(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, so we're kind of First Kings chapter 17 is a little bit of a different chapter from what we're used to Obviously, this is the book chronicling the kings of Israel and we're going through we saw And not just Israel. We got some kings of Judah and Israel kind of mixed in with this book. It started off with You know King David King Solomon and that and and spend a little bit of time there a few chapters there and this Entire chapter we're not really talking about any of it Well briefly Ahab I think is in the very beginning of this of this chapter, but that's that's about it We don't we don't hear from him again We're starting to learn a little bit. This is the first time in the Bible that Elijah the Tish bite is mentioned So I'm really excited because Elijah is an awesome character in the Bible he's a great man of God and We're gonna read the next few chapters a lot of the things that he did and and just it was just really cool to see who he was and some of the awesome things that he did for God and So let's let's jump right in here in verse number one the Bible says in Elijah the Tish bite who was of the inhabitants of Gilead said unto Ahab as The Lord God of Israel liveth before whom I stand there shall not be dew nor rain these years But according to my word it is real interesting. I love the way it just kind of throws it out there Elijah the Tish bite it's kind of like who is this guy Elijah the Tish bite just of the land of Gilead a nobody, right He just he says he makes his proclamation unto Ahab the king and he says as the Lord God of Israel liveth before whom I stand, you know, there's not gonna be dew Rain these years according to my word and of course the reason is that we learned this later We learned it from other chapters Ahab is an extremely wicked King And we're gonna find out that that he was the whole cause behind it Ahab gets angry he thinks Elijah's the problem He's the source of the problem. But Ahab was the problem and this is a curse that that That Elijah is speaking here and God listens to it now the first lesson we can learn from this is expect your prayers To happen see Elijah, you know makes this pronouncement and and really it's we find out from James Chapter 5 that that Elijah is a man of like passions like as we are Yet he prayed earnestly unto the Lord that it would not rain for the space of three and a half years and it rained not and you Could read that and I'm probably barely misquoting that but in James 5 it talks about that and that and then he asked again And the Lord, you know brought the rain so God Harkened unto the voice of Elijah and he listened to him This is something that Elijah was asking God to do and God heard his prayer and when we go in prayer We need to expect our prayers to actually happen. Jesus Christ said in mark 11 24 stay where you at there Jesus said therefore I say unto you what things so ever you desire when you pray Believe that you receive them and you shall have them God wants us to go to him with full confidence Knowing and having that full faith in him that hey God is all-powerful God is capable of doing anything. There is nothing too hard for the Lord whatever it is that we need in this life Whatever it is, whatever the things are even some of the desires of our heart, you know, if they're if they're Right with God if it's according to God's will but something that's good if it's something that righteous, you know If you're not just just praying for something to consume on your own lusts or consume You know that that's that's not actually good for you something that's sinful or something Something you shouldn't be doing God's not gonna answer those prayers But if it's something that's good if it's something that's right or if it's something here Like God's gonna get the glory in this event of it not, you know of this, you know, there's judgment coming Upon a wicked King and a wicked people that were following these kings and in getting involved in all the idolatry and stuff That were that was brought before them Then God will will hearken unto that and listen to that now I'm not gonna say that this prayer that Elijah made here was a foolish prayer by any means. I think it was good I mean God God answered it But what I also want to draw attention to is that we need to be careful that we don't pray foolishly For you know, be very careful with things that you pray for Think about you know, don't don't pray flippantly because God might just answer those prayers It might not end up being something that you you want to have happen now. We know that that that you know that the spirit Works with our spirit and will help us to pray to God the things that we ought to pray to him But God does hear us And and he can't answer our prayers. So I mean Elijah's asking here for it not to rain Until he says so but that's gonna affect Elijah. Also, it's gonna affect a lot of people and Like I said, I don't think it's a foolish prayer But but something so powerful and expecting something like that to happen Just realize God is capable of doing all these things and whatever it is that you're praying for Remember that God is able to do it. It's never a good idea to be extremely emotional And start going to God with a bunch of things before you've kind of really thought out what what's the right way to go Especially if like maybe you're angry or something and you're praying God can you you know? Take care of this person. What are you know? Not necessarily anything wrong with with you know, we look read the Psalms and you can see there's there's definitely in pregatory prayer there's there's some things that could be righteous and not wrong to pray for but Make sure that you're not just letting emotion take over and And not using some sense when you when you go to God and pray Because God is a powerful God and he does answer prayer does hear us. So We'll just keep them I keep reading here in 1st King 17 verse number 2 and the word of the Lord came unto him saying get thee hence and turn thee eastward and Hide thyself by the brook heareth that is before Jordan and it shall be that thou shalt drink of the brook And I have commanded the Ravens to feed thee there So now we have God turning to Elijah because he's heard his prayer So now he's saying well, here's what I want you to do. You need to hide yourself by this brook This is where I want you to be There's gonna be water there and don't worry about anything because I've already commanded the Ravens to feed thee What a cool thing. I mean, it's that it's it's so unique. It's so different Just go off. This is where I want you to be Elijah you go there. Don't worry about anything You don't have to bring anything. Just go in this spot and I'll make sure you're taken care of I've commanded the birds to bring you food and look at what happens here verse number five So he went and did according unto the word of the Lord For he went and dwelt by the brook heareth that is before Jordan and I love that about these great men of God You'll notice with Abraham you'll notice with Moses you'll notice with Elijah that when God says to do something They just they have that much faith to be able to say, you know, I'm just gonna go and do it You know, what do you mean the birds are gonna feed me? I need to do something. Oh people want to rely on their own wisdom thinking like no God, you know I can't just rely that some birds gonna feed me there. I need to do something else I need to spend a little bit more time getting prepared getting other things ready And then I'll go over there that there wasn't the attitude Elijah Elijah had At all, that's not the attitude Abraham's ahead when when God told Abram to get up get the ants and go out into This land that you've never been to before and I'm just gonna lead you and direct you and you just need to trust that Where I'm taking you is gonna be fine for you And all throughout the Bible you'll see the men have a great faith the people that did the most for God Had this type of faith this level of faith to be able to just say whatever it is whatever you got for me God, I'm gonna do it and Elijah did that he did he said okay. I believe you if God said that if God said he's gonna do whatever I'm gonna believe it because God said it God said he's gonna use the birds to feed me I don't know how exactly how it's gonna happen, but I'll just go and we see what did what did happen verse number six It says in the Ravens brought in bread and flesh in the morning and Bread and flesh in the evening and he drank of the brook He's just fine. He was getting fed to twice a day. He got some meat and he got some bread Twice a day these birds are coming imagine that he's there sitting by the brook He's got his food delivery right right to his doorstep the birds drop off the food for him All he's got to do is eat it, you know I don't know if he had to prepare the meat or whatever but Not a bad deal there's this this famine started or the the drought I should say because not raining and there's not even any do and He's being fed and he's got some water there Now I believe that it is important to be prepared be prepared For anything as much as possible. I think it's a good attribute to have I think I think it's something that we should have especially as men. I think it's prudent. I also believe in being as independent as Possible where you don't have to rely on other people so much I think that that is a good quality a good skill You should be able to take care of yourself. Take care of your family be prepared for hard times You know I'm into If you will the the prepper thing but only stuff but very limited, okay, I think it's a good idea I think if you have resource if you already have means it's not a bad idea to put away some food put away some Silver put away some guns, you know for a rainy day But that should not Be your main focus that should not consume you and really if you don't have the means for it That should that's like the probably the last thing that should be on your mind I I've got no problems with people getting some things prepared Like I said because there's all kinds of things that can come your way. You could lose your job You know, it's good to have a little bit of resources kind of there to fall back on But what we don't want to do is get all crazy about it To where it's like you're just sitting now. You're kind of like burying your your Talent in the ground and doing nothing with it and it's not doing anything for anybody Because here's here's what it ultimately comes down to God needs to come first So if something like being a preppers are consuming you and say oh no I can't do all these church activities in this church stuff because I gotta Get this food and I gotta get this other stuff and I get my ammo and I get all those other things put away First that's not right. We need to make sure one that we're always relying on God always You know I said you won't want to be relying on other people. We want to but we do want to rely on God That is something because if we're not relying on God It's just a matter of time before your heart is being lifted up and pride and prideful about your own Achievements and your own wealth and your own ability to sustain yourself and everything else that I don't need God God doesn't want you to not rely on him God wants us to be at the place to where even if he's blessed you with wealth that we're relying on him every single day Because the things that we have these things they could come and go in and in a heartbeat anyways It doesn't matter that's not what we should ultimately be trusting in for our safety for our security We need to be trusting in the Lord First and foremost yeah, I'm not saying it's simple or bad to have some stuff. I think it's wise to be prepared But we need to be careful how far we take that And if we're doing we need to have the faith to know that if we're doing what God is calling us to do We really have no need to fear about anything You know Jesus said seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you you know we're having a conversation recently about and Times and what's gonna happen and we know you know we believe here We're gonna there's gonna be a time of tribulation. There's gonna be a time of persecution. It's gonna happen Maybe it's even gonna happen in our lifetimes I'm of the the persuasion. I think it is I Think we're that close. I don't know it for a fact No, man knows a day or the hour But there's a lot of a lot of signs of the times that are happening that would lead me to think that it's reasonable to think that sometime in the next couple decades that We're gonna be really going through some hard times and maybe even see that great tribulation So knowing that it is wise to have some type of preparation. No hey these things are gonna happen You know if we have a little extra food. We got a little you know some good means to defend ourselves Excellent nothing wrong with that but I'm honestly not very concerned about the coming judgment for myself I'm not that concerned about the tribulation because I know That if I'm just doing What God wants me to do if I am walking in the path that he's laid out for me No matter what that is no matter if I have no guns no extra food Nothing to my name if I'm doing what God has for me to do. I've got nothing to fear I've got nothing to worry about because if I'm seeking God first And if I'm walking in his will if I'm doing all those other things the rest of that preparation doesn't mean anything Look what he did for Elijah Well, I didn't have to rely on anything he did he's a guy who said here I'm gonna put you over here, and there's gonna be some birds to feed you And there's gonna be some water they're done Problem solved and God has shown himself time and time and time again to take care of his people to take care of his children and If God has it in the cards for you To be a martyr for his name To suffer some persecution Guess what it doesn't matter how many guns you got if that's the path God wants you to take then So be it Say praise Jesus glory to God. Thanks for counting me worthy to suffer the shame for you That's the attitude that these the Apostles had read the book of Acts They got beaten and they left joy Jumping up and down and leaping for joy because they counted that because God count I'm worthy to suffer shame for his name It was a good thing We need to make sure we got the right attitude and like I said, I mean the prepping thing it's fun It's fun to talk about it. I like watching those videos and they got these big bunkers and all this other stuff It's cool, but that's about the extent of it, right? Don't let it consume you don't get and I don't think anyone here does but just get to this point to where it's like Come on. Now. Let's let's just let's just I mean, let's rely on God Get get some preparation, you know, there's nothing wrong with that but at the end of the day that should not be where your Resting place is is on that stuff We need to be to make sure that we're keeping our faith in God and and just completely relying on him Let's keep reading here verse number seven first King 17 And it came to pass after a while that the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land So a place where God had him that water just that river stopped flowing It's now he's out of water verse 8 and the word of Lord came on him saying arise Get thee to Zareph ath Which belongeth to Zidane and dwell there? Behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain me So God's already lined up a place for Elijah to go to next say well this ran out Doesn't matter. God's got the next place for him to go and he tells him explicitly saying I have commanded a widow woman Now, we don't know exactly how the widow woman was commanded. We don't know if she saw a vision in the night We don't know if a man of God preached unto her. We don't know if she heard God speak. We don't know Doesn't matter. All we know is that Elijah was told. Hey, this widow woman was commanded there to take care of you to sustain you So he goes on his way verse number 10. So he rose and went to Zareph ath Trusting in God as he did before and when he came to the gate of the city behold the widow woman was There gathering of sticks and he called her and said fetch me I pray thee a little water in a vessel that I may drink and as she was going to fetch it he called to her and said bring me I pray thee a morsel of bread in thine hand and She said as the Lord thy God liveth I have not a cake but in handful of meal in a barrel and a little oil in a cruise and Behold, I am gathering two sticks that I may go in and dress it for me and my son that we may eat It and die So She's out there gathering sticks and he comes across her he sees her Oh, this is a wooded widow woman that God's commanded to take care of me So he gets into town. He says hey, give me a drink of water I'm real thirsty and as she's going he's like, oh wait, wait, wait, you know what also give me a little something to eat give me give me some bread, right and So then she answers said look Because she was going to get him the water. But when you ask for food, she's like I got a couple of sticks here I've got a little bit of meal. She said not even a cake right just this little bit of meal and a little bit of oil She's like we're gonna dress these sticks and basically just just that that food that you had she's like we're just gonna we're gonna eat what we have now and we're gonna die and We see here how poor This widow woman is right because she's at the point of starvation And we know that you know, there's been no rain and water and stuff So obviously everyone's going through hard times But this woman that that God commanded to take care of another person Has nothing she's on her last Last bit of food now let that sink in let that aspect of the story Sink in because as we're reading about Elijah There's also this other woman who is a big part of the story And we tend to kind of forget about the other people in the story and just focus on Elijah But put yourself in that woman's shoes God's commanded you to take care of someone You don't got anything So I don't have anything God. I don't know. I want to help I want to do something, but I don't even have anything But here we see a woman that also has faith Here we see a woman that still is going to do what God commanded her to do even if it means Nothing for her and her son because she takes him then because and it's It's kind of it's actually a little a little funny I mean Elijah reassures her with God's Word that everything's gonna be okay after she tells him that But the way answers her I think is still a little bit amusing verse number 13 Elijah said under fear not Go and do as thou has said he's like go go ahead do what you said, right? Get your sticks so you and your son could eat and die But make me thereof a little cake first and bring it unto me and after make for thee and for thy son So, I mean, it's I don't know. Maybe you don't see the humor and I think it's kind of funny like okay, you could do that later, but first first make something for me and And then he tells her again in verse 14 for thus saith the Lord God of Israel saying this is what God said The barrel of meal shall not waste Neither shall the cruise of oil fail until the day that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth So he's telling her now he tells her the reason why she can go and get him some food and then she could go and eat with her and her son is because God's not gonna let that little bit of meal that she has left fail and that oil is just not gonna run out You could keep on pulling from that little bit and it's gonna last you and last you and last you in verse 15 It says and she went and did according to the saying of Elijah and she and he and her house Did eat many days and I think this is a great blessing for this woman To not take it upon herself to say well, I don't have anything so I don't have anything to give to you I'm just gonna eat for me and my son and I don't care if I'm supposed to take care of you I'm just gonna take care of myself. She didn't have that attitude She Had faith in God's Word She trusted that she was going to be able to be taken care of and she went and did Even if it was going to be the last food, she made that little cake for for Elijah This whole chapter chapter 17 the overwhelming theme is about faith and we're gonna see that There's all these very difficult times that are going on and yet the the faith is is the number one Theme of this entire chapter and it says in verse 16 there in the barrel of meal wasted not neither Did the cruise of oil fail according to the word of the Lord which he spake by Elijah, of course It didn't fail because God's Word never fails God's Word is always true and Faithful and will will happen exactly the way that it says if it's coming from God, which it was now Notice in some of the most difficult times when even just surviving seems impossible God's care for his children Even if it has to be a miracle God will take care of his children And that's that's comforting again more reason to not fear No matter what's going on in our lives no matter how bad things get When you're at the lowest point in your life if you're listening to God's Word and Following and doing what he asked for you. You have faith and confidence in that knowing that God will take care of you That is comforting and these stories are awesome that that we can look to this and see you know what? I've never been in this situation before I never have been there. I don't know what it's like I don't know what it's like I could only imagine but even what I can imagine I I would bet is not as hard as it is to actually live through that We have things so good in this country. We have such an abundance of wealth and blessing That it's been it's been here for so long that even me at just about 40 years old in my entire lifetime has never been to the point where My family my house or me was just so out of food completely That I just thought I was gonna die of starvation because like this is all we have left I mean, this is my last crumbs of bread that I have to my name I don't know what it's like to be in that situation But I know it can't be easy at all having a hungry belly and then being told to take care of somebody else Praise God for this type of faith That this woman could have and that Elijah could have and it's and Elijah makes it look easy like it's no big deal We know that it's not that easy But we can look to someone like Elijah and get strength from that person and say hey look if he could do it Why can't we? James 5 says he's a light. He was a person like as we are with like passions that we have He's just a human being He's just a person But what makes him special is his faith What makes him special is that he decided to trust God and do what God asked for him to do Any one of us can do that We all can do that. It's just up to you individually You can be an Elijah There's nothing stopping you from it at all, but yourself It's just yourself God Provided and see we also need to be looking out for one another God Used what the woman had to offer Which wasn't very much? But what do you suppose would have happened if the woman refused to help Elijah? The story could have gone very differently See, I don't think that God would have necessarily blessed her the way that he did because she was obedient because she did do Because she was willing to offer this stuff. I think the story could have turned out way different If she said nope, sorry, I'm gonna do this. I can't help you out She probably would have died with her son and you know what have happened. God will have taken care of Elijah through someone else Because he was going and acting by faith and doing what he was supposed to be doing It would have you know, the deliverance would have come from somewhere for Elijah But This woman Don't know what would have happened if she would have just been disobedient not and not Listening to God to the Word of the Lord Let's keep reading here verse number 17 and it came to pass after these things That the son of the woman the mistress of the house fell sick and His sickness was so sore that there was no breath left in him And she said unto Elijah what have I to do with thee? Oh thou man of God? Art thou come unto me to call my sin to remembrance and to slay my son and he said unto her give me thy son and he took him out of her bosom and carried him up into a loft where he abode and Laid him upon his own bed and he cried unto the Lord and said Oh Lord my God has thou also brought evil upon the widow with whom I sojourn by slaying her son and He stretched himself upon the child three times and cried unto the Lord and said Oh Lord God I pray thee let this child's soul come into him again So we see this story here now that they've continued on they've been eating out of their the oil and the meal that they've had It's been blasting them But now her son gets sick and he gets so sick that he dies. There's no breath left in him at all and She's just like Why did you come man of God, you know, it's kind of like we're gonna die anyways What was the point of all this what was the point of bringing me through this if my son just gonna die Anyway, she's like she's like I bring you know Is God bringing a remembrance the sins of my past like like look I've sinned I know like why is this happening to me? now So Elijah turns to God and Treats for her and treats for her son and just you know, he's praying and banging God God, you know Like why has this happened? You know, you bring an evil upon this woman that that's taken care of me I'm so journeying with and you know What why is that many and he and he prays then to God let this child soul come into him again God Not holding back anything knowing that God is capable of even bringing people back from the dead This is where Elijah's faith was this is one of the things that makes him so great is that he didn't just give up He's continued to rely on God and did what he could To Help this woman and to help her son the child was that what a prayer though Let this child soul come into again. Look at verse number 22 and the Lord heard the voice of Elijah God heard him he wasn't just speaking into the air and the soul of the child came into him again and he revived and Elijah took the child and Brought him down out of the chamber into the house and delivered him unto his mother and Elijah said see Thy son liveth What an answer to prayer? What an awesome event. I mean this is this is Extremely rare in the Bible. We don't see this happen. We saw Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead after four days this is like Basically like the only other time where we see someone praying to God to bring someone back from the dead I mean we see in in the book of Acts where where the young man fell from the Loft and you could argue whether or not he was dead. I think he probably was but you know, whatever This is not something that happens every day But think about this too what a blessing this woman received Like I said that doesn't happen every day but God heard Elijah's prayer and Great things can happen When you've got your faith in God and you're doing what's right you surround yourself with the right people You know the effect the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much the Bible says Elijah was a righteous man, and he effectually and fervently prayed for this this boy that that died and God brought him back to life The stories of Elijah highlight How anyone can be used of God if they're willing and faithful and we're going to see that We're going to continue through the life of Elijah. It truly is incredible And as I mentioned earlier Elijah just shows up in the Bible Just out of nowhere. I mean, it's just we're reading through the book of Kings reading about all these kings of Israel and it recently or just real wicked and there's all the stuff going on and then Elijah shows up on the scene Just out of nowhere Just a man of Gilead and we're gonna read some amazing stories about the next few chapters And then that's that's pretty much it but you know, we we need more Elijah's We need more people who are who have that faith and are willing to just Go out there and do what it is that God's got for him to do and and Not ask questions and just and just have full faith that God's able to do what what he's able to do Which is anything second we we refer to this I think one or two weeks ago. We're talking about Asa and the man of God went to Asa and Explained to him and in second chronicle 69 for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth To show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him That's what what the the man of God said to Asa why because Asa was the one who did rely on God militarily when they were outnumbered two to one when there was you know, a million people against five hundred thousand and God wrought that victory And we're kind of used to seeing those types of victories in the Bible with God these these military victories but this statement about the eyes of the Lord running to and fro throughout the whole earth is Very true. And as I mentioned before I believe this is still happening today He's gonna show himself strong and to be half of them whose heart is perfect toward him God's just looking for someone as a right heart someone who's just wants to serve him and and and do his will and and and he's willing to He does he's not just willing he uses men To promote his will to do what it is that he's got lined up and and to do great things When Asa won that battle, that wasn't aces victory. That was God's victory when This boy was brought back to life that wasn't Elijah's strength or power or Special magic that Elijah had that's the power of God But God used the man To perform the miracles the miracles were performed through somebody Elijah was the vessel but he was the willing vessel He had a perfect heart before God so that God definitely gets all the glory There's no doubt about that Elijah's not taking credit for this stuff Just like the other men of God don't take Moses didn't take credit for all the plagues that happened upon Egypt but the plagues came after Moses and Aaron You know spake the word of the Lord and were there to represent and be ambassadors for God He used those men to do to accomplish his goals and just like here he used he used Elijah He listened he heard Elijah I mean Elijah had to be there to call on God and ask him to Save this boy in order for that boy to come back to life That's it that's the way God operates we see that throughout the Bible. That's the way he works Verse number 24 Bob says and the woman said to Elijah Now by this I know That thou art a man of God And that the word of the Lord in thy mouth is truth, and I find this to be kind of interesting It's as if the miracle of being fed all that time Didn't mean that much for her to say like well now. I know you're a man of God right now I Don't want to you know be too hard on this woman because it did say just before that That she did call him. Oh man of God When she was talking about her son there in verse 18, and she said unto Elijah What have I to do with thee? Oh thou man of God? Right She knew he was a man of God, but with such an amazing event that happened She's just saying like now I know that thou art a man of God and that the word of the Lord in thy mouth is true like no There is no other explanation for this at all You're a man of God the word the word in our mouth is truth. You're speaking from the Lord now But but the reason why I bring that up is that you know all too often I think we miss seeing God's hand in our own lives. I think God's Interventions or God's leading and guidance is there more often than we realize I Believe that I've seen it enough in my own personal life To know that it's there to know that it's true to know that you know The things that that some people might want to chalk up to coincidence isn't just a coincidence and Oftentimes, I think we just miss seeing that even though it may be very significant I mean that in your case that food and being fed for so long that was very significant but Events like that can dull over time. I mean throughout every single day was a miracle that they were eating Every single day and we know that it hadn't even rained yet So even up to that day, it was a miracle that they're still being fed But the fact that was there got old I mean we saw that with the children of Israel when they're wandering around the desert God fed him with manna Right same thing. He took care of them. They had a need they're out in the wilderness They can't provide for themselves God provided for him. He says here I'm gonna have bread just basically coming up off the ground when the when the dew lands on these plants You just pick up for like where the dew that came off and you got this man and it's bread you could eat that And they were amazed at first Praise God, he's taking care of us. Look all we got to do is just collect this food and eat it. We're good But then what happened after a little while? We got sick of it start complaining Oh, I remember the garlic and the cucumbers and the melons and you know in the fish and the leeks and the you know Onions and everything else that we had and now all we got is this manna I mean we you know, try to boil it bake it do whatever with it But all we got left is this is this manna? It's like it's a miracle from God God's taking care of you you have to work for it you're gonna complain about it God is miraculously taking care of you. What is wrong with people? But look the children they weren't just completely way out there comparatively with other people That's a mindset that a lot of people have it's not just them And we need to remember that we need to remember not to ignore the smaller miracles, right I Mean that the hunger was the biggest thing in her entire life at that point when that need was met But then as soon as that needs met unfortunately, I think we have a tendency to just Don't think about anymore The bad parts pass. I don't want to think about that anymore even though God still deserves a lot of credit all the credit It always blows me away how many people? Seem to not fully realize What's going on around them when miracles are being done in a presence like in the Bible stories, right? You see Jesus for example as he's healing all these people. I mean, it's undeniable all the great things he's doing yet There's still people that just don't believe we want to kill him like How How does that happen that just like when the the children of Israel that came through and saw all the plagues of God and Then within such a short span of time They're willing to just give up on God. They're willing to just say oh, you know, it's like These miracles ought to have more of an impact on you I mean you need this just to see these things and it blows me away that that Anybody can have that type of attitude we need to be sensitive to these areas where God does act and God is is doing things in our life a very similar story happens in the New Testament as what is with the lady and Elijah being fed right because they have this certain a small amount of food and You cannot explain away how they were continue to be fed every single day. It's the same way that Jesus fed the five thousand Right, all they had in the group was five loaves and two fishes, that's it There is no scientific way or reasonable way you can explain how can five loaves and two fish feed 5,000 plus people and then be able to take twelve baskets full of Leftovers, right? There's other people didn't eat you see you left with more than you came with that doesn't make sense Except because God's involved And God's able to make anything happen he made that food Provide for way more than it would have otherwise And this is what he said is what Jesus said to those that followed him after that in the book of John When when after he had just performed that miracle his disciples left and then he left and then the people came looking for him They're like, oh man, where'd he go, you know, and they and they caught up with him on the other side of the lake and And they were there asking about him and then in John 6 26 Jesus answered them and said verily verily saying to you you seek me not because you saw the miracles But because you did eat of the loaves and were filled labor not for the meat which perishes But for the meat which endureth unto everlasting life Which the Son of Man shall give unto you for him hath God the Father sealed See those people they were looking for him But it's not because they were in awe of the miracle because a great miracle was done in their presence he didn't have more than five loaves and two fishes and like That's a huge miracle, but so many people just didn't even think about it Didn't affect them. They didn't they didn't really care that much. They just cared. Oh cool. He's feeding us so I went back looking at some more food up from him and he's like You missed the point You missed it The woman here in in 1st King 17 was eating off of what was only enough to be her last meal And she was able to eat off of that amount for many days But it's it's almost as if she didn't recognize Elijah as a man of God until her son was raised from the dead it took Like that type of event to just be like you're a man of God The feeding was no less miraculous than the son coming back to life. It really wasn't But similarly however the resurrection That resurrection and I think there's there's one last point. I just want to tie in here with this Because that's what it was he brought the son back to life The resurrection of Jesus Christ ultimately proved that he was a man of God Jesus Christ was the Son of God is the Son of God That provides the ultimate proof for us in our Savior. I Mean that was the biggest event that we think about what what is a bigger event of Jesus Christ in his entire life and everything That he did then his resurrection That's what provides us our lively. Hope we have a hope of our own resurrection that when we die That's not the end of it that we're gonna come back to life Why because Jesus Christ died went to hell after three days three nights came back to life of his own accord No one else raised him. You could say Elijah raises this boy from the dead. I mean through the power of God Elijah did it? Jesus Christ was raised from the dead from no one else Jesus Christ came back Jesus Christ ascended up into heaven the angels didn't carry Jesus into heaven He ascended up to heaven. He went up of his own power of his own volition That Is an amazing proof by this we know Jesus Christ is the Son of God The same way that the widow woman knew that Elijah was a man of God when when her son was brought back to life I'm excited to see him to read more I mean not like I don't know the stories but just you know getting into these and preaching through them and and And going through this Elijah is an awesome character. We need more Elijah's we There's no reason and I'm gonna be preaching about this a little bit on the camping trip. There's no reason why The people we read about here we can't do the same things We need we need to get the right mindset Get ourselves out of the way and let God use us the way that he wants to use us He's looking for it. I mean he wants the right heart. There's someone with the right heart to say here I am Lord send me Whatever you want me to do I'm not gonna get scared. I'm not gonna say I can't do that. I'm not gonna you know Find every other excuse not to do what you've got for me to do I'll just do it and just know that that I'll be fine, and I'll be protected because I'm in I'm doing what you got for me to do That's attitude Elijah had he was no other than that. He was no special person Elijah the Tish bite from Gilead You Could be another Elijah from Prescott Valley doesn't matter God's the one who gets the glory. Anyways, it's not it's not you Spot writers have a word of prayer dear Heavenly Father Lord. We thank you so much for For these great stories in the Bible Lord help us to have more faith help us to be like this woman who? Was willing to give of the last literally the last food that she had For her life and for her son's life dear Lord and she did it willingly because she trusted in you God help us to have that level of faith and Lord help us to love other people enough to to be willing to do that God and We asked for your guidance. We asked for you to to lead us the way and work in our hearts God I think there are a lot of willing people here tonight That that want to serve you and we just asked that you would Illuminate us illuminate the path before us and help us have the boldest and courage to to walk that path that you have for us It's in Jesus name we pray. Amen