(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen all right over there in 1st Corinthians chapter number 12, and I'd like you to keep your place right there We're gonna come right back to it But if you would go with me to the book of Leviticus the Old Testament book of Leviticus you have Genesis Exodus Leviticus of course at the beginning of the Bible Genesis Exodus Leviticus Leviticus chapter 26 and Keep your place right there in 1st Corinthians 12. We're gonna come right back to it and as you turn there I'll just give you a little bit of the introduction of course we are Continuing through our series entitled the seven habits of highly effective Christians and this was a series that we were supposed to do on Sunday mornings It's gonna take us seven weeks to go through it and when went to the live stream only I decided to just go ahead and Preach all of the sermons just back to back and we've been doing that if you remember We've been looking at these Habits and the series is based off a book called the seven habits of highly effective people And I read this book and I had it for our leadership class and as I was reading through it and going through the seven Habits every time I read about a new habit just a biblical principle popped out at me And I thought man this would make a great series, so we've been kind of taking this idea from this book But we've been of course applying it through Scripture And if you remember we started with habit number one Which was to be proactive and we're talking about being effective how to be an effective Christian, and how to live an effective life The word effective means adequate to accomplish a purpose producing the intended or expected result And I don't know about you, but in my life I want to be adequate to accomplish the purpose that God has given me I want to be able to produce the intended or expected result in my life So we talked about habit one being proactive and we learned about taking the initiative and putting in effort You've got to be proactive in life Then we talked about beginning with the end in mind and this was really about living with purpose and living your life On purpose with purpose in a way that you want to end your life And then of course we talked about Habit three putting first things first and that takes us from purpose to priority living our lives with priority and the first three habits have to do with Personal victory being able to be just a in your personal life Having victory and being able to be to be successful and accomplish things then we transitioned into The next three habits habit four was think win-win and we talked about Living a life where we want to see other people succeed around us and want to live in such a way that we esteem others Better than ourselves if you remember on Wednesday I preached a sermon called seek first to understand then to be understood and we talked about Conflicts and relationships, and hopefully you've been keeping up with us And if you haven't of course all of the sermons are on our website our YouTube channel I'd encourage you to Catch up on those this morning. We are looking at habit number six and habit number six is called synergize synergize and you know Sometimes I feel like the Lord just kind of plans things out For us better than we can plan things out because we shut down church for a while And then we came back this week and and we came back this week Just because as we talked to people it seemed like most people were getting better or feeling comfortable with coming back but honestly I can't think of a better sermon to preach when we are coming back to church then to preach on the subject of Synergy or habit number six to synergize now for many people May you may not be aware what that word means or what the concept there, so I'll just go ahead and read to you Definition I'll read to the definition from the book the seven habits of highly affected people. He says this he says what is Synergy simply defined it means that the whole is Greater than the sum of its parts, and that's the definition and in fact you know of course We always encourage you to take notes and on the back of your course a week There's a place for you to write down some things and I would encourage you to just write down that definition So you can kind of understand it because that's what we're gonna be talking about today Synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts Synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Let me read to you another definition. This is just from Google it defines synergy as this the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations substances or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects it is the interaction or cooperation of Two or more organizations substances or other Agents that produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects And here's what it means it means that you can put things together that will produce more that will Accomplished more than they would on their own and I and I want to just kind of explain this to you a little bit We're gonna jump into Leviticus 26 here in a minute But let me read to you another excerpt here from the book just to kind of help you understand It says this synergy is everywhere in nature if you plant two plants close together the roots commingle and improve the quality of the soil so that both plants will grow better than if they were Planted separately if you put two pieces of wood together They will hold much more than the total of the weight held by each separately The whole is greater than the sum of its parts This is what synergy means synergy means that we can accomplish more together than anything that we could accomplish Apart from each other that we can do more that we can get more done together. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts now, I had to go to the book of Leviticus because I want to show you kind of a spiritual Application to synergy because of course this is true of sports teams This is true of businesses, but this is very true of a church But with a church you have the spiritual aspect you have Spiritual synergy and in Leviticus 26 we kind of find an example of this. I want you to notice that look at verse number 7 Leviticus chapter 26 and verse number 7 the Bible says this and he and this of course God speaking to the nation of Israel and this is God speaking to the whole nation and how God is going to bless and use Them notice what he says he says and he shall chase your enemies and they shall fall before you by the sword notice verse 8 Here's synergy. He says and five of you shall chase in a hundred and in hundred of you. So Chay shall put ten thousand to flight and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword and here God is saying I'm gonna come up alongside you and I'm gonna give you spiritual Synergy he says five of you are gonna chase in hundred now The truth is this one of you could not fight off 20 individuals on your own But when five of you come together Synergy kicks in God's spiritual synergy kicks in and he says the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts and it comes To the place where five soldiers are able to chase in hundred and in hundred are able to put 10,000 to flight So when we're speaking about synergy We're speaking about this idea that we can do more that we can accomplish more That that there's more that can be done as a whole Then if all of us were to go our separate ways and try to do it on our own now go back to 1st Corinthians chapter 12 if you would 1st Corinthians chapter 12 And here's the point the point is this That We will accomplish more together Than we could on our own Even if all of us decided you know what we don't need church. We don't need to be part of a local church We don't need to be part of a congregation Let's just all go our separate ways, but we're all gonna continue to serve God We're all gonna continue to do everything that we're still doing we're all gonna continue to go soul winning We're all gonna continue to read our Bibles. We're all gonna continue to live for God Synergy teaches us that we will actually accomplish less even if we're also doing everything. We're doing will accomplish less Separately than we would together now I'm gonna give you several statements, and I want you to maybe write these down number one a Church is a synergistic organization a church is a synergistic organization I want you to notice where they're in 1st Corinthians 12 and of course 1st Corinthians 12 is one of those great chapters In the book of 1st Corinthians that has a theme and how does a theme of the local church? And I want you to notice that he uses this illustration of a church as a body and in fact sometimes we refer to People that are a part of our church as church members and here in 1st Corinthians 12 He refers to them as members, but he's not talking about church members like what we would think of an organization He's using the word members as a body part And he's saying that God has brought these body parts together notice 1st Corinthians chapter 12 look at verse number 18 and obviously there's a lot here. We could look at but look down at verse number 18 He begins by talking about the fact that every member has a unique placing in the body notice verse 18 But now hath God notice but now hath God set the members every one of them in the body as It hath pleased him the Bible teaches that God places Every member in the body and every member has a unique place in that body notice it doesn't say that the hand decided what body was gonna be a part of or the foot decided what body was gonna be a part of he says God hath set the members every one of them in the body as It hath pleased him look down at verse number 24 notice 1st Corinthians 12 in verse 24. He says For our comely parts have no need now notice these words, but God Have tempered you see a word tempered there. That's an older word. It means to mix it means Amalga goodnight Agamation it means to bring things together. It says God have tempered the body together Having given more abundant honor to the parts which he liked. So here's what the Bible teaches the Bible teaches that God Brings members and God's will is to bring church members together in a body You know when you got saved God immediately had a will for you to be part of a local New Testament Church. I Mean God's work is done in this world through the local New Testament Church now I realize that because of sickness because of viruses and diseases, you know, sometimes when people get sick and we may need to just not congregate for a little while and make sure everybody gets better and Gets well before we congregate again and we realize but you have to realize that that is something that maybe is done Temporarily to try to keep everybody healthy and strong But you're like God's will is for you to be part of a local church God's will in fact The Bible says that God set the members every one of them in The body that God set the members and God put you in a body What I believe is this that there is a church that God wants you to be a part of there is a church that God wants to place you into that he's made you a Member a body part and he has tempered you in that body. I believe his local New Testament Believers that our whole lives should be surrounded by the will of God our lives The Bible says which is Christ and what that means is that it should be surrounded by the body You know that your social life should be surrounded by local the local New Testament Church I mean your friends you say who are your friends as as believers? Well, look you got to be friendly to your co-workers You got to be friendly with your neighbors But you know that your close-knit friends ought to be part of the local New Testament Church You say why because God has tempered the body together because God has brought the body together He put the body he mixed it together Every member has a unique placing in the body. Why is that? Because every member has a unique purpose in the body notice verse 17 first Corinthians 12 and verse 17 if the whole body were an eye Where were the hearing if the whole were hearing where were the smelling Notice what he says in verse 19 and if they were all one member Where were the body? Here's what he's saying. He's saying a body is not made up of one body part You don't just look look at somebody's body and it's just one big ear, you know one big eye One big nose one big foot He says look a body what makes a body is the fact that you bring body parts together that God mixes that God Tempered the body together. He puts them together. He says otherwise, you're not a body look at verse 20 But now are they many members yet? But one body see everyone performs a task Within the body and not everyone performs the same task And that's the beauty of a local church is that God brings us together and God, you know I'm always amazed that Verity Baptist Church because there's so many things that we accomplish here that I Couldn't do that. Even just the staff guys. We couldn't do there's so many gifts. There's so many Just skills that people bring to this church that allows us to do a lot of different things Allows us to be able to minister in different ways why because there are many members yet There is one body look at verse 21. He says this and the eye cannot say Unto the hand I have no need of thee Nor again the head to the feet. I have no need of you and sometimes in church world people get to the place where they say Well, I don't like this church member. I Don't want this church member around me. I don't need this church member. Well, listen to me. You're not God God is the one that has brought this group together God is the one that has tempered this group together and I can't say of you, you know I have no need of you. I Have you know, I don't want you to be part of the body and look You should never get to the place where you develop these clicks where it's like we're gonna make somebody feel uncomfortable We're gonna make somebody not feel welcome Hey You can't say this person doesn't belong here Obviously are there times to throw people out of church the Bible teaches that are there times that people need to go the Bible's clear About that, but it's not just based off of who you like or who rubs you the wrong way or who annoys you He says look the eye cannot say unto the hand I have no need of thee nor again the head to the feet I have no need of you notice for 22 nay much more those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are Necessary, you know what he's here's what he's saying He's saying everyone is needed because you serve a unique purpose within the body and look if you realize That God brought you here that God tempered you here that God mixed you here for a specific service Then you could find you would search that what is it that I'm supposed to do within the body? Look your life as a Christian ought to revolve around the local New Testament Church You got to raise your kids around the local New Testament Church You got to live your life around the local details, but you know today people they they revolve their lives around their career I mean people will move across the country for a job They'll move across the country to go to a university to go to a college But then somebody moves around across the country go to church if you were like, are you in a cult? But look if God has mixed the body if God has brought it together if God has tempered and sometimes people I just got an email today, you know and It's not really, you know, I should probably stop checking my emails on Sunday mornings Because it's not really the most encouraging thing but I got an email today from somebody saying, you know I just we really like Verity Baptist Church. We like you pastor, but there's certain things, you know about what we believe or whatever That they're not comfortable with and they're not coming back You know you say well what you what do you do when you look at that? You know what? I think myself is this if this isn't the church for you, that's fine But you know what there is a church for you You don't just get to choose, you know, oh whatever church I want to go to No, God has brought the body he has tempered the body together So you say, you know, what would you reply to that individual? I would reply to them Hey if Verity Baptist Church isn't for you, that's fine But you know what you need to find a church to be a part of you to figure out what is the church that's for you What's the church that God look do you believe the Bible when it says that God set the members every one of them in the body? That God has a will for you that God has decided look I want to put you somewhere where I can use you where your life can be used The Bible says the eye cannot say unto the hand I have no need of thee the Bible says that the foot cannot say I have no need of you The Bible says that they are notice the last part of verse 22 are Necessary, you know this that you are not indispensable You know that you are not indispensable. What does that mean? That means that we can't And we will go on without you. You know that I Would hope I would I would hope that Verity Baptist Church would go on without me I would hope that pastor Jimenez is not indispensable. I would hope that if I drop dead of Coronavirus tomorrow, you know that that this church would go on That men would step up and lead and and and take this church Continue on because in the body you are not indispensable And what we mean by that is that we will go on without you and you know the truth about church life Is this that people come and go? People come and go over the last ten years. I've said this before I felt like I've probably pastored like five different churches I felt like I've started five different churches. I feel like I've started two churches this year You know people sometimes they come and go you are not indispensable But please understand this just because you are not indispensable does not mean that you are replaceable We will go on without you if you get backslidden and leave if you get backslidden and go we will go on without you But you know what? We will never replace you Because it's like losing the illustration that God gives it's like losing a limb It's like losing a body part. I mean if I if I was in a tragic accident, I lost my right hand Would that would my life just be over? No, you know what? The truth is I would go on Right, I would go on without my hand I would continue to try to serve God and and live life to the fullest, but you know what I would go on Without my hand. Yeah, my hands not indispensable to my life, but it's also not replaceable I can't just get somebody else's hand you understand that see the Bible teaches that every member has a unique purpose For the body every member has a unique placing in the body and the idea is this that a church A church is a synergistic Organization God has brought us together Why because the whole the whole is greater than the sum of its parts? Go to the book of Acts if you would Acts chapter 9 Acts chapter 9 and Look at verse number 15. Let me give you a second statement I'm kind of want to build this up for you and and help you understand this. I Said number one a church is a synergistic organization meaning every member has a unique placing in the body and every member has a purpose for the body number two a Church will accomplish more through synergy a church will accomplish more through Synergy acts chapter 9 and look at verse number 15 Acts chapter 9 and verse 15 the Bible says this but the Lord said unto him now, this is Jesus speaking, of course. This is after the resurrection This is after the ascension. This is Jesus speaking to Ananias about Paul. I want you to notice what he says He says but the Lord said unto him go thy way He knows his Paul He is a chosen vessel unto me to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel Notice verse 16 for I will show him Notice these words how great things he must suffer For my name's sake all right now This is Jesus speaking about a man named Saul who will later become known as the Apostle Paul And he's talking about all the things that the Apostle Paul is going to do and by the way Paul did all these things He said to bear my name before the Gentiles Paul did that Paul went to the Gentiles and he planted churches and he brought the gospel To the Gentiles. In fact, I've said this before if you're saved this morning You owe your salvation if you're saved and you're a Gentile and I think probably everyone here is a Gentile You know you owe your salvation to the Apostle Paul Paul brought the gospel to the Gentile, but you know what Paul also stood before kings He also preached to the children of Israel. He did great things for God. In fact, the Apostle Paul was probably the most effective Christian soul winner church planner Evangelist Missionary whatever you want to call him Paul was the most effective one who ever lived I mean when we talk about someone taking the gospel and spreading it around the world Paul Literally took the gospel to the world. He took the gospel to the Gentile world He took what Jesus when Jesus said that his disciples would do greater works than these that's what the Apostle Paul did He did great things for God he accomplished much in his ministry go to the book of Romans Romans chapters you're there in Acts just go over the book of Romans and I often look at the Apostle Paul and I and I and I see him as an example of how effectively one man could be used of God and The fact that God could do great things through one man through one individual, but you know the secret to Paul success You know what it was? The fact that he wasn't doing it on his own in fact the secret to Paul's success was synergy and What's interesting is as as you read the epistles of the Apostle Paul as you read the book of Romans 1st Corinthians 2nd Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1st 2nd Thessalonians 1st 2nd Timothy Titus Philemon as you read as you as you read these epistles You know what you'll constantly find the Apostle Paul doing and maybe you haven't noticed this But I would encourage you as you read through the you know Paul's epistles in the future I want you to be looking out for this the fact that the Apostle Paul is constantly just naming people That have helped him in the ministry. He's talking about his fellow labors his fellow workers his fellow prisoners He's talking about people. He's just constantly dropping names of Individuals that have helped him in fact Romans chapter 16 is probably the most obnoxious If it's okay to use that word about scripture Romans 16 is probably the most obnoxious of these examples in the epistles of the Apostle Paul notice Romans 16 He's getting ready to end the book of Romans and notice what he says Romans 16 in verse 1 He says I commend unto you Phoebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at St. Korea, then he says this in verse 3 greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus then he says in verse 5 Likewise greet the church that is in their house salute my well-beloved Epinatus who is the firstfruits of IKEA unto Christ notice verse 6 greet Mary who bestowed much labor on us look at verse 7 salute Adronikus and Junia my kinsmen and my fellow prisoners who are of note among the apostles who also were in Christ before me notice verse 8 Greet Ampleus my beloved in the Lord notice verse 9 salute Urbani our helper in Christ and Stachys my beloved notice verse 10 salute Appellus approved in Christ salute them which are of Aristobulus household notice verse 11 salute Herodian my kinsmen greet them that be of the household of Narcissus which is which are in the Lord notice verse 12 salute Tryphina and Tryphosa who labor in the Lord salute the beloved Perses which labored much in the Lord notice verse 13 salute Rufus chosen the Lord and his mother in mind notice There's 14 salute as in Kratos flea gone Hermes Petrobas Hermes and the brethren which are with them nurses of 15 salute Philologus and Julia and Nares's and his sister and Olympus and all the saints which are with them and sometimes when you read this you think what is the point of this why would God put this in Scripture Just the Apostle Paul just a roll call of name after name after name after name after name He does it in Romans. He does it in the other epistles. He's constantly saying, you know Thank this person and look out for this person and bring me this person and send me this person and sometimes you wonder you say Well, why would God put that in Scripture? But you know, I believe that God put that in Scripture to show us something that Paul was not a one-man show Paul was not just out there on his own, you know accomplishing great things you and I look at Paul and we say wow What a man what a success what an amazing Christian what an effective man to accomplish so much in his life But you know what? I believe that if you and I walked up to Paul and said Paul, how did you accomplish so much? You know what? He would say he would say I didn't accomplish anything on my own He said I had a whole army of people around me. I had a whole host of Christians around me and Paul says, you know as the leader sometimes maybe people give me a more of the attention But the truth is that Phoebe was there and Priscilla was there and Aquila was there and he would go through the names and he Would give the names and you say hey, these are the people you say what was Paul's secret to success. I believe it was synergy The fact that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts The fact that Paul was able to accomplish more with all these people helping him Than he would have ever been able to accomplish on his own because a church you say what are we trying to do here? Very Baptist Church. Well, you know something that we wanted to do is to produce synergy in fact, I spent eight weeks preaching on revival and honestly Synergy is just a you know business type term that would be used to you to replace the biblical term Revival because what is revival revival is synergy? Revival is when we all together as a whole Accomplished more and I'll do more when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts Go to the book of you're there in Romans 16 go back to Romans chapter number 10 Let me just give you an example of this Because you know, I get a lot of calls all across the country all across the world. The Lord has blessed our ministry And allowing us to impact and influence a lot of people and Sometimes people call me and they'll say, you know, what should I do? I Have the the closest independent Baptist Church is an hour and a half away two hours away three hours away I mean, I hear this all the time whenever I travel places and I preach places people all meet people say What should I do? The closest church is three hours away and I always say the same thing drive to church Get yourself there because God look God has placed you in the box The the three hour drive is too far then move there Wow, that's a little extreme. No, you know what God look do you realize that God that Jesus loved the church gave himself for the church? He's the head of the church. He sacrificed for the church. He builds the church Hey, the work of God is done through the local church So people say no. Well, you know what? Oh, here's what I think and I hear this all the time Here's what I think I'm gonna just live stream the services and then just go so winning on my own You know what if you're doing that for two weeks as a coronavirus fine If you're doing that for a couple of weeks as a coronavirus fine But if you think that you're gonna live stream services and go so any on your own and live for God on your own It's not gonna happen It's not gonna happen You say oh, well, I don't think you should say that pastor I mean, you don't know how serious I am and you don't know how authentic I am And you don't know how much I love the Lord. Let me tell you something It doesn't matter how much you love the Lord. You will not serve God apart from the local church Period. Hey, look, I'm here to tell you you're looking at pastor He meant is who is right with the Lord who loves God who loves soul-winning who's taught soul-winning who's trained soul-winning I've written a soul-winning seminar To help people that's trained people all over this country on sewing and I'm here to tell you I wouldn't go soul-winning apart from The local church you won't go soul-winning apart from local church In fact, let me just say this and and and I hope you don't take this the wrong way And I just want to use an illustration This church will not go soul-winning apart from the organization of this church Say well, how do you know that? I've seen it. I Mean a few, you know our church at its strength and right now We're in a state of rebuilding but our church at its strength has had averages between 80 and 90 soul winners When we are at our strength when we're back to normal We'll average somewhere between 80 and 90 solar last way We got back to soul winning after a couple of weeks of being out and we had a 67 soul winners about you know 10 15 20 soul winners less than we normally do we usually are somewhere between 80 and 90 and I hope that one day We'll be at 100 and 120 and 150 and 200 soul winner. You know, this church is a soul winning machine But let me tell you something and please don't take this the wrong way I'm not saying this to beat up on anybody, but I do want you to understand something We went through I don't know what it was two months the first time we shut down a two month period Where we told people hey find your own partner go to a park, you know, come pick up the resources We'll give you the folders. We'll make the folders We'll do it all for you and go soul winning and you know As far as I know during those two months of soul winning our church averaged about 20 soul winners Now maybe there was more out there that never told us or never told but just as far as the people who Contacted us who said hey, we're going or we need resource wherever we average for those two months about 20 soul winners You say why because we didn't have any organization. We were just telling you Hey, just kind of do it on your own. Just find a park. Just do it. What about 20 sword? Now here's the thing. Praise the Lord for those 20 soul owners. That's still more than the average So when you know Baptist Church has you know, it's funny though as soon as we started church back up and we said hey We're having a soul winning meeting show up to the meeting. We're gonna partner you we're gonna give you a map We're gonna put the resource in your hand. We're gonna send you out. We had 80 soul winners 90 soul winners you say why is that? Well, look don't I'm not saying that to beat you up That's what the Bible says. Are you there in Romans 10 look verse 14? it says how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they Have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher look verse 15 and how shall they preach except they be sent Look the Bible says the only way that that soul winner is gonna go out and preach is if they are Organized is if they are motivated if they are mobilized in a local church and they are sent He says how shall they preach except they be sent as is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel Peace and bring glad tidings of good things and now and look this is just an illustration and again I'm not trying to beat you up. I'm just I'm just trying to help you understand This is just an illustration, but this is true of everything You say I get up and read the Bible every day But you know what? The truth is that you will likely not read the Bible if you're not part of a local church You will likely not pray if you're not part of a local church You will likely not give your tithes and offerings if you're not part of a local church It is likely that you will not go so winning It is likely that you will not do the things that God has called you to do you say how can you say that? Because how should they preach except they be sent? Because God has instituted the local church you say why because the local church brings with it Synergy synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts You know what? I believe I believe this that I will raise better children That I will have a better marriage that I will have a stronger walk with God by being part of a local church Than I ever could on my own Because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts Because you will accomplish more because we will accomplish more together Than we ever could on our own. So I said number one a church is a synergistic Organization every member has a unique placing in the body and every member has a unique Purpose for the body and I said number two a church will accomplish more through synergy Look, it's not pastor Jimenez up here You know, it's not sometimes people that they make too much of the leaders and they think oh, it's just pastor Jimenez Or it's just this pastor that pastor and they're the ones that are preaching the sermons and they're the ones that are doing all these Great things. You know what? God has called a church. I believe that one day we're gonna get to heaven and People are gonna be shocked How many rewards are given out to just the people that nobody knew their name that their name was just mentioned? And in the last chapter of an epistle and nobody knew them and they weren't you know on YouTube and they weren't on Anywhere and nobody but they were there and they were serving and they were part of a church you say why because the whole is Greater than the sum of its parts Because a church will accomplish more we will accomplish more together Than we ever could on our own go to the book of Ecclesiastes if you would keep your place right there in In first Corinthians and Go to Ecclesiastes from the center of the Bible. You have Psalms Proverbs and Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes chapter 4 now Let's just talk about practically speaking You know, how is it that a church grew Set it set up for synergy. You say okay synergy is the fact that the whole is greater than some of its parts But let's talk about here's point number three a church How is it that a church is set up for? Synergy and I want to show you that the Bible teaches this concept of synergy in other places not just in church world And I want to show that to you here in Ecclesiastes chapter 4 look at verse 9 notice what the Bible says Bible says two are better than one Two are better than one You say why here's why? Because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and he's about to explain to us notice. He says because Two are better than one. So why is that? He says because now here's what he's gonna do in verses 9 through 12 He's gonna explain to us why it is that two are better than one he says here's why look at verse 10 For if they fall the one will lift up his fellow You say why is two better than one? Why is the whole greater than the sum of its parts? Why is that? Well, here's why because a group can support you a Group can help you notice for sin if they fall the one will lift up his fellow notice what he says But woe to him that is alone when he fall it for he had not another to help him up You say why is it that the whole is greater than the sum of his parts? Here's why because when you fall there can be a fellow there there can be somebody alongside you that helps you that lifts you up See the truth is this sometimes you have heartaches, right? Sometimes you are discouraged. Hey, sometimes I'm discouraged Sometimes we go through times where we want to quit. Sometimes we go through times where we feel defeated Sometimes we go through times where we feel like like we just can't do it. We just fall But you know the beautiful thing about a local church is that if they fall the one will lift up his fellow That you can have friends that you can have family around you that says hey, let me help you up It says hey, let me be there with you Hey, let me be there for you You know, sometimes people may think like I don't really need that but you know you ask the people in this church that have gone through difficult times You ask the people in this church that have had you know Great trials in their lives that have gone through health problems or lost family or have had issues And you know what? They always say they always say it's amazing how the church family just comes along beside you comes around you prays for you and provides meals and helps you why because look the sum is greater than the the whole is greater than the sum of its parts a Group can support you if they fall the one will lift up his fellow But woe to him that is alone when he fallen for he had not another to help him up Then he says this he says not only can a group support you But then he says a group can stimulate you look at verse 11 again He said let's continue this idea why is two better than one here's why because if two lie together then they have heat But how can one be warm alone? And this is literally an example of synergy Synergy is this that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. You know that you will be warmer if You were out, you know stranded in the middle of nowhere and it was you and somebody else You know at night when it was cold, you know that you will be warmer if you lie together Then if you were to lie separately that is literally an example of synergy if two lie together Then they have heat. How can one be warm when how can one be warm alone? And I've used this example before I think it was brother Jose who gave me this example one time If you think about a coal if you're grilling you think about a coal as long as it's like you you can get that going You can get it warmed up you can get you know the fire going But the way that you really keep those coals hot is by having them all together Right mounting them up on top of each other. Hey, you get a bunch of hot coals together They'll stay hot for a long time. You grab one of those coals and just put it off to the side It's gonna cool down pretty fast That's the Christian life That is synergy. That is the whole is greater than the sum of its parts You know, the truth is this that you will be stimulated you will be encouraged by the local church The Bible says in Proverbs 27 in verse 17 iron sharpened with iron. So a man sharpened at the countenance of his friends Your friends will support you your friends will stimulate you then he says this your friends will strengthen you look at verse 12 and If one prevail against him two shall withstand him He says if one prevail against him two shall withstand him. What is that? It's synergy It's it's the whole being greater than the sum of its parts look your friends your church can help you your church Can encourage you your church can reinforce you look you there is more that can be done together I can't think I can't think of how many people have came to this church and they've had other church people Just give them stuff just you know, give them couches give them. I've had people give me couches I've had people help me when we needed help, you know, why because we can look out for each other Because we can support each other we can stimulate each other we can strengthen each other we can care for each other We can encourage each other we can be there for each other when we need it Why because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and you say I don't need anybody I can do it on my own you are proud and you are foolish To think that you can live the Christian life Without the help of other believers in your life a Church can support you it can stimulate you it can strengthen you there truly is strength in numbers See synergy is this the whole is greater than the sum of its parts The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Here's what I believe. I believe that in a church that in a church we Can all Accomplish way more for God live more separated and sanctified lives for God Have better marriages raised better to I don't know if you understand this I don't I don't know if you understand this and I pray that the Holy Spirit helps me to communicate these thoughts But you know you say oh, well, you know, how does it help my marriage? You may not understand this but just having your husband be around other godly men Just having him be around other godly men will help your marriage Having your wife be around other godly children will help your Other godly wives will help your wife I mean the Bible teaches that the elder women should teach the younger women to love their husbands and to and to live for God Having your kids having your kids around other kids that that are being raised in the proper home Do you say you say all the the benefit the church is the preaching look there is a benefit with the preaching of God's Word But there is a greater benefit of just being around other people God's people Because why because the church group is set up for synergy. The whole is greater than the sum of its Parts, let me just show you a couple of things and we'll finish up. Look at you. Please ask this form verse 9 Notice the synergistic rewards. He says tour better than one He says tour better than one then then he explained to us why two are better than one they're better than one because if they fall the one will lift up his fellow because if they lie together then they have he because if One prevail against him to show withstand him then he says but he says this in verse 9 He says tour better than one then he says this because they have a good reward for their labor What's he saying? He's saying is this we will accomplish more together We will accomplish more together and then I love how he ends this idea of synergy in verse 12 He says if one prevail against him to show withstand him then he says this and a threefold cord is not quickly broken He says two is better than one and then he says this but you know, it's better than two three You know, it's better than three four, you know, it's better than four forty You know, it's better than forty a hundred, you know, it's better than a hundred a hundred twenty hundred fifty two hundred Why because God has instituted a church and the strength of a church is this synergy Synergy means that the whole is greater Than the sum of its parts go to the book of Philippians chapter 1 if you would we'll finish up right here Philippians chapter 1 If you kept your place in 1st Corinthians 1st 2nd Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians 1st 2nd Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Philippians Philippians chapter 1 Synergy The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We are better together. We are stronger together. We will accomplish more together and Please understand this Please understand this you know when we we we shut down for a couple of weeks and we're starting back up and Like I said during the announcement, it's gonna take time to rebuild You know by the grace of God we will rebuild and by the grace of God like like I said in the announcements We will we're gonna stand up like Nehemiah and say let us rise up and build And we're gonna build for the glory of God we're gonna build For the kingdom of God, we're gonna reach people but you know, I don't want to just rebuild to where we were two weeks ago I Don't want to just rebuild to where we were a couple of months ago You know, let's rebuild and then let's just continue to build and you say what is the success, you know The strength of the church. I remember where the study said this to me One time I thought it was very wise He said when you look at the nation of Israel in the Old Testament when you see God numbering, you know Because in church world we like to talk a lot about numbers, you know, how many are you running? You know on Sunday morning and Sunday night Wednesday night or whatever and but brothers took he mentioned this to me He said, you know when you look at God numbering the children of Israel to see how strong the nation of Israel was You know what he would number is he would number the soldiers How many men were able to go out to war not to discount the women and children? But he would say the true strength the true strength comes in where the soldiers are, you know, and he made this point to me He said is for church world the equivalent, you know, sometimes people want to talk about. Oh, look at that church You know, they have a thousand people there on Sunday morning But he said, you know, the real strength is how many people show up for soul winning? How many soldiers are there out there actually fighting the battle? The beautiful thing about spiritual warfare is that you don't have to be a 20 year old man to go to war Hey, you can be a 13 year old kid. You can be a 16 year old kid You can be a lady you can be an older man a young man We can all be involved in the work and the battle in the fight for God And really think he said to me, you know He said he said the strength of a church should really you know What pastors should talk about is how many soul winners do you have? I've always thought that was interesting You know We have 80 to 90 soul winners and honestly in a church our size to have that many soul winners is really unheard of And I mean it's heard of and arts type of churches But when you look at for those of you that you know, maybe grew up in a Baptist Church and all life I mean, I remember growing up in all IP churches I was in the military and I traveled a lot we went to different all IP churches and the truth was this you had a Church about a hundred people and you had five people show up for soul I mean, that's the truth. If you had ten people show up for soul winning in a church of a hundred people It was revival broke out You know and we we we our church will have like 40 50 percent of our people out And I'm not saying that to be proud. I'm just telling you this that I believe I believe that buried I hope you take this the right way I believe that Verity Baptist Church has the potential to be one of the greatest churches that has ever existed Say well, yeah, you'd think really highly of yourself. It's not because of me. It's because of you It's not because of any one person But the whole can be greater than the sum of its parts and look think about this if our church can get back to The place where we weren't just a couple of weeks ago having 80 to 90 soul winners out soul winning every week Our church is we're gonna be 10 years old here in September. I Mean, I'm 34 years old if you don't kill me, you know, I could be in the minute We could do we've been doing this for a long time. I Mean what if 10 years from now we had 200 soul winners out every week What if 15 years from now we had 300 soul winners out every week. What if 20 years from now? I mean, what if we what if we had a church here at Verity Baptist Church? Maybe it's not a mega church with 3,000 people in it But what if we had an army of 400 500 soul winners just out every week preaching the gospel What kind of impact could we make What kind of what what could be done for the cause of Christ? You say what is that? It's synergy is the fact that the greater that the whole is greater Than the sum of its parts that we Can do more together Than we can ever do Alone, and it's not just so one We will raise better children together We will have stronger marriages together. We will have better finances Oh, you think it's a you think it's a it's it's a coincidence that our church has like 15 business owners in it And I'm not saying that everybody needs to be a business owner Obviously, we've got other people with careers and things but you know You think that the truth is this iron sharpness iron People show up to this church and they're like, I don't really have a job. I don't really have anything going on I don't you know, I have this job But there's not a lot of future there and they get around other people other guys that are working hard that are just out there Killing it and they get motivated and they start doing the same thing You say why because the local church can help you in every area of your life Don't make every area of your life better It'll make out your finances will get better your relationships will get better everything will be at letter you say why? What do you call that? You can call it revival? I like calling it revival. But today we're calling it synergy What is it? The whole is greater than the sum of its parts and you will do more I will do more we will accomplish more and there'll be a greater reward When we work together Philippians 1 look verse 27 knows who the possible says we're done right here He says this only let your conversation be as it become at the gospel of Christ That whether I come and see you or else be absent I May hear of your affairs knows what he says that you stand fast in one spirit with one mind He says this striving together For the faith of the gospel. What is that synergy? The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. That's power heads and I'm order prayer. Heavenly Father. Thank you Lord thank you Lord for the local New Testament Church and Lord thank you for this local New Testament Church and Lord. Thank you for the great and Faithful church members that you brought here and Lord. I pray that you'd help us to just get a vision of synergy Or help us to get a vision. I Look at these young people in our church these teenagers that sit around the piano and sing praises to you and nobody's forcing them Nobody's making them They they love the Lord they go soul-winning and I think synergy They're better together Or we're better together And Lord I pray you'd help us I pray you'd help us to to get involved to do our part to realize that we're a body part In a body that you've placed us Lord I pray that you would bless our church to be able to accomplish great things Lord in the areas of soul-winning and in every other area. We love you in the matchless name of Christ. We pray Amen