(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light, And to the strong is the ramble, And to the swift is the race, And to the true and the grateful, The Jewish promise through grace. And to the strong is the race, And to the true and the grateful, The Jewish promise through grace. And to the strong is the ramble, And to the swift is the race, And to the true and the faithful, The Jewish promise through grace. There is always Sunday morning at 1030 Sunday evening again at five o'clock Wednesday night seven is our Bible study We've got the soul winning opportunities listed there as well as the salvation's and the baptisms for the Month of July as well as for the year and of course you could see some of the Greenville numbers on there as well So everything's going Really great brother Carter you I just want to give us a quick update since you're here this evening I know things are going I looked at the attendances Sunday Sunday morning or Sunday averages Sunday morning averages have been like in the 50s So and that's not including the first week So I you know the first week had like really high the kind of artificially high numbers Because of so many people supporting it So I took the average of the last three weeks after that first week, and it was I think around 54 55 I forget exactly what it was with the first week. It was like in the 60s as an average I didn't want to skew the numbers with so few weeks, so Things seem to be going really well. Do you have do you have anything at all you want to add or update on? Well, and you said that there's been visitor local visitors pretty much every service right or almost every service or every week yeah Amen Awesome That's great, that's great Yeah Amen well, and you got a lot of people that could talk to right so we've got it We got an awesome start with with the group. That's up there So we've got plenty of people now learning learning soul-winning, which is I mean, that's why we're there Yeah Yeah And they're already hitting the streets Amen, amen all right very good. I'm glad you're here with us tonight. Thank you for the for the update on that We're super excited about that of course. We're praying for the church plants on a prayer requests Continue down here. We've got the offering totals received through the month of July and then of course I added this little section for the sword drills Bible memory and Trivia that's gonna be regular part of our regularly scheduled program I'll probably move this around a little bit, but I wanted to make sure I got it in print there So everyone knows it's at one o'clock here Should be prizes and stuff for the kids. It's a lot of fun. I think everyone's having a blast with that already Let's go ahead and count up if there's any salvation to report here. Let's leave your hand up real quick We'll get those counted. Yes, sir For Monday group excellent Anyone Anyone else have anything to report for this week All right, very good. Keep up the good work, of course preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ so Let's see prayer requests I see there's a few few updates here so Brother DAs grandma has pink eye. Is that right? Is that I said Like The regular itchy yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, well that's good news to praise the Lord for that I'm glad to hear that and then Your dad Yeah Hmm that's painful a bet Okay, okay, so it's his foot is that's where the primary source of the pain Miss heel, okay Well, we'll pray for him Mrs. Logan is on here, too. She's been having a lot of joint pain and then we got an update on On mrs. Martin vanda Martin She's a doctor's appointment In August, okay, so Was does anyone else have any other updates to add to the prayer list that we have right now or anything new to add All right, very good I have no other Updates as well. So there's nothing for me to add To continue to pray for for the people on this list, of course, there's lots of people who are in very serious conditions and There's also a lot of people who are with child. So pray that the pregnancies go. Well pray for the people who Obviously are dealing with some very difficult situations Pray for God's healing and comfort and then of course pray continue to pray for our church plant things seem to be going Really well with that so I'm really pleased with the report so far on the next page congratulations Denzel and Kristen so Paul Daniel Miller was born on July 21st to 50 a.m. You can see the stats there mom and baby were doing really well and they're appreciative of the prayers and if you wanted to Bring any food for the family Mrs. Taylor offered to bring food up so you could bring it to church here you can drop it off directly or what some people like to do also is maybe just buy some gift gift cards or something and And provide that to them as well. I know they're much appreciative of the help that comes their way and We'd like to try to do that and help everyone Once you have a baby, it's you know When dad's in charge of things we're gonna show some support to dad and let mom not stress out as much about the Other things that need to be happening there If you know some at least some foods taken care of that's always nice to have that that's a blessing. So Anyone that wants to help and participate, of course, you're welcome to do that The July challenge was the last day of July. I Don't notice any first-time visitors this evening. Do we have any first? Yes, ma'am I Okay So breakfast seems to be the the the big the big area of need so with the with the Miller family if If anyone wants to help them specifically with some breakfast foods Then I think that would be very much helpful for them. So thank you for Passing that information along to us and I don't think we have any first-time visitors tonight so but we had a lot of visitors this month and I will ask for show of hands on Sunday when when most everyone should be here and then we'll get that all tallied up and I Should be able to start getting some prizes now taken care of because my traveling is done We do have this fundamentalist conference coming up and I do have confirmations at least on two preachers. So Pastor Reyes is here. He's gonna be preaching on Thursday night and Then pastor Mihia is gonna be preaching for us on Friday night And they are both confirmed and Then I've been in talks with Pastor Jones so he may or may not be able to make it out here, but Nonetheless, we'll definitely have preaching on Thursday and Friday night. And of course, we'll have soul winning on Saturday and if Pastor Jones can make it out depending on his schedule We either have him preach in the morning on Saturday, or we'll have put him on one of the Thursday or Friday nights Services so Looking forward to that. I should get an answer a definite answer for him soon and then Let's see. Is there anything else on that? So Yeah, well I'll try to have everything in print and get a video posted by Sunday For the fundamentals conference and then the Bible memory passage Hebrews chapter 12 We are on week three So hopefully you're keeping up with this and if you're able to memorize the entire passage and quote it out loud We're perfect without making any mistakes. You'll get a prize for that Upcoming birthdays anniversaries are listed there. We don't have anything today. Today's the 31st, but we got Sarah's tomorrow and Ruth's on Friday and Abby on Saturday and then Chris and Miller on Sunday. So there's a lot of back-to-back-to-back birthdays here. So Let's see on the back I've got nothing on the back you got sermon notes on the back I encourage you to Take notes and follow along with the preaching and write down the references that we turn to in case we can't You know normally we can't spend a whole ton time At all the places we turn to so you can go back and study those out and make sure that what you're hearing is the truth and I Think that's it for the announcements. I'm feel like there's something else I want to say and It's just not coming to my mind right now. So I'll turn the service back over brother Peter who can lead us in our next song Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh You You Jeremiah chapter 4 treats If that won't return Oh Israel saith the Lord return unto me and if that will put away thine abominations out of my sight then shalt thou not remove and thou shalt swear the Lord liveth in truth in judgment and in righteousness and the Nations shall bless themselves in him and in him shall they glory for thus saith the Lord to the men of Judah and Jerusalem break up your fallow ground and so not among thorns Circumcise yourselves to the Lord and take away the foreskins of your heart. He men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem Lest my fury come forth like fire and burn that none can quench it because of the evil of your doings Declare ye in Judah and publish in Jerusalem and say blow you the trumpet in the land Cry gather together and say assemble yourselves and let us go into the the the fenced cities Set up the standard towards Zion retire stay not for I will bring evil from the north and a great destruction The line has come up from his thicket and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way He has gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate and thy city shall be laid waste without an inhabitant For this gird you with sackcloth Lament and how for the fierce anger of the Lord is not turned back from us and it shall come to pass at that Day saith the Lord that the heart of the king shall perish In the heart of the princes and the priests shall be astonished and the prophets shall wonder then said I our Lord God Surely thou has greatly deceived this people in Jerusalem saying you shall have peace Whereas the sword reaches not reaches unto the soul at that time shall it be said to this people into Jerusalem a dry Wind of the high places in the wilderness toward the daughter of my people not to fan or to cleanse Even a full wind from those places shall come unto me now also will I give sentence against them Behold he shall come up as clouds and his chariots shall be as war as a whirlwind His horses are swifter than eagles woe unto us for we are spoiled Oh Jerusalem wash thine heart from wickedness that thou mayest be saved How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee for a voice declareth from Dan and publish it the affliction from Mount Ephraim making mention to the nation's behold publish against Jerusalem that watchers come from a far country and give out their voice against the Cities of Judah as keepers of a field are they against her roundabout? Because she hath been rebellious against me sayeth the Lord thy way and thy doings have procured these things into thee This is thy wickedness because it is bitter because it reaches unto thine heart my bowels my bowels I am pained at my very heart my heart maketh a noise in me I cannot hold my peace because thou has heard oh my soul the sound of the trumpet the alarm of war Destruction upon destruction is cried for the whole land is spoiled Suddenly are my tents spoiled and my curtains in a moment How long shall I see the standard and hear the sound of a truck of the trumpet? For my people is foolish. They have not known me. They are sawed as children, and they have none understanding They are wise to do evil, but to do good. They have no knowledge I beheld alert the earth and lo it was without form and void and the heavens and they had no light I beheld the mountains and lo they trembled and all the hills moved lightly I beheld and lo there was no man and all the birds of the heavens were fled I beheld and lo the fruitful place was a wilderness and all the cities there were broken down at the presence of the Lord and by his fierce anger for thus hath the Lord said the whole land shall be desolate yet Will I not make a full end for this shall the earth mourn and the heavens above be black because I've spoken it I purposed it and will not repent neither will I turn back from it The whole city shall flee for the noise of the horsemen and bowmen They shall go into thickets and climb upon the rocks Every city shall be forsaken and not a man dwell therein and when thou art spoiled that will what wilt thou do Though thou clothe this thyself with crimson though thou deckest thee with ornaments of gold Though thou rentest thy face with painting and vain shalt thou make thyself fair thy lovers will despise thee They will seek thy life For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail and the anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first child The voice of the daughter of Zion that bewaileth herself that spreadeth her hand saying woe is me now for my soul is Weird because of murderers. Let's pray dear Lord Thank you for allowing us to come together into fellowship and sing praises to you and to hear your word preach bless pastor and fill him with your spirit give him power and strength and give him a clarity of mind say the words that He's prepared Lord and I give us ears to hear that We would listen and learn and I take notes and go out through it this week serving you and winning people to you Lord Jesus never pray. Amen Amen All right, Jeremiah chapter 4 we actually start off this passage And if you remember from from last week We we saw one of the one of the themes there last week was the Lord Calling his people back to him. He's saying look, I'm you know, I'm divorcing you but you know Even though you've gone around whoring. I still want you to come back to me and you know that was kind of one of the themes one of the main points of Chapter 3 and we see that that thought still kind of continues Into chapter 4 here at least with verse number 1 about says if thou wilt return Oh Israel sayeth the Lord return unto me And if thou wilt put away thine abominations Out of my sight then shalt thou not Remove and that's a pretty good promise there Like, you know, it's it's it's unfortunate that the people just had such a hard heart and a stiff neck To hearken unto the warnings and the admonitions of the Lord because we see here. This is this is spectacular Mercy and long suffering by God when you consider all of the actions and all the things that have been done And we're being done up to this point Remember, this is during the reign of King Josiah's when this is being delivered and you had had some pretty wicked people specifically Manasseh The king of Judah that was that had done all manner and he and he reigned for a really long time, too If my memory serves me right, I think was like 55 years or 50 years somewhere somewhere, right? Like he reigned for a really long time, you know his children passed through the fire and he got rid of a lot of good stuff that has Akai had done and he reared up all these altars of Baal and Really just just did a number on The nation and of course the people were also being really wicked too and as we see this I've mentioned this before But the people are pretty wicked even with Josiah at the at the helm and doing George I do a lot of right things It seems like the people still just aren't really listening and aren't hearkening even though they do have a really good leader politically for with the king trying to get things right with the Lord But this first verse I mean what more can you ask for if he's and look what how much is he how much is God asking for hey put away your Abominations out of my sight like is it really that hard guys? Can you please just all these abominable things that you're doing? Can you just please stop that and like get this out of my sight? But hey, we know a little bit about how hard that can be for a people for a nation, right? it's it's one of those things that it's kind of like once that the toilet bowl flushes and And and everything starts going that downward spiral. It's going to continue until it just gets expelled Out of the house, right and here it's getting expelled out of the land and that's ultimately what happens But but it's not because the Lord isn't giving them opportunities and chances and you know when we get into Jeremiah 6 We're gonna see how that's they're called reprobate and and everything else We'll get into that then but it's important to note The long-suffering of the Lord even up to that point and all the chances that they receive To get right with God and all these men of God because it's not just Jeremiah who's preaching during this time It's not just King Josiah who's trying to get things right you have other prophets that are also preaching during this time as well They're also preaching about the the impending doom of Babylon coming and The captivity and everything else. There's a lot of that preaching going on. So It's not for lack of preachers It's not for lack of anything other than the heart of the people to follow the Lord and do what's right And at the very least the heart of people to get rid of their abominations, but they still wouldn't even do that Verse 2 and thou shalt swear The Lord liveth in truth in judgment and in righteousness and The nation shall bless themselves in him and in him Shall they glory that in that that see that's what could be For thus saith the Lord to the men of Judah and Jerusalem break up your fallow ground and Sow not among thorns. So, you know, there's there's this ground that needs to be sown again This is fallow ground. It's ready. You know, they just need to break it up a little bit and get it ready for Planting because they haven't been planting good things But he's telling them. Okay. Look just get rid of your abominations break up your fallow ground And you know what when you sow don't sow among thorns Like just just have nothing to do with that. Don't worry about the thorns Just go around and sow the good seed in the good ground break up the fallow ground get it ready to be prepared to receive and You know obviously spiritually speaking There is a lot of fallow ground out there that needed to hear the Word of God that could have been Broken up a little bit and they weren't thorns. They weren't, you know individuals that it weren't reprobate But you know you stay away from those guys and you just work on the rest of the people and go to work Preaching about the Lord preaching the Bible preaching the Word of God and You know, you could see some success and verse 4 follows up that with saying Circumcise yourselves to the Lord now this is not talking about a physical circumcision as We see when we read the rest is verse and also they probably were keeping the physical circumcision. Anyways, just culturally speaking Even if they were for worshiping false gods and everything else this is probably Was probably taking place but it's clear that what God really cares about though is the heart because Every says circumcise yourselves to the Lord. He says and take away the foreskins of your heart Their heart is covered. Their heart is hard. Their heart is is not soft and and Open and and you know raw before the Lord. It's it's it's covered. It's it's You know, just just not it's it's hardened and they need to get cut to the heart to be open to Bringing themselves back and being a good graces of God you men of Judah and heavens of Jerusalem Lest my fury come forth like fire So again, he's giving them the chance and saying look get your heart, right? Get your heart right with me you got a heart problem Circumcise that foreskin of your heart soften up your heart because if you don't my fury is coming I'm angry Get right get rid of the abominations Get your hearts right with me break up that fallow ground and get back to work Because I'm getting pretty angry with you And this is this is the message that is being delivered to Judah and Jerusalem and all of Israel You men of Judah and heavens of Jerusalem less my fury come forth like fire and burn that none can quench it because of the evil of your doings So he hasn't hit the tipping point yet, and he's just giving them that fair warning. Okay. Look what once I get started It's a fire that's gonna burn that can't be quenched. You're not gonna be able to put it out When the judgment comes it's not stopping So take heed now and look in our lives We need to take heed before the judgment comes just for us personally, you know, obviously you're born again If you're saved, you're always saved. You never lose that salvation But as children of God we can be chastened we can be disciplined we can be chastised we be punished by the Lord and You know It's a lot better if you could learn Before God has to bring the hammer down on you and rain up and cloud on you because you're just being so stubborn With whatever it is. You need to change, you know, it's way better to get that dealt with With some admonishment than it is with okay Now my fury is gonna come forth on you and and not and now you're getting the whooping and it's not stopping until I'm done right like It's like with the kids they want it they want to press you right and they want to press you they want to press you But then it's like well once you get up Sorry, yeah, then then the whole story changes like sorry, it's too late now. You got me up now now now It's just coming down. Okay, you should have thought about that before you don't you don't get this this extra chance You pushed it too far and here comes the punishment You Look at verse number five Now we're gonna see the judgment pronounced against Judah So the first few verses were pretty we're still open to them repenting to getting right with God verse five not now, we're gonna see a Proclamation of judgment against Judah because God knows that they're not going to obey they're not gonna listen But he still gives them the opportunity right? God knows all things. He knows the future. He knows what's going to happen He's prophesying and making the judgment against them but still gives them the space to repent So it's totally up to them to do this verse number five declare ye in Judah and publish in Jerusalem And say blow ye the trumpet in the land Cry gather together and say assemble yourselves and let us go into the defensive cities Set up the standard toward Zion retire stay not For I will bring evil from the north in a great destruction so He's saying, you know declare in the land Get into the fenced cities the defense cities Like you're gonna you're gonna have this nation come against you and they're gonna come for war So get prepared now for the day of battle and get prepared now to be in defense mode That and that's the warnings you give them fair warning this is what's gonna happen Hey destruction is gonna come from the north So because what happens is, you know, you have you have these cities and you got the walls around the cities But you got plenty of people who are out on the outskirts in the suburbs and in more rural areas And he's saying look it's time to get everybody in it's time to board up your homes It's time to prepare and get your butts into the city where you've got the walls you're gonna have some defense and you're gonna be able to Kind of band together There that's what it means. You should set up the standard towards iron the standard. It's it's their banner That's the you know, it's what's gonna show them what they're doing what the way is to go retire So like retreat right stay not for I will bring evil from the north and a great destruction the lion has come up from his thicket and The destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way now This isn't the destroy the person who's destroying the Gentiles He's a destroyer from like from the Gentiles of the Gentiles who is on his way, of course In this sense, it's it's Nebuchadnezzar. It's it's the Babylonian Empire he has gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate and Thy cities shall be laid waste without an inhabitant. So The prophecy here and and you know on this chapter I'm not gonna go into a whole lot of like dual prophecy with with end times Babylon You can pick up something here and there but primarily like this is this is really focused on The the judgment the immediate judgment of that Babylon of that time Being you know coming upon the people so I got you can always find some type of similarities and things and he's passing as it seems Because there's this this is overall big foreshadowing of what's to come but the details and all this just seems really really specific to The actual judgment that's about to come on the people within a shorter period of time Here and it's talking about this great The city's gonna be laid waste like no one's gonna be living there and when they're taken captive if you remember like there wasn't very Many people left behind and then as we'll see later in the book of Jeremiah those that were left behind Then they want to go into Egypt and then they're still getting You know beaten down and and killed and everything else because they didn't do what God told them to do There still was a remnant that could have rooted down and planted and and and stayed in the land but they just continued to just go against what the what the work of the Lord was saying and For that reason it's like, okay now everything's just desolate because you guys just won't you refuse to listen and This is all the way back here in chapter 4 He's he's pronouncing this judgment against them verse 7 and we're gonna continue to read more and more of this Verse 8. Excuse me. We read verse 7 for this gird you with sackcloth lament and howl and of course putting on sackcloth is something that you would do when you're mourning when you're Really upset and you're trying to get a hold of God You're you're humbling yourself by just throwing on the sackcloth and not wearing your normal clothes and it's just kind of an outward Representation of you humbling yourself and trying to entreat the Lord So he's telling you hey here this judgments coming get into the cities get prepared and gird you on with some sackcloth Lament and howl right you better get on your knees get on your face Weep mourn do whatever you have to do now to get to get a hold of the Lord because he's given you all these Opportunities and you're not taking it For the fierce anger of the Lord is not turned back from us and It shall and look don't let's not forget as we read this Jeremiah is like saying these things and preaching these things to the people like imagine hearing this message That's literally like hey God just said His anger is coming on you Like y'all are just sitting here listening this and I just was like, hey, you know what God told me Except if I were to say that, you know, unless I'm doing what I'm doing right now and going through the Bible I'd be lying because God didn't tell me Anything but you know God did tell Jeremiah what to say He says I'm gonna put my words in Your mouth and you're gonna go and preach my words and that's what he did and he was preaching to the people and he's saying Look, this is what God said Destruction is coming and you know, it's like that's not an easy message to say and I mean I can't even imagine being on the receiving end Of hearing something like that Like you better get in the defense cities. You better get on sackcloth. You better weep and howl and lament it You know, it's like oh man That's when reality sets it or that's when reality should be setting in you But as we see that isn't Necessarily the case you've got preachers that have a lot of wisdom from the Lord And a whole bunch of people that don't want to have anything to do with that But it doesn't change whether or not they whether they hear or whether they forbear the word of the Lord is true and What's prophesied is going to come to pass? Verse 9 And it shall come to pass at that day sayeth the Lord that the heart of the king shall perish in the heart of the princes and The priests shall be astonished and the prophets shall wonder Then said I and It's almost laughable The priests are gonna be so astonished and the prophets are gonna wonder like oh what's happening and That is what happened like that is what happened like literally God is pronouncing that This is what the priests are gonna be astonished. The prophets are gonna wonder But it's like you had men of God telling you the whole time. Why is it a shock? Why is it a surprise? Why are you astonished? What are you wondering about? We've been telling you the truth the whole time You know and and this is the way that the Word of God works is a way that the truth works, right? We've been preaching forever about the dangers of the sodomites and these people that hate God You know the dangers in society the dangers of what it's gonna do the dangers of kids the dangers everything and people just like oh You're nuts. Oh, you're crazy. Oh, you're psycho You know what though? People are gonna find out people already finding out and they're gonna continue to find out and it's sad and unfortunate But they're gonna continue to find out. It's gonna be really bad when they do I Mean now you've got this garbage happening in Paris with the the the I don't know if you guys heard about this with the the sodomites the the queers that were The trannies or whatever that were mocking, you know the Last Supper and obviously that painting, you know I'm not all like think that painting is holy but you know what the event it represents is very holy I mean, it's a that's a very very significant event in the life of Jesus Christ and the disciples as a Christian Especially but just in the history of the world And just to have people who hate God Openly mocking it, you know, it's like well, hey, that's what you get and then I heard and I didn't fact-check this but it doesn't surprise me at all that there was some kind of a What do they call a wardrobe malfunction when when when when One of the perverts exposed himself Basically as they're up there dancing around and stuff because they're wearing almost nothing and It's disgusting. It's perverted and it's like yeah, I'm sure it was an accident right The whole goal is for them to go out there and pervert the minds especially the pervert the minds of the youth so yeah, why not when the whole world's watching take an opportunity to glory in your shame Because that's what they do They're proud that guy's probably proud that that happened on live TV, he can't blush he's not ashamed He she it Whatever I'm not gonna go. I'm not I'm holding off on I'm going off on that tangent on the the French and the faggot has been around With the French for a long time. Anyways, and look if you're French today, god bless you. I don't you know, I'm not I'm not saying anything personally against you, but that nation man What a bunch of fags Seriously, they're just they're so far worse than like the rest of the world it seems And I'm not the only one that thinks that way there's a lot of people even over in Europe that have the same disdain Because of things like that But like I said, I'm done with that. Let's continue. Let's see word. Where did I leave off verse number? Oh, yeah So verse number nine the prophets are gonna wonder the priests are gonna be astonished look at verse number 10 then said I our Lord God Surely thou has greatly deceived this people in Jerusalem saying you shall have peace Whereas the sword reaches unto the soul now We will come into this in later chapters soon. We'll be dealing with this but It's not we don't get to this in chapter 4 So what what happened is, you know, there's a lot of false prophets that are preaching peace peace But see God didn't say that but see Jeremiah at this point is saying hey You've deceived the people by saying peace, but God's not the one that said peace He's the one saying destruction. He's the one saying wrath, right? So Now the people were deceived maybe from the false, you know, definitely from the false prophets But You know He the Lord is not the one that said that they're gonna have peace and like I said we get to that later Of course the book of Jeremiah when it's being penned down They're not separating it into chapters and stuff and going okay chapter two and then like continue to write The book as as the Lord's like delivering this message unto Jeremiah then he's not taking the time to to separate it in the chapter. So This this does come up soon, so We'll we'll deal with that more later verse number 11 at that time Shall it be said to this people into Jerusalem a dry wind of the high places? In the wilderness toward the daughter of my people Not to fan nor to cleanse Even a full wind from those places shall come unto me Now also will I give sentence against them behold? he shall come up as clouds and his chariots shall be as a Whirlwind his horses are swifter than eagles. Woe unto us For we are spoiled so when it's talking about the You know this this dry wind of the high places in the wilderness toward a daughter of my people He's saying it's not it's not a good thing. It's not like a nice breeze. You're not getting this wind That's gonna cool things off a little bit and it's gonna be pleasant and you have this breeze coming through No, the wind is the result of the armies in the chariots in the horses You know rushing down to attack the city and they're bringing this whole Force down to destroy them and that's why it says there verse 13 he shall come up as clouds and his chariots shall be as a Whirlwind, that's the wind that he's talking about that dry wind that's coming to destroy His horses are swifter than eagles. Woe unto us for we are spoiled and you could turn there if you'd like You don't have to I'm gonna read we just went through the book of Habakkuk, but in Habakkuk chapter 1 This is a great example, like I said, it's not just Jeremiah preaching about this stuff to the children of Israel to the Jerusalem and Judah because Habakkuk is another prophet and you'll see here the similarities about This prophecy about the Chaldeans about the Babylonians coming to destroy Habakkuk 1 6 the Bible says for lo I raise up the Chaldeans that bitter and Hasty nation which shall march through the breadth of the land to possess the dwelling places that are not theirs So they're gonna come they're gonna conquer and take over all these places that weren't theirs. They are terrible and dreadful their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves, but look at verse number 8 compared to What we just read in verse number 13 in Jeremiah 4 their horses also are swifter than the leopards and Are more fierce than the evening wolves and their horsemen shall spread themselves and their horsemen shall come from far They shall fly as the eagle that hasteth to eat clearly talking about the same, you know, it's the same type of language being used about the forces about the Army that's going to come and invade specifically talking about the horses and how they're going to just be able to to roll right in and destroy So going back to Jeremiah chapter 4 So the people are getting plenty of warning plenty of warning and I also kind of think that as We head into the last days and the end times with the the new Babylon right with With with what's prophesied to come still that there is also going to be plenty of warning For the people before God actually, you know before the day of the Lord comes That there's going to be you know, the gospel is going to be preached unto the whole world We know that it already has gone out into the whole world but I think even still there's this great resurgence and who knows it may be We may be in the midst of that resurgence right now of just trying to get the word out there as much as possible So again, the people can be without excuse because the Lord is long-suffering not willing that any should perish But that all should come to repentance and he really wants that as we see the messages going forth Prior to the Babylonians coming and destroying the children of God and taking them captive The same thing before the Antichrist goes and attacks the children of God. What's gonna happen? The warnings going out get right with God get right with God the message is being spread forth so that there's no excuse So people who don't want to take heed to the message. Hey when God finally comes out He's gonna pour out his wrath. You don't have an excuse Because you've all had opportunity you've all heard had an opportunity to hear the Word of God And I and I wholeheartedly believe that that's the case and I we see that this is the case back with the first Babylon or this Babylon right that that We got Jeremiah you've got Habakkuk you've got other prophets and preachers the same thing you've you know going out you've got Isaiah you've got Ezekiel, you know, you've got these guys making these prophecies and these judgments and They're without excuse Verse number 14 Oh Jerusalem wash thine heart from wickedness that thou mayest be saved How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee and What's more vain than thinking that? You're so good and you're so holy and you're so spiritual and God's with you Right, that's what they thought like their false prophets were saying No, no God's with us and and you know we we're gonna fight and the king of Babylon is not gonna get us because we're so great and we're so you know, like your vein You need you need to be washed your heart needs to be washed You need forgiveness. You need to turn to the Lord. You need to have that repented heart. You know, like yeah wash yourself Wash your heart from the wickedness that you could be saved for a voice declareth from Dan and Publisheth affliction from Mount Ephraim the word is going out The voice of warning from Dan to Ephraim. It's it's being sent forth Make ye mention to the nations behold publish against Jerusalem that watchers come from a far country and give out their voice against the cities of Judah as Keepers of a field are they against her roundabout because she hath been rebellious against me Seth the Lord now, this is really interesting here in verse 16 of Jeremiah 4 it talks about that Watchers come from a far country and this reference to Watchers is only found in one other place in the Bible and that's in Daniel chapter 4 and turn there if you would please This is the only other reference to anyone or anything that's called like a watcher now Obviously a watcher is not that difficult to understand because that would be referring to someone who watches right who's gonna give a report and watches and It's not as clear who the watchers are the way they're referenced in this passage But I think it's it's more clear when we read Daniel chapter 4 who the watchers are and you know Some people might disagree about this and that's fine because it's only in the Bible You know in Daniel 4 and in this one verse and this one reference in Jeremiah chapter 4 But I I don't think it's that hard to understand either and but here's the thing it's like every time you have a portion of the Bible That isn't that doesn't have a lot of references to it You will always find some of the weirdest things in the world that people believe about this stuff like Nephilim John, you know, like it's like the Bible doesn't talk a whole lot about the Giants but like you know Those are the the the passages that are most ripe for people to come up with just the most weird things And I've heard some really weird things about who the watchers all the watchers and and it like like for some people It's just like well, but do you know who the watchers are? You know that there's special watchers and everything just kind of like Okay, let's Let's look at what the Bible says and let's not turn it into something more than it actually is Just because there's a word being used to describe and I'll just say it what I think are just angels Okay, the watchers are angels we know and and we'll see this There's plenty of evidence for this, but we know I preach this I think just last week how the angels are Well when I when I preach a sermon about Trump, right so that the angels are involved in the affairs of this world Angels also are involved in passing on the judgment of this world So you remember when there is an angel that God sent when David counted Israel? Right when he sinned and then the punishments being brought forth and he's got his sword out and and he's over Jerusalem And he's ready to still smite and God holds holds him off That was an angel carrying out that judgment right, so The angels are like They're doing whatever they do and we don't have all the information on everything that the angels are doing We know that there's spiritual battles going on, but we definitely know that they are involved in Affairs of this earth to some degree or another and They're also involved with with carrying out the sentence or the judgment of the Lord so with that in mind when we look at Daniel chapter 4, I think it makes it clear who the watchers are and then we go back to Jeremiah 4 with that same understanding and It also fits so look at verse number 13 of Daniel chapter 4 the Bible says I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed and Behold a watcher and an holy one Came down from heaven. So here we see the reference to the watcher which is also referred to as a holy one That's not two separate people. There's the watcher which is a holy one Because verse 14 says he cried aloud didn't say they cried aloud He cried aloud and said thus hew down the tree and cut off his branches shake off his leaves and scatter his fruits Let the beasts get away from under it and the fowls from his branches And this is the dream that Nebuchadnezzar had about his own destruction his own doom before he was Made to live like a like an animal for seven years out and just eating the grass and all that story That's that's what Daniel 4 is about here verse number 15 nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth even with a band of iron and brass in the tender Grass of the field and let it be wet with the dew of heaven and let his portion be with the beasts In the grass of the earth let his heart be changed from man's and let a beasts heart be given unto him and let seven times pass over him verse 17 this matter is by the decree of the watchers so we had one watcher a holy one come down from heaven and and He proclaimed the judgment against Nebuchadnezzar Right and against uses as hey hew down the tree cut off the branches shake off his leaves like this is what's going to happen He's saying this is what's happening. So that watcher comes down proclaims the the judgment This matter is by the decree of the watchers and the demand by the word of the holy ones to the intent that the living may know that the most high ruleth in the kingdom of men and give it that to whomsoever he will and set it up over it the basest of men so You've got God on the throne in heaven who's ruling He's giving the commandment to these watchers Which would be known as angels anywhere else in Scripture, right If you got a whole nother class of people and everything It just seems kind of odd that we'd only hear about this in like one place in the Bible It makes a lot more sense since we already know angels are carrying out judgment The angels are receiving a commandment from the Lord and then going down I mean even like like everywhere even in Daniel when he was praying to God and then God sent an Angel to deliver his message to him, right? So a God is using the angels to do his bidding as He's on the throne in heaven. He's giving the angels charge on what to do So he gave them the charge on the destruction of Nebuchadnezzar and how everything's gonna happen So that becomes the decree of the watchers, right? It's ultimately from the Lord, but they're the ones that are carrying it out and are making this stuff come to pass and It just it just makes sense and then in verse 23 is the only other time that the word watcher is used Which is kind of a reiteration of verse 13 because he's now like the first verse is 13 through 17 is the vision of Nebuchadnezzar Then we're gonna see the interpretation From Daniel and then it actually comes to pass So it's kind of like you got these things happening three times in Daniel chapter four You got the vision you've got the interpretation and then the actual here's what happens So that's how Daniel 4 is laid out verse number 23 And whereas the king saw a watcher and in holy one coming down from heaven and saying Hugh the tree down and on and on And on where I could keep reading the rest of that verse It literally just saying the same thing that we already read. So those are the three references in Daniel 4 to the watchers The only other place is in Jeremiah chapter 4. I think it's pretty evident. I'm convinced Watchers are angels. I don't think there has to be any other, you know Skepticism or wondering like well, I don't know. I mean is what you know, it's because where else are you gonna get your information from? That's it. This is all we got. So In any case it can't be that terribly important if it is someone different Than an angel because they're only referenced here. Now if we go back to Jeremiah chapter 4 You can say yeah, but the watchers come from a far country they didn't come down from heaven yeah, but That we know that the angels like like when when the angel is coming to see Daniel he was caught up fighting against the Prince of Persia So he was already held up somewhere on the earth before he even made it there so it's it's you know That he came from a far country, too to reach Daniel so, you know what whatever there's That's not anything they get hung up on they came from a far country and And what are they doing? They're giving out their voice against the cities of Judah. Why because they're seeing what's happening In addition to whatever tasks the angels are doing They're also apparently watching over the affairs of men and seeing what's happening and probably giving report to the Lord and saying hey Here's what's going on in the cities And here's what's going on in the positions of power. Here's what's going on with the chief priests Here's what's going on with the governor's and the rulers. Here's what's going on Here and here and obviously look we know God knows everything. He doesn't need that but Apparently, that's what he does God didn't need the angels to go to Bring forth judgment against the people in Jerusalem either yet. He still does it. That's just how he operates is what it is and Then verse 17 says as keepers of a field. This is still referring to the watchers So they're like keepers of a field are they against her roundabout they're against Jerusalem and the cities of Judah Why? Because she hath been rebellious against me said the Lord so whose side are the watchers on the Lord side and They're noticing. Hey, they're all against the Lord So that's why they're against them and they're bringing this report and they're gonna bring the judgment down to Decree of the watchers, right? It just it just makes sense Let's keep reading but so watch out though when people Try to come up with all kinds of weird stuff Where you're just going you're kind of scratching your head, you know, it's like I've seen people try to link watchers with aliens and oh, yeah That's why you've got this this this glyph of a spaceship Have you ever seen that in ancient Egypt and there's like this this this gray Right, the gray is what they call the alien with it with that that weird big head, right? And and they'll try to tell you like yeah, see these are the watchers they've been watching from their spaceships and come in the earth and you know, it's like I Didn't get any of that from the Bible I don't know where you're getting that from it's people trying to mix and they've got this sci-fi, you know Imagination that's just kind of going a little crazy When you want to understand the Bible stick with the Bible don't don't go off into Some picture that you think you saw and you know somewhere on the internet that was supposedly from a pyramid or something All right Jeremiah 4 verse 18 Thy way and thy doings Have procured these things unto thee so procuring is like purchasing you're buying that Like you've brought this on yourself. It's because of your way your doings You've earned it buddy. This is thy wickedness because it is bitter because it reaches unto thine heart Verse 19 my bowels my bowels. I am pained at my very heart My heart maketh a noise in me. I Cannot hold my peace because thou hast heard. Oh my soul the sound of the trumpet the alarm of war destruction upon Destruction is cried for the whole land is spoiled suddenly are my tents spoiled and my curtains in a moment and You know, I think this is talking about Jeremiah saying he can't hold his peace Like he can't he can't keep quiet Right, so it means to hold your peace because he's hearing the sound of the trumpet in the alarm of war because God's proclaiming this Judgment against them. He has to go and tell people right and that's what a good that's what a good watchman Does by the way, you know, you've got these watchers But God refers to the preachers and the people of God as being watchmen Watchmen over the children of Israel are supposed to go and give the warning and sound the alarm when danger is coming Right, and this is hey the job of the preachers isn't supposed to just be Even when it's a lie to say oh, no, everything's good. God loves you. Everything's fine You're not being a very good watcher when destruction is coming right, that's Literally what's happening in Jeremiah's day is you've got a bunch of so-called men of God and preachers that are up there going No, everything's fine. It's gonna be peace for us and You know a lot of that's happening today, too You know, we've got a few people that are going hey the judgment of God Hey when we allow our country to start acting and looking like Sodom guess what's gonna happen? It's gonna be judgment and then you've got all these other pansies out there these fake men of God that are saying Oh, well, Jesus would have sat with them and Jesus would have accepted them and Jesus would have loved them and Jesus You know, it's just like man If you can't call out some of the worst most vile things that are being done on this earth What are you gonna call out? Oh, yeah, nothing because you're not actually standing for the Word of God You just want everybody to like you You just you're just saying it for the praise of men You just say that because you care about the money coming in you say that because you don't want to offend anybody But I'm sorry That's not the truth because if we do as a society as a nation as a culture embrace Wickedness and perversion then God's judgment is definitely coming. There's no doubt about that It's a sure thing. It is certain it has happened over and over and over again. God doesn't change And You know what these are the messages that people don't want to hear and that's why as we'll see later Jeremiah gets thrown into a dungeon Because no one wants to hear it but you know what he preached it anyways, and thank God and We have to do the same thing You just preach it. Anyways, whether they hear whether they forbear don't worry about their faces Don't worry about what they're gonna say don't worry about what they're gonna do just have integrity and stand for the truth Jeremiah's seeing this destruction upon destruction Man, there's a sound of war. There's this this noise. I gotta let people know about this. I can't hold my peace I can't be silent It's too bad The whole land is spoiled Look at verse number 22 For my people is foolish They have not known me They are saddish children. Does anyone know what what it means to be a saddish child? They don't know what a sat is Sat is a drunk Saddest children are like drunkards Okay, they're just degenerates They're the degenerate vine So he's saying my children they have no understanding they're like drunks they're foolish They're going about with the cares of this world and and and they have no understanding it says they have none understanding They are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge They're really good at doing evil things and doing wicked things. They're good at that They have a lot of knowledge about that because the more time you spend doing something the more you get to know about it So they're really good and have a lot of knowledge doing evil It's like organized crime right or Criminals gangsters. They have a lot of they have a lot of knowledge doing evil Right, they get it down to a science. They got to make a business out of it They know a lot about it, but you know what they're sitting there they're They Have no wisdom to that which is good And that's what you'll Roman 16 19 says this for your obedience has come abroad unto all men I am glad therefore on your behalf, but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good and simple Concerning evil so like they have it the exact opposite and the people of Jeremiah's day They're wise to do evil and they have no knowledge to do good Whereas like the New Testament saying like no you got it you got exactly reversed You're supposed to be simple concerning evil. You don't have to know all that much about evil stuff But be wise with the things that are good Look at verse number 23 now, and this is all important So in verses, you know 19 20 21 we see these references destruction upon destruction and how bad things are gonna be and there's the sound of alarm and it's war and There's gonna be this great destruction Which is of course in Context followed up with verse number 23, which says I beheld the earth and lo It was without form and void in the heavens and they had no light. I Beheld the mountains and lo they trembled and all the hills moved lightly I Beheld and lo there was no man and all the birds of the heavens were fled. So Obviously when you first read this verse you could say well, wow, that looks a lot like Genesis 1 Right But are we talking about the creation here? Absolutely not So again people who don't probably just aren't even saved or just don't read their Bible at all and don't like to read things in Context come up with all kinds of goofy things You know talking about creation here. This is not talking about creation It's talking about the destruction and the desolation because it's kind of like, you know When earth before earth was created before everything was made Hey, the earth was without form and void and then what God formed it and he made, you know, he made things Established in any any built things up and Designed it a certain way Well when the land is just open and desolate There's like nothing there and then man comes along and they build cities and they they give order To the things that are desolate and empty, right but with the destruction that's coming That's all undone. They're all just getting wiped out. So all the order all the construction all the buildings all the it's like now it's back to without form and void is What's being referred to here? It's it's that level of destruction which of all the places in this chapter. I think this is probably Ties in the most with having a dual prophecy with end times events with the day of the Lord and and these things happening when God But see that's more like with God destroying Babylon than it is with Jerusalem because this is Jerusalem being destroyed so but this level of destruction is Significant I beheld the mountains low they tremble and all the hills move lightly and you know the mountains trembling and hills moving lightly also, by the way is not the same as The the mountains all being made low And everything just you know, like like the extreme of God pouring out his wrath. This is like earthquakes Moved lightly I beheld and lo there was no man and all the birds of the heavens were fled. So again, it's like this is still Prophesying the short-term events that are going to happen Verse 26 I beheld and lo the fruitful place was a wilderness The Promised Land it was a land flowing with milk and honey, right? well now The fruitful place has become a wilderness Again now it's it's gone back to being desolate and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord and by his fierce anger, so Obviously, it's it's language That's intended on getting the point across on how bad it's gonna be because God is that angry with them and The destruction that is about to come which verse 27 sums it up For thus hath the Lord said the whole land shall be desolate yet will I not make a full end and We know he doesn't make a full end because he still allows them to come back into land after 70 years of captivity That it's not a full and they'd still do come back They still do rebuild but it's like as close as you could get to having it Just being completely wiped off the the face of the earth But no not quite completely but you know what it is desolate and he's bringing them to naught for a time verse 28 for this shall the earth mourn and The heavens above be black because I have spoken it. I have purposed it and will not repent Neither will I turn back from it And again, it's it's kind of like Man When you're hearing this if you're if you're hearing this about God like that serious Cuz you know, there's some times where men doesn't know. Well, maybe God will change his mind Maybe he will you know, maybe he will extend some mercy maybe oh and he's just like, you know what? I'm not changing my mind about this And People still don't get right It's the same heart and the same attitude that the people are gonna have when God is starting to pour out his wrath Where this judgments coming and the rats being poured out and the Bible even says like and yet for all this They still don't repent of their fornication and wickedness and drunk, you know, like all the things that they're doing They're just still keep doing it. It's like What does it take to get through to you? Unbelievable and And you know a part of me still gets it you know the I was unsaved for a while and and we still have this flesh and and and we still could probably You know to some degree understand But oh man, I like some people just too hard-headed Don't let yourself become that hard-headed and stiff-necked and hard-hearted You Don't want to be on God's bedside Verse 29 the whole city shall flee for the noise of the horsemen and bowmen They shall go into thickets and climb up upon the rocks. Every city shall be forsaken and Not a man Dwell therein this it's a total desolation God's just expelling them essentially just expelling all of them out of the land And Isn't that what happened when he brought them into the land? The land spewed out the people that were there the inhabitants that were there before the children of Israel and why? Because Leviticus 20 because of all the things that you see in the book You know all the all those crimes all the all the abominations that they were doing Well, guess what? Just because it's Israel now and it starts doing these things They don't get off Scott for either so God's saying okay Now we're throwing you out of the land And then people want to say like God's bringing Israel back into the land When they're still just committing all manner of abomination today Why that goes against what he's been doing with them. It's like wait No When they're doing all this abomination he gets them out of the land if you still think that that land belongs to the to the people who call themselves Jews today And I don't care who it is that you call themselves Jews today what whether there's a black keeper Israelites or whether it's the The guys wearing the funny little hats or whatever, you know with the long beards Anyways, let's keep reading verse number 30 and when Thou art spoiled. What wilt thou do though thou clothe this thyself with crimson Though thou deck is thee with ornaments of gold Though thou rentest thy face with painting in vain shalt thou make thyself fair Thy lovers will despise thee. They will seek thy life. So he's saying after your after you've been Taking captive after you've come and you know enemies come and defeated you What are you gonna do? He's saying even though you think you're gonna dress yourself up. You're gonna put on these clothes You're gonna you're gonna put the makeup on and put on the ornaments and he's talking about going back to their lovers so What are you gonna go to Egypt you're gonna go to some other nation you think they're gonna help you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna Dress yourself up real nice and go whoring and go after some other wicked heathen people or go after some other god. No Thy lovers will despise they're gonna hate you and they're gonna seek your life. They're not gonna help you They don't care about you and and you know, one other thing is just interesting to me about verse 30 So he says talk about clothing themselves with crim crimson's red, right and it was kind of expensive and you know It's it's more fancy clothing Though thou deck is thee with ornaments of gold both of those are Stating things in a pretty plain matter-of-fact type of a way You're putting on this stuff. You're putting on this stuff. But then he says though thou rentest thy face with painting You know renting is like you're tearing it and screwing it up and marring it. I Don't think God really likes the face painting I Don't Okay, now look I'm not here and gonna tell you that if you put anything on your face that you're in sin Because I don't see that in the Bible But I do see verses like this Where he says you're renting your face with painting And what are you doing? You're putting makeup on I mean, that's what they're doing. He's likening this to a woman that's getting makeup Gold Dressed up to go find a lover, right? That's that's what's being described here But how does he describe the face? You're renting it. You're messing it up and You know this sermon isn't all about that But you know when it comes to I think a godly attitude is you know a modest you should you should be modest and all That you do So with your dress it should be modest I mean it's not flashy Jewelry, do I think all jewelry is is is wicked and wrong and you should never have you know, no, I don't I Don't I think it's okay for women to have some jewelry. But again modesty should be the thing and Even when it comes to putting something on your face, you want to cover some blemish or something like that Now is that kind of a vain thing? Yes, it is Yes, it is And I would say the ornaments are kind of a vain thing and special, you know, like super fancy frilly clothing stuff That's kind of vain too Okay, but you know when you have a modest mindset and you know You could still look nice and do things and do things appropriately with a with a good You know Christian or godly heart as opposed to for example here. We're probably seeing someone more like a hooker Right going out and trying to find a lover that's just caking it all on real thick and look Sorry, but not sorry, you know if this offends you I'm just calling it the way that I see it in the scripture. I Am NOT trying to personally attack anybody and you know, I'm not gonna think any different of you or anything no matter what you do But I don't cover this a whole lot But I this verse just says it right here and I can't help but say everywhere I see The references to the face painting. It never really seems to be that positive So again, do I think it's a sin? No, but as much as anything else is though as far as Maintaining modesty. So if you become where you're no longer maintaining modesty and it just all of a sudden becomes like hey Everybody's looking at that Well when you're the center of attention all eyes are on one thing that's not modest It's not so That's that's why the the low cut and high cut and all that stuff is immodest Why because it draws attention it draws the eyes to those things So modest is is humbles humility. It's not trying to be You know standing out in that regard. So moving on here one more verse verse 31 For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail and The anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first child The voice of the daughter of Zion that bewhaleth herself that spreadeth her hand saying woe is me now For my soul is wearied Because of murderers And this is the devastation That's gonna come upon Jerusalem and He's just prophesying this and you know, like like this is what I've heard. This is what I'm hearing now is It's like a woman in travail Bringing forth her first child and you know, I don't know if this is the same for everyone But like the first child I think is probably the hardest when it comes to giving birth your body's changing and that first one going through is You know is different it seemed from my perspective to be a little bit different in our experience, but You know, this is this is that Bringing forth and and going through that pain and anguish and everything like that. So Yeah, book of Jeremiah not the most positive book in the Bible But definitely a really important book to be learning from and the judgment of God, you know Don't mock God Be Not deceived God is not mocked whatsoever man. So what that shall he also reap? Let's bow our heads have a word of prayer Dear Heavenly Father. Thank you so much for maintaining your word for us today that you you delivered your word to Jeremiah the prophet and that you've also kept your words pure and throughout the ages so that we can still see the things that happen and the things that you said and your instruction and Commandments dear Lord and I pray that you will please help us to take heed to these things that we would avoid destruction even in our own lives for their own personal decisions dear Lord and that we could take heed to your word and And get right with you before we have to face any type of punishment Lord and I pray to please help us to Still be able to preach the message of truth from your word and and Lord help us in our understanding of the truth and To be able to preach to a lost world dear God I pray that you please help us to make sure that the gospel gets out and That people at the very least are without excuse We love you. It's in Jesus name we pray. Amen All right, we're seeing one more song before we're dismissed brother Peter, would you please lead us You Oh Oh Oh You