(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you that's good to know um and she's so she's out of the hospital she's home and does she have any um permanent like damage from okay that's good yeah praise the lord for that that's good as far as her health is concerned do they feel I mean I assume she'll probably have to follow up with a doctor at some point but okay yeah well that's that's still good news I'm glad that she's been released and that she doesn't have any uh damage from that stroke and um we'll continue to pray for Darla and Donnie after their loss losses and um yeah we'll definitely pray for their situation anyone else have anything to update on the prayer list prayer list at all alright very good continuing on we've got churches and pastors down there at the bottom of the page uh Pure Words Baptist Church is uh ordaining Evangela, Salvador, Alvarez to be their pastor so uh I don't know if this has happened already or if it's about to happen I just I saw something about it so uh I figured we'd pray for their church and I'm sorry September 1st is the date okay great yeah we'll we'll pray for that pray everything you know transition goes real smooth I'm sure it will um but just pray that God will strengthen him and and um you know help him to lead that church and that they could continue to do a lot of great works down there at Pure Words on the next page of course Fundamentals Conference starts tomorrow manana we've got uh Pastor Enrique Reyes is going to be here preaching for us uh Thursday night starting at 7 o'clock right here so it'll be a church service but the conference services are gonna run just like a regular just like our service runs tonight so you can come in we'll sing some songs we'll have announcement we'll we'll hear some preaching and you know it'll it's gonna basically just function operate just like any other church service would just in case you're wondering except we'll get to hear from different pastors um at this Fundamentals Conference so I'm looking forward to hear what Pastor Reyes has to say please come uh join us tomorrow for that and then Friday is Pastor Bruce Mejia from First Works Baptist Church he'll be preaching again the service starts at 7 o'clock on Friday night and then Saturday we've got the soul winning marathon all day soul winning so we're gonna meet up right here at 9 o'clock 915 have a light breakfast we'll send you out um and you know I'll give you all the details in the morning about lunch about dinner about everything else but um if you can make it here in the morning that would be the best if not let me know and uh just stay in contact with me so that I know when you plan on arriving if you could come later in the afternoon that's great we'd love to have you show up anytime that you can any amount of time that you can give to go out soul winning whether you know whether it's a whole day or not doesn't matter anything that you can do we will work around your schedule and get you paired up and figure out a way for you to get out there and hit the streets and go soul winning with us so just make sure though if you can't make it in the morning that you let me know so I can make special arrangements with you otherwise if you can't make it all day but you're coming in the morning no problem we'll figure that out on Saturday not a big deal just it's only if you're going to be coming in at a different time that I'm going to need to make sure that you know where to meet up with us at whether that be here or whether that be on the field so just uh let me know about that and regarding the conference too I don't know if anyone here uh brother Preston you did a hotel for the for your families um anyone if anyone's listening everyone should have received their confirmations now I did the reservations for everyone who requested uh a stay for the conference so um if anyone's listening and I know the conference starts tomorrow but if there's any listeners out there that have requested and you did not get an email confirmation uh now is the time to reach out to me well not necessarily this second you know but you can go ahead and send the email now and I'll check it later but um we should be all good for that and then let's see continuing on men's preaching class Saturday September 7th a few weeks away so 10 o'clock right here uh look forward to that all men are invited to attend and if you want to preach uh a few people have asked already there's no we have no special instructions this time I've given special instructions in the past on what to focus on and things like that we're we're not like starting over but it's you know it's been a while since we've had our last preaching class it's been a few months so um we're I'm kind of getting the ball rolling and obviously brother Carter is not going to be involved in any of the teaching so um it's it's it's almost like a reset not completely but um just come ready on September 7th and uh and join us for that and and hopefully you learn and and I'm sure it'll go great so that's gonna be right here at 10 o'clock Bible memory passage is Hebrews chapter 12 so we are getting close to the halfway point here and we're on verses 11 12 this week if you quote this passage word perfect without making any errors you will earn a prize for being able to do that I have been receiving prizes now in the mail so um I just need to get us caught up with the challenges as well as the Bible memory passages so um I will be ready to distribute those now I might not distribute those on Sunday just because we'll have I'm expecting to still have visitors and stuff for the conference so I don't want to have any extra stuff for our regular church members um but we'll push it off one week and we'll I'll start giving out all the prizes that I owe for all the previous challenges and things I owe prizes for so just expect that a week from Sunday to get those so if you want your prize right away make sure to be here make sure it doesn't get all picked over by other people who have won things because I've got a variety of of stuff to choose from so uh let's see upcoming birthdays and anniversaries are listed there today is what the 21st 21st Zuri Taylor is the birthday today happy birthday Zuri and then uh I think that's about it for the announcements anything else uh just uh a note in the next coming days of course we have because with the conference I ask a couple things I've already brought this up before please you know uh welcome the hospital towards guests people are visiting um you know you should know who's a visitor and who's not based on looks and uh uh if you recognize someone's a visitor greet them talk to them welcome them and make sure that they know where everything is all of our you know the bathrooms and and if they want any uh water drinks stuff like that you know help them out with that and then I'll also just request that everyone just uh keep up you know kind of pick up after yourselves and we're gonna clean as necessary and after every single service so um it's been typically the same exact people who have been cleaning which is not my goal is to always have the same people cleaning it's it's you know everybody makes a mess everybody's here everyone participates it's not fair to just have uh one or two families that volunteer every single service to clean the toilets and scrub the floors and do all that so um at least for this conference please everyone pitch in help out a little bit many hands make light work so uh we can get stuff taken care of quickly and and you know I do I appreciate everyone who helps and I know there are a few people that that do um consistently help and uh if if you don't normally help I just encourage you to think about it it doesn't have to be all the time if everyone pitches in a little bit here a little bit there we can get it done one service a week how about you know commit to that one you know one one time maybe twice a month offer right and they'll just relieve the workload for everyone so just something to consider all right uh that's about it for our announcement so I'll turn the service back over brother Peter who can lead us to our next song 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 on the first once I was hurt it could be a cure all that's too hard for my weak soul to bear the ending of where came our message so clear pray about everything prayer is a wonderful treasure prayer is a wonderful thing let's sing a lot without measure so pray about everything next come your father he loved it too please unlock his treasure he gives us the keys claiming this promise I dropped to my knees pray about everything prayer is a wonderful treasure prayer is a wonderful thing let's sing a lot without measure so pray about everything telling and friend can only bring shame worry and fear will dishonor his name go to your savior his promise you claim pray about everything prayer is a wonderful treasure prayer is a wonderful thing let's sing a lot without measure so pray about everything on the last vengeance in Jesus so perked in and free he's been worried for whatever it be our soul asking is only his plea pray about everything prayer is a wonderful treasure prayer is a wonderful thing let's sing a lot without measure so pray about everything Jeremiah chapter 7 which reads The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying Stand in the gate of the Lord's house and proclaim this word and say Hear the word of the Lord, all you of Judah that enter in these gates to worship the Lord Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel amend your ways and your doings and I will cause you to dwell in this place Trust ye not in lying words saying the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord are these for if ye thoroughly amend your ways and your doings if ye thoroughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbor suppress not the stranger, the fatherless and the widow and shed not innocent blood in this place neither walk after other gods to your hurt then will I cause you to dwell in this place in the land that I gave to your fathers forever and ever behold ye trust in lying words that cannot profit will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery and swear falsely and burn incense unto Baal and walk after other gods whom ye know not and come and stand before me in this house which is called by my name and say we are delivered to do all these abominations in this house which is called by my name become a den of robbers in your eyes behold even I have seen it sayeth the Lord but go ye now into my place which was in Shiloh where I set my name at the first and see what I did to it for the wickedness of my people Israel and now because ye have done all these works sayeth the Lord and I speak unto you rising up early and speaking but ye heard not and I called you but ye answered not therefore will I do unto this house which is called by my name wherein ye trust and unto the place which I gave to you and to your fathers as I have done to Shiloh and I will cast you out of my sight as I have cast out all your brethren even the whole seed of Ephraim therefore pray not thou for this people neither lift up cry nor pray for them neither make intercession to me for I will not hear thee cease thou not what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem the children gather wood and the fathers kindle the fire and the women need their dough to make cakes to the queen of heaven and pour out drink offerings unto other gods do they provoke me to anger sayeth the Lord do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces therefore thus saith the Lord God behold mine anger and my fury shall be poured out upon this place upon man and upon beast and upon the trees of the field and upon the fruit of the ground and it shall burn and shall not be quenched thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel put your burnt offerings unto your sacrifices and eat flesh for I spake not unto your fathers nor commanded them in the day that I brought them up brought them out of the land of Egypt concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices but this thing commanded I them saying obey my voice and I will be your God and you shall be my people and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you that it may be well unto you but they hearken not nor incline their ear but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart and went backward and not forward since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day I have even sent unto you all my servants the prophets daily rising up early and sending them yet they hearken not unto you nor incline their ear but hardened their neck they did worse than their fathers therefore thou shalt speak all these words unto them but they will not hearken to thee thou shalt also call unto them but they will not answer thee but thou shalt say unto them this is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the Lord their God nor receiveth correction truth is perish and is cut off from their mouth cut off thine hero Jerusalem and cast it away and take up a lamentation on high places for the Lord hath rejected and forsaken the generation of his wrath for the children of Judah have done evil in my sight saith the Lord they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name to pollute it and they have built the high places of Tophet which is in the valley of the sons of Hinnom to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire which I commanded them not neither came it into my heart therefore behold the days come saith the Lord that it shall no more be called Tophet nor the valley of the son of Hinnom but the valley of slaughter for the carcasses of this people shall be meat for the fowls of the heaven and for the beasts of the earth and none shall fray them away then will I cause to cease from the cities of Judah and from the streets of Jerusalem the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride for the land shall be desolate let's pray dear Lord thank you for this day thank you for letting us come to church and to get to hear your word preached Lord thank you for this passage and thank you for this conference Lord bless pastor and film with your spirit give us clarity of mind and give them the words to say give us ears to hear and listen to the message and apply it to our lives and go out this week serving you Lord in Jesus' name I pray Amen Alright Jeremiah chapter 7 let's dig right in look at verse number 1 the Bible reads the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord so this is kind of a new transition obviously there's a chapter division here but this is a new word now it's a new message Jeremiah continues to receive these messages from the Lord we don't know how much time is in between him receiving and having communication with the Lord but at least it kind of starts a new thought here even though it's still very similar to what we've already read this is a new word and this is a little bit interesting we've been dealing with Jerusalem as a whole and Israel as a whole and kind of preaching messages to the nation but look at what it says in verse number 2 stand in the gate of the Lord's house and proclaim there this word and say hear the word of the Lord all you have Judah that enter in at these gates to worship the Lord so now where is he targeting where is his message focused at? The house of the Lord just a preaching a message for all the people for all the nations and it is for the people but look he's targeting now and going to the house of God and just going like okay you need to listen so he goes to the gates of the temple of the Lord of the Lord's house and he's saying he's just anyone that's going to be coming in here God says I got a special message for you and this is where we all should have our ears perked up okay right like everything that we're seeing here is the truth it's the word of God it was for the people then as far as who it was directed at but truth is still the truth and God feels the same way about sin and about a lot of things that are coming up here and it's very very very applicable today as much as any time throughout history to take correction the Bible says here and so this is for the people who are coming in the gates to worship the Lord because just because you're going into church just because you're going to worship Lord doesn't mean you're right with God a lot of people today are going to church on Sundays they're going to church and feel like everything is great and they're right as rain with God and there's no problem but they might be deceiving themselves and many people are deceiving themselves they think that they're serving the Lord and they're not at all and this is the wake up call thus said the Lord of hosts the God of Israel amend your ways and your doings and I will cause you to dwell in this place and remember he's been preaching about the coming the impending doom the destruction Babylon coming but he's saying look you need to fix your ways amend make it right you need to change your ways you need to amend your ways what do you mean we're coming into the house of God what do you mean we got to change our ways change your ways change your doings he said if you do that I'll cause you to dwell in this place verse 4 trust ye not in lying words saying the temple of the Lord the temple of the Lord the temple of the Lord are these and they're trusting in their religion they're trusting in the temple they trust in the wrong things basically we already read from previous chapters they've got a lot of false prophets saying that oh peace peace when there is no peace God's the one saying no there's going to be destruction no you're going to be taken over no you'll be taken captive and the false prophets are saying the exact opposite they're saying oh yeah peace no problem God's with us you know and he's warning them don't trust in lying words and man what to God if more believers can stop trusting in lying words and do a little bit better job vetting and checking who it is or even listening to and who you're receiving teaching from and comparing it with the word of God and yeah it's work yes you have to actually read it for yourself no you can't just believe everything that you hear and yes you should care about what it is that you're receiving people going to church you should you should you should listen to but be ready to either accept or reject what's being taught based on the word of God and based on what's true it's your job to determine what's a lie and what the truth is how could it not be he said don't trust in lying words well how are we supposed to know I mean the preacher said so well he's warning him right here don't trust in lying words and don't just listen to the phony prophets trust not in lying words saying the temple of the Lord the temple of the Lord the temple of the Lord are these for if ye thoroughly amend your ways and your doings if ye thoroughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbor if ye oppress not the stranger the fatherless and the widow and shed not innocent blood in this place neither walk after other gods to your hurt then will I cause you to dwell in this place in the land that I gave to your fathers forever and ever now he lists off some things that that are they're pretty basic things but it's kind of astonishing to me that you have people who are gonna be guilty of what he's saying not to do and they're just going to church like it's a normal Sunday right and clearly this is a people who has their religions all screwed up their belief systems all screwed up they're going to church yeah but their life is not reflecting the word of the Lord at all and he says you need to amend your ways you need to change your ways and then well what do you mean by that well you need to execute judgment between a man and his neighbor you need to be able to to provide proper judgment someone's right someone's wrong and you gotta you gotta give the right judgment for that and not who you like more and not well who's more popular who has more clout who has more power who you know who's more popular that has nothing to do with it it's proper judgment it's justice between a man and his neighbor apparently there wasn't very good judgment being done and maybe maybe there was no judgment at all I don't know maybe things were just happening and nobody's being held accountable for anything and he's saying look you need to thoroughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbor verse 6 oppress not the stranger the fatherless and the widow so these are people who have been and still are common targets for those that like to oppress those that like to take advantage of people often times monetarily right through financial gain and oppression of keeping people down and charging interest and late fees and everything else on people who are already in a disadvantaged state so a stranger is going to be a foreigner they don't have any family maybe they don't have any friends they don't know anyone they're in a new place well yeah they don't know how things work so we could take advantage of that guy we could charge them more we could hike it up and say oh yeah no this is how things are here right and people do that why because they're greedy and they don't care they don't have any love for other people same thing with the widows and the fatherless right no one is really there to help look out for them and to be there for them and to be an advocate and a voice for them to not be taken advantage of yet people get taken advantage of all the time and he's saying don't do these things so don't oppress the stranger don't oppress the fatherless don't oppress the widows and he's speaking to people going to church how many people that go to church do you think have some very sketchy business practices probably a lot and this is what's being taught you know like hey what you know don't be amend your ways change your ways get right with God do what's righteous shed not innocent blood in this place neither walk after other gods to your hurt shed not innocent blood yeah don't be going out and having abortions how about that for shedding innocent blood and we're already going to see here later the sacrificing in the valley of the son of Hinam is referenced in this passage as well where they would sacrifice children unto false gods and they would cause them to pass through the fire that's a shedding of innocent blood but the shedding of innocent blood obviously it's easy to apply that to abortions it's such a big deal it's such a huge deal in our country because it's something that's legal we have legalized murder in this country and innocent blood is being shed countless lives are just being killed on a daily basis here and it's disgusting and makes God really angry but innocent blood can also be referring to you know it's in conjunction with the stranger the fatherless and the widow and people who aren't doing anything to deserve this oppression and not only are they being oppressed but they are being actually killed in many instances as well and then he says of course neither walk after other gods to your hurt verse 7 then will I cause you to dwell in this place in the land that I gave to your fathers forever and ever behold ye trust in lying words that cannot profit and again you know this is where my heart has always been well not always been but has been since I actually got right with God and wanted to go to church is just be an interest in the truth like just wanting to know what's true and that's one of the reasons why I even decided to ever want to become a pastor was to just be someone who can preach the Bible because we know that the Bible is the truth and and be able to preach every every verse go through the whole book and not leave anything out and not skip over passages but go through the whole book because it needs to be taught it needs to be preached and you know what if people are really interested in truth they're going to want to hear it I did I wanted to hear it I didn't only want to hear the positive stuff I didn't only want to hear about the parts that I had right that I was doing well in my life I actually wanted to hear the exact opposite I wanted to hear the things that I didn't have right I needed to hear those things that's how we grow but when you just put your trust in lying words there's no profit to that it doesn't benefit you at all to believe a lie to trust in a lie because it's a lie it's a falsehood it makes no sense it's the same thing as the people who just want to hear the peace peace message even if they know it's false and that boggles my mind more than anything it's like you want this false sense of security and comfort but if you already know it's false how do you even get comfort from that how? and there's still people that do that the Bible says they heed to themselves the teachers having itching ears they know what they want and they know what they want to hear and that's what you're there for and that's all they care about and it's just tell me lies make me feel good about myself how miserable do you have to be to then seek out a lie to make you feel better it can't profit the only thing that's going to profit you is the truth I mean man just at the highest level the biggest macro level you think about what's the truth? Jesus is the truth what's the truth? the word of God is the truth right? that's the truth so a lie can't profit you but you know it can the truth profits you Jesus does, the word of God does don't trust in lying words verse 9 will ye steal murder and commit adultery and swear falsely and burn incense unto Baal and walk after other gods whom ye know not and come and stand before me in this house which is called by my name and say we are delivered to do all these abominations like who do you think you are you think that you could just go out and steal and murder and be committing adultery and swearing falsely burning incense unto Baal you think you could just go ahead and do this wickedness and abominable practice and then walk into my house which is called by my name and just think that everything is just fine and you're delivered to do all this stuff and it's just not a big deal the verse that just rang out to me immediately when I was preparing for this sermon is in Romans chapter 3 go ahead and turn there keep your place in Jeremiah 7 turn to Romans chapter 3 because this is an accusation that also went forth in the New Testament and this is also an accusation that we who believe in free grace we who believe in easy believism that our salvation is truly based on nothing other than us putting our faith in Jesus Christ because it's His work it's His shed blood it's His sacrifice it's everything that He did that pays for our salvation it's everything that we do but people object to this and they'll say and you know what I hate? they call it cheap grace and you know what? there's nothing cheap about Jesus' sacrifice there's nothing cheap about the blood He shed there's nothing cheap about Jesus Christ and His sacrifice it's not cheap at all! it's the most expensive thing that could have been paid cheap grace because you're trying to make it into works you're trying to make it into a payment because you don't like the fact that it's grace you can't accept the fact that it's not your work you can't accept the fact that other people that you look down your nose at are able to get saved because it has nothing to do with how good they are it just has to do with receiving a gift and you have too much stinking pride to accept a gift that's been bought and paid for you already so you call it cheap grace yeah to you it's cheap you're treating it like it's cheap but to anyone who sees the value in it you're going to want to accept that gift for free immediately Romans 3 verse number 5 Romans obviously goes real in depth on salvation and our sins we're all sinners are we better than they? all of this stuff is being brought up when he's talking about the Jews and the Gentiles no, no wise, we're not better than them we're all sinners but look at verse number 5 the Bible says, but if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God what shall we say? is God unrighteous who taketh vengeance? I speak as a man, God forbid for then how shall God judge the world? for if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory why yet am I also judged as a sinner? and not rather and here it is as we be slanderously reported and as some affirm that we say let us do evil that good may come whose damnation is just and this is that attitude and what he's saying they were being accused of this but obviously it was false they were accused of this that they would just say like, oh yeah, well hey if grace is abounding then let's just do let's just do evil things because grace is going to abound and this is what people will also attack us who believe that no, salvation is a free gift so you mean to tell me that if you do this or if you do that or if you commit murder then you think you're still saved? yes I am well then why don't you just go out and do it? that's what other people think and they go out and they do it look, it's not an excuse to sin it's not a justification for sin you're justified from your sins through Jesus Christ but that doesn't give you the right or the license to sin and that's the worst thing people say you have a license to sin? no, I don't have a license you know what a license is? it's permission God hasn't given me permission to sin sin is still sin sin is still extremely sinful but you know what he's done? he's given me a free gift he's given me eternal life he's given me something that can't be taken away he's given me something that lasts forever he's granted me forgiveness through what Jesus did and I've just accepted you know, but people want to attack and say oh yeah, well that's pretty cheap Grace no, it's so cheap it's free it's not inexpensive it's free because you have to pay nothing and this is exactly the same thing that people will do these things and just think like, oh well, you know, we're saved we're delivered to do all this stuff who do you think you are? you think God doesn't judge? you think God doesn't judge you think God doesn't judge his people? he had this going to his house you preach this in my house in my place and people need to have their face ripped off because they need to amend their ways and you think you're all good and you think everything's just fine and here's oftentimes, and look, I recommend that you listen carefully and be very careful with your words but not just careful with them when you're out sowing or out talking to people who don't understand definitely be careful with them but be careful and point out why you're being very careful with your words because here's oftentimes we talk past each other and some people will say so you mean that you can do this and what is the most common thing they say? and that's okay and that's just fine you tell me that you could just sin and that's just fine no, I'm not telling you it's just fine no, I'm not telling you it's okay make the distinction make sure they know no, I'm not saying that everything's okay that it's just fine to sin I'm not teaching that that's not what we believe what we're teaching is that you've received forgiveness for all of your sins and that God won't send you to hell to pay for those sins but it's not okay and it's not just fine and God's not just okay with you sinning after your salvation because He will chastise you there is still a judgment there still is chastening chastising, there is still a punishment on this earth from God so no, it's not okay just because He's removed the ultimate payment of hell doesn't mean anything is okay when you sin it just means you've got a place secured in heaven that's what that means so seriously, make sure people understand that because it is a stumbling block for people to believe the truth about the freeness of salvation when they think that there's no consequence for your sins because that's not what we believe and it's not what we teach that there's no consequence for sins there absolutely is consequences for your sins but the eternal consequence has been paid for so we never have to worry about that, that's the one thing that is done it's taken care of through the payment that Jesus Christ had but everything else, so listen carefully when you're talking to people and they want to say that, don't be too quick to say, yeah, of course, we're saved so listen to what they say and respond appropriately so that they don't have a false understanding of what it is that we're teaching them and preaching to them about salvation because it's easy to be defending free salvation but sometimes to a fault when we are agreeing to something that they say, but we shouldn't be agreeing to that because it's not okay to sin it just means that you're still saved if you do sin some people may be like what's the difference? Well, it's a big difference and we've got to explain that difference and it's it answers these problems and clearly the Bible teaches that no, we should never have the attitude that, oh, well just because I'm saved then I can just do whatever and you think just because you're saved you're going to go out and you're going to commit sin and then you're just going to show up in the house of the Lord and think that everything's just fine? Oh yeah, I'm saved, so I'm going to go out and commit adultery I'm going to commit murder, I'm going to what else is listed here? Swear falsely I'm going to burn incense under bail? Eh, I'm saved whatever got another thing coming my friend, you don't know God that well you might have learned enough about Jesus to get saved, but you don't know God that well if you think that that's just fine and you can make a statement like we're delivered to do all these abominations and as people were as being refuted in Romans chapter 3 people were saying oh, let us do evil that good may come oh yeah, but see if I just do evil then people are going to see no, that's not it at all let's go back to Jeremiah 7 he's continuing again, mind you, at the house of the Lord and in fact we're going to read verse 11 then we're going to turn to Mark 11 if you want to get that reference ready because verse 11 Jeremiah 7 says is this house which is called by my name become a den of robbers in your eyes? behold, even I have seen it saith the Lord so this is interesting too, because think about the condition of the house of the Lord at this time prior to Babylon coming and taking them captive and now consider what Jesus said of the condition of the temple when he was on this earth and went into the temple and said in verse well, he didn't say in verse 15, but we're going to start reading in verse 15 of Mark 11 and they come to Jerusalem and Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves and would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple and I love I chose this rendering this reading this story that's given in Mark because people will try to change what he's talking about when you look it up in Matthew or if you look it up in John, like if you look it up somewhere else when you look at Mark though I mean, he's not allowing that anyone can even carry a vessel through the temple they can't carry their merchandise through the temple not even just the money changers, not just and it lists off all these things too it's not that oh, he was just mad because people were being ripped off because they were charging too much money well, if they're charging too much money what do you, first of all, where does it say that? Where does it say anything about the price being too high? It doesn't say that anywhere, second of all he lists off, he casts out them that sold and them that bought, so if he's worried about the price of things, why is he casting out the people who are getting taken advantage of if that's what's making him angry why would he kick out the people who are buying stuff, like it's, they're getting ripped off, what do you mean, why are you kicking me out Jesus? Because it's not about the price it's about the activity it's about the house of God becoming a house of merchandise and that they're buying and selling and he's overthrowing the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves and would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple and he taught saying unto them is it not written my house shall be called of all nations a house of prayer but ye have made it a den of thieves this is the condition of the temple all the people were going to the temple, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord are these and these people are deceived and they don't know any better and they think they're all doing the right thing and you need to wake up and amend their ways and say look we need to get back to the word of God, we need to get back to what does God actually say and get rid of these stupid traditions and get rid of this stuff that's crept in that's actually making God angry that has become part of our service to the Lord and it's crept into God's house look we need to make sure we do a reset and look very carefully and very closely to what the Bible says that we're not allowing wicked things to get their foothold in the house of God that's going to cause if Jesus were to come in to come in and start throwing the place apart and kicking everyone out, that's a pretty big deal when Jesus shows up to your church and is going to start throwing tables over and driving people out with a whip because that's another account you get of him making a whip and driving them out that's a big deal I would hope and I would pray that Jesus could walk into our gathering place here, into this house of God and be comfortable enough coming and sitting down and being at peace with how things are functioning here and not feel compelled to have to start cleaning house and getting rid of stuff that's why we don't have decaffeinated coffee, no I'm just kidding that's a joke but seriously though we need to we do need to be paying attention to everything, all the little things that we do and we're having fun with the sword drills, we're having fun with the Bible memory and trivia and honestly I think all that stuff is great, I don't think there's any problem with anything that we're doing right now but we do have to be vigilant to make sure that we're staying on course and staying on track and we're staying pure and consistent with what the word of God says and being careful to discern what, you know so someone might come in and be like hey I got this great idea I think we should do this, we should do that we should, you know, let's make it easier for people, in this case let's make it easy for people to buy doves for their sacrifice something like that can start off sounding like yes hey let's help people let's minister to them by offering a place where you're coming to the house of God anyways you're coming here anyways so you can just go ahead and pick up the animals that you need for whatever sacrifice you need to make it's a convenience that's how bad ideas start they sound like a good idea but someone needs to step in and be like well hold on a second and you know what I thank God for this passage because this is now something that we could turn to and really just be like whoa okay this is serious we need to make sure we don't do this and honestly it actually is mind boggling to me when there's people that I know are saved as much as I can that are maybe leading and part of leadership in churches where people come in and they set up book sales and sales and bakery sales and all this other stuff that they're selling for fundraising or for whatever else and they're bringing it into the house of God and well we're going to support our evangelists we're going to support our you know whoever that's coming in and set up their books and allow people to buy merchandise in the house of God like what do you think this means it's craziness that people would actually go ahead and do that but they justify it through these other oh we're just helping we're you know no and that's why we have here the policy of look we're not buying or selling anything in here and you don't conduct your business either even interpersonal business here you want to do business with someone take it outside go somewhere else you know don't just use God's house as the place to conduct your business it's not what it's for and you know in Jeremiah 7 he's saying look you've my house which is called by my name has become a den of robbers in your eyes that's what Jeremiah says that's what God says in Jeremiah to Jeremiah that he needs to preach to the people that are coming to the temple and isn't it so similar to what Jesus was saying in Mark 11 he says you've made it a den of thieves let's go back to to Jeremiah 7 in fact why don't you just go ahead and turn to 1 Samuel 4 cause I got one more verse to read and then we're gonna be turning again to another passage I'll turn there with you Jeremiah 7 12 reads but go ye now unto my place which was in Shiloh where I set my name at the first and see what I did to it for the wickedness of my people Israel so he said oh you want a reminder do you need to see something you need to see some evidence how I feel about this don't think you know you're coming into the house of the Lord and you're worried about the Temple of the Lord and how great is everything else you think that God's gonna allow this place to stand he said I've already done it before I've taken Shiloh away the place that I chose where my name was gonna be and where the tabernacle was and where the ark was you think I can't do this again you think I care that much about your building that you built for me do you think I care that much that like I won't just come in and wreak havoc and destroy that building you better believe I will things get out of control I absolutely will let's look at a reference here here's what happened when things were out of control in the house of God and yes things were out of control in the house of God under Eli's watch Eli was a priest that raised Samuel Samuel if you remember was given as a child he was an answered prayer from a woman that wanted to have children and was barren and made the promise that hey God if you bless me with a child I'll dedicate him to you which is what she did then by raising him until he was weaned then giving him over to Eli to the house of the Lord for them to raise Samuel as a priest as just dedicated holy to serving God with his life and that's where we get the books of Samuel and we read a lot about Samuel as a great judge and a prophet but while Samuel was being raised Eli had adult sons who were doing all manner of wickedness in the house of God they were fornicators they were stealing of the sacrifices and taking of the fat and taking on just in people it got to the point where people despised bringing their sacrifices to the house of the Lord they hated doing what they had to do for God and something that should have been bringing the sacrifices and stuff really ought to be a purifying thing a good thing you're getting right with God maybe if it's a sin offering you're coming in and it ought to be something that's viewed as a positive experience for you you're coming into God here's my offerings here's my sacrifices no matter what it is even if it's a free will offering and they hated it they despised it because of these wicked men these reprobates that were in the house of God and Eli was doing nothing about it and God just like okay I see what's happening here you know what it's time to judge and even all Israel at that time too like they were you know there's a reason why the Philistines were able to get the better of them because it wasn't just Hophni and Phinehas but it was the people as well look at verse number one we're going to read through quickly through first Samuel 4 just to kind of get a big picture here of Shiloh and what happened verse number one the word of Samuel came to all Israel now Israel went out against the Philistines of battle and pitched beside Ebenezer and the Philistines pitched in Aphek and the Philistines put themselves in array against Israel and when they joined battle Israel was smitten before the Philistines and they slew of the army in the field about 4,000 men and when the people were come into the camp the elders of Israel said wherefore hath the Lord smitten us today before the Philistines let us fetch the arc of the covenant of the Lord out of Shiloh unto us that when it cometh among us it may save us out of the hand of our enemies and you can tell already it's a people who are religious it's a people who would say oh let's go to the house of the Lord this is the same mindset as the people who are being preached to in Jeremiah and what are you talking about because they're treating the arc of the covenant as like a rabbit's foot right this lucky token oh if we bring this out then we'll have power like it's this magical box and we'll bring this out and then our enemies will be defeated before us they're not putting their trust in the Lord they're not calling out to God God help us God we've been we've done wrong we haven't been serving you properly we're going to amend our ways we're going to do what's right God please help us please defend us Lord we need you is that what they did no they're like hey let's just go get this box and bring it out to the field and then maybe it'll make us win because I think that's what's happened in the past let's go get this artifact that we've had sitting around for a long time in the temple that looks really cool and then the power of God is going to be there and save us no you don't need a lucky talisman you don't need some some thing you need the Lord but that's the mindset and this is what the people were doing that's why it wasn't a big deal for them to offer incense on the bale okay yeah we could do that too verse four so the people went to Shiloh that they might bring from thence the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord of Hosts which dwelleth between the cherubims and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas were there with the Ark of the Covenant of God and when the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord came into the camp all Israel shouted with a great shout so that the earth rang again they're real happy about this they think this is the trick this is going to work but it's just a thing in their bag of tricks it's not trusting in the Lord and when the Philistines heard the noise of the shout they said what meaneth the noise of this great shout in the camp of the Hebrews and they understood that the Ark of the Lord was come into the camp and the Philistines were afraid for they said God is come into the camp and you know the Philistines had a better understanding than the Hebrews did they just got the Ark and they're thinking this Ark this thing, this is going to save us and I mean just the symbolic the symbolism of that trusting in the law they're trusting in the tablets the ten commandments to save them well that has to fail how is the law going to save them how is the ten commandments going to save them it doesn't trusting in God saves you whenever the children of Israel are in trouble and they call out on the Lord and they trust in him, what does he do? he saves them but what are they doing here? oh let's bring the law into the camp not going to save you but here the Philistines when they see this as a symbol of what God is, they're just oh God's come into their camp, now what are we going to do? they had more respect for the power of God than the children of Israel did God has come into the camp and they said woe unto us for there has not been such a thing heretofore woe unto us, who shall deliver us out of the hand of these mighty gods these are the gods that smote the Egyptians with all the plagues in the wilderness so they've heard the reputation of the Lord and boy wouldn't that have been a great testimony if they actually trusted in the Lord for God to bring another victory but instead these people who they don't even fully understand they just think it's these gods plural, oh these are the gods that brought them out of Egypt and their own unsaved understanding of this now they're going to defy it, verse 9 says quit yourselves like men, O ye Philistines that ye be not servants unto the Hebrews as they have been to you, quit yourselves like men and fight, and the Philistines fought and Israel was smitten and they fled, every man into his tent and there was a very great slaughter for their fellow of Israel, 30,000 footmen and the ark of God was taken and the two sons of Eli Hophni and Phinehas were slain and there ran a man of Benjamin out of the army and came to Shiloh the same day with his clothes rent and with earth upon his head and when he came, lo Eli sat upon his seat by the wayside watching for his heart trembled for the ark of God and when the man came into the city and told it all the city cried out and when Eli heard the noise of the crying, he said what meaneth the noise of this tumult and the man came in hastily and told Eli, now Eli was 98 years old and his eyes were dim that he could not see and the man said unto Eli, I am he that came out of the army and I fled today out of the army and he said, what is there done my son and he tells him, he says your sons are dead and then he tells him that the ark of God is taken and he falls back and he breaks his neck and he dies and then his daughter-in-law has a child and she dies while she's giving birth and names that child Ichabod because the glory of the Lord has been departed so there's this huge, I don't want to just read through the rest of the story you can read it later just for sake of time let's go back to, actually turn if you go to Psalm 78 and you know it's just total devastation the ark's gone people are dying, the priests are dying God's judgment is coming down and guess what, now the ark's not there and God's presence has departed he's left, he's gone okay that's what happened to Shiloh Psalm 78 we have one more reference here to Shiloh, Psalm 78 verse 56 the Bible reads, yet they tempted and provoked the most high God and kept not his testimonies but turned back and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers they were turned aside like a deceitful bow for they provoked him to anger with their high places and moved him to jealousy with their graven images when God heard this he was wroth and greatly abhorred Israel so that he forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent which he placed among men and delivered his strength into captivity and his glory into the enemy's hand, that's talking about the ark being removed so what happened? the tabernacle was in Shiloh what's happening in Jeremiah? the temple is in Jerusalem and what are they saying in Jeremiah? oh the temple of the Lord, the temple is here right, so we're saved, the temple is here, well the tabernacle was in Shiloh, so what's God saying in Jeremiah? I can make this place empty and desolate, I've already done it once this was a place that was built for my honor and for my glory but guess what? that glory can depart just like it did in Shiloh and you think you're going to be protected by this stuff and it won't protect you, this temple won't protect you your faith in me is going to protect you not this temple, not this tabernacle, not this ark none of that stuff matters and you know how much time has gone by from the time of first Samuel, right, this was the end of the time of the judges all the way until Jeremiah which is like basically the reign of all of the kings essentially, effectively, it's just like all the timeframe of the kings and here we see people really haven't changed that much obviously the people in between have been better and worse and everything else and serve the Lord, not serve the Lord but my point is over the span of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years man still is capable of all the same exact things so even though it's been maybe a thousand years, over a thousand years, right two thousand years twenty-five hundred years, whatever, right, no matter how much time, man is still fully capable of all the same things that's why I started off saying look, this may have happened a long time ago, we're going through the book of Jeremiah but it's still just as effective and applicable today because people have the same attitude, the same trust in the false things and the false, you know, don't be trust, praying the rosary, I see those stupid signs on the freeway every once in a while, praise the rosary for, pray the rosary for America or something, like your little, your good luck charm isn't going to help at all in fact it's just going to make God angry don't pray the rosary and you know, don't be thinking, oh, at least they're trying to do something good no they're not, they're going to bring wrath on us because they're trusting in this garbage, in this nonsense God doesn't want you worshipping some false God you say, oh, but they're worshipping Jesus, no they're not no they're not let's go back to Jeremiah 7 verse number 13 and now because you have done all these works said the Lord and I spake unto you rising up early and speaking but ye heard not, and I called you but ye answered not and you know, rising up early and speaking God's getting up early to get the work done you know, we ought to be ready to hear and you know of all, at least of all churches, Baptist churches don't start that early, generally speaking, but it's kind of like look, if you can't get up for a Sunday morning service, you might be missing something that God has for you, that he's getting up early and getting a message prepared for you rising up early and speaking but ye heard not, are you not hearing because you're not hearing from the word of God, are you not hearing because you're not in his word, are you not hearing because you're not going to church dangerous place to be rising up early and speaking but ye heard not and I called you but you answered not this is not God's fault people can't blame God for anything, I've been sending people, I've been calling out to you you haven't been listening, you haven't been answering verse 14, therefore will I do unto this house which is called by my name wherein ye trust, that's showing, like where is their trust? It's in the temple is it in God? No, their trust is in the temple, I mean even the Pharisees had the same attitude remember for weather is greater the offering the gold that's brought to the offering or the man I'm totally butchering that verse anyone know it? Alright now I know what we're doing for Bible memory passage next weather is greater the gold on the offering or the what that sanctifyeth the gold, right? Anyhow now I'm getting way off track here they're trusting in the temple the Pharisees trusted in the temple, they're trusting in those traditions, they're trusting in the place they're not trusting in, you know and in 1 Samuel they trusted in the ark, they trusted in the tabernacle wrong place to have your trust and that's why God's saying hey I'm willing to remove this house cause the house really like God was honored that they thought about building a house to him and if they're gonna do it they're gonna do it the way that he says they're gonna do it and you could glorify the Lord in the building of that house which is what happened but he's like at the end of the day though this is just just a house and it doesn't have the same meaning for me as it does for you and if you're trusting in this place I'll show you how shaky that trust is and remove it therefore will I do unto this house which is called by my name wherein ye trust and unto the place which I gave to you and to your fathers as I have done to Shiloh and I will cast you out of my sight as I have cast out all your brethren even the whole seed of Ephraim. Now oftentimes when we talk about Ephraim here like this it's talking about Israel so the northern kingdom of Israel it's just another reference to that whole kingdom it's not just the one tribe but Ephraim was the biggest tribe and it's just is another usage of that word it's not meant to only include that tribe it is the northern kingdom of Israel because they have all been taken captive already by the Assyrians and he's saying in you're going next verse 16 therefore pray not thou for this people I think he's still preaching in the house of God by the way too the gates of the house of the Lord hey you're going in there don't pray for this people pray not thou for this people neither lift up crying or prayer for them neither make intercession to me for I will not hear thee remember if you want to get our prayers answered we got to pray according to his will well here he's telling us right now this is not my will and I am not going to hear you so don't you think to come to me and pray for this people because God's already got a judgment pronounced against them just like you're not going to pray for those who sin unto death well don't pray for this people either one more piece of evidence from that sermon from Sunday there's definitely people you don't pray for verse 17 seeest thou not what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Judah don't you see what they're doing don't you see what's going on here and you're going to pray for them I mean look at the things that he even brought up with the adultery and everything you know murders it's like and you're going to pray for this people get real the children gather wood and the fathers kindle the fire and the women need their dough to make cakes to the queen of heaven who in the world is the queen of heaven oh it's Mary the mother of God right that's what the Catholics do they offer their sacrifices and burn their incense unto Mary I've seen it let's see the statues and you go to some of these a lot of the like the in the barrios right because there's a lot of Hispanic has a lot of of heavily Catholic areas and I've seen it myself where and you know when it comes to idolatry Catholics are full of idolatry but the especially the the Hispanic parishioners of the Catholic faith are really big into the idolatry I mean more so than I and look this is just my experience in the United States of America what I've seen you come up to people's houses and they've got the full out shrines and sometimes they'll open up their door and you see and they've got like candles and everything else and it's all lit up and it's all decked out and sometimes behind glass and they got all this stuff like look that's idolatry and it's but there's no new thing under the sun calling Mary the mother of God no she's not the mother of God she bare Jesus right and not taking anything away from Mary as a person she was a great person she was had the honor of being the mother to bare Jesus right great but don't elevate her above that because she was still a sinner like anyone else she was not this you know eternal virgin or whatever kind of nonsense that they preach but I'm not going to get too much we got to finish through this chapter and this comes up again later anyways but notice the children gather the wood the fathers kindle the fire the women need the both so you've got just all these families everyone's just all in line with making these cakes to the queen of heaven and to pour out drink offerings onto other gods that they may provoke me to anger yeah praying the rosary putting up the idolatry that makes God angry it doesn't make him happy do they provoke me to anger sayeth the Lord do they not provoke themselves the confusion of their own faces therefore thus saith the Lord God behold mine anger and my fury shall be poured out upon this place upon man and upon beast and upon the trees of the field and upon the fruit of the ground and it shall burn and shall not be quenched God's not happy with the idolatry with the worshipping of false gods it makes him angry saying you know what I mean he literally says this often and then just says you know what it's going to be brought down and the fire's not going to be quenched thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel put your burnt offerings unto your sacrifices and eat flesh verse 22 for I spake not unto your fathers nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices now look does it in God's law does it talk about burnt offerings sacrifices yes it does but God is making sure that everyone understands the importance or lack thereof in comparison to other things that he's teaching specifically here their obedience he's saying you know what when I first brought your ancestors out your fathers came out did I just immediately start talking to them about the sacrifices that they have to make nope but this thing commanded I them but this is what I said saying obey my voice and I will be your God and ye shall be my people and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you that it may be well unto you that's what I cared about I just want you to be obedient to me so what does that mean well let's listen carefully to what God has to say let's read his word and be like well what does God really want and not come up and start buying and selling in the house of God and not do these things are dishonorable in the Lord let's start with obedience and say hey let's just start getting things right by just being obedient to him he's not looking for the biggest sacrifice that you could make how about you just start by obeying him these sacrifices are great God has sacrifices God has free will offerings that's great but you know what he wants you to do more than anything obey him obey him and you don't have to turn you can stay in Jeremiah 7 because I need to wrap this up but in 1 Samuel 15 Samuel is speaking to Saul Saul didn't get this he was more focused on making sure that they got the sacrifices and they come back from this destruction and where God won a victory for them but didn't obey God's word and allowed the people to offer up sacrifices which they weren't supposed to do they were supposed to just completely destroy everything not save the best of it and offer up sacrifices and Samuel rebukes them in the word of the Lord verse 22 of 1 Samuel 15 says and Samuel said hath the Lord has great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord you think God is that pleased with your burnt dollar sacrifices as much as he is by just obeying him behold to obey is better than sacrifice there it is it's better obedience to God is better than any sacrifice that you could give it's better does that mean you never sacrifice no but you know what your obedience is a lot better if you're only going to do one obey him don't worry about the sacrifice focus on obeying him first then you can start adding the sacrifices to that later obey is better than sacrifice than to hearken than the fat of rams for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry so being rebellious because you're not obeying see this is why he's explaining like why is it better to listen and just obey than the sacrifices because when you're not in obedience you're in rebellion and rebellion is really bad it's like witchcraft and what happened to witches and wizards they got the death penalty and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry it's like worshipping false gods it's like putting other things before God that's how bad it is so yeah obey is better because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord he hath also rejected thee from being king interesting there too with the rejection we just got done seeing how God rejected the children of Jerusalem here verse 24 in Jeremiah 7 but they hearkened not nor inclined their ear but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart and went backward and not forward since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day I have even sent unto you all my servants the prophets daily rising up early and sending them notice that too rising up early and sending them yet they hearken not unto me nor inclined their ear but hardened their neck they did worse than their fathers therefore thou shalt speak all these words unto them but they will not hearken to thee thou shalt also call unto them but they will not answer thee God says hey I sent I called they didn't answer and he's saying you're gonna send you're gonna call and they're not gonna listen to you either but thou shalt say unto them so he's saying God already knows he's like I know they're not gonna listen to you but you're gonna do it anyways you're still gonna call I'm still sending you you still deliver this message you do it they won't listen to you but then here's what you gotta say verse 28 but thou shalt say unto them this is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the Lord their God nor receiveth correction truth is perished and is cut off from their mouth what what a man truth truth is dead is what he's saying truth is dead you don't care about the truth at all and honestly I mean he made this statement and I don't know this but I'm conjecturing that they probably didn't have men calling themselves women and saying no you have to refer to me in the feminine and putting on the women's clothing and they were so void of truth as we see today in many cases and we see the the judgment of God for that like where do we stand this is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the Lord their God you you got that right this is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the Lord their God nor receiveth correction I'm not seeing repentance happening anywhere in this country other than in the work being done among God's people a little bit here and a little bit there but I mean as as a nation nationally no no it's not happening truth is perished it's cut off from the mouth and you know we see this the censorship you can't say things that are true anymore online and the media you get cancelled you get censored at least if you start getting a big enough following we we still have our channel because we don't have that many people watching us to be honest with you and there's not it's not some big online presence that we have it's not it's still it's still small enough to fly under the radar but you know what the days are coming where it doesn't matter how big you are everyone's just gonna get we're just on borrowed time at the moment until the algorithms and AI get smart enough to just go nope nope nope nope nope you're done right now there's too many people that actually have to listen through an entire sermon which they don't want to have to do and no one's giving them the sound bites out of any of my sermons so we get by for a while but as soon as the AI just goes oh okay oh yeah a computer listened to everything and said nope can't say that truth is perished it's cut off from their mouth verse 29 cut off thine hair oh Jerusalem and cast it away and take up a lamentation on high places for the Lord hath rejected and forsaken the generation of his wrath for the children of Judah have done evil in my sight saith the Lord they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name to pollute it they brought in their abominations and God's saying you know what not happening my house is supposed to be a house of holiness and I am going to take you away I'm going to take it out and the temple was destroyed that's why they had to rebuild it again when they were brought back into the land God just like Shiloh gone and you know he'll do that every time as much as he needs to and look at this this is real interesting too look at verse 31 and they have built the high places of Tophat which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom and this is what this is known for and you see references to this in other places in the Bible of Tophat or the valley of the son of Hinnom and it's always referred to because it is the place where the child sacrifices were done the most or whatever like this was known for that so the days comes at Lord or excuse me in verse 31 they have built the high places of Tophat which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire how wicked is that sacrificing their children unto Satan now they literally physically did this like this is this isn't hyperbole this isn't just dramatic language like they actually did this but they thought they were being real spiritual and think about to the end of your own self sacrifice and trusting in your sacrifices rather than obedience to God you know God's the one who gave the sacrifice for our salvation we don't need to make that sacrifice and no one should be trying to carry out this sacrifice of giving your child to die and to suffer and to burn for anyone because Jesus already did that for us and he was the sacrifice and this is I bring that up because for us it's just like what in the world how could any parent ever possibly allow them to do this stuff but if you start thinking about it in terms of how God gave his son you know they can twist that into thinking well this is how you're really holy and spiritual and righteous is by offering up your child to be a sacrifice unto God or the gods or whatever they were you know Satan is how we know it but they didn't think they were worshipping the devil right their mind is a totally different their acceptance of this is warped and twisted but the Bible is giving us the truth of the matter and there are people out there that are sacrificing their children today maybe not physically through fire sacrificing their children to the devil they're giving their children over to the devil and to the ways of this world and putting them out there into spiritually just as dangerous places that's just going to draw them into hell and you need to be aware of that but look at it and I love this last sentence last phrase in this verse after you talk about them burning their sons and their daughters in the fire which I commanded them not neither came it into my heart the God of Calvin of John Calvin and Calvinism is the God that makes the people who burned their children in fire to do those things where they would say that was God's will being done that these children are being burned in the fire that's the God of Calvinism that's why I hate Calvinism so much he's a false God and yeah they call themselves Christians and they're from the Reformation and whatever look it's wicked as hell it's a different God than the God of the Bible because God says that never came into my heart never that never came into my heart that people would let their children their sons and their daughters pass through the fire never the God of Calvinism is like yep you do this cause you don't really have free will cause you're just gonna do whatever it is that I want you to do and I want you burning these innocent kids in the fire no you see how twisted that is watch out for that and that's really what it boils down to and oh no that's not what we believe you know what effectively it is what they believe though it is anyone hearing this are gonna say you know you're not representing Calvinism fairly yes I am at the end of the day that's what it boils down to it is that's the conclusion of Calvinism at the end of the day is we don't really make our own decisions and that we're predestinated to do whatever so the guy that burned his son or his daughter in the fire was predestinated to do that according to God's will that's what the Calvinist teaches but God the Bible says and here's where it's contradictory to the Calvinist God the Bible says hey that never even came into my heart God's not wanting that on the kids therefore behold the days come that the Lord that it shall no more be called Tophet nor the valley of the Son of Hinnom but the valley of slaughter God said I hate that so much yeah you know what there is gonna be there's all this innocent blood being shed and now you know what there's gonna be a bloodbath there's gonna be a slaughter there and it's gonna be so bad it says for they shall bury in Tophet till there be no there's gonna be so much death there that you're gonna try to bury bodies and you can't find any ground to bury your bodies in because it's all full because you're just full of dead bodies like that's gonna be the slaughter that's the recompense for all the innocent blood being shed and that's the only way that the land can be healed is yeah if innocent blood is being shed then it's only gonna be paid for by the shedding of blood and if it's not happening through the justice system God will make sure that it works out so that it does happen and that's the pronouncement against the Tophet here verse 33 and the carcasses of the people shall be meat for the fowls of the heaven the birds are just gonna come because they can't even be buried because there's too many bodies the birds are just gonna come and eat the flesh and for the beasts of the earth and none shall fray them away no one's gonna be shooing them away they're just gonna come and feast on all these dead bodies which by the way is also prophesied in end times as well but we're not gonna get into that tonight I'm already way past time verse 34 then will I cause to cease from the cities of Judah and from the streets of Jerusalem the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride for the land shall be desolate saying all the good things all the mirth all the happiness all the gladness brides grooms all that fun loving stuff that's really nice and pleasant he said it's all gonna be gone and as there are you know prophecies it's interesting that this is also language that's used to describe the destruction of Babylon in the end times now this is Babylon coming and destroying Jerusalem but then in when Babylon's destroyed in Revelation 18 it talks about the same type of thing you know the giving of marriage the all the good stuff all the music all the fun it's all gonna be wiped away because desolation and destruction are coming so it shows the condition of the people how hey everything seems to be just fine for them and it's life is normal until God's judgment comes and that's why we need the warnings because when God's judgment comes it's normally just status quo life as usual but you know we need to give sound the alarm and give the warning that you know just because you think things are just fine right now and you're happy and you're content and you got your two cars in your house and whatever else that you got and you're comfortable that things are just all gonna continue this way no it's not no it's not God doesn't change God's wrath is filling up and filling up and filling up and there's a breaking point and we as God's people ought to be ready for it we ought to receive this message and do whatever we can and hey let's obey just don't worry about this we obey God it's better than a sacrifice let's borrow some word of prayer dear Lord thank you so much for the word thank you for this passage Lord I pray that you please just keep us all safe we go our separate ways tonight thank you for just for being you Lord and pray that you'd please help us to see any errors in our ways any errors in our ways of service especially in the house of God here as we worship you Lord we want to do so in purity and in honesty and in faithfulness dear Lord so please please help us to see where we've gone astray so that we can we can just make things right and we could do things on the up and up here and that we would be pleasing to you in all the things that we're doing here we love you in Jesus name we pray amen alright let's sing one more song before we're dismissed for the evening brother Peter can you please lead us in the light of his word what a glory he sheds on our way while we do his good will he abides with us still and with all who will trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus for there's no other way to trust and obey not a shadow can rise not a cloud in the skies but it's something leaves rising trust and obey not a doubt or a fear not a sign or a tear can abide while we trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but you trust and obey trust and obey not a sorrow we share but our joy the wish we replay not a grief nor a loss not a frown nor a loss but it's blessing we trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way way to be happy in Jesus, but we trust and obey. We never can prove the delights of his love until all on the altar we lay. For the favor he shows and the joy he restores, then the world will trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but we trust and obey. On the last? And if fellowship is sweet, we will sit at his feet. Or we'll walk by his side in the wind. What he says, we will do. Praise and we will go. Never fear, only trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but we trust and obey. Amen, church. Great scene. Thank you so much. I know you guys.