(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you generally speaking those are gonna be for the bigger events that we have marathons or potlucks or whatever anniversary Sunday things like that so that is kind of the function of those things so but we'll definitely keep you stocked up with Gatorade you go out you sweat we'll keep you hydrated and coconut waters too by the way coconut waters fall in that same category if you're out there and losing electrolytes you can replenish them with some of those beverages alright continuing on here we've got some we've got the offering totals down there at the bottom of the page received through the month of May prayer request we're adding Jimmy who had his house and cars broken into and just pray that things will be safe for him and his family and his children and that it's not someone who's specifically necessarily targeting him personally and hopefully he'll be able to recover his goods and stay safe and then Ken is having an appointment this week to give him the clearance of checking out his chest and going to make sure that he's going to be strong enough to have a surgery and that everything is looking the way they expected to look so that's happening this week and then we mentioned we'll get to that in a minute we're praying for the family they're doing a lot traveling here in the upcoming days international traveling and such so pray for them pray for the church pray everything goes well there and that the ministry continues to grow and thrive and of course everyone else who's on this list I don't have any updates necessarily for but continue to pray for everybody here on the next phase congratulations to Roger's family there's a picture of baby Nathan with a little smile on his face that's a cute picture there so you can see all the stats he was born on May 16th 830 we're doing meal trains for the family so if you haven't already been able to help with that and you would like to help with that and you would like to still help you could talk to my wife coordinate when would be a good time or maybe brother Devon too if you wanted to stop out there and bring something he'd be able to let you know what would be a good idea and but I know he's planning on being here Wednesday as well so if you wanted to bring food on Wednesday that's also an option so I know those meals are very much appreciated we've had some ourselves and it's nice to have them and it's nice to have people in church care and help and usually a lot of a lot of this is this is when the husbands really get to know everything that your wife does when you're not when you're not home I got I got I got a I got a testimony right here brother Devin's like yep that's right we do the things when we're gone going like come on why can't you get this stuff done it's like oh that's why you can't get this stuff done so it gives much appreciation to our wives and it's good and and you know what it also helps them to come in and save dad with some food be like all right I don't have to worry about that I don't think about that it's taken care of so it's very much appreciated but we're happy everything went really well the delivery went well everyone's healthy and and fine and recovering just fine so we're praise the Lord for that so answer to prayer there may challenge is a baptism challenge we had two baptisms after the service today we had Gideon and Isaiah got baptized so that's really cool and we're planning to have another one next week I think right and that's about the challenge you know so anyone who's been helping to encourage baptism you'll win a prize for for doing that for being instrumental and helping people to choose to get baptized during this month so it's happy to see people get baptized you know honestly this is one of the reasons why we do this it's not it's not really about the prizes it's about bringing it up and kind of putting a spotlight on baptism every every year that we do this challenge we have like the most baptisms generally speaking for the year and I think that's it mostly has to do with just saying hey if you haven't been baptized you haven't been baptized right you'll get kind of people thinking about baptism in general and it's a good it's a good thing so we're gonna we're gonna keep doing this I know it's not one that necessarily everybody is always able you know you start doing the challenges and you're like man I can do the Bible reading I can do the soul winning challenges I can do nothing but then the baptism challenge it doesn't always work out that way right I mean it's it's tough it's tough to convince people to get baptized don't worry about it don't sweat it obviously be thinking about it be be proactive trying to get people to come in and get baptized especially you lead someone to Christ you know it's great opportunity to try to convince them to come in and get baptized but it's important it's part of the Great Commission and yeah so I'm excited excited to see more baptisms great having those baptism better service today and looking forward to some more so we've got one more full week in May to to encourage people get baptized to try to try to do that this month we'll knock it out of the park and we've already had what four so six baptisms this month we had some of the camping trip and then some today so that's that's pretty cool and then we've got the Bible memory passage our last week so it's a final week week seven you have until next Sunday at midnight is a deadline to quote Hebrews seven verses fifteen through twenty eight out loud in order to get a prize for committing that to memory so if you're able to do that if you if you've has anyone already quoted as anyone finish this passage and you're done and you got it down anyone at all all right you got a week you got one more week to get it done and then you'll be able to claim your prize for that for those 14 verses upcoming birthdays and anniversaries are listed down there at the bottom of the page and then the next page of course is our coming events we have men's preaching class this Saturday any men interested in coming preaching whether you want to preach or not you want to learn about preaching come here show up 10 a.m. right here if you want to preach if you're planning or attending I'm preaching at this class look to prepare a 10 to 15 meeting minute sermon that is it's all going to be dependent on how much interest do we have how much how many people show up and things like that on how long of a of an opportunity you get to preach personally but so we'll just see how it goes I just I'm not going to be here all afternoon so but I am excited about people wanting to come and show up and start receiving some training so looks great we're gonna have a good time with that that's the Saturday and then also on June 17th we'll have the preaching class as well and then June 24th and 25th we're going to be celebrating our church anniversary five year anniversary this year so it's a big milestone for the church still very young in our in our church growth but been a lot of a lot of great things that God has done here so I'm excited about that excited hopefully you're excited to I really want to make this a big day a big weekend we're going to try to get some type of entertainment in the form of like inflatables right so something has to do with water like water play thing and a bounce house or whatever and I'm going to look into a little bit more and hopefully get something for Saturday and for Sunday not just for Sunday but that way if you want to go soul winning which is going to be from 930 in the morning to 1230 we'll go out and do a few hours of soul winning in the area we'll have some lunch here so I want to go out so any well some lunch provided for you and then if we've got that stuff up and around I'm not necessarily going to stick here all day but but if people want to enjoy the those things we'll we'll leave it out and available just the last person is going to have to turn them off and secure them overnight for Sunday so we'll see we'll see how we're going to do that I haven't I haven't fully thought that out or or reserved anything yet so that's the plan plan is to have some kind of fun stuff maybe some you know the past we've done snow cones or popcorn or whatever I don't know we'll see so and then food we'll also have food provided on Sunday after the morning service so we'll have a lunch provided for the whole church church wide lunch on that anniversary and you know let's make this a big event talk to people about it when you go out soul winning you know let's kind of pump up that event and let's see what kind of attendance we can get here pass from he is going to be preaching for us so it's going to be it's going to be a really good good time all the way around so I'm excited for that and then in July we're going to pastor Anderson preaching for us for faith for Baptist Church on July 5th which is a midweek service so try to make it out for that even if you don't live close to see what you can do about getting out here you won't want to miss that that is about it for announcements this evening so I'm going to turn the service back over to brother Peter lead us in our next song wonderful words of life sinner, let's do the love we grow wonderful words of life all so freely given wooing us to heaven beautiful words, wonderful words wonderful words of life beautiful words, wonderful words wonderful words of life sweetly echo the gospel call wonderful words of life awkward, worded, and peace so long wonderful words of life Jesus, only Savior sanctified forever you can make wonderful words, wonderful words wonderful words of life you can make wonderful words, wonderful words wonderful words of life Amen, church, great scene so I'm going to request our Sunday evening offering Pastor Carter all right church and while the offering plate is being passed around you can open up your Bibles to the book of Job chapter 21 the book of Job chapter 21 and as we do customary here in Stronghold Baptist Church to read the entire chapter and ask the brother of Michael of Carter please stand for us that is once again Job chapter 21 Job chapter 21 but Job answered and said hear diligently my speech and let this be your consolation suffer me that I may speak and after that I have spoken mark on as for me is my complaint to man and if it were so why should not my spirit be troubled mark me and be astonished and lay your hand upon your mouth even when I remember I am afraid and trembling taketh hold on my flesh wherefore do the wicked live become old yea almighty in power their seed is established in their sight with them and the offspring before their eyes their houses are safe from fear neither is the rod of God upon them their bowl generith and failing not the cow calvith and casteth not her calf they send forth their little ones like a flock and their children dance they take the timbrel and harp and rejoice at the sound of the organ they spend their days in wealth and in a moment go down to the grave therefore they say unto God depart from us for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways what is the almighty that we should serve him and what profit should we have if we pray unto him lo their good is not in their hand the counsel of the wicked is far from me how oft is the candle of the wicked put out and how oft cometh their destruction upon them God distribute the sorrow in his anger they are as stubble before the wind and as chaff that the storm carry carrieth away God layeth up his iniquity for his children he rewarded him and he shall know it his eyes shall see his destruction and he shall drink of the wrath of the almighty for what pleasure hath he in his house after him when the number of his months is cut off in the midst shall any teach God knowledge seeing he judges those that are high one dieth in his full strength being holy at ease and quiet his breasts are full of milk and his bones are moistened with marrow and another dieth in the bitterness of his soul and never eateth with pleasure they shall lie down alike in the dust and the worm shall cover them behold i know your thoughts and the devices which he wrongfully imagined against me for you say where is the house of the prince and where are the dwelling places of the wicked have you not asked them that go by the way and do you not know their tokens that the wicked is reserved to the day of destruction they shall be brought forth to the day of wrath who shall declare his way to his face and who shall repay him what he hath done yet shall he be brought to the grave and shall remain in the tomb the clouds of the valley shall be sweet onto him and every man shall draw after him as there are innumerable before him how then comfort ye me in vain seeing in your answers there remain the falsehood let's pray father god thank you for your word once again and we uh pray that you fill pastor burzins with your spirit that you allow for him to pre-preach for boldness and allow for there to be no distraction but allow for us to be able to hear your word and be able to take your word with us as we depart from this place after this uh powerful sermon we praise you and thank you in jesus name amen all right so this evening i am it's basically a continuation of the morning sermon and i'm kind of glad that i i split this one up because you know we're doing that whole series from ecclesiastes chapter three and verse number four in ecclesiastes three says a time to weep and a time to laugh and that's what i covered this morning a time to weep and a time to laugh and then it continues a time to mourn and a time to dance and on the surface especially like what what this ecclesiastes three is teaching here and when it talks about dancing and talks about mourning it's basically contrasting mourning with dancing because dancing is something you do when you're happy when you're rejoicing it's something that's just associated with a good time versus mourning being really sad sad versus happy righteous it's putting those two concepts together and that's why it fits in perfectly with what i preached this morning about weeping or crying right and laughing right being sad and being happy again very similar um in what i'd be teaching about but i wanted to take this opportunity to also now just cover dancing in the bible and dancing in general this is something that i haven't really heard i don't know if i've ever heard a sermon specifically on dancing and it's definitely something i haven't heard very much about in general so i thought it would be a good opportunity and i thought a sermon a time to dance so i'm going to be focusing primarily on that but i do just want to start off by saying you know honestly in this context and what this is talking about here it's really talking about mourning versus being joyful i mean that's that's literally what it's talking about when it's talking about time to dance yeah it's it's dancing because you're happy because you're rejoicing because things are going well and honestly as we go through the scriptural references we're going to see that that is why people dance just a hundred percent of the time throughout the bible is because they're happy because they're rejoicing because there's a cause for a celebration okay not much else to it than that i'm sorry to break it to you there's nothing really hidden or secret about this but the reason why i want to spend time recover is because it is something that people you know you may not hear a lot about but you probably know at least a lot of independent fundamental baptist churches are no dancing right against dancing we don't want to have any dancing and i want to explain and go a little bit more in detail about that and what i believe about that and what we see that the bible teaches about that there clearly is a time to dance where dancing would be appropriate so i'm not going to say that you could never dance as if dancing itself is a sin but the problem in general that there is with dancing and the reason why you're going to find a baptist saying no dancing and stuff is because the just the common form of dancing in general in the world is wicked and the way that people dance is wicked it's not right it's wrong okay and there's many reasons for that so it's easier i think just to kind of say like yeah we don't do dancing as opposed to actually digging in and looking and say well what is legit what would be reasonable what would be appropriate what would be right and in this whole series there's a time for this and a time for that it's what is appropriate what is right we want to still do things that are good and right according to scripture so i'm not going to stand up here and say well no you can never dance there's never time to dance and no dancing is good and every dancing is sin it's not but we'll after we look in scripture then at the end i'll kind of just cover using some sense using things we already know using some i i feel good established doctrine or things that are taught in scripture to guide us and to mold the right principles or use the right principles to to mold our beliefs and our thoughts on dancing in general and whether or not we should do and what's appropriate what's not okay because as we look at these examples and it's not one i didn't i looked at all the examples in scripture i was preparing for the sermon i didn't put them all in my notes because it's going to be just redundant and it's and it's literally just the references are talking about the same thing you could take my word for you could research it for yourself later and kind of look it up and see if i forget anything the only one i left out that might have any type of importance to it is um in judges i think it's 21 where the children of benjamin needed wives remember that that horrible story in judges 19 where the reprobates the the sons of belial defile that woman the concubine all night until they kill her and then her husband's you know chops her up and send her off and then they come all of israel's one man goes to to get those wicked men and bring justice and they end up fighting against benjamin like all of benjamin's just like no we're not going to deliver up the wicked reprobates to you guys so then they all just join together with the reprobates and they have this battle and they have this war and of course they get destroyed they get demolished in the end to the point to where they practically wipe out the entire tribe of benjamin from being a people among the children of israel so now to fix this they had to do something and they're going well what are we going to do because we already made a vow that we're not going to give our daughters to them because they were so far off the deep end you know we're not gonna marry off our daughters and to the children of benjamin so we vowed that we wouldn't do that so we can't break that vow so now they're going like well what are we gonna do these guys need wives you know there's not that many left there's there's you know hundreds of them left but not not that many and uh they're like well who didn't come here to fight and whoever didn't show up you know we're gonna take wives from them for those you know we're gonna judge them for not coming to the fight but then it still wasn't enough so then they had this other plan they're like when the daughters of israel come out to dance in shiloh that the the look this is this is a real story in the bible okay this is what the bible says i'm not saying this is right and i don't think that you can teach that this is correct for them to do this in the bible and enjoy i went through this whole story and when i went through the bible study through judges and you could read that judges 21 it's the last chapter of the book of judges they they had this plan and said okay basically the benjamites that didn't have wives were going to hide and when the the girls came out to dance they would like kidnap them and bring them home and that's your wife like go go catch yourself a wife of these girls that were out there dancing and that's what they did but here's why i'm saying i'm not saying that what they did was right because that chapter ends with saying and there was no king in those days and everyone did that which was right in his own eyes so it's just this concept of like well i'm just doing what i think is right and they they weren't really following a godly leader example i mean occasionally they were but just in general that's kind of where they're at so i don't want to go too deep into that story which it wasn't in my notes and now i probably spent more time in it than i would if it was in my notes so all of that said to say this and we started in job 21 also and i'm using this opportunity to just teach how to study the bible also and what to look out for in general if a preacher wants to preach something that they think or what they believe and is not being honest with scripture that you need to look at everything and still study on your own and i know it takes effort to do that and you don't always want to just go home after you've heard a sermon preached by your pastor preached by anyone and now go and check and see well does that really but there's not there's not much other way to make sure that you're getting the truth than to do it yourself and here's here's what i mean by that so so there's that example of the women dancing and then they're getting kidnapped and taken off to be wives so if someone wanted to just preach an agenda they can say see look what happened to them i mean i guess they shouldn't have been out there dancing because now you who knows what's going to happen right you go out there dancing and some guy is going to come along and they might kidnap you and you know who knows and you could and we have bad examples of dancing in the bible so we're going to start off looking at bad examples where you can look to scripture and say this doesn't look right or at least has a negative connotation to it but this is why it's important to look at everything and make sure you get the whole picture because if i chose tonight just just i'm only going to focus on the bad examples i'm negative examples and i can say see look there's never a time to dance or whatever it's always wrong and just try to explain away ecclesiastes 3 is just saying like well yeah i mean it's just talking about rejoicing and stuff so whatever but like it doesn't really mean dancing it just means to rejoice no that's not what it says okay so in job 21 look at verse number seven the bible says wherefore do the wicked live become old yea our mighty in power now we start in verse seven because it's setting the context of who he's talking about it's talking about the wicked right the wicked live they become old they're mighty in power verse eight their seed is established in their sight with them and their offspring before their eyes their houses are safe from fear neither is the rod of god upon them their bull genderth and faileth not their cow caveth and casteth not her calf they send forth their little ones like a flock and their children dance ah there you go see the wicked ones their children dance it's the wicked people they're the ones that have the children that dance right no that's not what it's talking about it says they take the timbrel and harp and rejoice at the sound of the organ it's talking about them being in comfort not having problems right job 21 is saying hey yeah why why do the wicked they live they become old and they don't really seem to have any problems right so in the context that's what it's talking about but you can't just say see look it's the wicked that are dancing you see i mean you see how you can you know people will do that and preachers will do that i mean no one that i listen to but it does happen right i mean it happens a lot actually and when people don't read the bible and you don't know any better you could just and they would probably just see look verse number seven wicked is the context jump down to verse number 11 their children dance whose children the wicked children right but obviously in the context now what's talking about so but look you have to you have to do this for yourself now is this is the point that the children who are dancing are wicked no the point is that they're rejoicing everything's going well for them they're in safety they're in relative safety everything's going good and everything's fine it's teaching the greater point of like look don't look at the wicked and be covetous of the wicked and of their prosperity or anything else because they're gonna have their day they're gonna have judgment coming to them so don't worry about them if everything seems to be going great for them because it's not in the end right that's that's the whole point here turn if you go to exodus 32 we're going to look at another example and you know i call job 21 a bad example just because it's referring to the children of the wicked who are doing the dancing right you could look at it in that in that regard but clearly the dancing is literally just because they're full of joy because they're happy exodus 32 we're going to see this example where moses and aaron are coming down from the mountain of god famous story you know the children of israel then or not not moses excuse me not moses and aaron moses and joshua came down because aaron had made them the idol the false gods and they started partying and everything else while moses was gone how quickly they turned from following god and were turned unto idols so but then this is definitely a bad example of some dancing that was going on that shouldn't have been going on look at verse number 17 in exodus 32 and when joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted he said unto moses there is a noise of war in the camp and he said it is not the voice of them that shout for mastery neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome but the noise of them that sing do i hear that's not a battle they're singing and it came to pass as soon as he came nigh unto the camp that he saw the calf and the dancing so he saw the idol that golden cap that was made and he saw the people dancing and rejoicing and having a good time or whatever all having fun dancing in front of their idol and moses anger waxed hot and he cast the tables out of his hands and break them beneath the mount and he took the calf which they had made and burnt it in the fire and ground it to powder and strawed it upon the water and made the children of israel drink of it and moses said unto erin what did this people unto thee that thou has brought so great a sin upon them and erin said let not anger my lord wax hot thou know us the people that they are set on mischief for they said unto me make us gods which shall go before us as for this moses the man that brought us up out of land of egypt we what not what has become of him and i said unto them whose overath any goal let them break it off so they gave it me then i cast it into the fire and there came out this calf and then look at verse number 25 and when moses saw that the people were naked for erin had made them naked unto their shame among their enemies then moses stood in the gate of the camp and said who is on the lord's side let him come unto me and all the sons of levi gathered themselves together unto him and he said unto them thus saith the lord god of israel put every man a sword by his side and go in and out from the gate from gate to gate throughout the camp and slay every man his brother and every man his companion every man his neighbor and the children of levi did according to the word of moses and their fellow people that day about three thousand men so serious consequences they come moses comes down from the mountain with joshua and finds out that now they're given over to idolatry already and they're partying up they're dancing and it also says that the people were naked now it doesn't necessarily have to imply that they're like stark naked with no clothing but the bible talks about nakedness and revealing your nakedness as anything that's from your loins unto your thigh so so this whole midsection down here you know would be considered nakedness according to the bible and you know the people were dancing and according to the bible naked right so that is definitely not okay we can look at that and say that is not appropriate dancing one they're rejoicing and happy and and dancing over idolatry and over some new fake god that got set up for them and on top of that they're not appropriate now this would be one good example to say okay when you have a situation where people are not dressed right and in many situations there's a lot of dancing going on where people can be considered naked according to the bible because they've exposed too much of their nakedness it doesn't like i said it doesn't have to be the the the definition that like our legal system might say is nakedness it's the bible's definition of nakedness that should matter to christians and what do you want to expose yourself to and if there's people out there that and look i've been to just about every type of dancing probably maybe not every type i've been to many in in the past you know in years past many different environments where there's different dancing going on okay and some are more modest than others definitely but probably among the most popular dance clubs or nightclubs that's going to have dancing you're going to find a lot of women that are biblically naked with a really short bottoms however you know whether they be skirts or dresses or whatever and exposing a lot of nakedness and there's not alone the music and look i'm going to get into more of what's wrong with just like what we call dancing in general but this is a good example of showing hey that's definitely not right there's a reason why it's even referenced that they were dancing here and then throws in that they're naked above and beyond just the idolatry i mean the idolatry is bad enough like the idolatry is huge god hates idolatry more than just about anything he's a jealous god and doesn't want the idols the first two commandments not to have any other god before him and not to make any idols and they already were doing that and breaking the the second commandment there by having their idolatry and then of course they're naked and dancing and everything else and rejoicing over these idols so that's another bad example where people are dancing well let's turn if you would to the new testament now mark chapter six mark chapter six and again you know the problem is and where people want to really get really nitpicky with when it comes to things like dancing the bible doesn't ever tell us a style of dancing or how do you dance or specifically what is appropriate is a two-step okay is it a tango is it a waltz is it you know like like you don't you don't have the steps and a protocol to like appropriately dance it's not it's not spelled out in the bible okay it's just something by and large that people do okay there is only a couple of places that you could even turn to where the bible would say anything positive about dancing in the sense of like it could be considered a good thing to do vast majority of time almost every reference it's just people doing it does that make sense it's not as they're a promotion it's just it's just it's recording what happened this is what people do people get want to celebrate they have dances i mean we just literally we're in our neighborhood in our neighborhood as an hoa and there's like a clubhouse that you could rent out for parties and stuff like that and it's graduation time right so we went to the park and then there's this this obviously some party going on it's a celebration for graduation is what it was and i can only imagine there must have been that we didn't go inside because there was security outside i'm sorry this is like a whole different thing there's two guys standing outside with like security it's like it's our home hoa like like i don't know it was kind of it was kind of funny i i imagine it was more of like a joke or maybe to make these kids think that like it was like making it a bigger deal for them then because it's like there's no need for security but they were like they were like these bouncers standing outside the door they even had like a red rope like if you were to go out to some club or something you have like a vip section or whatever you got the red one it was pretty funny but you could just hear and you can see they like they like blackened out the one of the glass doors and you just hear it's just like oh man they must have had dancing going on in there right there was some kind of celebration but what that's what people do i mean we were out soul winning today and came to another house that was decorated for graduation and we can hear except in in in the neighborhood we were in we didn't hear the the hip-hop music going on it was the mariachi music that was going on inside but that was really loud and stuff too and i imagine they probably have dancing why because people are celebrating it's a reason to you know in in their rejoicing over whatever it is in this case hey my child graduated and passed their schooling and stuff and they're moving on let's celebrate that's the vast majority of times you're just going to see events like that recorded in scripture which is also why when we're going to look at this and try to form doctrine about it we just want to do so appropriately so we're going to look at all these examples we're continuing to look we're going to look at these different examples we have and see well what is the bible directing us to do what is appropriate what is right what should we be doing and even though we don't get to the exact description of the dance oftentimes in the context we could probably deduce or infer what might be going on and in this case specifically with harid we see that harid gets moved by a dance to make a weird promise of giving this woman whatever she wanted look at verse number 21 in mark chapter 6 the bible says and when a convenient day was come that harid on his birthday so he's got this birthday celebration going on made a supper to his lord's high captains and chief estates of galley and when the daughter of the said Herodias came in so he marries his brother's wife is what he did and it was not lawful is not right it's not like his brother died and then he was marrying his brother's wife she got divorced and got married to him okay and that was wicked and that was wrong that's you know something john the baptist was preaching against are you saying that's not right you can't do that and he was publicly bringing that out well Herodias wanted john the baptist killed because of that because you know who do you think you are you can tell me you know whatever right but now her daughter then comes in to this birthday party comes in before the king and all his buddies it says in verse 22 and when the daughter of the said Herodias came in and danced and pleased harid and them that sat with him the king said unto the damsel ask of me whatsoever thou wilt and i will give it thee look at verse 23 and he sware under whatsoever thou shalt ask of me i will give it thee unto the half of my kingdom what kind of dance was that i mean i'll give you everything to the half of the kingdom there's only one kind of dancing that we know about where people are are looking to give money unto the dancer and that's not appropriate it's wicked it's wrong okay there's no reason to think that this wasn't some similar type of dance a rational human being you think about there's dancing involved and now you've got these men and they're all really well pleased to the point where the birthday boy is going i'll give you whatever you want because you dance for me well that's weird first of all just i mean it's bizarre it shows how wicked they were i mean it's wicked enough for taking his brother's wife and now it's like this girl this daughter is dancing for i mean it's just perverted and weird and wrong and this and of course she's asking for the john the baptist head kill john the baptist and bring me his head that's what i want i mean talk about a messed up family you think you have a dysfunctional family that's pretty bad okay she's over there dancing and whatever okay so look this is obviously another bad example of dancing and clearly not right this would be something that'd be wrong it's inappropriate not a time to dance i guess if you want if you want someone's head taken from their shoulders then that's the time to dance to to get what you want if you want someone murdered but that's wicked obviously it's wrong so um these are the bad examples and you know we're not going to just focus on the bad examples of dancing but they exist they're there we can clearly see that there's some serious problems with the dancing that's going on in these examples but we're going to look at some other just references to dancing turn if you would to oh i don't know turn if you would exodus chapter 15 i'll read a couple references for you i don't want to take too long on this lamentations 5 14 the bible says the elders have ceased from the gate the young men from their music the joy of our heart is ceased our dance is turned into mourning remember ecclesiastes 3 it says in the time of dance and a time to mourn okay or time to mourn and time to dance it contrasts those two and in lamentations is a book of lamenting and being sorrowful and weeping from the captivity and everything else he's saying the the joy of our heart has stopped it ceased and our dance has turned into mourning so now instead of being joyful dancing we are mourning again just a reference to being happy or sad jeremiah 31 11 again you're turning to exodus 15 jeremiah 31 11 the bible says for the lord hath redeemed jacob and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he therefore they shall come and sing in the height of zion and shall flow together to the goodness of the lord for wheat and for wine and for oil and for the young of the flock and of the herd and their soul shall be as a watered garden and they shall not sorrow anymore at all then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance both young men and old together for i will turn their mourning into joy and will comfort them and make them rejoice from their sorrow so this is saying the exact opposite of lamentation just talking about hey our joy is turned into mourning our dance is turned into mourning and now this is the other way around our mourning is turned into joy now we're happy again because god's gonna bless and make all these good things happen so again it's just a reference to the dance because they're rejoicing not saying it's good not saying it's bad it just is that's what they're doing because they're happy exodus 15 now we see an example of miriam dancing and there's no reason to think that there's anything wrong with what she's doing here there's nothing to indicate that that she shouldn't be doing this however it is still just something that she does and again when we're looking at doctrine we're trying to figure out well what does the bible teach on things we don't just go off of what people have done to determine if it's right or wrong abraham had multiple wives david had multiple wives but it's clearly taught in scripture that you should only have one married to one man and one woman okay just because people do things in the bible it's recorded as being done doesn't make it right so again as we go through this i want just just making that clear but the context again is gonna in my opinion indicate that there's nothing wrong particularly with what she's doing exodus 15 verse 20 the bible says in miriam the prophetess the sister of erin and and even just the fact that it's saying miriam the prophetess right it's it's it doesn't have to say that we know miriam in the story this isn't something that's like the first time she's ever been mentioned miriam the prophetess the sister of erin took a timbrel in her hand and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances and miriam answered them sing ye to the lord for he had triumphed gloriously the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea and this is after the great song this is great victory it's exciting it's happy it's rejoicing and she goes out grabs a timbrel and another ladies are following her with timbrels and with dances because it's rejoicing judges 11 34 i'll just read this for you go ahead and turn if you would now to turn to second samuel chapter six i'm just going to read a few more references because these are i'm trying to be as thorough as possible without being extremely redundant okay but i want to just make sure we're getting through the references about dancing to put it all out there uh judges 11 34 is example here of jeff the who came home from his battle says and jeff that came to misbe unto his house and behold his daughter came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances and she was his only child beside her he had neither son nor daughter so his daughter meets him rejoicing with dances and you're going to notice this too i'll get into this in just a minute timbrels and dances timbrels and dances timbrels and dances timbrels and dances over and over and over again you'll see that connection there the timbrel and the dance and what's a timbrel the timbrel is like a tambourine okay and you know people that's a whole nother thing i'm not going to get into drums and musical instruments but people say oh wow a timbrel that's a drum right it's like well i mean as much as a tambourine is a drum right i mean would anyone here really want to say like a tambourine you don't know what tambourine is does anyone not know what a tambourine is like a little percussion instrument thing with a with a you know a skin over it and some usually some bells or something around the perimeter of it right it's a yeah it's percussion but i mean i when you think of drums is that what you think of no you're thinking like big bass room boom boom boom or you know some guy going crazy on the drums right that's what you think of when you think of drums not just something that people are you know and honestly what i just did there the skipping and leaving that's probably the dancing that's going on in the bible it's like a parade it's happy it's oh yeah let's take this and it's usually ladies doing it not always right we're going to see an example where david is dancing okay but that's kind of typical this is what we see and and i just you know i hate when people get so hung up on things and really want to get the microscope out and just sort of lose sense when you're looking at the bible and is coming up with doctrines and looking at what's right and wrong we definitely want to make sure we're scripturally accurate and right when we come to a conclusion about things absolutely so we do want to look close in the sense of not miss anything make sure we are careful about what the bible says and what it doesn't say but you don't want to ever get to the point where like you you strain at the net and you swallow a camel right and you're so hyper focused on something and it's like look man let's just look at the big picture of this what does the bible teach it's not that difficult to figure out i i don't think so at least so let me just read through a few more of these examples jephthah comes home his daughter timbrels and dances comes out to meet him right he's they're happy because he won a great victory first samuel 18 verse 6 says and it came to pass as they came when david was returned from the slaughter of the philistine that the women came out of all cities of israel singing and dancing to meet king Saul with tabrets with joy and with instruments of music these are also giving an indication of this is like mobile music it's not like we're coming in to an assembly hall and having all this music all set up for people to just sit and dance to this this grand musical performance that's being given it is all in reference to some reason to greatly rejoice usually a military victory like hey we defeated the enemies of the lord and now our heroes are coming back triumphantly so the women are going out with their timbrels and dancing and and kind of like like you would see at a parade right i mean people are coming back victorious victoriously the warriors are coming back the generals coming back and you're going to have a parade going on and everyone's rejoicing and having fun this is the type of event that's being described over and over and over again i had you turn to where did i return second samuel six is that what i said yes okay one more reference i'm going to read for you jeremiah 31 verse number two the bible says thus said the lord the people which were left of the sword found grace in the wilderness even israel when i went to cause him to rest the lord hath appeared of old unto me saying yea i have loved thee with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness have i drawn thee again i will build thee and now shalt be built o virgin of israel thou shalt again be adorned with thy tabrets and shalt go forth in the dances of them that make mary just another reference of them being happy rejoicing and will end up now having reason to rejoice again because god's going to build them up and help them when they've gone through bad times hey look now you're going to have times of dancing again because people be happy enough to do so right as opposed to just being mourning and always just depressed and and you know under a cloud and under uh oppression and things i mean people don't feel like dancing that much when you're being oppressed right so it's the exact opposite hey things are going great so i feel like dancing second samuel chapter six look at verse number 12 this is the story of king david dancing the bible says and it was told king david saying the lord hath blessed the house of obed edom and all that pertaineth unto him because of the ark of god so david went and brought up the ark of god from the house of obed edom into the city of david with gladness and it was so that when they that when they that bear the ark of the lord had gone six paces he sacrificed oxen and fatlings and david danced before the lord with all his might and david was girded with a linen ephod so david and all the house of israel brought up the ark of the lord with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet and as the la the ark of the lord came into the city of david my call Saul's daughter looked through a window and saw king david leaping and dancing before the lord and she despised him in her heart so there we have reference to at least one other activity going on with the dancing that's leaping why he's excited he's jumping for joy he's leaping for joy and dancing and you know what that tells me the dancing and the leaping are probably like kind of the same thing right not exactly the same thing but it it's it's it all flows together the way that he's dancing is is works with the way that he's leaping just out of excitement out of sheer joy out of rejoicing so i think in your mind's eye you can see based on all of these references what we might think of is going on with the dances without having to spell out the steps and the closeness and everything else of what exactly is everybody doing i don't find it that difficult to kind of figure out you see it even in children at the most basic level that don't aren't taught any dance moves when they get really excited about something and if they were going to start dancing what would they do it's something that kind of comes naturally and you can see that even in young kids you can see that here this is the type of dancing when the bible is saying there's a time to dance what it's referring to now turn if you go to psalm 149 so we look at psalm 149 150 the last two psalms have reference to dancing okay and that's it so in the whole songbook 150 psalms we're not seeing anything about dancing except in the last two and these are going to be the closest things that you will find to like a command or something saying really definitely positive like hey dance okay this is it this is going to be the most now what people are going to do and what i don't want to have happen but people do it anyways it's going to say ah see look the bible says to dance so i'm going to go out to the club and i'm going to dance because the bible says to dance it's like people that say that there's you know jesus served wine at the the wedding supper in cana in john chapter two so i'm going to go drink alcohol like no like if you're looking for an excuse to do something that's not right you know sometimes you just can't help people and it's going to go and do whatever they want to do but if you want to look with an honest heart and see well what is right what is legitimate what is appropriate it's also not that hard to get the sense of what the bible is teaching here and what the bible is saying look at verse number one psalm 149 the bible says praise you the lord sing unto the lord a new song and his praise in the congregation of saints let israel rejoice in him that made him let the children of zion be joyful in their king let them praise his name in the dance let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp so again we've got the timbrel referenced in with the dance here closely together just like we have seen many other times but we see it there let him praise his name in the dance so would it be a good thing to praise the name of the lord in a dance sure sure and it just says let them right let them do it it's fine and then psalm 150 verse number four the bible says praise him with the timbrel and dance praise him with stringed instruments and organs so there's you know acceptable unto the lord just as david danced before the lord was acceptable to god hey people want to rejoice they want to praise the name of god go ahead and you know it's it's it's good or acceptable to dance unto god okay so we see that here there is a time to dance what are the times that we've seen in scripture if we're going to use the bible as our as our go-to for understanding what's appropriate when there's a good time to rejoice when there's a serious victory or great triumph and the triumph so we see the positive references are all in the lord right there's the triumph of god's enemies being defeated there's a triumph of the arc of the covenant returning into the city that's what david was dancing about and psalm 149 150 are literally just talking about praising the lord with dance so those being the examples this is what we see in scripture obviously there's references to people dancing for other purposes just in general may may exist when it comes to positive things or things in a positive light we're looking at stuff that's that has to do with the things of god anyways that's going to bring you to the point of praise and rejoicing in the lord this is why you'll hear pastors and preachers and baptists say like no i'm not for dancing because the common thought of dancing is going to be everything that the world does that you're going to have to go to a bar too and people are drinking and doing everything else while they're dancing and that's not right i mean first of all i would say if you want to talk about dancing well if you're going to a place where a lot of people are consuming alcohol you shouldn't be there in the first place so regardless of what dance is appropriate not you shouldn't be going to that place look not thou upon the wine when it's red when it gives its color in the cup when it moves itself right okay don't go those establishments where people are getting involved in drunkenness and being part you know participating in their evil deeds right off the bat you know what that's going to do that's going to eliminate all manner of of things of opportunities to dance oh but i really want to dance well what type of music are you dancing to then that's a whole nother thing to look at are you you know wanting to move your body to the to the music of this world and i definitely don't have the time to really flesh that out but i've done this in sermons in the past and if it's something that interests you you know there is power in music and there's your music will drive people to move their bodies in different ways depending on the style of music that you're listening to i mean there's a reason why people listen to heavy metal or bang in their heads right because that almost that kind of comes naturally and the headbang wasn't just someone that's saying hey we need to be different from everyone else what are we going to do it's that style of music you know like people just do that because it flows with the spirit of the music with the power of that music and just as much as the the the hip-hop and stuff where people just get really close together and real carnal in their in their dancing and in the maneuvers that they make yeah it's it's it's not right but it's that type of music will bring that forward and each different type each different genre will have its own associated uh method of moving your body okay and again it's one of those things that well i can't turn to a particular passage in the bible that's going to tell you well this chord is okay or that combination of notes is okay or this particular instrument you know we're not going to find that we have to use our sense and say what you could definitely see well what are the fruits of such and such type of music the world's music you're not going to find good fruit what type of way is it going to make you move your body does that i mean does that seem right does that look right to you i don't you know the world's dancing wasn't no it doesn't now a dance just out of the the sheer joy of your heart and dancing before the lord because you're excited and and you know you're gonna leap and dance that looks like it's fine in scripture it looks great there's nothing wrong with that but i'll tell you what that doesn't look like any of the dances that are just out there in the world and i mean i'm talking sorry i hope i don't confuse you with just sense and and i'm sorry if i can't just specifically point out and be like this is what you know make it concrete and have my mathematical proof for you to say c x plus two equals six x equals four boom right it's not there but god gave us brains and reason and sense to be able to put these things together and just see for ourselves and be able to judge and judge righteous judgment and that's what you know it's the same thing with people i say well how come we don't have drums like someone with a big drum kit in church i mean the bible talks about drums and it's talking about a timbrel like you're not seeing the whole the whole drum set the whole drum kit and like that that's a sermon for another day i could get into the musical instrument things but we would just use we would still use the same process the same way of thinking we're going to look and see well how is this used what do we see in scripture it may not be very much then how we're going to apply other principles to determine what's right and what's wrong well we can see in the bible stringed instruments we can see organs we can see these types of things well you know what the piano is a stringed instrument we can see trumpets we can see it you know other forms of of musical instruments being played together and deduce what is appropriate and godly music should be different from the world's music it should stand on its own it's a new song it's different from like we're not just adding jesus to rock and roll adding jesus to r and b adding jesus to hip-hop adding jesus to rap adding jesus you know no we don't that's not you know the music should be its own music i mean metal and rap and hip-hop they have their own music why wouldn't god's music be different it all i mean if we're called to sanctification if we're called to be separate from this world even though we're in this world we're not supposed to be of this world why in the world would the praises to god's name just mimic the world instead of being different and something completely on its own yeah it ought to be different and on its own you know what the same would go for the dancing it's not going to just model what the world does for dance the same way the music shouldn't model what the world does for music it's distinct you come into a baptist church you're going to hear music playing on here you're going to hear these hymns you know what it ought to sound different it ought to sound like hey that sounds different from everything else i hear on the radio that's god's music that's going to be acceptable unto the lord so i i hope i hope this makes sense to you hopefully you learn something even if it just comes to studying the bible and kind of how to do this on your own i mean and and no offense you guys probably all know how to do this on your own anyways but the but the the the harder part is actually doing it right we're not i'm not talking about anything crazy for for doing research but like you do have to do it you are responsible for what you believe and for what you do all on your own and not just accepting what the preacher says not just accepting what the pastor says and not even just accepting that well i mean he said he went through everything so i trust him you're responsible for yourself okay now i can tell you sincerely i'm not trying to deceive anyone or dupe anyone you know i'm doing my best but i don't i don't want anyone to ever just fall short of doing your own due diligence don't be lazy study the word okay receive all the learning you can great i'm going to do my best to spoon feed it and prepare it and get it all ready to go and you know i've got all these notes and if you want the notes you can have the notes all the references you make your own notes that's why we got the the reference here sermon notes on the back of our bulletin so you can write it down as i'm preaching and write down the references and go view them later and i encourage you to do so right on all the matters of subjects on all these things so that if i make a mistake if i say something wrong you can catch it and make sure that you don't make the same mistake that i do see it for yourself in scripture let's prioritize that word of prayer dear heavenly father thank you so much for giving us your word for for uh showing us these great truths i pray that you please help us to be able to apply your word and apply the principles that we uh that we see that we read about what that you've taught us to our lives and to be able to apply them appropriately dear lord and that we wouldn't um really get too extreme in any area but also not just want to make accommodation for sin or for things that that we like and and have disregard for whether it's right or wrong lord help us to be able to look at all that we do with a proper humble mindset that we're interested first and foremost in what uh what you would think is right or wrong for us dear lord and that we can apply the principles that we've learned appropriately to make that determination on any given subject in our life lord help us not to be lazy or slack in our study of your word and that you would just open up our understanding and teach us through the holy spirit dear lord we love you it's in jesus name we pray amen all right we're gonna sing one last song before we are dismissed for the evening brother peter will you please lead us all right church if you can open up your windows song number 364 song 364 standing on the promises one of our favorite songs is trying to dance for this one okay song 364 standing on the promises all right let's sing the first standing on the promises of christ my king through eternal ages let his praises ring glory in the highest ground shall and sing standing on the promises of god standing standing standing on the promises of god my singing standing standing not standing on the promises of god standing on the promises that cannot fail when the house is torn down and fears are still by the living word of god i shall prevail standing on the promises of god standing standing standing on the promises of god standing standing standing on the promises of god standing on the promises the is standing standing standing on the promises standing standing I'm standing on the promises of God on my own. Standing on the promises of God on my own. This and every moment your spirit's full. Resting in my spirit, not all at all. Standing on the promises of God's good church. Standing, standing. Standing on the promises of God on my own. Standing, standing. I'm standing on the promises of God. Amen. Church, great singing. Thank you so much for coming. You guys.