(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, well good morning everyone. I know a change of events this morning. Obviously I'm not pastor this morning so pastor is out feeling a little ill this morning and he just wanted to take some precaution and everything like that so gave me and Devin a bus to see if we can fill in for him. So we pray that he will have safe recovery and everything and get back here healthy and everything and unfortunately you stuck with me this morning so so let's uh let's get into it. All right Proverbs chapter 23 let's look at verse 23 the Bible says by the truth and sell it not also wisdom and instruction and understanding and this morning sermon title we're going to speak from that first part of the verse that says by the truth and sell it not by the truth and sell it not and for one I understand there's different interpretations as to what people would understand this scripture to mean where it says by the truth and sell it not and usually you know when I read this some years ago a while ago as well I looked at this one and you know I take the initial interpretation as well that this is talking about not selling the things of God that basically we should not turn the house of God into a house of merchandise the house of God should not be a place where we are selling Bibles where we're selling DVDs and where we selling breakfast plates and where we selling Starbucks and movie tickets or anything like that those type of things should not go on in the house of God we should not make the house of God a house of merchandise we've seen how Jesus Christ slowly sat down and started to make a whip and basically started driving people out of the temple he started overthrowing the tables and everything and the money changers and you know what we should not that is evidence that we should not sell things in the house of God so with that interpretation by the truth and sell it not you know when you look at that interpretation hey I agree with that that we should not make the house of God a house of merchandise but at that I really believe that when it comes to this scripture that this scripture is actually going deeper than selling things in the house of God and we're going to get into that if you look at it normally including myself normally only the first half of this verse is quoted but there's a remainder of this verse as well and we can understand that wait a minute God is not just talking about selling things in the house of God let's look closely at the scripture the Bible says by the truth and sell it not but then there's a conjunction also wisdom and instruction and understanding so look at that scripture again by the truth and sell it not if you stop there you could say yeah don't buy the things of God you shouldn't be buying Bibles but wait a minute he says also wisdom and instruction and understanding and the thing is you say well what's the big deal about that well these are things that you can't buy with money these are things that you cannot buy with money and that is why pretty much I have to take a closer look at this and say wait a minute he's not talking about selling in the temple selling the things of God because if that's the case he says by truth as well but then not only just sell it don't sell it but then these are things that you also should buy because he's saying also by truth but then also by these wisdom and instruction and understanding and as I mentioned these are things that you cannot buy with money so first of all just going into this scripture here two things number one these are things that you can't buy with money and two these are things that only God can give and you cannot whip out your bank card and buy wisdom from God you cannot write a check for understanding to receive from God so there is something deeper when he says by the truth and sell it not so let's break down this word here for one he says by the truth first of all just the first word by well let's get an understanding when you buy something well what's going on when you look at the physical sense of buying something when you buy something what's going on is that you're making a purchase you are taking possession of it you are going to take it and you're gonna hold it is going to become yours you're going to become the owner of it is yours when you buy something but wait a minute what about when you sell something right when you sell something it's no longer yours it is out of your possession you have forfeited those things when you sell something right so when you look at that as a physical sense in the same nature if you look at it in a spiritual sense of things when you buy things guess what you can take hold of them you can have possession of those things when we buy something and as I mentioned we automatically hear the word buy to buy something we automatically think money yeah you need money to buy something right and and that's naturally right but remember these words as Jesus said the words that I see he said they are spirit the words that we're dealing with this morning they are spirit and the thing is is that God want us to purchase these spiritual possessions he want us to have these spiritual characteristics and attributes but here's the thing these are things that we can buy that we can obtain and without money if that makes sense so I believe what the Lord is saying here is that he want us to buy the truth and sell it not basically these are godly principles that we should take hold of right because clearly this will help us in our Christian growth right clearly these are things wisdom excuse me by the truth and selling not also wisdom and instruction and understanding these are things that you clearly cannot buy with money and as I mentioned when you buy something you're holding right you're taking possession of it right you're you're you're the owner of it it's in your vicinity when you buy something but as I mentioned when you sell something you forfeit it it's no longer yours you let those things go you forsake those things when you something right so I believe the Lord is simply telling us here that we're to take hold of truth that we should take hold of wisdom that we shall hold firm to knowledge and instruction so that's why I believe God is really saying here and as I mentioned there's nothing wrong with the interpretation of selling things or having the interpretation that we should not sell things in the temple I believe that as well but as I mentioned here the things that God is saying that we are to buy you cannot buy with money turn to Proverbs chapter 4 we will really see the same thing in Proverbs 4 where God is saying as we saying in Proverbs 23 that we are to buy the truth and sell it not but then also these are things that we should buy wisdom and instruction and understanding Proverbs chapter 4 look at what he says in verse 13 he says take fast hold of instruction let not her go keep her for she is that for she is thy life so notice what he's saying in Proverbs 23 he says by the truth and sell it not also wisdom and instruction well what did the Lord just say here take fast hold of instruction right let not her go doesn't it sound like once you buy something you keep right so he's saying concerning instruction don't let her go don't sell her don't let her out of your possession don't forsake it so he's saying take fast hold of instruction of instruction let her not go keep her for she is thy life one chapter back in Proverbs chapter 3 look at that Proverbs chapter 3 verse 1 the Bible says my son forget not my law well what happens when you forget something that means you don't have it it's not currently with you you have to go digging for right so he says my son forget not my law but let thine heart here it is keep my Commandments for length of days and long life and peace shall they add to thee let not mercy and truth forsake thee so wait doesn't that sound like losing something when you forsake something is no longer yours so he's saying let not mercy and truth forsake thee bind them also known as what you can keep something or obtain something or keeping your possession he's saying bind them about thy neck write them upon the table of thine heart so he's saying there just as we seen in Proverbs 23 by the truth and sell it not also wisdom and instruction and understanding when you buy something you're simply taking possession of it it is simply yours you become the owner of it so what we saying when we tying in these other verses is that the Lord is saying take fast hold of instruction yeah that sound like he's saying buy it to purchase it to obtain it let not her go keep her for she is our life chapter 3 for length of days and long life and peace shall they add to thee let not mercy and truth forsake thee so he's saying then bind them about thy neck so hold fast to these things so we see that the Lord is telling us to buy godly things godly attributes godly principles and to take hold of them keep them don't forsake them don't let them go is what he's telling us and the truth of the matter as I mentioned is that you can't buy these things with money so when he says buy the truth and sell it not don't just stop there read the rest of the verse also wisdom and instruction and understanding right so when you look at this most people say well wait a minute when you buy something you have to have money you have to have some type of you know whether you get a loan or anything and I will call no minds we're thinking well he says by so you you have to have money well here's the thing in God's economy you can buy things from God without money as I mentioned again in God's economy and though in the things of God you can purchase them without money you can purchase them free of charge right for example as I mentioned in God's economy you can purchase things and it doesn't include money you say give me an example where here's an example your salvation your salvation was purchased guess what without money let's go to 1st Peter 1st Peter chapter 1 you were purchased by God and guess what it was without money there was no credit cards whipped out there was no you know cash advances there was no cash laid out to buy brother Peter and and and brother Micah and everyone in here listen that did not include money to purchase your salvation money could not cut it in God's economy to purchase salvation for the world you still with me let's look at 1st Peter chapter 1 the Bible says in verse 18 as I mentioned you are purchased and it's without money verse 18 for as much as you know that ye were not redeemed what was being redeemed being bought getting possession of for as much as you know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold that's your money right there from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers but with the precious blood of Christ as of a land without blemish and without spot notice how he just said we were purchased we were purchased not with silver not with gold but with the precious blood of Christ in God's economy you can purchase things and it's without money we were received by the Lord guess what and it wasn't due to any silver and gold it was due to the precious blood of Christ it was not the blood of bulls and goats but it was by the blood of Jesus Christ that we have been redeemed not only that we were purchased by God concerning our salvation we were purchased by him and it was without money it was by his blood but watch this we also purchased we bought our salvation and watch this it was without money now I know somebody gonna stop right there and said wait a minute he just said that we bought salvation heresy heretic because he said that we bought our salvation well yeah if you just stop right here in this sermon and just listen to this what do we say before that in God's economy you can purchase things buy things and it's without money guess what we were able to obtain our salvation we was able to buy our salvation and guess what it was without money let's go to Revelation chapter 22 Revelation chapter 22 these are some of the last words in the Word of God and notice what the Bible say in verse 16 I Jesus have sent my an angel to testify unto you these things in the churches I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright and morning star verse 17 listen closely and the Spirit and the bride say come and let him that hear it say come and let him that is a thirst come what is this talking about salvation let him that is a thirst come and whosoever will let him take the water of life freely guess what salvation is free salvation can be purchased guess what and it's without money he is saying concerning salvation whosoever will let him take water take the water of life with a charge for for $35 no it's free it's a free gift it was paid for by Jesus Christ so as I mentioned when you buy something in God's economy he's talking about purchasing some or taking hold of something or holding fast to it or it's just basically being in your vicinity so basically when we purchase salvation when we obtain salvation it's free we did nothing for it it was a gift he says whosoever will let him take the water of life freely if you don't have to turn there but the gospel John chapter 4 right where the woman at the whale Jesus asked her for a drink of water what is she thinking about carnally yeah you know water you know I have nothing you have nothing to draw with you know well sorry give me this water you know that I may live that was she's thinking carnally and what is Jesus saying well if you knew the gift of God right it's free if you knew the gift of God and who it was that ask of thee of water guess what he said you would ask of me and I would have given thee living water well it sound like the same thing in Revelation 22 here whosoever will let him take the water of life that's talking about salvation freely so we obtain that salvation we buy that salvation not with a card no we buy it we obtain that salvation and it's free because it was paid for by Jesus Christ when he shed his blood so as I mentioned in God's way of things and God way of things skills at God's and God way of things guess what we can purchase and we don't need money right let's see this again Isaiah chapter 55 you can purchase and it's without money this is concerning salvation as well in the Old Testament how the Lord is saying for people to buy salvation obtain salvation buy it but watch this not with money though the guys there 55 verse 1 says hope what is that that's talking about getting someone's attention he want people to focus in I'm trying to bring people in hope everyone that thirsteth wait didn't we see that word in Revelation 22 everyone that thirst if come ye to the waters there go that word water again this is all about salvation and he that hath no money come ye buy and eat how you gonna buy and you don't have money how you gonna buy hey because salvation can be bought without money hold everyone that thirsteth come ye to the waters and he that hath no money come ye buy and eat yea come buy wine and milk without money and without price wherefore do you spend money for that which is not bread and labor for that which satisfies not hearken diligently unto me and eat ye that which is good and let your soul delight itself in fatness incline your ear and come unto me here and your soul shall live and I will make an everlasting covenant with you even the sure mercies of David behold I have given him for a witness to the people a leader and commander to the people behold thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not a nation and nations that knew thee not shall run unto thee because of the Lord thy God and for the Holy One of Israel for he hath glorified thee verses see ye the Lord while he may be found call upon him while he is near this is talking about salvation buy wine and milk without money everyone that thirsteth come ye to the waters and he that hath no money he's saying come by it but it's free but it costs the Lord everything his son Jesus Christ his blood so as I mentioned when it comes to the thing to the things of God these spiritual things wisdom truth wisdom instruction knowledge guess what these cannot be purchased with money James 1 5 one of the things that the Lord told us to buy and Proverbs was wisdom well James 1 5 remember says if any of you lack wisdom let him buy it of God you didn't say that let him ask of God that give it to all men liberally and a braideth not and it shall be given him liberally right does that freely he won't have an issue giving it to you but notice that it was not to be bought he was saying to ask if you lack wisdom ask him we know Solomon one of the first things he did when he was in and in office that's the king what did he do he asked for wisdom he didn't buy wisdom so the Bible what I'm seeing here is that he's telling us that we ought to buy wisdom take hold of wisdom instruction knowledge understanding and he's saying sell it not don't lose those things don't forsake those things right so let me catch myself I got a little head of myself hang tight right so we shouldn't forsake those things and remember when it comes to the things of God we don't need money right so basically remember he said by the truth well what is the truth later on Jesus says sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth so there are some truths and I'm not gonna say some excuse me let me rephrase that the truths or the words of God are words that we are to obtain we are to buy we have we are the half in our possession and watch this don't let them go don't change on those things the things that the Word of God say the wisdom the instruction of God the direction what he's telling us hey buy those things obtain them but don't sell them don't let them go now I thought of many things all that was introduction by the way I thought of many things that we have over years as a as a nation maybe as an individual things that were godly principles godly foundational things that people bought in the past people obtained they took hold of those things but then guess what they sold them they no longer have those beliefs they no longer believe those things that God said right so number one I had to really condense this down and kind of pull out some things that really would stick out I can't preach here you know long preaching right like Paul unless you want me to but anyhow for number one things that you know one personally I have bought I have received I hold true to and guess what I'm not letting go and guess what these are things that you should as well obtain and not let go number one praise God I would say about ninety nine ninety eight percent of the people in this church have bought this one number one things that we should buy and not sell number one salvation alone by faith in Jesus Christ salvation alone by faith in Christ Jesus turn to Galatians chapter 2 there was so many arenas that I could hit with this one I had to really zone in and and condense it down but Galatians chapter 2 salvation alone Galatians chapter 2 verse number 16 says knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified just black and white here's the thing this is not up for discussion this is not something that I can put on the table and say well this may be some I may be able to sail I may be able to lose no there's no discussion about this one this is black and white it's clear as day that you are justified you are saved not by your works you are justified by the blood of Jesus Christ and here's the thing he says not of works but excuse me not by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified and as simple as this is you say well everybody in the world bought this one salvation by faith really cuz I just want to know when you go out to preach the gospel how far in between is before you get somebody who has this right you may go a whole day may not find a single person who's right on this I've gone two weeks three weeks and have not found anybody who has this right Lord are there many that be saved is it wasn't that the question you say everybody received that one no not so right not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us turn to 2nd Timothy 2nd Timothy chapter 1 and let me see I think I actually put this I'm in the wrong chapter that's my problem okay no my problem is that I'm in first Timothy okay all right verse 8 second Timothy chapter 1 verse 8 forgive me second Timothy chapter 1 look at verse 8 it says be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord nor of me his prisoner but be be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God who hath saved us and called us within holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began this is something I always like to ask people you know if you could work your way to heaven if you could save yourself why do you need a Savior only a person who needs to be saved need a Savior if you can earn your way there then you don't need a Savior what is the purpose of Jesus Christ to come die for you if you can save yourself everything that Jesus Christ did then is in vain the Bible says I do not frustrate the grace of God for if righteousness come by the law then Christ is dead in vain everything all the suffering of Jesus Christ him being beaten he's shedding his blood he descended to hell for three days and three nights and then resurrected all that is in vain if righteousness come by the law if righteousness come by your works you say everybody knows this come on just move on really here it is these are truths that people have bought in the past a lot of churches may have bought in the past a lot of pastors may have bought in the past but what is it now they have sold those things where they thinking well I think now you probably got to do some work you probably got a you know enduring to the end you probably got a you know do the best as you can and then God will probably let you what is it they're selling those things that they once bought and honestly I'm even doubting if they even bought them in the first place I'm doubting if they actually obtained their salvation in the first place free without money that gift of salvation I really doubt if they did here's another one salvation is it exclusive or inclusive exclusive or inclusive well you say well what is it exclusive what does that mean well exclusive me is it centrally just Jesus Christ or is it you know inclusive meaning all religions lead to the Lord there's one God yeah that's true there is one God but then all religions leads on now that's falsehood that's wrong right so this is another where people are dabbling on the fence today I know a pastor personally who gets up in Virginia I used to listen to him pastor Howard John Wesley I'm gonna call him out by name because you know what this guy ought to be avoided he has a big following on YouTube I found him on YouTube years before I was I was saved and the thing is this guy is a total heretic but guess what he literally would tell you I believe that Jesus is the way for me but as for anybody else I don't know well wait that's confusion you get up every Sunday and you preach Jesus but then when somebody sit you down one-on-one you say well I can't really say that he's for everybody that's just a route that I've chosen and he literally says that salvation is inclusive it's everybody nobody salvation is exclusive you don't have to turn there if you want to gospel John chapter 14 John chapter 14 verse 6 it is exclusive I like gospel John I'll quote gospel John chapter 10 verse 9 I am the door wait that's how like exclusive it didn't say there are many doors I am the door using the door as an example for salvation I am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture wait buddy that is exclusive is that exclusive 14 6 John 14 6 I'm sure you know we were coming there Jesus said unto them unto him I am the truth the way excuse me I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me you say come on move on it's not so hard everybody knows this exclusive it's only Jesus really I highly doubt that I literally was out last month on a Monday group we were out so in it and a lady I I really got hyped and overjoyed because you know finally came across somebody who is saved right as I'm thinking I'm like great she said oh yes what church you from I said a stronghold Baptist Church great I'm a Baptist because I was about to say if you would you hold a witness but here it is I'm a Baptist I grew up Baptist and you know what I'm Baptist that's who I am okay and so we kept talking okay great got to talk about salvation well yeah I believe Jesus but I don't speak for anybody else I think you know they can do whatever they want and just you know they don't have to come through Jesus wait a minute that's confused now now my joy is gone now I was happy and now I'm sad now everybody don't have this testimony and as I mentioned this is a truth a wisdom an instruction that people have bought and you know what some people are letting it go some people are selling it number two here's another one the King James Bible right one day people bought not talking about what physical money a truth that people bought yet yeah that's the inspired Word of God but as years went on and new Bible verses sprung up people well it does make it a little bit simpler it does make it you know and take out the D and just you know really explains it a lot simpler than well now they're starting to sell those things right turn to 1st Peter chapter 1 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 23 the Bible says being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible I like here because I normally I get right to in a rush to get to the next following words by the Word of God but wait a minute he says something there he said being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible well that means that there is a corruptible seed out then there's no purpose in bringing that up if there is not a corruptible seed the fact that he brings it up is that he's saying there are people who have corrupted my word there are people who have tainted with my word so he's saying we are saved we are born again not by corruptible seed but of incorruptible there is a corruptible seed Jesus said in the in the parable of the of the the sowers he said the seed is the Word of God I'm gonna quote 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 the Bible says for we are not as many which corrupt the Word of God but as of sincerity but as of God in the sight of God speak we in Christ notice what he said for we are not as many many people have corrupted the Word of God is what he's saying many people are twisting and perverting even just you normal King James Bible many people are turning it on his head to say things that is not really saying so he's saying for we are not as many this is Paul writing to the Church of Corinth and he's basically saying that this is a common thing if many people are doing it this is common that people are corrupting they're twisting the Word of God and you say well why bring up this well because this is the truth that many churches have embraced over years many pastors many people in the churches have received over years they have bought this truth that this is the only Bible for the english-speaking language this is the inspired Word of God but now I think the message Bible got some power in it I think the NIV man that thing can oh it can go that's what they think I mean I guarantee just go right here you can walk right here to victory Church I guarantee it's an IV I guarantee because I heard the testimonies out there I seen it a couple years ago online and you know what I'm sure nothing changed over there I'm sure it's still the same thing but guess what people have sold that truth that listen you don't have to have that Word of God you can get all of them they all say the same no they don't you just compare them and I'm not gonna get into you know scripture upon scripture for time's sake but just you know you don't have to be a genius to just put two things side by side and if they say something different then those things are not the same so number one things that people have sold people bought at one time but then they sold they're changing on those things number one salvation by Jesus Christ alone faith alone in Jesus Christ number two the inspired Word of God that King James Bible but then number three the return of Jesus Christ this is one that people bought but guess what over years people have sold they have changed those things let's turn to the most evident and common scripture Matthew chapter 24 you Matthew chapter 24 and let's pick up at verse 23 the Bible says clearly this is you go back to the context they asked a question about the Lord Jesus Christ's return and the signs that will be before he returned and these are the things he goes down in order of the things that will happen and this is in a chronological order as Jesus has said it here verse 23 the Bible says then if any man shall say unto you low here is Christ or there believe it not for or he said because for there shall arise false Christ and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders and so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect behold I have told you before wherefore if they shall say unto you behold he is in the desert go down forth behold he is in the secret chambers believe it not for as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the West soul shall also this the coming of the Son of Man be so he's saying listen there will be no secret when I come back I won't be in a secret chamber I won't be in a desert where you personally can come out and just see me saying in there you know or how they have on some of those pictures where he you know whatever that is I have on growing up in the house Jesus blue hair and whatever that is and so you won't see him going out you won't see him if you go out in desert and he's just there he's saying for as lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the West so basically when lightning strikes guess what it catches everybody's attention everybody looks up at the lightning whoa did you see that hey that is what he's saying so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be for wheresoever the carcass is there will the Eagles be gathered together immediately after the tribulation well what's so hard about this immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and then it's chronological and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory so what did he say here immediately after the tribulation well isn't this the truth that went on even from these days when when Jesus was speaking it John held on to it Peter held on to it I'm sure Barnabas held on to it many other apostles and prophets it kept going on this was just something that was coming but suddenly today people are losing these things right I'm sure we all have said in churches where you know this was not the truth around there anymore where people rejected this truth they sold this truth and bought the fact that hey we're going to be raptured up out of here before that is a truth I say that loosely that they have received they have sold what Jesus said and decided to buy a lie let's turn to 2nd Thessalonians 2nd Thessalonians verse 1 the Bible says now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him so what's the context our gathering unto the Lord Jesus Christ the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ the second coming verse 2 that ye be not soon shaken in mine or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us is that the day of Christ is at hand let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come this is simple that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposeth and has ordered himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped so that he has God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that he is God I mean just one word let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come one word keyword except he's basically saying something has to happen prior something has to happen prior to my coming there are tribulations we just seen that immediately after the tribulation and as I mentioned here I'm not going to go any further with this but people have sold this truth people no longer hold to these things now let's go to some personal things in our lives that the Lord has spoken on truths that we ought to not only just read but receive truths we ought to buy and not let them go number number four alcohol let's go to Proverbs chapter 20 and I'm practically just bringing out things that are really just hot topics pretty much that people just have you they want to debate about and they want to justify their sin for it and everything like that is practically I want to touch on those things Proverbs chapter 20 verse 1 it says wine is a marker strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise I mean just listen to that closely wine is a marker guess what it's gonna make a mockery out of you and you know what's funny with wine I guess maybe just a the verbiage of it wine I want some wine give me a wine they try to make it seem so smooth right I just have a glass of wine right but that's how the world paints is just oh just just a glass of wine but wait a minute God send the end of it is that it's gonna make a mockery out of you you're gonna be a fool at the end of it wine that thing that you presume to be just smooth we just relaxing wine is a marker strong drink is raging I mean raging that's that's wrath that's anger and you see drunk people people who get filled with wine people who sip wine and drink alcohol guess what happens well they become rageful they get angry they want to fight you want a piece of me yeah you see that all the time you like I'm just trying to walk past you but wine is a marker strong drink is raging this is the truth that we ought to receive this is the truth that people have a problem with and you know what it's the truth that we are to buy and not sell right let's go to let's go to Isaiah chapter 28 Isaiah 28 verse 1 woe to the crown of pride to the drunkards of Ephraim whose glorious beauty is a fading flower which are on the heads of the fat valleys wait a minute it's interesting here he says whose glorious beauty is fading but before that he said woe to the drunkards of pride to the drunkards of Ephraim whose glorious beauty beauty is fading isn't it amazing how drinking alcohol started to make you look ugly it makes you start to lose the beauty your pores and skin starts to look bad your eyes start to become yellowish it's amazing what alcohol would do to you he said after the drunkards of Ephraim here he says whose glorious beauty is fading yeah your beauty will start to fade your looks will start to fade when you drink alcohol verse 2 behold the Lord hath a mighty and strong one which as a tempest of hail and destroy and a destroying storm as a flood of mighty waters overflowing shall cast down to the earth with the hand the crown of pride the drunkards of Ephraim shall be trodden under feet and the glorious beauty which is on the head of the fat valley shall be a fading flower and as the hasty fruit before the summer which when he that looketh upon it seeth while it is yet in his hand he eateth it up in that day shall the Lord of hosts be for a crown of glory and for a diadem of beauty unto the residue of his people and for a spirit of judgment to him that sitteth in judgment and for strength to them that turn the battle to the gate verse 7 but they also have erred through wine and through strong drink are out of the way the priest and the Prophet have erred through strong drink they are swallowed up of wine they are out of the way strong they are out of the way through strong drink they are envisioned they stumble in judgment for all tables are full of vomit and filthiness so that there is no clean place look at what he said these priests and prophets they are the ones who are to preach the word of God they're the ones who are supposed to bring the people to the Lord and not scatter them but they can't because they're drunkards they can't because they engulfed with wine and strong drink and here's the thing people want to sit up and contest this and say well I don't think anything was wrong with that really well why is God putting it in here that these people cannot have sound judgment they can't teach right I'm sure they can't operate right they probably swerving all over their words and everything like that why would God put that in there if it's okay to drink if everything is well and then not only that you know people well you know not all wine is bad all wine don't make you do anything really well verse 7 for all tables are full of vomit you know vomit stinks you think God wants you just puking out your head in the toilet oh I got a hangover oh who wants to have their head in the toilet well waste go this is nasty God doesn't want you to drink alcohol he's saying stay away from the wine he want us to embrace this truth he want us to buy this he want us to hold to it so we won't have tables full of vomit and filthiness who wants to be around it and this smells bad but guess what people want to sell this truth they want to make excuses they want to try to justify this truth why why is that simply because they want to get drunk that's what it is they want to be able to drink that's that's what it comes down to I've been a part of churches who you know tried to twist many scriptures about alcohol and explain why it's okay to drink but just don't get drunk simply people just want to get drunk like why because it feels good sin wouldn't be sin if it didn't feel good right you wouldn't do it if there was no pleasure in it right and simply people just want people to tell them what they want to hear concerning this matter you don't have to turn there but this is a good verse on Micah verse 2 verse 11 excuse me chapter 2 verse 11 concerning this if a man walking in the spirit and falsehood do lie saying I will prophesy unto thee of wine and a strong drink he shall even be the prophet of these people I mean listen what he just said if a man walking in the spirit and falsehood do lie saying I will prophesy via wine and strong drink hey I'm gonna prophesy to you about that alcohol right what he says he shall even be the prophet of these people as I mentioned they don't want the truth they want to sell this truth they want somebody to come and tell them what they want to hear they don't want to hear that it's vile that is bad that you're you're hurting your body that you're going to be puking in the in a toilet they don't want to hear that they want the guy that's going to tell you hey you are to preach and you are to listen with this alcohol you are to drink this alcohol because it's good for you you know what people say I don't want that guy I want the one who's saying that alcohol is good hey that's the same thing what the Lord is saying here when he said a man walking in spirit and falsehood do lie saying I will prophesy unto thee of wine and strong drink he shall even be the prophet of these people people love him because he's basically telling them that is fine a drink drink it up but you know what they'll say with the one who was really teaching the truth how to do away with him cause the Holy One to seize from among us alcohol I'm almost done here number five how about this so alcohol excuse me is one that we are to retrieve and we are not to let go we are to hold and not let go brother Devon read the end of chapter twenty three who have whoa who have sorrow and and so on so let's hold fast to that one and not sell it number five the truth about sodomy homosexuality here's one that many people held on to write a truth that many people bought but you know what they selling this one they selling them like hotcakes today they letting them go let's go to Genesis 18 by the truth and sell it not Genesis 18 look at verse 16 this is the Lord he pays a visit to Abraham and it says and the men rose up from things and look towards Sodom and Abraham went with them to bring them on their way and the Lord said shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him for I know him that he will command his children and his household after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he has spoken of him and the Lord said because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great and because their sin is very grievous I will go down now and see whether they have done all together according to the cry of it which is coming to me and if not I will know so the Lord just said the cry of Sodom has come up to me and basically the cry is so grievous that he said I got to go down myself to see this I have to go see this for myself and see if the cry of it is as bad as they say it is I got to see it for myself and of course he could see it from from heaven but of course it's the fact that the Lord said I'm gonna go down there and I'm gonna see what if it is what it is but I like the fact here at the end of verse 20 he said their sin is very grievous it's very grievous so hang on to that the fact that it's grievous the Lord said the sin of Sodom and what is the sin of Sodom men with men women with women he said it's grievous right let's go to Genesis 19 verse 4 through 7 but before they lay down this is Lot he received the angels the man that came but before they lay down the men of the city even the men of Sodom come as the house round both old and young all the people from every quarter and they called unto Lot and said unto him where are the men which came in to thee this night bring them out unto us that we may know them they don't want to shake hands with these guys they don't want to ask them how's their careers going no they want to know the Bible speaks about the first time Adam and Eve they knew each other they produced a child she conceived this is talking about the husband and wife being together they're coming together but he used the word to know right so here's the thing these men want to be with men they're asking them they're they're telling oh excuse me commanding lot so bring out those men that they may know them look at verse 6 and lot went out at the door unto them and shut the door after him and said I pray you brethren do not so wickedly so wait a minute he said it was wicked God said is grievous he said it was wicked you don't have to turn that judges 19 a very similar situation with him though with the Levite where he comes back with his with his wife the Bible calls the concubine wife or so anyhow he comes back with her and he's traveling and he gets to the town in Benjamin and the men the Bible say they beat at the door bring out the men that we may know them just violent beat at the door right and that man said to them don't do such a vowel thing so what do we see grievous wicked vowel is what we see so far go to Leviticus Leviticus 20 Leviticus 20 13 if a man also lie with mankind as he lies with a woman both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them wait a minute God said both of them have committed an abomination so not only is it grievous not only is it wicked not only is it vow but God says also it's an abomination but you know what people say I think it's fine love is love love is love bro love who you love doesn't matter but wait a minute this is something that people received long ago that it was vow that it was disgusting that is filthy and you know what people have done well I'm starting to I'm starting to maybe two women are cool you know you got one who can change and dress like a man the other one can change and dress like a woman they made this may be kind of you know a legitimate cause people are letting these things go turn to 2nd Peter chapter 2 this is the truth that guess what I have bought that it is filthy that it is valve that it is discussing its abomination this is the truth that I have bought and guess what I'm not selling it it's not up for discussion 2nd Peter chapter 2 the contest here is false prophets but God use an example of how he destroy other lands and other cities and he's basically going to do the same to these false prophets verse 6 verse 5 says and spared not the old world but saved nor the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow making them an ensemble unto those that after shall live ungodly and delivered just like vets with the filthy conversation of the wicked here's the thing the Bible says Sodom and Gomorrah is an example of what God thinks about sodomy what he's gonna do to people who commit this vow act listen he condemned them with an overthrow he destroyed it with fire and brimstone that is what God you want to know I wonder what the will of God is concerning this situation just read Genesis 19 look at this this is what he think look at verse 7 he said and deliver just lot now that just lot is not talking about he only deliver a lot this talk about just meaning he was a righteous man right so that's what it's talking about because he didn't didn't just deliver just like there was other people that came out including his wife that turned into a pillar of salt but it says and delivered just like that righteous man lot vets with the filthy conversation of the wicked now here it is the filthy conversation this is not talking about just talking by hearing them talk this is talking about their lifestyle but watch this he wasn't just vets due to their lifestyle and the things that deeds that they did but he was also vets by their literal excuse by their literal communication that he heard from them he was vets by that as well as well as their lifestyle so he's seeing them and the way that they're living and he hearing they're talking their communication oh he keep oh she beautiful oh I want to be with her he's hearing his filth all around him and guess what the Bible said it said he vets his soul is righteous so look the very next verse proves that it's not just their lifestyle that vets him but guess what their talk their communication look at verse 8 excuse me verse 7 and deliver just like vets with the filthy conversation of the wicked for that righteous man dwelling among them in seeing and hearing vets his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds seeing them and hearing that filth that they have to talk about you know this is right on time because I just dealt with a situation on Friday right very similar where I'm working and I found out that this woman is a is a lesbian right and she's working near me and and I'm hearing the fact that she's a lesbian and she's going to be married soon and she plans to have children they're going to have a surrogate her best friend is going to do the portion of that and they're going to do the all that business as you know she's going to get a surrogate and these two lesbians these two sodomites are going to get married and they're going to have children so I have to work around that and hear that see having my righteous soul vets in seeing and hearing that filth I don't want that so I go to the manager and tell them hey I'm gonna be honest with you and this is the truth right out the gate I'm a Christian I have standards I'm a Christian and honestly just to tell you I do not have a pleasure in hearing women talk with women on the phone about you need to try on that dress I bought you oh we gonna have this I don't want to hear that conversation and I have a right to I can stand up and say I'm not going to put up with this isn't it funny how they can just March and have their rights all they want and we just sit down and shut up but the minute when we got a problem we need to be the ones to shut up and they win and they get to have their way and the Christian you all need to be me you need to be like Jesus what Jesus was me but he was not weak there's a time when he got angry there's a righteous anger and I don't want to be around that filth listening to lesbians excuse me sodomites the last means a worldly world a worldly term I would take the Bible term sodomites I don't want to listen to sodomites talk about how they're gonna have children and America is just gonna let them have it guess what this is a truth that I have bought that I have purchased and I'm not letting it go but what's the big deal about that well because many people many churches have sold this truth many people matter of fact the manager I talked to said I'm a Christian too and you're sounding homophobic homophobic he was better off just telling me that you were not a Christian I would have been fine with that if you call me homophobic but the fact that you're embracing the turns from these sick freaks and then you're going to turn it and say you're a Christian what Bible you reading probably one that you had before and you didn't buy that truth and picked up a message Bible I'm a Christian too so you're telling me that I need to soften up like you you ought to tell me you're telling me that I shouldn't have any standards what are we coming to today but many churches have embraced this filth come on in we'll put you in the nursery put you in the nursery you have your way with the kids but guess what sodomy is a truth that I have discovered in the Bible and I'm not letting it go I'm not selling it I'm not forsaking it as to what God say about this issue lastly here I'm gonna join them two together biblical marriage and the family structure this is a truth that has been embraced over years but you know what it's a truth it's a wisdom as is a instruction that God has given that people embrace but now they selling these things they selling them let's go to Matthew chapter 19 you Matthew 19 verse 4 the Bible says and he answered and said unto them have you not read that he was made them at the beginning made them male and female this is not I just thought about this is something I should have quoted to the manager have you not heard have you never read that's normally the problem right there people not reading have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female and he said for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh what therefore God had joined together let not man put asunder so we see that biblical marriage is between a man and a woman this was something that was just natural just something that just happened right something that people embraced but where they saying now oh yeah just like the example I used where where I'm working and I'm and I'm listening and have my soul vexed by a sodomite who's saying I'm getting married yeah I got yeah I'm gonna get a pantsuit I got a nice little touch I'm gonna fit in man I tell you what where have we come to in this world you know what it is truths that people had and they no longer have they sold them they sold those things right but what is the biblical marriage he said right here he made them male and female a man shall leave his father and mother he shall cleave unto his wife they should be one flesh right they should join together and be together unto death do them part that is the biblical way and biblical structure of what God says about marriage there's biblical marriage and this is a lie that you know as I mentioned even Christians are buying into you know hey I kinda I it doesn't matter to me that they can marry whoever they want I don't care what you know that's our problem now you don't care that's a big problem but then as I mentioned the family structure the family structure where people had the structure of the home of the family and guess what they bought those truths in the in the 1940s and be beyond that prior to that and after that but now guess what that family structure you know what those foundations those landmarks are being taken down they don't they don't want God's structure concerning the family let's turn to 1st Timothy chapter 5 you say well what is that structure what is that will well for one that the man be that provider that the man go out he works he bring home the money he made things happen around the house that is the structure that God has and then he has for the woman we're just look here in verse 14 first 75 chapter 5 verse 14 I will therefore this is the will of God and this is Paul talking but under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost he's saying I will therefore that the younger women marry bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully for some are already turned aside after Satan so he's saying his will is that she marry bear children then he says guide the house that is God's structure for the family he said guide the house the woman is to guide the affairs of the house he's not saying guard the house like get a sword and protect no guide the house that is what he has for her let's also turn his second excuse me Titus Titus chapter 2 Titus chapter 2 verse 3 the aged women likewise this is him writing to Titus and earlier he dealt with the the man as as to what they were to do and actually you know I'll back up I want to get the man as well verse 2 he says excuse me verse 1 in Titus chapter 2 he says but speak thou the things which becomes sound doctrine what sound doctor he saw about things that are right things that are true that the aged men be sober grave temperate sound in faith in charity in patience hey that's the will for that man right there but then for the women as well the aged women likewise that they be in behavior as become as holiness not false accusers not given to much wine teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chase keepers at home same thing we just read in Timothy good obedient to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blasphemed and is this not an issue right here I mean I dare you just go out and just read this with no type of adding you know your commentary just read this get on the get on the train get on the martyr and just read it and see how much issues you're going to catch with that well I'm on my way to work now I don't want to be locked up in the house well here it is you don't want the Word of God to be blasphemed right and that's why people have the issue when they hear these truths right here and what happened people are rejecting them they had them years back but now it's not I need to have my career I need to have something where I am going out I'm getting my money because you know what I I want my life as well you know but he said in verse 4 that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands that's the issue right there women don't love their husbands I'm not even gonna touch on that one but this one right here to love their children right I really have a problem today and I is really bad how you can see or and maybe my in my opinion where women it's almost as if you worry if they love their children and not just women the fathers too where you have to ask as parents do you love your children do you really love them one of the examples I thought about this you know we got this coronavirus thing and the backlash that is going on from parents about schooling and sending the kids back to school and you know the the school system is saying hey we may do some virtual learning it may be best that we send those kids home so we can prevent a sickness and spread of anything and just right here in Suwanee they marching down the street in Suwanee with their signs we want to go back to work I need to work and many times we I've seen interviews where they're interviewing parents you know I think there would be good they'll be okay I need to go back to work they're worried about the almighty dollar worried about that money and then here it is at what cost your child's health your child's health is is that the cost well send them with a mask you cannot send a five-year-old pre-k or kindergarten whatever you want to do and send them there and think they're going to sit there all day with a mask over their face it's not going to work and the schools depending on the county are saying listen let's do a whole semester just at home and the parents are irate we need to go back to work and the thing is I didn't see too much men out there it was women women who was saying I need to go back to work send me to work and my thing is I understand situations where there's a single-parent household I understand where you may have to go to work I can understand it you may be forced to say hey I need to now I don't agree maybe you should look at another route but I can understand you say I have to because I have to provide but where there's a household where there is a husband and a wife and you have the ability to home school rather than send the kid out and possibly obtain a sickness that could lead to death as we've seen many times already whether you think it's true or not hey here's the thing it makes me question as the Bible say here to love their husbands to love their children it makes me question do you really love your children at what risk over some money and most of them I've been here all day they've been out since March it's time for them to go back to school that's all you it's time for them to go back they can't take an hour just be in the household with no gadgets on and no entertainment and just talking with their kid they can't handle it they can't handle it and it makes me question do you really love not only a husband but to love their children do you really love your children because guess what this is a truth that we should embrace this is a truth that people once held and you know what they are selling these things so to tie this back up Proverbs 23 23 says by the truth and sell it not also wisdom and instruction and understanding the things of God are the truths that we should receive the truths that we should buy we should obtain and make sure that we won't sell them make sure we don't sell them make sure we don't let them go make sure that we don't forsake those things let's have a word of prayer well God we thank you for your word this day thank you for the instruction thank you Lord that we can get truth out of your word and not just be so brainwashed by the world thank you Lord that your word says that thy word is truth thank you that your Holy Spirit guide us into all truth and teaches us all things thank you Lord for helping me preach this sermon in Jesus name Amen