(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) shall bruise his heel unto the woman he said I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children and I desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee and unto Adam he said because thou has hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and that's eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it cursed is the ground for thy sake in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life thorns also and thistle shall drink forth to thee and now shall eat the herb of the field and in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground for out of it was thou taken for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return and Adam called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living unto Adam also unto his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothes and the Lord God said behold the man the man has become as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand and take also the tree of life and eat and live forever therefore the Lord God sent unto him sent him forth from the Garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken so he drove out the man and he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life let's pray dear Heavenly Father Lord I thank you so much for for this church and for everyone that's here today God I pray to you please fill me with your spirit with your powers Lord help me to use words that would be easy to be understood dear God I pray to you please help me to preach the truth and that everyone here would be able to learn something and to take something away from the message today dear God in a way that they could maybe improve on their own lives and to serve you better and it's in Jesus name we pray amen amen now in this chapter I'm actually I'm actually only focused on one verse to start with and that's in verse number 20 where the Bible says an Adam called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living now all throughout the Bible you're gonna find that names have importance people's names there's there's names of places those names of people and they all have specific meanings and we see here Adam called his wife's name Eve not just because he liked the name Eve or just sounded nice it says here because she was the mother of all living so the name Eve means you know mother of all living that's the meaning behind that name and what I'm gonna preach about today is the importance of the name of word of truth Baptist Church because this name word of truth has it has a lot of meaning and a lot of thought was put into this name this is gonna help define what this church is and who we are going forward but just a few more examples I'm going to read off some of this about about names and people's meanings of names in general you have to turn over to Genesis chapter 17 verse 5 the Bible says neither shall thy name any more be called Abram but thy name shall be Abraham for a father of many nations have I made thee God changed Abrams named Abraham because of this reason that he's going to make him a father of many nations Genesis 17 verse 15 it says and God said unto Abraham as for Sarai thy wife thou shalt not call her name Sarai but Sarah shall be her name and I will bless her and give thee a son also of her yeah I'll bless her and she shall be a mother of nations kings of people shall be of her and in Genesis 32 we see the same thing with Jacob God changed Jacob's name to Israel it says and he said thy name shall be called no more Jacob but Israel for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men it has prevailed and even besides the Old Testament even in the New Testament you know the name of Jesus Christ also has meaning in Matthew chapter 1 verse number 21 the Bible says and she shall bring forth the Son and now shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins that's why Jesus has a specific name before he was even born the angel said look you're gonna call his name Jesus his name is gonna be Jesus because he's gonna save the people from their sins it says now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which is spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth the Son and they shall call they shall call his name Emmanuel which being interpreted is God with us so there we see again the meaning of Emmanuel is God with us another proof that you the deity of Jesus Christ that Jesus Christ was God in the flesh the Word made flesh was you know that has a lot of meaning and that's really really important meanings too I mean think about the name of Eve and the name of Jesus Christ himself because he's gonna save the people from their sins that name has a lot of tremendous meaning so we're going to go through first of all the Baptist part the word of truth Baptist Church now we're not just word of truth Christian Church or this word of truth Church or Baptist Church and the reason why we're a Baptist Church is because you know because names provide meaning there's a lot of meaning associated with them with the name Baptist okay now not all Baptists are the same we know that I mean there's there's you have different varieties of Baptist but overall and in general Baptists believe pretty much the same thing and what we believe here is that salvation for one comes by faith alone it's not of works as any man should go salvation is completely by by grace through faith in Jesus Christ we also believe in the eternal security of the believer that once you're saved you're saved and sealed forever we receive eternal life eternal life is a gift that's given to us and that that salvation lasts forever because it's eternal because it's everlasting and another aspect of us being a Baptist is and this is a little bit different variety maybe is that our churches is a King James Bible believing only through Baptist Church we believe that the God has preserved his word for us today in 2013 as he promised to do God promised to preserve his word throughout all generations and we believe that God is fully capable of preserving his word in any language God's not bound by just Greek or just Hebrew or Aramaic or whatever it may be his word is not only available in the original so to so to speak but it's available for us today in English it's available today in Spanish it's available in many languages now the devil has come around and he's tried to attack God's Word as we saw in Genesis chapter 3 yay half God said trying to cause doubt and cast doubt into what God's actually said and God's commandments were and he tries to twist a little bit and he'll take God's Word and say well you shall not surely die and you see that's his attack he he'll take the truth and just try to twist it just a little bit and that's exactly what's going on today with the over 400 different versions of the Bible in English the devil is out trying to deceive people so what he does he'll take God's Holy Word and he'll twist it he'll add things he'll remove things and get and get you to cause doubt because I'll tell you what honestly for most people what Bible version do you use I mean you have so many different choices out there and I'll tell you what they do not all say the same thing yeah great depth they have there are very big very significant differences between those books you have to study it out for yourself but you can find many places where there's key doctrinal issues keep verses just removed change altered it's not you know a lot of people try to tell you oh you just remove the these and the dollars and just try to make it easier understand that's a lie that's false because it's not just removing the these and the dollars there wouldn't be nearly as big of a deal but I'll tell you what even though these in the dolls have a lot of meaning yes yeah these and now is for those of you that may not know how currently currently excuse me it's common to just to use the word you we don't typically use the thou ye those types of words but they're very important because be in our singular you're talking to one person if I just hit the word you you wouldn't know if I'm talking to you Quinn or you everybody that's here but in in the version just with B and now if it says B or thou you know you're talking to one specific person if it says ye or you you're talking to a group of people more than one person so I mean that's just one little tidbit but it's it's an important thing that we don't want to just get rid of and toss away I mean you know God's Word isn't meant to be a children's book yeah I mean if we can't understand from something from the Bible we shouldn't just try to change it and and dumb it down so to speak to make it easier to read we should get smarter ourselves and try to understand God's Word and you know God's Word is a lot of power we shouldn't we shouldn't be tampering with it but anyways you know we're an independent Baptist Church too as well so our church is an independent fundamental King James only Baptist Church and independent means we're not yoked up or tied up with any particular denomination now the word Baptist reason why it's in the name it's not because we're part of a convention or part of a denomination it's because there's meaning behind that name you know we baptize believers after they're saved just like John the Baptist did and that's that's really where the name comes from but I mean even today there's still amongst Baptists there's there's a lot of these these attributes are very common amongst Baptists and that's why we include Baptist in our name and we're independent because you know when you have a denomination all the devil has to do is to attack that top structure so you've got someone at the top kind of dictating okay well you in order to be in part of this domination you have to preach this you have to say this you have to do this and as the times change you see you get that you get that top getting attacked and as people don't like maybe the preaching against the sodomites the homosexuals or whatever I mean whatever it may be any sin that starts to become popular preaching against adultery fornication whatever it may be you attack the devil text that person that's at the top of the domination you can start saying okay look we don't want you guys preaching on this or you have to start allowing you know sodomites in your church you have to just open it up and just just let any any type of filthy you know reprobate into your congregation and they'll they can make that type of a statement and if you're part of the nomination you have to either follow along or hit the road and I'll tell you what that denomination is is for that money in that paycheck's coming from and that's a very strong incentive I mean all your support everything's coming through that denomination head and that's where there's the corruption creeps into many churches and that's why we like to say independent or Jesus Christ is the head of this church okay I'm just the under Shepherd Jesus Christ is the shepherd of this church he's the one that we go to for all of our doctrine for all of the truth everything that we believe is going to come directly from him it's not going to come from any other man it's not from our sending church it's not from Pastor Anderson and Tempe from faith or Baptist Church he's not telling us what to do here the Bible is our sole authority for all for all of our faith and practice everything that comes out of this book is from it's from the Word of God from Jesus Christ and this is what we're going to use to direct this church now let's get into a little bit of word of truth why is word of truth the name of the church I'm going to go to every single references five references in the Bible with the exact phrase word of truth and the first one you can turn there in 2nd Timothy chapter number 4 and actually this is not the first reference in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 there's a precursor to the first row the first references in Psalm 119 but turn to 2nd Timothy chapter number 4 because what this church is for this church is a place for people who are interested in knowing the truth there's a lot of people out there today they don't want to know the truth right they just want to hear what they want to hear they want you they want to go to a place where someone's going to tickle their ears and tell them hey everything you're doing is good you're a great person keep doing what you're doing keep it up and and you know keep sitting you know there's a cold hell sins not that bad and everything is just fine just keep doing what you're doing there's a lot of people that want to hear that message okay this is not the church for you if that's the message you want to hear because we're going to preach the truth now oftentimes the truth is great and and it builds you up and it's edifying and you know the love of God is incredible his mercy you know there's there's so many great attributes that are positive that that will make you uplift you and will make you feel better but there's also a lot that are negative there's a lot of changes that we need to make and we ought to be making our life continually day after day after day to come into conformity with what God wants us to do to really be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ I mean he is our model he is the model of perfection we are not perfect yet we ought to strive to we ought to strive to fit that mold and in order to do that that's going to mean making a lot of changes in our life to fit what the Bible says now I'm up here and I'm going to try to preach the entire Word of God the entire Council every single line of this book is my goal to try to preach everything that God has for us not to just push aside the stuff that oh this might make people uncomfortable oh someone might not want to hear this because that's their particular sin there's lots of things in this Bible that can offend and that do offend many okay but this is God's Word this is not my word and I would not be it would not be appropriate for me to be pastor of a church it's not over any pastor of a church to push aside some of the Bible because it might offend people that's that is just a shame that it even happens ever and and and those pastors that do that ought to be ashamed of themselves for not sticking up for God's Word because it's not their own opinion it's not my opinion this is God's Word and if we can't stand on God's Word what can we say God's Word is truth so this church is a church for those who want to know the truth look at 2nd Timothy chapter number 4 the Bible says in verse number 2 preach the word be instant in season out of season that means look whether it's popular or not well it's in season or not you need to preach the word reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine now reproving and rebuking I'll tell you what right now those are not positive words reproving is telling someone that they're wrong rebuking yeah that's telling someone that they're wrong again okay and you might hear a lot of that from this church but the goal is not just to tell you just to bring you down that's not the goal and that the purpose is not to just say hey you're wrong and you should just feel terrible by yourself no the whole point the whole goal is to say look you might be wrong in this area fix it that's what God wants you to do that I mean that's the whole point it you know if I had a big you know Thor or something sticking out of my neck or something some big you know like a big screwdriver such as something just man my neck really hurts I don't know why I would really hope that someone would say hey brother Dave look you have this big you have this big board is sticking in your neck let me help you get that out instead of just let me say oh you know what everything's just fine you know you're good I don't know why your neck hurts so much and that you know and it's a silly illustration that's kind of what you know it's kind of a point of the preaching here is just that we're supposed to you know I'm going to try to point out things that may be wrong in your life and you know what it may sting to hear those things but the point is to help you to get better to improve God knows what's best for us in our lives he doesn't make his commandments to be to be some meanie to be some guy that oh yeah you don't want me to have any fun that's not why God's commandments are here it's for our benefit for it's for our profit got just the same way that I know what's better for my children than they know I mean if I just let them make just do whatever you want you know eat whatever you want for dinner you know go to bed whatever you want wear whatever clothing you want just just just you have it they're not going to be doing what's healthy for them what's going to be in their best interest overall and what's the best for them I mean if they start just eating junk all the time they're gonna get fat they're gonna get you know it's not gonna be healthy great it's sick they're gonna have nutritional deficiencies if they just eat and do those things that are pleasing to their flesh and that and that that feel good to them the same way with God he gave us rules and guidelines for us to follow them I mean not just guidelines with Commandments for us to follow and it's for our own benefit God is our father he he wants us to live the best life that we can and he gave us and look this is how you do it obey me look just trust me even if you don't understand if you say you know what I don't understand why it is why can't it why can't I drink or why can't I you know for a kid or whatever it feels good why can't I do that you don't have to understand God said no he knows better he knows more than you do just trust his word trust him that he is a loving father he is merciful and he does have what's best for you in in mind for you and just just to believe that and look here in a verse number 3 2nd Timothy chapter 4 for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they keep to themselves teachers having itching ears and I'll tell you what that's the day we're living in today people do not want to endure sound doctrine and after their own lusts what they want to hear they keep to themselves teachers it says having itching ears so it's like yeah just I got an inch right here you scratch this I like hearing oh yeah yeah that feels really good tell me some more about how good I am in this you know everything's just fine tell me some more you know it reminds me of the prophets the Old Testament where I said you know they will preach peace peace the Bible says when there is no peace they would tell people hey everything's just fine everything's good go back to sleep everything's going great when just over the hill there's you know there's an army coming that's just going to destroy the city and take them all captive and lead them away they didn't want to preach the truth because you know what that's not a pleasant message then verse number four it says and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables a lot of people they just want to hear lies they want to hear hear fables stories I'll tell you why a word of truth Baptist Church I promise you I will not be preaching fables this is a church that's going to preach the truth and again if you're interested in the truth you're in the right place because that's that is all we're going to focus on here it is at this church that's why a word of truth is the name of the church now the first reference go ahead and turn to Psalm number 119 right in the middle your Bible the book of Psalms flip it open right in the middle Psalm 119 Psalm 119 is a book there is a chapter in the book of Psalms it's all about God's law it's like the longest the longest chapter an entire Bible Psalm 119 and it's divided into all these different sections of the Hebrew alphabet and we're going to be looking at verse number 41 of Psalm 119 in verse 41 of our is let thy mercies come also unto me O Lord even thy salvation according to thy word so shall I have were with to answer him that reproaches me for I trust in thy word and take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth for I have hoped in thy judgments so shall I keep the law continually forever and ever and I will walk at liberty for I seek thy precepts I will speak of thy testimonies also before Kings and will not be ashamed and I will delight myself in thy commandments which I have loved my hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments which I have loved and I will meditate in thy statutes hmm now one aspect I want to take away from this passage because someone next he is all about the law and you can even see her in many of these verses are I will delight myself in thy commandments we have a love of God's commandments here for the very reason I was alluded to earlier is that because God knows what's best for us I love God's command we ought to meditate his commandments day and night we should know his commandments now absolutely we're saved by grace we're not saved by it by obeying the law we're not saved by following the law but that doesn't make the law just null and void it doesn't mean that you should just ignore all the law and don't do according to the law just because we're saved by grace through faith we should we ought to love God's law and love his commandments and you're going to notice too that a majority of the references that we see are going to be tied in with salvation and that's because God's Word is required to be saved yeah yeah Bible says that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God now and God's Word is the truth right so uh here in Psalm 119 verse 41 says let thy mercies come also unto me O Lord even thy salvation according to thy word so salvation comes by God's Word and that's that's one of the great things that this church is going to try to accomplish as well is to bring the Word of Truth to the lost preach the word so that people can get saved now let's go ahead and turn to the to the second reference in 2nd Corinthians chapter number 6 see first of all here this is a church where we love God's law we're going to study God's law we're going to try to better ourselves we're going to try to do as right as possible if we can and in order to do what's right we need to know what's right we need to be studying the Bible learning a Bible meditating on God's precepts learning his commandments and applying them to our lives and just trying to improve ourselves and make ourselves better Christians overall God's going to use us the most the more the closer we get to him by obeying his commandments 2nd Corinthians chapter number 6 we're gonna start reading verse number 1 the Bible reads we then as workers together with him beseech you also that you receive not the grace of God in vain and again we're workers together with him this is a church I don't want to church just people that just want to come in sit around for an hour and then go home and then nothing changes and there's no work being done we're workers God's called us to work that's what we're doing out yesterday we're going out knock on doors and talking to people we're trying to reach people we're doing the work that God has sent forth before us if you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you it's easy to say hey I'm saved I'm going to heaven that's great what good is that going to do anybody else I mean that's great you're going you're saved you're going to heaven but how is that going to help anybody else what kind of love is that for anyone else I mean Jesus Christ loved you so much that he came and did all this work he came and died on the cross to give you this free gift and just to take that gift and just cool I got it it's fun and not even worry about anybody else we need to be workers we need to bring the gospel to people we need to bring the gospel of awesome you receive that gift as a result of someone else preaching the word to you we ought to in turn likewise do the same thing look at verse number two for that for he said I have heard thee in a time accepted and in the day of salvation have I suffered thee behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation giving no offense in anything that the ministry be not blamed but in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God in much patience in afflictions and necessities and distresses in stripes and imprisonments and tumults and labors and watchings and fast eggs excuse me by pureness by knowledge by long-suffering by kindness by the Holy Ghost by love unfeigned by the word of truth by the power of God by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left by honor and dishonor by evil reporting good report as deceivers and yet true as unknown and yet well known as dying and behold we live as chastened and not killed as sorrowful yet always rejoicing as poor yet making many rich as having nothing and yet possessing all things now this chapter in chapter number six is a continuation of chapter number five that explains that we're actually ambassadors for Christ you know where his workers he's sending us forth to preach the gospel we need to approve ourselves by the word of truth so you know it's an enforced number in verse number four it says but all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God and then it lists a lot of conditions a lot of things that can happen to us that will try us okay we need to approve ourselves as in much patience in afflictions when people are flicking you in necessities when you have need in distresses when things are just going wrong in stripes I mean if you're being beaten in it if you're being thrown into prison and two molds in what your labors and working watchings and fencing so in all of these things the Bible says we need to be approving ourselves under God because these are things that are going to try to drag you down it's gonna try to get you out of the out of the Christian walk it's gonna try to pull you away from God all of these different things I mean you've been getting beat and getting thrown in prison all these things are gonna try to keep you awake but we need to approve ourselves as the ministers of God how do we do that verse number seven by or verse number six by pureness by knowledge suffering by kindness see now these are all the attributes gonna help you to approve yourselves when you're in all those other situations that we just read in the previous verses by the Holy Ghost by love unfeigned by the word of truth by God's Word by the power of God by the armor of righteousness all of these things are gonna help us and and again I mean the reason why we're going versus because it says by the word of truth God's Word is important and this is this is one of the things that's going to help keep us and keep us on the right track and keep us approved as ministers of God a minister is someone who does work for God and helps other people out and does the work that God has sent out for us we're going to turn to our third our third reference in Ephesians chapter number one Ephesians chapter number one just a few more pages to the right from when we were first Corinthians Ephesians chapter number one and look at verse number 13 the Bible says in whom he also trusted after that you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that you believe you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory I love this reference this is one of my favorite references the word of truth because the Bible says right here that the word of truth is the gospel of your salvation God's work the word of truth is the gospel that is what this church is all about is this church is all about preaching the gospel okay that is the mode the single most important thing in any individual's life is hearing that gospel so you have the opportunity to get saved because that's I mean after we pass away our life is but a vapor the eternity that you spend the existence that you have that lasts forever we need to make the most of the little time that we have here in order to spread the word of truth to spread the gospel so people can hear that and get saved and receive eternal life now the other reason why I really love this verse because I mean this explains perfectly that once we are saved we are saved forever look at the second part of verse 13 it says whom you also that after that you believe you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise when you get saved you are sealed now just like anything else I mean if you seal something you're closing it you're wrapping it up it's done it's a done deal you seal the deal God seals the deal with us when we put our faith in Jesus Christ he says here's the Holy Spirit I'm sealing you this is a promise and at the end of verse with that Holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance when you get saved you have an inheritance there is an inheritance in heaven when we pass away you're gonna you know God said you know Jesus Christ said that there's many mansions God has God has has built matches and they're ready for us and waiting for us that's an inheritance that's ready for those that are saved you are sealed with the Holy Spirit you have an inheritance in heaven until the redemption of the purchased possession God purchases you you are his possession when you believe on Jesus Christ not only does he seal you he puts his earnest money down on you on your soul you are purchased you belong to God yeah you belong to him now if you belong him he's not gonna let you go you're his you'll always be his you're sealed unto the praise of his glory man I love I love that reference return our next reference the fourth reference in second Timothy chapter number two God's word the word of truth is what saved you the word of truth is what's going to seal you the Holy Spirit is going to seal you when you get saved and you're saved forever second Timothy chapter number two second Timothy chapter number two verse 15 Bob reads study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness and their word will eat as though the canker of whom is high monies and Pilates who concerning the truth of earth saying that the resurrection is passed already and overthrow the faith of some as a Christian we all ought to study it says to show thyself again the word die that means you personally study to show thyself approved unto God it is all of our own individual responsibility to study the Bible for ourself now we ought to come to church and hear the preaching you know there's a lot of things you could learn from the preaching but ultimately the most you should be learning is on your own study for yourself you ought to be able to judge what I preach when I come up here and I preach the Bible you ought to be thinking there every second you should be thinking is what this man is saying the truth does this line up with what I've already read in the Bible I've read the Bible for myself I know what it says is what this man saying line up because ultimately it doesn't matter what I say it matters what God says it matters what this Bible says now I ought to be up here preaching the truth and you need to know that for yourself and that's why I encourage every single person anyone who comes here any member of this church ought to know the Bible for themselves because otherwise it's very very easy to be deceived anybody could come along with you know the slight of men and just just any cunningly devised fables the Bible says to try to entice you away and even here it says that we ought to you know workman that needeth not to be ashamed it's a shame to not know the Word of God is a shame not to know the Bible we ought to be working at need not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you know a lot of people like to just rip scripture out of context and just tell you oh yeah well see look the Bible says this I mean there's so many false religions out there that claim to be Christian that'll say oh yeah you know and a good example is escaping right now but you know you pull any verse out I mean you can prove anything you want by pulling one or two verses out of the Bible completely out of context and the thing is okay if you don't know the Bible you can be deceived by that you can follow along that logic and say oh okay yeah well that's true I mean it says so in the Bible that's why it's so important for you to know the Bible for yourself read the Bible daily that way you can hear this stuff and say you know what no that's not true I mean when the Jehovah's Witnesses come and say that that hell's not real and that people just disintegrate and it's just over forever that that there is there is no such thing as eternal torment or eternal punishment you could turn to so many scripture in the New Testament that say look this is everlasting torture this everlasting punishment this is not something that just yours burned up in an instant and that's just one example I mean people but they have their verses they'll have one verse maybe two or they can say see and usually it's just a lot of logic just a lot of reasoning and just saying well you know not very much Bible they'll try to they'll try to persuade you and say well you know because God is love because he loves people well you know he's not gonna have anyone tortured in hell forever because that's not loving but see that's a faulty logic anyways God is love and God is all loving but God also it's not God is not only God is love it's not all he is God has many attributes God has wrath God has love God is completely balanced yet both and it to me it's impossible to even say you're loving if you don't hate people I mean how could you love the good if you don't hate the evil all right it's impossible but so we see also here it says but shun profane vain babblings and the only way you're gonna be able to do that is by knowing the word of truth by knowing what the Bible says just for they will increase unto more ungodliness the vain babblings is going to get you into sin but one more point here then it says and their word will eat is the other canker of whom is hymenaeus and Philetus now notice here second Timothy chapter 2 says this is epistle of Paul to Timothy he's pointing out names here he's saying look hymenaeus and Philetus those are two people that are not that are better it says who concerning the truth ever saying that the resurrection is passed already and they're overthrowing the faith of some these people are false teachers and Paul's calling them out now or a true Baptist Church I'm not gonna be afraid to call out names either and we ought to do that it's good you can't just you know people need to know hey Joel Osteen is a false prophet I know he's very popular today I know he hears things or he'll say things that you might like to hear and he'll tell you how great your life is but I'll tell you what that man is a wicked false prophet he has a false gospel of salvation and he is overthrowing the faith of many he's trying to teach that oh basically there's many ways to get to heaven it's not just through Jesus hey people who love God in general yeah I believe in a way they're believing at Jesus these are things that Joel Osteen says you can look it up for yourself and if you don't know where it is I could give you the references where he says these things where it's where salvation is not just through faith and that Muslims will be in heaven and and you know all basically people of all religions will get into heaven and this is this is a movement that's going on and there's a lot of people that's just one name there's many names and we ought not to be afraid to name those names and say hey these people watch out for these people the same way that Paul did Paul did it when he was talking to Timothy and we're gonna do it when I'm preaching from here no it's not gonna be just you know I mean obviously we're all sinners so it's not just talking about oh you know pastor so-and-so told a lie or something you know it's not it's not just just I caught him tripping up in some aspect of his life you know especially when it's not as major but I mean these are people who are who are continually you know just they have this false doctrine it's a and they're overthrowing the faith they're saying that the resurrection is already passed it's talking about the the resurrection of our bodies the they're basically the rapture is talking about that that the resurrection of the just yeah just you're saying that these people are preaching that that's already happened and they're all for overthrowing the faith of some but um you know we're not gonna be afraid to call these names turn to our last reference the fifth reference James chapter 1 and this is actually as I was trying to study and figure out you know we're starting a new church what's this church gonna be called again there's so much importance in the name and I really want this name to represent what this church is and what this church is all about and what this church is going to be James chapter 1 is where is where I am this reference is where I found the word truth and you know what that's great and all these references are great James chapter 1 look at verse number 18 it says of his own will begat he us with the word of truth that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures again so many references the word of truth is tied in with our salvation this church is all about bringing salvation to the law we're all about preaching the word of truth preaching God's Word and sticking true to God's Word look at verse number 19 it says where for my beloved brother let every man be swift to hear slow to speak slow to rap now we're getting into a lot of attributes here that I would hope that we can all endeavor to just live our lives according to what we're going to read here and at this church then the people of this church would would just exemplify what the Bible is saying here that we need to be swift to hear so be ready to listen listen to people listen to what's going on listen to what's being said slow to speak you know a fool is known for as much speaking take in filter it don't just just spout off your mouth is everything that pops in your head you got to keep that filter because you're gonna need to comprehend what's being said and to really formulate a good response slow to rap we don't need to be quick angry someone says something wrong you know just you know just start flying off the handle slow to speak slow you know it's not a swift to hear so to speak slow to rap just for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness we need to get rid we get the sin out of our life all the sin the filthiness God called God God looks at our cities is filthy if you're filled if you go out and you grow on the mud you're working all day you're sweating you get filthy you're gonna go take a shower you're cleaning yourself off God wants us to clean ourselves off he wants us to get the sin the sin is making us filthy we need to get that out of our life it doesn't receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your souls it takes meekness it takes humility it takes a humble mind a humble heart to be able to receive God's Word because again a lot of times I mean when there's something you know there's a lot of things in here you'd be like oh man that's great like areas of your life where you're doing just fine you know the Bible says it's a shame for a man to have long hair and it's like you know what I'm doing yeah that's good I see that and like because if it doesn't apply to you really like if you're doing fine in that aspect of your life it's you know it's not a big deal but then but then you come across that section or it's like oh yeah yeah I don't like that I you know and just kind of push away if you have a wrong attitude that's gonna drive you away from God that's gonna drive you further into sin we need to have a meek and humble spirit when you see something if it applies to you and again I mean it's not necessarily the easiest thing to do it's really not easy at all I mean that's why there's so many people that just just don't even want to read the Bible and don't want to know what God's Word says and they want to heap unto themselves teachers having itching ears because it's hard it's it's hard to make those changes but we need to have to consider myself to have that meekness have that humble mind and have that humble attitude be ready to hear be ready to receive God's Word and be ready to make those changes within yourself and that says in verse number 22 but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves yes we ought to be swift to hear but don't just hear be a doer make the changes in your life make the changes necessary when you hear God's Word to do it and you know in addition you know God commands us to go out and preach the gospel every creature that's another thing that we ought to be a doer it's one thing to hear God's words another thing to do it James is exhorting us here to be doers of the word don't just sit on your on your laurels and just just sit back go out and do the work verse 23 for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in the glass for he beholdeth himself and goeth his way and straightway forget it what manner of man he was and this is important too because this is this is a great truth it's easy you can hear a lot of great things in church you can hear a lot of great things from other people you can even hear a lot of the great things from the Bible and what's saying if you don't put that into action in your life if you don't add that and say and actually act on it and be a doer of that word you're gonna forget that truth that piece of God's Word that you even heard this is a man he beholds himself so he sees okay yeah I see this but then he walks away and just completely forgets about it and that happens that's when you hear something a truth from God's Word and you say man that's true and it's maybe something you have to change in your life if you don't do that change and you just just continue going on that's gonna just slip right back out of your mind you're not gonna think about that anymore you're gonna forget about your be a forgetful here so when you hear something it's important just you know what decide to make that change today make it immediately just like the Bible says you know even if you're not so you've got saved this happens all the time we got so many and there's so many people you can preach them the truth saying you look Jesus Christ died for your sins you all you have to do is believe on him you know put your faith on Jesus Christ you can be saved today you can have it sealed you can have it set you can receive eternal life and a lot of people say well I don't know I want to think about it and it happens a lot it really does and then you know what because I've talked to some of these people they'll say that you go back to them later on maybe you talk to them again a month later or a year later just just sometime later on you can be saying the same exact things and it'll be like all new to them again forget they're forgetful here and that could be that could be applied to unbelievers as well as believers when you hear something and you hear the truth act on it right away don't put it off don't say well yeah I know that's an area of my life I need to work on but I'll work on that next week because what's gonna happen is you're gonna forget it's good it's not gonna be as important as it is right when you hear it and it's just slowly gonna just exit your mind you're being forgetful here we need to be doers of the word not a hero only it says in verse 25 who so look at them to the perfect law of liberty and continue it therein he being not a forgetful here but a doer of the word this man shall be blessed in his deed God's gonna bless you if you if you make those changes if you're a doer of the work says if any man among you seem to be religious and bridal if not his tongue but deceiveth his own heart this man's religion is vain pure religion and undefiled before God the father is this to visit the fathers and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world I'm gonna close on this because I'm sick of people today attacking the word religion it happens a lot people say oh I don't have a religion I have a relationship that's like one of the common phrases these days yeah and the reason why people say that is because of verse 26 there's a lot of vain religion out there there's a lot of vain vanity of people who you know they call themselves religious but you know they're not preaching the truth you know they're living a wicked lifestyle you know they're hypocrites and that's why people don't like the word religion and I can understand that says if any man among you seem to be religious and bridal if not his tongue but deceiveth his own heart this man's religion is vain there's lots of vain religion out there but you know that doesn't make that word religion bad or wrong because look at verse 27 it says this is from you know this is God's work pure religion and undefiled before God the father is this so God's telling us this is pure religion this is good this is the religion that you ought to have visit the fatherless and widows that's doing the work that's going out and visiting people that have nobody fatherless people have father no fathers widows people have no one else in this world visit them in their affliction and don't just do that but keep yourself unspotted from the world that's getting this in every life that's hearing God's Word that's making those changes putting that into place in your life being the doer of the world not just not just a cure we're born again by God's Word the Word of Truth is going to save you just as much as Jesus Christ is what saves you the Word saves you Jesus Christ is the Word Jesus Christ was perfect God's Word is perfect they're tied in I mean it's an entire sermon completely by itself I mean there's so much depth in that but the Word of Truth I mean this is this is something that that I hope you understand the meaning behind his name and that that you can you can be a part of this church and say you know what I like that I like what this church stands for I like to hear the truth I want to be a doer I don't want to be here I want to help I want to help other people I want to go I want to help the fatherless and widows I want to keep myself unspotted from the world I want to do what's right in God's eyes and I want to preach the gospel and just just help other people to get saved and change the course of their eternity forever and I pray that God's gonna fill this church and I believe he will I think God is gonna fill this church it might take some time okay a good church a solid church just like anything anything you want you if you want to do it the right way it's not the fastest way right everything you do that's worth anything takes time you want to have this big oak tree in your yard you can't just go and like transplant some big oak tree they got roots that dig down that have been growing for a really long time it all starts with a C it starts small it starts very small this church is starting small it's gonna be very small but if God's with it God will build the church God said look it's not up to you it's not up to me to build the church not us to build the church God's gonna build it's up to me just to do what he told me to do right it's up to us individually just to do what he has for us we'll leave building up the building the church to God and it might take years it might take a really long time but if it's gonna be worth anything if it's gonna be worth doing we're gonna do it right we're not gonna cut corners I'm not gonna bring in a rock band I'm not gonna bring in things that the world wants to hear just to fill up seats in this house because I don't care if all the seats are empty if I'm doing what's right by God and that's the attitude I hope everybody has let's do what's right by God let the chips fall away me and we're gonna do the work we're gonna preach the gospel we're gonna do what God has set out for us to do and we'll let God build the church let's borrow eyes and we're afraid