(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Zechariah chapter number eight beginning verse number one the Bible reads again the word of the Lord came to me saying thus saith the Lord of hosts I was jealous for Zion with great jealousy and I was jealous for her with great fury thus saith the Lord I am returned unto Zion and would dwell in the midst of Jerusalem and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth and the mountain of the Lord of hosts the holy mountain now the word jealous in the Bible is different than we use the word jealous today unfortunately when we say jealous today what we really mean is the biblical word envious see the Bible talks about envy and jealousy and unfortunately we don't really use the word envy anymore in our modern vernacular we've sort of just replaced it with the word jealousy and we just kinda combine those two into one thing so let me just explain to you the difference when the Bible says jealousy it's talking about being protective of something that belongs to you whereas envy is the opposite it's where you desire something that does not belong to you you want something that belongs to someone else but when someone wants something that we have we often say oh you're just jealous you're just jealous or you're jealous of him or jealous of her what we really mean is that we're envious of them so it's important to understand that sometimes words have changed in meaning or people have misused them for so long that that sort of becomes the new meaning so there's a huge difference because when we want something that belongs to someone else when we desire what is not our own that is a sin so envy is bad it's covetousness thou shalt not covet that's when we desire or envy something of someone else whereas jealousy is often quite appropriate okay now the kind of jealousy where we're envying now obviously that's wrong the Bible doesn't use it that way but that's how we use it in 2015 but also we hear people talk about for example a jealous husband and they say oh you know he's one of those jealous husbands well biblically that's actually a good attribute for a husband to have obviously a man should be protective and possessive of his wife because she belongs to him and he doesn't have to share her and he shouldn't share her and he should not want to share her and it's the same thing with the wife she should be possessive of her husband and not want to share him with with other women and and she should be uncomfortable with her husband being very buddy buddy with other women and he should be uncomfortable with his wife being buddy buddy with other men that's actually a righteous attribute that is biblical jealousy the Bible for example says that the Lord's name is jealous he's saying you know he doesn't even say jealous is my middle name I mean he says jealous is my name so God is a jealous God it says that over and over and over again meaning he doesn't want to share his glory with anyone else he doesn't want you to worship other gods and just sort of include him as what he wants all the glory all the praise all the worship because he's a jealous God also when it comes to salvation he's not gonna share the glory with you because you've done many works and you think that your deeds are your works are somehow getting you to heaven that's why the Bible says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast so he doesn't want people to boast about their works that's why salvation is not by works it's only by faith that way he gets all the glory because if salvation is by faith alone then it's all that Jesus did that gets us into heaven his death his burial his resurrection therefore he gets all the glory we don't get any glory because we'd repented of all our sins or did a bunch of good works or joined the church and turned our whole lives around that would be a glorification of self when we say I did all these things and now I'm going to heaven that's boasting so the Bible teaches that God is a jealous God and this is God speaking in verse 2 he says I was jealous for Zion with great jealousy and I was jealous for her with great fury the Bible says jealousy is the rage of a man and rage and fury are both two very similar words it makes God angry when his people will serve other gods and have other gods before him and so forth now look at verse number three it says thus saith the Lord I am returned unto Zion and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem now when we stop and read that it should become obvious to us that if he's returning to Zion that he must have left because you can't return somewhere that you haven't left now again just to briefly give the context to the book of Zechariah this is them coming back from the Babylonian captivity the children of Judah had worshiped other gods provoked the Lord to anger and as a punishment they were carried away to Babylon where they stayed for 70 years in captivity and God turned away from his people because they turned away from him and then when they were in captivity they turned back to the Lord they got rid of their idolatry and then because they returned to him he returned to them and this is a theme in the book of Zechariah all the way back to chapter one this idea of draw nigh to God and he'll draw nigh to you and then just in verse number 15 I believe in chapter 7, I'm sorry, chapter 7 verse number 13 he talks about how if you won't hear me when I talk to you then I won't hear you when you talk to me so this is a principle that's really just hammered in the book of Zechariah over and over again that if we return to God he'll return to us if we listen to him he'll listen to us if we are pure he'll show himself pure unto us etc etc that's a biblical principle that Zechariah really drives home so what we need to understand is that when the children of Israel turned away from the Lord and worshiped other gods he did turn away from them now a lot of people today have this mistaken idea that God is just always blessing the Jews and they're always his chosen people no matter what and basically no matter what they do that land belongs to them and what's being taught in the vast majority of churches today is that God made an unconditional promise to the children of Israel they'll use that term unconditional just a carte blanche of just worship Satan and deny Christ but the land is still your land and that is a lie all throughout the Bible when they didn't have the faith that land was not given to them that's why when they first got there they couldn't even go in because of unbelief in the days of Joshua and Caleb they had to wander in the wilderness 40 years because they didn't have the faith then once they get in there they were supposed to possess all the land but because they lacked faith what happened? God left the Philistines to inhabit some of the land they didn't ever get the whole thing because all these other nations took bites out of it as a punishment because the land was not given to them unconditionally it was given to them upon the condition that they would serve the Lord over and over again that's very clear in the Bible so when they turned away from them he turned away from them and then now it says he's returned to them now that they're worshiping him once again and serving him and that's why it says I'm returned unto Zion and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth and the mountain of the Lord of hosts the holy mountain so when God is blessing Israel when God is returned unto Israel what's the result? it's a city of truth it's a mountain of the Lord of hosts the holy mountain now could that be said today of Israel that it's a city of truth? no because of the fact that ninety-nine percent of the people over there don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God as their Savior therefore it's not a place of truth why? because Jesus said I am the truth Jesus saith unto him I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me which means that every Israeli who's on their knees praying to the Father if it's not through the Son their prayer is hitting the ceiling and going no further God is not listening to any of them and I'm tired of hearing about how God answered the prayer of these Israel not if it's not through Jesus he didn't because no man cometh unto the Father but through him it says having therefore brethren boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way which he had consecrated for us through the veil that is to say his flesh and having a high priest over the house of God let us draw near with a pure heart in full assurance of faith I mean the Bible tells us over and over again that we have boldness to come before the throne of grace and obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need but it's always through Jesus it's always through his blood it's through his flesh it's through the Savior he's the high priest he's the mediator between God and men see it doesn't say there's no mediator there's no mediator between God and Is that what the Bible says? No, it says there's one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus that mediator is how you reach the Father through Jesus there's no way to bypass that so therefore those in Israel today are not talking to God the Father they're not worshiping God the Father because they're not going through the proper channel and there's only one channel so the Bible here talks about Jerusalem being a city of truth that's a city where the Word of God is being preached and exalted where Jesus is lifted up that could not be said of Jerusalem today so you can't just cherry pick verses from Zechariah and try to apply them to 2015 when over and over again in almost every chapter in Zechariah he keeps explaining what it means to be blessed by God and how it has to do with worshiping him serving him obeying him believing him and so forth all things that they're not doing look at verse number four Thus saith the Lord of hosts there shall yet old men and old women dwell in the streets of Jerusalem and every man with his staff in his hand for very age and the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof why bring that up? Because of the fact that if there are old men that shows that people are living a long time they're living in peace and they're healthy and they're growing to be old that's a sign of blessing the fact that they're gonna live that long and then he also says that the streets will be full of boys and girls that's also a blessing when children are being born and by the way our church is really being blessed right now all these little kids being born the Bible says children are in heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward as arrows are in the hand of a mighty man so are the children of the youth happy is the man that hath this quiver full of them they should not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate so God is talking about them being blessed and he talks about how they're gonna have old men and they're gonna have children growing up in their church you know or in their nation but when you go to the churches today in America sometimes you go to churches and it's only old people and there are almost no children that's a bad sign you know God's blessing is when we have the whole spectrum now we're a little bit lean on old people I admit okay but that's because we're a newer church we've only been around for 10 years stick around and we're all gonna grow old together right and then it'll be all the all the young people now we're all gonna get old but then we'll also have God willing you know all the little kids and and young people growing up so that's a sign of God's blessing he's just explaining that that's what he's gonna do in Jerusalem verse 6 thus saith the Lord of hosts if it be marvelous in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these days should it also be marvelous in mine eyes saith the Lord of hosts thus saith the Lord of hosts behold I will save my people from the east country and from the west country and I will bring them and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem and they shall be my people and I will be their God in truth and in righteousness now stop right there if he's saying future tense I'm gonna bring them back and they are going to be my people and I am going to be their God you know what that tells me is that they previously were not his people and that he was previously not their God go to Hosea chapter 1 and you'll see the same thing Hosea chapter number 1 because again a lot of people have this idea that it was just a carte blanche for the children of Israel no matter what they do no matter what they believe that they're just automatically God's chosen people and that is simply not the case in Hosea chapter number 1 basically God is talking to people that are in disobedience it's the children of Israel this is you know hundreds of years previously but obviously the same principles apply it's the same nation of Israel and he basically tells Hosea to name his sons these various names and the names have significance you know for example there's a son named Jezreel and then there's a daughter named Lo Ruhamah verse 6 let's start there and she conceived and God said and she conceived and bare a daughter and God said unto him call her name Lo Ruhamah for I will no more have mercy upon the house of Israel but I will utterly take them all I will utterly take them away isn't that what he did when he took them to Babylon? no mercy take them away okay look at if you would at verse 7 it says but I will have mercy upon the house of Judah because at this point the northern kingdom of Israel was the one that was in sin and he said I'm gonna take them away whereas the southern kingdom of Judah was still worshiping God at this point so he said I will have mercy on them but then later on they follow in the footsteps of the northern kingdom and he doesn't have mercy on them jump down to verse 8 it says now when she had weaned Lo Ruhamah she conceived and bare a son then said God call his name Lo am I for ye are not my people and I will not be your God I mean this this is even in the Old Testament this is even before they rejected Jesus and he told them that the kingdom of God will be taken from them and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof he looks at people that had previously been his people as a nation and he says you're not my people that's what lo am I the low means not am I means my people name your kid not my people because that's what I feel about Israel right now they're not my people and this is quoted this a very significant scripture in Hosea you can go back to Zechariah but it's very significant because it's quoted in Romans where he says to them that they're not as people but that in the place where it was said unto them that they were not his people there shall they be called the children of the living God and in Romans 9 he explains that the Gentiles who receive Christ that they will become his people instead of the unbelieving Christ rejecting Jews where the kingdom of God is taken from them and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits of which made up of all believers predominantly Gentiles that includes a small remnant of believing Jews but it's predominantly Gentiles look at Zechariah chapter 8 where we left off there where he talked about how he's going to be their people look at verse 9, thus saith the Lord of hosts let your hands be strong ye that hear in these days these words by the mouth of the prophets which were in the day that the foundation of the house of the Lord of hosts was laid that the temple might be built so again this book is to encourage them in the work of building the temple and to let them know that God's gonna bless them now they're gonna be old men they're gonna be little kids running around and you will be my people I'm gonna return to you you're gonna be my people I'm gonna be your God things are gonna be great just obey me be strong in the Lord and encourage yourselves and I will bless you you're gonna be a blessing again this is what he's saying to them and again it's just people don't get this today because this is the message that should be preached unto Israel that they're doomed that they turned away from God that God can't bless them that they're not God's people that he's not their God and that they need to return to him and it's through Jesus and that that's the only way it's gonna be but he says here in this scripture you know I'll be their God in truth and in righteousness okay those are the qualifying factors so it says in verse number 10 for before these days there was no higher for man nor any higher for beast now in our modern vernacular what we would say there is that there weren't any jobs when they say hey there's no higher for man there's no higher for beast what they're saying is that people couldn't find a job and that's sort of like today when things are going bad in our country you'll hear people talking about the lack of jobs or we need to bring back the job we need more jobs so there's nothing new under the sun they're saying the same thing back then when God wasn't blessing there was no higher for man or beast and then when things are going good for them then the jobs abound okay that's what he's saying here for before these days there was no higher for man nor any higher for beast neither was there any peace to him that went out or came in because of the affliction for I said all men everyone against his neighbor but now I will not be under the residue of this people as in the former days saith the Lord of hosts for the seed shall be prosperous the vine shall give her fruit and the ground shall give her increase and the heavens shall give their due and I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all things notice he says I'm not going to be the same way that I was before so it's not that God changes in the sense that God's character never changes he said I'm the Lord I change not the Bible says Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever it's not that who he is changes but his behavior toward us does change based on what we do with his word based on what we do with truth and righteousness so God does not just treat us the same no matter what no if we do right he treats us well and if we do ill he treats us poorly that's what the Bible teaches over and over again it's not that God kind of just knows whether you've been good or bad but he's just gonna bless you anyway no matter what because he's just got such a big heart that's a fairy tale according to the Bible how God is to us is based upon what we do so when we see scriptures in the Bible where it talks about for example God repenting and people become confused like well I thought God never changes so why would God change his mind when we look at all the verses where he talks about he's going to do one thing and then he repents it's not that God is indecisive up in heaven or that God's character changed God never changes because when you're perfect to begin with how can you change God started out perfect he and he's gonna end up there's no reason to change okay now the Bible talks about there being a change from Old Testament to New Testament but it's not because God changed and it's not because God did something wrong and he's okay let's try this again let's you know let's roll out the beta you know testament let's roll out testament 2.0 because there were some bugs in 1.0 that needed to be fixed see in Hebrews it talks about how he made a new covenant because he said if the first covenant listen to these words carefully this is from Hebrews 8 for if that first covenant had been faultless there should been have been no place found for the second now at first glance you might look at that and say oh there's something wrong with the first covenant because he said if the first covenant had been faultless there should no place have been found for the second but here's the next words for finding fault with them he says right and he talks about how Israel had broken the covenant that's why he has to bring in the new covenant so God changes his behavior toward us God changes his attitude or his action toward us based on what we say and do but it's not that God himself changed in the sense that he's still the same God that he always was he still has the same opinions the same teachings the same doctrine it's amazing to me how people think that the God of the Old Testament is different than the God of the New Testament when God dwells in eternity outside of it look a day is with the Lord as a thousand years so how long ago was the new was the Old Testament two days ago you know we think of it as like oh yeah that was thousand years ago and we want to just kind of throw out the whole Old Testament and just say oh yeah God was really harsh in the Old Testament you know he wanted to stone homosexuals and stone adulterers you know but that you know that was thousands of years no that was two days ago from God's perspective that was just a couple days ago I mean God was killing homos a couple days ago and I mean from his perspective does everybody understand what I'm saying right so we can't just get this attitude that God's different no God has made changes in the New Testament okay but God did not make changes in his personality that's why when we read the book of revelation for example we see all the same wrath and hell fire and damnation of the quote Old Testament God because you'll hear people in the world refer to somebody believing in more of an Old Testament God than a New Testament it's the same God Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever the Lord does not change he's that he was perfect there's no reason to change the law of the Lord is perfect and a lot of these laws by the way are coming back in the millennial reign of Jesus Christ so you know don't make any mistake about that so we need to understand that doctrine because people will sometimes accuse God of changing or changing his mind and God only changes his mind in the sense of I was gonna do this but then the people changed so now I've changed my mind about how I'm gonna deal with them because they changed not like I changed my mind because I was wrong because he's never been wrong and that's why you know people who believe that in the New Testament God's view has totally changed on for example adultery or homos or whatever it blows my mind how sometimes they can say things that sound really blasphemous because they'll they'll talk about Old Testament laws and they'll say that they're bad for example I've heard independent fundamental baptist preachers criticize Islam and say Islam is a wicked religion it's so violent because they believe in stoning adulterers and homos like what but by doing that you're actually calling God wicked because that's what God said to do two days ago two thousand years ago and look obviously I understand that that's not the law of the land that's not the it's not our job to to enforce that or anything because we're New Testament Christians we're not running things we never will be running things but to sit there and say that those laws are bad no the Bible says the law of the Lord is perfect those are actually good laws if our government were smart they would take lessons from the Bible they'd be studying Leviticus numbers and Deuteronomy figuring out how to have a government that pleases God because God made up a great plan for government so God didn't change it's just that man has changed and so God changes his attitude or action and the reason why this matters is that we want God to be a loving merciful and blessing God in our lives don't we we want the God of compassion to listen to our prayers don't we well how do we get a hold of the God of love mercy and compassion well there's only one God but here's the thing he'll show himself merciful loving compassionate gentle pure unto us if we are humble and obey him whereas if we become prideful and arrogant and we go after other philosophies or other gods or if we start living a sinful life then we're going to start dealing with the God that's more of a stern strict punishing God it's up to you so people that are hateful toward God they oh God's so mean yeah he's mean to you because you're in sin you know it's you you decide how God's going to treat you and how God's going to deal with you it's really up to you because God has in his character love compassion mercy but he also has in his character wrath vengeance jealousy and fury and we have to decide whether we want to be on God's good side or on God's bad side he can be your best friend or your worst enemy what a friend we have in Jesus because we believe in him you know because we're going to church and we love God and we're trying to to obey whereas people who just completely mock and spit upon God's laws I mean he's the worst enemy that they could ever imagine and it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God the Bible says God the Bible says is terrible yeah he's vengeful you know so but but but then we think well no God's loving and merciful and kind now we talk a lot about the mercy and love and kindness of God because that's the side of God where we hang out or at least we should try to right but what's funny is when the world starts talking about how loving and kind and merciful God is and you just have to think yourself not to you you don't believe you know you don't believe in Jesus so you don't have access to the the mercy of God because we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ but the Bible talks about how before we have Jesus we're at enmity with God so that's an important distinction to understand look down at your Bible there in verse number 13 it says and it shall come to pass that as ye were a curse among the heathen O house of Judah and house of Israel so will I save you and ye shall be a blessing fear not but let your hands be strong now what's interesting about this is that it talks about the Jews the house of Judah being a curse amongst all nations where they dwelled think about that he said as you were a curse among the heathen what would be the opposite of being a curse among the heathen being a blessing now when somebody is staying at your house for example let's say you have a visitor from out of town sometimes that person's a blessing meaning that you enjoy having them around maybe they help out a little bit around the house maybe they help out playing with the kids maybe they bring a lot of fellowship and good times and laughs and and joy to the house maybe they can even you know talk to you about biblical things and refresh you spiritually by by talking to you about the Bible and just being a blessing where you say boy I'm so glad that so-and-so visited it was so good to have them staying with us what a blessing to have them around right you had experiences like that you know somebody visits and it's an enjoyable visit but then aren't there sometimes visitors that come and stay at your house that are a pain unto you and they're a curse and you're thinking like when are they leaving how much longer is this visit going to endure because they're actually causing extra work and they're being a pain and and maybe they're causing all kinds of strife and friction and anger and you can't have one accord with them and they're they're creating a bad atmosphere in the home and you're thinking to yourself you know this person is not a blessing enemy this person is a curse okay what about in a church there are people who show up to church and they're an asset to the church they're a blessing to the church they're helping out hey what can i do to help they're involved in soul winning program they're singing out during the singing they're smiling and greeting visitors they're friendly they're doing the soul winning you know they help out with cleaning whatever and they're they're a part of the team and you're glad that they're there and they're a friend then there are other people coming to the church and just cause trouble and they're a pain in the neck and you wish that they weren't even there sometimes you know people who who just show up and they they don't help anything they're just a burden just a hindrance okay they're just there to cause trouble that would be a curse so now let's think about this passage with all that in mind it says it should come to pass that as you were a curse among the heathen oh house of juda and house of israel so i will save you and ye shall be a blessing fear not but let your hands be strong let me ask you something are unsaved jews a blessing to the nations where god has driven them or a curse what about after they get saved i mean isn't this simple and it's so funny how these zionist jew worshiping type christians they love to quote zechariah it's funny i never hear them quote these parts of zechariah you know in the course of this area here we are we're eight weeks into this thing right and in the course of the last eight sermons we've seen a lot of verses that kind of just demolish zionism and just demolish this sort of jew worshiping doctrine but yet those aren't quoted at all and everybody talks about oh pastor anerson needs to read zechariah well you know i'm reading zechariah and you know what i'm i'm finding that marching to zion the the film just rings true because god talks about unsaved jews being a curse among the heathen and then he said i'll save you and then you'll be a blessing now to me that just seems obvious doesn't it isn't it just something that makes perfect sense that unsaved jews are a curse where god's driven them and that when they get saved they become a blessing now we pointed out in in our film marching design that just in the last thousand years alone it's been documented 47 different times where the government literally made a law that said just think about this now 47 times the government has made a law where they said we are expelling all jews from our country every jew must leave the country or they have to convert to christianity or they have to leave they cannot be jews here okay 47 times now you say oh that's nazi germany but here's the thing that's not even including germany this is that's not including nazi germany this is going back hundreds and hundreds of years this is england spain italy i mean just all over europe they're just constantly being thrown out now here's the thing if they were a blessing would they have been thrown out 47 times now i'm not getting up here saying hey we need to expel the i don't believe that i believe that you should let people believe what they want to believe and he that is unjust let him be unjust still and he that is filthy let him be filthy still i don't believe that it's our job to impose our religion on other people and force people to convert to christianity it should be their free will right we preach them the truth we show them the bible but at the end of the day they make the choice hey if you want to serve the gods that your father's worshipped on the other side of the flood go ahead but as for me and my house we will serve the lord okay so i don't believe in forcing jews to convert or muslims to convert but you have to just ask yourself i'm not saying i support that legislation but you have to ask yourself if this happened 47 times could it be that maybe those 47 countries weren't all just horrible people kicking out these wonderful nice loving peaceful people maybe they might have had a reason to kick them out 47 times like maybe they were a curse unto them like maybe zechariah 8 is actually true and that when they're not saved they are a curse amongst the nations where they live and not a blessing you know i heard something in the news lately i don't really follow the news at all so if i hear something in the news it must be something big because i don't pay any attention to the news because it just it's it gets boring to me because it's so repetitive same thing you know you can ignore it for three months and you come back and it's all the same thing but i heard i keep hearing people tell me that you know this donald trump he wanted to ban muslims they said or something i don't know if that's really true or not but they say people were talking about this issue of like hey should we ban muslims should we ban islam or not allow muslims but here's the thing why are they talking about possibly banning muslims or saying hey we don't want muslims here is it because they see the muslims as a blessing or is it because they see the muslims as a curse under them okay so that's what i'm saying so historically people have looked at the jews that were not saved as being a curse now let me say this and again i'm not condoning this viewpoint you know my viewpoint i've preached on this so many times i can't even count you know god has made all nations of the earth of one blood and i believe that judaism and islam they're all wicked religions but you know we want these people to be saved we love them and want them to turn unto jesus christ okay but let me just tell you this my grandfather was a police lieutenant in los angeles california okay lieutenant takaberry and this is like there was a movie spin-off based on him but anyway so lieutenant takaberry was you know in the vice squad and and he was in the la police department for years and he was an unsaved man thank god he got saved at the end of his life before he passed away but throughout his career as a police lieutenant he was not a christian not a believer okay and he hated jews and when we were growing up we we were going to churches that really taught us zionism we we thought our whole lives that the jews are god's people and we have to bless them no matter what you know that unconditional promise the carte blanche it wasn't until i was 24 years old that i figured out that that's not biblical just because that was so ingrained in me growing up so when i was growing up i mean we were taught jews are god's chosen people bless them that bless you curse them the curse you know all that and i remember our grandfather would just be railing on how much he hated jews and we're thinking like whoa you know those are god's chosen people what are you doing and my my parents just told me well he's not saved you know he doesn't know what the bible says then later we read the bible but anyway so but but you have to but it's like why did he feel that way he was not a religious zealot the reason that he felt that way i'm i'm just telling you a story now okay he felt that way because he was in the police department and he worked on the vice squad and so here's what he's dealing with prostitution okay child molesters human trafficking pornography all the strip clubs and the bars and all the the wickedness of la because he's on the vice squad vice is like when people have a really bad habit right so the vice squad is the part of the police department that deals with just all the worst sinful stuff okay and he told us he would constantly tell us but we just we didn't listen we it kind of just went over our heads because we just we're just like no they're god's people we just had that so ingrained he would tell us how they were like behind all the crime he told us he said they're running all the prostitution they're running the pedophilia rings he said they're running the pornography industry he said they're controlling all this filth and smut he said they're the scum of the earth i'm that's not what i'm saying i'm telling you what you know lieutenant takahberry may he rest in peace said so i'm just telling you that that's where he's just an unsaved guy not a christian not a bible but he's just looking at it from a worldly perspective saying these people are a curse under los angeles these people are ruining the sea these people are bringing in the worst filth and it has been true throughout history that they have been responsible you know okay think about gangster rap think about dr drae ice cube easy e right okay now the lyrics that these rap artists would rap with were very offensive when i remember when gangster rap came on the scene i was a kid and it was all over the news of like wow we've never seen music taken to this level of the stuff that they're saying and they were questioning whoa is freedom of speech going too far you know but i'm just saying people were freaking out when gangster rap came out because it's so offensive to women it's promoting violence promoting drugs just promoting the worst stuff who knows what i'm talking about okay and you think to yourself like whoa you know where is this coming from did you know that the the first big gangster rap group that broke on the scene nwa you know dr drae ice cube easy e all you know whatever dj yella or whatever the whole whatever their names are the point is and they just had a resurgence of this because there was a movie that came out recently about it so you see shirts everywhere now advertising this group you know like a retro throwback to when gangster rap first kind of came on the scene and broke through did you know that that group was managed and shepherded and brought into the mainstream by a jew a white jew you know because you think of it as like yeah you know it's black people music but no it's actually shepherded by a white jew no joke he's the one who brought them in and funded it and you know he got them all in with the big uh you know record labels because you know if you're just doing your own thing you can't really succeed in the industry you got to get to the big record companies everything and it was all it was all engineered by a guy who's jewish but it's and you say well what's that proof that's just one story yeah except that you look at so many wicked filthy things look at hollywood talk to anybody who actually works in hollywood and they'll tell you hollywood's run by jews anytime there's an actor in the news i always just go to their wikipedia page and just control f jew and just it's like most of the time they're jewish just to see are they jewish and usually they are so i mean adam sandler richard drifas you know uh jerry seinfeld you know william shatner leonard nemo i mean you go down the list of the actors and they're just it's i literally talked to somebody who works in hollywood and and she said everyone here in hollywood because we were trying to use their services for something and and she said everyone who works with us here in hollywood is either a jew or a homosexual and you've offended both that's what i was told by an industry insider so if you think about the horrible influence that hollywood is and realize that it's run by jews and then you realize that here's a police lieutenant in los angeles he's a very well-known man amongst the police there he was a very well-respected guy he was he he told us it's all run by all the pedophilia here in los angeles the organized crime the the the prostitution it's all run by by the pimps there it's all run by the jews okay and he wasn't a conspiracy theorist he's just he's just there every day seeing it okay and then you think that even something that seems as far removed from the jews as gangster rap you know you don't really think of that as coming from the jews but it did they're the ones who said i mean they're the ones who basically listen to the filth that's coming out of the mouth of these of these gangster rap artists and say like hey we can make some money off this because they have this ethic that says make money of on anything human trafficking pornography trauma it's just their god is money okay now you say you're a racist you're anti-semitic hello being jewish is not a race it's an ideology it's a religion it's a culture it has nothing to do with their race because the fact that most of them look just like me and just like you they're white people hello is anybody home they're polish they're ashkenazis look up ashkenaz in the bible and notice he descends from j-fifth okay so they're basically people who've just embraced a christ rejecting religion a christ rejecting ideology and that ideology has really become the ideology of the united states in many ways to the point where the love of money which is the root of all evil has become a part of our culture today in america and that is the jews being a curse among us when they bring in gangster rap you know you didn't know that they brought that in but they did look it up it's true i'm you look it up and you'll see that i'm telling the truth uh when they bring in all this filth and smut and hollywood and they're exporting it to the whole world with hollywood but if they would get saved they'd be a blessing and by the way when you get saved your race doesn't change so this has nothing to do with racism it's just a fact that when you're not saved and you're jewish you're worse than the general population because their culture is a wicked culture period it's a love of money anti-christ uh just make money at all costs type of a culture where where they'll make money through the most illicit means imaginable but let's let's look down at our let's finish up here he said in verse 13 it shall come to pass that as you were a curse among the heathen oh house of judah and house of israel so will i save you and you shall be a blessing fear not but let your hands be strong for thus saith the lord of hosts as i thought to punish you when your fathers provoked me to wrath saith the lord of hosts and i repented not so again have i thought in these days to do well into jerusalem and to the house of judah fear you not of course what changed they changed now he's doing well to them verse 16 these are the things that ye shall do speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates and let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor and love no false oath for all these things are things that i hate saith the lord now when it comes to loving a false oath you want to talk about a false oath here's another thing that has to do with judaism and let me say this when i first heard this i didn't even believe it i heard somebody say this and i said that's an exaggeration there's no way that's true and then i went and looked it up and it was true that the jews have this thing called the kohl niedra oath who's ever heard of this kohl niedra it's k-o-l if you want to look this up later k-o-l-n-i-d-r-e it's called the kohl niedra oath where once a year and i first heard this i didn't even believe you're not gonna believe me but i looked it up and it's true i mean you could just type it into wikipedia kohl niedra oath it has the text of it and everybody makes fun of you when you point them to wikipedia ah wikipedia is a bad source hey buddy at the bottom of the wikipedia page it gives you all the sources and you can fact check everything on wikipedia at the original sources everybody like demonizes wikipedia like oh he said wikipedia he just lost all credibility it's an encyclopedia people it's a tool you go there and it you can fact check everything it tells you where to go you've obviously never noticed the footnotes at the bottom of wikipedia but anyway the kohl niedra oath that once a year the jews get together and here's what they say every vow that i made for the last year every promise i made for the last year and every vow that i make for the coming year and every promise i make for the next year is null and void are you listening to this just every vow i make every oath every promise that i've made for the last year is null and void and every vow promise or oath that i make for the next 12 months is actually null and void. And they literally believe that it's okay to lie and break their word, break their oath, break their vow to the goyim, to the Gentiles. You know, they stick together and they're not going to do each other dirty, supposedly, but oh, all the 99 point, you know, whatever percent of people that are not Jews, it's open season on them. And they even get together and have a ceremony where they decide that all their promises are void. All the O's. And it sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? That they actually get together once a year and do this. Even Jews that aren't even that into it, that don't go to the synagogue every week, they'll go to this service. Look it up. It's real. And by the way, while we're on the subject, the Jewish synagogue in Tempe, Temple Immanuel, the rabbi down there, from what I understand, is an open homosexual. Because the rabbi from Temple Immanuel, the big giant synagogue in Tempe, he came down here back at the AIDS free Christmas last year. He came down here and he stood out here and had the shawl and offered prayers unto Shekinah out there on the lawn. And listen to this. He said, I felt like I needed to be here as an open homosexual. I needed to be here to protest Pastor Anderson, the Jewish rabbi here in Tempe. I mean, I'm telling you, they're not a blessing. They're a curse. Okay, let's keep reading. But look, if they get saved, they'll be a blessing. Let's keep reading. Verse 18. And the word of the Lord of Hosts came unto me saying, Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, the fast of the fourth month and the fast of the fifth month. And by the way, the reason I brought that up is because I said love no false oath, because God hates false oaths. He hates it. But he says in verse 19, the fast of the fourth month and the fast of the fifth month and the fast of the seventh and the fast of the tenth shall be the house of Judah, joy and gladness and cheerful feast. Therefore love the truth and peace. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, it shall yet come to pass that there shall come people, and this is a key scripture, I want you to pay attention to this, that there shall come people and the inhabitants of many cities and the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the Lord and to seek the Lord of Hosts. I will go also. Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the Lord of Hosts in Jerusalem and to pray before the Lord. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, in those days it shall come to pass that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you. Now, this is real important. Let's stop and park it here for a few moments and then we'll be done with the sermon. But this is saying that from Zechariah's perspective, there would be a future time when people from all nations, there would be people coming to Jerusalem to hear the truth of God's Word. Isn't that what it says? And to pray before the Lord at Jerusalem. And it says that ten men shall take hold out of what? All languages. Out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you. Now, people will mistakenly, again, try to take this scripture out of its context and apply this to some future period. Future period. Like, for example, at the second coming or at the millennium or something. Let's see what the Bible says, though. Keep your finger here. Go to Acts 2. Let's see if this prophecy's already been fulfilled or if it's still coming. What did he say to Zechariah? He said that there's going to come a day when people will come from every nation under heaven to come pray at Jerusalem. Out of all languages. Okay, let's see what the Bible says in Acts chapter 2. Look at verse number 1. And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared under them cloven tongues like as a fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance and there were, pay attention, dwelling at Jerusalem, Jews, devout men out of every nation under heaven. Do you see that? It says, now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language. So are these people of other languages? Yeah. And they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another, behold, are not all these which speak Galileans and how here we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born, Parthians and Medes and Elamites and the dwarves of Mesopotamia and in Judea and Cappadocia and Pontius and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, in Egypt and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene and strangers of Rome, Jews and Proselytes, Crete and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. You say, well Pastor Anderson, no, these are all just Jews, no, no, no, he said Proselytes and Jews. What's a Proselyte? Somebody who converted to being a Jew from another nation. He says, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. So isn't it crystal clear that this was already fulfilled in the past? God's telling Zechariah, you're going to rebuild this temple and this temple is going to be a house of prayer for all nations and people are going to come from all over and they're going to grab hold of the skirt of the garment of a Jew and say, we're going to go with you because we know God's with you and they're going to come pray at Jerusalem and that's where they're going to learn the truth of God's word. Already happened. Already happened. You say, well, but you know, it's still going to happen again. Look at John chapter four, John chapter four, John chapter four. See God is done with the Jews, done, finished, game over, insert coin, it's over, okay? And yet people say, well, I still think he's not done, I still think he's going to return to the Jews with mercy, I still think that they're going to be his chosen people once again. No. They're that fig tree that would never bring forth fruit ever again, the Bible says. But look down, if you would, at John chapter four, because remember, this is Jesus talking before he has instituted the New Testament in his blood, okay? This is during his earthly ministry, okay, he's still, you know, he's under the law and so forth. And look what the Bible says in verse number 19, the woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet, our fathers worshipped in this mountain, and ye say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what, we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. So what's interesting is that he says here that at that time, he said, you know, look, there's this controversy, excuse me, this controversy of whether they should worship at this mountain in Samaria, or whether they should worship at Jerusalem. He's telling them, you don't even know what you worship. We know what we worship. Salvation is of the Jews, meaning that Jerusalem is where you're supposed to worship. We have the right religion down here in the Old Testament scriptures, okay? Not their false religion of Samaria. But he says to them right after saying that, you know, hey, salvation's of the Jews, he says, but, and people will try to quote this today, salvation is of the Jews, they'll try to quote that in 2015, because they didn't get the but, because it says, salvation's of the Jews, but, but the hour cometh, and now is. He's saying, look, here it is, because I'm here, I'm the Messiah, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth. And he said at the end of verse 21, if you look there, he says, when you're neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father. So are we supposed to go to Jerusalem to worship God today? No, we're just supposed to worship him wherever we are, in spirit and in truth. So when the Bible talks about them all coming to pray at Jerusalem out of all nations, that already happened. That's an Old Testament prophecy that was already fulfilled in the Old Testament. The evidence is the day of Pentecost, they were there, all nations are all praying, and they'd been doing that for years. That wasn't the first time all nations showed up. They'd been showing up for years, all nations had been showing up. All nations under heaven it says, and it says that they all heard it in their own language, meaning they were of foreign languages. And so today, salvation is not of the Jews today, wrong. In the Old Testament it was. What does it mean anyway when it says salvation is of the Jews? What does of mean? It means that they are the source of it, it comes from them. Why? Because unto them were committed the oracles of God. They had the word of God, they had the Old Testament scriptures, and they had the truth. They worshiped the true God back then, and so salvation emanated forth from them. They were supposed to be a light to the Gentiles to bring salvation to the other nations. But, but, the hour is coming, Jesus said, and now is. When that's no longer going to be the case is what he's basically saying in a nutshell. Because he's explaining that they're going to worship him in truth and in spirit. And by the way, Jesus said the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life. And Jesus said, I'm the truth. So all that to say this, when we read the book of Zechariah, we need to always, first of all, understand the context of the book of Zechariah, understanding what the book's even about. And the themes of the book of Zechariah. But secondly, what we need to realize is that when you're reading a book that's prophetic, that was written several hundred years before Jesus came, you have to evaluate whether these prophecies have already been fulfilled or is the fulfillment still coming in the future. And when you have a scripture about people coming to pray at Jerusalem and taking hold of a Jew and saying to a Jew, God is with you, it's pretty easy to relegate that to the Old Testament. Why? Because salvation is no longer with the Jews anymore. Because you say, well, yeah, but some of them are saved. Yeah, but they're not Jews anymore. Because in Christ, there's neither Jew nor Gentile. See, those today who are saved, they don't call themselves Jews, they call themselves Christians. Don't you think over the last 2,000 years, some Jews have converted to Christianity in every generation? Well here's what happened when they converted to Christianity. They started practicing Christianity and stopped practicing Judaism. And then what did they teach their kids? And then pretty soon, their kids' kids' kids forgot that they'd ever been Jews because they rejected that false religion. Look, my great grandfather was a Mormon, okay? But guess what? My grandkids might not even know that. Because they're not going to care. Because they're going to say, I come from a long line of Baptists. You know, who cares about that? So the point is that, you know, you've got to look at Old Testament prophecies as whether they've already happened or whether they're still going to happen or whether there's a dual fulfillment. This is clearly something that has already happened. We have a perfect picture of it happening in Acts chapter 2, and we have a scripture in John 4 explaining why it can't happen again. Because things have changed. We're in the New Testament now. So beware any time somebody pulls out an Old Testament scripture and brings it out to you as future prophecy, future from 2015. Sometimes they're right, but you've got to go back and study and check. Because the majority of the time I see people taking Old Testament scriptures that have already happened and trying to apply them to today. You know, God's talking about how he's going to judge Damascus or something, and then they're like, oh, this is happening in the news right now because, you know, we're bombing Damascus right now. We're fulfilling God's word. They just kind of apply whatever the scripture, no regard to context. We need to study to show ourselves the proof. And let me say this. If you're not saved tonight, you're not a blessing to anybody. You're a curse. We need to understand that salvation... By the way, when God said to Abraham, in thee shall all nations be blessed and thou shall be a blessing, thou is all through Christ, according to Galatians 3. And then we also need to understand that after we're saved, if we want God to bless us, we have to do what's right. See, getting to heaven is a free ticket. You just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved. It's just a free pass into heaven through the blood of Jesus. But it's not a free pass to God blessing you. God's blessing comes through walking through the path of... You have to walk through the door of obedience. You know, the path to God's blessing is through the door of obedience. Salvation's free. God's blessings come through daily obedience. That's what the Bible teaches. Let's bow your heads and have a word of prayer. Father, we thank you so much for your word, Lord. And there's so much false teaching out there. Help us to study books like Zechariah that some people have never even read because they're obscure books that are not that popular. But Lord, help us to really study this book and understand the truths that are in it because this is a big issue right now, Lord. This whole Jewish-Hebrew roots movement is being crammed down our throat, Lord. We need to know what the Scripture really says. We need to know what Zechariah says so that when somebody pulls this out, we won't just be tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine. We'll know what the rest of the book says. And in Jesus' name we pray, amen.