(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Very good Matthew chapter 28 as we always do We're gonna read the entire passage out loud. You could follow along silently while I read Matthew 28 starting in verse number one the Bible reads in the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn Toward the first day of the week came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher and behold there was a great earthquake for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and Came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon him his countenance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow and for fear of him the keepers did shake and Became as dead men And the angel answered and said unto the women fear not ye For I know that ye seek Jesus Which was crucified he is not here for he is risen as he said Come see the place where the Lord lay and go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead and Behold he goeth before you into Galilee there shall you see him lo I have told you and they departed quickly from the sepulcher with great feet with fear and great joy and Did run to bring his disciples word and as they went to tell his disciples behold Jesus met them saying all hail and they came and held him by the feet and Worshipped him then said Jesus unto them be not afraid Go tell my brother and that they go into Galilee and there shall they see me Now when they were going behold some of the watch came into the city and showed unto the chief priests All the things that were done and when they were assembled with the elders and had taken counsel They gave large money unto the soldiers saying say ye his disciples came by night and stole him away while we slept and If this come to the governor's ears we will persuade him and secure you So they took the money and did as they were taught and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them and when he saw him They worshipped him But some doubted and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and on earth Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever. I have commanded you and lo I am with you All way even unto the end of the world. Amen Let's pray dear Lord. We love you. We thank you so much for this wonderful day that you've given us We thank you for the sacrifice that was made by Jesus Christ and that how he offered up himself for us and Died and rose again from the dead dear Lord, I pray that you will please help us to be stirred up this evening I pray that you would Speak to our hearts and help us to be edified and to learn and to grow Closer to you in Jesus name we pray. Amen All right, so I mentioned this morning I preached on More along the lines of Jesus Christ crucifixion and the Lord's Supper and the Passover It's all very important events surrounding this time because of course today is Easter Sunday I know it doesn't necessarily feel like Easter Sunday because church services have been Set to be online only for the most part other than a few people are helping us out with our service here So it doesn't necessarily feel like a normal Easter But nonetheless it is Easter and today we are celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ And I love going over this every year. I love Easter It's one of my favorite holidays just for the fact of what it actually represents I don't you know, I don't love Easter maybe when I was a kid I loved getting Easter baskets and I love getting toys same thing with Christmas, you know I loved getting things that was that was the fun part for me of the holidays but obviously when when you're a child, you don't you don't have the same wisdom and same appreciation for things you do when you become an adult and Especially after getting saved and just fully understanding what's done. I love these holidays I love celebrating everything about Christ his birth his resurrection and you know Really? This is such an exciting story to me and even just the religion itself Christianity You know, it's it's more than just a religion obviously, you know, it's the truth This is you know, we serve a God that's real. There is one God There is no other gods before God There's only one other people might have gods that they've that they've created or they worship Devils or whatever but we know that there's one true God, but I love how exciting our God is how loving our God is and just the fact that in Christianity and in this story and in this promise of the resurrection how much hope there is in the Resurrection and how uplifting that is and how positive that is and for people to come and Understand that there is a resurrection that there is that that after death There's still hope of a new life of this this life coming back from the dead And this is something that we need we need as human beings who are sinful by nature Who do bad things who ultimately? You know deserve to be condemned and to die death and to be punished severely for our sins It's great news that there is a there's hope there's hope of a new life. There's hope of a resurrection that Comes through what Jesus did for us in his resurrection and his dying on the cross for our sins We think of a resurrection coming back to life right coming back from the dead. It's an opportunity to breathe new life It's exciting. It's something that should be motivating and stir you up, and I don't know about you But when I read Matthew 28, and you kind of get into the story as you're reading. It's very very exciting Imagine yourself back at this time And it's kind of hard to do because so many of us know these stories so well And it's rehearsed and it's already happened, and it's over, but if you can try to put yourself back before You know Jesus Christ rose again from the dead and not even having that knowledge and If you were here for the Bible study, I did when we're going through the book of Matthew It's pretty common knowledge. I think it's it's easily understood that the people didn't understand The resurrection of Jesus Christ that that that was going to happen we see there's lots of references I'm going to get to this a little bit later There's there's lots of Prophecy and lots of places where you can see the resurrection prophesied in the Old Testament But none of those things I think we're really clear To the people at that time at least not for the people during Jesus day because his own disciples Multiple weeks when we were going through the Bible study We'd see where Jesus would tell them near the end of the book of Matthew that you know the Son of Man must die And be risen again, and they just it says like they just they just didn't know what he was talking about They didn't understand what he was talking about. So I'm bringing this up to kind of put ourselves then in This story see we already know we've heard about the resurrection and to us It's not it's you know We may even downplay does not being that big of a deal just because you hear it so often It's in a way. You're like desensitized to the miracle of a resurrection But I just imagine today if you were to have somebody just pass away and be dead for three days And then like you find out that they're alive When you know they were dead, you know, it's not as there wasn't a mistake. It wasn't a doctor's error Oh, they couldn't feel the heartbeat like no this person was dead and you saw him and you know him and then they come back And they're just like came back from from the grave. That would be incredible I mean the excitement the joy just just the craziness of have being around for that to happen and This isn't Jesus, of course wasn't just anybody he's a son of God So to be in here to be one of his disciples to you know It's a kind of feel go from being defeated to feel like Man, what just happened? You know We we had our faith in him and and and we believe that he was the one because a lot of the Jews had this misunderstanding of the Messiah and they thought that he was coming to set up his earthly kingdom and again That's evident also from the scripture that they had that type of a mindset that yes, they were expecting a Messiah Yes, they understood that. Yes. They were looking for a Savior. They were looking for someone to save them, but it wasn't there's some of the details that they didn't quite understand and They they confused the first coming in the second coming and kind of merged them into one and didn't realize there was two obviously they Didn't have any of the New Testament scriptures to go off of either so To go from a place where there's just probably a lot of confusion Being sad and in grief that Jesus died and then trying to figure out what do we do now? right for this first day of the week where we pick up in the story and and Experiencing the resurrection of Jesus Christ must have just been amazing. Let's start reading here again. We read the old chapter Let's look at our verse number one the Bible reads in the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day Of the week came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher So these ladies are going and again that it hasn't even dawned yet. It's on Sunday. So this is it's still dark outside It's just starting to get light You know The the sun's not quite up yet and they go to the sepulcher and says and behold there was a great earthquake For the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it So just as they're getting there there's you know There's the grounds moving because this angels rolling back the stone That covered the door to show them essentially that just it's empty. Jesus isn't in there Verse 3 says his countenance was like lightning this time about the angels countenance was like lightning and his raiment was white as snow And for fear of him the keepers did shake and became as dead men and if you remember the story, you know The Pharisees didn't want this They knew that Jesus Christ was prophesying his own resurrection because he was teaching that publicly He told his disciples first privately about that to kind of prepare them and he was then also just teaching it publicly That the Son of Man, you know, he was going to be crucified He was going to die and he was going to write raise again three days later. He gave that prophecy multiple times he said it himself and The Pharisees were worried that the disciples might come and try to Pretend like he'd resurrected steal his body and be like look he's not here You know he resurrected and and they're thinking that it you know, they were looking for them to be deceitful and do that So they set a watch and they said all these soldiers And and you know Pilate said make it sure You know, they they had a lot of people they're watching That tomb and it wasn't just like two guys that fell asleep I mean they they had a full watch on this tomb and it says here that They so they obviously saw the angels They weren't asleep when the angel came and rolled back the tomb and it says for fear of him They should they shake and became as dead men. So they're just like pretending like they're dead Because they don't I mean this guy just this angel just came out of nowhere and rolls back this stone There's this earthquake and they're like, what are we gonna do about these soldiers though? Think about that the hardened soldiers Became like dead men before the angel and then the angel answered and said unto the women Fear not ye for I know that ye seek Jesus which was crucified He is not here for he has risen as he said Come see the place where the Lord lay. So see look see it for yourself he's not here and Then verse 7 says and go quickly and Tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead and behold he goeth before you into Galilee there shall ye see him lo I have told you and I love the you know, the message is hey, he's not here now quickly go This isn't something that you drag your feet with this news. This is really important news Jesus Christ rose from the dead and they're still probably is trying to process all this because you grow they're going they're expecting to find A body they wanted to properly embalm the body Because they didn't have time to do it because it was a preparation day and he died just before the Sabbath So they couldn't really do anything I kind of had to quickly get him in the grave because they weren't allowed to do any work So these ladies are coming to do a better job to help You know wrap him in a grave clothes and everything and take care of his body they expected to find You know a corpse in his tomb, but then they go and there's no body there They're met by this angel and he's saying okay go look. He's not here. He already told you he's risen Now go tell his disciples that he's risen go quickly and tell his disciples he is risen from the dead verse 8 says and they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and Great joy and did run to bring his disciples word. So They they listen to the angel and he could only imagine what they all must be thinking this was there, you know They were afraid there's probably kind of freaked out like what's going on here. There's nothing in the grave But at the same time they start feeling this great joy Knowing that Jesus is alive He's back from the dead. He's risen and You know, they're still kind of processing all of this but in the meantime, they just go and they run to bring his disciples word and This is an exciting story to me. And and I see you know, it's it's an exciting event a Risen Savior. You know, this is the one thing that separates Jesus Christ from every any other You know So prophet or so-called prophet in the entire world any other religion? Anyone who worships any type of religion all have men who served and died and are gone or dead and buried Jesus Christ is the only one who died and came back to life That's that alone shows you where the true power is and where the life is and that Jesus Christ said I am the way the truth And the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me he is the life It's exciting news the fact that he rose again from the dead the fact that he was crucified by those that hated him Yet he was able to conquer death and hell and and rise again from the dead and defeat Everything that everybody fears the most is dying and going to hell and he conquered all of that He rose again from the dead. That's exciting news. And you know, we need to remind ourselves of this excitement I love Easter because it's so exciting that he rose again from the dead We ought to find the same level of joy and excitement and feel the need and the pressure Hey, we need to go out and tell people Jesus Christ rose from the dead He's not just some dead guy from 2,000 years ago. He's alive He died was buried but he rose again. That is the gospel that is the good news It's not just that he died. It's not just that he was buried. It's that he rose again It's probably the most important part of the gospel because if he would have just died and was buried We would have no hope there would be no hope of Salvation if we had a Savior that just died and was buried and that was it that see that's the type of God that that people who mock Christianity have like just recently, I don't know how I got on to this but There's a song put out and this this sermon isn't gonna be all about music but Metallica put out a song a long time ago and is a band that I used to listen to quite a bit and And one of the titles our song is called the God that failed and this is like a Jewish mindset Okay, this is what Judaism will teach is that Jesus Christ was this you know this You know supposedly this Messiah but he's a failed Messiah why because because they nailed him to a cross and he died this horrible death and See they want to ignore the resurrection So yeah without the resurrection they're saying see he just came and he died and he's gone And what does that accomplish and people are fooled by it? But they just think that he's just great some charlatan and in the song by Metallica. It's it's the God that failed You know talk about it says the healing hand Held back by the deep in nail, you know nails in his cross and that in that yeah He was here to heal but that but he failed because he got killed You know whatever and I'm not gonna go through all the lyrics of that song. It's a wicked song but It's that concept of saying oh, yeah, he failed. I mean he died right he didn't he didn't come to power He didn't come to rule and reign the whole world That's not what he came here for He actually succeeded in what he came here to do because he came to this world to die on the cross He succeeded in doing that he succeeded in taking the sins of the whole world. He's exceeding dying across He succeeded when he when he descended in hell But he ultimately triumphed and succeeded when he rose again from the dead that resurrection is the triumph Because he couldn't be bound by the chains. He couldn't be bound in hell. He rose again. He conquered death in hell He has the keys to death in hell and he lives forever We have a risen Savior turn if you would to first Peter first Peter chapter 1 The resurrection is exciting I Love when I go out and this doesn't happen very often because in our society in our culture There's still so many people have heard about Jesus Christ, and they know the basic facts of Christianity But every once in a while you come across someone oftentimes. They're younger kids who've had no exposure at all Really to Christianity other than they just think that Jesus Christ is a curse word because it is here people saying it when they get angry as opposed to just understanding what who he was and was about and I've had I remember a few times going over the gospel of someone and someone going wait you mean to tell me he came back to life and Oftentimes I kind of go through that part relatively quickly because I'm so used to people already Knowing that already being exposed to that so when you come across someone who's never heard that before it's like yeah He really did and then I take more time to show him. You know how he showed the disciples the holes in his hands I mean he literally Physically came back to life It is truly miraculous, and it is truly amazing and and you want to talk about why people especially early Christians early Disciples would be willing to martyr themselves and to just do everything and not have any concern for their own life if you were to be around the teaching of Jesus Christ and see all of his miracles and then Ultimately what even after you think he's been defeated the resurrection and you see him personally come back from the dead Yeah, I don't see how you can do anything else with your life But just be completely devoted to telling everybody possible Being a witness to everything that they saw of Jesus Christ and going around and telling everyone and that's why the Word of God And Christianity was able to spread so wide as it did That's why it had such a big Impact on this world is because it was a very impactful event and people who witnessed that you cannot you know I cannot see anybody Not just devoting the rest of their entire life to spreading that good news. I don't see how you could But you know what it shouldn't really be any different for us today It's the same Savior The same events happen whether or not we physically saw them it's the same purpose He still saved your soul. It's a great message. It's good news We ought to also have that same desire that the disciples did and the same dedication and faithfulness To take that message and to make sure you know what the whole world needs to know about this The whole world needs to know that there's a Savior that died and rose again from the dead. He came back to life and That's where the power truly is in the resurrection I had you turn to first Peter chapter 1 look at verse number 3 the Bible reads blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy Hath begotten us again, so there's our born-again unto a lively hope By the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. We have a lively hope we have a hope that's alive. We have a hope It's not dead. It's not dying. It's alive and and should give a lot of encouragement Knowing that we have a Savior that Resurrected from the dead is where we get this lively Hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance Incorruptible and undefiled and that fadeth not away reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of God Through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time flip over to chapter 3 and first Peter you're in chapter 1 Just flip over to chapter 3 Verse number 14 the Bible reads But and if you suffer for righteousness sake happy are ye and be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear having a good conscience that Whereas they speak evil of you as of evildoers. They may be ashamed that falsely accused your good conversation in Christ So the Bible is telling us here, you know that we need to be ready to give an answer to every man That asks you a reason of the hope as in you. Why do you have so much hope? Why do I have so much hope because Jesus Christ rose again from the dead that's where all of my hope lies and Knowing the promises of God and that he's promised that just as he rose from the dead He's the first begotten of the dead first means there's a lot more to come We have a hope we have a hope not just of the salvation of our souls, but the salvation of our bodies, too The resurrection of Christ he's just the first fruits and we're gonna see that turn if you would to first Corinthians chapter 15 First Corinthians chapter 15 we're gonna spend quite a bit of time here Christ is just the first fruits. He's the beginning. He's the first begotten of the dead But we all Are gonna have a Rebirth a Resurrection from the dead we have our own resurrection to be able to participate in and that is another exciting Event that's going to happen first Corinthians 15, though We're gonna look at really how important the resurrection actually is First Corinthians 15 is an excellent place when you're preaching the gospel to show people this is what the gospel is it defines the gospel here in first Corinthians 15 and You know without the resurrection there is no salvation. We would not be able to be saved if there wasn't a resurrection from the dead It would have ended and wouldn't have been sufficient. But the fact that there's a resurrection gives us salvation Everything will be pointless without a resurrection and that's that's unequivocally stated here in first Corinthians 15 We're gonna look at this verse number one the Bible reads moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also you have received and wherein ye stand so he's saying Right now he's declaring the gospel He's like I've already preached this unto you you already believe this and this is what you stand in this gospel He says by which also you are saved if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain Verse number three for I delivered unto you First of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins According to the scripture. So he's saying I've basically delivered this unto you I also would receive this, you know, it's not like the Apostle Paul came up with this gospel on his own This isn't the gospel according to Paul. This is the gospel This isn't Paul's gospel the people who believe in his dispensationalist nonsense. Oh, yeah There's a different gospel different plan of salvation that Paul gave which is different than what Jesus gave which is different than what the Old Testament had It's nonsense. There is one gospel. It's called the everlasting gospel everlasting means it's eternal. It's forever. It never changes The everlasting gospel gospel means good news What is the good news the good news is how Christ died for our sins according to the scripture Why is that good news? That's good news for us That wasn't good news for Jesus himself personally when he when he died for our sins But it's good news for us because we deserve to die for our sins But we had someone that decided to take our place and die for our sins According to the scriptures verse number four and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures This is the gospel is that Jesus Christ died for our sins. He was buried and he rose again From the grave according to the scriptures now This is you know, I already kind of alluded to this and brought this up. Keep your place here in 1st Corinthians 15 And if you'd like to get turned Isaiah 53, we're gonna look at a few references That prophesy the resurrection, but as you're gonna excuse me as you're gonna see Think it's hard to have an expectation Just simply from what's written here That someone just by reading the scripture alone Would be able to understand the prophecy of the resurrection. I don't know that you can you know, obviously we weren't alive during the time We don't know what was kind what what knowledge was people had of Scripture in general, but I mean, I don't think that I would be able to understand fully You know the the resurrection just going off all test Old Testament scriptures, even though see in hindsight once you know that happened It's like oh man. Yeah, it's here. It's here. It's here. It's here. There's so many places that will show you The foreshadowing in the in the prophesying of it, but just at face value There's there's no just real clear statements of just saying nope The Messiah is gonna come and he's gonna die and on the third day. He's gonna rise again, you know, just kind of spelling it out just extremely clearly, but let's look at a few of these because This is very interesting as they have 53 verses verse number six We're start reading about reads all we like sheep have gone astray We have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all so this is obviously a Prophesying of Jesus Christ. He was oppressed and he was afflicted yet. He opened not his mouth He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb So he opened if not his mouth just like Jesus Christ didn't respond when he was being accused in front of Herod He did he held his peace. He didn't say anything He was taken from prison and from judgment and who shall declare his generation for he was cut off out of the land of the living For the transgression of my people was he stricken. He came to die for our sins according to the scriptures That's what it's saying very clearly right here verse number nine and he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death Because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth So obviously this is talking about his death and his burial. He's in the grave verse 10 yet. It pleased the Lord To bruise him he hath put him to grief When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin He shall see his seed Look at this. He shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. So You know, we start off with a pleasing the Lord to bruise him And then it says that when he sees the seed he's gonna prolong his days and the pleasure of Lord shall prosper his hand He shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied By his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquities therefore will I divide him apportion with the great and he shall divide the spoil with the with the strong because he hath poured out his soul into death and he was Numbered with the transgressors and he bear the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors So they were talking about him being rewarded right? I'm gonna divide him apportion with the great He shall divide the spoil with the strong Eat because he gave himself so obviously that's showing a life after after the death So you can see how that would refer to his his resurrection also in Psalm 16 We're gonna be going over this psalm on Wednesday Psalm 16 and I'm not gonna spend too much time on this I already kind of brought it up this morning and I'm gonna be preaching on this on Wednesday Anyways, so tune in to Wednesday night you get all of Psalm 16 Psalm 16 basically is what's quoted in Acts chapter 2 Acts 2 they put together that Psalm 16 is talking about the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left in hell Neither his flesh did see corruption. You can see in Psalm 16 Verse number 9 the Bible reads therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoiceth My flesh also shall rest in hope for thou wilt not leave my soul in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy one to see corruption that will show me the path of life and thy presence is fullness of joy At thy right hand our pleasures forevermore Now, of course We know very easily that this is talking about the resurrection of Christ and the reason why we know that is because Acts chapter 2 Peter just explicitly says this is what this is talking about He's saying he wasn't this wasn't David talking about himself David's long gone and buried But this is talking about Jesus Christ and I think one of the reasons easier for them is because they already knew that Christ I mean, they were eyewitnesses. They saw the resurrection of Christ. So And God was able to open up their understanding if you would also turn to Luke chapter 24 And obviously here, you know to go a little bit further for that will not leave my soul in hell Well, obviously there's a soul in hell But it's being prophesied the soul is not gonna be left in hell it's gonna come back out of hell so Demonstrating a resurrection in that verse that's pretty clear but again if you if you don't know all of the New Testament and Jesus hadn't come yet and You've got all of the Old Testament. I think it's harder to understand the truths now And and you know, you still also have the whole story of a Bria that typology with Abraham offering up Isaac Right and saying that God will prepare him a lamb and we learn from Hebrews where it says that that Abraham was faithful Knowing that God was able to raise up his son even from the dead that that's why he was doing that now One thing to just kind of throw out there and you know, this is just something to consider is We don't know what exactly what the knowledge was in the times of the Old Testament and We know what was written But we don't always know what was taught and what was commonly understood, right? There's preaching going on out of God's Word all throughout history There's teaching and I'm saying it's not just receiving a writing and that's it there's always been studying of God's Word and trying to understand it and Going way back, you know God used people and spoke to his prophets and visions and and had different ways of communicating his word to the people and There was you know more seeking counsel of God where God would actually be able to answer so we don't know What they all what they knew we just know what was recorded and written that makes sense, right? Like I mean to put it real simply going back to like the Garden of Eden When Adam and Eve are like able to communicate with God like verbally just communicate Who knows? What they were told of God who knows what they knew of future or anything like that. We don't know I mean, it's just it's not recorded for us to know and we also know that as we already have evidence of You know people like Enoch being quoted in the New Testament Well, how would you know that there's no written rhyming Enoch was before the flood It's because God through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost can make things known and Whether or not it's written at the time. We don't have to know that Enoch was preaching the Word of God Which didn't get written down until way way way later Or this kind of my point so there can be you know prophets prophesying truths that we know That weren't written for the time Even though they were understood and they were true and they were prophesied so again, you know, that's why I don't like going back because people will try to It's mostly against mostly the God haters and the atheists they want to say that oh this was all just made up and People who want to say that Christ never really did wrote they believe the Jewish fables that the soldiers say Oh, you know when they were bribed they said yeah, we fell asleep and his disciples came and they stole the body away It's like yeah, right Not plausible, but but some people will want to cling to that because they don't want Excuse me to believe the alternative That there is a God powerful enough of resurrection Which also makes them powerful enough to cast people into hell into a lake of fire Some people don't want to accept that truth So they'll they'll accept any other possible explanation other than the truth, but turn if you have you turn to Luke 24 Here in Luke 24. Look at Luke 24 In Verse number 25 because I don't want to spend any more time on this in particular The reason why we're going to a few of these passages is because in 1st Corinthians 15, he's he's giving the gospel He's explaining and he's saying You know, he says he rose again the third day according to the scripture. So he's making reference say the scriptures say the same thing So we're looking at a few examples There's a lot more than this That referred that he could be referring to of the scriptures Talking about the resurrection of the dead and Luke 24 we see here starting verse number 25 Jesus Christ is where Jesus Christ meets up with people after his resurrection and they're talking To him and they're trying to explain like what are you a stranger? And if you don't know what's going on here and they try to explain all this stuff to him And Then it says in verse 25 He responds after they kind of do a rundown of everything that happened says then he said unto them Oh fools and slow of heart To believe all that the prophets have spoken Ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at Moses and all the prophets He expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself So this is and and just to put that in a little bit more context Verse 24 right before he responds to them is where they get to the point to where they say And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulcher and found it even so as the women had said But him they saw not referring to the resurrection of Christ So when they get to this point of saying yeah, I mean don't you know there's now we had some ladies go there And they said that there's no body there another you know Peter and John went to go check it out, and they didn't see a body there either and then he's saying he's basically saying why are you so slow to understand and Jesus was able to go through all of the prophets the Old Testament and just and show how all of this stuff was prophesied and I'm looking forward to the day or the days and the time that we're gonna have in eternity To be able to understand more and more and more and learn more and Jesus can be opening up more of the scriptures to us To just get that much more of an understanding the way that he was able to expound all these things I mean imagine just just hearing directly from Christ Giving you the understanding I mean we have a lot of that where he's given the understanding to his disciples, and it's all recorded for us here, but That's I'm excited about just that as well, so let's go back to 1st Corinthians chapter 15 and the reason why I had to turn to Luke 24 is just because prophecies of Christ are all throughout the Old Testament They all points to him It's not just in what's not just in Isaiah. It's not just in Psalms It's in Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy, Joshua Judges Ruth that's you know every book of the Bible all the Old Testament the prophets They're all gonna point to Jesus Christ We just may not be able to see all of it, but it's all there Let's keep reading here verse number five and that he was seen of Cephas then of the twelve after that He was seen of above five hundred brethren at once of whom the greater part remained under this present But some are falling asleep after that he was seen of James then of all the apostles and last of all he was seen Of me also as of one born out of due time and again the resurrection is so important because all of these witnesses saw Jesus Christ after his Resurrection and if you notice in verse 5 verse 6 verse 7 verse 8 it says he was seen he was seen he was seen He was seen all these people he was seen of Peter right at Cephas He was seen of over 500 people all at one time just in one instant in one and one showing he was able to you know 500 people saw the Lord Jesus Christ and Then he was seen of James he was seen of Paul They all saw him because he literally rose again from the dead This isn't one person trying to pull off a con job or a few people pulling up a con job I mean, you've got 500 people seeing him at one time. The Bible says in the book of John that there was with many infallible proofs Right the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's it's Infallible proofs he showed himself he had Thomas, you know Thomas here Take my hand and feel it stick your fingers in the hole in my hand from where they nailed the nails Onto the cross through my hand put your finger in there feel my side here thrust your hand into my side where they pierced me And and be not unbelieving Be not faithless but believe the thing is what he said He Was seen he sat down and ate with his disciples You know he was seen of all these people why because he rose again from the dead verse number nine for I am the least Of the Apostles that have not meet to be called an apostle because I persecuted the Church of God But by the grace of God I am what I am and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain But I labored more abundantly than they all yet not I but the grace of God which was with me Therefore whether it were I or they so we preach and so ye believed now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead How say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead now? This is where we're gonna get into just how critical the resurrection really is how important is this? He's saying we Preach that Christ rose from the dead. We're witness of this We're telling you Christ rose again from the dead and he's saying then how can some of you be saying there is no resurrection of the dead That basically that's not possible Verse 13, but if there be no resurrection of the dead Then is Christ not risen saying if there's no resurrection of the dead then there's no way that Christ was able to rise if there's just no resurrection in Verse 14 and if Christ be not risen then is our preaching vain he's our preachings worthless then Because they're all saying Christ has risen right say then we're all just a bunch of liars Our preaching is empty. It's meaningless if Christ didn't rise from the grave then forget everything that we said Because that's the whole point is that he rose again from the dead So then is our preaching great and your faith is also vain. I Mean, he's he's writing here to people at church And some of them are saying yeah, there is no resurrection of the dead Look if there's no resurrection of credit from the dead then Christ didn't rise again from the dead and your faith is completely vain and Our preaching is vain and you might as well just forget all of it Verse 15 yay, and we are found false witnesses of God. He's saying if that's the case then we're liars We're just a bunch of liars because we're testifying that Jesus Christ rose from the dead because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ whom he raised not up if so be that the dead rise not For if the dead rise not then is not Christ raised and if Christ be not raised your faith is vain Look at this year yet in your sins And you don't have a Savior. You don't have salvation. You have nothing without the resurrection of the dead Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished Look at verse 19 if in this life only We have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable. What's he mean there? What's he saying? He's saying if if if there is no resurrection because they're talking about a future resurrection of believers right like of us There's and there are people who are saying yeah, there's no resurrection But he's saying look if we're not going to be resurrected then Christ didn't get resurrected either right and our preaching is vain And he's saying if the only hope of Christ that we have is just while we're alive on this earth So then then of all people on in the world we are most miserable Why because you'd be spending your entire life doing things living in a way that's gonna bring persecution That's gonna make people hate you that you're gonna go through hard times You're gonna go through trials And if all you have to live is this life Then this is like the worst life that you can live if there's nothing else after that if there's no resurrection if there's no No better hope nothing better that you're working for then what's the point? It's like we're of all men most miserable We might as well just eat drink and be merry for tomorrow. We die right who cares He says but now is Christ risen from the dead and Become the firstfruits of them that slept see he did rise And that is the fact and we do have a hope and we do know that there is a resurrection to come and that there's Way more to this life than just what we're living and breathing and doing right now And eternity is a long time and we will rise again from the dead our bodies will come back to life and and will be around eternally and That is what we are working towards and working for is that life in Christ? Verse 21 for since by man came death by man also came by by man came also the resurrection of the dead For as an Adam all die even so in Christ shall all be made alive But every man in his own order Christ the firstfruits afterward day there Christ that is coming I'm gonna stop there. We're not gonna go further Excuse me into the resurrection. I preached about about the rapture and stuff last week, but ultimately that's what it is the resurrection is What we know as the rapture Because that's actually you know, let me turn to 1st Corinthians. I wasn't planning on going any further, but I do want to go a Little bit further and I don't have the verses in my notes Because When Jesus comes back that's when our bodies are changed and The old earthly flesh bodies that we had are going to be transformed into a new Spiritual body. Let's keep reading verse number 24 then come at the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God Even the father when he shall put down all rule and all authority and power For he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death and Let's see Verse 32 goes again to my point of if you know It's it's very similar to if in this life only we have hope in Christ We have all men most miserable verse 32 if after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus what advantages at me if the dead rise not he's like I've been Hazarding my life and fought with these beasts at Ephesus and what good is that gonna do if the dead's not gonna rise again? Right. I'm taking these these risks in danger. It's like it's not gonna gain me anything. Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die Be not deceived evil communications corrupt good manners now Verse 35 says but some man will say how are the dead raised and with what body do they come? Thou fool That which thou sowest is not quick and excepted die and that which thou sowest thou So it's not that body that shall be but bare grain it may chance of weed or of some other grain But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him and to every seed his own body All flesh is not the same flesh But there is one kind of flesh of men another flesh of beasts another of fishes and another of birds So and this is something that we just can observe obviously today that not everyone's flesh is exactly the same You know eat, you know eat eat fish flesh. It doesn't taste the same as you know beef flesh It's not the same as you know bird flesh, right? Obviously, they're a little different consistency. They taste everything different types of flesh And human flesh obviously is different as well. I don't know what that tastes like I don't ever want to know what that tastes like but It's different but then he goes on from there to say there are also celestial bodies and bodies Terrestrial so celestial would be like of the sky of the heavens that would be a celestial body planet stars moon Sun right those are celestial and Terrestrial is from the ground. It's like earthy these it's it's things here on earth Terrestrial from the terrain but the glory of the celestial is one in the glory of the terrestrial is another so he's trying to describe There's there's a heavenly body as well and there's a physical, you know earthly body There is one glory of the Sun another glory of the moon another glory of the stars for one star Differeth from another star in glory and glory or there's some out the brightness Right that the Sun when you look up at the Sun man, that's really bright. It's not the same when you look up at the moon yeah, it's kind of bright you could bright the Land around you especially in a full moon But it's not gonna hurt your eyes or damage your eyes to look at it like it would if you just look straight into the Sun There's a different glory and then of course the stars are a lot darker as well all of this given To teach a much greater truth here. He says so also is the resurrection of the dead So he's not gonna liken it to resurrection that it is sown in corruption is raised and in corruption It is sown in dishonor is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness. It is raised in power It is sown a natural body. It has raised a spiritual body There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body and so it is written The first man Adam was made a living soul. The last Adam was made a quickening spirit Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual but that which is natural and afterward that which is spiritual The first man is of the earth earthy The second man is the Lord from heaven as is the earthy such are they also that are earthy and as is the heavenly such Are they also that are heavenly and as we have borne the image of the earthy? We shall also bear the image of the heavenly and this is I mean, I know I'm kind of reading through this kind of fast there's just a lot of material but He keeps on going back and forth talking about the difference between our current bodies that we have now But and then the resurrected body that we're going to have we're gonna have a spiritual bias Not exactly the same as our fleshy body, but it's our flesh about is gonna be changed So right now we have fleshly bodies which are corrupt which are sinful that that drive us into sin our flesh causes us to get into sin and That starts all the way from Adam or descended from Adam You know Adam sin and he passed on the sinful nature to us that we have this corruption That we can't really escape but just like Adam came and kind of was able to pass down his sinful nature Jesus Christ came and through faith when we're born again and we We have we're born of the word that takes that that brings life into our hearts Through Christ now we can have this spiritual body and we're gonna be conformed to his image we bear the image of Adam now because that's where descended from but the Spiritual birth that we have is literally from the Word of God Which is this you know that seed that takes root in your heart is the Word of God So so, you know the DNA if it were as it were it was kind of you know Like we're brought forth from God and the righteousness that we have even a righteous that we have now is being saved comes from God It comes from the Lord. It's not our own We receive it from him. But when we when we are Resurrected when we're brought back to life. We're gonna bear the image of the heavenly So we're gonna be conformed to the image of his son. We're gonna be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ In the resurrection when we have our new bodies He says now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God neither does corruption inherit in corruption Behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed So when you saw him out there, we shall not all sleep. It's sleep referring to dying like physically dying So not everybody is gonna physically die Because when Jesus Christ comes back, there's gonna be still some people here that have not died yet, obviously, right? Jesus isn't waiting till every single human being on the earth drops over dead and then comes back. He's saying not everyone is Going to sleep, but we shall all be changed So everyone, you know whether you're still alive or whether you've passed on and died your body your flesh is going to change It's going to be converted in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and We shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on Immortality our bodies right now are corruptible. They're mortal they weaken They're gonna degrade they die. They're gonna decay but the new bodies that we have are immortal bodies There is no corruption. They are going to be perfect bodies We won't have a flesh driving us to sin when our spirit and soul is reunited with our body It is going to be I think ultimately the way that God had intended it to be Before Adam and Eve sinned in the garden And then of course verse 54 So when this corruptible shall put on incorruption is more shall put on immortality Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory Oh death Where is thy staying Oh grave? Where is thy victory? We have a victory over death in the grave And the only reason we have that victory is because Jesus Christ achieved that victory So through Christ we are victorious over death hell in the grave Flip over if you would the first Thessalonians chapter 4, I'm almost done We made Easter cards for the nursing home and this is the the passage that I referenced on those cards First Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 because you know, the title of my sermon is is hope the resurrection of hope We're celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and it brings us a lot of hope as a reason to have great joy We're looking at hey, our bodies are gonna be changed. We're not gonna be in you know, this this desire to sin at that resurrection We're gonna have new bodies. We're not gonna have all the pains and the degradation of this physical fleshly body We're gonna have spiritual bodies. It's gonna be great. There's great Hope there there's hope and just in the fact that that we know that we will be saved because Jesus Christ rose again from that he conquered if he's able to conquer death in hell, he's gonna be able to take us with him and First Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 we see the hope then also of those that have already passed on Verse 13, but I would not have you to be ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep that ye sorrow not again Asleep is referring to people who have died and I'm you know, this is all my people who've died in Christ more often you're gonna see the term sleep or being asleep when it's referring to death as believers who have have passed away believers who have died and It's just referring to them as being asleep Which are asleep that you sorrow not even as others which have no hope for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again Even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him for this We say unto you by the word of the Lord That we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout With the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air And so shall we ever be with the Lord wherefore comfort one another with these words and the hope comes in He says in verse 14, you know if we believe that Jesus died and rose again Then in like manner even so those also that have died are gonna be brought together with him And we're gonna meet him together. We're all gonna be reunited when Jesus comes back We're gonna be meet the Lord in the air where our bodies are gonna be changed and it's gonna be great It's it's a it's a great day to look forward to the day of Christ is It's very much looked forward to for the believers And last place we'll look at as Colossians chapter 3 So yes, we have this great hope. Yes. It's exciting. Yes. It's something that we ought to you know Share and tell as many people as possible because it's such great news But because of this hope because of the resurrection we also have an admonition on how we ought to live With with this great news of a you know of a resurrection to come and Getting rid of this of this wicked body. We have an admonition here essentially to start living as If we've already been Resurrected right. I mean our souls have already been saved. We've received a new man now It's time to start acting and living that way and stop being in bondage to this flesh that we have right now Knowing it's just gonna change. Anyway, so let's start now working against this flesh looking forward to the resurrection to come Look at verse number one of Colossians chapter 3 the Bible reads if ye then be risen with Christ Seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Hey, you're risen with Christ, right? I mean he died and is risen We are just as good as risen with Christ right now, even though our resurrection hasn't happened yet It's a sure thing. It's a promise. There's nothing that can change that and so if you're risen with Christ Then you ought to be seeking those things which are above. Hey because that's where Christ is Christ is above So we're gonna be risen with Christ. Let's keep our eyes with Christ as well Focused on those things set your affection on things above not on things on the earth for ye are dead and your life is For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God When Christ who is our life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in glory And you can see how all these passages are talking about the same subjects first Corinthians 15 first Thessalonians chapter number four Colossians chapter 3 they're all talking about us Being with Christ when he appears, right? So again in for a different study further study on the rapture and things like that You can look at all these passages and put them together because that's what all of these are talking about anything that's talking about the resurrection the second resurrection is talking about the rapture and They go hand in hand and all these passages When Christ who is our life shall appear then shall ye also appear with them in glory Mortified therefore so because of this because there's going to be this resurrection when Christ is going to appear we're gonna appear with them. So therefore Mortify your members which are upon the earth mortify means to kill them, right? What members he's talking about? He goes on? fornication uncleanness inordinate affection evil concupiscence and covetousness Which is idolatry? All these wicked sins. He's saying we got to kill those sins now right now in our flesh kill him Why because we're looking forward to a new life a new body of resurrection, which we're not gonna have this anyway So let's kill it now verse number six for which things sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience In the which he also walked sometime when you lived in them, but now ye also put off all these anger wrath malice blasphemy Filthy communication out of your mouth lie Not one to another seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds and have put on the new man Which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him where there is neither Greek nor Jew circumcision or uncircumcision barbarian Scythian bond nor free But Christ is all and in all put on therefore as the elect of God holy and beloved bowels of mercies kindness humbleness of mind meekness long Suffering for burying one another and forgiving one another if any man have a quarrel against any Even as Christ forgave you so also do ye this is how we ought to be living now It may be contrary to what your flesh wants, but this is what we are called to do Hey, you're with Christ you're resurrected with Christ already. You know let's start acting like it Let's start behaving like it now Christ gained that victory amen praise the Lord that's exciting But let's start getting ourselves conformed unto a Christ's image now It'll be less of a change for you, then right it won't be as radical when you get that new body And I mean I'd love that verse 13 for burying one another forgiving one another if any man before gonna say even as Christ forgave you So also do ye if you have a problem with forgiving people if you have a problem with with with harboring Hatred and bitterness and and you know when people do you wrong that you just you just are getting burned up Your first instinct it may be hard for you to think of forgiving somebody But you know what's gonna make it a lot easier think about how Christ forgave you Why don't you start thinking about all the wrongs that you've done to yourself and to others and to God and think about the forgiveness? That you've received Now maybe it'll become a little bit easier to extend some mercy extend some grace extend some long stuff. We're going to other people and Not just just holding in that that that hatred and stuff. It's you know That's gonna kill you This is what we need to have the mind that even as Christ forgave you you need to do the same thing and above all These things put on charity Which is a bond of perfectness and let the peace of God rule in your hearts to the which also you're called in one body and be thankful that's how we ought to live as Knowing that there's a resurrection knowing that our bodies are going to be changed knowing that we're gonna be conformed under the image of his Son we ought to be living our lives that way now Focus on things that are above not on things that are on this earth We know that our life isn't in vain we know that there's way more Than just this life that we have right now But we have to make the best of the life we have here in order to make the best of our eternity It's what we're here to do and hey get excited. I hope I hope Easter excites you I hope the resurrection and just the thought of Christ being risen again from the dead is an exciting thought for you and And enough to motivate you to tell other people we have a risen Savior He's in the world today. I Love that. I love all the Easter songs. We sang them this morning my favorites and Man, they get me stirred up. Let's let's use this. I know it's this wasn't an ideal Easter for us this year But we don't have to only get excited about the resurrection on Easter It's kind of just a time to make sure we don't forget about it, but Think about this You know regularly when you don't feel motivated to give the gospel when you don't want to do things Remember this sermon remember what Christ did think of Easter Think of the resurrection when you just your flesh is going I don't want to do anything Get excited think about the story of when the disciples found out that that tomb was empty And they were told hey he's alive he didn't die he's not gone He's back And back never to go away again That's some good news It's about rides. I've word of prayer dear heavenly father. Lord. We thank you so much for for loving us and Loving us so much to give the ultimate sacrifice and God I pray that you would help us to Really think about what's written in your word and and to let it sink in and be real to us not just black ink on white pages, but But life your words bring life dear Lord help us to Learn from them and absorb them and Let your truth the truth of your word just just influence us and Enter into our life to help guide us and teach us to your Lord God help us to be stirred up to reach people with the gospel with the good news the good news of the resurrection and Lord I pray that you would please just just help us to make those opportunities to find those opportunities That you would bring to our mind that this the the the thought Hey, maybe I should give that person the gospel Lord help us not to Miss out on opportunities, but that we could take a chance every opportunity that we have in Jesus name. We pray amen