(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you So it was 10 on Friday when that when the main group went out and then there's one other salvation that was Just in town during the week. Yes, sir Yeah Cool when was that what day was that was that like Tuesday or what? I didn't even know I guess praise God for the opportunity, right? It's not always fun to have to have to go and deal with all that stuff when you're at a camp But like if someone gets saved that's at least that's uh, yeah, there you go You had to suffer that but it worked out for that guy So you said one salvation or two? And so those two amen cool Very good. It's good to hear Anyone else that we might have missed Excellent. Well, yeah keep up the good work obviously preaching gospel taking advantage of every opportunity that you have That's that's really what it's all about obviously We have our scheduled sewing times extremely important to make sure that you're consistent and continuing to not backside and not kind of get out Of it, but you also want to be at the point where it's not just the soul winning times But your your regular daily life from here, you know, just bringing it up and talking about the gospel. Jesus Christ is awesome. So Excellent, very good news. All right prayer requests for this week. I didn't change anything I'm hoping that there wasn't any other updates that I that I missed it was kind of Difficult getting everything since we just got back into town last night trying to review all of the updates for the bulletin Does anyone have any updates really DJ? How's your dad doing? How's your grandma doing? Oncologist yeah This tomorrow, okay, so he'll know a lot more after that Any treatment, okay She's stabled out at all Oh wow, like on her meat on her oximeter whatever oximeter, yeah Yes, yeah Right, well good so there's some improvement it sounds like at least Okay, all right, very good Yeah, and then in pray for when in pray for like there's a lot of people who are not here Because they are ill Okay, and it's a pestilence has swept through the camp this week during our camp now We this already hit my family a couple weeks ago and So I'd like I think we're immune to it but it's it seems to be at least from all accounts to it's a If you do happen to get this because you've been exposed to it already It runs through about a day a 24-hour bug and then you should be good but those 24 hours are not fun so I Would I would also exert extra caution even in church today? Because we don't know who like a lot of people here have been exposed and You know to varying degrees to people with with the sickness So what our experience has been in my household, I think it transmits before there's any symptoms shown And I think that's what happened at camp too Is that someone whoever whoever brought it in so to speak probably didn't even realize they had it Probably didn't even realize they had it and it was already picked up and this is something that we've heard my wife and I heard like Is kind of going around many areas of the country. This isn't like just particular to our churches. There's a sickness going around but In our family one person would get sick and then it would be like maybe even a couple days two to three days before another person would then get sick so it's like and and people who aren't directly Impacted by the vomit or whatever necessarily they're still getting this so It wouldn't surprise me if more people that were at camp end up getting sick Okay, but there's nothing we can do and i'm actually going to preach a little bit about this in in my sermon this morning There's nothing you can do when you feel well and you think everything's fine and you just everything seems normal with you Like we're not going to go hyper crazy saying well everyone just stay home Right because you don't know if you're If you don't know you don't know and don't feel bad like if you end up do getting sick, right? It's it is it's part of life. There's there's sickness. There's disease. We all have to deal with it But knowing this and knowing what we know now It still makes sense to show a little bit extra caution and make sure you're washing your hands Maybe more than you normally would and kind of keeping some distance with with people and especially those who weren't at camp, right? We uh, we'll we'll try to um Take that in consideration so any visitors today also keep that in mind If if i'm refraining from shaking your hand or other people refraining from shaking your hand, don't take it personally It's not that we don't want to greet you appropriately. We're just going to be try to be a little extra cautious. So With all that being said we could turn over the next page you'll see a picture there I tried to do a panoramic shot of the Camping trip one of the nights that there was The preaching going on we had a lot of fun. It was a blast. There's a lot of a lot of fun activities The weather held out there wasn't there's very Little rain just a few drops. It was like coming down Awesome weather a little windy at the beginning but still a lot of fun Um, I think everyone had a really good time I want to say a big thank you To everybody who helped like just putting it on To varying degrees there's a lot of work to get everything to work properly and especially to host our our pastor guests It's important that we show that hospitality to our guests and I appreciate everybody who was involved in helping with that And and from the smallest help to the greatest help, right? From setting up the chairs or taking them down or wiping things down or whatever All of it is very much appreciated. So thank you all for for helping to to make this event A very great event and we do have it scheduled again for next year. We already have the place reserved again May 13th through the 19th are the dates. So just take note of that if you want to come to our camp next year We're looking forward to that Continuing on here. We've got the may challenge is the baptism challenge. So Obviously, not everyone's going to be able to complete this challenge But the whole point and the whole goal is is with all of our challenges for those of you don't know we do challenges every month and It's to it's to make sure we don't lose sight of any important Spiritual thing in our life that's that's that that could slip right so whether it be prayer bible reading You know doing some bible memory doing some soul winning these these types of things We're always striving to improve we're striving to do a little bit more And just make sure that we're continuing to monitor these things and think about these things So every month we're kind of focused on different things. It doesn't mean we let everything else slide It just means that we want to make sure we're not forgetting anything So it's kind of a main focus this month the focus is going to be baptism. So, uh baptism is extremely important, right? It's very important in a believer's life. You should you should get baptized every believer should be baptized So we don't want to lose sight of that when we go out and preach the gospel We want to make sure of course, we're very thorough. We get people saved. We lead people to christ, but don't forget to bring up Hey, you ought to get baptized now It's an important step in a new believer's life. Come to church get baptized. It's something you know, it's a commandment from god this is something now your first step of obedience after your salvation is to Come and get and get baptized and we could do that and it's you know, it's a big deal. So We we're going to focus on that and anybody who can be influential in another person's Baptism Will will get a prize for this month If you're able to do that within the month of may to talk to people about it encourage them And you know this goes even if you're not in our church if they don't get baptized in our church Right if you talk to someone on the phone family friend something like that and you encourage someone who's saved To go and get baptized then. Amen. That's the whole point. It's not about boosting our numbers here It's about believers getting baptized right and getting right and just being right with god On on one of the most simple things so That is the may challenge And then we've got the bible memory passage there. So we've got a few weeks left of hebrews chapter 7. This is the latter half of the passage 14 verses we're memorizing in seven weeks. It's two verses per week if you could Quote this passage out loud to another person who's gonna be making sure you got every word, right? If you get every word right versus 15 through 28 within the allotted time you'll also be able to earn a prize for being able to do That we've got the upcoming birthdays and anniversaries listed there and then at the bottom of the page We've got the upcoming events. So i've got the next men's preaching class scheduled. This is memorial day weekend Okay, it's a saturday 10 am Right here Now I want to I want to make sure we're very clear about this And and I apologize for for maybe being a little stern Today about this, especially if you're visiting But I just want to make sure everybody has the proper understanding of what a preaching class is about And also that those of you that might want to come and attend our preaching class That if you're going to come for the wrong reasons, you're not welcome Okay The preaching class is a class is a class. It's it's designed first to educate Educate and to help train Men to learn how to preach That is the goal. So that being said it's not the place to come And start teaching doctrines that you that are different than what this church believes Okay, it's not your opportunity to get on a soapbox And correct pastor bozens or correct the church in a certain doctrine That is not the purpose of the preaching class Okay, and especially if I have some guest preachers come in And they preach something it's absolutely not appropriate to come in then to the preaching class and start saying why you disagree With what our guest preacher just preached. That's my responsibility. That's my job Okay, if we have a guest preacher come into our church that I allow to fill a pulpit And they preach something that I don't agree with that this church doesn't believe My job is to correct the error not yours Okay, do not ever be using a preaching class to come in and just express your Own beliefs that are that are different and try to correct some some you what you think is a false doctrine Now look You can believe whatever you want to believe. I'm not we're not here trying to force you to believe anything You could believe different than what's preached. Okay, that's fine I'm not going to come after you for all you you have to believe every single word Look, you don't have to but don't come and start using a preaching class as your pulpit to start spouting off false doctrine Or you at the very least doing things that are inappropriate because that's not appropriate okay, and I won't tolerate that We're going to show respect for each other it's a training grounds I want people to learn I want people to grow Okay, that's the whole point of the preaching class It's also not a platform to launch your own personal Celebrity or something to go put out on youtube now I'm not opposed to people sharing stuff in their own preaching on youtube. I'm not i'm not opposed to that Okay at all. So I want to make sure i'm clear on this as well Sharing preaching online I don't have a problem with but i've seen this in the past where people Want to get real flashy and show and showy And they're behind the pulpit and they're behind the pulpit at a particular church or whatever and everyone's going to know they're behind that pulpit And they're going to start, you know, just doing all these things that that that Is meant to just get views or get likes or whatever We're not about that either Okay I don't record the men's preaching class Unless somebody wants it to be recorded for their own review Because it is helpful to go back and review Your own preaching right especially as you're learning to see What are the habits that I do? What are the things I don't realize i'm doing that I do what you know? Maybe I thought I said something weird and I go back and listen. Oh that was okay or whatever, right? There's plenty of of good opportunity to use recordings And again, I don't care if you share your preaching either we i've had i've had no problems for a very long time with people doing that Having their own channel. They share their own preaching Great. I just don't want people doing things for the wrong reasons That's that's the whole point, okay, so If I start to think that that's happening then you will be uninvited from our preaching class Yes But I hope Many of the men here will come and join us. I really do. It's a lot of fun. It's a great opportunity And even if you don't feel like you're ever going to pass it, you don't have to pass our church Okay, just come to the preaching class and learn something you you actually don't even have to preach to come to the preaching class Okay, men If you want to just start to learn and see what are some of the things What's going to be taught there because the things that are taught there aren't the things that are taught generally in a regular church service because they're only applicable for People who are going to be preaching behind the pulpit. So i'm going to go over certain things That you won't hear in a regular service. So if you want to learn those things You want to try to improve your skills just in general your spiritual life men that are able to fill a pulpit at some point Great come to our preaching class, you know, we we do have a lot of fun Yes, sir Yeah, we we will do some we'll do some music training as well I usually incorporate that i'm not going to I don't have a set schedule right now on on which ones we're going to do that for But if if you're interested in leading I do song leading training as well in the preaching classes but I I need to see how many people are coming and interested because If it's if it's too much we might have to separate that into a separate session. So Um, thank you for bringing that up We brought i've done that in the past and i'll probably do that in the continuing on but it all depends on the level of interest Uh moving forward so I plan on doing this once a month Uh myself and brother carter are going to be instructing the class Okay, so we're going to be alternating And i'm going to be leading up this first Well, the second one the first one was at the camp, but the first kind of official one, I guess here within our church Will be on may 27th 10 a.m. It's going to be right here And then other upcoming events june 25th Is our church anniversary pastor mahia is going to be preaching here. I just booked his uh, travel stuff this morning, so It's locked in it's set. He's coming out here. I did not get the refunds insurance, you know, it's it's You are coming out here. Pastor. Mahia. We're not taking no for an answer. So He will be here to preach i'm looking forward to that it's going to be it's going to be a great time And then as I mentioned in the past, you know, i'm writing this week. I'm hoping I can get some other other fun things scheduled We'll probably do some soul winning on saturday before Which is not in our normal so winning time, so i'll probably do some extra soul winning on saturday And then on sunday we may have some other fun activities Within uh in between the church services here probably provide a meal and and just have some other fun things to be able to just celebrate our five-year anniversary and then we've got Another special guest preacher on july 5th. Pastor anderson from faith board Baptist church is going to be here To preach for us on that day as well a couple other things From the camp if you happen to go home with anything that wasn't actually yours. It didn't belong to you Just bring it back here and we'll just keep things out We saw some things that were left behind Let's see the sea hat if this belongs to you Then you can get this after service we also have a bunch of the paintings at the at the the one of the the Events there was children doing painting and stuff. So if your child did some painting at one of those activities We have their paintings here. We brought those back, uh from the trip And I think That is about it for our announcement. So i'm going to ask whether peter come up and lead us in our next song Yes, sir All right church if you can't open up your hymnals song number 449 Song 449 dwelling in view of the land Song 449 Is Me Me And never Me Me Me Me Me Forever Underneath So Me I'm Me This time we're going to collect our seven-week offering So That's a book of hebrews chapter 10 And as we do customary here from the baptist church we're going to read the entire chapter that's really michael recardo That is hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter 10 the bible reads for the law Having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things can never with those sacrifices Which they offer year by year continually make the comers there are two perfect for then would they not have ceased to be offered because that The worshipers once purged should have had no more conscious of sin But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins wherefore when he cometh Into the world he saith sacrifice and offering thou what is not But a body has thou prepared me in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou has had no pleasure Then said I lo I come in the volume of the book. It is written of me to do thy will o god Above when he said sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin Thou would not neither has pleasure therein which are offered by the law Then said he lo I come to do thy will o god. He taketh away the first that he may establish the second by the which will we Are sacrificed through the offering of the body of jesus christ once for all And every priest stand up daily ministering and offering oftentimes The same sacrifices which can never take away sins But this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down on the right hand of god From henceforth expecting till his enemies Be made his footstool For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified Whereof the holy ghost also is a witness to us for after that he had said before This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days say of the lord I will put my laws into their hearts and in their minds Will I write them and their sins and iniquities iniquities? Will I remember no more? Now where a mission of these is there is no more offering for sin Having therefore brethren boldness to enter into the holy holies by the blood of jesus By a new and living way which he had consecrated for us through the veil That is to say his flesh And having an high priest over the house of god Let us draw near with a true heart and full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience And our bodies washed with pure water Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that promised And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another And so much the more as you see the day approaching for if we sin willfully after that We have received the knowledge of the truth there remains no more sacrifice for sins But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries He that despised moses law died without mercy under two or three witnesses of how much sore Punishment suppose ye Shall he be thought worthy who have trodden underfoot the son of god and have counted the blood of the covenant? Wherewith he was sanctified in the holy thing and have done despite unto the spirit of grace For we know him that have said vengeance belongeth unto me. I will I will recompense Say of the lord and again the lord shall judge his people It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of living god But call to remembrance the former days in which after ye were illuminated ye endured a great fight of afflictions Partly whilst ye were made a gazing stock both by reproaches and afflictions and partly whilst he became companions of them That were so used for he have Compassion of me in my bonds and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods Knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance cast not away therefore your confidence Which have great recompense of reward for ye have need of patience that after ye have done the will of god Ye might receive the promise for yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry Now the just shall live by faith But if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition but of them that believe in the saving of the soul Pastor bulgar. Can you open this up in prayer, sir? Dear the jesus. Thank you for this church. Thank you for the gathering Lord, we ask as pastor purgins Father bless the service in jesus name. Amen. Amen All right in hebrews chapter 10 the part of the chapter I want to focus in on here Is found there in starting in verse number 24 The bible says and let us consider one another to provoke Unto love and to good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as a matter of some is but exhorting one another and so Much the more as you see the day approaching Uh for if we sin willfully after that we have received knowledge of this truth There remains no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment fire and ignition which shall devour the adversary I can't look at this verse without just um mentioning the fact that we are commanded to be in church Right. It is something that we're supposed to do. It's not this isn't the point of my sermon, but we're here and and A lot of people have this mindset today That'll say oh I have church in my living room and I have I could have church anywhere And I could talk to god and I could do this and I could do that Okay, if you have church in your living room, then who's the pastor? Who's the ordained man of god that's leading and teaching And you know fits the requirements in first timothy chapter three And in titus chapter who is that guy in your living room, you know, that's that's always a question No, the fact is that there's An assembling of ourselves together. That's what the word church even means Right and the bible commands that we're not to forsake That assembling for if you forsake the assembling. What does that mean? You don't go You don't go to the assembly. Another word for assembly is the church So You don't go to church. You're forsaking the church. You're forsaking the assembly and the bible says Not to forsake the assembly because even back in these days That's the manner of some men Hey, some people like that and it continues to this day, right but that ought not to be the manner of you Love the word of god. We see the word of god. Don't forsake the assembling of ourselves together, right? Very simple Why well, we have a couple of reasons here and this is where I want to focus on the most this morning I'm telling my sermon is consideration of others consideration of others we should be considering One another as the bible says in verse 24. Let us consider one another If you're going to consider someone you're giving thought to that person Right, you're going to be caring for that person. You're going to be thinking about other people When you consider them And here it says to consider one another For what purpose to provoke? unto love and to good works You need to be thinking about it and say how can I help this person? How can I provoke this person unto love? and unto good works Now why am I even preaching on this Because within groups within larger groups, especially within groups of people then churches oftentimes you have to deal with conflict right Everybody is a human being and everybody has a sinful flesh and everybody does things that are wrong at times Right. None of us are perfect and then you have different personalities and then sometimes drama builds up and you've got fights going on between people and Oftentimes and hopefully they're minor things And you know sometimes as the pastor I hear about a lot of these things And feel it's appropriate To preach a sermon like i'm preaching this morning Because Everyone ought to have this mindset and this is something that Look i'm not preaching first of all at any one specific person this morning at all It's a it's it's a it was a multitude of things That got me thinking What is Kind of one of the bottom lines. What's a root cause or a root solution? To a lot of the things i've been hearing in recent days And a lot of it has to do with just I think if people could take the time and consider One another And understand as brothers and sisters in christ, we ought to be thinking about You know how we could provoke them unto love and the good works and to edification which is building other people up Then a lot of this stuff would probably Go away for the most part again people aren't perfect. I know there's going to be conflict. It's going to happen, right? But we need to be able to move forward past a lot of the silliness and a lot of the little drama and things that go on And be able to think about how we can provoke one another unto love and the good works And if you got you know brothers and sisters in christ our church members here It doesn't have to be your favorite person Different people have different character flaws And things that might irritate you and might aggravate you and get under your skin Okay But if they're saved you still have to love them It doesn't mean you have to spend all your time with them and go hang out and go shopping and go do whatever Right, like you don't have to be best friends with everybody in church But you do have to love them Okay And you ought to treat them As a brother and sister in christ and we ought to have a long suffering And a mercy and a mindset that's going to be okay. Well, this person is a big challenge for me Right This is a challenge in my life Because it's not always easy to consider people that Drive you nuts So That cause problems It's not an easy thing to do, but it is what we ought to be doing And when you consider one another consider yourself, too Because when people say you know, you you may you may not be blameless Completely in every situation or Maybe in that situation you are but then in this other situation with someone else you're not And oftentimes also what happens is people end up reaping what they saw From someone else and to someone else it's it's like Man and as an outside observer, it's really easy to see these things right, it's kind of like What you're complaining about this happening to you, but you did the same exact thing to that person Like Maybe you're just reaping what you've sown Right and a lot of this boils down to humility, too Right when you're considering one another part of humility is you're steaming other people better than yourself I mean, that's what humility is. You're you're you're you're Showing and understanding and and operating Under the consideration of other people and thinking how can I what can I do to help them now look There are many examples even recently of of a lot of this coming to fruition within our church I see a lot of great things. So don't uh, this is not some Huge problem that like no one, you know, no one's right on this most people are right on this I think everyone is probably at one degree or another but it's something that we can always improve on it's something that we need to be able to to get our hearts right on and And really consider other people now my first point and turn if you were to leviticus chapter number 13 I do want to cover this. I brought it up briefly in announcements But part of being considerate of others or considering other people Has to do with What do you do when you're sick when you are ill So Well In instances like a camp maybe you've taken an entire week off of work You've made sacrifices you've invested you've spent money you're excited you want to see your favorite preacher You want you know, you want to be part of everything you don't want to miss out on anything Everyone probably feels that way right like I know I did I wanted to be part of everything. I want to do everything I want to have all the fun and and But if you know that you're not well And that you can get other people sick feeling the same way that you do now, you're not really being considerate of other people Are you? You're only considering yourself Yourself and your own selfish desires of going well, I don't want to miss out on this And then you really stop caring about well, what's the impact on other people? And this actually Is kind of a pet peeve of mine And this one point alone makes me pretty angry When you know that you're sick, or you have a child that's sick and is vomiting Do not come and join a whole group of people that are all breathing the same air together And just show up as if nothing's wrong Not only do you not care about the people you're sitting next to but even the very people that you probably want to go here preach How much you really care about them Now as I mentioned in the announcements Sickness happens okay, and and people will get sick in this life and and Normally that would transmit unknowingly Unbeknownst you can you can pass on sickness When you don't feel sick at all you haven't had any symptoms yet No one is at fault for that you you can't do anything about that That's what you can't expect people to live in a bubble And think that well, maybe there may be a chance of sick what i'm talking about is when you know, there's sickness You know your child is sick or you know that you're sick You know this but then you still just go ahead and Have dicks and dicks and dicks and dicks and dicks and dicks and dicks and dicks and dicks disregard for everyone else anyways And and I want i'm i'm parking it on this because I want to make sure it sinks in and I hope that Everybody is listening to this Because I guarantee you the people are not very appreciative. They're hugging a toilet bowl for for 24 hours And and feeling like garbage That they didn't do anything wrong They wanted to be part of the fun they wanted to be part of everything too But then someone else decided to just say no You know what? I'm just going to go and bring my sick children and bring myself and bring you know, bring whoever into the group Because I don't want to miss it Well, you know even pastor robinson now he got sick we had to extend his stay He wasn't able to drive And you know, some people are traveling long distances and then they're going to be getting on airplanes and maybe they're going to be sick Who wants to be sick throwing up on an airplane toilet? Talk about not fun. I mean, it's already not fun being at a camp You want to be flying up in the air and going through that now I don't know if that's happened or not But this is what you're risking and putting other people at when you're knowingly doing these things that is so inconsiderate It just boggles my mind that people would even think that that's acceptable for a moment Now look i'm of the mindset and i've grown up this way and I don't think this is a bad thing for men To be able to you know work through your sickness Right tough things out I've always been the type of person that's like well, whatever I still need to work. I still need to get things done But I wasn't even always correct about this in the past either Because it is still inconsiderate when you start exposing other people to your sickness I mean brother peter You're a pretty tough guy I have a feeling that you'd probably if you were to get sick Would do everything you could to not just be bedridden and do and be up and doing things and If you have a job to do to get it done, right? But if you get sick at your job, are you going to be going into work? Absolutely not But let me brother peter Can you just afford to just take tons of days off of work and not go in and earn money for your family? No But peter works in a facility that has a lot of elderly people And people that have already health risks and problems like that. He can't just go in Same as well just tough it out brother. Well, yeah, I could tough it out, but you know what I care about the people That are at my business there you could kill him literally could kill him You have to put a little bit extra thought behind your actions Right, and he's not the only one that's in a situation that's like that Consideration now We're going to get some principles here. You say well how long because people say well, how long should I wait? What should I do? What type of precautions? Well, you know what the bible has answered everything And we've got some really basic principles here. We're going to look at When the bible talks about cleanness and uncleanness and and issues that you might have Uh one part here and specifically chapter 13 talks about leprosy now This is specific to leprosy, but I think we could still gain some understanding with disease in general off of this Verse number 45 leviticus 13 The bible says in the leper in whom the plague is his clothes shall be rent and his head bare And he shall put a cuff ring upon his upper lip and shall cry unclean unclean Now, do you think the crying unclean unclean is to help them to get healed? Who thinks that well, the only reason they're doing that is so that they would just get get better faster What's it for it's for the benefit of others Well, like hey i'm sick. I have a disease i'm going to cover my mouth Because I don't want to transmit this and spread this to other people while i'm saying hey be aware i'm unclean I've got a sickness i've got a disease. This is contagious this might spread. Please stay back The bible said that that's appropriate that's what people are now, do you think everyone who got leprosy did that probably not But that's what they should have been doing And that's in verse 46 all the days where in the plague shall be in him he shall be defiled The When you're sick all the days you're sick All the days you're sick you're defiled you can probably get other people sick He is unclean he shall dwell alone No interaction with people you're you're you're Isolating yourself. You're separating yourself to not Now look obviously we have to use some sense with this too Leprosy is a very serious disease and you're going to take probably extra precautions for that You get the sniffles or common cold. I'm not saying you just have to go. Okay, look You're going off to some fema camp and you're going to live in this house for you know, two weeks That's not what i'm saying Let's use some sense but when you have a sickness and you have a contagious disease and you know Look, this is this is wise Isolate yourself from people as much as possible. I mean even from your own family to say you want me to stay in my room And and and not try to have interaction and contact with other people And you know families with kids we know that sometimes that's impossible Because the little ones don't always want to just stay in the room They may still be contagious and sick and defiled but they're going to go and touch everything and that's often why With families it just has a tendency to spread through everybody But the wise thing to do is to when you're when you're unclean you let people know Or like how about this? Someone's coming over to your house and you know, you're sick Let them know hey i'm sick My family's sick. My son just threw up. You may not want to come over let them know in advance So at the very least they could take that risk on themselves Instead of not saying anything Letting them come over and inviting them in and spending hours inside your house And then go home now with a sickness Who would do something to that pastor persons? Well, i'm not going to name any names, but i'll tell you for a fact it happens And what that shows me is that you're not very considerate You don't really care that much you care more about Yourself and whatever you want to get out of a situation then you care about What impact you might have on other people? Flip over to chapter 15 Verse number one, we're going to see some common practices or principles here Of dealing with sickness And just some common truths Verse number one and the lord spake unto moses and aaron Saying speak unto the children of israel and say unto them when any man hath a running issue out of his flesh Because of his issue he is unclean Now issue is something that's just coming forth This is referred to sometimes with ladies when they're bleeding that's also that's called an issue But it doesn't just have to be blood. It could be anything you could have any type of infection Anything that's coming forth out of your body. It could be fluids. We have an issue coming out of your mouth Or any part of your body, okay You have an issue Things are coming out that that is not normal So, what does the bible say it says you're unclean first of all, okay You're defiled. You're unclean. You're sick Verse three and this shall be his uncleanness in his issue whether his flesh run with his issue or his flesh be stopped from His issue it is his uncleanness Every bed whereon he lieth that hath the issue is unclean And everything whereon he sitteth shall be unclean Look the places where you lie the places where you sit the places that you're touching Those are going to be defiled because you are defiled so when you come into interaction with things and you start moving around and getting more your presence is just kind of Wherever wherever you're moving to now you're bringing that uncleanness to wherever you go Like this is this is what's being taught This is this is bible And science tells us the same exact thing because it's true We know it's true because of the bible and scientists happen to be right It's a fact That these things happen here. This is how disease spread we have to treat ourselves though as being then unclean The bible says in verse five and whosoever toucheth his bed shall wash his clothes Hey, you go in to help you go in to to to Minister to that person you're changing the linen stuff then you need to wash So that you don't carry that to other people You've exposed yourself to that to that sickness to that issue Well, you need to keep it doesn't mean you're automatically going to get sick, but you need to make sure that you know anyone else is going to Get sick from it Uh verse five and whosoever touches his bed will wash his clothes and and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even so Even if you're not sick and you're helping and treating someone else who is and you're actively treating them going into their quarters Not necessarily as being in the same household, but you're going in and and and in helping clean up after them everything Then you also ought to treat yourself as being unclean at least for that day. Okay until the even You've been helping cleaning up with that stuff. Okay now i'm defiled We're gonna wait a day and then see how things go That's reasonable. That's appropriate You've got children at home and they're throwing up and they're having all these problems, right? Someone's gonna have to deal with that Mom dad someone at home is gonna be dealing with that whoever's dealing with that and cleaning up that mess and You know what that person should stay out too at least for a day Right, you're gonna be treat yourself as unclean for you. Don't go around people wash yourself bathe make sure you're all clean but just Isolate for a day And again, you we there has to be a limit on this you're not gonna isolate forever. We're not gonna Get crazy But at least if we go to the bible for some some biblical principles here, I mean it kind of makes sense You could at least wait a day So Verse six and he that sitteth on anything whereon he sat That at the issue shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until even And he that touched with the flesh of him that at the issue Shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even and if he that at the issue spit Upon him that is clean then he shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even Obviously they're even showing Things will be transmitted through your saliva through your mouth, right? It's I don't think this is talking about someone going Like, you know, like like just spitting in someone's face purposely I think this is talking more just about If you're talking to someone we all have that happen, right? A little a little bit of saliva comes out of your mouth from time to time And it could land on someone then. Yes, that's you know, your spit then Is uh, you know that you're unclean Now you've been exposed to that right Verse nine what and what saddles whoever he writeth upon that at the issue shall be unclean and whosoever Toucheth anything that was under him shall be unclean until the even And he that bareth any of those things shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until The even and whosoever he touched it that at the issue and if not rinsed his hands in water He shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until even so A lot of teaching here between the unclean and the clean and what we ought to do and cleanse yourself and bathe yourself wash yourself Get clean wait a day Okay, good, right and and everyone that's here. Hopefully you all feel well, you know, even if you've been sick already you got sick You got well, you're unclean it's passed. It's gone great Just All the things that we do be mindful of others be considerate I mean we even have we have guests with us this morning How much are you showing you care about them if you're going to be showing up sick Like I said, how much do you show the the pastors that are traveling from out of town? And that are planning on traveling other places in the future In a short period of time that's not very considerate at all Flip over if you would to matthew chapter 20 um That was just point one it's kind of a big point but This all falls under having the spirit of being mindful being considerate thinking about others What is are my actions going to do to affect other people? Because what we ought to be thinking about is how can I positively affect other people? What can I actually be doing? Proactively to help other people Not just well, I don't want to harm them, of course, that's part of it We don't want to harm other people, but we want to do even more than not harming. We want to be helping Right. It's not good enough to just not do harm That's why the bible says to him that know what to do good and do with it not to him it is sin It's not good enough just to not do bad things we ought to be doing good things And if you know you ought to be provoking one another unto love and the good works Well, guess what when you don't do that, that's a sin Because you know, you ought to do good So now when you're not doing that you're sinning Matthew chapter 20 verse number 25 The bible reads but jesus called them unto him and said ye know that the princes of the gentiles exercise dominion over them And they that are great exercise authority upon them But it shall not be so among you But whosoever will be great among you Let him be your minister And whosoever will be chief among you Let him be your servant Even as the son of man came Not to be ministered unto But to minister and to give his life a ransom for many So you want to be like the son of man? You want to be like jesus christ? Well, he didn't come for people to serve him. He didn't come for people to do things for him He came to do things for other people And that's what we're called to do And look you want to be the greatest christian that ever lived you want to be called great you want to be the cheapest? Well the world they're going to tell you is a dog eat dog world and you just need to step on the backs of other people and you just need to get where you're going to go and And nuts to everyone else. You just need to live for you. That's what the world says That's the dominion that that the world's gonna have is well i'm just gonna have to put you down for me to go up But the bible way the spiritual way god's way what he looks at is the exact opposite So i'm gonna put myself low i'm gonna put myself down i'm gonna You know not put yourself down in the sense like oh i'm horrible or whatever. It's putting yourself lower to be. Hey, i'm gonna serve This person this person i'm gonna be the servant of all So then god can lift me up Jesus christ was humble. He suffered he suffered death even the death of the cross You know, so god gave him a name that's above every name He humbled himself he served all he did everything selflessly to the point where he Poured out his own soul unto death Therefore He's got a magnified name he's glorified he's the greatest right So if you want to be great if you want to be like man, this is you know, god welcomes you and just You get a high five and you you know, you just did an awesome christian life You know that's going to look like it's going to look like you doing a lot of serving It's going to look like you doing a lot of the low level tasks So Flip over if you would please to first peter chapter three So ministering versus being ministered to right Are you the type of person? That always needs something from everybody else real needy Well, can you do that? You know, and you're always like I need you to do this and this and this and this Because That's not the heart or the attitude of someone who is the servant who is a minister it's well wait, what can I do for you? Not what can you do for me? What can I do for you? And the best churches are full of people Who are seeing not going? Hey, what can you offer me? What do you have for my kids? Hey, what do I I want to have this and I want To have that and I you know, what can you do? What activities do you have? I don't know I don't know if i'm going to grace you with my presence because You know, you don't seem to have enough for me You don't even know what church is all about no clue You come in the best churches now some churches they'll cater to all that all day long because they want to fill seats Or maybe they just care about money But if you care about truly care about the things of god and being right with god The church will be full of ministers It's going to be full of people who are willing to serve willing to sacrifice of themselves sacrifice their own good sacrifice their own times To help other people out And and doesn't it just make sense? I mean have you ever been around like a lot of people that are all just willing to help no matter what's going on Just willing to help You have the best time Everyone pitches in and look there is a lot of this at camp and i'm really appreciative for that I heard people, you know, i'm not gonna i'm not gonna name all the names. I'll let you get glory in heaven But you know who you are people who are over and and and helping out You're not even asked to do anything and you just kind of show up and you see people just helping and just doing things That's great. That's a minister's heart. That's being selfless. That's saying yeah, you know what i've got other things to do, too But i'm gonna go over here. I'm gonna help these people out and i'm gonna do this and what else can I do to help you? You know That's awesome Everybody enjoys that Because then what happens if everybody has the same mindset then when you go over to New York Then someone shows up and says hey, can I help you? You know, like and it all everything gets done That much better And that much more joyfully You don't always want to be just the one who's looking to be on the receiving end and like kind of be a user right Be the one willing to give That's what's going to make you great in god's eyes It costs you it's going to be a sacrifice of your time It's going to be you know You may end up doing things that aren't that pleasant or aren't that fun some of the dirtier jobs or whatever, right? Taking out the trash isn't that much fun, but you know, it's got to be done First peter chapter three We also ought to have compassion on others And be able to look past other people's shortcomings, you know I brought this up at the beginning of the sermon and kind of dig a little bit deeper into it now Not everyone's perfect, right? But if you want to be the best person you could be you'll be able to look past some of that stuff And still be able to serve and still be able to minister and still be able to do good unto people who Might end up using you might end up abusing you might end up just taking you what you do for granted Not caring about what you do You have to be willing to be hey, this is a thankless job But i'm okay with that because i'm going to humble myself i'm going to serve i'm still going to do what's right I'm going to have my heart right and at the end of the day god is going to see all of that You don't have to receive the praise of men And look the the people you know people I think a lot of people will be surprised at the judgment seat of christ There's gonna be a lot of surprises for a lot of people Because the people that some might think wow that person is so holy that person's so Righteous that person's so great and godly right because they look so great and godly externally to people They might be saved you see them in heaven like yeah, they're safe, but like they didn't really do anything They're kind of just taking advantage of everyone else And and making themselves look really good Right and they were able to give the great prayers in front of everyone and they got their glory right they got their reward Because they were fasting openly and praying openly and doing all this stuff hopefully just to be seen of men And guys are going to be like Yeah, that's wood hey and subtle buddy. You already you you got your reward I'm not giving you a reward for that. You got the praise right? It's over That's gone But this guy Who didn't cause any problems Not really well known But man did he serve a lot He helped a lot of people he was working behind the scenes. He was doing some great things Look at all the rewards he's got Look at all the rewards he's got and he's got that for eternity And don't ever Even if you feel unappreciated don't worry about it don't let it get you down Who do you think has the the the the largest feeling of being unappreciated that lived and walked this earth? Jesus christ himself He's a son of god if anyone ought to just be worshiped and exalted and lifted up and prayed, you know, how about jesus? But even for those that didn't know he was the son of god He still did everything right and he did good and he healed and he blessed and he taught and was selfless And you know and did everything for others Yet he still was despised and afflicted and rejected. You know, it's like Talk about a thankless job And he died on the cross and shed his blood for people who never even received him Because he died for the sins of the whole world He still went through and died. Look we're not calvinists here. He didn't die for some he died for all And he died for the people that are burning in hell right now. He shed his blood for them He loved them even though they didn't love him and never accepted him. He still died for them He still suffered and bled and died he still went through with it that's thankless They didn't even ever receive him But like I said before now, I mean he's got a name of all names He is exalted There is a thanks that comes But when he's walking and doing the work it could be a very thankless job Don't get discouraged right Keep at it. Keep doing what you're supposed to be doing Think about others Serve others and you know what? Honestly when people When people are kind of carnal and people have bad attitudes and you don't really want to help someone out because they're kind of a jerk or They don't have the best attitude or whatever right like whatever the case may be You Doing good and doing well to people Oftentimes not 100 of the time so don't just say oh I did that best person to work not every time but oftentimes You're leading by example And when no one they have nothing bad to say about you because you've only done good Then sometimes it slaps them in the face going why am I being a jerk? And I bring this up my brother's a multiple times in dealing with like marriages for example, right where Especially with with husbands and wives and the wife is supposed to be submissive the husband But then the wife's complaints and well my husband's a jerk and he doesn't appreciate me and all you know and and then you kind of have this chip on your shoulder and you're a little bitter and you don't really want to do anything because You think your husband's just a big jerk and he's always mean to you and he's that you know He's not loving you know, he should be loving the Bible says he should love me. That's true. He should love you But instead of just having this back and forth right Well, he reviled me. So I'm gonna revile him follow Jesus example who when he was revived reviled not again When he suffered he threatened not right? Wives can win over their husbands, even if they are being jerks if you're just doing at being submissive doing the work serving Helping at some point. Hopefully the light bulb will go off In the man's mind going you'll be it'll be that much more obvious Like man, I'm actually being a jerk Because she didn't do anything when you have nothing that she's doing to you It becomes much more obvious it's the same thing with other people That may not be your spouse you have these interactions with they're like man, they're just not appreciative So I don't want to do anything for them. Well You can still serve and be a blessing to people like that it might end up helping them at some point I Know there's that part of us that wants to say You don't help me. I don't help you But that's not the spirit speaking in you That's your flesh Not easy to be long-suffering Not easy to show all that mercy It's what we're called to do Verse 8 first Peter chapter 3 the Bible reads finally be all of one mind having compassion one of another love as brethren be pitiful be Curt out pitiful doesn't mean like like some joke of a person. It's showing pity Right. It's similar to compassion. You're gonna you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna extend pity extend grace show pity on people That's what it means to be pitiful. Okay be courteous Not rendering evil for evil or railing for railing Well, he said this so I'm calling you that you know, that's how the fights just continue that's how drama continues That's how things never get solved Evil for evil railing for railing but contrary wise blessing Knowing that ye are there unto called that's what you're called to do That ye should inherit a blessing When you bless those that curse you When you bless those that despitefully use you You get a blessing for that you get a reward for that. That is what you are supposed to do and That also helps squash so much drama You don't have to admit guilt when when you haven't done anything wrong, right? You don't have to apologize for something you didn't do to end arguments and end disputes But you can still bless people that have done you wrong Now if you have done wrong apologize for that right admit that you're wrong That's a good start But if you haven't done any wrong or you don't think you've done anything wrong, you think you're you're in the right? You can still bless those That that you think of slighted you And That just helps the unity of the spirit in general, especially within a church and you know I'm specifically pretty you know talking about the church It's not that it doesn't apply other places, but especially within our church And yeah, I brought this up recently but you could turn if you would to Actually turn to Matthew 25, I'll just read for you from Titus chapter 2, you know Older people in the church Help the younger people in the church Help that because you know what foolishness is bound in the heart of children And especially young children, but then as they grow even teenagers, you know, they need guidance. They need direction You start hearing about things that are going on and little bickering and little dramas and things are going on Give them the guidance give them the the biblical principles and help them to navigate these situations in a godly way give them that instruction because their flesh is going to tell them to do something different and Especially if you get a bunch of kids and you start getting a kid mentality That can get pretty persuasive amongst Teenagers amongst children, you know, they need this guidance. They need the the direction they need the the Instruction like no look that's not right Don't be You know too cool for other people. Don't be casting people out. Don't be speaking evil of people Don't be you know, don't be like that and maybe they weren't the nicest to you or friendliest to you just Don't don't perpetuate things let them go It's it's the best thing to do, you know, they're your brother in Christ, they're your sister in Christ We're gonna let it go We're gonna we're gonna we're gonna turn the other cheek. We're gonna look the other way we're gonna just allow anything that might have been wrong to pass by and You can still say hi to that person. You can still say god bless you. You don't have to just shun them Okay, because there is a time to shun But you do not want to be using this inappropriately First Corinthians 5 explains very clearly when it's appropriate to shun And that's people and grievous sin. I mean you're talking about things or committing fornication. They're a drunkard, you know, whatever That's the time to shun now Of course parents are gonna be able to decide for their children who their friends with and who they're not with that's not the Same as shunning right shunning is you have nothing to do with any with someone. I'm not gonna speak to you I'm not gonna talk to you. I'm not gonna do I'm not gonna have lunch with you or anything like that. Look that's different Okay, but you have to be able to have find the right balance to especially with the parents and and the children that you know You want to keep your children with the right influences around the right, you know And and and have them as well protected as you can have them but but don't let things get out of hand to a point of like Just everything, you know, if someone just to the point of shunning, right? Because that's pretty extreme you want to be able to still be able to love people and and and be there for them and be able to help them as needed In a brotherly love and a sisterly love Even if you're not necessarily going to be friends right like friends as in we're always talking and going out and doing everything Right. This is this is how we need to find that balance within within the church. I do turn to Matthew 25 I'll just read for you from Titus chapter 2 verse 3 The Bible says the aged women likewise that they may be in behavior has become a holiness not false accusers not given too much wine Teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands and love their children to be discreet chaste keepers at home good Obedient to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blasphemed So there's a role for the older in this specific case the older women To be able to teach the younger women to be godly to be righteous You know in all these different areas of their life that that especially specifically pertain to women Teach the young women how to be godly women from the godly women. Just just take them aside and help them out, right? And and it's similar with the you know, the young men The older men been around your experience you mature Help guide these young guys Show them the right way Matthew 25 almost done here got to two references Matthew 25 and then Philippians 2 Matthew 25 verse 34 But this is this is at the separation of the sheep and the goats. Okay Verse 34 then shall the king say unto them on his right hand come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom Prepared for you from the foundation of the world For I was in hundred and ye gave me meat. I was thirsty and he gave me drink I was a stranger What's he saying here I was hungry right you fed me I'm thirsty you gave me something to drink I was a stranger I was a foreigner. I was someone new. I was someone out of place and you took me in Okay, we ought to be able to be hospitable be caring and Honestly make efforts to take people in when we have new people joining the church We have people that kind of seem to be outsiders look the strangers take them in Don't get in these cliques. And yeah, I just have my friendships We always need to be showing the love and and the long-suffering And especially as we get new people and there's gonna be people coming and and you know from so winning They have their problems. There's gonna be new believers. We need to help them grow and Not everyone is going to be outgoing to start making all the friendships don't have this attitude Well, if they want to be friends with me, they could come up to me. Look. No you go out to them You see someone just isolated off on their own Kind of like a stranger someone that just doesn't really feel like they fit in they feel like they don't belong Why don't you go approach that person and be friendly to them? This Is what Jesus is talking about here look I was hungry you gave me me our associate the needs that other people had I had These needs and you helped me satisfy those needs And this is Jesus speaking and they're like, what do you mean Lord? Like when did I ever do that for you? I Never saw never saw you in need. I never saw you hungry or thirsty. Like I didn't Lord Lord, please Yeah, I thank you. But like I never I never saw you in that condition Verse 36 is naked and he clothed me. I was sick. He visited me. I was in prison You came unto me write all these different examples You whatever my need was you took care of me And you know, this would be a good and I this this has this just popped in my head I'm not saying this happened even but let's say there's someone that just like got sick a camp that no one really knew Well, you know, it would be good is for you You Yeah, you say me yes you to go help that person Especially those that have no one else There may just be a visitor. They don't have a lot of friends go help them Go up them think about them You know, I people won't even help them is because they're probably not even thinking about them at all because you're not considering them And I'm not saying you have to always have every single church member in your mind at all times You know one could do that, right? That'd be great If we could do that It's not always gonna be possible But at least if you see them don't look the other way You know you have the story of the Good Samaritan What did he do the Bible actually says this Bible says that he had compassion on him? So he saw the guy that got mugged and was left in the ditch and the other supposed holy people the priests and Levite they're like I want to deal with that right that guy's got issues. I don't want to deal with that The guy that had compassion the Samaritan the guy that's already kind of cast out in society he goes over there and helps him out and He provides for him and he gives him the food and he sets him on his way and he puts him on his ass and He does all this to help out the guy in need What's the same you know when people are need help him out And especially those in church hey consider consider one another I Was sick you visited me I was in prison you came unto me then shall the righteous answer in verse 37 saying Lord When sorry the 100 and fed the or thirsty and gave the drink when sorry the a stranger and took the inner naked and clothed The or when sorry the sicker in prison and came under the verse 40 and the king shall answer and say unto them very I say unto you and as much as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren you have done it unto me He sees what you do for your brethren When you're treating other people and you're there and you're helping them out He says as much as you've done that for the least of them. You've done it unto me So when you serve others and you have this humble attitude and you are just willing to help and be a blessing to those That have nobody that don't have this world's good. Maybe that don't have all the advantage that you have They'll just be like well suck it up, but a cup. You know you gotta just deal with that help about And and this is something I'll just share with you some some knowledge that I've gained over the What year are we in? 2023 When was I in 2013 10 years now pastoring Church churches 10 years The Things that we take for granted if you've been brought up in a good household Right one where your parents taught you character This is how you treat people This is what's right all the lessons if you've grown up in a good household where you learn the things that we would probably call Common sense or at least I would hope would have been common sense Not everyone has had that same opportunity so where are they gonna learn those things if they didn't get them from home where public school Yeah, right They're gonna have to get them from church Okay Now you may be offended Because someone else doesn't have common sense Right it's common for you because you were raised, right? It's common for me I was raised right now, you know within reason of course, right? Like there's always but you know the the basics the working hard, you know Do things don't make other people have to care for you. You just you take care of yourself You you help other people you do all these good things all these good morals and values Right, but that you think other people should have not everyone gets that from a child But you have to be taught that you have to even though it's so simple, right It should click real quick with people not everyone gets that That everyone was raised that way Consider other people that their whole life could just be dramatically different than yours very different experience very different upbringing They might have been raised in a situation where man if they're gonna eat anything They're gonna have to just like try to take it and hide it and just so they could eat Maybe right You may not know and you know and people if they're trying to not really just let people know about all things in their past Will never tell you Look, my whole point all of this is you don't always know What other people have been through what they've been taught or anything like that I've seen this over the years and I've just it just strengthens now my Understanding of how man I really need to teach on some of the most basic things and some of you are just gonna be like You might almost feel bored Because it's something you just know so well, but understand not everybody has had the same Upraying or has the same knowledge that you do Okay, and and this needs to be one dealt with graciously and with Long-suffering and being a little loud for people to come in and not have the same advantages that you've had and help take them by the hand and guide them and teach them truth and care about them and not just isolate them because You know, they should just know this stuff They should already know how to do whatever right don't cast them off And then and then don't cast someone else off and then be all upset when someone casts you off You reap what you sow Philippians chapter 2 will close here Philippians chapter 2 What one of my favorite chapters an entire Bible I love this passage this goes to the heart of Christianity like this whole sermon topic of considering one another Thinking by other people being a minister. That's what that's what being Christlike is This is the heart This is part of the battle and our struggle against our flesh that we have to deal with every day To live righteously to humble ourselves to be able to serve Philippians 2 verse number 1 the Bible says if there be therefore any consolation in Christ if any comfort of love if any fellowship of the Spirit if any bowels and mercies fulfill ye my joy That ye be like-minded having the same love being of one accord of one mind Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory Stripe is fighting and vainglory is just like you think you're so great But in loneliness of mind Let each esteem other better than themselves When you deal with other people you look at them as if they're more important than you I'm gonna steam you better What does that mean? I'm willing to now take on more burden. I'm going to do more work I'm gonna get my face down to the ground to help you be lifted up This is the spirit that we need and this is gonna strengthen our church immensely when people can live this way You will always have people That will take advantage of those who live this way So understand that but don't let that change you from doing what's right Just because there were those who rejected Christ and never received him didn't mean he's just like well, you know what forget it then I'm not gonna do it for anybody We'd all be in big trouble then You Not doing it for those who just are gonna be you know use using and everything else you do it for those who you're actually Gonna be able to help but you don't know who that's gonna be. So you just have to do it for everybody You just have to have that mindset and have that attitude just be like, okay, I'm gonna be lowly I'm gonna be humble and I'm gonna help Railing for railing strive for strife. That's not going to help Your brother sister in Christ and this is you know, we're talking about brethren here This isn't just the whole world. This isn't reprobates. This isn't you know Those people this is just talking about within the church, you know godly people people of Christ First for look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others So should you look on your own things? Sure. Make sure your house is in order Make sure you've got your things dealt with but you know what also What can I do to help other people out? What can I do to help you get your stuff in order? You know look on the things of others Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus have this mindset because this is the mindset that Christ had Jump down to verse 14 do all things without murmurings and disputings And I'm not preaching myself this morning as much as anyone else Because it's not always easy to do to try to serve and be lowly and do everything without complaining about it But it's what we're supposed to do If I was perfect I would never say one bad word About the work that goes into thing, you know, it's Now obviously correct when corrections needed corrections needed that's not that's not complaining but the murmuring here is talking about complaining it's talking about man Man, I can't believe so-and-so and they did you know, like look don't do that. No one should be doing that I shouldn't be doing that. You shouldn't be doing that. No one should Do all things without murmurings and disputings That you may be blameless and harmless the sons of God without Rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom you shine as lights in the world world's perverse and crooked But we're supposed to be different. We're supposed to be the light. We're supposed to shine the right way of doing things Jump down to verse number 19, but I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timotheus shortly unto you That I also may be of good comfort when I know your state for I have no man like-minded Who will naturally care for your state? He's writing a letter to the Philippians And he's tensed and telling them look I'm gonna send Timothy to minister unto you He's gonna help you. He's gonna help lead you and guide you and Spiritually feed you and you know and be a blessing unto you But he reveals as he says I have no man like-minded who will naturally care for your state for all seek their own Not the things which are Jesus Christ. What's he saying there? Well, I would have all these other people to send But I can't because they don't really care about you that much they care about themselves Shame on them. He's like I got one guy I could send Timothy his heart's right. He's in it. He's willing to serve We need more people to minister Because the work that's being done I mean the work that that was done Started by the Apostles was a big job because there's churches starting up all over the place and people needing more Care and ministry and help and guidance and growth We need more people to be humble more people to have the heart to consider others and stop worrying about everything that's just you Think about what you're gonna do for other people How am I gonna help? It requires sacrifice it requires a lot of Long days and short nights And that's what the Bible says The Apostle Paul talks about how they labored you know, he worked with his own hands at night and then he went out during the day and and you know Spiritually fed them while he's making tents and doing everything else at night. He's just showing them. Look. This is how you work hard You've got time to be able to support yourself And be a blessing others and still serve and be a minister and and do this other work It can be done. You got a sacrifice You got to be willing You gotta be willing to humble yourself. You've got to be willing to overcome all of those things in your flesh in Order to be effective, but I'll tell you what it's all worth it It's all worth it if every single person that you served still turn their back on you stabbed you in the back Probably even more so it would be worth it Because at the judgment seat of Christ God is gonna be well pleased that you still served even through the tribulations and the trials and That you didn't give up He takes care of you he will take care of you but you know what that's not gonna happen anyways everybody won't stab you in the back and You still get blessings on this life when you could when you see people look and again in the ten years I've seen it. I've seen it within this church people who have grown You make sacrifices you help where you can and When people grow that is a blessing and you don't always see it on the short term But people who stick with the church I've seen people who started with this church that didn't know how to give the gospel that didn't know a lot of things That have grown and matured and are now in positions to help teach other people and help train other people and do you know? That's a blessing in itself that shows. Hey, this is worthwhile. This is great it's not everybody that's gonna do that, but you know what let's Let's share that mindset And it doesn't take much But you know what you decide for yourself what mind you're gonna have You're gonna consider other people Even when they don't consider you Should We consider it and be thinking and thoughtful what what what I do, how will this impact other people? How are my actions going to have an impact maybe on someone else whether it be with the sickness or with anything Even just the things that I say We're supposed to be provoking one another unto love and two good works, right? That's what we're supposed to be doing. If everything was working perfectly. That's what everyone would be doing all the time Encouragement education great. Yeah. Hey, let's let's keep doing more for the Lord Yeah, we're not perfect But There's an opportunity Is is what I taught this morning. Is this from the Word of God? I think it is. Otherwise, I wouldn't be saying it Okay, you decide that for yourself and and and self examine and say what changes do I need to make? What what area what people what you know? How can I? Be more considerate and Be more humble and and do more to be a minister and a servant and have the the mind that Christ had What more can I do and I'll tell you right now We all can improve in this area. I know that for a fact if you're sitting there thinking like And if you're sitting there thinking well, I'm glad that he preached this for so-and-so you're the one I'm preaching for Right now if you're thinking man, I hope so-and-so is listening to this and they hear this you are the one that I'm preaching to Because you need to apply this to yourself and if you're just thinking about oh man this person you need to you're the one 100% Let's borrow. I just have a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father Thank you so much for your word. Thank you for the example that you've given us. Thank you for these great words of truth on How we ought to live and Lord we struggle with our flesh we're not perfect and I pray that you would help us overcome our flesh help us to strengthen our spirit and and to have the right mindset dear Lord and not get sucked into vain glory and disputes and and Fightings dear Lord and that we'd be able to just take the high road the road that you've shown us to be able to Humble ourselves funny. The high road is actually the low road When it comes to how we walk we were humble and we Are able to suffer things long and and and be there still to help Lord help us to Navigate and find the right way and have a good balance in our life dear Lord Thank you for all that you've done for us and for the mercy you've extended to us and in in so many areas dear Lord And and I pray that you would just work through this church and help us to grow Stronger in the coming year. We love you. It's in Jesus name. We pray. Amen All right, we're gonna sing one last song before we are dismissed brother Peter we please lead us So number 66 at count Number 66 Oh Oh Oh Oh You