(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you hi everyone welcome to stronghold baptist church grab your pindles and open up to song number 64 At song number 64 shall we gather at the ribbon? song number 64 shall we gather at the river? we shall gather at the river we shall gather at the river we shall gather at the river we shall gather at the river we shall gather at the river gather at the saints at the river and those by the throne of God amen amen brother john, can you open this up and do a prayer alright, let's turn to our next song song number 50 song number 50 peace perfect peace song number 50 peace perfect peace song number 50 peace perfect peace song number 50 peace perfect peace song number 50 peace perfect peace song number 50 peace perfect peace song number 50 peace perfect peace song number 50 peace perfect peace song number 50 peace song number 50 peace song number 50 peace song number 50 peace song number 50 peace song number 50 peace song number 50 peace pride peace enough our struggle soon shall cease in Jesus God soon has perfect peace amen Got it. Amen. All right, this time we'll go through our announcements. If you do not have a bulletin yet, zip your hand up real high. We'll make sure that we get one of these out to you. Keep your hand raised till our ushers get to you with a bulletin. If you open up to the first page, you will see our service times listed there Sunday morning at 1030 Sunday evening again at 5 p.m. Wednesday night 7 is our Bible study. We've got the soul winning opportunities listed there as well as the salvation and the baptisms for the month of March as well as for the year. Let's go ahead and count up if you have any soul winning to report, any salvation to report. Just slip your hand up real quick. We'll get those counted up for the week. Anything? All right. Well, very good. Keep the good work up. I know sometimes we go out soul winning and do not see people get saved, but we go nonetheless and just keep up the the efforts going out and preaching the gospel. We've got the offering totals on there at the bottom of the page for the month of March. Prayer requests on the next page. What was the what was the update? Unless you say got an update on Lonnie. She's still receiving chemo? Okay, so the last update that we received about Lonnie was that she's she just went to as a follow-up to see if there's new new growth of the cancer and there's not new growth. So that's always good news, right? That if they're stopping it from growing is good. Hopefully, you know, and we don't know very many details about about her, but hopefully it's it's not just not growing, but receding and depleting, right? That's that obviously would be the goal. So we continue to pray, but it's still good news. We like to hear always love to hear the good the good news of good updates as people heal. I don't I don't have any other updates. Does anybody else have any updates? Was she able to pass a stone or no? But it's not but it's not causing her the same problem at the moment. Okay, well yeah it's gonna take a while to heal the foot. So but all yeah so miss Miss Fay is doing better, which is great. It's good good to hear improvement. They're gonna continue to pray for her. Not as much pain and her foot is starting to do a little bit better as well. That's gonna be just a slow heal. You break your foot. It's one of those things that you kind of need to use. I imagine she's not just not moving. She's probably moving around. So yeah we'll continue to pray for her, but again good to hear that update as well. Continue to pray for Sure Foundation. I got a chance to talk to Pastor Thompson this week. Unfortunately they're not gonna be able to make it this year for our camp, but and actually I did, speaking of the camp, I did hear back from everybody at this point. So no one else is coming, which for those of you who were waiting on cabins, that's good news for you in in that regard. So there are still gonna be people who are sharing a cabin just because of the size and some of the people who requested cabins don't have very many people. So we have that, but I will give you all of those details then hopefully by Sunday I could have everything squared away. I had I had contingency plan already so but I just literally found out all the information yesterday. So we will have that all finalized and squared away and then start doing a lot more planning for that trip as far as volunteers go and people wanting to help to do different tasks, different things, different activities just to make it fun. Make it a lot of fun especially those of you have been there in the past you know what it's like. You know what a great time it is and everything we do there any activities we have of course everything is voluntary but we just if people like to organize things and we could put them on a schedule it's very nice for people who are there to decide if they want to come and join you or not and kind of be part of those different things and then of course helping out with some of the needs of the pastors that might be traveling and being in town is also helpful so we'll be looking for people to help with that and in particular Pastor Bogart is going to be in town from Cape Town South Africa so he will be visiting us and he's gonna be visiting a little bit longer than the whole camp so being being a foreigner we're gonna try to do our best to look after him as well as possible so I might be seeing if anyone wants to help on random days at camp or even outside of camp to be able to help with any anything that their family might need so again I'll keep you up to date I'll get a little bit more particular on some of the things that we'll be looking for help from and see who wants a volunteer but we'll get that schedule very very soon so we can try to get everything finalized and I'm planning on putting a video out there to to invite more people because we'll definitely have a bunch of campsites that are available so that's pretty cool unfortunately not all the pastors are coming that we invited but the ones I already mentioned that are coming are coming so the final list is well I just mentioned Pastor Bogart we have Ed Williams that was from sort of spirit Baptist Church we've got Pastor Anderson Pastor Jimenez Pastor Shelley and Pastor Robinson so should be great you don't even have you won't even have to listen to me preach if everything goes as planned you just get to listen to everybody else which which will be great and so yeah that's all week that camp which is listed on the back it's May 1st through 6th if you wanted to attend this and you did not sign up the signup sheets gone so you're gonna have to contact me personally and and let me know that you intend on coming you want to come all right continuing on the next page here with March challenge almost done with the month of March so the the prayer challenge for this month's pray every single day minimum 20 minutes spend at least 20 minutes in prayer and then of course praying for every single person on our on our prayer list here and who's who thinks are gonna get this complete like 100% done by the end of the month just to get an idea here cool very good excellent excellent very good obviously we're gonna have is we don't have nearly as many people's we normally do on Sunday so hopefully there's also a lot more on Sunday as well but we got stocked up on prizes again so we're gonna make sure no matter how many people complete the prayer challenge that were we're good and the Hebrews chapter 7 is coming to a close soon as well and I'm pretty sure love enough to cover both so that's pretty cool April challenge April starts April 1st which is what day is that Saturday Saturday is April April Fool's Saturday is National Atheist Day so fool said in his heart there is no God so Saturday is National Atheist Day and that's the beginning of our challenge which is to spend a minimum of one hour every day doing something spiritual so I'm open-ended with this particularly but but make sure you're you're dedicating time though you know again the the the spirit of the challenge is to dedicate time to the Lord so whether that be through your prayer reading you know Bible memory going to church do you know doing things ministering soul winning you know various activities like that we are but also we are focused on it okay so if you're doing a lot of work and distracted with stuff you know I'd be you know hard-pressed accounts too much of that time as time you're you're you're spending you know if like you listen to things like I listen to things all the time right but I'm not always paying attention to the things that I'm listening to so I could be listening to preaching or Bible or whatever but I'm not always focused on that so my point is don't just count that as if you're not even really paying attention you know it's it's it's focused time that you're you're able to do now if you could get an hour out of listening to the Bible say for ten hours throughout the day okay that's fine but make sure you are you're spending time focusing on whatever activity it is that that you're you're you're there with it for that at least that amount of time each day so that's the challenge for the month of April we are going to be recognizing the Lord's Supper one week from today so next week April 5th Wednesday night come here and we'll be participating in that and I've preached on this in the past and I just want to mention you know this is something that you should judge in yourself there's a worthiness of partaking in the Lord's Supper which first and foremost is you are a born again believer in Jesus Christ like that is the that is the only way you could actually be worthy but I do think that there's there could be other you know like like if you're in just a lot of sin and stuff and just like especially like unrepentant sin or something you should I would not recommend participating you know in a time you should be doing a self-reflection and and obviously none of us are perfect but you know I preach through that I don't want to get in all the details on that because this is I'm preaching on that that just just be conscious and just kind of be thinking about that and it's a somber event we're gonna be treating you know reflecting on the the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us obviously is victorious but it's also you know we're we're kind of gonna be reflecting on everything that was done the whole sacrifice that was made similar to Passover but you know with with the Lamb of God blood being shed we're gonna we're gonna think and reflect and recognize all of that as we partake in the Lord's Supper next week so hopefully you can be here for that it will just be taking part during our normal church service we'll be we'll be administering that and doing that normally we do that I think like either right after announcements or right before the preaching it'll be somewhere in the kind of in the mid middle of the sermon there or middle of the the service before the before the preaching though for sure and then so if you're playing and getting here and if you want to if you want to come and you might be a little late that's fine just just show up when you can and try to try to make it here for that continuing on here with announcements Bible memory passage so we've got about a week and a half left to finish memorizing Hebrew chapter 7 verses 1 through 14 first half of that chapter if you can quote this out loud to another person word perfect you will earn a prize for being able to do that upcoming birthdays and anniversaries are listed there I don't think we have anything today no we don't today's the 29th so we've got a few things coming up here and then on the back are the upcoming events the that are scheduled right now the home school field trip April 7th followed by the sewing marathon on April 8th that's all next week so next week Friday is the home school field trip next week Saturday is that soul winning marathon and then the camping trip is that first week of May it's gonna be here before you know it and my whiteboard arrived so I'm excited about that if you haven't been coming to our Sunday night service I'm going through a lot of end times events and going through a whole timeline so now I could finally start writing the key points on that whiteboard and we could follow a long week after we can continue to add to what we establish basically what I do is we're establishing from scripture just certain events and we're just gonna put that on the whiteboard and right now we don't even have a time frame because we haven't proven it from scripture so we're not gonna just start off with seven years because well everyone knows they're seven years we're gonna prove the years the times and things as we go through this series that's the whole point so instead of just looking at a whole chart we're gonna be building it as we go so everything that gets placed on the whiteboard if you've been following the series you'll be able to say okay I know why this is here I know why this is in this order I know why it's been proven from scripture so we're literally just building this this chart and that's the whole point why I wanted to do it the whiteboard so then by the time we get to the end we could see you know the the big picture because each one of the the factors it's it's kind of a small chunk but there's a lot of scriptures a lot of stuff to look at it's not it's it's it's kind of complicated it's not difficult but it's kind of complicated in the sense that there's just a lot of things to look at so we want to get a full understanding of all these various pieces that that fit together and then you can kind of see the big picture at the end so that's the thought process with that so if you can make it out on Sunday night I encourage you to do so that's it for the announcements brother Peter please lead us in our next song all right church you open up your nose to song number 60 song over 60 face to face Oh Oh I Oh Oh in church offering plates are being passed around if you could open up your Bibles the book of Psalms chapter 52 the book of psalms chapter 52 as we do customary here at stronghold Baptist Church we read the entire chapter in Psalms 52 the Bible reads why both is that that excuse me why both is thou thyself and mischief Almighty man the goodness of God endureth continually thy tongue does but deviseth mischiefs like a sharp razor working deceitfully thou lovest evil more than good and lying rather rather to speak righteousness sailor thou lovest all devouring words without deceitful tongue God shall likewise destroy thee forever he shall take thee away and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place and root thee out of the land of the living sailor the righteous shall also see and fear and shall laugh at him lo this is the man that made not God his strength but trusteth in the abundance of his riches and strengthened and strengthened his himself in his wickedness but I am a but I am like a green olive tree in the house of God I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever I will praise thee forever because thou has done it I will wait on thy name for it is good before thy saints well if you could pray for us please thank you for your word all right so last week I made a comment on the titles of the Psalms and I was reiterate that tonight you know what while I don't I don't count them as authoritative as as scripture as as the preserved Word of God I have no reason to think that any of them are incorrect or wrong or anything like that and I'm bringing it up again tonight because I'm actually gonna be utilizing the the title for Psalm 52 here and and what Psalm 52 says before verse 1 starts is to the chief musician Mashal a psalm of David and that says this when doe egg the Edomite came and told Saul and said unto him David has come to the house of the him like now whether or not this is actually true of when this happened it's still the psalm fits perfectly with that event and this is you know as you see read these it's up they all fit perfectly with those adventures why I don't have any problem looking to them for any reason other than you know for as like a supporting document or whatever showing what the Psalms about I have no reason to doubt that that any of them are not you know I've no reason doubt the correctness of those titles and this one fits in perfectly with the content of this psalm and because of that we're gonna actually look at the story of doe egg the Edomite before we go verse by verse through some if you do the short psalm anyways nine verses let's go back to first Samuel chapter 21 because Psalm 52 describes doe egg the Edomite it describes people like him not just him specifically doe egg the Edomite was an extremely wicked person though and we're gonna see exactly what he did if you're not familiar with the story we're gonna go through it and we're gonna see how this psalm applies to him and then more broadly how this psalm applies to many people just just a type of person in particular it's a type of a wicked person I'm going to show you it's it's basically the wicked in the first part of Psalm 52 and then the righteous in the latter part of Psalm 52 but we're gonna start reading in verse number one in first Samuel 21 and we're gonna see so these of these are the events and when we read first Samuel 21 we're gonna read what actually happened we're gonna see the story for ourselves what happened David shows up he's fleeing from Saul it's all about Saul's has it out for him so he's he's just trying to flee he's got some of his men with him and they're just they're just kind of high tailing it out and he gets to that well I'm gonna read the story but but he gets to him like the priest and he's done he's looking for like hey man can you give us some food and every weapons here whatever he gives them the sword of Goliath and then we're gonna see how doe egg tells that same story to King Saul and the slant and the lies basically that he tells in recounting that story because the way doe egg tells it is not what happened and then there's dire consequences as a result so let's read this story verse number one in first Samuel 21 the Bible says then came David to knob to him like the priest and a him like was afraid at the meeting of David and said unto him why art thou alone and no man with thee so right off the bat a him like is uneasy at David's presence he can see he could tell that there's something that's not right he could tell us something miss him showing up there was not the norm it's not something that he would normally expect so he's a little just kind of skeptical what's going on at all but he doesn't know and and mind you David was he's a great mighty man he's served King Saul and been this great warrior and captain of the guard and just leading out the armies and bringing forth victories and really highly esteemed in the whole nation of Israel and even as someone in command under Saul but that's why he's just going like this is kind of odd this is out of place why are you just showing up here now kind of unannounced and just showing up out of nowhere just why are alone and no man with thee and David said unto him like the priest the king have commanded me a business and have said unto me let no man know anything of the business where about I send thee and what I have commanded thee and I have appointed my servants to such and such a place so David lies to him and he's just telling them well the reason why I'm alone meaning not without any of the king without the king's guys so he has people with him but but he doesn't have anyone anyone else that's in power anything authority with him and he's saying that like well here's a deal okay I'm on a secret mission right King Saul sent me away and and this is a secret thing so that's why you don't see anyone else here with me verse 3 says now therefore what is under thine hand give me five loaves of bread in mine hand or what there is present and the priest answered David and said there is no common bread under mine hand but there is hallowed bread if the young men have kept themselves at least from women so there is the daily offerings in the ten you know here for the Lord and the temple isn't built yet but there's daily offerings that the priests would offer and they would have the showbread that they would put out every day as fresh bread would be put out on a regular basis so what he's saying is I don't have any common but like I don't have any food in the back that like I brought a sack lunch or something or just food that's just would be for regular eating that's not sanctified it wasn't intended for use in the service of the Lord but I do have this bread the showbread but it's the bread that's been taken away so it's it's the bread that's been replaced and it just hasn't been thrown away so he's saying it's not common but it's also not holy in the sense of like we're taking it literally right out that the bread that's out that's supposed to be out on display is just being taken to and given for food it's it's the bread that was there and had been replaced so he's saying it's not it's not quite common but there is this bread here so he says there's no bread under mine hand but there is hallowed bread if the young men have kept themselves at least from women he's saying they've got to be like somewhat pure they've got to have at least I mean at least they've kept themselves from women right like they're not they haven't been sleeping around haven't done anything they're pure like to be able to partake of this bread which by the way this ties in just quick side note to the point I was just making during announcements of partaking of the Lord's Supper you know the body and bread the bread that we eat and the juice that we drink is symbolic of the body and blood of Christ and it's it's hallowed similarly like this bread is is hallowed and like the priest was saying look I mean I know you're not perfect but at least they kept themselves from women then okay you could partake in this bread and it's it's gonna be similar to that so verse 5 says and David answered the priest and said unto him of a truth women have been kept from us about these three days since I came out and the vessels of the young men are holy and the bread is in a manner common yay though it were sanctified this day in the best way saying well it's kind of common now even though it's already sanctified so he's kind of you know dealing with them on this and talking it out saying yeah I mean I know it was sanctified but it's uh it's it's common in a sense verse 6 so the priest gave him hallowed bread for there was no bread there but the showbread that was taken from before the Lord to put hot bread in the day when it was taken away so I already explained this part but I wasn't just making that up right it says who's in the passage I knew it was coming later verse number seven now a certain man of the servants of Saul's was there that day detained before the Lord and his name was doeg and Edomite the cheapest of the herd men that belonged to Saul and David said unto a himalek and is there not here under thine hand spear or sword for I have neither brought my sword nor my weapons with me because the king's business required haste so I'm on the secret mission but I had to leave right away I didn't have time to get anything do you have any any weapons here because I'm gonna need something as I as I travel on can I can you help me out right I'd had to leave right away that's why I don't have anything verse 9 says in the pre said the sword of Goliath the Philistine whom vows Lewis in the Valley of Elah behold it is here wrapped in the cloth behind the Ephod if that will take that take it for there's no other save that here and David said there is none like that give it me now him giving him this sword like that's all that was there first of all second of all David killed Goliath I mean if anyone would have a right to take Goliath sword in a time of need why wouldn't it be David I mean he slew Goliath it's Goliath sword so you know that's not that big of a deal for him to take that and notice David's being real hush-hush and secretive and say no this is you know I'm on a special job from the king and no what no one could know about this I need these a few supplies and then we're out of here right don't need him I'd hear he witnesses all this stuff that's happening David's not trying to do anything against all according from any information it's given here like there's there's no stories of that there's no talk of King Saul other than him like like just asking him like well what's going on and be alone easy about what's happening and him actually doing his own due diligence of just asking the questions like this is kind of odd this doesn't make sense why are you here but he's given told the story no reason to think that David be lying about this there's no you know should be no problem with the events that happen here now flip over to chapter 22 beginning of chapter 22 so basically King Saul just starts whining and complaining and no one cares about me and no one likes me and how come you guys couldn't tell me this and it starts going on and on bellyaching about how pitiful he is and no one caring about him okay and then we're gonna pick up in the story we're going to eat him I pipes up so now he's going to give him some information verse number nine then answered doe egg the Edomite which was set over the servants of Saul and said I saw the son of Jesse coming to know to him like the son of a high tub and he inquired of the Lord for him and gave him vittles and gave him the sword of Goliath the Philistine so he gave him vittles that's true he gave him the bread he gave him the sword of Goliath the Philistine that's also true but he did not inquire of the Lord for him in the story that we were able to read that's not something he did well inquiring of the Lord means like seeking seeking God's blessing and guidance and saying okay well here's what you need to do and you're gonna go into your own kind of getting this instruction from God he didn't do that for him he was just asking David what he was doing he did not inquire of the Lord for him and see Norman people inquire of the Lord it's one that when they're about to go into battle like that's the common context of people going and inquiring of the Lord because Saul thinks that David's like out to get him and he's gonna take over the kingdom and all this other stuff he's real paranoid about this and he hated David because of that he wanted to kill him because David had more popularity David you know it was obvious and then especially by this point that the spirit of Paul departed from Saul and the spirit of the Lord the spirit spirit of Paul spirit of the Lord was upon David and not upon King Saul so he is already concerned and worried and and and wanting to cling to his kingdom and his power and everything else so he's paranoid and then eat it this this Edomite pops up don't like the Edomite and Edomite is a son of Esau right not the son of Jacob Jacob is Israel Esau is Edom and just spiritually they represent you know Edomites the carnal the wall the the not the chosen seed not the seed of promise but but Israel of course is the children of God and the children of faith and things like that so spiritually that's what they represent and it's those no it's also being brought up multiple times that doe egg is an Edomite because that has significance for that reason not because every child of Esau was some child of the devil but spiritually speaking that's what they represent so doe egg beating an Edomite here he's representing an evil person a wicked person or a child of the devil in what he's doing here now we're just getting started he just starts off by he tells him truth but then he throws in there that David inquired of a look you know that that he inquired of Lord for David that wasn't true then the king sent to call him elect the priest the son of a high tub and all his father's house the priests that were in knob and they came all of them to the king and Saul said here now thou son of a high tub and he answered here I am my lord and Saul said unto him why have you conspired against me thou and the son of Jesse in that Dallas given him bread and a sword and as inquired of God for him look at this that he should rise against me to lie in wait as at this day that's where you get more of a context of the inquiring of the Lord for him that he didn't do he wasn't there seeking anything about so he was actually trying to run away from Saul he's not planning an attack he's not planning a coup he's not he's not trying to do anything contrary to Saul he's just trying to stay alive and flee and that we know just throughout all the context of the story you know you could read all that another time so he's already now been fed this false information about this conspiracy going on now him that's an answer him in verse 14 says then him like answer the king and said and who is so faithful among all thy servants as David which is the king's son-in-law and go with that by bidding in his honorable night house I basically like how could I not give David food and a sword like like who's more honorable than David in your kingdom than you like like if I'm gonna do this for anybody why would I not do this for David like like how could this be a problem verse 15 says did I then begin to inquire of God for him be it far from me so he's answering the false allegation he see answers the first one of giving the food and the sword he's like well who's more honorable than David but why shouldn't I help him out but when it comes to the inquiring of the Lord for him against you like that didn't happen so he's trying to set the record straight or be it far from me let not the king impute anything unto a servant nor to all the house of my father for thy servant knew nothing of all this less or more they I I didn't know anything about what was going on I did not inquire the Lord for him none of that happened it's a total lie and the king said thou shalt surely die a him like thou and all thy father's house and the king said so I mean King Saul isn't a rage he's unreasonable he doesn't want to hear he already heard what he wanted to hear from Delag the Edomite Delag the liar Delag the the child of the devil getting in his ear and telling them his lies and feeding them what he wanted to hear because Saul was already and we didn't read that part but if you read the beginning of the chapter you'll see how he's just like he's seeking for this attention if they had Facebook back then he he's the one that's gonna be posting this stuff up just trying to get the sympathy from people oh you poor King Saul right like like that's what he's fishing for and Delag the Edomite's right there to go oh you know look I got something for you right here this will make you feel better as King Saul and then he lies to him and tells him what he wants to hear he wants to hear David's against him and he's crying and complaining about it so much it's like it's like that's what he just wants to hear from someone else and Delag feeds it up to him so now he's angry and now he wants to get this vengeance against a him like and not just against a him like but against his whole household he's like you're gonna you're gonna pay for this now look at him like as a priest of the Lord he's not just some random dude this is this is a priest in the service of God he was literally the one managing the showbread and and doing the work of the Lord actively when David came in he calls him out of that service to come and see him at this meeting and now just says look you're gonna die a him like so look at verse 17 about isn't a king said on the footman that stood about him turn and slay the priests of the Lord because their hand also is with David and because they knew when he fled and did not show it to me so he's trying to justify you to kill him because you're there with David and he knew when they left and he didn't come and tell me because he didn't know it was even a thing he didn't know he was supposed to come and tell you he's your servant and now he's telling his his guys to go and kill him like in his house but look at this but the servants of the king would not put forth their hand to fall upon the priests of the Lord you know why because they feared God more than they feared man and with the God we had more people in authority in power that would not just harken to the voice of their boss when they tell him to do something wicked when they tell him to go do something ungodly and go arrest people or be people or put people in pull you do things that people that do not deserve that at all and people I'm just doing my job no no you don't do you can't just say you're gonna do wicked and saying and have the excuse of I'm just doing my job God doesn't view that as acceptable that's why you need to have a fear of God above all else and these people did I mean they're not that far gone and twisted King Saul is the one who's twisted in his mind here on this and don't like the Edomite is that wicked guy under him that's gonna you know foment the flames he's gonna he's gonna make things worse Bible says there in verse 18 and the king said to Doug so it's like okay you guys aren't gonna do this then he turns a dough egg turn now and fall upon the priests and go like the Edomite turned and he fell upon the priests and slew on that day four score and five persons that did where a linen efod 85 servants of the Lord died at the hand of doe egg the Edomite that's a wicked wicked as hell guy man the other guys don't want to have anything to do with that go egg killed him I think doe egg was probably happy to kill him that that wicked snitch that wicked rat okay but now that he's a wicked liar because he's not just telling him the facts he's telling him a bunch of lies which ended up causing the death of these guys if he would have said the exact story to King Saul I don't think King Saul would have ordered their death if he would have said exactly that oh yeah well him like ask them what are you doing here this is kind of weird and then David lied to him and said that you sent him there and then he gave him bread and a sword because David asked for it and then he left with no mention of this inquiring of the Lord and being against him or anything like that told him the actual truth King Saul still would have been angry and upset and where is me and everyone's against me but I don't think he would have been so enraged that he would have gone and tried to kill 85 priests that's the working of bill egg to eat a mine that's the working of a child of the devil now with this story in mind we're gonna go back to Saul 52 because these first four verses of Psalm 52 describe the wicked describe the wicked doer the evildoer this is what's in their heart this is what's in dough egg the Edomites heart this is in those wicked people child of the devil doing wicked things verse one says why boastest thou thyself in mischief you brag about your own misdeeds misgivings men you know evildoings your mischief your troublemaking Oh mighty man the goodness of God endure continually it's like why would you boast in your mischief God's goodness is going to continue forever why are you bragging about your own troublemaking look at verse two thy tongue deviseth mischiefs like a sharp razor working deceitfully so now it talks about the tongue being used like a weapon a sharp razor working deceitfully telling lies well that's what doe egg was doing to King Saul he was telling those mixing in all those lies to just slander a himalek and David for that matter because David wasn't inquiring of the Lord against them either so that just just increased the the ire of King Saul verse 3 thou lovest evil more than good yeah you have to love evil more than good to kill 85 priests of the Lord if you loved good you would have been like those other guys like I'm not gonna raise my hand against the the Lord's anointed I'm not gonna raise my hand against the servants of the Lord 85 priests no well he loved evil more than good and lying rather than to speak righteousness see lot now look this is and this is why the we understand the wicked the wicked do or the evil person when the Bible is talking about specific type of person we all have told lies before now that the natural lie is going to be the one where you're trying to get yourself out of trouble right I mean that's probably the most common reason why people lie is I don't want to get caught I did something I'm ashamed of I did something I shouldn't have done I don't want to get caught so I'm going to tell a lie about it that's how the vast majority of people end up telling lies you just want to cover yourself these lies though these are intentional lies it had nothing to do with him he's just going and stirring the pot and causing more problems for other people just to get people in trouble just to cause problems and to make mischief and he's using his tongue like a weapon to get people killed I mean that that is a whole nother level of deceit and lying that your average person just simply does not do the average person look your center your average center does not just go around trying to get people killed with the words it's a whole nother love of wicked of wicked doing loving evil more than good hey we're all sinners like I said but evil is when you're harming people there's many sinners who have harmed others through their actions but normal people don't love that that's not like you're getting great enjoyment out of hurting other people usually when sit when your average sinner commits evil against someone it's because the consequence of their own actions or whatever you know they do something stupid but they're not just loving that evil it's a twisted perverted mind that loves evil more than good they love lying rather than righteousness they they're devising mischief so they're seeking this out they're planning it they're plotting it like a sharp razor working deceitfully like that like the the sodomite trends that mapped out and had plans to go and just kill a bunch of people at a Christian you know school or church and in Tennessee that wicked doer that child of the devil sodomite that's going around and planning and plotting to go in and kill children and kill whoever just comes across their path and planning it out and making sure they've got everything ready to go to go and kill the wicked doers says I love us all devouring words about deceitful tongue keep your place here in some could be to flip back to excuse me it's a proverb chapter 4 we're going to read some more passages about the wicked because this is a type of person that's being described in Psalm 52 don't need am I is one of those wicked people you say well King Saul commanded him yeah he did King Saul has been real wicked that point too but you know what King Saul didn't raise his hand and kill himself either he has commanded it now I'm not trying to downplay the wickedness of commanding the death sentence on those people but I'd be willing to guess that if everybody refused he would not have probably picked up the sword himself and and carried out the sentencing he may have I don't know but probably not because he was already commanding other people to do it not just doing it himself anyways if he was gonna go and do it himself he probably would have done himself he's commanding other people do it now but doe egg wanted to see it happen doe egg is stirring the pot and trying to make this happen and giving the king false information about it too in the king's defense he didn't know what happened and what transpired with David in a him like maybe King Saul wanted to believe it but he was he was given the information and told that no they're plotting against you he was seen crying of the Lord against you Saul and you know when when people are in power and a king like if someone's coming to threaten the throne basically they're committing treason to try to overthrow you and come against you then then you're gonna you know they end up killing the people who are you know committing that type of a transgression against against the king of trying to overthrow the king that that that would have been more more of a not to kill all of them but like you know it's a little bit more in the realm of justice if all those facts were true which they're not and again obviously if God was leading him to do that he still wouldn't be right doing it but my point is there's more justification for King Saul to carry out a sentence like that then there is for doe egg the Edomite who knew everything who knew the truth who witnessed it all and then just blatantly lied and then carried out the death it wasn't even enough because you could have said oh yeah well he didn't know it was gonna go that far well maybe he didn't but then when as soon as it did he had no problems killing them all either that's the wickedness of doe egg the Edomite look at verse number 14 in Proverbs chapter 4 Bible says enter not into the path of the wicked and go not in the way of evil men hey have nothing to do with those guys stay away from wicked people as far as possible have nothing to do with them don't be hanging out with them at all avoid it pass not by it turn from it and pass away but you may not be wicked like they are you hang around with wicked people though you're very likely to be caught up either in there you're in their traps or just as collateral damage verse 16 says for they sleep not except they have done mischief that's in their heart that's what they're looking to do he's like they can't feel like they've accomplished their day and go to sleep unless they've done something wicked and wrong and their sleep is taken away unless they cause some to fall for they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence that is a type of person so when the Bible talks about the wicked the vast majority of times it's talking about someone who's got like a reprobate heart these are people who are just don't have the conscience it's seared with the hot iron because that's the only type of person that's going to be able to take this much pleasure and just seek out the harm and pain of other people flip back to Proverbs chapter 2 verse number 12 the Bible says in Proverbs 2 12 to deliver thee from the way of the evil man from the man that speaketh forward things who leave the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness who rejoiced to do evil and delight in the forwardness of the wicked whose ways are crooked and they forward in their paths flip back to Psalm 140 not that far back from Proverbs to Psalm 140 there's 150 Psalms go back to Psalm 140 in verse number one the Bible reads deliver me o Lord from the evil man preserved me from the violent man which imagine mischiefs in their hearts continually are they gathered together for war they have sharpened their tongues like a serpent adders poison is under their lips see la keep me o Lord from the hands of the wicked preserve me from the violent man who have purposed to overthrow my goings the proud have hit a snare for me and cords they have spread a net by the wayside they have set jinns for me jinn is a trap this is what they're about look back to Psalm 10 Psalm 10 I'm gonna start reading verse number two the Bible reads the wicked in his pride does persecute the poor let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined for the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire there's that you know reference to boasting but the boasting of his heart's desire but he has a wicked heart and blesseth the covetous whom the Lord abhorth the wicked people bless those that God hates the wicked through the pride of his countenance will not seek after God God is not in all his thoughts his ways are always grievous thy judgments are fall above out of his sight as for all his enemies he puffeth at them he hath said in his heart I shall not be moved for I shall never be an adversity his mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud under his tongue is mischief and vanity he said it in the lurking places of the villages and the secret places that he murder the innocent his eyes are privately set against the poor he lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den he lieth in wait to catch the poor he doth catch the poor when he draws them into his net it's likening this wicked guy to the the king of the jungle right this great predator of a lion who's kind of crouched down and just waiting and biding his time to pounce on the unsuspecting prey of the poor people and to destroy them and that is a wicked heart of a wicked predator that's out to destroy people this is the heart of the wicked this is the heart of dough egg the Edomite the Bible says in verse 10 he crouches and humbleth himself that the poor may fall by his strong ones now it's all about humbling himself it's not talking about his pride decreasing it's talking about him laying because that he crouches and then humbling means he's low because he's physically low because he's trying to show like like that he's not a threat and then draws them in and then sets the trap it's nice it's not it's not an a heart humility it's a physical humbling of literally going going low he had said in his heart God hath forgotten he hide at his face he will never see it that's the pride of the wicked doer who thinks that they could get away with stuff from God and you can turn if you'd like I'm gonna read from Romans chapter 1 very familiar passage this also describes the wicked the wicked doer that we've seen in all these other passages and Proverbs and in Psalms and in Psalm 52 and then again here in the New Testament we see them and and this is all throughout the scripture we talked about we could see these characteristics of people who just had who are wicked at heart their heart is just completely evil and they're no good they could put on a front they try to deceive they lie in wait they set traps they make people think one way about them but their heart is black it's darkened it's it's has no light in it at all and just seeks to do evil and mischief that's a predator and when you know someone has a seared conscience that's why you know people say well how could you say you know that all homos are predators and pedophiles because when your heart is darkened and your conscience is seared okay you have the heart like the Bible describes here so they may not have have actually defiled a child yet but they're plotting and planning wicked things against people because they're evil and as Romans 1 says it explains that that person is given up to this mind to the reprobate mind verse number 26 in Romans 1 the Bible says for this cause God gave them up onto vile affections what were those vile affections for even the women to change the natural use into that which is against nature there's a natural use of a man and a woman coming together and having a family and then there's an unnatural use of the body against nature women with women and likewise also the men likewise means in the same manner leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meat say but I know that doesn't sound like like you know some fairy I know it work or at school or whatever like it doesn't matter if that's what it sounds like this is we're gonna see what the heart is like I'm serious about this people talking about that the the thing because I still don't even know if how it was born a man woman because there's all these reports now of transgender and so it's a transgender this means you're a cross-dresser okay and I don't know which was first to how it was born so it's just an it to me because I you know you hear these conflicting things and you see things you don't even know what you see anymore am I looking at a man I'm looking at a woman they do that on purpose and when you when you when you hear reports of neighbors and stuff it's like oh yeah you know we should play basketball over there or whatever see if people could seem normal people can seem fine on the outside and oh yeah that person's real nice I'm sorry how nice is the heart of the person that could go and kill some nine-year-olds random people just going to start shooting children you want tell me how nice that person is that person's a monster that person is a black wicked heart that has no light in it and it's been hidden and people didn't know it but you know if you know the Bible the Bible tell you about what's inside the heart and it tells you who's been given over to this reprobate mind at least at least to some extent we've got some things here we've got we've got one instance here where it says that God gave them up onto this stuff which people already knew about that person it says in verse 28 and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient reprobate means rejected he gave them over to that rejected mind verse 29 now is going to start listing off all the characteristics of these people being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whispers backbiters haters of God despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same so even though they know they know that the Word of God says that those that do these things are worthy of death not only do they just do them anyways but have pleasure in them that do them pleasure in the lying lips pleasure in doing evil just like Psalm 52 is talking about it's talking about the same type of person they actually get pleasure in that stuff it is so messed up and backwards to the point to where most normal people would not think that that is possible but what people have to start I mean hopefully the world and our culture especially can wake up to what's going on there's a reason why you have to be force-fed that sodomites okay no they're good no you need to promote there's a reason I have to force it on you because just naturally being around them you understand that they're disgusting and perverted they have to try to force it on you but what unfortunately most people don't know they just want to just kind of look the other way and it's like whatever yeah I like that stuff but just I don't want to deal with it because they don't know what how how wicked the heart really is of those people it is that bad read Genesis 19 where the word sodomite comes from where they get their name from that is the end result of people who are given over to a reprobate mind two angels come to town and what does sodomites want to do to file them and destroy them angels show up into town and that's what they want to do because that's what's in their wicked heart and that's what they get pleasure from doing evil to people and you know what from that story to when you go back and reread it sometime they know they're doing evil because when a lot when lot comes out and tries to defend them and tries to say hey don't do so wickedly on these people they say hey now we're gonna do worse unto you than we thought to do one of them worse we're gonna do worse they know they're gonna do evil and they said no we're gonna do worse unto you they know what they're doing is gonna be evil and wicked and bad to those people but they like it they love it because the perverted sodomites that's what's in their heart and when you have enough of them around like in a whole city they get away with a lot more that's why God rained fire and brimstone down on Sodom and Gomorrah it's not pleasant it's not nice but it's the truth and people need to wake up to the truth get some wisdom from the Word of God and stop the depravity or else expect to see a lot worse things coming our way I'll read this for you in Proverbs 6 verse 12 the Bible reads a naughty go back to Psalm 52 Proverbs 6 12 says a naughty person a wicked man walketh with a forward mouth he winketh with his eyes he speaketh with his feet he teeteth with his fingers forwardness is in his heart he deviseth mischief continually he so discord therefore shall his calamity come suddenly suddenly shall he be broken without remedy the destruction will come on these people and there's no remedy for it means there's no fixing it there's no solution for it it's the destruction is just gonna come and that's it there was no fixing Sodom and Gomorrah it was just destruction that was coming on them and it came on them swiftly there's gonna be no fixing where in the in the last days when it's like the days of Lot and it's like the days of Noah and there's wickedness is just running rampant and deserve there's gonna be no fixing that because God's gonna just pull out fire and brimstone from heaven and and plague the earth and destroy it and there's no fixing that it's just destruction that's the end result of the wicked so in 97 10 says you that love the Lord hate evil hate evil he preserved with the souls of his Saints he delivered them out of the hand of the wicked we ought to be hating the evil not just ignoring it not wanting to have nothing to do with it hating it that's actively hating the evil it's not good enough just to not want to have anything to do with it you need to hate it Psalm 52 verse number five God shall likewise destroy thee forever this is talking to the wicked right we did the first four verses we're talking about the wicked and what's in their heart and they're devising evil and mischief God shall likewise destroy thee forever he shall take thee away and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place and root thee out of the land of the living Selah see you know it's kind of like an amen like like that's good praise the Lord because that is something to be rejoicing over is God bringing forth the judgment on those wicked wicked people and this is the part that man I wish this understanding could go forward about the Word of God about the difference between what the Bible calls as the wicked the reprobate person and your average everyday sinning Joe on the street because we should not have this sense of just everybody wanting to get judged everyone being under the wrath of God everybody you know we should want to see people get saved and bring forth the mercy and the forgiveness and the love of Christ and everything else and we do and we do want that and we want that for every unsaved person on this earth but you know what the wicked that's already been given over to the wicked reprobate mind that's already been rejected that has no hope for them and there's no remedy for them no we're gonna hate that there's no fixing that that's the small section the small subsection of society that we're not going to a lot but see that's the section that's the worst and the most wicked and wants to promote filth and pervert the world and get into the hearts and minds of everybody on this planet and try to make more children of the devil than exist already today they're out to proselytize and make people twofold more child of hell than themselves verse number six the righteous also shall see and fear so the righteous are gonna see what God does they're just the destruction of the wicked and fear God right because God's great might and power on these people it's still gonna cause why even righteous people are gonna be like I mean you're gonna see what God does and that that's gonna strike some fear in your heart but it is and shall laugh at the wicked person laugh this is the word of God you know what God's gonna laugh at the wicked too I'm not gonna turn there for sake of time but Proverbs one you go ahead and read Proverbs one the thoughts about hey I reached out the hand and you refused I called a nun did answer that I tried to get through to you I tried I was there for you I wanted to heal you I wanted to help you but you didn't want anything to do with me so now I'm not gonna have anything to do with you and now when your trouble comes when your trouble comes a whirlwind when all the hard times come on you and then you're finally brought low and you're gonna call on me I'm not gonna answer I'm not gonna be so when your fear comes like a whirlwind I'm gonna mock I'm gonna laugh at you that's what the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 1 go ahead and read it this is who God is now we need to reach people before they ever get to that point like that deranged psychopath that killed those people would to God someone could have gotten to her a little bit earlier now maybe they did that person probably understood the gospel and rejected it which is why they turned out the way they did and that happens all we could do is give the gospel people it's up to them to actually accept it but we want to try to get as many as possible to not you know to not end up like that and we're gonna see a lot more of that the more these these predators that's what they are are allowed to just roam around free in public and giving them platforms and promoting everything about them and trying to make it illegal to say anything about them or to you know whatever it's ridiculous for six again the righteous also shall see and fear and shall laugh at him lo this is the man that made not God his strength but trusted in the abundance of his riches and strengthened himself in his wickedness so people don't turn to God well I got I got enough money I've got enough wealth and I'm gonna strengthen myself in my wickedness and don't need God well you're in for a really rude awakening one day when you wake up in hell a couple more passages I'm a read verse Proverbs 11 27 the Bible reads he that diligently seeketh good procureth favor but he that seeketh mischief it shall come unto him he that trusteth in his riches shall fall but the righteous shall flourish as a branch and then Psalm 52 verse 8 but I am like a green olive tree in the house of God I trust in the mercy of God forever I will pray thee forever because thou hast done it and I will wait on thy name for it is good before thy Saints it's a contrast between a child of the devil and a child of God you can see the heart of a child of the devil is evil lies destruction misery child of God righteousness praising the Lord being in the house of God trusting in God's mercy all the good I mean that's it's it's good and evil wicked righteousness it's a simple concept and you know this concepts could be brought up time and time again throughout the Bible we see it we see the warnings and you know we all have have choices to make every day of our life don't don't be like the wicked you're a child of light we should walk as children of light we're not of the night we're of the day so live your life make choices don't don't go down the path and follow the way of the wicked and evildoers thinking oh yeah but that's so great may have so much money you know they have nothing to do with them if you have if you know any people like this in your personal life whatever just stay away from them you have nothing to do with them you don't want them rubbing off on you you don't want them influencing you you don't want to even be around them because you know what when their destruction comes it's gonna come quickly and you don't want to be around when that happens you want to be the collateral damage let's bow eyes have a word of prayer dear Heavenly Father Lord we thank you so much for your word we thank you for these words wisdom thank you for this great Psalm which is a song dear Lord I would to God we could have more even just some of our modern songs that would cover content like this and we see a lot of this in the Psalms and and Lord I pray that you please stir up the hearts of people who are musically talented we've given those gifts to you dear Lord to produce some great godly music that has a great content and truth in it dear Lord just like your Psalms have the truth in them Lord and I pray that you would please just help us to live righteously and to warn people about the wicked and how evil affected their heart really is dear Lord and God please protect us from evil as we go about to serve you we love you in Jesus name we pray amen all right we're gonna sing one last song before we are dismissed brother Peter will you please lead us by Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh