(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music All right, good evening everyone. Welcome to Stronghold Baptist Church. You can grab your hymnals and open up to song number two. Song number two, Glory to His Name. Song number two. Music All right church, let's sing this out of the verse. Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Amen church, great to see you. Let's bow our heads in a word of prayer. Here we follow, Lord, thank you so much for keeping us safe as we gather here together, Lord. Let me just pray if there's anyone else that's coming in the church, we want to keep them safe on their way here, Lord, in the midst of traffic and anything else that's out there, Lord. Let's pray this time that we can just focus on you, Lord, and the reason why we're here, and just put the cares of the world behind us, Father, and let it undistract us from listening to your word, being preached, Father, and to getting the Spirit by singing out to you, Lord, in praises. Father, we love you and we just pray that you will still have some versions with your Spirit when he comes up to preach. Allow him to preach with power and boldness, Lord. Allow us to be attentive to what's being preached, Father, and just be better Christians when we leave here in the world we were, when we gather here, Lord. Lord, we love you and we pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. Let's turn to our next song, song 166. Song 166, I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. 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I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. I will praise him. A month of October, prayer requests. I got another update on Dominique. I forgot to mention on Sunday morning, but I went over on Sunday evening. He's jail in Florida, and I guess he gets to go before a judge tomorrow, and I think they're going to make the decision whether or not they're just going to release him or send him back up here in Florida. and there was issues with his with his lawyer not showing up when they were supposed to show up and things like that it's just kind of crazy but just pray that things will go well tomorrow Lord willing he'll just be released and not sent anywhere else and that they'll just all the time that he's already served now will just be sufficient for what he was arrested for originally anyways which like I said before was not some big deal it just everything kind of blew up into into a much bigger problem with not showing up but that originally with the confusion with the paperwork and all that other stuff so but the way things have been going real crazy definitely pray that that he'll just be released and not continue the the problems he's been been facing there with all of that and then let's see my mother-in-law is they're adding radiation therapy to the chemotherapy so she's gonna the plan is that she'll be able to take I think she has one more scheduled chemotherapy and then take a break while they do the radiation treatment so that she's not doing both simultaneously that's just the way that they normally operate so just continue to pray for her and of course everyone else especially those are dealing with cancer it's really a really serious disease there and then trying to see if there's anything else I'm aware of any other updates for people who are on the prayer list okay thank you yeah Rebecca Gonzalez was her surgery was successful that was good so it was good it was a good results but she has another one scheduled was it November 3rd first so we think November 1st is her next surgery but it was a very good outcome with that first surgery so I'm gonna write November 1st down let me know if that's incorrect for some reason but yeah so that's that's good news and then was that the only thing the only update that we have Leslie the only other update anyone else have any updates or anyone who's listed on the prayer list at the moment all right very good then continue how's your back doing brother DJ brace yeah lighter work yeah good slow but just improving just be just be fine all right very good very good all right and then Verity Baptist Church churches and pastors were praying for pastor Roger Menes very Baptist Church Sacramento California pray for their ministry on the next page do we have any first-time visitors tonight anyone bring anyone I didn't see any so yeah it's it's the October challenge is bringing visitors to church so the not just the church members but the visitors also receive a prize so let me I'm gonna write down I know brother Keith and I know mrs. Johnson Johnson also brought visitors that I have not ponied up a prize to yet who else did not receive I thought there was like maybe one more at least of our church members that brought someone but didn't get a prize for them so anyone that's here tonight all right I'll ask again on Sunday I want to make sure I get those out I've got some gift cards if I've got your email address I know I have one for for you guys and then we'll get those sent out the chili cook-off October 31st 6 o'clock right here as is listed it's not a Halloween party it is an opportunity to fellowship with with other brethren people in the faith and it's a lot it's a lot of fun so we also literally just tonight move that refrigerator because the the outlet doesn't work where it was I need to get more circuits run out here but I don't anticipate that those are necessarily going to be done because I have a lot more work I want electrician to do before the chili cook-off so I moved that refrigerator into my office for the moment it's kind of out of place it's kind of big and bulky but it works so even before chili cook-off you know I know this has been getting kind of full just with people bringing lunches and stuff so now we'll have both refrigerators functional for a while and that that will also cause me to get the electrician out here sooner when since since I have to walk around that thing now every time I want to get back by my desk so it's it's one of those things that just it has to happen that way for me to to get it done I think that'll that'll work so please sign up if you're planning on attending our chili cook-off please sign up whether whether you're entering or not give us that information really appreciate it's gonna help us with planning make sure we have enough food for everybody and and that we're well prepared for that also it helps us just in case we you know someone signed up you plan on entering a chili we have a list so if things are you're running a little bit late we can accommodate for that or we could just be like oh good everybody's here then let's just get going right away so please let us let us know about that if you plan on attending Bible memory passage Hebrews chapter 10 verses 1 through 22 so we're on week 7 for this passage and of course you'll be able to earn a prize if you could quote that out loud without making any errors upcoming birthdays and anniversaries are listed there it looks like we don't have anyone today happy anniversary to the bills yesterday right so that's cool and then everyone else through the rest of the month of October is listed down there at the bottom of the page and then on the back upcoming events so this Saturday is the men's preaching in song leading classes 930 for song leading 1030 for preaching everything is the same as it has been so if you're interested in either of these things or both these things join us right here Saturday morning October 31st chili cook-off November 3rd is the next home school field trip to the state capital there is not a home school field trip in December but there are other activities so we've got the gingerbread house making activity and then Christmas caroling on the 16th so love to see you there for that and again sign up sheets for all of those things November 11th the Chattanooga soul winning marathon I've already received some emails from people who are interested in having a hotel room like I said either either Friday night or Saturday night or both and just use your discretion this is for people who have to travel far distances if you already live on the north side of town there's no reason to get hotels because you're a lot closer to home but like the people who live in South Carolina it makes a lot more sense if they're gonna be driving you know five hours or something to get to the to the soul winning event we will will set you up there the night before so that you could be there early in the morning and the point is be able to spend the whole day with us and then it's it also makes it easier to attend church on Sunday so we're just trying to make it so that you know the laborers are putting in the work we could we could at least set you up and make it a little bit more convenient to be able to do all of these things to serve the Lord with soul winning and serve the Lord by coming to church so just let us know about that though I need to know about those things the earlier the better send me an email please and you will and here's the thing too if you don't get a response right away it doesn't mean I didn't get your email I do I have the emails and oftentimes I'll make the reservation before I send out all the confirmations too so it will get done I can assure you of that and I'll also say at one point if you haven't heard back from me yet then let me know and just just to verify that that you know I've sent out the communication back I'm trying to get better with my communication back it's just not always easy so if you really really really need to know then you could just ask me if I got your message and I'll probably tell you yes I think that's about it for announcements please make sure you register register for our camp and especially if you plan on going to that we continue to have a lot of interest in the camp and people talk about it we go to conferences more people know about it because it's like I think like the best event out of all the events that have ever been our camp is the best so that's just my opinion now I love all these other conferences and stuff but nothing beats our church camp so if you want to attend please sign up for that because it is limited space and you know I gave the priority to our church members but there is a cutoff point where you no longer get that that benefit of being our church member and then everyone else is gonna be open to receiving those spots so please let us know sooner rather than later we plan coming and even just hold your place if you're not a hundred percent sure it's okay register let me know and but then you'll also have to let me know if you can't make it so there is no deleting of the registration to my knowledge so maybe there is I don't know I haven't tried doing that but yeah make sure you get on there and also there's still people who are who are starting to hear about our church plant so if you know anyone I was literally just today and this is what I was trying to tell you in the car Leslie but something else came up the I was looking at the proximity with Greenville with many other locations and if you know someone like I was looking at Asheville North Carolina Charlotte North Carolina like these are all doable drives with it you know an hour and a half for people to come and attend a church plan I just had someone comment about being in that Asheville area that that them and some other families are interested in coming down so let your friends know post about it let people know about this church plant so because people will find out about it and it will grow I'm confident in that that's why we're starting a church plant there but the the earlier we could know how many people are gonna attend the better because we're still in the planning phases we're still looking for the location we're still waiting for that to happen and to find the right place and for God to lead us there so pray that all those things work and get the word out and encourage people to register on that events page so that we can we can really get a good idea and make the the best plans accordingly all right that's it for our announcements this evening I'm gonna turn the service back over brother Peter if you please lead us in our next song to zero eight race greater than our sin race Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh in church while the offering plates are being passed around the book of Psalms chapter 676 book of Psalms chapter 76 naturally do customary and strong Baptist Church will be the entire chapter amen Church once again that is the book of Psalms Psalm 76 Psalm 76 the Bible reads in Judah is God known his name is great in Israel in Salem also is this tabernacle and his dwelling place in Zion there break he the arrows of the bow the shield and the sword and the battle sila thou art more glorious and excellent than the mountains of prey the stout-hearted are spoiled they have slept their sleep and none of the men of might have found their hands at thy rebuke Oh God of Jacob both the chariot and horse are cast into a deep sleep in a dead sleep thou even thou art to be feared and who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry thou this cause judgment to be heard from heaven the earth feared and was still when God arose to judgment to save all the meek of the earth sila surely the wrath of man shall praise thee the remainder of wrath shall thou restrain bow and pay unto the Lord your God let all that be round about him bring presence unto him that ought to be feared he shall cut off the spirit of princes he is terrible to the kings of the earth let's pray father God we thank you for the book of Psalms we thank you for the whole King James Bible you're looking for the souls have been saved and also the future souls that will be saved thank you for pastor burzins and for this whole entire church fill him with his spirit allow for him to preach for boldness love for ears be attentive to your word allow for minimal distraction allow for us to be able to take home something that we haven't learned before that we can utilize it for the future God we praise you and thank you thank you for your son and thank you for the Holy Spirit thank you for all that you do say is in Jesus name amen language get into that and in just a minute like right now how let's look down here and get into verse number one and two look at the Bible reads it says in Judah is God known his name is great in Israel in Salem also is his tabernacle and his dwelling place in Zion if you notice there there's four different names mentioned but it's basically all talking about the same place talk about Judah Israel Salem which is basically Jerusalem so it's a shortened version we're going to go into that also in just a minute and then his dwelling place in Zion Mount Zion also in Jerusalem and this is of course in the Old Testament and this is just exalting the name of the Lord and being the God of Israel and being the God of these places and where God placed his name and it is a glorious thing it was a very glorious thing you know God's name is great in Israel God is is known in Judah definitely during these Old Testament times unfortunately in the times that we live now it's a different God it's a different name that is known yeah they might try to claim the same name they might try to claim the name of the Lord and try to claim the God of the Bible but it is not it is a false God that is being worshipped in modern-day Israel in modern-day Jerusalem it is not the same God and I want you to turn real quick to Psalm 122 I'm not gonna spend too much time on this but again I think it's important given the events that occur pretty frequently in general just with all the trouble in the Middle East with the modern-day popular Christian perspective on who Israel is there's just a few other passages I know I covered this on Sunday I'll cover it a little bit again now with some other passages just to get a good make sure we have a proper understanding especially if you're talking to people who are deceived by the modern-day nation of Israel and thinking that we must support them because of anything that the Bible says now look if someone wants to support them for political means or something like that whatever right like I don't even want to argue about the politics of it and you know some people say well they've been our allies and we need to support them because of our interests here in the United States versus that's different what what bothers me more are the people who want to bring the Bible into this and try to guilt trip Christians into thinking you have to support a godless nation a Christ rejecting nation in order to be right with God and that couldn't be farther from the truth and you know I went over a little bit Genesis 12 on Sunday and you know where the Bible talks that where God's talking to Abraham and he says you know I'll bless him that blessed thee and curse him that cursed thee I literally so for those of you that that know if you've been following with the fire-breathing Baptist fellowship that said fast put on Pastor Shelley also runs a podcast it and I was lucky enough to be on that show on Friday and but I showed up a little bit late so I had missed the beginning part of the clip where they played a clip from Pastor Greg Locke and he's in in Tennessee I believe is it anyone confirm that I get a witness anyone know I think I think his church is in Tennessee somewhere not super far from you know and it's somewhere in the south maybe Kentucky I want to say Tennessee though but anyways that guy got his at least in my opinion I don't know you know I'm not some Greg Locke expert right but I think he got his popularity at least broadly from his little videos that he would make and put up and they were mostly political they were mostly like looking to be kind of edgy but edgy for the the Fox News Baptist right they were but they were saying just the same type of thing the same type of talking points and he gathered a pretty significant following again I couldn't tell you how much I don't really know I would hear his videos a little bit and just kind of be like yeah whatever but in recent times he's really just gone off the reservation now maybe he's always been that way and I just didn't know just because everything I was I was being put in front of my face was all of this more like political type stuff or generic Christianity type stuff but that guy I finally went back and saw most of the video that they were showing a clip from for that podcast last week because like I said I didn't get to see any of it at all and then I went back cuz then I was just like what in the world was going on here and it was crazy I mean literally like it was a circus for one on the stage and you had these people waving the flags and they had their rock concert and he's up there walking back and forth and just saying like like I don't know if anything out of his mouth was the truth at all I mean everything he said is just was just false it seemed that way to me from what I was hearing and he even like he tried to quote the Bible he says I will curse them that curse Israel and bless them that bless Israel like that's not what the Bible says but that's what he said that the Bible says so I mean that's just a that's just a bold-faced lie I'm just coming out and and it's that level of deception where people and the people oh yeah man everyone's all worked up and in cheering like it's a political rally and that's pretty much what it was and he but he's but the worst part is he's just mixing in trying to mix in all the Bible and getting people to believe that look we need to support this nation and this people because somehow the Bible says so and it couldn't be further from the truth so when we look at a psalm like Psalm 76 where it's like hey in Judah is God known his name is great in Israel and Salem also is his tabernacle his dwelling place in Zion that was true 100% was true you know what God's tabernacle is not in Zion anymore not in that physical location at least we know that there's a heavenly Jerusalem and we're gonna see a little bit of a scripture about that too this evening that's what really matters anyways and that you know that's always been what matters the most even in Old Testament times but of course there was there was still that physical location that did also matter like there was promises made for physically bringing in the children of Israel in that promised land and setting up the tabernacle and God's dwelling place being there and when when Solomon made that great prayer right he said we know like my God doesn't dwell in a building made with hands but Lord you know have respect unto this place and when when we you know when your people fall into sin and you have to judge us and we're carried away captive you know when they humble themselves and pray toward this place you know have respect towards that so there was some emphasis made on that location on that place which again there's still emphasis in times to come in this physical location in this place but tell you what the time is not right now because God's tabernacle is not over in the Middle East right now God the Lord of the Bible is not known in worship there he's known because just because I think God's known everywhere but not in a way that this is talking about in an endearing way about the dwelling place of Lord being in this place and if I turn to Psalm 122 this is another popular verse that people will like to use in addition to Genesis one Psalm 122 verse number six the Bible says pray for the peace of Jerusalem now there's a lot more there we're gonna read more of this but people say see look pray for the peace of Jerusalem so we need to be praying for Jerusalem and and that's that's kind of where that stops but we need to understand what why first of all why should we pray for the priest piece of Jerusalem and when we get Psalm 122 in context we can see exactly why the psalmist is saying hey pray for the peace of Jerusalem they shall prosper that love thee so if they say if they say that just just rather it's like okay well is this talking about this physical place right here is it modern-day Jerusalem let's see verse 7 says peace be within thy walls and prosperity within thy palaces for my brethren and companion sakes I will now say peace be within thee so he started off saying pray for the peace of Jerusalem but now it's getting a little bit more detailed well for my brethren and companion sakes well his brethren you can say oh well that's the physical juice well hold on a second but then the next verse says because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good the house of the Lord our God is not in that place anymore again so yeah if Jerusalem was still the place where God had his name still continuing to be brought forward and God's pro the prophets of God were still coming out and preaching to that people and God still had that nation established as the nation he was using to bring forth his word then I would still say yes this applies but the problem is we have we also have scripture even in the Old Testament and turn if you were to Jeremiah chapter 14 where you already can have a seeming contradiction so like if someone 22 is literally just carte blanche pray for Jerusalem always you just always have to pray for Jerusalem and then you'll prosper right and then God will bless you if that's what that says and if people are going to teach that that's what that means and you've got a problem dealing with other scriptures then I would say you also you know we have a problem with you have a problem with God because I'm pretty sure that Jerusalem was destroyed and that was because God brought judgment on Jerusalem like that God brought that in Jeremiah 14 look at verse number 8 Bible says oh the hope of Israel the Savior thereof in time of trouble why shouldest thou be as a stranger in the land and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night why shouldest thou be as a man of stunning as a man a mighty man that cannot save yet thou O Lord art in the midst of us and we are called by thy name leave us not thus saith the Lord unto this people thus have they loved to wander they have not refrained their feet therefore the Lord doth not accept them he will now remember their iniquity and visit their sins so we have the people saying hey you know don't leave us we're called by your name but then God is responding saying look this people my own people they love to wander they love to stray and and get away from me and it says the Lord doth not accept them that God doesn't accept you he will now remember their iniquity and visit their sins then said the Lord unto me verse 11 pray not for this people for their good but I'm supposed to pray for Jerusalem pray not for this people for their good now again you can't just take this verse and say see it's never right to pray for this people for their good no it's because of the things that the body that they're talking about here there are plenty of times in the Old Testament we should be praying for their good but then there's other times when you shouldn't be praying for their good there's there's times when you ought to be praying for the peace of Jerusalem but then there's other times where you shouldn't be praying for the peace of Jerusalem does that make sense like but it's all dependent on where the people are at at that time if they're in obedience and submission to the Lord yeah amen pray for the blessing pray for the peace pray for God's protection pray for all the good things to come upon that people whose God is the Lord but when they stray when they wander when they set up the altars to bail when they go in and defile the house of the Lord when they go in and do all this wickedness then you don't pray for their good and pray for God's blessing on that people it I mean doesn't it just make sense like do you need a theology degree to understand these simple concepts of people being right with God or people not being right with God but today somehow it's gotten brainwashed into certain people in the Christian churches that you just always are just supposed to bless this people no matter what they do and that is ridiculous and I would say that's hateful it really is hateful it's funny because I'm the anti-semite right and I look I'm saying that jokingly I don't care what nationality anybody is right if someone's from Shem is Semitic that doesn't matter okay but that's the label that I'll receive because I preach that the Jews aren't anything special they're not the special chosen people from God and they have some special paths in heaven or that we need to treat them any different and that Judaism is in fact one of the most wicked religions in the entire world an Antichrist religion and and really that religion ought to be stamped out not saying all the people ethnically who are Jews need to be stamped out saying the religion ought to be eradicated because it's a wicked Antichrist satanic Luciferian religion literally synagogue of Satan okay but so that will get me in trouble with the world and that's fine but that's the truth and people need to hear the truth and I and I would hope and pray that people who are sucked in to that false religion just as much as any other false religion would hear the truth would get stung by the truth that the Word of God would pierce through even the dividing of soul and spirit so that they can get cut right to the heart and maybe the stony heart can be pierced and be left with a soft heart and one that's gonna turn to Christ one that could turn away from that wicked religion and accept Christ as their Savior that's ultimately the goal but see that's not gonna happen if you continue to just prop them up and say oh yeah yeah you guys are you're God's people I know you don't you don't you reject Christ and you don't receive the things of Jesus Christ but you know what that's fine that's a hateful thing because you're not doing anything to help that person see the light and get saved because every unbelieving Jew is gonna go to hell when they die just as every unbelieving Gentiles gonna go to hell when they die because there is no difference it doesn't matter unbelievers all die and go to hell so when we cut whether we call out Mormonism or Jehovah's Witness or Catholicism or Hinduism or Judaism they're all gonna die and go to hell if they don't change what they believe and put their faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that's what they need to hear we don't need to be defending any one of those groups of people as being special people because they're not none of them are and you can't go to the Bible then and try to say oh see look we need to be praying for Jerusalem God's name is great in Israel yeah it is now it's the Israel of God which is not the physical seed but it's the seed of the promise look at verse number 12 so verse 11 again said then said the Lord unto me pray not for this people for their good when they fast I will not hear their cry and when they offer burnt offering and an oblation I will not accept them but I will consume them by the sword and by the famine and by the pestilence then today ah Lord God behold the prophets say unto them ye shall not see the sword neither shall you have famine but I will give you assured peace in this place and that reminds me there's another thing that that Greg Locke was saying all this stuff like you don't know who you're messing with and God's gonna come and eat you're gonna see that God you know like like he's prophesying what's gonna happen to Palestine right or Hamas or whatever like like he's just he's saying all this stuff that what God's gonna do because you don't know who you're messing with with Israel but it's like you don't know what you're talking about and just because the prophets say you shall not see the sword and you won't have famine like they were saying in Jeremiah's day right before they were taken captive right before they were besieged right before they did see famine and everything else all the prophets were saying no we're good God's gonna step in God's gonna defend us God's gonna bless us no he's not you don't even have the right God verse 14 says then the Lord said unto me the prophets prophesy lies in my name this happens today too you got Greg Locke going up and prophesying lies in the name of Jesus Christ but just because he's trying to use the name doesn't mean he's actually of Jesus Christ or of the Lord he's just prophesying lies I sent them not neither have I commanded them neither spake unto them they prophesy unto a false vision and divination and a thing of naught and the deceit of their heart turn it over to Hebrews chapter 7 I want to go and I'll just real briefly on this other aspect now that's that's about all I want to say about about the whole you know Israel thing I thought it was appropriate because those first two verses in Psalm 76 are bringing up all these different names and it's recognizing the glory and honor of God being the God of this place and the rest of this Psalm still follows that context it's really good to understand that but it's also understand a distinction between the Old Testament and New Testament understand important to understand when we should bless people and when we should not bless people now I mentioned Salem is basic essentially it's a shortened form of Jerusalem but Salem itself is only used a few times in the scripture and I just want to show you here what that word Salem even means which is again even just in itself is pretty interesting pretty cool that word Salem means peace so and that's a biblical definition not a dictionary definition right I don't know if you would necessarily get the same definition and dictionary or Hebrew dictionary or anything like that I don't know but the biblical definition we get this clearly from Hebrews chapter 7 look at verse number 1 the Bible says for this Melchizedek king of Salem which by the way in Genesis when it references this store when this story originally appears in the Bible that's like the only other time we see references to Salem so we've got this one reference in Psalm 76 we got the references in Genesis and then Hebrews which is talking about that so it's only mentioned a few times in Scripture the rest of the time when we look at the city it's Jerusalem so for this Melchizedek king of Salem priest of the most high God who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the Kings and blessed him to whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all first being by interpretation king of righteousness and after that also king of Salem which is king of peace so it literally clarifies and says he's the king of Salem which is king of peace just like Jesus Christ Christ means Messiah right which is being interpreted Messiah or the Christ right so so those words literally mean the same thing just like Salem and peace here are clearly referring to the same thing and it says and then it says in verse 3 without father without mother without descent having neither beginning of days nor end of life but made like unto the Son of God abide at the priests continually and that's how I'm a Melchizedek I'm not going to go into that too deeply but we know already Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace right a prince and king can oftentimes be used synonymously he's the king of peace just as he was a king of Salem as Melchizedek here and Jerusalem is the the city that has significant import in general in biblical history as well as even going into the future there is going to be the new Jerusalem right and that will be a city of peace as well and that is where the Prince of Peace is going to rain from so anyways let's continue in Psalm 76 so verse 3 starts off there break he the arrows of the bow there meaning Judah Salem Jerusalem Israel right where God's land for his people land for his people there break he the arrows of the bow the shield and the sword and the battle see love I would you know whether that be I would say that's probably referencing the defense of Jerusalem the defense of that city but it's showing God's involvement there and and not allowing people to destroy his place so when God is with you obviously it's very good to have the Lord as your defender to save you from any armaments that might come against you any foreign powers any anything it's gonna come your way verse 4 thou art more glorious and excellent than the mountains of prey so there we're gonna get into a few verses here that it's a little bit might seem a little bit odd you might be scratching your head going well what does that mean because they're definitely not phrases or words that we often use together mountains of prey but when you just take a second and look at it and think about it for a minute it's not that difficult to understand either so I'm just gonna go over this real quickly it's obviously poetic language it's a psalm right so it's a song and words are put together a little bit different when you're dealing with poetry but ultimately what is this doing it's exalting the Lord right because it says thou art more glorious more excellent than the mountains of prey and the mountains oftentimes is symbolic of nations or kingdoms or really mighty kings really mighty nations right because they're high they're lifted up but he's saying that the Lord is more glorious and more excellent you say well why are they the mountains of prey well because you've got predators and prey right the prey are those that are going to be eaten and swallowed up and defeated so they may seem really mighty and powerful in these high mountains but they're really the prey for the Lord because their arms won't stand against God and God is way more glorious and way more honorable and way more powerful and is what much more exalted above the highest of those mountains of prey verse 5 and this is still coming off the the idea of God defending Jerusalem and in that name of Jerusalem being great right let's see verse number 5 the stout-hearted are spoiled they have slept their sleep and none of the men of might have found their hands and again this isn't the way that we would normally talk but let's go through this real quickly what does this mean stout-hearted are the brave okay they have a lot of Curtis or courageous people but it says the stout-hearted are spoiled so they are spoiled to be like they're defeated okay they're they're they're taken advantage of they have slept their sleep obviously sleep could be referring to their death or it could just be referring to God making them just very ineffective right so whether they're sleeping to sleep because they're dead it says none of them the mighty men the men of might have found their hands right so just another poetic interesting way of saying that like they're just not able to fight they're mighty men they should be ready to go and strong for the battle but God has made it so that they can't fight like their arms are just kind of become useless their weapons are breaking or whatever and they're just not able to function that normally they would be able to but because God is protecting his people they're just just things just don't work out for him and you know there's so many instances in Scripture where God is defending his people and God is just just causing havoc on the enemies even without any involvement from his people right like when when forget what battle it was when when the invading armies woke up and they saw what it was in Kings it might have even been Jehoshaphat and Ahab I think there was the three kings and then they were you know Ahab's like oh we're gonna die for thirst remember that story God brought these three kings together which God didn't by the way like like they were going off to fight this battle and then and then they're finally out there and then there's no water and then they're like well there's someone is there a man of the Lord that we can inquire of and that's when Jehoshaphat they find maybe Elisha or like like one of the prophets and he's just like if it weren't for you I wouldn't be talking to these guys at all right and then they said he prophesied they're gonna go dig ditches and then they're gonna have the water and then when the invading armies saw the water looked like blood to them so they thought that like oh yeah man they killed they all died or whatever but then God brought that great great victory and you know there's many other examples where things like supernaturally things just kind of happen where God works it all out so while he's taking care of who he wants to raise up and lift up then he's also bringing down those that he wants to have destroyed and it would look like oh this is just some great coincidence but of course we know that it's not God's hand is in all of that so what we see here in Psalm 76 is just these people you know the mighty man their their hand isn't working and the the people are kind of in a deep sleep verse number six at thy rebuke Oh God of Jacob both the chariot and horse are cast into a dead sleep again just rendered useless the chariot the horse would normally be very desirable weapons to have in a battle in a war they're much more effective they're able to do a lot more damage than just a foot soldier but they come to not they come to nothing they're they're cast into a dead sleep and what again whether that could be referring to their death being killed or just rendered useless either way it's the same outcome as a result of them coming against the the God of Jacob as it says that thy rebuke the chariot and a horse are into our cast into a dead sleep which all the more reason to just keep this in our minds and remember when you're facing an enemy when you're facing someone that seems super powerful and super mighty and seems to have all the power against you God has more power than all and there is no arm of flesh that can defeat the Lord and we have to call out on the Lord to save us to be with us obviously we need to call on the Lord to save us for our own souls to be saved but also we call out on the Lord to save us in our times of need and trouble when we are experiencing this you know these foes these enemies that want to destroy us because God can and will deliver verse number seven thou even thou art to be feared and who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry so we know that God is a God of long-suffering and mercy and God allows his mercies are great and they allow for a lot of infractions and for people to kind of do things without him coming down and raining down on the people and real and honestly you know I don't know about you but I know just for my own experience whether it be my life or even just witnessing other people God is really long-suffering and merciful like he really does allow and give space for people to repent like he offers that and allows for things to be done and you just think about the level of humility that requires to not take everything personally every written fraction every sin because of all people God has every right to just be angry every second that you do anything wrong because he's like I already told you this and with us it's probably gonna say like I've told you this how many times right and you're still not listening like what's a matter with you and and we have to remember that one one as parents we should be remember mindful of that with our children right so that we can show grace and mercy similar to our Heavenly Father can show grace and mercy but also just in in our own humility dealing with other people and be able to forgive other people their sins and their trespasses understanding that hey if God's really giving a lot of space right just just letting people kind of work it out and do whatever before he really comes down we ought to be able to have that same level two and then finally also just to love the Lord that much more for giving us the ability in the space to get things right when we do fail right now we don't know how long got you know where that breaking point is gonna be before God just wants to come down on us and and chastise us for infraction so obviously we don't want to get the attitude where we could be taking advantage of God's long-suffering because if you have that type of mindset you won't get the mercy in the long-suffering if you just think you could like well God just long-suffering so who cares whatever I'm just gonna do I know I could get away with this for a while you have that attitude you will get a swift rebuke I'm telling you that that's just the way it's gonna work and and relating that again to the home if I think to start to think that my kids try to fight they found the the point at which they can go to before they would receive some correction that's the time when you need to just go the next time they try getting to that point no you're going back a little bit right you know it's not to get too comfortable thinking you know all the boundaries right they need you need to go and don't do the things you know you're not supposed to do right because what the point is there they do the things that they know they're not supposed to do but then they know how far they can push it before like okay now I'm gonna get a spanking now it's like no you need to you need to get a reset there and and not think that you can get go to that line and we don't want to be the same way with the Lord right with our own sins with our own infractions thinking that we can just I could do this this is okay I could I could I could commit this sin and and God's look God's merciful right no just just humble yourself thank God for his mercy and giving you the space to repent but but have the heart that's seeking to always be repentant for your sins and to get things right but then all that said verse 7 it says in who may stand and I cite one once thou art angry because what you never want to do is get God angry that's that's you don't want to have to deal with that right like like be thankful when God is not angry and is just being long as ever you're merciful because once you get on that other side it's not gonna be good for you at all and who can stand before the Lord I mean who can stand who can say before God people who have been righteous people men of God fall flat on their face even just in the presence of the Lord when he's not angry right like when when any man of God is confronted with the Lord and with the power and the might of God they fall down like they're dead and they're not even like actively in any sin or have any reason that that God would be like coming down on them they're just in his presence so if that's how people are gonna respond to being in the presence of the Lord you really want to make sure you're not getting God angry with you and willfully sinning is definitely gonna do that definitely gonna do that now obviously in a context here it's referring to the people who are gonna come against God's people you know God's to be feared and and the world is always in this nation was in a much better place when people had more respect and fear for the Lord I mean even the unsaved right like when when more people had regard to the Bible to the Word of God when people cared a lot more about like the things you would say even in church or what someone might say about the Bible there's just more regard more respect more fear of the Lord from a nation that was serving the Lord much more broadly whereas we're getting to the point where no one cares about anything and and it's all just there's this blasphemy spoken and no one cares and what that shows me is that there's you know people are increasingly disregarding the fear of the Lord it's just not there anymore and when that happens God needs to bring the reminder of why you need to fear the Lord because God is not mocked he's long-suffering and is merciful but at the end of the day he's gonna be like look you know I'm only gonna put up with this so long I just I want you to repent before I have to come down and do this but once once I'm once that switch is flipped it's not good so have that fear in advance without having to go through it and be brought down and be a based verse number eight thou didst cause judgment to be heard from heaven the earth feared and was still and this is when God's judgment is coming down now it's too late and that's all of a sudden you know God's judgment is heard from heaven the earth feared and was still when God arose to judgment to save all the meek of the earth Selah so why is God saving a meek of the earth because you've got a bunch of wicked people in high places and powers that are coming down against the meek of the earth so God's coming down to defend and those people have no regard no fear of the Lord they don't care about God's laws and they don't care about God's rules and they think they could get away with anything they want and then God's judgment comes and you know what yes the judgment is a very good thing God's judgment is a great thing I mean it's God's judgment that's saving the meek of the earth praise the Lord that's good it's not good for those that don't fear God but it's good for the meek it's good for the humble it's good for God's people for sure verse 10 surely the wrath of man shall praise thee the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain this is a really I don't want to call a weird verse but it's again it's another one of those verses that might be kind of hard like what is this talking about the wrath of man shall praise thee you know if man's angry how is it man praising God but it's not it's not what the rat the the angry man is saying that's praising the Lord it's that the mighty and powerful now are full of wrath and anger because God is judging them and because judgment has come down that's what glorifies God is that these mountains that are now the prey have had the tables turned on them and the heathen are raging that brings glory and honor unto God because God is bringing them down does that make sense so that's that's the you know the wrath of man it's not it's not that man is angry angrily praising God it's the fact that they're wrathful because of the judgment coming upon them that brings the glory and brings the praise unto God just just inherently that happening to them and then it says the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain so God will deal with that put an end to that that that remainder of their wrath will be controlled it'll be restrained verse number 11 vow and pay unto the Lord your God let all that be round about him bring presence unto him that ought to be feared so when you vow you pay and I think the reason why this is even being brought up in this psalm and turn it to at least yes use chapter 5 is because when people are in trouble and when cities are in trouble and when nations are in trouble oftentimes they're gonna make vows unto the Lord God I'm sorry God I'll never do this again God if you save me I make sure that I will serve you God if you save me I'll go to church every week God you'd get me out of this jam how's it you know people make vows when they're in trouble it's just a fact it's what happens now the Bible teaches that it's better to not vow at all than to bow and not pay right and that there's nowhere in the scripture that just says and commands you have to make vows unto God but people do look I've done it before right anyone else done that before yeah okay like like and I've done it before when I was in a jam God please I promise if you get me out of this I won't ever do this again I've done it now there's been times where I think I've broken my vows but there's definitely times where I've still kept the bow but here's the thing now once you open up your mouth to Lord like you you have to keep that now I mean that God expects you to keep that that bow that you've made and what whatever that may be especially you say something like I'll never do that again be careful and be mindful the words that come out of your mouth no matter how bad things are if you're gonna say something to the Lord it to the effect of I will never again man you better I mean you better make sure you keep that vow it's better not to make that bow at least not that way because God holds you responsible for the words that you say look at verse number one Ecclesiastes chapter 5 the Bible says keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God and be more ready to hear than to give the sacrifice of fools and oftentimes vows can be sacrifices of fools where people just don't even know what they're saying what they're doing and they just say something and you know God really just wants you to have the mindset and the heart where you're just ready to listen and receive from him more than offering up whatever sacrifice you're gonna vow to God be not rash with thy mouth rash it's like a skin rash it means you're too quick to say things with your mouth where you're just you're just allowing things to come out without thinking about them first be not rash with thy mouth and let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before God control your mouth especially before the Lord just control your mouth it really will get you out of a lot of trouble if you can just not utter anything and not allow your heart to be hasty right and what does that mean when you have emotions evolved involved when you got people coming against you maybe your pride gets hurt and you're you could be so quick to say things have control over that control your mouth be not be let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before God for God is in heaven and thou upon earth therefore let thy words be few for a dream cometh through the multitude of business and a fool's voice is known by multitude of words basically the more you talk the more likely you are to be saying foolish things and that's just a fact the fact that goes for everybody doesn't matter who you are I mean just you just keep open up your mouth you keep talking blabbing just letting your gums flap there's a lot more opportunity to say things that are foolish when thou vowest a vow unto God defer not to pay it for he hath no pleasure in fools pay that which thou hast vowed the Bible calls you a fool if you vow something to God and you don't pay it you are a fool that is a foolish thing to do better is it that thou shouldest not vow than that thou shouldest vow and not pay suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin so don't let your mouth write a check that your body can't can't cash right don't don't be saying these things were you saying don't let your mouth to cause your flesh to sin because that is a sin you're gonna get yourself into a world of hurt when your mouth is just saying these things and making these sacrifices and making these vows to God and then you don't pay neither say thou before the angel oh it was an error oh I made a mistake oh I didn't mean to say that look man it comes out of your mouth and you're responsible for it you can't pull back and retract words once they leave your mouth you just can't it's impossible wherefore should God be angry at thy voice and destroy the work of thine hands you want God coming down on you and destroying your work then watch what you say watch what you vow for in the multitude of dreams in many words there are also diverse vanities but fear thou God and I want I'm gonna stop with that verse so we go back to Psalm 76 but because that's still a theme that we're finding in Psalm 76 is having the fear of the Lord having the fear of God we've seen God having his place in Jerusalem at the beginning of Psalm 76 and God's mighty defense of that place and then the foolish people that come against it they don't have the fear of God they don't care they have no regard for it but then God's gonna show himself strong and then God will come and save the meek of the earth and then that reminder in verse 11 from Psalm 76 vow and pay unto the Lord your God let all that be round about him bring presents unto him that ought to be feared bring the get God's worthy of the gifts in the presence but he's saying look you made a vow now you pay God's delivered you show your gifts show your sacrifices to him right he ought to be feared verse 12 he shall cut off the spirit of princes he is terrible to the kings of the earth and I've got a few other passages I want to look at just along these same lines that are that coincide with the the spirit of a Psalm 76 as well there's there's other places that kind of reference things very similar look at Psalm 2 just flip back to Psalm 2 real quick God cuts off the spirit of the princes he's gonna bring them low ever how high and and lofty and they're lifted up in themselves and in their might and God just cuts them off and he's terrible to the kings of the earth terrible meaning he instills terror people are the kings of the earth will be terrified by the Lord they don't start off that way right that they didn't in this chapter they think they're they're so great and high and mighty and they're full of themselves but when God comes down to judge what God comes down to save when God comes down to make himself known that's when he's terrible to the kings of the earth that's when they're gonna understand the terror and the fear of the Lord it needs to come down and to be experienced look at verse number one of Psalm 2 the Bible says why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed so we see here the the kings of the earth being referenced again but this is again at the beginning the heathen the kings of the earth they're just set against God they don't care about God at all they have no regard for the Lord and they're just gonna do what they want to do in fact they're gonna fight against the things of God verse 3 says let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh the Lord shall have them in derision so God just thinks it's funny that these kings of the earth think they're so powerful that they're gonna do anything against the Lord it's comical it's a joke and it is a joke because the thing formed talking to him that formed it like what like I made you you think you can do anything against me like that's ridiculous but then look at this says verse 5 then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sword displeasure so yeah at first he finds it kind of funny but then he deals with them yet if I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion and there we have Zion mentioned as well like we did in Psalm 76 I will declare the decree the Lord hath said unto me thou art my son this day have I begotten thee ask of me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession thou shalt break them with a rod of iron thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel be wise now therefore oh ye kings be instructed he judges of the earth serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling kiss the son lest he be angry and he perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little who can stand before the Lord when he's angry right isn't that the thought that we also saw in Psalm 76 blessed are they all they that put their trust in him one other place Hebrews chapter 12 bringing it all back to Zion these themes are found throughout Scripture so especially in the book of Psalm there's always it's very thematic and and a lot of basic truths that are found many multiple places in Scripture but I like finding those connections still too because then you could you can still search them out more and hopefully you take some notes and then you go back home because there's always more to learn especially when you start seeing more of these connections and you'll find I could guarantee you if you go home and study this stuff you'll find more a lot more things that I didn't even bring up that I might not have even seen right but but I'm trying to offer up a little bit a little bit of spiritual meat here and doing some of the work for you and tying together these passages that clearly are very closely related so that you can also go back and study them out a little bit more and find more similarities and learn just some more truths about this subject and you say well it's a real basic subject yeah I know but there's just so much to learn and to absorb and even some of the most basic truths look how old am I how old am I forty something forty six I have to do the math I don't I know my birth year it's hard enough to remember what year it is so okay forty six is not that old well don't say anything if you disagree you could you could you could just do me a favor and keep silent all right I don't think it's very old but the older I get in the years that pass it's it's amazing just how much one how much wisdom there is in the scripture but even some of the most basic things like basic truths how much you can continue to learn about even some relatively rudimentary things but but the more you study the more you learn you kind of see I don't know more broadly you can you can see how it plays out better more clearly like the way things work in this world and you can you know the more of this you know like I said even the basic things even just like Psalm 76 it's a very basic understand it's not super deep or super complicated in what it's teaching right and it's something that's found throughout scripture but the more you experience the more you see out in the world there's just so many more angles that you get to understand then from God's Word on some of these most simple basic things and I just bring that up because I don't want anyone getting to the point where you think like oh yeah well it's just about this again or something you know and kind of what you're gonna do is you're gonna turn off your brain or you're gonna turn off your heart because if you think you have this know-it-all attitude then why is God gonna show you anything more so don't ever and even look if you go and visit other churches I know something you'll probably find a lot more repetition and I've experienced that but if you go in ready to hear ready to learn God can open up your understanding I remember going to churches in the past before I was even a member of faithful word and going to the churches where they might just read one verse and then talk for 15 minutes or 20 minutes and then that's all you get but I when when I would go that this is wasn't always but when I would go ready to learn and ready to hear oftentimes something would be said that would be triggering something else or I'd be looking down at my Bible and kind of reading a little bit more into the context and I'd walk away learning more and the same can be said I believe just in general when you're going to seek the truth from God's Word and you don't have the bad attitude you have the right attitude to say well through John 3 16 I know everything about John 3 do you really though do you really even a simple versa it's like you'd be amazed and if you haven't experienced it then just keep reading keep studying because I guarantee you will so many passages that you think we're just super clear you just understand it and you understand the service meaning and just like well yeah of course well how many times can it can we go over this there is more to learn there is more and and there's more that you see ring true and there's more the more you get God's Word in your heart the more it helps you in your decision-making the more it helps you to see things in this life and the direction that other people are going the direction that you need to go the direction that the world's going and and literally understanding all of these things and having God's Word more in your heart and more refreshed and going over hey if God is bringing things up frequently then that means it's just that much more important for you to have in your head and in your heart so yes can the Psalms be kind of repetitive yes they can but that means that we need that repetition in our minds and in our hearts to help us in our life so I mean I hope that you you feel the same way and you get you get the excitement out of the scripture and the Word of God because there is so much here there's so much I encourage you to look up some of these other passages some of these I'm just reading through really quickly and there's a lot there there's a real lot here and I just I'd literally don't have time to run down every rabbit trail of the cool things and connections you can make between these passages so last place we're gonna look at I know we already got done with Psalm 76 Hebrews chapter 12 has some more insight into the same subject material that we got from Psalm 76 we're gonna start reading there verse number 18 Bible reads for ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched and that burned with fire nor unto blackness and darkness and tempest so what is the mount that might be touched and burned with fire Mount Sinai right where the law was passed down where they saw that great fire on top of the mountain where Moses went up received the Ten Commandments right and if even if an animal was to touch the base of the mountain they're gonna pierce it through with a dart right verse 19 in the sound of a trumpet in the voice of word so it says ye are not come unto that mount by the way just in verse 18 and the sound of the trumpet in the voice of words which voice they that heard and treated that the word should not be spoken to them anymore again referring to everything that happened with Moses for they could not endure that which was commanded and if so much as a beast touched the mountain it shall be stoned or thrust through with the darts and so terrible was the sight that Moses said I exceedingly fear and quake but ye are come unto Mount Sion and unto the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels so before we continue reading here a little bit more this is the New Testament application of Psalm 76 Psalm 76 look I'm not arguing that it's talking about Jerusalem and Israel and in Sion of the day and of the time and where God had his name placed and and yes that is the primary application of Psalm 76 and that was the place where people go but look we're in the New Testament now one stone is not left upon another the temple has been destroyed God has removed his name from that place it's not there anymore those are not the people of God but a people who were not called the people of God now are called the people of God because look that without that olive tree that branch has been plucked off and others have been grafted in let's keep reading here this this is this is the New Testament view this is what we look for it's about the heavenly Jerusalem about that Mount Sion not the one that physically was there that was on fire and we got the commandments from but no the heavenly Jerusalem verse 23 to the General Assembly and Church of the firstborn which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel see that ye refuse not him that speaketh for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth and who was it that refused him that spake on earth much more shall not we I'll just let you answer that for yourself much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven I'll tell it to Jews all right the Jews whose voice then shook the earth but now he hath promised saying yet once more I shake not the earth only but also heaven and this word yet once more signifies the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear for our God is a consuming fire and look the the the teaching is always there look don't let yourselves get lifted up just because the Jews were broken off just because Israel was replaced as a nation just because that happened to them don't just let that get to your head and think oh yeah we're so great and we're so much better because God could just as easily replace you and don't forget you need to serve the God our God with fear because our God is a consuming fire like don't forget who God is ever the world at large yeah absolutely but you know what believers to don't get so lax and comfortable with the Lord that you forget that our God is a consuming fire yeah we better just serve him acceptably with reverence and with godly fear that'll keep you humble and not get all full of pride and lifted up in yourself see a people that just thinks that they're just so special you're gonna start losing the reverence you can start losing the respect you're gonna start thinking that you are so special and you're lifted up and God warns against that no stay humble remember our gods are consuming fire he's a God of love but he's also consuming fire he's both our heads have a word of prayer your Lord thank you so much for your word thank you for all the wisdom found in Scripture Lord please so many times as I stand to study and read dear Lord I just feel like I'm just barely scratching the surface and God obviously we could only handle so much of the truth I pray that you would please work with us continue to work with us Lord we thank you for long suffering thank you for your mercy dear Lord we struggle against the flesh every day please help us to get the victory over the sin in our life please open up our understanding to your word God show us the deep things of your word help us to understand and to also then be able to teach others and and to continue to spread your word as the truth and to bring more people to Christ God thank you so much for this church and for everyone here God please bless our church help us to grow build this church dear Lord and Lord we love you it's in Jesus name we pray amen all right we're gonna sing one last song before we are dismissed for the evening brother Peter will you please lead us Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh