(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What I think is bizarre today is that we have Christians today that are racist. And I don't just mean the racism of white versus black or the common racism that you hear about and see today. They believe that the physical seat of Abraham is somehow better than everybody else just by the mere chance that they were born into this family. And I'm here to tell you today it's false. There is nothing special or better about people who are physical descendants of Abraham today any more than it was back in Jesus' day in John the Baptist when he says, you know what? Don't trust in Abraham your father. But even Christians today are deceived into thinking that the Jews are special people of God and they're the chosen people and they're, you know, that somehow, some people even think that by nature of being a Jew that they have this free pass into heaven. That they think that the gospel doesn't apply to them and, well, they're Jews. And Christians are always looking to say, well, let's just see what the Jews say about this. What is their understanding of the Old Testament? Look, if they reject Christ, I don't want to have anything to do or learn from them about what they believe because it's false. I mean, what do you think the apostles were trying to do then? They're trying to win them to Christ. The Jews, they didn't have a special ticket. They needed salvation by grace through faith like everybody else in this whole world does. Now don't think that I'm staying up here and just saying, oh, you hate the Jews. No. I don't elevate their status above anybody else though and you shouldn't either. We shouldn't do that with, you shouldn't do that with your own race, you shouldn't do that with someone else's race, you shouldn't do that with the Jews. I don't care who it is. No one race is better than another. We're all of one blood. Galatians chapter 3, look at verse number 6. Galatians 3 is so crystal clear though on this subject of the promises and how we should even view the Jews. Are they in elevated status? Does it matter that they're a physical seed of Abraham or not? Galatians 3 verse number 6 says, even as Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. So when you want to look at the promises made to Abraham and to his seed and you want to look at all the blessings and anywhere that you do find some kind of a mention of it being a good thing that you're a child of Abraham because those verses exist and I'm not going to go through all of them, there's just not enough time. When you see that, you can look at Galatians 3 and understand that those promises weren't just for physical seed. It's never been about the flesh. It's never been about the physical. It's always been about the spiritual, always. Your flesh cannot save. That's why we're not saved by our works because that's our flesh. We're saved through putting our faith in Jesus Christ. It's a spiritual salvation. It's a spiritual children of Abraham and that's why it says they that are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. If you are of faith, if you are a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, you are a child of Abraham today. That is what the Bible is saying here. We're going to keep reading here, Lord. Look at verse number 8. And the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith preached before the gospel unto Abraham saying, in thee, in thee, in Abraham, in thee shall all nations be blessed. Now are all nations the physical seed of Abraham? Of course not. But in him, all the nations shall be blessed. That's a quote from the Old Testament. The quote that people don't want to turn to today is think, oh, well, it's just through Abraham because Abraham has a blessing and to his seed, which just means the physical Jews. No. No, you're missing the whole point of the Bible. It's not about that at all and it never has been and it never will be. It's about salvation. It's about the faith in God. That's what makes you a child of God. That's what makes you a child of Abraham. Verse 9 says it again, so then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham. Those blessings that Abraham was receiving falls on those that be of faith. We'll jump down to verse number 16 now in Galatians 3. Just for the sake of time, when you go home, read all of Galatians 3. Read all of Galatians. It spells it out so clearly. But verse number 16 says, now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not unto seeds, plural, as of many, but as of one, and to thy seed, which is Christ. And again, you go back and it boggles my mind how the people who want to say that, no, the Jews are special and they have all these promises of God and they turn to the verse that says the promise is unto his seed and they say, see, it's unto the children of Israel. Galatians 3 says specifically it's not to the physical children, not seeds, plural. That was to Christ. Many of those promises and stuff are fulfilled in Christ, not in all of the physical seed of Israel. It says in verse 17, and this I say that the covenant that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was 430 years after, cannot disannul that it should make the promise of none effect. For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more a promise, but God gave it to Abraham by promise. And there's this big distinction, again, all throughout the Bible between the law and promises, the child of the flesh and the child of faith. Ishmael was a child of the flesh. When Abraham and Sarah didn't have their faith in God and wanted to do things their way and they used their handmade Hagar to have a child, that was a physical process. That was them trying to make their own seed, but that was not the seed that was promised unto them by God. That's where Isaac comes in. And you see the allegory, that's taught in Romans 9 and Romans 11, you're going to see in Galatians 3, all throughout the Bible, there's this distinction between the law and the promises. Promises require faith. If someone just promised, if I say, hey brother, I promise you, next week, I'll do so and so for you. I'll do this and I'll give this to you. You have to just take that in faith. You have no evidence. You have nothing to see about that. There's no law dictating that. It's just my word. Do you believe my word? That's a promise. Well God also gave a law, right? And the law came, that's what we're saying in verse 17, 430 years after the promise. God made the promise first and then later on He gave this law. And you know what? And part of that law is when they had their physical nation outlined and when they had all those other things established and all the different laws were passed on, but He says the promise was given unto Abraham. And so if the inheritance is of the law, it's no more a promise. If a law just dictates that this is what you get, then that's not of a promise. That's not of faith. But the inheritance, it says God gave it to Abraham by promise. And it's that faith that allows you to even receive the promises. It's not the law. It's not the genealogy. It's not being a Levite. It's not being a particular tribe of Israel. Jump down to verse 26 here in Galatians 3. The Bible reads, For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Amen. Just like John chapter 1, right? But as many as received Him, to them gave you power to become the children of God, even to them that believe on His name. Same exact concept. Hey, if you have faith in Christ Jesus, you are a child of God. And you have an inheritance by virtue of being a child. It's inherited. And it's not of the law. It's just that's what you receive by being born into that family. Verse 27, For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek. There is neither bond nor free. There is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. It's kind of repetitive, isn't it? I mean, didn't we just see almost the same exact statement? How much more clear can you ask for to be considered Abraham's seed? If you are Christ's, you're Abraham's seed. It's that simple. And again, if anyone has a problem with this, I don't know what else I can do to help them other than just pointing to these scriptures because you either are just blinded, you know, you can't see the truth because you're not saved, or you have something else in your heart that makes you want to believe something different than just allowing the scripture to teach you what is being taught on this subject.