(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you Let's turn to our next song so number 116 So 116 Oh, say can you see, what so proudly we hailed, at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, by the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, by the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, by the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, by the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, by the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, by the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, by the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, by the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, by the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, by the twilight's last gleaming? By the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, by the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, by the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, by the twilight's last gleaming? Amen. Amen. All right. Welcome back to Stronghold Baptist Church this evening. At this time, we'll go through our announcements. So if you don't have a bulletin, just slip your hand up real high, and one of our ushers will get to you. If you open up to the first page, you'll see our service time is listed there. Sunday morning at 1030, Sunday evening again at 5 p.m. Wednesday night seven is our Bible study. We're going to be going through Psalm 92 this week. We've got the soul-winning opportunities listed there, as well as the salvations and the baptisms for the month of February, as well as for the year. Let's go ahead and count up the salvations for today. If you have any salvations to report, just slip your hand up real quick. We'll get those counted up. Amen. All right. So two and two and two and one. Seven. Amen. All right. Very good. Sounds like it was pretty receptive over in that area, so it's good news. Praise the Lord for that. Does anyone have any other numbers to report? Just missed you this morning. Any salvation? All right. Very good. Continuing on, we've got the offering totals received through the month of February down there at the bottom of the page. Before I forget, there are a bunch of clothes, children's clothes, boys' and girls' clothes in the foyer here in this area, in the lunch area on the table. They're in bins. They're in boxes. They're kind of all over the place if you have any interest in that stuff. You can check it out before it goes further down the line to be donated. So help yourself to whatever you would like from there. And then our prayer requests. We added Mrs. Estrada to our list of ladies who are with child, so that's very exciting news for the Estrada family. Thank you, friend. Pray the pregnancy goes really well. And then I received a prayer request, but I'm not sure who this is. If you don't mind just raising your hand, if you submitted a prayer request today, I'd like to know who did that just so I get some more information for Darlene Hyde. I'm sorry? Oh. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. His wife? Okay. So she's with child also apparently because he has due in August. So I did not know her name, so thank you for that, which is also very good news. So Darlene Hyde is due in August. So add her to the list as well. And then I also mentioned this morning that my wife is needing another surgery, another knee replacement on the same knee. So just pray that she'll be strengthened and able to get through that and it'll actually solve her problems. And we appreciate your prayers there. Anyone else have any updates for people who are on the prayer list? Yes, sir? Okay. Oh, no. Tomorrow? Yeah, absolutely. If you weren't able to hear, David Bass has a broken arm and he's getting surgery tomorrow. So many of you probably know David. He's been coming for a while now and he broke his arm. So the surgery is tomorrow. So just say an extra prayer for him tomorrow too before he has that operated on. Appreciate that. Any other updates or additions to the prayer list? All right. Very good. Continuing on here, we've got, of course, on the back is the birth announcement for baby Weatherby, baby Micah Trenton Weatherby, who was born last Monday at 4.37 afternoon, weighing six pounds, 14 ounces. Everyone's healthy, so that's very good news. Appreciate the prayers there. On the next page, and I announced this morning, and in case you weren't here this morning, if you completed the New Testament reading challenge, you're able to receive either one of these bags of chocolates or you get an Amazon gift card or you can get the mystery prize. That's such a mystery that I don't even know what it is. So if you want this or the Amazon gift card, people are asking me, okay, you two of those, let me write that down, because that's just coming in an email. Okay. So I'll email that. Okay. Is there anyone else that wanted to get? All right. Now they're coming out here. Let's see. Let me put it in my sermon note section here. Both of you? Anyone else? All right. Two? Okay. No one wants a mystery gift. You don't know what you're missing. You don't know what you're missing. Just for you? Okay. Do I have your email address? I need to send emails. So I know I have you. I have one for you. I think I have one. I'll send it to you. Just make sure your wife gets it. And I know I have one for you too. So all I need is just write down your email address for me so I can mail that gift card to you. All right. Very good. See, I'm getting squared up on gifts. I didn't even know it. And then I already counted. Now, are any of the people who raised their hand already raised their hand this morning saying you would take the mystery prize? Because I wasn't paying attention to who raised their hand. All right. Wait. No. The question is, the question is, anyone who just asked for the Amazon gift prize, did you already raise your hand this morning for the mystery prize? That's all I was asking. I just want to make sure someone didn't change their mind so I counted you for the mystery prize and then I'm counting you for the Amazon prize. That's all. Just for my own clarity. All right. Very good. Let's continue on here. February challenge is to spend a minimum of one hour every single day doing something spiritual, praying, reading your Bible, memorizing, soul winning, coming to church, singing spiritual songs, all those types of things are included in that. The point is just to make sure you're spending a good portion of your day, well, an hour specifically, dedicated to doing spiritual things. New church playing in Greenville. Please pray for that. Bible memory passage. We're starting our second week doing two verses a week for Hebrews chapter 11, first 20 verses. Of course you'll earn a prize if you can quote that word perfect before the deadline. Birthdays and anniversaries are listed there. Upcoming events down at the bottom of the page. As my wife reminded me this morning, if you are planning to attend the roller skating event from one to three, it's a no food event essentially is what it is. They're not going to have any concessions open and I don't even think we're able to bring in food so you bring in drinks, bring in water or whatever for that but it's kind of a no food event but we've got the whole place rented out. It's reserved so no one else will be there. We get our own choice of music and stuff like that so it's not going to be blasting a bunch of worldly music so it should be a lot of fun for the homeschoolers there and then all the rest of those activities you can see. If you're interested in any of these activities, look for the sign up sheets over here. If they don't exist, we should be getting them out. Oh, Leslie said that we don't need a sign up sheet for the roller skating because however it works with how we paid for it, we don't need to know in advance so that's not a big deal. Since we're not buying food for anyone, you can just show up and there was not a certain number of tickets we had to buy or anything like that. They're just going to charge us. We had to have a minimum number of people which we're clearly going to have and then yeah, they'll just charge us for the people that show up so it's not a problem. And then everything else is listed there. If you have any questions about it, you can ask me but I'm not going to go through all the rest of these. I think that's about it for the announcements so I'm going to turn the service back over to brother Peter who will lead us in our next song. All right church, if you can open up your memos and call number 327. Song 327. Higher ground. Song 327. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. All right church, you sing this out. At the age of the Book of Leviticus chapter 19, industrially, it's drive us to Sort of Baptist Church to read the entire chapter. Now that's for the moment. Please do that for us. All right church, Leviticus 19, and the lord spake unto moses saying speak unto all the congregation of the children of israel and say unto them you shall be holy for i the lord your god am holy you shall fear every man his mother and his father and keep my sabbaths i am the lord your god turn ye not unto idols nor make to yourselves molten gods i am the lord your god and if you offer a sacrifice of peace offerings unto the lord you shall offer it at your own will it shall be eaten the same day you offer it and on the morrow and if ought remain until the third day it shall be burnt in the fire and if it be eaten at all on the third day it is abominable it shall not be accepted therefore everyone that eateth it shall bear his iniquity because he hath profaned the hallowed thing of the lord and that soul shall be cut off from among his people and when you reap the harvest of your land thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest and thou shalt not glean thy vineyard neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger i am the lord your god you shall not steal nor deal falsely neither lie one to another and you shall not swear by my name falsely neither shalt thou profane the name of thy god i am the lord thou shalt not defraud thy neighbor neither rob him the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning thou shalt not curse the death nor put a stumbling block before the blind but shalt fear thy god i am the lord you shall do no unrighteousness in judgment thou shalt not respect the person of the poor nor honor the person of the mighty but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbor thou shalt not go up and down as a tail bearer among thy people neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbor i am the lord thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart thou shalt not thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbor and not suffer sin upon him thou shalt not avenge nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself i am the lord you shall keep my statutes thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woolen come upon thee and whosoever lieth carnally with a woman that is a bondmaid betrothed to an husband and not at all redeemed nor freedom given her she shall be scourged they shall not be put to death because she was not free and he shall bring his trespass offering unto the lord unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation even a ram for a trespass offering and the priest shall make an atonement for him with the ram of the trespass offering before the lord for his sin which he hath done and the sin which he hath done shall be forgiven him and when ye shall come into the land and shall have planted all manner of trees for food then ye shall count the fruit thereof as uncircumcised three years shall it be as uncircumcised unto you it shall not be eaten of but in the fourth year all the fruit thereof shall be holy to praise the lord with all and in the fifth year shall you eat of the fruit thereof that it may yield unto you the increase thereof i am the lord your god you shall not eat any thing with the blood neither shall you use enchantment nor observe times you shall not round the corners of your heads neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard you shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead nor print any marks upon you i am the lord do not prostitute thy daughter to cause her to be a whore lest the land fall to whoredom and the land become full of wickedness ye shall keep my sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary i am the lord regard not them that have familiar spirit spirits neither seek after wizards to be defiled by them i am the lord your god thou shalt rise up before the hoary head and honor the face of the old man and fear thy god i am the lord and if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land you shall not vex him but the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you and thou shalt love him as thyself for ye were strangers in the land of egypt i am the lord your god you shall do no one righteousness in judgment and in meteored in weight or in measure just balances just weights adjust epa and just hen shall you have i am the lord your god which brought you out of the land of egypt therefore shall you observe all all my statutes and all my judgments and do them i am the lord let's pray dear heavenly father i pray that you just bless the service uh bless our ears and fill pastor uh with your spirit and uh help us to be attentive and glean something from the message in jesus name we pray amen so all right this evening i'm going to preach a sermon entitled the tailbearer the tailbearer and we read about this in leviticus chapter 19 for the very first time uh reference to the tailbearer and we're going to see what the scripture has to say about that specifically and there's uh this is one of the things that uh it's a problem that that's a sin that's associated with our tongue right and we're going to look at at james later and and see how the tongue is described but you know sins with your mouth and every tongue are probably some of the easiest things to do and there's many sins that we could commit with our tongue there's lying there's backbiting there's gossiping there's tailbearing there's all these different things that people can do and your words are really powerful and the impact and the damage that can be caused by words is tremendous and we need to keep this under consideration always um and and as the bible says i don't even use my notes but that we ought to be uh slow to speak and slow to wrath and you know the the fool is known by as much speaking and and as as christians and as believers it is important just in all things to remember it's better to keep your words few just i mean you you wanna to have a good guideline for your life just always remember it's better just to not speak as much right say the thing i'm not saying just just take a vow of silence or something and and never speak again but just be mindful if you keep letting your gums flap there's a lot greater likelihood that you'll end up being in sin okay and and this is most likely to happen when you're just talking for the sake of talking and you know you just need something to talk about and sometimes juicy things come up and you just want to talk about it because oh it's so interesting all these i mean this is why the tabloids are always so popular and why they're in business and why they sell so much because people like to hear juicy things and there's definitely people who want to talk about juicy things but without going too far off into the world knows other things let's just see what the bible says about this we started off reading leviticus chapter 19 and in this section of leviticus we're going to read in context verses 13 through verses 18 and in this passage in verses 13 through 18 it talks a lot about your neighbor so this is going to be how you would be dealing just with the people that are close to you obviously we apply this to brothers and sisters in christ but even just in general um you know doing good unto your neighbor loving your neighbor as yourself this all falls into how you would love your neighbor as yourself so let's start reading in verse number 13 the bible says thou shalt not defraud thy neighbor neither rob him right being deceitful to your neighbor doing things that would uh you know by fraud you're you're putting something up you're being deceitful you're lying about it in order to get money out of him the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning so if you if you hire someone for work you're not supposed to withhold their wages you know they work for you that day you're supposed to pay them that day and that's what the bible teaches by the way i know we live in a different culture different society and that doesn't happen very often but it's the right way of dealing with this and the whole point is especially for people who who don't live who don't have a bunch of wealth or abundance that hey if they do the work give them their money they need that money right away they work for you you pay them right and of course we're built in a way that's a lot better for the corporation than it is for the individual right it's a lot easier for the corporation to give out paychecks you know once or twice a month and and and do all their accounting that way and stuff but that's not better for the employee right it's better than employee to have your money right away and i'm not going to go into all the economics about that uh it doesn't take an economist to understand that concept but um this is how the bible says those things ought to be done but i'm not going to spend time on that let's keep reading uh thou shalt not curse the death nor put a stumbling block before the blind but shalt fear thy god i am the lord again mistreating people who have disabilities uh verse 15 you shall do no unrighteousness in judgment thou shalt not respect the person of the poor nor honor the person of the mighty but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbor and this is important this is the verse preceding the one that we're going to spend more time focusing on is not being a respecter of persons right so our judgment ought always to not depend on who a person is always it doesn't matter who a person is the judgment is the same it should be equal and we ought to strive for this always okay to not just elevate or lift up someone above what a righteous judgment ought to be and that goes for for both sides of the coin okay and and before i think it's all right i just want to make sure no one has in their head i am not for sweeping things under the rug as it were uh at least when it comes to big deals and what you're going to see as we get into the scripture is that there's the bible teaches you that some things some secrets ought to just be concealed but other things obviously should come to light that there is there is a difference in the the subject matter or whatever it is that happens or whatever information you come across some things ought to be exposed simple examples right and we go through examples all day trying to find well where is that line okay and the line's not always going to be easy to know but essentially i would say you know anything that ought to be reported like some criminal activity things like that going on that look that's not being a tail bearer when there's like that type of wrong going on just simple easy example for example some predator or something right like and this is what happens in churches but then they try to cover it up and and and just say oh no we're going to deal this internally and then they just move people around and shove them around instead of like dealing with the predator dealing with the person who's done you know serious wrong like no absolutely they they ought to be punished they ought to be brought to justice right you don't cover those types of things up but at the same time imagine what a world we would live in if any time anyone ever did anything wrong you just had a bunch of people talking about it and tell you know and and reporting you and everything else right so obviously there's a balance obviously there's some things we ought to be talking about and some things that we shouldn't and we're going to get into more details here we're going to read the scripture specifically and find this out but first of all that that no unrighteousness and judgment is important and here's what i mean by that so there's there's two sides of this coin on the one hand you can have someone who's really popular and really well liked right and when either information comes out or an accusation is made or something like that here's the thing just because everyone likes that person doesn't mean that they automatically aren't guilty of whatever it is if there's some accusation or something like that right so you can't just take the side just automatically just saying like there's absolutely no truth like if you don't know right and you haven't heard any facts and it's just like some accusation to this no like no that's not true the facts would have to be presented to be able to speak for themselves and even if you like someone and even if someone has a good reputation if the facts are all there right you still make the right judgment and say that this is this is appropriate this is correct this is the truth right because it's the truth that matters now of course especially and if we apply this you know spiritually and the churches and things like that we already know there's gonna be a lot of attacks on men of god right so we kind of get used to that because people will come and lie and slander and say all manner of evil against people falsely for for because people are serving christ so that happens a lot so you got to be aware of that and obviously use some discernment and and there is a reason to give credibility to people who have proven themselves to be honest and trustworthy and things like that however if if when it comes to making a judgment call you're going to give someone here's the thing you give people the benefit of the doubt when there's doubt but when there's clear evidence and and you have all the facts then you can't be a respecter of persons in the judgment right so so simply we see we see oftentimes in the political arena people getting off of of being even just being charged with crimes right we see we see that happening even today politically right there's there and look before i even speak i am not a republican or a democrat okay i don't like either party um and and i'm not i'm not planning on voting for anybody now you do whatever you want to do in this election because there's nobody running that i want to cast a vote for that all being said this is not a political sermon it's easy to see that like when donald trump is getting charged for having classified documents at his residence but then like joe biden does the ex literally the exact same thing and hillary clinton is the exact same thing just like to a t like like it's exactly the same oh yeah no charges here charges here that's being a respecter of persons because the person that you like you don't want to charge them but the person you don't like they them you do want to charge right now that's just like an easy example to see about not being a respecter of persons and then talking about you know whether the poor whether the rich so you know all these different things they shouldn't matter we should always just be seeking out a righteous judgment and here's the thing that's that's the only way that we could continue with integrity and honesty as we preach the word of god as we serve christ to be able to still have respect of people is when you deal with things honestly and appropriately and if there's judgment to be had and judgment to be made then it is done appropriately now there's things that happen outside of our scope of just judgment in general and areas where we might not ever have all the proper information and facts to make a proper judgment and you also need to know when to say i don't have all the facts and i don't know what you know how how to judge this without knowing everything and if it's outside of my wheelhouse then i'm just gonna have to leave it at that especially on things that don't matter as much right now the the serious information and the more serious like you if you're involved and it's it impacts us or impacts you then that's different than things that just happen in other places other areas there's other problems other people's jurisdiction to deal with right i know i'm kind of saying a lot i'm bouncing around a little bit but all of this is important for understanding the tail bearer so that was verse 15 we didn't get into the tail bearer yet verse 15 is talking about being honest in judgment or excuse me in in yeah in judgment and then um verse 16 says thou shalt not go up and down as a tail bearer among thy people neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbor i am the lord and you know going up and down as a tail but what's a tail bearer it's someone who is bearing tales nowhere for tales a story right now a story could be true or could be false this isn't only referring to things that are false being a tail bearer it's not just telling stories about things that just simply aren't true and making things up and i can prove that to you because we will look at other and in fact if you want to turn to proverbs 11 i'll just prove that to you right now that the definition for tail bearer is not only somebody who's saying things that are false that's more like a railing accusation railing accusations are more tied to people accusing people falsely of things but a tail bearer is someone who goes around and starts telling stories to people and this is in the context of it because i'm going to read the next couple verses for you verse 17 says thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbor and not suffer sin upon him again that's tied right in with the verse preceding that about not being a tail bearer among thy people and when people do things that are wrong look if you're wronged by someone you shouldn't be a tail bearer and go around telling everybody about the wrong that they did to you if you have a problem with someone you deal with that someone with that problem right i mean it makes sense you're not supposed to hate your brother in your heart your brother's sister does you wrong you don't hate them you rebuke them hey you did me wrong right confront them and rebuke them when they're wrong and tell them that they're wrong but matters that happen between two people how is that anyone else's business it's not it's not anyone else's business there's no reason to go around and start telling stories about do you know what so and so did that's what a tail bearer is you're telling stories about people the bible's teaching us hey first of all be righteous in your judgment right don't be a respecter of persons don't go up and down as a tail bearer and look don't hate your brother in the heart but rebuke him and then verse 18 says thou shalt not avenge nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself i am the lord all of these things are applicable to the tail bearer and all the damage that gets caused by tail bearers and people who end up forming grudges and and in pitting being pit against people because of the stories that you hear or the stories that you tell and the damage that's inflicted all through the mouth now obviously leviticus 19 has a lot more application but you can see how they still all fit together with the tail bearer um being grouped together in this in this section look at proverbs 11 verse number 12 the bible says he that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbor but a man of understanding holdeth his peace holding your peace is another way of keeping quiet so what it means you hold your peace right this is what my kids kind of like this but when i don't like i don't like saying shut up right it happens sometimes and i don't like hearing my kids say shut up it's just kind of rude so we taught them to say hold your peace and they get a kick out of that and and it actually it actually works out i think it's a it's a better way of saying it but the bible says here that a man of understanding holds his peace right you don't say anything and uh but it says he that is void of wisdom despises his neighbor notice how that's those two go together and proverbs does this a lot where it's like wait what why does it say he despises his neighbor but then it says he holds his peace because the one who despises his neighbor isn't holding his peace right like like that's why those are are put together like that the one guy despises his neighbor why because he's talking he's talking trash and he's talking about him but the other one the man of understanding holds his peace he doesn't say anything and then verse 13 says a tail bearer revealeth secrets but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter now clearly we can see that if a tail bearer is only talking about people saying false things then why would it say a tail bearer reveals secrets a secret is something that's true a secret that's something that's kept between people right and a tail bearer reveals those things so you're telling a story about something but you're telling a story about something that's in confidence it's you're telling a story about something that that maybe would have been shared with you and now you're going to go around and start blabbing your mouth to everybody about it and that's what a tail bearer does and oftentimes a tail bearer does that just because it's just so interesting that you have to start telling people about it but you don't really just feel that way right in the flesh you feel like you have to start talking about this it says but he that is of a faithful spirit someone who's reliable and trustworthy conceals the matter and and think about this this makes sense as i mentioned before i'm not about you know big cover-ups and everything else but doesn't it make sense that you can have someone you can confide in and maybe maybe you have a sin in your life that you're struggling with and you want a brother or sister in christ to be able to help you out and go to him and be like man i'm struggling with this and i don't know what to do can you help me out and someone comes to you in that state or in that condition and they're revealing they're opening up their heart to you and it's a secret that they have and it's not something that's want blasted abroad and they just want you to help them with them doesn't it make sense that you can conceal whatever that is while you're trying to help them through that issue and through that problem and that you can be faithful not just start blabbing your mouth and talk hey did you know that so-and-so is doing this or doing that and this is just one example but you see we could easily see how this makes sense right how it does make sense sometimes not to talk about things right and to keep that to yourself and you come across information not to just go and and just keep spreading and spreading and spreading and spreading it makes sense now i don't think that's the only time that you don't be repeating matters or spilling beans on things but there is a difference turn if you go to proverbs 18 we still do have to understand when is it appropriate to say something when is it appropriate not to say something because there are times where you ought to be telling someone something about a secret and and just super most obvious example be someone comes to you is like hey i'm thinking about molesting children uh yeah that's not something that's gonna be kept secret you know like hello or you know whatever right you you could you you understand what i'm talking about the the some big it's like some big thing happens yeah you know we're not gonna just stand by and pretend like i didn't hear that i'm gonna say something now but here's the thing what's appropriate when when there are times when you come across information that's important to be known well you should be sharing that with the people who can do something about that right there still is no point necessarily in just talking to a whole bunch of other people that can't do anything about it you need to deal with it right the in the appropriate manner so if that's something you know if there's something that people are doing that you know and let's bring it home to church where there's where there's people who are guilty of say like a first corinthians five sin something that's that's that's worthy of getting you kicked out of church right the bible says that we're supposed to separate ourselves from that wicked person and that that's something that's like it's really bad and and there ought to be a church discipline associated with that okay so someone's guilty about you know i saw so-and-so stumbling out of the bar drunk and like it wasn't just one night i saw this happen multiple times right now look something like that happens you don't just go and just start telling everybody at church that you saw that go to the pastor and say hey you know i saw this because we still need to establish facts right one person just saying something you still got to establish the facts you can't just base anything off of the testimony of one one witness so we'll do what's appropriate and and and figure out the facts of the matter maybe confront the person or you'll see if we can see what's going on here but there's no reason let's just say you know you saw someone stumble out of a bar and then you go around telling everyone else this story and now everyone's got this bad opinion formed about that guy and then you confront him and he's like oh yeah you know my my son was in there or whatever right like like there is a reason that's not that person getting drunk and then like he trips over a rock or something it looks like he's stumbling and there's there's like some valid explanation behind it and you find out the truth of the matter it's like no this guy's not a drunkard at all it's a lot better to figure that out get to the facts and understand it before all of a sudden you've got everybody talking about it right and then if it turns out to be like yeah i mean this guy's a drunkard or whatever then you know what we're going to execute this one and i'll announce everybody and say hey here's what happened here's the facts you know this is this is what went down and that's how it's dealt with but see that's appropriate that's decent and that's in order and and obviously it's easy to well it's not always easy but we talk about things in church context but it goes beyond that in in general you know when let's say it's a if it's a lesser sin or something that people are doing now you got to ask yourself if there's no church discipline associated with that let's say you know here where i'm against you know listening to world of music and like watching all this tv and and and consuming all the movies and stuff like that but i'm sure there's probably people in here that watch that stuff and listen to that stuff there probably are so so what do i think it's sinful yeah i do smoking cigarettes i think it's sinful okay but that's not on par with a sin that's like worthy of someone getting kicked out of church and as such there's nothing that's going to be done about that so i'll ask you this then what's the point of talking about that what's the point about talking evil about somebody who's doing something they shouldn't be doing what's the point of talking about that what's the point even if you i know it it's true okay just because something's true doesn't mean you should talk about it i mean we always speak truth okay but just because something's true doesn't mean that you always just start talking about things well it's true i mean hey it's true i'm just speaking the truth yeah but it's not always appropriate it's not always right you can't just say well it's true yeah well you know what a tail bearer isn't always saying false things either but the bible says that a tail bearer reveals secrets but he that is of a faithful spirit conceal it the matter proverbs 18 verse number three baba reads when the wicked cometh then cometh also contempt and with ignominy reproach and and again i'm getting i'm getting these in context as well because there's a lot of of this in this section of proverbs 18 that is applicable to the tail bearer as we find in the context in many passages you'll get a lot of supporting information to help you get a full clear understanding of what the bible is trying to teach us verse number four so the wicked is being associated with contempt right you have contempt for people you know hatred is what's being brought up here in verse three verse four the words of a man's mouth are as deep waters and the well spring of wisdom as a flowing brook it is not good to accept the person of the wicked to overthrow the righteous in judgment now when i brought up when we looked at libycus 19 remember it talked about doing not being unrighteous in judgment and not accepting the person and and whether the poor whether the rich you don't accept the person but isn't this interesting and i brought up not to just automatically side with the person that you like or the person who's popular maybe it would be a preacher maybe someone has a good reputation but you have to still judge righteously and this is now bringing up the other side of the coin okay don't accept the person of the wicked to overthrow the righteous in judgment and just because someone's saying something also doesn't make it true and a wicked person has uh you know it's like oh but but this is so and so whoever accepting their person never accept the person of the wicked to overthrow the righteous in judgment you know you ought to stand by the righteous and and it doesn't matter who the wicked person is you don't you don't you don't yoke up and and join up with the wicked person in order to overthrow the righteous in judgment and i've seen this happen a lot unfortunately online when someone gets uh a beef with someone uh with with you know some pastor someone doing a great work for god and then people get i don't know rebuked they they get something happens they don't like and then all of a sudden they're they're jumping over to these people that hate that person to the wicked people who are trying to destroy the work of god destroy the good things that are going on and then just start flapping their gums and talking about all the stuff oh oh yeah you want to interview me oh you want to talk to me yeah sure i'll tell you all about them oh i'm just telling the truth oh yeah i'll just tell you all about it let me just give you all the juice all the things that you want to hear everything that's going to be good at overthrowing the righteous in judgment verse six says a fool's lips enter into contention and his mouth calleth for strokes a fool's mouth is his destruction and his lips are the snare of his soul and before i even go any further god help the the younger generations growing up today because you know i was just talking to someone about this and just over and over again i just see and and you don't know how thankful i am that like the internet wasn't a thing when i was growing up okay and everyone my age and older are going amen because children young people do foolish things really really foolish things but you know what when you did things without the social media without the internet access without everything else it would be forgotten and not that many people would know about the foolish things you did other than the people who were kind of immediately around you it wasn't broadcast for the world to see and it wasn't just screenshotted and saved and being just you know able to be brought up over and over and over again but that's how things are nowadays and and now more than ever young people especially don't you know you if you get nothing else from the sermon try to make your words few especially what you're putting out online who you're talking to doing all this stuff it will serve you well in the long run so young people have a have a courage and a boldness which is great about being young it's one of the great attributes about being young and and and willing to take risks and do these things and can help and that can help a person to do a lot of a lot of great things and make great achievements by having a good spirit like that and being courageous and doing those things but at the same time can be very uh uh strong willed into saying things that really aren't that wise and end up saying a lot that that don't make sense and their mouth can can you could end up saying foolish things that you just it only takes a matter of a few years sometimes to look back and be like what in the world was i thinking why did i say that and again before you have everything just recorded and snapshots like yeah you could say something stupid and be like well at least that wasn't that big of a deal that was then and and everyone's moved on but now it's just like it's gonna get thrown in your face if nothing else if you change your mind and be and you can you start to realize and gate some wizard like wow oh yeah look remember when you said this remember when you did that man i do not envy your position at all having to to go through those years but look those that have wisdom also need to understand the errors of the youth too right and and show grace where it's where where it needs to be shown as well let's keep reading about prover in proverbs 18 because this this is serious about uh the fool's lips entering contention looking for fights the fool's mouth is his destruction and his lips are the snare of his soul that's pretty i mean that's that's a lot of damage you can see already uh for a fool's mouth doing is it's his it's his own destruction and it's the snare of his own soul excuse me and then it says in verse 8 the words of a tail bearer are his wounds and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly tail bearer does damage and oftentimes the tail bearer doesn't even realize that they're doing the damage they're just being a tail bearer and revealing secrets and you know some oftentimes not necessarily intentionally even realizing the damage that's being done but it does a lot of damage uh turn if you go to proverbs 26 i'm going to read for you from proverbs 2019 the bible says in proverbs 2019 he that goeth about as a tail bearer reveal its secrets therefore metal not with him that flattereth with his lips and it's interesting that it that the two are tied together so this tail bearer is someone who's an intentional tail bearer because they exist too there's the unintentional tail bearer which is probably most people that end up getting caught up in gossip and just talking about things just to talk about them just because it's you know whatever it's it's interesting and then there's the tail bearer who intentionally is going about to to reveal secrets and that's why it warns about people who flatter with their lips and and really it's kind of funny because a tail bearer what what i mean what are they doing they're telling a story they're burying a story it's like a news reporter in a sense now i'm not saying all news reporters are evil right there's obviously some information that's important for everyone to know i mean there's bombs falling somewhere here like yeah we ought to know about those things you know there's someone's being convicted of a crime or something like that look these are important this is important information to know what's going on with leaders and things like that especially people who live public lives it's going to be more important to understand some of the things that are going on when it's truth and there's news being reported about things that are happening but you don't need a news reporter for every individual in the world right going and digging up the scoop and digging up the story about everybody's lives but the person who is an intentional tail bearer they use flattery as a tool to soften people up and and i would say this as there's continuing to be more and more social media and more and more people digging for dirt and trying to find out information you know watch out for the person who's gonna talk to you so gently and want to oh oh i want to be your friend and and and speak so nice to you and tell you things that you want to hear and flatter you just to gain your confidence so that you can end up saying things that you know that you ought not to be talking about that are that are ought to just be kept secret that's no one else's business but you and and whoever else is involved with with your knowledge proverbs 26 where i had you turn look at verse number 20 where no wood is there the fire goeth out makes sense right you got campfire hey we ran out of wood what's gonna happen fire's gonna go out common sense so where there is no tail bearer the strife ceaseth the tail bearer brings conflict and brings strife and causes problems right there's there's someone who you know does whatever and that's between them and and you know that's their business then the tail bearer comes along and now all of a sudden you start having problems now all of a sudden you're starting to get fights now all of a sudden you're starting to get people picking sides and and being split apart and doing things over what over what causing problems causing fights verse 21 as coals are to burning coals and wood to fire so is a contentious man to kindle strife the words of a tail bearer are as wounds and they go down to the innermost parts of the belly that is exactly quote we already read this verse and it's a quoted again in proverbs 26 22 obviously uh it's important to know the words of a tail bearer they're like wounds you're doing damage by being a tail bearer you think you're not hurting anyone but you are burning lips and a wicked heart of burning lips i mean that's just you just can't help yourself but but speak and a wicked heart are like a potsherd covered with silver dross no you say a potsherd covered with silver draw what is that it's good for nothing is what that is a potsherd is just a little fragment of of a pottery and the silver dross is the refuse of refining silver it's the garbage that you that you get rid of as you refine pure silver the dross so you've got two things that are absolutely good for nothing so you're trying to beautify something that's broken that's of no value with dross and that's what it says that the the burning lips and the wicked heart are like he that hateth dissembleth with his lips and layeth up deceit within him when he speaketh fair believe him not for there are seven abominations in his heart whose hatred is covered by deceit his wickedness shall be showed before the whole congregation notice that too so this is still we're talking about someone here that um i believe is someone who's an intentional tale bearer and is causing problems their hatred is covered by deceit meaning they're lying about it they're going around and spreading stories but then they're going to lie about whoever they're talking about to to conceal the fact that they're doing the damage to that person but then it says his wickedness shall be showed where before the whole congregation this this happens in churches all the time it's sad it's unfortunate but it happens way too often people start gossiping people start talking feelings get hurt you get factions you get clicks you get people just banding together and can you believe what this person said you believe what that person says and you you know and this and you know what it's getting easier and easier for that type of communication to continue with social media with the text with everything else that people can just talk so quickly and so easily and you can say things so fast you know it's it it used to be where you you could take you know and look i'll i'll confess to you what i do sometimes in my in my professional life because i'm not immune to this either and this is just i'm just talking about reacting to things that you hear and what you might want to say at first you need to put a filter and a sensor on on your communication just a week ago i received an email from someone who was upset over some issues and some problems that we had and i descend their way and kind of took it out on me and said some things that were kind of rude okay no big deal but i was a little bothered by that so i start responding right away but i don't hit send i wait i wait and i wait intentionally because i think about a little bit and i know better than to just react it's taken a while but i know better now than to just react and then i i looked at it and and there's one there's two and there's one instance i just didn't respond to it all and there's another one where and a response was appropriate because of other people who were on the chain that i needed to i needed to say something because there were other people involved now in this discussion where a defense of myself was somewhat warranted but the response was not uh trying to go back and forth it was a measure to diffuse the situation and just say you know thank you for your time and just kind of cleared up a couple of things where it would have looked like i was a source of the problem when i wasn't and just gave a good explanation without saying how i really felt saying no saying how the flesh felt is more is more correct okay because when your pride gets hurt you want to strike and lash out but we have to be able to control it now look that's just that's just a response right but when it comes to to tail bearing and telling stories look it's very similar you you may come across information that for whatever reason is interesting and usually what's interesting is sin usually when people do things that they're not supposed to do did you know what so and so did well you have to ask ask yourself this and especially with people who you know or at least just have you know you know they're saved if every reason to believe that they're saved they say or do something really stupid what really is the value of talking about and spreading things that just it's none of your business right and and think about it this way if people do wrong you can say yeah but that's wrong i know i know it's wrong and people do a lot of people do a lot of things that are wrong and you do things that are wrong and how would you feel if you just had everything that you do published abroad and everybody knows about it and let's all start talking about this let's make videos about it let's send it out and share it to everybody do you want that done about you i don't want that done about me now again there are some times where you got you got maybe a figure that that has a lot of influence that maybe they're a big hypocrite in some area that needs to you know something needs to be exposed right or maybe someone needs to be marked and avoided because they're showing discord or doing some other wickedness or you know doing something where the bible is going to say hey mark and avoid these people that's when it's appropriate to bring up something and be like hey i'm marking avoiding this person because of this but when it's when it falls below that threshold of something that's that serious we need to be able to just not invest the time in participating in the tail bearing and the gossiping and i mean that you know sincerely it's not i'm not and don't think i'm trying to you there's probably people out here right now are thinking like i know exactly what pastor burton is talking about no you don't because i'm not even talking about anything in particular i'm talking about preaching the bible but the way that these things happen all the time like you can say i could preach this at any time and you can say i know why pastor burton is preaching this because there's always stuff going around because people are always talking trash no matter when it is seriously so we need to learn when that's appropriate when it's not and and when we're just being tail bearers and just telling stories and and when we're not right so um more often than not you know people are being tail bearers and we need to not um not be involved with that uh first timothy chapter five so first timothy chapter five is talking about about widows and talk about widows who are widows indeed and widows who are widows indeed are older women women who have been found faithful women who have been you know they wash the saint's feet they lodge strangers they they serve god you know godly women right and and they become a widow and they're like 60 years old or above you know these are widows or widows indeed and then it goes on to talk about the younger widows okay and it's it's talking about women right it's not it's not talking about men that are widowed talking about women that are widowed and the church supporting those widows then it says but it says in verse 11 it's comparing the younger against the older it says but the younger widows refuse for when they have begun to wax wanton against christ they will marry having damnation because they have cast off their first faith and with all they learn to be idle wandering about from house to house and not only idle but toddlers also in busy bodies speaking things which they ought not i will therefore that the younger women marry bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully for some are already turned aside after satan what he's teaching here is that you know what i'd rather instead of the younger widows being cared for by the church and just being supported to where then they're gonna have to do something with their time and they're gonna end up getting involved in this type of idle sin and and and doing these things he says it's better i'd rather just have them i want them just to get married then get remarried get married to somebody else your widow you're younger find another husband get married bear children guide the house keep yourself busy in those good wholesome things so that they're not just being supported by the church because then they're going to be idle and they have all this time on their hands to get involved in these type of sins where they're wandering from house to house and they're toddlers and busy bodies they're getting involved in everyone else's business they're talking about all the stuff that's going on and all the gossip right and that's what happens especially with women look it's a fact that's just more prone a sin it's more prone of women than it is of men to be doing these things it's it's just in the nature of women to be more likely to talk but it doesn't mean that men can't commit the same sin because they absolutely can we all need to be careful with our words but especially be careful when you're idle that you don't find yourself just i need something to do i need something to talk about there's a reason why soap operas have been so popular for so long amongst women who are at home and have nothing else to do watch soap operas why because there's drama and it's juicy and people like drama okay and i would say this it's if you have to have your drama fix that would be better than being the tail bearer and talking about other people's stuff and getting involved in other people's business i don't think it's good to to fill your mind with all the drama of soap operas but that's way better in comparison to being than a tail bearer and a tattler and a gossiper and actually going around because because that causes a lot more damage about people when you just go around and start talking about them all right i already i'll mention it's trivial diffusions for i'll read real quickly from james three is a real popular passage we we all probably know it but i'll read it anyways james three five says even so the tongue is a little member that boasts great things behold out great a matter a little fire kindleth you get a lot of destruction a lot of damage even just from a little fire the fire grows out of control real quickly and spreads into this big wildfire and then causes a tremendous amount of damage just a little fire can start that and the tongue is a fire the bible says a world of iniquity so is the tongue among our members that it defileth the whole body and seteth on fire the course of nature and it is set on fire of hell and think about that your tongue is a fire that's that's set on fire from hell for every kind of beast and of birds and of serpents and of things in the sea and is tamed and hath been tamed of mankind but the tongue can no man tame it is an unruly evil full of deadly poison wow tell me how you really feel like i don't think you could i don't think you could get any harsher about the tongue and the damage that can cause right i mean that's like i couldn't come up with a better way of saying how damaging your tongue can be right and and the things that you say and how powerful and look it makes sense because the words like the word of god brings life and us using our mouth and using our words can do so much good and can help people and benefit people so much and the encouragement and edifying the things that you can do can help people tremendously to the point of just bringing life through the gospel right all done through your words well on the flip side you can also do so much damage also by your words it happens right so ephesians 4 i'm going to close on ephesians 4 this just tells us how we ought to speak right and kind of should give us that guideline of when should i be speaking when should i not be speaking ephesians 4 25 the bible says this wherefore putting away lying speak every man truth with his neighbor for we are members one another there you go i'm talking the truth i covered that earlier just because something's true doesn't mean you should always say it but we should always be speaking the truth right should we we always should be truthful but just because you're telling the truth doesn't mean that you're not a tail bearer for we are members one of another be angry and sin not let not the sun go down upon your and you know what before i even go any further i just want to say this i don't know if this is if this is a thing anymore but it should be it should be when i was growing up as a kid you don't tattle on other people right my parents would say don't tattle my friend's parents would say hey don't be a tattler i say that so i could don't tattle on your sibling don't go tattling on people now look if someone if something like serious happens you let me know about it right but someone does something wrong don't be a tattler one nobody likes a tattler two if it's your friend or your sibling you should love them enough to not want to see them get in trouble and have you know bad things happen to them because you're tattling on them right be there for them right be be a brother to them be a sister to them be a friend to them and and and support them and not just go around tattling all the time and that's you know when you're going around just telling every little thing that people do that ain't right like i said then then what if people just do that to you that you always got to think about it that way you want to go around and point out everybody's imperfection and everyone else's flaws then what if that if what if that was done to you and you know as a parent i i hate hearing the tattling i think every parent hears it but man is that just annoying because there's things that's like look that doesn't even deserve a punishment like like stop leave it alone you don't need to tattle on everything be angry and sin not let not the sun go down upon your wrath verse 27 neither give place to the devil and that's important too because we know we know that the devil wants nothing more than to destroy those who are serving the lord destroy good churches and destroy this people right these the devil's out to destroy let him that stole steal no more but rather let him labor working with his hands the thing which is good that he may have to give to him that needeth let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace unto the hearers this is where the the common american proverb if you don't have something nice to say don't say it at all comes from comes from a verse like this this is this is uh more eloquent right but essentially is saying the same thing hey look we ought to be saying things that are good for edifying people building people up not tearing people down right and just just don't confuse of course there's a time and a place when things need to be brought to light and need to be addressed publicly but if it's not something that's this major sin and problem and look people are going to do what they're going to do and i would just advise you this too just don't get involved people are talking about things and being you know putting all this stuff out and being public just i don't i don't have any interest in that i don't need to know all the just need to know all the dirt and all the things that people do that are wrong and sinful and it's sad to see that to see things that come across you know come across your face those things that come into your knowledge i don't like it and it's disappointing and here's the thing that i like to do and this is what i do with everyone that comes our church i always assume the best of everybody i assume that everyone in this church is a better christian than i am that's how i like to view people i i know what my faults are and i know what my fails your failures are and i like to view everybody here as being like superstar christian just like awesome and i believe that about everyone and i don't want to be disappointed now look i know that you're all sinners i know that i know everyone things you struggle with but i don't want to know particularly what they are unless you need help then i'll try to help you but i don't i don't want everyone come you know like someone's doing this and so on and you know what we don't really have that problem in the church i'm not saying we do thank god i like to just view people that way and and especially when it's the smaller things because what what what good is it going to do for me to know that so and so does this sin or or what you know like whatever i'm not going to act on that that's not going to change anything in my life and anyone that i deal with or anything that i do so okay now i found out that someone has this sin in their life and they're wrong about something or whatever like okay there's no reason to now start talking to everyone else about that why why why do you do it why would you do it i mean just think about that why if you ever have to ask should i be talking about this well what's the point what's the point what what what what is what am i gonna do by by saying this to this person think about that does it help anybody are you helping anyone with that are you making justice be served you know in many cases no verse 30 says and grieve not the holy spirit of god whereby ye are sealed under the day of redemption let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice and malice is like ill intention like bad intent against people and be ye kind one to another tenderhearted forgiving one another even as god for christ's sake hath forgiven you and that mindset of forgiveness of not being bitter of being able to have uh long suffering which god has for us you know we're we're working for a common goal and you know what we really ought to be cared about the most is is our own church right let's focus on what we're doing here we got a bunch of simple people and we got it and we're trying to work together and and gossiping and tail-bearing and talking about things that people do and this person did that and that person did this and this person did that sin it's not going to help anyone out it's not going to help out our cause it's not going to do anything like that and if it's not something that actually needs to be addressed then why talk about it see most of the time who it needs to be addressed with is that person themself so when someone you find out someone's got a problem then deal with that person that's how you're going to love them and help them like in libedicus 19 it said love thy neighbor and not suffer sin upon them right so rebuke thy neighbor and you're gonna love them as yourself right so you know someone has a problem in church or where like whatever your friend then tell them that they're wrong and rebuke them and say hey you shouldn't be doing that instead of telling everyone else about their problem and their sin but but be faithful like that because isn't that what you would want to have done for you and i'll close it on that too let's say you're doing something and for whatever reason maybe you're black because people like to justify their own sin don't they that's real common i don't know how many times i've sinned especially in the past i've sinned and i've just i found a way of justifying it in my mind and and i thought i was okay i never want to hear any different but i'd rather any sin i'm involved with that i'm trying to self-justify someone finds out that that i'm doing this right and something that i don't think is that big of a deal maybe but it is a sin and i'm wrong okay just setting the stage here i would much rather have that person who knows that and finds out about that confront me and tell me why i'm wrong and why i'm justifying myself whatever and just and just come to me then just have that person just like tell a whole bunch of other people that know me around you know and just and just talk about that instead of just coming to me because then maybe later you're going to realize like wow you know what i was wrong about that but then it's just like then you're kind of embarrassed and ashamed like like how could i have thought that way that was stupid but then it's like now you've just published abroad this whole thing what what good does that do and don't don't cover your gossip by saying we need to pray for so and so because i'm not kidding that is a form of gossip you know something that's that's a serious matter for someone let them reveal that secret to people or ask them hey do you mind if i share this and use some sense on those sensitive areas that you know something and look i'm all for praying for people that have problems and that are in sin a hundred percent but you don't just take it on yourself to start telling everybody their business if they haven't told their business to those people you can say can you please pray for this person they're going through something and leave it at that but you don't need to be divulging the information about those people unless they consent to to that they're okay with it fine and that's how you how you have a faithful spirit and you know that's how you're going to be a good friend that's how you're going to be a good christian other people and look this is how we ought to be living don't get caught up in the drama don't get caught up in the gossip when you hear this stuff don't participate it's always going to be going around in the world and you know god help you if you if you get caught up in all the drama of the world too like who cares what these rock stars and movie stars you know and they're so and so they cheated on them and they're divorcing this person you know it's just kind of like man who cares spot rides have a word of prayer dear lord thank you much so much for your word and for and for the wisdom that you provide i pray that that it would be clear in our minds that we can have better wisdom understanding and discernment lord on when when it's appropriate to actually talk about things and when when certain pieces of information or knowledge comes to to to us that we can deal with things appropriately so that we're not we don't end up covering up the important issues and things that need to be dealt with and ought to be dealt with publicly lord and that we wouldn't just do that because we're a respecter of persons especially but um also that we wouldn't go the other direction and and just start talking about things and being a respecter of persons that way either against somebody and just just start slandering and and uh tail bearing lord i pray that you would please just help us to um to have to know the right balance to when it's appropriate to say something when it's not when we should be concealing a matter and be faithful um with the secrets and and when we ought to reveal those things because because it is a serious issue dear lord and i pray that you would help our hearts to be right and that we can move forward in in unity the spirit and um and do a good work for you we love you it's in jesus name we pray amen all right we're gonna sing one last song before we're dismissed brother peter will you please lead us all right church if you can open up your hymnals song number 101 so song 101 jesus never fails song 101 my chance to sing this out on the horse sale jesus me jesus jesus jesus jesus thank you so much for coming you guys