(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh The stronghold baptist church if you can grab your hymnals and open up the song number 244 It's all 244 amazing grace Oh Oh Oh Oh Thank you so much for that amazing grace Bless us and allow us to come together and gather and just listen to your word preach father just to learn Live life better christian You allow us to focus on what's going on in the moment lord and put behind us everything else that's going on outside the Church father allow us to focus on your word As it's preached and allow us to be able to sing praises unto you lord where we love you In the name of jesus, amen So 196 I will sing the wonder story Song 196 Sing Yes Is I was bruised Sing Is Me He will keep me Yes Amen all right great singing this evening church good to have you all here with us on a wednesday night at stronghold baptist church At this time i'm going to go through our announcement So if you don't have a bulletin just slip your hand up real high one of our shows will get one out to you keep your hand raised until Uh, you get a bulletin And if you would open up to the first page You will see our service time is listed there sunday morning at 10 30 sunday evening again at 5 p.m Wednesday night 7 is our bible study We've got the soul winning opportunities listed there as well as our salvations and baptisms for the month of june And then the offering totals down there at the bottom also received through the month of june Let's go ahead and count up if there's any salvations to report for the week. Just slip your hand up real quick Six amen, wow, that's great Was that the same place you did last week or it's a new place Same place you finished it Wow One one week gets one another week. It's six. Well, that's that's good. Good. Yes, sir two yesterday Brother austin One on sunday great Separate that from the other ones on sunday we had 17 on sunday. So that was awesome awesome day uh Did I miss anyone else anyone else have solving numbers to report? Oh, very good. Keep up the good work preaching the gospel It's very important Uh, let's do the prayer requests Do we have any updates Not that i'm does anyone have any updates on people who are on our prayer list right now No, all right, and we also added um, there's a man christian Who's been coming to our church lately? His wife is pregnant. So we pray that that pregnancy goes really well and then um, the ricardos are looking for a new house, so they're asking for prayers and God leading them to a To a new home where they can be close to church and find something uh that will be Where god would have them to live and then the churches and pastors were praying for mountain baptist church In fairmount west virginia, uh pastor robinson is the pastor of that church pray for pray for him pray for his family Pray for the ministry on the next page Big event coming up the five-year anniversary. It'll be here Before you know it the 24th. So that is What is that's a week from sunday? So this this that weekend that's saturday and sunday. We got a lot of things That are going to be fun. Now. I I do finally have the uh inflatables rented So we're going to have two Water features there's like a big water slide. I think it's like 18 foot water slide inflatable And then there's another one that's going to be for for probably for some of the younger children That's a bounce house and water slide combo So both of them are water We just obtained I just purchased a snow cone machine for us For the church that's I i'm with you on that one brother would this is long overdue It's taking I can't believe it's taking us five years to get one of those things But we actually we own it now It costs like 60 bucks to rent those things 60 or 70 bucks every time we do it It's just kind of like i'll spend 80 and just get it to get one for us This makes a lot more sense. So I mean i'm sure we're going to be doing this again So we've got a popcorn maker already that we purchased we've got a now we've got a snow cone machine So it'll be a lot of fun and of course i'll be looking for volunteers Right before that just to help keep an eye one on the things we're going to have the bouncy house and stuff back here Oh, and the other thing with the inflatables, too I got I got a good deal on them except we have to do the setup. I have to do the setup So i'm picking them up from the company on friday and then drop bringing them back on monday So we'll have them all weekend so that when we do the soul winning on that saturday It'll be available to go up and kids will be able to use it on that saturday afternoon I don't I don't really have hours or anything. It really depends on who's here and who's going to be willing to Take care of it, you know and get it secured for overnight if you're going to be here But we will have it available to be able to use I'm getting cones. We have little cones. I'm going to get some bigger cones and just completely block off I already talked to the landlord about it. No problem at all We're going to block off both sides of this so we'll have Guaranteed to have no traffic going back here. Well, I mean as much as possible, right? We'll deter traffic from going back there I should say I mean they're just cones. It's not like we're able to put concrete blocks up or something, but We're gonna we're gonna keep that area closed and then also so then like next week Uh or this this week, I should say this weekend coming up this sunday Anyone who wants to help just make sure this area is clean We there's a tendency to get a lot of broken glass and stuff back there i've cleaned up broken glass many times back here But especially with water stuff. We really want to make sure the kids aren't going to cut themselves on anything. So, um, Of course i'm going to do another round when we get the inflatables, but it'll help out a lot If anyone wants to just go back there get a broom get a get a dust pan and just just make sure there's nothing out there that looks dangerous for the kids to step on especially and Um, that would be very helpful. I don't think there really is but you never know. I mean there's people go back there and whatever Uh, so just just check that out, uh on sunday when we're here a little bit longer be helpful and Trying to see if there's anything else about that Event. I mean it just could be awesome pastor. He is going to be here on sunday And then yes, leslie Signing up. Yes. Thank you very much Of course or something we got the sign-up sheet now for the food for eating on that sunday for that afternoon Because everyone is going to be Eating with us that's here at church on that after the morning service. We'll be having food provided lunch provided and um, All we ask is that people just just help out a little bit do a potluck. We'll bring in some sides and um church will buy the the meat and the beverages and And some of the things like that and then if you want to sign up for stuff the sign-up sheet is there Now so, uh, you can go ahead and sign up tonight or sunday or whatever and Really looking forward to that And like I said, we've got the we've got a grill so we'll be setting that up soon and Looking forward to it's going to be a blast. We should have a really good time I'm also going to see if I could get one more thing But I don't want to say what it is yet in case we can't so but that requires a phone call I wasn't able to order that online. So i'm going to see if we could get one more Kind of like a fun thing for the kids But this but the water play the water stuff the water slide that's you know adults kids that's that's able to hold enough weight so You want to bring a swimsuit, you know have at it or a change of clothes or whatever? um you know, it'll be fun if you want to do that on saturday instead of on sunday because you don't want to Feel shy Come on out on saturday. We'll have we'll have a little bit of fun and um Anyhow, it's it's going to be it's going to be great. We have a good time So so join us for that. The sole winning is 9 30 to 12 30 On saturday and then we'll be playing around a lot In the afternoon and in between the church services so you don't want to miss that and please be inviting people You know, let them know about this event that we're having and and especially if there's anyone you've been talking to It's just a great opportunity to bring it up again If you've already talked to co-workers friends, whatever. Hey, come on out check out our church. You're gonna love it It's gonna be a great time You know, we'll get some lunch you have some fun and I don't know. Maybe we'll get some some cornhole going on or or whatever. Like we'll get some some other activities some other things going on Uh, just hanging out having fellowship. So looking forward to that. That is just in a couple weeks We got the june challenge is to give the gospel Attempt to give the gospel to at least one person every day of the month Hopefully you're keeping up with that It's not the easiest challenge, but it's definitely rewarding Uh, i've had many conversations this month that I might not have normally had as a result of this challenge I know there's many other people who could probably say the same thing and uh really is a blessing so Hopefully you're you're continuing this challenge with us. We got the bible memory passage there hebrews chapter eight We are on week two of seven for memorizing this chapter And of course you'll earn a prize by being able to quote that word. Perfect We've got the upcoming birthdays and anniversaries listed there for the month of june Is it what date what's today's date? Is there a birthday today? Is today the 14th it is Oh Too bad. I was looking if josh jr is here and he's not but happy birthday to him anyways um You're missing out on the ice cream my friend Yes, you get ice cream if you're here on your birthday Or just show up to our anniversary. We won't have ice cream, but we'll have uh snow cones so And I was able to find syrup. This is even better because that we bought it It took me a while, but I found syrup that doesn't have high fructose corn syrup in it, too For those of you who care about that. I don't know if you do or not. I do so I found some that has real sugar in it, which um, and not that sugar is that great for either but At least it's better than the processed sugar so it's one one one step above the uh the junk sugar All right. Uh, let's see. We're almost done here men's preaching classes this Saturday so come on out men. You're interested in coming that class 10 o'clock right here And then pastor angstrom will be preaching for us on july 5th and that is about it for our Announcements so yes, sir. Oh Yes I've been meaning to bring that up about every service now since sunday morning. So, um Brother lindsay is our new head usher. He's been an usher here for like since we started pretty much And i've i've decided to put him in charge of all of the ushers since we've had multiple men that have been interested And becoming an usher so if you came to those Uh meetings or that meeting that we had earlier in the year a few months ago Um, and you know go make sure you speak with brother lindsay. He'll explain how we're going to be doing the scheduling and and what's going to be expected and it's it's just going to be much more ordered so He is he's in charge of of all of that so follow brother lindsay's lead on the ushering And we've already have You know people who have gotten involved. I know brother austin's gotten involved in brother chris logan and brother michael so all of you can can speak to Brother lindsay and he'll make sure you talk to him after service today if you're here and then he'll Get you on the same page and and make sure everyone knows what's going on and and from moving forward He'll be the point of contact for making sure You know what day you're supposed to do what and and everything else when it comes to all the ushering, uh ministry. So um I've been talking about that. Thank you for for bringing that up and Yeah, i'm really excited. We got a couple more offering plates for the ushers. So that'll be helpful in their service as well And oh, we also have a bunch of new spanish bibles now finally, I know it's been sought for for a long time And i've been the reason why I hadn't gotten them in the past is because I was trying to find a source other than chick Chick publications. So if you if you're if anyway if you're not familiar with chick publications They make a lot of materials For soul winning like these tracts chick tracts real common But I hate them because they almost all have a false gospel They'll have something about repenting of your sins in order to be saved and it's very works-based lordship type salvation type of tracts So I didn't really want to purchase them from that source, but it kind of seems to be the only source that's available for getting the rvg Bibles in in a in a format that is affordable to give away freely and distribute so Um We got them now the thing is What my the people who are putting them out and restocking what we have on the bookshelf? Make sure you open them up and get rid of the tracts that they have in them. So we're going to be doing that You know, we did that tonight. So anything that's out there right now does not have one of their tracts I just don't want those tracts going out into the hands of The people that were given these two because it tells them that they have to repent of their sins to be saved Which is not what we're showing them, which is not the gospel. So We are Just I just want everyone to be aware of that So if you're like if you notice hey We're out of these spanish bibles and I need some and you go back to the supply room and you grab them. That's fine That's great. Help yourself. Just be aware that those things are in there and and take them out. So Um, and and you should be able to tell the difference too the the ones that are sealed They're sealed in plastic. Every bible is sealed in plastic. So if you see one that's sealed in plastic Open it up and then they're like right inside the front cover. It's not hard that hard to find just just grab them take them out throw them in the trash and um yeah, so What else did we buy? I feel like we bought a few Excuse me a few extra things. I don't know the big the most important one is the the snow cone machine It's not a snoopy snow cone machine But it is a a shaved ice maker or whatever snow cone maker so that is what i'm all excited about, you know, spanish bibles are cool, but All right, i'm gonna stop talking now brother peter come up lead us in our next song please 209 sunshine soul It's on 209 You see this on the verse there's a sunshine in my soul today In any earth There is sunshine My soul today Oh Is My soul today Is There is So All right church and while the offering plates are being passed around if you open your bibles That's a hope song chapter 60 next week do customary here at stronghold baptist church We're going to read the entire chapter. That's brother michael recorder Is That is psalm chapter 60 psalm chapter 60 the bible reads Oh god thou hast cast us off thou hast scattered us thou has been displeased. Oh turn thyself to us again Thou has made the earth to tremble thou has broken it heal the breaches thereof for it shaketh Thou hast showed thy people hard things Thou hast made us to drink the wine of astonishment thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee That is made displeased because of the truth sila That thy beloved may be delivered save with thy right hand and hear me God has spoken in his holiness I will rejoice I will divide sheikham And meet out the valley of sucketh Gilead is mine and manasseh is mine ifriam also is the strength of mine head Judah is my lawgiver mob is my wash pot over edom. Will I cast out my shoe? Felicia triumphed out because of me Who will bring me into the strong city who will lead me into edom? Wilt not thou oh god which has cast us off and thou will god which does not Go out with our armies give us help from trouble for vain is the help of man Through god we shall do valiant, uh, violent valiantly for he is it is that shall tread down our enemies Let us pray Father god, we thank you for your word. We thank you for this church and god We are just so grateful for the souls that have been saved We're grateful for all that has been done as far as through this ministry And god, uh bless pastor burzis with the words you have for him to speak allow him for allow for him to speak in boldness Allow for him to preach whatever you have for him to preach place on his heart Whatever you have for him to to speak in your word. We say this in jesus name. Amen All right, so psalm 60 we're gonna dig right in here, of course there's a lot of um, Real similar content, you know, so the themes Here in in the past 10 salt we've been doing this for about 10 weeks now We started psalm 50 and a lot of them are really uh related But they all have their own um Observations in them and they're definitely different even though Thematically, they're very similar. So let's dig into this one and see what we could glean see what we could learn From the word of god tonight. Look at verse number one. The bible says oh god Thou has cast us off Thou has scattered us Thou has been displeased Or turn thyself to us Again, and we see and we see this a few times in this passage the um seeking out god So after god has already Been displeased with with people here with the children of israel or even just with you personally, you know Say hey god, you've cast us off. You've scattered us. You've been really angry with us. You've been displeased But turn back to us again And the only reason to turn back to them again is because they're saying hey we're going to turn back to you god Please, you know come back to us. Don't just cast us off forever You know come back and be with us verse two says thou hast made The earth to tremble thou hast broken it Heal the breaches thereof for it shaketh and one of the things that we're going to see again I'll say this from the very beginning Is the concept of the forgiveness and being able to move forward right no matter what his his is going on Especially in the lives of believers, right? This is what we're talking about here The children of israel are representative the children of god. We apply that spiritually you're a child of god You're part of the children of god, you know, even when when christianity as a as a whole People who are believers as a whole have kind of strayed away from the lord. Look we need to get back and and Seek god again and ask him to say look god. I know you've been displeased with us But but turn back to us again We know you had to make the earth tremble like like at this point saying you've had to do some pretty severe things But but help us to heal now, you know You've broken us now now help us to mend help us to be healed and get back to where we need to be Verse three says thou hast showed thy people hard things thou hast made us to drink the wine of astonishment and Often times when it comes to our sin when it comes to where we're wrong those are hard things Right hard things to deal with and the truth from god's word Many times can come across as being very hard hard to deal with and this is why we call it, you know hard preaching And I am a big fan of hard Preaching man. I love to hear hard preaching. Why? Because we need to to know the truth we don't need anyone filtering it watering it down Censoring withholding the word of god. It's not going to do anyone any good Now, yeah, it might smack you right in the face It might at first be like oh man what you know What have I done But it gives you the opportunity to get right You don't want to continue doing the wrong thing and continuing for god to be displeased with you Because you don't even know what the right way is And yeah, it may be hard and you know the right way commonly is hard The easy thing to do is the wrong thing going the way of the world going the way of of giving up Turning to substances turning to whatever to to just focus your life on That's the easy way Now it's hard in the long run to live that life It's going to do a toll on you on your body on your joy. You're not going to have any of that stuff But being able to say no to your flesh, that's hard Right being able to walk in the spirit and die to to self daily. That's not the easy path That's the hard path But that's the right path And we need this hard preaching the right way is not always easy Sometimes it's hard to be confronted with our sins, but it's needful It's what we need as the bible says in isaiah 58 the instruction for the prophet isaiah cry aloud spare Not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression in the house of jacob their sins This is part of what's really important a poor message from the word of god is for people to just hear and see their sins And be able to realize hey we've done this wrong That's hard preaching But in this desire notice here though it is the hard preaching that's bringing them back to god This is where you get your true revival moments with people especially saved people right Of getting back to god wanting to get right is it's not coming from the soft Everything's okay really watered down No one's really making a stand and kind of alluding to what the bible might actually say that doesn't stir people up I'm, sorry, it doesn't it's not very motivational The people who just want to tiptoe around what the bible actually says You know who gets stirred up? It's the people who hear the word of god and hear it very clearly It's just real plain and it just says hey thus saith the lord And people like and will respond to that people god's people when they hear the word of god will respond to that I mean how many people when whatever it was you got exposed to whatever preaching you heard, you know, whatever you were doing in your life Can can I get a witness On on people whose lives have been changed And you are on fire for serving the lord because of the preaching you've heard That was just not withheld and not and not held back at all and you just heard the preaching of the word of god Amen I mean I know for a fact with my life Even just finding a church It's just kind of like you go to this church and you kind of hear nothing and you go to another church And there's really not much of anything going on and look I should have had the character to stay in church and not forsake the assembling of the believers because there were believers being gathered together But you know what? It's not until you actually sit down. It's like man, here's someone preaching the word of god Here's someone just making it plain which was another instruction that god gave to his prophets Hey make it plain make it easily understood help the people to understand lay it all out there Here's the word of the lord, you know raise up your voice lift up your voice like a trumpet Make sure we can hear you make sure it's clear. Make sure you're not leaving any room for doubt Oh, no, what's true? What's not? Hey, this is what the god what god said. This is what the bible says This is true. This is false any questions Right that that's the preaching that needs to be done And you know what that's going to be some hard things and that's going to cause people to understand Hey, the lord's been very displeased with you But that should also then Produce a godly sorrow in your heart to want to turn back to the lord and be like god. I'm sorry I didn't realize it was so bad because this world has gotten into my head And made me think that it's really not that big of a deal But apparently I needed to hear the word of god to understand. No, it really is that bad And then maybe I needed to be brought really low Which is what had to happen here because he says look you've made the earth to tremble you've broken it Can you heal it now, please? Can you mend us? Can you fix it again? You got through to us finally And sometimes that's what people need But you need to hear the hard things you need to to hear the hard truths You need to drink the wine of astonishment And just be like whoa What is going on what has happened and and and be confronted with the truth I love this in verse number four that has given a banner to them that fear thee A banner it's something to get behind it's a flag. It's a banner of the flag Right i've given you've given a banner to them that fear thee It's a it's a rallying point. There's something to come together about That it may be displayed. God doesn't want you hiding your banner He doesn't want the banner of the lord To just be and that's not the point of a banner right It's one of those things that I think in our modern culture in modern society. It's it's not completely just gone But normally when you think about banners people are bringing their banners out to war when there'd be armies marching into battle They'd be carrying their banner for their cause What are we fighting for? Hey, this is what we're fighting for and everyone rallies around that flag that banner going This is what it's all about. This is what we're fighting for And then they'd lift up their banners and they'd raise it up high and they'd set it up high For everyone to know hey, this is what we're gathered around I mean, that's what motivated most of the uh The american people in our culture today to stick back like to join wars and get involved in things like world war two is like You know when the american flag stood for something that was a lot more righteous and wholesome than it does now Unfortunately now it's that doesn't really have seem to have the same meaning as it used to But who cares about that banner, you know what god gave gives a banner who cares about the banner of the state Care about the the banner of the lord And god has given a banner he's given a banner to them that fear him That it may be displayed and he says this that it may be displayed because of the truth You should have no embarrassment and no shame In in waving this banner and carrying this banner up and and put it up there real high And make sure everyone can see hey i've got this banner It's the truth you don't have any reason to back down no one can call you out on having this banner because it's not a lie There's nothing to be ashamed of in the truth You've got the word of god. Hey Put it out there on blast put it out there for everybody to see We've got the word of god. We've got this great banner on high that god has given us This concept is all throughout the bible we see in the new testament a lot especially turn if you go to luke chapter 11 Actually, let's go to luke chapter 12. I'll read luke 11 33 The bible says no man when he hath lighted a candle putteth it in a secret place Neither under a bushel but on a candlestick that they which come in may see the light like the whole point of having That candlestick when you have that candle it's because you want to illuminate you want to shine the brightness You're not like I want this candle, but i'm gonna hide it Like the kids do when they're staying up late reading at night and they get under their covers with their flashlight, right? That's not how we're supposed to be with the light that god has given us Not like the kids who are trying to hide and make sure no one sees this light Why because they're doing things they're not supposed to do Right But when you're doing righteous when you've got the word of god, hey make sure everyone sees that Everyone needs to see that light especially in this dark world Luke chapter 12 verse number three the bible says therefore Whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light and that which ye have spoken in the ear In closets shall be proclaimed upon the house tops and I say unto you my friends Be not afraid of them that kill the body and after that have no more that they can do But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear fear him which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell Yeah, I say unto you fear him The things that you learn the things that you hear, you know, you hear them in secret you learn them in in, you know in your house, maybe Reading your bible early in the morning late at night god's showing you things saying, you know That's the type of stuff you need to proclaim from the house tops You may have received it In in a in a quiet place in a in just no one else around But what you've received from god you need to proclaim upon the house tops And then he follows that up with the with the warning of saying hey don't be afraid Don't be afraid of the people that Basically, all they can do is kill you. That's like the word like like at the end of the day What can they do? They can take your life No, it's a real threat. No one wants to just lose their life, right? I mean, I don't want to lose my life. I like my life. I want to keep living my life But god's saying it's it's more important that you Don't withhold and that you preach from the rooftops, even though there's people that may want to take your life You do it anyways and instead of being afraid of them. Hey, you know what? There's someone that could not only take a life here, but then also cast into hell That's what you really need to be afraid of Not just the man that can take your life be afraid of of almighty god All powerful god, that's who you need to fear And and if god is saying I want you to proclaim this from the rooftops and that's what we do Because who cares what man can do? We're not here to please man But you know what your flesh wants to please man We need to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh Isaiah chapter 13 the bible says this Isaiah 13 verse 1 the bible reads the burden of babylon which isaiah the son of amos did see Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain Exalt the voice unto them Shake the hand that they may go into the gates of the nobles I have commanded my sanctified ones I have also called my mighty ones for my anger Even them that rejoice in my highness He's talking to the same group of people who's talking to believers And a lot of isaiah I believe has is very prophetic Not just talking about that's definitely very prophetic in a short-term sense But isaiah specifically I believe is also extremely prophetic in a long-term sense as well In in a fulfillment to come That hasn't even happened yet So there's definitely a lot of the shorter term things that have already happened that isaiah fulfills But we see even more to come and i'm going to keep reading from isaiah 13 But I think that we can see this applied also Uh from revelation chapter 19, but i'm going to keep reading here in isaiah 13 because what did he tell him? He says first of all isaiah 13 one starts off the burden of babylon what we know is a babylon to come Right, there's there's definitely the babylon from back then there's the babylon that came in and took israel captive And then ultimately babylon then was destroyed Right, and there's lots of prophecies about that that were fulfilled with at the fall of babylon from way back in the day But there's a future babylon to come That's prophesied also in the book of revelation And I think many of the things that we saw happen in the past Will also come to pass in the future now The burden of babylon and he says lift you up the banner upon the high mountain what the banner the banner of the lord Exalt the voice unto them shake the hand that they may go into the gates of the nobles I have commanded my sanctified ones I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger Even them that rejoice in my highness the noise of a multitude in the mountains like as of a great people a tumultuous noise Of the kingdoms of nations gathered together the lord of hosts mustereth the host of the battle. Thank you, sweetheart They come from a far country from the end of heaven Even the lord and the weapons of his indignation to destroy the whole land How will ye for the day of the lord is at hand it shall come as a destruction from the almighty and again? We have a reference to the day of the lord And it's not to say that there can't be another day of the lord that was earlier that already came and destroyed But we do know for sure that there is a day of the lord that's to come absolutely undeniable Where there's going to be? Cosmological events there's things happening in the heavens, you know Uh that have not happened yet. That is also called the day of the lord. So These references we see this we see this lifting up the banner on high. We see this call to get behind the lord We see these events stacking up. I'm going to compare this now with revelation chapter 19 Verse 11 Bible reads and I saw heaven open and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true And in righteousness, he doth judge and make war His eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written That no man knew but he himself and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of God so here we see jesus christ on this horse on this white horse coming to judge and to make war is what the bible says And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean now We're not seeing any reverence to an actual banner in the description in revelation chapter 19, but that's who we're following It's what he stands for. It's the kingdom of god. It's what it represents. That would be the banner that we're following It's the banner that jesus christ would wave And here we see a people that can follow jesus christ. It says an out of his mouth go with a sharp sword Uh, excuse me verse 14 and the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth go the sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he shall Rule them with a rod of iron and he tread at the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty god And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written king of kings and lord of lords And the people who are following the saints that follow christ. They have no reason to be ashamed no reason to To not be inspired and to just go forth at the command of god and and ride And go forward under that banner It's it's a banner that can be displayed because of the truth Let's go back to psalm 60 Don't ever be ashamed of the bible don't ever be ashamed of the word of god It is a banner that is meant to be displayed because it is truth It's funny because if you're going to have pride about anything if you're going to want to Exalt anything or lift anything up and say hey everybody look at this. It should be the word of god It should be the truth. It should be something like this something that's holy something that's righteous something that's perfect and not Sin and debauchery and wickedness and vileness and abomination How in the world does a society get to the point where it's saying We're going to call some of the worst things in the world We're just going to lift this up as being great and i'm just going to show my pride in all of this. It's it's disgusting It's so completely backwards It's astonishing that even unsaved people Can ever swallow that that complete reversal of what's right? And just and just the exaltation of wickedness in the trampling of righteousness It's insane it's insanity It's a satanic society that even that even tolerates that Let alone promotes and and is no problem with that got no problem with your pride Got no problem with your filth got no problem with you going after the kids lord help us Lord help us No, this is what needs to be flown And this is what god's people need to be standing strong on when people want to come at you And try to make you embarrassed or ashamed and like well, don't you know the bible says yeah, I do know what the bible says actually You're the one that doesn't know what the bible says. You definitely don't believe what the bible says, but you know what I do And i'm not like one of these stinking hypocrite christians that want to pick and choose what they want to believe on the bible I believe all of it I think it's all good and it's all the word of god and it all should be stood upon and never back down from Not one bit ted cruz Not one bit phony christian Not one bit, you know you political christian that wants to say everything that the the talking heads on the conservative right movement want to say You know what? Why don't you get your your face in the word of god and and love the word of god for what it says Because it is truth and why don't you hold it up high And not be embarrassed or not being ashamed or want to bring religion into politics You know what religion is truth if it's if it's the word of god if it's the bible it's the truth It supersedes your politics What are you gonna are you gonna put politics above god's word you can put politics above the truth It's ridiculous nothing is above the truth Back in psalm chapter 60 look at verse number five the bible says That thy beloved may be delivered. Let's get this into context again that was given a banner to them that fear thee That it may be displayed because of the truth sila that thy beloved may be delivered save with thy right hand and hear me He's given us the the the banner And we have no reason to fear and he says that thy beloved may be delivered save with thy right hand and hear me God hath spoken in his holiness I will rejoice Now this is this is from from God's perspective now right when it says god has spoken his holiness. I will rejoice I will divide sheikham and meet out the valley of suckle. This is what god's going to do He's going to divide sheikham. He's going to meet out the valley of suckle. Gilead is mine and menasseh is mine Ephraim also is the strength of mine head judah is my law giver This is what god's going to do god's happy now to see his people come back to him and and is now willing to to Lead again in battle and to provide that banner for them and to allow them to continue to go forward Even though he's already been displeased with them. He's still giving them. Okay, here's the banner now, let's move forward again And he's not done with his people And he's willing to keep going forward now this this reference to judah being the lawgiver is actually mentioned quite a few times In the bible, but i'm just going to read one reference for you from genesis chapter 49 When uh when the children of israel were being blessed the bible says in verse number eight Or not necessarily being blessed depending on what tribe they're talking about judah 49 or genesis 49 verse 8 The bible says judah thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies Thy father's children shall bow down before thee judah is a lion's whelp From the prey my son thou art gone up He stooped down he couched as a lion and as an old lion who shall rouse him up the scepter shall not depart from judah Nor a lawgiver from between his feet until shiloh come And unto him shall the gathering of the people be that's talking about christ being shiloh Shiloh being come is christ. Jesus christ that comes he's saying there's not going to fail There's not going to depart from judah a lawgiver someone who's willing who's giving the law saying that place until Jesus comes that's why jesus came of the tribe of judah His lineage goes all the way back because it fulfills this prophecy going all the way back to genesis Of the coming of christ shiloh jesus christ that ultimate lawgiver that's going to come Because after him then they don't need any more lawgivers because he's the final lawgiver Binding is full unto the vine and his ass is cold under the choice vine He washed his garments in wine and his clothes in the blood of grapes His eyes shall be red with wine and his teeth white with milk again Just just referencing the the shed blood and what he did for us as the savior Giving us more indication that we know that this is talking about jesus christ Judah's the lawgiver. Let's keep reading here verse number eight. Moab is my wash pot And overeat them while I cast out my shoe. So basically these other nations, you know, there's you have nothing to worry about God's saying you know what? You know what? Moab is to me my wash pot Like i'm gonna i'm gonna turn them over and and scrub them up and down and you know, they're They're nothing And and what over eat them I'm gonna cast my shoe Eat them. That's what I think of you. What was it? Who was that? Was that the george bush? Do you remember remember that? Does anyone remember that was like, uh, like, uh, they was at some press conference And and some guy got through and like he threw a shoe at him He's like representative of edam The judgment of god comes from like i'm gonna i'm gonna cast out my shoe at you george bush Edom, whatever Felicia triumph thou because of me Who will bring me into the strong city now? This is this is shifted again and sometimes it's not easy to tell but Uh, you know from god's perspective saying hey i'm gonna do this. This is my people i've got my lawgiver here But now it's it's it's back from from the the human perspective Who will bring me into the strong city who will lead me into edom wilt not thou oh god which had cast us off And thou oh god, which did not go out with our armies He's like who who's gonna bring us this great victory who's gonna lead us against his enemy? Well, it has to be god. Yeah, the same god that had cast us off the same god that wasn't with our armies He's the only one that's going to bring us in and give us a victory We have to trust in god The reason why god had left was because of their own wickedness The reason why god wasn't with their armies is because they weren't seeking god But now once you realize that but this and this is the great news and this is the great message And this is the hope that we have in the word of god is to be able to still gain God's favor to lead us and to defend us again even after failure even after you know being wicked even after doing things getting out of the Of god's graces getting getting away from the lord to still be able to come back and have god Receive us and not just receive us but be willing to fight for us again That's a good message the god that won't just forsake you Man I what what an awesome truth Here look at verse number 11 The bible says give us help from trouble For vain is the help of man. Like how are we going to get into edom? How are we going to do this? Well, it's only with god Because you know what at the end of the day vain is the help of man And talk about a theme that's been taught over and over and over again in scripture What I mean Many many many examples when the children of israel were lacking faith when they weren't turning to lord They're trying to trust in these other nations and these other countries to help them out and these other wicked people And when does that ever work out never? It's vain It doesn't last it doesn't help them. You can't trust in the arm of man the arm of flesh That's never who you turn to for help when this country is in trouble and we need some help we need some military Because look it's going to happen at some point you don't turn to England you don't turn to any country. I don't care who it is. We're definitely not turning to canada, you know, we're going to turn to Mexico we're not going to turn to whatever I mean name the country we're not turning to man for help What we need to do is turn to the lord Because the lord is the only sure Hope the only sure source the only sure strength the only sure deliverer So Vain is the help of man. It's empty There's nothing to it. It's not it's not going to give you what you think And in other countries that are looking to united states for help you don't need you don't need the help of united states Have god help you And this is what's so foolish If god is against the nation what nation is there going to be it's going to stand against god It doesn't I mean if god is against you Who could be for you Right Just that's the inverse of you know, if god before us who could be against us But if god is against you, I mean who in the world could be the only people going to be for you You're going to be people want to be destroyed also Like you want you want some of that destruction too? Go ahead join up with them Love those that hate the lord or that yeah And who god hates You're gonna find yourself in the same predicament the same condition Verse 12 through god we shall do valiantly For he it is That shall tread down Our enemies this psalm is all about having that right heart He's having the right heart after Not have having had the right heart after failing after after getting away from the lord But now getting back and and getting everything right and in treating the lord god be with us god heal us god Help us god still go out now and fight Our battles for us and you know what we're going to be encouraged We're going to be able to go out and fight valiantly We're not going to have any fear. We're not going to have any doubt We're not going to run away because god we know you're with us and you know what the battle belongs unto you Amen And we're not involved in the physical fight we're in a spiritual battle Maybe you've been struggling spiritually and you feel like you've been beaten Well get back up Follow the banner of the lord And and be encouraged to do valiantly Because god's the one that gets the victory anyways We just need to follow his lead Flip back if you would to psalm 20 There's another reference here just to the banners being set up and And this is very similar to what we just read in this psalm in psalm 60 Enough to point it out and just make mention of it So Psalm 20 verse 5 the bible reads We will rejoice in thy salvation and in the name of our god, we will set up our banners The lord fulfill all thy petitions. So in the name of in the name of god is what we set up our banners for right? We we put Put forward that flag that banner for the lord verse 6 now know I that the lord saith his anointed He will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the lord our god It's the same concept of hey, we're gonna follow the banner of god. We're gonna we're gonna get behind the lord We're gonna know that god is gonna hear us. He'll hear his holy from heaven He will save and you know, we're not gonna trust in man vain is the help of man We're gonna trust in the lord some trust in chariots some trust in horses some trust in tanks Some trust in nuclear warheads some trust in in whatever weapon that man can come up with But we will remember the name of the lord our god Amen Because again at the end of the day, I don't care how many nukes you have God can cause All of the things that you trust in to go away and to come to naught Literally he could he could make the entire nuclear arsenal completely ineffective Now Man would look at an event where something like that would happen and say oh someone screwed up and someone did this and someone Did that and said, you know, no if God wants he could just make it so that they're just completely ineffective or they just go off in The land that wants to send them out instead of them being sent over somewhere else. I mean, whatever right? A whole infinite number of possibilities of things that could happen if god so desires A foolish thing to trust in And I don't I don't care how technologically advanced the weapon is. It doesn't matter A horse and a chariot a machine gun a laser Okay Sharks with lasers on their heads. I don't care what it is No matter how advanced you want to get don't trust in those things we trust in the lord Follow the banner of truth and it's there's no reason to hide behind that. There's no reason to fear and honestly And i'm not I didn't want to get into this but but Angels are real Devils are real too, but angels are real We've seen stories in the bible of angels defending people angels defending people of god that had no physical weapons on them I mean elijah wasn't armed. He didn't have like a bazooka when like all these these other armies are surrounding him and stuff But you know what god can defend and god will protect And that's why we just we trust in that And honestly no matter what happens and what goes on i'm a believer in being You know armed and and being ready to defend yourself and having that individual responsibility But really at the end of the day no matter no matter what and you know the children of israel and david That did trust in the lord. He did have chariots. He had horses But that's not where his faith was in what is going to save him and protect him Right some things are wise and prudent to have it's wise and prudent just like jesus Said hey, you know if you don't have a sword go, you know, sell your garment and get a sword Make sure you got a sword just like have it But that's not where your faith needs to to rest in that's not what we're trusting and it's going to save us It's it's it's doing the will of god It's it's it's marching under that great banner of the lord Lord That's what that's where our faith is that's what we trust in let's bow our heads have a word of prayer dear lord We love you, and we thank you. We thank you so much for for standing up for us We thank you for being there for your mercy for your long suffering that even when we do Wrong, even even if we we backslide and and just get completely out of serving you dear lord that you'll still be there when when we turn back and that you'll you'll answer our call lord that when When we want to when we finally are humbled And and want to serve you again and and we realize we hear the hard sayings we we drink the wine of astonishment dear lord and Come back to our senses that you're still there for us We we love you and thank you For being long suffering and merciful lord, and I pray that you would please just stir us up to to serve you more to to be edified and to Just going forward and and marching forth under your banner and and lord. We love you. It's in jesus name. We pray. Amen All right, we're going to sing one more song before we're dismissed for the evening brother peter, please lead us Right Okay Song 413 stand up stand up for jesus song 413 Better Stand up for jesus For Up for jesus Give me strength And watching Thank you You