(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, so we're picking back up in Isaiah chapter 24 this evening. Remember last week we went over chapter 23, which was the burden of Tyre. And through all these chapters really, the vast majority of them I would say, there's just a lot of foreshadowing of future events to come. Obviously there's dual prophecies happening because there's things that are happening in the short term, in the near term as it were, you know, within a relatively short amount of time that already has happened, has already passed. But then there's also foreshadowing of future events to come as well. And we made a lot of likenings of last week's Tyre to Babylon. If you remember last week's sermon, if you're here for that. And just for, you know, what we know about future events, the great horror and mystery Babylon, Babylon is going to be that government that exists, that's going to be that nation or city that exists that's doing very prosperously in the end times. When the antichrist is in power, Babylon's going to exist. And ultimately it's going to end up being destroyed. And we talked a lot about that last time. But there's a moment when Jesus Christ comes back, which is going to happen, which is when the rapture is going to take place, all the believers on the earth are going to be caught up together with the Lord in the air. And that happens after the antichrist comes into power and he starts waging war against the saints. But then after that happens, after the rapture, God pours out his wrath upon this earth. And all the plagues that you see in the book of Revelation, especially in chapters 8 and chapters 9 and chapters 10 are all happening during that time after the rapture. And there's a lot of destruction that comes on the earth. And I believe that that's what this chapter is dealing with here. And as we get into this, I'll show you that. But essentially what we're seeing as a whole from eye level in chapter 24 is talking about the destruction of the earth. So let's dig into this with that in mind. Just kind of keep that in your mind as we go through this. And we're going to, of course, look at some other passages and tie them in and see how they fit in here. But look at verse number 1. Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. And this is already just beginning to show us how massive or monumental on how big of a scale somebody says he's going to make the earth empty. Another word for empty is desolate or desolation. And that's something that's also used in many other passages talking about end times events, the desolation of the abomination of desolation, which is when the Antichrist is going to put that image into the temple. But then after that, the desolation that's going to come upon the earth after God pours out his wrath, we're saying here he's making it empty, he's making it waste, he's going to turn it upside down and scatter abroad the inhabitants thereof. Verse 2 says, and it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest, as with the servant, so with his master, as with the maid, so with her mistress, as with the buyer, so with the seller, as with the lender, so with the borrower, as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. This is basically saying no one is exempt from this. It doesn't matter if you're a master or a slave. It doesn't matter if you're, you know, rich or poor, it doesn't matter if you're a priest or just part of the congregation, it doesn't matter what position you hold. It doesn't matter at all because it's going to be the same for everybody because when God starts pouring out his judgment, nobody is exempt, no one's getting away. None of the high rulers are going to be able to, you know, they're going to go to their bunkers and everything else and it's not going to hide them from the wrath of the Lamb. They're not going to be protected. No one will be saved from this in the sense of, you know, it's going to make no difference what position they hold. Verse number 3, the Lamb shall be utterly, it means completely emptied and utterly spoiled for the Lord hath spoken this word. This is already pronounced. Judgment is going to come and that's just the way it is. It's going to, you know, the land, the earth is going to be emptied and spoiled. Verse 4 says the earth mourneth and fadeth away. The world languisheth and fadeth away. The haughty people of the earth do languish. Verse 5, the earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. So here we see the cause. Why is God pouring out his wrath? He says, well, the earth has been defiled. And we notice that this is the way that God deals with things when, you know, God has a lot of grace and longs over your mercy, but here's the thing. When lands just get defiled, when people just push things too far, when people start ignoring the laws of the Lord and the Word of God and the covenant that he made and they just decide to just do everything the way they want to do it with no regard to the Lord, the land ends up getting defiled when, you know, when innocent blood is shed, the land is defiled. When a lot of abominable things are taking place in the land, the land is defiled. When God brought the children of Israel into the Promised Land, the Canaanites had defiled the land. And that's why the Bible says that the land spewed them out from before them and then also gave warning to the children of Israel. The God's people said, hey, look, don't think that you're any different, OK, as with the priests or with the people. If you go the way of the Canaanites, if you go the way of the heathen, if you choose your other gods, if you start defiling the land, then, you know, the land's going to spew you out as well. We saw this going all the way back to, you know, the first judgment that God brought on the land with Noah, with Noah's flood, right, the flood that God sent on the earth after that first generation or first millennia of people that were alive on the earth at that time, when they started to increase and do just more and more wickedness, and God's basically saying, you know what, the land's defiled, and I'm going to wipe out all these people and bring judgment. And of course, he saved Noah and his family alive. But this is how God operates when people just defile the land. And how they defile the land, well, as the Bible said there in verse number five, the earth is also defiled under the hammers of, because they have transgressed the laws, broken God's laws, changed the ordinance, so they're taking God's laws and just changing them to fit their agenda, whatever they want them to say. Which is interesting, as they change the ordinance, it's like, they still want to pretend like they're obeying God's laws, but they just make it so that, oh, yeah, now we're keeping God's laws. Yeah, I don't like that one, let's just change that. That sounds better, that sounds right. And when people have that haughtiness and that arrogance, to dare think that you can just take God's laws and update them to suit your needs and change them from what God said to what you want it to be, you know, watch out, because that makes God angry. And you know, when people could laugh and scoff and mock, oh, ha, ha, you're a fake God and all this other stuff, and that's what the mockers are going to do and the scoffers, the Bible says in the last days that there is going to be these scoffers and there's going to be people making fun of us and mocking us and saying, you know, where is the sign of the coming of the Lord? When is he coming back? But the Bible warns us, hey, you know, don't mistake, and of course I'm paraphrasing, don't mistake God's long suffering and his mercy and his grace with him not keeping his word and not coming back and slackness, right? He's not slack concerning his promise, the Bible says. But he gives mercy and grace and his long suffering because he doesn't want people to perish, but you know what? He made the promise. He said it's going to happen. He spoke his word, and destruction is going to come. He's just giving people as much opportunity as he can before he just says, okay, that's it. I've had enough. Done. And then he's going to pour out his wrath. So it says they transgressed the laws, they changed the ordinance and broke in the everlasting covenant. Verse number six, therefore hath the curse devoured the earth and they that dwell therein are desolate, therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men are left. And again, this is, we're going to see at near the end of the sermon, I'm going to go to, I think it's 2 Peter 3, where it talks more about, it ties in perfectly with this passage that we're reading here, but I want to highlight the fact that where it says the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men are left to give us some more insight into what time this literally is talking about here. Keep your place in Isaiah 24 and flip over to Revelation 8. We're going to look at just some highlights of Revelation 8, 9, and 10, and I'm going to show you all the places where God is going to judge the world with fire, with burning. Because, you know, the first time God judged the entire planet, the whole world, and brought that destruction and just wiped out massive amounts of people, it was with water. It was with the flood. God promised never to do that again, which is why we have the rainbow, which is a sign of the covenant that God made with the inhabitants of the earth saying, you know, I'm never going to destroy this earth again with a flood, with water. He's never going to do that again. But he never promised not to destroy the earth again. He just said, I'm never going to flood the earth again. And you know, the sodomites that take up that rainbow as their guard, as their, you know, colors for their, what they do, for their cause, you know, don't take false security as a thing that God's not going to judge the world again. He's just not going to judge it with water. And you're going to wish he would have chosen water again. Because when he judges the earth again, it's going to be with fire. And we're going to get, you know, a little look into what the Bible says is going to happen when God pours out his wrath on this earth. Look at Revelation 8, verse number 7, the Bible reads, the first angel sounded and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood and they were cast upon the earth. And the third part of trees was burnt up and all green grass was burnt up. So we're just getting started into this wrath of God being poured out. And the first thing that we're seeing, the first angel, this was in verse 7, the first angel sounded. As the first angel that's sounding the trumpet of God's wrath being poured out on this earth, it has to, it's starting off right with fire. Okay, now look, I know you'll have to get all this in context later and you can see that this really is that first event. But it is, it's the first event that happens after the seventh seal is opened, okay, which when there's that silence in heaven and everything, and then God starts pouring out his wrath on this earth. Now, look at verse number 8, the Bible says, and the second angel sounded. As it were, and as it were, a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea and the third part of the sea became blood. So there's more fire judgment coming. Now, you know, that might be a volcano, you know, a great mountain burning with fire kind of sounds like a volcano erupting and then, you know, being cast into the sea, breaking off into the sea, whatever, but we're causing obviously huge destruction because it says the third part of the sea became blood. Verse 9, and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea and had life died, and the third part of the ships were destroyed. Verse 10, and the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, and what was this star like? Burning as it were a lamp. I mean, you picture a comet, right, some kind of a falling shooting star, whatever, it's burning up as it enters the atmosphere, there's this star falls from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of water, and the name of the star is called Wormwood, and the third part of the waters became Wormwood, is this, it's like poison, essentially, and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter, so we got the fire mingled with the blood from the hail, you've got the burning fire of the mountain, which would be like a volcano, and you've got this comet falling to earth, all these fiery judgments coming into play right at the beginning of God pouring out his wrath. Flip over to chapter 9, Revelation chapter 9, verse number 16, and obviously there's other things that God's doing, but I just want to highlight all the times where God's using fire specifically to burn the earth, to scorch the earth, to torture man and burn man that are on the inhabitants of the earth being burned, as Isaiah 24, 6 said, the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men are left, and we get an idea for the scale of this destruction because it's, you know, talking about the third part of trees, you know, one third of all the trees are being burned up and all the grass is burned up, so a third of the waters becoming blood, all the creatures, all the ships, the third part of the ships all being destroyed, that's massive, that's a massive scale. Verse 16, Revelation chapter 9, the Bible says the number of the army of the horsemen were 200,000,000, so how much is that, 200,000,000, it's 200 million, and I heard the number of them and thus I saw the horses in the vision and then that said on them, having breast plates of fire and of jacinth and brimstone and the heads of the horses whereas the heads of lions and look at this, and out of their mouth issued fire and smoke and brimstone by these three was the third part of men killed by the fire and by the smoke and by the brimstone which issued out of their mouths, that's what's killing people when this judgment comes is these horses and them that sat on the horses judging with fire, smoke and brimstone coming out of their mouths and just destroying a third part of the men on the earth. So when we see, you know, the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men are left, we've already seen these other destructions and then this happens after those things of the burning and then if you flip over to Revelation chapter 11, we're going to see another judgment of God separate, different judgment, also using fire. Now there's other judgments that God's doing, I'm just highlighting the fiery judgments and there's a lot of them, I mean every single one of these events individually is just, I mean if you had to be here during that time would be a massive event, it would be terrible, it would be instilling terror in the people that are going through this, any one of these things, but I mean this is just one thing after another after another, you know, the volcano going into the ocean, a comet hitting the earth, that's pretty significant. And then 200 million of this, these creatures, you know, some type of creature here that has fire and smoke and brimstone coming out of their mouths, it's pretty, 200 million is a lot, that's a pretty significant size army, I mean you're not just going, you know, you're not just going to be fighting against the state of Georgia, and the state of Georgia's got a lot of people, right, but I mean how many people are in Atlanta, a few million, I mean, and it's a very densely populated area, so it's a very highly populated area of the world, but I mean that's, just to put things kind of in perspective, you know, of, in an army like this, who's going to fight against that? Revelation 11, look at verse number 3, the Bible says, and I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and three score days, clothes and sackcloth, these are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth, so the two witnesses, very, you know, hopefully you know and you've read about the two witnesses, but look at what they do, verse number 5, and if any man will hurt them, so if anyone tries to hurt them, because they're out there preaching, you know, preaching about the Lord, preaching about Jesus, and then if anyone tries to hurt them, it says, fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies, and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. Talk about some fire-breathing Baptist preaching, I mean, they're literally going to be destroying people who come up and try to hurt them with fire coming out of their mouth. That's some fire-breathing preaching, I'll tell you what, that's going to be a sight to behold. Now, we won't be here on the earth during all of this time, unless you happen to be one of the 144,000 that's sealed of the 12 tribes of Israel that were virgins and men, we probably don't have any of those here to participate and be known as one of the 144,000, but they're also going to be on the earth at the time of the two witnesses as well. But I mean, there's a lot of destruction, a lot of devastation coming here, coming to the world, coming to the earth, when God rains down his wrath judgment in the end times, and I believe, go back to Isaiah 24, I believe that that's what this chapter is talking about, it's talking about people, you can't get away from this, it doesn't matter who you are, you're not going to escape the judgment. It talks about the earth mourning and fading away, the world languishing, we already read this. We saw that it happens because the people are transgressing, changing the ordinances, breaking the everlasting covenant, and we know, again, from study and other places of end times events, that's exactly what's going on, that the world's getting darker and darker and people are turning away from the Lord and not obeying his commandments before God's judgment comes. Verse number seven, the Bible says, the new wine mourneth, the vine languisheth, all the merry hearted do sigh. Why? There's no reason to have joy anymore. Like there's so many bad things going on, and there's so many people dying, and there's so much judgment coming, that people aren't interested in having fun anymore. It says, the mirth of tabrets ceaseth, a pipe, a musical instrument, right? People aren't just playing music, it says the noise of them that rejoice endeth, the joy of the harp ceaseth. People aren't just going to concerts and having fun anymore. The fun is over, the party's ended. When God's bringing forth his wrath, people aren't doing the entertainment stuff anymore. Verse nine, they shall not drink wine with a song, strong drink shall be bitter to them that drink it. Verse 10 is also telling, the Bible says the city of confusion is broken down. Now we know the Bible refers to Satan as being the author of confusion. We saw last week, you know, talking about Tyre and the place where Satan's seat was and how there was judgment coming not just against the physical prince of Tyre, but also against the spiritual person, you know, influencer or ruler in Tyre, which was Satan. Babylon also is going to be that wicked place of power and influence, and I would say also a city of confusion, because Satan always is out to confound and confuse people through sin, but here the city of confusion is broken down, and not just a city of confusion because Satan's there, but it's also, you know, the place that's pumping out all that satanic propaganda, that's confusion. Put it this way, just to make it real simple terms, you know, the world is putting out the concept that boys can become girls and girls can become boys and men become women and women become men and all this gender-bending, weird nonsense, that's confusion. That's not clarity. That's not truth. That's not honesty. That's none of those things. That's confusion. At its worst. I mean, that's just kind of how far you go. I mean, I guess if you get any worse, you have to just bring animals into the mix other than just people, and that's even further confusion, but that's about as low as you can go. The city of confusion is broken down. Every house is shut up that no man may come in. Verse 11, there is a crying for wine in the streets. All joy is darkened. The mirth of the land is gone. No one's having a good time during this time, and that's the way that God's going to have it. You think He's going to want people partying and having a good time while He's pouring out His wrath? No way. He's going to make His wrath so bad that it's going to be impossible to do any of those things. Verse 12, in the city is left desolation, and the gate is smitten with destruction. When thus it shall be in the midst of the land among the people, there shall be as the shaking of an olive tree and as the gleaning grapes when the vintage is done. They shall lift up their voice. They shall sing. For the majesty of the Lord, they shall cry aloud from the sea. Therefore, glorify ye the Lord in the fires, even the name of the Lord God of Israel in the isles of the sea. Now, you may be thinking, like, why would anybody be singing during a time like this and God's pouring out His wrath and all the joy is gone, all the joy is gone for the wicked reprobates on the earth that took the mark of the beast and that wanted nothing to do with the Lord and nothing to do with Jesus Christ and that were persecuting the saints. They have no joy. But you know who can have joy? The people who love God, the people who love the law of the Lord, the people who love judgment, the people who love the things of God, praise God. Praise God in His judgment. Praise God in His goodness and His faithfulness to His promise and praise God to His revenge and recompense upon the people that deserve it. They had their opportunity. They all had their chance. Everybody's had a chance in this world, but you know what? When it gets to this point, it's too late. God's pouring out His wrath. You're done. And when God does it, praise God. Praise God. And here's the thing, it might be hard for you to kind of understand that right now when things are real comfortable still and things are still just pretty easy and it's really not that big of a deal and if you suffer any type of persecution, like, well, whatever, you kind of just blow it off. It's not a big deal because even the persecutions people are facing today, and I don't want to downplay them too much. You know, some people deal with family issues and relationship problems and things that can really strain at a person, but I'm talking more about, like, the physical beatings and inflictions of pain and suffering of that type of persecution that people aren't going through in the United States of America today. And when that's happening on a massive scale where it's not just one person, it's not just you, it's not just someone you know, but it's all of God's people being persecuted and being hunted down and being tortured and being exterminated. You know what, when that day comes, you are going to be thanking God for His goodness and His judgment just like the people did that showed up before the altar in heaven in the book of Revelation when they're saying, Lord, how long does this now judge the earth? How long? How long is it going to be, Lord, before you actually come out and judge the earth? Because all the people who are beheaded for the cause of Christ show up in heaven going like, Lord, when are you going to judge us? When are you going to avenge us? And that's a righteous thing. And I preached on this before. When people are in heaven, they don't have sinful flesh anymore. They're given the white robes. They are free from sin. It's that new man standing before the Lord and that new man with no sinful flesh is going to the Lord saying, how long wilt thou not judge our blood on the earth? That means it's a righteous thing. It's a godly thing for them to even want and desire that and look forward to that. And I think it's going to take, for some people to understand that concept, actually going through something like that before you get it, no, it is a righteous thing to see judgment. It is a righteous thing to see justice. And people who have been wrong just in general on this earth understand that. People have had some really horrible things happen to them or happen to them loved ones. You know you want to see justice served. If someone were to have a relative murdered in cold blood or there's that story of the girl on the news now or whatever that she is found dead and everything, if that was your sister, if that was your daughter, you know you'd want to see that the person who perpetrated that crime brought to justice. Children who have been forced and taken advantage of, children who have been forced and defiled, they want to see the judgment come because it's right, because it's righteous, because the people that do those things deserve to be punished. And that's righteous. And there's nothing wrong with wanting God to take care of that. So yes, glorify the Lord in the fires. When God's burning and destroying the earth for its wickedness, people are going to be singing and glorifying God, because God is good, amen. That's why a transition is to let you know, hey, they shall lift up their voice. They shall sing for the majesty of it. God is finally going to come down and rule and reign on this earth. And all those wicked people that have gotten away with so much for so long and have put their boots on the back of the helpless necks and destroyed the fatherless and the widow and persecuted the righteous, they're finally getting what they deserve. And God is going to right all the wrongs, praise God. You know what? Praise God for his mercy, but praise God for his judgment. Because when the judgment comes, the mercy is finally stopped. And I'm not saying in a bad way, I'm just saying that there's been so much mercy up to that point. And praise God for all of that mercy. But if it's gotten to the point where God's not showing mercy anymore, God's righteous, and that's right. And you know what? Praise God then for bringing the judgment. Verse 16, from the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs, even glory to the righteous but I said, my leanness, my leanness, woe unto me. The treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously. The treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously. What's a treacherous dealer? Someone who stabs you in the back. Treachery is someone who you think they're your friend, you think that they're buddies with you and they turn around and they're not. They've just been playing you. They've been deceiving you. They're treacherous, right? They don't have your interest, your best interest at mind. They actually want to do you harm. So the treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously. The Bible says, and look at verse 17, the Bible says, Fear and the pit and the snare are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth. I'm just talking to everybody. Oh, you who's dwelling on the earth, any of you that are down there, fear, the pit and the snare are upon thee. Verse 18, it shall come to pass that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear, so you're getting away from the fear, right? So you're fearful, you're like, man, I'm going to flee, I'm going to run away from that fear. I don't have anything to do with that. Yeah, those people are going to fall into the pit. And then, oh, wait, you're going to get out of the pit. And he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare. Basically, there's no escaping. You think you're getting away from the fear, you're falling in a pit. You think you're getting up out of that pit, you guess what? You're caught in a snare. A snare is a trap, right? It's like you're running away from the fear, and then boom, you fall into this big hole. Man, how am I going to get out of here? I'm going to be killed. I'm going to be destroyed. And you find a way out, and then you're running, and then your foot gets stuck in a bear trap. Right? That'd be like a snare. You're like, oh, man. You know, like, it just gets worse and worse and worse. And basically what the Bible is saying here, though, is just saying there's no getting away. There's no escaping. He that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake. So why is it that there's no getting away ultimately? Because God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. God sees what's going on. 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