(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you anybody you either myself or someone else in the church might ask you about that. Don't think it's weird if someone's asking you for your birthday. It's literally just for the purpose of updating things, being able to put it in the bulletin, so expect that possibly if we don't already have your information. Upcoming events on the back, so lots of home school field trips are listed here. We've got three of them, so February 10th, March 10th, and then April 7th. Now, I want to make a point about the one in April. The deadline to sign up is in like a week, okay? I know this is short notice, and it's kind of far out there, but this is one of the challenges of scheduling big events at different places. Sometimes they have different rules that they want to have, and you know, for this one specifically, they want to know I think even the children who aren't getting charged admission. Was it two and under less for this one? Like, they want to know everything. So, if you could, please sign up. We have a sign up sheet now for this one here right below that window if you want to join us on that home school field trip for home school children families. You could sign up for that, and we do need you to sign up by February 14th in order to secure your place, and also we had a place on the sign up sheet for the zoo for a license plate number, and I don't think anybody put their license plate number on there. Please, if you want the church to pay for your parking, you could put it on there. If you don't put it on there, the church isn't going to pay for your parking for that event, so you don't have to put it on there. But if you like free parking, then you can put it on there. Okay? So, again, we're not putting it on there because we want to do some type of search and run your plate at the, you know, police station or something and see if you have any outstanding warrants. We just want to give you some free parking. That's the whole point of that. So, it's for your own benefit. Okay? All the events are there. We've got a soloing marathon coming up this Saturday, so in one week, we've got Saturday, we're going to be going out and soloing locally so the meet-up time will be here at 9 a.m. 9, 9.30, between 9 and 9.30. Okay? We're going to be meeting up here. We'll get some breakfast. I want to leave the building by 10. Okay? So, we're going to be ready to get out, be all paired up, and have your maps and be ready to go so that 10 a.m. rolls around, everyone's going to be filing out the doors here and lock up and go. So, I will provide more details later. We're probably going to be eating lunch out closer to our soloing spot, and then we'll meet up for dinner, but it's the regular routine. We do a, you know, 10 a.m. soloing, 1230 lunch, and then whenever we get done, we'll decide on a place and time to meet up for dinner, usually around 435 o'clock, somewhere in that time frame. So, really looking forward to you coming out here, and we have a sign-up sheet for that as well. If people are traveling long distances, you travel far to get here. We do offer a hotel stay for Saturday night. If you want to stay here and come to church the next day when you're putting in time for the soloing, we will hook you up with that, so please mark that on the sign-up sheet. Otherwise, all we really care about is who's going to be here in the morning, because after that, we'll get a good idea of who's going to be here for lunch and who's going to be here for dinner. So, for the planning, just let us know if you're going to be here in that morning, so that I could make sure we have enough food available. Light breakfast, not full breakfast, light food ready to go that morning. So, that's about it for our announcements. Oh, a camping trip too, please. Oh, I already, so if you already signed up, that sheet filled up fast. Thank you for getting that done, like that's great that so many people have already signed up for that. That's a huge help for me. I added a new blank sign-up sheet. I took the old one, so don't worry if you're going like, what happened? I signed up. I got it. If you signed up on that original sheet, I have it. It's in my possession. Don't worry about it, okay. If you did not sign up yet and you want to attend, sign up. There's a brand new sign-up sheet for the camping trip. It's blank, so it looks like we're going to have lots of participation from us. Attendance is going to be great. We're looking forward to it. It's going to be a great time. I sent out the email to all the pastors, so we'll see what that is going to look like of who is going to confirm their attendance. I've already talked to them all verbally in the past, so it's not like this is a big surprise, but I will find out with certainty and be able to make a schedule of who is going to be there for our camping trip. Alright, that's it for announcements. I'm going to turn the service back over to Brother Peter to lead us in our next song. Let's sing the song of the first. In my heart there is a melody There is a melody of love I love the Christ who died on Calvary For he washed my sins away He put within my heart a melody And I know it's there to stay In my heart there is a melody There is a melody with heaven's harmony In my heart there is a melody There is a melody of love I'll act to be my end this evening for me With the angels I will sing To lead us up in glorious harmony With the courts of heaven free In my heart there is a melody There is a melody with heaven's harmony In my heart there is a melody There is a melody of love In my heart there is a melody There is a melody with heaven's harmony In my heart there is a melody There is a melody with heaven's harmony In my heart there is a melody There is a melody with heaven's harmony There is a melody with heaven's harmony There is a melody with heaven's harmony There is a melody with heaven's harmony There is a melody with heaven's harmony That was Colossians chapter 2 Where lest any man should beguile you with enticing words For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit Joying and beholding your order and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord So walk ye in him rooted and built up in him And established in the faith as ye have been taught Abounding therein with thanksgiving Let any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit After the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world And not after Christ For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily And ye are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands And putting off the body of the sins of the flesh By the circumcision of Christ Ye are buried with him in baptism wherein also ye are risen with him Through the faith of the operation of God Who hath raised him from the dead And you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh Hath he quickened together with him having forgiven you all trespasses Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us Which was contrary to us And took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross And having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly Triumphing over them in it Let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink Or in respect of an holy day Or of the new moon or of the Sabbath days Which are a shadow of things to come But the body is of Christ Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility And worshipping of angels Intruding into those things which he hath not seen Mainly puffed up by his fleshly mind And not holding the head From which all the body by joints and bands Having nourishment ministered and knit together And creaseth with the increase of God Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ From the rudiments of the world Why as though living in the world are ye subject to ordinances Touch not, taste not, handle not Which all are to perish with the using After the commandments and doctrines of men Which things have indeed a show of wisdom in all worship And will worship and humility and neglecting of the body Not in any honor to the satisfying of the flesh Brother Josh Taylor, can you pray for us please? Dear God, thank you for the day, Lord Pray that you give the following ears to hear And go past the Spirit, Lord Thank you for the day, Lord Alright, the part of the chapter I want to focus in on there is verse number 8 If you look down at your Bibles, verse number 8, the Bible says Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy In vain deceit after the tradition of men After the rudiments of the world and not after Christ And the way I want to apply this verse this morning Is when it comes to how we understand the Bible and God's Word We ought to be believing the Bible literally And that's the title of my sermon is Believing the Bible Literally And often times what happens is you'll hear this out in the world People will talk about things in the Bible But they allow other things, other worldly elements Other traditions, other fables and stories To impact the way that they understand what the Bible is actually saying What people, I mean, you've probably heard this before But a lot of people will tell you, well, the theologians out there Will tell you, well, you have to, in order to understand the Bible You have to understand the culture And look, this is a common teaching Say, well, you can't really understand the Bible Unless you understand the culture And what they do is they teach what people have done as their traditions of men What people have done, you know, using philosophy and just vain deceit And a lot of times it's just Jewish fables Because these theologians love to go back to the Jews And talk about how they used to do things But look, if you want to understand the Bible You take it for what it says We understand and take the Bible literally God's word was intended for everyone For the common man, for anyone to be able to pick it up and read it and be able to understand it Now we know that, of course, that the Bible is a spiritual book and it's spiritually discerned So when I say for anyone to be able to read it The point is, he's not creating it in a way that's designed to be hard to be understood Okay, and of course you're going to get the real understanding If you're born again, saved, you're a child of God You have the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit's going to guide you in all truth and wisdom But here's the thing, the Bible doesn't say Go back and study how people used to do things in order to receive more wisdom It says the Holy Ghost is going to lead you and guide you into all truth and wisdom God himself is going to open up the Scripture to you and help you to understand things Without ever having to have some great academic knowledge of what people used to do in the past Because what happens when you start having this mindset And the reason why people even say that is because what they try to do is tell you That what the Bible actually says doesn't mean what it says It's people trying to make excuses for what the Bible actually says It's people trying to make apologetics for what the Bible actually says Oh wait, no, no, no See, if you really understand the times, you would know that that's not really what was meant No, that is what was meant Here's some good example 1 Corinthians 14, the Bible says let your women keep silence in the churches for it's not permitted unto them to speak What some people do is they'll just say Well, you know, at the time, women didn't have the same rights like they do today So it was actually part of the Roman law that they weren't able to speak in public assemblies And it's like, look, that's not what the Bible is saying It's not talking about what the common day law was at the time, like ever The Bible doesn't reference the politics of the day or the culture of the day Unless it's just decrying it and pointing out the wickedness and the darkness and perversion of the world Other than that, it's not giving you Because there is no reason, God's word is timeless It doesn't need to be applied to one particular moment of time in order to understand it It's eternal But here, since I was just quoting that, this wasn't even in my notes, 1 Corinthians 14 Verse 34, the Bible reads, Let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law So even if you wanted to say that there was some other law outside of God's law that He's referring to here He just said, as also saith the law So He's saying, well look, you're still commanded to be silent in the churches Now, as also saith the law, it's not talking about some human government That's talking about God's laws And this can be proven, I'm not going to go through this and just teach every single aspect of this one point Because, I mean, we could, but this is outside the scope of the sermon And then it continues, if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak in the church Look, this is a teaching and this is what the Bible says And we can read the Bible, we can look at it and say, you know what, we don't have to find some hidden meaning behind this and going, well, what does that really mean? Look, it means what it says And sometimes the Bible says things that can be difficult or hard to swallow for people Because we've been brainwashed and influenced by the satanic elements of the world We've been influenced by our modern culture We've been influenced by the philosophy in vain deceit after the tradition of men in our society So we need to look at the Bible and say, look, this is true and it says what it says and we're going to believe it, literally I mean, the Bible commands us that we are to live by every word of God Right? Deuteronomy 8 3, I'll read this for you, turn if you would to 2 Peter chapter 1 We are supposed to look to every word of God For our instruction, for our guidance, for our life Man doth not live by bread only And Jesus Christ himself quoted this passage When confronted by the devil of turning stones into bread 2 Peter chapter 1 verse number 19, the Bible reads We have also a more sure word of prophecy Whereunto ye do well that ye take heed As unto a light that shineth in a dark place Until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts Knowing this first that no prophecy of the scriptures of any private interpretation For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man But holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost And this could also be applied to the epistle of Paul to the Corinthians When he was literally, the passage I just read about women keeping silence in the church This isn't the apostle Paul's opinion When he's writing that this isn't the will of man This isn't just the will of Paul The apostle Paul just doesn't like women very much So he wrote that in there and added that to the Bible No, holy men of God, in this case the apostle Paul Spake as he was moved by the Holy Ghost We believe that the Bible is the word of God And we're not going to pick and choose You know, this is the word of God But this is, I mean this just looks like his opinion or whatever No, it says what it says Okay, he's speaking under the authority of the Holy Ghost And preaching, we accept all the Bible as God's holy word And we are going to live by that And it says, you know, no prophecy of the scriptures of any private And that's not just talking about like future events It's about the prophecy of the scripture That's any of the teaching, any of the preaching of the Bible Nothing is of any private interpretation You're not just able to take, well, what does this mean to you? Okay, you can't just take God's word and just Now look, there is a lot of applications that can be made from God's word But there's not a special interpretation of what it means You can't just take what the Bible says and interpret that any way you want It's written with clear language To not be ambiguous about what does that really mean Now there may be certain areas, you know, occasionally that may seem harder for us to understand But the reason why they're harder for us to understand It's not because of the way the Bible's written It'd be because of us and our own understanding The Bible's clear And the Bible says what it says Now we need to make sure that we are understanding it right But we don't have, you don't have the luxury of just coming up with your own private interpretation Is what the Bible says You can't just take it and make it mean whatever you want it to mean For example, if you're in Genesis chapter 1 We just go all the way back to the creation Literally, the first verses of the Bible come under attack By many, many people, even people who claim to be Christians Because they don't just believe what it says They don't believe the word of God And the reason why is because of philosophy in vain deceit It's because of science falsely so called It's because people will tell them, oh no, that can't be true So now you have to change what the Bible's actually saying To try to fit what someone else says can't be true Genesis 1, 1, the Bible says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth And the earth was without form and void And darkness was upon the face of the deep And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters And God said let there be light and there was light Does anyone here not believe that? That God said let there be light and there was light? I mean, I believe that Is there any indication here to tell us that Well, this is just a story, it's not actually literal It's the first verses of the Bible I mean, you think the word of God, the Holy Bible That God's just going to just immediately just start off Just giving you just fiction Or just giving you some story to help man understand things And this is part of the other philosophy of man That's introduced That makes people buy into this junk Of trying to interpret the Bible different ways It's this evolutionary philosophy That mankind used to be really dumb And really stupid And you're taught these pictures that you show Pictures of the caveman You know that looks like he's half ape and half man And he's like and he's hammering away And like makes the wheel Like oh the wheel Like that just really sparked all the progress And now you got language, now you got all this Because of the wheel Like that was some huge massive discovery For these primate brains to be able to figure out That you could actually roll things and make it easier Instead of having like a square or something To try to move large objects with It's ridiculous But it comes from the mindset It comes from the science falsely so called That's going to tell you Well we all came from nothing Well lightning struck And then something happened And then all of a sudden there's a single celled organism And then that just got more and more complex And reproduced and just created other things And created everything that you see today And you know man didn't come directly from the earth When God created him Man was actually just came from the amoeba Which then they crawled out of the water And then became monkeys and everything else And then the monkeys became man And I mean you look at a chimpanzee You look at an ape And yeah they're kind of smart But they're pretty dumb right And it's like well that's how man was Until we got to the point where we are now Which all of a sudden now we're just so brilliant And we're geniuses Look it's a lie It's garbage But that's the thinking That is the corruption That has been brought into Christianity To get people to question Whether or not this other stuff is true Well these scientists are telling me Look they're liars Well they're ignorant Or they're both They're fools for sure They're telling you that It didn't happen the way that God said it happened And I'll tell you this much too We're not you know The statements that I'm making Or the beliefs that we hold here About God creating the earth Does not just make me a dunce It does not make you some idiot Okay the things that are claimed By these scientists Cannot be proven They have these theories But they have to come up with some way Of trying to explain existence Without God So they come up with all kinds of bizarre theories None of which can be observed None of which has ever been observed None of which has any real standing But they're gonna tell you And pontificate as if it's true Now The genesis account here God said let there be light And there was light And you know what that makes sense There was a starting point To all of creation And it's not because there was some Pre-existing matter of nothing Which blew up And created everything And look it's four paradoxes What science will teach you It makes no sense Cause all of matter Was condensed So tiny That it's literally like nothing That science All matter in the universe I mean just Try shrinking this This one piece of matter in my hands This pen, this plastic, this ink This whatever makes up the rubber Try, see how small you can condense this And have all of the material still here Good luck, let's see Let's see if you can make it Into something that's invisible You could be like There we go, it's gone, right It's a stupid magic trick That's about as smart as the science is Trying to tell you That everything that it, I mean You have to be Just completely willingly ignorant To swallow that garbage And to have the thought That how in the world Could everything that exists Be so small That you couldn't even see it And then it just explodes And out comes everything It's like the invisible jack-in-the-box And now all of a sudden We have these great worlds And you know like Planets and solar systems And you know Sun, stars, you know All this stuff that's just Just you know Kind of comes into being Oh wait, it was all dust Cosmic dust, right But then it just sort of Did its magic And came and Look, it's garbage It's garbage It's garbage Don't be swayed by these lies By these philosophies By these vain traditions When you've got the word of God God told you How everything came into being How about we just Believe that Believe them Why would God lie to us And this is where I was going With that, you know People have this mindset That man was stupid So they'll say Oh yeah, all these stories Like in Genesis And you know These concepts God just God put that in there He wasn't lying to them But it was just to help Their little You know primitive Ancient minds Be able to understand How they can just Grasp these concepts You know But now we're so smart That we could say Oh yeah We could see through What God was telling them To know the real truth You know Professing themselves to be wise They became fools People who wanted to say that You know Oh man You mean to tell me that Adam couldn't handle Understanding Creation I mean Adam In the Garden of Eden Adam Who was given Wisdom and understanding By God Who was able to communicate And speak with God Who had a close relationship With God But God just made him To be some dunce Some idiot Adam lived to be like 900 years old I don't know exactly But he lived A really long time And you think In hundreds and hundreds Of years of existence I mean Forget about any Past down knowledge At all Because that doesn't matter When you're living For hundreds of years You're going to have A lot of experiential knowledge I mean How much wisdom Have you gained In your own lifetime From your own experience If you just take a step back And think about these things For just a second You'll see how stupid They are Oh but they're going to tell you That Adam couldn't have Lived that long Anyways That's just another fairy tale The Bible says God said Let there be light And there was light And God saw the light That it was good And God divided the light From the darkness And God called the light day And the darkness he called night And the evening And the morning Were the first day And it goes on and on About the days The evening And the morning There's a reason why The Bible says The evening And the morning There was an evening And a morning Even before the sun Was created But the evening And the morning Is there to relate That it was a day A day Not a thousand years Not a million years Not a billion years Not some random amount of time To try to make Science falsely so called Fit the Bible No science falsely so called Is false And the Bible is true And this is confirmed That these are actual Actual literal days Being expressed In Genesis 1 In Exodus chapter 20 When it's talking about To gravitate It gives the explanation In verse 11 For in six days The Lord made heaven and earth The sea and all that in them is And rested the seventh day In six days Six days Not six millennia Not six epochs Not six eras Not six ages Six days The problem with trying to Manipulate And come up with these Private interpretations Is now you're attacking Also the credibility Of the Bible itself If anyone can just pick it up And be like Well I know it says that But I mean that's really Not what it means You can do that with Anything in the Bible Now all of a sudden It becomes meaningless Or if they tell you Well you have to have this Other extra knowledge In order to understand God's word So you mean to tell me That I need to have Knowledge from man In order to understand What God's trying to tell me That I have to understand History from man Some other things Like I have to gain Man's wisdom In order to try to understand God's wisdom It's not adding up Turn if you would To Genesis chapter 7 The notion that people Were too stupid back In ancient times To understand difficult Concepts is proven false Like all the time Even in modern times There's still like New archeological discoveries That are being made That are like dated to be From ancient times That are very complicated And show signs of complex Living environments and systems And technologies That oh wow We didn't know they had You know it's just like Because you keep thinking That we come from apes And you think there has to be This progression of knowledge No God made man in his own image And God gave us the same We have the same brains Essentially that people did That Adam and Eve had In creation Same ability to learn And understand And gain knowledge That hasn't changed We're human beings Genesis chapter 7 There's you know People also attack The world wide flood The world wide flood Comes under attack People say oh that's just localized And that's another thing That people who wanna Who wanna not take The Bible literally It's because again Usually it's The biggest stem of this Is science follows the so called Oh well that couldn't have happened Well we don't know There's not enough water There's not enough whatever Like they come up with These reasons as to why But it's because they just Don't know I mean They have no way of literally Measuring everything In the entire world In the earth Now look They'll tell you That they understand How to do these things Okay They'll tell you They want you to believe How awesome Science really is Now I picked up A little bit Of how they continue To try to do this Through some documentaries You're watching On treasure hunting I don't know if anyone's Ever seen anything On treasure hunting But it's like You got these people these days That say oh man We're gonna use all of our Modern technology To find this stuff And the way that they sound The way that they pitch it It's like I mean This is just foolproof I mean Technology's so great And so smart And we could do scans And radars And all this other We could just get all these And we could just see Like this great picture Kind of like you would In a womb of like Seeing a baby or something They're like oh yeah We could just see We just know all this We could find this stuff But they never find it Or they almost rarely Ever find it It's like you can see These things You can see these anomalies And they try to pitch it As if like oh man We're so smart Technology can do everything No it doesn't They want you to believe That it can But it really can't I mean some of it's Pretty cool You could find them I'm not saying that no Technology is worth anything But my point is They try to make it Sound so much greater Than it actually is And the reason why I say this Is because they want you To think That they just have All this great knowledge Of things that are like Millions of light years away Or even just down Real deep inside Of our own earth Some technologies are great Where you could test it And analyze it And things that are close And things that you could Just see results of But they try to apply things Too broadly And will Put forward That what they can do Is greater than they Can actually do And it's this Appeal to get people To believe in science And look I don't have A problem with science Science is great But you have to understand What it actually can And can't do And it's not science That does anything It's science is just The study of knowledge You know it's getting knowledge So true science Would just be true knowledge Which you could get From the bible anyways Because it's just The study of things That are true That exist It's the technology That they want you To ultimately believe in They call it all science But that's a misnomer Again it's science falsely So called We have the word of God We don't need to Try to explain away What the bible says Because some man says That that doesn't make sense Look at Genesis 7 Because What bothers me the most It's not the people Who don't believe in the bible That want to discount the bible That doesn't bother me It doesn't matter at all They need to get saved They need to believe That God's real That Christ paid for their sins If they don't believe In a world wide flood I don't care What I don't like Is the people who claim To be Christians Claim to believe the bible Say that the bible's The word of God Then they're gonna turn around And say yeah but I mean The flood wasn't actually A world wide flood The reason why Is because now you have to Look at the scripture And say I don't believe that And when we read this I'll tell you Show you exactly What I'm talking about You know one was in Genesis 1 Where it says the evening And the morning Or the first day If you don't believe Those are days You have to be able to point To that and be like Yeah I don't believe that Because you have to offer Some alternate Private interpretation Or explanation for What it means actually Instead of just meaning What it says Genesis 7 17 The bible says And the flood Was 40 days upon the earth And the waters increased And bear up the ark And it was lift up Above the earth And the waters prevailed And were increased Greatly upon the earth And the ark went upon The face of the waters And the waters prevailed Exceedingly upon the earth And all the high hills That were under The whole heaven Were covered 15 cubits upward Did the waters prevail And the mountains Were covered Now People want to say Oh no this was Just a local flood What happens If you are in a valley And you're surrounded by Mountains and hills Okay first you're probably Going to reach the hills As the water increases Well it says It covered the hills So what happens when you Start covering the hills The water flows over the hill Right Well then it says It covered the mountains So as you go up and up You should have this basin Where you could have This local flood But it says that The mountains were covered What happens if There's not an invisible Barrier force field That's going to keep it In place To go 15 cubits Above the mountains It has to flow over And if it's flowing over And if it says The mountains and the hills Under the whole heaven Not under one portion of heaven Under the whole heaven So which part are you Going to point to And be like Yeah that's not actually Well when it says Whole heaven It means the whole heaven It means the whole heaven That you can see In that one place For Noah when he looked up Well that's stupid It's still stupid Because even if that was true If it's going over the mountains Where's that water going And if it's going over the mountains How can it go 15 cubits Above the top of the mountains How It can't happen Unless you know You can't start picking this apart It had to have happened The way that it did Otherwise God's word Is just a lie And good luck with that Trying to pick apart What parts you believe And what parts you don't Paul says in verse 21 And all flesh died That moved upon the earth Both of fowl And of cattle And of beasts And of every creeping thing That creepeth upon the earth And every man All in whose nostrils Was the breath of life Of all that was in the dry land Died I mean in order for man to die I mean man's got a pretty good Survivalist instinct If it's raining And flooding I mean There's bound to be some man That's gonna be able to make it up To some mountain top somewhere Right And go Oh hey look It's a localized flood here I'm gonna go over there Where it's not flooding Right If it was just localized Why wouldn't you just do that I mean that's what I would do If I wasn't on the ark I'd be looking for the place Where it's not flooding But no All men died All the beasts of the earth died All in whose nostrils Was the breath of life Of all that was in the dry land Died Verse 23 And every living substance Was destroyed Which was upon the face of the ground Both man and cattle And the creeping things And look When you start going into this stuff Not just man and cattle Creeping things And the fowl of the heaven I mean birds can fly away Pretty fast too I mean if there was some big flood Couldn't a bird If it was just localized Couldn't a bird go to a place Where it's not localized I mean In any locale Whatever you're gonna define The perimeter as Wouldn't there be wildlife Near the perimeter I mean they don't all have to Start from the center If it's localized Wouldn't there be something Close to the Some animal Close enough to the edge To be able to just be like No I'm just gonna go over here But the Bible says they all died And Noah only remained alive And they that were with him In the ark And the waters prevailed Upon the earth In 150 days I mean you can't get around this You have to take it Literally Another area that comes under attack Is Hell The literal Hell This comes under attack This comes under attack By a lot of false Christian denominations So called Christian denominations People don't believe Hell is real Oh how can a loving God Create a Hell And a lot of it Also just comes from Jewish fables as well And traditions of man Trying to tell you that Hell is not a real place Oh that Gehenna It's really Gehenna And that's really just a Trash heap You know In Israel No That's not what the Bible's describing Turn if you would to Mark chapter 9 I'll just read for you Deuteronomy 32 22 The Bible says For a fire is kindled in mine anger And shall burn unto the lowest hell And shall consume the earth With her increase And set on fire the foundations Of the mountains A fire is kindled In mine anger Not mine anger is fiery But a fire is kindled A fire started in mine anger Is what God says And shall burn unto the lowest hell That fire burns To the lowest hell Hell is in the middle of the earth And his fire burns Under the lowest hell Mark 9 verse 43 The Bible says And if thy hand offend thee Cut it off It is better for thee To enter into life maimed Than having two hands To go into hell And he's going to explain A little bit more About what hell is Into the fire That never shall be quenched Where the worm dieth not And the fire is not quenched And he talks about the foot In the eye If thy foot offend thee Cut it off It is better for thee To enter hell Halt Excuse me into life Than having two feet To be cast into hell Into the fire That never shall be quenched Where the worm dieth not And the fire is not quenched And if thine eye offend thee Pluck it out It is better for thee To enter into the kingdom of God With one eye Than having two eyes To be cast into hell Fire Where the worm dieth not And the fire is not quenched Hell is a place of fire Real, literal fire It's not just a Oh we just need to teach people This bad place Like that rabbi in Marching to Zion Was saying Oh yeah that's just We just teach that to the kids So that they'd be scared of You know doing bad things Essentially But we know that that's not A real place Look You're gonna go there Yeah You'll see how real it is Amen Jesus Christ himself Is talking about The fire that never is quenched It never goes out This I mean of all the things In the bible that people Want to attack There is so much evidence Of hell being real And look I just preached on hell Not that long ago So I'm not gonna go in depth on that But it's all throughout scripture The fact that there's It's the pit wherein there's no water It's the You know even the sacrifices And the fire That never is to be put out In the tabernacle They're supposed to keep The fire going forever Like it was just this eternal fire Picturing hell The passover lamb Was to be roast with fire Not sodden at all with water Not prepared any other way Roast with fire And then you have all these references You know even in Luke 16 The bible doesn't end in hell He lifts up his eyes Being in torment Seeing Abraham far off And Lazarus in his bosom And he cried and said Father Abraham have mercy on me And said Lazarus They may dip the tip of his finger In water and cool my tongue For I am tormented in this flame He's in hell And he said I'm being punished I'm being tormented By this fire I'm being punished I'm being tormented By this flame It's real But what do people want to tell you? Oh it's separation from God You don't understand It's not a real place I mean if you go back to the Hebrew If we talk to these Jews They'll tell you They didn't really believe in hell Yeah and they also didn't accept Christ Why do you want to get your understanding Of the bible from people Who don't accept Christ They don't even believe in the Savior Why in the world Do I care about anything That they believe about the word of God That means nothing I don't need to know their culture Their tradition of men Their pharisaical religion I don't want to know any of it It's wrong It's false They didn't believe Moses And they didn't believe Jesus But I believe both And I believe that God's not a liar And I believe that God's not trying to deceive us And tell us all about this fire And all about the worms that die not And the fire is not quenched And then oh yeah But it really just doesn't even exist Lake of fire Yeah none of it exists It's not real No it's very real Because we take the bible literally You don't need to have a PhD To understand the bible That's going to hurt you If anything Separation from God Psalm 139 Turn if you would to Deuteronomy 21 Hell is just trying to make it sound real bad In what worse way than thinking about being burned in fire I guess But what it really is Is that yearning to just be close to God That people that die and don't go to heaven They're just separated from God And that's the torture That's the torment Tell that to the guy in Luke 16 Because he's talking about a flame And he wants water From the beggar's finger being put in his mouth Not saying hey can you just bring me a little bit closer to Jesus You notice he didn't say that at all He said can you give me a drop of water Because I'm being tormented in this fire No, you know why? Because he's not that far from God People in hell are not far from God I mean I don't know about you I believe in an omnipresent God first of all He's not bound by anything But second of all Even the scripture tells us Psalm 139 verse 7 says Whither shall I go from thy spirit Or whither shall I flee from thy presence If I ascend up into heaven thou art there Yeah of course we know that right God's there in heaven If I make my bed in hell Behold thou art there Okay so whether you go to heaven or hell God's there So the people in hell Guess what? They're not separated from God God is right there with them And as we read earlier The fire is kindled in God's anger That kindles the fires of hell So Thankfully those in heaven Are not on the receiving end of God's wrath But on the receiving end of God's blessing and mercy And love But those in hell They could be equally close to God in proximity But they're on the receiving end of God's wrath And his punishment in the torment No they're not separated They're separated from the love of God I'll accept that They are separated from the love of God Because he's going to love them no more Because there was a time when he loved them And wanted them to be saved And gave them opportunity to be saved But then when they reject the gospel And they reject Christ And they die in their sins Well you know what? He doesn't love them anymore Now they're separated from the love of God But there is actually a physical result of that A spiritual result of that And that's being tormented in flame In fire Because that's what the bible says Deuteronomy 21 Look we not only believe these doctrines Like creation, flood, hell Literally But we also believe that the laws of God Were pretty literal too So his judgments, his commandments Yeah that doesn't Just as much as it doesn't mean anything different That the world was created in six days Six literal days Okay Sun goes down, sun comes up That's a day Well God's laws They also mean what they say So when we read verse 18 In Deuteronomy 21 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son Which will not obey the voice of his father Or the voice of his mother And that when they have chastened him Will not hearken unto them Then shall his father and his mother Lay hold on him And bring him out unto the elders of his city And unto the gate of his place And they shall say unto the elders of his city This our son is stubborn and rebellious He will not obey our voice He is a glutton and a drunkard And all the men of his city Shall stone him with stones That he die So shalt thou put evil away From among you and all Israel shall Hear and fear That means what it says God's law God's perfect law God's law that he gave to be instituted Or incorporated in human government There's no twisting of this There's no private interpretation It means what it says Now people want to mock the word of God They'll try to Oh stubborn and rebellious son huh So you're gonna put your five-year-old to death Like no No, because a five-year-old isn't As it says here A glutton and a drunkard Could use some common sense When a son gets to the age To even be called a glutton and a drunkard We're not talking about little children We're talking about grown children Grown people Who are worthless And did not Obey, you know just totally rebellious Against their parents They were taught the right way But they just were stubborn Stiff-necked And not only stubborn and stiff-necked But to the point of just Living a life of drunkenness and gluttony Well you know what Nothing seems to be working for him so God says the righteous thing to do Is to have all men at sea stone him with stones And you know what that's gonna do Is prevent other worthless children From going down that path Going wow Maybe I don't want to make those life choices Leviticus 20 same thing Turn to Leviticus chapter 20 We have a lot of sins that are committed Or laws that can be broken That would result in a death penalty And just because people don't like to hear it It's still the just judgment of God Now we don't live in a society that has these laws I know that I would like to live in a society that had these laws We don't have that It's not our job to go and perform vigilante justice So I'm not stating that it is our duty to So I'm not stating that it is our duty to go out And start executing people that are guilty Of anything on this list Personally ourselves But this is the law that was given That was supposed to be the legal system For the nation of Israel Which was God's people Okay and these were These should be God's laws For God's people To the which God said hey If you institute these laws And you follow my word Other nations are going to be looking at you Saying wow what a wise people Who are so close to God And has such great understanding And has such great justice and judgment That is able to perform all the doings of this law And it's true Righteous people When you see justice being done That's a good thing Leviticus 20 we're not going to read all this I'm just going to read through a little bit of it Just to illustrate You know we believe the Bible literally So we don't just cherry pick You know people like to accuse me all the time Of oh you just don't like people who are different from you Or you just don't like the fags or whoever Just because of who knows I mean they'll tell you all different kinds of reasons Why they think I'm just picking on one person Or one group of people or something like that Or you just you know they're different So you don't like them Yeah because everyone who's different from me I just want them being put to death What a stupid argument What a totally intellectually dishonest argument to make About anyone As if you know my motivations That I don't like people who are different from me Look around our church I see a lot of people who aren't like me Like if we're talking about physically speaking There's a lot of variety here But you know what I don't like is perverts So yeah in that sense I don't like that I don't like perverts I don't like predators I don't like people defiling people And I don't like God's laws not being put in place And especially I don't like Christians Who want to judge God's law And say that this isn't right Or you know somehow become the judge Of what is moral And say that you know better Than what God said the judgment ought to be Look if God pronounces a death penalty on someone Who are you to say Well that's not good That's not righteous That's not just You're judging God Because he's the one who said that that's the righteous judgment And when we read this There's no wiggle room for interpreting it any other way There's no private interpretation of these scriptures They are literal They mean what they mean They mean what they say We're going to read what they say And guess what I don't have to do any extra expounding Because you should just be able to read it And go yep I understand that How about the first one verse 9 For everyone that cursed his father or his mother Shall be surely put to death He that cursed his father or his mother His blood shall be upon him So if someone curses their father or mother They should be put to I know but that's what it says Yeah that's what it means So you mean to tell me if someone curses their father or mother Yeah Yes Because that's what it says And the man that committed adultery with another man's wife Even he that committed adultery with his neighbor's wife The adulterer in the adulterer shall surely be put to death You mean to tell Yes Yes It doesn't mean anything other than what it says People caught in adultery People committing adultery Ought to be Put to death That is the proper judgment for that crime So yes Cursing father or mother is a crime Committing adultery Is a crime And the man that lieth with his father's wife Has uncovered his father's nakedness Both of them shall surely be put to death Their blood shall be upon That's a crime And if a man lie with his daughter-in-law Both of them shall surely be put to death They have wrought confusion Their blood shall be upon them That's a crime Yeah, anyone who's guilty of that Also should be put to death If a man also lie with mankind Is he lieth with a woman Both of them have committed abomination They shall surely be put to death Their blood shall be upon them Yes Yes Yes Yes That's what it says That's what it means God's judgment on these crimes have not changed It's what the Bible says We believe it Literally And if a man take a wife and her mother It is wickedness They shall be burnt with fire Look, I don't care what new TV shows They want to put out there With all their filth and perversion Trying to get you to accept Some of the worst, bizarre, weird, wicked things In this world Just to try to get to know them a little bit better And understand, you know, all these people They're not that bad You know, here's another alternative Lifestyle The guy who's married to a woman And you know what? He's also shacking up with mom With a mother-in-law Burn them with fire That is so far outside of the realm Of what should be acceptable and tolerated in society God said, burn them with fire It's wickedness And if a man lie with a beast He shall surely be put to death And he shall slay the beast Look, it goes on and on, okay? Every single instance Yes That is the right judgment Yes, that is the way things ought to be done This is the truth This is what righteous judgment And government should do Believe it, literally Don't try to push it off And go, well, you know, that was only for Israel back then You know, things are different now New Testament, God's more forgiving Look, no The judgment's still the same And you know what? The forgiveness has always been there too Because people were able to get saved Spiritually speaking In the Old Testament Just like in the New Testament But Wickedness And the law And what ought to be done That hasn't changed And if you want to point to the woman taking adultery Okay, Jesus said To stone her Read the story carefully He did not contradict what the Bible says About the adulterer and adulteress That's taking adultery being put to death He just said, he that is without sin among you Let him first cast a stone But he did not say She does not deserve to be put to death He didn't condemn her Because he didn't come into the world to condemn the world But to save the world That the world through him might be saved That's why he came But guess what? He's coming back And he's going to rule with a rod of iron You mean to tell me when he's ruling Why would the Bible say he's going to rule with a rod of iron If these laws are not going to be in place What would that even mean? You know what? We believe the Bible literally But there are places That it's not literal But I'll give you A big hint Because anywhere the Bible is not literal It's very obvious That it's not literal Two very obvious examples Where it's not necessarily literal Is a parable A parable A parable is a story That tries to teach something Teach a truth In the form of a story Okay? Now, we still literally believe The instruction given from the parable But not necessarily That the parable itself Is like actually necessarily even happened Right? So when Jesus talks about A sower went forth to sow And the Bible says He's giving them a parable That doesn't mean there actually Had to exist a real person That sowed exactly the way That he said Okay? But these things do happen But it's not talking about A specific literal example Or a specific literal person Excuse me It's an example of what is done commonly But we know when parables are given I'll read a few of them for you From Matthew 13 There's a lot of them The Bible says in verse 24 Another parable put he forth unto them Saying The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man Which sowed good seed In his field Verse 31 says Another parable put he forth unto them Saying the kingdom of heaven is like To a grain of mustard seed Which a man took and sowed in his field Verse 33 Another parable spake he unto them The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven It's not saying the kingdom of heaven Is leaven The kingdom of heaven is a mustard seed It says it's like unto it And that's called a parable So You know people want to mock When you say oh yeah you say you believe The Bible literally huh Well what about this? You know it's like look God gave us the wisdom to understand That we have just as human beings To just have basic comprehension The word was created So that we could have understanding The common man can understand What God would have you to know God loves the world He loves mankind He wants you to be saved He wants you to have knowledge He wants you to increase in wisdom He gave his word that we could all learn From and live thereby It's not extraordinarily complicated Now it is eternally deep There is eternal wisdom That can be found in the scripture But the text itself Is not complicated The surface meanings All apply You can continue To find and uncover Greater truths And mysteries And greater understandings In deeper and deeper detail As you continue to study the Bible But nothing about any of the surface meanings Is going to be not meaning what it says You can believe it literally One more example though Is when people have visions So revelation would be a common example Of people seeing things That are symbolic and representative Of another truth Of something that might actually happen But it's shown Using imagery Like dragons and beasts And these different types of creatures That might be seen in a vision Now let's talk about the vision Now in one sense it is still literal Because the Bible is recording What was seen They did see those things So what John records In the book of Revelation What he was shown with the beasts And the harlot And the multi horns and heads And all this stuff He actually saw that Literally he saw that He's writing his vision that he saw But what's going on What's going to happen The meaning behind that Is also explained So when the Bible uses symbolism When the Bible uses things That are not to be taken Quite literally It will inform you of that And tell you And give the explanation So we're not left Having to decide for ourselves Well is this symbolic Is this Does this really mean Look it all means what it says All of it Daniel 7 verse 1 is a great example of this In the first year of Belshazzar King of Babylon Daniel had a dream And visions of his head upon his bed Then he wrote the dream And told the sum of the matter So right off the bat in this chapter We're seeing hey Daniel had a dream And he had visions and then he writes it And he just sums it up And gives the summary and the synopsis Of the dream He saw in my vision by night And behold the four winds of the heavens Strove upon the great sea And four great beasts came up from the sea Divers one from another The first was like a lion And had eagle's wings I beheld to the wings thereof Were plucked And it was lifted up from the earth And made stand upon the feet as a man And a man's heart was given to it And behold another beast A second like to a bear And it raised up itself on one side With ribs in the mouth of it Between the teeth of it And they said thus unto it arise Devour much flesh And he goes on explaining this dream Now look if you had a vision like this I would probably be like Daniel too You'd probably be like going I don't really know What this all means But he's describing what he sees I mean if I just start seeing a lion And it had eagle's wings And then these wings are plucked And it's got this you know The heart of a man I'd be like that's a bizarre dream That's a bizarre vision to have I don't know what this means But then he gets the understanding He's like it bothers me And he prays to God And like you know an angel shows up And tells him okay here's what your dream means Well God just literally is telling him This is what it means Daniel He had that vision God planted that vision in his mind For him to see things Which If I had a dream like that It'd probably be pretty hard to forget a dream like that also I mean that's something that could stay with you Cause that's so out of the ordinary To have a dream like that You'd be like man this is crazy Jump down to verse number 15 The Bible says I Daniel was grieved in my spirit In the midst of my body And the visions of my head troubled me I'm troubled by what I saw I don't really know what it is I'm troubled I came near unto one of them that stood by And asked him the truth of all this The interpretation of the things These great beasts which are four Four kings which arise on earth And then he goes on and on about the Explanation Which is one of the reasons why the Bible says You know the prophecy of scripture is not Of private interpretation This vision needed to be interpreted He needed to understand it But the interpretation came from God He didn't, Daniel didn't give his own interpretation Of what all these things meant It was given to him of God All things in the word of God All the visions have been interpreted And explained within the word of God We don't need to come up with new interpretations Of these things Now the application is a little bit different Than the interpretation So when we look at the interpretation When you're saying well I wonder what these Beasts mean Okay they mean that they're four kings That's what they mean They don't mean anything else Like that is what they're there for They're the four kings Now who are the four kings You know the Bible doesn't always tell us The exact application of whoever one is But it's going to give you the interpretation To understand what is it saying And what does it mean Believing the Bible literally Literally it means what it says It's an important critical doctrine That we ought to embrace When you read the word of God We have no reason to ever doubt Any line of the scripture That it doesn't actually mean what it says And just because someone may not like what it says Doesn't make it untrue If you can trust For your salvation and trust your soul That Christ died on the cross and paid for your sin You believe that wholeheartedly Why would you not believe everything else in the Bible There's no reason not to We thank you so much for your words We thank you for giving us such great wisdom And truth and that As crazy as our world may get around us Dear Lord that we know that we could Rely on your word to be true And we pray that you please just help Open up understanding of your word And that we wouldn't go about trying to Manipulate or twist What the Bible actually says Or make it mean something That it doesn't say But that you would just help us With our understanding And be able to have the courage and boldness To embrace it And not back down from the teachings Of your word Lord we love you In Jesus name we pray Amen Alright we're gonna sing one last song Before we dismiss And then I'm gonna ask that those who are Sticking around for the music Meeting We're gonna set up some tables I think we're gonna take over We're gonna take over this front area right here Yeah I don't know if we have enough room In that room or not for everyone That's gonna be staying We'll take over this area Everyone else who's gonna be sticking around Just give us a little bit of space Right up front To have our meeting And those who have family members That are sticking around If possible You know we're gonna try to keep The actual people talking To a minimum And we're gonna I don't know when the food's gonna be getting here But we'll try to go over everything I wanna go over first And then we'll just all be able to eat And not worry about Having to talk while we eat so Brother Peter come on up and lead us And open up your hymnals Psalm 369 Psalm 369 I know the Bible is true I'm sure you forget the download Psalm 369 We're gonna sit us on the verse I know the Bible was saved from God The old as well as the new Inspired and full in a living room I know the Bible is true I know, I know I know the Bible is true Divinely inspired the whole way through I know the Bible is true I know the story of Christ is true His virgin glory is burned His life is dead in the open tomb And His return to the earth I know, I know I know the Bible is true Divinely inspired the whole way through I know the Bible is true I know the Bible is only true For peace it gave me within It finds me, comforts me day by day And gives me victory or sin I know, I know I know the Bible is true I know the Bible is true Divinely inspired the whole way through I know the Bible is true On the last note flows did I with the Spirit, oh The message old but still new It's true this Spirit's height is tall I know the Bible is true I know, I know I know the Bible is true Divinely inspired the whole way through I know the Bible is true Amen church, great to see you. Thank you for coming guys. Praise God. Thank you.