(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) all right Isaiah chapter 63 as with so many chapters in this passage I think it's pretty clear maybe it's pretty clear to you hopefully it's pretty clear to you that we have a lot of we have more references to end times events and if it's not clear it's fine as we get into this hopefully it'll become a little bit more clear but one of the things that we're gonna see here is the references to the wrath of God that's gonna be poured out sorry in verse number one let's look down at our Bibles Bob reach who is this that cometh from Edom with dyed garments from Bozrah this that is glorious in his apparel traveling in the greatness of his strength and just right off the bat you know when you read a statement like this I think more often than not at least it seems to be that way in my mind you when you read statements like who is this you just like like God spake to Job you know who is this that darkness counsel with words without knowledge right and and these type of rhetorical questions are found oftentimes it's it's it's in a especially the way that this word it almost feels like it's who does this guy think he is he's coming in traveling the greatest of its trick but actually in this situation this isn't that way this is talking about the Lord right this is this is referring to the Lord who's coming in so this is not and the reason I even just bring that up is because you may be used to hearing statements like this so you don't get off on the wrong track of understanding this passage from the very beginning right but it becomes pretty evident as you get into this who he's talking about so he says who is this that coming from Edom of course Edom the Edomites came from Esau and historically in Scripture you know you have the the passage it says Jacob if I love it Esau if I hated you have the lineage of the children of promise that goes through Jacob which is Israel okay and then obviously Jacob's brother his twin brother was Esau of the Edomites Jacob was loved Israel was loved Israel is the children of God but the Edomites were hated and and ended up kind of being a wicked nation and wicked people that did not serve the Lord and also Basra I think that's in Moab I'm not a hundred percent positive about that but basically he's bringing up these places that we could consider of the heathen of the world he's returning from this place where the worries were he's returning from these nations of wicked people so it says who is this that cometh from you know Edom Basra says with dyed garments and we're gonna see the color of that dye in a minute this that is glorious in his apparel so this person who's being described here is glorious right a very wearing wearing clothing that would be glorious traveling in the greatness of his strength so that's the question and what we have here in the first few verses is this question answer question answer question answer kind of going back and forth it says I that speak in righteousness mighty to save so there's our first hint who is it that speaks in righteousness and that's mighty to save well obviously the Lord all throughout Scripture the Lord is mighty to save the Lord the Lord has the strong arm the Lord is mighty to save we could find I didn't even bother getting all the references for that hopefully you know that if you don't you could do your own homework and study that out for yourself but as we keep going it's going to be more and more apparent verse number two now here's the next question wherefore art thou read in thine apparel and thy garments like him that treadeth in the wine fat so you think about the wine fat what they used to do with with the grapes when they're trying to make wine you literally have people stepping on the the grapes to juice them right so you'd have whether it's humans or animals you know here would be it would be a human pressing the grapes pressing them down and and having this big vat and it says what your garments are red like him that treadeth in the wine fat because obviously it's pretty messy or you got a whole bunch of grapes in there you're treading them down everything it's gonna be splashing up on you and you're gonna be getting that on your clothing and that's the likeness he's saying what wait why are your clothes red and earlier the first verse it says that you know you have dyed garments as you return from these wicked nations why why are you dyed red why do you look like you just got out of the wine press verse three here's the answer I have trod in the wine press alone and of the people there was none with me for I will tread them in mine anger and trample them in my fury and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments and I will stain all my raiment you're saying when you saw me looking like I came from the wine fat when it looks like I was I was treading on grapes that's actually blood and it's using the symbolism and saying you know what I was in the wine press alone and this is that's you know telling to the Lord is doing this he's saying I didn't have anyone with me I carried out my judgment and my anger and trampled them talking about people he's trampling people in my fury and you know as we've as I mentioned time and time again you know we need to have a proper people in general people over the whole world need to have a proper fear and respect of the Lord because this is prophesying a time to come and even if you notice this I don't know maybe you've noticed or maybe not it's speaking in the past tense at first like who is this that comes and his clothes are all you know red and everything else and then he says I have trod in the wine press alone but then he says I will tread them in mine anger so he's referring to a future event obviously the vision is something that he's seeing or has just seen right now this the the narrator who's speaking here kind of with the Lord and asking these questions and Lord's answering but when Lord answers he's giving a future tense saying look this is what I'm going to do I'm going to tread them in mine anger I'm going to trample them in my fury and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments this is something that still has yet to happen and this isn't a threat it's a promise this is going to happen this isn't a word of God and people need to take heed to these words and not be found in the wine press alone with God when God has his fury and his anger about him you know you don't want to be one of the Edomites or one of those of Basra when the Lord shows up to tread down the wine press verse 4 says for the day of vengeance is in mine heart and the year of my redeemed is come this is talking about when God comes to redeem his people off the earth at the second coming of Christ that's also the day of vengeance and what's the day of vengeance we'd over know we already saw this earlier in the book of Isaiah the day of vengeance it's a dark day it's a day of the Lord it's a day of vengeance it's a day where God because think about it it makes perfect sense God is long-suffering God is merciful Lord's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance these are great qualities and attributes of God and he waits and he waits and he waits and he waits but hey think not that the Lord is slack concerning his promise don't think just because people are wicked and it's just like well where where is the sign of his coming things continue just as they have joy day in day out people just doing wickedly and Lord's not here yet there's gonna be mockers in the last days and scoffers that are gonna just be well who where is the Lord huh where is he you follow this old book he's supposed to be coming back it's already been thousands of years where is he he's coming back he's been merciful he's been long-suffering but when he comes back he's coming back to avenge see when Christ came the first time he came as the lamb when he came the first time he came to save he came the first time he came in meekness humility and offered up himself that sacrifice that's not happening the second time he doesn't need to make another sacrifice he's already made the sacrifice for sin and what he's done since then is now he's allowing time say okay I made the sacrifice it's up to you you could you could accept that free gift it's up to you and God wants you to take it and God sends his messengers he sends his people he sends his prophets to go and preach the Word of the Lord and to try to get people hey put your faith in Christ there's a gift here for you it's ready it's there but you know what there's gonna come a day when it's no longer available when it's done and for all those who take the mark of the beast it's done and when God shows up he's gonna be angry for many reasons one he's gonna be angry because those who've taken the mark of the beast are gonna be persecuting and going after and killing and slaughtering the people of God too he's gonna be mad just because they didn't accept Christ as the free gift when they had opportunity God's gonna come in righteousness he's gonna come and tread down the winepress it's a day of vengeance of revenging the blood of the Saints upon the wicked people who have persecuted them and that's what he also brings up in the year of my redeemed the redeemed from off the earth their soul has been redeemed our soul has been redeemed but our flesh has not and he's gonna come and redeem our flesh when at that resurrection at the second resurrection he's gonna come well the first resurrection for us but there's Christ the first fruits first resurrection and second resurrection we're in the first resurrection in in that order looking at from that way and we're going to be caught up together with our Lord in the air and so shall we be ever with the Lord this is the time that this is referring to look at verse number five and I looked and there was none to help so in that day you know right before Christ comes back there's gonna be this great onslaught against believers and there's gonna be none to help we're gonna be left to ourselves as it were right with with nobody with no with no person standing up and being the you know the the big leader to stop and defend those that need defending right which all throughout history there's been you know occasionally there's time there's people who will step up like in the judges there's judges that would step up and try to defend Israel against the the the armies and everything else and God would work with them well there's gonna come a time where there's no one to help because then I wondered that there was none to uphold therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me and my fury it upheld me and I will tread down the people and mine anger and make them drunk in my fury and I will bring down their strength to the earth you say you know God's saying I'm gonna bring them down I mean how many ways can you say it right keep your place here turn you to Revelation chapter 14 I think Revelation 14 is probably the the most clearly linked to this passage and I'm bringing up a lot here tonight without going through every detail on how this lines up I'm kind of actually maybe hopefully not wrongfully so expecting you to have a little bit of a backdrop since you become in his church for a while people who are here to have an understanding of this but if you're not clear on these events you can talk to me later and I'll try to help you out with that but let's look at Revelation chapter 14 right now and you'll see a lot of the same the similarities especially with their wine press and the treading under feet the the language is is almost identical in Revelation 14 as it is here in Isaiah chapter 63 we're starting in verse number 14 the Bible says and I looked and behold a white cloud and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of Man having on his head a golden crown and in his hand a sharp sickle and another ain't now look if he if he has a golden crown on his head how do you think he might be dressed if he's wearing a crown probably pretty gloriously well isn't that what we saw in Isaiah 63 that it says with dyed garments that that this that is glorious in his apparel right that's Jesus glorious in apparel he's wearing a crown in Revelation 14 it says that upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of Man having on his head a golden crown his hand a sharp sickle verse 15 another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud thrust in my sickle and reap for the time is come for thee to reap for the harvest of the earth is ripe multiple places in Scripture the rapture is referred to as a reaping God is putting in the sickle the sickles is a really sharp blade instrument that goes in and it's gonna reap it's gonna cut all the all the harvest right up God is going to reap the earth this is what the the symbolic language is being used to what's going to happen when he gathers together his Saints when Jesus comes back he's gonna reap his Saints out of the earth he's gonna come back and receive out of the persecution those who are still alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord and he's gonna reap the earth and look at this it says for the harvest of the earth is ripe and he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth and the earth was reaped okay so there's this first reaping that's the same that's the good crop that's that's the good fruit that comes out of the earth and another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven he also having a sharp sickle and another angel came out from the altar which had power over fire and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle saying thrust in thy sharp sickle look at this and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth for her grapes are fully ripe now we just got done reading about the person in his glorious apparel he's coming back from Edom coming back from Basra in his glorious apparel but it's all dyed red he's been in the wine press here's this second reaping is saying hey the grapes are ripe we're not the grapes thank God right this is the second reaping verse 19 says and the angel thrust in his sickle in the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and cast it into the great wine press of the wrath of God it's exactly what Isaiah 63 is talking about because it's talking about the wine press in Isaiah 63 3 and that it's a day of vengeance and that it's his anger and his fury that he has that he's doing it when it says in verse 6 of Isaiah 63 and I will tread down the people in my anger and make them drunk in my fury now it says make him drunk in my fury he's not talking about like literally make him drunk with booze but we're talking about wine we're talking about a wine press it's using the language because they're gonna be overfilled and over consumed with the fury of the Lord that's how much fury is gonna pour out is that they're just gonna be like like you just saying they're just drunk with it there's so much fury being poured out it's more than they can handle verse 20 there Revelation 14 the Bible says in the wine press was trodden without the city and blood came out of the wine press even unto the horse bridles by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs that's a lot of blood without even doing the math I mean think about that up to the horses bridles we put bits in the horses mouths right that through their bridles what control they're where they're going that's how deep it is so for the for the Son of Man the Son of God sitting on his white horse and that that wine the the wine press being the people who are reaped the wicked people and their blood it's the same imagery my friends now again these this both places are you know you call it poetic language or colorful language is a way to describe real events though now I'm not saying that literally that like blood is gonna be like flowing like a river down the street when Jesus Christ comes back it's the imagery of how many people are going to die and how bad it really is gonna be and how bloody it's gonna be because it's gonna be a bloody mess when people start dying when God pours out his wrath God's wrath is something not to be reckoned with and you know it does everybody good to take a step back and and just kind of ponder on the awesome power of the Almighty God you know people in the world would be so much better if they would just take a step back even once a week to just think about how powerful the Lord is usually you get a feeling or a taste for that power seldomly now we're kind of heading into that season where there's these great massive storms but see we have the luxury of being in safe houses in general you know and we're kind of safe from the storm which is another great illustration of how we're safe in Christ but the power of being in those storms and these natural events if you're ever in a hurricane or tornado or it's just man everything is out of your hands and there's a terror and a fear that you could feel when if you're ever find yourself in the middle of a situation like that and I don't mean that you have any form of safety you find yourself out in the middle of field and you've got a tornado that's coming on you I guarantee you I don't care how much you think storms are cool because I think storms are cool too I like watching them I used to like watching for tornadoes when I was a kid but you know what there's a big difference between seeing them over there and having one like right here and having nowhere to hide I don't care who you are right there comes that time is like it gets real and these are just small tastes of immense power right I mean there's some there's so many examples of how this could happen I would ever been like overcome with like let's say like a massive wave like super powerful water or something just knocks you off your feet there's nothing you can do about it you're actually just completely out of control I mean there's so many different situations of massive force like that it ought to humble you and especially just compare that to an Almighty God who's created everything and he's talking here about treading down in a wine press think about how helpless a grape is in a wine press right obviously grapes aren't people they can't do anything but they're just there right they're just you tread on them they can't move out of the way they can't do anything well that's the way it's gonna be when God pours out his wrath there's gonna be a bunch of people on this earth like little ants running around and God's just gonna go there's nothing you can do there's nothing that's gonna save you that's why people are gonna be going into the dens and the rocks and the mountains and caves they go you'll follow us hide us they're gonna try to find hiding places from the Lord from the fear of the wrath of the lamb because he's gonna come he's gonna show up there be like oh man this is real oh oh oh and it's guaranteed it's not gonna be that cute it's gonna be serious it's gonna be it's so hard now to get strike that fear of God into your hearts it's going to be severe it's gonna be massive and and this is why the Bible uses this type of language to help get it through our thick heads of how bad it's going to be now I love this contrast because the first six verses I mean he's talking about the day of vengeance talking about his fury and his anger right he's talking about these horrible things are gonna happen in the first six verses look at verse seven I will mention the loving kindnesses of the Lord and the praises of the Lord according to all that the Lord has bestowed on us and the great goodness toward the house of Israel which he has bestowed on them according to his mercies and according to the multitude of his loving kindnesses we just get done reading about the the fury and the wrath for six verses is six verses is six verses to just be just the next verse Wow loving-kindness praise gentleness mercy why because it's the same God all of these attributes are attributes of the Lord of the Almighty God in heaven the key difference is where do you stand in God's eyes because notice the great goodness and loving-kindness it's toward the house of Israel you say but I'm not a Jew yes you are if you have faith we're all heirs with faithful Abraham read Galatians chapter 3 it explains it perfectly that we are children of promise because it took it was the faith of Abraham in that child of promise that God promised him that he would have in his old age when Sarah was past the age of bearing when everything had to happen miraculously and Abraham believed God knows counted on him for righteousness and then Abraham finally did have that child a promise that is what is being referred to as the Israel of God the people of God the house of Israel God has goodness great goodness towards the house of Israel which he has bestowed on them according to his mercies and according to the multitude of his loving kindnesses because the Lord is great and merciful and loving and kind but you got to make sure you're born again you're born into God's family that you are of Israel the house of Israel and again we're not talking about physically no one can change their their DNA as it were in in who their great great great great great grandfather was doesn't matter but what a great stark contract you know it's kind of like the contrast between heaven and hell hell is fury and wrath and heaven is love and peace and joy let's keep reading your verse number eight the Bible says surely they are my people children that will not lie so he was their Savior and all their affliction he was afflicted and the angel of his presence saved them in his love and in his pity he redeemed them and he bare them and carried them all the days of old now I hope this isn't confusing for you but there's multiple applications and truths we could take away from these passages on the surface what this is talking about we talk about his people so about the Israel of God it's talking about a nation it's talking about a people as a whole but it's still referring to them as his people it's making the the contrast with a difference between his people and the people of the world his people and the heathen people we know individually there's a lot of wicked people who are of Israel and we also know that there are people who were saved that were of the heathen okay we're not talking about you know the individual when he's making these references to his people we make the application to his spiritual seed however what I think is great about this is you say okay surely they are my people children that will not lie in all their affliction look at this he was afflicted God has this this compassion and empathy for us that in our affliction all their affliction he was afflicted too and while yes I believe on the surface Isaiah 63 years talking about people were gonna see that as we continue to get into this because he's talking about the history of his people this also applies individually keep your place here turn if you would to Matthew chapter 25 this concept of God being afflicted with our afflictions that level of compassion that level of you know kinship and and love is found taught in Scripture towards every single one of us and that is a comfort of heart to know that you know when you go through the hard times God feels that God knows he understands Christ was tempted in all points like as we are yet without sin he knows what it's like to be human he knows what it's like to be rejected he knows what it's like to be afflicted he knows these things and in fact it's like he is afflicted with us in our afflictions look at Matthew 25 we're gonna scare read in verse number 41 this is the the the sheep and the goats right on the left hand on the right hand we're just gonna read a small portion of this section of this passage small small section here sorry verse number 41 we're looking at verses 41 through 46 the Bible says then shall he say also unto them on the left hand depart from me cursed in an everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels for I wasn't hungry and he gave me no meat I was thirsty and he gave me no drink I was a stranger and he took me not in naked and he clothed me not sick and in prison you visited me not then shall they also answer him saying Lord when saw we thee and hungered or a thirst or a stranger a naked or sick or in prison and did not minister unto thee saying what do you mean God we never saw you in this condition what do you mean then he shall he answer them saying verily I say unto you and as much as he did it not to one of the least of these he did it not to me so God is is putting himself right there with his people right hey you didn't do it unto them you didn't do it unto me he's afflicted with their affliction he's afflicted with our affliction when you're not being helped it's like Christ isn't being helped when you're being afflicted it's like Christ is being afflicted let that I mean seriously let that sink in and especially you know maybe if everything is going great for you right now praise the Lord right and I hope that's a case for everybody but remember this truth remember this passage in all their affliction he was afflicted whenever you come to your time of affliction just remember Christ is with you and he feels the affliction with you and if you know that he's with you you know he's gonna bring you past that he will get you through those times and he understands what it's like he's gonna provide you the comfort that you need he's gonna give you exactly what you need because he knows this also explains where the vengeance comes from in all their affliction he's afflicted too he knows firsthand what's going on he you know all the all the bad things that come along and come down the pipe you know people like to think that oh maybe God didn't see me right no God sees everything and God knows exactly what it feels like to be the person who's being persecuted by the wicked and that makes God angry he has compassion towards those who are afflicted and anger towards those who are doing the inflicting bus and these shall go away in everlasting punishment but the righteous in life eternal let's go back to Isaiah chapter 63 verse number 10 says but they rebelled so verse 8 9 surely they're my people children will not lie so he was their Savior he chose them out of people for his name's sake hey I like this people I like Abraham he's my friend he's a good guy I like Moses right he chose out of people for himself all their affliction he was afflicted too but they rebelled and vexed his Holy Spirit therefore he was turned to be their enemy and he fought against them so over the course of time his people ended up becoming his enemy now this is another important truth keep your place here turn if you were to James chapter 4 keeping in line with how we're understanding this passage right that he's talking about yes he saw about the people you know children Israel but he's talking about the spiritual seed he's talking about his people people of faith that ended up rebelling and vexing his Holy Spirit and I'll tell you what it's possible for believers for his people to vex his Holy Spirit it's possible for believers to become an enemy of the Lord and we need to take heed that we don't find ourselves on God's bad side okay and and become his enemy because then he's gonna have to bring judgment starting at his own house with his own people as he promises he's gonna do even God's own people can become his enemy look at verse number four of James chapter 4 the Bible says he adulterers and adulteresses know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God whosoever therefore whosoever that means anybody right whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God does that say unless you're saved unless you're a child of God no anybody that's gonna be a friend of the world is the enemy of God because the things that are of the world are not of the Father which you could read through 1st John and and get that teaching as well things that are of the world are not of the Father there's the things of the world the things of the Father and they're completely separate things the God of this world is Satan the things of this world are of the devil the things that are of the Father are of the Spirit the things are of the Father are the righteousness and the goodness we have our flesh that would be of the world and our spirit if we're born again that's of the Father if we love the world and love the things of the world to be walking in the flesh we're not gonna be pleasing the Lord in fact he's gonna be getting angry he's gonna view us now as being his enemies because we're working against him because we're not walking in the spirit we don't want to have a heart of rebellion which hey any child can have my children could have a spirit of rebellion form up inside of them and where they don't want to obey and they don't want to listen they don't want to do what you know they're told it doesn't mean they're not my child anymore but guess what they've made enemies they start rebelling let's say let's say all my kids all six of them they plot a rebellion in my house I say hi here's what we're gonna do we're gonna lock dad in this room and we're gonna get the run of the house and we're gonna get out the ice cream and we're gonna get out the popcorn and the cookies and we're just gonna have a big old party and have this this mutiny and rebellion right now besides just kind of being a funny example because that would never happen if they do that do you think I'm not gonna love them at all of course I'm gonna love them there's there's no changing that the love is always there but they've made themself an enemy okay because I am NOT gonna tolerate that and I would not stand for that and their little party is gonna be very short lived and the recompense is gonna be great right they'll find themselves fighting against me and I'm gonna be their enemy I'm still gonna love them they still have a place that you know I'm still gonna have a home with me right this is how it can work though spiritually speaking where we could turn to be the enemy of God we start getting a stiff neck proud rebellious attitude and just forgetting the Lord doing my own thing I just love the things of the world I'm just gonna go out there God I know I know I'm not supposed to say a wicked thing before my eye of the Lord but I'm just gonna go and just do and and enjoy all the sins and pleasures of the world I'm just gonna love the world everything the world has to offer that's what I'm gonna do and I'm gonna set my heart on those things you made yourself an enemy of God even if you don't want to be even in your heart if you're going why I mean I want to be God's enemy but I do like this stuff and I want to I want to you know kind of indulge in this stuff you don't get to choose whether or not God is going to target you as an enemy if you choose to go the way of the world now thank God he never takes away his loving kindness and his mercy from us you're still saved great just like my children should be my children but you know what they don't want to be on the receiving end of dad's wrath it's the same way with us and God we don't want to be made an enemy because what what happens we already saw what happened to children of Israel they turn away from the Lord God had to punish him God had to bring him into captivity they had to suffer some really hard and lean times they had to go through a lot but what happened he ended up bringing him back they finally humbled themselves they finally got right it took 70 years of captivity but then they're finally like God we're sorry sorry God and then he brings them back now obviously when we're talking about the nation it's this long scale but sometimes you gotta look at the high level in the big picture to tie it all together to get the big the big truths what's being taught here about his people as a whole which is why he's covering a large section of time here just referring to his people saying hey in their affliction I was afflicted but when they rebelled they were turned to be my enemy and he fought against them let's go back to Isaiah 63 verse number 11 the Bible says then he remembered the days of old Moses and his people saying where is he that brought them up out of the sea with the Shepherd of his flock where is he that put his Holy Spirit within him and this is of course after they rebelled God calls to remembrance the days of old Moses right great man of God and he's remembering you know his people he brought them up out of the sea the Shepherd of his flock where is he that put his Holy Spirit within him that led them by the right hand of Moses with his glorious arm dividing the water before them to make himself an everlasting name see God doesn't forget God remembers he made the promise God remembers and he brought out his people out of bondage God remembers that salvation which is why he doesn't utterly cast them away even though they become his enemies God still thinks back and he remembers and says okay yep I saved them they were saved when he saved them out of bondage he saved them out of the world he saved them out of sin he's not gonna completely take away his love and kindness yes chastening was required but they're still his people verse 13 that led them through the deep as an horse in the wilderness that they should not stumble as a beast goeth down in the valley the Spirit of the Lord caused him to rest so didst thou lead thy people to make thyself a glorious name look down from heaven and behold from the habitation of thy holiness and of thy glory where is thy zeal and thy strength the sounding of thy bowels and of thy mercies toward me are they restrained this is from the perspective of the person now who's looking for that strength of God right after the chastening after the disciplining getting right with God hey where is you know just like Elisha you know where is the God of Elijah where's the you know he wanted to see the same power of God that he used through Elijah before his eyes where is thy zeal thy strength the sounding of thy bowels thy mercies toward me are they restrained what's the answer no they're not restrained verse 16 I love this passage we're gonna you know obviously we're gonna have closing this we're almost done with the with the chapter we were 16 doubtless thou art our father now who could say that today amen God is your father doubtless is there any doubt in your mind that God is your father you're born again there should be no doubt you put your faith in Lord Jesus Christ you've become a child of God but as many as received him them gave me power to become the sons of God even in them that believe on his name doubtless thou art our father there's a people here that's claiming the Lord as their father just doubtless thou art our father though Abraham be ignorant of us even though even though Abraham doesn't know who we are right Abraham was alive a long time ago Abraham doesn't know who we are we're a strange people we're of foreign descent right and the people in this room I could say probably safely we're not necessarily physical physical seed of Abraham you know Abraham doesn't know us and Israel acknowledge us not yeah those that call themselves a physical seed they definitely don't acknowledge us as being children of God but doubtless thou art our father it doesn't matter whether the Jews consider us to be children of God it doesn't matter whether the Hebrews are ignorant of us or not it doesn't matter because doubtless God is our father thou o Lord art our father our Redeemer thy name is from everlasting amen because the Lord is is he's a god of all nations he's a lighthouse all people God's house is a house of prayer for all nations verse 17 Oh Lord why is thou made us to air from thy ways and hardened our heart from thy fear return for thy servant's sake the tribes of thine inheritance the people of thy holiness have possessed it but a little while our adversaries have trodden down thy sanctuary and here we have one more reference to the end times to the day of the Lord to the day of vengeance and to keep your place here because we got one more verse left and turn if you go to Daniel chapter 8 Daniel chapter 8 and Daniel is definitely more cryptic Daniel is a harder book to understand which is why we like to take the book of Revelation because God has revealed his word and when you read Daniel God's telling Daniel okay seal these things up you know this is this is for a time to come still and basically explaining that like it's not for now okay and don't worry about being able to understand all this stuff because it's not for right now but then in Revelation it's hey I'm gonna tell you it's even Jesus when he came so I'm all right I'm gonna tell you what's gonna come and then by the time we get to the book of Revelation God is revealing what's going to happen so the clarity of Jesus say answering the question well what's gonna be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world right well let me tell you here's what's gonna happen he clears it up as well as God you know John being having the answer revealed unto him having truth revealed on him so we look at those passages to get that revelation and then we could go back and look at these other passages and go oh wow yeah I see I mean it still fits perfectly but it makes some sense to fit this in to what we know has just been revealed and even here in Isaiah and this is how I even have any understanding I do the level of understanding I do about Isaiah 63 is because of the New Testament books and passages because we have the the benefit of looking at Revelation 14 there's a lot harder to understand I'm sure in Isaiah's day what all this is talking about without having the benefit of a revelation chapter 14 to compare it to and to look at and having that extra information available Daniel chapter 8 look at verse number 9 the Bible says an out of one of them came forth a little horn which waxed exceeding great toward the south and toward the east and toward the pleasant land and it waxed great even to the host of heaven and it cast down some of the hosts and of the stars to the ground and stamped upon them yay he magnified himself even to the prince of the host and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away and the place of his sanctuary was cast down so that the the sanctuary is cast out Isaiah 63 18 just in case you forgot what it said already the people by holiness have possessed it but a little while talking about God you know the the inheritance God's place our adversaries have trodden down thy sanctuary so we've only possessed this for a short period of time God and then the enemies came the adversaries came and they throw down your sanctuary well what's happening in Daniel chapter 8 you've got this guy magnifying himself he's magnifying himself against all that even called God this is a reference to the Antichrist here that's standing in the holy place he causes the daily sacrifice to be taken away it says and the place of his sanctuary was cast down and in host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression and it cast down the truth to the ground and it practiced and prospered then I heard one saint speaking and another saint said unto that certain state was spake how long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice in the transgression of desolation look at this to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden underfoot it's the same exact phrasing that we have in Isaiah 63 our adversaries have trodden down thy sanctuary to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden underfoot and he said unto me under two thousand and three hundred days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed it's referring to the same timeframe it's referring to the time when Antichrist comes into power and and treads down the sanctuary of the Lord and God's people going hey are you gonna come back and and and give this to us you know the people by holiness have possessed it but a little while our adversaries have trodden down the sanctuary God come and help us and save us is essentially what's happening here and then back in Isaiah 63 verse 19 the Bible says we are thine thou never barest rule over them they were not called by thy name so those people who are treading down the sanctuary he says thou never barest rule over them because they were not called by thy name they're unruly right they're disobedient like the Bible says Romans 1 disobedient to parents they despise government they don't want rulers which by the way is one of the reason why I'm not for anarchy just in case you know that's an issue for anybody I don't think it is but there's there's a philosophy of man that's this political anarchism which on the surface could sound good because it's like yeah we're for you know the Liberty and and we're the real libertarians and you know all this stuff about you know the non-aggression principle and everything else and a lot of those things there's some truth to it there's some truth to it and the freedom is great but you know what this this concept of not having rulers is unbiblical because God is ordained there to be governors and rulers and God has set up that government in order to run society here on earth and people who despise government are wicked people bottom line I'm not saying our human government right now are righteous but the power given to government is a power that's given by God for our government to exist for the for the punishment of evildoers right and for the praising of those that do good that's the purpose of government and if the government just did that it would totally be in line with what God has ordained that doesn't mean just because things don't work out working out that way it means we should just have no rulers and you know people who are calling for no rulers they're wicked people you know they don't want God ruling over them either and what's gonna happen to these people they're gonna be trodden down just like they trod down the sanctuary God's gonna throw them in the wine press and tread them down it's interesting how people you know how everything you know people reap what they sow and and how how upside down the world is God's gonna do the exact opposite or the equal opposite for everybody for everything for everyone as I was talking about earlier in the announcements you know these wicked people the God haters that want to come and persecute well all they're doing in reality in the long run is keeping blessings and when we don't get angry and weed and we and we bless and curse not we're heaping coals of fire on their heads you know when you when you overcome evil with good God writes all of those wrongs and when when you're receiving evil God will write that too and when these people want to tread down the house of God and destroy everything the Lord will guess what they're gonna be destroyed see God lets us make the first move and make our choice and make our decision and you know people who want to decide I hate God and I want to fight against God I want to do everything well you know what's gonna happen and God's gonna fight against you but he lets you choose first on the other end you can say well I love God and I'm gonna love man I'm gonna obey God and if people treat you like garbage that's fine because God's gonna treat you well everything will come to light and in God will set the record straight once and for all so don't worry about being slighted don't worry about Israel not acknowledging us don't worry about that the people of this world not you know like like who are you right I'm nobody nobody you know what Jesus is somebody and hey for us to live is Christ to die is gain as far as I've ordered prayer to Heavenly Father Lord we thank you so much for this chapter and for all the great truths in it dear Lord and I pray to please continue to open up our understanding God there's so much there's so much depth to your word I pray to please help us to have a good proper understanding of your words of your teachings dear Lord of the things that the you want us to know and help us to navigate this this dark wicked world that we live in dear Lord help us to overcome our flesh I pray to please help us to walk in the spirit and make the right choice every day Lord none of us here wants to to become your enemy and I pray that you would just help us to have enough sense and that you'd stir up our spirit and and and move us through the Holy Ghost to to become aware of and be warned if we start to head towards the ways of the world and start and start to love the ways the world your Lord I pray to please give us the heat and the warning that we need so that we wouldn't find ourselves and being being chased into rebuked because we've made ourselves your enemy dear Lord we love you and we want to serve you God please use us and help us to to shine that glorious light that you've given unto us in Jesus name we pray amen