(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) all right Isaiah chapter 62 there's a lot of positive things in these latter chapters in the book of Isaiah and it's really fun to preach through and there's also a lot of references to end times events things are gonna happen still in the future to come obviously there was a lot of prophecy that we already covered in the book of Isaiah that was at least partially fulfilled with the of course that the children of Israel going into captivity as well as being released and going back to Jerusalem now some of these chapters like this one for example it's much more apparent to us at least in the New Testament since these many of those events have already happened where the children Israel went back to Jerusalem it's much more apparent to us yeah this is talking about still a time to come this entire chapter is about Zion it's about Jerusalem it's about the holy city but it's the holy city to come it's the holy city that's going to yet be established understandably so if you were living back maybe through the captivity you might be thinking that some of these events would take place at your the next time you go back and you know when God brings you back into the land that he might start setting up all these things of course that didn't happen that way and we understand that there was there's more to it and having the benefits of hindsight of being able to look back in the history Wow how everything fits perfectly helps us to understand a little bit more so let's start right here in verse number one the Bible says for Zion's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth now we're gonna see a lot of talk about Zion the Bible talks a lot about Zion in general and again sometimes it is referring to the city of David when you see references to Zion you see when David first conquered Hebron you know and and and and he put his name as in we said establish the city of David is the city of David named Zion and there's many references to that just as a physical location especially in the book of the Kings and Chronicles but then it's also referred to as God's place the place where God's name is a place where God is gonna set up his kingdom he's gonna rule and reign from Zion obviously there's a lot of symbolism even with David being representative of Jesus Christ and being the king that's going to come in rule and reign and we're gonna see a lot of that here now even though you know and the reason why I'm even taking time to talk about Zion at all is because there's some people out there called Zionist and we're not Zionist in the common usage of that term that might be used today the Zionists of today look to the physical place that's you know current on the earth on the map today like literal Israel going over to the Middle East right now as if that is special and holy in and of itself regardless of what is going on there and the reason why Zion is so special and holy it's because it's a place for God's people it's gonna be a place where there's righteousness going forth as brightness and salvation as a lamp that burneth like verse number one says that is why Zion is so beautiful and regarded and it's the Zion to come we're not interested in a piece of dirt in the Middle East right now that's populated with people who hate Jesus Christ there's no regard for that Zion right now that city is desolate but the city that we are looking at in Isaiah 62 is a city not forsaken that's what the last verse of this passage says and they shall call them the holy people the Redeemer of the Lord and thou shalt be called sought out a city not forsaken tell you right now the Jews of today are forsaken Jerusalem of today is forsaken it is not a place of light in brightness and the gospel and salvation going forth at all but the the glory of Zion is a righteous Zion and that's what we'll be looking at today so you know some people get confused because they just see the word Zion is think like oh this must be talking about this you know and just like people read about Jews too and the children of God and the children of Israel as if the genealogy really matters and skip over where the Bible says you know hey think not to say within thyself but we have Abraham to our father for God's able these stones to raise up seed unto Abraham it's not about the genealogy it's not about being some special race of people it's about being the children of promise like Galatians 3 talks about that we are heirs with Abraham by promise Galatians written to Gentiles Gentile believers and since they were believers that makes them of the seed of Abraham that's what matters and that's that's what's always mattered by the way it has never been such a big deal to be of the race of the Hebrews that physically descended the only time that mattered was just to be in the priesthood and even that there were you know there was there was some there was some some rules for that but it had nothing to do with being a child of God being one of God's people anybody could join themselves to be a child but I don't want to get too far into that let's just focus on what Zion this is talking about instead of talking about what it's not let's focus on what it is this is a place and he says this for Zion's sake I will not hold my peace you know what means I'm not gonna be quiet and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest until the righteousness thereof go forth as brothers let me ask you this is the righteousness of Zion going forth as brightness today you know that tells me we shouldn't hold our peace or rest because it's not happening yet is the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth no they don't have salvation you know what this is saying we shouldn't hold our peace we shouldn't rest until Jesus comes and the light really does shine forth out of Jerusalem out of Mount Zion out of the city of David because then it will be shining with righteousness and salvation I mean that that's then it's okay great then you have other things to talk about right we'll be able to rest when we can enter into Christ's dress until then let's not rest in verse 2 says and the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness and all Kings thy glory this is very similar to Isaiah chapter 2 which talks about the people of the land coming in and everyone all the land streaming unto Jerusalem to hear the the wisdom of the King you know the reference to Jesus Christ in Isaiah chapter 2 and and everyone's gonna be obedient during that millennial reign of Christ when all the kings of the earth are gonna give glory and enter into holy Jerusalem and thou shalt be called by a new name which the mouth of the Lord shall name now I think looking at passage like this it has the potential of being used by the Antichrist and by people who are gonna come into power that way because they're gonna want to I believe the Antichrist is gonna set up a throne in Jerusalem and try to reign and rule from there and you know a lot of people could be deceived and I believe they're gonna be trying to use Bible passages to support that that he's the second coming that this is God this is the next coming of Jesus Christ that they try to deceive people with that and they're gonna use passages like this because this says nothing about the timeline you have to read the whole Bible to get an understanding of what order the events are gonna take place in so it should be a lot easier to just say oh see look this is happening right now saying oh well hey he's bringing world peace because that's what the Antichrist is gonna come and proclaim to try to do and get all the power get all the kings of the earth to to give up all their power and authority unto him so that that he can rule and reign over everybody and I you know this is just my conjecture I believe we'll probably use passages like this to try to say see look this is uh this is written in the scripture he's just fulfilling scripture turn if you want to someone else you keep your place in Isaiah 62 there's a very strong similarity in Psalm 102 talking about Zion here I'm gonna reread verse 2 for you from Isaiah 62 while you're turning to Psalm 102 but I was in the Gentile shall see thy righteousness and all kings thy glory Psalm 102 starting in verse number 13 the Bible reads thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion for the time to favor her yea the set time is come for thy servants take pleasure in her stones and favor the dust thereof and even that phrase right there about the stones we'll see a reference to that later on in Isaiah 62 verse 15 though says this so the heathen shall fear the name of the Lord and all the kings of the earth thy glory it's exactly what this talking about Isaiah 62 we use the same phrases like that talking about the same place we could figure that this is talking about the same time frame the same event verse 16 when the Lord shall build up Zion he shall appear in his glory he will regard the prayer of the destitute and not despise their prayer this shall be written for the generation to come and the people which shall be created shall praise the Lord for he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary from heaven did the Lord behold the earth to hear the groaning of the prisoner to loose those that are appointed to death to declare the name of the Lord and Zion and his praise in Jerusalem when the people are gathered together and the kingdoms to serve the Lord and you know what I love about this chapter go back to chapter 62 it's just a great time to be thinking about it's a great time to be looking forward to it's what our eyes are supposed to be set at anyways these these future events to come is what we're living for here and now because this is when we will receive our rewards and when Jesus Christ you know says enter thou in the peace of the Lord and he's giving out rewards and you're at the judgment seat of Christ he's gonna give you you know cities to rule and reign over with him when Jesus Christ comes back to rule and reign we're gonna rule and reign with him on this earth and let me tell you we are servants in this earth right now we are ministers and we are servants we are not the rulers of this world we're not the ones in charge of everything but one day we will be and that'll be a great day and there's nothing wrong with wanting to be in that position especially you know right now you I if you think about if you had to be a ruler a governor a senator some type of ruler think about how corrupt and wicked the system is I wouldn't even want to be in that position because you got to deal with just horrible people all the time there's just so much corruption it just that job would stink like I would not want to have anything to do with that job but what about when Jesus Christ is ruling and reigning it sounds like an awesome job right to be ruling and reigning over over other cities and other places like that's great and by the way I meant to mention this before I started the sermon but I'll say it now anyways with this church we have a heart of being servants and ministers and I harp on that all the time because I think it's extremely important in the Christian life so remember that on Sunday and when I'm out of town especially when we have a lot of visitors to help serve the people who come and visit here and and and make it a point to not just chat and conversate with everyone else and I know it's gonna be exciting I know Pastor Anderson's gonna be here and everything else think first to make sure that all the guests that we have here are taken care of please okay and I don't doubt that's gonna happen but talk to them bring up the gospel bring up salvation talk to people serve them show them where everything is it's gonna be too much to work for just the ushers to take care of anyways so I'm relying on the entire church to help with that that was a little break from the sermon but it fits right in anyways right we are servants we are ministers but one day we will rule and reign when when the Zion with Jesus Christ at the helm is set up in righteousness and in honor and in glory and all the kings of the earth will see the glory of Zion let's go back to Isaiah 62 verse number three the Bible says thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God now when we start seeing these pronouns as thou and D and now this is talking about the city by and large I mean for almost all these verses it still keeps referring to this place just just so you get that understanding when you're reading this keep that in mind that the the subject matter here is Zion it's Jerusalem and with maybe one or two exceptions it's it's it's going to be referring to that as we continue to read through this so this city is going to be a crown of glory it's going to be a beautiful place and something that is going to reflect the Lord's righteousness a royal diadem in the hand of thy God verse 4 thou shalt no more be termed forsaken right no more no more people gonna be like oh yeah that lands forsaken like I would say that right now God is forsaken Jerusalem it is a God forsaken place because the people who live there and occupy that place hate Jesus Christ so yeah it's God forsaken but there's gonna come a time when that's no more what that place is known for and it's called forsaken neither shall thy land anymore be termed desolate but thou shalt be called Hefzibah in thy land Beulah now this is a great example here all names in the Bible have meaning and you got to read kind of carefully and look closely you don't have to know Hebrew to understand the meaning of names in the Bible by and large you'll find the definition when you read closely when we look at Hefzibah and we look at Beulah it explains exactly what these names mean he's saying why are they going to be called Hefzibah and I land Beulah for one the Lord delighteth in thee so Hefzibah means the Lord delights in you and Beulah means and thy land shall be married married that's Beulah we sing this song Beulah land well now you know what that means and you learn that from the scripture in English based on what it says this is why the name is gonna be Hefzibah this is why for the Lord delighteth in thee in thy land shall be married now that marriage is important because it's going to keep on talking about this look at verse number five about says for as a young man marrieth a virgin so shall thy sons marry thee and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride so shall thy God rejoice over thee and it's interesting someone just brought up like I don't know if there's a question or comment on something I taught previously and this fits in perfectly with tonight's sermon I've mentioned this before I brought this up previously in sermons but if you want to turn to Revelation 21 I just like pointing this out and as I was I was talking to someone on Sunday about this you know a lot of people don't understand what the bride of Christ is or who the bride of Christ is and the most common teaching you'll hear today is that the church the church is the bride of Christ who's heard that before every hand going up right everyone's heard that before I've heard that plenty of times before and it's something that sounds fine and it should be it's kind of easy to accept if you don't think about it very critically okay yeah I mean we gotta get ready for our bride and and there's there's lots of there's even passages that people could turn to to try to explain how that's true you could go to Ephesians chapter 5 and explain you know we see how the Lord it likens a marriage between a man and a woman like the relationship between Christ and the church so there's a lot of truth to that concept of the church being married to Christ right I'm not against teaching the submission the servitude as a wife to Christ so should the church be right but when the Bible is specifically talking about the bride of Christ it's actually not talking about the church as if there's like some universal church in Revelation 21 it very specifically talks about the bride of Christ and the reason why I even bring this up is because in Isaiah 62 is very interesting we're talking about Jerusalem we're talking about Zion and then it's talking about how hey thy land shall be married as a young man married the virgin so shall thy sons marry thee and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride so shall thy God rejoice over thee and remember I know when I was saying thou thou thou thee it's not talking about a person this isn't like talking about Isaiah this is talking about the land this is talking about Zion this is talking about Jerusalem well doesn't this fit exactly with what the Bible says in Revelation 21 verse number let's just start reading verse number one about says and I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea and I John saw the holy city new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband so the very first phrase there we see is new Jerusalem is what he sees and he says it looks like a bride adorned for her husband you say well but that's not talking about the bride that's just saying it's like a bride adorned for okay fair enough that's it's right that's what it says but if we jump down a little bit in the same passage and look at verse number nine the Bible says and there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues and talked with me saying come hither I will show thee the bride the Lamb's wife cool hey this is this looks like a great passage if we want to know I mean who's the lamb Christ and he's gonna show me the bride great who is the bride of Christ I want to know because I've always heard it's the church and he carried me away in the spirit verse 10 to a great and high mountain and showed me that great city the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God having the glory of God and her light was like unto a stone most precious even like a jasper stone clear as crystal and had a walk and and was it do it continues to describe a city a city the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven prepared as a bride and then the guy says that is the bride you want a biblical definition of who the bride of Christ is or the bride of lamb we've got one here and it's not just in Revelation 21 we can see it in Isaiah 62 also view the land what does it mean married how do we know that Isaiah 62 talking about Zion talking about Jerusalem anyways I wanted to just point that out quickly because just so you know is it the worst thing in the world of people believe that the so-called church is a bride of Christ no no but you know what I do care about the truth and we ought to believe right things just because that doctrine won't necessarily like cause tons of damage or something like that and as I said before there is a lot of truth that can be taught about the relationship that believers have with Christ as a husband and wife and that is referred to in Bible so that is still scriptural but just specifically when we're talking about the bride of Christ we can see these examples you know even and I taught this back earlier in Isaiah when we looked at the the wedding feast because what was the wedding feast it wasn't about the believers being the bride again it had to do with the city so anyways that was go back and listen to that sermon I forget what chapter that was from it was a while ago but let's let's keep reading here verse number six in Isaiah chapter 62 Bible says I have set watchmen upon thy walls O Jerusalem which never hold their peace day nor night ye that make mention of the Lord keep not silence and give him no rest till he established until you make Jerusalem appraisin the earth wow we see the same concept as we saw in verse number one repeat it here again we ought to take heed to this says watchmen so I'm not a watchman yes you are yes you are you are a watchman for the Lord it is your duty and your job now I would one we're watching for Christ as believers we're watching we're watching for Christ just as I said at the end of mark 13 what I say unto you I say and all watch sounds like we should be watching as a watchman and what does a watchman do a watchman not just watches just to be like okay that was pretty cool like you're watching TV this isn't just get a bag of popcorn and watch the events unfold that's not the job of a watchman I know we live in a culture everyone wants to watch you know streaming documentaries and whatever and and and watch everything and watch you know streaming documentaries and whatever and and watch everything and be entertained the job of watchman is a very important job to do to speak to yell to shout to war and to lift up your voice like a trumpet watch out the enemy's coming watch out sin is at the gates watch out that's the job we need to be so winning as well as so warning people need to understand you know it's not just some philosophical thing of putting your trust in Christ it's hey hell is a real place it really is hot it really does burn forever it never stops it's dark it's a terrible place it's real it's real Savior you will go there it's a job of a watchman and you can't hold your peace the message is too important the job is too important you can't no I'm not gonna say anything it is incumbent upon us to not hold our peace day or night you know when you could stop doing it when Christ is back on this earth and in charge it's okay great until then no it's it's the same condition in verse 7 here as it was in verse number one and give him no rest till he established until he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth is Jerusalem appraising the earth right now no it's only gonna be a praise when Jesus is ruling and reigning and all the kings of the earth are bringing all their glory and honor into Jerusalem to give that honor unto the Sun the job of the watchman is not to be silent until God is reigning in Jerusalem let's keep reading here verse number eight the Lord has sworn by his right hand and the by the arm of his strength surely I will no more give thy corn to be meat for thine enemies and the sons of the stranger shall not drink thy wine for the which thou hast labored and this is the same concept we see this over and over again the book of Isaiah when it's talking about Zion we're talking about Jerusalem and not just in Isaiah in other passages as well it's a great time because now whether you really think about it or contemplate it much at all we're you're oppressed even just through taxation I mean you go and you work and you labor and someone else has got their hands in what you do all the time now thank God we do have more freedom we still have a lot more blessing than other people have had in history but I'm telling you it's not the same as when Christ is ruling and reigning and now you'd have to worry about you know the enemies coming and just taking what they want but you don't have to worry about that when there's peace and Jesus is ruling with a rod of iron from Jerusalem and and you could leave your door unlocked you could you don't have to build a fence around your around your crops or on whatever you're growing whatever the fruit of your labor is you could trust in safety that it will be there and that you will reap of your own labor and not someone else you're not gonna be working for other people you'll be able to receive the fruit of your own labor and that's in itself is just great said right now we are servants and you know what serving is great we ought to be humble and serve but also we can rejoice in knowing that there is a day coming where you won't have to be the servant anymore and you'll be able to live and thrive and and not have any worry or concern verse 9 but they but they that have gathered it shall eat it and praise the Lord and they that have brought it together shall drink it in the courts of my holiness verse 10 go through go through the gates prepare you the way of the people cast up cast up the highway gather out the stones there's a reference to the stones lift up a standard for the people standard is like a flag it's a banner it's it's it's what everyone gets behind and rallies behind when you hear those songs raise a standard for the Lord you know that that's what a standard is it's it's it's a banner it's a flag it's it's an emblem that you'd be following representing in this case Christ in this case the holy Jerusalem verse 11 behold the Lord hath proclaimed unto the end of the world say ye to the daughter of Zion behold thy salvation cometh behold his reward is with him and his work before him and they shall call them the holy people the redeemed of the Lord and thou shalt be called sought out a city not forsaken what a great time when Jerusalem is that place that's sought out this would be a place that people want to go to it's gonna be the place that why because the Lord's there not gonna be forsaken at all to be well populated and salvation comes and in this phrase we see this turn if you would to Isaiah chapter 40 just go backwards a little bit in the Bible I have references to Hebrews 11 here I just brought this up about a week or two ago it's the same I was just gonna reiterate you know this is where our focus should be on the holy city the Jerusalem to come the things that are gonna be eternal the things that are to come not being so preoccupied with just the affairs of this world here and trying to better your your existence and your place and your status here and now because there's a promise of better things to come so we need to be focusing on Christ so that way the work that you do here puts you in a better place when Jesus Christ comes back to rule and reign because that's gonna last a lot longer than whatever you can achieve here and the problem with trying to achieve things here is that in order to really succeed you're gonna have to if that's your goal and if that's your desire you're gonna have to focus on doing it the world's way which isn't God's way no man can serve two masters so you're gonna serve either God or mammon and the good news is that first of all while you're under there maybe God will choose to bless you you may have physical goods and riches maybe you will you don't know I don't know who knows right we can't just expect to have this world's good nor necessarily even care about it it doesn't really matter but maybe God will bless you with that but it doesn't matter because we know we know that God will reward us we know that he'll pay us we know that he'll bless us in the world to come in the New Jerusalem we know that as sure as we know that we're saved that's why the focus is there because whatever happens here even if God does bless you with with some riches temporary riches they're temporary they're here today gone tomorrow like literally we need to be as Hebrews 11 talks about you know pilgrims Hebrews 11 13 says these all died in faith not having received the promises but having seen them afar off and were persuaded of them and embrace them and confess that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth for they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country and truly if they had been mindful that country from ones that came out they might have had opportunity to return but now they desire a better country that isn't heavenly wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a city have the mindset of the great people that are mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11 for all their faith and and be focused on that better country the heavenly one and this is even better news if you have it hard in this lifetime man what great news this is what great hope that is for those that struggle and and struggle literally from day to day you don't have to sorrow your struggle and your grief here is temporary it's short-lived it really is it's short-lived and you start comparing your years on this life compared to the years with Christ at the helm it's nothing stick with it stick it out here deal with being the meek of the earth because you're gonna inherit the earth Isaiah 40 look at verse number 9 the Bible says Oh Zion that bringeth good tidings get thee up into the high mountain Oh Jerusalem that bringeth good tidings lift up thy voice with strength lift it up be not afraid say unto the cities of Judah behold your God behold the Lord God will come with strong hand and his arm shall rule for him behold his reward is with him and his work before him we saw that exact same phrase in Isaiah 62 talking about the same time talking about the city as well he shall feed his flock like a shepherd he shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom and shall gently lead those that are with young awesome time to be looking forward to turn last place I return there in Psalm 2 because we've gone through the entire chapter there are many many many references to Zion you know the city of God all these different names Jerusalem you know that are talking about the city to come not the not the one that was there at that time or the one physically present today there is an abundance of scripture on this I'm just turning we're turning just a very few a lot of it is repetitive a lot of it's talking about the same thing but it's all good news Psalm 2 or start reading verse number 2 the Bible reads the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh the Lord shall have them in derision see people today the kings of the earth today they think they're so powerful they think they could do whatever they want they take counsel together they talk about together against the Lord and against his anointed against the believers against the people of God hey let's break their bands asunder and cast away their court from us he that says in the heavens shall laugh God thinks it's funny these people think they're so powerful the Lord shall have them in derision I mean this is what the the rulers the rulers of this world are doing to steadfast they're trying to stop them they're trying to block them they're trying to make their lives miserable they're trying to stop them from doing anything and shut them down you know what God's gonna have them in derision to God it's it's it's amusing he just laughs like these guys think that they're so strong and powerful and and the the the fools the the God haters they think they're winning they get these little these little victories oh yeah we got their YouTube channel shut down oh we got their you know we got them kicked out of a building well you know they don't understand they're blind they're fools they're ignorant they hate God and they don't understand that when you do this type of thing you know you're poking a bear spiritually speaking because you're gonna embolden people and cause a lot more people to be zealous here's the thing with the people of God we are taught to be humble we are taught to be meek we aren't stirring the pot we are trying to be peacemakers we're trying to live peaceably as much as lieth in us with all men but when the persecution happens you think that's gonna make us stop it's not gonna make us stop it's gonna make us fight harder scream louder preach more you think it's gonna make us stop preaching Leviticus 2013 no you're just gonna hear it more and more and more because when you have real faith in a real God we know that we have nothing to fear we know that God is on our side whatever persecution is gonna come our way I'd rather be in God's good graces and God's goodwill than outside of that and when you walk in the spirit you have love joy peace regardless of what's going on around you and that's some good news anyways let's keep reading her so because we haven't even gotten his eye on yet he that says in heaven shall laugh the Lord have him in derision verse 5 then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion I will declare the decree the Lord hath said unto me thou art my son this day have I begotten thee ask of me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession thou shalt break them with a rod of iron thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel this did not happen at the first coming of Jesus Christ this is to come when Jesus comes to set up his kingdom and rule and reign you know what he has to do first he has to take down the kings of this world and he's gonna shatter them to pieces he's gonna break them with a rod of iron and dash them like a pot thing about a piece of pottery going into a million pieces on the floor that's what Jesus is gonna do to these wicked people the rulers of the of the darkness of this world when he comes down to set up his kingdom because that's not gonna be tolerated when Jesus is here amen and amen and you know what you know what we could do we could trust and just hope and look to that time when he comes back we know there's wicked people in this earth today so we're gonna have to deal with that and we're gonna have to stand strong but know the day is coming when Jesus Christ writes every wrong when everything that is not right all the injustice is all turned back to righteousness and judgment comes back and truth that's what we live for hey as much as possible I'd like to see that happening today but we know it's not truly going to we know look as much as I preach on wanting the government to have the death penalty for sodomites and that they should be executed I don't care if it's the electric chair or stone with stones or a bullet to the head however the execution method is it doesn't matter to me no matter how much I preach that that ought to be done I know it's not gonna happen hey would to God it does be great and I think it should which is why I bring it up but I know there's a bunch of wicked perverts and pedophiles and power anyways they're not gonna let that fly for a second it doesn't matter because I know that one day that law will be established again amen cuz when Jesus comes back don't think that you're gonna be able to whip him and beat him and put a crown of thorns on his head next time they did that once because he loves you to save you after that you've had your chance when he comes back pedophiles death sodomites death oh yeah that's the same thing adulterers death rapists death men Steelers death yeah yeah yeah amen oh yeah I'm one of those that actually believes all of the death penalty laws yes yes I don't just cherry oh you just don't like that thing so you just want that no all of it all of it amen I can't wait till the perfect law the Lord is in place amen what a wise people that will establish the laws of the Lord and when Jesus Christ comes back he ain't making up new laws he already made up good laws as far as I've order prayer dear Lord love you God we thank you so much for the encouragement and reading Isaiah and reading of the times to come and reading about New Jerusalem and and just the time when Christ will be ruling and reigning as well for that thousand years dear Lord I pray that you would please just help us to be folk to not lose focus of these things and to be able to remind ourselves that while we may be in a perverted and crooked nation right now but that that there is something much better to come and that we should be working to establish our place there obviously we have entrance there by virtue of Christ just by being born again but help us to work and to labor so that we can we can hold better positions there that you can reward us for the work that we've done here because we're focused on that inheritance dear Lord and that those rewards that you promised to give us God we love you we thank you so much for your words in Jesus name we pray amen