(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Song 169. Song 169, Come Down Fount. Song 169. Alright, let's sing the sound in the first. Song 169, Come Down Fount. Song 169, Come Down Fount. Song 169, Come Down Fount. Song 169, Come Down Fount. Song 136, Constantly Abide. Song 336. Alright, let's sing the sound in the first. Song 169, Come Down Fount. Song 169, Come Down Fount. Song 169, Come Down Fount. Song 169, Constantly Abide. Song 169, Constantly Abide. Song 169, Constantly Abide. Song 169, Constantly Abide. Song 169, Constantly Abide. Amen. Alright, great singing this morning. It's good to have you all here with us at Stronghold Baptist Church. This time we'll go through our announcements. If you don't have a bulletin, slip your hand up real high. I'll make sure one of the ushers gets out to you. And if you have one already, you can open up to the first page where you will see our service time. It's listed there Sunday morning at 1030, Sunday evening again at 5 p.m. Wednesday night seven is our Bible study. Soul winning opportunities are listed there as well as the salvation and the baptisms for the month of May as well as for the year. Let's go ahead and count up if there's any salvation to report. Slip your hand up. Yes, sir. When? Sunday, a week ago. Yes, sir. Jeff, one on what day? Saturday. Nice. That was from a week ago, right? Amen. Anyone else that I missed salvation to report? Very good. Keep up the good work. Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. We've got soul winning time, of course, this afternoon at 1 30. Hope you can make it out to that. We've got the offering totals listed on there by the page. Oops. That should be through the month of May, not through the month of April. Prayer requests. Oh, good night. Did I? I don't know what I was thinking. I got my fingers. That shouldn't say Harvey, right, Mr. Sadler? Is that supposed to be Harvey? Okay. I typed that in about like a week ago when you handed that in to me. So brother Jeremy's parents have cancer, so we added them to the to the prayer list. And if you're not if you're not sure who brother Harvey who brother Jeremy is, they just moved here like a week ago. So get a chance to know the Sadler family and be in prayer also for his parents who both have cancer. And that's the new addition to our prayer list for the week. Of course, we have the Children's churches down at the bottom of the page. Churches and pastors we're praying for. Shield of Faith Baptist Church in Boise, Idaho and Pastor Joe Jones there. And then you have an update for us, brother DJ. Your dad. Ooh. Treat. So if you weren't able to hear brother DJ, his dad Ken does have cancer prostate cancer. So and it's it's stage four. So that's a that's a big deal. So please definitely increase your prayers for him. Now, the good news, I guess to that is the doctors were saying they believe even though it's stage four, they believe it's very treatable and from what they can see right now, everything is contained. So it hasn't spread anywhere else in his body, which is also very good news. So if it's if it's contained in one area and they're thinking it's treatable, that's those are those it's a good outlook. So but we still want to obviously pray because the options for treating is not none of those are great options. It's going to be a big toil on the body. Yes, sir. Yeah. So he's having issues with his with his breathing or they noticed something in this. OK. Right. But they want they want to double check and make sure, obviously, after having found OK. Yes, ma'am. Yes. OK. It's not it's not growing. So the cancer is not spreading. It's it's it's it's stopped getting worse. Has it receded a little bit? Is that what they said? Like it's it's come it's gone down a little. In size. Yeah. So so it's it's all still there. But the size is shrinking. It's shrinking. So that's good. So that's that's for Bobby Levy. Miss Nye said that that his spirits are better right. Like he's he's he's doing well. Spiritually. Right. Right. Maybe not spiritually, but but from good attitude. Yeah, exactly. But and the treatment seems to be helping because it's not spreading. They've got it actually just shrinking a little bit. So that is some very good news. And then is there does anyone else have any updates for anyone else who's on our prayer list? All right. Very good. Of course, take these home with you, please. I mentioned this a lot. But. You may be very healthy and well and everything is going great in your life. But obviously there's some really serious things on this list and other things that may not be to the same gravity of cancer. But they're all important to everyone individually. Obviously childbirth is a big deal. Be praying for Mrs. Rockwood. Speaking of that as well. Estimated due date is very, very, very near. So we're anticipating a child any day now. Any time now. Today is the is the estimated due date. So it doesn't come out late and tell her something wrong with you. No, I don't like calling them due dates because I know it has it has an impact on the mind for the women once they get past that due date. Because then it's like you get extra concerns and whatever. I've dealt with this with every single child. So we speak from experience. Leslie's gone. I don't know. I think the shortest pregnancy was like what two weeks past your estimated due date. So our babies like to cook for a while. So so hang in there if this takes longer. But I think we're just an anomaly. We we're the ones that have to set the average somewhere for all all the ladies have their children early and everything else. We we're taking what she Leslie's taking one for the team by having them extend out a little bit. But in any case pray pray everything goes well for that delivery. And then once that child's born of course we always do you know meal train. So anyone who's interested in in helping out with the meals for the Rogers family is very much appreciated. We will be arranging for people to drop off food there. If you want to bring in a meal for them we usually definitely my wife will make sure that food could be delivered them. You can either bring meals here to church on a church day to help them out or you can drop them off yourself or you can you know get a gift card or something if you if you want to do that as well. I'm sure all all options are appreciated and it does make a big difference after you have a child to be able to not have to worry about feeding the rest of the family and stuff. So we will be and we do that for for every mother here as a child we take care of them. So just keep that in mind and stay up to date so that we can be a blessing to the Rogers family as soon as that child is born and then on the next page Happy Mother's Day. Of course we're celebrating Mother's Day today and as a special thank you to all the mothers in attendance we have some flowers up here for you small gift a token of the appreciation of everyone who's been born into this world by a mother which is all of us right now and I'm going to ask my ushers if you would please help to distribute these flowers for us this morning and we're just going to hand out this they're not all exactly the same but if you want to wheel and deal with someone you know after service if you wanted a purple one instead of a pink one or a red one I don't know anything about flowers but they're all essentially the same. So if you are a mother in service this morning would you please just stand up we'll recognize you and then when you get your your flowers you could have a seat but let's give a round of applause for all the mothers in service with us this morning. All right. And it looks like we're not going to have all of them distributed anyway so if you don't want to if you feel embarrassed to talk to someone else but there's a different flower you really wanted to get you can come up here and swap up here it looks like we have kind of one of one of everything still available so we'll all look the other way if you want to go and swap them up at the end of service we'll pretend like we didn't see it. No we really appreciate the job of mothers I'm going to be preaching on that this morning so I'm not going to go much more in depth on that now and then continuing on with our announcements thank you gentlemen for helping out with the with the flower distribution there. The May challenge is the focus on baptism so the the goal is to be encouraging people who have never been baptized scripturally to get baptized so people who are saved of course people who have not maybe been immersed full immersion baptisms what we believe in and that that occurs after you've accepted Christ you put your trust in him and understand the gospel right some people have gotten baptized in other churches but they they didn't quite understand the gospel and then they got saved a little bit later so we believe in in baptism occurring after you know you're saved after you you've come to that realization you know hey look I know for sure I'm saved I can't lose it then that is after that moment is when you need to get baptized so I've also I brought this up on Wednesday I think it was is that you brother Devon had shared that link with me brother Segura oh well what's up yeah so so that was really cool I listened to that and he brought up a verse and I brought this up on Wednesday I'll mention it again here for anyone who wasn't here on Wednesday as we go out and encourage people to get baptized and I really like to say I've never I've never brought it up this way before I you know I encourage people I let people know baptism is actually a commandment like in the great commission Jesus Christ commanded his disciples to go there for in all world you know and that you're supposed to basically preach the gospel and baptize and instruct people in you know with all the things that that he's taught so the great commission is is salvation baptism and discipling that's that's like the big picture for the great commission but one of the aspects of that is is baptizing the name of the father son the Holy Ghost so it is a command from Jesus and if it's a command for his disciples to baptize well the people need to be willing to be baptized right they're not just going in and going no you're getting dunked right that's that's not the way they perform baptism is just we're doing this regardless of whether you want to or not no it's people need to be willing to do it and and here's here's the point that I heard that I thought was very good as far as giving someone a scriptural reason besides just showing them hey look this is commanded you ought to do this it's a kind of first step of obedience because this this drives it home because it is a commandment and it's a sin to not get baptized right so a lot of times people might feel uncomfortable like I don't know if I want to get back but you kind of have these whatever your reasoning is for for not necessarily wanting to do it when you're confronted with like well hey look it's a sin if you don't that might make you reconsider and go well maybe I should just get this taken care of because you only have to get it done once and then you're good like for the whole rest of your life you don't ever have to get baptized again and the the the verse to point out for that is you know you ask someone well hey do you think it's a good thing for people to get baptized I mean Jesus got baptized is that a good thing yeah I mean what about when when other people don't get baptized is that a good thing yes it's good for people to get baptized right well the Bible says to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin so if you know it's good to get baptized and you know it's a good thing you know it's something that God would want you to do and you know it's good then well now you know so now if you don't do it you're going to be in sin you can't you can't say well I didn't know now you know right and kind of leave that with people I think that is a good because look baptism is important whether or not people who just get saved realize the importance of baptism it is important it's very important okay and I mean I speak from experience not just my own personally but also what I've witnessed within the church there is a very powerful spiritual it's a very significant spiritual event in people's life getting baptized taking that step and getting baptized I've seen like I said not only my own life which helped like really get me focused on serving the Lord even though I've been saved for years before I got baptized all those years before I got baptized I wasn't really plugged into church but once I got baptized man I was like I really was in it right it was much more serious and I've seen that with a lot of people that just get even if they have been coming to church it's kind of like you're plugged in a little bit more after the baptism it sort of helps to reset and focus your mind in any case I'm not going to preach all about baptism during announcements it is important though and we're focusing on this this month to encourage people because of the importance we don't want to just let that slide obviously we've got soul winning the most important thing is that a soul gets saved and people know they're going to go to heaven when they die they're no longer going to hell they're going to heaven amen that is the most important thing but baptism is also very important so when we go out soul winning think about these things when you get in communication with people if you find out oh man this guy's already saved they gave all the right answers follow up with asking well hey have you ever been baptized before right don't just go on to the next door right away just you could ask that one real quick question and and find out so be thinking about this this month and and beyond this month but we're going to be focusing on this and making sure you're you're part of your routine when you when you talk to people at the gospel that you also bring up baptism and anyone who's able to help convince someone or persuade someone or encourage someone to get baptized during the month you get a prize for that too so um that is the challenge for the month bible memory passage we are in week six of seven so we got four verses left in hebrew seven verses fifteen through twenty eight if you could memorize that passage word perfect without making any mistakes and quote it out loud to someone else uh you will earn a prize for being able to do that we've got the upcoming birthdays and anniversaries through the month of may listed there and then the upcoming events at the bottom of the page we've got a men's preaching class on may twenty seventh which is memorial day weekend if you're not going out of town men come on out visit us on that saturday morning ten a.m. right here and you can learn about preaching and how to preach and have an opportunity also to be able to preach your own sermon if you're if you're interested in that as well uh plan on a ten to fifteen minute approximate length of a sermon it all depends on how many people show up with how much time that you get so that we're not here just all day with preaching so um just just plan on that and as we keep moving forward we'll we'll get into a routine and then june seventeenth will be the next one following that the tentative schedule is to be able to have a preaching class every month so those of you who are interested now uh every once a month on saturday's this is the schedule so uh if anyone's really interested in going to this any men are interested in this and saturday at ten a.m. just simply is not good for your schedule um you can talk to me after service and i will see what we can do about um working with you on that i've been able to do it in the past i'm not guaranteeing anything but um just let me know if you're really interested and for a reason it's just simply it's not gonna work for you talk to me and maybe we'll figure something out um and then continuing on there we've got our church anniversary june twenty fifth so june twenty fourth i didn't i didn't list it here but we're gonna be soloing on june twenty fourth and then uh the church anniversary is june twenty fifth we got pastor mohil be out here preaching for us on that sunday and we'll have some type of um i don't know fun and games and things going on that sunday afternoon and then july fifth we've got pastor steven anderson coming out preaching for us on that wednesday night and that is about it for our announcements so i'm gonna turn the service back over to brother peter who will lead us in our next song hi church again it's over three hundred and thirty two three hundred and thirty two channel golden it's on three thirty two alright let's sing this song in the first how did my crazy precious savior that i love little but me thou hast said and planned to kill me that i might thy channel be channel's only blessed master but with all my wondrous power flowing through us thou canst use us everyday in every hour empty that thou shouldst fill me ugly vessel in thy head thy blood on earth thou givest graciously with each command channel's only blessed master but with all thy wondrous blood flowing through us thou canst use us everyday in every hour will you sing thy cloud to stay standing free who ever bought us to assist in thy full this Lord Godhead channel's only blessed master but with all my wondrous blood flowing through us thou canst use us everyday in every hour on the last Jesus filled down with thy spirit Lord that full surrender now that the springs of living water from our inner faith may flow channel's only blessed master but with all my wondrous blood flowing through us thou canst use us everyday in every hour ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the Bible reads and God spake all these words saying I am the Lord thy God which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt of bondage thou shalt have no other gods beside me thou shalt not take unto thee any graven image nor any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments thou shalt not take take the name of the Lord thy God in vain the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shall do no excuse me in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy manservant nor thy maidservant nor the cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth and the sea this excuse me and all that is that that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hollowed it honor thy father and my mother that thy days may be long upon them upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee thou shalt not kill thou shalt not commit adultery thou shall not steal thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife nor his manservants nor his maidservants nor his ox nor his ass nor anything that is in thy neighbor's house and all the people saw the thundering and the lightnings and the noise of the trumpet and the mountain smoking and when the people saw it they removed and stood afar off and they said unto Moses speak thou with us and we will hear but let not God speak with us lest we die and Moses said unto the people fear not for God has come to prove you and that his fear may be before your faces that you sin not and the people stood afar off and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was and the Lord said unto Moses thus thus thou shalt say unto the children of Israel ye have seen that I have talked with you from heaven you shall not make make with me gods of silver neither shall that neither shall ye make make unto you gods of gold an altar of earth thou shalt make make unto me and shall sacrifice their own thy burnt offerings and thy peace offerings thy sheep thine oxen and in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee and will bless thee and if that will make me an altar of stone thou shalt not build it with build it a few stone for if thou lift lift up thy tool upon it thou has polluted it neither shalt thou go up by by steps unto unto mine altar that thy nakedness may not be discovered thereon let's have a word of prayer your Heavenly Father Lord thank you for all your many blessings and thank you for salvation father now thank you for our mothers and our parents that brought us into this world Lord I pray father you'll bless all the mothers that we have and thank you that they have guided us in ways of righteousness Lord and your your your path father I pray that you'll fill past the versions with your spirit and that you'll preach your word with boldness and that we can all learn from your word and what it has to say for its name Jesus I pray amen all right one more note I forgot to mention during announcements so a couple weeks ago right before the camping trip the Sunday service before the camping trip if you were here there was some money that was picked up off the floor by the main entrance over there so if you noticed that you are losing it wasn't some massive amount of money okay it may have gone unnoticed but if you think that you are like oh that was me I know I dropped some money I didn't know what happened to it then just come and talk to me after service about that and if if no one claims it I'm just gonna throw it in the plate and just that's what's gonna go because there's nothing else to do with it so just I just wanted to throw out there cuz I keep forgetting to mention it so if you know that's you just just come and talk to me and no problem all right so as we all know we're celebrating Mother's Day today and I have no problem celebrating this holiday obviously it's not a holiday that's you know specified in Scripture that you know that must celebrate Mother's Day or anything like that there are secular holidays that we have that the Bible doesn't say specifically anything about but there's nothing wrong with celebrating them there's nothing wrong on the good things for example Thanksgiving I think that's one of the best holidays it's great to be thankful and to give our gratitude and our thanks especially to the Lord right same thing with Mother's Day Father's Day taking a day to just show honor and respect and praise to to mothers and fathers who you know they ought to be recognized and it's a good opportunity to just to make sure that there's some preaching out there about this I like preaching about mothers just in general different aspects of motherhood on these days because you know it's it's a good time to reflect on on that and to look at biblical truths about it especially when we are in such a weird perverse world where everything's just getting screwed up anyways and and people's idea of motherhood and and everything else is just gets warped by the world so the good opportunity to look at this so we started off in Exodus chapter 20 and it's all of my sermon this morning is honor thy mother and one of the things I was kind of contemplating what what I should preach about or in regarding motherhood in general you know I was thinking about how much I have it you know a tendency to drive home the authority structure in a house and you know the husband is ahead of the house and everything else because that's gone so far out the window in our in our society it really needs to be hammered home and it's one of those areas that man you really need to get this right in the house of the authority structure for everything to run smoothly and everyone needs to be on board with this you know the husband needs to step up and take charge at home and be the man and be the leader and and fill that role and not just be like okay about anything and never make decisions and never lead your family like you need to step up and do that and likewise wives need to be able to fall into a submissive role in the home and not just be kind of domineering and and just doing everything and sort of just taking charge over everything and how the house is you know just just overall look that is an area that I think needs to probably be preached until Jesus comes it's never gonna be perfect right it's a it's a constant struggle with our flesh but what I don't want to have overlooked is the importance the authority that mom has in the home right it's gonna be focused on dad a lot being the head of household but especially with children knowing the importance and what the Bible says and all these we're gonna look at many Commandments like Exodus 20 12 says honor thy father and thy mother and there's many plays we're gonna look at a few of them where it says and my mother and I'm oh so it's not just dad it's not just like oh I need to respect dad but you know forget about mom no look we're not we don't and we shouldn't treat women as second-class citizens or that their value is any less and when it comes to children especially with mom and dad in the home look mom is your rule giver and dad is your rule giver okay you don't just disrespect mom and say well I'm only gonna listen to what dad says no you listen to both of your parents when the Bible says you honor your father and your mother that's exactly what you need to do now it's easier to understand this with children but even I mean all of us we ought to have a respect and that word honor there there's a lot of things tied into honor your father and mother you know we ought to one give respect of course to our parents and treat them respectfully and and treat them as we ought to but also honor there is taken care of as well like financially providing for especially when your parents are older and when they get in their later years are going to be in more need of care it is the obligation and duty of the children to take care of mom and dad just as they took care of you and raised you when you were in need when you were young when you were a baby and you needed someone you know taking care of every aspect of your life well oftentimes as people get older they get in conditions where they need somebody looking out for them and taking care of them and bathing them and you know and doing things that they're no longer capable of doing and it is the duty the responsibility God ordained to to that job falls on the children to take care of your mom and dad and not to just go well they've got Medicare they've got you know Social Security or whatever and just kind of let the government deal with them no that's your responsibility you take care of your parents you make sure they're well cared for because look no one no one takes as good care for people than their own family that goes for children it goes for adults goes for everyone and I've I've witnessed firsthand in many places we've had ministries and nursing homes I've seen staff and sometimes you have decent staff and sometimes the staff is terrible and that goes for daycares that goes for schools that goes for nursing homes that goes for a hospital that goes for every level of care sometimes they're okay very rarely are they really good and sometimes they're really bad why because it's a job for most people and especially as our world gets more and more wicked and people just lose character and lose integrity no one wants to work anymore anyways and now they're just viewing people in need and as a burden oh you're making my job harder and it happens a lot I mean brother Peters you'll be in vocal here because he works in and has had experience in facilities where he sees the same thing and that's not to say that there aren't people who care of course there are some people who care but look your loved one you don't want to just entrust them to whoever who knows who it's gonna be and terrible things happen in those places too I mean I could go on and on about the stories just in my small experience I've had grandparents that were put in homes and I visited personally through my weekly ministry going out to places and I've seen terrible things happening and I hear stories from the residents there the patients of things have happened and and it just kind of blows my mind the nursing home I went to I hear stories of abuse because people can't sometimes speak for themselves someone someone has a stroke they lose ability to speak well when a predator gets in that position that's a great opportunity for them to start abusing people that can't speak for themselves no it's your duty it's your responsibility to take care of your parents honor thy father and thy mother and you know and I'm gonna park on it for a second when Jesus Christ was talking about this when he was talking to the Pharisees when he's calling them hypocrites we said you've made the commandment of God of none effect one of the places that he references them doing that is he brings up the fact that they're supposed to honor their mother and their father and he says but you say that it is Corban which means a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me so he's talking to adults he's talking to grown men he's talking to the Pharisees and the scribes and saying you are making the Word of God of none effect basically by saying hey whatever we do to take care of you mom to take care of you dad you just consider that a gift you consider yourself lucky you just thank your lucky stars that I'm gonna give you anything it is wicked and Jesus is saying look you need to honor your mother and your father the commandment is there because that's your responsibility they're not lucky you that's your responsibility that's your duty you're wicked and insane if you're not caring for your own especially those of your own household honor your mother honor your father care for them be prepared and look younger adults start planning and being prepared to be able to take care of your parents when they get older don't just don't just spend everything on yourself right now or whatever right now and look I know it's hard you know everyone goes through the the cycles of life and when you're younger you kind of rubbing two pennies together and trying to trying to make ends meet and that happens and that's normal but as you get older you know keep this in mind hey your parents are getting older too and and be ready to think about well what are we gonna be able to do here we're gonna have space or you know take care of them and take on that duty and that obligation and not just to toss them aside flip over if you would to chapter 21 that has more laws were concerning the mother and the father because you ought to ought to respect them as well verse 15 in chapter 21 the Bible reads and he that smiteth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death smiting means you're hit them and that's I mean what another wicked thing for for a child to just not and look this isn't talking about a three-year-old or a two-year-old or someone that's just like you know some little kid who's throwing a tantrum and ends up hitting their parents but you know what and I've seen this to parents don't tolerate that from the little ones teach them from a young age hey that's gonna get you that's gonna get you a spanking that you don't want to get again when when when the when the little ones start you know thinking that they can start slapping or doing something against the parents you you teach that you nip that immediately at an early age and take care of that so that they could grow up with the respect that I'm not even gonna think about raising a hand to mom or to dad for this very reason because God puts such a high I mean what what else could this is that the the worst crime is a capital crime right there's nothing that goes beyond that so if God says you're worthy of death I mean that's that's it you've just reached the top level of crimes and smiting your father or your mother is something that's worthy of death in God's eyes I mean let that sink in and teenagers let that sink in when you're all angry at mom or angry dad they're not letting you do this and they're not letting you do that and oh man you could just you can just hit something well it better not be your mommy or dad that is wicked and you need you need to get some serious you know check yourself if that's the case you ought to be fearful of that even though we don't have a government that's gonna enforce that you know you'd be fearful of what God's gonna do to you if you're gonna lay hands on your mom or your dad that is super wicked verse 17 says and he that curseth his father or his mother shall surely be put to death this goes another step even beyond because that's not now it's not even just a physical thing right of striking with your hands if you curse your mother your father the Bible says you deserve death what does that tell us then about the level of respect for mom you ought to have and what's a curse a curse is the opposite of a blessing when when you have a blessing you're wishing well on people wishing them good you're praying for good oh man I feel like oh I hope I hope everything was great at your job oh everything was great you know and what's a curse it's the exact opposite man I just want horrible things to happen to you it's a curse and you ought not to be saying things like that to your mother or your father we need to learn respect and and and put things in God's perspective here what he's trying to teach mankind look you don't not only do not put your hands on your parents you don't curse them because in God's eyes that's a capital crime so you're gonna curse out your mom or your dad you ought to be put to death that's serious and we ought to have and we ought to teach our children to have that level of respect for their parents for you you're raising children raise them with that respect they ought to be able to listen to mom they all listen to dad and you know children ought to not just listen to dad at home they ought to listen to mom and and parents dads if if your children only listen to you you need to fix that problem you need to fix it because at the end of the day you're responsible now ladies don't wait for for your husband to have to fix that problem you can take initiative to but at the end of the day the buck stops with dad okay you need to get your your house in order and make sure your children are gonna respect mom as well as dad by making sure that that your wife is is punishing the kids appropriate whatever the case may be whatever the reason is why they may not be respecting her as much as they ought to that needs to change and moms you know god bless moms because they're always nice and sweet and and there for when the kids get hurt and and very soft and comforting and that's the you know why it's so important for kids have moms and dads because dads a little bit more rough and and gruff and all right yeah just get up shake the dust off yourself and come on you're not you're not really that hurt you're not that hurt son get up right stop crying it's up dad's deal with kids and moms are more like oh come here honey we'll wash it up and we'll get you band-aids and do you want this band-aid or that band-aid it you know all this stuff and that's great right and they need that and then thank God for moms that are that loving and caring and kind and nurturing and that that's part of who they are but moms you also need to be able to make sure that your children are going to respect you you could still do all of that and be very loving and kind and everything else and still have the children to a place where they respect you enough to listen to when you tell them to do things I turned to Leviticus chapter 19 I'm gonna read you for for you from Deuteronomy 27 Deuteronomy 27 16 says cursed be he that seteth light by his father or his mother and all the people shall say amen so what it means there when it says seteth light by it means like you don't really care what they say like it what they say just doesn't have much weight to it it's just treating it like oh yeah whatever mom said this but but whatever dad said this but whatever well Bible says cursed be he that seteth light by his father or his mother again showing the amount of gravity and respect that you ought to have for your parents Leviticus 19 verse number two speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel and say unto them ye shall be holy for I the Lord your God am holy ye shall fear every man his mother and his father and keep my Sabbaths I am the Lord your God look you'd be holy cuz I'm only and how are you do that fear your mom fear your dad keep my Sabbaths right I mean as it continues on but this is taught this is what the Scriptures teaching that ought to be going on in a household you know we're celebrating moms today we're giving respect to moms today we're looking at how we should view mothers and children you know this is a sort about mothers so take this to heart on how you need to be acting in the home not just today but every day out of the year your mom is your mom 365 days a year except on leap years then it's 366 days here 365 days here your mom is always your mom we're gonna take a step decide you know time out right now and just look at this and say man am I am I being righteous in the eyes of God am I being holy like God is holy am I fearing my mom and my dad am I am I you know am I cursing them God forbid do I have the right mindset and the right attitude how I view my parents a few more places I want to point out here on how everyone should view mothers their mother right there should be a lot of respect proverbs 1 8 the Bible says my son hear the instruction of thy father and forsake not the law of thy mother now ideally in a household mom and dad will be in one accord they're supposed to be you know they are one flesh mom and dad should be one and acting in unison that would be ideal of course it doesn't always happen that way to me but this is this is where we should be so there should really be no difference between the law of dad and the law of mom right it's similar to you've got the Father Son and Holy Ghost now they're always in unison in you know the law and things like that like that there is no contradiction there's no conflict there even though there is an authority structure like we see with Jesus Christ we say hey not my will be done but I will write as he came to this earth and had to face the death of the cross and things like that he said look I'd rather not have to do this but hey not my will be done and the same same thing in the family okay there's laws are gonna be handed down of course dad is at the top the husband's at the top of the authority chain and then you've got the wife but you know what the children you just do your best to make sure you're listening to mom and dad and don't ever just disregard what mom says because you need to forsake not the law of thy mother like Proverbs 1 8 says and if you have a if you have a problem with what mom's telling you to do you do it anyways because she's your mom and she's telling you what to do Proverbs 15 20 the Bible says a wise son make it the glad father but a foolish man despises his mother and again I've seen this a lot in kids and you know having this this irritability and just despite for mom mom's looking out for you mom's trying to make sure that that you're not getting into trouble that you're not gonna harm yourself in one way or another that you're not going down a bad path or whatever that you're getting things done that need to be done mom's looking out for you but you know what a foolish man despised at this mother just showing despite disdain for what mom has to say listen to what mom has to say mom mom loves you right so always remember that someone who's who's instructing you and telling you things when it comes to your parents mom and dad love you you can hear a lot of instruction from a lot of different people but no one's gonna love you like mom and dad love you no one in the world mom and dad love you so you don't disdain you don't despite what mom has to say in her instruction for you you take it you listen to it you be thankful for it it's not a burden what mom has to say you ought to treat that and be thankful for the mom that you have that's looking out for you Proverbs 19 26 the Bible says he that wasteth his father and chaseth away his mother is a son that causes shame and bringeth reproach again that idea of just oh yeah get out of here mom you know just being despiteful not caring and just wanting to get rid of mom don't treat mom that way now I'm gonna shift gears a little bit I want you to turn to the book of Ruth the book of Ruth right after the book of Judges Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth we're gonna look at some stories here in the book of Ruth well great my battery just died now I have no idea how long I've been preaching for him you're always in trouble when that happens no I see we started off with with a lot of laws of God I want to set the tone first and foremost for how everyone ought to be viewing their mom treating their mom see what God thinks about mom and dad in the home and and how we ought to be having reverence for mom and dad Ruth now gives us an example and I want to highlight some of the attributes of Ruth and Naomi to an extent to but but mostly Ruth we're gonna see how how Ruth is blessed and she's even blessed than in motherhood for doing right things and even before she's a mom she has this right godly attitude and mindset and becomes known for being a virtuous woman we're gonna see in the story and these are all great things and she ends up being extremely blessed in motherhood so let's take a look at this in verse number seven of Ruth chapter one this is the beginning of the story when you hear a little bit about Naomi and her husband Chilean they there's a there's like a famine in Israel so they leave and go into Moab to sojourn for a while they're gonna go be like man times are tough here in Israel we're just gonna go to Moab for a while until things get better in Israel so they leave their two sons go with them the two sons find wives in the land of Moab which they were not supposed to be doing you're not supposed to marry in the heathen but you know they decided to move out of Israel they moved out of the promised land to go and have things better financially for themselves and they take wives and then both of the sons die and her husband dies so now it's just Naomi left with her daughters in law in the land of Moab and this is kind of what we pick up in the story verse number seven says wherefore she went forth out of the place where she was and her two daughters-in-law with her and they went on the way to return unto the land of Judah so she's ready she hears that things a little bit better that the famines passed and she's got nothing left for her in Moab right her her children and her husband are dead so she's like I'm going back to Judah verse 8 says and Naomi said unto her two daughters-in-law go return each to her mother's house the Lord deal kindly with you as you have dealt with the dead and with me like you girls are great but just go on back home and I'm gonna I'm leaving I'm going back to Judah verse 9 the Lord grant you that ye may find rest each of you in the house of her husband then she kissed them and they lifted up their voice and wept and they said unto her surely we will return with thee unto thy people and Naomi said turn again my daughters why will you go with me are there yet any more sons in my womb that ye may be that they may be your husbands turn again my daughters go your way for I am too old to have an husband if I should say I have hope if I should have an husband also tonight and should also bear sons would ye tarry for them till they were grown would ye stay for them from having husbands nay my daughters for grieveth me much for your sakes that the hand of the Lord has gone out against me so what she's saying here is saying look you you still you know you're still young you can go out and marry someone else and just kind of have your own life don't stay with me because even if I were that she's like if I were to have children today are you gonna wait around till they're old enough to be given unto you to wife because that what would happen is you know in situations like this normally if there was you know multiple sons in the family and there were sons that were not married when a husband died then that wife can become the wife of one of the of the brothers right that's that's kind of how things would go and be taken care of because you know in again in God's word the wives weren't out working and doing everything else they were gonna be provided for by the husband the man's providing for them and and and you know running the home and everything for them and she's like it's you're not gonna stick around and wait for me to have children she's like I don't even have a husband right but if I were to get married today and like conceive and have a child you're still gonna have to wait quite a while before you could even marry one of those children she's like it's not worth it just just go ahead go back and and kind of you know live your life but I also want to point out here that she's we see the love that both of her daughter-in-laws have for her and she's calling them my daughters right her her own family is is is deceased but she's still speaking to these women they're still family to her you know and God bless her for that for being loving and caring and having that relationship I mean we all know all the jokes about in-laws right she's the mother-in-law all right but obviously she's a good mother-in-law because her daughter's in law lover and they're they're going like hey you're going back to Judah we'll go back with you because they still want to help take care of her and and and and help her through this difficult time and still be a family with her and what we see then is that one of them leaves but then the other one stays of course the one that stays is Ruth look at verse number 14 and they lifted up their voice and wept again and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law but Ruth clave unto her she's like I'm not going anywhere I'm with you I'm gonna help you know we're together verse 15 and she said behold thy sister-in-law has gone back unto her people and unto her gods return now after thy sister-in-law and Ruth said and treat me not to leave thee or to return from following after thee for whither thou goest I will go so one of the things you have to write back right off the bat with Ruth is her loyalty very loyal not only that she makes a good choice because she says hey go back to your family and your gods and all that you know in your way of life and everything else and she says and where thou lodgest I will lodge thy people shall be my people and thy God my God so she's making the Lord her God she's like no I don't want I'm willing to leave everything here that I've known to go and be with God's people and to serve the Lord and to do what's right in the eyes of the Lord and here it's an example to have Naomi kind of getting right with God of going back where she should have been anyways and Ruth is cleaving to that and sticking to that and willing to be faithful and even though she brings up this situation going well hey even if I were to have children today are you gonna wait around for him what we're gonna see in a little bit is that you know there actually was another option and Ruth ends up being blessed even though she doesn't know this is gonna be an option for her still to end up getting married and have children because she did what's right and that wasn't even in her thought process for going back she's just doing what she's what she's doing what she thinks is right no I'm gonna stay with you no I'm you know I'm we're family I'm gonna care for you I can't just let you go off by yourself you know I'm gonna be with you your God's gonna be my God we're in this together what a what a great loving attitude from someone who's not even a biological daughter right she's the daughter-in-law verse 16 and Ruth said and treat me not to leave thee or to return from following after thee for whether thou goest I will go and where thou lodgest I will lodge thy people shall be my people my God my God where thou diest will I die and there will I be buried the Lord do so to me and more also of ought but death part thee and me when she saw that she was steadfastly minded to go with her then she left speaking unto her she's like okay well I'm gonna I guess I can't talk you out of it right so come on with me flip over to chapter 2 verse number 2 the Bible says and Ruth the Moabitess said unto Naomi let me now go to the field and glean ears of corn after him in whose side I shall find grace and she said undergo my daughter because you continue to call her a daughter but she's saying look I'm gonna go so that we can have food so she's taking on now this this role of providing for Naomi right as a widow woman and we don't know how old she is but Ruth is willing to put in the work put in the effort and say okay we're in this situation we're both widows but I'm gonna do what I can here which by the way as a side note the gleaning this was supposed to be left for the poor and for those who didn't weren't able to have means to provide for themselves and stuff the gleaning that's why people who had fields and vineyards and everything else in the Bible were commanded not to glean which means to pick every last thing right off of your harvest you go through the harvest one time and whatever you pick up and whatever you get you get the majority of it but whatever you get you get and you leave the rest and the rest was supposed to stay behind for the people who are poor and need these widow women things like this people exactly like a situation like this where she's not gonna go out and have this full-time job but they're still gonna be provided for she's still working she's still going out and picking and doing this work but she's gonna be able to eat and be provided for because they don't have any land they don't have anything so she's willing to go forth and do this job jumped on verse number seven and she said I pray you let me glean and gather after the Reapers among the sheaves so she came and hath continued even from the morning until now that she tarried a little in the house so now this is I probably should have kept this in context but this is when Boaz shows up and he's going he's looking and saying well who's this woman right and they explain like hey this is Ruth she's been here from like all day she showed up in the morning and she's just been here all day working so he's starting to see who this woman is I mean she's putting in all these hours and they know that she's also caring for Naomi so this is this is a good daughter this is someone who's who's honoring her mother-in-law not just her mother you know whatever her mother-in-law and she's and she's you know doing all the right things here look at verse number 10 now this is when she's confronted with Boaz and he's and he's basically blessing her right off the bat and saying hey just follow along right behind my guys and you know you'll be okay I'll make sure no one messes with you you know just please keep coming back here and don't go to anyone else's field just just stay coming back here verse 10 then she fell on her face and bowed herself to the ground and said unto him why have I found grace in thine eyes so we see the humility of Ruth right she's from Moab she knows that she's different she's a stranger she's a foreigner in the land she's just trying to get some food and and she's humble and she bows down and just says why have I found grace and what we see in this story to one of the great images in this story is the the illustration of of Boaz being like God the Father showing mercy and extending grace unto sinners unto the strangers unto the poor you know and and really giving a blessing to the humble which is exactly what's going on here says that thou shouldest take so why have I found grace in thine eyes that thou should take knowledge of me seeing I'm a stranger I'm just a foreigner why do you even care about me and Boaz answered and said unto her it hath fully been showed me all that thou has done unto thy mother-in-law since the death of thine husband and how thou hast left thy father and thy mother and the land of thy nativity and art come unto a people which thou knewest not heretofore and this is illustrating you know the reason she did this it was one for her love for for Naomi but two because she's she's joining God's people she was willing to leave all behind and all the false gods and everything of the Moabites to go and be of the people of Israel and he says eyes I heard everything that you did I heard your testimony I heard how you you've come to this land and you've given up everything to be here and I see you working and I see you doing all this stuff so he blesses that and anyone who's willing just like in the New Testament hey you're willing to give up mother and father and homes and lands and and everything where Jesus said for my sake and for the Gospels right he's gonna provide so much more for you brothers and sisters and houses and that you know and in the world to come life everlasting right so Jesus says hey you're willing to work for me you're willing to give up everything you're willing to sacrifice I like that and I'm gonna bless you for that also and this is just one more example of that working out where Ruth is is being blessed verse 12 the Lord recompense thy work and a full reward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel under whose wings thou art come to trust and this just reminds me I didn't cover this when we read through Exodus 20 in the Ten Commandments right honor thy father and thy mother the rest of her says that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee so honoring your mother honoring your father if you obey this command this is a command with promise meaning that if you do this God's promise to make your days long upon the land you want to have a nice good long life hey honor your father and your mother do right and and take care of them and be mindful of your parents honor your mother honor your father and he says you know what your days will be long in the land God will bless you with length of days with long life that's awesome but you know and when people I've seen this from time to time you kind of see new stories people like all work you know they interview someone who just turned 100 years old or whatever they're like what's your secret and people do have all kinds of different things to say you know what I always say they must have been good children and taken care of their parents that's what the Bible says you know your honor your mother father and you know worldly people can do that too there's people out there that have integrity and they care for their family and for their parents and you know you do that God's gonna bless you with long days amen that's great right I want to have we want to have a long life here we want to be able to serve the Lord to the utmost and have as many days as possible to serve God and Ruth here is being recompensed for for all the good work that she's done essentially for everything that she's done for taking care of Naomi and for making herself of Israel verse 17 there in Ruth chapter 2 the Bible says so she gleaned in the field until even and beat out that she had gleaned and it was about an heap of barley and she took it up and went into the city and her mother-in-law saw what she had gleaned and she brought forth and gave to her that she had reserved after she was suffice so she took enough for herself after working all day to be able to eat and consume the food that she got and then just basically gave the rest unto her mother-in-law like here you go again going to the heart of Ruth as a daughter to her mother-in-law and showing that respect to Naomi and follow me because we're gonna see then the blessings continue to come upon Ruth so you know application here before we even finish the story be thinking about how you interact with your mother and your father and specifically your mother okay this is what we're focused on today verse number one of Ruth chapter 3 then Naomi her mother-in-law said unto her my daughter shall I not seek rest for thee that it may be well with thee and now is is not Boaz of our kindred and with whose maidens thou wast behold he went with barley tonight in the threshing floor wash thyself therefore and anoint thee and put thy raiment upon thee and get thee down to the floor but make not thyself known unto the man until he shall have done eating and drinking and it shall be when he lieth down that thou shalt mark the place where he shall lie and thou shalt go in and uncover his feet and lay thee down and he will tell thee what thou shalt do and she said on her all that thou sayest unto me I will do all that thou sayest unto me I will do again is being a very good daughter to Naomi hey you're instructing me this I'll do it everything you said I'm gonna do that I'm gonna follow that and what she was saying was right and was good Naomi's looking out for her Naomi wants her to be blessed Naomi sees what a good daughter she's being she's looking out for she wants her to have ever you know ever she can and Naomi probably didn't even think about this before when she was instructing her daughter-in-law's they just go back but once they get there and she starts working and she just happens to find Boaz to find his field then she's like yeah actually he's he's a family he's a relative he's kind of close of kin to us definitely stay there and then her wheel start going like yeah Boaz actually he's he's not married he doesn't have a wife and that would be appropriate then next in line after her relatives died that that he would be able to now maybe take you on as a wife that would be appropriate that would be something that would would work out so Naomi's trying to set this up and saying okay here's what you need to do because he's close of kin go in there when he's done working you know humbly lay down at his feet and and he'll tell you then what the way things are gonna be and you could kind of go in there and just see how it's gonna go from there and verse 6 says and she went down onto the floor and did according to all that her mother-in-law better and when Boaz had eaten and drunk and his heart was merry he went to lie down at the end of the heap of corn and she came softly and uncovered his feet and laid her down and it came to pass at midnight that the man was afraid and turned himself and behold a woman laid his feet so he had fallen asleep she kind of goes in there real softly and just lays down his feet and he wakes up like like something's not right you know you kind of sense it like like someone's there something's not not right he kind of wakes up with a start he's like whoa there's you know what's this woman doing at my feet he thought he was all alone and he said who art thou and she answered I am Ruth thine handmaid spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid for thou art a near kinsman so now she's explaining why she's there and you know the language he uses here may seem kind of confusing but all she's basically saying is hey you know take me as your wife will you take me you know to take yours spread your skirt you know the skirt of your garment over me let me be able to be of your household where you're gonna care for me and that's what she's seeking and he said blessed be thou of the Lord my daughter for thou I showed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning in as much as thou follow it's not young men whether poor or rich so now he's he's praising her again for this decision to to seek out to be his wife when he says look you didn't go after the young men right she's probably a younger woman you didn't go after the young men and you didn't you weren't looking just after money right just rich reports not like you're going you're you're a gold digger going after some rich young man or just any young man right in general he's like you're you're here and the reason why it's cuz she's doing the right thing she's still trying to follow the right way of doing things she's being obedient to know it Naomi and just trying to keep everything in the household too because a household is important and the whole point of her being given in marriage this way is to raise up seed unto the deceased because they she didn't have any children with her husband and Naomi's husband was dead both of her sons were dead so her name would literally just die out in Israel and she's seeking to continue that on so she's going to the near of kin who would be able to raise up that firstborn unto the name of the deceased so kind of in the name of her husband that passed would you know the first child be brought up that way so that that name would continue verse 11 and now my daughter fear not I will do to thee all that thou requirest for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman and you know that's another great compliment to have for a woman by the way you read in Proverbs 31 and you could you could do that on your own or read all about what the Bible says a virtuous woman he's calling her a virtuous woman that's a that's a very big compliment to be known as being someone who is virtuous someone who cares about what's right what's holy what's of God and we see over and over and over again that Ruth gets blessed as a result and so much of this revolves around honoring her mother right honoring her mother-in-law which essentially is her mother because she's of the same faith to roll a Ruth chapter 4 look at chapter 4 verse number 10 to close out this story and Ruth moreover Ruth the Moabitess the wife of Malan have I purchased to be my wife to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance that the name of the dead be not cut off from among his brethren and from the gate of his place ye are witnesses this day and all the people that were in the gate and the elders said we are witnesses the Lord make the woman that has come into thine house like Rachel and like Leah which did which too did build the house of Israel and do thou worthily in Ephrathim and be famous in Bethlehem now before I continue reading him basically Boaz was like there's one other person who is who is just a little bit closer in the in the line that should be offered this first so he goes and finds that guy says hey you know you want this inheritance you want this land he's like oh wait he's like yeah I'll take it I'll redeem it he's like oh yeah but you gotta marry Ruth though and he's like oh no no I'm not gonna I'm not gonna take it so then Boaz was the one who's able to step in because he was willing not just to take the land but to also raise up seed unto the deceased so now he's saying okay look you're all witnesses I've secured this deal this guy refused it I'm accepting it and we're gonna continue going here and now after that all the people that were witnessing this are blessing them tremendously hey you know this is great be blessed just like Rachel and Leah which built the house of Israel the the the twelve tribes of Israel were raised by essentially by Rachel and Leah and he says you know to be famous in Bethlehem we're gonna see how this plays out let's keep reading verse 12 and let thy house be like the house of Pharise whom tame our barren to Judah of the seed which the Lord shall give thee of this young woman so Boaz took Ruth and she was his wife and when he went in under her the Lord gave her conception and she bare a son and notice that you don't don't read over that the Lord gave her conception this is how how it works hey God gives conception unto people and God's blessing her here with the Sun so she bare a son and the women said unto Naomi blessed be the Lord which hath not left thee this day without a kinsman that it that his name may be famous in Israel and he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life and a nourisher of thine old age for thy daughter-in-law which loveth thee which is better to thee than seven sons hath borne him you see that high value in this daughter that loved Naomi that loved her mother-in-law and clave to her and stayed with her through the hard times through the difficult times was there to support her was there and listen to her like a daughter hey well however you instruct me that's what I'm gonna do she joined the church she moved to the land she did you know she did everything right and now she's being blessed and you know everyone's recognizing hey this woman was was better to you than than seven sons what a great blessing and now she's raising up a child your name's not gonna be extinguished out of Israel and you know her Naomi changed her name to Mara because she's like oh man the Lord's really dealt harsh with me and bitterly so she when she came back she's like don't even call me Naomi anymore call me Mera and now things have turned around and so much of that had to do with the faithfulness of Ruth and the good daughter that she was and then the good wife that she became and then we're gonna see the good mother that she must have been and you know chill it's just like leadership it's just like leadership the best leaders start off as the best followers the best leaders are the start off as the best followers the ones that are able to take commands do what so you need to be done and not complain and just be there and be faithful all the time and then when they get in the leadership role now they can you know excel because they know what it's like to be on the other side they know what it means to follow they know what's all involved and then they treat people appropriately and they could really lead to the best you know to the utmost well similar here Ruth is humble Ruth is doing what she's supposed to be doing she's being that that daughter she's she's obeying her mom she's being faithful she's being reliable she's she's there for everything and putting God first and putting her for you know putting other people first and working for them and at the end of the day she gets blessed and blessed so much look at this in verse number 16 Bob says a Naomi took a child a lady in her bosom and became nurse unto it and the women her neighbors gave it a name saying there is a son born to Naomi and they called his name Obed that's the son that's born unto Ruth Obed he is the father of Jesse the father of David Ruth is David's grant great-grandmother right because her son Obed is David's grandfather she bears Obed and raises him and teaches him and trains him as a good mother we could only assume based on why would she change after all after we seeing all of this testimony of her life and being called a virtuous woman a virtuous woman now through that line that was gonna be extinguished the seed is raised and of course Bo has you know we can't just overlook Boaz but it's Mother's Day right Bo has definitely had an impact in this as well Boaz was very godly very merciful very righteous also but the two of them then coming together you got a virtuous woman you've got a godly man now we're able to raise up this family and continue down to a man that's raised up a man after God's own heart in King David the one who's selected to be the leader of Israel the king of Israel by the Lord came from that family that is not a mistake that is not a coincidence that two godly people coming together and doing everything by the book by God's book by the way that God says to do it are raising a family that is going to continue serving God for generations to come not just the one but continuing down the line that is not this isn't just thrown in there by accident like oh yeah by the way this she just happens to give birth to the grandfather of David yeah it's it's there for a very important reason she was brought in by God for her faithfulness to be part of that lineage and I could keep preaching on and on and on about that she was she was a mobitis so what does that say about your your Jewish line or whatever about the purity oh you have to be like Christ came of the lineage of David and one of the one of the primary ladies who's even named in that lineage and we know for sure is in that is a mobitis God doesn't care about your race she joined herself unto Israel like any stranger was able to you're gonna make the Lord your God you're gonna follow the laws of the Lord you can join Israel no matter what country you're from no matter what he the nation you can still go and join yourself in Israel she was a mobitis but you know what she made God she made the Lord her God and she was faithful and she was a virtuous woman and she was blessed of God and she has I mean there's an entire book of the Bible now called Ruth what a very impactful lady woman she's not a second-class citizen she's to be greatly praised and admired we love women we love moms this is this is it's such an important role raising children you know dad you kind of get stuck with just you get the blame for everything because you're at the top but the real the I mean most of the real work is done by mom because mom's spending the most time with the kids and moms don't lose sight of them moms have some of the most thankless jobs you do work that no one ever sees or knows about especially if you're not complaining about it no one's gonna know about it you just do the the amount of mess that you have to deal with and clean up that the little ones they're not gonna thank you for that they grow to expect that but God sees the work that you do and here's the thing and don't ever be discouraged with your how much time it takes to raise children and the things that you give up and the things that you sacrifice in your personal life to be a mom you are shaping and influencing the lives of your children but not just your children of generations to come because that the most basic primary teaching that a person gets in this life is gonna come from the home it's gonna come primarily from mom that goes with children for the rest of their life and impacts the next generation as well on how they will raise their children it's such an important job and it makes me sick to hear people denigrate and degrade oh you're just a housewife obviously you don't understand the value and importance of a housewife anyone who makes that statement oh you're just a housewife has has zero clue and they're foolish in their thinking to not understand the true value of the housewife it's foolishness oh what because because you could be out just making fake money monopoly money green dollars it's all gonna go up and smoke anyways so you can buy some things and turn your children into brats instead of teaching them and training them the right ways the ways of the Lord to actually be good people to be good Christians to follow the Lord and to do all the things that got you that's where the true blessings are gonna come in I'll tell you what I'd much rather have God's blessing on the lives of my children then the financial blessing that I can give them with however much money that I can provide between me and my wife both working God's blessing on their life is far surpasses any financial blessing that that we can give to them by neglecting them to work to give them financial blessings no I'd much rather make sure they've got God's blessing on their life because God it doesn't matter that money if you you could work and save up and give them so much money and that can be gone in an instant but if God is blessing their life it doesn't matter how little money they have God will take care of them and provide for them it's stupid don't follow after them don't worry about that focus on raising your children right and children honor your mother respect her love her care for her don't push her away don't want to have nothing to do with your mom lover I love Jesus gave I had another example here I'm not gonna go there but Jesus showed his reverence his respect and his honoring of hurt his mother even when he was on the cross in John 19 26 about says when Jesus therefore saw his mother and the disciples standing by whom he loved he said unto his mother woman behold thy son then said the disciple behold thy mother and from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home why did he say that because he was looking out because because it would have been his responsibility to honor his mother he's making sure that she's gonna be cared for and and and taken care of by entrusting the Apostle John with the care of his mother that's why she went to go stay with him so that he can care for her needs and take care of Mary Christ is the example he was knowing he's not gonna be there anymore he's making sure there's still a plan for his mom to be to be cared for and he does that it's important it's our duty as a believer you're in sin if you're not honoring your mother and your father as far as I've ordered prayer dear Lord we love you thank you so much for your word we thank you for your instruction in righteousness I pray that you please help us all to treat moms better in general Lord and that you'd help the moms to do the difficult job and to be able to stay focused on the work that they have to do and help them to continually understand the great impact that they're having even though they don't see it on a day-to-day basis necessarily because there's so much repetition and so many things going on and honestly just so much work Lord sometimes it's hard for them to take a step back I pray that you please build up the moms encourage them Lord and help them to see the bigger picture from time to time and not get discouraged and the amount of work that they have to do but that they would truly embrace the importance of their of their role as mom and and raise their children well Lord we love you it's in Jesus name we pray amen all right we're gonna sing one last song before we're dismissed brother Peter please lead us Oh song Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh You