(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you if I you is else anything not much I that we're gonna have some type of little housekeeping stuff I think that would be nice to have especially as things are finished now we got the countertops finished I really want to utilize this space as much as possible for eating and especially for the little kids that like to walk around with snacks and leave little trail crumbs of everything all over the place I really want to make sure that we're doing our best parents especially monitor your children if you want them to have snacks that we're not doing that so much you know the mother baby room is a place to make sure the kids are under control not to just have snack time and everything else I know sometimes it's helpful to keep them occupied and quiet and everything and that's great but if you are gonna do that make sure then that you clean up after after yourself so we're not just leaving a big mess for all the cleaners because actually that's another point I want to bring up we have people volunteer to clean but there's really not a whole lot of new people who have been volunteering to clean at all and it's totally up to you if you want to but the the sign-up sheet is gonna be moving it out to this room from my office and I appreciate everybody that puts in the work but it is a lot of work now we have this extra space it is a lot of work so everyone who's who's been signing up for that is very much appreciate but they really also appreciate it when everyone could just kind of do their own part and leave not as much of a mess in general so before you leave just pick up your water bottles and and whatever other messes you make and stuff just try to take care of your own stuff it'll make it that much easier for those who are sticking around and and trying to make this place look really nice for every service that we have so it's much appreciated by everybody if you could just try to keep that in your mind you know it's just be thoughtful for for those who are who are putting forth the extra effort later on and that's about it for our announcement so I'm gonna turn the service back over brother Peter he's gonna lead us our next song Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh in church while the offering plates are being passed around you can open up your Bibles the book of Revelation chapter 7 revelation 7 and as we do customary here at stronghold Baptist Church to read the entire chapter once again that was revelations chapter 7 and after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth nor on the sea nor on any tree and I saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal of the living God and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea saying hurt not the earth neither the sea nor the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads and I heard the number of them which were sealed and there and there were sealed in hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel of the tribe of Judah were sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Asher were sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Nephilim were sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Manasseh were sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Issachar were sealed at twelve thousand of the tribe of Zebulun were sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand after this I beheld and lo a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues stood before the throne and before the lamb clothed with white robes and palms in their hands and cried with a loud voice saying salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb and all the angels stood round about the throne and about the elders and the four beasts and fell before the throne on their faces and worshiped God saying amen blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be unto our God forever and ever amen and one of the elders answered saying unto me what are these which are arrayed in white robes and whence came they and I said unto him sir thou knowest and he said to me these are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb therefore are they before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them and they shall they shall hunger no more neither thirst anymore neither shall the Sun light on them nor any heat for the lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes brother Lindsay can you pray for us please all right give me just one minute here I'm gonna roll out my my brand-new toy and bear with me in general this is the first time I'm actually teaching from a whiteboard I'm not used to doing this and I'm hoping that you'll be able to see what I've already wrote but I'll reiterate what the what the goal is here and if I have to I could I could even move the pulpit I've got a lot of notes but they're all in here didn't print well so this is a series tonight that we're going over we've got a series on end times events end times prophecy so the first us the first sermon that I preached was regarding tribulation it's all about just tribulation and what in my mind what I think makes some sense and what I want to use this whiteboard for as we go through different chapters that we're going through we started we went through Matthew 24 was a primary passage for tribulation okay that first that first Sunday I have the order of the main events that take place chronologically in Matthew 24 I also referenced Revelation chapter 6 in that same sermon those were the two main passages that we covered so Revelation 6 I also have chronological below Matthew 24 this is the order that they show up as you read the Bible and I'm not gonna repreach that sermon but as you go through it and you read it it's clearly chronological the the language that's used in Matthew 24 the language that's used in Revelation chapter 6 this happened and this happened and this happened I mean especially Revelation chapter 6 I mean you're literally opening new seals so like and they're ordered starting with one then two then three then you know so you are there's no way you could you could manipulate that without being dishonest with yourself right but we're approaching the Bible and what the goal is for this of course I have a belief on this of course I'm going to be teaching on this but what we want to do and what I want to exhibit is that this is what the Bible teaches not just what I teach the purpose of this is to be able to walk through and and we can all look at a passage and agree and just write down well this happens and this happens and this happens and this happens put it up on a board and then see how it all lines up and let the Bible be our guide and our teacher as to what's going to happen in the future so this is a recap from the first sermon I did on this series the second sermon was on the day of the Lord the day of the Lord in the day of Christ but mainly it's a day of the Lord when when I preached through Matthew 24 it starts off when Jesus is answering the question when the disciples ask them hey what's gonna be the sign of your coming right and of the end of the world and of you know when these things are gonna happen because you talk about not one stone being left upon another and then they ask them well when you coming back what are gonna be the signs the end of the world they excuse me they asked him about and then he starts telling him this is the summary he starts off saying there's gonna be beginning of sorrows and in the beginning of sorrows is listed wars famine pestilence earthquakes and diverse places so you're gonna have all these different things going on wars famines pestilences but he says don't be troubled that's just the beginning of sorrows okay these things are all gonna happen first then we see an escalation of the hatred of Christians there's gonna be betrayals the love of many is gonna wax cold sin abounds there's also gonna be this these more false prophets showing up on the scene this is what we see in Matthew 24 and then it references the abomination of desolation followed by the Sun and moon being darkened as main events that happen through Matthew 24 on this timeline okay this is a high-level summary there's obviously a lot more detail to that but these are kind of main events that happen through Matthew 24 as we compare this to Revelation chapter 6 Revelation 6 goes through six seals of that book first seals open we saw there's a white horse and the person on that horse is conquering and to conquer okay this ties in with wars second seal is a red horse more wars and killing people dying during the the second seal being opening and obviously we don't know the exact amount of time so I have a line here there's no years there's no anything like that yet we're starting by establishing events before we get into any numbers any math any seven years three years to you know whatever none of that until we get to it in Scripture we haven't gotten to that yet in Scripture so we're just saying okay well let's just put these events in order third seal is a black horse that impacts the price of food and it says that that the measure of wheat is gonna be sold for a penny which is a day's labor day's wage for a small amount of wheat that will be either a cause of a result of famine that's gonna have famine associated with that well beginning of sorrows we had Wars famine pestilence earthquake it fits in a narrative there fourth seal pale horse death and hell followed with him again more difficult times I think this is gonna fall into the hatred of Christianity betrayals false prophets that type of area but that's not as one-to-one that's not as easy to just make that connection fine right it's fine but as we get into this what you're gonna see is there's a very clear connection this hatred of Christians betrayals of false prophets where people are gonna be martyred definitely matches up with the fifth seal because the fifth seal is where when that's opened there are people who were beheaded for the cause of Christ that all of a sudden appear in heaven and they're asking God hey God when are you gonna bring vengeance when are you gonna bring justice on our heads like we literally serve you we were killed when are you gonna go down there now and deal with that and he says not yet is there still some of your brethren that also have to die like you did so he's saying just a little bit longer so wait at the fifth seal then when we get to the sixth seal what do we see the Sun and the moon darkened the the stars fall from heaven they're not giving their light this is a significant event this is this is one of the most major events that you will see in all end times prophecy this one is referenced in probably the most passages in the scripture Sun and Moon being darkened Matthew 24 see this happened in the sixth seal in Revelation chapter 6 Sun and Moon is darkened okay stars fall from heaven same exact event is referenced in Matthew 24 except in Matthew 24 we get this phrase that says it's after the tribulation of those days so we don't have years yet but we know this when the Sun and Moon is darkened that means everything over here must be tribulation and then that tribulation stops because the Sun and Moon is darkened after that tribulation Matthew 24 is also the passage that said that there was going to be great tribulation at this point the abomination of desolation such as was not on the world to that point no nor ever shall be okay this event kind of kicks off this massive tribulation so between here and here this is that tribulation is being referenced is the great tribulation great tribulation until now this is all tribulation like I said but this real small segment whatever amount of time this is that's a great tribulation and what we get we'll get to that well we'll have more definite numbers and timelines and things that come up but get the high level first as we dig into the details we'll get there the reason why I went into then last week on the day of the Lord is because day of the Lord is marked by Sun and Moon being darkened as well so this event that lines up Revelation chapter 6 the sixth seal Matthew 24 Sun and Moon being darkened after the tribulation lines up perfectly with day of the Lord and then the seventh seal the God's wrath is come and just so everyone's aware you know what I'm talking about we believe that the rapture which is what everybody's cares about is when we are gonna be caught up together with the Lord in the air happens right here the Sun and Moon being darkened after the tribulation the next passage says that that's when the the God's gonna gather together his elect he's gonna use angels to gather gather his elect from the four winds of heaven okay this is the moment that Christ returns it's a day of the Lord Christ is gonna come back Sun and Moon is dark and all of these events happen at the same place it is after tribulation but it is before wrath the wrath of God which believers are not appointed unto God's wrath we're saved from God's wrath God's wrath is what what stokes the flames of hell that's God's wrath this tribulation which I didn't point this out I don't think when I preach this but none of these things is God causing these things to happen now what we're gonna see tonight we're gonna cover the wrath God is causing the wrath God is sending the locusts from hell God is literally casting you know having the angels cast fire and brimstone down on the earth okay God is pouring out his wrath and his judgment on the earth but believers won't be here for that so this was everything up to this point now tonight we're gonna start at this point wrath is come okay the cool thing is hey we got a whole new side so we are going to and I'm gonna do this we're starting in Revelation chapter 7 right so we're gonna review chapter 7 and we're gonna put the main events on the board what do we see happening what is it that happens in Revelation chapter 7 and we're gonna try to continue as far as we can as whatever time permitting who time permitting I'm good thing I'm starting this thing late this is my little timer to change the battery to so I go through set up come on all right as far as we can go through revelation we're gonna keep going 7 chapter 8 chapter 9 chapter 10 that's all we're looking at tonight I'm doing no other cross-references we're treating the book of Revelation in chronological order and just putting it on the board to see what's the summary of these events and where do they line up and other similarities where we can say yes this actually lines up and it's pretty obvious that they happen at the same time or what the order is okay fair enough let's let the Bible teach us so at the top I'm gonna put the references along this side so we can see where they're coming from as we go across okay and then and I'm gonna try to do my best to keep them staggered or whatever but in an order of chronology so chapter 7 there's not a whole lot that happens here as far as major events we see a hundred and forty four thousand with that gets sealed in their foreheads the name of God and they learn a special song right we read the whole passage I'm not gonna reread this for sake of time it explains very clearly that the hundred forty four thousand is twelve thousand out of each one of the twelve tribes okay they're virgins they're there they serve the Lord but they get sealed at this moment in in Revelation chapter 7 so we have 144 I'm just gonna put a K there and this is our reference they are sealed we also see verse number well read the verse number nine there in chapter seven after this so after he sees these people sealed with 144,000 I beheld a low a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues stood before the throne and before the lamb clothed with white robes and palms in their hands and cried with a loud voice saying salvation to our God which sit at the pond the throne and unto the Lamb a multitude that no man can number just keep that in mind and we have big numbers we're gonna see I mean he numbered 144,000 people right here we're gonna see 200 million numbered if we get to that point a little later 200 million is a lot of people but he's giving a number for that this is innumerable significant event and these people all just showed up they weren't there before and he says there's this great multitude which no man could number and it's of all nations all kindreds all tongues there's representation from everyone all throughout the world all standing there in heaven so if they're in heaven that means they were saved right otherwise they'd be in hell so we have people out of all nations all kindreds all tongues this isn't just localized this isn't just certain people in Jerusalem or whatever this is all of a sudden this huge group and no one could number it sounds to me like the resurrection okay I think it's reasonable to say yeah this is this is the rapture this is a resurrection this is when those who are dead in Christ rise first and then those who are alive and remain are caught up together with him in the clouds and so shall they ever be with the Lord because this is I mean innumerable right so 144,000 are sealed and I'm gonna put these together because we don't know exactly how far apart they are and in numerable multitude in heaven so when they ask he sees this then one of the elders in verse 13 saying saying unto me what what are these which are a raid in white robes and whence came they so now there's someone standing there with John and he's like hey who are these people and where they come from he's asking John and John says and I said sir thou knowest like I don't know I was just called up here to see this stuff I don't know who these people are right you know who they are why don't you tell me so thou knowest and he said to me these are they which came out of what great tribulation they came out of it and they went to heaven you know what that means these are believers that went through great tribulation we had the reference in Matthew 24 we also have this reference of great and I made this point two weeks ago please go back and see that sermon if you missed it great tribulation is only mentioned a couple times in the Bible and in both instances Matthew 24 and right here it's talking about believers being in that great tribulation and then they finally now are delivered out of that great tribulation that's where they came from great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb therefore are they before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them they shall hunger no more neither thirst anymore neither shall the sunlight on them nor any heat for the lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them into living water fountains of waters and God shall wipe well tears from right amen right great news they're in heaven everything's great now they're they're delivered that is chapter 7 so now let's go into chapter 8 which in fact I actually made a mistake because I put the seven seals on that first page but we don't get to the seventh seal until chapter 8 so this is from Revelation chapter 6 it's the first six seals the sixth seal was the Sun and Moon being darkened okay and you'll see that in just a second here that if you want to you could just look back and see that there is no seventh seal being opened in chapter 6 it's literally just the sixth seal so I I inadvertently added a seventh seal to that timeline thinking I might use it but I had to flip it over to use this one so don't let that confuse you doll I'll update that soon so now we're on Revelation chapter 8 yeah yeah it's not the same as my spreadsheet so I'm going to put my reference here okay revelation chapter 8 let's go through this passage and see what we get revelation chapter 8 and when he had opened the seventh seal so here's the seventh seal we're still in chronological order from the other from the other page we're now we're to the seventh seal the sixth seal there was an innumerable multitude in heaven from Revelation chapter 7 which is the same point that I was saying that that event takes place seventh seal silence in heaven about the space of half an hour now I'll go into that a little bit later maybe when we really do fine-tuning on an actual timeline of events we're not gonna concern ourselves tonight with the years that we're gonna come across them I'll point them out we'll go back to them later okay half an hour don't worry about half an hour of silence verse 2 and I saw the seven angels which stood before God and to them were given seven trumpets so now we have at the seventh seal seven trumpets are distributed basically right this is gonna gonna open up a whole new timeline of events seven trumpets okay seven seals is one and now we're moving into seven trumpets and another angel verse three came and stood at the altar having a golden censer and there was given unto him much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of all Saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne and the smoke of the incense which came with the prayers of the Saints ascended up before God out of the angels hand and the angel took the censer and filled it with fire of the altar and cast it into the earth now look at this when he's casting this sensor into the earth after he put fire in it from off of the altar and there were voices and thunderings and lightnings and an earthquake okay that is what is is then being sent back on earth and this this this sensor had the the prayers of the Saints of all the Saints who were being martyred being killed being destroyed by wicked people so this is now that first fireball of wrath coming down from the Lord out of heaven and the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound the first angel sounded and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood and they were cast upon the earth and the third part of trees was burned up and all green grass was burnt up so yeah see this gets it gets tricky so fast it's not a big enough board first trumpet we have hail fire mingled with blood and a third of all trees hail fire blood one-third trees burned that's the first trumpet verse eight and the second angel sounded and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea and the third part of the sea became blood and the third part of the creatures which are in the sea and had life died and the third part of the ships were destroyed so that's the second trumpet okay and I'm sorry if this is a little slow for you like I said this is the first time I'm doing anything on a whiteboard but I'd like to just go over it together so you can see as we go where we're at and if you can't read my writing I really apologize for that take notes for yourself and then you can read your own writing if you follow what we're doing here all right fire mountain cast in the sea sounds like a volcano right mountain full of fire being cast into the sea sounds like a we're gonna understand this volcano some type of earthquake or something that's that's being then sinking into the sea or whatever causing this problem so into the sea and then a third because of this there's ships that are destroyed there's creatures and then there's just a lot of blood because of the devastation the damage from this event so like the the creatures in the sea are opened up boiled whatever they they are they have lost their blood into the water so and that's a third one third of creatures ships and blood and this is in the seas the sea so that would be like oceans or lakes that's the sea because then at the third trumpet it still has to do with water but it's a little bit different verse 10 and the third angel sounded and there fell a great star from heaven great star from heaven this could easily be a comet right that we would understand as a comet some traveling star whatever an asteroid a meteor that's gonna come and fall from heaven now it could be an angel but it usually it's it's telling us when it's an angel typically sometimes angels are referred to stars and heavenly hosts and things like that you know if you believe that's fine I just I don't think that's what it is from here because this star that falls from heaven it says it's burning as it were a lamp well that's what a comet does and that's what meteors do in the entire atmosphere they burn up right and they get real bright and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters and the name of the star is called wormwood and the third part of the waters became wormwood and many died of the waters because they were made bitter so wormwood is a poison and that when it comes down it basically poisons the waters if it poisons specifically the yeah this is the waters here right so I'm thinking of the other cross reference for this oh no it does it says it says it fell upon the third part of the rivers and the fountains of water so Springs and rivers is what is impacted by this it doesn't fall into the ocean it's the springs and the rivers of water so that's the third trumpet third trumpet is worm wood and that's one third of rivers and fountains that's what the Bible says we were just writing down what the Bible says right verse 12 and the fourth angel sounded and the third part of the Sun was smitten and the third part of the moon and the third part of the stars so as the third part of them was darkened and the day show not for a third part of it and the night likewise fourth trumpet significant event to the Sun Sun is smitten it says so that could be you know an asteroid or something impacting the Sun causing a problem so that the result of that is it's dark for a third part of the day when it's normally light now it's gonna be dark and at night and everything else it's really gonna have a severity that's that's got to be a very big event because Sun's pretty big the Sun's huge so to have that much of an impact it's a big deal total devastation there and a third part dark dark for the moon because the moon reflects the light of the Sun right it's the dark at the Sun and that's what happens there and I beheld and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven saying with a loud voice whoa whoa whoa the heavens of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpets of the three angels which are yet to sound so basically saying if you thought that was bad just wait because there's more to come okay there's five six and seven and he said they're just gonna get a lot worse from here so this was already bad we're headed into the fifth trumpet and we'll see what that's gonna bring us this is one of my favorites I think start reading in chapter 9 verse number 1 the Bible says in the fifth angel sounded and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit bottomless pit is hell okay now again could this be a meteor because it's a star falling from heaven yeah but it also references to him was given the key this all could be referencing just an angel that's gonna open this up but it could be a meteor that's just gonna drive so far down into the earth that's gonna open up a pit to hell like literally either way okay I'm not trying to add any more on top of what the Bible says it's just if we're gonna think about these things one way or the other an event like this is gonna happen and then something's gonna come out of that pit the bottomless pit one is gonna be smoke it says in verse 2 and he opened the bottomless pit and there arose a smoke out of the pit as a smoke of a great furnace and the Sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit so not only was the Sun already darkened now but it's gonna be darkened even further by all the all the smoke that's gone up into the atmosphere that's come up out of hell okay and verse 3 there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth and unto them was given power as the scorpions of the earth have power now these locusts are not like the locusts that we know of right now that eat plants and just they're common locusts it's gonna describe them in detail verse 4 and it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth if you remember all the grass was burned up anyways neither any green thing neither any tree but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads the seal of God that's these people the rapture has already taken place but there's 144,000 people that are still remain on the earth that are servants of the Lord that are have the seal of God in their forehead they will not be impacted by these things these locusts have instructions to go and just and just harass and and hurt the people that are on the earth except for those people that's their job they're not going after food they're not going after green stuff or not eating that stuff they're just gonna go literally it says they have they're like scorpions have power on the earth they're gonna go and just go after people that's not cool I mean everyone we had we had a bee in here last week and people are like freaking out and looking at the bee there's like a wasp in here and stuff and it's just flying around doing its own thing it's not like going after people right and people freak out over that imagine okay that wasp now is just targeting people and just like you know going straight at and targeting people like that would not be cool but that's just a wasp let's read about these creatures because their job is to go after people that's what they're going to be doing that's what it says that's what they're commanded them is at verse 4 it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth neither any green thing neither any tree but only those men which have not the seal of God before so it's commanded to them to go hurt the people that don't have God's seal in their forehead and to them it was given that they should not kill them but that they should be tormented five months so saying don't be so rough that you actually kill them just make it so that they want to die but they're not dead that's the job of these locusts from hell of course they came from they're gonna torment people and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when it strike at the man so they're gonna be stinging the man on this earth like a scorpion sting and I don't know what a scorpion stings like cuz I've never even had one even as long as I lived in Arizona I never got stung by stung by a scorpion but I imagine it's pretty similar to a bee sting some are worse than others of course but I have been stung by bees many times it's not gonna be fun though I mean you're getting stung a lot and they're gonna be seeking you to sting you and in those day not not us not you know you but them for six and in those days shall men seek death they're going to want to die that's how bad this plague is that's why I said whoa unto you by the next three trumpets are gonna sound because it's that bad they're gonna seek death and shall not find it and shall desire to die and death shall flee from them God's not gonna let them die yet God is not gonna show them the mercy of dying they're gonna have to go through this torture in this torment verse 7 and the shapes of the locust were like unto horses prepared unto battle and on their heads were as it were which means it's not exactly this but it's what it looks like they looks like they have crowns like gold and their faces were as the faces of men so if you were to take one of these locusts and look at them it's gonna look like it's wearing a crown it's gonna look like its face is like a person like a human being that's what's gonna look like and they had hair as the hair of women that means they have long hair because the hair between men and women is not any different other than the length if God's gonna say it like the hair of women and their teeth were as the teeth of lions and lions have some sharp teeth they're predators these scorpions are gonna have that type of teeth and they had breastplates as it were blood breastplates of iron and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running the battle the amount of fear that must instill on people hearing those locusts coming like the sound of this tons of horses just trampling and coming your way that alone has got to be frightful especially if you know what they do and you see what they look like and they've got teeth like lions and they've got stings like scorpions and they're just coming after you this is the wrath of God verse 10 and they had tails like on the scorpions and there were stings in her tails and their power was to hurt men five months so this so here we have a time and again I'm not gonna get into these details we'll circle back to this later but here at least we have a reference of five months we know how long the fifth trumpet lasts it's five months okay so we'll be able to come back to that later I don't want to get hung up on these as we get the high-level detail a high-level overview and they had a king over them which is which is the angel of the bottomless pit whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon but in the Greek tongue had his name Apollyon one woe is past and behold there come two woes more here after so I'm just gonna call fifth trumpet is locusts from hell that's the fifth trumpet but you notice I mean some of these and as you read this you're gonna go through a lot of detail on these things but it doesn't impact the overall view very much right but there's a lot of content on various subjects so I'm gonna try to do my best not to go through that too much work you know as I realized we got a lot more to go through to just in order to get that high number so but I just want to be thorough on making sure we're not missing anything I'm not leaving anything out we're just we're just putting it up on the board okay one woe is past so verse number 13 and the sixth angel sounded and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates and the four angels were loosed which were prepared for an hour and a day and a month and a year for to slay the third part of men and the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand so that's that 200 million number that was talking about these four angels are gonna lead this army of 200 million horsemen and thus I saw the horses in the vision and them that sat on them having breastplates of fire and of Jason and brimstone and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone I mean this is like nothing anyone's ever seen before but this is the best description we can get it's like this it's like a lion it's like you know these these heads of their horses are like lions and so you know this is a very scary sight to behold for the people on the earth at that time who are experiencing the wrath of God and they're gonna seven smoke and fire and brimstone coming out of their mouths by these three was the third part of men killed by the fire and by the smoke and by the brimstone which issued out of their mouths so these these horsemen and these horses that are running you know going after 200 million of them are going after to kill a third part of the people on the earth so a third of Earth's population at that time is going to be killed by these horses and horsemen and the way that they will die it's not it's not from the locusts remember they're just gonna want to die it's gonna be from the the fire the smoke or the brimstone because that's what's coming out of the horse's mouths that's what's gonna cause these men to die so it's gonna be smoke inhalation it's gonna be brimstone it's gonna be the fire that ends up killing them and you know what another horrible way to die I mean I I personally think that someone someone who's burned to death has got to be one of the worst ways to die imaginable just in our in our own lifetime right there's different ways to die you know being just burned up to live or burned at the stake or something like that's a pretty bad way to go pretty painful way to go so the fifth the sixth trumpet is the four angels of Euphrates this is important we'll see this later are loosed and then the 200 million horses kill a third of men six trumpet that's the second whoa this is whoa number one and this is whoa number two all right we're continuing in chronology here what okay let's keep reading here let's finish off chapter 9 for their power is in their mouth and in their tails for like on the serpent said and had heads and with them they do hurt so I didn't even get to the tails right that just talking about their heads breathing out the fire and brimstone smoke and it's like oh yeah by the way they also have tails are like snakes and the rest of the men and get this this speaks volumes to the people on the earth that are left this is also going to speak to the condition of the world right before Jesus comes back we see in Matthew 24 it's just like it was in days of Noah just like it was in the days of Lot two times when God poured out wrath on the earth one was with the flood destroying the earth the second time was pouring out fire and brimstone against Sodom and Gomorrah okay that is gonna be what it's like at the end of the end of the time to now all of these things are happening to people and these are clearly coming from God I don't I mean locusts from hell where is that coming from right these these horses coming from but look at what it says here in verse 20 and the rest of the men which were not killed a third of the whole population is killed two-thirds not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands that they should not worship Devils and idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and of wood which neither can see nor hear nor walk neither repented they of their murderers nor of their sorceries nor of their fornication nor of their thefts they just had like they're so dark they have no understanding and no light to say like hey this is God and he's angry with me maybe I should stop worshipping false gods keep doing it anyways maybe I should stop being a murderer nope just keep doing it maybe I should stop dabbling in sorcery nope just gonna keep doing it when when total devastation is coming when people ought to be going sorry right I'll do whatever you say get these locusts to stop seeing me no they'd rather die and keep their idol they'd rather die and not want to face the fact or own up to the Lord they'd rather just keep doing their own thing that is how stubborn and bullheaded these people are when God comes back and decides the poor is wrath on the earth so it's pride that's right this pride is a proud people it's a proud people that will not humble themselves to the Lord so when you think about the people going through all this stuff you don't have to have that sympathy for them they had their chance the Lord's not willing that any should perish where that all should come to repentance he's given them the time we also know and I didn't write this on the board that before that day the Lord comes the gospel is gonna be preached throughout the whole world to the gospel is preached everywhere everyone has that chance everybody does there's not gonna be anybody left going oh well this person didn't have a chance nope the gospel that and we'll see that in as we continue revelation the angel the everlasting gospel is gonna make sure that that gospel is preached everywhere we'll see it all right first number chapter number 10 let's keep going here where am I at and I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven clothed with a cloud and a rainbow was upon his head and his face was as it were the Sun and his feet as pillars of fire and he had in his hand a little book open and he set his right foot upon the sea and his left foot on the earth and cried with a loud voice as when a lion roars and when he had cried seven thunders uttered their voices and when the seven thunders had uttered their voices I was about to write and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me seal up those things which the seven thunders under it and write them not is the only time we see John being told not to record something that that he was witnessing seeing or hearing so he's saying don't write that it's not for anyone to know and the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven and swear by him that liveth forever and ever who created heaven and the things that therein are and the earth and the things that therein are and the sea and the things which are there in that there should be time no longer but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel when he shall begin to sound the mystery of God should be finished as he had declared to his servants the prophets and the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again and said go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which stand upon the sea and upon the earth and I went under the angel and said on him give me the little book and he said unto me take it up take it and eat it up and it shall make thy belly bitter but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey and I took a little book out of the angels hand and ate it up and it was in my mouth sweet as honey and as soon as I had eaten it my belly was bitter and he said unto me thou must prophesy again before many peoples and nations and tongues and kings so in this chapter what we see and I'm not gonna write this down on here we basically see the angel comes on here he has a little book and then we see that the mystery of God is finished with the seventh trumpet but it hasn't sounded yet right so we'll come back to these chapters to get more detail later on we're gonna keep reading through this but there's not much to add to our to our timeline of events this happens but for the high-level overview it's it's just not going to be as relevant for the moment okay I want to keep going because there's there's a really important point that I need to make tonight before we could continue next week with with our next installment on this series let's go into chapter 11 and there was given me a reed like unto a rod in the angel stood saying rise and measure the temple of God in the altar and them that worship therein but the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the Gentiles and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months then like I said we'll go into these times later we're gonna evaluate all of the times reference but just as we read now since 42 months is referenced here I'm gonna call your attention to this you'll see this all throughout now as we go through a lot of this is in chapter 11 but this alone should at least make you just stop and think there's something special about 42 months it's actually mentioned in three different ways the same exact amount of time 42 months well how long is 42 months well how many months is three years three times twelve is thirty six another six is forty two three and a half years is forty two months right well we're also gonna read in this chapter a reference of 1260 days well if you divide that by 30 30 days in a month guess what you get 42 months 42 months three and a half years we're also gonna see a reference and I don't know if it's in this chapter or not of times time and the dividing of time say well what unit is Matt is that it doesn't matter at first if you just think about times is plural time is one so if time is one times as plural that's gonna be two right and then dividing of time would be like a half so three and a half again now how they fit and where they fit in everything else we'll get to that but just I wanted to throw out that when you read these various numbers so many of them are just gonna be referring to three and a half years in different ways so just just keep that in your mind let's keep reading so he tells them to measure the temple of God and then he says don't measure outside of the temple at the court the courtyard right because that's gonna be given to Gentiles to tread underfoot forty and two months three and a half years and I will give power unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and three score days clothing sack law thousand two hundred three score three score a score is twenty three times twenty is sixty one thousand two hundred sixty days three and a half years forty two months okay that's how long these two witnesses will prophesy these are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the god of the earth and if any man will hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devour at their enemies and if any man will hurt them he must in this manner be killed these have power to shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophecy and have power over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will and when they shall have finished their testimony the beast that ascended out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified and they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nation shall see their dead bodies three and a three days and a half and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves and they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and make marry and shall send gifts one to another because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth and after three days and in half the spirit of life from God entered into them and they stood upon their feet and great fear fell upon them which saw them and they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them come up hither and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies beheld them in the same hour was there a great earthquake and the tenth part of the city fell and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand and the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to the God of heaven the second woe is past and behold the third woe cometh quickly all of this stuff that we're reading here still kind of fits in this time frame that started with the sixth trumpet and hasn't started yet the seventh trumpet all of this fits in that time frame still he's just giving us an update here saying okay the second woe is past now and behold the third woe cometh quickly verse 15 says in the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever and the four and twenty elders which sat before God on their seats fell upon their faces and worship God saying we give thee thanks Oh Lord God Almighty which art and was an art to come because thou has taken to thee thy great power and has reigned and the nations were angry and thy wrath has come and the time of the dead that they should be judged and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets and to the Saints and them that fear thy name small and great and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth and the temple of God was opened in heaven and there was seen in his temple the Ark of his Testament and there were lightnings and voices and thunderings and an earthquake and great hail I'm gonna add all of this information for next week on the chart there's too much to add on this I have to explain one more point so we're gonna go into chapter 12 and then we'll call it a night at chapter 12 this is going to be key to understanding when we go and through more chapters next week okay and I'm gonna preface this by saying this just as I'm doing while I preach we're covering certain aspects of things we're trying to get an understanding of a story here it makes sense to run through this story kind of quickly and then go into some detail right I mean it makes sense it's a logical way of expressing a truth or something that you want to tell people you can say okay here's where we're going here's a roadmap and then we could dig into more of the details the Bible also does this the Bible will give you if it starts telling you a story or a chronology it will give it to you relative to what's the purpose of that was for to begin with and then can go back and fill in some other details which means the chronology can change a little bit it's gonna change slightly once you get outside of the scope of the purpose for what you're seeing or what you're being told at chapter 11 in Revelation we start I two weeks ago I went through just a brief overview of chapters 1 2 3 4 & 5 okay nowhere in chapters 1 2 3 & 4 & 5 are we gonna see events laid out like this of end times events that haven't happened yet chapter 1 is more of like an introduction of John seeing Jesus chapters 2 & 3 our letters to churches that physically existed at that time that John needed to deliver the churches chapter 4 & 5 are lining up seeing the lamb the book the seven seals and all that in heaven okay chapter 4 he actually is caught up in the spirit to go into heaven he sees the heavenly host he sees all the people surrounding the throne he's kind of describing the image of heaven and then they explain about the book and that the lamb is worthy to open the book which is why we start in chapter 6 or last two weeks ago started there because that's actually now events are happening events are happening they're gonna say okay all these things are happening in a series of events and all the way up through to and including chapter 11 we've gone in order and if you're honest I mean you could read this and say yeah I mean this is pretty much following a chronology now there's one or two chapters where we just get a lot of extra information and my point with that is saying that's not necessarily happening at that one particular point it could be going back slightly to give a little bit more detail about something we already read about it happens around that time but for the sake of finishing off a thought it's going to give you a timeline to a certain point and then kind of circle back just a little bit to provide more detail and then continue moving does that make sense revelation what we have here in the revelation is we have essentially two accounts of all of these events within the book of Revelation itself we're gonna see a dramatic change and this is why I like putting this on the board because we're saying okay yeah this all makes sense there's a trumpet a second trumpet a third there's a seal one two three four five six there's trumpets one two three four five six seven it's all going in order nothing's really out of order there at all it's numbered but then let's go to chapter 12 and start reading here because this might throw you for a loop and there appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the Sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of 12 stars and she being with child cried traveling in birth and pain to be delivered and there appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his heads and his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born so up to this point there's really not much we know there's not a whole lot to have much understanding what is this talking about it's kind of cryptic we see okay there's a dragon and bringing some stars down and there's all you know there's a woman who's gonna give birth what are we talking about here well let's keep reading verse 5 and she brought forth a man child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught up unto God and to his throne that sound like anyone you might know someone who's gonna rule with a rod of iron which we got actually from Revelation I think chapter 1 that Jesus is that ruler is gonna rule with a rod of iron talk about someone who came to this earth and died and went up unto God and the throne of God history I mean who else is at the throne of God who else is gonna be welcome at the throne of God like literally right there to his throne other than Jesus and that says in the woman fled into the wilderness where she hath a place prepared of God that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and three score days one thousand two hundred and sixty by the way forty two months three and a half years and there was war in heaven okay Michael and angels fought against the dragon who do you think the dragon might be say yeah there we go Satan right Satan now we know also when Jesus was born of Mary that there was an attempt on his life from birth Herod wanted him killed but do you think that was really all just Herod's idea I don't I think Satan wanted him dead and Herod was a puppet of Satan as were so many of the other leaders of the world they're just being manipulated by Satan so Satan wanted him dead but he wasn't able to do it so when we're going through this timeline now we see this stuff happening this birth he's a rule with rod of iron okay we have enough clues there to say this is clearly talking about Jesus so if we're going through a timeline of events and now we'll hold wait a minute this is a drastic change and it's something that I think is pretty obvious who we're talking about here we can't continue on this timeline because the story just put us back to the birth of Christ his death is burial and his resurrection because it said that that he was born he was a rule throughout of iron then he was caught up to God and to his throne well that's where he is right now and then it talks about this war in heaven so it places us here we see from a slightly different angle an event that's taking place where the dragon fought with his third of the angels against the other angels of God it says in verse 8 and prevailed not neither was their place found anymore in heaven so they fight this war they wage this war and they lose and then he's cast out of heaven this is a future event being cast out of heaven we know at least at the time of job Satan was allowed in heaven we know this because God talks to Satan and he says hey where are you coming from again I'm paraphrasing you read it yourself read job chapter 1 job chapter 2 so where you're coming from going up and down through the earth I'm walking around in it and you know and God's like well have you considered my servant job hey if you see you know in your in your traveling back and forth through earth have you seen job you considered him and then of course Satan's starting to bring these false accusations against job and everything else but my point is Satan was traveling back and forth between heaven and earth he's going down the earth he's messing with people down earth but then he's able to go back up in heaven he had not been kicked out if God kicked him out of heaven do you think he's gonna ever gonna actually get into heaven oh oh he's not gonna sneak in the back door or something without God knowing right so of course he's out but he wasn't out during the time of job so you'd have to ask yourself well when did this happen if it already did happen we have no record of this happening this is a future event and especially as we continue reading you're gonna see there's things that follow this directly now they're gonna start lining up with other things we've already seen verse 9 says and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan so again there's no question about who the dragon is you know we're willing to know it figure it out but the Bible just literally points it out it's the devil it's Satan which deceive it the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him now don't get hung up on the past tense either if you in case you haven't noticed we've already read a lot of other things that were past tense John is recounting his vision of what he saw they were cast out in what he saw it happened he's recording it for us it hasn't happened yet but if if you were to sit down and see someone played a video for you of all of these events in front of your eyes you can talk about them happening as though they already happened even if they haven't yet that's what John's seeing here he's seeing events that haven't happened yet but he's able to talk about them because he saw them like it already happened and this is consistent with other stuff I saw people like to point this out there oh well see this had to have happened in the past because John's saying it was in the past no look at all of the rest of revelation it's it's very much like that as well verse 10 and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now has come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night and that's what Satan is he's an accuser he goes and he accuses people to Lord just like he did the job and just brings these accusations and is trying to pit God against human beings that's that little weasel that devil that's that's out just trying to cause problems for people here on earth but now he's fine this is a joyous event hey he's finally kicked out he can't be playing this game anymore you can't be going trying to play tattletale and bring up all these accusations against people he's cast down so now what's come salvation strength and kingdom of our God and the power of Christ for the accuser of the brother was cast down which accused them before our God day and night verse 11 and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell in them whoa to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for the devil has come unto you come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time so this event of the devil getting kicked out of heaven is the time that kicks off the devil's wrath so he's full of anger he's really ain't now all throughout history think about this Christians believers have gone through tribulation they've gone through troubles they've been you know had a lot of people against them a lot of people that are children of the devil fighting against them and causing problems and causing them to be cast into prison and causing them to be tortured and everything else various tribulations throughout history those come from the devil those are attacks essentially of Satan and people of the devil and wicked people not from anyone else that's who's the source of that stuff well now if that's tribulation that's just normal and has been happening throughout history to all the prophets to all the people of God experiencing tribulation now the devil has great wrath doesn't that think that's gonna equate to great tribulation for the believers his great wrath is our great tribulation it's not God's wrath it's the devil's wrath so we have to face the devil's wrath so now there's gonna be great tribulation such as was not like the world has ever seen tying us back into the timeline of Matthew 24 with a new event of the devil being cast out of heaven and now he doesn't he knows he knows what's gonna happen he knows he doesn't have long to move he's got to do his best to try to make things work out for him and in his twisted way of whatever the devil is trying to do the devil by the way is blind you say well why does the devil even bother doesn't he just know his fate is sealed as Josh was gonna happen he should the Bible is readily available he can see this he knows God's true and he knows who the Lord is but he's so lifted up in his pride this is why I think that he's just blinded to that truth because he was lifted up and full of himself and in the pride that the the sin of the devil ultimate is his pride and he was lifted up high so and what does pride do it blinds people even human beings people have so much power and so much wealth they they start to fantasize some of them even like think they're gods it actually happens to people that just they just get so much power so that they literally just think they could do whatever they want and there's just no consequences and everything and then they get a rude awakening and sometimes these people do some brazen things and it's unbelievable what some people will do but it's because they've been blinded by their own pride they start to literally think they're God and that's what Satan is gonna think he's literally trying to get people to worship him as God he's lifted up in that pride as well so he's not gonna even though he ought to know the end he's just thinking oh man I got I don't have much time left now because I'm kicked out of heaven I really need to get things working to get whatever victory he thinks he's gonna be able to get so verse number 13 and when the dragon saw that he was cast under the earth he persecuted the woman which brought forth the manchild so the persecution starts now I'm not gonna get in all the details of this it gets way too deep outside of the scope but we see the persecution starting for the woman and to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness into her place where she has nourished look at this for a time and times and half a time I brought that up before again another three and a half time period from the face of the serpent and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood and the earth helped the woman and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth and the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed look at this which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ so he's going after the people now to make not just to go after him and trouble them but to make war with them he's making war with the Saints that's what the devil is doing this fits the devil making war with the Saints fits Matthew 24 the hatred of Christians the false prophets going after them and then martyrs showing up in heaven at the fifth seal martyrs in heaven dying for the cause of Christ because he's going after those that actually serve the Lord and serve Christ what we're gonna continue to see in summary now because we're on way past time chapter 12 we finished but I just wanted to point out it gave a very drastic change in the timeline of going all the way back to the birth of Christ I think that's to help us and point us out to say no no okay don't keep following this series of events we're going way back to make it really obvious hey look the birth of Christ it seems like it just thrown in there out of nowhere like why in the world and this is where a lot of people can get confused because now you're starting to question like I thought it sounded like it was all chronological now we're going back to the time of Christ did this stuff happen before Christ what's going on here it can be confusing I understand that but as we continue what you're gonna see is that this makes perfect sense it throws it in there to let us know hey I'm gonna start telling the story now another way from another perspective you're gonna get more information just like Matthew Mark Luke and John all cover the same stories essentially but you get different pieces of information and all for the Gospels you have a different eyewitness now in this case is the same witness but the story's gonna be told slightly differently to give us more detail to give us more information it's gonna cover some things that weren't covered to this point and some of the things that were you'll see it open up completely once we continue with chapters 13 14 15 and 16 because we're gonna get into the seven trumpets okay and as we put them or not seven Trump excuse me seven vials there's seven vials when we put that on the board next to our seven trumpets if you haven't already known this or done this before you're gonna be blown away because they match up they match up almost perfectly with all of these showing us oh okay yeah these are these events are happening now during this same time period it opens up this whole book I'm writing down like you say well why do you care past versions tonight about having this summary up here it doesn't matter for tonight it matters as we continue to see the timeline it matters as then we will ultimately start looking at other passages when we start to see the connections and similarities and the storyline that's telling us the same pattern of events now we could fit it in this is what the Bible is saying this is what it's teaching we don't have to have a preconceived idea of what it is let's just let it tell us let's look for the similarities let's look for hey is this reasonable to think that that these events line up perfectly with these other events and yes it is it's very reasonable to think that so it's a long so I don't know how long a series is gonna be because we blew through a lot of content that all is important in its own right and that we could dig into individually but we need to start with the big picture we'll hone it down we'll we'll dial it in we'll start using some of these dates and times that we owe these three and a half three and a 42 months 1260 we'll start saying okay well now where does this really fit in but once you have the big picture we'll narrow down narrow down narrow down so hopefully you could stay with us we got it we got this is gonna be going on for a while on Sunday nights and let's borrow is that word of prayer dear Heavenly Father Lord we thank you so much for opening up your word for giving us a book like revelation dear Lord that you've revealed things to come unto the Apostle John and of course unto us dear Lord you've preserved your word for us today for us to learn thereby I pray that you would please open up our understanding Lord help all of us to have a better grasp of these things so that we know more about when you're coming back that we could be prepared ourselves and also just help warn others and let people know the truth about the the second coming of Christ and what that means for us dear Lord we are looking forward to the day that we get to see you and if we happen to be in the generation that's a lie that that could be alive and remain unto the coming of Lord dear Lord help us to be strengthened and strong for the trials and tribulations to come God we love you in Jesus name we pray amen all right we're gonna sing one last song before we're dismissed brother Peter will you please lead us right church if you can't open up your hymnals song number 73 song number 73 some golden daybreak song number 73 song number 73 let's sing this out in the first some glorious morning sorrow will cease some glorious morning all will be peace our days all will fail school days all die heaven will obey Jesus will die some golden daybreak Jesus will run some golden daybreak battles of fire you shall the victory break through the road some golden daybreak for me for you sand or snow that day all shall be bright goodbye forever to earth's dark night changed in a moment but here to be glorious may break Jesus I'll see some golden daybreak Jesus will run some golden daybreak battles of fire you shall the victory break through the road some golden daybreak for me for you on the last oh what a meaning here in the skies no tears no crying shout in our eyes love once united eternally for what else we pray and what will be some golden daybreak Jesus will come some golden daybreak battles of fire you shall the victory break through the road some golden daybreak for me for you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .