(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) chapter 12 the part that I wanted to focus on and then we're gonna get into a lot more scripture this morning is in verse number 6 where the Bible reads the words of the Lord are Pure words now. Not only do I believe that that was true when it was written. That's true today And then the words of the Lord today are pure Words and he says as silver tried in a furnace of earth Purified seven times he's saying that they're as pure as silver that has been purified Seven times in a row thou shalt keep them. Oh Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever So who has promised to preserve the word God God said he would preserve his word and today I want to talk about this subject of God's Word and the King James Bible and If you would you know, I want you to turn to just a few more scriptures an introduction here turn If you would to Matthew 24 Matthew chapter 24 because before I can show you why we're King James only and what's wrong with all These other modern versions and really preach you the doctrine of God's Word We have to lay a little bit of a foundation here in order for you to understand this We got to lay a biblical foundation here on the doctrine of God's Word First of all, we see number one a God's words are pure words Did he say just the thoughts are pure the ideas pure the the doctrines are pure The general teaching is pure doing said the words are pure the emphasis is always placed upon the words look at Matthew 24 and Look at verse 35 heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words Shall not pass away notice the emphasis on the words and God's saying they will not pass away Long after heaven and earth are gone. His words will still be preserved. Look at chapter 5 of Matthew while you're turning there I'll read you another scripture Proverbs 30 verse 5 every word of God is pure He is a shield unto them that put their trust in him add thou not unto his words Lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar. So again, God is saying the words every word all the words I mean think it's very clear that his word is pure. It's not just a rough idea Well, this is kind of what he said. No, this is the exact words of God That's what he's teaching in the Bible and you say well How do we know we still have it today? Because he said it would be every generation Because he said it would not pass away He said that the word of our Lord endureth forever in another place look at Matthew 5 18 for verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle Shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled So again and again God's made me clear in Bible turn to Isaiah 59 that his word will be preserved His words will last forever The scripture I read you a minute ago add thou not unto his words Lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar You know what these little cute billboards I see around town. They make me mad where they have some statement and it says God Like God said that something about you driving too fast or who knows what I put up your hand It's like a black sign with the white, you know, it makes me mad because I was driving a little too fast No, but anyway, you know you see these signs that say oh, you know stop, you know Don't you if you're gonna cuss and don't use my name God or you know all this stuff Hey God didn't say that you're a liar and people make so light about just quoting God or saying this is what God said You know in movies and in books, they'll just have God say things that he never really said Preachers will get up and have these conversations between God the Father and God the Son and they're just making up some Conversation for part of their sermon. Hey, don't add to God's work have the reference to understand that God's words are pure These are God's words. Don't add to his words. Don't say that he said something that he just didn't say If you're going to quote his word quote it with accuracy have the respect to do so, but look at Isaiah 59 The first thing we saw is that God's words are pure Number two, we saw God's words are preserved and we're still seeing that in Isaiah 59 21 as for me This is my covenant with them. What's a covenant like a contract a promise? My covenant with them saith the Lord my spirit that is upon thee speaking to Isaiah and my words Which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth Nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of thy seeds seed Sayeth the Lord from henceforth and forever So God's words in the book of Isaiah were promised to exist even to this day and be in our mouths And to be in your mouth and to be in every mouth of every preacher who preaches the book of Isaiah Not just the general idea but the words and so God's words have been preserved But number three look at Acts chapter 2. This is just a foundation for the sermon We got to see first of all, look God's words are pure It isn't just men wrote down, you know, oh, let me just give you my rendition of what happened when the Red Sea parted No, those were God's exact words, right? Number two, it's been preserved. It's around today number three God's Word can be translated into any language into any language Let me prove that you look at Acts 2 verse 4 and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other Tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance and there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews devout man out of what? every nation under heaven Now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own Language and they were all amazed and marveled saying one another behold are not all these which speak Galileans and how here we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born and they begins to list the foreign languages You know these these Pentecostals they think it's just You know always spoke in tongues These are legitimate foreign languages that are listed here Parthians and Medes and Elamites and Twas in Mesopotamia and in Judea and in Cappadocia and in Pontus and Asia Phrygia and Paphilia and Egypt and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene and strangers of Rome Jews and proselytes Creeds and Arabians we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God and about 3,000 of them got saved and baptized Let me tell you something faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God And they didn't hear the Word of God in the original Hebrew They didn't hear the Word of God in the original Greek they heard the Word of God in their own language Let me ask you something who did the translating? Who translated it in this story? God They were Galileans. They don't know how to translate into Arabic into Cyrenian God did the translating because they spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost is what it said in the chapter right there So is God ask yourself this question is God able to put his word in another language Or does he only speak one language? Are we going to need some have a translator we get to have he has a different angel for each nation That's good act as a translator between us and God because he's he's inept with languages God can speak any language and then just you know what just common sense should tell you That if the Old Testament was written in one language and the New Testament was written in another language Shouldn't common sense tell you right there that God can speak more than one language And yet people will say well that but that's the only two You've got to go back to the original Hebrew in the Greek girls You're going to lose some I guess these people all lost something in the translation They didn't really quite get it when the Holy Ghost caused them to speak 17 different languages that are listed Let alone the ones that aren't listed every nation under heaven So this whole thing of oh you always lose something in the translation. You know I speak five languages I've read the Bible cover to cover in several languages, and I'm gonna taste it. You don't always lose something in the translation Otherwise you would have lost something in the New Testament because it's in Greek It's not deeper and so if God can speak to do you think maybe speak three? What about four maybe even five you see God's a word can be in any language? any language Now is has it being translated into every language unfortunately no You know there are languages in this world that only have maybe just portions of the Word of God in their language Maybe just a few verses or somebody translated the book of John or just a New Testament You know or they or they did a poor translation but you know it is possible to translate God's Word into every language because God did it and Throughout the Bible there are translations made you don't have to turn there But in Daniel chapter 4 Nebuchadnezzar when he was speaking as he was moved by the Holy Ghost the whole chapter For Nebuchadnezzar praising God and telling the story about what happened to him when he lost his mind Was sent out to all languages 127 provinces God's Word at Daniel 4 was printed in 127 different languages You know assuming they all spoke a different language, maybe a hundred languages who knows but so number one What do we see it's pure number two? It's preserved number three it can be in any language according to the Bible Now it's funny. It's funny. I was out soul-wanting last Sunday and Who was with me when I talked to the Mormon because it was a you Garrett Garrett and I are out soul-wanting last Sunday We knock on this guy's door, and you know I'm giving the gospel to this Mormon guy, and I'm going through with him And I asked him I said well You know do you believe the Bible and he said well as long as it's translated right? Now the Mormons use the King James Version just like we do But they always say that well as long as it's translated right you know why they say that here's why? Because they have they don't just believe in one Bible. They got these other books. You know the Book of Mormon doctrines and covenants the pearl of great price for total of five holy books You know the Old Testament New Testament, and they add their three books that they put on par with the Bible now in reality they don't just put them on the same level with the Bible in their mind the Book of Mormon the pearl of great price and doctrines and covenants trump the Bible Okay, they put them above the Bible now They don't want to tell you that though because here's what they'll tell you well You know the Bible and these other books don't contradict. You know it's just a supplement They're all God's Word the Mormon will tell you oh the Old and New Testament are just as much God's words the Book of Mormon you know it's all God's Word But here's how they get you with this little if it's been translated properly Because see their Book of Mormon and everything came to them in English So they say well we know that the Book of Mormon's right we know the doctrines and covenants are all but the Bible has been translated So this is what I told the guy Garrett with me I told him I said look I said, I'm so sick of hearing Mormons. Tell me that I Said if there's something wrong with the King James Bible Why don't you guys fix it instead of keep saying if it's translated right if it's translated, right? It said well if there's something wrong with it fix it. I said to him I Was like why is it your church fix it instead of saying five million times if it's translated right why don't you just translate it? Right and you want to know what he said he said well The problem is all the manuscripts are lost you know so it's been translated So anytime you know we don't even know you don't even know what it says But you know the sad thing is we got a lot of Baptist who believe the same thing Yeah, a lot of Baptist believe the same thing. Oh, you know it's been lost somewhere in the translation It's gone now again. Let's use common sense for a minute We already know the Bible is preserved because God said so But even let's use common sense did you know that the Bible is the most copied book in the world? It's the most published book the best-selling book in the history of mankind now let's say I were to produce a book and print a million copies and Then millions more and then they were to copy them and copy them and copy them. How could I change all million copies? Am I going to go into the home of every person who had a copy and change it individually and Yet people think the Bible's been changed How could it be changed when since it was written it was copied and copied and copied and copied and copied For someone to go in and make a change they'd have to go in and change all those different copies Okay, think about that because that's going to come into play a little bit later in the sermon Do you have that concept in your mind if something is mass-produced? You can't change it You'd have to go and change each copy. Okay, so if you have a million copies that say one thing, okay? See what I mean? It's gonna be hard to change that now Look at 2nd Peter chapter 1 this is toward the very end of the New Testament 2nd Peter chapter number 1 This is a really interesting passage 2nd Peter chapter number 1 beginning in verse number 16 2nd Peter 1 16 because number 4 we can rely upon our Bible like it doesn't have to be like that Mormon guy So he has no clue whether it's been translated, right? He doesn't even have a clue So he has to have some pedophile You know write the Book of Mormon because that's what Joseph Smith was a pedophile now you call it Whatever you want when you're a 40 some year old man married to a 13 12 year old You're a pedophile right and by the way Muhammad the founder of Islam was a pedophile. He was married to a nine-year-old girl Okay, he's much of pedophile false prophets and today people say oh We need to get equal time to all religions in a public school if we're going to teach the Bible Let's teach the Quran written by a child molester. Okay. They said all things were different back then You're nuts. Okay Muhammad was 40 some years old. He's with children. Okay, that's disgusting That's revolting and that's what that's got the devil all over it. Okay Why don't you just realize it Joseph Smith the same thing married to all these different wives a bunch of young teenage girls When he's like in his you know later years in life Disgusting and the fundamentalist Mormons are doing the same thing today in Arizona and Utah the ones who actually believe the Book of Mormon Not like the liberal Mormons who've watered it down the ones who actually believe Mormonism They're the ones who are always getting raided and going to jail for for marrying their 12 year old cousin Okay, and you're gonna tell me that's Christianity. You're gonna tell me that it's just another denomination. You're wrong You say I'm offended by that. You know what the great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them Okay, it offends you because the truth offends you and that means you just don't love the truth Because all you have to do is even just look into their own writings and see that they were married to teenagers and children Okay, and so that that's just I didn't make that up. I mean, that's a fact Over it was different back then That's pretty different anyway a second Peter chapter 1 verse 16 the Bible reads For we have not followed cunningly devised fables. That would be the Quran That would be the Tao Te Ching. That would be the Book of Mormon. That would be the Pearl of Great Christ That would be the Apocrypha when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Watch this. He said we didn't follow kindly devised fable, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty So Peter saying hey, I didn't follow some fable. He's like I saw it myself I was here, you know, John said in first John chapter one that which we have have heard seen our hands of handled I mean they actually physically touched and saw and heard Jesus Christ in the flesh But watch what he says next Verse 17 for we received from God the Father honor and glory When there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, this is my beloved son in whom I am Well pleased Peter saying hey, I heard God's feet those words. I was there when God spoke audibly and This voice which came from heaven we heard when we were with him in the mouth, but watch this This is the interesting statement We also have a more sure word of prophecy say wait a minute. What could be more sure What could be more certain than seeing with your own eyes and hearing an audible voice saying this is my beloved son in my well please He says we also have a more sure word of prophecy Where unto you do well that you take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place Until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts now, what's the punctuation at the end of verse 19? Is the sentence over? No, look at verse 20 knowing this first, so how do we have a more sure word of prophecy because we know That no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation For the prophecy came not an old time by the will of man But holy men of God's faith as they were moved by the Holy Ghost So Peter's saying I'll rely more upon what's written in the Old Testament Then even what I saw with my own eyes and hurt with my own ears Do you see that I mean he said he said look I didn't hear some story from somebody I was with Jesus I heard the voice from heaven. I saw him baptized. I saw him transfigured in the mouth. I saw him feed the 5,000 I saw him walk upon the water, but he said I have a more sure word than that It's in my hand because he said look that's you know, I'm relying upon my memory what I've seen what I've heard I'm a human being I make mistakes. God's Word doesn't make mistakes And so he was willing to rely more upon the Bible than even what he could see himself So the Bible's got to be reliable. You got to be able to trust the Bible Okay, if you're going to be able to know what the truth is about God, so that was kind of the introduction Just telling you look, you know, it's pure. It's preserved It could be in any language and you've got to be able to trust it and rely on it and stake I mean, how do you know you're going to heaven because the Bible says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish But have eternal life, that's how you know What if that verse is wrong? What if that verse hasn't been preserved? What if it's been changed? What if it lost some of the translation, you know? Then you know what? Why are we even here? See what I mean? We got to be able to rely upon and trust it and that's why the Bible gives us all these promises that it is pure It is preserved. It can be in your own language. It can be translated But now let's look at the devil. Well, I'm going to show you right now I'm going to prove to you that the devil is behind these modern translations I'm not just saying that. I'm going to prove it to you. Have an open mind and let me show you It's not just an accident. It's not just a mistake. I'm going to show you that the devil is behind the new translations Look at Genesis chapter 3 Genesis chapter number 3. Now remember the illustration where I talked about how if you copy something millions of times it can't be changed Well, here's the thing. The new modern translations They are based upon just a couple of manuscripts That were buried under a rock. One of them was found in a monastery Okay, one of them was found in Alexandria, Egypt You know the Sinai Atticus, the Vaticanus, the Alexandria Quidditch. Three manuscripts that all contradict each other Thousands of times. Okay. Well, here's what these new modern Bible critics say. They say well, wait a minute These are the oldest Greek manuscripts we can find therefore they must be right Now of course there are hundreds of years after the event. They're from like 350 AD Okay, now stop and think about that 350 AD when the Bible was written most of the New Testament because we're talking about the New Testament right now Was written, you know during the first century. So we're talking about 300 years. Well, what year was it 300 years ago? Does anybody know any math? 1709. That's a long time ago 1709 and they say oh, well these were the closest to the event so they must be right Even though they contradict each other even though pieces are missing even though they're found in a Catholic monastery Now think about this. You can't change the million, but can you change the one? You better know you can change one and bury it somewhere in some monastery and then people dig it up and say Oh, this is the right one. This is the true Word of God and they'll put the one against the million Now in order to believe that those manuscripts truly are God's Word You would have to believe that we've been wrong for the last we've been preaching the wrong thing for the last 1500 years or 1700 years Until we had these manuscripts to show us what it really said Now stop and think about that in the New American Standard in the front introduction It says finally a reliable English translation of God's Word So what have we been preaching before now? So what we're believing so believers were preaching the wrong Bible wrong Bible wrong Bible for that for a thousand fifteen hundred years And then all of a sudden we dug up the right one in the Vatican now stop and think about that But that's what they'll have you to believe and this is what they say. It's the oldest Greek manuscript Well, here's the problem with that logic. There are other older manuscripts. They're just in different languages they're in Syria is always something original Greek God's Word can be in any language and All the verses that they leave out and take out are in older manuscripts that they just choose not to look at But I'm not going to get into some big archaeological discussion with you because there's no point If I take a diamond in one hand and a cubic zirconium in the other They look pretty much the same to you and I you know, we don't know the difference But if I were to take them to a jeweler He can tell me which one is real and which one is man-made and what's the difference between a diamond is a cubic zirconium? Once made by God and once made by man if I took it to a jeweler He wouldn't have to say well tell me where these came from and then I'll tell you which one's real No, he just look at them He could just look at the product and I'm going to tell you something if you put this Bible right here the King James Bible And then we're just gonna use the NIV as the representative of the because they're all the same I mean they all follow the same patterns the same family will call these the new translations on this side We should be able to look at these two and see which one came from God and which one came from man Just by looking at this without a history lesson without an archaeology lesson. Because do we really know that history is true? Like if I get a history book and read it do I really know where I'm reading is true But when I read the Bible, I know it's true so I can look at these two and compare them. Okay? But first before we do that I want to I want to look at the devil's fingerprint all over the NIV and other modern Bibles Look at Genesis 3 verse 1 and we're gonna see how does the devil operate? This is the first time I'm introduced to the devil in the entire Bible Genesis 3 1 now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and He said unto the woman Yea, hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden. So what's the first thing he did? Question God's word. He didn't come out and tell a lot. He didn't come out and say God's lying God's Word isn't true. No, he just questioned. Is that what he said? I mean, are you sure? The first thing the devil wants to do is put doubt in your mind about whether or not this is really what God said Preachers are doing it today and there were you know, trying to get people to doubt with their reading That's what he started out by doing Yea, hath God said I'm not saying he didn't but did he really say that look at Matthew chapter 4? We'll see how else the devil operates Matthew chapter number 4 this is when the devil is attempting to tempt Jesus and trying to get Jesus to commit a sin and He basically Catches him at a weak moment which what the devil is going to do is he come to you when you're weak Jesus had been fasting and so he was very physically weak And so the devil comes to him trying to tempt him trying to get him to follow the sin It says in verse 1 then when Jesus was let up Was let up with the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and when he fasted 40 days and 40 nights He was afterward and hungered and when the tempter came to him, he said if Notice the word if just a question. I'm not saying you're not the Son of God, but if thou be the Son of God Command that these stones be made bread But he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone But by every word that perceives out of the mouth of Christ Why do you make a big deal about the King James issue? Because every word is important if it's different word and it's totally different words. It's wrong He said every word Then the devil taking them up into the holy city and set them on a pinnacle of the temple and Say it unto him if thou be the Son of God cast thyself down for it is written He doesn't quote it exactly though. He changed it just a little bit He says that he should give his angels charge concerning being in their hands They shall bear thee up less than any time thou dash thy foot against his stone now, that's 70% accurate But it's a lie because God said of the devil in John chapter 8 there is no truth in him So when he quotes God's Word, he twists it a little bit. He never tells the truth. He's a liar and the father of it Okay so he so the first time we meet him in the Old Testament is questioning God's Word and The first time we meet him in the news have been questioning Jesus and he's also misquoting God's Word No, look, we should be learning from this how the devil operates now Let me show you some of the devil's marks upon this book right here the NIV which just represents the modern Bibles Look at you would have marked chapter 1 Mark chapter number 1 Turn your Bible to Mark chapter 1 now I've got my mathematician here today who's gonna help me out right here by the second you ready? You got your mind ready to do some math. You're gonna keep a running total of some numbers for me It's just addition. You're just gonna be adding. Okay, nothing too crazy. So I'm gonna have you do this I'm putting you on the spot. I didn't tell him he's gonna do this So if you're doing some mental math now, but first of all, let me just show you this at the beginning of Mark Mark verse number 1 you're looking down at the real Bible I've got the the non inspired version up here but in mark 1 1 it says the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God and your King James Bible as It is written in the prophets. Now. Is that singular or plural? plural Prophets now you say well, does that really matter? You better know it matters because in Galatians when Paul is quoting the Old Testament He said he saith not to seeds as of many but to thy seed Singular as of one which is Christ so Paul in the book of Galatians is splitting hairs over an S at the end of a Word true or false? He said nope It says seed singular not seeds plural and he makes a whole point out of that in Galatians chapter 4 So every letter here matters when you're when you're changing a word from singular to plural As it is written in the prophets, okay behold. I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee What prophet is that quoting? Malachi that's Malachi 3 verse 1 Now look at verse 3 the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare you the way of the Lord make his paths straight What prophet is that? That's Isaiah 40 verse 3. So how many prophets are we quoting? to Listen to the NIV It is written in Isaiah the prophet I will send my messenger ahead of you who will prepare your way That's verse 2 now. Is that right? He's saying it's written in Isaiah Written in Isaiah and then he quotes Malachi now Sometimes the Bible say like it was spoken by a certain prophet and it might not be in their book of the Bible But they said that this says it's written in the book of Isaiah then quotes Malachi This one says it's written in the prophets quotes two different prophets Okay, but let me show you something and I don't know if you can see this But I'm gonna hold this up for you in the NIV All throughout the NIV at the bottom of the page Every single page has a little yea hath God said Some Manuscripts in verse 1 of mark 1 1 some manuscripts do not have the Son of God It just says, you know behave the gospel of Jesus Christ Every page in the NIV one time I was on a long drive with my parents I was in the back of the camper this when I was a teenager. I Was sitting in the back of the camper We're on a really long drive and I turned every page in the NIV and I read every yea hath God said no Because I wanted to find all the mistakes in the NIV and I figured they pretty much point them out for you where they change So, I mean if you want to find the mistakes just look at all the yea hath God says at the bottom of the page You know every page some manuscripts say this, you know, oh we found some other manuscripts that say this, you know It's just like confusion. Yeah, God's not the author of confusion But listen me now ready to do your math Okay, now we're going to do this all together now how many verses are in chapter 1 of mark? 45 okay, you're keeping a running total you're doing the math. Okay. So 45 plus whatever is in chapter 2 Okay, so in chapter 1 we have how many verses? 45 how many in chapter 2? 28 how many in check you're not counting stuffy you just listen to the word because I want you to focus on the math Okay, how many chapter 3? How many in chapter 4? How many in chapter 5 43 How many in chapter 6 56 going too fast? How many in chapter 7? How many in chapter 8? 38 don't go too fast How many in chapter 9? 50 how many in chapter 10? How many in chapter 11? How many in chapter 12 44 how many in chapter 13 How many in chapter 14 How many in chapter 15? And how many in chapter 16? Very good, that's right. Cuz I checked it before So in the book of Mark Yeah, but I wanted to illustrate I just want people to see that I'm telling the truth so how many verses are there Six hundred and seventy eight verse in the book of Mark now listen The NIV is real crafty like okay It's really hard to tell what verse you're in in the NIV Because notice in your Bible look at your bottle notice all the verse are lined up like the numbers are on the left home one Two three four really easy to find a verse one in these new Bibles. They put the verses in paragraph form So there's just numbers with it. So it takes a little while to find the verse Like when I first counted the number I counted in the NIV I came up with the wrong number because I it's hard to tell what the last verse is just these tiny little numbers the reason why they do that is because in the New Testament there are 15 verses completely left out and they actually number like 34 35 36 38 and It would be a lot more obvious if they laid it out like the King James because you look at like 36 38 But when they do it in the paragraph most NIV readers have never even noticed that Okay, now listen to this how many again 678 okay. Listen to this yea hath God said at the end of the book of Mark. Are you in chapter 16 be in chapter 16? Now look most of the yea hath God says in the NIV are down at the bottom of the page That's why they're called footnotes because they're in the foot of the page and these are in every NIV But look at this footnote right here. I have it circled They put it right in the middle of the text, right? So you can't help but see it when you're reading, you know When you finish verse 8 you can't help but see that that footnote not really a footnote It's just in the middle of the page. Everybody get a chance to see that right in the middle of it So when you're reading you can't help but read it. I Mean their other yea hath God says where they question the Word of God. This one was really important to them So they suspect it right in the middle of text. Let me read it for you the most reliable early manuscripts Let me translate that for you the three that they found in the garbage can of a monastery Sinaiticus, Vancathis and Alexandria codex Okay, the most reliable early manuscripts and other ancient witnesses. Let me translate other ancient witnesses unbelieving Antichrist Jews like Josephus Josephus. Oh He was an unbeliever. He's burning in hell right now and you're gonna call him an ancient witness Hey, these are my ancient witnesses Matthew, Mark, Luke and John not some unbelieving Christ denying Jew Josephus he probably shouted crucify him or he would have if he was there Unbeliever, lying, devil is what he was. The most reliable early manuscripts and other ancient witnesses Do not have Mark 16 9 through 20. Did you hear that? Let me read it again the most reliable early manuscripts and other ancient witnesses do not have Mark 16 9 through 20 So basically what they're saying is before you read this just realize it probably isn't really there It's probably false. It's probably a lie. Well, then take it out if you're so confident, huh? Well take it out if it's if it's not God's Word. No, they'll just question it for you Yea hath God said verses 9 through 20, you know, there's nothing really important in these verses anyway, like, you know verse 15 Go ye therefore into all the world preach the gospel to every creature, you know, that's not that important, right? We don't need that verse. It's my one time. I was sitting You're not gonna believe this. I was 15 years old sitting in a church called Antelope Springs Baptist Church, Antelope, California The priest they preached at the IV at this church I sat in the youth group and the the path that the the youth leader told me he said there's no verse in the Bible That says to give everybody the gospel He said it only says to make disciples Like to train people and make something he never said to just go preach the gospel to everybody. I Was what of course it does now. I didn't know the Bible very well as a teenager Yes before I was really zealous about studying the Bible knowing about but my boy that made me upset I'm going through balls. I I know it's at the end of I know it's like one of the last things Jesus said So I went to Matthew I turned to Matthew where it said go ye therefore and teach all nations Baptize them. He said no He pulled out his an idea. It says go ye therefore and make disciples I Said okay, let's try mark I turn to mark 16 There it is go ye therefore into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature He said nope Most ancient manuscripts don't even have mark 16 verse 15 So if you're reading the NIV, you know, maybe that's why these churches don't go soul in it Maybe that's why I don't get anybody pretty saved, you know, and they criticize those who do Now look how many verses are in the book of Mark? 678 what happens if we subtract versus 9 through 20 how many verses composed versus 9 through 20? It's 12 well, what's 678 minus 12 666 that's how many verses are in the book of Mark in the NIV 666 now look you don't have to believe me. You just counted it yourself We just sat there and added them up and counted them and in the King James version in the right Bible. You got 678 and the NIV they're telling you it's got 666 version that's just a coincidence though, right? That's probably just a coincidence Let me show you how else that the NIV is satanic look at Revelation 22 16 because I want you to know who's behind it Who would purposely change because listen the changes in the NIV are not just random little chance changes they are Important important verses that are changed It's key doctrines like the verses they leave out like acts 837 where a guy asks a question Can I you know what's stopping me from being baptized is what to hinder me to be baptized Philip answered and said if thou believeth with all thine heart thou mayest and He answered and said I believe that Jesus Christ the Son of God That's a pretty important verse because he he tells him you need to believe in for your baptize And then he says I believe that Jesus Christ the Son of God then he baptized him. You're reading the NIV verse 37 is gone He says what's stopping me from being baptized and then he baptized doesn't even answer the question That's pretty convenient for the Roman Catholic Church Well, that'll work out great for the Lutherans and the Presbyterians who baptized babies Well, I have the great for all the Protestants and Catholics who want to sprinkle an infant call it baptism and call it safe No, you got to believe with all your heart and for your baptize, right? And so we see here that these are calculated changes that attack the deity of Christ that attack the doctrines of salvation Revelation 22 16 pages are falling out of the NIV while I preach things just keeping removed Somebody stand up and read for me Chad you want to stand up and read for me revelation 22 16, please. I Jesus have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright and morning star Okay, so Jesus is saying I'm the root and the offspring of David. He's saying I'm the bright and morning star, right? Okay, brother Stuckey. Why don't you read revelation 22 16 out of the NIV? I Jesus have sent my an angel to give you this testimony for the churches I'm the root and the offspring of David and the bright morning star pretty much the same thing, right? They both pretty much said the same thing. Okay, they both said what that Jesus is who? Right more bright and morning star. Okay turn back to Isaiah 14 Isaiah chapter number 14 Isaiah Chapter number 14 Somebody stand up and read for me Isaiah 14 12 Once you get there Okay, go ahead and read it. How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer son of the morning How art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations? Okay, so who is Lucifer who can tell me who Lucifer is? Who is he Satan though, right? Now look did you know that the word Lucifer only exists in one place in the entire Bible and It's in Isaiah 14 12. And did you know this that the word Lucifer was coined in Isaiah 14 12? It existed nowhere in the world until Tyndale translated the Bible into English He took you know, the Hebrew word and created the name in English Lucifer Okay, that's where that word come has anybody ever heard of like Lucifer Ian You know people who worship Satan they say we're worshiping Lucifer They claim Satanists call themselves Luciferians. They worship Lucifer. Okay. Now look read Read for me now Isaiah 14 12 out of the NIV how you have fallen from heaven O morning star son of the dawn You have been cast down to the earth who once laid low the nation So wait in the King James Version who's being cast out of heaven Lucifer in the NIV who's being cast out of heaven The morning star which is who? Jesus Okay, and the only time the morning star is ever mentioned in the whole Bible is in Isaiah 14 and in Revelation Where he says in chapter 3, I'll give unto him the morning star those that are saved Will receive the morning star receive Jesus those who had chapter 22 Jesus said I am the morning star So the NIV doesn't have the devil being thrown out of heaven has Jesus because why why did they have Jesus being cast out of heaven? Let's read together the whole passage revelation 14 12 He said, you know, you've been cast you've fallen from heaven Lucifer son in the morning How art thou cut down to the ground which did sweeten nations for thou has said in thine heart? I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the mounts of the congregation in the sides of North I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Most High yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit So wait a minute now The devil was casting cast out of heaven for trying to make himself like who? Trying to be like God For saying I will be like the Most High. I'm going to be like God I'm gonna I'm gonna sit also with God he said I will sit with him in the sides of the North Wait a minute now So the NIV is having Jesus thrown out of heaven for trying to be seated at the right hand of the Father For trying to make himself equal with God my friend. That's the same reason why the Jews want to stone him They said you made yourself equal with God That's because he was equal with God The Bible says who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God Jesus Christ was equal with God. They're saying Oh Jesus is trying to be equal with God. He's cast down to hell This is a wicked book my friend Satanic it's not just an accident. It's not a little different. You know, just update the language a little bit No, this is a calculated plan to deceive to put question in your mind to trick you Let's look at how else it attacks the deity of Jesus Christ. Look at Micah chapter 5 verse 2 Micah You're in Isaiah just go toward the New Testament take it in the minor prophets some short books of the Bible right before the New Testament there Micah Chapter number 5. Oh you King James only people you guys are crazy Right. Oh man there they watch out for them. They're a cult. They're crazy They're nuts. They're uneducated. They forgot to read Josephus and other ancient witnesses Look at Micah 5 to you don't look my friend. You don't have to be an archaeologist to see this right to see what's happening Look at Micah 5 verse 2 somebody stand up and read in the King James Brett stand up and read it Micah 5 to Micah 5 to in the King James Without Bethlehem if Rata though That'll be little among the thousands of Judah Yeah out of these shall he come forth and to me that is to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been Old from everlasting. So when did Jesus when was Jesus going forth? from everlasting Right. Does that sound like he was a creative being? That he had a starting point. He did hate he said I am the beginning and the end but but you know false religion We'll try to teach that Jesus is a created be No in the beginning was the word the word was with God the word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him without him was not anything made that was made verse 14 and The word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory The glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth stand up Garrett and read for me Isaiah for whatever we are reading the NIV I could fight to but you Bethlehem if Rata Though you are small among the clans of Judah out of you will come to me one who will be ruler over Israel Whose origins are from of old from ancient times. So wait a minute according to this number one. Jesus had origin Do you know what an origin means it means that it had a starting point. Okay, and not only that from ancient times So now they've added the word of origin and then just put it like ancient times a long time ago Instead of what the real Bible says from everlasting you say oh, well, that doesn't really affect doctrine It just makes it a little easier to understand Well, look, I got something that's real easy for you to understand my friends. In fact, I'm gonna start preaching at it It's a book. It's by dr. Seuss. It's called hop on pop No, don't hop on pop All ball we all play ball All fall wall we all fell off the wall Pat sat on a hat. No Pat. No, don't sit on that Now what who understand everything I just said But does that make it God's work You know, I mean, oh, it's just gotta be easy, you know instead of making the Bible as dumb as you are Why don't we make you smarter so that you can read the Bible right instead of just that What we want a bunch of dumb people coming in Tell us pastor what to believe You know We need the dumbed-down version. You read the Greek and Hebrew. Tell us what it means Bunch of mindless robots come to church dumb down. So oh, you're too dumb to understand. Let me give you the NIV dummy It's true when I was a teenager. I brought the King James to these NIV churches They would try to tell me you can't understand it. It's fine. What are you trying to say? But look it's not that the idea is not to get and see oh the NIV has a third-grade reading level Well, that means God speaks on a third-grade level. That's a pretty talk about intelligent design This whole universe was designed by a third grader. Well, it's amazing. How did he do it? Do you see the madness of this thing or just dumb it down dumb it down My children understand your children if they come to church and read it from yet They understand the Bible and there are many things in the NIV that are harder to understand Thousands of verses I could show you that are much harder to understand like just just there's a list You should check this out on the internet and I've looked it up in the NIV There's a list of hard words in the NIV easy word in the King James who's ever seen that list, you know, I'm talking about I mean it has these these really hard words like in the King James says River and the NIV says Wadi W-a-d-i Okay, and the King James says hell and I be shield You know, what what the shield These other words it'll be like in the King James it says like lieutenant, you know, and I don't know I had some other weird word in the NIV. What was it? Say trap. Yeah. Yeah say trap and it's funny because the NIV says say trap The New American Standard says say trap, you know all these new versions all say say trap You you guys put say trap. That's what I put It's like you think that they just independently came over to a state trap and then the Bible is the really hard word lieutenant Okay, look at 1st Timothy 3 16 1st Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 somebody stand up and read it to me 1st Timothy 3 16 Somebody stand up and when you as soon as you get there just pop up and read it Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness. God was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit scene of angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the world Received up in all that's a pretty powerful verse without Controversy great is the mystery of goddess God was manifest in the flesh now. Look when it says Comma justified in the spirit. We haven't changed subjects Basically, what it's saying is God was manifest in the flesh God was justified in the spirit God was seen it's all the same subject. He said God was seen of angels God was preached unto the Gentiles. God was believed on in the world God was received up into glory man who did all those things Jesus Christ It's very clear from this verse that Jesus is God God in the flesh But listen to the NIV the powerful NIV Beyond all question, I'm reading verse 16. You're reading the King James version. I'm reading the no inspired verses version Beyond all question the mystery of godliness is great. That was a lot easier to understand He appeared in a body Who's the heat Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness. He appeared in a body Was vindicated by the Spirit Was seen by angels was preached among the nations was believed on the world was taken up to who? Jesus but see when the King James is God, so, you know, okay, Jesus is God saying God did all these things Here's just he appeared in a body Now another I mean there's so many things wrong with that statement he appeared in a body Jesus being in the flesh. Okay is one thing like flesh Versus he appeared in a body like was he a hologram like he appeared and a bill. Okay, we see him Is he really there is he in the flesh? You know, so there's so many little things you could pick apart with it. He's saying well pastor Anderson. You're right. I Understand the NIV is wrong. It's wit. In fact, it's from the devil, you know All the 666 and throwing Jesus out of heaven and all this different stuff, you know, okay. I'm seeing it But what about you know the new King James? Come on, right the new King James lighten up a little trying to find my new King James installing Here we go What come on the new King James Are you saying that when I go to stay in a hotel and I pull out the Gideon Bible is the new King James I Shouldn't read it Look at first Corinthians 1 18 First Corinthians 1 18 First Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 somebody sample read it for the preaching of the cross A great verse, huh? The preaching of the cross is to them to perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved. It's the power of God What's the last letter on the word saved? Past tense saved Not well, I'm trying I hope so No, I'm saved. It's done, man Listen to this. This is the this is your precious new King James for the message of the cross Is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power of God So now salvation is a process Right the King James you're saved the new King James. Well, you're being saved Do you know for sure if you died today you go to heaven? Wow, I'm working on it I'm being saved See how bad this I mean, this isn't a minor thing. These are major changes, right? Okay, look at look at that. Look at first Corinthians chapter 9 verse 27 I'm going to turn to another one here You know, I only have a limited time just to show you a few but really how many do you have to see I mean, how long do you have, you know, we can go straight to the evening service. Literally. I literally could show you I mean, I'm not going to because this is what I've learned You know why I'm not going to because whenever I've talked people about this If they don't get it after the first two or three examples They're not gonna get it When they start making excuses like when you show them where it's just wrong in the NIV. Oh, well, you know Okay, let me show you another one. Oh Well, you know, let's see what they're oh, let me show you a third one. Oh, yeah, it's like alright. Bye I've never had somebody resist the first 19 and I showed the 20th You know what I'm telling you the truth Where did I return again? What oh, yeah 1st Corinthians 927 somebody pop up and read in the King James Version But I keep under my body and bring it into subjection Unless that by any means when I have preached to others I myself should be a castaway Okay. Now what what is that? Let's stop and interpret that, you know, let's read that. Okay, I Keep under my body then he explains what that means. I Bring it into subjection. Now. What does subjection mean? subjection means that Somebody's not the boss. Okay Now a sub there's King and then there's subject under the king, right? It's about authority now who's in charge in my body is the is my body in charge You know does my bod just if it feels good do it. No, I Bring my body into subjection I keep under my body so that my mind and my spirit are in the driver's seat telling my body No, you can't have this. Yes, you will eat this. Yes, you will eat your vegetables You know, no, you will not eat parsley hydrogenate soybean oil or whatever, you know Yes, you will get out of bed when the alarm goes off even though you want to sleep in right? That's putting your body under keeping it subjection Listen to the NIV First Corinthians chapter 927 you're looking down at the real Bible No That's what it's I'm just reading it. No, I Beat my body Make it my slave So that after I preach to others I myself will not be disqualified for the prize I beat my body, you know, I mean, come on. This is nuts It's madness. I beat myself You Want to know how good of a Christian I'm you want to know what dedicated on I beat myself every day I beat myself up. I love this up in some other versions all these other modern versions I looked up one called the amplified version. I don't know if they just make the print bold print It's a little louder or something, but there's a Bible called the amplified version He said I beat myself and then in parentheses it said like a boxer I don't have it. I don't have it I don't have a copy of it, but I want you know on the internet you can go online and browse other versions I browse through every version of the first Corinthians 937. It said I kid you not in parentheses like a boxer And by the way, where's the last time you knew a boxer beats himself, oh Yeah, like a boxer. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's what they do when they're in training. They beat the crap out of himself Come up with this stuff. I looked up another version. It said I buff it my own body That means just basically just bludgeoning yourself pelting yourself unbelievable I Can't find the one in Hebrews. I'm just gonna close with one more I don't want I don't want to get too crazy or good. I mean we could show you I can show you them all day long We can go through one one through another look at Luke chapter 2. This is a bad one Luke chapter number two go ahead beat your body go ahead by the NIV be a slave The Bible says the truth shall make you free Doesn't say make yourself a slave But it says in where I turn Luke to Luke chapter 2 Look at Luke chapter 2 and verse number 33 Somebody pop up and read it in the King James Luke 2 33 Okay, so Joseph and his mother Marveled at those things which were spoken of him Now, let me read it to you from the NIV the child's father and mother Marveled at what was said about him So basically the NIV is doing what? calling Joseph Jesus's father Saying the child's father and mother marveled at the things which were said about him. He just read it a minute ago. He said Joseph and his mother Marveled at those things now. Let me let me prove you why this is so important scroll down just a little bit in the same chapter down to verse number Let's see here look at verse number 48 okay, Luke 2 48 and when they saw him they were amazed and his mother said unto him now Let me ask him he was married perfect She was a human being right she's a sinner just like you and me So is everything she says always right? No, a lot of people say a lot of wrong things in the Bible But when God is speaking when the narrator is speaking, you know, it's the truth, you know When God's telling you what happened you better know it happened like that It says his mother said unto him son Why has thou thus dealt with us? Behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrow now. What does she just do? She just called Joseph Jesus father watch him rebuke her in the next verse And he said unto them, how is it that you saw me wish he not that I must be about my father's business Don't tell me you and my father were looking for me I was doing my father's business when I was preaching the Word of God I'm not you know, I get sick of the bumper-sicker. My boss is a Jewish carpenter No, Jesus is not a Jewish carpenter Show me one place in the Bible that showed Jesus as a carpenter He was doing his father's business. Joseph was not his father. Oh, but they all took up their father's business Yep, and so did Jesus And Joseph was not his father. You see the NIV flat-out comes out and says that Joseph was his father And then Jesus is rebuking her for saying the same thing So why would God be contradicting himself? You know, we could go on and on and on and on and I you know I have other sermons that I've preached where I've compared a whole bunch of different verses and showed you all different scriptures You know first John 5 7 John 5 4 and we'd go on all day John 3 13 I mean we could go down the list if you look at all the ones that are missing all the ones that are changed The NIV does not even use the word hell one time in the whole Old Testament changes it to the grave Not even one time will you read the word hell until you get to Matthew chapter 5 if you're reading the NIV Did hell not exist back then but see this is this is what I'm talking about here This is not just a poor translation. I heard a preacher recently preaching. He said, you know, is the NIV bad? No, you know Jack Scott Hammond in the end. He's like, you know, is it wicked? No, it's not wicked. It's just inferior It's just not as good. You know, the King James is the right translation the NIV poor Translation, you know, is it is it of the devil? No Who thinks it's of the devil raise your hand stand up for what's right, you know, raise it. Yes. It's from the devil It's not just a poor translation That's a poor translation when you're leaving out whole verses. Yeah, that's a pretty poor translate boy You should be fired if you're translate. How would you like to be a translator and you're leaving out whole chunks? changing everything This is a serious issue my friend we will never back that and by the way, we're not ashamed of it either We will hold our head up high and stand up and say faithful word Baptist Church has always been and will always be King James Bible only that word of prayer