(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So trying to say, well, because he had that title, this is why he was prophesied in Song of Solomon. And then it says, secondly, now I want to find this verse here. So in verse number 10, the Bible says, My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousands. They say this. It says, secondly, my beloved is white and ruddy, this was the color of Hazrat Mohammed. I've never heard that. To me it's just kind of funny because I didn't know that anyone in the Middle East was claiming that Mohammed was white. And ruddy means red. Like he's white and red. Now, Brother Mo, have you heard this before? Are you aware of this? Is this new to you? Because you're familiar with Islam. You haven't heard this prophecy of Mohammed in the Bible? That's the first time you're here? Okay. I was hoping maybe you could provide a little insight on that one. Something new. I'll be speaking to you afterwards, but this one was just, when I read that I was just kind of surprised, like, where is that influence coming from where they actually believe that he was white? It's funny because people always want to say, oh, you Christians, you believe in a white Jesus and everything else. And it's like, no, it doesn't even matter what color. It doesn't matter what color he is, right? Like, the prophet Jesus Christ, the Messiah, it doesn't matter what his skin tone was. But people like to make a big deal out of that and say, oh, you think you have a white Jesus and everything else? It's like, no, but apparently Islam has a white prophet and that matters to them because he's prophesied here in Song of Solomon as being white and ruddy. And then it says, thirdly, chiefest among ten thousands. And it just says he had ten thousand followers or something. And I'm not going through those. That one was kind of funny, but this one is really bad. Turn, if you would, to John chapter 14. And that will be done with some of these prophecies. It's hard to say it's the hypocrisy of Islam, but it is hypocritical to say that, well, we just don't even know what these texts are or anything. And then go to the very text that you say, that's not, those were not from God, these were not. They cast shade on all of this stuff. They cast shade on even the Gospels. I didn't even keep this in my notes, but they quote from all these articles I was reading, they use in their footnotes a reference saying Bart Ehrman, I don't know how many of you know who that clown is, or Metzger, okay, these guys who attack the validity of the Bible, attack the validity of the scriptures, right, these atheists and people who hate God, and they just continue to quote the same guys, but the people, the Muslims writing these articles, they don't really know anything about it. And it's obvious they're just regurgitating something that they read somewhere, oh, that sounds real good, let's attack Christianity by just throwing this in here. But then at the same point, they're saying, well, there's, you know, there's, we can't trust any of this, but then it's like, oh, but here's Muhammad in the Bible, so we can trust that? Make up your minds. Do you believe in the four books, or do you believe in the one? Because every time you say you believe in the four, they all just said, well, it's actually because it's in the Quran. So it's one. But it's four. John 14, verses 15 through 17, the Bible reads, If you love me, keep my commandments, and I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another comforter, that He may abide with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him, but ye know Him, for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. And then in verse number 26, the Bible reads, But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. We're talking about the Holy Ghost, the third part of the Trinity, right? Father, Son, Holy Ghost, being sent to you after the departure of Jesus Christ, to comforter, right? Someone who's going to be, not just, he says, who is with you, but will be in you. Because that's the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, which was new after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that believers were going to receive that indwelling of the Holy Ghost of God. We understand what this means. Here's what they're claiming. And they bring up John 16 as well, saying, you know, what Jesus said, you know, if I go, you know, I'm not going to leave you comfortless, I'm going to send the comforter. And then it says here, John 14, 26 says that the Holy Ghost is the comforter. This claim is contrary to the plain and unambiguous words of John 16, 7, wherein Jesus says that His going away, i.e. the death of Jesus is inevitably necessary of the coming of the comforter. So they're just making this claim without really explaining it. John 16, 7 says, nevertheless, I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that I go away, for if I go not away, the comforter will not come unto you, but if I depart, I will send him unto you. So they don't like the fact that he's saying that the Holy Ghost is the comforter, and he's saying the comforter is not going to come until I go away, right? This is the problem that they have, and here's what they continue to say then. The New Testament says that John was filled with the Holy Ghost even before he was born, and speaks of Jesus Himself as receiving the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove. Thus, the Holy Ghost was wont to visit men before Jesus, as well as in His own time. So they're saying, what Jesus was saying here could not be true, because they're saying, well, the Holy Ghost was already present, so how could the Holy Ghost come? I mean, follow their reasoning. That's what they're saying, how could He come? But even Jesus said when He was going to come, that He is with you, but He said, but He shall be in you. The Muslims don't get that. They don't understand that, because the natural man receiveth not the things of God, because they're spiritually discerned. So even just something simple, though, saying, look, He wasn't saying that the Spirit of God wasn't active and wasn't there, like, in the world at all. What He's saying is that you are going to be indwelled with the Holy Ghost, and He's going to send you that Comforter after He's gone, to be in you, not just with you or the Holy Ghost of God upon you. But they don't understand this concept at all, so they just have to make up something else. So here's what they say. To what, then, is the reference in the words, if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you? Surely not to the Holy Ghost, for it is a matter of common knowledge that the Holy Ghost was coexisting with Jesus. And it would be sacrilegious to think for a moment that Jesus was without the Holy Ghost. So the Comforter was someone other than the Holy Ghost. So it's basically calling Jesus a liar here. This also supports our assertion that there have been many interpolations in the existing Christian Bible. So because they can't understand it, they're saying, well, I mean, so this doesn't even make any sense. No, actually, it makes perfect sense, the way it's written. You just don't understand it. But they're saying, well, I mean, there must have just been problems here, so this has just been corrupted. It is quite obvious that the Comforter cannot be the Holy Ghost, as Jesus uses the pronoun he instead of it. No, it is he. Who are you to determine the... I mean, the world's going crazy on pronouns, okay? Islam, God's a he. In connection with the Comforter. But it gets worse. It says, according to the prophecy, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, will guide you into all truth. The Holy Prophet Muhammad was the only prophet who claimed to have brought the complete teachings through the Holy Qur'an, about which Devenport says, and then just has him quote here about the Qur'an and general code, all this other stuff. According to the prophecy, the Comforter would not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak. It goes on and on. Basically, what they're doing here, let me get to the main point. They're calling Muhammad the Comforter. They're calling Muhammad the Holy Spirit of God, basically. They're turning Muhammad into God. That's the way that they see this prophecy of Muhammad in the Bible. They're actually using a text that they're saying is corrupted, but then still using that text to say, but it's Muhammad. Hypocrisy! Look, either say it's real and legit or not. You can't have it both ways. Yeah, I'm going to do a whole other sermon, though, just on Jesus Christ himself and verses what they think. Now, I'm going to switch gears to one other topic. The Word of God is a very important one, and these claims of what they're making against the Holy Bible, they're getting that from people who are already attacking Christianity. That's why they're saying, well, these aren't even in existence today, and no one has them, because even some Christians are saying, well, we don't have the originals. We don't even know what they said. You know, there's bound to be some errors in here, but we're just doing our best with what we have or whatever. It's ridiculous. Salvation. Now, we're going to look at how to be saved in Islam. Now, it's a works-based salvation, but this is another area I found that they speak out of both sides of their mouth. On the one hand, they're going to tell you faith, and then on the other hand, they're going to tell you works. Does that sound familiar? Because that's what a lot of other people do, too. I'll read this for you. Islam teaches us that salvation is attainable through the worship of God alone. A person must believe in God and follow His commandments. So, here's a statement, and this is what's confusing, and I don't think this is because I was getting different sources from different whatever. A lot of these are from the same source that I'm pulling this information from. So, here's one statement, and this, hey, it's a very clear statement. A person must believe in God and follow His commandments. Okay, that's faith plus works, easily. This is the same message taught by all the prophets, including Moses and Jesus. No, it's not. No, it's not. Wrong. Not the same message taught by Moses and Jesus. In addition to this, Islam teaches us that human beings are born without sin and are naturally inclined to worship God alone without any intermediaries. To retain the state of sinlessness, humankind must only follow God's commandments and strive to live a righteous life. If one falls into sin, all that is required is sincere repentance followed by seeking God's forgiveness. When a person sins, he or she pushes themselves away from the mercy of God. However, sincere repentance brings a person back to God. This one paragraph here, Christians could say, yeah, you know, I mean, you sin, then you just have to repent, you have to repent of your sins, get back right with God, God will forgive you, then you sin again, then you've got to repent again, and then you've got to get back to God, and then you sin again, and then you've got to repent again, and sincerely get back to God. Look, this is the same thing that's being taught here. But notice here, to get right with God, it doesn't say anything about following His commandments, it just says you have to repent. Oh, wait, because repenting would be following His commandments. That's something that a lot of Christians don't realize. If you're talking about repent of sin. So they say this, Quran is not only a book of guidance, it's a book of hope. In it, God's love, mercy, forgiveness are obvious, and thus humankind is reminded not to give in to despair. No matter what sins a person may have committed, if he resolutely turns to God seeking forgiveness, his salvation is assured. I don't know about you, but I've talked to a lot of Muslims that don't have assurance of their salvation at all. And they'll tell you they can't have assurance of your salvation. But this sounds good. Well, hey, your salvation is assured if you're resolutely turned to God seeking forgiveness. Here's something that said, Prophet Muhammad described sin as black spots covering the heart. He said, indeed, if a believer sins, a black spot covers his heart. If he repents, stops the sin, and seeks forgiveness for it, his heart becomes clean again. If he persists instead of repenting, it increases until it covers his heart. Now, this is also very interesting about their so-called prophet that you have to attest to, and is superseding all the others before him. Here's another point in the article. We are all vulnerable. We all commit sins, and we all need to be forgiven. We have an innate need to feel close to God, and God in His infinite wisdom has made the path to forgiveness easy. Prophet Muhammad himself experienced a sublime joy that came from feeling right with his Lord. He said, by God, I seek the forgiveness of God, and I turn to Him in repentance more than 70 times each day. So their prophet, the so-called prophet Muhammad, he needed forgiveness. But you know what? The prophet Jesus Christ didn't need forgiveness. He didn't need to turn to God in repentance 70 times a day. He didn't need to turn to God in repentance one time ever, because he was perfect and without sin. As the Bible says in 1 Peter 2, that who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. When he was reviled, reviled not again. When he was threatened, he suffered not. Man, good night. He threatened not. When he suffered, he threatened not, but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously, who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree, that we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness by whose stripes ye were healed. That's a savior. Muhammad's not a savior. Repentance, here's what they say, repentance is essential for a person to lead a peaceful life. The reward of repentance is a good life close to God and covered with contentment and peace of mind. However, there are three conditions to repentance. And this is, again, where we get to just another definition. They are giving up the sin, feeling regret forever having committed the sin, and resolving never to go back to the sin. So their idea of repentance is give it up. Never do it again. Feel regret forever that you did that sin, and resolve to never go back to that sin. I mean, we must have a lot of perfect Muslims walking around that are saved, right? I mean, if they're saved, they've repented of their sins, and if you've repented of one, then why wouldn't you move on to the next? Right? To the point to where you're just going, well, I don't sin anymore. I mean, if I'm reading this thinking, well, is this the right way? Then how can you not come to that conclusion that you could even do this? Or the conclusion then, well, I can't do this, so I must be damned. Hitting Muslims up about repentance, I think, is going to be a very good tactic when preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Bring up repentance. Because this is embedded deeply into their, what we call soteriology, their method of salvation. So those are the conditions. If these three conditions are fulfilled with sincerity, then God will forgive. How do you not do those in sincerity? I'm not sincerely feeling guilty for my sin, like, forever. I don't know how you could do that insincerely. But it says if these three conditions are fulfilled with sincerity, then God will forgive. If the sin was to do with the rights of another person, then there's a fourth condition. That is to restore, if humanly possible, the rights taken away. So if you've wronged someone else, then you have to make that right also as part of this whole deal. They say God's mercy and forgiveness are so all-encompassing that He will go on forgiving. If a person is sincere, God will forgive him until the moment that the death rattle reaches the throat. Genuine repentance marks the road to salvation. Salvation is attained through sincere worship of God. There is no God but He, the most powerful, the most merciful, the most forgiving. So there's a lot of weird speaking here. It's like, well, you need to have repentance, but then it's like, well, that's just the road to salvation. Salvation is attained through the worship of God. Well, what does that entail? I have a lot more here. I know it's getting late, and I just wanted to read this one thing because this is really telling, ultimately, of what they believe about this. So there's this story that comes... Where does this come from? This is a... Oh, I don't have the footnote referenced here. Let me read what this says. It says, There are no transgressions too small or sins too big that God will not be merciful to the one who calls on Him. Prophet Muhammad told the story of a man whose sins seem to be too big for him to ever have hope of mercy, but God is most wise and oft-forgiving. Even those whose lives seem shattered beyond compare and blackened by sin find comfort. Now, there's this quote. I believe this is from the Qur'an. If I'm wrong, I apologize, but I'm almost positive that this was because I looked it up yesterday. There's this story that the Prophet Muhammad tells, which must be, I believe, is in the Qur'an, but I'm not positive about that, so I'll read this for you, but what this does, this story illustrates what they believe and how they talk out of both sides of their mouth. Even for salvation, they're saying, well, you need to come to repentance, but then you just need to worship God because they'll say you just need to worship God. That's your path to salvation, but then you need to be repentant. But then in order to be repentant, then you need to give up all of your sins. You've got to give up your sin and never do it again and be sorry forever about it. I mean, this is a really difficult religion to be saved. Very difficult religion to be saved. Now, we're going to get into how blasphemous they are against Jesus Christ on another day. They don't like the concept of having a Savior because it's a satanic religion and Satan doesn't want anyone to get saved. I'll read this story. We'll close on this. There was among the people who came before you a man who killed 99 people. Then he asked about the most knowledgeable person on earth and was directed to a hermit. So he went to him and told him that he had killed 99 people and asked if he could be forgiven. The hermit said no. So he killed him, thus completing 100. He's like, well, now I killed 100 people. Oh, I can't be forgiven? Okay. Then he asked about the most knowledgeable person on the earth. Again, he's asking, okay, well, that guy didn't have the answer I wanted, so I'll kill him and try to find another one. It was directed to a scholar. He told him that he had killed 100 people and asked whether he could be forgiven. The scholar said yes. What could possibly come between you and repentance? Go to such and such a town, for in it there are people who worship God. Go and worship with them and do not go back to your own town, for it is a bad place. So understand this because they're tying in. In order to receive salvation through their religion, you have to worship God, the one God. And there's a lot more involved in that because they say God doesn't have a son and we'll get into all that another day. But they're basically saying, well, you just have to worship God. So they try to make it sound real easy, but then there's all these other things that go along with it that makes it really not quite so easy. And it makes it confusing and it makes it, what is it that you teach? And this story is a perfect illustration. So he says, okay, go worship there and don't go back to your bad place that you came from. So the man set off. But when he was halfway there, the angel of death came to him and the angels of mercy and the angels of wrath began to argue over him. The angels of mercy said he had repented and was seeking God. The angels of wrath said he never did anything good. So this is the faith and works argument. Right? Because they're saying, well, I mean, he repented and now he's headed toward to worship God in this town, but he didn't quite make it yet. He's halfway there. And they're saying, you know, so these different angels are arguing, saying, yeah, but I mean, he didn't do anything good so we're going to take him to hell. And these other angels are saying, yeah, but he repented so we should go to heaven. Right? This is what's going on here. He repented and was seeking God. The angel of wrath said he never did anything good. An angel in human form came to them and they asked him to decide the matter. He said, measure the distance between the two lands, his hometown and the town he was headed for. And whichever of the two he's closest to is the one to which he belongs. So they measured the distance and found that he was closer to the town for which he had been headed. So the angels of mercy took him. It's the balancing of the scales. It's the, whoa, he was a little bit more good than bad. He was almost there. He was a little bit closer to repentance than he was to his bad state. So, oh, yeah, he's saved. That's the way it works. But that's not, you know, the story illustrates this weird, corrupt teaching. But when they try to specify what does it actually take to be saved in religion, oh, just worship God. No, then, okay, then what about repentance? Well, repentance means you're not doing it. You're never going back to it. You're eternally sorry about it. But then apparently, like, even that's still not enough. You had to be more than halfway there, but they say you didn't do any good work, so why do you even have to be more than halfway there? What does that even mean? It's confusing. It's not true. And, you know, okay, what's ironic here and what is, I think, again, hypocritical, the statement was made that, and I forget where it is now. I have it in these notes somewhere how unreliable the Bible is, and basically they've been mixed with these fables and myths and everything. It's like, and you're telling me this story about two angels? And then an angel in man form and this guy is, like, halfway there and he's, you know, like, I'm sorry, who has the fables? Who has the mythology here? Yeah, the Qur'an does. These things that they're screwed up on, though, salvation, repentance, the Word of God, the very things that they are making arguments about are the very same things going on in Christianity. It's really no different. They're looking for a final authority. They're looking for the Word of God. They claim it's the Qur'an. Christians need to understand, no, there is a final authority. There is the Word of God. It is available. God has preserved it, and we could find it as English speakers in the King James Bible. It is not corrupted. There are no mistakes. There are no contradictions. There are no errors in it. It is perfect. It is preserved, and God has preserved that. And what kind of a God is going to have all these holy books, but then it's finally, well, on the fourth try, I'm finally able to preserve something? And Jesus, you know, like, especially of all the prophets, they're going to say, Jesus would have had the shortest lifespan of anything that would have even been, you know, as far as the writings, right, the gospel of Jesus, lasted in history's term of what's lasted a long time, like, the shortest. Because Islam came out, you know, what, 700 years? What was the year for... I don't remember the origin date. Yeah, it was like 600 or 700 A.D., right? A go. A go, yes. 1,400 years ago. So that's 700, 800 A.D., somewhere around in that time frame. Yes. The Quran was written 150 years after the death of Muhammad. 150 years. That, see, there's one more element. Thank you for adding that tidbit. The Quran was written 150 years after the death of Muhammad. And they couldn't remember. Well, no, no, not according to what I just read. They committed it to memory, his followers, they wrote it down. I mean, this is, this is, sure, they know what he said. I mean, come on, this is, this, that's what they're claiming. And he was kept in psalms and old saying. Sure, these proverbs and stuff that they tried to keep it. 150 years. That is the very reason that they're claiming that you can't trust the New Testament because they're trying to say that, oh, these books of the New Testament were written 100 years after Jesus Christ. That's what they claim. Now, again, those are false claims, but that's what they're saying. The hypocrisy is they're trying to say you can't trust anything the Bible says because that was written like 100 years after it and all this other stuff. But their own book that they're saying is the most trustworthy and, man, this is good and we know this is true was written 150 years after the death of Muhammad, their prophet. Hypocrites. If you're going to use this reasoning and you're going to try to apply this, you know what, apply it equally across the board. Oh, no, that's why, you know why you're saying that that's no good? Because you don't like what it says. Because the Qur'an is in contradiction to the Holy Bible. They're trying to claim it's not, but it absolutely is in so many ways. It's telling that they're trying to make this prophet, this devil, Muhammad, to be like the Holy Ghost. That's telling. So I know this isn't... I'm sorry, we didn't go through a lot of Scripture tonight. I really try not to do stuff like this, but I thought it's good information to be aware of. Islam is not a religion that many Americans get too familiar with just because of our culture. We are running into a lot of them out-sowening, so keep these things in mind. Obviously, what they need is just what everybody needs is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so always focus on that first of making sure you try to get the Gospel out there, but have the understanding where they're coming from. Maybe you could even say, well, hey, aren't you supposed to believe in these four books? Isn't the Bible or part of the Bible one of them? I mean, you believe Jesus was a prophet, right? Can I at least show you what Jesus said if He's a prophet? Maybe that will have a little bit more weight with them. I don't know. But it's something that you can try, especially if they already are open to listening to what you have to say. Or like, well, here's what Jesus said. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by Me. That's about right as I've ordered prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, we thank You so much for giving us the truth, for preserving Your Word, for keeping it for all generations, dear Lord. I pray that You would please help us in our endeavor to reach the loss with the Gospel, dear Lord. I pray that just this information that we have tonight would be able to be helpful in converting people who have been deceived into these false religions, dear Lord, to come to the truth, that we'd be able to help them to see the light. And Lord, I'll preach this to just bash for no reason on some false religion, but that we'd be aware of it and be able to save people out of this religion that's sending so many people to hell. I pray that You would please help us in our endeavor. We love You. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Alright, we're going to sing one last song before we're dismissed this evening. Brother Peter, please lead us. Church, this last song will be in the Psalms hand of the Spirit of the Psalms Book. We are singing, O Holy Night. O Holy Night. The Psalms, O Holy Night. Everyone got it? The Muslims are confused, but we're not. Christ is the Lord. Let's sing about it. O Holy Night. On the first, O Holy Night. The stars are brightly shining. He is the night of the dear Savior's birth. Love Him, O God. He's sitting here providing to Thee a mirror in the sight of His birth. O Friend of God, Thou mirror of His light, Lord of the races, Lord of the races, The New and Glory Star, Father of the East. O hear the angel voices, O God divine, O night when Christ was born. O night, O Holy Night, O mighty night, Led by the light of faces filling me, With glowing clouds, Brightest rainbow we stare. So live my life, O stars streaming, gleaming, In the horizon, From earth we pray. The dream of You, Thank the symbol we made You, In all our trials, Born to be our friend. He loves our needs, To our weakness is the stranger. Before Your dream, Before Him only then, Before Your dream, Before Him only then, True in His heart, Love full of love, His love is love, And His love still is near. Strange when we wait, For the Savior to run, And in His name, All oppression shall cease. Sweet hymns of joy, Waitful for His grace be, And all within us, Praise His holy name. Christ is the Lord, Praise His name forever, His love can blow the air, From earth we pray, His love can blow the air, From earth we pray. Amen. Church, great singing. Thank you so much for coming. You've gone so long. piano plays in bright rhythm piano plays in bright rhythm piano plays in bright rhythm