(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I think now's a good time to thank God for the shelter that we have I know it's gonna be distracting we got a lot of rain coming down right now it's kind of windy it is what it is it's just rain but I understand the the temptation is want to be staring out the window and looking at the storm I love the storm too but now I'm gonna ask God also to help me to be a little bit more dynamic and interesting so I can keep everybody's attention so you're not just focused on what's going on outside but it is it's a great blessing to be able to meet together temperature control dry warm safe so thank the Lord for that it's a good good opportunity to remember that now I do I am gonna need your attention because you know I'm hoping this isn't gonna be dry sermon but we are gonna be looking at and comparing scripture to scripture and looking at different accounts in the Gospels of the Lord's Supper because this is what I'm going to be teaching on and preaching on this morning and I titled my sermon the Passover observance in the New Testament now there's a reason to why I titled it this way but for anyone who may see this title later on or want to watch this video or something line I just want to get this out of the way right now because there are some people who are I would call Judaizers and are continually trying to go back to following the Old Testament not just the laws but you know obviously we believe that that the moral laws and God's laws still stand but when they go back and try to you know observe all these feasts and the Sabbaths and the new moons and and you know and they get their horns out and they you know they're sounding the trumpet and doing everything that was under the Levitical priesthood you know we don't observe that so when I say Passover observance in the New Testament we're not talking about getting a Passover lamb and slaying it and and partaking and eating of the Passover lamb because that would be blasphemous because the whole point of the Passover lamb was a picture representation of Jesus Christ who was to come to be slain and shed his blood for the remission of our sins and since he did that there is no more need to offer any more sacrifices because he already made that sacrifice but in the spirit of the Passover of that commemoration it's not really commemorations it was a looking forward to the Christ to come since Jesus Christ was just about to die in the New Testament he he he makes this transition from observing the Passover the way they had to instituting the Lord's Supper to still remember that sacrifice but to be able to remember it after the fact right since beforehand you're going to be killing the the lamb putting the blood on the doorposts and doing all all the symbolism we're not going to go too deep and all that I've done that in other sermons on the Passover in the past where you could look up and see because it's also tied in excuse me with the children of Israel being delivered out of bondage delivered out of Egypt and it's all surrounding salvation right being saved out of bondage being saved out of Egypt the blood being applied the the death angel passing over and not destroying them and not killing them so they avoid death they avoid destruction by the blood by the blood of the Lamb right that's what all of that symbolically represents it's all referring to Jesus but Jesus changes things on the observation and the commemoration of what he did in the New Testament since since all of the sacrifices were to be done away and he knew they were going to be done away because he is that sacrifice he still wanted to institute a practice of commemorating and remembering what Jesus Christ had done for us so he does this through the Lord's Supper and we're going to get into that we started in Luke chapter 22 first we're going to go over just what actually happened right with Jesus and his disciples and we're going to see how they were eating the Passover when all of these things were going on there they're observing the Passover as the events happen that we end up using to commemorate the Jesus the death of Jesus Christ you could either call it communion or the Lord's Supper both are biblical terms by the way I'm not afraid to say the word communion just because of the Catholic Church because that is a biblical word where we're communing with the Lord we're observing that and holding communion with our Lord Jesus Christ again I preached that in the past before as well you could you could listen to some my old sermons about that but the Lord's Supper is more commonly used by me just because I think it's it's describes what we do here in the partaking of the supper either one is just fine and I'm not saying you know just my partiality to using the Lord's Supper is just because it's you know I'm just partial to it whatever but it's it doesn't that doesn't matter the the nomenclature to this point doesn't matter which one you prefer to use I don't care but we're gonna look at that we're just what happens here and we're gonna look at we're starting Luke and then after that we're gonna go and I want to see or I want to show you the timing of when Jesus actually did do the Lord's Supper or held his the Passover feast with his disciples because if you're if you start doing a Bible study you could you can maybe get a little bit confused and when I started researching this before like a long time ago it looked a little bit confusing to me too and I'm gonna spend some time because I don't you know I think it's important to dispel any doubts or maybe any thoughts of oh well maybe there's an error here maybe there's you know a problem here if someone else tries to point to this and and and shake you up on it it is it is clear but I could I could easily see how the the words use and that's what we're gonna compare all the Gospels to we're gonna do that later let's get started here in Luke 22 that's just our reading of verse number seven bow says then came the day of unleavened bread when the Passover must be killed and he sent Peter and John saying go and prepare us the Passover that we may eat so Jesus is sending Peter and John to get ready the place to get ready the meal so that they can observe the Passover verse 9 says nice and they said unto him where wilt thou that we prepare and he said unto them behold when ye are entered into the city there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water follow him into the house where he enters in and you shall say unto the good men of the house the master saith unto thee where is the guest chamber where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples so you know multiple times or verse 7 verse 8 verse 11 it's obviously saying they're holding the Passover this is what they're doing this is the whole point of them coming together is to eat the Passover and to hold the Passover Jesus with his disciples okay verse number 12 says and he shall show you a large upper room furnished there make ready and they went and found as he had said unto them and they made ready the Passover so it's clear what they're doing is observing the Passover right verse 14 and when the hour was come he sat down and the 12 apostles with him and he said unto them with desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer there's no doubt about it they're observing the Passover here right and the reason why I'm making so much of a labored point to show this is because as we read later you're gonna see when they're crucifying Jesus and everything else that it's actually the preparation day before the Passover and all of this is being done here and he's saying specifically yeah we're gonna eat the Passover we're gonna prepare a better we're gonna observe the Passover we're gonna do all this stuff but when you see later seal it well wait a minute is this the Passover then is it you know I thought you know when when does Jesus actually die now in in the grand scheme of things are in the timeline of events here and this is this is consistent all the way through of course because it's the truth but when Jesus has this supper that's why it's also called the Last Supper right the Lord's Supper the communion this event takes place in the evening where he's eating with his disciples and we're gonna continue reading here in a minute and then that same evening he goes out to the Garden of Gethsemane and he prays unto the Lord and that's the same evening the same night when he's arrested when Judas betrays him right it's the same evening then like into the early hours of the morning he's being brought before the you know Herod and Pontius Pilate and they're you know under and they're judging him and and then all Israel so going into the next day right from that night into the next day is when his trial and then the crucifixion happens right at even or right before even on that day that's that's the you know there's a lot of events that happen there's a lot of scriptures a lot of chapters devoted to this small time frame in this this small area right so this is what we're looking at now and understanding that is important as well because Jesus is holding this Passover just a little bit before when everyone else is going to be observing the Passover so when you think about in those terms it's it's not very much time ultimately just hours wise even that he's doing this and the purpose of him doing this is because he knows he's going to be killed and sacrificed right but it was important for him to hold this Passover with his disciples this is something that that he had to do and he needed to institute he wanted to give them more teaching and he wanted to have this the way I said with desire I've desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer I've really wanted to do this before I suffer and there's no indication that anyone else at this point or like this early on is also eating the Passover and doing everything else so but just even understanding that this is an observation of the Passover when we get into these events is also important because we're tying in how we commemorate Jesus Christ death burial and resurrection with the Passover because they both refer to the same event they're both pointing the same event one is just before it happens and one is from the perspective of after it's done verse number 16 here in Luke 22 the Bible says for I say unto you I will not anymore eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God so he's saying that you know I'm glad I get to eat this Passover with you because I'm done now with this with this earthly food and its meal and being able to enjoy you know this is the last thing I'm gonna be able to eat before I'm crucified before I'm killed and you know this is honestly where people get the the concept or the idea or the practice of giving someone their last meal before they're executed right like when criminals are executed in prison you hear about that they get they're allowed to choose well what what is it that you want to eat this is your last meal right and it comes from this type of thought okay this is gonna be a last meal that you get to eat on earth so we're gonna let you have whatever you want and Jesus obviously I don't think he cares as much about the specific food it wasn't about the food for him he was getting a chance to enjoy yes being able to eat but but spending that time with his disciples and having this one last time together for him to teach them for him to actually enjoy you know being where he is and many other things before he's about to suffer and verse number 17 says and he took the cup and gave thanks and said take this and divided among yourselves for I say unto you I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God shall come and he took bread and gave thanks and break it and gave unto them saying this is my body which is given for you this do in remembrance of me likewise also the cup after supper saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood which is shed for you and one of the things that you'll notice is actually missing from Luke 22 now we don't get all of our doctrine just from looking at what's not there that's actually not a good way of just just cementing doctrinal beliefs obviously there's a lot more involved it's but what we see in Luke 22 what we don't see Luke 22 is the eating of the actual lamb there's nothing we see the eating of the bread and the breaking of the bread and the drinking of the wine and we're gonna look in 1st Corinthians 11 a little bit later because 1st Corinthians 11 now is after the resurrection of Jesus Christ after a New Testament Church is already established and the the instruction given to the church about observing the Lord's Supper and we're gonna see it lines up exactly with what we're seeing here in the scripture that's contained here and God is obviously containing the things that we need to know and we need to observe and not including the things that we don't need to observe now I believe they had a lamb that they were they were gonna eat there but none of that is referenced here because I believe it was still fulfilling the Old Testament observance in law the Passover but but as far as what was needed then for going forward and the Lord's Supper that that was not part of it and and definitely not highlighted at all because Jesus was the highlight Jesus was a focus and his suffering and his is now and and that being said I could be wrong about that because we don't have the information whether or not they had lamb but I'm pretty sure they did because Jesus followed all of the Old Testament law you know up to that point there's no reason why they wouldn't have had a lamb prepared and ready to to eat but that's what we see here though for going forward with us is is the the cup in the bread and the bread of course is symbolizing it and this is when we when we observe this on Wednesday look in verse number 19 where he says he took bread and gave thanks and break it and gave to them said this is my body which is given for you this due in remembrance of me so the breaking of the bread is very important and that's why when we eat the bread the unleavened bread that we're gonna partake in on Wednesday one it's unleavened there's no leaven there's no yeast added to it leaven is a representation of sin in the Bible the unleavened bread is always what's used in the Old Testament for all the sacrifices and things like that and it was unleavened bread here that they were eating in in observance of the Lord's Supper and since he's saying hey this is my body which is broken for you so the breaking of the bread is important we don't have just the the perfectly formed you know unleavened bread it's gonna be all broken up to remember that Jesus's body was broken for us so you're gonna be eating broken pieces of bread just as his body was broken for you because it's a it's a point of it's a solemn it's a solemn observance that we're gonna be you know thinking about and reflecting on that our Lord Jesus Christ came and broke his body for you and that's a big deal and not just his body you know the unleavened bread that perfect sinless without blemish body that he sacrificed for you but also his blood and the blood that was shed for you is symbolized or commemorized in the wine that was drinking now that wine that they're drinking here is non-alcoholic wine this isn't booze this isn't fermented and you can follow the same thinking and I'm not gonna go too deep on this this can be proven very very easily from Scripture I don't understand how people that are believers can reject this and even come up with with any other understanding about the about the wine being drunk because people ultimately is what the reason why they for the vast majority people they want to have an excuse to drink alcohol so they just want to this want to believe that every single time that the word wine is mentioned is talking about alcohol now in truth in actuality when the word wine is used in the Bible sometimes it refers to alcoholic beverages and sometimes it does not and watch out for the people who want to misrepresent what we believe and say oh you think it's always talking about you know non-alcoholic no I don't that word wine is just used to describe the the juice coming out of fruit that could be fermented or unfermented but it's clear from context which one it's referring to because on the one hand you have many verses that describe wine you know wine is a mocker and strong drink is raging and he is deceived by it's not wise whosoever is deceived by is not wise so if wine is a mocker then how could wine also be a blessing that lighten it the countenance of man right and you see these positive references to wine and we see Jesus Christ giving wine well is wine a mocker is Jesus mocking his disciples he's making a mockery of his blood no of course not the the wine is representative of his blood and if Levin was not to be used in the bread then there's no way we're gonna have similarly the Levin in the representation of his blood because that's what you know that fermentation is from the yeast that ferments and produces the alcohol in the wine we're gonna drink the pure blood of the grape as the Bible refers to wine as that you know from the cluster where it's pressed you don't have alcohol in that it's pure and if the skins are cleaned you're not gonna have the yeast in there either because that's where it comes from come from the outside when they trample it on and that yeast all comes from the outside of the grape that gets into if you know anything about how this stuff is made you can look it up and you know research and people weren't that dumb you know everyone likes to think that all people back then were just so dumb and they didn't know how to do anything no absolutely they knew how to do things oh they didn't have refrigerated you don't need refrigeration to preserve things either you don't need to have let me put this way modern refrigeration of having opening up a refrigerator door there's plenty of ways of preserving things naturally that a lot of knowledge I think is just gone by the wayside especially with current generations going forward because there's no more need for doing things that way anymore we may be able to do things more efficient we may be able to use tools and different technology to accomplish the same things but you can preserve things you've been able for the people been able to preserve things for a long time so I bet anyways I don't want to get too far deep into that because that we could go I could go on and on and on the alcohol thing fires me up and people want to say that Jesus Christ was getting people more drunk in John chapter 2 at the marriage supper and Cain of Galilee and that he was like oh everyone had well drunk and he's providing them with more booze are you serious do you even think about things before you utter them before you believe them that that oh yeah he's just giving them more booze it's ridiculous of course he's not and of course they weren't he wasn't just going to some party that everyone just getting blasted at and hanging out after everybody is just drunk and just hanging out there and having a good time and then going oh you guys are out of booze well here's a whole bunch more no way is Jesus doing that I mean the bartender then if that was the case the bartender would be more righteous for cutting people off when they're well drunk at the bar and they've already just been completely inebriated is gonna be more righteous than Jesus Christ would be if that's talking about booze but it's not it's not talking about booze and when the Bible says they had well drunk it just means they had had a lot to you know they had had enough to drink that well they suffice themselves they've been satisfied but it doesn't mean that they were drunk in I mean drink drank drunk right different different verb tenses so when someone has drunk it doesn't mean they are drunk in the sense of they're inebriated I have just drunk some water the water was drunk by me it doesn't mean I'm inebriated now okay and you know what I've well drunk the water I've had enough I'm satisfied I don't need to pick this up and take another another sip it's good that's what John chapter 2 is talking about and to refer to booze or to use booze to use that fermented wine to use that I think is blasphemous and I think that's denigrating the blood of Jesus Christ as much as using leavened bread would be a slap in the face of Lord Jesus Christ the same exact thing goes for the wine so when we observe the Lord's Supper we're not broken bread we have unleavened bread it's broken representing the body of Jesus Christ that was broken for us and we're gonna have unfermented juice grape juice specifically that represents that red blood of Jesus Christ that pure blood nothing added to it that we're gonna use to represent and commemorate and think on the shed blood that was shed for us for the remission of our sins and he says this cup is the New Testament in my blood which is shed for you what an important event commemorating the New Testament he said hey this is the New Testament is beginning now a testament is of no force right while a test tater still liveth and the Bible says that that it's after the death right and that the testament is sealed in that blood just like the Old Covenant that Old Testament was established by the blood of the bulls and the goats and all the sacrifice they're made well the New Testament is is established through the blood of Jesus Christ that's the New Covenant the new promise that New Testament in the blood of Jesus Christ that starts off essentially that whole the New Testament time period that we're in right now that blood of Jesus Christ and the body that was broken for us so yeah going back and thinking on these things is important and this is important for generations to come just as much as you know the sacrificial lamb and the observances of the sacrifices were important for the preceding generations right because there's a lot of time passing and God knows this but he wants people to continue to have these observations so that even as you know people may be doing well or not as well in their spiritual life and especially as a whole you're not forgetting or leaving off these customs you're not leaving off these traditions and these established ceremonies that are put in place to help people to remember and to commemorate you know the body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ even you know through the days of Israel when they're doing well when they're even when they're following idols do other things they were still had this this continuation of these sacrifices and things being done obviously not perfect and God wasn't well pleased with their sacrifices but that purpose of them not forgetting those things ultimately and being able to look back to them and be able to finally understand and go wait a minute we've been doing things wrong like in the days of Josiah to understand oh man I'm sure they were doing a lot of things but when he finally realized oh this is what the Bible says this is what God you know it all was it it helps people to be able to even make sense of it all anyways and you start thinking about why do we do these things and hopefully children you know when they come to church and they see all this stuff and they see you know the communion and even if they were in a church where it's not really explained very well and it's just kind of a habit one day they should be able to ask what is the purpose of this why do we do this and then that testament that that that image that picture is explained this is why we do this now I do I try to do a good job of making sure we explain all this every year for sure we have people coming and going from church you know everyone needs to be clear why do we do this what is the point well it's very significant because this is the point when Jesus broke his body and shed his blood for us right it's extremely important now Matthew turn if you go to Matthew chapter 26 because we saw at the account in the book of Luke they're all consistent with each other each gospel gives slightly different information or worded maybe a little bit differently to give us extra insight into the whole truth of the matter brother Linda do you mind kicking on the AC here I mean a little bit of air flow and should just if you just flip it up to cool then we should be good I think it was just off thanks Matthew 26 we get it we get another account and this is you know all the information is still here but I like the way that that he that it's described here because it's probably even a little bit more closely to the pattern that we follow verse 26 of Matthew 26 the Bible says and as they were eating Jesus took bread and blessed it and break it and gave it to the disciples and said take eat this is my body and when we observe the Lord's Supper the bread is gonna be broken and distributed and we're gonna remember what Jesus Christ said and did we said take eat this is my body we're gonna be thinking and conscious of the fact that that Jesus broke his body for us and then it says in verse 27 and he took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying drink ye all of it for this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins this is the observance that we're gonna do it's very simple it doesn't take you a lot of time but we're gonna take the time needed it's gonna be you know again a time of reflection in summer because we're considering everything that Jesus Christ it's a very sober event right while we are joyful in what Jesus did for us this event of looking to what he actually did is a sober event and we're gonna be thinking when I say sober obviously not in Hebrew but I mean you know serious where it's grave you kind of you kind of take it as a weighty matter how important it was the gravity of the situation of what Jesus Christ did for us to sacrifice he made and and that observance is important the Bible says in verse 29 but I say unto you I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my father's kingdom and when they had sung in him they went out into the Mount of Olives so that's that whole I guess detailed observation of the Lord's Supper now I want to go over a little bit of the timing of when Jesus ate the Passover versus when he was crucified I already explained the timing but when we when you read the passages you're gonna see a lot of indication that it already was the Passover when he's eating the Passover so in Matthew 26 you know the Bible says excuse me in Luke 22 in verse 7 where we started reading about said then came the day of unleavened bread when the Passover must be killed and I want to point this out to all the gospels are very consistent extremely consistent with their verbiage and the language that's used when you compare the gospels you'll be able to find different areas that use different words and sometimes they have things included and sometimes not you know here it's here and it's not there or whatever all of it is filling in more gaps or more information but sometimes you'll see what I believe in different areas especially where you know the same concept is being taught but it's worded very differently in these accounts of what's going on here it's worded the same and it's very consistent with the wording used when Jesus is preparing for the Passover with his disciples as well as all the events that continue to take place after that so I want to just first make sure that you know that that is understood and stated because you don't want to fall into the trap that the the modern Bible version you know people who who are not King James only and and think that there are mistakes and errors in the Bible can fall into thinking oh well that was just an error oh that was just a mistake right oh that was a mistake that Matthew made that was a mistake that Luke made that was a mistake that some copyist made or whatever it's not a mistake because they're all consistent and they all agree with each other perfectly perfectly so there's not four mistakes right and these all these different books in Matthew Mark Luke and John all these different accounts of the gospel they're all consistent with one another so if there's a misunderstanding or a seeming contradiction the problem isn't with God's Word the problem is with us not being able to fully comprehend or understand what it's saying even that verse in verse 7 of Luke 22 is it then came the day of unleavened bread when the Passover must be killed is a little bit vague there's a little bit of vagueness to it because the day had come also if you were if you realize this or remember this I preach this in the past going all the way back to Genesis where the Bible says in the evening in the morning where the first day and the evening in the morning when the second day in the evening in the morning with the third day that that's how days were recorded and counted as you know the the evening beginning you know ending one day and beginning the next day starting with the evening morning whereas we think of morning and an evening well we kind of view days in the sense of its morning and then it's evening and then the days over and it I mean you know we have a counter where we're looking at midnight to actually start the next day in any 24-hour time period because that's how much time is in a day right you can literally choose any marker that you want to be the start or end point of a day right it could be 6 p.m. if you wanted it to be where okay 601 p.m. is the next day and you know I mean and we could call that whatever you want to call it we use midnight one two three four right it doesn't matter and my point though to bring this up is that this is important understanding the timing because when Jesus when it's already the evening it's that that that day has begun right and he's gonna continue and then right at the end of that day is when he's going to be sacrificed so he's doing this a little bit early but I also want to point this out and before I even get too far ahead of myself Luke 22 it said then came the day of unleavened bread when the Passover must be killed and he goes and prepares a Passover with his disciples so we could eat that Passover but Luke 23 look at verse number 54 Luke 23 because this is also going to be very consistent in all the accounts of the gospel and in the Gospels of this event because this is after Christ held the Passover with his disciples Luke 23 verse 54 says in that day was the preparation and the Sabbath drew on so we're gonna see that throughout the the trial of Jesus Christ and all the events that surround that that day is consistently referred to as the preparation day of the Passover Jesus observed the Passover in the evening before the night before because he knew that all these events where he knew he'd be arrested he knew everything was going to happen and he wouldn't have had the time to observe it with everyone else because he had to be the Passover Matthew 26 in verse number one the Bible says and it came to pass when Jesus had finished all these sayings again this is these I we're just gonna look through as quickly as possible the various accounts from Luke Matthew Mark and John Matthew 26 verse 1 says and it came to pass when Jesus had finished all these sayings he said disciples you know that after excuse me after two days is the Feast of the Passover and the Son of Man is betrayed to be crucified then assembled together the chief priests and scribes and the elders of the people unto the palace of the high priest who was called Caiaphas and consulted that they might take Jesus by subtlety and kill him but they said not on the feast day lest there be an uproar among the people so in Matthew 26 beginning of chapters is explaining when they're when they're conspiring to take Jesus Christ and to kill him they're crucified they're doing all this evil unto them they said well we can't do this on the feast day they can't do it on the actual holy day because the people then would be really upset by this by by dishonoring the Sabbath and doing these things when they're supposed to be resting they're supposed to be observing they're supposed to you know it's supposed to be this high holy day where none of this stuff should be taking place so right off the bat we see their plan is to arrest him and do all this stuff not actually on that day of rest that Sabbath day which would be the Passover day so which is what happens when they arrest Jesus it is actually before the event verse number 17 in Matthew 26 says now the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus saying unto him where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passover so this looks like it's a seeming contradiction but as you continue to read and and look at all the events from the beginning in the end I think what we're gonna see is that that first day was approaching and coming up and the first day for them to observe it you know it was there even though it technically wasn't the beginning of it yet but the day was starting because it was from the evening before and then it says I'll keep the Passover the house of my disciples they made ready the Passover and then he sat down with the 12 when the even was come in verse 20 of Matthew 26 Matthew 27 verse 62 says now the next day that followed the day of the preparation the chief priests and Pharisees came together in a pilot saying sir we remember that the deceiver said while he was yet alive after three days I will rise again so this is after Jesus Christ death after he died on the cross it says that the next day is when they said this and that followed the day of the preparation so again giving evidence that it was the preparation day when when all of those events took place which would include the the observance of the Passover with Jesus and his disciples mark 14 verse 1 bar reads after two days was the feast of the Passover and of unleavened bread and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft and put him to death but they said not on the feast day lest there be an uproar of the people again very consistent with what we had already seen mark 14 verse 12 says in the first day of unleavened bread when they killed the Passover his disciples said unto him where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the Passover so it could look a little bit confusing and look this this shook me up for a while trying to figure this out but when you see the consistency at the beginning and the end of everything I think it's pretty clear to show especially knowing that Jesus Christ is the Passover lamb that he was actually killed when the Passover lamb was supposed to be slain for everybody and when the Bible is referring to you know when they killed the Passover all of this was part of that preparation to actually doing the killing so it was the day when they were preparing to do that killing starting from the evening before which is when he met with his disciples John 13 we're going to see in verse 29 I was as for some of them thought because Judas had the bag that Jesus had said unto him buy those things that we have need of against the feast or that he should give something to the poor so this is when Jesus Christ is giving the bag to Judas right during that last Supper time and he says okay that thou do do as quickly but notice even the disciples are thinking that that he's sending him off potentially to get some things that we need against the feast right so obviously even though they're commemorating the Passover they know that the actual feast isn't going to start yet you know like like it's not time for that yet he's doing a personal Passover observance with his disciples prior to the actual full-blown you know slaying of the lamb and the feast the feast day that that is to come so they're thinking that well maybe he's doing this or that something should be given to the for poor he then having received a stop and went immediately out and it was night John 18 verse 39 this is where the Bible says but you have a custom that I should release unto you one at the Passover will you therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews so there's a custom that every year when they when the Jews observe the Passover that in in honor of that that prisoner would be released right so again Jesus was was you know they're kind of in this mode of preparing and being ready to celebrate the feast but since none of these functions were supposed to be done by the Jews on the actual day it's kind of all being observed and celebrated in advance and they're doing their extra commemorations and everything personally before that before the actual day itself and then John 19 verse 14 the Bible says and it was the preparation of the Passover and about the sixth hour and he saith unto the Jews behold your King multiple times we see this consistency jump down to verse number 31 of John 19 of it being the preparation day the Jews therefore because it was the preparation that the body should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath day for that Sabbath day was an high day besought Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away now real briefly this concept of Good Friday supposedly being the day when Jesus Christ was crucified is completely false because we know for a fact that Jesus Christ was already risen from the dead on the first day of the week which we'll put in our in our days of the week Sunday right Sunday is the first day of the week so we observe Easter which is the resurrection of Jesus Christ the empty tomb on a Sunday because that's the first day of the week when disciples came to the tomb and they saw it was empty and we know for a fact also that Jesus Christ was dead for three days and three nights he was in the grave he was in the tomb he was dead for three days and three nights you can't already be risen on Sunday morning and be put to death on Friday and be dead for three days and three nights just can't happen at all it's completely impossible so this is another reason why we observe the Lord's Supper on a Wednesday night we already are having a church service we don't hold an extra one specially for this because it all works out this is what happens when you know we're observing Easter the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the first day of the week which is in accordance with what happened in Scripture and Jesus Christ being crucified happened three days and three nights prior to that so if you've got Saturday Friday Thursday would be the three days and a Saturday night Friday night Thursday night would be the three nights and with a day starting at even on Wednesday right that starts you in the Thursday and then into Friday and then in the Saturday it makes sense to observe the Lord's Supper especially being the day before you know the evening before he was actually crucified on that Wednesday so if it was like Thursday Friday Saturday we're observing on a Wednesday it's it's close really close if not right on with when when they would have been observing it now there is no detail in the scripture that this must be done on this day every year we're not we're not given that information but by all appearances it is a continuation of the Passover and the Passover had that specific day on the 14th day of the month a bib you know every year you do this Passover and then start the Feast of Unleavened Bread you know and all those details are in the scripture we're not given that in New Testament but seeing that this is for all intents and purposes the the same the commemoration of the same event just from a different perspective this is why we observe this at the same day every year just like we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the same day every year we're going to commemorate the the death the the broken body and the shed blood on the same day every year now other churches and other people and maybe you have this leave I don't know we'll look to the passage that says you know this do as oft as you drink it or you know yes as often as you drink it until I come and say well we could observe the past we could observe this more times during the year you know if you believe that that's fine but I don't think that the as often is referring to like throughout the year I think it's just year after year after year is often it you know however many years that come up after until until the return of Jesus Christ until he comes again to establish his kingdom that we do this year after year after year after year that's how I understand that passage I understand that people can can understand it different I don't make any problems with people who believe different on this I don't think it's it's the type what as important as the doctrine is of observing and commemorating the Lord Jesus Christ the details of it since they aren't just clearly defined like in the Old Testament the Passover was you know I mean just like the 14th day of the month and all this other stuff you know we can't be too critical of how other people observe but in our church I think it's still pretty clear the passage from Passover to to the Lord's Supper happening on the same day doing very similar things with the unleavened bread and the wine it makes sense to continue to do this in the same fashion year after year and it's also a time that we can do this where hey we do this on the same time every year so that we're making sure that we're commemorating the body and blood of Jesus Christ and it's not just given over to just well whenever you feel like it because if people do things whenever they feel like it it's not gonna happen I mean let's face it like it happens sometimes maybe but I I remember back when you know if I try to read my Bible without having an exact schedule of like no I'm gonna do this all the time I very very seldomly would read my Bible when I felt like it you don't just come to church when you feel like it you don't just go soul winning when you feel like it you don't just read it yo if you do that it's gonna be very few and far between when you're actually doing this stuff and I think that you know the observance of the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ is something that we ought to take seriously and make a schedule for it and do it regularly so for all those reasons that's why we observe it when we do if that makes sense on a Wednesday evening before Easter before the resurrection commemoration we observe the Lord's Supper and and we use the unleavened bread we use the juice for the wine because that's what wine the wine that's being referred to and when Jesus Christ was actually crucified and when he held his Passover with the Jew with his disciples it was the preparation day leading up to then him being crucified and giving up the ghost essentially right before evening when the lamb was supposed to be sacrificed anyways obviously there's a couple hour time frame it's you know they had to be able to and that's why they went to go take the bodies down so they weren't hanging on that high holy day and Jesus was already dead he'd already given up the ghost by that point turn of view with the first Corinthians 11 because I want to get through this real quickly as well besides the timing of when we observe the Lord's Supper the location of where we observe the Lord's Supper I also want to cover real quickly that's why you know we observe the Lord's Supper here in church in the house of God among among other believers and I believe that this follows also with the Old Testament with the Passover as well we'll get to that in a minute but first we're going to see the instruction from the Apostle Paul to the church at Corinth regarding the Lord's Supper and this is this is very clear instruction for us as a New Testament Church to observe as well verse number 18 is we're going to start reading Bible reads for first of all when you come together in the church I hear that there be divisions among you and I partly believe it for there must be also heresies among you that they which are approved may be made manifest among you so write a like you could tell by the whole book of the church you know the the letter the Epistle to the Corinthians of how many problems they had in the church apostle Paul is trying to straighten out a lot of different things and they had divisions and earlier on you're gonna see you know one guy saying I'm a Paul no one say I'm a Paulist and then all these different factions of people holding different doctrines and believe in different things and they really weren't in unity and they had heresies they had all kinds of other problems and this is where you know before we even get into the rest of the passage I wanted to get this in context of him recognizing that and saying hey I know that there's you know there must be heresies because you already have this divisions among yourself right that's that there's got to be heresies there so he's gonna clear it up right now and in one of the problem areas had to do with the Lord's Supper and he says in verse 20 when you come there together therefore into one place this is not to eat the Lord's Supper now if all we had for the Lord's Supper was this verse you could just say oh well I guess when we shouldn't you know commemorate the Lord's Supper in church but he goes on to further elaborate just like in so many other places in the scripture if you just stopped at one verse then you can easily see how you're not going to you know how things might not how you could get maybe a wrong understanding of it just like judge not well you got to keep reading right to get the full context verse 21 he's gonna he's gonna elaborate about what's going on we say when you come together in one place is not to eat Lord's Supper for in eating everyone taketh before other his own supper and one is hungry and another is drunken so this is a huge problem because when they're coming together and they're having the Lord's Supper it says in eating everyone takes but you know everyone just kind of looking out for themselves they're not showing you know any type of humility and allowing other people to go first and so on everyone takes his own supper you got one person who's hungry and another one is drunken now that drunken could be referring to inebriated I just think like you know because it's talking about food one person has not enough they're still hungry and the other person has more than enough so being drunken with food like just you have an overabundance of food you have you have way more than enough and it's not being distributed evenly it's not being handled well at all if you got one guy over here he's still hungry this guy's got way too much verse 22 says what have you not houses to eat and to drink in or despise ye the Church of God and shame them that have not what shall I say to you shall I praise you in this I praise you not now the other problem that we're seeing here is that they're they're they're basically having an entire meal this full supper where you've got one person who's got all kinds of stuff and this person doesn't have anything or you know and they're coming together try observe this and it's like this whole meal you say look eat your meal at home don't you have houses to eat in and we don't need to shame people some people don't have very much and you may have blessed have a lot you're bringing in this whole spread and this guy doesn't have anything and this guy's hungry and you're supposed to be observing the Lord's Supper like that is not the way that you do this and you know when we observe the Lord's Supper on Wednesday it's not a full meal so don't come to church prepared to have like an entire course of food because we're looking at the specifically the bread and the blood the body and the blood of Jesus Christ not not a full meal verse 23 for I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and this is also confirming why we do the things that we do because Apostle Paul say look this is what he did and we read those verses in the Gospels and now he's repeating these same exact the same exact portion of Scripture regarding the Lord's Supper verse 24 and when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood this do ye as oft as you drink it in remembrance of me so this passage here about about you know observing these things again we're not seeing any reference to a lamb being eaten or any other part of a meal being eaten here he's referring to these two verses which is also the highlight of the Gospels right Matthew Mark Luke and John when they talk about the this this the Lord's Supper verse 26 let's keep reading here buzzes for as often as eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the Lord's death till he come wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the Lord's body for this cause many are sweet and sickly among you and many sleep and that sleep there is talking about death now I'm gonna get this in a little bit more in just a second but this shows the gravity of the situation of observing the Lord's Supper all these verses talking about land you know let a man examine himself if you're eating and drinking unworthily you know basically drinking damnation yourself you need to understand what's going on here this isn't something flippant this isn't something like some big party and everyone's just you know you have people eating here and not even here to you know look things need to be done decently in order it needs to be sober it needs to be you know done right because it's a big deal and when people are just just dealing with this stuff willy-nilly and just doing whatever you know God's bringing problems on this church and some people are weak and sickly and some people sleep because specifically saying this is because of your observance of the Lord's Supper because you're not doing it right it's a big deal in God's eyes so we need to take this seriously which is also why I talk about this and bring this up in advance before Wednesday and try to give you some time to just be prepared yourself there was preparation for the Passover in the Old Testament and we see references to that the Bible says in John 11 55 and the Jews Passover is nigh at hand and many went out of the country up to Jerusalem before the Passover to purify themselves now we don't do the same purification rituals and everything else I did in the Old Testament but the Bible said that they were supposed to be clean and and keep themselves you know undefiled before eating the Passover and when we're gonna commemorate the body and blood of Jesus Christ we ought to be able to keep ourselves clean and undefiled as well now obviously again we're not following the whole way of the Old Testament of doing the the carnal washings and those ordinances but we ought to be you know trying to keep ourselves a little bit extra holy and pure going up to this day of commemorating the body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that we're treating it with the reverence and holiness that it deserves and if we see a New Testament Church receiving condemnation because of all this stuff going on and God judging them for that we need to take it seriously as well and I do I believe this for a really long time I haven't changed on this that this doctrine here what we see in 1st Corinthians 11 first and foremost primarily when people aren't saved not the serving the Lord's body they shouldn't partake in this at all but I do believe that this is talking about more than just saved or unsaved I do think that we need to be observing this with sobriety and considering everything consider yourself going into this and not just thinking everything's great and who cares and I'm just gonna give me give me ten of those pieces of bread you know whatever and if you're not treating this appropriately the judgment will still you know God's judgment can still fall on us you can still chasing us and chastise us individually for doing this just as he did with the church at Corinth and I believe I don't believe that all those people were just unsaved I think God was punishing them for for their observance and in what they were doing and in their lack of respect for what was going on and that we need to have the proper respect for these things too so when we hold the Lord's Supper though because this is also in here you know talking about eating and drinking unworthily the choice is up to the head of the household for everyone that comes in here on who is going to partake in the Lord's Supper when you come here okay so the head of the household is the father unless there's not you know the the man the husband unless they're not here or you know for whatever reason then it would fall to the next in order and there's biblical order for the household so they're gonna determine like your which of your children because not all of your children may be saved right it's only supposed to be for people who are already saved and you know people who are I believe you shouldn't you shouldn't partake in this if you're just if you've defiled yourself in some way obviously we know we have eternal forgiveness but in your standing just kind of your current standing with God if you're if you're just guilty of some grievous sin you know what don't I would say don't partake in this but you examine yourself whether or not you're worthy and then the the father is gonna have to determine for the rest of his family because you know the people who are helping to distribute they're not gonna know who's saving who isn't saved and you know we're after this rely on on either you yourselves you know to determine for your children everything else so that's the way that that's gonna work as well one last point though still is regarding where then should we do this because if we just look at that first verse saying well when you come together in one place is not to eat Lord's Supper well then why do we come together into one place and observe the Lord's Supper let's keep reading verse 31 we didn't read this verse yet for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged we are chasing of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world verse 33 wherefore my brethren when ye come together to eat tarry one for another so at first you know at the you know everything in context and seeing all that's being stated here and all the problems and and now finally trying to get everything in order started with saying hey when you come together one place is not to eat Lord's Supper he goes on to elaborate why it's not to eat Lord's Supper because he said well hey and eating you're all everyone's eating one before the other and one's hungry and the other one you know is drunk you know and this is all problems now he says okay now when you come together to eat knowing they're gonna come together to eat Terry one they're saying you know what when you do it we're gonna do it in order you're gonna wait one for another you're gonna make sure everyone has what they need we're gonna do this in a way that is structured in an order and he says in verse 34 and if any man hunger let him eat at home that you come not together in a condemnation and the rest will I set in order when I come so if you're coming to church hungry and everything else you know what eat at home but you're gonna come here to celebrate or to commemorate the Lord's Supper now turn if you would the last place I'm gonna turn is Deuteronomy 16 Deuteronomy 16 I don't think what we saw with Jesus Christ and his disciples was just unique to them holding their own little group together as well as then having the main event of you know the Passover and the reason for that being if we study out the Passover altogether literally the Passover happened when the children of Israel were getting ready to leave Egypt they were all individually in their homes and they took together the lamb for a family for a household if you didn't have enough for eating you know like you combine households or whatever and they would slay the land they'd apply the blood and do and do all of that Passover like literally they did that in Egypt but they literally did that in Egypt one time they didn't continue to do all of the striking of the blood of the doorposts and everything else in their continuation of the observation of that event so when you start reading the law of observing the Passover right as opposed to the actual event of like what literally happened when the you know when the death angel was coming and they were you know literally being saved physically being saved from destruction symbolizing the spiritual salvation the Bible talks about all the children of Israel slaying the lamb at even on the Passover day right and we're gonna see here in Deuteronomy 16 let's just start reading here in verse number one the Bible says observe the month a bib of a bib and keep the Passover under the Lord thy God for in the month of a bib the Lord thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night thou shalt therefore sacrifice the Passover unto the Lord thy God of the flock and the herd in the place which the Lord shall choose to place his name there so specific is saying you know it's gonna be in a place where God chooses to put his name there that's where it's gonna be done thou shalt eat no unleavened bread with it seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread there with even the bread of affliction for thou came as forth out of land of Egypt and haste that thou mayest remember the day when thou came as forth out of land of Egypt all the days of thy life and there shall be no leavened bread seen with thee and all thy coast seven days neither shall there anything of the flesh which thou sacrifices the first day at even remain all night until the morning thou mayest not sacrifice the Passover look at this verse 5 thou mayest not sacrifice the Passover within any of thy gates which the Lord thy God giveth thee but at the place which the Lord thy God shall choose to place his name in there thou shalt sacrifice the Passover at even at the going down of the Sun at the season that thou came as forth out of Egypt and thou shalt roast and eat it in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose and thou shalt turn in the morning and go unto thy tents so collectively they were coming together to slay the Passover lamb and to eat it and then they were returning back home and a continuation of that we're gonna come together we're gonna break the the the ceremonial body of Jesus Christ and and and you know pour out the the wine representing the blood of Jesus Christ together in one place and then we're gonna go home so I think that this observation is completely scriptural in the observance I know that there's differences of opinion and observation and you know what people observing the Lord's death until he comes praise God for that but if you want to know how we observe things here and why we observe things the way we do in this church that's why so you know whether or not you personally agree with with every detail of what we're doing here this is the way that we're gonna observe things in the church if you choose to observe Passover in your home have at it you know do what you think is right in your heart but this is what we're doing a church if you want to participate in this be in church on Wednesday okay for this commemoration I know people are you know live far away and stuff but if you know if you think it's it's it's important then come on out and join us on this Wednesday specifically and you know ultimately that's that's where we stand hopefully you learn something from this this morning and I'm glad I didn't have to fight the distraction of the rain for too long because it seems to have subsided anyways as far as I've prayer drivenly father Lord thank you so much for the sacrifice that was made for us Lord for the broken body and shed blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ God we we should never even come close to forgetting about the sacrifice that was made I pray that you would please lead us and guide us into all truth and help us to in our observation of this that we would do things right we don't want to be wrong and incorrect in our understanding of doctrine and Lord we just ask that you would guide us and be with us Lord and accept our commemoration on Wednesday that that we are observing the Lord's death until we until he comes and Lord we love you and we thank you to Jesus name we pray amen