(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Place to start Genesis. It's a beginning. It's the birth It's the you know, it starts with the creation and then gives us a lot of history There's actually a lot of time Encompassed just in the book of Genesis when it comes to the history of the world of the universe of the earth, right? Of everything and chapter 1 starts off with just the creation Great place to start everything is made six days and God rests on the seventh And then that's also the book where we learn about the patriarchs so we learn about Abraham Isaac Jacob Right and then at the end of Genesis it ends with the death of Joseph That's that encompasses that book of Revelation and then from there you Continue to move forward in time and you're going to find in the scripture is that there's these chunks where you are moving chronologically Chronologically with very few You know variations from that and you might have a book in between where it's still maintained in time frame Maybe it's not exactly, you know start to finish. So Genesis you start with creation you end with Joseph's death. So in between there you I mean you've got the flood You know, you've got thousands of years essentially just in that time frame alone from the creation to Abraham's birth you actually have 2008 years So if you think about that, that's a that's a long span of time like it's been 2020 years since 21 years since the birth of Christ So that same amount of time That whole time span is encapsulated In the Bible in a very very very short Book right just just up to the birth of Abraham That's like to you know, 2,000 years But the Bible gives us all the information that we need to know about that time especially about the flood and about other things and You know, obviously in the beginning there's less people And there's less things going on in general. So That's just Exodus is Essentially the story of Moses Right and in a way to remember, you know Genesis the word Genesis means like extra creation or it's the beginning So that's easy to remember Exodus it's it's the the expelling of The children of Israel so there's that that mass Exodus that word means and I don't have the exact definition but just understanding of the word means that it's a it's it's a big expelling right so Moses and the children of Israel are leaving Egypt That's the Exodus and that's how you can remember that but that that whole book encompasses the story of Moses here You know the burning bush Meeting God if you will, you know hearing from the Lord Receiving the law of the Lord and we see these things laid out in the book of Exodus and then we get to Leviticus Leviticus is An outlining basically of the Levitical law. So Leviticus has the word Levi in there Levi it's it's the under the priesthood of Levi is where it is is what God ordained to kind of you know to be the priests to be the the arbiters to be the You know, if you will the judges that the men of God they're going to serve the Lord they're receiving from the Lord they're teaching the people and God has given the law to Ultimately to the Levi's where he gave it to Moses and they're going to be the ones in charge of Ruling and judging and things like that. They're the priests and This is under God's God's design He didn't design for mankind to have a king He didn't design for there to be you know This is the structure that God would have for mankind in his perfect design and that's where God is the king God is supreme God's laws the law of the land and we're gonna obey God and God is the supreme Authority and his word is is above all else and then he's designed for man to be judges of that word to be judges of His law and to make sure that things are running according to God's law So we have Genesis X is Leviticus Leviticus is that law or just details? God's law and After that is the book of Numbers and Then the book of Deuteronomy and Numbers just as you might imagine has to deal with accounting for the children of Israel And that's why you have a lot of genealogies in the book of Numbers because it's it's specifying You know, the genealogies are important to determine Who can be in what role? when it comes to the Levites and there and You know the different brand the different descendants of Levi because you have you know under Aaron where the priests and then other Levites had other jobs specific to them based on their Genealogy and it also accounts for the travels of Israel After they leave Egypt and then before they get into the Promised Land So during that time they're wandering through wilderness of sin or doing other travels the book of Numbers records all those things a lot of people look at the book of Numbers is kind of a boring book because Basically, it's reading a lot of names The first nine chapters of Numbers has to do with genealogies with just a little bit of story here and there Mixed in and then after that you've got they traveled here and went here and you get a little bit more exciting, you know reading But that's the book of Numbers and then you've got the book of Deuteronomy now those first five books of the Bible Are partitioned into you know, they have their own Category right Oftentimes are referred to as all five books being referred to as the law of Moses or the books of Moses Because Moses is the one attributed with all five of those books and just you know, we'll see this also later on But you can say well, how could Moses be responsible for the book of Genesis? I mean all that stuff happened before he was even born But see that's how God Uses man and just again We have to we have a look at the Bible's understanding that it's a book of God God is the author of the scripture So humanly speaking. Yeah, how could Moses write a book about people and about about creation that no man was at How could you write about day one? How could you write about day two? You weren't there? You weren't an eyewitness because it's the Word of God Because holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. That's why So God is the author. God is the one giving us the information That's why we treat the Bible with the authority that it has because it's God's Word That's not man's word because God used human beings to be the instrumentation of Actually putting pen to paper and writing down the words that he wants us to have That's how Moses was able to deliver these books and That's how Moses was he didn't just come up with the law on his own either On all of what's right what's wrong, what should all punishment speak God gave that to him He's not just all out of the imagination of Moses heart Because if it was out of the imagination of his heart, he would have gotten it wrong he wouldn't if he wouldn't have done it he wouldn't done a perfect job, but So the book of Deuteronomy where I was just finishing up there that's this basically called this it's a second giving of the law And that's that's inherent in the word Deuteronomy. It means it's the second law the second giving of that law where it's a reiteration And you get a little bit of more detail on certain things in the book of Deuteronomy, but essentially it's mirroring You know, it's another witness another testimony of the law of God's law So that's why you're gonna find like for example the Ten Commandments you can find in Exodus 20 also go to find in Deuteronomy So you're gonna have this the second giving of the law Which is given a little bit later in Moses's life where he's just recounting all of the law in The book of Deuteronomy then ends with the death of Moses So in Genesis, you got the creation you get Abraham Isaac Jacob Jacob is Israel. Jacob is renamed to Israel So then as you read through the rest of the Bible here the children of Israel It's the children of Jacob. That's that's Ultimately that nation derives because they're all spawned from Jacob and Those books now those first five books of Bible you may also hear other words used to talk about those besides being the law of Moses another word is Pentateuch and Penta means five so it's a five books of Moses and you know, I don't like I don't use This terminology as much because not everybody knows it and It's it's you know, these are more words that either You know people who are really into Hebrew or into Sounding smart or theology and you know using these terms I like to throw these around and oftentimes not everyone who does it but a lot of people just want to sound smart and they you Know they talk about these things in a in a scholarly manner so that you'll hear Pentateuch or you hear the Torah Or Torah, right now Torah's it has a lot of different meanings depending on who you're talking to It could mean like all of Judaism law could mean the first five books It could mean all these different things. So that one's got a loose a little bit more of a loose Association many people can use you know Torah's of the first five books of the Bible, but just so you're aware I mean people may use these terms, right? It's important just to at least hear them and understand what they are So, you know and you're not ignorant of what they're talking about when you talk about these things Those are the first five books of Bible books of Moses the law Can you know it's contained in those first five books very beginning of the scripture we continue on Chronologically as well with the book of Joshua Joshua, of course Takes over as the leader of Israel after Moses dies, so we ended up Deuteronomy with the death of Moses. We're starting off the book of Joshua with Joshua now You know being the one in charge being the one in power and he is the one that's going to lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land and The book of Joshua basically chronicles all of those battles all those victories and and The children of Israel coming in and conquering the land and Everything that's associated that and dividing up the land like Moses had to do and that's in the book of Joshua After that is the book of Judges and this encapsulates the time After Joshua so they've inherited the land and now they're basically just living right there. They're doing their thing They have these battles they have You know enemies attacking and different things going on and this is the time span before they decide they want to have a king and This is where they're basically supposed to be operating the way that God said that they should be operating now So again put things in context in years of human history the creation To Abraham's birth. We said about 2,000 years 2008 years, right? From Abraham's birth then to Moses's Exodus is 720 years so even in that time from between Abraham and Moses you've got you got 700 years a lot of time And then we have from the Exodus which is where we ended up until the building of the temple which we're going to see that in Ultimate and first Kings, so that's where we get all the way up to first Kings is where Solomon builds a temple That's 480 years now These are all just different milestones and I'm not going to go through this pastor answer actually did a really good I think he preached this sermon about this about the age of the earth And and I agree I was there for that I listened to that and I've gone through and studied that out myself and I agree with with what he comes up with for the years Because it's you know, there's a lot of people say a lot of different things and if you just go online And this is why I encourage you, you know study to show yourself approved unto God all this study I'm here to try to help and try to bring everything together But you really need to do these studies on your own and make sure you're familiar With all the different books with the passages with what is the Bible talking about if you if you wanted to you know If you're talking to someone and this is why it's important think about it. If you're talking to someone And any subject comes up and you want to explain what the Bible says about that subject It's good at the very least To have a ballpark idea of where you should turn to in the Bible To try to find that subject to talk about where you say. Hey, well, let's see what the Bible says about that Whether it be you're talking to someone else or even for your own benefit if you want to know where something is You need to sit back and think about it Rationally think about it logically and think about it just based on the books about what do I know about the Bible? Well, if I want to know what God thinks about anything that might be a crime that anything that might be a sin You know, we're good places to go to the law The law so you go back to Exodus you go back to Leviticus you go back to Deuteronomy Those are good places to get a good idea. Well, how does God think about these things? And just knowing what the books even represent because unfortunately so many Christians today They don't even know Anything about what why the books are even named what they're named or what happens in those books first Samuel, what's that about right or You know the getting into the minor prophets which we'll get into that a little bit later Joel Amy the people are like We've had people commenting comments Just on our church with first chart started the church because you know our text verse comes from the book of Nahum For a stronghold Baptist Church And people are like nahum. That's not even a book of the Bible. Where do you get this from? It's like oh man You're so ignorant. These are people. You know, I think that we're claiming to be Christians like You don't even know all of the books of the Bible. You don't even know that they exist You're hearing this like it's the first time you've ever heard of That book of the Bible and you know what that's a shame Which is why we need to study to show ourselves approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed and Just the basic understanding of all the books of Bible and getting this overview is a great place to start. So Joshua he leads the children of Israel in the battle chronicles all their battles Then we get in the book of Judges as I mentioned and This covers the time frame from Joshua all the way up to Samuel Because Joshua was a judge Samuel was the last judge Okay, because he's the last judge because after him that's when King Saul becomes King. That's when Saul is ordained King and Man that's that's distracting I Feel like we're at war like this helicopter going overhead like what in the world Now the book of the judges We've done Bible studies through Joshua and judges and they're great books to read through lots of exciting things happening there But essentially that's that was supposed to have been the way that God designed things To be and then after judges you have the book of Ruth now Ruth is just you know It's four chapters a short story, but it takes place chronologically speaking During the time of the judges which is why it's included here at this point in Scripture So you've got the five books of Moses and then you've got which now I forgot to mention We've entered into what would be categorized as the historical books Okay, just going through all of this history so as we get through the Judges and you know Joshua and the judges and then through the Kings and all the the ruling of the whole nation of Israel Essentially to the carrying away of them being captive. All of this is history. They're historical books. It's giving you a lot of facts now Obviously, there's a lot of good teaching and doctrine and other things to learn but it's still just just outline the way it's written Just being very historical in its presentation. So Ruth is This story of this Moabite woman who came with Naomi, you know, and you know If you don't know the story of Ruth read that story, but it's inserted here and again I think it's great placement because it happens during the time of the judges and it happens near closer to the end of the time of the judges and what we see here is an insight into the story of some of David's heritage King David's heritage that Ruth is actually part of that lineage because Ruth marries Boaz and Then Boaz Begets Obed and Obed begets Jesse and Jesse begets David. So Jesse is David's father Obed is is David's grandfather So Boaz is David's great grandfather. So as far as the history is concerned when you get to the book of Ruth This is at the time frame of David's great-grandfather being alive the story of David's great-grandfather and Ruth So then when we get into first Samuel because that's the next book you have first and second Samuel First Samuel is the story of Samuel Right now Samuel came to be this priest because Eli is dropping the ball Eli and his sons You know his whole house gets gets destroyed because of their sin So God uses Samuel to be that last judge to be that final judge for the children of Israel He's the one that Israel is looking to to be the the leader and Ultimately with Samuel that's when the children of Israel go. Well, we want it. We want to be like the rest of the nations We want a king that's gonna go out and fight our battles for us We want a king to do all this stuff like the kings of the other nations do so give us a king And that's where God tells Samuel You know what? we're gonna give him a king and don't worry about it Samuel because I haven't rejected you because Samuel is upset that they want this King is he knows that's not that's not what God wanted. That's not what God ordained God wants them to have guys. Okay, he said but he says tell Sam. Well, you know David rejected you they rejected me Because ultimately they didn't want God to be the king over them They just wanted to have some human being some man to be their king and to fight their battles for him God says no you fight No, we don't want to fight we want someone else to do it for us And So during the book of First Samuel, we've got the story of Samuel and then Saul is ordained that king So you get and then you get basically a whole story of Saul and then we're also introduced to David and and a lot of the things that David did and in his friendship with Jonathan and everything else and how David interacts with with Saul's Family and saws life and then the book of First Samuel ends with Saul's death So the whole reign of Saul is over by the end of First Samuel Second Samuel is basically all about King David the entire book of Second Samuel Has to do with the reign of King David because Saul is dead now David's taken over and everything that happens during the reign Of David being King happens in the book of Second Samuel from there. We go into first Kings First Kings, of course starts off essentially with the story of Solomon right in the rebuild or the building of the temple of God and Solomon has a significant chunk at the beginning of First Kings and it goes the Kings all the way from Solomon to Jehoshaphat now first and second Kings You're gonna see information Not just on the kings of Judah But also the kings of Israel and that's where you get most of the information on the kings of Israel as well And you have this back and forth as you progress through first and second Kings Because after after the reign of Solomon Solomon got into that sin God decided to split the kingdom up into two and rend most of the kingdom away from Solomon or from his son Rehoboam and Divided it because of Solomon's great sin that he sinned So from that from that time forward, you've got two kingdoms. You've got the kingdom of Israel the kingdom of Judah essentially And you've got different kings reigning in each one So you're gonna see this back and forth of the king of Israel, you know Starts here lives for this many years and rules and reigns and you kind of hear their story and then depending on how long the other Kings going so like if one Kings reigning for 50 years You're gonna keep reading about these stories of the kings of Israel right the king of Judah reigns for 52 years Well, like Isaiah you're gonna see the kings of Israel for all of those time that whole timeframe until you have another transition on The other side of the fence that makes sense, right? So it's it's it's trying to keep as much in order chronologically as possible So as you're going through first and second Kings, you're gonna get that first Kings goes from Solomon to Jehoshaphat We're also is contained the Prophet Elijah. It's all the stories about Elijah and then in second Kings You've got the stories of Elisha And of course the rest of the kings of Israel and Judah all the way until they get taken captive So that's what those books are about and then in first and second Chronicles First and second Chronicles is an is essentially another telling of the stories of the Kings But first thing a chronicles focuses pretty much solely on Judah You're not going to find I mean you still have these references because Israel is a part of the history of Israel and Judah and you've got these wars and all these different interactions and things like that So it's not like you don't hear about Israel, but it's not chronicling all of the Kings The way that first and second Kings do you're getting mostly just the perspective of Of Judah and these are written at different times from one another which is another reason why you're gonna see and I'm gonna pause here just for a minute To Understand this when people who hate the Bible Want to attack the Bible they're gonna say oh, you've got all these contradictions in the Bible a lot of what they're gonna Bring up are gonna come up between differences between first and second Kings and verses like in Chronicles Because they they overlap. It's it's it's the same time frame that they're that they're talking about and normally what you'll see in those books is Like they want to show you oh well this says this many people or that many horses And they try to show all these differences in numbers but what do you have to understand is that when you're especially when you're using the numbers and counting things is that there are many ways of dealing with how you deal with counting anything and When you've got two different people looking at it from you know kind of two different perspectives You Can get I want to say different answers you could get things Recorded in a different manner than the other one while both of them being true simultaneously And I'm trying to think of a good example off the top of my head. I know one that's real common is like well how many? How many horses did King Solomon have? at one instance and You know there's one, and I don't remember the exact numbers I don't remember what they're saying like one says like 20,000 another says like 2,000, okay? This is an example of so much. I'll see look this one They left off a zero so you know you're you believe that the word of God is inerrant, and there's no mistakes No, what about that? But when you read it, and you look at it closely The numbers aren't wrong and see don't ever Feel like you need to run to this. Oh, it's a copyist error. Oh, it's this other error Oh, oh, you know this is just a mistake and there isn't any mistakes you can trust in the word of God Because God doesn't make mistakes and God preserved his word without error which we have today But we like in that example the difference is there's there's like total number of horses, and then there's chariots There's a total number of chariots and it has to do with the stalls and like how many stalls the horse stalls you have and things Like that and and chariot cells when you think of a chariot the chariots are going to use more than one horse Right so on one hand you could be accounting for each individual horse and the other hand you're accounting for a chariot which has You know say ten horses per chariot or whatever right if you're off by a factor of ten That's pretty easy to see that well You only have this many stalls because it's you don't need as many when you're you're storing the entire Train right all of them in one place whatever Things like that you can look at it either way you look at your resources different You know and you just have to be careful at reading the words and and this sermon I'm not it's not designed to answer all of the objections I've done that in sermons in the past but I just wanted to point out the difference between first thing a chronicle first thing Kings is going to be a place where A lot of people are going to turn to to try to up and your faith in the Word of God Because you do have these stories kind of from different perspectives and counting different things, but So in first chronicles you've got the first nine chapters dealing with genealogies and then you've got the death of Saul in chapter 10 and the rest of the book deals with David and his temple preparations and genealogies and things like that in first chronicles and then second chronicles is Solomon to the carrying away into Babylon and It mostly just deals as I said before with the kings of Judah So that's where you're gonna find in some first and second chronicles from their genealog or Chronologically speaking because now we've gone from the creation Abraham Moses leading the children of Israel out of Egypt they come into the promised land the ruling they've got the king or excuse me The the judges and then they they want kings so then they've got kings for a few hundred years And then they get taken away taken captive into Babylon for their sin Because they rejected Lord they're serving other gods God's had enough and they go into Babylon Well after the 70 years that they're in captivity for Judah in captivity God's going to bring them back into their land and this is where we have the books of Ezra Nehemiah and Esther and of course, we're reading the book of Esther in our Wednesday night Bible study Ezra The story of Ezra has to do with the rebuilding of the temple Ezra was a priest Ezra was a scribe. So everything that we read about in Ezra It's it's the facilitating of that temple being Rebuilded in Jerusalem right Because the the time of their captivity God is bringing to an end God works in the heart of King Cyrus to to authorize the rebuilding of this temple And that's what Ezra is about and then Nehemiah is from the perspective of the governor Nehemiah He's going to be the ruler of that area and he's rebuilding Jerusalem rebuilding the walls and all the infrastructure So you've got first Ezra dealing with the with the temple and then Nehemiah dealing with just the overall building of Jerusalem And then you've got the book of Esther which is this story that takes place during this time frame so when what you see that's common between Ezra Nehemiah and Esther is that There's all these obstacles against the Jews against God's people against the doing You know the building of Jerusalem against the building of the temple and what we're seeing in Esther also is just you know Haman trying to destroy and annihilate all of God's people right so all these obstacles all this opposition and Happening essentially all around the same time around the same years Then from there we transition into another set of books So those were we had the the books of Moses the historical books Then when we start with Job we get into Job These are what's known as the poetic books or books of wisdom Okay poetic because it includes Psalms and Proverbs you've got Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon Are the next books that are kind of chunked out there? They have their own little division from a from a high level perspective where we can put all those books together they that fit together and One of the interesting things about Job is that Chronologically, it's it's placed here, and this is where the chronology Stops being just completely in order right because we've gone from creation all the way up until the coming back into Jerusalem From being in captivity and and that's essentially where we've stopped chronologically and up to this point It's been very consistent and very much in order the little bit of the reset first and second Kings first second Chronicles You kind of go back and retell the story right, but you've been transitioning forward in history Now with Job though. It's not like Job is just going to continue in that history The book the events of the book of Job are actually pretty old because when you look at Job's life And just one of the inferences and this is where you have to really study And I didn't do enough on this either to just be like Really hidden facts hard because it takes more time to invest to figure these things out You have to look at things so sometimes you're gonna know just from directly from the context when the events all happen because the Bible Tells you when they happen and we'll see this as we get into minor prophets, too The Bible tells you exactly when things happen sometimes But not always other times It's gonna be a little bit you have to do more digging and research to figure out when things happen With job I think one of the clearest things that we can probably deduce from Job is just based off of very simply how old Job lived to be The Bible says that you know you read the story of Job he had ten children He had all this wealth God was protecting him Satan attacks him. He loses everything right His friends come this was a comfort him and they're miserable comforters right they don't really do a good job at all And they're just bagging on job telling them he's in sin and everything else God steps in and and you know Basically rebukes everybody Is he's God and he's letting them know Who he is and then the story ends? with Joe being blessed Basically doubly with everything and then job has another ten children after his first ten children and passed away And the Bible says at the end of job and hopefully I have this in my notes And I don't I believe it was a hundred and sixty years So it says after these things so after all that bat the massive aptitude we live another hundred and sixty years So however old he was having the ten children and the wealth and everything else he lived another hundred and sixty years after that Which puts him in a category of? Someone who lived probably shortly after the flood Because that's how old people are living I mean if Abraham was one of the last recorded people that that lived a long time And when I say a long time, I mean like well over a hundred years Because once you get past that people aren't just being recorded as living past a hundred Now that's not happening ever but it's there's this significant change from pre-flood people are living 800 years 900 years or a super long time something changes very significant at the flood event Where the conditions are simply not the same and mankind is not living as long as they used to be and then you see a really Quick deal if people if the average time line of you're going through through history people live in night Say 900 years up to a thousand years It just dramatically drops off of the average expected lifespan of a human being So after the flood you've got people still living to be 300 years 400 years or whatever and it just tapers off really quickly within a few generations So what we see the all that being said, you know, just a real simple thing and you could go a lot more depth I'm not going to do this now and I don't even know all of the answers on this But job the events of job happen they had to have happened because of the length of years all and you know another evidence as well, but Happened way earlier on closer to the time of Abraham than anything else But they weren't written until much later and one of the evidences for that is the use of Jehovah so the word Lord when you see the word Lord in your King James Bible and all caps capital L capital O capital R capital D That is the name Jehovah in Hebrew that's that's that's that name. So we see but don't worry about oh, what do you mean at Jehovah? It means the same thing the word Lord. That's what Jehovah means Lord, right? So in English, we're reading it as Lord and that's also way It was translated in the New Testament as well from Greek from the Hebrew into Greek was translated as Lord so it's not that's not an issue, but That name Wasn't known until God made himself known that way unto Moses So if job was living around the time pre Moses He shouldn't he wouldn't even know that name yet. That's the name being used in the story of job Which tells us and again, it doesn't matter because he's addressing God he is addressing the Lord But the word that's written down is a name that he wouldn't have known so we know that the actual physical writing was done after the life of job and I don't know if anyone knows or how if you could even figure out who the author of the book of job is But it doesn't matter the author is God Don't know who the actual physical human being was that wrote it down But those are some interesting things as you study the Bible that you'll start to see it and that takes a lot to understand Understanding to even catch those details But you know what one it's cool It's Gonna help you in understanding and You may not always be pulling that out with people, but you know what it keeps the Bible exciting for you Hopefully right when you come across this stuff and see like wow, that's that's actually really neat And you start looking at things on another level It's really interesting so the book of Job obviously you've got a lot of word like the Lord just speaking for chapters and That's really cool, too Or God is just addressing Job and just in all these great bits of wisdom coming out of God's mouth You know where were you when you know I did this and did that Do you know how this works and how that works you know? And it's a you know it's a timeless book Mankind today needs to have that same type of rebuke. I think from the Lord you think you're so smart Oh, you got all this technology, and you think you know how the you can't even tell me how the bones grow in the womb Then you can't I mean doctors might try to tell you that they know It's not gonna say might tell you but they're full of baloney They can see and record how things happen, but they don't actually know how it happens They can't reproduce that They can get God's materials that God already has To do the same thing that God designed it to do, but they can't do that We need humility and God's creation look I'm all for studying God's creation understanding Biology and medicine and every great. I want to learn more about what how God designed us, but you know what mankind still reaches a limit Because life is a miracle Life is a miracle of God It truly is You can tell me yeah, well it takes a sperm and an egg to come together, okay, well where does the life come from? Yeah, I know that that this process needs to take place what is actually happening in that process you don't know What causes those cells to divide you could see the cells dividing you can see information passing Why is it doing that How is it doing we don't know you don't know if you want to tell you that they know they don't But that's a Good, I don't want to get too far off topic here That's the book of Job then we move into the book of Psalms Psalms is a saw a song book right obviously. It's scripture and Most of the Psalms were penned down by David by King David he introduced a lot music Book of Psalms Psalms itself is divided into five books So we have chapters chapter 1 through 41 is book 1 chapters 42 to 72 is book 2 73 to 89 is book 3 90 to 106 is book 4 and 107 to the end 150 is book 5 They're in five collections of the Psalms, so if you didn't know that before that is true That is a fact. That's the way that they were Passed down Don't know how much significance there is when you're reading obviously you know it's all God's Word But take it for what it is Then we move into from Psalms from the songs that mostly was recorded by David we get into Proverbs Which is mostly his son Solomon and just great wisdom From God and also Ecclesiastes again from Solomon and then Song of Solomon or Song of Songs Depending on how that's named you might hear either one of those or see them in your Bible Very good poetry they're a beautiful language About love between man and woman obviously there's a lot more spiritual symbolism there and those are Those books of that are kind of known as the poetic books Then we get into the major prophets a major prophet you guys they had Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel and And Major prophets is essentially just they're the really long books now Daniel isn't as long but These are the bigger books it's easy to remember that way is amid those the reason why they call the major prophets now This is where things can get really interesting I'm not gonna try not to spend too much time because I know I still got the whole New Testament to go through You can tie in a lot of Understanding here, and this is what I'm going to recommend doing some extra studying to You've already read the history So you know a lot of major events that are going on from first and second Kings first and second Chronicles judges right whatever these prophets That we're going to get into now for the rest of the Old Testament is all just books of prophets Okay writings of prophets, so we got Jeremiah Isaiah Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations is also from Jeremiah and then Ezekiel These are all taking place Well, I'll tell each one specifically But during different time periods and you can know when they are and what's interesting about that is when you see different Trouble different problems and what God's preaching to the people Oftentimes you're gonna see you know this hard preaching happening during the time of a reign of a good king So you can't just assume well There's this good King so everything must be going great and all the children of Israel are loving the Lord and following God Yet you're gonna see some of the hardest preaching coming through during those times And vice versa you know so you can see you could you could start to Paint the bigger picture of oh, I didn't know Jeremiah's out there preaching While this king is leading and doing these events and you start to put those together It gives you a more full picture of what's going on so With the book of Isaiah He is around during and right at the very beginning it says during the days of Isaiah Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah During their reigns this is during this whole ministry of Isaiah where he's preaching happens at that time frame so you could go back and look well what happened during the reigns of those kings and Relate the preaching of Isaiah with those stories and see how they fit together in the days of oh One of oh man my notes are screwed up here So Okay I'm getting my mind back here But something screwed up on my print here one of the other cool things about the book of Isaiah Is that people often refer to as a mini Bible? There's 66 books or chapters excuse me in the book of Isaiah, and there's 66 books of the Bible so you've got 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament, so 66 total and Each Chapter and I can't say this I haven't studied this out for every single chapter, but it is really really interesting So if you start with Genesis or with with chapter one of Isaiah Essentially what you can see or what you'll find is that something in the book of Genesis is Referenced maybe not directly, but but you'll find something some common thread some common theme With the book of Genesis in chapter 1 of Isaiah with the book of Exodus in chapter 2 and so on and so forth so each One of the chapters going all the way to Revelation in Isaiah 66 you'd be able to see these tie-ins and some of them are just Amazing I mean absolutely amazing some of the prophecies in Isaiah when you get into the New Testament where they match up with Gospels and stuff It's like man. That's super cool because you have almost the exact same Phrases being used or words being used in the books so I haven't gone through every single one, so I'm not going to stand up here and say that This is a fact, but I've seen enough of the examples Where it's really cool, and it's kind of hard to not think that it applies all the way around but which is also interesting because that can also lead to an instruction that you know even the books of the Bible being in the order they're in is Is divinely inspired and and and that God had that order For us to have the books of the Bible in Which is really cool So that's something interesting another thing to study out for yourself and see if that holds true does is that is that correct and? Now here's the thing with these prophets is that you do have We start to get into some more chronology again Right with those poetic books. They're kind of put in the middle there but You've got job, which would be technically the oldest and then Psalms during time David and then Proverbs with Solomon, but but that's like the most chronology you're gonna get but here you have Isaiah Jeremiah Jeremiah Lamentations kind of grouped together in any Ezekiel Isaiah is pre carrying away into Babylon Jeremiah is pre and post so Jeremiah preaches before the captivity and During the captivity right so so he's kind of in between there And then Ezekiel is in the captivity he's preaching during the captivity and one of the interesting things about about Ezekiel is that he had to lay You know talk about someone being used of God And this is a quick fun fact if you didn't know this he had to lay on his left side for 390 days and on his right side for 40 days to show a day for a year for the captivity of Israel and Judah and How long that was gonna like God's prophecy of how long that was gonna last? I've got it easy to come up here and just preach now I'm not saying I'm an Ezekiel right but to be used of God like like if I just have to be a preacher and preach God's Word Amen that's great. I love doing that but but to do some of the things that Ezekiel did man He was put through a lot of things and when he was when he was laying on his side He had to prepare like food and stuff But the food the food they had to eat God originally said he had to eat his own dung And then when he'll Petition the Lord To not have to do that he replaced his own dung with cow's dung And he did it Laying on one side for over a year and Rationing and eating dung and then flip over on the other side and Prophesying and everything else so it's amazing I mean God God used people to you know, really hammer home a point and to get things through and Yeah, these These people ought to be looked to as as heroes of the faith Because they were willing to do whatever whatever God said for them to do And then of course we get in the book of Daniel. Daniel is I is definitely during the captivity You know, there's no doubt about that one of when everything happens there He's you know, he's of the children of Israel and he was younger and and brought into the king's presence because he's you know He excelled already Just just I think with his intelligence and things like that to be someone that be useful in in the king In the service of the king and then he gets all the a lot of prophecy comes near the end of Daniel So we get some really cool stories of a Daniel and then we get into the minor prophets so I Have these listed here, but I'll let you do this study Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah and Malachi and they're relatively speaking again in chronological order Going through these times so with Hosea It's a Zaya Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah were the kings of Judah during the time of his preaching when when these things are going on and then Going to Malachi which is I don't know exactly I don't know if anyone knows for sure But how much before he's kind of the last? prophet That we have record up here before Christ Coming and starting his ministry. So before the New Testament, he's like that that last minor prophet there Before the New Testament, so then we have the division of The New Testament and I'm already at time, but I'm gonna just basically, you know And people are more familiar with the New Testament anyways, so I spent more time on the Old Testament Just hopefully, you know trying to get your your mind wrapped around the years and just oh one last thing So the creation Abraham's birth I didn't finish off all the years I have here 2008 years Abraham's birth to moe To Moses to the Exodus was 720 years so 2700 years just to the Exodus and Then the temple being built from that X is 480 years and then to the captivity When the temple is built at captivity is 420 years about 420 years of the reigning of the Kings Right and about 400 years of the judges. So you've got about 40 years of judges 400 years of Kings essentially and then 70 years of being in captivity and Then you've got after the captivity Or from from Cyrus giving the decree into the birth of Christ is 500 years 536 years So from the time the captivity is is ending During this time and again It's not during a time of minor prophets because a lot of minor prophets are preaching during the time of the Kings but some of the minor prophets will be Taking place probably after the captivity You've got that 500 years until the birth of Christ Then of course the divisions in the New Testament. You've got the four Gospels Matthew Mark Luke John right four counts testimonies Eyewitness testimonies people who are with Jesus Christ During his ministry giving accounts of Jesus Christ the things that he said And then you've got kind of this historical book of the book of Acts after the resurrection of Jesus Christ All everything that his disciples were doing the apostles were doing all the work They're doing all those great acts that they did and then you get into the epistles of Paul So the Apostle Paul writes these epistles and the word epistle just means it's a letter All right, the Apostle Paul is writing letters and I subdivide these into two categories the first set starting with Romans is He's writing to churches So he's writing to the Romans he's writing to the church at Rome and To all the people there and he's sending these letters these epistles, which is the Word of God Unto these various churches. So you've got the Romans you've got the church at Corinth So first and second Corinthians they get two epistles sent to them the Church of Galatia Ephesus Philippi Colossae that's so that's where you get the Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians The Thessalonians so they get two letters. Those are grouped together for a second Thessalonians and Then we get into the pastoral epistles where he's not writing to churches He's writing to specific people the pastors, right? So Timothy gets two letters first and second Timothy Titus gets a letter and Philemon gets a letter these are all epistles that Paul writes that are that are Definitely the you know, the the the the pen ship of Paul he's the one into human instrument being used to deliver God's Word In all of these various letters now How does all this get canonized I'm not going to get too deep into that but basically The churches were already commanded that you know the letters that they received they're supposed to share basically among each other and and Even though they're directed for a particular church at the time They also were to be sharing these letters and back and forth and they end up Canonizing these things as they as they know that they're the Word of God And again at that that kind of had the pressure even brought that up just because that's a that's a whole nother Can of worms in itself to go through how these things are determined and then from there from the epistles of Paul You've got the book of Hebrews book of Hebrews is like it says it's designed to Explain to people who were Hebrews like the the the physical Jews The differences between the Old Testament New Testament How things are going to change how you don't you no longer have these? Sacrifices because Christ is a sacrifice and you have you know The priesthood being changed from the Levitical priesthood of the priesthood order of Melchizedek That's what you see in the book of Hebrews, so again, you know if you want to know church instruction What should the churches be doing? Well, you're probably gonna want to look at one of the epistles to a church Right you find them is somewhere in there you want to know, you know, what some of the differences are Old Testament New Testament Well, look at the book of Hebrews. It's a great place to look now It doesn't mean there's not information in other books, but it's this general understanding and knowing. Okay Well, what are these books about? What's the big theme of all these different books? Then you can go back and start your research there and then you've got these general epistles after the book of Hebrews Which are these just epistles written by different people? Talking about various things so you got the pistol James Peter has two epistles first a second Peter and then John the Apostle John who you know Was responsible for the book of John and the book of Revelation has three epistles first second and third John and they're written to Just people or to general audiences, right? So I called the general epistles and then you have the general pistol of Jude and then the last book of course is the book of Revelation which Stands on its own. It's that prophetic book. It's the the end cap on the Bible you go from the the creation to the new heaven and new earth Right, which should encompass all of human history on this planet So we start At time with time as we know it and we end going into eternity And that's the overview Of the Bible But I said, you know, hopefully, you know, maybe you you if you didn't learn anything brand-new I apologize, but this is important stuff to know. Hopefully there was something in there That was that that you didn't know before it's interesting But I just want to stress the importance of knowing the Bible Knowing it. I made notes. I debated whether I should even make notes or not But I the reason I made notes for myself is because I don't want to say anything wrong. I'd never want anything inaccurate All Of the stuff we should just know You should know it and if you don't know it don't feel bad, but but study right get to know it, right? Just just so you know what? I'm gonna I'm gonna make sure that I intimately know the Word of God and that I can turn Wherever and and help explain something to someone and know what these verses say or at least know where to find them Now, maybe you're not there yet because it takes time to learn You can't just just you know Like like the matrix plug in and just have this stuff downloaded in your brain and you just know it all of a sudden Right that that's not the way life is you need to be able to study it takes time. So I encourage you Here's one of the things that I did that helped me out a lot and and the main purpose of this was for soul winning Okay, because you want to be able to give everyone an answer for the hope that's that that's in you Right, you want to be able to answer questions on different doctrines different objections that people have During your own personal reading You come across something you say oh man. Yeah, this is a for this verse really talks about the Trinity This verse talks about hell being eternal this verse talks about, you know works salvation You know not is not a thing and that you know, whatever all these different things You're gonna come up make notes of those what I did in my Bible the Bible I took out soul winning with me I would also read out of that Bible because for one it made it easier for me to remember where things were That I was actually reading And I had like two columns in my book most Bibles are If I was talking to someone when I'm still trying to learn and remember everything is I could remember in my mind What side of the page it was on? right So that was helpful Going out before I had more knowledge of just oh, yeah I know exactly where that is, right to remember where things were but I also wrote down on Because most Bibles you'll have like blank pages at the beginning or at the end of the Bible Which this one should have to write blank pages just nothing on it. I Would make notes and I had categories. I had JW. I had Mormon. I had Pentecostal I had all these things Okay to help and what that does is one that's gonna help you be prepared when you when you if you have to talk to someone and It's not embarrassing or a shame to look back and say okay. Well, I want to answer a question here order. Okay? Yeah, let's turn here. Let me show you this or whatever But also just the just the act of doing that helps you to remember When you take the time to write things down and you're actually thinking about them It will help just stick in your mind. So that later on you don't need those. No, I don't need those notes anymore It's not the brackets You know after after enough time of doing this and putting forth the effort You end up getting to the point where you start learning more and more and the Bible comes together more To know what everything is talking about, but let's get to that point Study study to show yourself approved get to where you know, like, oh man. Yeah, I know I Know and the goal and I'm still working at this I want to know If you tell me a book in chapter of the Bible, I can tell you what that talks about I'm not at that point Okay, I'm gonna be honest with you. If you just said any random chapter, I can't tell you What the the just even the general theme is of that one chapter, but I'd like to be at that point That's a goal of mine. I would like to be able to tell you. Oh, yeah Matthew 1 is this Matthew 2 is this Matthew 3 is and I mean just through not just the New Testament but the whole Bible Job 37 build add the shoe height, you know, whatever like what whatever it is To have that that that knowledge and just that understanding that intimacy of the Bible because the more you get the The closer you can have that that type of knowledge The more the Bible is gonna mean to you and you're gonna glean even more understanding from Don't read the Bible a couple times is back. Well, I read it good enough There's so much more. There's so much more You should be learning all the time It's the Word of God not the Word of Man. The Word of God is capable of that is endless But I'm gonna leave the rest of that for tonight because tonight we're going over the Word of God Let's have a word of prayer. Dear Lord. We love you. We thank you so much for this amazing Book that that is authored by you Thank you for giving this this masterpiece to us to cherish and to love and I pray that you would please Help us not to have an attitude of dealing with with reading your word consuming these words as a drudgery as a chore But that you would open up the scriptures to us help us to understand more help us to see all these great details and Great truths Lord help to help us to not just understand them, but then also to retain them Lord there's so many things that you've shown me over the years I feel like I've forgotten and I pray that you please Help all of us with our memories and and to be able to keep these things in our heart and that you would just teach Us guide us And help us to not be ashamed as your workmen But that we can be used as much as possible by you Even if we ever find ourself in some random situation where we don't have a Bible handy we would have enough scripture memorized and enough knowledge to be able to show and And and just continue to do work for you to Lord. We love you. It's in Jesus name. We pray. Amen All Right, we're gonna sing one last song before dismissed this morning, but if you please lead us in our last song So 273 what would you do with Jesus? So On the first Jesus Jesus Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh