(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you or you send me an email or text if you Americas Friday night then just just let me know and we'll hook you up with that all the details are there hopefully we could see you out can I should have asked this morning but is it can I just get a real quick show of hands for who's planning on attending if you're here and you're planning on attending that event try to raise your hand real high awesome it looks like we're never really good turnout okay thank you I see that hand god bless him mother baby room hands I at least at least 30 35 people so cool cool cool all right continuing on we've got the Bible memory passage I know some people have been quoting this so good job if you already completed this but if you haven't you still got a few more days get to the end of the end of the month you got till August 31st 11 59 and 59 seconds and you know you go past that sorry you had your chance all right but get that get that passage quoted and eventually you'll get a prize for being able to have done that we got the birthdays and anniversaries listed down there we have Keith's got a birthday tomorrow told you I'd remember didn't have that so that's still August August 28th and then everyone else for the month of September is listed there Ricardo's have a anniversary on the 17th and then on the back we've got all of our upcoming events so for the homeschool field trip if you you know all the details and sign up and everything for that just get in touch with with mrs. Johnson Emily Johnson so if you want to attend that and get all of the exact details what's going on everything she is running and managing that that first homeschooled field trip so reach out to her if you haven't heard from her already and you want to attend please just get all the details from her and make sure you communicate with her that you plan on attending that event on Saturday or free to me Friday September 8th and that's gonna be held right here and if you if you don't have a kind of information just let me know it's no problem we'll get you in touch with her and then everything else is listed here as you can see I have the wrong date and in and Leslie just informed me of this I was lazy and I didn't check to see what Mother's Day was that camp is not the sixth it's actually the 13th so I sure hope I did not tell anyone in person that it was the sixth because I know it's the day after Mother's Day I thought it was the sixth but it's actually the 13th if you see the date saying the sixth at that event page still sign up for it knowing it's the 13th and I will try to get that page updated with the accurate information tonight as well so apologize for that but I do want to I do want to try to get you if you already know you're gonna make it to that event go ahead and sign up we are doing things a little bit differently with the cottages this year campsites are free the cottages are gonna be held if you want a cottage we're gonna do things a little bit different that way but I will go over the details at another date but for now if you want to just register online please do so that's about it for our announcement so I'm gonna ask brother Peter if you could please come up here and lead us in our next song Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh the book of Proverbs chapter 6 the book of Proverbs chapter 6 the Bible reads my son if thou be surety for thy friend if thou has stricken thy hand with a stranger thou are snared with the words of thy mouth thou art taken with the words of thy mouth do this now my son and deliver thyself when thou art come into the hand of thy friend go humble thyself and make sure thy friend give not sleep to thine eyes nor slumber to thine eyelids deliver thyself as they roll from the hand of the hunter and as a bird from the hand of the fowler go to the ant thou slugger consider her ways and be wise which having no guide overseer or ruler provided her meat in the summer and gathered her food in the harvest how long would thou sleep Oh slugger when will thou arise out of thy sleep yet a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands to sleep so shall thy poverty come as one that travel it and I want as an our man a naughty person a wicked man walketh with a foreign mouth he winketh with his eyes he speaketh with his feet he cheated with his hand with his fingers foreignness is in his heart he divides the mr. mischief continually he solved the score therefore shall his calamity come suddenly suddenly shall he be broken without remedy these six things that the Lord hate yea seven are an abomination unto him a proud look a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood and heart that devises wicked imaginations feet that be swift and running in running to mischief a false witness that speak of lies and he that's so discord among brethren my son keep thy father's commandment and forsake not the law of thy mother bind them continually upon thine heart and tie them about thy neck when thou goest it shall lead thee when thou sleepest it shall keep thee when thou wakest it shall talk with thee for the commandment is a lamp and the law is light and reproofs of instruction are the way of life to keep thee from the evil woman from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman let's not after her beauty in thine heart now to let her take thee with her eyelids for by means of a horse woman a man is brought to a piece of bread and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burnt can what go upon hot coals and his feet not be burned so he that goes in to his neighbor's wife whosoever touched with her shall not be innocent men that men do not despise a thief if he steal to satisfy satisfy his soul when he is hungry but if he be found he shall restore sevenfold he shall give all the substance of his house but whosoever committed adultery with a woman lacketh understanding he that doeth it destroys his own soul a wound and dishonor shall he get and his reproach shall not be wiped away for jealousy is the rage of a man therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance he would not regard any ransom neither will he rest content throw it out give us many gifts let's pray God we thank you for the book of Proverbs one of my favorite books in the Bible and God we thank you for your word thank you for the whole King James Bible thank you for the souls that were saved today and God that we can go out in the field and save more souls and God we just praise you for pastor burzins and for all that he does and allow for him to speak with boldness and rightly divide the word of truth allow for us to take in your word today and to take it home with us to be able to meditate on it once again we praise you and thank you in Jesus name amen all right this evening I want to preach on something that is not gonna be fun probably for any of us but it's in the Bible quite a bit and then need to need to preach the whole counsel of God and I'm gonna preach on a sin specifically the sin of pride and time my sermon is a proud heart and pride is probably I mean it's it's one of the worst sins for many reasons and just a sense that it leads to so many other problems pride is something that can be hard to deal with especially if you're caught up in pride at that moment sometimes the only way to be dealt with is to just be brought down literally through like external forces sometimes the only way that people will come down from having a proud heart or are having a proud look is for God to just bring you down and that's never pleasant if you've ever been in that position if you've ever been a proud person in any regard and God has had to deal with you and bring you down that is not the place that you want to get yourself in to be somewhere where God has to bring you down and in pride is sown into it's it's such a heart problem it goes to the core of the heart and of the being and and being lifted up with pride it's it's what drives people to reject the Lord it's what has driven the children video being lifted up in yourself and thinking you're so great is the exact opposite of the spirit and the heart and the mind that we have to have as Christians it is the antithesis to being humble and meek and serving and putting other people first it is the exact diametric opposite of what you're supposed to be which is why pride is so bad and we need to I'm gonna destroy any pride itself tonight and we're gonna look at scripture about how bad it really is because I'm hoping there's nobody that is dealing with issues of their own pride and I look none of us are perfect of course but still this is something that we want to get ahead of because if you let it go too far even just reasoning and thought in rational rationality can just go out the window you become blind to a lot of things the more lifted up with pride a person gets they get so full of themselves that you can't even talk to the person anymore and God forbid that we would let ourselves get to that state and get to that place to where you can't even be reasoned with because you're so full of yourself and it we know this is serious just right off the bat if we look down in Proverbs 6 where we started there look at verse number 16 the Bible says these six things that the Lord hate so we're looking at things that's right off the bat that you know you want to know what God hates well the Bible is gonna tell us here six things yea seven are an abomination unto him it's using that word abomination you better know what God's not playing around this is pretty serious it's a really strong word that God uses for things that I mean he doesn't just hate them and he really hates them which is just a real strong word to describe how God feels about these things and look at what is number one on the list a proud look a proud look now this is everywhere this is in our culture the farther away our society drifts from the Lord from having a righteous mindset from having humility you see more and more and more pride around you not even I wasn't even planning on getting into pride right like like what's just known as pride pride month right the the whole group of people that are just total perverts are in total opposition everything against God the God of the Bible against Jesus Christ is what they stand for it makes sense that they're going to cling to a word that is diametrically opposed to everything that the Bible teaches pride the Bible teaches that you know God hates pride it's an abomination unto him so if you are a group of people why would you ever want to cling to that unless you hate God because God hates pride and the last thing you ought to be doing is clinging to abominable acts and abominable lusts and desires and say I'm proud of this I'm gonna wallow in my shame ridiculous and then to go along and try to get churches and Christians to accept and tolerate and no no not for a second we're gonna teach on pride and and that was I seriously I wrote this without having that in my notes at all anywhere to even get into that but it's just so in your face how can you not even bring it up because what I want to preach today is for Christians to not get involved in pride I'm not worried right now about the world and everything else but you see this proud look is out there I mean you look at proud look not even just from the sodomites but just anything popular what I mean you go to to the grocery store and and what's there in the magazines you got people standing posing right for these pictures whether it be musicians whether it be actors maybe and what do you what is that if not a proud look I mean I'm not gonna go back and look at the video because I just look really stupid but pride looks looks proud looks looks stupid right and I don't know if I did a good job imitating a proud look or not because everyone's laughing but you know what I'm talking about I'm getting the point across right the the the posters that people want to put out of these of these icons of these idols that are out there that everyone wants to look up to that's a proud look and you know what some people might think that's cool some kids want to look at that and be like oh they're my hero they're so cool but you know when God sees that God hates that God hates it God hates the proud look because who do you think you are and you know what ever as I preach a sermon everyone I'll be thinking is who do you think you are you got a proud look who do you think you are who has the right to be proud in the eyes of a holy God nobody nobody nobody not the best preacher in the world and not the the the coolest hero in pop culture nobody no one has the right to be proud and have a proud look we ought to hate pride as God does flip over to chapter 8 Proverbs chapter 8 we're just gonna keep on going forward through the book of Proverbs here a little bit and just see how much God hates pride and how often this is referenced verse number 13 the Bible says the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogance see in the evil way in the froward mouth do I hate and that's not God saying that that's what a believer should be saying this is wisdom that you should be receiving if you have the fear of the Lord I'm gonna hate evil I'm gonna hate wickedness I fear God I hate evil you know what that means that's why there's a colon there it's gonna give you a little bit more information about hating evil pride arrogance see evil way froward mouth I hate them we ought to hate pride Proverbs 15 verse 25 the Bible says the Lord will destroy the house of the proud but he will establish the border of the widow Proverbs 16 verse number 5 the Bible reads everyone that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord well I mean I don't think that everyone that's for everyone that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord let that sink in though hand join in hand he shall not be unpunished it doesn't matter how many people got backing you up you're not gonna be unpunished God will make sure of that jump down to verse number 18 there in Proverbs 16 the Bible reads pride goeth before destruction and in haughty spirit before a fall pride always leads always leads to destruction without fail you want to let yourself go I mean you want a guaranteed way to be destroyed go get lifted up in pride you will be brought down you will be abased you will be destroyed pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall better is it to be of a humble spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud flip back if you went to Psalm 101 people have a proud heart often will come off as very arrogant right the person is full of themselves have a really high lofty view of themselves often times they'll be very arrogant and that arrogance will just fuel and pump up their proud heart the Bible says this in Psalm 101 verse number five who so privately slander with his neighbor him will I cut off him that hath an high look and a proud heart will not I suffer and Psalm 101 is talking about a godly person not allowing this in their life like I'm gonna cut off the person who's privately or privately slandering his neighbor like I don't want to listen to you gossiping about my neighbor and then it says right after that him that and high look and a proud heart I'm not gonna suffer you I'm not gonna allow you I don't want to be around you right we don't want that influence in our life of someone who's just full of themselves arrogant they think they're all that no because that you know if you spend the more the people you decide to spend your time with they will influence you now look you some sense here I know we're all sinners but but let's face it I mean you got someone who everyone knows man that is just a prideful person you're not be hanging around with them cuz you know the only thing that's gonna help them is being brought low and maybe if people stop you know be like man I don't really want to be around you anymore I don't like how arrogant how much of an arrogant jerk you are you need you need some humility proud person is also very good at starting fights it's just it's kind of inevitable Proverbs 28 verse 25 the Bible reads he that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife I mean hey if no one can tell you you're wrong if you're right about everything right anyone that contradicts you well now you got a fight because the proud person can't be corrected what do you teach a proud person nothing they already know it all they got all figured out right I mean someone's lived up right I know that I know everything you tried so no actually you're wrong about this then then you got a fight but he that put up this trust in the Lord shall be made fat Proverbs 13 10 says this it says only by pride cometh contention and you really break it down to the root I mean when people just get in a fight like why do you even bother fighting right someone somewhere is gonna be lifted up with fight with with pride only by pride cometh contention but with the well-advised is wisdom see a wise person isn't gonna cast his pearls before swine a wise person's gonna know you know a heretic after the first and that second admonition he's gonna reject you don't have to be so proud even if you are right about something to just I'm not doing anything until you say that I'm right that you know you don't need to do that careful it's not about you have the other wisdom and let some things go proud person can't let anything go ever they have to show you you need to know I'm right a lot of fights can be solved and get rid of some pride turn if you would Ecclesiastes chapter 7 proud person doesn't stop to consider consider what other people might say because a proud person I mean they know it all right this is your know-it-all and I'm trying to bring up a lot of different examples maybe something applies to you if anyone opposes you for anyone says anything different can you can you even just stop for a second and think about it Ecclesiastes 7 7 surely oppression maketh a wise man mad and a gift destroyeth the heart better is the end of a thing in the beginning thereof in the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit be not hasty and nice spirit to be angry for anger resteth in the bosom of fools now there's a few verses here that are tied together and I don't think they're just completely random when it brings up the patient in spirit versus the proud in spirit followed by the person who's hasty to be angry because a person who's just full of themselves normally is going to be then hasty to get angry when someone opposes them and just has any type of opposition how dare you defy me or respond yo say something different to me and just get really quick to anger as opposed to being humble we all have the humility to be able to say well maybe I'm wrong maybe I'm wrong here let me check myself quick let me see if what I'm stating is wrong no one should be above rebuke no one should be above correction we were looking at that this morning when we're looking at knowledge right we ought to be able to love knowledge and love instruction and be able to handle reproof and being told we're wrong but you know what the proud person can never be told they're wrong you're the proper person that also never does is apologize if you're a person that never says I'm sorry you need to check your pride because all you're doing is saying I never do anything wrong why should I ever have to apologize I don't do anything wrong even people who are willing to let some things go to keep the peace but you never apologize you never apologize look you've got pride in your heart because it takes humility to be able to acknowledge and say I did something wrong and if you could never say that you must think that you never do anything wrong and I don't believe you see but I don't do anything wrong all right that says a lot get your pride in check proud people also have a hard time controlling their mouth look at Psalm 12 out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh the Bible says Psalm 12 verse 3 the Bible reads the Lord shall cut off all flattering lips and the tongue that speaketh proud things who have said with our tongue will we prevail our lips are our own who is Lord over us this is a proud heart so it's saying the tongue that speak of proud things colon and then verse 4 is what they're saying that's proud verse 4 is say like this is the statement we're gonna with our tongue we're gonna win we're gonna prevail we're gonna beat everyone with our lips they're our own but then here's the clincher who is Lord over us that heart that attitude that does not ever want to submit because of pride look we all have a role of submitting to someone no matter man woman boy girl everybody has a role of submission to play in this life some are different some people are in different roles according to Scripture children are in roles of submission to their parents children have the most roles of submission right just in general they have they are at that position in their life where they are supposed to be submitting to the most the maximum number of authorities and then you have and I'm not gonna get into detail on this but the Bible teaches that wives are supposed to be in submissions their own husbands but the Bible also teaches that husbands and men are also supposed to be in submission to God and to Christ which all of us are there is always a level of submission the Bible says you know it even talks about servants and masters and we're gonna get in that in just a minute people are employed by other people you work for someone hey submit to them the Bible even talks about submitting to one to another there is plenty in the Bible of being able to be in a role where you could submit but this turn if you to 1st Timothy chapter 6 that that that who is Lord over us attitude that's the proud attitude I don't know why this is popped in my head whatever I don't know anything about this group at all like I literally know nothing about this group but I've just heard the name before and I've heard it derided in mainstream media but the group the proud boys you have never associate myself with a group that says we're we're proud like we're the proud boys I don't even care what they stand for I'm not gonna just be like hey yeah I just stand for pride like we are just really proud sounds like you can't be you can't talk to you and and I don't care I don't care what they stand for like that's just pride ought to be viewed at so negatively as it is the Bible we ought to hate pride enough to just be like nope sorry you lost me at pride and if they're your heroes or something you better rethink your your heroes and like I said I don't even know what they stand for at all I really don't honestly 1st Timothy chapter 6 verse number 1 the Bible says let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed servants that are under the yoke servants that are under a burden servants that are working for their own master he said you know what you better count your masters worthy of all honor not complaining not backbiting not you know getting all puffed up when the boss tells you to do something it says count your masters worthy of all honor why that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed oh you're a Christian yeah you know what serve you're in a role of a servant hey don't let it bother you be a good servant just serve and they that have believing masters let them not despise them because they are brethren but rather do them service because they are fearful and beloved partakers of the benefit these things teaching and exhorting you know and he goes the opposite way like hey look you're a boss you got people working for you you've got servants be good to them I mean your brethren right don't rule with rigor over them or you know be a jerk to them just because you're the boss and they're the the employee or whatever don't don't don't be like that I treat with them with respect to verse 3 if any man teach otherwise and consent not to wholesome words now look in this context we've only like this is chapter 6 we've gone through verse 1 and 2 he's talking about servants and masters and he's like he just says this hey if anyone teaches otherwise and they don't consent to hold some words even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the doctrine which is according to godliness he is proud knowing nothing like the people aren't agreeing with the Word of God here people who are teaching contrary to what's being taught here about being able to submit to your boss and being able to count your master worthy of all honor and and serve as you would serve Christ he goes many other passages in Scripture that would back up the same doctrine of being able to to serve with integrity of heart and and work hard for your boss and he says look if people are teaching otherwise and they don't consent to these wholesome words then they're proud and they don't know anything but doting about questions and stripes of words and it you know again bringing up conflict stripes of words and using their tongue and they want to fight about things you know watch out for the people that's always want to fight about everything too that's usually signs of a proud heart you just want to go off and fight and fight and fight and fight you think you're so smart and you know everything and you're gonna fight with everybody and tell everyone else where they're wrong you might have a pride issue he's proud knowing nothing but doting about questions stripes of words where have cometh envy strife railings evil surmising perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth supposing that gain is godliness from such withdraw thyself another admonition to just stay away from those people turn if you would to first Peter chapter 5 I'll read for you from James chapter 4 James 4 verse 6 the Bible reads but he giveth more grace wherefore he saith God resisteth the proud do you want God not helping you not working for you not entering you know just in opposition to you and in resistance to you be proud then God is gonna resist you you know people who are claiming pride do you really think God's on their side because the Bible says God resisted the proud and if God is specifically resisting people God is resisting people should you be helping them cuz you're helping them you're helping them against God God calls out a group of people hey I'm resisting the proud hey I want to go help the proud no let God keep resisting them because you know why they need to fall you need to be brought down you're not helping anyone out if you're trying to support the proud in their pride God resisted the probably giveth grace unto the humble submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you first Peter chapter 5 already turned like a verse number 5 the Bible says likewise ye younger submit yourselves unto the elder yea all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility this should be the thing this should be the spirit within a church everyone's clothed with humility that is how everyone ought to be treating one another with humility with humble you know what that's good if that were to happen now look I still have yet to find the perfect church I mean you guys are pretty close to it but still not perfect there would be no conflict if everybody's humble of everybody's meek if everybody's looking in for other people's best interests above their own where is the conflict gonna come from I mean the conflicts gonna be like no you take this no you take that you know that's gonna be the conflict not not anything real significant right I mean it's just gonna be a no I want you to have this I want you to have the most because that would be a humble mindset I'm willing I'm willing to suffer for the betterment of others that's the Christian mindset that is not a proud mindset proud is me me me me me and that's it I don't care about anyone else that's ultimately the end of pride now there's a you know a progression of getting to that point but at the end when people just get completely swallowed up in pride it's they are just blinded by anything but themselves read verse 5 again likewise you younger submit yourselves unto the elder all of you be subject one to another and clothed with humility for God resists the proud and giveth grace to the humble humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time casting all your care upon him for he careth for you now part of the problem will come in where people realize like look I know I'm doing right I know I'm doing good I should have more respect I should have more things coming to me because I put in all this work and I've done this other stuff you've got to fight that urge to then want to take that on your own and take that honor and just be like no I did this and be start being lifted up and what you've done stay humble let God lift you up in due time we see the the story of King David is a pretty good example and humility when when his son Absalom was taking over was trying to take over the kingdom right he was just making himself the King David had to go out and flee remember this story David's going out he's fleeing and there was a man that was throwing stones at him right and he was cursing him and he said and he said look and his servants are like hey should we go get this guy you know like like let's get this guy he has no right to be cursing you out and stuff and was they said no just just leave him alone or maybe God said the curse me oh he's David is being humble he's looking at circumstance seeing what's happening like there's a lot of things going on here maybe God wants me out I don't know let's just just let him say what he's gonna say is that David knows he wasn't wrong like he wasn't at fault but he's able to just let these guys just just let him let him sound off right and then he comes back and the guy is fearful of course because things kind of turned the way that he wasn't expecting him to turn and he's going and and humbling himself before David and then David just automatically there is lifted up over this guy because now this guy is humbling himself before David and apologizing and say oh I didn't really mean it and everything else and David spares I mean shows grace it's a great example but you know when people people come at you you got to be able to allow for things to happen if you don't get what you deserve what you think you deserve right away it's okay you could let it you could let things play out in humility the Bible says in Proverbs 11 verse 2 turn if you would to go to 1st Corinthians chapter 8 Proverbs 11 2 says when pride cometh then come ashamed but what the lowly is wisdom now the shame goes hand in hand with pride obvious is what the Bible is teaching there in Proverbs 11 there's many things that can lift up a person in pride there's there's just your own work where you think you deserve more there's you know riches people get a lot of riches and that's gonna lift up their mind to make them think they're much better than they are and that they're better than other people because of how many things they have but another thing that will cause people to feel better than others and be lifted up in themselves and start to get full of themselves and become arrogant is wisdom is getting education getting more knowledge knowing more will get people to start thinking about other people as less than them oh you poor ignorant soul and start to look down on people because you have so much knowledge right and this and this is very like we exalt knowledge we exalt wisdom it is a good attribute to be very wise and to have a lot of knowledge we really that's that was critical to not be unfruitful we saw that this morning that knowledge right it's so important and it is really good but you have to especially you know prepare yourself to stay humble no matter how much knowledge you gain because what good is your knowledge first of all if you just keep it to yourself and then you can just be really smart and you just start looking down on other people you don't even know that oh you don't know that oh you don't know that that's a terrible attitude to have and look I better not hear people talking like that here at church we get people coming visiting we get people cut yo everybody's at different stages in their spiritual life in their growth and how much they know about the Word of God don't go ripping people down because they don't know something how about you just teach them in humility and help them out someone doesn't know something help them out there's a time you didn't know that too so before you just go around trying to you know think that you're so great because you know so much remember there is a time when you didn't know anything and what do you know that wasn't given to you I was in 1st Corinthians 8 verse number 1 now as touching things offered on idols we know that we all have knowledge knowledge puffeth up but charity edify the balance there of knowledge is charity charity is what keeps you humble and again this is you know this morning I preach a little bit of covering charity as well charity is that love and that care for other people where you you have to be humble you have to have humility in order to have charity because your caring and loving other people and trying to do something for them so the more wisdom that you get the way that you balance that is by having charity towards others to keep you humble so as you learn more things you're applying that yes but you're serving other people you have to have that charity and be able to use that wisdom and use that knowledge to help other people so then you don't get caught up in this oh I'm so great and I'm so holy and I'm so righteous and I know so much and it's sad because churches sometimes like once great churches can fall into this is like an entire church mindset where it's the same people now they've stopped growing and got the same people coming every single week and they've all been in church for decades and they all know each other and then someone comes in it's like they're the outsider and maybe they're not wearing the right clothes or they're not talking the right way or they're not you know and then they just get looked down upon instead of going hey come on in well you know we'll teach you it will help you look love them right but it but it could turn into that and I've seen it I've seen churches like that I've witnessed it firsthand where it's just like oh man okay I know it's gonna be like this I wouldn't be visited here today like I would have gone somewhere else sorry didn't want to intrude on your gathering here I thought you know it's kind of open for believers you know I'm speaking as a believer someone who's who put his faith in Jesus Christ when you go around other believers you're gonna feel welcome and and and approached by other people in humility like oh hey you know wonderful that you're here now let's puff it up a charity edify now verse two is also very important because the Bible says and if any man think that he know with anything he know with nothing yet as he ought to know and there there is an effect that people have where it's called I think it's called the dunning-kruger effect where there's there's there's like this this graph of how much a person knows and how confident they are about it and how much they think they know about what they know where people who know very little about subjects sometimes will tend to think they know a lot about it like way more than they actually know but then the more you study the more you more you realize how much you don't know so then people who actually do end up knowing a lot maybe comparatively to other people will claim to know a lot less because they start to understand that things are way more complicated way deeper there's so much to this I don't even know and they start to feel like they're just barely scratching the surface even though they've already invested tons of time researching whatever that subject area might be and it's like okay no I'm I don't know as much as maybe I even thought I knew but people who don't know a whole lot have a tendency to think that they just know it all and this becomes so evident in our in our technological age just go on YouTube you'll find experts about everything they'll tell you everything about everything and there's some people that just they let themselves get so blind completely blinded with pride when it gets really bad I was just sharing this with brother Keith out soul winning today I had to click I don't normally read articles that are just I feel like it's trash or it's garbage but I did yesterday I'll confess my fault to you and I just couldn't pass up the headline because it was about fundamentalism it was an article written by a neuroscientist okay someone who studies the brain someone who's into that and this guy has books and he's published in PhD and not you know all the whole nine right really intelligent individual but his article was saying how he's relating the way that someone who believes in fundamentalism and he starts off by saying fundamentalism just in general whether it's Islam or Christianity just all fundamentalism is bad like if you are if you're a fundamentalist that's just really bad and the impact that fundamentalism has on the brain he says it's like a parasite fundamentalism like is like a parasite to the brain where it's not good for the brain at all just kind of feeds and sucks off of it and has no good value and reading this article the guy just hates Christianity so he kind of makes this brief mention of all just all fundamentalism but then it's like but it's really Christianity and it's my it's funny how people that hate God they don't spend their time attacking any other religion but Christianity and and I was just saying this I'd like how how many Hindus are there in the world like there's this huge world you're part of the world population that lives in India and a massive percentage of those and I don't know the numbers I'll talk about I know it's a lot of people that subscribe to the Hindu religion and this guy wants to bring up how like well it's fine to have your religion you know but if you're gonna believe what your text says over science then that's a big problem so basically it's anyone who takes the Bible literally then that then all of a sudden that's like a cancer to your brain it's like a parasite to your brain and he doesn't bring up the reason why I bring up Hinduism is because look if you go to their religious texts you'll find all kinds of crazy things against science right so if you want easy pickings you can go to their creation store you can go to a lot of writings from their religion and and find oh yeah this is this is easy but they doesn't do that why because it's not a real big threat because there's one truth and he inherently knows where that truth is and what he hates is the God of the Bible which is why he just spends and focuses all the time on the Bible and trying to attack fundamentalist Christians because that's where the truth is coming out that's where the people who actually do believe in this stuff are even doing anything for the Lord it's coming out of this branch out of this division and that's where he's just going on and it was this long article I don't remember if I if I read the entire thing or not because I was just I couldn't believe how much he just kept going on about it and I'm going it's funny worded it in a way where he says he's just targeting fundamentalism but he's really just targeting all of Christianity he's just trying to hide that because if he targeted all of Christianity he'd have a lot of people angry with him and no one would want to listen to what he has to say but there's a lot of people could say oh yeah yeah that fundamentalism yeah those guys are crazy or whatever like no we just actually believe the Bible for what it says we just actually look at it and read it and be like yep that's right instead of having to change it and go well I mean no it's oh wait what does science say today oh yeah oh this says something different okay well then I'm gonna we need to we need to just cross that off of our Bible and not know science changes all the time it really does so what a guy like that though clings to it as his religion and look I am NOT anti science as far as anti pursuit of knowledge or anti scientific method or anything like that but they like to move the goalposts they like to change things around on you well they'll say oh well you don't you you teach against science no I teach against science falsely so-called there's a big difference because you're trying to spout off as fact things that aren't really facts that you can't prove that you don't know for sure you want to try to support all this evidence we don't really know for sure you cannot prove you cannot prove a fact of how old the earth is you can't do it if you could well what what which which number is right was the number last year right two years ago five years ago ten years ago twenty years ago because it keeps changing so what is it you expect me to believe that there's you know the the the soft tissue that's found out of a dinosaur bone is millions and millions of years oh well this must have been in deep time and you said to come up with stuff to try to support something that clearly is not supported by evidence we just make stuff up but that's your when that becomes your religion you have to hate anything that's contradictory to that and and the people who have gone nuts over this are lifted up with pride and this mr. PhD is full of himself and he just thinks he knows it all and doesn't realize how blind he really is now the Bible says that knowledge puffeth up but charity edify this is true but ironically many ignorant people think that they know more than they actually do and become prideful as well even though they don't actually have the knowledge and this again goes hand in hand with that Dunning-Kruger effect and and we see this you know YouTube research let me say that doesn't count for studying out a matter watching what people say on YouTube you aren't studying anything out like if you want to know the truth about something read books do work to figure it out but just watching somebody say something online that's not research it's not sorry I mean even I love listening to preaching and stuff online but you know what if you really want to know if that's true look it up for yourself do your own homework on it check it out read the passages confirm it like like verify what you're hearing is this even true that's how you know for sure you know you can't just say because someone else said it I know it I mean you end up with the flat earth mentality that's like just the epitome of this ignorance where people think they're super smart and they know man this is there's this great conspiracy you don't even know and this is that that that great the great deception and if people just knew that the earth is flat then and then what then what and how is it the people come as conclusion they watch YouTube videos my proud people that think they know what they're talking about they don't and then they get proven wrong they actually start to do try to experiments and then it's like oh wait this is actually not lining up with what we thought it was gonna be and they just kind of forget that ever happened it's real it happens it's crazy but it's easy for in the Bible teaches about this to 1st Timothy chapter 3 verse number 6 you know we just saw how knowledge puffs up that's real knowledge it's getting knowledge there's a tendency for people to get to think of themselves as higher than they ought to because they've learned so much and they feel like well I know more than everyone else knows so they have this this resulting pride that makes them feel better than other people and like no matter how much you know you're not better than other people so that you need that balance to put other people before you which is the charity which is gonna keep you grounded no matter how much you know 1st Timothy chapter 3 verse 6 is under the the qualifications for for a pastor for a bishop one of the things the Bible says that the bishop must be is not a novice you can't be a novice 1st Timothy 3 6 not a novice lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil so the possibility or the probability is is much higher for someone who's a novice just means a beginner they don't have the experience they don't necessarily have enough knowledge they don't they don't know enough to be stable and to be able to do what needs to be done without getting lifted up with pride because a novice may think that you know maybe things take up all this is all because of me look at how great I am it becomes about the man not about the message not about the Bible not about Jesus Christ and you need to be in the ministry to go through you know you just need experience to see what it's all about you got to see the ups and the downs and be able to get through that and know what you're getting into instead of just being a brand new beginner because it could be very easy for a beginner to get sucked up into the wrong things and be lift up right especially where you know you're put in a position that generally people will respect and people will look to and people will exalt or lift up right so there's a big danger there for someone not ready to be put in that position where a lot of people might praise you or thank you or tell you how great you are how much you know and all this other stuff and give you compliments and that could just feed into your head and you start thinking wow I'm this really great person if you're gonna be in the ministry you can't you can't have that mindset which why you can't be a novice you need you need to have been you know in it a little bit and and and have a good knowledge base to know look you're I'm just a brother I'm in a job yes I have a position yep there was criteria I needed to meet sure absolutely but I'm just doing a job and I'm serving the Lord and I'm a human being just like anyone else and I don't feel like anyone has that that opinion here where people have this inordinate lifting up of a preacher or something I mean I've never got that here and I don't ever want to have that happen it shouldn't happen but it can happen those those things can allow for people to be lifted up in a novice especially just a beginner someone who doesn't know it's easier for them to be lifted up with pride but then what happens when you lift up with pride you fall into the condemnation of the devil Satan is lifted up with pride Satan wants everyone to worship him he wants to be like the Most High that's the the big thing about Satan is he wants to be God that's why there's gonna be an Antichrist that's why he's gonna make this whole religion that's why he's gonna have everyone worship the Beast and take the mark of the Beast and do all this stuff why because he wants to be God he wants to be what he's not supposed to be and he's lifted up and he's full of himself and he wants everyone to worship him you know I talk about the blind the blinding of pride this is also why I believe and this is my own just my personal thought about this you say well how is Satan why would he even go through with the events that we read about in the book of Revelation why does he bother he knows I mean he has access to the Word of God it's all over the world we know that he's able to be in the world and see this and hear the preaching about it know about it like like how does he not know that this is going to happen if God said it's going to happen it's because he's so full of pride that he's just blind to it and literally thinks that you know that he's gonna get to the point I believe that he's just so full of himself nothing can stop him that he he's gonna like trick himself into thinking that he just is God and that he can do this and he can fight against God he can get away with this and it won't come out the way that God said it would come out and one of the reasons I believe I believe that way about Satan is because first of all we know that these things are going to happen because God said they're going to happen that way so we know it is going to happen and then of all there are people these people who get in these like these cults like these cult leaders they go they could go really far off the deep end into themselves thinking that they're God like these people who have just throughout history who have thought of themselves to just be like gods they get insane where you can't say anything contrary to them at all because they're so full of themselves and they are just completely blinded just like completely reprobate just can't do like can't see anything else when they get so full of themselves and they just think they're a deity it's nuts what they'll do and I'm having a hard time thinking of a historical example just right off the top of my head right now but I mean there's people who are just nobodies that get into this mindset where they think they're God not even like big names and that's a good example there's a really good example thank you Tyler Doka is a good example of that and for those of you who don't know who he is I understand there's no reason why you necessarily should know who he is he was this guy that came around our circle of friends a while back maybe four or five years ago or something like that six years ago maybe he was starting starting a church and you know didn't know much about no one really knew a whole lot about him then started teaching some really weird things and not now now he's at the point where he says that like he is Jesus Christ that like he is God that's who he is and that the Bible is written about him and he'll quote verses or show verses and this is like this is about me and this is about the people that hate me and this is what's gonna happen to them and this is like like and you have to believe in me to be saved and the guy's cuckoo he's nuts I mean he's just off the rocker like you can't even speak to the guy about anything because he literally he's just like insane and it's like I talked to that guy once where I'm like wow talk about a drastic change I mean that that went from zero to a thousand real quick in the insanity measure but you just use you only see one thing and just blind everything else you get so full of yourself I mean how do you get to that point you never want to get you never like it close to that point but pride can take you so far where people do and say and believe so many crazy unhinged things it's nuts it is nuts I've only got a couple passages I want to read before we're done Obadiah 1 verse number 3 well says the pride of thine heart hath deceived thee pride is deceptive just like in Tyler Doka's case he's been deceived his pride has deceived him into thinking that he is God that's an extreme example but look we don't want to get start getting puffed up and I mean just think of yourself getting puffed up and just in your mind you get higher and higher and higher than everyone else like wow I'm so cool I'm so good it doesn't matter yeah there's so many examples of that the pride of thine art deceived thee thou that dwellest in the clips of the rock whose habitation is high that saith in his heart who shall bring me down to the ground people get so comfortable and so caught up and I've got so much wealth and I've got everything and you can't get me and I've got pillars and a castle and towers and guns and no one could get me right though thou exalt thyself as the eagle and though thou set thy nest among the stars thence will I bring thee down saith the Lord God will bring you down he will abase he will bring lo he will destroy nobody gets glory that God deserves God alone is going to receive all glory pride is the heart issue it's an issue right here it's in the heart it's how you view other people it's how you view yourself when you when you get out of balance and say this is how you view yourself and this is how you view others and they could they kind of will stay I don't know what the right term is right as this one goes up this one will go down and vice versa we need to keep that view of other people higher than our view of our self that's humility you're gonna treat others as more important than you and it's not a you don't have to devalue yourself you just have to have a higher value on other people so it doesn't mean you have to like think you're garbage or something right you're not garbage you're a child of God but view other people as valuable see their value and be like no this person is very valuable so I'm gonna place them first for Samuel 2 3 the Bible says talk no more so exceeding proudly let not arrogance eke come out of your mouth for the Lord is a God of knowledge and by him actions are weighed God knows your heart God knows you God knows what you've done God knows all the reasons why you should not be filled with pride all of them you may be able to see if other people in the thinking that you're so great and special and ought to be lifted up and praised and revered and everything else but God knows who you are and God knows you don't deserve all that and we need to remember that we're sinners we're saved by grace you'd remember that the things that you've gotten in this life have not just been because of how great you are it's because they were given to you and at the end of the day we don't deserve the things that we have if you whatever you have you don't deserve it God's blessed you maybe and some people have more than others and there's you know I get it you work hard and you and you get things but you know what how is it that you're able to work do the work that you could do who gave you the strength to do that who gave you the mind to do that who gave who gave you the life to do that who gave that to you don't ever forget where it comes from don't ever forget the root of where it all goes back to you came into this world naked you're leaving this world naked bless it'd be the name of the Lord I don't know I hope and pray that we especially as a church as a congregation can can mitigate pride and and stave it off individually as well as collectively within our church I want this to be a church and I brought this up in the past remember what I preach a sermon on like the greatest church of all time we ought to be always striving to make this church the greatest church of all time even if we can't achieve that status let's just try let's let's what is it that's gonna make a church great you know what one of the things gonna be a humble church a church full of humble people that want to serve God that want to serve men that want to do good things for the Lord help people out preach the gospel of Jesus Christ people who want to do those things hey let's start there when people walk in and visit our church they could at least say like wow you know what those people are really humble they were nice they're there they were warm they were welcoming that you know I think that's a great start for being a great church hey when when that person said hey if you need anything let me know I actually believed them because they actually came and helped because they actually had action behind their words and they're not just a bunch of hypocrites how about that it's a pretty good place don't be deceived by pride no matter what you know no matter what you think don't think that you're you know you're just the greatest and I don't know why everyone else can't figure out why they how do you not know that I'm the greatest you know I'm that type of attitude look we're all we're all servants here we're all fellow laborers striving for a common cause let's not try to shoot up our branch above anyone else if you if you if God chooses for you to be exalted let God do that let God do that and still just stay humble even if he does it's far as I've ordered prayer your Lord will love you thank you so much for your word we thank you for loving us Lord even though we don't deserve it we thank you that you've commended your love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us that your love is exalted so much the more because we don't even deserve your love but you you gave it to us anyways we thank you for that Lord help us never to forget where we came from help us never to forget the the proper view of ourselves just in the sense that we're you know no matter how much we do and serve you no matter how much you bless us and open up our wisdom and our understanding Lord and how much you use us that at the end of the day we're still we've still been defiled by this flesh and Lord that uh that we're servants to you and I pray that you would help us to keep a humble mindset and Lord we love you and at the end of the day God we want all honor and glory to be brought unto you to your name the name of Jesus Christ your son and that truly things will be done for that glory for your glory and honor not not for our own individually dear Lord we love you to Jesus name we pray amen all right we're gonna sing one last song before dismissed for the evening brother Peter will you please lead us Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh you you