(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Part of the chapter that I want to focus on is in verse number 2 where the Bible reads, And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. God's telling us here not to be conformed to this world, and especially we ought not be conformed to this world when it comes to our mind, the way that we think, the way that we see things, the way that we understand things. We ought not be conformed to this world, but we ought to renew our mind, transform our mind, so that our mind will line up with what God's word teaches. Now, if we go down a few verses in the chapter, the Bible explains that in verse number 4 it says, For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office, so we being many are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith, he gets a list of all these other gifts, and he's explaining here that our physical bodies are made up of many members, and when he says member, he just means body parts. That's the word that we would use today in 2011. You know, our body is made up of a lot of different body parts, and this is explained in more detail in 1 Corinthians chapter 12, but he explains that if the whole body were in here, you know, where were the spelling? Or if the whole body were a nose, you know, where were the hearing? He says God has given us all these different parts of our body, and he said some of the parts of the body that seem like the least comely parts of our body are the most necessary, and he said all of the parts of our body that we have are important, and he's explaining that the local church is the same way. It's a body of believers, and it's made up of all different members, and all of those members are not the same. Now, it doesn't mean that one is better than the other, but there's a difference there. Some have various gifts that others do not have. Some have the ability to prophesy or preach. Others do not have the ability to preach. Some have the ability to teach. Others do not. One of the qualifications for being a pastor is aptitude in teaching. Not everyone is apt to teach. Not everyone has these different abilities. Everyone has different gifts, different strengths, different weaknesses, different functions, just like our body parts all have different functions, and you can't say, well, this part of the body is important, but, you know, say to the ear, well, I have no need of thee, or to say to the foot, I have no need of thee. It's because of 1 Corinthians 12. Because all of our body parts are important, but they're all different. They're not the same. It would be foolish for me to say, well, everybody in our church is exactly the same. There's no one in our church who can preach better than the other. There's no one in our church who can play piano better than the other. There's no one in our church who can sing better than the other. No, it's clear that there are differences in the people of our church or in the people of any church. It's not that one person has more value than another. It's not that, well, he's worth more than you because look at how he can play piano, or look at how he can preach, or look how he knows the Bible. That's not the point. It's just that there are different people that have different roles and different functions within the church. Now go to 1 Timothy 2. That's not what I'm preaching about this morning. What I'm preaching about is the difference between men and women tonight. And we are not being conformed tonight to what the world tells us on this subject. And you might walk in here and you're totally conformed to the world when you walked in tonight. And when you got here and it's 6.30 and you're at K4 Baptist Church and you brought your mind with you that's just totally conformed to the world tonight. Well, I'm here to help you renew your mind tonight. I'm here to take the Bible and help push a reset button and transform and renew your mind so that your mind can actually line up with what the Scripture says. Because if we put what you think and then we put what the Bible says side by side, I mean, which one do you think is right? Yeah, and if we put what I think or what I believe and then we put the Bible, you know, what's the authority here? Obviously what the Bible says. And if you don't agree with what the Bible says, it's not the Bible that's wrong. It's you that's wrong. And where did you get this opinion that differs from the Bible? Well, you got it from the world. You didn't get it from God. You got it from the world. It was taught unto you by our society. Now, just as there are differences in the different members of the body of Christ in a church, there are also differences between men and women. Now, if your thinking tonight is conformed unto the world, you think there's no difference between men and women. This is what the world will teach us. Men and women are exactly the same. All the activities that men do, women should be doing every single one of those same activities, and they can do them just as well as a man can. Isn't that what the world will tell you? And they call it equality. They say, you know, we need equality, gender equality. But hold on a second. Is that biblical? And again, we're not saying that there's a different value. To Jesus Christ and to God, there is no difference in value between men. It's a soul. And the Bible says in Christ, there's neither male nor female. There's neither Jew nor Gentile. There's neither bond nor free. I mean, it's like me as a father. I have six children. I have three boys and three girls. Are my three girls any more or less valuable to me than my three boys? Of course not. They are of equal value, but are they the same? No, they're not the same. Are they equal in every way and in every ability and in every... No. They have different strengths, different weaknesses, differences. There is a difference today between men and women. It seems silly to have to get up and say that and make a whole sermon out of that. But let me tell you something. The world today says there's not a difference. So let's look at this. Let's begin at 1 Timothy 2. Let's begin the renewal process, okay? And for some people, this can be a painful process because they're so conformed to the world that this is like a shock to their system. But really, the Bible was written a long time ago. In fact, it was written before the world even began. Forever, God's Word is settled in heaven. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And it's been available to mankind for thousands of years. It's been sitting at the Dollar Tree all this time for you to pick up a copy for exactly one dollar for a King James Bible. Okay, so nothing I'm preaching tonight should be shocking or new or radical or... It's just Bible preaching right here. I'm just preaching to you what the Bible says. So let's start out in 1 Timothy 2. It says in verse 8, I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting, in like manner also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety, not with broided hair or gold or pearls or costly array, but which becometh women professing godliness with good works. So right away, he's exhorting women to dress modestly in their apparel. What does the word modest mean? Well, it means that you're not drawing attention to yourself with flashy clothing such as gold. He lists it right there. Gold, silver, pearls, costly array, expensive costly clothing, fancy hairdos, fancy jewelry, fancy clothing. He said, no, what you're adorning should be is good works. That ought to be the adornment. That ought to be the attraction where someone looks at you and says, wow, there is a woman of value. It should be her godly life, not the dollar amount. You know, what's the value of this showcase? You know, whatever you're wearing. All the different clothes and all the different fancy things. So God's saying, you know, you ought to focus more on the value of the person, not on the outward appearance of just what they look like as a fancy clothing. Look what it says in verse 11. Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. You say, what? Okay, let me read it again. Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. Here's the flip side, verse 12. But I suffered not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then he. Now, does that sound to you like today's 2011 view of gender equality right there? When God says, well, Adam was first formed, and then he. And that's why women should not be in authority over men. Now, I don't see how you could get any clearer. I showed that to a Christian so-called one time, and they pointed and said, you believe that? And I said, yes, I do. Of course I believe that. I mean, and you say, well, I don't like that. It doesn't matter whether you like it or not. That's what the Bible says. God is the truth, and let every man be alive. God is the one who's right here. And God is teaching us here that men are the ones who are supposed to be in authority and that are supposed to rule. This goes all the way... Keep your finger in 1 Timothy 2. Go back to Deuteronomy 1. Deuteronomy 1. You see, all throughout the Bible, all throughout the Old Testament, all throughout the New Testament, you'll always see men in positions of leadership every single time in God's economy. Look at Deuteronomy 1, verse 13. It says in verse 12, How can I myself alone bear your conference and your burden and your strife? Take you wise men and understanding and known among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over you. And you answered and said, The thing which thou has spoken is good for us to do. And you say, well, wait a minute, Pastor Anderson. When he says men there, he's just talking about just people, just mankind. Well, except for the fact that if you read the book of Numbers, he gives all those people's names that they chose. He says, okay, and here's the guy that they chose for each tribe to lead and to rule. And he lists each of those rulers. And none of them were named Barbara or Deborah or Judy. You know, you can just look at the names and say, hey, that's actually a man's name. Because God all the way through the Bible, starting from the beginning all the way to the end, is consistent with that and has put men in authority there. If you see it listed there, go back to 1 Timothy 2. So the Bible reads in 1 Timothy 2, verse 11, Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffered not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve, and Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding, she shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. See, you couldn't get any clearer here what the Bible just said in 1 Timothy 2 that it is not right for women to rule over men. Period. End of story. Go to Ephesians 5. Keep your finger in 1 Timothy 2. Go to Ephesians 5. Let's go back a few pages in your Bible. Ephesians 5, the Bible reads in verse number 22, Ephesians 5, 22, Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, and what's the next word? Even. He says, the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, and he is the savior of the body. Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Now wait a minute. How much would you say that our church should be under the authority of Jesus Christ? I mean, would you say that Jesus Christ ought to be the head of this church? That's what the Bible says. Christ the head of the church. To what degree is he the head of this church? Okay, well that's what the Bible says right here. It says, Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. It says, Christ is the head of the church, and even in the same way, the husband is the head of the wife. So this isn't a 50-50 thing. This isn't a give and take thing, where my wife and I, we get together and we vote, and we keep coming up with a tie, you know, because there's two of us, and so we keep having a tie, so then the children break the tie. No, there's got to be a leader, and then we had six children, and then the three boys tied with me, no, I'm just kidding. Anyway, the bottom line is that there's got to be a leader in that home, and the world's going to tell you, well, you don't have the right to tell your wife what to do, or to tell your children what to do, or to lead your own, but the Bible makes it clear that the husband is the head of that home. He's the head of the household, and that wives are supposed to obey their husbands in everything, just like the church is supposed to obey Christ in everything, and I'm not the one who wrote the word everything at the end of verse 24. That's what the Bible says at the end of verse 24. I didn't put it there, but a lot of people want to take that concept out, and they want to twist this, and let me tell you something, a lot of preachers don't have the guts to get up and preach the sermon that I'm preaching right now, and that's what's wrong with America today. That's what's wrong with our families today, is that a bunch of spineless preachers are refusing to get up and preach the truth because they're afraid that somebody's going to get offended by this, and this preaching will offend people, but it's the truth, and if I'm not going to preach the truth, then I don't even have any business being in the pulpit, and we're turning to so many scriptures tonight that I have to look at this and say, well, if there's so many scriptures that talk about this subject, that there are so many chapters dedicated onto this subject, it must be an important subject. It must be something that God feels strongly about, to put so many chapters in the Bible about this subject. Go to 1 Peter chapter 3. 1 Peter chapter 3 toward the end of the New Testament there. 1 Peter chapter number 3. It says in verse 1 of 1 Peter chapter 3, it says, likewise ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, that if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives. So this is talking about a wife who has an unbelieving husband, and it's talking about how if he obey not the word, let's say he hears God's word, he hears the gospel and he does not obey the gospel, the Bible equates obeying the gospel and believing the gospel. If he hears the gospel and he's not won to the Lord by hearing that gospel, it says that he may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives. Basically, by looking at the godly and righteous example of his wife, he's saying he might get saved. When they behold, what are they going to see that's going to win them over? It says in verse 2, Behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. Who's adorning? Let it not be that outward adorning. And this is exactly what he said in 1 Timothy 2. Let it not be that outward adorning of plating the air or of wearing of gold or of putting on of apparel, but let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great providence. For after this manner in the old time, the holy women also who trusted in God adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands, even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lor, whose daughters ye are as long as ye do well and are not afraid with any amazement. Now, when the Bible talks about Sarah calling Abraham Lor, this is actually recorded in the Old Testament, the book of Genesis. Now, this does not mean that she referred to it like, Yes, Lord. Like, she didn't call him Lord as in, you know, like I call my wife Honey, you know, or she calls me Steve. She didn't call him Lord like that. If you go back and look up the chapter in Genesis chapter 18 where this is talking about, in Genesis 18, she spoke to someone else. She was talking to the angel and she said, How shall this be? She said, I'm old. And she said, my Lord also is old. She was talking about the fact that she was miraculously going to give birth. So she referred to him as her Lord. Now, what does the word Lord mean? We're not talking about like Lord as in God. We're talking about Lord as in the boss. And she referred to him as the boss. She referred to him as her Lord. As her boss, okay. And it says that she obeyed Abraham, verse 6, calling him Lord. And that's recorded in Genesis 18 when she called him Lord. Whose daughters ye are as long as ye do well and are not afraid within ye amazement. That tells me right there, ladies, that God is admonishing you to be a spiritual daughter of Sarah. He's saying you are her daughter if you'll follow that godly example. She's a role model for you. I mean, do you see that? He said, even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord, whose daughters ye are as long as ye are not afraid within ye amazement. Look at verse 7. It says, likewise ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered. Now look, God is telling us that the wife is the weaker vessel, but he says giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel. So let me ask you this. According to the Bible, is it dishonorable for a wife to acknowledge that she's the weaker vessel? There's nothing dishonorable. And you see, our society has gotten so brainwashed that somehow if a wife is in subjection to her husband, she should be ashamed of that or embarrassed of that or that somehow she has less value or less worth. And if you look at the word honor there and if you study the word honor throughout the Bible, it's talking about your value. And God is saying that there's more value to a woman if she's following God's plan for her life and being in subjection. That's worth more. So it's nothing to be, you know, oh, you're down on women tonight because you're preaching this. No, we're elevating women by preaching this tonight. You see, it's the feminist movement that drags women down today. You see, the feminist movement says that there's something wrong with acting like a woman, basically. It really ought to be called the masculine movement. There's nothing feminist about it because what the feminist movement says is it says in order to have value as a woman, you have to dress like a man. I mean, in order to have the right value, in order to be elevated, because supposedly the women's liberation movement is all about lifting women up. Well, in order to be lifted up, you're going to have to dress like a man, you're going to have to go to work like a man, you're going to talk like a man, you're going to perform all the activities that men perform, you're going to try to be as much like a man in every area of life. That's not elevating women. You're telling them that being a woman is not good enough, but that they have to act like a man. That doesn't even make any sense. You see, as a fundamental Baptist preacher who's preaching what the Bible explicitly says tonight, I'm saying that we lift up women and honor women when we basically celebrate womanhood and say, hey, the best thing that you could do with your life is to be as feminine as possible and to fulfill God's role for your life as a woman, not have you try to pretend that you're a man. And try to go out and live your life proving to everybody that you're a man. You're going to go out and you're going to get into boxing to prove that you're a man, that you're like a man. And you're going to go out and you're going to get a job operating a jackhammer just to prove that you could do a man's job. And you're going to go out and go get dressed and you're going to go to the men's section and buy all your clothing from the men's section. Why how is that a celebration of womanhood? dressing out of the men's section Acting like a man trying to get a job that many look women are weaker than men And I've done it before and I'll do it again. I challenge any woman right now And I've only had one woman take me up on this in the history of a quarterback It's true. I challenge any woman right now to come up here and arm wrestle me right now Any woman and I put out that challenge one time, you know a woman came down the aisle Challenged me and you know what it was like But it's just a fact I can meet any woman in this church or anyone who visits this church in arm wrestling Anybody who's listening to a sermon out on the internet. I challenge you to come down here and challenge me because I will beat you It's because Men are stronger than women. It's just a fact. Yeah, it doesn't mean men are better than women It doesn't mean men have more value than women. It means that God made men and women to be different Different I use the illustration off of them a dishwasher and a washing machine which one's better Well, they're both better at different things, you know, the dishwasher is better at washing dishes the laundry Yeah, whatever you call that thing in the laundry room The washing machine right the washing machine is better at washing clothes If you put your clothes in the dishwasher, you could I mean I think they'll be clean You know, but I'm a man so I don't really know that much about stuff like that I think if you put certain dishes in the in the washing machine, they can come out. Okay? Gentle cycle But is that the best way to wash your dishes by putting them in the washing machine And you say well I'll prove it to you I'm gonna wash my dishes in the washing machine for a month just to show you that I can do it Okay, but you're not gonna prove anything because just because it can be done doesn't mean that it's what that thing was intended to do And it doesn't mean that you're using the best tool for the best job I mean a lot of you know, you can use a pair of pliers as a hammer But it doesn't mean that it's the best hammer. It doesn't mean it was intended to be a hammer It was intended to be a pair of pliers and and we today have this mixing up of the roles Where we have women doing a man's job and trying to live a man's life and trying to wear men's clothes And we look at that and say well see she's doing it But guess what that doesn't make you right and that doesn't make it biblical and that doesn't mean that that's what God intended And today we need to get our head screwed on straight about this subject because you know The whole Difference of gender is under attack today and the lines are being blurred today between what a man is and what a woman is And you know out there they can be blurred but you know in this church People are gonna understand the truth as long as I'm the pastor I'm gonna preach it to you and my family there's gonna be a clear difference Between the boys that grow up in my house and my three daughters that grow up in my house It's gonna be a clear difference and they're gonna know the difference and they know that I love them just as much The boy and if anything I'm always accused of you know being personal toward the girls That's how I'm accused of spoiling Rebecca, you know and giving preferential treatment to the girls or something like that But you know in reality, I love them all the same They have no difference in value boy or girl, you know, whatever our next child is boy or girl. It doesn't matter I mean, it's just it's a blessing children are blessing from God. And so we're not talking about the value We're talking about different roles tonight Go to Titus chapter 2 and this is further emphasized in Titus chapter 2 pages back in your Bible where you are James Go to the left in your Bible Titus chapter 2 It says in Titus chapter 2 Verse number 3 It says the aged women likewise that they be in behavior has become a holiness Not false accusers not given to much wine Teachers, you know, he's drunk and old ladies, right? He's aged women that are drinking too much wine So he says not given a much wine teachers of good thing that they may teach the young women What are they gonna teach them to be sober? Yeah, that's a good place to start to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet Chase now, what do these words mean discreet and taste? Well, you know what discretion is This Think about this viewer discretion is advised. What does that mean? Discretion is when you basically make a decision about what is appropriate and what is not and someone who's Discreet is someone who doesn't go around talking about things that are inappropriate It's talking about a woman that doesn't go around talking about, you know bedroom humor Or about her bedroom light or we're going around talking about things that are crude or crass or not ladylike, okay, and Chase is a similar word that chase is referring to keeping herself pure Not being sleazy not being promiscuous. So he says there if you talk to me discreet chase Keepers at home. What is keepers at home me? Well keeping the house or keeping the home I mean think of the word housekeeping It means that they're guiding the house there. That's what it says in 1st Timothy 5 It says that they are to guide the house here It says keepers at home. It means that they're keeping their house in order and taking care of things at home You know, that's an important job today Taking care of the home is a crucial job and in my house Well, we'll get to that a little bit later, but it says to be discreet chase keepers at home good Obedient to their own husbands that the word of God be not blaspheme Now, why would the word of God be blaspheme because some so-called Christian wife? rebellious against her husband Somebody's gonna say blank any plan, you know, that's what blaspheming You know that the name of God, you know blankety blank church blankety blank Christian one, you know Look at this example and the Bible talks about our actions as Christians can cause other people To basically blaspheme God the Bible talks about especially when men go to work It goes into this in Titus chapter 3 and Ephesians chapter 6 It talks about men going to work and being a bad worker on the job and that causing the name of God to be blasphemed and that causing God's word to be blasphemed because people will look at you and Even though it's not fair. They'll judge Christianity based on you They'll look at your life they'll look at how you work and perform on your job they'll look at how you treat your wife and how life's treat their husband and they'll look at that and that Is their view of Christianity when they see that you are the advertisement either for or against Christianity? And they'll either look at you and they'll glorify God When they see your righteous works and they see your light shine or they'll look at you and they'll blaspheme God Saying well, that's what Christianity is. I don't want anything to do with it What they'll do they'll either blaspheme God or glorify God when they look at your life Now the truth of the matter is no matter what your life is like God is still perfect Jesus Christ is still perfect God's Word is perfect the Bible is perfect and they're not going to be able to hide behind you someday on Judgment Day and say well, I didn't believe in you because it's not like for example Gandhi You know Gandhi he said I would be a Christian if it were not for Christians. Well, here's the problem God is burning in hell right now. Yeah, and he can say that all day long but it's not going to change the fact that he's in hell he still couldn't listen to the Word of God and Believed on the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, but instead he decided to hide behind. Oh, well, these Christians are hypocrites. So therefore I'm not going to be one. Well, that's not going to help But here's the thing, but you know, we shouldn't want the Gandhi's of this world to go to hell You know We want to try to give them say so we want to be the best example that we can Preach them the gospel leave the right kind of life and whether you think so or not The Bible says here that if lies are good and obedient to their own husband that will stop the Word of God from being blasphemed That's what the Bible says in verse 5 and you say well this kind of preaching is going to turn people away from the gospel. I Mean you've heard that before right? It's kind of fundamentalism in this old-fashioned stuff and this hard preaching And you know preaching this kind of stuff that lies are supposed to obey their husbands or you know preaching that there's a difference between men And women and that they fulfill different roles in life. That's going to turn people away from the gospel That's not what my Bibles I mean the Bible said what's going to cause the Word of God and the name of God to be blasphemed is when we don't put This into practice and when this isn't being preached, that's what's going to give Christianity a bad name Maybe you and God just have a different idea of what a good name for Christianity is Because if your idea of Christianity having a good reputation means that Christianity is conformed to the world You've got the wrong religion because Christianity's never been conformed to this world It's never going to be conformed to this world He said be not be conformed to this world, but be Transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove. What is good? What is that good and acceptable and perfect? will of society He said what's except proving what is acceptable unto the Lord? What's acceptable to God now? What's acceptable to your friends now? What's acceptable to? Your neighbors now what's acceptable to your unsaved buddy at work? No, it's what's acceptable to God and God said you know if people are going to blaspheme the name of God because of Bible Preaching well, so what? Nuts to them, but they ought not be blaspheming God because you're not obeying the Bible Because then that's a shame He said to be discreet change keepers Oh, it'll be if their own husbands that the word of God be not blasphemed young men likewise Exhore to be sober-minded in all things showing thyself a pattern of good works and doctrine showing uncorruptness gravity Sincerity turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 14 1st Corinthians chapter number 14 1st Corinthians chapter number 14 1st Corinthians 14 and verse number 34 the Bible reads Let your women keep silence in the churches For it is not permitted unto them to speak But they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law and if they will learn anything Let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak in the church now That's a pretty clear scripture now a lot of people will try to twist scripture Because they don't like what it says You know they can't just face this verse and it's not the only verse I mean read about other verses But they can't face up to what this verse is saying so they try to twist it And here's the way that I've heard this verse to be twisted the most often people will say this Well, that was just the culture at the time. Yep They say that was the culture back then and you've got to look at the culture in which the Bible was written But hold on a second the Bible was written before this world was ever created That's what you gotta understand And whenever anybody's telling you what you gotta get the culture to understand the Bible that is a lie Because this book was not written 2,000 years ago in a Greek culture this book was written in heaven before the world ever began because in the beginning was the word and The word was with God and the word was God. That's before the world began I'll prove it to you further Titus 1 2 says in hope of eternal life, which God that cannot lie Promised before the world began the promises of God came out of his mouth before This world was ever created and when did he create this world? Now I don't know about you but I believe that that was the beginning I'm serious. No, really. I mean when Genesis 1 1 says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. I believe that was the beginning. I Think that obviously God has no beginning and no end because God is the beginning He said I am the beginning and the end I am the first and the last I am the alpha and the omega But I don't think that there was all this other stuff going on before that. Okay. God has always existed God will always exist in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth That's the beginning as far as we're concerned I mean as far as anything we know or see or time or Space or anything that we have in this whole universe began in the beginning in verse 1 of Genesis chapter 1 There's not all this other stuff that happened before that Okay, otherwise, it wouldn't be the beginning And otherwise the first day wouldn't be the first day when he said the evening in the morning with the first day if there was Some other day before that right? So that's the beginning but in the beginning Was the word the word already existed in the beginning? Before God said let there be light the word was already there before God said let there be light He already promised us eternal life. Why because his word promises eternal life because God's Word is eternal God's Word always was and always will be it never changes. It is forever settled in heaven and it never changes Okay, so how can you apply a culture to that? If God's Word has always existed then how can you say? Well, it's just this one culture So we all have to you know, put on a bunch of togas tonight right, we have to put on a tunic and a toga and and and put a Olive leaf on our head and we have to you know I don't know what they expect us to do to pretend like we're you know know what it was like to live as a Greek 2,000 years ago frankly, it doesn't matter Because whatever the world was doing back then was not right. Anyway, that's why I said well don't be conformed to these people Don't be like the rest of people living in Corinth Don't be like the rest of people living in Rome be like God's Word doesn't God's Word is timeless God's Word was given over the course of thousands of years Even before the Bible was written God spoke his same word by the prophets To every time and God's Word is applicable today just as it's always been applicable and God has never conformed his word to culture Or to man's philosophy or a man's dress code or a man's hairstyles No, it's his word. It never changes It doesn't matter whether you're a Greek or a Gentile or a Jew or whatever you are. It means nothing He just clearly says in verse 34 here let your women keep silence in your churches, you know until until the 1960s in the United States of America Then put women behind the pulpit have women preaching have women leading the service and have women teaching the Bible Because that's a different culture But until then for the next 1900 years Let it keep silence. They're gonna have to wait a long time And then in the 1960s we can say come a long way, baby You know you can speak up a church and be a preacher now Let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted under them to speak now Sometimes I wonder at the fact that God repeats the same thing so many different ways Like wouldn't it be enough if he just said let your women keep silence in the churches But then he goes a step for it's not permitted under them to speak Do you get what I'm saying For their command of the under obedience as Also sayeth the law and if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home Oh, by the way, did I mention for it is the same for women to speak in the church? So he says it what four times? I mean what other way can he say? Let them be silent Let them not speak. It's a shame for them to speak They're supposed to be under a week and yet people will look at that and say well. That's not for us today This is God's Word What are we preaching then? What am I supposed to give the new one for me because I'm still on this old Copy somebody have the new updated. I'm hoping preaching. I didn't get that memo I'm still preaching the same one. They're preaching, you know 2,000 years ago Translated into English, but it's the same thing. That's the same thing. But but here this is what they'll say Well, they'll say here's the proof That this is just for that culture Because it says in verse 34 as also sayeth the law See, he's just telling them only because it's against the law For women to preach church, do you really think that the Corinthian government was just really cracking down on Baptist churches You know that basically the Corinthian the Corinthian police were coming in doing a big raid doing a big bust on churches with women preachers Yeah, right and even so notice the word obviously he's talking about God's law I mean the Bible talks about the law. He's not talking about the Corinthian, you know statutes He's talking about God's law from the Old Testament which teaches the same things Okay, and then notice it says and what's the word there as what has also? Say so is it only because the law says it? No, he says I'm saying it right now and Also, the law says it too. And also I'm gonna say it four times And I'm also gonna say to Titus and Then I'm gonna say it to Timothy in 1st Timothy 2 then I'm gonna say it again in chapter 5 And then I'm gonna say it to the Ephesians in chapter 5 and then you know what? I think I'm gonna say it to the Colossians in chapter 3 You know because it's just it's biblical it's what God's teaching it And so let's not don't be the type to just resist what God says just say look if that's what God says, okay That's fine You know, not that men are better than women, but that men are to be the preacher and look as long as I'm here There's not gonna be a woman stand up and preach behind this pulpit Or to get up and teach the Bible by this pulpit Joyce Meyer will not be behind this pulpit or any other of these so-called women preachers They're not going to get up and preach behind this pulpit. This is not women's live Baptist. This is not contemporary Baptist This is faithful word Baptist Church and we're faithful to the word of this church and women are to keep something People will say this. Well, does that mean that so when women walk into your church building they can't talk to each other Well that just shows ignorance of the meaning of the word church Because guess what church is not a building That's your ignorance right there. People will look and say oh, that's a church No, a building is never called a church in the Bible. What's called a church is the Assembly where we meet together and have the service that is the church when we're all gathered together in one place It's not just the fact that we're standing in this building That means that we're in the church and that's why the Bible says that they're to learn in silence It's not saying that they can't sing the songs It's not saying that they can't fellowship and talk to one another before and after the service and talk to us and then everyone can Talk in the building. It's saying that when it's time for learning time when the preacher gets up to preach It's not time for women to be speaking You say well what if someone but that's why he says in verse number 35 if they will learn anything Let them ask their husbands at home For it is a shame for women to speak in the church So basically what that's saying is let's say I'm preaching and a woman asked me a question While I'm preaching is that appropriate according the Bible? No Is it appropriate for women to voice their approval of what I'm saying while I'm preaching and say yes You're right or no, you're wrong or let me ask you a question No, is it appropriate for a man to say that's right or amen or? To perhaps ask a question although, you know, we don't really want this to turn into like a question But you know, is it appropriate for a man to speak? Yes, it is Yes, it is. That's biblical. But let's keep going here. We've looked at a lot of scriptures, but let's go to first I'm sorry, let me find my place here Go to 1st Timothy chapter 5 1st Timothy chapter 5 and now while you're turning there I'll read for you a scripture from the book of Isaiah Isaiah chapter 3 verse 12 It says in Isaiah 3 12 as for my people children are their oppressors and Women rule over them. Oh My people they which lead thee cause thee to err and destroy the way of thy past You know God is warning that as a judgment from him and he's talking about this as a judgment He says that when they did sin and when they committed wickedness that they ended up with women and children ruling over them Women and children and leadership is never been God's plan. They should win minute pastor Anderson in the Old Testament There were women that were in authority Hold on a second. There were also men who had two wives Was that right? Was it right for men to have more than one wife? No, the Bible records the events of history the Bible records what people did It doesn't mean that what they did was right and when men have more than one life they were wrong And when men committed adultery they were wrong and when men Stole or lied or cheated they were wrong and when they worshiped other gods they were wrong And whenever you see the children of Israel having a woman in leadership Whether it's Deborah the prophetess or whether it's hold on the prophetess Or whether it be uh, what was the name at the lyre? The queen it was always when they were under god's wrath for their disobedience I mean deborah was in authority while they were under god's wrath being punished And they were servants to the felicities. They did not have independence whatsoever in judges chapter four When deborah was the prophetess when holda was the prophetess they had become so apostate And so far removed from god that they didn't they couldn't even find a copy of the bible at the temple And they had to remodel the whole temple and they dug it out of a closet and said hey We found a copy of the bible And they had to bring it to joseiah and he had to read that copy of the bible and figure out wow We haven't been obeying any of this It was buried in a rubbish heap And they couldn't find any prophets so they went to hold of the prophetess So you can just find examples of female leaders in the bible But it was always when the people were being judged by god And by the way Maybe we're being judged by god in america today When we have a bunch of women in authority today and a bunch of women ruling over us And we've got a woman as a or we don't have a woman speaker of the house anymore Which is the third most powerful person in america? We had a woman as a speaker in the house. We've got a bunch of women as presidential candidates We got women in congress and the senate and he said I can't believe he preaches. It's not biblical It's wrong. The bible says I suffered not a woman to teach nor do you serve authority over the man inside it And he said when they were under god's judgment in isaiah 312 that women ruled over them. That was part of their punishment Yeah, that's what the bible says and so where did I turn first tenet chapter five And so we today, uh, and you know, we can preach the other side of the coin tonight The bible talks about in jeremiah chapter 50 and 51 about the men becoming like women And men acting like women and and we see that today in our culture today. We see effeminate men. We see weak men We see men who can't leave they can't stand up and fight for anything They're they're they're soft sight. He said they become as women They feel born to fight it says in jeremiah 51, but look if you look at the first timothy chapter number five It says in first timothy five. It says uh verse nine Let not a widow be taken into the number under three score years old. Actually, let's go back to verse eight verse eight says this But if any provide not for his own And especially for those of his own house He have denied the faith and is worse than an infidel So the bible tells me that it's my responsibility to provide for my own Especially for those of my own house And if I don't do that, then i've denied the faith and i'm worse than an infidel. Isn't that what the bible says? So it's my job to provide for my household as a man He says in verse nine let not a widow what's a widow a widow is a woman whose husband has died Let not a widow be taken into the number under three score years old having been the wife of one man Well reported of for good works. So what is god's view? Of a widow who is well reported up for good works. Look what he lists here If she had brought up children, that's the first thing he lists He says if she's well reported up for good works. Here's an example If she brought up children, that's a good work. Isn't that a good work for women to do? And that's a great job for them to do In fact, did you know that eve was given the name eve? Do you know what the word eve means it means mother? Because adam called his wife's name eve because she was the mother of all living So the first thing listed here is if she brought up children number two if she have lodged strangers Number three if she have washed the saint's feet If she have relieved the afflicted If she have diligently followed every good work So these are just listings of good works helping people and helping the saints and and helping the the strangers and so forth But the first thing listed was to to bring up children to raise children and you know That's the greatest job that a woman can do today is to be a wife and a mother and today we we you know We downplay that like oh, what do you do for a living? Oh, i'm just a housewife I'm just a mother. There's no just That's a that's an important calling In fact, it's the calling that god brings up then as we go on further in this passage, we'll see that but He says in verse number 11 but the younger widows refuse younger than what younger than three score years old younger than 60 He says for when they have begun to wax Watson against christ They will marry having damnation because they have passed off their first faith And with all they learn to be idle Wandering about from house to house and not only idle but tattlers also and busybodies Speaking things which they ought not I will therefore that the younger women marry their children guide the house Give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully for some are already Turned aside after satan So the bible is telling us here that god's will for these younger women Younger than 60 he says is that they marry their children guide the house Get a career earn a phd Run for congress run for mayor pastor a church Become a deacon No Is that what it says and you see There are girls all over america today in independent fundamental baptist churches. Are you listening to me? There are young ladies all over america today And they walk down the aisle And they come up to the altar And they get on their knees And they say oh god Show me your will for my life. Oh god What is the will of god? And they're fasting today And they're skipping meals and praying and begging god And there are young men all over america and they're begging god show me your will what's the woman and they're going to their pastor And asking what is the will of god for my life and they're going to other men that they respect and young ladies They're going to ladies they respect and they're getting advice and they're going to pass his wife They're saying can you help me to determine? the will of god for my life but yet 99.9999 And take that as far I just want to go Percent of the will of god is found in this book that i'm holding in my hand right now They ought to take that they ought to take their bible up to the altar with them And pull it out and start reading and quit Hey less praying more reading You know, you have one mouth and two ears for a reason because you should be listening twice as much as you're talking And you ought to be listening to what god says instead of constantly talking to god And i'm all for prayer and i'm for lots of prayer and talking to god But you ought to listen to god twice as much as you're talking to him You need to listen to him and i'm not telling you to listen for some audible voice I'm telling you to open this book and listen to god's word the bible tells us over and over what his will is He said in first thessalonians 4 this is the will of god that you have stated that you I'm, sorry This is the will of god even your sanctification That you should abstain from fornication that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification And honor that's the will of god for god has not called us on uncleanness, but on the holiness You see i've had very few Decisions in my life where I just really had to stress and wonder what to do Because by the time i've obeyed everything that the bible told me to do You're not really left with that many decisions I mean after you've looked at all the thousands of things god told you to do and you do all of them and you You know, nobody does them all but you know, you're trying to do all of them You don't go through life just scratching your head. I don't know what to do with my life You scratch your head like how am I going to get all this done? You Don't sit there and wonder all day what's god's will and they wonder what's god's will well, here's god's will It says it right here in verse 14. What what's the first two words here? Who's who's doing the talking? Oh, that's paul you think paul really cares What you're doing or what? You know what I mean? It's it's god here. This is god's word Yes, the apostle paul pinned down these words, but all scripture is given by inspiration of god And is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction and for instruction in Righteousness, here's your instruction in righteousness right here. He said I will therefore that the younger women marry What's god's will that they marry? That they bear children if they want If they feel like it if they feel like they're ready You know if they're if they're walgreens card is expired No, it says I will therefore that the younger women marry their children guide the house Give none occasion to the adversary to speak approach. There's a three-point formula right there For the will of god for a young lady's life marry fair children guide the house now Look, we don't live in a perfect world. I know that people find themselves in situations as a result of sin Not always as a result of their own sins, but many times as a result of their own sense or as a result of other people's sins They find themselves in situations that are not god's will For example, you know if a woman is married and her husband divorces her that's not god's will because the bible says that god hates divorce The bible says that god the lord of israel hated putting away And god says let not the wife depart from her husband So if a wife departs from her husband, is that god's will no because it says let not the wife depart from her husband If a husband leaves his wife, is that god's will no god said whosoever Marryeth her that is put away committed adultery Right. The bible says that if a man put away his wife he caused her to commit adultery And so this whole philosophy that we have today of just you know Getting married and getting divorced and then just marry someone else and then get divorced married. God doesn't god doesn't condone that He calls it adultery He says it's a sin, but see For those younger women whether they just be single or whether they be a widow Okay, and keep your finger here in verse timothy five go to romans seven I like to prove all things as we go through this in the bible. I'm almost done tonight I'm going to close on this point, but look at romans chapter number seven It says in the book of romans chapter seven verse one know ye not brethren for I speak to them that know the law How that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he lived For the woman which hath an husband are you listening? For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he's a good husband Is that what it says? So long as he liveth But If the husband be dead She is loosed from the law of her husband. That's why when people get married they say till death do us part Marriage does not go on for all eternity. Whatever the mormons might tell you In the kingdom of heaven, they neither marry nor are given their marriage. But as the angels which are in heaven Nobody's going to be married to anybody once we get to heaven But he says here that the woman which hath husband is bound by the law of her husband so long as liveth But if the husband be dead She is loosed from the law of her husband. So then if while her husband liveth She be married to another man She shall be called an adulterous But if her husband be dead she is free from that law so that she is no adulterous though She be married to another man. So if a woman's husband dies now, she's free to marry someone else Because her husband's dying and if she's under 16, then god says that's what she should do marry someone else But but also obviously single women the same thing God's will is for them to marry to bear children to guide the house to give medication to the adversary to speak reproachfully For some are already turned aside after satan. This is god's will for your life spelled out in scripture and it's not god's will this Topsy-turvy world that we live in that wants to tell us that men and women are equal They're the same and there's no difference and they should do all the same things dress the same Talk the same act the same look the same be the same that is not biblical. It's not scriptural and you need to Not be conformed to this world in your thinking But to be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect? Will of god You see I don't agree with you pastor. I don't agree with this sermon, but you know what that's fine You can disagree with me all day long But you know what when I go home tonight And you go home tonight and you wake up tomorrow morning And I this book is still going to say the same thing when you wake up tomorrow morning And tomorrow morning when pastor anderson is miles and miles away And when you wake up and say i'm glad i'm done with that because i'm never going back to that church again You know, you better never read roman seven again Or ephesians five or first timothy two or first timothy five or colossians three or first peter three or first Corinthians 11 or first corinthians 14 or isaiah three or deuteronomy one That's all the things that we just went to tonight and you know what though you're getting pretty limited in your bible reading When you start asking all that out And these verses said the same thing when I was a little kid And they say the same thing as I stand here tonight and when I die and i'm gone and you never hear from me again They'll still say the same thing And so don't kill the messenger tonight. This is bible preaching. Let's bow our heads now. What a prayer father We thank you so much for your word and for the guidance that you give dear god because I would hate to go through life like pain Wandering about being a vagabond in the earth not knowing which way to turn God I thank you for the clear instruction in my life where I I know what to do I know how to run my house. I know how to order my children in my family I know how to take care of things in the house of god I know how to take care of things in my home only because you've taught it to me your god Because I wouldn't be able to figure it out on my own And father I pray that you help every single person who's here to trust in your word with all their heart and not to lean upon their own understanding But to let you direct and guide their paths We love you in jesus name we ask these things. Amen