgive also for if I forgave anything to whom I forgave it for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ all right so we've got a verse teaching that God the Father is a person we've got a verse teaching that God the Son is a person go to Luke chapter number 3 for the beginning of New Testament you have Matthew Mark Luke Luke chapter number 3 of course God the Holy Spirit is a person as well and in fact I'm just gonna show you one verse but when we started this series I preached a sermon called the person of the Holy Spirit and I went through and showed you from the Bible how the Holy Spirit is not just an energy he's not just a force but he is a person and what we learned in that in that sermon was that the Holy Spirit has a body the Holy Spirit has a will the Holy Spirit communicates the Holy Spirit has intellect the Holy Spirit has emotion and again energy doesn't have emotion a force doesn't have intellect a force like a magnetic force it doesn't communicate with you it doesn't have a body the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit has a body are you there in Luke chapter 3 look at verse 21 now when all the people were baptized it came to pass that Jesus and again notice we see the Trinity in this verse that Jesus also being baptized and praying the heaven was open and the Holy Ghost we've got the second member of the Godhead descended in a bodily shape like a dove so he descends in a bodily shape obviously doesn't have a body like you and I have a body as a spiritual body but he has a body upon him and notice the third member of the Godhead a voice from heaven who is that that's the father which said thou art my beloved son in thee I am well pleased now look again unless Jesus was just the greatest ventriloquist who's ever lived okay you've got the three members of the Godhead all there present for the baptism of Christ you have Jesus being baptized the Holy Spirit descending like a dove in a bodily shape and you've got a voice from heaven the father saying this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased so we believe and you're there in Luke chapter 3 go to the book of John so just one book over John chapter 8 we believe that God is the Trinity teaches that God that there is one God that exists in three persons and that one God that is three persons those three persons are separate and distinct from each other and of course we've talked a lot recently or in months prior about oneness and there's been a lot of talk about oneness a lot of oneness heretics out there and the oneness doctrine teaches that that God is not three persons that God is one person who pretends to be three people he's one person that acts like he's the son sometimes and acts like he's a little father sometimes and acts like he's the Holy Spirit sometimes but this is not what the Bible teaches the Bible teaches that they are separate and that they are distinct that's why you have them all three there at the baptism of Jesus Jesus being baptized the Holy Spirit descending and a voice from heaven and we've seen those scriptures let me show you just further evidence of the fact that the three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons are you there in John chapter 8 look at verse 13 John chapter 8 and verse 13 in fact verses 13 through 18 is what we're going to look at is a great passage that distinguishes the members of the Godhead as separate persons John chapter 8 and verse 13 says this the Pharisees therefore said unto him thou bearest record of thyself so the Pharisees are telling Jesus you're bearing record of yourself thy record is not true verse 14 Jesus answered and said unto them though I bear record of myself yet my record is true for I know whence the word whence means from what place he says I know from whence I came and whither that means to what place I go but ye cannot tell whence I come or whither I go you judge after the flesh I judge no man verse 16 and yet if I judge my judgment is true for I am not alone now listen if you you either believe that the Trinity teaches that there's one God that exists in three persons or you have to believe that Jesus had a multiple personality disorder okay that Jesus was crazy and insane because he's they just told him they said your witness is not true and he said my witness is true and he says let me prove to you that my witness is true he says for I am not alone but I am the father that sent me verse 17 it is also written in your law now he's gonna quote the Old Testament the Old Testament he says that the testimony of two men is true this is what the Bible teaches that you have to bring the testimony in order to receive an accusation you have to have two witnesses two different individuals that were attesting or testifying to the same thing he says your law says that the testimony of two men is true verse 18 he says I am one what's he saying he's saying I'm one witness I'm one person I'm one of those men that bear witness of myself and the father that sent me beareth witness of me what's he saying he's saying your law says that the testimony of two men is true he says well I'm one man and my father is another man I'm one person and my father is another person again clarifying and and just digging in this idea that the members of the Godhead are three separate and distinct persons we do not believe in oneness we do not believe that God is one person who pretends to be three different people that the the Bible teaches that God exists in three separate persons so we believe in the Trinity which is a belief that there is one God that exists in three persons the three members of the Godhead are the father son the Holy Spirit the three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body intellect and will each member of the Godhead the Father the Son the Holy Spirit each has their own body each has their own will each has their own intellect each one has their own reasoning they are three separate and distinct persons number three the three members of the Godhead are all equally God now where are you right now are you still in John go to John chapter 5 I'm pretty sure you're in John 8 go to John chapter 5 let me give you some verses while you turn there let me read to you from Philippians chapter 2 and verses 5 & 6 Philippians chapter 2 verse 5 you go to John 5 the Bible says let this says this let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God so the Bible says that Jesus while he was on this earth he did not think it robbery he was not taking anything away from God he was not stealing anything from God when he made himself equal with God you say well why would he make himself equal with God because of the fact that the three members of the Godhead are all equally God are you there in John chapter 5 look at verse 18 notice what the Bible says John chapter 5 in verse 18 says therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him why did they want to kill Jesus here's why because he had not only broken the Sabbath but said also that God was his father notice he said also that God was his father and they understood that when he said God is my father he was making himself equal with God now you say well well how is he equal with God here's why he's equal with God because God exists in three persons and all three persons are equally God all three persons are distinct from each other separate from each other but they are equally God you're there in John go to Acts chapter chapter number 5 Acts chapter 5 we saw this I think last week but let's look at it again the Holy Spirit is God and often we fail to think of the Holy Spirit as God we have bought into the idea even though we don't believe it we'll think of the Holy Spirit as an energy or as a force or as something kind of mystical that's just out there but the Bible is clear that the Holy Spirit is God acts chapter 5 look at verse 3 but Peter said and Ananias and this is a story of Ananias and Sapphira we don't we won't develop that but Peter said Ananias why has Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost so notice Ananias is lying to the Holy Ghost and to keep back part of the price of the land whilst it remained was it not thine own and after it was sold was it not in thine own power why has thou conceived this thing in thine heart notice what he says thou has not lied unto men but unto God now in verse 3 he said you're lying to the Holy Ghost in verse 4 he said you're lying to God why would he say that because the Holy Ghost is God and again I preach an entire sermon on that last week so I'm not gonna re-preach that but let me just remind you last week when we went through the study on the Holy Spirit as God we learned that God the Holy Spirit is omniscient and God the Holy Spirit is omnipresent and God the Holy Spirit is omnipotent and God the Holy Spirit is eternal and God the Holy Spirit is the Creator we're looking at the attributes and the actions of God and showing you how the Holy Spirit is God in his own right he is equally God he is all God let me say this number four go to Isaiah chapter number 40 and if you open up your Bible just right in the center of the Bible you'll find the book of Psalms and right after Psalms you got the book of Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon and Isaiah we're breaking up this doctrinal teaching on the Trinity what have we learned so far we've learned this that the Trinity is the belief that there is one God there's one God that exists in three persons the three persons or members of the Godhead are the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit the three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body intellect and will the three are all equally God but understand this the three the three members of the Godhead are all equally God but they are also all eternal meaning that they have eternally existed as three persons are you there in Isaiah chapter 40 verse 28 Isaiah 40 verse 28 says this has thou not known has thou not heard that notice the everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding so here we see a verse that calls God everlasting now keep your place there in Isaiah we're gonna come right back to it but go through the book of Micah keep your place in Isaiah but go to Micah if you're in Isaiah you're gonna go Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah I know it's a lot there but just kind of make your way through the minor prophets and go from Isaiah to Micah you can't keep up that's fine just jot down the references you can study them out later while you go there let me read to you from Deuteronomy chapter 33 and verse 27 Deuteronomy 33 27 says this the eternal God is my refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms and he shall thrust out the enemies from before thee and shall say destroy them so here we read a verse that says the eternal God is my refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms I want you to understand that the Bible teaches that God is eternal he has always existed he was not created he is the I am he is the self-existing one he's been forever the Bible says that about God the Father but the Bible says that also about God the Son are you there in Micah chapter 5 look at verse 2 Micah chapter number 5 and verse 2 in Micah chapter 5 in verse 2 we have a prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ and it says this but thou Bethlehem Ephratah remember Jesus was born in Bethlehem this is a prophecy of the coming Savior Jesus Christ though thou be little among the thousands of Judah get out of thee out of who out of Bethlehem shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel so here's the prophet he's saying there's a ruler coming out of Bethlehem notice there's something special about this ruler who's going forth have been from of old notice the words from everlasting the Bible says that the ruler that was going to be born in Bethlehem he was born in Bethlehem in a physical body but that is not where his existence began because the ruler that came from Bethlehem he is from old from everlasting now if you've got a modern Bible version the modern Bible version says that he's from ancient times or he's from the being ancient and look that's an attack on the deity of Christ because all that says is that he was really old well look Jesus wasn't just really old he's from everlasting he's always existed he has always been because he is eternal you don't have to go to these passages let me read this to you and again today there is an attack on the eternal sonship of God and part of it comes from the oneness crowd well they'll say well he wasn't always the Son of God but the Trinity teaches and the belief in the Trinity is that there are three persons God exists in three persons and God has always existed in three persons see sometimes they'll try to say oh well yeah I mean he can morph himself into whoever he wants I mean he can just be kind of whoever he wants he could have chosen to be a thousand people no no no that is not Trinity teaching that is Hinduism okay that is a mystic pagan belief if you say well he could have been you know just anyone he could have been whatever no the Bible teaches that there is one God that exists in three persons and they've always been three persons look he didn't become the son when he was born in Bethlehem the Bible is clear when he came to Bethlehem he was from everlasting what does that mean from is referring to a starting point he's saying where did he start where is he from where's his starting point oh his starting points over there where an everlasting it's been forever this is why Jesus said I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the ending save the Lord which is and which was and which is to come the Almighty why because Jesus is God look the Jehovah's Witness today the cults today are gonna attack the deity of Christ they're gonna tell you that Jesus is not God but the Bible is clear that Jesus is the second member of the Godhead and he is eternal you say okay well has he always been the son though because what if he was the word and then he became the son when he was born well the problem with that is that the Bible talks about him as being the son you'd have to turn there I'll just read this for you but you can jot this down if you'd like Proverbs chapter 30 in verse 4 says this who have ascended up into heaven or descended who had gathered the wind in his fists who have found the waters in a garment who have established all the ends of the earth obviously this is referring about God saying God is the only one that can do these things God is the only one that has ascended up into heaven or descended God is the only one that has got that is able to gather the winds in his fists wet bound the waters in a garment whether established all the ends of the earth notice what it says what is his name and what is his son's name if thou canst tell in Proverbs they were asking hey God is all-powerful he can bind the waters in his face he can he can buy this should be bound the waters in a garment he can gather the winds in his fist and then he says what is his name and what is his son's name why does he say what is his son's name because he's always had a son because Jesus has always existed as the son Psalms chapter two you have to turn out just read this for you you can jot this down in your notes Psalm chapter 2 and verse 11 says this serve the Lord the word Lord there is all capitals capital L capital O capital R capital the s Jehovah God serve the Lord with fear and rejoicing with trembling kiss the son lest he be angry and he perished from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little but a little blessed are all they that put their trust in him put their trust in who in the Sun the Sun has always existed don't let people tell you well he the word has always existed but he hasn't always been the Sun no you know what God has always existed in these three persons the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and the Sun is eternal from everlasting the Holy Spirit is eternal you have to turn there we talked about this last week but let me just give it to you Hebrews 9 14 says how much more shall the blood of Christ who had through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God and he goes on but he calls him the eternal spear why does he call him the eternal spear because all three members of the Godhead are equally gone and they are equally eternal there are they are all eternal they've all existed none of them were created none of them became well now in this dispensation he's gonna be the son and now in the church age he's gonna be the Holy Spirit no the Holy Spirit has always existed the Sun has always existed the Father has always existed go back to John John chapter 5 and let's just kind of review what do we talk about we talked about the Trinity we believe in the Trinity which is the belief that there's one God that exists in three persons the three persons or members of the Godhead are the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit there's not any options for any more members it's not like oh well could he have had another son no no no there's only three God's only ever existed in these three persons the Father Son Holy Spirit the three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons remember Jesus said I am one and my father's one you want two witnesses you got them they've always been distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body intellect and will the three are equally God and eternal meaning they have eternally existed in three persons or as three persons let me give you the fifth point the three members of the Godhead though they are equally God we just talked about that and what that what does that mean that means they're all God and they're all as much God as the other one is there's not that one well one's more of a God of a God no that's polytheism there's one God he exists in three persons they're all eternal they're all equal and though they're all equal please get this is what the Trinity teaches what the Bible teaches all three members of the Godhead voluntarily submit themselves under a chain of command see often people will get offended because we'll say well God the Father and we'll say the Son is the second member of the Godhead or the Holy Spirit is the third member of the God who's the third member of the Godhead well it's not because he's inferior to the Father or the Son it's not that the Son is inferior to the Father but they have chosen to voluntarily submit themselves under a chain of command let's look at it John chapter 5 look at verse 30 John chapter 5 and verse 30 notice what Jesus said you got a red letter edition Bible these verses ought to be in red John chapter 5 and verse 30 John 5 some people pay good money to go to Bible college to learn to learn this and they don't even learn this they learn a whole lot of garbage John chapter 5 verse 3 says this I can of mine own self do nothing as I hear I judge and my judgment is just because notice what Jesus said I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father which has sent me now again that that verse could not be true if you believe in oneness you if it's one guy playing the same different role no it's two distinct persons notice Jesus had a will the Father had a will but Jesus said I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father what is Jesus saying Jesus saying I'm submitting myself to the authority of the Father remember Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane before he was going to be crucified he said let this cup pass from me he was asking Lord if it's possible for me to not God if it's possible for me to not have to go through this I don't want to have to go through this he says let this cup pass from me but then what does he say he says not my will but thine be done he had a will he's a separate distinct person but he chose to submit himself to the authority of the Father even unto death go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 11 you're there in John you're gonna go acts Romans 1st Corinthians acts Romans 1st Corinthians if you're having trouble keeping up don't worry about it I'll read it for you just jot it down in your notes but if you're able to go to John acts Romans 1st Corinthians John acts Romans 1st Corinthians 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 3 but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man what's it talking about bringing yourself under submission hey the Bible still teaches that women ought to submit themselves to their husbands I know that's not popular but that's what the Bible says that's what he's saying notice what he says you say wow women will say I'm not gonna submit myself to my husband well notice what it says about Jesus and the head of Christ is God what Christ submitted himself to God are you better than Jesus if Jesus can submit it he can humble himself and submit himself can't you and what he's saying is look the head of Christ is God referring to God the Father referring to the fact that he has submitted himself under the authority of the Father why because the God the Son voluntarily submits himself to God the Father go back to the book of John go to John chapter 16 John chapter 16 and let me just say this you say well isn't the father greater than the son the father is greater than the son in position they are all gone he is not better than the son in the sense that the son is inferior to him look when children submit themselves to their parents their parents are greater in position they're not a greater being than their children when a wife chooses to be godly and to submit herself to the authority of her husband she the husband is greater in his position but he's not a better being he's not a better human he's not a better person than his wife look the employer is not intrinsically better than the employee he's greater in his position and the fact that one submits themselves under the other in the same way the son is not any less God than the father but he voluntarily submits himself under the authority of the father this is why we say that Jesus is the second member of the Godhead why is the Holy Spirit the third member of the Godhead here's why because God the Holy Spirit has voluntarily submitted himself to God the Son they're in John 16 look at verse 13 John chapter 16 and verse 13 knows what the Bible says how be it when he the spirit of truth is come we're talking about the Holy Spirit he will guide you in all truth Jesus is referring to the fact that the Holy Spirit is coming he's teaching about the Holy Spirit he says for he the Holy Spirit shall not speak of you see that word of there he says shall not speak of himself that word of is not referring to a subject it's referring to the source sometimes people read that they'll say oh the Holy Spirit is not going to speak about himself but it's not referring to the subject the Holy Spirit gonna speak about anything that's in the Word of God and the Holy Spirit is mentioned in the Word of God it's not referring to the subject that's referring to the source meaning he's not going to speak of his own source he could speak of his own source but he voluntarily chooses to submit himself to the Sun so therefore he speaks only of what the Sun he only carries forth the agenda of the Sun he's only trying to accomplish what the Sun is accomplishing notice what it says he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come verse 14 he the Holy Spirit shall glorify me Jesus you see that for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you so what is the Holy Spirit's ministry on this earth to glorify Jesus he has submitted himself under the authority of the Sun he's not any less God than the Sun is he's as equally God he's as equally omniscient omnipresent omnipotent eternal the Creator all those things he's equally God he's just as much God as the Father is he's just as much God as the Sun is but he has chosen to voluntarily submit himself under a chain of command you're there in John go to Galatians chapter number one you're gonna go John Acts Romans 1st Corinthians 2nd Corinthians Galatians John Acts Romans 1st Corinthians 2nd Corinthians Galatians we're talking about the doctrine of the Trinity and specifically the Holy Spirit in the Trinity and we're learning that the Trinity teaches that God exists in three persons each member of the Godhead is it is equally God and has eternal has always existed they are distinct and separate from each other they possess each one possesses a body and an intellect and a will emotions things of that nature because they are separate from each other here's point number six because God is one being or entity and you need to understand this we do not believe polytheism we don't believe that there are three gods there is one God one Lord because God is one being or entity whatever word you want to use that exists in three persons and those three persons are distinct and separate from each other we reject polytheism the belief that they are three gods because here's what the oneness people say they'll say oh you're polytheistic because you believe that there's three gods no no we believe there's one God that exists in three persons we don't believe that there's three gods the Mormons believe in multiple gods and the Mormons will tell you well there's God the Father and then there's God the Son but God the Son is not the same God that God the Father is he's a different God and there's other millions of other gods and other planets and other galaxies and whatever and you say how do they teach that check me on it that's what they teach it's polytheism we believe that there's one God and that one God exists in three persons now here's what you need to understand because there is one God that exists in three persons sometimes we're going to see in scripture that they are the scripture is highlighting the fact that they are separate and distinct from each other haven't we seen that I mean they're fall under a chain of command they've got different bodies they've got different wills Jesus is saying I would rather do this but I'll do whatever you want to be done father the Holy Spirit says I'm not gonna speak of myself I'm not gonna speak of my own source I'm gonna speak whatever the Holy of whatever the Sun tells me because I'm here to glorify the Sun so they've got separate wills they've got separate bodies they've got different intellect and emotions they're separate people the Bible highlights that but sometimes the Bible will unite them and and sometimes we as Trinitarians we kind of freak out when the Bible unites them because they're like oh no now you know what the oneness people are gonna are gonna take this but here's the thing look it's the Trinity tri unity there are three persons yes but they exist as one God so sometimes the Bible unites all three and there's nothing in the world wrong with that you say what are some examples well I'll give you some examples here's an example when the Bible refers to the resurrection Galatians chapter 1 are you there look at verse 1 Galatians chapter 1 and verse 1 and there's lots of examples I'm just gonna give you a few Galatians chapter 1 in verse 1 Paul an apostle not of men neither by man but by Jesus Christ notice and God the Father who there's what says who raised him who raised who who God the Father raised him Jesus Christ from the dead the Bible teaches in Galatians chapter 1 and verse 1 that God the Father raised Jesus Christ from the dead go to Romans chapter number 8 Romans chapter if you're there in Galatians just go backwards you're gonna go past 2nd and 1st Corinthians into Romans Romans chapter number 8 we just saw a very clear verse that said that God the Father raised Jesus from the dead Romans chapter 8 look at verse 11 Romans chapter 8 and verse 11 says this but if the spirit of him you see that capital s there that's the Holy Spirit but if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you okay he's talking about the spirit dwelling in you but he says it's the spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead so here we have a verse that says the Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead so we've got a verse in Galatians that said the God the Father raised Jesus from the dead we have a verse in Romans 8 11 says that the Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead go to John chapter number 2 John chapter number 2 you there in Romans just head backwards you go past the book of Acts into the book of John John chapter number 2 John chapter number 2 look at verse 19 notice what Jesus said John chapter 2 in verse 19 says this Jesus answered and said unto them destroy this temple and he's referring to his body we're gonna see it here in a minute destroy this temple notice what he says because remember they crucified him he says and in three days I will raise it up then said the Jews because they thought he was talking about the physical temple 46 years was this temple in building and will thou rear it up in three days verse 21 but he Jesus spoke of the temple of his body so Jesus said hey when you destroy this temple when you crucify this body I will raise it up in three days I will raise it up so there we have a clear verse where the Bible says that Jesus raised himself from there we have verses as God the Father raised Jesus from dead we have verses the Holy Spirit raised Jesus from dead we have a verse that says that Jesus raised himself from dead you say whoa whoa which one is it it's all of them say well which one raised you from that they all did here's the answer God raised Jesus from the dead and the Father is God and the Son is as equally God as the Father is and the Holy Spirit is as equally God as the Son is they're all God there's only one God he exists in three persons so you say oh well they must be they must be one person no you're trying to bring that into the passage because we've already looked at many verses that said no these are not three these are distinct persons are separate they have different wills they have different intellects have different bodies they have different if they could if they wanted to have they could have different agendas they choose to submit themselves under the authority once you understand that the Bible is clear that the three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate oneness is out it's not an option it's heresy you say well what about these verses that there it's like this uniting them yeah because it because it's the Trinity one God one and he exists in three persons you say well which one which one raised him you know I haven't studied it out enough but I can't I don't know which which member of the Godhead it was his job to rate you to raise him I all three raised him because they're all God because there's one God and that one God exists in three persons let me give you another example let's talk about creation did you keep your place in Isaiah 40 Isaiah 40 verse 28 Isaiah 40 in verse 28 says this has thou not known has thou not heard that the everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainted not neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding the Bible says that God is a creator you have to turn here but in Psalm 100 and verse 3 the Bible says this know ye not that the Lord he is God it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his pasture Bible is clear that God created us the Bible is also clear that God the Son created us go to Colossians chapter 1 if you kept your place in Galatians you're gonna go Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians Colossians chapter 1 Colossians chapter 1 and look at verse 13 Colossians chapter 1 and verse 13 says this who had delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear son I want you to see that we're starting in verse 13 because I want you to see who we're talking about we're talking about the dear son right the second member of the Godhead God the Son verse 14 in whom we have redemption through his blood redemption through whose blood the Son even forgiveness of sins who do where do we get forgiveness of sins from the Son who is the image of the invisible God we already saw that in Hebrews he's the express image of his person who is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of every creature for by him by who by Jesus by the Son were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him and he is before all things and by him all things consist Colossians chapter 1 is extremely clear who is the Creator God is who is the Creator the Son is who's the Creator the Holy Spirit you have to turn there you can just it down job job good night job I'm reading like I'm a brand-new Christian job 33 verse 4 all new Christians they think that if they read the book of Job you know that you know get a job I'm praying for a job I've been reading book of Job job 33 look at verse 4 good night I said again job 33 verse 4 job 33 verse 4 says the Spirit of God the Spirit of God had made me and the breath of the Almighty had given me life job 26 13 says this by his spirit he had garnished the heavens his hand had formed the crooked serpent okay so job says the Spirit is the Creator Colossians says that the Son is the Creator Isaiah says that the Father is the Creator it must be they're all the same person no there's one God that exists three versions you say well what what's the answer here's the answer God is the Creator and the Father is God the Son is God the Holy Spirit is God they're all God they're all the Creator and even in Genesis 1 we read them say let us make man in our image God the one singular God speaking in plural why because God exists in three person here and here's because I think sometimes people they get kind of freaked out like well the oneness people they're showing us all these verses where it's it's it's uniting them but here's what you need to understand once you have one clear verse and we have like a hundred clear verses that is very very clear that so that that that the Trinity is that God one God exists in three separate distinct persons you can't argue that if you argue that then you have to admit that Jesus was a crazy man that he had multiple personality disorder that he was hearing voices okay you either believe that or you believe the Trinity because there are some very clear verses that separate all three so once you got them all three separated they're just think they're separate separate will separate body separate emotion they separate communications they there are three different person when you have that then you can look at every verse that is uniting them and say well yeah it's united because it's one God that exists in three persons it's one God who's a creator God what does that mean that means the Father created us that means the Son created us it means the Holy Spirit created us who raised Jesus from the dead God that means the Father raised him from the dead the Holy Spirit raised him from the dead the Son raised him from the dead let me give you another example the indwelling of believers if you're there in Colossians go back to Romans if you go backwards you can go Colossians Philippians Ephesians Galatians 2nd and 1st Corinthians and Romans Romans chapter 8 look at verse 9 Romans chapter 8 and verse 9 Romans chapter 8 and verse 9 we're looking at passages we started by looking at passages where they're distinct separate Jesus being baptized the Holy Spirit is descending as a dove and the voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased Jesus said you need two witnesses I'm one witness my father's another witness neither he was a crazy man or the father is a separate person from the son but now we're looking at verses where they're all united and it's okay if they're united because they're one God they're not three different gods it's one God that exists in three persons let's look at the example of the indwelling Romans chapter 8 verse 9 the year not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the Spirit of God dwells notice these words in you okay the Spirit of God dwells in you now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of this okay there in Romans 8 9 look at Romans 10 now we just read that the Spirit of God dwells in you verse 10 says this and if Christ be in you the body is dead because of sin but the spirit of life because of righteousness verse 9 he said the Spirit of God dwell in you in verse 10 he said Christ be in you go to Ephesians chapter through chapter 4 look verse 6 you're in Romans you're gonna go first like of any of these Galatians Ephesians if you can make it there make it there if you're not even make it there that's fine you can drop this down or you can go back and listen to the sermon on YouTube and you can put me on slow-mo you know and then and then you can jot down what you need you know I mean have you seen that on YouTube where you can slow it down or speed it up Ephesians chapter 4 like verse 6 Ephesians chapter 4 verse 6 one God the Father of all who is above all and through all and notice these words in you all okay so God the Father is in you Christ be in you the Spirit of God dwell in you well which one is it I do know the answer to this question because who is the actual member of the Godhead who it's his job to indwell you and we haven't gotten here yet in our series next week Lord willing we're gonna get to the work of the Holy Spirit and we're gonna learn that it's actually the work of the Holy Spirit to indwell you it is the third member of the God heads a job to seal you and to enjoy so if you want to theologically you want a theological answer who is in you it is the Holy Spirit you say well then why does it say the Father's in you why does it say that Christ is in you well because there's one God that exists in three persons because the Spirit is God and the Son is God he's not a separate God he's not a different God it's the one God and it exists in three persons the Father is God you say who's who's indwells you God into us you but if you want to know specifically which person of the Godhead is the Holy Spirit but they're all God they're all equally God you're in dwelled by God you're sealed by the Spirit of God and here's all I'm telling you is that there's verses that unite them and that's okay because they're not separate gods they're one God that exists in three persons go to Colossians chapter number two Colossians chapter two you're there in Ephesians you're gonna go Philippians Colossians Colossians chapter two let's review what have we learned so far we've learned this we believe in the Trinity which is the belief that there is one God that exists in three persons the three persons or members of the Godhead are the Father the Son the Holy Spirit the three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body intellect and will the three are all equally God and eternal meaning that they have eternally existed as three persons the three members of the Godhead voluntarily submit themselves under a chain of command here's point number seven oh I'm sorry point point number so let me read point number six because God is one being or entity that exists in three separate and distinct persons we reject polytheism the belief that they are three gods it's not three gods it's one God and because it's one God that exists in three persons it's okay to unite them and it's why we see scriptures that are uniting them and saying they all three resurrected Christ they all three created us they're all three and they'll indwelling us although here's the thing they the member of the garden that's in dwelling here's the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit is gone and the Father is God and Jesus God and they're not three different gods there one God here's point number seven additionally because we believe that each member of the Godhead please hear this out because I think we're missing this a lot when we believe and we talk about the Trinity and this is what makes the Trinity difficult to understand and like anything in the Word of God we have to accept it by faith because we believe that each member of the Godhead is not partially God or a part of God each member is all God and all of God we reject partialism partialism is the belief that each member of the Godhead is part of God that comes together to make up the one God are you there in Colossians 2 look at verse 9 Colossians chapter 2 verse 9 for in him the him there is referring to Jesus you can look at that in this context if you like for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily that word Godhead is referring to divinity or deity in fact the same the same word there is used in that sense in other places but I want you to notice before we leave there that the Bible says that in him in Jesus dwelleth all not some not part all the fullness of the Godhead bodily so all of the Godhead dwelt in Jesus bodily go to Acts chapter 17 and let's look at this word Godhead what does it mean Acts chapter 17 and verse 29 you're there in Colossians you're gonna want to head back Philippians Ephesians Galatians 2 and first Corinthians Romans Acts Acts chapter 17 verse 29 for as much then as we are the offspring of God acts 17 verse 29 this is Paul's preaching Mars Hill we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold or silver or stone graven by our and man's devices what's he saying he's saying divinity deity is not like unto gold or silver can remember they were worshipping idols he's saying your idols are not divinity so the term Godhead there is referring to everything that is God and we understand that God is eternal and he's everlasting and he you can't put God into a little box or whatever but the idea is this if you could take everything that is God it would have all been inside of Jesus Christ because in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily he is not just all God but he is all of God go to John chapter 10 John chapter 10 we reject partialism and I think what happens is that there are some people who believe the Trinity but they think of it as partialism because it makes sense in their heads and partialism is the belief that the three members of the Godhead are three parts that come together to make up one God what that teaches and the danger with that is this if you believe partialism you believe that God the Father is only one-third of God the Son is only one-third of God the Holy Spirit is only one-third of God and they come together to make up the one God you may believe that that's what I'm not mad at you I'm just telling you that's not what we believe here that's not what we've ever believed that Verity Baptist Church we do not believe that Jesus is part of God he is all God and all of God you say why do you say that all God and all of God here's why I say that because people who believe in partialism they'll say well I believe Jesus is all God and what they mean is that I believe the one-third that is Jesus that one-third is all God and the one-third that's the Holy Spirit that one-third is all God and the one-third that's a father that one-third is all God I'm God they believe that the third that's Jesus is all God but we don't believe that Jesus is all God he's all God and all of God in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily now please understand this he's not the father in the sense that he's not the person of the father he's not the Holy Spirit in the sense that he's not the person of the Holy Spirit because God exists in three separate and distinct persons but each member of the Godhead is all God and all of God which is why the Holy Spirit couldn't dwell you it's the third person of the Holy Spirit but the Bible says God the Father knows you but the Bible says the Son Christ be in you Christ in you the hope of glory why because the Holy Spirit is all God and all of God because Jesus why could it say that in him goes all the fullness of the Godhead bodily because Jesus is all God and all of God are you there in John chapter 10 look at verse 30 that's what Jesus said John chapter 10 verse 30 I and my father are one that kind of reminds you of John 5 first John 5 7 right these three are one I and my father are one then the Jews took up stones to stone him right because they knew what that meant Jesus answered them many good works have I showed you from my father for which of those works do you stone me the Jews answered him saying for good work we stone thee not but for blasphemy and because thou being a man makest thyself God he was a oh Jesus never said that he was God well the Jews totally understood that he was making himself God made himself equal in God when he said I am my father are one go to John chapter 14 look at verse 8 John chapter 14 verse 8 John chapter 14 in verse 8 John 14 verse 8 says this Philip saith unto him Lord once you notice what Philip asked Jesus he said show show us the father and it suffices I want to see the father the problem with that is that the father is invisible and in fact we already saw it in Hebrews that Jesus is the express image of the father we saw it in Colossians it said about Jesus who is the image of the invisible God God the Father sent God the Son into the world to represent him to be his representative on this earth but while God the Father was in heaven and God the Holy Spirit was in heaven and God the Son was on earth or God the Holy Spirit was coming back and forth or whatever you know we understand that the Holy Spirit was involved in the ministry of Christ while God the Son was on earth and God the Father was in heaven it's not that one-third of God was in heaven and one-third of God was on earth oh no because they are all God and all of God in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily say well I don't understand I don't understand that okay do you really expect to understand God you really understand that your feeble mind and my feeble humor understand God but Jesus said the Bible says about Jesus in him dwelleth all the fullness of God bodily so when Philip said show us the father verse 9 John 14 verse 9 Jesus saith unto them have I been so long with you and yet thou has not known me Philip he that hath seen me has seen the Father and how sayest thou then show us the Father now the one is we are going to say see they're the same person okay here's the problem with that the problem with that that you've got a million other verses or a hundred other verses or scores of other verses that say they're separate they're distinct they're not the same so we can't take one verse and say it's kind of sounds like oneness what's he saying here's what he's saying he's saying I am God that's what Jesus saying I'm God I am all God and I'm all of God you want to know God get to know me because I'm God I am God in the flesh I'm not a third of God in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily so he said look you want to get to know the father get to you can get to know me because I'm God the father is God we're not two different gods we're the same God because God exists in three persons God exists in three persons now go ahead and go with me to the book of Isaiah Isaiah this is the last place we're going to look at we're not we're not gonna be done yet but this last pass we're gonna look at Isaiah chapter 9 and let me just kind of review what we've talked about what we've learned so far what we learned tonight is that we believe in the Trinity which is the belief that there is one God that exists in three persons only three persons can't be more it can't be less he's always existed in three persons God has always eternally existed in as the Father the Son the Holy Spirit all three members are equally God all three members are eternal meaning they've always existed as three persons he's always been the son he's always been the spirit he's always been the father the three members of the Godhead voluntarily submit themselves under the chain of command because God is one being or entity that exists in three separate or distinct persons we reject polytheism we do not believe that they are three separate gods and because we believe that each member is not partially God they are not parts of God that come together to make up God because we believe that each member of the Godhead is all God and all of God we reject partialism the belief that each is a part that comes together let me just finish up by talking about some of the things that I've been criticized for in regards to the Trinity I know it's hard for you to believe but yes your pastor has been criticized I get criticized a lot actually but it comes with being in ministry and I get that but let me talk about some of the things that I've been criticized for in regards to the teachings on the Trinity and what is this in the past I have explained the Trinity as three persons that are one person or three entities that are one entities or three beings that are one being and the reason I use that terminology is because I wanted to emphasize the fact that there is one God not three gods one God not there's three persons but they're one entity they're one God of course when this whole oneness fighting started and we started fighting all the oneness people people started taking everything you say you know and using it against you or whatever and and here's the thing I I still believe that God is one entity I don't I don't believe here's what I don't believe I don't believe that it's three gods and they come together as some sort of a god family or some sort of a god team it's not three gods that are just kind of all you know on the same team it's one God that exists in three persons what I've developed since the whole oneness fight began is I've stopped saying one three persons that are one person or three entities that are one entities and I've I've been saying God exists in three persons I think that's as clear and it gets the same point across but it gives less ammo for the enemies to use against us and and it takes the same point across that it's not three parts that come together to make up one God it's one God that exists in three persons all at the same time and every member is all God and all of God in the past I have said Jesus is the father I've been criticized for saying that I've been criticized for for not taking it back you know by for not saying that that it was wrong to do that or it was wrong to say that and let me just say that let me say this before the whole oneness fight began myself and many Trinitarians said Jesus is the father and I refuse to acknowledge the lie the narrative that's been pushed by the oneness crowd because here's what the oneness crowd has done they've gone through and they found sermons where I said Jesus the father or some other pastor said Jesus the father and they'll say see they used to believe just like us and they've changed and the problem with that is that that's that's intellectually dishonest and it's not just intellectually dishonest it's just completely a flat-out dishonesty because what they're doing is they're taking this one phrase and saying see they used to say Jesus the father and they're trying to make people think like so they used to believe oneness but now they've changed the problem is that if you go back and listen to all of those sermons either shortly before the statement was made or after the statement was made each and every pastor that made that statement was preaching against oneness so they weren't we weren't getting up here just preaching oneness we're actually preaching against oneness but many people said the term Jesus is the father and you know most people said it when they were in Isaiah chapter 9 and verse 6 this is a really controversial verse when it comes to the Trinity and oneness let's look at it Isaiah chapter 9 and verse 6 the Bible says this for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders and his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace and many of us stood up and said Jesus is the father see he shall be called the everlasting father and I just want you to understand when we said Jesus is the father what we meant by that is that Jesus is the same God that the father is Jesus is the same God that the Holy Spirit is none of us were saying Jesus is the same person that the father is in fact if you would have walked up to any of us after we got done preaching and said do you believe that God is one person and he plays three different parts none of us would have said yes if you would have said do you believe that the father died on the cross for our sins none of us would have said yes what we meant by Jesus as a father is that Jesus is the same God that the father is in Jesus the same God that the Holy Spirit is because there's only one God and that one God exists in three persons now when the oneness crowd says Jesus is a father what they mean by that is Jesus is the same person that the father is what they mean by that is that there's some guy who sometimes presents to be the son and sometimes presents to be the father those are two different things and look I realize and and this is not the pastors I've seen this primarily with people who are listening and I don't know what people I don't know and I don't care what people do on YouTube and Facebook or whatever but I want to help our church people out I realize that it's easier to just pull a tagline and say anyone whoever says the if you put these words in this order Jesus is the book you must be a heretic you know you need to be careful I realize it's easier to just that way I can just easily just expose heretics left and right right because that's the goal the goal is to go on Facebook and expose every reprobate and heretic we can and I'm cooler than you are if I can expose them first right no that's not the goal in case you don't understand my sarcasm but if you you say well then that way I can know I can just know Jesus the Father that's right and look here's here's what I'm saying sometimes you need to understand what people are meaning by what they say and here's an example I've had Mormon say to me well I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior and here's the thing is there anything wrong with saying I believe the Lord Jesus Christ my Savior nothing we're wrong with that but here's what you need to understand when I say the Lord Jesus Christ I believe I put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior when I as an independent fundamental King James only Baptist say that and when a Mormon says I put my faith in Jesus Christ as my Savior when he says that we mean two different things I mean I what I mean is that I have put my faith in the second member of the Godhead as my sacrifice as a sacrifice for my sins I'm not working for it I'm not earning it it's all him plus nothing minus nothing and once he gives it to me I could never lose it what he means is that he believes that there's another God not one God that exists in three person no no no there's a God that's separate from the Father who's the son and I'm believing in him but I'm also repenting of my sins and I'm also getting baptized and also need to live a good life and here's all that I'm saying is that you want to be careful about just well I just need a tagline just give me the tagline and then I'll know you're a heretic then I can expose you you want to be careful with that because sometimes you know I'm saying there might be some old IFP pastor somewhere who knows nothing about our movement and what our movements been going through over the last several years and he gets up to Isaiah 9 6 and he says see Jesus is the father and he means the Trinity he means he's the same God that the father is he's the same God that the son is now let's talk about Isaiah 9 6 just real quickly and say this and here's the thing because there are enemies out there and look I realize that this sermon is gonna get all cut up and clipped up and used against me and I'm gonna hear about it for years and that's fine but because the enemies are out there just waiting for us to just say something to pin us against each other and fight with each other and all that I avoid saying Jesus the father you get the point across by saying one God that exists in three persons he's all God and all of God he's he's the same God that the father is because that's what we were saying that's what we meant but here's what happens when we get so hyped up on fighting one is saying we need to fight oneness it's a bad heresy it's a bad doctor we need to fight it I understand it but we might get this feeling like every time there's a verse that kind of seems like it might be teaching oneness then we need to figure out a way to make sure we can explain that it's not oneness here's the thing you say well how do you preach against oneness well when you when you go to the verses where Jesus saying I'm one witness and my father is another witness I'm one man I'm one person we've already dismantled oneness look the Bible doesn't contradict itself I mean look if there's a hundred verses that say salvation is faith alone and there's one verse in James that kind of maybe sounds like words is needed then you're just looking at that verse wrong that's the answer we don't have to freak out about James chapter 2 oh no are the Catholics right are the Mormon no they're not right even if you say well I don't know how to explain it when there's a hundred verses that say believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved this is how you study scripture you get to Isaiah 96 and we got to come up with an explanation to figure out a way to say that this is not teaching oneness and you think I'm all for it I'm not against it I've heard great explanations of Isaiah nice thing I recently heard pastor Jason Robinson's explain honestly I think pastor Jason Robinson's explanation for it is probably it's probably the best explanation I've heard for it as far as as far as what it means but here's the point that I'm making if the Bible is overwhelmingly clear all throughout scripture that there are three members of the Godhead that are separate and distinct from each other that they have separate bodies separate wills they align themselves in an order of and a chain of command they communicate there there are three separate persons if the Bible is overwhelmingly clear about that then you don't have to worry about Isaiah 96 in fact really all you have to figure out is what is God trying to tell us in Isaiah 96 cuz you think Isaiah is not teaching oneness so what is it what is the point and look often when I study for sermons or whatever I just I look at first I think I don't what is the verse about I don't know what is God trying to teach us in this verse why did God put Isaiah 96 in this verse look at it Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty God the everlasting the Prince of Peace what is it that Isaiah is trying to tell us or teach us in this passage here's what he's trying to tell us teach us he's trying to tell us that there is a child coming this was a prophecy of Jesus there is a child coming there is a son who's going to be born and this child or this son is not a mere man like you and I are oh no he is God in the flesh and he says the everlasting he says the mighty God the everlasting father or as I say I was saying that Jesus the same person as father no here's what he's saying he's saying that Jesus is the same God that the father is which is exactly what we were all saying when we went I said I said Jesus father he's saying in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily he's saying that there is a son coming he is he's not only all God he is all of God he is the representation of God the Father on this earth this is what the Bible says that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself because he is all God and all of God it's talking about the fact that there is all deity is in him he's not the person of the Father but he is the same God look Jesus is the same God that the Father is Jesus is the same God that the Holy Spirit is they're not separate gods they're one God so don't let Isaiah 9 6 be like I don't know maybe the one is people have a point once you have clear scriptures that tell you they're three they're distinct they're separate then that's not an option one person that plays three different parts and if you just believe well Jesus is all God and all of God in him goes all friends then that's why he can say if you've seen me you've seen the father I and my father are one that's why Isaiah can say for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty God the everlasting father the prince of peace so in conclusion let me just read our doctrinal statement and hopefully I've been clear and hopefully it's made sense to you we believe in the Trinity which is the belief that there is one God that exists in three persons the three persons are members of the God head are the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit the three members of the God had are distinct and separate persons each possessing their own body intellect and will the three are all equally God and eternal meaning that they are each they have eternally existed as three persons the three members of the God had voluntarily submit themselves under a chain of command because God is one being or entity that exists in three separate and distinct persons we reject polytheism the belief that they are three gods additionally because we believe that each member of the God head is not partially God but or a part of God each member is all God and all of God we reject partialism the belief then each is a part of God that comes together to make up one God this is the Trinity and this is the Holy Spirit in the Trinity that's why I hate the Bible to pray Heavenly Father thank you Lord for your word thank you for the Bible what I pray that you would help us to try to just understand doctrine Lord and what I just I just pray you help us to believe the Trinity to believe that there's got one God that exists in three persons and Lord help us to identify that in Scripture to realize that there will be times when distinctions and separations are made and there'll be times when they're uniting because they're one God they're one God that exists in three persons we love you in Jesus name we pray amen turn to song number 310