(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yes, sir. Where is Andrew? Good evening, song owners. Let us all turn to song number 147. Song 147, please note the everlasting arms. Song 147, call the first. Song 147, call the first. Song 147, call the first. From all alarms. Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms. What am I to dread? What am I to fear? Leaning on the everlasting arms. I have blessed peace with my Lord today. Leaning on the everlasting arms. Leaning, leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms. Leaning, leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms. Rest in peace. Dear Lord, thank you for this day. Thank you for this great Lord's aid. Thank you for the sermon we heard this morning. And thank you for the salvation that we had this afternoon. Lord, bless and praise your God with your spirit. And give him the words to say. And give us the ears to hear. So we can apply it to our lives. And we want to do something for you. Amen. Turn to song number 1. On the first. Jesus, I, my cross, have taken you. All to leave and follow me. Destined to despise, forsake, yeah. Jesus, I, my cross, have taken you. All to leave and follow me. Destined to despise, forsake, yeah. How from hence my all shall be. Perish every bond and mission. All are sought and grown and known. Yet how rich is my condition. God and heaven are still my own. Let the world despise and lead me. They have left my Savior too. Human hearts and loaves deceive me. Thou art not like man untrue. Yet while thou shalt smile upon me. God of wisdom, love, and might. Most may hate and friends may shout you. Show thy face and all is bright. Let each of the trends distress me. Till the time be to thy rest. Life will trust once more, request me. And will bring me sweeter rest. O to sighing, dream to heart me. Love and love is well to me. Those forgotten, joy to charm me. Were that joy unmixed with me. Gaze me on from grace to glory. Armed by faith and weak by prayer. Let eternal days before thee. So let shall guide thee there. Soon shall close thy earthy nation. Swift shall pass thy filth for days. Home shall change to land for vision. Faith to sight and prayer to praise. Amen. All right. Welcome back to stronghold Baptist church this evening. So glad you could join us here at this time. We're going to go through our announcements. So if you don't have a bulletin, you slip your hand up real high. We'll get those distributed out to you. If you open up to the first page, of course, you'll see our service time is listed. There's always Sunday morning at 10 30 Sunday evening. Again, at five o'clock Wednesday night seven, of course, is our Bible study. We'll be in Galatians chapter four this week. We have the soul winning opportunities listed there as well as the salvation and the baptisms for the month of May, as well as for the year. If there's any salvations to report for today, please just slip up your hand. We'll get that counted up right away. Two, three, four, six. Amen. All right. Very good. And did I miss anything from the week? Does anyone still need the reporting numbers from the week? All right. Very good. Continuing on down at the bottom of the page, we have the offering tolls received through the month of May. Prayer requests. We still have many ladies who are with child, so please continue to pray for them. Still plenty of other people who have very serious cancers and debilitating diseases. Please continue to pray for everyone who is currently on our list here. And then we went over most of the updates this morning. Does anyone have any other updates for this evening? All right. Continuing on to the next page. Congratulations to Carter family. Roman John was born on May 22nd. You can see the stats there, so we're very happy to hear mom and baby are doing well and everyone is doing okay. So they decided to decline the offer for the meal train. But we'll say congratulations and appreciate all the prayers there. May Challenge Digital Detox. Got a few days left here. Finish off the month. Try to finish strong. June Challenge. Don't let this slip you by. Every single day you've got to attempt to give the gospel to someone. So try not to let June 1st go by and go, oh, man, the challenge started already. Try to put a note in your calendar or something if you're going to be getting involved in this because it is difficult. It's hard to change your schedule and to really make sure that you're being mindful about trying to preach the gospel. It's a fun challenge. It might be a stressful challenge sometimes. You've got to figure out a time. I don't know. I think it's harder if you ever are stuck at, like, if part of your normal routine is just to be at home all day, it makes it harder. Because now you have to make a point to find somebody to talk to. Now I will, and I have in the past, it's allowable to talk to someone on the phone and attempt to give the gospel that way. That's okay. I don't know. I mean, I think I might want to draw the line at, like, chatting on text, like, keystrokes. But obviously if you want to do something like that, that's great. But try to have a conversation with someone at the very least. Have a phone call, something like that. But yes. Well, yeah. I mean, let's try to do that. You know, I was hearing about, where was I? Maybe it was at church camp or something. Someone was talking about, and I'm just getting real ancient when it comes to what young people are doing now with technology. But some type of a chat environment where, like, you get, like, random people and you just get, like, just paired up. And people would just talk about stuff. And they could have, like, a channel of, like, I was hearing about some people have, like, this channel of just, like, giving the gospel to people. I'm sorry? Omegle? Okay. Yeah. I believe you. I'm not that familiar with it. But here's the thing. The reason I'm bringing it up is just because, like, hey, that's cool, right? If you can just get some random people that aren't doing anything at all and they're just, like, wanting to just talk or whatever, like, why not? Yeah. There's a video chat from what I understand. Yeah. It's like a FaceTime thing. So do a webcam, whatever. Like, that's cool, right? There are ways it's getting easier to communicate with people. I'm all for using that type of technology, especially if it's something like that. You could just do it. It's almost like you're sitting in front of them. Hey, great, cool. Learn to use that stuff and figure it out. Obviously, technology is always a two-edged sword. So you have the potential for good. You got the potential for evil. So use those things wisely. Don't get sucked into some weird stuff. I hear about things like that. I'm like, hey, that's cool to give the gospel. But then I also just start thinking, like, well, how quick can you just get into some weird bad stuff too, right? Like, there's perverts on it. Yeah, so, like, I'm not endorsing. This is why I'm hesitant with this stuff when I hear about it. But my mind is just going, like, okay, well, it's probably because there's just weirdos all over the place online. So you just got to be careful about all that type of stuff. And I'm sure there's probably a way you could just do it. And, like, you host your own thing and you just can just push the perverts out if they show up. Just be like, yeah, get out of here, bag. And, you know, like, whatever. I mean, so, anyways, I'm getting way off topic here. June challenge, try to give the gospel to at least one person every day. If you could do that using technology, awesome. Like, I'm all for it. Like I said, if that's something that you know about and you could do that, then that counts. It's just you need a human being to try to give the gospel to at least one a day. So however you can make that happen is good. I'm old fashioned. I like going to the gas station right by the prison. So that's the first place that people go when they get let out of jail. And actually it's not prison, it's a jail. So people get let out of jail, they walk down to the gas station, they call for a ride and stuff. And it seems like every hour, almost on the hour, is when people are getting released. So that's my favorite place to go. You find your own favorite place to go. But find people who, however you do it, to give the gospel to every single day of the month. You've got to do it every day of the month. New church plan in Greenville. So I'll have a lot more. I'm hoping by next week, even by Wednesday, to have more details. I'm scheduling things out. I'm trying to come up with a really good plan. ASAP, because I need to get a video put out. I want to promote this thing. I want to get the soul winning pumped up. So I can't announce a date exactly just yet, but early July. So think first weekend, second weekend of July is what we're planning. So just to keep that in mind, that's what I'm shooting for. But I need to make sure everyone who's involved in this is going to be available and the schedule works with them. So that's going to be here before you know it. Bible memory passage. Did I miss anyone for giving away prizes from 1 through 20 this morning that completed it, didn't get a prize? Anybody? All right, very good. And by the way, the denomination that that amount is for is the smallest denomination. In case you're wondering, right, obviously you want to know what the gift card is for. It gives a range of from this amount to this amount. It's that first amount is what that's for. So just so there's no confusion there. It's not 100 bucks, sorry. It's 20 verses. You're going to have to do a lot more to get a bigger prize. So anyways, I hope you enjoy those gift cards. There's another another 20 verses here. So hopefully get that done in the next four weeks. Upcoming events, our anniversary, June 22nd and 23rd. There's going to be something Saturday, something Sunday, probably some soul winning on Saturday. I mean, I know we normally have a time anyway, but maybe just a little bit extra, maybe a little bit longer or something like that on Saturday. And then if I am able to pick up the bounce houses from the same place I did last year, I'll probably be able to get it for the weekend. And so we'll set it up here and have it kind of available for Sunday for sure. Maybe Saturday evening as well. So nothing too crazy, but we'll probably do like burgers and dogs and stuff like that. We'll do a little grilling and keep it keep it pretty simple. So that'll be at the end of June or near the end of June. And then, of course, that that church plant opening in the back. Birthdays, anniversaries for the month of June. And that concludes our announcements for this evening. Now, there are obviously there's a lot less people here. I think there's people out sick. Just remember being prayer also for people who aren't here. But if I could please just ask, maybe if you don't normally help clean tonight, can you just give me a hand and help with some of the stuff to just try to make sure everything gets done? It's been pretty low impact. We didn't have a huge service day today. We didn't have a lot of mess making in general, but anything that you can do to help helps me out a lot. I appreciate it. So that's about it. So I'm going to turn the service back over to Brother Will, who can lead us in our next song. So, you know. Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, How beautiful having us here, how beautiful having us here. Sweet home, all the happy and free, we're here to rest on the weary, how beautiful having us here. Right. Would the ushers please take up the offering while the rest of the church turns to Mark Chalkford for a moment. Which of the recorded? That's out. That's out. Please wait for us. Mark chapter four. And it came to pass as he sowed, some fell by the wayside, and some fell on stony ground where it had not much earth, and immediately it sprang up, but because it had no depth of earth, but when the sun looked up, it was forged, and because it had no root, it withered away. And some fell on thorns, and the thorn grew up and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. Another fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased and brought forth some 30, some 60, and some 100. And he said to them, he that hath years to year led me here. When he was alone, they that were about him with the Twelve asked of him in parable. They said unto them, unto you is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God, but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables, that see they may see and not perceive. Where was that? Verse 12. And hearing they may hear and not understand, lest at any time they should be converted, should be forgiven them. And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? And how then will ye know all parables? The so are so with the word. These are they by the wayside, where the word is sown, but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts. And these are they likewise, which are sown on stony ground, who when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness, and have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time. Afterward, when affliction or persecution arises for the word's sake, immediately they are offended. And these are they which are sown among thorns, such as hear the word, and the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things, entering in, choke the word, and it become unfruitful. And these are they which are sown on good ground, such as hear the word and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some one hundred. And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel or under a bed, and not to be set on a candlestick? For there is nothing head which shall not be manifested, neither was anything kept secret, but that it should become abroad. If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear, with what measure ye meet, it shall be measured to you, and unto you that hear shall more be given. For he that hath to him shall be given, and he that hath not from him shall be taken, even that which he hath. And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground, and should sleep and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself, first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. But when the fruit is brought forth immediately, he put it in the sickle, because the harvest has come. And he said, Where until shall we liken the kingdom of God, or with what comparison shall we compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seed that be in the earth. But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches, so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it. And with many such parables spake heed the word unto them, as they were able to hear it. But without a parable spake heed not unto them, and when they were alone, he expounded all things to his disciples. And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship, and they were also with him other little ships. And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow, and they awake him, and said unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? And he arose and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. And he said unto them, Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith? And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? Let us pray. Dear God, thank you for this day, and let us all be here gathered together in your church. Thank you for this passage, and I pray that you would be with Pastor Burson as he preaches. Fill in with your spirit, and help us to apply to our lives to be better Christians. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. All right, so the part of the chapter I want to focus in on this evening is this parable of the sower, and really just the expounding of that parable in Mark chapter number 4. Look at verse number 16. The Bible reads, And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground, who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness. And these three different scenarios, I believe these are people who all get saved. They're all people who have received the word of God. The Bible says that the sower soweth the word. So in this parable, you've got someone who's sowing the word of God. And in the parable, some of it just gets eaten up by the crows, eaten up by the birds. It just never brings forth any new life whatsoever. It gets eaten up right away. But then some of it goes in the stony ground, some of it goes in the cellar ground, and some of it goes in the good ground. And what happens is, you know, the plants don't grow as well in the good ground, but when it's in the good earth, everything works out real good. It's a solid plant. And that's the parable. That's the story of just someone sowing seed. The expounding of it, though, Jesus says, hey, the sower's sowing the word, the word of God. We know faith cometh by hearing, faith cometh by hearing, hearing by the word of God. So people are hearing the word of God and then maybe receiving it, maybe not. But in every single one of these instances, the seed is bringing forth, except for the first one, of course, the seed's bringing forth life, right? And the word of God is what brings forth life. And when someone is born again, there's a new life that's brought forth. And that's what happens, there's that new creature that's created. And just like with believers, just like people who get saved, there are some people who don't really do a whole lot with their life after that. They get saved, but they don't really care so much about the things of God. There's other people who maybe get excited for a little while at first and start growing and maybe even start reproducing, bring forth fruit. They kind of change their life up, but then they end up falling out, kind of getting out of church and just not losing their excitement and their zeal and just kind of go on living their life not living for the Lord. And then there's those that, you know, they get saved, they get plugged into church, they start growing and kind of continue in their faith, in their walk with God, in church, just sort of continuing until they die, right, and just bringing forth and continuing to do more and more work for the Lord. And these are the three scenarios that are brought up here. So verse 16 is explaining the stony ground. These are they likewise, which are sown on stony ground, who when they have heard the word immediately receive it with gladness. So they receive the word and they're happy about it. Right? It doesn't say they receive it and they reject it. No, they actually receive it and they're happy. Now it says they have no root in themselves. And as a plant, they need to be rooted down. But what that means, having no root in themselves, they have no character. They don't stick with it, right? It says and they endure for a time. So they're there, they're growing, there's this new plant. But afterward, when affliction or persecution arises for the word's sake, immediately they're offended. So when things are going good, they're excited, everything starts off good, starts off okay. It's like, hey, great. But then as soon as there's opposition and as soon as there is a road bump, as soon as there's something that's just like, whoa, wait a minute, I don't know about this, it just upends them. It just offends them and they're just like, you know what, okay, whatever, I'm done with that. Now that doesn't make them unsaved, but this is what I'm going to be teaching about is the fair weather Christian. And that's obviously what we don't want to be. But just like in sports, I don't know, they call it fair weather fans in sports. So back when I was younger, in like the 90s, everyone was a Dallas Cowboys fan because they won Super Bowls, right? Or everyone was a Bulls fan because they won championships. The winning team, it's like for the longest time, everyone's a Patriots fan, right? Like this, whatever team is just winning, winning, winning, winning, winning, it's all of a sudden like, oh, hey, I want to, they're the fair weather fans, so when everything's going good, when they're winning championships, it's like, oh yeah, I'm a fan, they're going to buy the gear, they're going to show up to the games, they're going to do all this stuff and it's great to be a fan, but then as soon as they start losing, as soon as things don't go so well, the fair weather fans, they take off and see, you know, I knew a lot about fair weather fans because I grew up as a Cubs fan. If you know anything about baseball, before they ever won a World, you know, 1908 was like the last time they'd won a World Series at the time that I was a Cubs fan, so yeah. But this is how you determine, you know, real fans versus the fair weather fans because real fans, I mean, you're going to remain faithful, you're going to be committed to your team, right? Now, obviously sports, it's like who cares anyways, it's a big waste of time ultimately, it's not, you know, whoever you like to follow, those are other people playing that sport, whatever, right? But when it comes to life and it comes to Christianity, you know, would to God, you know, people aren't so shallow, right? And they're shallow, like here, they have no roots, they have no depth, so they're really shallow in their Christianity and sure, when things are great, oh, we're having a potluck, cool, oh, there's this big event and it's all exciting, great, oh, we're having the anniversary party and there's water slides, awesome, yeah, I want to be there, oh, maybe even, you know, going sewing, oh, this is interesting, this is cool. And then the HOA Nazis show up and it's like, whoa, whoa, hold on a second, right? And any little thing, any small opposition, anything to sort of get in the path of serving God, that's, oh, wait a minute, you know, so you start making some changes and then everyone starts making fun of you or your family's telling you you're in a cult or what, you know, any type of opposition, it's like, okay, I'm offended. And what that means then is then they stop, right? So they don't bring forth fruit. And then it brings, of course, those that are sown among thorns, they hear the word, the cares of this world, the steepness of riches and the lusts of other things entering in choke the word and become unfruitful. In that example, they, in order to become unfruitful, it means they must have been fruitful, so they lasted a little bit longer, right? They're going for a little bit longer, but then again, other things are just distracting, taking them out of serving the Lord and obviously who we want to be are the ones on the good ground that, hey, you hear the word of God, grow and grow, the plant grows, the tree grows, the roots grow down and you become more established and more solid in the things of God and serving God, right? Turn, if you would, to Matthew chapter 26. So the Fairweather Christian, we have a few examples of this, and I probably won't be preaching too late this evening. It's a very simple subject, but we want to make sure that this never becomes us. It's easier to be the Fairweather Christian early on in your Christian life. It's easier to just kind of have that attitude and just kind of get out, but it literally can happen almost at any time. You don't want to be so puffed up into thinking, oh, that could never happen to me. Well, what's it going to take? How many years of not winning the World Series is it going to take before you jump onto a bandwagon and follow some other team or something, right? Like how long is it going to take before you just say, okay, I'm sick of church or whatever, right? Or things just not going well enough for you and you say, you know what, forget all this. You're in Matthew 26. I'm just going to read this for you in Luke 7 23. Jesus said, and blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me. Because what we read about in the parable of the sower is when affliction or persecution arises for the word's sake, so because of the word of God, because of the Bible, immediately they're offended. Well, Jesus said, hey, blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me. When someone's going to bring up some verse in the Bible, the Old Testament or whatever, and you're going to hear this passage and you're not offended. Because the world's going to try to throw scripture in your face to make you be ashamed or feel guilt or like, oh, I didn't know that was there. And look, this is all the more reason too, especially for newer Christians and people who haven't matured enough and people who don't have their roots going down in the scripture, in the word of God, in the house of God. Yet, it's important that the preachers preaching on these things so that they don't get offended later on. You could hear from the preacher, hear the word of God and say, no, look, this is what we believe because that's going to help strengthen the faith and not just allow it to be portrayed in some bad light or whatever and just let the world and let the God haters spin the word of God into looking like it's some horrible thing because it's not. But to show and to give the reason and help people to understand, yes, the Bible does say that and it is righteous and usually, not usually, there's always good reasons for everything in scripture. Well, you hear the common complaints of people saying, oh, well, you know, oh, Christian, well, Lot tried to give his daughters over to these guys to have their way with her. Well, that was wrong. It's that simple. Well, the Bible teaches, no, the Bible tells what happened and it's like, oh, yeah, you want to bring up Lot? Because who were the people that were trying to defile and do vile things with what they thought were the men that showed up if you want to bring that up, right? And go down that rabbit trail, but that's why the Bible teaches about those things. But people need to hear, people need to hear why the Bible teaches, oh, if a son or a daughter smites their parent, right, that they deserve the death penalty according to scripture. Well, we're not talking about a four-year-old who's throwing a tantrum and is doing one of these and hits mom or dad in the face or something. Clearly, that's not what the Bible's talking about when it's given a death penalty. It's talking about adult, like grown people who are so disrespectful and so rebellious that they'd be willing to throw a punch like that. And hey, God says that that's what's righteous, that's what the law is. And if we have things backwards, then that's our problem, not God's. And don't let the world just water everything down so much. But no, people need to hear the teaching on this and just at least hear the, hey, this is what the Bible says, and we're not gonna be ashamed. And teaching to people who are saved, obviously, because these people, the watered-down Christians or the fair-weather Christians are those that they are saved, they are born again. And you need to hear, hey, are you gonna be ashamed of the Word of God? Are you gonna be ashamed of Jesus, who is the Word, the One that saved you from your sin? Are you really gonna now become ashamed and become offended at His Word when He's the One who saved you? That's a shame in itself. Now, again, the title of my sermon is a fair-weather Christian, and I'm not trying to be super harsh, but Peter has a couple of bad examples. I'm not saying that Peter was this fair-weather Christian, but there's a couple instances where he behaves in a way that is like that, where he goes along when he shouldn't go along. He denies Christ when he shouldn't deny Christ, because one of the things about the fair-weather fan or the fair-weather Christian is, oh, they're fine if everything's good, but as soon as there's opposition, it's like, no, no, no, I'm not gonna do it with that. Well, there's some pretty significant opposition, and it wasn't very popular to be Jesus' friend or be acquainted with Jesus when He was arrested, right? And that's what we're reading about here in Matthew 26. Look at verse number 31. Then saith Jesus unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night, for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad. But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee. Peter answered and said unto him, Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended. Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, that this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And look, this is why I'm even bringing this up. I wanna make sure people are aware of this. Peter was pretty solid. He was a pretty solid guy. I mean, we can look at a lot of good things in the life of the apostle Peter that he did in his service to the Lord. He was the one that stepped out onto the water when Jesus was walking on the water and he called him out to him. I mean, he had the guts, he had the faith to step out of the boat and walk out to Jesus. I mean, he led the way in many areas and had some great faith, but he also had some air as well. And I'm just bringing this up because, hey, if Peter, I mean, and he's wholeheartedly here saying like, look, I will never be offended. Like, never. You might have that attitude now but we need to get rooted down and established to make sure that that really won't happen because Jesus responds to him and is like, oh, really? That's never gonna happen? Well, it's gonna happen. You're gonna deny me three times tonight. Three times tonight. He had no idea at the time how that could even be possible, but of course, it happened, right? Jesus gets arrested, everybody flees from him, everyone's offended, everyone's scared, everyone runs away. Now the heat's on, now it's not quite as popular to be a Christian. Right, it's great when the crowds are there, it's great when everyone is, you know, they're laying down palm trees and preparing the way for him to come into the city and everything's great and everyone's yelling hallelujah and, you know, it's a very triumphant entry into the city. Yeah, that's great. That's when it's great to be a Christian, all of a sudden, you might lose your life, you might get arrested, you might have, you know, all these bad things happen to you, now it's a different story, right? And that's what happened with Peter, of course, we know the story. Peter was even, was not able, even in the face of like a maid, the Bible says, he still denied Christ. So I'm not gonna, I don't have it all in my notes, all the references to when he denied Jesus, but when he's trying to get in the gate, he's standing by the fire, there's different times where he denies Jesus. I mean, one of the times, a maid in the Bible is like a virgin girl. And if you don't have the boldness to tell a virgin girl that, yeah, I'm with Jesus, like, that's pretty bad, right? That's really bad to not be able to do that and not have the courage, not have the faith, not have the boldness to just say it at least to like a little girl. Right? But look, you know, it's easier for us to sit here and go, oh, yeah, Peter, but this is Apostle Peter. Right? So let that sink in and just kind of be aware of that. Turn, if you would, to Galatians chapter two. We have one more bad example from Peter, and I'm not gonna spend a whole lot of time on this either. I told you a couple of weeks ago. But we're talking about the fair weather Christian who doesn't want to serve Christ, doesn't want to necessarily do what's right when it's not popular. Right? It's not the in thing. And whether that be through fear of threat, through fear of loss of life or liberty or something like that, you know, that's obviously one potential area that we would have to face and be able to overcome as a believer. But how about here? Just peer pressure in light of other people, other friends, other believers, other churches, other, you know, whatever. What are other people gonna think? And this is what happens when the Apostle Paul confronts Peter in Galatians two verse 11. The Bible says, but when Peter was come to Antioch, I would sit him to the face because he was to be blamed for before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles. So he's doing what's right. His conscience knows it's right. I'm eating with the Gentiles. Hey, there is neither Jew nor Greek in Jesus. They're in Christ. I'm in Christ. We're both saved by faith. I'm gonna eat with them. I'm gonna fellowship with them because there is no difference because of all people, Peter knew, hey, what therefore God hath cleansed, that call not thou common or unclean. I mean, he's the one who received that directly from the Lord. So if anyone knows that, it should be Peter. And if anyone's gonna be bold enough to be able to withstand other people who are gonna oppose him and say, what are you doing eating with the Gentiles? What are you doing eating with these Greeks? What are you doing eating with these Galatians? What are you doing eating with these people, these uncircumcised people? What do you think you're doing eating with them? You ought to be able to say, well, I am eating with them because there is neither Jew nor Greek. Because it is right, because there is nothing wrong with it, and you're wrong, and you need to get right with God and have some conviction and stand on the word of God and not be offended and not just tuck tail or not just go along with some other people because of your respect or persons or just because you don't want the conflict or whatever, right? It doesn't matter what the reason is. You need to be able to overcome that. You need to be stronger and more rooted and know this is right and not be swayed. It's like, are you a politician or are you a Christian? Politicians just, they just, which way is the wind blowing? I'm going to go with the most people. That's not how a Christian should be. We're not fair weather. Let's say, oh, what's the weather like today? Okay. Yeah, maybe I'll go out soul winning. It's sunny out. Like seriously, like literal weather, right? Like I get it if you've got health problems. I get it if you're older. I get it if you've got really little kids to not, you know, necessarily bring people out into those elements that are more extreme. But I'll tell you what, if you're a well-abled person, don't look at some raindrops and think you're going to melt and go, oh, I can't go soul winning because it's raining. I mean, come on, have a little purpose, a little pep in your step. Get out there. Get excited. Don't let the little bit of weather. Because I mean, you know that there's actually people who live in places where it rains like almost all the time. And you think God doesn't want them going out and preaching the gospel? You know those people lives where it's really cold and it's sub-zero and it gets freezing and it gets really hot and it's like 120 degrees outside and guess what? You still go soul winning. You still go preach the gospel. Still do it. Okay. That was just kind of a side note though. Galatians 2, here's the problem. And again, I went over this a couple of weeks ago. Verse 12 says, for before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles, but when they were come, who? When they, they that came from James, certain people that came from James, James' friends, he withdrew and separated himself. What's the real problem though here? Fearing. Fearing them which were of the circumcision. He feared what they would do to him when Jesus was arrested and now he's fearing what other people might say in James' friends of the circumcision. What are they going to say? What are they going to do if they see me eating with these Gentiles? So that's why he changes what he's doing. And then verse 13 says and the other Jews dissembled likewise with him, so he's the leader, people are looking up to him in so much that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation. And it takes the apostle Paul to confront him to the face and say, hey look, fair weather Christian, you need to be able to stand with the people of God because they're believers, they're brethren. So if other brethren are going to, you know, say something or try to get you to not treat them the same way, then you need to correct them and not be a respecter of persons or not fear what the Jews are going to say or what the Jews are going to do. You know what's right, they're brothers and sisters in Christ and you know what, there's people looking up to you too, by the way. And even if you're not an apostle, even if you're not a pastor, you'd be surprised, you might be surprised at people that will be looking to you as an example. Even if you have no idea, you never knew it and you might not even think like well no one's ever caring what I do, but they do. One, we're social creatures and we learn from habits and behaviors of other people and when, especially when someone's not right and someone's doing wrong and other people are seeing like, oh, this person's living with this sin or that sin, it just kind of becomes this known stuff, it emboldens people to do wrong. Peter was emboldening all these other people who also believed like he did to now separate from the Gentiles. Why? Because he did it. And why did he do it? Because he was afraid. Not because he thought it was right, it's because he was afraid. And honestly, that's why those that have no root in themselves endure for a time because when the affliction of persecution arise, why are they offended? Because they're afraid. Oh, I didn't sign up for this. Oh, I didn't know this was going to happen. Oh, I didn't know there was going to be problems or whatever. No, I don't want any part of that. Turn, if you would, to Judges chapter 14. The story with Peter and the Apostle Paul reminded me of the commandment in Exodus. Exodus 23 verses one and two, the Bible reads this. Thou shalt not raise a false report. Put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. And then verse two, more appropriately, thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil. Neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to rest judgment. So it doesn't matter how many people are saying one thing, believing one thing, believing one thing, trying to use their numbers to influence you. It doesn't matter if it's a thousand against one. You know, if the one is right, then that's what you do. And that's who you stand, you don't go along with the crowd just because they're a crowd. And that's, but unfortunately a lot of people do that because that's the safe way because then no one's going to target you or single you out or you're not going to have to experience any backlash or any opposition because now you're going along with the crowd. And you see, I mean, that crowd, that mob mentality is how all kinds of things get pushed on people in general by governments, by wicked people. Like, they just try to use that social manipulation to just influence people and that's why they get celebrities and that's why they get people to push whatever it is they want you to do. See, look, this person's do it, this person's this person's do it to get you to go along and do it too. But the Christian should be more concerned about what God says and what God thinks and about what's true and about what's right than how many people are doing a thing. We don't follow a multitude to do evil. I don't care what James' friends say. I don't care what anybody's friends say. I don't care how many people. I don't care if there's, how many churches are saying one thing. If it's wrong, it's wrong. And you don't have to worry about, oh, this is a safe play. No, you don't have to be safe. Stick with what's right and then deal with the opposition, whatever's gonna come your way. Hey, you know, if you're serving the Lord, guess what? You're gonna face opposition. The more you walk like Jesus walked, well, I think he faced a little opposition. So the more you walk like him, guess what? You're gonna be facing opposition too. I turn to Judges, Chapter 14. Now, being a fair-weather Christian, it kind of goes hand in hand. Don't be a fair-weather friend either. Obviously, Jesus should be our closest friend, and we should be serving him and thinking about Jesus with endearment, right? And love and, you know, faithfulness. How could you ever look to Jesus and then be like, oh, well, now I'm gonna deny him. Now I'm going to separate myself. Now I'm gonna distance myself from the Bible. I'm gonna distance myself from Jesus because other people might mock me, other people might make fun of me, other people might say this or say that or, you know, cast out my name or whatever. Of all people, Jesus? But even just with your friends, you know, you gotta make and be good friends and not be someone who's just there when it could benefit you, not just be someone who's there and things are going well or everything's going okay with them, but, you know, when your friends turn into, oh, I have a need, oh, I have a problem, stay their friend. In fact, that's the most important time to be their friend, not to just dump them and leave them and whatever, like, oh, yeah, this is just too much for me now. Now I can't handle this. Now I'm done being a friend. No, that's when you need to be their friend. Judges 14, we see an example of Samson not getting good friends at all. Verse 19, the Bible says, and the spirit of the Lord came upon him. This was when he was going to marry that Philistine woman, and he put forth that riddle, and then they got the answer from his bride, soon-to-be bride, and then he's all upset, so he had to go pay up his debt, and verse 19 says, and the spirit of the Lord came upon him, and slew 30 men of them, and took their spoil, and gave change of garments unto them, which expounded the riddle, and his anger was kindled, and he went up to his father's house, so he's just upset. He's angry, like, man, like, no one would ever know this. They got it, the information from his fiance, and now he's just real angry, so he just leaves. He's just upset. Now, if he had real friends there, right, real friends would have, like, acknowledged, hey, he's, like, marrying this woman, and would have respected that, and would have respected their relationship, and respected that marriage, but what happens? Verse 20, but Samson's wife was given to his companion, whom he had used as his friend. Well, yeah, when you're using people as your friends, don't expect loyalty out of them, right? Obviously, he wasn't a real friend. Your real friend isn't gonna move in on your wife, right, and then just take her to be your wife, right? Friends are gonna have a little bit more, a lot more regard than that. Turn if you go to Proverbs chapter 17. And, you know, it's not that hard to be a good friend. It really isn't, but you have to make the decision of what type of friend you're gonna be to people, but to me, it's not that difficult. Like, it's just as difficult as making the decision, like, hey, I'm just gonna go to church every service. I'm just gonna, like, I'm gonna go to work every day, right? I'm gonna be a good friend. I'll be there for someone when they have a need, because that's what it means to be a friend, right? I mean, you're gonna be there when they need you. And, like, this is what the Bible teaches, too. I mean, we ought to be known. Christians ought to be known for having, like, model friendships of being there when people need you, right? Because what we should be reflective of is God being there for you, right? Hey, you're a child of God, you're born, God's there for you. And what a friend we have in Jesus. Amen, right? We could bring all of our cares and all of our burdens to him. Well, why don't we be friends like that with other people here if he could be a friend like that to us? The Bible says in verse 15 of Proverbs 17, he that justifieth the wicked and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord. Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom, seeing he hath no heart to it? But then look at verse 17. A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Memorize that verse. A friend loveth at all times. And look, people make mistakes too, by the way. That's why that has to be in there. Just like when husbands and wives make vows, for better or for worse, it's because of the for worse. Well, when it says a friend loveth at all times, that's not in there when everything's great between the friends. When, hey buddy, let's talk about this, hang out this, and everything's great and there's no friction, no problems whatsoever. Well, that's easy to say a friend loveth at all times. No, but if you're and a friend's gonna love at all times, it's gonna be even when your friend transgresses against you, even when your friend does things you don't like, even when your friend maybe even gets themselves in a bad situation, but you know what? You're not gonna turn your back on them. You're still there for your friend. Obviously, there's a few situations where you might have to break fellowship with a friend because God's word trumps everything anyways, but barring something so significant where you might have to, for their own good, show them some tough love, you're gonna be there for your friend, right? You're gonna love them at all times. And even if you do have to show tough love, you still love them, but you're just, you're gonna do what's necessary to help them the way that God tells us we should be doing things. A friend loveth at all times and a brother is born for adversity. Be a good brother, be a good sister, be a good, you know, literal like family member. Let people rely on you. Be there for them, be dependable, be faithful. The fair weather people, they're only there when it's good for them. They're only there when they could benefit from it. They're only, Samson has his friends only that he could use and he could just use them, oh, I'm gonna have a wedding, I need people to stand up and I need people to do this or whatever, but he's not their friend. You know, what friends do you have? Are you there just to use people as friends or are you there to be their friend? And if you're gonna be someone's friend, man, be their friend and love at all times. Like take them for who they are and help your friend out. Help a brother out. For real though, right? Second Timothy chapter four, and you know, a friend, you know, we talked about sticking by the Bible, sticking by Jesus when there's opposition. Hey, stand by your friend when there's opposition. I mean, maybe your friend goes through a hard time and like everyone seems to be against them. Be with them then. Be with them when it's not popular. You know, if you consider me to be your friend, stand by me when, you know, the news comes or when people are gonna be all against our church and stuff like that, right? Stand with me. Stand with other people. Other people have got other brothers and sisters in Christ when people are coming down on them. No, stand with them. Help, support, right? Be there for them. Be a friend that loves at all times, who you consider, you choose to be your friend, you know, be a good friend to that person. The Bible says in second Timothy chapter four, verse number one, I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead as appearing in his kingdom, preach the word, be instant in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears, and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables. So the admonition here is, when he says be instant in season, out of season, when it's popular or not, right? Don't be a fair-weather Christian of just like, oh, well, everybody's saying this anyways out in the world, so I'll say this too, right? The preacher that wants to say, oh, the pedophiles should all be put to death, everybody says that. There's no risk in that. That's a statement that, like, 98, how many pedophiles are there in the world? What percentage of the population are they? You know, 90-some percent of the people are gonna be like, yes, right? That's true, so it's safe, but you know what? We need to be instant in season, out of season. So with doctrine, with the word of God, say, no, actually, you know, when the Bible talks about Leviticus 2013, like, that's still true. I don't care if it's not popular. It's still gonna be taught. People are still gonna be told they're wrong. Like, no, this is what God thinks. This is what the Bible says. Why is that so important? Because there's gonna be a time when people don't wanna hear it, and it's all the more reason why it needs to be said, and we need to stand firm and not back down and not just tuck tail and run. Last place I wanna look at, Luke chapter 6. Luke chapter 6. Parallel passage to Matthew 5, Beatitudes, Luke chapter 6. This is the positive teaching. This is the how to not be a fair-weather Christian, right? Because it's gonna bring up a lot of situations where it's gonna be uncomfortable. It's not gonna be what you would want to do, but it's what you need to do. Luke chapter 6, we're gonna start reading verse number 20. The Bible reads, and he lifted up his eyes on his disciples and said, Blessed be ye poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are ye that hunger now, for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now, for ye shall laugh. Verse 22, Blessed are ye when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you and cast out your name as evil for the son of man's sake. That's when the people, when it's easier to get offended. That's when it's easier to turn your back on Christ than it is to continue saying, no, I don't care if you toss out my name as evil. I don't care if you reproach me. I don't care, you know. You need to be rooted and grounded for that, though. To be able to withstand, but that's why Jesus is saying, hey, look, when that happens, don't worry because you're blessed. He says, blessed are you. What? I don't feel very blessed. My name's getting trampled on here. But he continues to expound. Verse 23, Rejoice in that day and leap for joy. Like, wow, I don't really feel like jumping for joy right now. Everyone's against me. But why should we leap for joy? For behold, your reward is great in heaven. Yeah, it doesn't end with you just being treated like garbage and then that's it and there's nothing else. No, God says, OK, they're treating you like garbage. I'll make things right. I've got a reward waiting for you in heaven. And whatever they do to you, however they might want to make you feel bad for being a Christian, for believing the Bible, tousing out your name for Christ's sake, that's very small and that's very temporary. But the gifts that God give you, the rewards, I should say, that God gives you are eternal. Say, I got a reward for you in heaven. They can't take that away from you. So you suffer a little shame, you suffer a little reproach, you suffer humiliation. God says, you know what? Go ahead and leap for joy. Cha-ching, payday, right? And seriously, we got to have that mindset. We got to have the spiritual maturity to recognize it as such and not let it offend us and not let it get us out of church and not let it have such an impact and such a despair, despairing moment to just be like, oh, I'm going to quit. I don't want to deal with this anymore. Walk by faith, not by sight. No, Jesus is like, no, be happy. You're going to get rewarded. And he said this, for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets. It's nothing new and it's not you. It's the word of God that people hate, that the haters of God especially are going to hate and want you to stop preaching. They want you to stop. They want you to be silenced. They want you to just shut your mouth and quit and give up. And Jesus is saying, but I've got a reward for you. Keep it up. Verse 24, But woe unto you that are rich, for you have received your consolation. Woe unto you that are full, for you shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep. Woe unto you, look at this, for all men shall speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets. And this is the idea and this is the concept that too many people that come to Christ have this notion of just thinking, well now I'm a Christian and now everyone's supposed to love me and I need to make sure everybody loves me. Then I don't offend anybody. Good luck with that. Good luck. Good luck in trying to be more like Jesus and not offending people. Because if you have a vision of Jesus that He's someone who doesn't offend, you have the wrong Jesus. Plain and simple. Because the Jesus that really existed was really bad at fitting your image of Jesus if you think that He didn't offend people. If He didn't offend people, why was He crucified? Why were people conspiring and hating on Him and trying to catch Him in His words and trying to trap Him for like His whole ministry? Why was that happening? Because He offended people. Because He preached the truth. Because He stood on the Word of God. And He says, Hey, watch out though when everybody speaks well of you. That's not being a true Christian. In fact it's the opposite. Now look, we ought to have a good report with God and with man, right? But that has more to do with having a good report is you're righteous. You're upright. You're not involved in base activities, criminal activities, super wicked activities, whatever. You're honest. You've got integrity. That's having a good report. Now people are going to still try to cast out your name if you're serving God and get you to stop and try to silence you. And people will get offended. People get offended. It's crazy. It's interesting to me. It really is. I've seen so many people get offended without even without even actively trying to tell them the truth or something. I've seen it especially with just like family and acquaintances and just other people who know like when you hold to biblical standards when you just look at the Bible and be like oh I need to change the way I dress. I need to change my entertainment. I need to change this in my life. I need to change that in my life. And you just start changing things in your life to try to comply and be more conformed to what the Bible says we should and shouldn't be doing. That alone will get people upset with you. That alone offends people. It's like oh hi relative so-and-so yeah hey thanks for you know offering gifts or whatever for my children but like my girls wear dresses. Right? If you know if you're gonna get us anything would you please Well how dare you! What do you mean they wear dresses? When are you supposed to go out and you're gonna play in dresses? You know like just letting you know doesn't matter how nice you say it doesn't matter what you you know how tactfully and everything else sometimes people just lose it. Why? Because they don't they don't like the conviction that goes along with what they know is what people know is right. But Jesus said hey woe unto you and all men shall speak well of you for so did their fathers to the false prophets. False prophets are received by the world because they're of the world. Right? The world receives its own. But I say unto you which here look at verse 27 love your enemies do good to them which hate you. Okay now again this is speaking and teaching the exact opposite of the fair-weather Christian. What are you supposed to do? Oh with your enemies love them do good to those that hate you. That's not always easy to do but that's what we're supposed to do. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also. I was having a conversation with someone recently and it is unfortunate sometimes and especially if you the more you continue to serve and the more you continue to minister you'll find people like the apostle Paul said hey the more I love the less I be loved. And there's absolutely truth to that and sometimes you'll go out of your way and you'll try to help people and you'll sacrifice for people and then they end up stabbing you in the back. Right? And I'll tell you right now if you're going to be a servant and if you're going to minister to people and you're going to put it on yourself to say no I'm going to serve I want to do I want to try to be Christ-like I want to live my you know to be able to help people out the best I can then guess what? That will happen. But you can't be so shallow to then just throw up your hands and quit or stop trying to help people because some people don't appreciate it. Because some people don't do what they're supposed to do. How about you just do what you're supposed to do? And sometimes yeah you'll get taken advantage of. What are you getting taken advantage of? Is it some money? Okay. Some food, clothing. Like what is it? What is it really? And yeah you know what hurts the most is when people just betray your trust or something. Yes that hurts. But it doesn't change what we're supposed to do. It doesn't change going forward. I think there was someone pretty important in the Bible that one of his friends one of his twelve betrayed him. Right? If it happened to Jesus you know don't be surprised if it happens to us. Verse 30 Give to every man that asketh of thee and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again and as ye would that men should do to you do ye also to them likewise for if ye love them which love you what thank have ye for sinners also love those that love them and if ye do good to them which do good to you what thank have ye for sinners also do even the same. We're called to be different from the world. The world has a oh you got something you can do for me then I'll do something for you. Right? Oh you're gonna take me out to eat then I'll take you out to eat and it'll just all be equal and all be the same. Now look if you take someone else out to eat or whatever I don't care about that but my point is don't be thinking I'm gonna be getting involved and everything's gonna be perfectly equal you know like it should never even be a thought. You wanna take a friend out to eat or spend money on a meal then go ahead and do it. You don't have to feel this owing back I mean friends should just be able to be a blessing to the other person and you're not thinking about well what am I gonna get back or last time I went out we went to to Panda Express and now you know I'm taking you out to some state you know like this isn't really working out in my favor here. Don't be like that. Whatever the case may be right like and look don't just look to people to be good to that could only be good back to you is what I'm saying. Don't look to love those people that could only love you back. Be willing to serve and be above that overcome evil with good and be able to provide the love and the care for those that don't care about you and those that don't love you. That's what the Bible this is what Jesus is teaching here. If you do good to them which do good to you what thank have you for sinners also do the same and if you lend to them of whom you hope to receive what thank have you for sinners also lend to sinners to receive as much again. Verse 35 But love ye your enemies and do good and lend hoping for nothing again and your reward shall be great and you shall be the children of the highest for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. God is kind to the unthankful. Jesus healed ten lepers. Only one even said thanks. They're unthankful but he still healed them. He still did good unto them. Be ye therefore merciful as your father also is merciful. Make the decision to be the solid Christian. Make the decision to be the solid friend to be someone who's gonna you know love at all times to be the person who's gonna just be there and say you know what I'm gonna be there for the Word of God I'm gonna be there for Christ I'm not gonna be offended by what the Bible says I'm not gonna worry about what people might say about my faith about my belief and I'm also gonna be there for my friends and I'm gonna be there for them and even if they aren't the best friend to me you know what if they're gonna be my friend then I'm gonna be good to them. It doesn't have to be always equal with what they do for me and what I do for them don't worry about it. And you know what when you have that attitude and when you can not just be the fair weather person that's just like oh as long as things are going good for me then I'm cool but actually stick through and do things and maybe be on the receiving end of some bad things for the cause of Christ God rewards you and at the end of the day there is always value to that. You got the value of being and doing good for people which by the way is a blessing in itself because it does feel good to help people out it's a good feeling to be able to be a blessing to others and two hey God already said he's gonna reward you. As far as our word of prayer Dear Lord thank you so much for loving us we thank you for being good to us when we haven't been good to you we thank you for teaching us the right example I pray that you please help us to not just have our own motives and our own thoughts and our own gain in our minds when we choose to do things but help us to to love like you love help us to be good friends and I pray that you would please strengthen us and increase our faith so that we could just stand boldly on the word of God and be not offended and be not ashamed of your word God we love you here please keep us safe as we go our separate ways tonight in Jesus name we pray Amen Alright we're gonna sing one last song before we're dismissed for the will Would you please lead us in the name of Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus