(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our services tonight here at faithful word Baptist Church So nice to see you all here on this Sunday evening service. Take your small books, please We'll get started with him number one hundred and fifty nine to begin him number one hundred and fifty nine 159 is Oh Let's be More and more Oh Oh Oh We father Lord, thank you for this church Lord Thank you for the King James Bible, please bless the music as we sing praises on to us in Jesus. Holy name. Amen 161 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Please raise your hand and the ushers will bring you one as soon as possible If you have a bulletin open it up on the upper left hand corner Service times below that it's our soul winning times and at the very bottom is salvations and baptisms for the year And every door in Greenlee County has been knocked So whoever participated and knocking all those doors, there will be a lunch serve for those who participated on Sunday June 30th at 1 p.m Please sign up if you plan to attend below that is information on the third annual mega conference schedule So if you're wondering who's preaching the schedules right there take a look at it when you get a chance on the back of the Bulletin pastors and we'll be preaching a stronghold Baptist Church Friday, July 5th at 7 p.m And join us for a Navajo soul winning trip including the time recreation at the Grand Canyon National Park Friday Through Saturday, June 28th and 29th If you want any more information talk to brother Raymond when he comes back from Nigeria and join us for a church Skate night at skate land in Mesa Thursday, August 15 from 5 30 p.m. To 8 p.m The address is right there that you can look at when you get a chance and the men's preaching is officially postponed until later Probably next year in January and our other so winning events are coming up You can take a look at those right there And so if you don't know you'll know now pastor Burzins is gonna preach for us tonight So that's a big blessing to have them preach for us tonight. So let's just count the so winning for the week So if you got somebody saved on Thursday I'll start from my left hand if you got somebody saved on Thursday, go ahead and raise your hand with a number and to Here 13 How many to Anybody else one Anybody else by 18 so 18 anyone else Friday Friday 6 Anybody else for Friday 18 again 18 anybody else Saturday start here 7 7 plus 18 10 Anybody else 2 3 Can I get a 4 no more and today 18 for the week, okay For the week, all right once again 3 All right All right, keep them coming Oh No What's that Oh No 1 3 1 Anyone else go once going twice. All right, brother ladies in the next song All right, you should find the answer in front of your hymnal of God of our fathers If you don't have an answer you can raise your hand and you'll receive one we'll sing it on that first together God of our fathers whose almighty hand leads forth the beauty Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh 402 him number 402 402 our best 10 number 402. We'll sing it out on that first here you the masters all Give me my best 10 number 402 sing it out together now Oh Oh Oh Oh My good thing tonight, amen Plates so if you have your Bible, please go to Proverbs 20, please go to Proverbs chapter number 20 Wine is a mocker strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived Thereby is not wise The fear of a king is as the rowing of a lion who so provoketh him to anger Sineth against his own soul It is an honor for a man to cease from strife But every fool will be meddling the sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold therefore shall he beg and harvest and have nothing Council in the heart of a man is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out Most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness but a faithful man who can find the just man walketh in his integrity his children are blessed after him a King that sitteth in the throne of judgment scattereth away all evil with his eyes Who can say I've made my heart clean I am pure for my sin Diverse weights and diverse measures both of them are alike abomination to the Lord Even a child is known by his doings whether his work be pure and whether it be right The hearing ear and the seeing eye the Lord hath made even both of them Love not sleep lest thou come to poverty open thine eyes and thou shalt be satisfied with bread It is not it is not saith the buyer But when he has gone his way then he boasteth There is gold and a multitude of rubies, but the lips of knowledge are precious jewel Take his garment that is surety for a stranger and take a pledge of him for a strange woman Bread of deceit is sweet to a man But afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel every purpose is established by counsel and with good advice make war He that goeth about as a tale bearer reveal his secrets therefore meddle not with him that flat earth with his lips Who so cursed with his father or his mother his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness an Inheritance may be gotten hastily at the beginning, but the end thereof shall not be blessed say not thou I'll recompense evil, but wait on the Lord and he shall save thee Diverse weights are an abomination under the Lord and a false balance is not good Man's goings are of the Lord how can a man then understand his own way It is a snare to the man who devoureth that which is holy and after vows to make inquiry a Wise King scatter at the wicked and bringeth the wheel over them The spirit of man is the cradle of the Lord candle of the Lord searching all the inward parts of the belly Mercy and truth person preserve the king and his throne is upholden by mercy The glory of young men is their strength and the beauty of old men is the grave head The blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil so do the stripes the inward parts of the belly Thank You father for fifth war Baptist Church, thank you for the souls that were won this week I pray that you fill pastor persons with your Holy Spirit open our hearts on our ears to receive your holy word in Jesus name Amen Amen, all right, it's good to be back here at faith forward Baptist Church again this evening Of course, I wish it was under better circumstances. We're here. My family's here. We're grieving the loss of my mother-in-law appreciate the people who have Supported us and given their condolences. So thank you for that But we are here and and I am happy to be here this evening and to preach I'm sorry to hear pastor Anderson's not feeling well I pray that he gets well very soon and I appreciate that sermon brother so girl this morning. It was very edifying Very very good topic on Father's Day. I really got a lot out of that and I hope my children did too Maybe they were paying attention as a really good sermon. Thanks for that and this evening We're gonna be looking at the book of Proverbs and I hope I hope it's in part some wisdom and and you Know hopefully this isn't even necessary. I hope I hope there's nobody here that really Needs this right now Everything the Bible is good for us We need to hear it anyways, and I really hope that you don't need this wisdom But but you know throughout the scripture throughout Proverbs, especially we see Proverbs are given from a father to a son So this Father's Day Here's one little piece of wisdom that I want you to receive and it's actually the very first verse in Proverbs chapter 20 and those of you who know me at all This is a little bit of a hobby horse for me. This is kind of a personal issue for me This is something I've dealt with in my past and it's something I'm very passionate about on the subject of alcohol and drinking booze and wine and all the garbage that's out there surrounding that and I'm a Very very just right off the bat just so you understand. I'm a tea Totaller, I don't believe in consuming any alcohol whatsoever And I don't think any Christian has any business consuming any amount of alcohol. I don't believe in drinking in moderation I don't believe it's okay to have a beer or two. I don't think it's okay to have a glass of wine with dinner I think all Christians should abstain from drinking poison every day of their life And we're gonna get into Scripture that will hopefully give you wisdom on this subject and just beyond the shadow of a doubt just prove to you This is not Acceptable for a believer verse number one in Proverbs 20 the Bible reads wine is a mocker It doesn't gonna say too much wine. Look wine is a mocker Wine will mock you wine will bring shame wine will cause you to be mocked Wine is a mocker strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived. Thereby is not wise and Who's deceived the people that think oh, it's okay to drink a little bit You're deceived if you think it's fine just to indulge in some drinks in some libations in some Spirits in some wine in some booze you are not wise You've been deceived you've been deceived by the culture. You've been deceived by the world And I know I made the claim I don't think we should have any alcohol Let's start by just proving really clearly about just drunkards, okay I think this should just go without saying But turn if you would to first Corinthians chapter number five And we're gonna kind of work backwards a little bit So we're gonna start with just the most obvious case the Bible clearly is against Drunks Drunkards there there is zero reputation. I think there's zero reputation for all of it But as we continued on I want you to just see how we how we continue to see what the Bible teaches about all This first Corinthians chapter 5 near the end of this chapter. We get a list of various sins that People can commit believers can commit that would cause you to be like Excommunicated it'll cause you to be no longer welcome in a church service or to have fellowship with other believers and This is something that that we believe in wholeheartedly that this ought to be enforced We have a little leaven leaven at the whole lump and while yes, everybody is a sinner we need to maintain Standards within the house of God we need to be able to maintain standards and provide good loving, you know Discipline for people and sometimes tough love is required And people need to realize how bad especially some sins really are Because let's face it. We live in a world that says fornication really isn't that big of a deal We live in a world that says hey drinking booze really isn't that big of a deal We live in a world that says these sins really aren't that bad and we need to understand look When we look at the Word of God and we see how God feels about these things We need to maintain these standards and even in Scripture. It says look down there verse number 11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company not to give up You don't hang out with these people not to keep company of any man that is called a brother Be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer look at this or a drunkard You Got a brother that's a drunkard Not supposed to have fellowship with that person not supposed to hang out with that person And if they call you up and they want to know hey man when you want to hang out just sorry I can't and you don't have to beat around the bush. You say no, I can't you're a drunkard You need to fix that don't don't leave them hanging as to why Let them know exactly why And it's not because I don't love you I do love you, but you need to get this right you need to get right with God If we continue reading on this verse 12 the Bible reads for what have I to do to judge them? Also that or without do not ye judge them that are within There's a proper judgment within church. We need to have And it's laid out for us right here in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verse number 13 says But then that or without hey God judges them We're not walking around and judging every unsaved person out in the world and being like, oh man you drunk you fornicator Look God's gonna judge them but within the house of God you better believe wield these standards And look at that last sentence in verse 13 therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person Pretty strong words about the drunkard Go forward to chapter 6 Chapter 6 verse number 9 the Bible says this know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God Be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers Nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards Nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God Now, of course, this isn't talking about a workspace salvation because the next verse says, you know in such were some of you But ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified now I don't want to go too deep in this but when we see these lists of these sins that say hey look You're not going to inherit the kingdom of God if you're guilty of these things Everyone has their own sin when we put our trust in Christ, of course, we're cleansed from all of our sin God's not going to see that when it comes to our Admission into into heaven because Christ has washed away our you know, it's completely washed us from all of that sin But the reason why I even go this is because look at I mean this list of sins is very similar to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 Right where we in and continuing on through the epistle of the 1st Corinthians or the Corinthians, right? it's just he's saying how serious this is and how God feels about this drunkard look drunkards can't inherit the kingdom of God and Drunkards within church ought not to even be fellowship with Flip over to Galatians chapter 5 Galatians also has a very similar list It talks about the the works of the flesh and then the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians chapter 5 It's very similar to what we write in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 But I want you to show you here is you say oh, well, you know what pastor persons? I'm not a drunkard I'm not a drunkard Okay, I don't drink every day I don't just have to get drunk all the time because people have different definitions of drunkards right and some people say oh look You know, that's not me. Okay. I don't have withdrawals if I don't have a drink But it's not just the drunkard. It's drunkenness So I'm not a drunkard well do you get drunk sometimes well, yeah, sometimes I do Well, let's see what the Bible says about that in Galatians chapter 5 Verse 19 about is now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery fornication Cleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variants, emulations, wrath, stripes, seditions, heresies verse 21 envyings, murders drunkenness There it is drunkenness revelings and such like of the which I tell you before as I have also told you in time past that they which do Such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God It's serious it's a serious thing it's not some small little thing oh man, come on dude chill out It's not that big of a deal No, it is a big deal it's a very big deal and you know the Bible teaches us to be sober and with every drink you consume you are becoming less and less sober and How do you know where to draw the line of what is drunkenness anyways? I? Mean there's so there's so many things my mind is just is just flooded with the wisdom on Not drinking and not even starting Because as soon as you have when you have that one drink you think I'm just gonna have one drink You know it's a lot easier to have a second drink Than it is to even have that first one so you're because Man, I've done. I've done a lot of studying on this is just like I said, it's a subject that unfortunately I know all too well firsthand, so I have the experiential knowledge. I know very well about the scripture But even the science behind it to okay the way that that alcohol works in your brain And in how it causes your body to function physiologically it all of it ties together from every standpoint There is no arguing that there's any benefit for drinking alcohol It is bad for you in every sense of the word it is bad for you And what's gonna happen by your behavior by your thoughts it is bad for you Spiritually with God with your brethren it is bad for you. Just physically in your body because it's a poison And I can't drive this point home harder. I mean think about what the words that the world uses you are Intoxicated Toxic it's it's intoxicating substance why because it's toxic because it's a poison Because it's not supposed to be consumed in your body. It is harmful. It's gonna cause disease in your liver It's gonna go to body has to process this stuff. It's not good for you The Bible warns a lot about alcohol go back to Proverbs chapter 23 And It isn't interesting when you go to if you look at the the liquor stores and stuff often them say wine or beer and spirits What why do you think that is Hey Christian you think it's a good idea just go to store and just buy something that hey Let me consume this it's called spirits Like do you think they're selling the Holy Spirit down at the liquor store Cuz look if it's any other spirit than the Holy Spirit, what are you doing messing around with it? And this has been known for a long time this is it this has been in our language forever talk home alcohol and booze spirits It's broadcast just think about these things for a second This isn't a little deal. This isn't just some small minor issue. This is a big deal Look at verse number 19 in Proverbs 23. The Bible says hear thou my son and be wise Listen son. It's Father's Day. Listen to your Heavenly Father be wise and Guide thine heart in the way be not among wine bibbers Don't be found with people who are drinking booze They're bibbing or drinking wine Don't be among those people You don't even want to be in the same area look when I remember when I quit drinking I Still went out to the bar, you know what bad idea for so many reasons You don't want to put yourself to have that temptation obviously I'll put yourself in a situation where like oh, maybe I'll be tempted to have a drink but even beyond that people who are consuming Alcohol and they're gonna see you, you know, they're gonna end up doing things that are foolish They're gonna say things that are dumb and bad things ultimately end up happening And why would you want to put yourself in that situation and be around in that environment? Where you've got other people who are drunkards other wine bibbers Bible says be not among wine bibbers Among riotous eaters of flesh for the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty and Drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags harken unto thy father that begat thee and Despise not thy mother when she is old jump down to verse number 29 Memorize This passage at least this portion of scripture if you have any Problems whatsoever with alcohol or even just to keep that barrier up From having anything to do with this. It's so true. Look at verse number 29 who hath woe Who hath sorrow sorrow and woe are pretty much the same thing, right? This isn't joy This is the exact opposite you think about the fruits of the Spirit love joy. Peace Gentleness goodness faith long-suffering, right? Like these those are all really good things to have well, you know what the fruit of alcohol the fruit of this wine is the exact opposite and You know, they call them spirits. It's not the good spirit It's it's a fraud it's a phony when you drink out But there's so many things that the devil tries to emulate or copy You know the Holy Spirit for example will give you boldness give you boldness to speak boldness to do things that God would have you to do Well, what does alcohol do alcohol gives some people boldness too, right? It's called losing your inhibitions The problem with that though see like the Holy Spirit is gonna give you boldness in righteousness in doing the right things alcohol doesn't have that The same filter of only giving you boldness to do right things In fact, it lowers your inhibition so you wouldn't do the things that you wouldn't normally do you'll do with alcohol You'll do under the influence Some people you're like, oh well I need to be more outgoing or talk to people whatever Yeah, you may be a little bit more outgoing if you drink some alcohol But you know what? You're also gonna say a lot of stupid things too that you never would want to say when you're sober Let's get let's keep going here verse in Proverbs 23 Who have whoa, who has sorrow who have contentions the fights fights at with bar fights? Happens a lot Fightings and just not even just in the bar, but even amongst family members and stuff I mean, you know family members that drink and just just as part of their normal life There's always drama. There's always fighting. There's always things going on with you know within those circles. It just happens It's reality Who has whoa, who has sorrow who has contentions who has babbling? Oh man, ain't that the truth? I Don't recommend going to the bar as I mentioned earlier but the amount of babbling that you hear from people who are consuming alcohol is Ridiculous it is just talking nonsense and this who hath wounds without cause You get so drunk you get to the point where you don't even realize you be injured and And okay, look I hate to say it first-hand experience I've been there I've got a scar on my body from who knows what Night out having fun yeah, it's a lot of fun when you wake up with some wound and you don't even know how it got there and You're so, you know sedated and under the influence of this drug of alcohol that you don't even realize what's going on and You're not in control, you know the Holy Spirit, you know, the the the spirit of the prophets is subject under the prophets But when you consume that spirit the spirit of booze the spirit of alcohol, you're not in control Who hath redness of eyes verse 30 they that tarry long at the wine they that go to seek mixed wine Look at verse number 31 look not thou upon the wine when it is red When it giveth his color in the cup when it moveth itself aright and we're gonna get into this in just a few minutes But there's more than one type of wine in Scripture You have to understand in order to understand the Bible you at least have to know this much when Bible is talking about wine There are two different types of wine. There is a good wine That is a blessing that cheers the heart That's a good thing that to have and no problem whatsoever And then there's a bad wine and I'll go over scriptural evidence to show you clearly There's a difference in the way that you know, the difference is by the context. It's either a good wine or a bad wine Because ultimately the wine is what comes out of fruit. It's the juice It's the liquid that comes out of Pressing fruit. So whether that be grapes or apples or any other, you know, any type of juice that you get is referred to as wine and I hate to even mention this now because I have no idea at what point in the future this may come out But I've been working very very slowly on a documentary on this subject There are because it's it's just literally the English word wine in the past in You know the 1600s when the King James Bible was translated It used the word wine to be interchangeable whether it be alcoholic or non-alcoholic and there are other There's other evidence from the same time period other books have nothing to do with religion that do the exact same thing I have the proof I'm trying to put everything together just to put it out there to stop the nonsense of saying Oh, well, the Bible says wine so a wine we know wine has to be an alcoholic So it just has to be alcoholic. No, it doesn't No, it doesn't know a little bit about the history and how the language is used Yes, some words change gradually over time and nowadays sure when people are talking about wine Unless you're an independent fundamental Baptist, you're probably talking about alcoholic wine right Just in general. That's how we use the word today, but that's not how it's always been used And I would think it should be obvious when you have such extremely Negative Verses on wine, but then also some extremely positive Verses on why I mean, let's just use a little bit of Understanding discretion just be like what is the Bible talking about here? How can it be good and bad at the same time because they're two different drinks Why is there a wine being told here to not even look upon it When do you not look around when it's red not when you're lusting after it not when you're drunk But when it is red when it giveth his color in a cup when it move with itself a right That's when you don't look on it When it when it's gone through some fermentation and become alcoholic. Okay. Yeah now I don't even want to look at that now I don't want to have anything to do with that wine Why verse 32 at the last it biteth like a serpent and Stingeth like an adder and kids look Would to God I could have learned this lesson Without the experience, but believe me the Bible is true believe the Bible believe the Word of God believe every verse in this book It is true. This is a book of wisdom for you Do not feel like you need to go through the experience and don't think that anyone here is holding Anything back from you like oh, you just don't want us to have any fun No, we're trying to help you avoid pitfalls in your life We don't want I mean, it's the same as your mom or dad trying to keep you away from a venomous snake. I Mean you you don't feel the urge or desire to go be like well No, I really want to see what it feels like to have some fangs Put into my body and just see what that venom feels like and see if it'll kill me. Do you I mean, I hope not Well, similarly look we're looking out for you we don't want you to have at the last Alcohol biting you like a serpent and stinging like an adder Because that's what it does And that's what says at the last because it doesn't feel that way at first and That's why it's so deceptive and that's why so many people become deceived because at first you're gonna feel good Your flesh is gonna feel good. Look. I'm not here to lie to you. Your flesh is gonna feel good You'll probably enjoy it. But you know what at the last it stings like an adder At the last it becomes really bad for you And look we don't we shouldn't be making decisions based on hey what feels good Having an intimate relationship with a person with a you know, with a woman or me, you know, like like that feels good But you know what if it's not within the confines of marriage its fornication Or if it's with someone other than your spouse, it's adultery And now it's very different So no, it's not just well this feels good. So just go ahead At the last it biteth like a serpent singeth like an adder thine eyes shall behold Strange women in thine heart. Look at this shall utter perverse things Your heart shall utter per you're gonna have perverse things coming out of your you know in other words pervert perverted Your heart will have perverted things coming out as a result of consuming alcohol you get drunk with alcohol that's so many Really bad sins occur under the influence of alcohol Why people's heart gets really weird You know a lot of adulteries happen as a result of alcohol a Lot of other things happen as a result of alcohol. It's bad. It's it's yes. It's that bad. Yes, it is And I shall be old strange women on heart and look men you married How do you think your wife feels about that? Yeah, if you're does your wife know the Bible as she wiped read the Bible see Proverbs 23 33 Thine eyes shall be old strange women thine heart shall it up perverse things Oh, I'm just going out to the bar with my buddies after work She knows what the Bible says, how do you think that's gonna make her feel? Verse 34 ye thou shalt be as he that lieth down in the midst of the sea Or as he that lieth upon the top of a mast and this is when you start to get sick And why do people get sick from drinking alcohol because it's a poison because your body is Rejecting what you've been consuming and is trying to expel Whatever it is that you just put in there the body's saying no no no no no you can't put this in here This needs to go this isn't good for you God built that into your body your body to realize when things are bad for you when you ingest poison So if you have stuff like that that you vomit it out Your own body tells you it's poison and it's no good It is trying to keep you alive They have stricken me shalt thou saying I was not sick they have beaten me and I felt it not When shall I awake and then look at this last this lessons? I will seek it yet again alcohol is addicting It is Addicting that the I'm not going to get into the physiological part of that But it's proven it is the Bible says so believe it Flip forward to Proverbs 31 Let's get a little bit more wisdom Why should Christians have nothing to do with booze? Well, you shouldn't even be looking at it when it's alcoholic when it's fermented But how about this? How about Proverbs 31 verse number four, but what says it is not for Kings o Lemuel It's not for Kings to drink wine nor for Prince's strong drink Now When we read Scripture when you read the passages about you know, the qualifications for a bishop or for a deacon Don't you think that everyone should have those standards I mean isn't that don't you think it's God's will that everyone would be able to meet that criteria anyways Well, why would it be any different for Kings and Especially when you look at the reason for this now look We are kings and priests. Anyways, we're part of a royal priesthood in Christ Just by being a believer So it's not for King we are a king spiritually we are going to rule and reign with Christ by the way Rule and reign with Christ for the Millet during the millennial reign And it's not for Kings to drink wine nor for Prince's strong drink and why is that verse five lest they drink and forget the law and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted Because what alcohol is gonna do it's gonna pervert your sense of righteousness of right and wrong You're it's it's going to taint what you think is right and you won't be able to make proper Judgment on any given moment now Why would we ever as a believer want to be put in a position? Where your judgment is screwed up and you're not gonna know what's right We're supposed to be using God's Word to determine. Hey, what's right? I need to be living righteously Well, well if I drink this it's all gonna be screwed up. It's gonna be perverted My understanding of what's right and wrong is gonna is gonna kind of go out the window when I'm under the influence Yeah, that's why it's not for you That's why you should have nothing to do with it And then it says in verse 6 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts Let's let him drink and forget his poverty remember his misery no more And I just want to cover real quickly some of the stupid arguments that people will give to try to justify drinking Well, it says right there give strong drink unto him So see the Bible's teaching that you should you should drink right that these people it's okay to drink Is that really what this verse is teaching? Is it really say what when you have a mother talking her son like look son You're a king it is not for you to be drinking. We want you to prefer a judgment, but you know what? If you're someone that's ready to perish then it's okay to drink. No, you say look you have great things You should be great. You need to live righteously. You're gonna be a king. Hey Let these other people because there's always gonna be drunks in the world You're not like them we don't want you to be like them We have a high standard for you Let the people who are ready to perish let them have strong drink Give wine unto those that be of heavy hearts Let him drink forget his poverty remember his misery no more, but is that really gonna help them? No But but let those people that Fit this bill because that's what so many drunks do is they just want to forget The others don't want to think about it Just want to escape don't want to deal with the problems Look let those people do that, but you shouldn't That's what the Bible say in there it's not saying it's good or right or that anybody should be drinking alcohol It's teaching one person one child saying hey look you know those people. Yeah, let them do that. That's not you You take your kids out soul winning and you go to house where people are waking up all hungover or whatever you say Look kids. This is what alcohol does that shouldn't be you You see people brought to poverty as a result of their drinking and drug use yeah, that's not for you That that's let them do that. It's not for you. It's what the Bible saying here But I think what what drives me the most insane is in John chapter 2 You can turn there if you'd like Because what you know people who don't know the Bible especially well Jesus turned water into wine I mean that's so it's okay to drink because Jesus turned water into wine. I mean right it's right there And that's and and you know The world is gonna always butcher the Bible and not really know what the Bible is talking about and I get that So it doesn't make me that bad when the world doesn't know what the Bible saying and always brings up Like oh, would you eat shellfish? Yeah, of course you're gonna say that because you have no understanding. You don't know the Bible says you're repeating things you've heard But what bothers me is when an actual believers And when people claim to be Christian they read the Bible to say look and and they want to give the excuse and they want Self-justify their sin and say well, no, it's okay because Jesus turned water into wine and then people try to defend this to fit this this Standpoint and his view that that it's okay to drink alcohol because Jesus turned water into wine it makes me angry because it's actually pretty blasphemous when you really understand what Jesus is talking about in John chapter 2 and the Symbolism that that is is being presented in this story in John chapter 2 It's horrible to think that Jesus Christ for many reasons would be serving booze at this wedding Look at John chapter 2 verse number 1 the Bible says and the third day There was a marriage in Cana of Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there and both Jesus was called and his disciples to the marriage and when they wanted wine, which means they lacked wine They'd run out they had wine at this event and they ran out the mother of Jesus saith unto him they have no wine Jesus saith unto her woman. What have I to do with thee mine hour is not yet come We can see clearly from this contact with his response. She's just talking about Hey, they ran out of wine at this festival. Can you get him? You know, what can you do something about that his answer about mine hours not yet come He's clearly talking about his shed blood Right the wine being a reference to his blood saying hey, they need your they need your blood He's saying well, whoa, it's not my time yet right So we need to understand that in the context because now if you're going to start saying he's already the one Using the wine as the illustration for his blood and if you think That we're going to use Alcoholic fermented wine To symbolize the blood of Jesus Christ. You got serious problems And and when you think about it, what is it that symbolizes the body of Christ? What is it? Unleavened bread right it's bread, but it's unleavened bread Why is that leaven is symbolic of sin? Jesus was sinless. His body was perfect. He was sinless Well, the as leaven is to bread it's a yeast right so is the fermentation to the juice to the drink It's like practically the same the same type of thing going on ones within the bread and the other ones within the drink So you're adding this this leaven to The wine which is then representative of his blood. Look he was pure. He was perfect That should not be representing the blood of Jesus Christ but beyond that in order for this story To Be talking about alcoholic wine besides it's being you know ridiculous on that reason alone What you'd have to believe then is that Jesus is at a wedding and they drank all the booze All the alcoholic wine it's all gone and That Jesus is gonna be the bartender that provides more alcohol To people who drank everything that was already there How is that not look it's sinful to participate and and you know go along with other people's sins You're Held liable like if you're just gonna be providing a bunch of booze for people who are already drunk like you're adding to their sin You're participating in their sin. So Jesus would be sinning by giving drunk people more booze to drink first of all second of all Assuming he is going to this wedding. I mean him and his disciples are there He shouldn't even be fellowshipping with them if they're drunks But then look at what the rule of the feast says in verse number nine When he gets a taste of this drink The Bible says in verse number nine when the rule of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine And he you know knew not once it was he didn't know where was the servants came says which drew the water they knew But he had no idea the governor of the feast called the bridegroom and saith unto him every man at the beginning that set forth good wine and when men Well drunk then that which is worse, but thou has kept the good wine until now So he's saying look normally when people have had enough to drink that they've well drunk They've you you've been providing for them. They've had enough wine Then you just bring the stuff. That's not quite as good and And this makes sense for so many reasons When you're hungry or when you're thirsty, right? That's when anything you consume is gonna taste the best Right You're really thirsty. Oh, man. I'm so thirsty you get that that cup of water when you're really thirsty that water is great But when you're already satisfied you already have had your fill, I mean even water It's just not the same. It's not quite as good It's the same thing with anything you get real hungry you go out to eat you get that first bite at steak Oh, man, this is the best thing I've ever had But when you're already not really that hungry and your friends invite you out anyways Okay, I guess I'll get something you see so it's not quite as satisfying and He's commenting on how great this wine is. They've already well drunk It doesn't say they are drunk Drink drink drunk. They're well drunk. They've already had enough at the party But you know it ran out and they're still there still celebrating So let's you know, have some more wine. So more wine is served and he's like wow You know, I could really Tell the difference most people they're just gonna bring out this the second rate stuff, right? It's not quite as good And he's saying you've saved the best until now. So it's different. It's weird now Here's what I got to say about that. If if the ruler of the feast Was actually drunk or was even drinking alcoholic wine Because here's the thing you got you got a couple of different ways that this could have played out if they started with alcoholic wine And then Jesus serves them non-alcoholic wine I don't think that's not that still doesn't make sense. That wouldn't fit if Jesus is serving a more alcoholic wine You definitely got a problem if they've already been drinking alcoholic wine Or you can have it where they haven't been drinking alcoholic wine And it's still not alcoholic wine that they're bringing out now, which is the way that the story really plays out If they were drinking alcohol He's not gonna say this is the best if Jesus brought non-alcoholic wine after they already were well drunk The Bible even tells us in Luke 5 39. No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new for you say that the old is better and I'll tell you from experience Anyone who's drinking booze isn't all of a sudden gonna want to have like a cup of grape juice Right You just there just don't look that's not what I want you're gonna want to keep drinking the alcohol the old is better That's what I just want more of the same That and that's what happened here's the other thing that happens when people consume alcohol is that your senses are dulled so you can't taste things as as good as you normally would and It is not Uncommon when people are under influence Because your inhibitions are lowered to even do some nasty things like drinking other people's drinks Or drinking someone else's drink that's been just left aside It hasn't been picked up yet by the server or whatever and you just go and take that and drink it And you know what they don't want a juice box They don't But they don't care about that like the taste just goes out the window when you're drinking consuming booze So if they've been drinking consumer, this wouldn't still wouldn't even make sense You know what makes sense? They've been satisfied they had plenty of juice to drink and you say well Why is juice such a big deal? Why is that a celebration? Have you ever made juice? Who here has made their own juice a lot of people so, you know how much goes into Juice now we have a lot of conveniences and we live in a very rich society With the supermarkets and the produce and the fruits that come from all over the world and get delivered to your local grocery store But that's not always the way things have been it hasn't always been that easy To go just go across the street to Food City and go get a bunch of grapes or something it's a little bit harder than that and When you make juice There's also a lot of waste because you're pressing the juice out of it And then you've got all the pulp and everything else you don't consume juice historically has been a luxurious item to have It makes sense So and and you know what juice tastes great It really is good Again, now we live in a culture that's so been full of sugar and high fructose corn syrup and everything else That people's senses are a little screwed up Even from that but understanding man, it is really good to have fresh squeezed orange juice It really is really good to have some fresh squeezed grape juice or whatever. It's it's it cheers the heart Let's skip past some of these stupid reasons I don't want to just spend too much time on that subject, but to wine sort of you to Deuteronomy chapter 32 We're almost done I Promised you I was going to show you from Scripture And I don't in my opinion just doesn't get any clearer than this and you shouldn't need any other evidence Than what we see in Deuteronomy chapter 32 And we're gonna start reading in verse number 31 And You could read all of the context later read all of chapter 32 later Read it for yourself. See what this is talking about But without even having all the context just understand this when we read verse 31 says for their rock is not as our rock whoever the there in the hour is There's a distinction. There's two separate things being talked about theirs and ours Their rock is not as our rock who's our rock Jesus Christ Even our enemies themselves being judges, even they'll tell you their rock is not as our rock It's not the same. It's different right? They believe different things. Look at this for their vine of the vine of Sodom and Of the fields of Gomorrah their grapes are grapes of gall Their clusters are bitter Their wine is the poison of dragons and the cruel venom of asps That's theirs If you talk about that being theirs, then what's ours? Not that It's not poison it's not venom it's not of Sodom But doesn't it go hand in hand with what we've already read. Hey, your heart's gonna utter perverse things Well, yeah, it makes a lot of sense now that it's the vine of Sodom And What in the world? Would you think yeah, you know what? I want to go have a drink of the vine of Sodom Any men here want to say that today? Yeah, I want I want to drink what the sodomites drink No, oh All of a sudden doesn't seem that cool anymore. Does it? Cuz here's the thing it's bravado it's macho for guys. Oh, man. How much could you drink? Oh, you can't drink anything I'll drink you under the table, right? It was a real matter. Yeah, you're drinking the vine of Sodom idiot You've been deceived. You're not wise Perverted things happen when people get drunk and not only that Hey, look, even if you don't do something pervert, you get drunk enough You don't always know what's going on and you won't be able to defend yourself And some other pervert might come along and abuse you and to follow you and that's what happens in real life And you don't want that to ever Happen God forbid it would happen to your children Look teach them about the dangers of alcohol about the poison about the venom. It's different There's different types of wine. Their wine is not as our wine You go to Isaiah 28 One more proof Isaiah 28 verse number seven I'm sorry, not you can keep your place. I want to go I wanted to go to Leviticus chapter 10 I skipped ahead of my notes here. If you if you already went to Isaiah 28 We'll just look at that real quickly in a minute, but turn to Leviticus chapter 10 As we read in Proverbs 31, it's not for kings right so I'm not a king Spiritually you are okay now we're gonna look at the priests. Well, I'm not a priest Sure Are you saved? Leviticus 10 verse number 8 the Bible says in the Lord spake unto Aaron Saying do not drink wine nor strong drink thou nor thy sons with thee when you go into the tabernacle of the congregation lest ye die You say oh, it's only talking about the tabernacle congregation yeah, but God's laying out an area just like we do in the house of God Amongst the church of saying hey look here's our standard here and God saying you know what my standard is in my house You drink strong drink you're gonna die and when you think you're gonna walk into my house under the influence Don't do it or else you'll die House rules by God So And but and look he explains why look Do not drink wine nor strong drink thou nor thy sons with thee when you go into tabernacle congregation lest you die it shall Be a statute forever throughout your generations and that you may put difference between holy and unholy and between unclean and clean You're drinking wine you're drinking strong drink you're unclean you're unholy So tell me again how much business does a believer have in drinking booze Well one drink isn't that bad Oh two drinks isn't that bad I? mean come on I Waited an hour and every hour. I just have another drink. It's fine pastor burzins. No, it's not You're unclean God made a difference He just says don't drink it. He didn't say don't drink too much, or you'll die Don't come in as you know drunk or else you'll die He said don't drink it when you come into my house. Don't drink it So one you may put difference between holy and unholy and between unclean and clean look at verse 11 and that you may Teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the Lord hath spoken unto them by the hand of Moses He doesn't want you perverting judgment injustice in the Word of God, and you need to be able to teach the law Hey, you want to understand the law you want to know the law? Don't be drinking I Say a 28 else read his verse real quick Isaiah 28 7 says, but they also have erred through wine and through strong drink are out of the way The priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink. They are swallowed up of wine They are out of the way through strong drink they err in vision They stumble in judgment for all tables are full of vomit and filthiness So that there is no place clean We're just talking about that you'll put a difference between unclean and clean Yeah, it's all tables full of vomit and filthiness pretty unclean And that's what alcohol does and that's what it's gonna bring and he's saying, you know what they're in error. They've aired Through the wine in the strong drink and that's what it's gonna do to you Last place I'll be turn Ephesians chapter 5 Don't dabble with this stuff. Don't try it out. Don't think it's not that big of a deal Ephesians chapter 5 verse 11 They have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them Remember in Galatians chapter 5 the works of the flesh the works of the flesh are works of darkness to The adultery fornication, you know all the things mentioned works of the flesh Drunkenness was listed in that list Hey have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness But rather reprove them for it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret But all things that are approved are made manifest by the light for whatsoever doth make manifest is light Which is why people go out and drink in the darkness But people drink at night they go to bars and clubs and what is it's always dark Because it's darkness. It's what it is. It's it's it's a it's a Behavior in darkness, but you are a child of light Verse 14 wherefore he saith awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light See then that ye walk circumspectly Not as fools but as wise Redeeming the time because the days are evil Wine is a mocker strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise Walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise Verse 17 wherefore be ye not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is what is God's will And be not drunk with wine where in his excess But be filled with the Spirit Speaking yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing make a melody in your heart to the Lord Don't dabble don't think that a little bit is okay The Bible says this in James 1 you have to turn their verse number 14 and 15 and 16 But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed That's where it starts your own lust and Drinking booze is a gratification of the flesh It's a lust of the flesh because it feels good and you want to gratify the lust of your flesh But you're tempted when you're drawn away of your own lust and enticed then when lust hath conceived It bringeth forth sin That lust to have that drink well that conceives and now all of a sudden you're having a drink oh But it's not a big deal okay and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death It's a big deal Now am I saying every person who drinks one drink is gonna die No But take heed to the warning Take heed to the warning it's there for a reason it's it's not a light thing It's not some little thing it causes damage to your life It's gonna cause you to do things that you'll regret forever It's gonna cause you to get involved in uncleanness You will be unclean and there's things that once done you cannot undo And you have to live with baggage for the rest of your life Or you could avoid it all together and have nothing to do with booze have nothing to do with the wine Have nothing to do with the spirits Let other people do that Follow the Word of God take heed take wisdom I'm a father of six. It's Father's Day. All right take heed to this wisdom and more importantly the Father's wisdom Please it's not it's not worth it It's not worth it and even if it's not an issue for you hey everyone ought to take heed Lest you fall Spires that order prayer Your heavenly father. Thank you so much for the wisdom. You've given us I pray to please help all of us to learn from your words that we don't have to make mistakes and go through things and have that Experience to know that things are wrong and just to be have it confirmed to us that your word is true Lord in these areas where you've warned us and you and you've Just called out these pitfalls in these in these problems and these things that we should avoid Lord help us to recognize it as such without having to do them without having to To have that problem in our life Lord, thank you for for illuminating us God, please keep us strong Please keep our spirit to grow in strength and help us to mortify the deeds of our flesh God We love you. It's in Jesus Christ name we pray. Amen Hey, man, let's take our hymnals, please go to him number 324 and 324 Draw me near him number 324 Oh sing it out on that first now him number 324 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh You