(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you that's at one o'clock right here in the auditorium and then the prayer requests I've moved a few names around a little bit on here but we have we have some people we added from last week so we could just go through this continue to pray of course for all the ladies who are pregnant in our churches and so many people are expecting a lot of people who have been on the list for some time with cancer and other very serious illnesses and diseases please continue to pray for all the people who have been on the list for some time with cancer all of them we added Dominic he's kind of in the middle of the list there that's brother DJ's cousin he has a skid that's severe combined immunodeficiency and that's a baby that's a little an infant so a couple months old so please pray for Dominic and we added Donnie Lawrence who we found out last week lost his father and his grandfather and now now her aunt possibly had a stroke is that is that is there any more information or details on that or is that just like she's an issue in the hospital she did have a stroke yeah yeah yeah that's that's a lot a lot of a lot of things going on with with the loss of two people and then that would have been his so he lost his dad that was his dad's wife right because that's his stepmom had a stroke so after she lost her husband and was that was that her father that died or no was that his his okay okay okay oh good yeah it's really good yeah okay yeah so so obviously pray for Donnie and Darla because it's a really really difficult situation for the whole family there also pray mrs. Adler's you know using this opportunity to you know ask about salvation and you know when there's when there's a lot of grief and loss and problems oftentimes people can the heart can be softened up to here in the gospel so so pray while you're praying for their comfort and while you're praying for their health and and and well-being also pray that their their heart is softened and that they'll have a good opportunity and be able to receive the gospel obviously that's the most important thing so please please pray for them and for that whole situation and then let's see continuing on here we also added so mrs. Logan has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis she's still in a lot of pain and and it's causing a problem so please pray for their family and pray that she'll get you know treatment and be able to kind of get back on her feet and be able to function normally and and you know I appreciate there's a lot of people who have who have helped and offered to help with the family and you know that's what the church family is about is is being there to help out for other people so appreciate everyone who has has offered and and and done things and you know whatever way you choose to do that to you know like like just being there for people means a lot so I appreciate everyone who has already stepped up obviously Logan's have been a big part of our church for a long time and have been a great blessing to the church and to other people here so obviously we want to show our support for them in their time of need so please continue to pray for her we added Braden Paris brother Jared's brother right he's getting that tooth extracted he already get it taken out or not yet he's waiting for the infection that okay well that's not fun at all dealing with a with an abscessed tooth it's a real painful thing hopefully that will resolve soon we'll pray for that and then I left your words Baptist Church in here you know I forgot to check this weekend did they does anyone know that they do the ordination for for the evangelist there yet or not cause I know is scheduled to be there next week I didn't know if it happened yet or not. So we're gonna either way. We're gonna continue to pray Which it's a church by its church been around for a while But this the evangelist that's been running the church is going to be ordained as the actual pastor there So it could be fully independent. It was a Ministry of the church plant that was tied to steadfast Baptist Church pastor. Shelley has been the pastor of that church He actually founded the church before going up to steadfast and Now pure words will be completely independent though and will be run by Evangelist Alvarez, so pray that everything goes well there. Does anyone have any other updates? Yes, ma'am Yes Oh So, yeah, I was gonna say those two aren't related they don't sound related at all at least Yeah, yeah we will of course continue to pray for mrs. Martin Nick and Vanda are good friends of our church live up in Tennessee and They come down and visit us when they can and they go to a church camp and Really really nice couple So she's also now been if you weren't able to hear mrs. Paris. She's a hiatal hernia and It's still waiting to see the doctor for her neurological problems issues, so Please continue to pray for them. Are there any other thank you for the update theirs or any other updates for people who are on the list All right, very good continuing out the announcements Let's go to next page here fundamentals conferences this week. So I hope you could all join us this week It's gonna be a lot of fun. It's our first conference that we're actually hosting here in our church So I'm really looking forward to this. We got pastor Enrique Reyes. He's gonna be joining us on Thursday night at 7 p.m He's gonna be here the whole weekend. So I'm really happy that he's gonna be here for this for the for kind of the whole event He'll be preaching on Thursday and basically Thursday and Friday night is gonna run just like our midweek service runs Service starts at 7. It'll it'll dysfunction completely like a normal church service just with different preachers Preaching the sermons for us. So Thursday night, we'll have Pastor Reyes Friday night. Well pastor Bruce Mejia And he will be the preacher there now if there's anyone He's only here for Friday evening, so he's kind of doing a turnaround trip He's flying in Friday afternoon, and he's flying back out on Saturday morning, so We didn't get him a rental car I was gonna see if anybody is gonna be around able to pick him up at the airport around 2 30 or 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon. Is there a good opportunity for that? You're pointing to your husband to the someone who's not said there is that is that something that you all would be able to To do you're gonna be in town for that, right? So if you don't mind Dealing with the Atlanta traffic We'll pick him up. I'm getting him a hotel room right by the airport So that when he leaves in Saturday morning, he's just gonna be right there. It'll be easy for him to get to the airport But we'll just we'll drop him back off after service on Friday at the hotel That's not an issue getting them back to the hotel. I just want to make sure someone could pick them up When his plane lands on Friday, and then we have to worry about rental cars and stuff like that. So Appreciate that if you're able to do that like I'll I'll get with you later with the itinerary and then Yeah, and then Saturday is going to be we're gonna have a soul name marathon So all day long, we're gonna be out preaching the gospel knocking on doors talking to people preaching gospel Jesus Christ It's gonna meet up right here Pretty similar standard format if you've been to our marathons before we'll meet up here 915 give you opportunity to get some light food light breakfast and then Pair up and be hitting the road by about 10 o'clock So make sure you're here. Try not to be too late, you know, if you get paired up 945 I would say at the latest because that's when I'm gonna start getting people together and pairing people up So try to get here by 945 so that we can get you paired up We'll get out on the street knock knock some doors In the morning until about noon twelve twelve thirty We'll have some lunch and then continue soul winning again after that until dinner time So if whatever you could make it for if you can make in the morning if you make in the afternoon Whatever you can do. We'd love to have you join us Just Come on out if you can and especially if you're coming out at a different time than in the morning Just let me know when you plan on coming out so that I can arrange to Get you to the right place of where we're meeting So just let me know about that, but it's gonna be a lot fun. And of course Sunday I didn't even list Sunday on here, but Sunday the conference continues But I will be preaching the sermons then on Sunday still with the theme of the fundamentalist conference going on so Really looking forward to this. Hope you can make it out. It's gonna be a really good time We've got the men's preaching class. The next one's scheduled for September 7th 10 a.m Of course, you must be so wonder if you want to preach but all men are welcome to attend so if you don't want to preach you could you could just listen and learn and You know, it's kind of a good environment to Be comfortable and you know, we do this so that it gives me an opportunity Especially there's a lot of people like myself who could be very nervous, you know When I first started preaching and first started soul winning and everything. I was really really nervous a lot of anxiety and This is an environment that will help you to not have as many of those nerves We kind of overcome that slowly because it's it's a much much much smaller group And it's just the guys here. You don't have to worry if you if you screw up if you say something that's you know, it's that that's it's a training ground a learning ground to be able to come in and do that, so Anyone who's interested in that we'd love to have you join us on September 7th, we've got the Bible memory passage here So we are on week 6 of 15 and if you're able to quote this whole passage word perfect without making errors We will you'll be able to earn a prize for being able to do that and I do have prizes ordered Like I said before they're on the way. I don't have them all here yet so as soon as I get the prizes, I will start getting distributing them for all the prizes that I owe for Bible memory for challenges for all the stuff so Soon it's coming soon. All right down there at the bottom of the page. We've got the birthdays and anniversaries. So mrs Taylor Has a birthday today And she's in church with us. So we're gonna sing a happy birthday to mrs Taylor and you know when you're here on your birthday, not only does the whole church saying happy birthday to you, but you are entitled To some ice cream treats that we have in our freezer. So She will be able to go and take any type of ice cream that she wants out of our Out of our freezer and I recommend checking the deep freezer as well as the fridge freezer because you know There's different options I think in each one. So You could check that out after service, but let's sing. Happy birthday to mrs. Taylor Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday God bless you Happy birthday to you All right Appreciate you being here on your birthday and let's see that's about it for our announcement So I'm gonna turn the service back over brother Peter and he will lead us in our next song I Turn to sing this out on the first Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Philippians chapter 2 The Bible reads if there be therefore any consolation in Christ if any comfort of love If any fellowship of the Spirit if any bowels and the mercies Fulfill ye my joy that ye be like-minded having the same love being of one accord of one mind Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory, but in loneliness of mind let each steam other better than themselves Look on every man on his own things by every man also on the things of others Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God Thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and Being found in fashion as a man. He humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and Things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father Wherefore my beloved as you have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God which works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure Do all things without murmurings and disputings That you may be blameless and harmless the sons of God with our rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation Among whom he shined his lights in the world Holding forth the word of life that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain neither labored in vain Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith I joy and rejoice with you all for the same cause also do ye joy and rejoice with me But I trust in the Lord Jesus sent to send Timotheus shortly unto you But I also may be of good comfort and I know your state For I have no man like-minded who will naturally care for your state for all seek their own not the things which are Jesus Christ's But you know the proof of him that as a son with the father he hath served me with in the gospel Him therefore I hope to send presently so soon as I shall see how it will go with me But I trust in the Lord that I also myself shall come shortly Yet I suppose it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus my brother and companion in labor and fellow soldier, but your messenger and he that ministered to my wants For he longed after you all and was full of heaviness because that ye had heard that he had been sick For indeed he was sick nigh unto death But God had mercy on him and not on him only but on me also lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow I Sent him therefore the more carefully that when you see him again you may rejoice and that I may be the less sorrowful Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness and hold such in reputation because for the work of Christ He was nigh unto death not regarding his life to supply your lack of service toward me Let's pray dear God thanks for letting us gather here today to glorify you and to learn from your word Please feel past the burden of the Spirit. Help us all be edified. Help us all apply what is taught today Name was Jesus Christ. Amen All right, so this morning I'm gonna be preaching a sermon that I actually on a topic I intended on covering last week, but I went a little bit overboard over time on the subject I was preaching last week. I preached on James chapter 2 With the subject of faith without works is dead And if that's something that you've heard a lot about and and you're not quite sure about it Please listen to the sermon I preached last week on our social media on YouTube or on Facebook or rumble whatever Wherever we are streaming to You could find a video on that and I taught what the passage is actually talking about that. It's not Justifying a works-based salvation. Of course, we believe that salvation is by grace through faith has nothing to do with our own works very very doctrinally important Passage and a passage that sometimes people get tripped up on and confused about Because there's so many false prophets out there and false teachers that are gonna try to justify a works-based salvation And they always go to James 2 to prove that so that was last week's sermon But I also wanted to tie in this other passage that we find here in Philippians chapter 2 That is another place that people will try to twist and make it say or mean Something that it doesn't mean and that is found in verse number 12 of Philippians chapter 2 that we just read the whole passage where it says wherefore my beloved as you have always obeyed Not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling okay, and What people will do is say see look you need to work on your own salvation You need to work it out you need to do work in order to make sure that you're saved and you deal with that and you work it out for yourself and Implying that like you need to be doing stuff You need to be working in order to make sure that you're saved and that couldn't be farther from the truth so we're gonna dig into this a little bit and Which I didn't get time to do at the end of the sermon I'm gonna go through and just show so many very clear passages on Salvation by grace through faith and any time I taught this last week I'll teach you again, you know when you when you have a ton of very clear scriptures just really Straightforward it there's not much question what it's talking about Right and and and you have ample evidence to support. Okay Well, that seems to be what the Bible's teaching because we have so many clear passages on this like in Acts 16 serves What must I do to be saved? They said believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved in the house It's pretty clear passage. And you know, what do I have to do? Well, you have to you have to believe You know, what about the works what about the baptism what about you know And then you run across some other passage that looks a little bit weird or doesn't really line up with that But you have a whole bunch of other passages that all agree and all say the same thing don't Get worried about the one or two that look like it's a it might be a contradiction or you're not quite understanding it Because if it looks like a contradiction then you're not understanding it, right? Okay, you just need to learn a little bit more and pray to God and it's helping to open up your understanding and the longer You're a Christian the longer you read your Bible the more you learn you're gonna realize How these things are true and I'll tell you what it's not just you know, I always try when I say things to think about what would someone say to the contrary to argue against what I'm teaching and This isn't just like You know, obviously we start with the foundation of the Word of God the Bible being the Word of God it This is God's Word. We know that it's true. We know that it's an errand, right? We trust that the Word of God is true. We trust it as much as we trust Jesus Christ as our Savior We put our trust our faith our confidence in the Word of God But which is why we we also come to the conclusion that hey if this is the Word of God It's not gonna contradict itself. It's not gonna have any errors like that and Some people might say okay. Well, you're just forcing things to fit together then when they really don't it's not true It's not a force just because you don't understand every single passage and every single context and and if you look at something that seems To be a contradict and every seeming contradiction I've ever seen in the Bible anything that any atheist has put out there Anything that anyone is put out there as far as an argument saying. Oh, look, here's a contradiction in the Bible Not only has an answer but has a very very reasonable And proper answer to that. It's not something where you're just you know, you're just like oh you're just grasping at straws You're just trying to make things fit, right? And there's an intellectual dishonesty if you're just Trying to do anything you can to make something fit and come together Look, i'm not for that i'm for the truth. We ought to be able to look at things and say no this is legit This is real. This is true And unfortunately sometimes with doctrines when you have the wrong doctrine people will try real hard at trying to make things fit in the scripture That really just isn't there and they and they try to force fit certain things And a workspace salvation is definitely one of those things you have to try to force into the scripture because it's just simply not taught there Now a few passages people get a little troubled over and honestly i've heard a couple of different Understandings of this passage. I don't agree with them all even from people who are saved but This is one reason why i'm teaching on it today just in general because I know people think You know, you have different thoughts, but I think this to me This couldn't be any clearer Like I think it's a very very easy passage to understand but of course Once you see it you see it right, sometimes you kind of feel like you get clouded by other people and clouded by people who want to To teach something different and you look at that and go like, oh, I don't know exactly what this means But once you see it, hopefully you see us today if you don't already Um have a good understanding of what this is talking about work out your own salvation. What is apostle paul talking about? What what is he what is he referencing here by the end of today? Hopefully you'll know and be really confident and and and look at this and be like, oh, yeah, of course, that's what he's talking about now As with all false doctrines though, and I pointed this out in james chapter 2 You have to get the whole context and this is just good reminder anyways, if anyone ever comes to you with something and trying to teach you something especially stuff that It's you don't think it's right doesn't sound right or they're trying to bring some kind of heretical teaching or something like that And they want to point to a verse Always always first of all when you talk about the bible Get the bible out Many people get into errors By talking about the bible and about passages and about scriptures Without opening it up and looking at it Because here here's what happens very frequently and and look very well-meaning people, too Okay, like like i'm not just talking about people who want to twist scriptures. I'm just talking about people in general We can oftentimes misremember What the bible actually says or some people walk away with and I don't know how many times i've read things in the bible And i've thought a certain way about it and then over time, you know Either I hear something preached about it or I just threw my breeding I go oh Oh, that's what it actually says i've been thinking this certain way about this for a long time And I was just totally wrong about that But this is you know, you just kind of see it in a new light or you just see it actually just What it plainly says so sometimes our minds will kind of Fill in gaps and make us think that we understand something. It's like oh wait. No, that's not what that says at all um It's like it's like with songs if you kind of think you know the lyrics to a song and then you find out like Oh, wow, i've been mistaken about that the whole time. I thought it was this saying this thing and it was something else, right? So that happens sometimes scripture. So my whole point with this is when you're talking about the bible you're talking about passages Open them up because oftentimes when there's when someone has a question about it, you're talking about it When you see the actual words It'll it'll become more apparent and clear anyways, and then that also gives you opportunity to say hey Well as we're looking at this verse, why don't we get this in context and kind of just see what this is talking about here Before we run off talking about some doctoring or even being a support for something else because It is the most important thing to do is get the context so All of that being said let's look at we're going to jump up to verse number nine here in philippians 2 and read this small passage about working out your own salvation And then we're going to get the broader context of just the whole book itself in philippians. Okay? So look at verse number nine the bible says wherefore god Also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name That at the name of jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth And that every tongue should confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father. Amen Wherefore my beloved As ye have always obeyed Not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is god which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure and you know verse 13, I could probably go and preach a whole nother sermon on that because the The calvinists like to twist that passage as well, okay But what is what is the broader context here of philippians in general and and where is paul Preaching from and and why is he talking about because even in the context of verse 12 he says Hey, look, you've always obeyed Not as in my presence only but much more in my absence. So obviously he's not there. He's been with them He's appreciating their spirit and their obedience to the faith and and that's you know, hey now Not only when i'm there but much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Well First of all, and I brought this up last week. What salvation is he even talking about? Because the word salvation or being saved Is not always talking about your soul being saved from hell That is an important con, you know, that's an important uh use of the word and sometimes You'll see that being used that way in that context of being yeah You're talking about not going to hell and your soul being saved But just because it uses the word salvation does not imply it always is referring to Uh your soul being saved from hell and in fact if you want to keep your place here The verse that just pops out in my mind Is found in matthew 24 So Matthew 24 is a prophetic passage. Jesus christ his apostles his disciples asked him at the beginning of matthew 24 After jesus said hey, do you see all these things not gonna be one stone left upon another they're showing them How beautiful the temple was and everything else. He said, you know, there's not gonna be one stone left upon another And then his disciples ask him saying hey tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end Of the world so they're asking them kind of a few different things like hey, what's the sign of your coming? What's gonna what's happening? What are signs at the end of the world? You know tell us about this stuff and then he answers them and he starts to tell them so He he gives them some information about the destruction of the temple and destruction of jerusalem Which did take place in 70 ad but then he also tells them about his coming is his return To earth which didn't happen in 70 ad which is still yet to happen And of course of the end of the world, so he gives them the answers that they were Asking when they asked the questions and one of the things that he says in here is um He's warning them About All the the the tribulation that's going to come their way So if you look at verse number eight He says all these are the beginning of sorrows and talk about nation against nation pestilences earthquakes things like that He says that's just the beginning of sorrows, but then he starts getting into more detail things That's going to happen after all the beginnings of sorrows Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many and because iniquity shall abound love of many shall wax cold But he that shall endure until the end the same shall be saved now There's that word saved, right? It's just like the word salvation So some people will take this and say see look you have to Endure all the persecutions in order for your soul to be saved. You have to live an upright life You have to do all these good works anything that comes your way You can't fail or waver on your faith in christ and on You know standing for him and doing all the work and everything else people will turn to this passage and say that but When we're reading in context, that's it doesn't say anything about your eternal life It just says hey, there's gonna be false prophets. There should be a lot of sin There's a lot of iniquity that abounds so there's gonna be a lot less love People are going to be just real cold and cold-hearted and doing some pretty nasty things in the end times And he says but look if you endure to the end the same shall be saved and when we continue reading he says, okay This gospel the kingdom is going to be preached in all the world verse 15 says, okay now when you see the abomination of desolation Uh standing in the holy place Then let them be with you in judia flee into the mountains and basically to to run kind of head for the hills Woe to them that are with child. I'm kind of jumping through this real quickly verse 19 Just to keep the context without going too much in depth verse 20 pray your flight be not in the winter Neither in sabbath verse 21 says for then shall be great tribulation Such as was not since the beginning of the world of this time. No, nor ever shall be This is a warning that in the end times believers will be going through great tribulation Okay, you're not going to be taken out of this world. That's a whole nother sermon for another day But clearly he's he's giving all of this instruction. Hey, here's what's going to happen There's going to be many false prophets, but hey, he then does the end the same shall be saved We're getting to that because in the context matters what this what's the salvation? What's the saved? He's even talking about All these things are happening. There's going to be great tribulation Verse 22 then says and except those days should be shortened Because of all this great tribulation except those days should be shortened. There should no flesh be saved So in the context the salvation Is your flesh being saved? It's not your soul being saved. It's not your spirit being saved. It's your flesh. It's it's hey, there's going to be so much tribulation there's going to be so many people that are Against believers in the end times especially when the anti-christ comes into power and wages war against the saints And requires people to take the mark of the beast so he could clearly identify and separate the believers From the unbelievers from those that are children of the devil and be able to say oh you're not going to take the mark of the beast Okay, then we're going to kill you And this is this great tribulation that's coming And the bible says that except those days should be shortened that amount of time that satan is in power anti-christ is in power and and in going after the saved Then no flesh would be saved It says but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened so If anyone endures to the end the end of that time the end of that great tribulation They're going to be the ones who are alive and are and remain which see the lord jesus at his coming Because those days are shortened And their flesh is saved. They don't get martyred. They don't get killed By the anti-christ or by the people who are supporting anti-christ They're going to get raptured up when jesus comes back they've endured the affliction and the persecution to the end to the end of that affliction because That salvation comes jesus christ comes back in the clouds. That's their flesh being saved. That's what the context teaches It has nothing to do with how good of a life that you live in order for your soul to be saved notice That salvation does not talk about eternal life. It doesn't talking about going to hell It literally only talks about flesh being saved in the context, which is why context is so important So going back to philippians, let's go back to philippians chapter one And that was just an illustration how salvation doesn't always have to mean your soul being saved clearly in that context the flesh is being saved So what's going on here In philippians philippians chapter one, let's look at verse number six the bible says Being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you Will perform it until the day of jesus christ now, first of all I just want to point out this is a this is a great verse that just says That it you know when you get saved god begins a good work in you. There's a new man There's a new creature that's born again inside if you're a born again believer there's a new creature that's been born inside of you and That he which hath begun a good work in you Now he began a good work in you that doesn't mean you've begun the good work to do He began a good work in you Will perform it until the day of jesus christ You will be fully redeemed At the day of jesus christ when jesus christ comes back he's gonna then Because he he's bought you with the price but right now you can see that he's gone But right now you can say in one sense i'm redeemed Because i'm saved I belong to christ, right? My my spirit my I belong to him But I still have this flesh my flesh isn't redeemed My flesh is still really sinful and causing me to sin and I have to wage that battle every day my spirit against my flesh but when christ returns at that resurrection Our bodies are going to be changed so that this mortal wicked sinful flesh Is going to be transformed into a new flesh a redeemed flesh a flesh that is not sinful a flesh that will be in union with my spirit in unison as far as No sin No wicked desires. It's going to be a new flesh new spirit new soul new new soul all that Combined together not new soul, but you know what I mean? We're going to be a new Uh with the new creature that was born again inside of us all be In one in union and and being able to live perfectly Which has been impossible for us because of sin that was entered into the world and uh sin coming upon all mankind so that is the Promise here in verse six is that hey he which has begun a good work and you will perform it until the day of jesus christ So if that's the case Then how is it that we have to keep working to make sure or to maintain that we still have our salvation You see like that's contradictory in itself anyways having uh this verse here, but but Even more importantly for understanding working out your own salvation Verse seven says this and even as it is meet for me to think this of you all Because I have you in my heart in as much as both in my bonds And in the defense and confirmation of the gospel ye all are partakers of my grace the apostle paul's in bonds He's in prison. He's he is He is jailed for doing the work of the lord doing the service of the lord for preaching the gospel of jesus christ He is thrown into prison. He's writing this letter to them He's absent and remember what I said in verse 12 of chapter 2 He said wherefore my beloved is ye have always obeyed not is it my presence only but now much more in my absence Work out your own salvation. He's writing to them in bonds for the defense of the gospel That's why he's he's in prison. This is the context now jump down to verse number 12 in chapter one The bible says but I would ye should understand brethren that the things which happened unto me Have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel so that my bonds in christ are manifest in all the palace And in all other places and many of the brethren in the lord waxing confident by my bonds Are much more bold to speak the word without fear. So what he's doing here is he's offering encouragement to the philippians Saying hey look yes, i'm in bonds right now and it's for my faith and it's for the works and it's for preaching But he doesn't want them to get discouraged because you could think like hey if you see one guy He's getting arrested for this That might have a chilling effect and that's what the enemy wants to do is having a chilling effect so that Everyone else is too scared to say anything too scared to preach like well if this guy's getting thrown in prison If these guys are getting beaten then I don't want to say anything But he's letting him know he says no look what you don't understand Is that me being in bonds is actually for the furtherance of the gospel. This is actually Helping the gospel to spread that he says that in my bonds christ is made manifest in all the palace So now i've got this in to the palace now i'm brought into an area that I didn't have access to before And i'm still able to preach the gospel and now there's a bunch of people in the palace getting saved Right, so so, you know god brought him he's using this bad situation To bring good things about and he's comforting them and then he's also saying that look Many of the brethren now are even more confident and they've got more boldness to preach the word Why is that? I mean, there's many reasons why that could be one can be, you know, sometimes people who are not very bold When someone else gets in trouble or they really start getting persecuted If you believe the same thing, but you see them getting you kind of feel like more obligated now To stand up and show your support and be like, you know what? No, I stand with him You can't bully him around, you know, you're you're content for a while letting someone else Do all the preaching do all the talking get you know, kind of be at the center of attention get all the focus but when that person Gets arrested It causes a lot more people To want to then get involved and be like no. No, look, it's not just him. Don't try to single him out It's not just crazy apostle paul Look, we believe the same thing and that can also then prompt more people to start talking right to start getting active to start getting involved and to start getting more bold also, they might see At the end of the day, it might sound real scary Always he's arrested whatever but he still has this great testimony of preaching the gospel Like even though they arrested him he didn't shut up. He didn't stop. It's like wow. Well, they can't stop the apostle paul I don't know what i'm scared of anyways Because I could just keep preaching And even if they arrest me i'm still going to keep preaching and look at all these great things that god can continue to do And god has also kept the apostle paul safe For all of this ministry where he's in all these distresses and all these troubles, but wow low and behold He still just continues to to keep on doing his ministry and doing his mission work God still delivers him out of all of his afflictions like he said himself Right out of all these afflictions the lord hath delivered me Which also gives a testimony and provides more boldness to people who can see this and be like wow Okay, I guess I really have nothing to be scared of I'm going to do this. So so this is the comfort he gives them But just note that he's in bonds Jump down to verse number 18 now What then notwithstanding every way Whether in pretense or in truth christ is preached and I therein do rejoice yea and will rejoice For I know That this shall turn to my salvation Through your prayer and the supply of the spirit of jesus christ now Is the apostle paul? Do you really think he's in he's in jail for preaching the gospel and he's continuing to preach the gospel Do you think he's worried about like well this is going to turn now to my my soul being saved As if he's worried about his own salvation First we don't see that anywhere in any of the epistles of paul that he's actually worried about his own salvation We see to the contrary as we'll see at the near the end of my sermon Stuff that he's written that is very clear that he's confident in the lord. Jesus that that Jesus christ has sealed him with the earnest of the holy ghost and that you know, he has eternal life Okay, the eternal security is is taught definitely by the apostle paul So he's not worried about his soul being saved and again when we go back to chapter one see chapter two brings up salvation Well, you know what chapter one also brings up salvation But the people who want to twist scripture don't go to chapter one Because very clearly this is this salvation is not talking about his soul being saved But what kind of salvation could possibly oh, I don't know what salvation could he possibly be thinking about when he's sitting in a prison? Maybe saving him out of jail that might make a little bit of sense, right? For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer and the supply of the spirit of jesus christ Now we even know of an example with the apostle peter where the disciples were in prayer praying the lord to help peter And what happens god sends an angel and frees peter out of jail? Like as they're still praying about it peter knocks on the door So clearly god is a god that answers prayer and even if someone's in prison we're confident that god can still miraculously release people so The apostle paul says I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer and the supply of the spirit of jesus christ According to my earnest expectation and my hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed But that with all boldness as always so now also christ shall be magnified in my body whether it be by life or by death For to me to live is christ and to die is gain He's committed to the cause but he's just confident he's like I know I know in my bonds I know through your prayer I know through the spirit of jesus christ that he's going to deliver me. He's going to save me out of this prison He's going to save me out of this situation. He's going to save me out of this persecution And you're there to help me so when when we get to chapter two, well here let's keep going here verse 27 Let's keep with the context Only let your conversation and I know i'm skipping around a little bit read the whole passage later and and just confirm it with 100 confidence When you read, you know every single verse read all of philippians And tell me if what i'm showing you is wrong Verse 27 only let your conversation be as it become at the gospel of christ that whether I come and see you or else be absent I may hear of your affairs that ye stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel and in nothing Terrified by your adversaries which is to them an evident token of perdition but to you of salvation And that of god for unto you it is given in the behalf of christ Not only to believe on him But also to suffer for his sake so What does god want us? What is it given to us god wants us here's the thing When I when we separate works in faith regarding our soul being saved it's a very important distinction to make because We can't work enough We can't add anything to the price that jesus christ paid to make the atonement for our souls We can't do anything. There's nothing we can offer That can have any type of payment towards our soul at all and there's nothing we can do to kind of hold on To that free gift that jesus already bought and paid for It's eternal life. We don't need to make sure i'm working and working and working working just just to keep this eternal life You didn't work to get it and you can't not work enough to lose it It has nothing to do with you and your filthy rags works It has to do with jesus and his holiness and his righteousness and his shed blood and his propitiation For your sins on the cross. That's what it has to do with It's all him and zero you He paid it all All to him I owe it's not our own works by any stretch of the imagination But after you're saved by that free gift by that grace It is now our obligation our duty to do good works To suffer for his name's sake to to follow christ to walk in his steps to listen to the lord to obey his Commandments to be holy to be separate to do good things, right? That's you. Why would god say, you know, obviously save you from hell But now he wants you once you're saved to do good things to do good works And the problem comes in is when people Conflate they they mesh together The two things right one is just your salvation totally free totally bought and paid for all glory and honor to jesus christ The other is okay Now the life you live after you're saved ought to be honoring to god ought to be something that's in obedience To scripture doing good works. That's why he created us like ephesians 2 8 9 and 10 Say for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves is a gift of god not of works Lest any man should boast our salvation's not of works has nothing to do with what we do For ye are his workmanship created unto good works And you know again the work salvation crowd wants you see see look at verse number two You you stop at verses eight nine, but what about verse number 10? Verse number 10 isn't talking about what you need to do to be saved. It's talking about what you do after you're saved You're created under good works. Yeah. Amen Which lines up perfectly with what we're reading here in philippians chapter one That hey unto you it is given in the behalf of christ not only to believe on him Not only should you believe on him but also to suffer for his sake Having the same conflict which ye saw in me And now here to be in me Chapter one recap context The apostle paul is in bonds. He's in jail. He's in prison for preaching the gospel of christ He's comforting the philippians and letting them know. Hey, look, it's okay. God's got a plan. There's people still getting saved There's still people preaching the gospel Stay strong Don't let this deter you, right? He's saying I know your prayers gonna turn to my salvation I'm going to be set free because of you because of your prayer because of Because of the spirit of jesus christ and everything all the good work that's happening here And then he's letting him know but look this is this is for you, too Right. So what's happening to me? You should expect this too because you are saved you are now expected to go through hard times and stand for the cause of christ So by the time we get to chapter two He's saying look you're gonna have to work out your own salvation When when the persecution comes when you're getting arrested for the cause of christ when you know When these things happen you look you need to work out your own salvation Not Well, am I working enough for my soul to be saved that's already taken care of and he knows that and it's clear from all The rest of the context all the earlier verses there's no question about their souls being saved It's all about the persecution and being saved from The repercussions of actually preaching the word of god Nothing to do with your eternal life, I mean I hope that's clear for you turn if you go to titus chapter 3 because I just want to go through some A few other passages here When you get it in context And you just kind of look at it get the high level overview and you see what's being taught here It should be pretty apparent That it has nothing to do with your you know having to work for your soul to be saved And how much work that you do but has everything to do With Being obedient unto christ for a physical salvation not a soul salvation, right? So Titus chapter 3 Look at verse number three the bible says for we ourselves also were sometimes foolish disobedient Deceived serving divers lusts and pleasures living in malice and envy hateful and hating one another But after that the kindness and love of god our savior toward man appeared Not by works of righteousness, which we have done But according to his mercy, he saved us by the washing of regeneration And renewing of the holy ghost which he shed on us abundantly through jesus christ our savior that Being justified by his grace We should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life now In these Four verses verses four through seven it is I can't say it any better of trying to Show it's clearly not our works of righteousness has anything to do with our salvation whatsoever Right multiple different ways of saying it. Hey, you've been washed his mercy saved us. It's not our righteousness It's all shed on us through christ because of what he did not because of what we do We're justified by his grace Again not what we do and then being made heirs when you're an heir you have an inheritance And that's a sure thing and it's eternal life So now in verse eight though after after that's established Not by works of righteousness, which we have done verse eight says this is a faithful saying and all and these things I will that thou affirm Constantly that they which have believed in god might be careful to maintain good works Now Does it say you might be careful to maintain good work so that you could stay saved No, it doesn't say but people will teach that But clearly that has nothing to do with our salvation but is it important to maintain good works, of course it is If you just keep reading says these things are good and profitable Unto men So you maintaining good works is going to profit other people wait If you go back and listen to the james 2 sermon from last week, or if you're here, maybe you remember that The whole point was what doth it profit my brethren though a man say he hath faith and hath not works, right? What does it profit? Isn't it amazing how the word of god just Is in such unity with with with within These various books of the bible even by different human authors but teaching literally the exact same thing And using enough of similar language to be able to draw the connections and be like, wow. Yeah. Okay Well, these things are good and profitable unto men. Yeah, your good works are profitable unto men Exactly what james chapter 2 is teaching Your works are profitable unto men That's why your faith without works is dead Because you need to have the works to have a lively faith But just as faith without works is that doesn't mean you lose your eternal life If you don't maintain good works, that doesn't mean you lose your eternal life. It's grace. It's a gift. You've been washed You're you're you're an heir you're a child of god you know all these different ways of explaining your salvation and how it's free and has nothing to do with you and it's eternal and All of that is stated All of that is stated And then after all of that evans people just want to be like, oh, yeah But see look if you don't maintain good works and not say like that's not what it says We ought to profit other people Turn if you go to second second corinthians, excuse me chapter five second corinthians chapter five So One more passage that i've also heard people twist out of context but actually fits perfectly With everything else that we've already seen and everything else that's established like these salt these these fundamental Doctrines these core doctrines of salvation and works Are consistent throughout scripture when you're when you're reading when you're allowing it to just tell you the truth And not twisting it to say something else It is it is consistent it gels it is Undeniable And I think this just exemplifies the word of god and how amazing it is That you can have all these different epistles all these different books all these different writings right that were given to us This is illustrative Of the power of the word of god and just how in harmony and in union it completely is Verse one second second corinthians chapter five the bible says for we know we know No, I know this Do you know for sure you're saved? Yes. I know i'm saved don't just think i'm saved. I know i'm saved So For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved it's talking about your body Right if you lost your body this tabernacle this flesh if it were dissolved if it were to go away if it were to Perish right. We have a building of god and house Not made with hands eternal in the heavens. We know this For in this we groan earnestly desiring to be clothed upon With our house, which is from heaven why because right now we have a sinful flesh house that we're living in Yeah wood to god. I just want to get out of the sinful flesh It's like, you know when you're working and sweating and getting muddy and you know, like you work real hard You're just filthy and you're just like man. I just I just can't wait to like get all this stuff off Take a few. I'll get cleaned up We've got this sinful flesh And we just live in this day after day it's like man I can't wait till this this sinful body's just gone I'm sick of it, right? We groan earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house, which is from heaven If so be that being clothed we should not be found naked right because when you're naked you're you're full of shame It's a shameful thing to be found Naked, but hey if you're if you're a believer you've got you've got covering you've got clothing. You've got a house You've got that protection. It's already there for you eternal in the heavens Verse four for we that are in this tabernacle do groan being burdened not for that we would be unclothed It's not that we want to be naked but clothed upon that mortality might be swallowed up of life Now he that hath wrought us for the self same thing as god who also hath given unto us the earnest of the spirit And there's I'm not gonna get into that but the earnest of the spirit that's the down payment we have the spirit like that's clearly That that is the intent of god that god has put that earnest down Proving more our eternal security Because god has put that spirit down on us and it's not dependent on how good of a life we live Verse six therefore we are always confident Again we know starts off saying we know this and in verse six We're always confident knowing that whilst we are at home in the body while we're here in his flesh. We're absent from the lord For we walk by faith not by sight we are confident I say And willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the lord I'm confident I know that when my body just drops dead on the ground I'm going to be present with the lord And that's a good thing You know and that's some encouragement anyways too for people if you if you might have lost loved ones and people are dealing with grief When when you're saved when people are saved It's a good thing to be with the lord Obviously we are in sorrow because the person that we love is no longer here with us temporarily in this lifetime but They're in a good place and when you love people and when they're saved and you love them, you know, that's a good comfort to know Hey, they're they're with the lord. That's that's a good thing because Apostle paul is even saying here look We're not just absent but but willing rather to be absent from this body and to be present with the lord Like i'd rather be with god right now Now all of this confidence People will and and you have this is why context is so important How many times can you say that you know, and you're confident? To you know, like if you were going to make a case if you were going to teach something How many times do you think you'd have to express? The confidence level that you have of knowing that you're going to heaven when you die that you have an eternal home Like like how many times does that have to be said? before you can then Make the next statement that we're going to read without people trying to say. Oh, yeah. See look This means that if you don't work, then you're not saved like Seriously, let's just let the bible speak for itself. So look at what it says in verse number nine wherefore we labor What's labor work? right We work That whether present or absent we may be accepted of him He just got done saying I know I have eternal home. I know that i'm going to be clothed upon I know i'm confident. I know that this is going to happen So, do you think he's really worried now about his own salvation going like well, I don't know if I worked enough Because if you are trusting in how good of a life you're living You could never be confident You could never be confident of your salvation ever Because the question is always going to be did I do enough? Did I do enough? How could you be confident? How could you we sin every day? You sin every single day whether it be in your thoughts whether it be in your actions whether it be in your words You sin every day So you're going like and then and then how many days are you actually? Actively doing good Right besides the oh, well, I didn't say this or I didn't do that or I didn't think this today Yeah, but then what how much good did you do? To him that know what to do good and do with it not to him it is sin That's what the bible says so it's like, okay, well, you know, you're supposed to do good Did did I did I take too long of a break? Did I relax for too long? Did I you know, like like how could you be confident? If you're trusting in your work, you can't be So again clearly Clearly I could say this isn't talking about him relying on his works or his labor for his soul to be saved It's talking about something else let's keep reading because again the context tells us everything Wherefore we labor that whether present or absent we may be accepted of him For we must all appear before the judgment seat of christ This is Now the focus this is what he's talking about. Oh the judgment seat of christ Well, who's at the judgment seat of christ? It's only believers There's two judgment seats and you know, we definitely don't have the time to go into this There's a great white throne judgment that you're going to see in at the near the end of revelation revelation number 20 Where all the dead stand before god and the books are opened and those are all the unsaved people that are judged according to their works It's what it is and they're cast into the lake of fire If your name's not found in the book of life, you're cast in the lake of fire. That's a different judgment seat than the judgment seat of christ Okay, and we'll see this clear. We'll keep reading for we must all appear before the judgment of christ that everyone may receive a judgment Before the judgment of christ that everyone may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad There's going to come a day where every believer is going to stand before christ And you're going to be judged based on the good things that you've done in your life On the things that you've done in your life whether they're good or bad Okay, so yeah, so now we can see already Even though your soul is secure, even though you're confident you have that home Do you see where there's a little bit of a Well, maybe we should make sure we're working Because here's the thing when it says I want to be accepted of him. It's not talking about having eternal life Think about it this way My children are born into my family. They're always my children. Nothing can change that fact And if you're born again, you're a child of god. Nothing can change that fact. You're a child of god You're sealed with the holy spirit of promise. Amen. You have eternal life. You're you're a child of god. You're in his family forever, but So even though my children are always In my life, they're in my house. They're my kids. Nothing could change that right are they always accepted of me? No No, they're not that's gonna be based on what they do Now are they accepted in the sense that I mean i'm always gonna love them and they're my children. Of course, of course But that's not the acceptance that either one of us would be thinking about right when my kids do good And say hey dad, guess what? I did this They're seeking my approval. They're seeking my acceptance Right. They want to show me. Hey, I did good. I did this. I did that and everyone with children knows that's true And even if you don't have children, you should probably know that's true. It's it's a pretty simple concept to understand, right? They want that acceptance and as a father i'm going to be like, hey I have a standard for you and I want you to do this work and I'll go Hey, well done now good and faithful servant Great job That's acceptance Now If I had a child that just is not accepted in that way, like they're not doing anything for me I'm still gonna love that child I'm still gonna try to work with that child. I'm still gonna you know, they still have a home They can always come to me as their dad and i'm gonna love them right But it's not the same as being accepted so we labor That whether present or absent from the lord We want to be accepted of him, right? We want we want him to say to us. Hey well done now good and faithful servant So when we stand at the judgment seat of christ, and then we're judged based on the things we've done whether it's good or bad We want him to say Okay. Hey, look, here's what you did. Good job So knowing therefore the terror of the lord we persuade men Persuade men And here's the thing Say what does it mean knowing the terror of lord? Does that mean he's going to throw you into hell if you don't have enough good works? No, it doesn't No, it doesn't but being in the presence of god is a terrifying thing in itself And not everyone really thinks about that. See some people have a really really really Um too I would say either too comfortable I don't comfortable is the right word or um Like they like people have a tendency to bring god down from his holiness And have more of like a pal like oh, he's my pal Right and talk about god or about jesus Instead of treating him as being holy As being someone you serve as being someone you'd fall down on your face in front of and worship As just like oh, yeah, he's just my bud He's my homeboy. You know, we hang out, you know, and you kind of have this Bringing down the holiness the reverence the respect that you ought to have For the lord for your savior and you kind of bring him down to that level don't ever do that Because when you bring down the holiness of god You're not going to think about him the same way. You're not going to treat him the same way You're not going to you know You're not going to think it's as important even to be obedient and to listen to him when you bring him down to that level So We want to make sure that he stays high and mighty where he is because every single example Every single example we have of people being in the presence of god almighty falls on their face their knees quiver. They're terrified Because you're in the presence of the almighty of the powerful it's that it's that Force In that presence right and the best way I could describe it would be like If you're ever caught in any type of really serious natural phenomenon like a with of immense power The fear that just can go through Everything like oh man, like if you if you're outside there's a tornado like right in front of you and everything just spinning around You're just like I mean you can't you could do nothing against that Nothing, you're completely powerless to that and you can feel that awesome power of you know, the force of the wind or whatever Except we're talking about god So when you're in the presence of god, hey, we know the terror of the lord We know what it's going to be like to be in his presence and especially think about this Just if you just waste your life and do nothing for jesus You know, it's easy in this life to not think about that That's not that's so far in the future This is the folly of so many people that's so far in the future. I don't really care about I'm not even gonna think about that. Who cares? I got plenty of time. I got plenty of time You know later on in my life I'll serve christ later when when i'm done having fun and i'm done doing this and i'm doing that and i'll just go off and I'll serve him later You don't know what tomorrow is going to bring you don't know what day is going to bring but two He's commanding you to serve him now Not serve me later Don't boast of things. You don't know what what what's going to happen in the future you do it now And knowing therefore the terror of lord we persuade men Persuade people. Hey, man, you're gonna be judged according to your works Do you really want to stand before christ and just and have nothing to show for your life here? I mean he paid for all of your sins. He's the one giving you entrance into heaven. And what did you do for him? Oh nothing Not that you could ever pay for your salvation. But I mean, hey, what kind of gratitude you have? What kind of thanks do you have for him giving you the best gift anyone could ever receive ever? How much does someone love you to do that for you and for you just to be like Whatever yeah, thanks You know what i'll serve you on my time Oh, you want me to read my bible? Yeah, that's kind of boring. Oh you want me you want me to go like talk to people about you People think that's weird man, I don't people think i'm weird. Wow. You really love jesus, don't you? Wow, you really love jesus, don't you? People have their priorities right and hey if you're born again This is the good judgment seat to be at right because if you're not born again, you're not saved There's a much worse judgment seat that you'll find yourself in front of that that Is eternal death but We are going to be you're saved you're going to be in front of the judgment seat of christ And you will have all of your works brought up good or bad Knowing therefore the terror of the lord we persuade men But we are made manifest unto god and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences For we commend not ourselves again unto you But give you occasion to glory on our behalf that ye may have somewhat to answer them with glory in appearance and not in heart For whether we be beside ourselves it is to god or whether we be sober is for your cause For the love of christ constraineth us because we thus judge that if one died for all then we're all dead And that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves But unto him which died for them and rose again We should live for him and again There's a whole nother sermon on the judgment seat of christ first corinthians chapter three You can read that and get some more information about that your works being burned up But clearly when your works are burned up the bible says yet he himself shall be saved yet So as by fire, so the soul like if you had no good works in your whole life You're still saved You can you're gonna have no rewards god's not gonna give you anything. He's not gonna give you a well done You have nothing to show for it, but you still got the inheritance why because that was free You still got eternal life because that's bought and paid for by jesus christ, but what did you do with your life? Nothing We are created under good works But we're not saved at all by our good works You don't have to work out your salvation to be saved You work out the salvation in this life the physical salvation of of making sure that You know you're doing unto others like the people who are supporting the apostle paul Well, guess what now when their time comes god's going to remember their mercy their work And that's going to reflect on them and their opportunities to be able to escape from some of those things Right because how you respond and how you act in the way that you you know do on others as you'd have them do unto you that's That's that's a really powerful passage with what measure you measure, you know, you meet that shall be measured to you again Anyways, I have a whole bunch of other passages here i'm not gonna get into them. We've kind of run out of time Just clearly showing salvation of the souls not of works um Read galatians 2 read romans 3 read romans 4 read, you know, john read the bible read all of it because You'll find that it's it's over and over and over and over again One of my favorites I had in here I was going to read in more context romans 328 You know, therefore we conclude and I love it because it's just like hey You got you got chapters one two and three of romans and then you get to this conclusion Of of what's been presented at least up to that point. Hey, therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith Without the deeds of the law. Amen without without the deeds of the law You're justified by the faith your your deeds of the law have nothing to do with your salvation. You're justified by your faith We covered romans 4 last week, but when you continue on reading that, you know to him that worketh not But believeth in him to justify this on his the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness The next verse I don't think I covered this last week says even as david also described the blessedness of the man under whom god imputed righteousness without works Saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven They're done And whose sins are covered blessed is the man whom the lord will not impute sin Amen All throughout the scripture. That's what you're going to find It couldn't be any clearer. I hope I hope this Has helped at least someone here that that if you were a little unsure on working out your own salvation what that's talking about You get the context It's clear he's talking about the salvation the physical salvation of his persecution Right and that other people are there they're supporting him to help him and then hey You're going to need to work out your own salvation when your time comes when you're going through the persecution Just as the apostle paul is working out his salvation He's reaching out to people. Hey pray for me. Hey, here's what's happening. Hey, i'm still preaching the gospel I'm, not letting this stop me or deter me Well, I know if hey if god's still got a reason for you to be here God's still got work for you to do. It doesn't matter what man does unto you Because he'll make sure that you finish what he wants you to do So when the apostle paul finds himself in prison, he's like, well, you know what I think I think god still wants me to preach the gospel Even though i'm in prison for preaching the gospel So i'm just going to keep on doing it And just see what happens and whenever god wants to call me home. Hey, i'm willing to go home deliver me from this flesh but until then I'm going to do the work that he's set out for me to do because we're created unto good works Spot our heads have a word of prayer dear lord. Thank you for the clarity. Thank you for the simplicity of the gospel. Thank you Um For all the clear teaching in your word, I pray that you please help us lord Help us that even though we live in the sinful flesh to be able to put away the the lust the deeds of our flesh dear lord that We can stay focused on serving you and god, even though it's not i'm sure a daily thought for all of us about Standing before the judgment seat of christ and being judged according to our works in the flesh That we're done here on earth lord that that we could receive rewards and and that which abides the fire we'd receive for lord I know that's not a day-to-day thought but lord help us Knowing that that's true and knowing the terrible lord and knowing that one day we will stand there That we could make the changes necessary in our life right now that we can use the priority of knowing that's a reality To to alter our day-to-day lives, even if we don't think about that consciously from day to day But we alter our day-to-day lives that we can make sure that we're including service to you That we're hearing from you that we're praying to you dear lord and treating it very very importantly Just because we understand that these things are true. We believe these things are true dear lord And we thank you for the free gift of eternal life And lord, please, uh, please bless this church bless everyone here today lord Help us to spread the good news of the gospel of jesus christ. It's in jesus name. We pray. Amen All right, we're gonna sing one more song before we are dismissed this morning brother peter, can you please lead us So I hear the savior Jesus My own He washed it white as snow Jesus All to him I hope Sin had left the crimson stain he washed it white as snow Where It all Jesus Jesus He washed it white as snow So