(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you all right good morning everyone welcome to stronghold Baptist Church if you can grab your handles and open up the song number 259 259 on the first Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh My church our next song is gonna be fell into Jesus song 351 Oh Oh Jesus Oh Jesus Amen welcome to stronghold Baptist Church at this time. I go through our announcements If you don't have a bulletin just slip your hand up real high one of our ushers We'll make sure that they get one out to you And if you open up to the first page you will see our service times listed There is always Sunday morning at 1030 Sunday evening again at 5 p.m.. Wednesday night 7 is our Bible study We're going through the book of Galatians. We will be in chapter 5 this week So I hope you can make it out for that We've got the soul-winning opportunities listed there as well as the salvation's in the baptisms for the month of May as Well as for the year Let's go ahead and count up the salvation's if you have any way salvation's report for the week Just lift your hand up real quick. We'll get those counted up. Yes, sir to on Friday Thursday so five total amen Awesome, so that would be And brother All right anyone else that I missed no For yesterday Yeah, I don't just just report them here like Generally going forward even if you post them in the group just this is this is what I write down all the numbers so Very good excellent all right keep up the good work obviously Great great job this week a lot of people giving the gospel Very very important down at the bottom of page. We got the offering tolls received through the month of May Prayer requests I've Cleaned up the list a little bit as you notice. It's not quite as long So if there's someone that was on the list that's been removed I just haven't heard any updates for a while or whatever and if they're still in need of Prayer you can just resubmit your prayer requests. We'll put them back on the list I just hadn't had time to really go through it for a while also So there's some people I think they've been doing pretty well for a while. So we They've been left on so Does anyone have any updates for the people who are currently on our list yes, ma'am So it's for his first treat he's got appointment a doctor appointment tomorrow, but there's treatments on Wednesday All right, and obviously that's very serious, you know how his spirits are doing like how he's overall Yeah Yeah Okay, so thank you for the update there Toby is having an infusion infusion Blood infusion treatment on Wednesday, so we'll play a say an extra prayer for him He has that aggressive MS and a very serious issue there. So please please pray for him. Anyone else have any updates? Bro Jared Okay good Amen is that and everything as expected pretty much like that's just recovering now Well Yep Very good. Thank you for that update very good news. And this is my seller Yes, oh That's not good so she just went back in Yeah Oh So are they thinking that might not be fully healed like the that it went down but wasn't it wasn't fully healed so Yeah Okay Okay Internal infections, is that fair to summarize? I'm okay All Right, so we're adding Cindy's sister back to the to the list, please please continue to pray for her Obviously, it's a big deal, especially if you go septic. It's a really really severe problem. So Pray for her healing and for her wound to heal Anyone else have any updates for prayer list? Yes, ma'am Okay Okay, so good update there's the best that you could expect I guess as Because she's only one right Okay Doing doing pretty well Thank you for the update there I Like hearing good news updates Praise the Lord for that anyone else have any other updates on the prayer list All right, very good, please please take a picture of these so you have it with you or bring it home with you very important to be in prayer for for all these people On The next page June challenge, so we started the month of June yesterday Hopefully you didn't forget about the challenge a challenge is to attempt to give the gospel at least one person every single day of the month so one of the harder challenges Admittedly, but one of the best ones in my opinion. I love this challenge it will cause you to Gain some boldness Maybe in situations where you might not be so bold to really be praying about it and thinking about it And the whole point of this is to be having sharing the gospel at the forefront of your mind Right that in your day to day when we get caught up in our routines We get caught up in our daily lives that we don't forget about Why we're really here and what the most important mission is and you've been entrusted with the gospel Jesus Christ so we should be sharing that and distributing that freely and And be mindful of of doing that day-to-day a daily basis it shouldn't just be At a given time or a place to give the gospel. It should be part of your life so I encourage everyone to participate in this and You know, even if you mess up and miss a day or something just try to do as much as you can Through this month that is the focus and I choose this month because we have the most daylight hours during the month of June so It's a great opportunity to catch people out and about and and you know Sees a lot of opportunities to share the gospel with people. So Encourage you pretty sure that so the next thing here is our church anniversary, June 23rd. I Decided not to have anything extra special on a Saturday Because there's a lot of things coming up here in a short amount of time But I encourage you Since this is going to be Going on in between the church services. If you normally go soloing on Sunday, you can still go soloing on Sunday, but Usually when we have our anniversary a lot of people don't because they're just gonna enjoy the the fellowship and the food and everything else The celebration that we have here So check out that Saturday soloing time over in Stone Mountain. There's a great group of people there and Get some get some of that soloing time in on Saturday or other times during the week but Like I said, we'll still have a soloing time on Sunday but typically not many people will be going on some at night as many people as usual because of this event, but It's gonna be a lot of fun. I reserved water slides like we've had in the past so there's one for the smaller kids one for the bigger kids and So be prepared to Have them get wet or you know, bring bring something change of clothes to be able to Change into and we have a lot of fun. We got the snow cone machine Popcorn, we'll have food burgers and hot dogs things like that. So it's gonna be a lot of fun so hopefully you can be here for that to celebrate our Anniversary on June 23rd and then the details now in the Greenville Church plant. So we've got dates The date is for June 29th that's a Saturday To do move-in so this is where I'm going to be asking people to help Both to load up a truck here with our supplies we got a lot of chairs and just other supplies that are going to be going to the church plant and Then also to unload and set up at the church plant. So You know any time that you can give is going to be very helpful and for those of you that live closer to here If you want to just come and help load the truck, that's great. We'd love to have you do that You don't have to necessarily drive all the way out and help us unload You can if you'd like and for those of you that live a lot closer to where the church plant is feel free to just wait until you know, the truck shows up and Help unload instead of having to drive all the way here and drive all the way back It's totally up to you what you want to do But That is the plan. So the plan is to load up here in the morning that Saturday morning I'll give you the full details as soon as I get all the the logistics figured out with the trucks that we're going to use To transport all the stuff we need to plan that out really well The goal would be to just transport everything up at once instead of having to do return trips So but I need to calculate the what we need to be able to do that So we'd leave here in the morning get up there probably close to lunchtime around somewhere around the noon hour We'll have some pizza or some type of lunch some type of food and then unload and start setting up the place on the 29th and then on the 30th There's gonna be an ordination service brother. John Carter is going to be our evangelist He's gonna be ordained as an evangelist to lead The plant to lead the soul wanting to lead all the efforts in the in the work that's going to be done in Greenville So we'll ordain him to be to have that Commission have that job to do this work of starting things up over there on the 30th and then the following Saturday July 6th, we'll have a sowing marathon in Greenville. We'll meet up at the church plant building and Go out sowing all day like we normally do so we'll meet up about 915 But the goal is to be on hitting the streets at 10 a.m. With with everything all of your Maps everything set up ready to go hit the town and we'll so until about 4 and then of course, we'll have dinner afterwards So if you want to join us for that we'd love to have you there and then of course the grand opening for the church plant is going to be on July 7th and The service times are a little bit different than what we're doing here So you can see the address there as well as a service time Is this gonna be Sunday at 10 instead of 10 30 and then in the evening? It's gonna be at 4 Instead of 5 what we do here, so it's a slightly different schedule But that's the those are the service times and then excuse me, Wednesday should say Thursday I got I got stuck in my head Sunday Wednesday all the time. That should say Thursday Sorry for the typo there Thursday is our midweek service Thursday at 7 During the week so that is all of the details there I Might do some kind of a sign up or something for especially for that first service I know I'm sure a lot of you people are really excited about this church plan. I'm super excited about it, too So I'm going to want to get an idea of who wants to be up there for the opening service and the old My only concern is I don't want to overwhelm The the first service too much With with people who normally come here So I'm gonna ask to do is that if there's a huge response of people that want to be up there to You know get some people maybe just to go on some other weeks Other than just the opening Sunday to be able to go up and show your support for the church plant and stuff like that Which is going to be helpful just going forward in general anyways With with having people there be encouragement for brother Carter and for everybody that's going to be attending there regularly So I know there's definitely be some people from here that are going to attend there regularly and that's great We love that. It's going to help that church get a great start with a good core group of people that are Faithful and and solid and soul winners and it's going to be a really good really good opportunity here So super excited about that. So stay in prayer over all of this stuff but these are all the things that are coming up in the near term in the short term and Yeah, if you have any questions you talk to me about the church plant after the service today Bible memory passage we're learning Hebrews chapter 11 verses 21 through 40. So the last 20 verses of this chapter Two verses a week. We were on verses 33 and 34 this week. We've got a few weeks left to finish this so hopefully you are Caught up with that if you're memorizing this passage and then down at the bottom of the page Upcoming birthdays and anniversaries for the month of June There's an anniversary today the senior millers, so I Don't see them. Are they here with us this morning or no? I don't see I'm here. So but that's really exciting We love Love the anniversaries in the church and then of course the birthdays are listed down there and then on the back That's it. So sermon notes on the back take notes this morning write down the passages and confirm that what you're hearing is correct and is what the scripture teaches what the scripture says so That's about it for announcements this morning So with that I'm going to turn the service back over to brother Peter who can lead us our next song Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Bibles the book of Proverbs chapter 16 This Proverbs chapter 16 And we do customary here in stronghold Baptist Church going to read the entire chapter Proverbs chapter 16 Depart from evil when a man's ways please the Lord he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right a man's heart devises his way But the Lord directed his steps a divine sentence is in the lips of the king his mouth Transgresseth not in judgment a just way in a balance are the Lord's all the weights of the bag are his work is An abomination to kings to commit wickedness for the throne is established by righteousness Righteous lips are the delight of kings and they love him that speaketh right The wrath of a king is as messengers of death, but a wise man will pacify it In the light of a king's countenance is life and his favor is as a cloud of the latter rain How much better is it to get wisdom than gold and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver? The highway of the upright is to depart from evil. He that keepeth his way preserveth his soul Pride goeth before destruction and haughty spirit before a fall better It is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud He that handled the matter wisely shall find good and who so trusteth in the Lord happy as he The wise in heart shall be called prudent and the sweetness of the lips increaseeth learning Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it But the instruction of fools is folly the heart of the wise teaches his mouth and addeth learning to his lips Pleasant words are as in honeycomb sweet to the soul and health to the bones There is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the and thereof are the ways of death He that laboreth laboreth for himself for his mouth craveth it of him an ungodly man diggeth up evil and his lip in his lips There is a burning fire a froward man. So with strife and a whisperer separates chief friends a violent man enticeth his neighbor Leadeth him into the way that is not good He shut up his eyes should devise froward things moving his lips He bringeth evil to pass the hoary head is the crown of glory if it be found in the way of righteousness He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he that ruleeth his spirit Than he that taketh the city the lot is cast into the lab, but the whole Disposing thereof is of the Lord. Let's pray dear God think for this day and let us be gathered here together in your house Thank you for this passage and I pray would be with pastor person as he preaches filling with your spirit And help us to apply the message to our lives to become better Christians and honor and glorify you better in Jesus name. Amen All right one more announcement that I forgot about before when we're going through the bulletin and that is that our church has purchased some admissions to the aquarium in Atlanta and We do this normally because we have the homeschool field trips and they usually get packages you get free guest passes and stuff And it turns out to be saving money even just going like the one time But it's also then nice to have where we got the membership so that if there's people visiting from out of town stuff like that it's nice to be able to take people out or you know have them do a nice wholesome attraction and Since the church bought this with the church funds we have them available For the church if you want to go and use them There's there's passes that you would be able to use. So just but you'll just have to request and Schedule it and then talk to my wife about it because there are special instructions on how on how to use them When you go through and stuff like that, so the details she could fill you in on that but basically they're available to use whenever you want to go and Use them so just plan it out ahead of time talk to Leslie about it. We got the passes for you and I think there's what eight passes. So There's there's a good amount. So if you want to bring a group you're welcome to do that so we got that for the next year, so just keep that in mind as something that is available through the church, so This morning June 2nd The month of June is a shameful month. It seems in our country these days and It is it goes without saying everybody knows what's being celebrated this month and it's called pride Pride and You know, I want to just say a couple things before I even Get started into the sermon because you know the detractors the people who hate our church or our style of church well Complain and say well, why do you guys always talk about this? Why is it? You know, why does this seem to be such a big deal? Why are we always hard to take first of all? If you listen to all the sermons, we don't always talk about this The Sermons like this are the ones that get all the attention because it offers the most feathers and it gets people the most angry Because we have a super wicked society that is embracing and endorsing Sin and not just sin but sin that is so vile so reprehensible and so bad That the Bible puts the death penalty on it. Okay, not every Sin in Scripture is a capital crime Not every sin carries that judgment in that weight. Not every sin is Judged by God raining fire and brimstone out of heaven and destroy entire cities Okay, so it's not just everyone's a sinner. So I you know, look we're gonna preach hard against all sin But what especially when we live in a society we live in a culture we live in a country that is the one Promoting this filth across the world See the world celebrates pride now But why is that because the United States of America is pushing the propaganda and pushing the wicked agenda to the whole world It's influencing and affecting just like Babylon does in the scripture the entire world And it needs to be screamed against shouted against it needs to be called out and People need to hear the word of the Lord and you know what it may get a little uncomfortable It may not be pleasant. I don't like preaching these sermons and I wish to God I didn't have to Because it's not fun It's not the the thing I really want to be doing this morning is talking about perverts and pedophiles But when we live in a world that just wants you to look the other way and just know you accept this and know you take this and know you wave The banner and know you better not say anything cross about them and you better embrace it and you better promote it or else Well, look, then I'm gonna stand up against it Tell them my sermon this morning is pride goes before destruction And that goes on all levels by the way And as I teach about pride Obviously, I'm gonna be focusing on the pride movement in this country, but don't forget pride itself is a sin That anybody can have Okay, anyone could get lifted up and full of pride in themselves, so Even though I may be directing the application towards one particular group of people Don't let that pass you by when it comes to pride Okay, you don't have to be a sodomite to be full of pride And the fact that pride goes before destruction Goes whether you're a sodomite or not Okay, so just just take that to heart But Occasionally when I preach a sermon I'll go to the dictionary and just pull up a definition and I did that for this sermon and and I Don't know why I still get surprised at some things that I see But when I just go and usually I'll just go to like dictionary calm Okay, it's pretty they've got a lot of definite a lot of resources a lot of things that I like about the site right You got a different dictionary that you like fine. I don't care, but this is just for common usage of words. It is accurate it is It works, but when I looked up pride The number one definition on there because they have three and and it's the capitalized one Which is why I think it was one. I'm just to be fair But here's what I said Pride's a noun and then the first the capitalized pride has a definition of recognition of LGBTQ identity Affirmation of equal rights and celebration of visibility Dignity, I don't know what's dignified about being a pervert. I really don't I don't know what's dignified About being guilty of a sin that's worthy of death. I don't know how it's dignified Dignity and diversity in the LGBTQ community formally referred to as gay pride And listen to this so below the definition They have examples of like how that could be used in a sentence And this is it look this is dictionary calm. Okay. I'm not inserting any of this go check it up for yourself later It says the primary mission of our new Student organization is pride Do you catch that our new student organization So who is who's pride targeting like they're targeting the kids They're targeting the youth because they're trying to brainwash the next generations that are coming up And you know what they're doing a pretty good job of it Because there's not enough of the older generation standing up and and railing against and saying no, we're not going to tolerate this No, we're not going to stand for this instead We got too many older people just going with the flow Don't want to be rude don't want to be a total thing. Don't want to you know and offend anybody And as a result you're losing your kids And this is the agenda by the way, why do you think they have pervert storybook hour You have a cross dresser That goes in the drag queen and and wants to read stories to kids. Why? What do drag queens and cross-dressing have to do with children It's because they're targeting your kids because they want to normalize the perversion so that they don't be called perverts anymore because What the perversion perversion is that is a deviation? From the norm, but they want to make their deviation the norm The Number two definition there was events or organizations that celebrate the LGBTQ community and its members Often used attributively LGBT people of color are celebrating black and Latin X pride this June Now the real definition Was like I said, I think it's like the third Definition but I think it's only because of the capitalization versus not capitalize so That's what appeared to be to me But here's the definition of pride because this is important too, and if anyone knows the Bible You should have a lot of red flags going off When you understand first of all just hearing the word pride anyways Now I get it people will use pride in a Way that is Is part is one of the definitions where people say like oh? I'm proud of my son, or I'm proud of this or probably the work that I did right That's a common usage of the word, but I'll tell you first of all that's not how the Bible uses the word pride Pride Arrogancy loftiness haughtiness right boasting That's the context of the Bible's usage of the word pride, and it's an important distinction understand Right it's not just being Happy with the work that you've done or pleased at how your child is turning out Okay, it's a lot more than just that here's so here the definitions though is number one definition is a high or inordinate Inordinate opinion of one's own dignity importance merit or superiority Whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing conduct etc so proud. It's a higher Inordinate opinion of yourself. It's the it's the it's the peak of self-centeredness, it's about me The number one definition, and I think that is Appropriate and then it literally says underneath that Antonym well you have synonyms and antonyms synonyms have similar meanings same meanings of words antonyms are the opposite right the antonym is humility And of course we should already know that but in case you don't the the pride the antonym the pride is humility and The Bible teaches over and over again ab what a humble spirit humility It's the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches I Mean just just right off the bat before we even get any into scripture You'll be thinking why would any Christian support pride In any sense why would you support pride and you got a whole movement that says hey, how are you gonna identify ourselves? I know how we identify ourselves pride And you know who identifies themselves as The king of all the children of pride, and I was gonna get this later. I'll get to it right now You can write this down if you're on in your notes job 41 Job chapter 41 verse number 34 In job 41 the context there in verse 1. It's talking about Leviathan Which is described as a fiery Serpent like a dragon a fire-breathing dragon if you read the context is What Leviathan is being described as you can read all of job chapter 41 get the context? Okay, which is also representative and symbolic of Satan Satan's described as the serpent Satan's the one that's commonly all over the place referred to as Leviathan as the serpent as the dragon Okay, all these words Verse number 34 in job. 41 says he beholdeth all high things I'm a Leviathan he is a king over all the children of pride Satan is the master over the children of pride Why because the pride is all about me. It's all self-centered. It's all self-focused is all having this inordinate view of yourself and what does Satan have an Inordinate view of himself Satan wants to be God Satan was created as one of the most beautiful creatures of all creation and he had his great tablets and pipes in him with it with his voice in this this musical voice and very beautiful appearance this outward appearance with this with the stones and the and the way he's described in Scripture has been a very beautiful creature and and Lucifer's that the lights bear ladies. He's this angel of light and you're supposed to be this great creature in being created by God But that wasn't enough for him In his mind he got lifted up and and full of pride to the point where now he just wants to be God And it's all about him A proud attitude is a satanic attitude Satan is the king of the children of pride And Satan is the one leading the charge in this country under the movements called pride Satan is attacking the families Satan is attacking the the norms And the standards By which we ought to live and how we ought to behave ourselves as being creatures made in the image of God You know the Bible teaches that marriage is honorable and all in the bed undefiled but home on there's an adulterer as God will judge And that movement the pride movement wants to destroy all of that They don't want to hear how judgmental you are Yet well God's the one judging. We're the ones warning We're warning It's God's judgment. I don't have to be the judge I'm not the judge God's the judge, and I'm gonna tell you what God's judgment is so that you don't have to face his judgment And whether I say it or not God still has his judgment And when you love people you're gonna tell them the truth and when you hate people you're gonna lie to them More definitions the state or feeling of being proud Three a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character And if it's self-respect self-esteem Even self-esteem and I'm not gonna go down this rabbit trail too far Esteeming yourself is not taught in Scripture Esteeming yourself is not taught in Scripture. You know what the Bible says esteem others as better than yourself That's what the Bible says we have a humble spirit a humble mind esteem others better than yourself now It doesn't say that you don't understand your worth in God's eyes Right as a child of God we hold value we hold worth absolutely But it's our view of others versus our view of ourself. We ought to view others as better That's the Christian mindset. That's what's taught in Scripture and What what wouldn't you love to live in a world where everybody had the mindset of I'm gonna try to do good to others before myself What a great society that would be if everyone could subscribe to just that one notion of saying hey You know, I'm gonna think about I would be more thoughtful about other people than myself Instead of the self-centered selfish attitude that just says I want to gratify my flesh I want to do everything for me God knows what's right and God teaches us through this word. What's right? There's one more definition there's a few more in here, I'm not gonna read them all it's not that relevant but then at the number six definition says something that causes a person of persons to be proud and Then a synonym for that it says boast All right, again boasting is not something that we ought to do as Christians you do a word study on that if you want God hates pride The Bible says in Proverbs 6 16 you're still in chapter 16 stay there Proverbs 6 16 these six things that the Lord hate ye seven are an Abomination unto him if something is abominable to God He hates it except abominations a pretty strong usage of the word hate kind of like a whore Right, you've got hatred and then something that is abhorrent there's just that little bit like just that extra beef to hating an Abomination is very similar to that if something just abominable guides is hated. It's hated in God's sight And There's six things about a list in Proverbs 6 in chapter 6 And the first one I mentioned is a proud look God hates a proud look and then of course goes on lying telling hands that shed innocent blood Right in the list goes on but the number one thing is a proud look you're in chapter 16 little verse number five The Bible says everyone that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord Oh That is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord You're gonna go get yourself involved in a pride event And you think you're gonna be right with God Oh Christian that wants to just be so accepting and so tolerant and so loving that you're willing to just Trample under feet the Word of God and just go and do whatever the world's gonna praise you for The Hand join in hand He shall not be unpunished. God doesn't care how many people join together for this cause Here the matter how many proud people are it doesn't matter how much you want to join together and be like Ah, no one can stop us. We have so many people You're not gonna go unpunished God doesn't care if the whole world unites in pride Because he could destroy the whole world In fact, he's done it already Think of Noah's flood By mercy and truth iniquity is purged and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil and that you know, what as a country as a society as a culture that starts Gravitating and embracing deviance, you know that shows a severe lack of the fear of God You will need to wake up to who God is and Learn a little history and learn a lot of the Bible When people start to deviate when people when all the empires when all the great cities all the great populations All those great civilizations on the earth Start to get all decadent and give themselves over to drunkenness and fornication and sodomy what happens? destruction Look at Rome. Oh, what a great city. What a great civilization. What a great God took Rome down. God's taken all of the great civilizations down in America. United States is no different is No different Everyone has problem has abomination to the Lord Leviticus 2013 says if a man also lie with mankind as he lies with a woman both of them have committed an abomination They shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them. It's what the word of God says And we don't make excuses for what the word of God says We're gonna broadcast a word of God because it's true because it's right and whether you could understand that or not Whether you agree with that or not doesn't matter. It's what God says and it is the proper judgment according to the scripture and There's many sins that are worthy of the death penalty and I agree with all of them And think about this why is it that it's all of a sudden acceptable to take some sin like sodomy and Prop that up as being like, oh, this is so great. Oh, we're partners. Would you support an adult? adulterers pride month Hey, we're gonna celebrate all the adultery that's going on all the husbands and wives that cheat on your spouse Yeah, let's have pride in that The premeditated murderers that just want to go out and kill people How about the kidnappers the men stealers they want to go out and traffic people and steal people Hey, let's have that month, too. Why don't we as long as we're going through the capital crimes of the Bible? Why don't we just have all these various pride months and pop them up and be like, come on You just assume you to everything just to see the scene, right? So let's just go ahead and promote it and shove it down your throat and make you accept it Why don't you do that with anything else? But all the soul You so mean you so hateful you so judgmental, how can you bear how can you say these things? I'm trying to save people. I want to save the kids that would be indoctrinated and infected with the disease of homosexuality a perversion And to be free from the predators that want the kids Jump down to verse number 18 where the title of sermon comes from Pride goes before destruction and in haughty spirit before a fall Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly Then to divide the spoil with the proud And think about that dividing the spoiler was a sports but it's it's the increase it's a good it's that it's the extra right And you got these businesses out there that want to divide the spoil with the proud Hey, we'll fly your flag Well, we'll give a shout out to all the perverts out there in hopes of making a little bit more money Bible says better be of a humble spirit with the lowly Corporations businesses, you know you you'd still do well To put aside your greed and to have a humble spirit with the lowly Then to divide the spoil with the proud and that's not just businesses individuals, too He that handled the matter wisely shall find good and who so trusted in the Lord happy as he Turn to Proverbs 28 as long as you're in Proverbs stay there. I'll read a few verses for you from Psalms Psalm 86 14 the Bible says Oh God the proud are risen against me and The assemblies of violent men have sought after my soul and have not set them before thee We're gonna see some characteristics of the proud from Scripture characteristics of the proud The proud arisen against me. Well, that shouldn't be a surprise when we see that the whole mindset of being proud is is against what the Bible teaches Being about you being self-centered being all about Your wants and your desires versus someone who is completely the opposite and of a humble heart and a humble spirit It makes sense why you'd have conflict And why you'd have proud people against those that are trying to teach the exact opposite of who they are Prada isn't against me problem 1951 says the proud have had me have had me greatly in derision Yet have I not declined from my law Deriding you're gonna be you know, which is what's happening now the proud derived the Christians At least those that claim to believe in the Bible and won't compromise The proud in verse 69 have forged a lie against me But I will keep thy precepts with my whole heart See the humble in spirit The the God fearr when it fears the Lord is gonna keep doing what's right no matter what happens to them No matter what is spoken against them no matter what lies come against them no matter what slander Look, there's slander against our church that says oh, you're a hate Church Ask any of the people that are members of our church How hateful our churches ask the visitors that come into our church on just just a regular basis any given Sunday any given Wednesday? Oh, yeah, all we do is sit around and hate hate hate hate hate hate. What can we do to hate? We need to do it we're gonna hate some more we're gonna hate some more people No, we love people Unfortunately, there's things that are true That a lot of people don't like so they want to call you hateful for talking about the things The way the Bible says They actually are I I Love that saying you know that the truth is hate to those that hate the truth. It's true Proverbs 28 look at verse number 25 Bob reads he that is of a proud heart stirs up strife and isn't that true? yeah, you see it even on the news you see it at the protest you see it at all the the Anything that's going on any demonstrations any mass gatherings, who is it really? That stirs up the strife and all the problems It's the proud They're the antagonists they're the ones causing the problems You know people are so worried about this oh, you're a hate group and all this other stuff like We're not the ones Doing any any of the violence at all We're preaching the Word of God We're trying to get through to the hearts and minds of people to understand how serious and how bad and how wicked these things really are So that you don't start getting sucked into and being brainwashed by the world into thinking Oh, it's not that big of a deal and then start accepting it and then start promoting it Because that's what happens to people that's what's been happening and we're saying no Get in the beginning the Word of God read the Bible more get some wisdom and get some fear of God in your in your heart He that is of a proud heart stirs up strife But he that putteth his trust in the Lord shall be made fat. He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool But who so walketh wisely he shall be delivered, you know, even just whatever you think well my heart thinks this is right You know what? You're a fool You know, you ought to go by with what's right and wrong what the Bible says What God said that's right and wrong. Not just what you're feeling is on whatever day. That's your feeling that's influenced by the culture That's being crammed down your throat That you can't avoid anywhere you go you turn on the radio You can't avoid you turn on the TV. You can't avoid you. You know, you go to the grocery store. You can't avoid it Turn if you would to Jeremiah 43 Proverbs 13 10 basically says the same thing is what we read only by pride cometh contention, but with the well-advised is wisdom Jeremiah 43 is an interesting passage Jeremiah just to bring up the speed Jeremiah chapter 43 the children Israel have already been defeated by Babylon and and many people have already been taken captive Okay, but then those that remained They're still trying to figure out what to do and God tells Jeremiah that like Just stay there. Stay put get planted there, you know, we'll rebuild it'll be okay, but don't go to Egypt Don't flee don't run away. Stay there now We know I know you've been you know, taking captive and in and conquered but just stay there And a group of the group of people came to Jeremiah and says, okay Hey, you go ask the Lord what we should do Right and whatever the Lord says we're gonna do So he tells them here's what the Lord said and They already promised. Well, whatever you say, whatever God says that's what we're gonna do, right? Look at verse number one in Jeremiah 43 and it came to pass that when Jeremiah had made an end of speaking unto all the people All the words of the Lord their God for which the Lord their God had sent him to them even all these words Then spake Azariah the son of Hoshiah and Johanan the son of Korea and all the proud men It's not in there by an accident it's not in there by coincidence That this attribute of all the proud men is being brought up About their response now saying unto Jeremiah thou speakest falsely. So saying you're lying You just said whatever God said we're gonna do and they've already witnessed all the prophecies of Jeremiah to that point come true When all the other prophets were saying no the Lord's with us. We need to fight. They're not you Jeremiah saying look Surrender to them Right, you're getting judged. This is of the Lord and all the other false prophets are saying no God's with us. We're fine. We're never gonna be defeated and what happens they get defeated Jeremiah prophesied it the whole time So he's got he's got that going for him that hey, he's been telling the truth the whole time And now all of a sudden. Oh, yeah now you're lying That's because falsely the Lord our God has not sent thee to say go not into Egypt a soldier in there God didn't tell you that we should stay away from the world God didn't tell you that we should be separate that we should be sanctified. No, God didn't tell you that It's funny how the sodomite wants to tell you what the Bible says The proud because that's what's happening here the problem trying to tell Jeremiah what God's saying No, that's not what he said Cuz like Egypt is is representative of the world Egypt is where they came out of Egypt is the bondage that came out of it. God said don't go back to Egypt And And that's what they wanted to do they just want to go back to Egypt Don't go back where they came from And Jeremiah saying no God doesn't want you to do that But what all this other garbage of the proud nowadays, what are they saying? Oh Yeah, go ahead. It's not perversion. There's nothing wrong with it. It's just a lifestyle. It's just a preference It's just you know Trying to minimize it and say yeah, it's not a big deal. No problem God has not sent thee To say go not into Egypt a sojourn there verse number three But Barak the son of Narayas said if the on against us for to deliver us into the end of the Chaldeans that they might put us to death and carous away captives in the Babylon so they're saying You've been you've been Persuaded by money, you know, you've been bribed to tell us this turn if you were the Malachi chapter 3 Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament right before Matthew if you're looking for in the Bible Malachi Only four chapters Malachi chapter 3 And if this isn't relevant to today, I don't know what is Malachi 3 14 says you have said And in Malachi, you'll see like the people are saying one thing But then they have to get like the truth just smack him in the face What do you mean what do you mean we said, you know, we're not robbing God away What do you mean sacrifices are good or what do you feel they're thinking like they're so great and everything They're doing is right on and they just have to be told over and over and over and over and over again Why they're wrong like hello. No, you're not good. No, what you're doing is not right No, your sacrifices stink No, you know, you're not keeping any of my ordinances the way that I said to do them Right it had to be told over and over again that they're wrong Verse 14 says it is you know, ye have said this is about God or the Prophet here talking about the people It is vain to serve God and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance and that we have walked mournfully Before the Lord of hosts verse 15 and now we call the proud happy We call the proud happy what's another word for happy gay I Know people these days Probably don't even know that that word gay means happy because now it's just been Redefined to be sodomite to be pervert to be homosexual No, the word gay is actually a great word. It was a great word because it just meant happy It's a beautiful word that was stolen and perverted to now be applied to people who are miserable They are miserable look at the suicide rates amongst homosexuals and The drug abuse and everything else that goes along with it all the things that are You know, why would you do those things if you were so happy? Now we call the proud happy yay they that work wickedness are set up Yeah, they that tempt God are even delivered This is a rebuke and If this is so relevant today, this is exact. This is literally exactly what's happening today in the United States of America The wicked they that work wickedness are set up they that tempt God are delivered right? There's no punishment There's nothing wrong with it. All the laws against sodomy have been wiped off the books No problem, no crime nothing wrong and we call the proud happy But here's the thing Judgment's gonna come there is There is an end and there is a result. There is a consequence of all of this embracing and This is also taught all throughout scripture Look at chapter 4 of Malachi verse number 1 for behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven And all the proud yeah And all that do wickedly shall be stubble and the day that cometh shall burn them up Set the Lord of hosts that it shall leave them neither root nor branch But unto you that fear my name shall the son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings And you shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall And Ye shall tread down the wicked For they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this at the Lord of hosts Remember ye the law of Moses my servant Which I commanded unto him in horror for all Israel with the statutes and judgments Hey, don't forget the law that God gave to Moses Don't Forget it Highly read one of the one of the portion of the law of Moses earlier in Leviticus 2013 That's just one There's a lot in that law and we ought to look to all of it We ought to look to that and get our guidance and get our instruction on what's right and what's wrong You say all the way the New Testament best of versions We are in the New Testament and we're taught over and over again that the law doesn't save our souls And we wholeheartedly believe that But Jesus himself said that he did not come to destroy the law the prophets He didn't come to destroy but to fulfill The law is still good the Bible says that when Jesus comes back that he's gonna rule with a lot of iron and What law do you think is going to be established when Jesus Christ is ruling and reigning Do you think it's going to be a hippie culture of free love and sodomy The things worthy of hell are not going to be tolerated It's going to be a righteous Kingdom and a righteous society under the righteous laws of God We turn to Isaiah chapter 2 Proverbs 15 24 says the way of life is above to the wise that he may depart from hell beneath The Lord will destroy the house of the proud But he will establish the border of the widow The Lord will destroy the house of the proud And look just so there's no confusion and no misunderstanding Misunderstanding which I don't think there is for anyone who's reasonable Anyone that can hear and have some common sense and hear the words and and and see what the Bible is teaching and gain The the full context of what I'm saying here as I've always stated in the past We're not telling people to go out and be vigilantes and just start killing people Okay, because even in the scripture when people are worthy of death according to the capital crime It's supposed to be done decently in an order with two or three witnesses with the judges with Investigation by the rulers by the judges by the people who are established to govern the society Okay, I shouldn't have to say that every time I preach this But we have so many people that hate to hear the truth that they're gonna try to find any angle to use against what we teach in what we believe And I don't know why because I preach the same way against these other sins. I don't let up on capital crime sins at all But no one ever seems to say well But if you're preaching that aren't you worried that someone's gonna go out and start killing adult rules and start kill You know like no one says that no one says that Like I say the same exact things But no one's gonna say no one worries about that why because it's not a real concern because anyone who's listening understands what we're teaching here And if anyone were to just go off and do their own thing and kid then they're nuts I mean those those people who do that and it doesn't matter who they listen to or whatever it is They're nuts and they're gonna go off and do their killing spree or whatever Because they're crazy Don't blame the person who's who's just teaching the Word of God or did you know? Teaching how bad these things are or teaching that hey, I believe that this should be a capital crime in our country Okay, and there's plenty of things that should be capital crimes in our country But it's funny. They're only that people only get upset when you talk about one of those things And you know, maybe if people didn't get so upset about it, then it wouldn't come up as often And maybe if it wasn't something that you have to deal with on a regular basis And it wasn't something you had to deal with for a whole month Then I wouldn't have to preach about it very much But we preach about the things that are going on in our society And you know, I'm sure there's plenty of things that don't get covered a whole lot that are in the Bible But if our culture is right in that area by the Word of God, it's not gonna come up a whole lot Because what's the whole point of the preaching anyways is to get people to learn and understand and to get right with God Just by and large right So we're learning understand we're gonna try to do And and make changes to make ourselves more conform to the image of Christ and to live in a society. It's gonna be godly Isaiah chapter 2 this is a passage that's real prophetic about the day of the Lord Isaiah chapter 2 it's kind of context here. We'll see that we're so reading verse number 11 The lofty looks of man shall be humbled again lofty proud arrogant haughty These are all synonymous words that are used in scripture The lofty looks of man shall be humbled and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down and the Lord alone Shall be exalted in that day for the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon everyone that is proud and Lofty and upon everyone that is lifted up and he shall be brought low And here's the thing that the day of the Lord That hasn't happened yet. That's a day of doom and gloom and destruction We read about that all throughout Scripture about how you know, God's wrath is going to be poured out on the day of the Lord And why does it say all the proud because in order to be saved you have to humble yourself In order to be saved you have to realize it's not me it's not how good I am It's nothing I can do that's gonna save my soul. I have to humble myself And just accept the fact I'm a sinner and I can't save myself and receive the Savior Jesus Christ to save me for my sins That's what I need. I need to be saved And when you realize there's nothing I can do to save myself You could you could be humble enough to then say he's the Savior save me Lord Jesus And on the day of the Lord The humble those that have been saved by the Lord Jesus those who humbled themselves enough to get saved They won't be here because that first resurrection will have happened already And the day of the Lord in God's wrath is gonna be poured out on the proud The proud that were too proud to accept the free gift of salvation The proud that thought that they can do something or that their way is right or that they're following their own heart Or that they're so great or that they're so special that they don't need salvation It's all pride And that pride is going to be judged severely The day of the Lord of hosts in verse 2 Shall be upon everyone that is proud and lofty and upon everyone that is lifted up and he shall be brought low and upon all the cedars of Lebanon that are high and lifted up and upon all the oaks abation and upon all the high mountains and upon all the hills that are lifted up and upon every high tower and upon every fenced wall And upon all the ships of Tarshish and upon all pleasant pictures and the loftiness of man shall be bowed down and the haughtiness Of men shall be made low and the Lord alone Shall be exalted in that day This God is the only one that should be exalted Anyways, man, what is man? That man would be exalted. No God deserves exaltation God is above all God is perfect. God is holy We are not Which is why it is proper it is appropriate It is expected and commanded that we ought to be humble and have a humility and and not think of ourselves inordinately and exalt ourselves that's what pride is and Pride brings the worst destruction because if people can't humble themselves to be saved. They're gonna they're gonna burn forever in hell One Last characteristic the Bible says in Proverbs 11 verse 2 when pride cometh then cometh shame But with the lowly is wisdom You know the people who stand up and want to march up and down the streets and have parades for their pride Ought to just be ashamed of themselves and the people that would support Pride and support that behavior ought to be ashamed of themselves Because the Bible says when pride cometh then cometh shame it brings shame Just as Jude talks about the false prophets who are these reprobates Verse 12 of Jude and turn if you would to Ezekiel chapter 16, we're almost done. I'm wrapping up here Ezekiel chapter 16 Jude verse 12 the Bible reads these are spots in your feasts of charity When they feast with you feeding themselves without fear These are people that these reprobates in Jude the book of Jude you could study this out Their conscience is seared with a hot iron They're given over to a reprobate mind and that's why they could do things without fear They have zero fear of the Lord Which again these people can just do whatever because they don't fear God at all doesn't matter them There's there's no fear. They feed themselves without fear But they're described as clouds. They are without water. They're empty Carried about of winds trees whose fruit wither without fruit Twice dead plucked up by the roots They're not bringing forth anything good They're like these dead trees twice dead. No fruit. It's all rotten rottenness a rotten tree Raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame and That's the description that comes to mind with the pride events that They just foam out their own shame and they put it all out on display And and I hope you haven't had to witness any event like that because if you actually do you actually been Exposed to what goes on there. You'll see what they won't show on TV They want to give one picture to the media to the world, but that's not the reality of it The reality is what's hidden. The reality is what you won't see unless you're unfortunate enough to have to be there of the lewd lascivious Shameful acts that go on in public at these pride events because they're so proud and so full of themselves They could do no wrong and they say we're gonna be the biggest perverts and we're gonna have the most nakedness and perversion and we're just gonna be out and proud and you're just gonna have to deal with it no Thought for others no thought for kids no thought for the pure For any purity any discretion any chastity doesn't none of those things matter. It's no It's all about me. Look how perverted I am accept me tolerate me Oh No No, no, we won't no, I'm gonna call the shame. No, you're gonna foam out your own shame I'm gonna call it for what it is And I'm gonna say shame on anybody who promotes that shame on you Ezekiel 16 it's it's really interesting because people will turn to this and say Oh When God destroyed some the more wasn't because of their because their deviance because of their sodomy It's like well, first of all The word the word sodomy Itself like in the English language the word sodomy sodomite a sodomite would be someone from Sodom, right? But guess what everyone from Sodom was destroyed So it can't be someone literally from Sodom so when the Bible reuses the word sodomite What does that mean? it means they're a child of Sodom because they're doing the same things that the sodomites did and the word sodomites sodomy is Is literally defined as what they were doing in Sodom Which is completely tied to their behavior and their sexual deviancy So Mean just just definitionally alone. It's kind of like people want to separate that sin from the reason why God destroyed them, but one of the places I'll turn to is Ezekiel 16 and Look at verse number 49. The Bible says this behold. This was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom pride Fullness of bread and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters neither Did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy? So they say see look it wasn't it doesn't say anything about homosexuality there They're saying was pride fullness of bread and the blood into vitalness and they didn't help the poor Right. They just kind of did Okay, that is the biggest downplay of what actually happened inside and I'm not saying the scripture is the biggest downplay I'm saying just brushing it off as like well, they just maybe weren't that nice. They weren't that hospitable No, I'm sorry No, I'm gonna have to call you out because there's been plenty of societies like that that God didn't rain fire and brimstone down on Now it says that the sin of Sodom was pride Okay, first of all, if you say that's the reason That's what I'm saying God destroyed Solomon for the pride and you think that we're not gonna be destroyed for having pride month But What is it that even led them down their path of deviancy It's because they don't care about others. They only care about themselves. It's that height of pride That causes them to just indulge in Whatever deviant form of lust of the flesh that comes into their hearts and they end up going down this extremely wicked dark path that there's just There's no hope for Where they become reprobate and you know Romans 1 describes that in detail, we're not going to go into that this morning But I also want to point this out too because the people who want to say that they're Their sexual perversion homosexuality had nothing to do with their destruction You just have to read one more verse That's it They just want to read verse 49 and say see look it doesn't say anything about that Yeah, it didn't in that one sentence. But if you actually get the context and just keep reading it becomes very clear verse 50 The prides mentioned again, they're haughty and did what committed abomination What what's the abomination they committed? Hmm? Oh Yeah, I think man lied with mankind as he lied with a woman like the law says Both of them have committed abomination. They shall surely be put to death. The blood should be upon them They committed abomination before me calling Therefore Therefore for this reason I took them away as I saw good for what reason they were haughty and committed abomination Their pride and perversion is why God destroyed them It's right there So yeah, let's look at Ezekiel chapter 16 and see what the real sin is and what the problem was and why did God destroy? Sodom Because it says it there, too Look folks, this is what the Bible I mean we we can go to the New Testament we could go to the Old Testament we've got plenty of teachings on pride What business is any Christian have with this? None and you know what with something this bad it shouldn't even be tolerated Yeah, we should be intolerant against abominations If I said do you think we should just be tolerant towards murderers well just be tolerant I mean you just don't know They had a bad childhood, so they went off and just went psycho and went postal and started killing people But let's just be tolerant of that right. I mean should we just okay. Oh Yeah, here's a guy that goes around and rapes women Just whatever he feels like it he's gonna go out and force some woman and rape some woman Can't you have a little tolerance, please can you have a little tolerance for that? You're so you're so hateful and intolerant And you know I I Pray that the day doesn't come where a society gets so backwards that they're actually are tolerant of those things But I say those things today because I'm pretty sure still in our culture that people don't have tolerance for that stuff and that there shouldn't be Tolerance for that and if there shouldn't be tolerance for those things Then why should we tolerate? the extreme abominable vile perversion That has no good fruit that in every sense in every way you look at it It's destructive in every single way you can look at statistics. You look at half you look at It's not good Where are the pedophiles coming from Where are the homosexuals even coming from? The majority of them have already been defiled themselves By someone else Who abused them and? The more you tolerate the more that cycle is going to continue No, we ought not to be tolerant of it We ought not to just say well, whatever Would you say well whatever for murderers Because look these are in the same class the same category. There's different classes of crimes right and Granted we shouldn't just be super like Judgmental on every single little thing and every single possible little sin that anyone can do because we are sinners But that's why in God's law There's wisdom that we can behold of saying oh, hey look Here's the crime. Here's the offense and here's the punishment to help us Discern how bad is this really? Which is why I bring up the rapist which is why I bring up the murderer Because the sodomites in the same class is in the same category, so we ought to treat them the same way And Then you've got your thieves, and then there's different you know it's not the death penalty for the thief You just got to pay back fourfold or fivefold of you know it's just more like a monetary thing And there's other things there's other sins that aren't even crimes For example drunkenness, which is clearly a sin in Scripture is absolutely a sin carried no crime penalty in the Bible There was no oh you got drunk therefore you need a beating or you need a fine. You know that's just didn't exist It's still a sin. It's still wrong but the level right of How we view these things and as a society what we could be more tolerant of and what we're gonna be less tolerant of We can derive those from what we see in Scripture It Makes sense and why I preach so much about this I just not that much But the reason why I do even preach this more frequently maybe than some other things is because of how much We're hearing the opposite From the world and how much you just have to deal with that So it's much better to then hear no hey remind. You know this is what the Bible says hey This is what God said hey. This is how God feels about it Let's not forget when you got the world tell me one thing here's what the scripture says Pride goeth before Destruction You know I love Where I live I love this country. I love the fact that we can we've had a lot of blessings of God from our Ancestors of old who have embraced the laws of God who have put those into practice for the most part Maybe not most perfectly But still had a reverence and a regard for the Word of God And there was a foundation and a fundamental belief of raising children with the Bible and raising children with biblical principles and having that Foundation you know what God blessed this country for that because this is a country whose God was the Lord And we've strayed so far from that now I'm afraid to see what's going to happen Which is all the more reason why it's important For you to know the Word of God For you to learn this book for you to get this in your heart and for you to take this out Into the world and shine the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ Into the hearts and minds of the people of the world and especially the people in our area right That's why it's so important We can hold off. I mean even if it's like Josiah's day King Josiah Hey judgment was coming because of what Manasseh had done his predecessor But you know what let's live righteously, let's do what we can for God Let's serve the Lord with zeal and earnest and maybe just maybe we can stay off the destruction That the proud is going to bring on The country on the nation and on themselves It's about heads up water prayer your Lord. Love you. Thank you so much for the wisdom that you give us in your word I pray that you would please help us to Always stay vigilant On the truth on what you teach us Lord and help us to not go soft in areas that the world that Satan would want us to back off on and Help us to just embrace the truth and areas that were wrong Help us to see you our own flaws and be able to improve and live more righteously dear Lord and ultimately the God the goal is Not for people looking to look at us and say oh, they're so righteous That's not what it's about at all. It's about bringing honor and glory under your name and it's about bringing the gospel in a humble mind a humble heart to the lost so that they could get saved also dear Lord and Thank you for entrusting us with the Duty of preaching the gospel and please please help us to do that this afternoon. Love yous in Jesus name. We pray. Amen All right, we're gonna sing one last song before we're dismissed. Brother Peter will you please lead us? Right church, you can open up your hymnals. Song number 369 Song 369, I know the Bible is true I know the Bible is true The Bible is true I know I I